#Buckley Siblings HC
robin-buck1ey · 4 months
Ronance + Mike headcanons?
Robin fully geeks out and absolutely adores the pictures Mike shows her of Nancy dressing up for his dnd campaign as an elf. Mike just enjoys watching his sister get embarrassed as he run around with the picture trying to keep it out of her grasp, but it’s far too late, Robin has every bit of the picture memorized.
Nancy and Mike always go to hangout with Robin and Steve whenever their parents are being homophobic dicks, it’s nice to be around people who love them for who they are, something that they struggle with a lot, the internalized homophobia.
Robin finds it hilarious whenever she compares Mike and Nancy and they get all angry snd pouty about it, claiming they’re nothing alike as they both say the exact same response and cross their arms in the same way.
Micheal Wheeler has finally learned to knock after walking in on a make out session, nothing explicit but enough to make his eyes burn and stomach curl. Nancy got her pay back by sneaking a picture of Will and Mike cuddled up and asleep to a movie they were watching.
Mike has very much taken advantage of his sisters new found desire to stop by Family video and pick out a movie whenever, they get them all free anyways…
Nancy and Robin will tease Mike in French, cause he took Spanish at school and for the most part can’t tell what they’re saying.
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lightthatibecome · 1 year
why are we* being transphobic in the 911 fandom as if buck isn't literally trans
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Buckley siblings hc: Maddie took Buck to Daniel fav ice cream cafe on Dan's birthdays every year, making Buck promise to never tell their parents where they were. She called it "siblings day". Every year she was trying to find courage to tell Buck the truth, but never could because she knew he brother deserved better. So she ate her ice cream, silently begging both Buck and Daniel forgave her for not being brave enough and swallowing pain to smile and joke with Buck, wishing it was three of them here
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princessfbi · 10 months
Fic Author Self Rec
Tagged by the wonderful @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels ❤️😘
I think I'll start with...
Kink Club AU 
Where Buck and Eddie first meet at a kink club before the firehouse! This one was wild because it was an idea I had randomly while driving around. Then I let it sit for like a month or so before I tackled it. It's such an important fic for me too because I think it really taught me the value of my own boundaries? So not only is it emotional and spicy but it taught me something.
Buckley Bookshop AU
Ok but I LOVE this AU so much. I was a little nervous because it was Madney and I don't write their meet cute often just because I love them but I think it came out really well. It felt great getting to explore the dynamic of Doug and Maddie with Buck being such a prevalent variable to their relationship and it's maybe some of my best whump. Also Buckley Siblings. You all know this and getting to write an AU where Maddie is Buck's primary guardian was just 🤌🏻 BUT BUT BUT ALSO...... I LOVED LOVED LOVED getting to write teenage Eddie, Buck, and Taylor. I have a whole head full of HCs for that trouble trio.
Falling Slowly; Sing Your Melody (I’ll Sing It Loud) 
Tortured Musician Buck my beloved. I'm sure I've probably bored everyone with how much I loved writing this fic but I LOVED WRITING THIS FIC. It would keep me up at night and literally wake me up from a dead sleep so I could keep writing. I cried when I finished writing it. I loved getting write Buck's vulnerability and creativity. Also the music. I will convert all of you into liking my music.
00Q!Buddie AU
I wrote that first one not thinking I'd go on to write a whole ass prequel and a possible planned sequel but here we are! I'm going to say: I crushed the smutty parts of this AU. It's maybe some of my best. I loved getting to explore smart Buck and the broody, darker side of Eddie while also showing just how much capacity he has to love some one.
I Don't Mind Waiting (If It's For You)
Trashy romance murder mystery novel AU my beloved. I wrote this while being stuck inside for four days during a blizzard in February and I was having such a fun time. The whole thing consumed by brain. I don't even really remember how I got the idea for it but I'm so glad I did.
I'm going to tag @homerforsure @bigfootsmom @mellaithwen @rogerzsteven @like-the-rest-of-la (fic and art count cus I say so) and @lovebuck
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cryscabbage · 2 months
HC that Buck is the kind of significant other that bites
I don't even mean in a kinky way (but feel free to take it like that). I just mean he'll be hanging out with Eddie and just *nom*
In fact, both Buckley siblings are. Maddie definitely bites Chimney
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bucktheally · 15 days
that lovely Buckley sibling gifset you reblogged reminded me how much I desperately need another proper Buckley sibling storyline next season, though I’m sure it’s not gonna happen. Like, I have this fic that lives in my head (that I don’t have the ability to write) where Maddie gets sick with TVsicknessitus and needs a kidney transplant, and naturally Buck is a match (cos kidneys are much easier to match than bone marrow) but she doesn’t want to let him do it because she knows the damage it could do to him psychologically, thinking that he only has value if he’s of use, if he’s giving part of himself. But he finally convinces her (in typically dramatic, tearful Buckley fashion), and everything goes fine, and they do their adorable pinkie shake while in recovery after the surgery. But then the Buckley parents are there, and sure they’re trying, but they can’t help but still be awful, and they tell Buck they’re proud of him for what he’s done for Maddie, and it’s the first time he actually feels like they mean it, and while he’d never ever regret saving Maddie, it hurts how much it still hurts to know that’s his only real value to them, just like Maddie was worried about.
Sorry for ranting at you, I’ve just had this in my head for so long now, I needed to get it out, I’m sorry. Hope you have a lovely day
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pls do not apologise for throwing hc's in my inbox omg i am absolutely obsessed w the buckley siblings i aLWAYS WANT TO HEAR THESE. this would Wreck me bc i dont want maddie to be sick but i also find buck's 'i'm only helpful when i'm saving someone' complex SOOO interesting and such a core of his character and it would be so painful to see their parents reward him for that for helping maddie when they neglected him for decades bc he couldn't do the same for daniel oOF this would hit so hard
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hcrringtonsbat · 2 years
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↳ a/n: absolutely no one requested this but the idea came into my mind so i had to indulge my own urges i’m so sorry pls forgive me. also pls pls pls send requests for eddie or steve ily <3
Steve Harrington x Gender Neutral!Reader
word count: 2.5k (lowkey went off with this okay look at me go)
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you and robin have known each other since your sophomore year of high school. the both of you played brass instruments in marching band and were extreme nerds so, it made sense that the two of you hit it off
it wasn't surprising that you stayed friends throughout your remaining years of high school. you were able to bond over a multitude of things: your similar music taste, basically living at each others houses, sharing secrets... you were as close as siblings
cut to after graduation: you and robin's friendship is still going as strong as ever. the both of you attend Hawkins Tech, taking a few classes. nothing too rigorous
as you adjusted to life after high school, you and robin only saw each other in your shared classes, often occupied with your jobs: robin working at family video while you worked at a local boutique in town
one day, you were craving that ✨buckley charm✨
you missed her annoying voice, her constant need to ramble about meaningless things, but most of all, you just missed being with your best friend. not having her around was slowly killing you
so, you hopped in your car and decided to pay her a visit at family video
it was a random ass monday evening when you went in. you had class that morning with robin and she briefly mentioned working today so, you knew she was there
when you first entered, there was not a single person in sight. there were a stack of unlabeled VHS tape sitting on the front counter and teen wolf was playing on the television
suddenly, from behind the counter you heard a voice, "shit, shit, shit. robin!!! i thought you labeled these last week. keith is gonna have my head when he- "
you watched as a man popped up from below the desk. a stack of unlabeled VHS taped were in his arms. he had brown eyes, moles littered both sides of his face, and his hair looked amazing
you instantly recognized him. it was steve ‘the hair’ harrington. you went to high school together, even shared a few classes
he stopped immediately when he saw you standing in the doorway. you approached the counter and began to speak, "hi. i'm looking for robin buckley. is she here? "
you didn’t even bother mentioning the fact that you knew him. you had a strong feeling that he didn’t even remember you, considering the fact that you only briefly crossed paths in your entire high school careers
“oh— uhm. sorry about the mess” he apologized, pushing the tapes to the side. “yeah, she’s here.”
as if on cue, robin emerged out of thin air. “y/n?” she questioned, “something tells me you aren’t here for a movie.” she smiled
“uhm, no. no i’m not. i just wanted to come and see you. i thought that i could wait until your shift ends and we could go back to my place?”
knowing that steve was there, watching the interaction made you nervous. he probably thought you were some middle schooler that couldn’t stand being apart from their best friends for more than 20 minutes
as you waited for robin to answer, you observed steve. he was clearly listening to your conversation but, he tried to look busy: typing on the computer, but he was continuously pressing the same key… over and over
you tried hard not to chuckle when robin responded, “awe, you miss me?” she smirked before continuing, “yeah, i’d love that. i get off in about an hour if you wanna stick around. or you can leave and come back?”
you decided to stay. it would be fun watching as robin worked: putting on a polite voice for customers, stocking shelves, tending to the cash register, that sort of thing ↳ harrington also being there had no influence to your decision. at least that’s what you told yourself
it was a slow day so, there were barely any customers. robin tended to the back of the store: logging the new VHS tapes, while steve manned down the front: tending to any customers and sorting through the movies that had been turned in
when steve saw you standing around, trying to find something to occupy your time, he spoke, "uhm, you can help me-- if you want.”
the boy startled you. it was dead silent in the store, other than the sounds of characters talking on the television. he clearly noticed this and apologized. you chuckled, told him it was okay and continued,  “sure. i’ve got nothing better to do.” you smiled
you came to the back of the counter and steve slid a stack of movies in your direction. he briefly explained how to execute the task: check the condition of the tape, and make sure everything was good. then, you’d pass it to him where he’d rewind it before placing it in the “return to shelf” box
the two of you made a well oiled machine. it was actually quite fun. at first, you felt somewhat awkward. it was embarrassing knowing that you spent four years at the same high school, sharing classes, presenting projects together and he didn’t even recognize your face
it wasn't until you began to tease him when the mood changed. “so... do i get paid for doing this?” you questioned, clearly joking.
“what?” steve asked, turning his head to face you. you were having such trouble looking into his brown eyes but, you didn’t falter
“i mean, i’m doing all this work. shouldn’t i be getting paid too?” you smirked, handing him another movie.
“most definitely. you’re actually in the running for employee of the month so, keep it up.” he smiled.
you were happy to know that he wasn’t just a pretty face. he had a sense of humor too
shortly afterwards, robin emerged from the back room, coat in hand, “ready to go?” she asked, looking at you
you nodded and handed steve the final VHS tape, “look. we finished just in time.” he commented
“thank the lord. i was starting to get tired. this work is rigorous!” you exclaimed, walking around the counter to meet robin
the brunette watched the interaction between her two best friends, raising her eyebrows knowingly
“see ya tomorrow, dingus.” she exited the store, sending steve a courteous wave
“it was nice to see you, steve.”
with that, you and robin were on your way back to your parents place
the entire car ride, robin was dying to say something. you like steve. you have a crush on steve. i cant believe it, y/n, you like steve ‘the hair’ harrington
it was at the tip of her tongue, itching to be said. eventually, her intrusive thoughts won, “YOU LIKE STEVE?!” she screamed
you nearly swerved into oncoming traffic, scared shitless by her sudden need to belt at the top of her lungs
“what the fuck, robin! you shared the shit out of me.” you scolded, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down
“you never answered my question, y/n.” she prodded
“question? you fucking screamed an accusation at me, robin. i don’t think that warrants a reply.” you chuckled, still a little on edge
“please, y/n/n. i saw the way you were looking at him, flirting with him. ‘oh steve! i’m having such a good time sorting these movies with you. i’d love to stay forever!’” she mimicked, changing the pitch of her voice
“would it be so bad if i did like him? it’s not like we’re in high school anymore.”
“i never said that, y/n. it's fine! you totally have my blessing. although it will be weird to see my two best friends making out all the time. but, you’re nice people. you go together.” she stopped before continuing
“although, i refuse to hang out with it just being the three of us. it’s so awkward! you two will be sitting there, wanting to eat each others faces off but i’ll be sitting right there, looking at you. and i’ll be sitting there, knowing that you want to eat each others faces off and that i’m the only thing stopping you from doing it, and i’ll spend the rest of the time wishing that this would just be over. but it won't be. it’ll just keep going on... and on..... and on.”
as you pulled into your driveway, you smiled. your usual dynamic had gone back to normal. if robin was rambling, you knew everything was going to be okay
fast forward a week. you and robin have a test coming up in your communications class. due to the short staff at family video, she wasn’t able to get off early enough to come by your house to study. so, robin invited you to her job, hoping she’d have some spare time to look over material there
so, here you are, on another slow monday evening, walking into family video. you had textbooks, highlighters, #2 pencils. basically everything you needed to ace this test
similarly to last week, when you entered, there was steve harrington standing behind the counter, lazily replacing a broken sleeve on a VHS tape when he noticed you
“oh hey!” he greeted, looking surprised to see you, “if it isn't the employee of the month.”
“what can i say? i missed this place.”
you approached the counter and set down the textbooks and all of the other junk in your hands. once you got yourself situated, you asked steve, “so, where is the dingus?”
“oh, robin? she’s in the back.” he replied
you could’ve sworn your years of friendship gave you some telepathic connection because robin appeared out of nowhere
“hey y/n,” she began, “you didn't get my message?”
“i called your house about,” she peered down to the non-exsistant watch on her wrist, “20 minutes ago. i’m getting off early, so i was gonna see if you wanted to come over to my place to study. plus, we’re just so busy!”
“busy? there’s not a soul in here.” you chuckled, looking to steve for help but the man had checked out. he was playing with a tape dispenser on the counter, trying hard to pretend like he wasn't listening to every word you and robin were saying
“well, I'm sure steve could use some help manning the front. right steve?” robin asked
he immediately stopped what he was doing and peered back and forth between the two of you. he sent robin a wide-eyed stare before saying, “sure. i could use some help out here.”
“perfect! well, i’m gonna be in the back, doing my thing. you two have fun!” she said. she began to walk away but not before she mouthed ask him out!
similarly to last week, you and steve continued your pass and check method of working, barely saying anything to each other. you felt embarrassed. not only did robin decide to meddle in your love life, you couldn’t help but notice the look steve gave robin when she mentioned you helping him
“sooooo...” he began, tearing you from your thoughts, “robin is definitely up to something. i told her that i thought you were cute and now she’s hiding in the back, forcing us to spend time together.” steve chuckled
you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. like you had taken a shot of tequila, gotten on a rollercoaster and was trying so hard not to projectile vomit on the ride back home
steve. friggin. harrington. thinks. you. are. cute. obviously, he didn't ask for your hand in marriage but, you didn't think you made that lasting of an impression on him
“oh gosh,” he sighed, “i went and ruined everything, didn’t i? i should’ve kept my mouth shut.” he chuckled, fixing the hair that had fallen into his eyes
it was only then when you realized that you hadn’t responded to what he said. you were just standing there, mentally screaming while he waited for you to say something
“oh no! no no no no. you didn’t ruin anything steve! I’m just surprised.”
“surprised?” he questioned, “why are you surprised?”
“i just didn’t think i made that lasting of an impression on you last week.” you explained
“well, we did have freshman biology together.”
again. you were on that damn rollercoaster, trying hard not to vomit. he remembers. “oh my gosh. you remember that?” you ask, astonished. this whole time you thought he had forgotten
“of course I remember! we had a project on, damn, what was it?”
“photosynthesis!” he clapped his hands together, “i was so busy training for basketball tryouts that i totally spaced and didn’t help you at all. but you came through.”
“the day of the presentation, you came in, all ready to go. you handed me these notecards that had everything i needed to say on them. i could hardly read your handwriting because you wrote in cursive but, i didn’t say anything. you had already done the entire project on your own. who was i to complain?”
a memory then came to the forefront of your mind. you stayed up all night trying your hardest to make your cursive look as presentable as possible. you were scared shitless at the possibility that steve harrington would see your illegible penmanship and think you were weird or uncool. i guess it didn’t matter in the end
“wow. I still can’t believe you remembered that!”
“to be honest?” he paused. for a second, you didn’t even think he was going to continue, “i didn't until i saw you come in here.”
“the entire time you were helping me sort through these movies, i wanted to mention it but, i wasn’t quite sure that you remembered.”
you grinned at the memory of a fourteen-year-old steve, reading the cards word for word, just as you wanted. he didn’t even protest. “gosh, i just think about how nervous i was... to be working with you. but, i wasn’t all that surprised when you didn’t do anything. i didn’t want you to fail so i made those notecards for you.”
“let me make it up to you.” he said, staring at you.
now it was your turn to avoid his gaze. “let me take you out to dinner.” he continued, “or whatever you want to do. i’m free this friday. are you free?”
“YEAH! SHE’S FREE!” you heard robin scream from the storage room
you audibly laughed at your best friend. of course she’s been listening to this entire conversation. she wouldn’t be robin if she wasn’t. you thought to yourself
“w-what she said.” you stuttered, beaming at steve
“alright, well it’s a date.” he nodded, beaming right back at you
for once, you weren’t all too mad at robin for meddling 😏
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sunshinediaz · 4 months
some of my personal fav eddie hcs 🫶🏼
he's the oldest cousin and only boy so he doesn't know what it's like to have any older siblings, but when he met hen and chimney, he felt for the first time what it was like to be taken care of as a younger brother and he's never ever going to take it for granted
it took him a while to grieve his wife, but eventually he brings shannon's things out of storage and puts them out all over the house. sometimes it hurts, but it's all worth it when he gets to answer his son's questions about where the eccentric iron armadillo came from
when shannon found out she was pregnant, she told eddie and they decided to run away. it was fun while it lasted, but eventually they ran out of money and had to return home. he'll forever treasure those few weeks they had together; it was their happiest time.
shannon loved music, so when he's missing her he'll put on the songs she liked and dance all over the house with christopher
he LOVES watching movies at the theater and often goes alone in the mornings after he drops chris off at school. he stops at the dollar store first and get snacks and puts them in his boots to sneak them in
he's queer (it's easier than explaining the complexities of being bi and on the ace spectrum) and he's known since he was 20 years old. it wasn't a sudden realization; it hit him slowly, like snow falling one by one. he's comfortable in his queerness and he has support from his family.
he wore his wedding ring even after shannon died. he lost it, though, and he went to a pawn shop to buy another one, and then buried it next to her grave when he finally felt ready to let her go
what sold him on the 118 after graduating the academy was how hard bobby fought for him without even knowing him. he didn't have to prove himself. it was nice.
he doesn't want anymore children. he didn't even want christopher, honestly, but it takes two to tango and shannon was excited and he was, too, even though it took him a while to wrap his head around the idea of being a dad.
bobby and buck are his emergency contacts.
he used to wear his abuelo's boots because the man was a real-life cowboy and eddie wanted to grow up to be just like him
he used to love thunderstorms but after buck's accident he doesn't like them much anymore + listens to music when it's late and the thunder's too loud
he has his childhood dog's name tattooed on his leg
his favorite flower is magnolias. he likes dark chocolate covered strawberries and buys two dozen for himself every valentine's day. he brews his own sweet tea. he leaves his tomatoes on the windowsill to sun and ripen further.
bobby's like a dad to him, the kind he deserved
he had a little crush on linda when he was at dispatch (and buck LOVED it)
he loves buck, like that, but his heart's big enough for more than buck buckley and he's enjoyed every relationship he's had that led him and buck to one another
when buck proposes and they start planning their wedding, he turns into bridezilla. groomzilla?
he is a sassy dude. his mouth gets him in trouble sometimes, but he says stuff so dryly and blandly people look over it. it drives chim up the wall.
he dances with maddie at her and chim's wedding, and jee-yun, too, who stands on his shoes
he tries really hard to be normal when christopher starts dating, but it's hard when it's the kid of abbie jean gentry, pta president and eddie's sworn enemy
he visits shannon's grave often and talks with her. she's dead but he isn't gone, not when he can see her in their son's smile and hear her in their son's laughter, and he likes to tell her what chris is up to even though he's pretty sure she's watching
he loves cartoons. LOVES them, i'm so serious. i can't stress enough how INTO cartoons he is, okay.
buck said kissed him first and decided they were going on a date. eddie went batshit, didn't go to the date because he was making a list of all the reasons why he and buck shouldn't be together, and buck finds him in his kitchen and he's pissy, and eddie shows him in the list, and on it there's 'buck keeps his loft on 68. cold.' and 'buck uses too much onion powder' and 'buck doesn't wear socks to bed and he sticks his cold feet on me' and buck just laughs and laughs and laughs because they're terrible for each other, kinda, but that's what makes them perfect for each other, too. losers.
his favorite color is green and when apple came out with a green iphone he was so excited he squealed
he's a fan of country music. not that new age, jason aldean, toby keith did to country music what pantyhose did to fingerfucking type shit, but the real country music, full of outlaws and rebels and rednecks. it's one of his roman empires.
his favorite movies are twister, titanic, without a paddle, dirty dancing, and dazed and confused
patrick swayze in roadhouse was his Awakening
he enjoys sex, even with the people he had one night stands with, and doesn't care whether he tops or bottoms because it feels good regardless. he does tend to lean toward the (soft) dominant side of things, which his partners respond to beautifully
he was born 31 october 1991
he was held back a grade in middle school to give him another year of eligibility of playing baseball in high school
he was a member of ffa, held office as sentinel all throughout high school, and supports the organization still. chris is in 4h, but the high school he wants to go to has an active ffa program and eddie's really excited about it
he's soft and so full of love he doesn't know what to do with it sometimes. it just spills out of him, splashing at his feet and flooding everybody around him. he doesn't hold it in anymore because he likes the way people respond to him when they realize he's sharing his love, all smiles and acceptance and unconditional love in response
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Can we get Sfw abd NSFW hcs for Wyatt x Male Buckley reader? Like how they met and whatnot? And us meeting grace abd judd
Wyatt Harris x Male!reader
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● you're Buck and Maddies younger brother who moved out to Austin for college where you met Wyatt 
● you were a freshman and Wyatt was a high school senior taking a tour of the campus 
● he saw you in the food court and thought you were cute so he asked you to show him around away from his guided group
● he gave you his number and you kept in touch eventually asking him out 
● Judd and Grace immediately welcomed you into the family when Wyatt brought you over for dinner
● Judd "so you're related to that guy who came to Austin with the 118 to help with the fires" 
● "Yeah he told me your friend TK thought he was hitting on him"
● Wyatt "wait buck isn't bi?" 
● "Oh he's very bi he just hasn't pieced it together yet. He thinks having a crush on both Mulan and Shang as a kid was normal for straight guys and to be honest he was probably flirting with TK and not realizing it" 
● after meeting his family you take Wyatt to LA to meet your siblings 
● Buck had met him over video call multiple times but for Maddie it was the first time ever 
● she felt bad not being there for you when you were going through the new relationship excitement 
● "it's okay Mads, Buck had it covered" 
● "yeah I gave him lots of great advice, where to take Wyatt for the first date, to always be a gentleman, always use protection-"
● you and Maddie at the same time "Evan!" 
● "what?! Safe sex is important even if Wyatt can't get pregnant" 
● Wyatt snickering "what makes you think Y/N is the top?" 
● and you go red in the face
● speaking of, Wyatt is huge, like bigger than you've ever seen before even in porn
● the first time you see him naked it just flops out of his pants
● "Holy shit you're so big"
● "And I'm not even hard yet" 
● "You're not?!?"
● it takes you months to get just half of him in your mouth when you are giving him blowjobs 
● but you more than make up for it by using both your hands to work the base and balls 
● he always has super intense orgasms that way
● the first time he bottoms out while fucking you it's like you hit euphoria 
● but you need lots and lots of ice to help your aching ass afterwards 
● Wyatt is pretty vanilla 
● he's happy just having sex to begin with
● but whatever you want to try he's more than happy to give it a shot 
● and he does so very enthusiastically
● He's also very attentive to your needs 
● always asking if it feels good, if you want to keep going or want to stop, if you're close and if not what he can do to get you there
● "Wyatt I love you but for the love of God please just pound the shit out of me"
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defectiveprts · 10 months
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legal name: evan buckley.
nicknames [s]: buck, buckaroo, firehose.
date of birth: april 2nd 1992.
gender: male.
place of birth: pennsylvania.
currently living: LA.
spoken languages: english. and i hc that he learnt a passable amount of spanish.
education: high school education, dropped out of community college. fire academy training. some navy seal training.
hair colour: blonde with some cute curls when he grows it out.
eye colour: blue.
height: six feet two.
siblings: maddie buckley, daniel buckley (deceased).
parents: philip and margaret buckley.
relatives: howard 'chimney' han (brother in-law), jee-yun buckley han (niece), the 118.
children: none. give this man a child i beg.
pets: none. he definitely wants a dog though.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
relationship status: tragically single.
tagged by: @nursc ( thank you 💙)
tagging: @surgcns , @alootus , @untwined , @osweald , @lawnique
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bookishgalaxies · 2 years
masterlist ꨄ
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most of my past my hero academia writing is on my old blog @fandom-eclectics ! I will work on linking my things down below but it will take you to a different blog :))
☞ Neville Longbottom
Neville x autistic!fem!reader hcs
☞ Hermione Granger
Hermione x fem!brunette!reader
nothing yet
stranger things:
☞︎ Robin Buckley
The Party, the Punch, the Kiss, the Confession
summary: you would have never guessed that going to a store reunion party would result in you confessing your feelings for your crush.
☞︎ Steve Harrington
steve harrington x baker!fem!reader
the umbrella academy:
☞︎ Five Hargreeves
The Hargreeves in Highschool pt. 1
summary: some of my personal hcs abt these crazy siblings in high school
Quiet Doesn’t Mean Weak
summary: thoughts on five hargreeves with an s/o who’s quiet but is killer at hand to hand combat.
☞︎ Victor Hargreeves
The Hargreeves in High School pt. 1
summary: some of my personal hcs abt these crazy siblings in high school
Arguments - blurb
summary: you had too much to drink and you both said some not kind things.
Making Up Aftee An Argument - ☽ ✔︎
Dating Victor H.
nothing yet
☞︎ katara
“Then Do Ir.“
summary: you go with the gang to a play that you all end up hating. The only good part was seeing a certain someone loosen up and laugh a bit.
my hero academia
nothing yet
nothing yet
criminal minds
nothing yet
nothing yet
st - robin, nancy, steve, eddie
the owl house
☞ The Magical Adventures of Luz Noceda (series)
summary: When Luz Noceda gets her Hogwarts acceptance letter in the mail, she was over the moon. Little did she know that a Hogwarts acceptance letter meant more than just the chance to learn magic
ch. 1
ch. 2
ch. 3
genshin impact
☞ Lisa
Final Exams? More Like My Final Straw?
summary: some Mondstadt girlies helping you through finals
Final Exams? More Like My Final Straw?
summary: some Mondstadt girlies helping you through finals
Final Exams? More Like My Final Straw!
summary: some Mondstadt girlies helping you through finals
Final Exams? More Like My Final Straw!
summary: some Mondstadt girlies helping you through finals
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faithfulcat111 · 1 day
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
-Characters who clearly have so much love between them. It could be siblings, romantic, friends, whatever. I just love writing characters that clearly have mutual love and express it in whatever unique way they express it.
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
-I know exactly what it is, a joke that still makes me laugh to this day. This scene from If I Fail You One More Time... (My TUA Mermay fic):
“Seems pretty useless considering he still has a tail,” Five said, watching as Diego bit at the bottle, breaking off parts of it and spitting it to the side. “That doesn’t seem right.” “Shhhh,” Ben hushed him with a slightly dramatic flourish, putting one finger to Five’s lips. “I don’t think it is either, but it is freaking hilarious because Diego is convinced it is and then he gets all that disgusting sticky stuff in his mouth. Klaus and I have a running bet of how many bottles he will accidentally break before he admits he may be wrong.” “Break?” a cracking sound echoed through the open air around them and Five looked back over to see that Diego had somehow broken the top of the bottle off and was now frowning down at the two pieces of the bottle in his hands.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
-Hmmmmm, I bounce around on who I'm hyperfixating on at this time. Imma give you a a couple of favorites as well as a small handfull of headcanons each.
-Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things)
I bounce between two hc's depending on the angst I want to include in a specific fic. First one is that he used to hide in a closet (his own or his mom's) when his senses would get too overwhelmed or his anxiety ran too high. Still an urge he has to suppress quite often. In some stories though, this safe place was ruined by Lonnie locking him in the car's trunk one day (hence why Jonathan immediately went to check the trunk in season 1). In those stories, he now has pretty intense claustrophobia because of it.
He has an extreme tendency towards co-dependency with any of his loved ones.
He and El used to bond in California by quietly reading together in the living room.
-Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
Also Autistic but also ADHD
Her multiple activities she's been in has been the result of her tendency to hyper fixate on learning something but also trying to make friends.
She has been in band since seventh grade and played four different instruments over that time.
She can get crushes at the drop of a hat but loses them just as quickly. Vickie was one of her longer ones before they got together.
She wasn't born in Hawkins, her family moved there when she was seven.
Jonathan and Robin are next to each other alphabetically in their grade, so they've been locker neighbors forever and they were assigned seats next to each other by teachers who did that. And were lab partners in science class their freshman year. So they've known each other forever.
After Nancy and Jonathan got together, Nancy kept blocking Robin's locker while flirting with Jonathan. This was of great annoyance to Robin all through junior year. (I didn't originally come up with this one, but I love it and it is canon in my brain).
Fruiji Emoji Ask Game for Writers
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loserdiaz · 3 years
buckley siblings hc when they were kids???
any thoughts???
so i think that maddie and buck were pretty lonely kids. lile buck was always being reckless and trying to get his parents' attention doing dumb stuff that always got him hurt so the other kids didn't really hang out with him ( maybe their parents didn't like buck's 'bad influence'or maybe buck would get too excited when someone wanted to be his friend so he'd start talking about everything and anything and kids can be cruel so they would just walk away from him bc he was "too much") and I'm sure maddie was lonely too, especially bc she was the one who had to grow up fast and she didn't really act like a kid, she didn't have that luxury bc she had to take care of buck bc their parents certainly wouldn't. so she'd talk to the girls at school and they were friendly enough but they weren't friends, y'know? they didn't understand that maddie couldn't go to sleepovers bc her brother would be alone and scared bc he didn't feel comfortable with just his parents in the house and what if he got hurt and they didn't notice? maddie had to be there in case he needed her.
and i hc that when buck was little and maddie had a bad day, he would notice and so he would spend time with her in her room, listening to soft low music so their parents wouldn't hear and be annoyed. buck learnt to braid maddie's hair from watching her do it herself, she would sit in the floor and he would sit on the bed and braid her hair ( his hands were small and he wasn't coordinated enough, he was clumsy and he'd pull too hard sometimes and the result definitely wasn't perfect but everytime maddie would beam at him once he'd finished and tell him how pretty she looks thanks to him )
i also like to think that buck would let maddie paint his nails as kids until he grew out of it bc the kids at school made fun of him but then when maddie got sad he would paint her nails instead ( it was always messy but at least he tried his best and maddie treasured every moment of it because it was his little brother and she just adored him so much )
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princessfbi · 3 years
Have you seen the discourse with Maddie happening in the fandom? I was wondering if you could share some Buckley sibs headcanons,,, yours always makes me smile
Hi Nonnie!
I've seen a little bit sadly. It’s super disappointing that some people can't see the beauty of Buckley Siblings' relationship. I've had to put a block on the discourse tag though because I'm the type of person who will dig incessantly if I get a shred of mess and all that ends up doing is making me mad and then suddenly I'm upset for hours afterwards because I can't shake the feeling which is when I don't get any writing done. We've got to take care of our mental health just as much as everything else and I live by my number one philosophy which is to be kind and respectful and to mind my own business. I like what I like, read what I want, write what feels right, and I stopped letting others dictate what makes me happy.
Here's some Buckley Siblings HCs just for you! Some of them I've featured in fics and some I've just had floating around in my brain:
Buck can drink his coffee black but he prefers it with sugar and maybe a little cream. This is because that's how Maddie takes hers. When they were younger and Maddie started drinking coffee, she would let Buck have a sip of hers until eventually she just would make him his own (much smaller) cup.
Maddie bought her Jeep with her own money. She'd been saving up cash because her parents would drag their heels on helping her get any source of independence so she decided to do it herself. Buck saved up about 80 dollars (mostly in ones) that he rolled up and put in a little box before he gave it to her for her birthday. In return Maddie told him he got "front seat dibs".
Maddie taught Buck how to swim. She did it because one time Buck cannonballed into the deep end before he proceeded to panic and Maddie had to go in and yank him above water. He clung to her like a koala for a few lessons and so when Maddie finally had to just dunk him and teach him how to put his head underwater she did that thing you do to babies and blew on his face. He couldn't even be mad about it because he touched the bottom of the pool which was awesome!
Any Father's Day/Mother's Day activities that Buck did at school he just made for Maddie.
Any event that happened at school where parents would come for lunch or whatever, Maddie would get a note (she got very good at forging her mother's signature) that would get her out of a few classes so she could walk over to Buck's school.
The first time Buck climbed a tree, he got stuck and Maddie had to come get him.
Maddie gave Buck the safe sex talk in the parking lot of JC Penneys. There were pamphlets.
When Maddie was first dating Doug, she was driving Buck to practice (which her parents refused to do because they thought Buck wouldn't be able to figure out a way to get there so then it solved their problem of him not playing but they were so wrong) and got a flat tire. Doug came and helped her change it but Buck hated all the little comments Doug would make so he asked his dad to teach him how to change a flat (one of the few things Philip Buckley was actually pretty eager to be involved in).
Buck grew up with Maddie defending him constantly whenever his mom and sometimes his dad would say something particularly harsh so when he started to push back it was usually to defend Maddie because that was around the time she was starting to chafe at their insistence to stay quiet and hidden from the world in their restrictive grief. Maddie deserved to live her own life and even if it tasted like vinegar on his tongue to say it, he would every time his mom or dad made some backhanded about her going off to live with Doug in Boston. Whenever Maddie would come back to town to visit, Buck would beg his parents not to hound her because one time it got so bad, Maddie cut her visit short and didn't call for months. In turn, Maddie always respected Buck's choices. She may not have agreed with them but she would back him no matter what.
Buck was the only one of their family to show up to Maddie and Doug's wedding.
Maddie taught Buck how to ride a bike which was confirmed via canon so I was VINDICATED but Maddie also taught Buck how to drive. She came back to Hershey the summer Buck turned 16 and helped him get in his hours he needed driving with an adult before taking his test.
During the summers, Maddie would sign Buck up for the summer reading program at the library. Buck only had to read ten books to get a ten dollar gift card to an arcade that she'd planned on taking him for his birthday but Buck decided to read the fifty books that you needed to get a gift card for a pizza party so he and Maddie could go.
Birthdays weren't really a thing in their house but Buck and Maddie always tried to do something for each other. Even when he was away Buck made sure to send Maddie flowers on her birthday to the hospital.
Buck never really knew he was smart until he met the 118. Like he knew he was smart but he didn't know he was smart until Bobby said something. But he never thought he was stupid either because Maddie went out of her way make sure he knew that growing up. She would introduce Buck with a fun fact always. "This is my little brother, Evan. He just made varsity for football at his school!" "This is Evan, my little brother. He made honor roll this semester!"
The Jeep was their escape for a long time so it was an easy choice when Maddie saw that Buck needed a more permanent one.
When Maddie would get in a fight with her parents (which was often) she would go to her room and fume because she needed a minute to be alone and Buck would sit outside her door and stick his fingers under it. Sometimes when he could hear Maddie crying, he'd shove a tissue under the door too. Sometimes Maddie would hold his fingers.
Buck's favorite holiday was Fourth of July because he and Maddie would go get the biggest mixed ICEEs and then sit with the top of the Jeep off to go watch the fireworks.
Buck one time called Maddie in a panic because he got roped into taking someone to prom and he had no idea what a corsage was
Maddie and Buck have very strong opinions about corn on the cob. Like STRONG opinions. Bobby does too so it much be a Midwestern thing but Chimney made the mistake of making a throw away comment about how he heard New Jersey was known for having the best corn and he lived to regret it.
Maddie hates hiking but Buck loves it because he can climb things. So, Maddie found him a rock climbing gym and got him a membership his fifteenth birthday.
Coming from the household that they did where the emotional neglect was so apparent should've crippled Buck and Maddie but instead it made two beautiful people who care very deeply about one another. They saved each other and I love them so much!
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Writing Challenge #1 Masterlist
below are the submissions that followed the rules of this writing challenge! (listed in alphabetical order by general fandom -> character)
Shattered - Arthur Curry x reader by @locke-writes
“My Clumsy Darling.” - Edward Nygma x reader by @imaginesbymk
“Can we get some food?” (Gif) - Joey Tribbiani x reader by @writerdream22
Bullying no bullying - Peter Parker x sibling!reader by @frostedimagines
Surprise? (HCs) - Peter Parker x reader by @ofthedewthesunlight
Father Figure - Tony Stark x adoptive daughter!reader by @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad
Finally Okay (1) (2) - Wanda Maximoff x reader by @emcon-imagines
Peaky Blinders
Break-up - John Shelby x fem!reader by @isaiahdurag
Lucky - Thomas Shelby x reader by @dannyboy-writes
Not Meant To Be - Betty Cooper x reader by @thereagles
Star Wars
Mission Gone...Wrong? - Cal Kestis x reader by @vansmaybeonthewall
Easy - Qi’ra x reader by @dannyboy-writes
Stranger Things
Roadside - Robin Buckley x reader by @myriadimagines
Can’t Wait - Steve Harrington x reader by @wolfish-willow
The 100
About time - Octavia Blake x reader by @dannyboy-writes
Sleep - Raven Reyes x reader by @dannyboy-writes
Umbrella Academy
Say Yes - Diego Hargreeves x reader by @thereagles
Surprise - Diego Hargreeves x reader by @alwritey-aphrodite
to my lovely participants: you all did spectacular, but there was never any doubt! seeing the way that you all took your prompts and build a wonderful story around them was such a pleasure to experience. each of your unique takes and writing styles kept me on the edge of my seat, i seriously can’t wait to do this again!
to the readers: you have got to check these writers out if you can! they work so hard to create amazing works, you’re missing out if you haven’t taken a gander at their personal libraries! also, thank you for taking the time to read any of our stuff, it means so much to us.
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botheredbuck · 3 years
Hey Leo sorry you feel shit. Do you have any goto fics that you've read repeatedly, or just fics that you really enjoyed
thank you lovely, im feeling a little better today!! ahhh this is a great one okay so recently ive been reading a worrying amount of 911 fic so im gonna do three ballum, three 911 just to even it out lmao
ballum fics-
half a bag of crisps by darkfairytale on ao3 (i can't remember off the top of my head if they have a tumblr
just a stunningly written fic about callum's childhood, honestly it's just the perfect amount of angst and i adore anything that's about callum and mick, and this is just a perfect one
in your warm hands by lockedinmybody
a ballum coffee shop au? what more could you ask for? callum being cute, pining, angst, happiness at the end and a cute sounding coffee shop, all make for the ultimate comfort fic
heavy on the shoulders by bookl0ver (mr-and-mr-mitchell/stuffymcrandom) (yes ik that's you and i didn't just put this one in bc of that i genuinely love it)
this is just, such a beautiful take on the whole thompson situation, and something i really wouldve loved to see after the whole thing happened - amazingly written hurt/comfort, their love is just so clear and i love it a lot
911 fics-
the beauty of the chaos by twofirefighterdads
buck having adhd is one of my absolute favourite hcs, it's definitely a comfort hc (is that a thing?) and this fic is just everything to me. the softness of it, and the way eddie is just immediately there to give buck all the reassurance he needs is just brilliant. also, buck learning about himself and getting more comfortable with himself sign me tf up
the wolf that's yet to howl by princessfbi
i just,, look i really love probie buck for some reason and i love buck whump and i love firefam comfort and this is just the ultimate combination of them all, it's just wonderful and perfect and literally everything i want, definitely a comfort fic
let your heart bloom by secondhandsunlight on ao3
gnc buck? yes pls. this is just the ultimate comfort fic for me, it's soft and wonderful and a little angsty with some firefam and buckley siblings feels thrown in for good measure- i am very much in love
i was too scared to tag people in this lmao but if i know them ive put the tumblr url there if you wanna check em out, thank u so much for leaving me this ask lovely!!
send me asks <3
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