#Bug Sweeping equipment
TSCM Bug Sweep: Safeguard Your Corporate Privacy from Unsolicited Devices
Corporate companies must ensure that the company data is highly secured and protected. But there are some unfortunate moments when the data gets breached. Now such situations stir lots of problems in the corporate environment. Therefore to ensure the safety of the data and other personal information, it’s better to conduct TSCM Bug Sweep. So here in this blog, we will particularly talk about facts related to the scam bug sweep.
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Insight into the Tscm Bug sweep
What exactly is the scam bug sweep? Then it’s high time to note that it’s a systematic surveillance method conducted in offices, homes or other places. These devices have attached audio bug cameras and different types of GPS-based trackers. Mainly the bug sweep process ensures that all the confidential data remains safe. And your privacy is never tampered with under any condition.
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●     To Recognise threats
Trained experts use high-end devices to identify and detect bugs at once. Note that you can come across these cutting-edge devices equipped with modern technology. The best thing about these bug detectors is that they can detect even discreet bugs at once. So as you call the experts, they will conduct a detailed scrutiny of the furniture, ceilings, and walls and make sure no hidden area gets slipped.
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●     Confidentiality of the case preserved
Any corporate company will reach the optimum limit to protect its data. Keeping privacy untouched is their solo goal. But conducting a tscm bug sweep increases the possibility of ending such threats. It will help you relax and discuss all the business policies or strategies with complete confidence.
●     Prompt handling of any threats
Your privacy is your right, and you will take all the right measures to restore that. But if your privacy is invaded, don’t hesitate to call the team bug sweep professional.
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Final Say
Thus, surveillance investigation is a must to conduct in areas where confidentiality has been compromised. Professional companies are there to conduct the scam bug sweep with complete potentiality and help you protect the information to the tee.
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ti2agency · 1 year
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desert-fern · 1 year
A Gun Amongst Daggers - Jake “Hangman” Seresin X Fem!Navy Seal Reader
Part 6: Mark Me Down As Horny, Not Scared
Summary: When Jake meets a woman at the Hard Deck, the last thing he expects is for her to be a Navy Seal. And not just any Seal, the Commander of Seal Team 3. She’s beautiful, smart, dangerous, and everything about her just makes him want to get close. Her name? Bear. When the Seals need backup, Cyclone puts the Daggers on their radar and now, Jake has to work with Bear and her team, all the while trying to stay professional. Can he do it? Or will he end up falling for the Navy sniper and mission Commander?
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*GIF is not mine, I found it on Pinterest*
A/N: This is part two to the training exercise I set up last chapter. My apologies if the beginning seems a little stilted or a little off.
Warnings: violence, guns, 'hostage taking', swearing, paint grenades. As usual, let me know if I missed anything :)
Word Count: 2.8k
Masterlist >> Part 5 >> Part 7
As she left the building to pick up her gear, Bear’s voice crackled through the radios of her teams. “Don’t be morons, have fun, and let’s show these pilots why we’re the best in the Navy. Red team ready?” 
“Copy. Red team 1 ready,” Flare replied. 
“Red team 2 ready.” Shrike rasped. 
“Blue team ready?” 
“Roger that. Blue team ready.” 
Rejoining her team outside, Bear tapped Bug on the shoulder, slipping into position near the back of the group, ready to follow. Every member of the team had slid their night vision goggles into place, giving them a way to sweep the building. 
Bug gave the order to breach and the doors on all four sides were yanked open, giving way to four teams of eight that entered silently. 
Approaching a hallway, Bug directed two to break off and search the room on the left. They did, and when finding nothing, stuck a flag to the door, marking that it was clear. Bear and Finch broke off to do the same to the right, Finch touching Bear’s shoulder to signal that she was behind the other woman. A quick sweep turned up nothing. “Clear,” Bear muttered just loud enough to be heard. A short nod, and the two marked it off, slipping further down the hallway. 
On the top floor, the pilots watched in fascination as Bear and her teams swept silently through the building marking off room after room. They watched as Bear and Finch left a room to reenter the hall down which Fireball and one of his team were sweeping. “Cross,” Bear called out, warning the others. Glances were exchanged, awe evident as they returned their focus to the projection on the wall. 
Bear was getting antsy, two of four floors left to sweep and no one had run into a member of the red team. The adrenaline was pumping, and when she slipped past Finch to enter what felt like the hundredth room, she caught a flurry of movement that had her firing two blue paintballs at the perpetrator. Mouse groaned, he’d taken one to the chest, the other to the helmet, effectively marking him as dead. “Red 12 down,” he spoke into his coms.
Stepping over him, Bear continued her search, finding no one else in the room. “One down,” she spoke over coms. “Heads up.” 
“Copy that Bear. Continue as planned,” Bug replied. 
Finch marked the door frame but gunfire made her whip back into the room. “Siege, siege. Floor three, room 6,” she called through coms. 
Bear flipped a table, pushing it close to the door, firing off a few shots before being forced to duck behind the makeshift barricade. Normally, she’d toss a flashbang or a grenade over the table, but this being a training exercise, all she was equipped with were a few large paintballs that exploded when thrown. “Get down!” she yelled to Finch, who hit the floor as Bear let the fake grenade fly. It crashed to the ground in the hall, splattering blue glow in the dark paint across the would-be attackers. 
“Reds 6, 13, 4, 19, 22, 5, and 16 down,” came the crackled reply over the radio. 
Stepping out from behind the table, Bear scanned the seven ‘attackers’, checking pulses. Finch provided cover as she did so, firing off a few shots down the hall, taking out another three with blue paint to the chest and helmets. 
“Reds 7, 1, and 26 down.” 
Standing up, Bear patted Finch on the shoulder, nodding her praise. The younger woman grinned and they swept back down the hall, continuing their search. 
“Holy fuck,” Fanboy said as he watched Bear move. “This is like watching superheroes.” 
Rooster nodded, forgetting that it was too dark for anyone to see him. “If this is what they’re like in training, I can see why the Seals are so fucking respected in the field.” 
“Shut up!” Flare yelled from the main room. She was having way too much fun playing the bad guy and sent one of her people to point their weapon into the nook, threatening them pilots just a smidge.
“Red team 2, locations,” Shrike spoke through the radio, letting crackles fill the air. Her people were spread throughout the fourth floor, numbers 17 through 32. 
“Southeast side, near room 4.” 
“Northwest, room 8.” 
A few more numbers were called out, as she stared at the layout in front of her, crossing off a few more numbers as the blue team advanced through the building. 
“Cross!” Bug called out, ducking out of a swept room, reuniting with Bear and Finch on the third floor. “Bug advancing to four. Fireball, Raptor, Daisy report.” 
“Daisy ascending to four.” 
“Fireball on four. Pinned down.” 
“Raptor approaching Fireball.” 
“Copy, continue.” Motioning for her team to continue, Bug led them up the stairs to the fourth floor, where they were immediately fired upon by Shrike’s team. “Shit. Bug requesting back up on Southeast stairs.” 
Bear and the others were taking turns firing shots out the open stairwell door. “Fuck,” Bear swore as a red paint ball zipped by her head, splattering against the wall behind her. “Cover, cover. Reloading.” 
Bear reloaded her weapon, peeking out to fire again, this time taking out two advancing red team members. “Red 18 down.” 
“Red 20 down.” 
A flurry of blue paintballs came from the opposite direction. “Daisy incoming. Bug, take cover.”  
So they did. Daisy’s team swept through the attacking red team, taking out a large portion of the remaining forces. “All clear. Targets down.” 
Bug poked her head out, finding Daisy right by the open door. “Appreciate it.” 
“No worries. Let’s go. We have to be close.” 
The two teams swept the remainder of their half, taking out a few red team members along the way. The radio crackled to life. “Raptor approaching final room. No eyes yet on hostages.” 
“Copy. Bug and Daisy on the way.” 
Bug crept forwards, tapping Raptor on the shoulder, signaling her presence. “Sit rep?” The man and his team were around the corner from the door in question. 
“No eyes on hostages. Flare, Shrike, and what looks like five others are inside. Two by the door, one at the back of the room near a hole in the wall, and two on either side of the bosses,” Raptor reported, eyes flicking back to the monitor attached to the pin camera they had snuck under the door. 
“What’s the strategy, Bug?” Bear asked. This was the challenge. What tactic would work to get them in, take down the seven remaining ‘enemies’ and save the hostages? 
“Do we have any other points of entry?” 
“A small window at the far end of the room. Near bad guy number three,” one of Raptor’s people spoke up. “But whatever we do might also harm the hostages.” 
Bug pursed her lips. “Do we still have any flashbangs left?” 
“Negative,” Daisy replied. 
“I have smoke bombs left. No flashbangs though,” Finch said in a low tone. 
Bug nodded. “Finch, take a few to that window. Crack it open just enough to slip them in on my signal. We’ll take the door when you do.” 
Finch nodded, standing up and slipping away with a few others. Bug looked down at the monitor, guards were pacing and it looked like Flare was shouting about something. 
“Bear, I’m having you lead the entry. You,” she said, pointing at a member of Raptor’s team, “Are holding the ram.” 
“Move out.” 
Bear crept up to the door, taking her place on one side of it, while the others found their positions. She held up a closed fist, signaling them to hold their placement. Minutes later, they received the notice that Finch was in place and that the window was open, it was all up to Bug. 
A quick nod was all it took. “Breach,” Bear said. The door swung open as the smoke bombs were dropped, filling the room quickly. The blue team filed into the room, holding the guards at gunpoint. Some tried to fire off a shot but were splattered across the chest with bright blue paint. 
“Stay down!” Bug yelled, training her weapon on Flare, who slowly raised her hands. “Cuff her.” 
Bear hurried forwards, letting her weapon drop as she stepped in behind Flare, grabbing her raised hands and zip-tying them behind her back. She nodded to Bug, who passed Flare off to someone else. The red team was shuffled out of the room and into the hall, forced to their knees with weapons trained on them. 
“Hostages are through here,” Raptor called out. He stood next to the tiny room, having lifted his goggles to shine a flashlight in. “All 13 accounted for.” 
“See that they’re escorted out,” Bug ordered, stepping off to question the leaders of the red team. 
Bear had found the light switch. “Goggles off,” she called. “I found the lights.” Flipping them on, she walked back over to the wall. In a gentle tone, she told the Daggers “You guys are safe. They can’t hurt you anymore.” 
Remembering the role on his card, Maverick spoke up. “How do we know that you aren’t just more of them?” 
She nodded. “The people here are Navy Seals. We are American,” she answered calmly. 
Maverick feigned hesitancy, knowing that that was his cue to try and get up. “Okay.” 
“Okay, can I come in there and get you out?” 
He nodded in the bright beam of the flashlight. Bear stepped into the little hiding place, with one hand extended. She grasped his palm, helping him to his feet. “I have one coming out,” she called back to the people in the room. 
FAK dashed forwards, ready to help as if he were injured. “Is anyone hurt?” 
Bear repeated the question to the pilots still inside. They all shook their heads. “It doesn’t appear so. They just look shaken.” Her reactions were exactly as if she were in the field, calm, quiet, yet firm. 
Maverick was the first one out. His safe exit was the cue for Bob and Harvard to accept her help. They followed him out, hands being untied once in the main room. 
Phoenix and Rooster were playing siblings. She would only go if Rooster left, and he would only go if she left, making the pair of them the trickiest to extricate. With more room inside, Bear stepped all the way in, crouching by Phoenix. “Are you ready to come out of here?” 
“Not without my brother.” 
“Okay. Who’s your brother?” 
Phoenix pointed at Rooster, who was peeking out the opening into the main room. “Alright, we’ll get you both out. Okay?” 
Bear motioned for Daisy to approach. “I need help with siblings. They won’t go without each other.” 
Daisy nodded. She slowly approached Rooster, crouching to his level, but backed off quickly when his eyes widened at her approach. “Raptor, swap out.” 
“Coming.” Raptor took Daisy’s spot, and slowly coaxed Rooster out. Seeing him leave, Phoenix stood and made her way out. 
One by one, the pilots slowly left until it was just Hangman. Everyone else had broken from their roles and were chatting amongst themselves, leaving him and Bear in the tiny room. He wasn’t to leave unless proof was given, and the minimal proof that had been offered wasn’t enough to get him to leave. 
Bear crouched down next to him. She spoke softly, but firmly, motioning to the dark coloured American flag on the shoulder of her uniform. He nodded once, joints popping as she helped him up and out of the room. “That’s all of them. Exercise over. I repeat, exercise over.” 
Whoops and hollers broke out from the pilots. “Holy fuck!” Coyote cried. “That was so badass! You were all like…” he trailed off, ducking and dodging through invisible enemies, making Bear and the others laugh. 
“Come on. Let’s get out of the uniforms, and clean up so we can get to bed. We’ll debrief tomorrow,” Bear said loudly. “Great job everyone.” 
Everyone filed out of the room talking loudly. Bear brought up the rear, flipping the lights off and shutting the door as she walked back through the halls. “Teddy.” 
“That was awesome,” Jake said lowly. “Like, I never doubted you, but you were incredible.” 
She grinned up at him. “Thanks. I’m glad you guys had some fun.” She unclipped her helmet, tucking it under her arm. 
Jake nodded, scratching the back of his neck. His mouth opened to say something, but he shut it in favor of staying quiet. 
“Did you have a question?” Bear asked, looking over at the man next to her. “Because if you do, I’d be happy to answer it.” 
Jake pinked a little. “Umm yeah actually.” He paused, trying to find the right words. “You and the others used ‘cross’ a lot. What does that mean?” 
She grinned. “Oh that? It’s a warning to others on our team that we’re coming through a door or around a corner so we don’t get shot. It gets used a lot,” Bear explained gently. She let him walk in front of her, stopping to close a door and then continued “I’m not sure if it transfers into pilot shit, but that’s what we use it for.” 
He nodded, staying unusually quiet. “I see. Okay. Thanks.” He had admired her before, but now, after this display of skill, Jake was very unsure of how to describe his feelings towards her. Bear was incredible. Her knowledge and skill made her far more dangerous than he’d originally thought and now, here he was, falling head over heels for her. 
“Are you okay?” Bear asked, breaking through his thoughts. He had gone very quiet all of a sudden and it concerned her. In fact, since the exercise had ended, Jake wasn’t acting like himself. “I’d hate to think I scared you that easily.” 
“You didn’t scare me,” Jake replied. His eyes fell on the large blue paint splatter in the ground and he grinned as he stepped around it. “It’s just, that whole thing,” he made a fluttering gesture with his hands around the space. “Was extremely hot and I’m seriously questioning myself.” 
Bear blinked in surprise. “Oh,” she said softly. “Wait, what? You did?” 
He groaned. “Yes, I did. Like I thought you were attractive before. Don’t give me that look, I know you caught me looking at least twice. But now, like I actually saw what it is you can do, and I’m not sure if it is the skill I find hot as fuck, or you,” Jake told her, risking a sideways glance at her. She looked stunned. 
Bear met his gaze, biting at her lip as she tried to think of something to say to that. “Well, um. Shit. Okay, umm what do I say to that?” Hearing verbal confirmation made her heart sing and she knew that she was bright red. 
“Maybe, ‘I think you’re hot too, Jake. I’ve always thought you were sexy as hell and now I just want to jump you.’ How’s that?” 
She laughed, shaking her head at his antics. “You are ridiculous.” 
“And you are ridiculously hot as fuck.” 
Under his compliments, Bear’s face somehow got redder and she ducked her head to avoid his gaze. “If you still feel that way in a few weeks, well, I’m sure we can find some arrangement that works,” was all she could think of to say. 
“Oh, I’m counting on it,” Jake said, his voice low in her ear. It sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire in her lower stomach. “In fact, I think you will seek me out before I do.” 
Willing some of her blush away, Bear just looked at him and winked. “We’ll see about that, Jake. We will see,” she purred in response. She heard him stop in his tracks behind her but Bear kept walking, leaving him standing stunned behind her. Where she found the confidence, she had no idea, but it kept her walking forwards, not risking a glance behind her. 
“Fucking Christ woman,” Jake muttered. The purr to her tone sent the blood rushing from his head and he knew that the smug look on her face, combined with the sight of her ass in the tac pants and her purring tone would definitely fuel his dreams of her. And crude as it sounded, he knew that he’d have something better than any dirty photo or porn to jerk off to. “I might be in over my head.” 
A/N: Kisses to @startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s and @dakotakazansky for taking a read through and being my biggest cheerleaders!
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Taglist: @startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s @dakotakazansky @horseshoegirl @roosters-girl @lovinglyeternal @lavenderbradshaw @bobby-r2d2-floyd @bradleybeachbabe @roosterforme @twsssmlmaa @footprintsinthesxnd @fandomxpreferences @dempy @gizmodear @fighterpilothoe @iwantmyredvelvetcupcake @djs8891 @rhirhikingston @sisterslytherinog @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak @thegoddessc @sgt-barnesveins @taytaylala12 @urmom-999 @formulapierre @pinkpantheris
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inkformyblood · 1 year
(Ghost x Soap x Roach, short and sweet, established relationship)
Roach’s favourite perch in the training room isn’t anything special. In fact, much like how he considers himself, it’s perfectly average. The platform affixed to the top is just large enough that he can lie down without his boots dangling in the breeze or for the crest of his head to be exposed, but not any larger than that. There are ropes clustered against one edge that hang most of the way to ground instead of a ladder or stairs like some of the other sniper spots, but there is still a need to climb part the way up the pole itself.
It’s overlooked, discarded, not important.
Roach sighs, feeling his chest catch at the rough edge of his ribs and he considers if he had simply been poured into the construction of bandages around his torso. His hoodie is likely one of Soap’s, long in the torso and the arms, and it’s blissfully warm given that he had collected it from the dryer shortly before journeying to the training room. Soap wouldn’t mind. Much.
There had been one of the roving bands of recruits beneath him earlier, gathered in a rough huddle to try out some of the new equipment as they waited for the hours to tick down before their scrap of leave. Roach had made a note of some of the jokes they had used, letting his fingers flow through the signs as the air turned steadily blue beneath him. But they had long since departed leaving Roach in sun-drenched silence.
Or so he thought.
He notices the tiny red bead in an instance, the steady light circling one burnt out light and the another. It dips down to begin an extended arc to join the two before it trembles and vanishes along with the unmistakable sound of Soap’s laughter.
“C’mon, LT. You wouldn’t interrupt Da Vinci would you?”
“Would if you were him,” Ghost answers, brusque as always. Roach can tell when he takes control of the laser by the deliberate sweep back up to twist on the ceiling above Roach’s head, confidence even in that small lingering movement. He knows Roach well by now and that warms the scraps of his bruised and battered heart far more than he thought possible. “Bug? You up there?”
It’s a question that answers itself with the nickname Ghost has given him, one he only uses when they’re alone together or over the coms and alone as they can be amidst the hiss-crackle of static and distant whispers of targets prowling in the night.
Roach presses himself upright, gritting his teeth against the possibility of pain, and wriggles over to the side. He sticks his head over, taking a moment to check the ground beneath before he did so. Soap catches his gaze first as he always does. The other man is leaning against Ghost, most of his weight supported by the arm Ghost has slung around his waist, one leg raised in a valiant attempt to give himself the additional height to reach Ghost’s arm. It isn’t working, but Soap is laughing hard enough to threaten to dislodge them both.
Roach turns to Ghost. His gaze is dark and steady behind his mask, the handdrawn skull tugged up slightly at the corners as he smiles. “There you are, Bug.”
Ghost steps to one side, releasing Soap in the same motion. Soap yelps, staggering forward a step before he catches himself, turning to swear at Ghost even as he waves blindly up at Roach. They’re a mess of trio, truly, but Roach wouldn’t have them any other way.
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I Do, Do You? chapter 2
WC: ~3,500 of fluff and small angst. Gratuitous use of figurative language It's probably a better read over on AO3
~After one short week, the wedding day has arrived! Our hopeful couples will finally come face to face with their betrotheds.~
Voiceover: “First impressions are everything, they are the standard by which we tell people to hold us. Whether they choose to believe it or not, how this first meeting goes will set the tone for their future interactions. How they present themselves and how they handle themselves today will create the foundation of the schema by which their partners view them and their relationships.”
Penelope looks around at the venue. The outdoor ceremony and reception are in a few hours; sunset, taking advantage of that very desired “golden hour” for filming and photos and then dining and dancing under the stars.
Production has chosen a neatly manicured grassy lawn bordered by maple and beech trees, the finely kept backyard to some historic Virginia property. Fairy lights crisscross and swoop above, and a rectangular marble dance floor is set into the middle of the area, later to be surrounded by long picnic tables lined with tealights and eucalyptus wreaths, but now holds rows of dark wood bench seating for wedding guests.
She likes the romantic details, clearly imagining the warm amber glow of the orbs above mixing with the soft twinkle of stars and lightning bugs, the sweet smell the humid night air will pull from the trees. The only disappointment is the shadowy figure her mind keeps drawing in place of a groom. Will he like her? Will she like him?
Workers and crew are buzzing around constructing the rose and laurel arch, arranging the petal carpet they’ll walk down, and setting up camera and microphone equipment. Penelope watches, staving off the same nerves she’s been mostly successful at ignoring all week preparing with dress, shoe, and accessory shopping, trying to write vows for someone she doesn't know, and deciding on the finer details of nails, makeup, and hair. This first impression could be the most important of her life, and while she wants to knock everyone’s socks off, she also wants to be as true to herself as possible. But with the day finally here and everything finally decided on, there’s nothing left to take her mind off what she’s about to do.
Violins strike in the distance, Penelope squeezes her eyes shut swallowing down the acid rising in her throat, A hand tightens around her shoulder. “Pen? It’s time…”
Inhaling deeply, she opens her eyes, taking one last look in the mirror, checking her dress.
It’s a unique trumpet style gown made of a substantial, buttery, white matte silk satin, woven throughout with silvery blue threads that cast a glow. The plunging sweetheart neckline sweeps up into delicate off-the-shoulder illusion straps. The fine, white organic pattern seemingly floating across her décolletage isn’t so much what she’d call lace, but rather piped icing. The bodice fits like a dream, cupping her breast, and further down, clings to her hips, then flares out in a wide trumpet mid-thigh with five corners around the hem that kick up in swift peaks, every step making it look like the daturas her mom kept paintings of all over the house.
She knew the moment she tried it on it was meant for her, the top half a delicious, cakey confection, the bottom half an intoxicating and deadly flower.
“To hell with the show,” a deep cool voice calls from the door, “say the word and I’ll have us down the road in five seconds. Savannah took a separate car just in case…but you are a Goddess, any man would be lucky to find you walking up that aisle to him”
Penelope smirks, eyes still trained on her own figure, “Are you finally suggesting we run away together?”
“Penelope Garcia, it is your wedding day, behave.” he chides.
Her eyes connect with Derek’s, mischievous and smoldering, then JJ’s over her shoulder, she smiles, taking the bouquet of tall sunflowers from the dresser next to her, linking an arm with JJ’s. Something about this feels right. Something she can’t put her finger on. Or at least that’s what she’s telling herself. “Lead the way, my lady love.”
There’s a light knock, fine knuckles rapping on wood. Luke, Matt, and Phil turn as Tara answers the door.
Emily’s standing in the doorway meeting them all with an apologetic look, her eyes cutting to Luke. They know what it means– new case. Killers don’t stop just because it’s inconvenient timing for agents.
“Look, you still have some vacation accrued…” she starts, “I’d approve the time off.” But he hears the ‘but’ in her voice, he knows the pressure they’re under, and with Reid away on family business, they’re already a man down.
He looks around the room at his friends and sighs, “No. I couldn’t leave all the fun to Matt and Tara. Do I at least get to see my bride walk down the aisle before informing her I’m ditching her?”
Coming from anyone else it would sound snide, but she knows he means it. She feels guilty that he means it.
“I’ll give you 24 hours to work some of that charm, you can meet us in Flagstaff tomorrow, my gift. I wouldn’t want her to dislike me immediately, but you know how time sensitive these things are.” She’s grinning, he can see the relief on her face, how the corners of her eyes loosen.
He wants to be mad. She of all people knows why he’s doing this, they’ve had this discussion specifically, but he can’t be mad, ultimately it’s his decision. He’s already retreating into the comfortable, he’s already going for the known unknown and making excuses for his choices. He wants to be mad, but he can only be mad at himself.
Phil pours another shot of amber liquid into a small glass and holds it out, “Come on, Emily, we were just about to toast the happy groom.”
He’s anxious, nervous, excited…and happy… If he doesn’t think about what he has to do tomorrow. He doesn’t know half the people here, and he won’t know the person standing up next to him, but he finds none of that really matters. What he knows is she’s adventurous, willing to take a risk, and hopefully, wants love, too.
Luke looks at the crowd of people that have gathered, his family and friends on one side, hers on the other.
His mom and sister, Isabella, and her two boys and husband are in the front row, Tara, Emily, Matt, Kiristy, and all their kids right behind them. He catches Matt’s small smile, a small comfort, before he quickly flickers back to her side, not wanting to be caught staring, but unable to resist the work part of him kicking in.
The people in her front row are three men and a woman. A petite blonde in a short flowing blue dress, her sister? is sitting next to a stern-faced black man in a charcoal suit husband? They’re both wearing rings, but… no. Next to him is an older man in a gray button down and black slacks, and next to him on the end closest to the aisle is a younger hispanic guy. An odd collection of family. The younger man doesn’t appear to share many facial features with the older man next to him or the blonde, in fact none of them look related at all, but they all sit like family, they all act like family. Behind them a woman in a dusty pink dress sits with a small boy playing with two blonde boys next to him, and beside them is a tired looking white man. Again, they don’t look like a family, but are acting like one. Her family and friends seemingly intertwined, the line indiscernible.
He’s about to say something, introduce himself, ease the building tension he can feel between the guests and the situation, her front row and himself, when a ladybug lands on the back of his clasped hands.
The tickle distracts him, and instantly, looking down, good luck springs in his mind. Looking up, he makes eye contact with his sister and holds out his left hand with the scarlet beetle vibrating its wings on his ring finger for her to see. He stays silent not wanting to startle it and send it off. As he does, the violins strike and procession music begins, the beetle, as if on cue, flys away.
Luke follows it’s ascent briefly down the aisle, and then his eyes land on a figure silhouetted behind doors in the distance, and as they do, a placid calmness takes over. There was nothing to worry about, his bride, his wife, his person, was waiting. Long ago he’d made his peace with fate, as a soldier you have to, things would work out the way they were meant to…some days it just took a small reminder.
The distance isn’t long, but she feels miles away, this striking woman walking towards him. There’s gasps and howls, applause and awes from in front of him as guests catch his expression and follow his line of sight.
Flowing blonde hair billows in gentle waves with her veil, her dress dances at her feet. His eyes drink her up and take in every detail, every curve, every angle and every texture. She’s wearing the most radiant shade of white, it’s beautiful and unusual, and all he can think is that she looks like the moonflowers he’d spend hours watching twirl, hidden under the shade of their branches as a kid in his grandmother’s backyard. She looks like memories long forgotten and mysteries veiled in night’s shadow and he’s more than intrigued and more than drawn and he’s more than wanting to take her in his arms and spin her until they’re both dizzy, like the flowers used to make him feel. And he feels, again, more than he’s ever felt, that this must be fate.
His gaze is intense, she’s been trying to hold it the whole way, caught in how the setting sun reflects off his bright eyes making them seem as crystal as fresh cracked rootbeer candy. He’s absolutely gorgeous, stunning, the living embodiment of “tall, dark, and handsome,” but there’s not a streak of darkness she can detect in his eyes shining back at her or his dimpled crooked smile bright like a lighthouse. She kicks up rose petals floating down the aisle, and as dumb as it sounds, in that moment she feels she like a ship lost at sea, and he, this stranger, is the beacon of light leading her to safe harbor…or a siren threatening to send her crashing into the sharp rocks under.
His smile starts off small, but the closer she gets the bigger it becomes, toothy and consuming, and she can feel hers by contrast shrinking smaller and smaller, the pit in her stomach, dormant, suddenly swelling larger and larger.
Now in front of him, so close, all these eyes, attention on them, on her, his attention on her- she breaks away looking down as discomfort shyness? takes over.
Too handsome, don’t stare. Looking at someone this close this long is wrong, like staring at the sun. Too much, try to focus.
But this is him! The man you’re marrying. You’re not reserved! You, Penelope Garcia, are confident and secure and you're every bit as shine worthy. Look. At. Him.
It’s dead quiet, awkward, she’s looking away, looking down, she won’t look at him. He wants to pull her back to where they were a moment ago, to alleviate whatever distress she’s feeling, to let her know they’re in this together. That she can trust him. “Hey,” he reigns in his stupidly large smile, heavily forcing it into a more acceptable, smaller thing and gently takes hold of her bent elbows, thumbs stroking her soft arms in a way he hopes she finds soothing, because he certainly does.
His palms are warm and the pads of his thumbs are rough, the touch sending sparks flying up her arms and through her chest, a sensation like thrusting on the light, but she still can’t will herself to look from the flowers in her hands.
Dipping a little, determined to draw her back, Luke introduces himself quietly, “I’m Luke.”
“HE SAID HIS NAME IS LUKE” is yelled to the guests by the man closest to the bride, some laugh. Penelope straightens up instantly, whipping around, “Carlos!” is hissed in warning, and the older man next to ‘Carlos’ smacks his bicep. Carlos only smiles, “Look at Luke, sis, he’s the one you’re marrying” then winks.
Penelope glares, but turns back, apricot lips spreading, tension eased, “I’m Penelope, nice to meet you, Luke.”
And just like that his megawatt smile is once again firmly in place, grinning at her like she’d just unveiled the secrets of the universe. “Nice to meet you, Penelope,” he nods, then looking over her shoulder, adds, “And you, Carlos.”
Penelope’s vows had been funny and charming, she was effortlessly engaging and endearing. Luke felt his own paled in comparison, but there wasn’t much he could do about it now. This next part was where he laid his cards, this part had been a point of contention in the family, his mother nixing it, Isabella taking Luke’s side, her husband taking their mother’s…
He shifts his weight as he makes eye contact over the paper, tucking it away, he takes Penelope’s hands. Looking into a stranger’s eyes shouldn’t be this comforting, but what he finds when he looks at her feels like the safest parts of himself. He isn’t sure just how long he’s been standing there getting lost in thought, or what his face is doing, but he notices a fresh blush on her cheeks and feels her give his fingers a squeeze prompting him to go on.
Playing it cool was apparently completely off the table.
Luke clears his throat and smirks, continuing, “Before we uh…before we go on, I want to be upfront and say, someone very important to me was left out of today’s ceremony, Roxy. I wanted her here, but some people weren’t sure how you’d react…I was going to have her stay home so you, my bride,” and he can’t help but smile when he says it, noticing how she smiles too, “didn’t get scared off, but she’s a big part of my life, I’d do anything for her, she’s my girl, my everything…I’m hoping you can make room for her in a similar way, eventually.”
As the words come out he sees the shift in her expression, eyes widening, jaw slightly dropping before resuming the indulgent smile, her hands becoming clammy and her body pulling away. The tell tale signs of panic and fear. It isn’t what she thinks-
Or at least he hopes it isn’t what she thinks. “Leaving her out feels like lying, so my friend Phil did me a favor and picked her up about an hour ago…Sorry, ma.” he says as he turns, then calls down the aisle in a deep commanding voice, “Roxy, com’on”
Penelope blinks and rocks back, jerking to face the same direction he is.
There’s no way he calls his kid like that, right?
Out from behind the left row comes a wolfish looking happy hound now prancing down the aisle, a dark green bow tied around her neck.
Trotting up to Luke, she stops short sitting on her haunches.
“This is Roxy,” Luke says before kneeling and fiddling with the bow.
Following suit instantly, Penelope kneels too, hands petting and face nuzzling her head. “She’s your dog? Roxy’s a dog Oh hello, you sweet girl.” she coos.
Rings free from the knot on her bow, Luke takes Penelope in at a much closer range, nose nearly brushing her cheek, her eyes scrunched up with the biggest smile he’s seen on her yet and it’s for his girl, it’s for Roxy. His lungs seize, momentarily unable to breathe, his heart clenching and his stomach flipping. He couldn’t have dreamed a better reaction, or a more beautiful sight.
Pocketing the rings, Luke stands, offering his hands to help his new bride back up, “We’ve got one last part to this, if you still want to…”
Slipping her hands into his, letting him right her, she agrees, “I do, do you?”
“-Aht.” the officiant cuts them off, “That’s my job.”
He notices her hand is trembling, or maybe it’s his holding hers unsteady, he’s so focused on not letting the emerald ring slip from his fingers he’s not sure what the rest of him is doing. Luke looks down, and it’s both, both of them shaking and he lets out a little breath. She’s just as nervous as he is. He notices her nails then, not an inch of her left unadorned, had been painted with white flowers.
Women appreciate it when you notice the details, mijo, calls in his head, his grandfather’s voice, compliment your bride.
“Perfection down to the tips of your fingers…I like your nails.” He says it quietly, something just for them, something the mic doesn’t even pic up on.
“Oh, thanks,” Penelope’s hand, instinctively jerking away, is held fast by Luke’s, “just don’t look too closely, I was up pretty late practicing my fingering techniques-” She says it loud and clear, a dismissive thought explaining away the chips at the edges. Loud gasps from who she assumes are his guests, and a deep “Oh shit” followed by giggles can be heard from hers. Luke chokes and blushes, letting go of her hands to cover his face, a weakly chuckled “oh my god” slipping between his fingers.
“-no! No.” Penelope corrects sternly to Luke and then the guests, praying the entendre not stick, urging they know it’s a misunderstanding. She grabs his wrist pulling down an arm covering his face, “-for my clarinet!” she explains, “Which I play!” then to the crowd, begging they understand, “My clarinet. I play the clarinet.” Her cheeks burn. She can’t believe she just did that in front of this beautiful man, in front of his family, in front of cameras.
Luke, eyes still shimmering with amusement, body shaking with laughter, nods, not trusting himself to look up. “Whatever you say,” he hums.
She shakes his wrists, pleading, “No- I’m serious,”
He does his best to straighten out his face, to let her know he’s taking her seriously, swallows and looks her in the eye, “I believe you.”
“Okay,” he agrees.
The commotion dies down, guests ready for things to move on.
Everything else goes smoothly, the rings slide on (though she’s sure her fingers have swollen from stress), and they’re beautiful, and they fit.
They each breathe a sighing smile when they look between their newly adorned hands, but this is it, their first kiss, she and her new stranger. Butterflies suddenly blossom and take flight, Penelope watches as he moves in, wondering how this fine, adorable and impossibly perfect man will kiss her, if she’ll have to cover their faces with her veil, a kiss just as electric as she’s feeling from his fingers. Her eyes catch his, dipping briefly, and jump back up, he’s so close, her mouth parts…
And then he misses.
Doesn’t miss.
He didn’t kiss her.
He kisses her cheek, and a terrible little thought flickers through her mind:
He doesn’t like you.
Delusional girl, you’re not his type.
Already this man, her husband, is rejecting her.
But despite the disappointment, she can’t help instinctively leaning in, eyes closing, gently rising on her toes and pressing her cheek to his lips and damn does she want that feeling just a little more south. He smells like heaven and feels divine, her fingers curl on his biceps and she thinks she feels his tighten on her waist. His lips are full and soft and firm. The musculature there in that brief contact enough to make her fantasize, even here in front of all these people, and for the first time she’s suddenly overwhelmed with the possibility that she’s made a massive mistake.
Fudge, Penelope, what did you get yourself into?!
When it’s time to ‘kiss the bride’, his anxiety comes back. He wants to kiss her, wants to feel the rush and pull of those playful, funny, pink lips, but he isn’t sure she wants that, if she’s ready for that, isn’t sure what’s right to do… kiss a stranger in front of her family? Kiss his wife in front of her family? Asking would ruin the moment, so instead, he makes a split second decision, ducking for her cheek.
The chaste option.
He tried to read her body language but couldn’t make up his mind, feeling hope, personal desires, might be playing a part, it just disappoints himself. He feels her pressing into his lips and gripping his arms, but everything about this has him mixed up, he can’t read if it was a welcome invitation or a move to control the distance.
At least it wasn’t a hug.
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jrob64 · 2 years
Sneak peek of a new story for  @apiratewhopines (and whoever else wants to read it!)
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Today is the birthday of one of my favorite people in the CS fandom, @apiratewhopines​! I hoped to have this story finished for her and it’s very close, but I can only post the sneak peek this morning. The art and story are a result of  a conversation we had about glass blowing and what it would be like to see Killian Jones in a glass hot shop. It was meant to be a short one-shot, but it’s already nearing 10,000 words! I hope you love it, my sweet friend! 
Find the sneak peek under the cut. 
As she drove to Portland Wednesday afternoon, Emma worried her bottom lip between her teeth. She was excited but also nervous, not only about learning something new, but also about meeting the man behind the sexy voice. She had actually dreamed about him the night after their conversation on the phone, as if her subconscious was trying to put a face with the voice that was still echoing in her ears.
Parking her bug in front of the warehouse her GPS declared was her destination, she drew in a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Then she grabbed the gift certificate off the seat, flung her car door open and stepped out.
She approached the building and pulled open the creaky metal door, looking around as she entered, but not seeing Killian Jones. Smiling at the glassblowing equipment spread around the large space, she mentally named things she recognized from watching the Netflix show and numerous YouTube videos.
Turning her attention to several blown glass pieces sitting on a table beside the door, she carefully picked up each one to study them.
“You must be Emma Swan.”
The words spoken close behind her startled her so much, she almost dropped the beautiful aqua colored bowl she was holding. Letting out a gasp, she quickly set it back on the table and turned around, saying, “Oh, I didn’t know you were…”
Her words trailed off as she got a look at her instructor. Her first thought was that her dreams of him didn’t do him justice, and her second was that his looks certainly equaled the sexiness of his voice. He appeared to be about her age, was a few inches taller than her, with dark, disheveled hair, a strong, scruff-covered jaw, piercing blue eyes and a gleaming white smile. His hands grasped both ends of a towel slung around his neck, making his biceps bulge under the sleeves of his tight, white T-shirt, the V-neck allowing her to see dark hair peeking out.
While he waited for her to speak again, he used the end of the towel to wipe away the sweat on his forehead. A few strands of hair flopped down over it once he finished and her hand inadvertently reached forward, intending to brush them away. Suddenly realizing what she was doing, she jerked her hand back and ran it through her own hair instead.
He looked at her with his head cocked and a raised eyebrow, his roguish grin convincing her he knew the effect he was having on her. She cleared her throat and said, “Uh, yeah. I’m Emma.” Holding out her hand, she added, “It’s nice to meet you, Killian.”
He took her hand, squeezing it lightly as he shook it. “Likewise. Have you been waiting long?”
“Not at all. I just got here and was admiring your work,” she said, sweeping her arm toward the glass works on the table. “They’re very good.”
“Thank you,” he replied with a smile. “Hopefully, by the end of your lessons, you’ll be able to make some nice pieces, too.”
“That would be great!” she said, her voice bubbling with excitement.
“Shall we get started?” he asked.
“Oh, do you need this?” She held out the crumpled gift certificate.
“Aye,” he said, taking the paper, folding it and sticking it in his back pocket. Then he gestured for her to go ahead of him.
“You didn’t check it. Are you just gonna take my word for it that it’s worth ten lessons?” she asked teasingly.
“Well, you haven’t lied to me thus far.”
She turned to look at him over her shoulder and saw the smirk on his face. She was enjoying the banter with him and already felt at ease.
Hopefully, the full story will be posted within the week. Happiest of birthdays Beth! 
Tagging: @xsajx @hookedmom @kymbersmith-90 @kmomof4 @lassluna @pirateherokillian @teamhook @stahlop @elizabeethan @whimsicallyenchantedrose @resident-of-storybrooke @therooksshiningknight @jennjenn615 @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @killianswannn @stories-enchanted @eleveneitherway @withheartfulloflove @kday426 @djlbg @kristi555 @laschatzi @xarandomdreamx @wyntereyez @goforlaunchcee @yasbio2015 @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89 @wefoundloveunderthelight @hollyethecurious @let-it-raines @jonesfandomfanatic @searchingwardrobes @oncechicagolove @andiirivera  @gingerchangeling @everything-person @klynn-stormz @qualitycoffeethings @enchanted-swans @ohmakemeahercules @donteattheappleshook @bluewildcatfanatic @the-darkdragonfly @demisexualemmaswan @grimmswan @spartanguard @flslp87 @ultraluckycatnd @thisonesatellite @captainswan21 @zaharadessert @mariakov81 @snowbellewells @kiwistreetswan @batana54 @nadine200179 @probalicious17 @courtorderedcake @julesep3026 @jackieorioncat @whatthehell102082 @jarienn972 @sthonour @linda8084  @pirateprincesslena @daxx04 @winterbythesea @artistic-writer @cocohook38 @captainswan4life85​ @molly958 @itsfridaysomewhere @fallingforthecaptain  @onceratheart18 @strangestarlighttree @justanother-unluckysoul @mrs-potato-but-likes-tomato @anothersworld @deckerstarblanche @purplehawkcaptain  @superchocovian @k-leemac @citygirlscowboy @laughterandbooks @sotangledupinit @apiratewhopines @huntressandlioness1 @cosette141  @gingerpolyglot @motherkatereloyshipper @cs-rylie @anmylica​ @paradiselady19​ @pawshapedheart​ @vampcoffeegyrl23​ @elfiola​ @softkilly​​
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No worries MWCT! Please be careful as I nor TFM would want to see you get sick. Now, I am going to do one more quick sweep of the whole daycare before settling down.
*The Daycare practically looks brand new with how it sparkles. Many toys and supplies are in proper places and organized. The security desk is cleaned with many flies and papers having been filed and taken care of. The ball pit, while still empty of its balls, looked clearner than ever before. The floors and carpet had been deep cleaned and laundry has been washed, dried, and folded. The statue of Midnight and Poppy is super reflective and shiny (Crow may wish to steal oops). No perishable snacks have been stocked too. Hell even the gift shop and theater had gotten the deep clean as the kitchen in the theater looked not only brand new but with high-end equipment replacing the old run down ones.*
Okay, this place looks amazing. If Midnight complains I will shut him down for a bit. Oh Poppy, I hope you are seeing this! Look at how this looks! Solar was already doing an amazing job we just had to spring borad off of that! You must be so proud!!!
*I make my way to Solar, Ghost, Lunar, and Sun. (I believe Star too but can't quite remember)*
Hey everyone. How are things in here?
//You don't hear anything, but you get the sense of someone watching on in approval.//
Sun: *quietly* Oh, hey. We're just having some quiet time. *shakes the handkite with the plastic ring, the bells tinkling quietly* Here, Ghost! A brand new one.
Solar: Om-nom...Pah! *clumsily shakes his handkite again, then drops it*
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Sun: Oh, they went to find the kitchen. Solar wants a "sleeping potion". Right, bug?
Solar: Mh...
Sun: Oh, here. Do you want your gloves off so you can hold your toy better?
Solar: *holds his hands up* Pobbee...off.
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
made myself cry hold on hold on hold on stick with me i think you want to read this
i’m thinking about those first few days after marinette has been given the cat miraculous instead of the ladybug and is just walking on knives, now. she’s so scared— so terrified— she’s done something wrong, terribly wrong, and master fu won’t mention it. when she goes to his physical therapy place, because she always helps out by sweeping the floors after using the “gym” as her own training room (it was master fu who suggested it), master fu is quiet and stern and silent.
marinette is wobbling as she moves the face towels onto a giant, wooden tray. there are tears in her eyes, panic and anxiety building in her like a wave; she should flee, run, never come back. leave plagg behind for someone who is better equipped to handle him.
“what is it?” he asks her, just when she’s regaining her footing for the day and is able to swallow without breaking down into more tears.
“nothing,” she replies. her voice is cracking.
“are you not satisfied with your miraculous?”
it’s most likely a trap. it doesn’t sound like he actually cares, even though he’s asked, but she’s spent her entire life working for this, but to have it stripped away before she even began feels like a torn limb. “it’s just that… i trained to be a ladybug," she whispers. "uhm. not a... not a black cat. why did you switch me?"
and with a boy who isn't even in the family, no less? she knows better than to assume that there's someone with blonde hair in her family. there's no way. even if the offchance it was felix, though that's definitely not possible, because felix isn't as short as her. this blonde boy who she's never, ever met, ever heard of, somehow is just as good as her? someone who's been practicing her whole life?
oh, she should hate him. she should hate mister bug.
why doesn't she?
"i've given you the miraculous you deserve. i've given you the miraculous that my own mentor, su-han, advised me that you deserved."
she puts her tray down, hoping that he'll meet her eyes when he's done drinking from his tea cup. "b-but i— and you—"
"—if you really don't like it, give plagg back to me and i'll look for a replacement and you'll be stripped of guardian duties for the rest of your life. if this is too hard for you, then step down before you get any more involved."
marinette swallows. she's thirteen and only thirteen and things are very, very hard. she'd done perfectly on her tests and trainings and has never missed, even when her mom's hands turned into fists on her lap when her uncle finally chose her to train. everytime she leaves the bakery, her mother is all at once hurrying her along so she isn't late, while simultaneously upset and annoyed that she's leaving in the first place.
she's caught in a trap. not for the first time and not for the last in her life, marinette feels defenseless. pinching her eyes shut so that her tears don't start up again, anxiety and guilt fester hard enough to drown.
plagg is the only one who responds.
"she's crying because she feels like a failure, and you're making her feel worse."
"i'm doing no such thing."
"you're being dense on purpose. admit that you're hurting her feelings; she's not so easily replaceable. you think you're going to find anyone to wield me that isn't her? think again." plagg sounds angry. "i won't ever let you. she's the only one out of the whole family that can stand you and your cowardice, and you're starting to lose her too. she deserved tikki, not me, but now you won't ever be able to replace her for me no matter how much you threaten her."
"i'm the current guardian," master fu remarks, plainly and openly. "i choose who wields what miraculous."
plagg sneers. "doesn't matter. i don't have to listen to you; i only do out of respect. but talk to my wielder like that again, your own niece, and i'll make sure none of the other kwamis listen to you again. come on, princess, let's go home. you've finished 'training' for today."
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sociallyawkwardsailor · 8 months
SATCOM Tea (with Effin' Birds)
So this one particular IT1 in the watch team that mine typically relieves has had a major bug up his ass ever since SATCOM was moved from the main watch floor to Fort Kickass further back in the building (where our indoor MET 📡 equipment actually is, shockingly enough).
Not only has he consistently grumbled about this, but he's been super petty about damn near everything. Two nights ago he argued with us about *checks notes* cleaning the space prior to watch turnover, which hello, you do that. It's proper fucking courtesy to the oncoming team and also, we're asking the bare fucking minimum here: sweep, mop, and take out the trash. It's not like field day for 3 hours on a ship that's gutted and in the yards so it looks like shit no matter what you do. Fuck sake.
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So that got sorted out (their watch supervisor made them clean before they left), and last night, IT1 hid the trash bin in an empty equipment cabinet so that his team would not use it, and instead use the one on the main watch floor. He left without even letting us know of its whereabouts. I have absolutely no idea what the thought process is on this, aside from laziness, but oh my god, broski,
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Like, ok, yes, I will gladly and without hesitation put the "petty" in Petty Officer 2nd Class but that's more with respect to malicious compliance, not just being a dick because "I don't like [thing]."
We work back here. We are here for 12 hours per shift. Our life is already made more difficult than necessary by our dumpster fire of a department. Stop adding to the problems, stop arguing with us about normal, everyday expectations of cleanliness. I swear to Sea Duke I will be petty as fuck.
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Febuwhump, Day 2 - Flinching
This chapter now officially contains the sloppiest conlanging we've ever done in our life. Word may be liable to change - sounds are hard, but this at least looks like it doesn't translate to something in another language, and we can change things up later.
Pseudosequel to Love Bites, which probably doesn't count as whump but is... romantic? Targeted towards people who enjoyed TLT's bone surgery scene. TL;DR of relevant bits is that Mothiva and Zasp, via a ritual involving scarification of the neck, are bound together according to Deadlands Wasp tradition. Leif believes Something Is Up with Mothiva and Zasp due to the aftermath of this, and is leaning heavily towards the thought of domestic abuse.
Zasp wasn’t the biggest enthusiast of theatre.
He didn’t talk about it much, really. With Mothiva’s performances, half the association probably assumed it was how he met her in the first place – and while they were wrong, he wasn’t about to correct them.
The lights, the glamor, the being seen… it didn’t appeal to him so much as it made him scrunch his head back into his shoulders and hide away. He’d gotten better, in his years of being employed as Mothiva’s bodyguard, but he wasn’t… comfortable with it, and he privately suspected that he’d never be comfortable with some aspects.
Even just watching his partner on-stage would sometimes bring back memories of the brilliant floodlight of the Uljuasondier sweeping over the land, picking off bugs and-
He didn’t want to think about it.
Of course, having a partner meant he was hired for certain events a lot more often – unfortunate side effects of having decent knowledge of what a performance needed, he supposed.
And that, of course, lead him to here- stuck on a stage to make sure no one dropped anything too important during setup while the other explorers fucked around with important supplies.
He understood that charity work was no one’s favorite job, but this just seemed- absurd. Having even the most surface-level knowledge of knowledge let him know just how badly they were handling things. He’d had to pull the beetle away from the lights thrice in the past few hours, and he was far from the worst of them.
And of course, there were plenty of bugs who were taking that to a new level.
“You can’t freeze the stage lights,” Zasp hissed at Leif. “Do you want to pay for replacements?”
“We were just moving them into place-“
“By covering them with ice?!”  Zasp was sure the incredulity in his tone wasn’t particularly dignified, for a bug who was supposed to keep things in control – but for all that ice powers weren’t the sort of thing he usually had to herd around, they were quickly proving to be a pain and a half to deal with.
“He can make them float,” Vi offered, draping herself over one of the lights. “It’s how he gets around places you need to fly for.”
“That doesn’t fix ice damage.”
“I mean, nothing in the Hive breaks down even in the dead of winter, so maybe it’s just-“
“Does the hive’s equipment frost over?”
He didn’t give Vi the change to respond. “Don’t freeze the equipment. I can’t believe I have to say this.”
“…we won’t.”
Leif temporarily taken off-track from his destruction of property, Zasp turned back to monitoring the hall. Thankfully, no one seemed to be doing anything immediately dangerous, to the equipment or to themselves. He just had to…
…what was that clicking noise?
Another click- then a brilliant light locked onto him.
Zasp jerked in surprise- then froze in place. Adrenaline flooded his body, his limbs going rigid as a statue. His heart was beating out of his chest – he thought that they were out of the deadlands, he thought they were safe-
“…Zasp, are you feeling all right?”
Zasp burst into motion, covering half of the room in a single flesh of his wings as he jerked away from that blinding, all-consuming light. He needed to move, to find shelter, to- to-
A hand landed on his shoulder, and Zasp flinched, snapping his mandibles and flaring his wings as he turned to face-
Leif, wide-eyed and staring at the mouthful of pale yellow fluff he’d taken out of his ruff.
Zasp backed up, stumbling- shit, shit, shit, what did he just do? He saw Leif’s mouth move, but he couldn’t hear anything through the sound of his own heartbeat. He couldn’t stay here, he had to-
“What are you morons doing?”
Oh, thank the Queens.
Mothiva jumped down from backstage, storming over to them and inserting herself between Leif and Zasp. Zasp stumbled away, taking the opportunity to make space between him and the moth- If they weren’t in public, he would have kissed her right then and there.
“You,” Mothiva snarled, pointing at Leif. “Back off. You two, back there- turn the damn light off. Does this look like a performance to you?”
Zasp could faintly hear the beetle calling an apology from his position near the light settings. His joints felt week. Had he really been startled like that by-
Leif’s voice cut through the air. “Your partner reacts awfully strangely, for a bug in the show business.”
“And just what is that supposed to mean?” Mothiva asked.
Zasp didn’t want to be here.
Every noise seemed too loud, every bug’s footstep a potential threat, every little noise a sign of danger. He didn’t- he couldn’t-
“We mean,” Leif said, “that your partner’s been acting awfully strangely lately, especially after that trip into the deadlands, and those scars couldn’t have been made by-”
“And I thought I told you nothing happened.”
The scars in Zasp’s throat itched with anxiety. He couldn’t handle this. He needed to go, to-
Zasp made a warbling squeak, in the back of his throat, and Mothiva’s attention snapped to him- only for Leif to pounce on her distraction to push whatever point he was trying to make.
“He acted like he was in danger from a spotlight,” Leif snarled, tone frigid as ice. “Do you want us to believe that’s normal for any bug?”
“Yes, I do,” Mothiva snarled. “If you’re trying to imply anything about my partner-“ She paused, glancing over her shoulder at Zasp. “Zasp, go.”
She didn’t have to ask him twice. Something in him wanted to stay, to defend her- but he had to trust that Mothiva could handle it. Zasp leapt into the air, wings buzzing as he flickered out of the room, ignoring the shout after him.
Hopefully, Mothiva could handle them better than him.
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Why have bug services become an essential thing for homes?
Do you need bug sweep services? Then Qld Covert Investigations has a team of expert bug sweepers and security advisors trained in using the latest equipment. They are licensed professionals who specialize in tactical security countermeasures and can provide advice on maintaining the security of a location.
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●     To ensure privacy: If you are concerned about someone eavesdropping on your conversations or activities, a bug sweep can help you detect and neutralize any listening devices that may be present.
●     To protect sensitive information: If you handle sensitive or confidential information, a bug sweep can help protect it from unauthorised parties' interception.
●     To comply with regulations: In some industries, such as financial services or healthcare, it is required to conduct regular bug sweeps to ensure the privacy and security of sensitive information.
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●     To protect against corporate espionage: If you are concerned about the possibility of corporate espionage, a bug sweep can help you detect and neutralize any electronic surveillance devices that may have been placed in your office or other business location.
●     To protect against personal threats: If someone tries to target you to gather information about you, a bug sweep can Investigation help you detect the bug. And destroy that which was placed strategically in your premise.
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How to procedure takes place
Bugs are electronic devices that are placed in a location in order to collect information secretly. They can be used for continuous surveillance or to record specific events. To protect against the risks of electronic surveillance, it is advisable to regularly conduct bug sweeps to recognise any such devices that may be present. These sweeps should be timed with ongoing surveillance and specific events in mind. The frequency of the sweeps should be determined based on the known risks and any possibilities of particular concern.
Final Say
Thus, these are the important points of having Home Bug Sweep service from the reputed company QLD, known for their immense experience.
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impishbiscuit · 2 years
wip wednesday
Tagged by both @scorpioink77 and @ravenstrange so I hope this is what yall wanted!
The most unusual thing about the certified disaster that is Mindoir is the rumors coming from captured batarian prisoners from West Edge, a rapidly growing large town on the northwestern shoreline of the bigger of the planet’s two continents. West Edge is known for fertile soil, kind winds, and the cold, rocky shores of the bay it was built on. Its isolation is partial, protected from the harshest gales by tall crags a few dozen kilometers to the east of the city, and wide swaths of something like pine forest blanket the surrounding area for almost as far as the eye can see. It’s a relatively cold haven on a hot planet. If it wasn’t for frequent rainstorms and long monsoon seasons feeding the many watersheds of the planet, Mindoir would no doubt dry out. West Edge, on the other hand, would likely remain lush.
West Edge, with its silver-barked pines and cooler weather and mountains, bears a striking resemblance to some of Earth’s more temperate climates, a small, rocky haven on a planet with wet, sweeping plains and rainforests aplenty. It’s a town with potential to be a tourist destination in the future, a perfect spot for resorts and hiking and outdoors adventures, a welcome respite to both off-world visitors and other residents of Mindoir—or it had potential, more accurately.
And now Anderson is hearing rumors that West Edge is haunted.
“Dare I ask why the batarians think West Edge is haunted?”
The private shuffles in place, eyes flicking downwards. This is the first time he’s been at a batarian raid site, and what a doozy of a first time. Anderson would almost feel sorry for him if he didn’t feel worse for the colonists. “They, er, say that buildings and their equipment keep catching on fire. Sir.”
Anderson scoffs. “I’ve seen their maintenance protocols. I’d be surprised if this doesn’t happen frequently.”
“Several of them also say they saw a ghost, sir.” The private winces, ducking into his shoulders and clearly knowing how ridiculous this sounds.
“So batarians also get schizophrenia,” Anderson comments with nothing more than a raised brow, though his mind whirls. One batarian hallucinating a manifestation of his own guilt is one thing; multiple saying the same is suspect.
A ghost, though? Anderson can’t help but wonder if there’s a bug in the translation software.
Tagging @wanderingaldecaldo and @steelphoto but very gently.
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ed7media07 · 17 days
Say Goodbye to Pests: The Ultimate Guide to Pest Control in Kanpur
Kanpur, a bustling city in the heart of Uttar Pradesh, is renowned for its rich industrial history, educational institutions, and vibrant culture. However, like any other urban area, it also faces significant challenges with pest infestations. From rodents scurrying through alleyways to insects invading homes, pests can cause immense distress and damage. This ultimate guide to pest control in Kanpur will equip you with the knowledge and strategies you need to protect your home and loved ones from these unwelcome intruders.
Understanding the Common Pests in Kanpur Before diving into pest control techniques, it’s crucial to understand the common pests you might encounter in Kanpur. Knowing what you're up against can help you tailor your pest control efforts more effectively.
Cockroaches Cockroaches are perhaps the most notorious pests in urban areas. They thrive in warm, humid environments and can be found in kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. These resilient pests can contaminate food and spread diseases, making them a significant health hazard.
Termites Termites are silent destroyers, causing extensive damage to wooden structures, furniture, and books. In Kanpur's climate, termites can proliferate rapidly, causing costly damage before you even notice their presence.
Ants Ants are common in both urban and rural areas of Kanpur. They invade homes in search of food and can quickly form large colonies. Some species, like carpenter ants, can even damage wooden structures.
Rodents Rats and mice are common rodent pests in Kanpur. They can cause significant structural damage by gnawing on wires, pipes, and insulation. Additionally, they pose serious health risks by contaminating food and spreading diseases.
Mosquitoes Given Kanpur’s humid climate, mosquitoes are a prevalent issue, especially during the monsoon season. These pests are not only annoying but also dangerous, as they can transmit diseases such as dengue fever and malaria.
Bed Bugs Bed bugs are becoming increasingly common in Kanpur, infesting homes, hotels, and dormitories. These tiny pests feed on human blood and can cause itchy, uncomfortable bites.
Effective Pest Control Strategies Now that you're familiar with the common pests in Kanpur, let's explore some effective strategies for keeping them at bay.
Maintain Cleanliness One of the most fundamental steps in pest control is maintaining a clean environment. Pests are attracted to food and water sources, so keeping your home clean and dry is essential.
Clean Regularly: Sweep, mop, and vacuum floors regularly to remove food particles and debris. Wash Dishes Promptly: Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight. Wash them promptly to prevent attracting pests. Store Food Properly: Use airtight containers to store food, including pet food, to keep pests out.
Seal Entry Points Pests can enter your home through tiny cracks and crevices. Inspect your home for potential entry points and seal them to prevent pests from gaining access.
Caulk Cracks and Gaps: Use caulk to seal cracks in walls, around windows, and doors. Install Weather Stripping: Ensure doors and windows are properly sealed with weather stripping to block pest entry. Repair Screens: Fix any holes or tears in window and door screens to keep flying insects out.
Manage Waste Properly Garbage can attract a variety of pests, so it's essential to manage it properly.
Use Sealed Bins: Use garbage bins with tight-fitting lids to prevent pests from accessing the trash. Dispose of Garbage Regularly: Take out the trash regularly to avoid attracting pests. Clean Bins: Clean garbage bins periodically to remove any residue that might attract pests.
Control Moisture Levels Many pests, such as cockroaches and termites, are attracted to moisture. Controlling moisture levels in your home can help deter these pests.
Fix Leaks: Repair any leaking pipes, faucets, or roofs promptly. Use Dehumidifiers: In damp areas like basements, use dehumidifiers to reduce moisture levels. Ventilate Properly: Ensure your home is well-ventilated, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms.
Maintain Your Yard Your yard can be a breeding ground for pests, so maintaining it properly is crucial.
Trim Vegetation: Keep trees, bushes, and shrubs trimmed and away from your home to prevent pests from using them as bridges. Remove Standing Water: Eliminate any standing water in your yard, as it can attract mosquitoes. Store Firewood Properly: Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your home to prevent termites from migrating indoors.
Use Natural Pest Repellents Natural pest repellents can be an effective way to deter pests without using harmful chemicals.
Essential Oils: Essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender can repel pests. Dilute with water and spray around entry points. Vinegar: A solution of vinegar and water can deter ants and other pests. Spray it around areas where pests are commonly found. Herbs and Plants: Plant herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary around your home to naturally repel pests.
Set Traps and Baits Traps and baits can help control pest populations effectively.
Rodent Traps: Use snap traps, glue traps, or live traps to capture and remove rodents. Ant Baits: Place ant baits near entry points and along ant trails to attract and eliminate ants. Cockroach Baits: Use cockroach baits in areas where you’ve seen cockroaches to reduce their population.
Monitor and Inspect Regularly Regular monitoring and inspection can help you catch pest problems early before they become severe.
Inspect Regularly: Conduct regular inspections of your home, particularly in areas where pests are commonly found. Use Monitoring Devices: Consider using monitoring devices like sticky traps to identify the presence of pests. Act Promptly: If you notice any signs of pests, take action immediately to prevent the problem from escalating.
Educate Yourself and Your Family Education is a powerful tool in pest control. By understanding pest behavior and prevention strategies, you can better protect your home.
Learn About Pests: Research the pests common in Kanpur to understand their habits and vulnerabilities. Teach Your Family: Educate your family members about pest prevention techniques to ensure everyone contributes to keeping the home pest-free. Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest pest control methods and products to enhance your pest control efforts.
Hire Professional Pest Control Services If you’re dealing with a severe infestation or want to ensure comprehensive pest control, hiring a professional service can be highly effective.
Choose Reputable Services: Look for pest control companies in Kanpur with good reviews and a solid reputation. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Opt for companies that use IPM, a holistic approach that combines multiple methods for effective and environmentally friendly pest control. Regular Treatments: Consider scheduling regular pest control treatments to maintain a pest-free home. Conclusion Pest control in Kanpur is essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. By understanding the common pests and implementing these effective strategies, you can say goodbye to pests and enjoy a pest-free home. Whether it’s through cleanliness, sealing entry points, managing waste, controlling moisture, or using natural repellents, taking proactive measures can make a significant difference. And when in doubt, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to ensure your home remains a safe haven from pests.
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localbugguy · 25 days
Mastering Pest Predicaments: Effective Strategies for Control
Pests are a persistent problem for many homeowners, causing damage to property and posing health risks. Effective pest control strategies are crucial for maintaining a pest-free environment, and understanding the different types of pests and their habits is key to achieving this goal. In this article, we will explore the various methods for controlling pests and provide guidance on how to choose the best approach for your specific situation.
Understanding Pests
Before discussing pest control strategies, it is essential to understand the different types of pests that can infest homes. Common household pests include rodents, cockroaches, ants, and bed bugs. Each type of pest has its unique characteristics, habits, and habitats, which are crucial factors to consider when developing a pest control plan.
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Identifying Pest Infestations
The first step in controlling pests is identifying the infestation. This involves recognizing the signs of pest activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, or actual sightings of the pests. It is also important to determine the source of the infestation, as this will help in developing an effective control strategy.
Effective Pest Control Strategies
There are several effective strategies for controlling pests, including:
Sealing Entry Points: One of the most effective ways to prevent pests from entering your home is by sealing all entry points. This includes sealing cracks and crevices around windows, doors, and pipes, as well as installing door sweeps and weatherstripping.
Removing Food Sources: Pests are attracted to food sources, so removing these sources is crucial for controlling infestations. This includes storing food in sealed containers, cleaning up crumbs and spills promptly, and keeping trash cans clean and covered.
Using Traps: Traps are a useful tool for controlling pests, especially for small infestations. There are various types of traps available, including sticky traps, bait traps, and UV light traps.
Chemical Control: Chemical control involves using pesticides to kill pests. This method is effective for larger infestations and can be used in conjunction with other control strategies.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM): IPM is a holistic approach to pest control that involves combining multiple control strategies to achieve the best results. This approach is particularly effective for managing pests in agricultural settings, but can also be applied to residential settings.
Pest Control in Temecula
For residents of Temecula, finding a reliable pest control service is crucial for maintaining a pest-free environment. Local Bug Guy offers effective pest control solutions in Temecula, using a combination of the strategies outlined above. Our experienced technicians will work with you to identify the source of the infestation and develop a customized control plan that meets your specific needs.
Pest Control Near Me
For those searching for pest control near me, Local Bug Guy is the trusted choice for effective pest control solutions. Our technicians are trained to handle a wide range of pest infestations, from rodents to bed bugs. With our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, we can provide you with a pest-free home quickly and efficiently.
Mastering pest predicaments requires a comprehensive understanding of the different types of pests and their habits, as well as effective strategies for controlling them. By sealing entry points, removing food sources, using traps, and employing chemical control, homeowners can effectively manage pest infestations. For residents of Temecula, Local Bug Guy offers reliable pest control solutions that cater to your specific needs. If you are searching for pest control near me, look no further than Local Bug Guy. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a pest-free home. Contact Local Bug Guy today to schedule your pest control service and take control of your pest predicaments.
Keyword: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=2446409826697932020 
Website: https://www.pestcontrolintemecula.com/ 
Phone Number: 951-227-7427
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bugoutpest · 2 months
Power Pest Control Redcliffe
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Termites are incredibly destructive pests. They eat away at timber structures, causing structural damage and creating a potential health hazard for your family.
Regular termite inspections are vital to keeping these slow moving wood-eating pests at bay. Termite inspections are performed by trained professionals using specialised equipment to locate and identify termite infestations. To know more about Power Pest Control Redcliffe, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
A reliable pre-purchase termite inspection is essential when purchasing any property in Redcliffe and North Brisbane. A thorough inspection will reveal any termite activity and allow you to take the necessary action to protect your investment.
Soil-applied barrier treatments such as Termidor are a great preventative measure. When termites pass through the treated soil on their way home, they are killed.
Brisbane’s warm, humid climate makes it easy for cockroaches to thrive. They enter homes and business through air ducts, cracks in walls, crevices, utility entry points and sewer connections. They are often found in kitchens and laundry rooms.
Outdoors, cockroaches can be found in rotting tree branches, leaf litter, tool sheds and piles of firewood. They can also hide in the soil under plants and soffits.
To reduce cockroach numbers, use glue traps along baseboards, under sinks and in bathrooms. You can also apply D-Fense Dust in a duster, puffing it into wall voids, behind electrical outlets and near plumbing connections. This product is a synthetic pyrethroid and works by interfering with nerve signals.
Ants are one of the most common pests in and around homes. They are opportunistic and will enter your home looking for food, water or shelter.
They love rotting logs and tend to nest in these, however they can also forage into gardens where they may disturb flower beds. They are a nuisance in many homes and contribute to structural wood damage.
Keeping rubbish bins emptied, wiping up liquid foods and not leaving pet food out if possible will help reduce ants in your property. Our KM Ant Pro dispenser uses non-repellent sprays to control ants, they are low in toxicity and contain boron which stops the ant’s digestive system.
Rodents are notorious for wriggling into your home or business through the tiniest of openings. This allows them to nestle in secluded spaces such as ceiling cavities or attics and cause severe damage.
They are also a health risk as their droppings can spread the potentially lethal Hantavirus which manifests with flu-like symptoms and may progress to respiratory issues. They can also chew through electrical wires causing fire hazards.
To prevent an infestation, regularly sweep and vacuum the area to remove food scraps, pet bedding, leaves, and other rodent debris. Also install door sweeps and repair cracks, screens vents and chimneys. Consider installing a mouse trap baited with peanut butter.
Mosquito control is a key element in protecting the public from mosquito-borne diseases, like West Nile virus. It involves four components: source reduction, larval control, adulticiding and biological control.
Eliminate standing water in old tires, flower pots, children’s toys and other containers where mosquitoes breed. Change out bird baths, wading pools and rain barrel water weekly, and keep swimming pool water treated and circulating.
Use a larvicide, such as Bti, in artificial ponds and in uncovered rain barrels to eliminate mosquito larvae. Another larval control product is methoprene, an insect growth regulator that disrupts a mosquito’s life cycle. This is a safer alternative to Bti.
If you’re plagued with Bed Bugs in your home, a professional pest control company can help. These tiny ecto-parasites interrupt sleep, tarnish bedding and cause skin problems. They’re difficult to kill and spread quickly without professional assistance. To know more about Power Pest Control Redcliffe, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
Vacuum and wash all fabrics in the affected room frequently to limit their spread. Double bag items that can’t be washed, and seal them in plastic bags until they can be properly treated or discarded. Use a crack and crevice treatment on baseboards, moldings, behind pictures, doors and window frames and along carpet edges.
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pristinegroupcleaning · 2 months
Hoarding Cleaning Services
The Hoarding Cleaning Services help people with hoarding disorder reclaim their lives and living spaces. These companies prioritize health, safety, and emotional well-being, making them an essential resource for those suffering from the condition. The company will provide a team of experts to assist in reorganizing the home, decluttering, and deep cleaning. They will also make sure all hazardous items are properly disposed of.
Many hoarders save items because of sentimental value, but the items may be infested with bugs, rodents, or even have human waste inside. This can be a real hazard to health and is extremely dangerous. Aside from posing a threat to personal hygiene, hoarded items can also increase the risk of injury and death in case of an emergency. In some cases, the excessive clutter can cause fires, or the weight of hoarded items can strain the home’s structure, causing cracks and broken floor joists.
If someone you love suffers from compulsive hoarding, it’s important to reach out for help before the situation becomes dangerous. Clutter can impact your loved one’s ability to work, eat, and sleep comfortably in their home. It can be difficult for them to navigate through cluttered hallways and rooms, and it can make it unsafe for pets and children to enter the house. In addition, it can be hard to cook, clean, or bathe in the home due to a lack of space.
The first step in overcoming hoarding is to seek treatment from a mental health professional. This is crucial for the recovery process, and will allow a hoarder to learn how to manage their condition effectively. The next step is obtaining a hoarding cleanup service to completely clear the cluttered home and restore it to a safe and healthy living space. The service will be able to address all of the issues associated with the condition and help your loved one live their best life.
When selecting a hoarding cleaning company, it’s vital to find a reputable firm that has experience and a proven track record. The company should also be licensed and insured. This will ensure that the company has the proper tools and equipment to safely perform the job. The company should also have access to eye protection, gloves, puncture-resistant gloves, dust masks, hard hats, biohazard suits, and respiratory equipment.
If you’re unsure of how to approach a hoarding situation, reach out for help from a local home cleaning service in New York. A team of trained professionals can handle the cleanup, and can also teach your loved one how to cope with their condition moving forward. They can also teach them how to organize their space and keep it clean for the future. The process can be long and time-consuming, but it’s worth it to get your loved ones back into a safe, sanitary living environment. Contact your local SERVPRO(r) today for more information about hoarding cleaning services.
Pristine Group Cleaning provides unrivaled quality cleaning services to Houses, Apartments, Townhouses, Estates, and Small Offices throughout Sydney. Hire our professional cleaning services in Sydney and transform the entire look and feel of your place with us! We are ready to sweep off your feet with cleaning services in Sydney. We are passionate about our work and keep up with technology and progress.
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