#Building design coordination tools
nnctales · 10 months
Exploring the Diverse Landscape of BIM Software in Construction: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction: In the ever-evolving field of construction, Building Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged as a transformative technology that revolutionizes the way buildings are designed, constructed, and managed. BIM software plays a pivotal role in enhancing collaboration, improving efficiency, and minimizing errors throughout the construction process. This article delves into the various…
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faesystem · 10 months
As an ambulatory wheelchair user I have so many thoughts about how people draw/write disabled!Scar. This is sort of a guide/insight from a disabled person about writing/drawing disabled people.
Specifically in regards to wheelchair users.
Do not get me wrong, this fandom is genuinely probably the best group of people I have ever seen when it comes to drawing wheelchairs. I do not believe I have ever seen Scar fanart where he is in a completely unusable, horrible, hospital chair. It is so clear people have taken the time and energy to research into wheelchairs and I love it. I am in no way saying stop that.
I just think people could maybe put a little bit more consideration into him being disabled beyond visual appearance.
I saw a really amazing artwork of SL!Scar and he is in a sports chair. Which is really cool, in many ways, as it shows some thought being put into the setting. If I were in combat, I would in fact like to not be knocked from my chair or have my chair tipped over.
Yet, you have very limited mobility in a sports chair. It is, by design, made to prevent you from tipping over. Which means that you are incapable of going over bumps, really, let alone natural terrain.
Just in general, there really is not any wheelchair that exists in our world that would allow wheelchair users to exist in a setting like the life series.
So, I have some ideas:
- Horses. Hands down my biggest suggestion. Especially with Secret Life they fit in very well with the setting, everyone uses them, and it fits the bill perfectly for what he would need. Especially considering Scar is an archer, it makes a lot of sense for him to be on horseback. It suits him and his style of fighting so well.
- Some sort of redstone power chair. There are all sorts of ways you could design something like this. Perhaps with pistons that push down against the ground, allowing for jumps. Perhaps just a series of pistions functioning as like a bunch of little spider legs. There are a lot of things you can do with that, you can get very creative.
- For my Vex!Scar lovers, you could have magic be used as a mobility aid. Perhaps a magic wheelchair, or perhaps a magic exoskeleton.
And with all of the ideas, considering how they fit into the setting really changes everything. What are the strengths? What are the draw backs?
With horses, they are strong and fast and agile. But they are big, it is hard to fit into small spaces, and they can be killed.
With some sort of redstone chair, I feel as though it would make sense for it to be robust and strong. Depending on how it is constructed, something fast and agile or perhaps something a bit slower and more clunky. Is it loud? How would stealth work in something like that?
When it comes to any sort of magic you do not want it to fix the disability. It is a mobility aid like any other. Not perfect, not the same as not being disabled, just another tool with its own unique draw backs. Perhaps magic is draining or it takes concentration. Would he tire quicker than others? Would he require food quicker than others? Is it possible for him to lose focus on it in a stressful situation, leaving him stuck until he can calm himself down?
Other things to consider are really specifically the setting as well as what disability you are giving him.
I feel as though on Hermitcraft an option like a redstone chair just makes a lot of sense. Multiple redstone chairs, even, all constructed differently for different uses. Such as ones for building. How does long distance travel work with the chair and how you lore your setting? Is it something he can put in his inventory? Is it something he remains in when using an elytra? Does that have any draw backs, such as being slower or needing more rockets or being less coordinated in the air?
I feel as though in the life series a mix of vex magic and horses makes a lot of sense. The magic is good for small spaces and short trips and emergencies, but it is too tiring to travel across the map with and too much effort to maintain when he needs to concentrate on battles. That would be where the horse comes into play.
As for what disability, well, it truly depends. Most of my rambles here have been based upon paraplegia, because I often times see people making him an ambulatory wheelchair user just because they do not know what to do otherwise.
Not that making him an ambulatory wheelchair user is a bad thing by any means. I am one and I adore reading stories like that. It is just a bit clear that a lot of you are quite lost as to how to navigate hurdles disabled people face, so you make it so he can walk over those hurdles. Which, once again, I am not shaming you for! This post is just to show there are other options
But in the case of him being an ambulatory wheelchair user: why is he one?
Mobilities aids are disabling unless you need them. You cannot access spaces or you do not have hands free or any number of things. What to the Scar you are writing makes using mobility aids helpful instead of a hindrance? What times are they more trouble than help, and what cost is there for not using it?
A good example is if Scar can walk around short distances with minimal difficulty/drawback, but long distances are painful or physically not possible.
Look into different disabilities and consider it. A lot of people tend to default to chronic pain because that tends to be quite a common one across a lot of disabled people, but there are a lot more different reasons why.
It could also be that he is very slow because of his disabilities. I have muscle weakness sometimes because of my FND, and it is like moving through sludge whenever I try and move.
It could also be that the mobility aids are a preventative measure. He does not need to use his wheelchair, unless he has done too much walking and then his body refuses to support his weight. He does not need to use his wheelchair, but when he does not he is a lot more likely to dislocate something and then yeah he can't walk. He does not need to use his wheelchair, but he is a fall risk especially after a lot of walking or running. Him being in his wheelchair prevents him from falling! (And if he's a fall risk, maybe he's strapped in too!)
I just have so many thoughts and I wanted to share them.
I see so many of you putting in effort already and it warms my heart. It is why I feel comfortable enough to make this post, because clearly you all care a lot about representing disabled people well.
If you have read this far thank you so much. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions.
Edit: I made a rough redstone wheelchair design. It is one of the few reblogs that has comments, if you filter for that you should be able to find it. If not, reply to the post and I can send you the link to it. :]
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power-chords · 11 days
Jodie Tillen (season one costume designer): I was a creative tool for Michael, and he was right [in his choices].
We coordinated the clothing colors with the locations: If a restaurant’s walls were peach, you made sure the costumes weren’t peach.
The lead characters had to dress and look like the people they were after. The hot and humid Miami weather — and Michael — dictated the colors. He said, “No earth tones, no red.” The show changed the way men who were fearful of wearing pastels dressed. It gave them permission to wear them. Initially, Don was uncomfortable in pastels. He thought that wasn’t who the character was. But any pushback I got from him, Michael cleared up.
The characters had to wear guns and shoulder holsters, so jackets needed to be fitted to accommodate that and not blatantly reveal they were carrying a gun. We didn’t have enough time to custom-fit costumes, because I had to come up with at least 75 for a new show every seven days. We needed many multiples since we had to dress the stunt people, and also the costumes would get sweaty and dirty.
Michael Mann: The music was my concept, with help from a number of people who picked some of it. Tony also had an appreciation for the type of music needed. But the final selection was mine. We had a couple of soundtrack albums that topped the charts.
Jan Hammer (theme composer): Michael said he didn’t want the theme music to be generic TV drama music, so I pulled out a cassette and played him things I had done on my own. One — a high-energy, driving piece — ended up being the theme. Michael was known for being a control freak, but he was the total opposite with me. When we found out we were getting picked up, he told me I had total artistic freedom.
Philip Michael Thomas: In the episode “The Maze,” I sang the title song of my album, Living the Book of My Life. I added it a cappella when I was undercover walking into a building and up the stairs.
David Rosenbloom (pilot editor): [Director] Thomas Carter came up with the idea of using the Phil Collins song “In the Air Tonight” when Don calls his wife from a phone booth on the highway, with this neon sign in back that says “Bernay’s Café.” It was almost surreal. It captured most of what the series might become. That song went on to be the one most associated with the show.
Excerpted from Miami Vice at 40: An Oral History
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I found a goth speakeasy/coffee shop by my school that does a Thursday tabletop night where you can bring and run your own games and I was wondering if you had any recommendations for games you'd feel comfterble running with a table of strangers / mostly strangers? Thank you!!
THEME: Games to Run with Strangers.
Hello friend, fall comes upon us and I finally get around to answering your ask. Thank you so much for your patience! I’d definitely recommend bringing some safety tools to any of these games, since you’re playing them with strangers. That being said, I tried to pick games that were easy to pick up and quick to learn considering you’d probably want each session to be a standalone one.
I often run games with groups of people who don't know each-other beforehand, and I'd recommend allowing silliness to blossom when possible, even if you're running a spooky game. Let’s see what we can find!
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Wizardry and Bureaucracy, by Oh Little Moth.
You are a member of the National Parks Service. You and your team would do just about anything to protect your national park. Also, you’re wizards. But all the magic in the world can’t save you from the slog of paperwork you have to endure as a civil servant. Your mission is to preserve your park and all creatures living in it, promote a love of nature and the environment, and also keep park visitors from seeing through the curtain separating the magical from the mundane.
Like most Lasers and Feelings games, this has quite a bit packed into one page. Easy character generation, a standard list of gear, an introduction where you collaboratively design your park, and the classic Lasers and Feelings mechanic that makes you automatically better at one thing and worse at another. The game is also set up to be raucously silly. This game includes the very good piece of GM advice that I adore for improv: ask questions and build on the answers. You don’t have to come up with the entire story yourself! Give your players the chance to tell you how exactly magic interacts with the local National Park.
The Children of Saturn, by Dan John Crowler.
The people of Petrikstein are tormented by a blood craving beast prowling the night. Players take the roles of parish appointed investigators on a mission to find and slay this alleged Vampyr, before it claims even more lives. Will they be able to find out the truth in web of lies, myths, and fear fueled superstitions? Play to find out!
The Children of Saturn is a neat little game that combines the Keys mechanic from John Harper’s Lady Blackbird with the graded 2d6 roll of Powered by the Apocalypse. You can accumulate dice to roll depending on whether the action in question is in line with your character, and failure increases the chances of success the next time you roll. The characters are pre-made to some extent, but the players will be able to make them unique through names, descriptions, and how they decide to role-play. This game also come with a small hex map for your characters to explore - and everything fits on one page! If you want something spooky and quick to prep, this is definitely worth checking out.
2400, by Jason Tocci.
2400 is lo-fi sci-fi. It’s centuries in the future, and it’s a decades-old modem that screams like a dying robot when it connects to the net. It’s a space ship with an FTL drive, artificial gravity, and a flickering display you gotta tap a few times to see the jump coordinates. It’s hacking something together with whatever cheap materials you have on hand, ignoring the rules until you need them, banging out something that might not sound finished, but definitely sounds fun.
The 2400 system is a stripped-down ruleset inspired by the OSR that has been used to create a number of hacks in different settings. Every time I’ve run a 24XX game, the session lasted about 2 hours, so it definitely has the ability to play quick. The original page for 2400 currently has over 20 different settings to choose from, so if one of them really hits off, you could come back with a different setting each week for your friends to play through!
The Great Soul Train Robbery, by Cloven Pine Games.
On the road to hell there was a railway line. An express train to the infernal city of Dis, crewed by furies and carrying treasure and souls to damnation. You’re going to rob it.
The Great Soul Train Robbery is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2–6 players and 1 gamemaster about Desperados robbing the train to Hell. Spin an allegorical Weird Western yarn as your sharpshooters, fiddlers, homesteader widows, and other Desperados attempt a Hellish train heist. Will you claim your prize from the train, or be overcome, damned, or broken by the heist?
This is probably the biggest Honey Heist - inspired game that I’ve seen to date. It’s a solid pitch, with very little background needed in order for your players to grasp what exactly it is they’re doing. If players aren’t sure what kind of character they want to make, all of the options have d6 roll tables to give your group a goal, your train some complications, and your character a name and a special item. There’s quite a few pages of GM advice in this, which is probably a big boon to anyone running the game, as it allows you to construct a more complex train than what you might have created out of the top of your head. I’d probably even just steal the train construction section to use for other similar games!
Hold Your Own, by Sharkbomb Studios.
It's a time and place, not unlike the one that you, the players, grew up in. A dark mirror of the decade of your youth.  You play as a group of friends at the cusp of adolescence and life is hard. You're unpopular and unwanted. All you've got is each other.
But it comes worse: A strange menace threatens to devour everyone you know. And nobody wants to believe you, not the teachers, not the parents. It looks like it's up to you to save your home.
Fans of It and Stranger Things will probably like this game. This game uses small dice pools and four basic stats. You’ll be facing off against an antagonist called the Menace, a threat that the rest of the community believes doesn’t exist. The Menace will always be strong enough to provide a challenge, and as you play, you’ll learn more and more about what it is exactly that you’re fighting against. This is a great game for fans of suspense, and it’s also small enough to learn it within the few hours that you’d have at a coffee shop.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Something is Wrong with the Chickens, by Elliot Davis.
Koboldly Go, by CoffeeSnake Studios.
Faewater, by A Smouldering Lighthouse.
The Station, by pidj.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
Izuko x reader?
Mine (pro!Midoriya Izuku x You)
summary: during a coordinated attack on hero agencies, the number one hero tells you to jump.
word count: 1.6k
cw: descriptions of injuries, canon-typical violence, explosions, swearing, brief mention of the marvel cinematic universe and the multiverse
tags: strangers to lovers, meet ugly, he falls first but you fall (literally), i want to marry prohero deku
note: hi, thank you for your request! i hope you like it! title is based on the taylor swift song, same as most of my other works lol.
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated :))
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“Do you think you’d still find me if we were living in another universe?” Toned arms wrapped around your body as you laid your head on his chest, tracing the scars on his forearms with your fingers. He mutters the question into the top of your head, resting his head on top of yours. 
“Of course, I would, babe.” One of your favorite things about dating Izuku is how unapologetically imaginative he was, and how comfortable he felt sharing the random ideas that popped into his brain with you. “Why? What’s on your mind?”
He shrugs, releasing you temporarily as you adjust your position with him on the couch and snag the remote to put on a movie. “Nothing, just thinking about alternate realities and stuff.” 
You can’t help but laugh a little bit at the poorly-masked earnestness in his voice. “You’re taking the new MCU arc too seriously, Zuku.” Opening the first streaming service you see, you scroll through the options and land on a nature documentary about monkeys in Southeast Asia. 
“But if the multiverse is real–” 
You cut him off with a quick peck on the corner of his pretty mouth. “Then we’d make our way to each other, somehow.” 
“You really think so?”
“I know so, Zu.” He hums in contentment and pulls you closer to him, shutting his eyes in pure happiness. “Promise that if we ever get thrown into a different universe you’ll find me?”
“I promise. You’re the best thing that’s ever been mine.”
You’d fallen for him a year ago, quite literally. 
After studying patrol patterns for months, a villain organization had planted explosives on the structural supports of top hero agencies in a coordinated attack to confuse pros on what to prioritize first, their own agencies or the agency that just happened to be closer to them. You were a support tech for the Dynamight agency, responsible for repairing his gauntlets and subtly changing the design plan to make them more efficient despite his adamant protests that they didn’t need upgrades. 
When the first blast went off, it felt like the building had turned into a ship in the middle of a raging ocean, tilting the floor to a sharp angle as equipment and tools fell from shattered windows. Agency workers screamed as they slid to the opposite side of the room, desperately trying to make it to the only staircase that remained intact. Struggling to regain your footing, you stumbled toward the solid ground as the second explosive detonated, throwing you forward to the other side of the workshop. Scrapes and scratches covered your exposed forearms, and a deep gash throbbed on your upper thigh from a worktable you’d barely managed to avoid. 
Your hand found the handle of a locked supply closet door, and your arms shook with effort as you pulled other employees in the direction of the staircase, throat sore from yelling to get away from the gaping windows. When the last of the other techs were safely hurrying down the stairs, you planted your legs and tried to climb to the stairwell despite the increasingly steep angle of the floor as the building continued to slump sideways. But, sooner than you could reach the exit, the lock on the door broke, swinging the door open as miscellaneous power tools showered you and threatened to knock off your grip on the handle. You hung there, completely defenseless and alone, poised to fall straight through an open window once your hand strength failed. A flash of dark green caught your eye from the corner of your vision, and you saw a figure standing against a neighboring building. A tendril of flowing black energy reached out to you and you strained to grab it, but it pulled back quickly as a chunk of concrete narrowly missed your hanging body. 
“Oi, Deku! Is everybody out?!” The familiar sound of Bakugo’s gauntlets you had recently upgraded cut through the sound of falling debris, and you felt oddly comforted knowing that he was there. Your ears strained to hear the shouted conversation between Bakugo and the unknown voice. 
“Kacchan! What are you doing here?” 
“This is my agency, dumbass! Did everyone get out?”
“No, there’s one more person inside, but the debris is making it hard for me to get through.” 
“Shit, that’s the extra who fixes my stuff.”
“Is now really the best time to be referring to civilians as extras, Kacchan?” 
There’s a pause in their conversation, and for a second you worry thinking that they’d abandoned you. You were gonna die and the last thing you hear is two men bickering. Go figure. 
Bakugo’s rough voice sounded through the noises of crumbling concrete and bending metal. “Fucking hell, they hit Todoroki’s agency.”
“Go, Kacchan. I’ll get this last person and then meet you there.”
“If they die on your watch, dumbass–”
“You’ll kill me and everyone that I love! I know I know, I know! Just get the hell out of here, Kacchan!” The sound of gauntlet blasts receded into the distance.
“Hey!” Suddenly, the figure was talking to you, waving its arms to get your attention. “You need to jump! I’m gonna catch you!”
You managed to get your other hand on the door handle but were still just as in precarious of a position as you were before. “You’re out of your mind!” You screamed back, and the figure looked around anxiously, clenching and unclenching their fists worriedly. 
“This building is gonna come down at any minute with you inside! Please, just trust me!” A glance back at the stairwell revealed a gaping hole and the horrifying realization that you had to let go of the door sent panic through your entire body. The figure must have sensed your panic, too. “Hey! You’re gonna be okay, I promise! Just push off that wall and jump toward me, okay? I’m gonna catch you!” Eyes wide, you looked at the figure and they nodded, holding out a gloved hand presumably for you to grab onto. 
After a deep breath, you readied your feet against the wall the door was creaking dangerously on and launched yourself out of the nearest open window. The figure vanished in a blink as you fell through open air and squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation of hitting the ground. No death came, however, as you collided with a firm body and buried your head in its shoulder. The cold air stung the numerous scratches on your arms, and the wound on your thigh had gone so numb that you couldn’t feel the entire leg. Setting you on the ground, steady hands came up to support you when your legs gave out beneath you from exhaustion. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Stay with me. It’s gonna be really hard to ask you out if you go unconscious,” the same voice that told you to jump rang through your ears and you were sure you hallucinated the last part of that string of sentences. Your legs were swept from under you as a hand came to cradle your back and your head lulled against the chest of the person carrying you to a med tent. “Take care of them, please.”
“We will. Thank you, Deku.” 
When you finally came to, you carefully sat up, groaning at the blinding pain in your forehead and soreness in your legs. Eyes squinting against the harsh light inside the tent, your hands felt the sturdy canvas cot beneath you, and the memory of what happened returned to you in flashes. 
The plastic privacy curtain slid to the side, and you heard a relieved sigh as you struggled to keep your eyes open from the bright light. “You’re okay. Holy shit, I’m so glad you’re okay.” The figure moved to sit on a stool near your cot, and you finally had a clear picture of your rescuer’s freckled face and mop of green hair. You couldn’t do anything but sit there in shock that the person who’d saved you was the number one hero, and he’d actually returned to visit you instead of checking on his own agency. “It’s okay if you can’t talk right now; the dust might have irritated your vocal cords.”
Your voice comes out hoarse in ugly, but Deku still smiles at you warmly. “You…saved me?” 
“I kinda had to; I saw you doing my job before I had the chance to swing in.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “The others in the building, in the workshop with you? You were helping them to the stairway, right?” You nodded weakly, and his eyes shined in awe. “That was really brave of you to do. I just wanted to tell you since Kacchan’s probably gonna yell at you for prioritizing others instead of yourself.” 
“Oh, goodie. I can hear him now,” you sarcastically deadpan. Deku’s laugh is bright and friendly, and you can’t help but smile a little bit too. “Thank you, Deku, for saving me.” His mouth gapes and you swear his face turns slightly redder. “I’m really grateful that you came for me.” You shakily reach for his hand, giving it a little squeeze and feeling your heart stop when he squeezes back. “I know it’s not typical protocol for being saved by a pro hero, but could I maybe buy you dinner sometime? As payback for not letting me fall to my death?”
He stutters, combing a calloused hand through his messy hair. “Yeah, I’d love that.”
“Alright, Deku, uh–”
“Call me Izuku. Please.” 
“Alright, then, Izuku, do you have a favorite spot to eat?” 
And somewhere between then and now, going out became staying in, coffee dates became cooking together, an empty bed became a room for two, and Izuku became yours in a way that no one else could claim.
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utilitycaster · 6 months
26. freebie question, a good while back (before the party split) you mentioned that a possibly interesting ship would be Imogen/FCG. Obviously canon has not gone that direction, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on Imogen and FCG's relationship :D
It is interesting because Imogen hasn't interacted with FCG a ton. I think that friendship sort of fizzled out once FCG started believing in their personhood and particularly after they began building a relationship with the Changebringer. Imogen was not terribly supportive of that (possibly jealous, or possibly just not sure how to engage with it) and so there really hasn't been much.
They are really interesting as parallels, actually, though actually pretty much everyone in the party except for Orym and Chetney fit in this to some degree. Like Imogen (and Fearne), FCG was given particular powers by a megalomaniacal entity, for the purpose of furthering those goals. I think Predathos grants somewhat more agency to loyal Ruidusborn than Aeor entrusted FCG with, though that is to be seen, but there's something very tragic, in my mind, from Imogen's perspective, about how FCG was the tool of a destroyed empire, and so while he still carries those scars and consequences, he actually does have the freedom to be his own person. FCG has to manage a serious chronic condition, essentially, but they don't have missions, and unless some of the wilder theories are right (and they could be, though I have my doubts) the ones who did this to them are long dead. Is this her future? Will she be left with dreams and telepathy even if they defeat Predathos? Will they be the upsides (controllable sorcery powers) or the downsides (nightmares, uncontrollable sorcery powers)? Why did FCG get to just sleep through the hard part and she has to fight her way out?
It really is a fascinating thing about the party: Fearne and FCG were designed to be who they are (though Fearne's upbringing at least was her own). Ashton was partially created in a cult ritual (though it remains unclear if they were the intended recipient or merely the one it happened to stick to). I don't think Imogen was planned a la Fearne, but I do wonder if Predathos or the Weave Mind did specifically target Liliana to ensure her daughter would also be Ruidusborn. While the nature of Laudna's sorcery abilities hasn't come up (and, to be fair, a lot of sorcery abilities in D&D are just like "well that happened to your baby, idk what to tell you") she was used by Delilah for that as well. So much of this party shares this with Imogen and FCG but I think they are the most extreme examples (Fearne is mostly unaffected physically/mentally though obviously learning of her origins is unsettling and upsetting, and Ashton and Laudna's situations mostly hurt them and not as often others, though Laudna's is increasingly a crapshoot) and I think as this became apparent and as they both grew more comfortable with who they were they sort of lost that connection.
They do still share a lot of powers though and I'd love to see them talk again - Laura and Sam always play off each other well, and those earlier interactions where they both tried to read each other's thoughts, or coordinate probing Ashton or Ollie's mind, or the first casting of Shared Dream were all delightful - but they have drifted apart since.
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mariacallous · 4 months
ChatGPT developer OpenAI’s approach to building artificial intelligence came under fire this week from former employees who accuse the company of taking unnecessary risks with technology that could become harmful.
Today, OpenAI released a new research paper apparently aimed at showing it is serious about tackling AI risk by making its models more explainable. In the paper, researchers from the company lay out a way to peer inside the AI model that powers ChatGPT. They devise a method of identifying how the model stores certain concepts—including those that might cause an AI system to misbehave.
Although the research makes OpenAI’s work on keeping AI in check more visible, it also highlights recent turmoil at the company. The new research was performed by the recently disbanded “superalignment” team at OpenAI that was dedicated to studying the technology’s long-term risks.
The former group’s coleads, Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike—both of whom have left OpenAI—are named as coauthors. Sutskever, a cofounder of OpenAI and formerly chief scientist, was among the board members who voted to fire CEO Sam Altman last November, triggering a chaotic few days that culminated in Altman’s return as leader.
ChatGPT is powered by a family of so-called large language models called GPT, based on an approach to machine learning known as artificial neural networks. These mathematical networks have shown great power to learn useful tasks by analyzing example data, but their workings cannot be easily scrutinized as conventional computer programs can. The complex interplay between the layers of “neurons” within an artificial neural network makes reverse engineering why a system like ChatGPT came up with a particular response hugely challenging.
“Unlike with most human creations, we don’t really understand the inner workings of neural networks,” the researchers behind the work wrote in an accompanying blog post. Some prominent AI researchers believe that the most powerful AI models, including ChatGPT, could perhaps be used to design chemical or biological weapons and coordinate cyberattacks. A longer-term concern is that AI models may choose to hide information or act in harmful ways in order to achieve their goals.
OpenAI’s new paper outlines a technique that lessens the mystery a little, by identifying patterns that represent specific concepts inside a machine learning system with help from an additional machine learning model. The key innovation is in refining the network used to peer inside the system of interest by identifying concepts, to make it more efficient.
OpenAI proved out the approach by identifying patterns that represent concepts inside GPT-4, one of its largest AI models. The company released code related to the interpretability work, as well as a visualization tool that can be used to see how words in different sentences activate concepts, including profanity and erotic content, in GPT-4 and another model. Knowing how a model represents certain concepts could be a step toward being able to dial down those associated with unwanted behavior, to keep an AI system on the rails. It could also make it possible to tune an AI system to favor certain topics or ideas.
Even though LLMs defy easy interrogation, a growing body of research suggests they can be poked and prodded in ways that reveal useful information. Anthropic, an OpenAI competitor backed by Amazon and Google, published similar work on AI interpretability last month. To demonstrate how the behavior of AI systems might be tuned, the company's researchers created a chatbot obsessed with San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. And simply asking an LLM to explain its reasoning can sometimes yield insights.
“It’s exciting progress,” says David Bau, a professor at Northeastern University who works on AI explainability, of the new OpenAI research. “As a field, we need to be learning how to understand and scrutinize these large models much better.”
Bau says the OpenAI team’s main innovation is in showing a more efficient way to configure a small neural network that can be used to understand the components of a larger one. But he also notes that the technique needs to be refined to make it more reliable. “There’s still a lot of work ahead in using these methods to create fully understandable explanations,” Bau says.
Bau is part of a US government-funded effort called the National Deep Inference Fabric, which will make cloud computing resources available to academic researchers so that they too can probe especially powerful AI models. “We need to figure out how we can enable scientists to do this work even if they are not working at these large companies,” he says.
OpenAI’s researchers acknowledge in their paper that further work needs to be done to improve their method, but also say they hope it will lead to practical ways to control AI models. “We hope that one day, interpretability can provide us with new ways to reason about model safety and robustness, and significantly increase our trust in powerful AI models by giving strong assurances about their behavior,” they write.
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natadachoco · 2 years
a pretty good reunion
this is @twic0rd​‘s christmas gift exchange!! It’s a 3.5k words of a mumscarian injury fic set it an unknown timeline (after season 8). Technically it’s a hurt/comfort, but I’m not very good at hurting my boys so it’s mostly fluff. It starts off with established Scarian with pining Mumbo and ends with the three of them getting together. Enjoy!!
There are some things in this world that are self-evident.
Therefore, due having to put up with things like preening, being monitored all times by your adoptive keepers, and having to cut wing holes out of everything he wore, he was allowed to torment them as much as he wanted.
One, Grian had wings.
Two, Scar and Mumbo did not.
(He convenient ignored the fact that as a shapeshifter, Mumbo could have wings too, but he didn’t have the helicopter watchers that came with Grian’s wings, so they didn’t count.)
Mumbo’s roof made a terrible perch. The first few times he tried landing on it, his talons unsuccessfully grappled with the slick tile and it usually ended with him falling flat on his ass. Several more smashes into the balcony later — and a few grooves he definitely didn’t deliberately scratch into the roof — he got the hang of it. Still wasn’t a pleasant feeling under his feet, though.
He ignored the tutting, fussing voices in the back of his head. He was a bird on a mission: make Mumbo’s life a living hell for leaving him so lo— for generating so much lag. He'll have a fun surprise waiting for him when he finally logs back on. What to do?
Blue eyes lit up as an idea popped into his head. 
Leafiana. Treesia’s grafted clone, because if the hermits can transcend dimensions and hop into a new server, why can’t Treesia? 
Well. He can pretend, anyways.
Talons clicked against roof tile as he launched from his perch in the rough direction of a forest. Grian never really got the hang of using the coordinates embedded in his communicator properly, relying more on his avian instincts to guide him.
He flew until the yellowed grass of the plains gave over to the brighter, truer greens of the forest. Ferns squished under him as he landed. He grinned softly to himself when he felt the foliage against his feet. He loved building, exploring structure and design in a way that can’t really be done in 2D, but sometimes he just wanted to build a nest in the trees and sleep with only a canopy to protect him instead of in his giant mansions and super-future towers. 
“I keep getting distracted,” he muttered to himself. He was here to gather materials for Treesia 2.0, and that meant getting his axe out and doing some chopping. 
Thud. Crash. Whatever other sounds trees made when they crashed down in a forest. Grian stood back to admire his haul, grimacing at the thought of having to chop these oaks up even further so he can shove them in shulkers. He wiped the sweat from his brow with his wing, hands currently occupied with a very sharp tool, before grimacing at the sticky mess of dirt that was now on his brightly coloured feathers. He sighed. As if he hadn’t had enough preening to do when he got back. 
He looked at the felled logs. It was probably around ten stacks, but he remembered needing at least half a shulker box for Treesia, and he certainly didn’t want to be outdone by past Grian, so he sighed and resigned himself to spending the next hour chopping more wood.
He should’ve chosen his next tree more carefully. It only took one hit of the axe to do this, after all. 
A high-pitched scream echoed throughout the forest. He barely registered it was his own. Blood flowed steadily out of Grian’s scalp and onto the crumpled ferns below, saturating the dark earth underneath. He tried to lift a hand to stem the flow, but only now did he notice that the branch that cut a gash into his head and knocked him over was now crushing his arm and wing. It must’ve already been on the verge of breaking, and his axe hit was just the final straw, he thought blearily. If he continued thinking a mile a minute, the pain wouldn’t consume him. 
Too bad, the universe said. You’re gonna hurt anyways. Whatever adrenaline was keeping the pain at bay long enough for him to take in his situation before was not pulling its weight anymore. His back throbbed angrily and pain laced through his wings from being stuck in such unnatural positions, not to mention the giant tree branch that was still on top of him. Grian could swear that he could hear the other Watchers laughing at his plight. Imagine what you could have done if you didn’t leave us, he bet they were whispering. Leaving to frolic among mortals. 
His communicator. He needed his communicator.
The bright light of the screen shocked a migraine into him. Great. He probably had a concussion on top of all his other injuries, too. I hope I didn’t type it wrong, he thought, just before black overtook his vision. He was always terrible at using coordinates.
[help me]
[1083, -3872]
Scar’s communicator beeped. He glanced down, lit up by a nearby beacon beam with a pickaxe in hand. He had just been gathering more andesite for a new build. 
His heart stopped. 
His pickaxe clattered to the floor as he quickly grabbed his rockets and set off in the direction of a certain pesky bird. If his boyfriend wanted help with a build, or even just to prank someone, he’d send a little more than just a depressingly short message and a set of coordinates. It was up to him to make sure he was okay; no one else was online except for an afk Tango. Even if it was a prank, Scar couldn’t possibly leave him alone.
His worry grew as he neared the coordinates. He was nowhere near any Hermit’s base; in fact, he had been flying over ocean for who knows how long. Had Grian typed them wrong? 
He looked at the coordinates again, trying to think of where it could possibly be, if not here. The easiest mistake to make is forgetting a negative, a mistake he knew from experience was far too easy to make. He racked his brain trying to remember what was around -1100, -3900. Mumbo’s base was within a few hundred blocks. It wasn’t that close, but it was all he could remember. 
Hopefully it was the right decision, he thought. Grian had been waiting for him long enough.
This time, a forest faded into view as he flew in. You can have accidents in forests, right? Scar knew he had enough issues navigating their dark, not Scar Safe premises. He dived downwards into the canopy when he reached the coordinates, only realising a little bit too late that that may have not been a very good idea.
A branch caught him in the stomach and he wheezed. A sucker punch was better than this. He panted as he caught his breath, hanging over the branch like he was laundry on a clothesline. He opened his eyes to see if he could spot some familiar feathers, but his hard-won air was forced out of him once again as he took in the scene before him.
"What in the world, Grian!?"
Grian was usually a sight for sore eyes, but the blood and the unnaturally crooked wings made his eyes sore. 
"Hang on, I'm coming to get you!" He shouted. He was half aware that Grian was probably out cold and couldn't hear him, but he felt the odd need to say it anyway. It was like there was an audience watching him. 
He wriggled off the branch and landed beside Grian with an 'oof'. He grimaced at the squelch of the ground, nearly gagging when he lifted his hands and saw that they were covered in brick red dust. The top layer of the blood must've dri-
How long has he been here? 
Spurred on by the icy realisation, he tried to lift the tree branch up to no avail. Never had he cursed being one of the physically weakest Hermits so much. He rummaged through his inventory to see if there was anything he could use, panic setting in, and then remembering that in his haste, he hadn't even thought to get healing potions or even a golden apple.
He bit his lip as he wondered whether going back to the shopping district to grab some potions would be worth the time sacrifice. Just as he was about to leave, his communicator beeps again. 
[MumboJumbo joined the game.]
Shaking his head, he blinked a few more times to make sure he read the message properly. 
Nope, still the same. 
Any other time, he would be celebrating the return of the mustached man, but he was in quite the worrying situation right now. He could make use of this, though.
[mumbo can you get some healing poitons please?] 
[-1083, -3872]
[sure thing] 
And exhale.
Help was coming, and it was someone they had missed very, very, much. 
In the meantime, though, he had a head wound to bandage. 
"Ugh, my wings," Grian muttered. His head was pounding something awful but he had to get up, get this branch off him…
He paused. 
The weight he felt on him wasn’t the branch; it was a blanket. He gingerly felt around his throbbing head. It was bandaged. His arm and wings too, though the latter was done far more messy and crushed a few more of his feathers than he would've liked. Who had…?
The neat sorting system and redstone residue everywhere told him he was inside Mumbo's base. But it couldn't be Mumbo, because Mumbo wasn't her–
"Oh thank goodness, Grian! You're awake!" Scar appeared at the door, smiling his massive smile, crow's feet appearing in the outer corners of his eyes. He grabbed a cup of water from the bedside table and thrust it at Grian, spilling half of it over the blankets in the process. 
They took a minute to stare at the mess.
"I never think I can get any clumsier, but I beat my own records every time I move," Scar moped. 
Grian would be a lot more annoyed if he didn't look so genuinely upset, already grabbing a cloth to mop up the excess and moving to grab another blanket from the closet. While Scar was here, though, he might as well get his questions out of the way. "Did you help me? Also, did you move me to Mumbo's base?"
Scar blinked, pausing with the new blanket in hand. "Well, yes, but Mumbo also–" 
Before he could finish his sentence, and before Grian could process the bombshell Scar just dropped on him, the door burst open and a familiar mustachio'ed face stared back at him. 
"Uh… hi, Grian."
"It sure is nice to see you after so long. It's been a while hasn't it? You know, I wasn't really planning on being gone for so long–"
Grian was almost in awe at how fast the man could ramble when stressed. "Hi Grian? Really? That's the first thing you say to me when I haven't seen your mustache in months?"
Mumbo blushed, sheepish, an embarrassed hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. He opened his mouth, probably to try and mount a meager defence, but Grian ignored him and turned to Scar instead. “Thanks, Scar. I don’t know how I managed to get myself in such a messy situation.”
Scar moved to drag his old blanket from him and put the new one over top. Mumbo flinched when his battered body came into view, bandages around every part of him and tinged brown from dried blood. It seemed to spark something in Mumbo, though, as he quickly blathered about getting ‘supplies’ and ran off, back out the door he just came from. 
“Well that was weird.”
“Grian, Mumbo was actually quite helpful in getting you back here and patching you up, so maybe you can cut him some slack? I’m sure he didn’t leave us for so long,” Scar said. Grian snapping at Mumbo wasn’t the most warranted, but he could understand. Missing someone for so long only to be greeted like nothing had changed was always going to be jarring, and Grian wasn’t the only one who wanted something more from their long-awaited reunion. 
“I know, I know, I just thought his coming back would be a lot more fun, you know? Like, fireworks and a feast with the entire server, not him having to rescue me from a tree.” He groaned at the last word, only now having the time to feel embarrassed about the entire ordeal. “How did I lose to a tree!?”
Scar laughed at his flush and quickly pecked him on the cheek, his relief from before morphing into affection. His grin grew wider when Grian blushed even harder, throwing his hands up over his face before quickly remembering why sudden movements were not in his repertoire right now. 
His yelp of pain brought a worried furrow to Scar’s eyebrows. He gently took Grian’s injured arm and inspected the bandages, which were already starting to come off. Unwinding them made him flinch at the medley of bruises hidden just underneath, most of which were turning nasty purples. The cuts and scrapes were cleaned out, but the dressings kept them wet and disgusting to look at. 
Grian was still as Scar wiped away the old disinfectant and applied a new layer, the foul scent making his sensitive avian nose want to wither and die. The re-done bandages looked worse than they started, though, wound too tight in some places and not tight enough in others. Scar sat back, gazing at his handiwork, and sighed. “Mumbo did your bandages the first time ‘round.” 
“I could tell,” Grian laughed. Mumbo, despite his overall clumsiness, was always good with his hands – in more ways than one, his dirty mind finished for him – because of how often he worked with intricate redstone. “Did he also do my wings?”
“Yeah, he did. Were they good?”
Grian hummed, unsure how honest he wanted to be, given how earnestly both men were taking care of him. Well, one of them was his boyfriend, but still. Not to mention, if he wanted to rib on Mumbo, he wanted to do it when the man was here. 
A crash and a curse sounded from downstairs. 
Ah, there’s the man. Scar startled out of his seat, almost knocking Grian on the wing in the process. He stammered an apology and bowed out of the room in much the same way Mumbo did just a while before, calling out to the accident-prone man with a, “I’m coming!”
Several more crashes, screams, and a cat’s yowl that sounded like it was ripped straight from a sit-com later, Scar and Mumbo staggered back up with a handful of healing and regeneration potions, completely covered in far more gold dust than should have been possible given how long they’ve been gone. 
“How do you guys do this to yourselves every time?”
Scar glared at him playfully while Mumbo clutched the potions protectively to his chest. “The glistening melons were fighting me,” he defended himself. His arms twitched as if he was about to let go of the potions, and Grian was struck with the thought that Mumbo wasn’t being protective of the potions more so than simply not wanting to accidentally let go of them. “It’s not my fault that the chests you use to submerge the slices in gold dust are so easily knocked over.” 
His prominent glare at a certain elf made it clear exactly what happened downstairs. 
Quick, snorting giggles escaped him before he could control himself. Mumbo’s gaze softened and Scar simply went over to kiss him again. Mumbo tightened his hold on the potions again, but Grian was too busy being peppered with kisses all over his face to care particularly much.
Once he was done indulging, Scar popped open one of the many bottles and gestured for him to drink it, and then another one after that. The healing potions immediately went to work on the deepest parts of his injuries; a fracture in his arm that none of them caught immediately started to right itself, a deep pain finally clearing up, and his bruises immediately started to lighten. His tenderised wing bones needed the magic of the regen potions, though, and he was about to throw up with how much liquid the two fretting men forced into him. He groaned, his sensitive wings finally reforming themselves. Not all of it was done properly, and some wing bones still needed to be popped back into place, not to mention the amount of preening he had to do.
He motioned for someone to take his bandages off. Mumbo immediately went to work on his arms and body while Scar worked on his wings. He grimaced as a good few of his feathers were ripped out in the process, stuck to the dried blood. Scar immediately ran a soothing hand over the tender spots, gently rubbing the pain out. 
“That’s so much better,” he sighed. Pops sounded out as he finally rolled his shoulders back properly after being stuck in bed for…
“How long was I out for?”
“I think we carried you back here around three hours ago,” Mumbo said. Grian blinked. He was out for that long? Man, he knew he lost to a tree, but he didn’t think he lost that hard. Treesia 2.0 was out for blood, and she wasn’t even built yet. 
“Mumbo, you’ve shapeshifted into a bird before, right? You know how to preen wings?”
Mumbo nodded. He never stayed in those forms for long, preferring his human form for redstone, but the bird form was convenient when he loses his elytra and had to get somewhere quick.
“Can you help me with them, then? Even with Scar helping, it’ll take absolutely ages to get these boys back in working order,” Grian said. He flapped them lightly for emphasis. 
“Of course, of course,” Mumbo said, but he added hesitatingly, “But aren’t those… sensitive? I thought that was for…”
“Friends can preen each other as much as partners can.” This time, Grian didn’t miss Mumbo’s miniscule flinch. Oh? 
None of them said anything more as Grian shuffled backwards on the bed, making room for the two to crawl in beside him. They went to work on his wings, combing them back into their places and removing any remnants of broken blood feathers they could find. Grian popped any dislocated bones back into place, cringing slightly each time at the rush of pain.
That wasn’t the only feeling he was getting, though. 
Bird wings were sensitive, and many spots actually felt quite nice when touched. He chirped when Scar thumbed over one of his primary feathers and sighed when Mumbo pressed gently against his wingpit, trying to get a particularly stubborn feather out. Mumbo’s face flushed more and more as the preening session went on. The noises Grian was making were doing something to him, but he couldn’t help but feel terrible. Scar was literally right there, and here he was, blushing at every little noise.
“You could always join us, if you wanted,” Scar said. 
Mumbo yelped a little at that, only barely managing not to jump in surprise. “Huh? Join what? I’m perfectly fine, what are you talking about?”
“We’ve discussed it before, you know,” Grian chimed in. “Even before today, we always thought that… well, we wanted to date you too.” He hesitated when Mumbo took a second too long to reply. “Unless… we assumed wrong?”
“No!” Mumbo cringed at himself. That was almost a shout. “No, you assumed right, of course, I just—”
“Can I kiss you?” Grian blurted out. Mumbo’s frantic rambling increased to a frenetic rate, words spilling out of his mouth like a waterfall. Grian smirked. “Well, you made me feel mighty good right now. Might as well complete it, right?”
Mumbo froze, face immediately flushed tomato red. Grian reached out to poke him, but only got a small “Meep!” in return.
Scar laughed. “Gri, I think you broke him.” He reached out to poke him as well, hard enough to make him sway in place. 
“Not my fault he’s so easily breakable,” he pouted. 
“Grian, you lost to a tree.”
“Shut up!” 
And he did, with a deep kiss. That got a reaction out of the dying mustached man. Mumbo swallowed so hard Grian could hear it over the pounding in his ears, and he broke from Scar, leaning over with his intent clear in his eyes. Mumbo nodded imperceptibly, eyes still darting between their lips, and anything he was about to say was swallowed up by Grian’s kiss. 
Scar was complaining in the background. He said he wanted to kiss Mumbo first, why didn’t Grian ever listen to him, and Grian broke away to yell at him for that — Grian was not the one who never listened to his partner! — so Scar swept in and kissed Mumbo gently on the cheek. 
The sounds of Mumbo combusting have never been so satisfying.
“You know what? This was a pretty good reunion.”
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Web Design Agency in Ghaziabad
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primeogroup · 1 month
🌟 What is Apache ZooKeeper?
Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source coordination service designed to manage distributed applications. It provides a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, and providing distributed synchronization. Essentially, it helps manage large-scale distributed systems and ensures they operate smoothly and reliably.
Key Features of ZooKeeper:
Centralized Service: Manages and maintains configuration and synchronization information across a distributed system.
High Availability: Ensures that distributed systems are resilient to failures by providing fault tolerance and replication.
Consistency: Guarantees a consistent view of the configuration and state across all nodes in the system.
Benefits of Using Apache ZooKeeper:
Enhanced Coordination: Simplifies coordination between distributed components and helps manage critical information like leader election, distributed locks, and configuration management.
Improved Fault Tolerance: By replicating data across multiple nodes, ZooKeeper ensures that even if one node fails, the system can continue to function with minimal disruption.
Scalable Architecture: Supports scaling by allowing systems to expand and manage increasing loads without compromising performance or reliability.
Strong Consistency: Provides a strong consistency model, ensuring that all nodes in the distributed system have a consistent view of the data, which is crucial for maintaining system integrity.
Simplified Development: Abstracts the complexities of distributed system coordination, allowing developers to focus on business logic rather than the intricacies of synchronization and configuration management.
Efficient Resource Management: Helps in managing distributed resources efficiently, making it easier to handle tasks like service discovery and distributed locking.
Apache ZooKeeper is a powerful tool for anyone working with distributed systems, making it easier to build and maintain robust, scalable, and fault-tolerant applications. Whether you’re managing a large-scale enterprise application or a complex microservices architecture, ZooKeeper can provide the coordination and consistency you need.
If you’re looking for Apache ZooKeeper consultants to enhance your distributed system's coordination and reliability, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of specialists has extensive experience with ZooKeeper and can help you implement and optimize its capabilities for your unique needs. Contact us today to discuss how we can support your projects and ensure your systems run smoothly and efficiently.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Modron, Quarton
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Image © @tredlocity​
[In the original Monster Manual 2, quartons have absolutely no unique abilities whatsoever. Which allowed them to be a blank slate for me. So I gave them powers of crafting and construction, and also a bunch of references to the spells and magic items of original AD&D that assumed that high level characters would settle down and build their own dungeons. On a related note, is the lyre of building a joke about Nero? Or is there some myth or story about construction sped up by playing a lyre that I don’t know?]
Modron, Quarton CR 18 LN Outsider (extraplanar) This humanoid giant has four arms, two enormous and two small. It has fan-like wings growing from its back, and a head like a helmet. A symbol of a diamond sits on the center of its forehead.
Quartons are the modron hierarchs that represent Primus’ mastery over artifice. They are engineers and builders of incredible skill, mixing magical and mundane techniques to create buildings and tools that are unparalleled throughout the planes. They often act as architects and supervisors, coordinating the efforts of lesser modrons to perform the bulk of the labor, and then adding the finishing touches to optimize efficiency. As such, a single quarton may oversee construction projects throughout Regulus, delegating to a team of decatons for most of the day-to-day affairs.
Although quartons have four arms, they are decidedly uneven in size. The smaller pair is used for spellcasting, while the larger pair is used for combat and manual labor. A quarton typically carries a massive two-handed hammer as a badge of office, and blows with this hammer can shatter inanimate objects and clear earth and stone with ease. A quarton often focuses its strikes in combat on enemy gear rather than on their flesh, hoping to demoralize foes and persuade them of the wisdom of surrender. If this fails, or if fighting chaotic enemies, the quarton instead fights with maximum lethal efficiency.
As quartons rarely leave the bustle of Regulus, they provide tools in order for other modrons to fulfill the will of Primus on other planes or planets. Their workshops build the vast majority of the weapons wielded by modrons, and they also provide hierarchs on the Great Modron March with tools for securing and defending territory. Instant fortresses, lyres of building, and simple scrolls of stone shape and move earth are provided to expeditionary forces. On the rare occasions where a quarton leaves Regulus, it is usually to inspect a site captured by modrons to determine if it is suitable for long-term occupation, and to design fortifications to spec if it is.
Quarton                 CR 18 XP 153,600 LN Large outsider (extraplanar, law, modron) Init 27 (fixed); Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +32 Aura shield of law (DC 25) Defense AC 33, touch 20, flat-footed 26 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +4 deflection, +13 natural) hp 300 (20d10+160 plus 30); regeneration 5 (chaotic, force) Fort +18, Ref +23, Will +25 DR 15/chaotic; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 28 Defensive Abilities constructed, freedom of movement Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee +3 adamantine earth breaker +31/+26/+21/+16 (2d8+16/19-20x3) or 2 slams +29 (2d8+9) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks infuse arms and armor (7/day), titanic strikes Spell-like Abilities CL 19th, concentration +26 (+30 casting defensively) Constant—detect chaos, freedom of movement, shield of law (DC 25, self only) At will—clairaudience/clairvoyance, crafter’s fortune,  greater command (DC 22), greater teleport, order’s wrath (DC 21), protection from chaos (DC 18) 3/day—dispel chaos (DC 22), fabricate, greater dispel magic, move earth, wall of force, ward the faithful 1/day—dictum (DC 24), guards and wards, sequester Spells CL 18th, concentration +28 (+32 casting defensively) 9th—etherealness, mass heal (DC 28), prismatic sphere, quickened righteous might 8th—dimensional lock, quickened divine power, earthquake, statue, stormbolts (DC 27) 7th—mass cure serious wounds (DC 26), quickened prayer, quickened protection from energy, symbol of stunning (DC 26), wall of iron 6th—blade barrier (DC 25), forbiddance, greater dispel magic, heal (DC 25), major creation, true seeing 5th—breath of life (DC 24), dispel chaos (DC 24), quickened divine favor, fabricate, pillar of life, plane shift (DC 23), scrying (DC 24) 4th—blessing of fervor, dimensional anchor, discern lies (DC 23), dismissal (DC 23), minor creation, spiritual ally, tongues 3rd—cure serious wounds (x2, DC 22), locate object, magic vestment, stone shape (x2), wrathful mantle 2nd—find traps, grace, sound burst (x2, DC 21), spiritual weapon (x2), wood shape 1st—animate rope, ant haul, bless, cure light wounds (x3, DC 20), entropic shield, shield of faith 0th—detect magic, guidance, read magic, virtue Domain—Artifice Statistics Str 28, Dex 24, Con 26, Int 25, Wis 29, Cha 25 Base Atk +20; CMB +30 (+34 sunder); CMD 51 (53 vs. sunder) Feats Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor (B), Craft Rod (B), Craft Wondrous Item (B), Critical Focus, Greater Sunder, Improved Critical (earth breaker) Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Scribe Scroll (B), Shield of Swings, Stand Still, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical Skills Craft (armorsmithing, masonry, weaponsmithing) +36, Diplomacy +15, Disable Device +28, Fly +26, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, religion) +25, Knowledge (engineering, planes) +28, Perception +32, Perform (strings) +28, Sense Motive +30, Spellcraft +28; Racial Modifiers +8 Craft, +2 Perception Languages Celestial, Infernal, Modron, telepathy 100 ft (49 miles with modrons) SQ coordinated ally, fixed initiative, ultimate craftsman Ecology Environment any land or underground (Regulus) Organization solitary or pair Treasure double standard (+3 Large adamantine earth breaker, other treasure) Special Abilities Infuse Arms and Armor (Su) As a standard action, a quarton can touch a set of armor, a weapon or fifty pieces of ammunition and make them magical. This ability can confer a +4 enhancement bonus, or weapon or armor special qualities equivalent to a +4 enhancement bonus, or a mixture. The abilities granted must be appropriate for the type of weapon or armor, and the quarton cannot confer any ability with an alignment other than lawful. A quarton cannot use this ability on the same piece of equipment multiple times at once, but can use it to increase the enhancement of already magical weapons or armor. A bonus conferred in this way lasts for 20 minutes. A quarton can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Charisma modifier. Spells A quarton casts spells as an 18th level cleric with access to the Artifice domain. Titanic Strikes (Su) A quarton deals double damage to inanimate objects with its weapon attacks, and can use any tool to clear earth or stone as per a mattock of the titans. Ultimate Craftsman (Ex) A quarton gains a +8 racial bonus to all Craft skills, and gains four item creation feats as bonus feats. A quarton can create non-magical items in ¼ the time as normal. By meditating for eight hours, a quarton can change one or more of the Craft skills it is trained in to another Craft skill.
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your7oxygen · 2 months
10 Tips for Getting the Minimalist Look in Your Home
Achieving your minimalist design dreams doesn't have to be a headache. These tips will help you incorporate the best of minimalist design into your space with ease and enjoyment:
1. Simplify Your Colors
A minimalist look can instantly be created with beige, cream, and brown neutrals. For a more dramatic style, go for a monochromatic color palette of black and white. If these don't appeal, try muted colors outside this spectrum, paired with a complementary accent color to highlight your minimalist furniture and accessories. The simpler and more complementary the colors, the more spacious the room will feel, which is key to a minimal style.
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2. Clear Away the Clutter
Minimalism thrives in uncluttered spaces. Be ruthless in clearing away excess clutter with clever storage solutions. Ensure that all items on display serve a practical function, like the 'Zen' approach to de-cluttering.
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3. Break Up the Space
Open spaces and open-plan rooms are ideal for a minimalist aesthetic, but you don't need a ton of space to achieve this look. Use room dividers, partitions, low cabinets, and bookcases to optimize the space you have. For larger projects, consider reducing the number of walls in your room, though this involves more time and money. Prioritize clean rooms with only necessary furniture and choose items with simple silhouettes and clean shapes.
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4. Remember the Materials
Minimalist styles favor strong shapes over fussy details. Mix materials or add a splash of color with flowers artfully arranged on your minimalist table to personalize the look without detracting from its key principles of shape, texture, and color. Metal and glass are popular for their ability to bounce light around the room and their sleek finishes.
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5. Focus on Balance and Proportions
Minimalism is all about finding balance. Furniture should be in proportion with both the room and the rest of your décor to create a natural space rather than one where every item stands out. Coordination is key; everything must be intentional, not a result of accidental disharmony.
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6. Choose a Focal Point
If neutrals aren't your thing, choose a single focal point to build around. This allows for more vibrancy and customization without deviating from minimalism. Draw the eye to the center with an interesting rug, painting, or table. Whatever the focal point, it must be functional to earn its place in your minimalist room.
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7. Organize Your Lighting
Streamline your minimalist design with clever lighting. Use lighting to highlight specific areas or emphasize the simplicity of the space. Allow daylight to circulate freely, and use concealed artificial lighting as a powerful, unobtrusive tool to create a sense of space.
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8. Focus on Function
Great minimalist design puts function front and center. Decide whether each piece has a purpose and discard those that do not. Your interior should be a place of harmony and calm. Add storage spaces or baskets to quickly stow objects that are out of place. In high-traffic areas, use sleek storage solutions to keep essentials hidden away
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9. Leave Empty Space
Emptiness doesn't have to be dull. Resist the impulse to fill every corner or hang things on every wall. Ensure each piece has a function; if not, it has no place in a minimalist space.
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10. Don't Forget the Flooring
A great floor can signal your minimalist credentials. Wooden floors, marble, and stone flooring are popular options that are easy to maintain and create a seamless look. Carpets aren't completely ruled out, but simpler options are often preferred.
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Why is Minimalism Everywhere?
Minimalism's popularity stems from its adaptability and simplicity. A minimalist space instantly looks and feels more calming. Minimalist design principles can be adapted to suit homes, workplaces, and public spaces, making it a versatile and enduring style choice.
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Here’s what the dudes are doing this day!
Sans: he’s been recruited by toriel to join the kids trick or treat pack. Sans is in charge of the 13 year olds. And he’s going as a bread winner. He’s in his normal outfit but he has a medal around his neck and he’s carrying a loaf of French bread lol.
Papyrus: he’s going to the massive costume party in ebotts city center of course!! Papyrus winds up horrified as once again he and sparks have the same costume. They both went as Mikey from the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
Star: because he took the Halloween shift last year, Star gets to be police officer job free this Halloween! He’s going all out dressed as the transformer bumblebee. He gets absolutely wasted trying to challenge papyrus to a drinking contest with sparks and passes out on a table.
Honey: pumpkin spice season hit hard this year. He baked his heart out this year and is now having a nice peaceful evening eating pumpkin muffins and passing out candy to trick or treaters with basil oak and rust. He’s dressed up as Romeo from Romeo and Juliet this year!
Red: he’s been dragged off to the party by orion this year. Red almost didn’t dress up, but to his horror, his friend had a spare outfit for him lol. Red is dressed as Morticia Adams. The perfect match to orions Gomez adams. 
Edge: he too has been dragged away to the party by the scarily manipulative duo of pepper and sugar. Edge came prepared though. He’s dressed this year in a lovely suit, fake gun and spy tools. He makes a handsome James Bond. Edge is taking his job as designated driver very seriously.
Mal: he’s with the old lady squad of course~ and this year they once again coordinated outfits. They decided on the classic witch costume. Mals is purple and black of course with a corset, and lots of lovely gold accessories. He knows he looks good. He wine and lord spend time egging on drunk monsters at the party into fights for the laughs.
Cash: he makes a lovely Bubbles (powerpuff girls) this year! Cash is running around with bruiser and cricket planning their next heist. They’ve secretly hidden fireworks in the pumpkin decorations on the tops of the buildings at the party. The trouble trio have them rigged to go off all at the same time
Oak: this year he looks positively adorable in his dinosaur onesie. His coworker called him old like one and oak decided to roll with it. He’s stayed behind this year to chill with honey rust and basil. They had a baking spree and are enjoying nightmare before Christmas as trick or treaters come to the door.
Willow: he’s entered in a bake off this year as part of the Halloween party! Asgore himself will be judging. Noir came with willow for moral support, and the two brought willows beautiful braided pumpkin, date and dried apple pie. He’s a nervous wreck right now waiting for the results. He’s dressed as an angel chef with his white chefs coat, a cute little pair of wings, and a halo instead of his chefs hat.
Charm: he too has entered the baking contest, but charm knows that he won’t win. The cake he has decorated as a beheaded lions head won’t go down well with Asgore who prefers the cute cakes. But butch get him 20G if he made Asgore turn green and by the stars, charm will find a way to win that. Charm is dressed as a slutty hunter this year with a fake rifle, tartan crop top, and the tiniest cargo shorts ever.
Sugar: he’s with pepper and edge tearing it up on the dance floor. Winnie is with her grandmother for the night and sugar is more than happy to take this holiday off. He already took his daughter trick or treating at the trunk or treat her school put together for the little kids that afternoon. So he’s set. He’s dressed as a disco dancer this year and he’s really playing the part
Lord: of course wine and mal always like coordinating outfits, so lord is also a witch this year. His costume is mostly black with some red details, and copper colored jewelry from mal. Lord is a little tipsy at the party and is having fun starting drama with his buddies. They need to be stopped.
Mutt: he’s in black and white stripes dressed as a prisoner, and little freeloader is the perfect matching partner for this. Mutt has only one thing on his mind, to pick up cuties. And with the adorable raccoon on his shoulder, it won’t be hard. However he thinks he sees a familiar face on the roof…
Wine: he of course is a witch alongside lord and mal. His costume is mostly black with some gold details, and silver jewelry of course. Can’t have too much gold. Wine is on alert this party. Coffee warned him about a loud prank coming up so he’s keeping an eye out just in case
Coffee: he already had a game plan to hide away with slim. Coffee has his switch ready and several games to pick from. However he stumbles on the trouble trios prank by accident and has to warn wine first. Lord will freak if the fireworks go off with no warning. He’s dressed as a circus performer this year. Coffee likes the jewel tones
Pluto: he’s with sans trying his best to herd 13 year olds. It’s a thankless job made harder by the fact that a few of the tall girls are fighting over using Pluto as a prop for their costumes. And sans is no help. He thinks it’s hilarious. Pluto is dressed as a fluffy white cat this year. He looks adorable
Jupiter: he’s at the party of course!! Jupiter is on the dance floor with lilac. They’ve challenged some dance monsters to a battle and are loosing terribly. He doesn’t really mind though. Jupiter is dressed as zeus this year. He’s loving the toga
Pop: he initially went to the party, but after about an hour, the crowd became too much and he doubled back home. While walking, pop saw a flock of crows that were weirdly active for so late and decided to follow them. The crows led him to a clearing in a seemingly abandoned part of the city where he found a large pile of shiny mixed coins in a circle of mushrooms on the pavement. He pocketed the coins and picked a few of the cool looking mushrooms. But he can’t help but to feel like he’s being watched now. For how costume pop is dressed as Peter Pan this year!
Rhythm: with his leg all healed up, rhythm feels confident enough to dance his heart away, and that’s exactly what he’s doing. He even came alone to the party intending to just have a good time with no distractions. And he does. Rhythm has an amazing night with several different dance partners, he tries some lovely baking, and winds up going home with a cute human for an after party. His costume this year is pretty simple. He’s dressed as a vampire with a cloak and some simple dress pants and shirt. He wanted a costume he could move around in easily.
G: he wasn’t in much of a party mood, but green insisted and all but dragged G out of the house. G winds up spending the night hiding away with coffee and slim on the outskirts of the party. Slim brought a switch and some extra controllers and the three are playing Mario cart lol. G is dressed up as a mad scientist this year. Not very original but he wasn’t expecting to come either anyways.
Green: worried about his brothers flipping moods lately, green basically drags him to the Halloween party. He wasn’t planning to go himself, hoping for a quiet evening of cards with some of the other doctors at his hospital, but desperate times call for desperate measures. When green sees G slip off with friends, he does the same and happily joins boss. He’s dressed as Cruella deville this year.
Peaches: he’s hanging out with cider and barley this year and is having a great time at their drinks stand. It’s the first year peaches hasn’t run his own food truck so he isn’t really sure what to do at the party. He’s dressed up as a pumpkin this year to everyone’s amusement
Rancher: he’s on the dance floor bench pressing two other golem monsters. He’d bench press humans too, but he’s had a bit too much to drink and isn’t sure he’d be able to touch one without being too rough lol. Rancher is dressed up as Hercules this year, and he’s really playing the part
Snipe: sadly duty calls. As Asgore is the royal in charge of this party, snipe will be working full time. However his boss did at least have the guards dress up as stormtroopers. He’s kinda digging it
Bruiser: cricket and cash set up the fireworks while he did his guard shift. Like all the others, bruiser looks great in his stormtrooper outfit. He slips away during his break to check on the prank but runs into mutt on the roof. The fight afterwards nearly gets them caught
Ace: he is also on active duty this year. Aces job is to scan for bombs and gunners. Since he’s undercover, he gets his own costume. And he figured a ninja would be perfect for the role lol. Dressed as Naruto to slims delight, ace breaks up two fights, finds a thankfully fake pipe bomb, and discovers the fireworks on the roof. He lets those slide though since bruiser already told him what they were for
Slim: for once he doesn’t have to play security. Slim hates parties and knows he’s gonna be forced to go, so why not make the most of it. He and coffee plan ahead and both bring their switches so they can play Mario cart in the alleyway away from bossy brothers. Slim is dressed as sasuske from Naruto this year to match ace.
Butch: unfortunately for him, he too is on duty as empress is opening the first dance of the party. He’s part of her court so it means he can be called as her personal guard if she wishes. Alongside another guard, empress picked out two wicked looking knights in dark armor costumes. Butch looks hella scary.
Boss: he also has a rare break this holiday, and he’s making the most of it! Boss winds up being joined by green and they make their way around the city block saying hello to friends and acquaintances. He’s looking real nice dressed up as the winter soldier this year. Boss likes the face mask
Rust: he wanted an easy drama free day, and he really feels like a genius for crashing honey basil and oaks “party”. Rust brought mozzarella sticks so he was welcomed with open arms. He’s also in a onesie, except his is a tiger. He and oak think it’s a funny coincidence
Noir: willow has been stressing about his pie for days, so noir came with him to the party for emotional support. Also he really wants a slice. The pie looks divine lol. Noir loves using his cane as part of the costume, so he’s in an old English gentleman’s outfit right now. He looks really good.
Lilac: he went with Jupiter intending to dance a bit, and wound up getting absolutely plastered and challenging all these dance monsters to battles. Lilac is having the time of his life right now, and he knows he’s gonna be hurting in the morning. Worth it. He’s dressed as willy wonka this year and has candy in all his pockets to give to other drunk partiers.
Basil: he and honey planned together to have a chill Halloween. They baked like madmen the day before and are now reaping the rewards. Basil looks pretty cute in his jolly green giant costume and loves the kids reactions whenever they ring the doorbell
Gears: he’s with quill and both the tiny monsters are using their baby eyes to get free samples of everything. Gears even got a free bunt cake from one smitten monster lol. He’s having a great time right now and will be sad to leave. Gears is dressed up in a charming sun costume. The warm colors really bring out the glow in his chestnut brown eyes.
Compass: he’s running fast away from the pack of crows chasing him through the alleyways. The circle he’s been steering monsters away from had been disturbed and compass is scared the birds will make off with everyone’s wallets. If he can lead them away maybe the night won’t get ruined. He’s dressed in cameo and fake leaves to make a military uniform.
Lush: he started the day with sparks but ended it with salt. Both lush and salt are tag team flirting with these three monsters dressed as the Harry Potter trio. And it seems like they’re having some success. Maybe this night won’t be so bad after all. Lushs costume, a devil, looks great with his magic color.
Pepper: sugar has been looking forward to this all night, so pepper makes sure to drag edge along so he can really party with his friend. Dressed as a flapper, pepper is looking fine as heck and loving life on the dance floor
Sparks: to his horror, once again he’s matching with papyrus. They both had dressed up as Mikey from the teenage ninja turtles. Sparks accidentally ditches lush on the dance floor to try and beat paps in a drinking contest with star. It doesn’t go well
Salt: he left with lush as soon as sparks and papyrus started screeching at each other lol. Salt knows he’ll be fine there and he’s really in the mood to just find some cuties for the night. Lush makes a great wingman. Salt needs that considering he decided to be Winnie the Pooh this year. Not exactly the most attractive lol.
Orion: dressed as Gomez adams, he accidentally bought the couples outfit and had a Morticia outfit as well. But orion knows just the guy who will fit it! Poor poor red
Atlas: he was so relieved to see bruiser after being saddled with his boring fellow math professors all night. Of course bruiser is fist fighting mutt, but still better than talking formulas. How lame. Atlas breaks them up and helps them escape before the other guards can investigate. Dressed as black widow, he blends in with the dark well enough to get away
Cider: his family business is providing drinks this party so he’s hard at work making the alcohol! Peaches is welcome company as cider slaves away. He went for a rather simple pirate costume this year. He didn’t have much time to do anything better.
Barley: he’s the bartender of his family’s drink stand! Barley is dressed as a lavish looking pirate wench and is enjoying all the attention it brings. He keeps sending longing looks to mettatons concert though
Quill: he stuck to gears side all night and with him, has been using their baby eyes to get free stuff. Quill looks absolutely adorable in his moon costume, the light blue really bringing out the brightness of his silver eyes. He even got a free stuffy from a smitten monster.
Crow: this is no holiday for him. Crow had spent the last two days setting up the music concert for mettaton at the dance floor. And now he’s at the party keeping a close eye on the workers so everything can run smoothly. His uniform, a jesters outfit is a good costume.
Ram: this year he’s opted to join the sea monsters at sea shores boardwalk Halloween party. He sticks close to moose and fisher and has fun chatting at the stand. One of pitch’s sheepdogs has joined ram to match his scarecrow costume for the night.
Pitch: surprising no one, he stayed home to read and enjoy the nice night weather. However all the crows in the sky is unusual. Pitch looks up for only a moment before shrugging and going back to his book. Dante’s inferno is a great read. No costume for him
Moose: he joined fisher at his tarot reading stand at the boardwalk and is having fun chatting with people and enjoying the festivals treats. A few of how regular hikers recognize moose in his werewolf costume somehow and asked for pictures.
Maple: he’s also at seashore! He’s running around checking out every art stall ever!! Maple is taking close notes because he intends to enter some of his carvings in the echo festival. He’s in it to win it! His lanky figure is perfect for his tree giant costume!
Fisher: he has a tarot reading stand like every year, and is dressed as a fortune teller this year. Fisher put his soul into making that costume and loves it dearly. His stand is popular as ever.
Jasper: he helps every year with setting up the haunted boardwalk! Jasper is the chainsaw guy at the end this year and is taking his job very seriously. His ski mask had to be taped on his face lol.
Finn: after he joined his troop for the trick or treat pack, finn found himself with a little free time. He tentatively joins sails in exploring the haunted boardwalk. Poor finn nearly fainted when Jasper chases them with the chainsaw. Finn really suits his buzz light year costume!
Sails: when his bro came home early, sails knew it would be his duty to scare the soul out of Finn. The monsters of seashore really went all out with the haunted boardwalk this year. So sails merrily strong arms his older brother into going with him lol. His lazy Ariel costume makes a lot of monsters laugh. He taped two seashells to a skin colored shirt and is wearing green sequin leggings. Where he got those no one knows
Hook: of course his first stop at the boardwalk Halloween festival his fishers stand. Hook spends some time talking his favorite land living monster before rejoining his crew at the festival. He has a great time watching captain suffer through karaoke. Hook is dressed as the Mona Lisa this year to everyone’s amusement
Captain: his crew partied hard on holidays and it’s his duty to make sure they don’t wreck havoc on seashore. If that means suffering through two hours of bad karaoke then so be it. Captain will never admit he likes singing jack skeletons lament. One of his crew mates actually got him a costume this year, so captain grudgingly spend Halloween dressed as king trident.
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autocad-assgn-blog · 10 months
Mastering AutoCAD: A Comprehensive Guide to Advanced Design Challenges
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In the dynamic realm of design and drafting, the mastery of AutoCAD stands as a cornerstone skill for individuals aspiring to excel in fields such as engineering, architecture, and design. As students embark on their academic journey toward a Master's degree, they are met with a series of intricate challenges that extend beyond routine tasks, pushing the boundaries of their technical expertise. These challenges not only serve as assessments of their proficiency in AutoCAD but also require a strategic and innovative mindset to navigate complex problem-solving scenarios. This blog aims to delve into the intricacies of five master's degree level questions in AutoCAD, unraveling the layers of complexity inherent in the world of computer-aided design and providing valuable insights for those navigating this educational landscape.
The pursuit of excellence in AutoCAD at the master's degree level demands a holistic understanding of the software's capabilities, creative problem-solving skills, and a willingness to seek assistance when faced with intricate challenges. Help with AutoCAD assignments becomes not just a keyword but a beacon guiding students through the complexities of advanced design tasks, fostering a learning environment where theoretical knowledge meets practical application, ultimately preparing them for success in the ever-evolving field of computer-aided design.
1. Advanced 3D Modeling in AutoCAD
Problem: The challenge begins with designing a complex 3D model incorporating diverse geometric shapes. The solution not only involves creating intricate shapes but also optimizing the model for efficient rendering. This question delves into not just the technical aspects of modeling but also strategic considerations for a seamless design process.
2. Dynamic Blocks and Parametric Design
Problem: Dynamic blocks and parametric design are at the forefront of modern CAD practices. Creating a parametrically controlled dynamic block for a furniture component challenges students to think beyond static designs. The solution involves understanding the dynamic properties, establishing relationships between parameters, and discussing the advantages of dynamic blocks in real-world design workflows.
3. AutoCAD Customization with AutoLISP
Problem: AutoLISP programming is a powerful tool for customization in AutoCAD. Crafting a custom command or routine to streamline a specific design task showcases not only programming skills but also the practical application of customization in a professional setting. The solution includes providing the complete AutoLISP code, explaining its functionality, and discussing its impact on workflow efficiency.
4. Collaborative Design in AutoCAD
Problem: Collaborative design is a crucial aspect of many projects. This question challenges students to create a multi-user environment in AutoCAD, emphasizing features like "Xref," "Sheet Sets," or "CAD Standards" to streamline collaboration. The solution addresses challenges in coordinating design changes, managing references, and ensuring consistency across the project.
5. AutoCAD and BIM Integration
Problem: The integration of AutoCAD into a Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflow is a contemporary challenge. Students are tasked with showcasing the interoperability of AutoCAD with BIM tools and discussing the advantages of this integration. This question highlights the importance of understanding how AutoCAD fits into broader design and construction processes.
Help with AutoCAD Assignments: Navigating the Complexity
Undoubtedly, mastering AutoCAD requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application. As students grapple with these challenging questions, seeking help with AutoCAD assignments becomes crucial. Understanding the nuances of each problem and refining one's skills often involves guidance from experts in the field.
Whether it's elucidating the intricacies of 3D modeling, unraveling the mysteries of AutoLISP programming, or addressing the challenges of collaborative design, a reliable source of assistance can make a significant difference. For those seeking help with AutoCAD assignments, various online platforms and professional tutors offer personalized guidance to ensure a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
In conclusion, tackling master's degree level AutoCAD questions goes beyond routine design tasks. It requires a holistic understanding of the software's capabilities, strategic thinking, and the ability to adapt to modern design practices. As students navigate these challenges, seeking assistance not only enhances their learning experience but also sets the foundation for a successful career in the dynamic world of computer-aided design.
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ravnique · 3 months
Blog Post: Bringing Pet Paradise Boutique to Life - Our Operations Plan
Welcome to the Pet Paradise Boutique blog! Today, I’m excited to share the operations plan and how we plan to bring the premium pet products to market within the next six weeks. This journey involves careful planning, strategic purchasing, and a clear vision for launching the business successfully.
Operations Plan Overview
Purchasing Products: At Pet Paradise Boutique, thegoal is to offer high-quality, organic pet treats and personalized accessories that discerning pet owners will love. Here’s how i plan to source the products:
Organic Pet Treats: 1. will partner with local organic pet treat manufacturers and wholesalers. Initial research has identified several reputable suppliers who offer bulk purchasing options at competitive prices.
To ensure timely delivery, we’ve established communication with these suppliers and confirmed their ability to meet our initial demand within the next four weeks.
Personalized Accessories:
For personalized pet accessories, such as collars and tags, we will source customizable items from specialized manufacturers. These suppliers offer fast turnaround times for personalization, ensuring we can deliver unique products quickly.
By ordering a small initial batch, we can manage inventory effectively while gauging customer preferences and demand.
Bringing the Product to Market
With our products sourced and suppliers confirmed, the final six weeks of the course will focus on bringing Pet Paradise Boutique to market. Here’s our step-by-step plan:
Weeks 1-2: Website and Branding
Website Development: Finalize the user-friendly website where customers can browse products, make purchases, and book grooming services. We’ll use platforms like Shopify or Wix for easy setup and professional appearance.
Branding: Develop a cohesive brand identity, including a logo, color scheme, and packaging design that reflects our premium offerings.
Weeks 3-4: Marketing and Promotion
Social Media Campaigns: Launch targeted campaigns on Instagram and Facebook to build awareness and attract potential customers. Engage followers with contests, giveaways, and pet-related content.
Local Outreach: Participate in local pet events and markets to showcase our products and interact with pet owners directly. Distribute flyers and business cards to spread the word.
Weeks 5-6: Sales and Customer Engagement
Online Sales Launch: Officially open our online store for business. Monitor website traffic and sales closely, making adjustments as needed.
Customer Feedback: Encourage early customers to leave reviews and provide feedback. Use this input to refine our products and services.
Team Roles and Responsibilities
If working within a group, here’s how we’ll divide responsibilities:
Project Manager: Oversee overall operations, ensure deadlines are met, and manage supplier relationships.
Marketing Specialist: Handle social media campaigns, local outreach, and customer engagement.
Web Developer: Build and maintain the website, ensuring a smooth shopping experience for customers.
Product Manager: Manage inventory, coordinate with suppliers, and ensure product quality.
Licenses and Permits
Operating Pet Paradise Boutique may require certain licenses and permits, including:
Business Registration: Ensure the business is registered with local authorities in Kingston, Ontario.
Food Safety Compliance: Adhere to regulations for selling pet food, including proper labeling and safety standards.
Sales Tax Registration: Register for collecting and remitting sales tax on products sold.
Vision and Tools for Launch
Our vision for Pet Paradise Boutique is to create a premium shopping experience for pets and their owners, offering high-quality products and exceptional customer service. To launch our business successfully, we need the following tools and items:
Website Platform: A user-friendly e-commerce platform (Shopify or Wix).
Social Media Tools: Tools for managing social media campaigns (Hootsuite or Buffer).
Inventory Management: Software to track inventory and manage orders (TradeGecko or inFlow Inventory).
Packaging Supplies: Branded packaging materials to enhance the customer experience.
Marketing Materials: Flyers, business cards, and promotional items for local events
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fantasyfantasygames · 9 months
The End of the Tunnel
The End of the Tunnel, Light of Hope Games, 2020
Your characters are shepherding a group of evacuees through a very, very difficult time. They're escaping from a brutal past - perhaps a violent government, perhaps a disaster of some kind. You helped them escape, and you can help them rebuild. Now you just need to get them there through trouble and pursuit.
The twist: the people you're protecting are AIs and so are you. So are your antagonists. The whole multi-generational epic happens in a computer network, in a matter of seconds.
Your characters are a sequence of genetic algorithms. The algorithm changes when you fail. Every failed roll lets you alter your character's attributes, moving around up to a quarter of your character points, with +1 point each time. Character build is pretty simple - no nonlinear point values here, so you can shift around points quickly. 5 points per dot of attribute (Integrity, Velocity, Coordination), 1 point per dot of skill (Hacking, Leadership, Networking, Infiltration, Navigation, etc.), and 1 point per Core Memory (up to ten of them). Everything is at least a little computer-science themed, but not as overtly as some games. Dots add to make dice pools, rolled with d6s. 4-6 are successes. Core memories don't contribute. Damage and incapacitation are quick, but as mentioned, you're going to be back in a new instance basically right away.
There's no pretense at continuity here - each time the algorithm gets changed it's a new you. You ditch at least one Core Memory and add a new one. The optimal approach, of course, is to ditch the majority of your Core Memories for other character points, which you can do if you want to lose everything there was about yourself.
Now for the down side: the setting is very slim. There isn't enough support for the GM to properly handle the antagonists, interpersonal drama, and dangerous digital territory. There are vague hints and suggestions, but not much for explicit tools or examples. Most of all, there's no indication of what the digital territory actually looks or feels like. There's no art, just some circuitry-looking designs from place to place. The game is long on flavor and short on the things that would let you actually run it.
With some more setting development TEotT could be a really cool game. So that's what people did. There's a forum and half a dozen fansites with tons of homebrew backstory, random-roll tables, and basically the missing second half of the book. Quality varies, as it often does on fansites, but lord knows quality varies in TTRPGs anyway. Every game was someone's fan project once.
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