#But I was hoping Gabe changed Cas
masked-alien-lesbian · 5 months
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Its been confirmed that Cas was turned first before Gabe!
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via-l0ve · 1 year
supernatural guys + gabe and Lucifer's reaction to walking into the reader changing please.
“Knock Next Time!!” (SPN pref!) 🩷
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a/n: I LOVE THIS IDEA!! i absolutely will do this. hope you enjoy!!!
warnings: swearing, suggestive/innuendos
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dean just stands there
he’s foaming at the mouth for you rn
wowie wowie wowowowow
“you know, if you wanted me to see you naked so bad you could’ve just asked. you didn’t have to keep the door unlocked and wait for me to come in to strip.”
he reluctantly leaves but comes back two seconds later.
“sorry i forgot my uh… my pencil.”
“your pencil?”
“mhm. totally.”
he walks into the room and grabs a random ass pencil off of your bedside table
“looking good, by the way.”
he’s thinking about that image of you in his mind for the next three and a half years
i’m torn
i’ll give you two options
this sam:
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would open the door and go
“OH! OH UM.. UHM-“
whip around and smack his head on the door and go “OW!” and then walk out.
“i’m so sorry y/n!!”
but THIS sam:
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would just watch you for a minute
“wow, y/n.”
“you’re like… gorgeous.”
you guys are having sex now
he dosent really get the notion of boundaries and how watching people change is weird
he blips in and is like
“y/n, have you found a lead for your case? i am thinking about it a lot recently-“
“cas!! i’m literally naked right now.”
“…okay. have you found a lead?”
you have to explain that it’s WEIRD
he’s flustered bc he realizes he saw your body and how intimate that is and he’s giggling and kicking his feet
what a cutie pie
“y/n, it’s been a. while since i’ve spoken to you and i was just - oh. oh wow.” smirking and looking at you
“sorry, darling. keep going. i don’t mean to be a bother.”
this mf sits on ur bed and waits for you to finish changing.
“cover your eyes.”
“but that takes all the fun away, Love.”
i’m giggling
omfg give him a kiss!
(or more)
But he’s also such a flirt
“y/n, i didn’t know you wanted to give me a strip show.”
“sorry, sorry.” eyeroll
“but seriously can i stay?”
“go away!!”
he’s giggling and blushing afterwards
you don’t even notice he’s there until you’re done changing
“wow, y/n.”
“jesus. when did you get here?”
“when your clothes were on.”
“why didn’t you say anything?”
“i was supposed to interrupt your elegance?”
lmfao slap him
noooo but he means well <3 he thinks you’re so wow
he definitely got turned on though
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rjschoicesstuff · 3 months
Wanted to make a post about Ripley's mum because Terri is honestly one of my fave characters idk I rlly like her
I like when parents and their kids are actually very similar even like expression wise and stuff, like she really rubbed off on Ripley regarding interests and stuff.
Like always I'll put more info and art under the cut
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She was born 5 years before Cas and Gabe, so that's Weird but in a funny way imo lol. She had Ripley when she was 36 years old. She chose to be a single mom, there was never a father in the picture (she isn't even attracted to men), Ripley knows the donor, who's a good friend of Terri. Ripley knows she's related to him and considers him more of an uncle, she calls Terri's friends aunties and uncles in general.
She and Ripley have always been very close and Ripley's grandparents also helped look after Ripley a lot when she was little. In the present time both of Ripely's grandparents passed away a few years ago.
She's always been a bit of an outcast with small, but close friendgroups. She enjoys horror movies and novels and is also really interested in the supernatural, just like Ripley. When she was younger she used to DIY most of her clothes and always had really cool and creative looks, she taught Ripley how to sew + customize clothes too tho she's definitely better at it than Ripley. She didn't really care how Ripley would turn out, as long as she's happy but I guess in a way she is really happy that they have a lot in common. She's always been very supportive of Ripley and letting her express herself however she wanted.
I think at times she maybe tries too hard to be a friend to Ripley instead of acting like a mom, if that makes sense? Though a positive outcome of that is that Ripley normally always feels like she can confide in her with everything and doesn't keep secrets at all. Which made her very suspicious and worried after they moved to Crimson Beech and she noticed a change in Ripley's behaviour and could tell she was hiding stuff.
Due to what happened at the Autumn festival, for a while she really doesn't like Gabriela and it's So Funny because Gabriela really tries so hard to be liked by Terri and Terri just thinks she's a bit of a suck-up and the whole acting polite thing is just an act. Meanwhile she initially is wary of Cas but kinda just likes him more because at least he doesn't really try to seem better than he is or whatever 😭 I think she just has a soft spot for alt kids lol. And Cas really has to rub it in every time they interact with them and it's so much clearer that she's more cold towards Gabriela. And I feel like she'd keep making kinda passive agressive references to when Gabe told her Ripley would be home by 9:50 and that didn't happen lmao. Once she knows about vampires her opinion on Gabriela changes and she apologizes to her.
(for context, in my version her memory doesn't get wiped)
Though after Ripley almost dies and they turn her into a vampire she's angry with both of them for letting Ripley do what she did, she wishes she could've done it in her place because she also understands it was the only option in that moment. She tries not to keep resenting them for what they did, and keeps her thoughts about it to herself because she can tell that it was a complicated situation. But it's hard because she can see how Ripley has such a hard time with everything after becoming a vampire. She's very scared for Ripley because she knows that the vampires have been giving her a hard time and literally tried to kill them both. And she feels very powerless in the whole situation. So she Tries to trust in Cas and Gabe and hopes they will always keep Ripley safe and also THEMSELVES because she knows Ripley sacrificed herself for them once and would do it again. And also because she just doesn't want them to get hurt lol. She hopes their lives will be very boring and uneventful 👍
She also has a soft spot for Seth after he kept her safe after she and Ripley almost got executed. I feel like especially Cas and Gabe just half live with them after a while, and just come over even if Ripley isn't at home (and will also keep her company during the period where Ripley stays at the Nexus) but I think Seth would be too shy and has to be like explicitly invited over lol. I think Cas and Gabe both sort of see her as a mother figure after a while, Cas because he never really got to have that in the first place and Gabe because she still misses her own mom (tho Terri is nothing like her lol).
Bonus art of her with little Ripley + Ripley as a kid
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wildissylupus · 11 months
Do you think you could give me a couple of headcanons on Ana's 'death'? Like what characters did or how they acted? Personality shifts?
How did they act when they found out?
Was hoping someone could give me more insight on how characters would act. Currently doing a psychological analysis on Torbjorn and Reinhardt's backstory as well. Might do one for Som and Cas.
Ok first things first, you need to tell me when you post those, I LOVE the psychological analysis of characters.
Now for the actual ask bit.
It's safe to say that everyone was devastated when Ana died, whether they were on good terms with her at the time or not. The specifics, however, vary from character to character.
The Old Guard
We know by that point both Torbjorn and Reinhardt had left Overwatch, so I think that after her death they both would have felt really isolated. Especially Reinhardt since it's very much implied that some Overwatch agents were avoiding him due to the nature of how he retired, Angela actively encouraging Tracer to visit him in a way that implies that not many people do. However I think they both handled her death better then a lot of others that were also heavily effected. Mostly because unlike those people, they had a support network. Though I do still think that Rein never really got over her death, he just accepted it better then others. We also see that with both of them there wasn't much personality change after her death, or at least not a permanent change.
Jack and Gabe on the other hand, did not take it well. We know that after Ana's death that they both started fighting more. We also know that Jack never really thought that Ana was dead while Reyes probably did with how he speaks about the situation. I think they both tired to hide what they were going through. Jack isolating himself while Reyes had already made every relationship he had hostile, I think at this point Jack was acting out of desperation while Reyes was just angry at the world. In all honesty, the way Soldier 76 and Reaper act, started when Ana died, it was just wasn't as extreme.
The New Guard
(I'm including Pharah in this because she's the only New Blood with connections to Ana)
With a lot of the new guard I think they didn't have a personal relationship with Ana, the exceptions being Cassidy, Sojourn, Angela and Pharah. Tracer, Winston and Genji kind of treated Ana as a boss or a teacher, and they still kind of do that in interactions. I think her death still affected them but not in a permanent way and not in the way that other deaths affected them (like how Lena and Winston would have reacted to Jack and Mina's deaths). They were all still devastated, because to them Ana was probably this unbeatable figure, not only that but they still knew her.
Angela is an interesting case because she had already suffered through so much death and heart ache by this point. I think by this point she would have been numb, she was sad obviously, and I think she might have blamed herself a bit. We know by this point her and Ana's relationship was strained, along with her and Torbjorns. I think that with Ana's death it made Angela reconcile with Torbjorn. We know that she was also one of the few people who still visited Rein as well so I like to think they all grieved together. Like Rein though I think she never got over Ana's death, we already know that she doesn't do well with goodbyes and she already doesn't deal with the death of her parents that well. Honestly for a good view on how Angela deals with death I highly recommend ready her short story or her data logs.
I think Cassidy and Sojourn were the only people who kept it together during the immediate aftermath of Ana's death. Like everything I think Sojourn probably handled herself the best, she honestly the most put together of the cast so she either dealt with her grief healthily or got therapy. As for my boy Cassidy....
We can't talk about how he dealt with it without talking about Pharah.
We don't see much of how Fareeha delt with the news of Ana's death, we know that she's a bit bitter about the current circumstances and I think that it was a bit of the same for Ana's death. I personally think that the only people she really talked about it with were Cassidy and Angela, other than that I think she would have thrown herself in her work. I also theories that since Cassidy was the one tasked with either finding Ana or finding out what happened to her, that he was the one to tell her that Ana was dead. I also think that her death the reason she works so hard is because she thought she never got the chance to prove Ana wrong and join Overwatch, I also think it's why that despite how complicated their relationship is now she still wants Ana in her life. I think Pharah would have always felt guilty about not reconciling before Ana's death.
I've talked a lot about how I think Cassidy was affected by Ana's death, because there is a lot about this that isn't show but is really implied. We know that Reyes put Cassidy on looking for Ana, so out of everyone in the Overwatch cast, other then Ana herself, Cassidy probably knows the most about her "death" then anyone else. I personally believe that this is when a lot of Cassidy toxic habits started coming in, the masking of his trauma and pain, the alcoholism, the use of humour to cope, I think this is where all of that and more started to rear it's head and root itself into Cassidy's character. I think that Cassidy is also like Pharah in the fact he threw himself into his work, I also think he acted as an emotional crutch for everyone else, hiding his pain to the point where only Angela and Jack could see it, everyone else assuming he's fine because Cassidy was always fine.
In all honesty, if Reyes killing Antonio was the death sentence of Overwatch, then Ana's death was the nail in the coffin.
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aria-ashryver · 7 months
Hii 😍
Sooo I wanted to ask for your MCs / Pairings what is something they like, some favorite colors and such. Anything you feel comfortable with sharing 🥰 I just want to know more about your characters 😍
Hope you have a wonderful day 🩷
Hi hi sunshine!! I hope you are having the most fabulous day!! 🧁🌸🌷💕 sorry it took me forever to answer this lol
Here's a few favs for the Starlight trio 🥰
Favourite Colour: It changes a lot — at the moment it is red and orange, but they often like foresty, green, earthy palettes
Favourite Food/Drink: Black and/or iced coffee, energy drinks, Skittles, salty snacks
Favourite Hobbies & Ways To Relax: Dance (esp. Ballet, contemporary, and urban) Drumming Balisong flipping Re-watching movies they’ve seen before, snuggled up with Cas and Gabe Yoga w Gabe Driving places with Cas in his ugly little car lol Collecting little trinkets
(Luca will absolutely steal stuff from his friends lol. With Cas and Gabe (and his best friend Viktor), he’s sneaky, bc he knows they don’t actually care, but with other friends he normally asks permission by holding up the thing he wants and going “I’m stealing this” lol)
Favourite Colour: Autumnal palettes (like burnt orange, burgundy, deep gold, etc), as well as soft, muted hues
Favourite Food/Drink: Chamomile tea, pistachio ice cream, coconut milkshakes, alfajores, coquito tres leches cake, any of his father’s recipes for home-cooked meals. Gabe isn't vegan but he does often eat a lot of plant-based food!
Favourite Hobbies & Ways To Relax: Cooking (especially for other people) Cleaning (lol, I know, but having a clean and well-organised home is like good self-care for Gabe) His 5 step-skincare routine Reading, especially long fantasy novel series Playing his guitar and singing Yoga w Luca Muay Thai Recently, photography!
Favourite Colour: Black, red, purple, blue — dark colours with a night aesthetic
Favourite Food/Drink: Galbi-tang, banana-mat uyu, red bean bungeo-ppang with vanilla ice cream, hot sauce! (he puts hot sauce on everything lol)
Favourite Hobbies & Ways To Relax: Taking long, hot showers Hanging out with his Venandi/Flagstone Cove buddies at the fighting ring, sparring, boxing Sketching or painting, spraypainting Driving places with Luca in his totally awesome car Getting little adrenaline hits by doing things like cliff diving
Also - I associate Cas with the Moon, Gabriel with the Sun, and Luca with the Stars ✨✨✨
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cherries-in-wine · 7 months
A rant/review of immortal desires:
hiiii this is my first time posting on Tumblr so sorry if it's messy- also english is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes
Since immortal desires 2 is coming up I just wanted to share my thoughts on the book and this random incident that won't stop bothering me lol
So i absolutely love cas like bro's the finest bad boy love interest to ever exist he's so baby girl I love him but after the whole confrontation with mc's mom outside the fighting pit where they accidentally reveal that cas was at the crime scene in front of the entire crowd of vampires- that's a guaranteed being-summoned-to-the-nexus-and-executed. Seeing how fiercely protective cas is it just seems so odd that while mc is at the Nexus with their mom later that night being executed bro's just out with the hunting party??? 😭😭😭 I'd expect cas to put up an even bigger fight than gabe about the covens killing mc like he'd be kicking and screaming and threatening the elders and stuff but he's out feeding??
It's moments like these where immortal desires just does things for convenience like it's so obviously poorly planned.
I think my like for the book only stems from my love for vampires and I'm a teenager so ofcourse I'll eat up a highschool romance and although immortal desires is a 10000 times better than the smutty trash they've been releasing it's still very....eh?
The characters are good- but they're underdeveloped af and it's even worse if you consider the fact that it was originally supposed to be a standalone. I know i can't really compare it to bloodbound (absolutely adore that book- the plot, the antagonists, the love interests, the world building, even the side characters are just perfection) because the stories don't have anything in common other than the fact that they both include vampires but bloodbound did everything so much better. For example kamilah being so cold and cynical makes sense because she's been alive for 2000 years and experienced so much..why did cas hate his human life and why does he despise humans so much? I hope this makes sense but specially in vampire books getting a backstory is essential for connecting with the character so in immortal desires they feel like a clay sculpture that had so much potential but it was never painted properly so although it could've been a masterpiece it just looks trashy. Even the flashbacks in immortal desires feel so lazy- unlike bloodbound there's no change in clothing/hairstyle to show the different time periods.
And it doesn't make sense for mc to get over cas killing someone and Gabriel's betrayal (if the only person I thought i could actually share my problems and connect with turned out to be a spy for that very fucking problem i would be PISSED) so quickly.
The pacing is really off too like I had trouble keeping up with how much time had passed because it felt like the story started off really slow then was rushed at the end.
I didn't really love the addition of talismans either because I just find them stupid and lazy honestly like "RAHHH I'm an all powerful vampire that's been alive for centuries I'm gonna kill you" and then MC's just "hi all powerful vampire that's been alive for centuries and is skilled in killing humans and fighting i found this random ass charm hanging from a tree/in a cave/on the ground that is ridiculously powerful and for some reason never runs out of magic and although I'm a fragile human with 0 experience I'll kill you all in seconds hehehe" like?? 😭😭😭
And again bloodbound does it so much better like mc knows she's the weakest of the pact but she does everything she can to help. Even kamilah knows she isn't good at fighting so instead some stupid shit like trying to teach this human hand to hand combat in one day to fight against a fucking vampire (what gabe did) she teaches her to use her wits like instead of fighting back you dodge their attacks to use their own momentum against them. AND THAT SCENE STILL HAD SEXUAL TENSION LIKE IT WAS DONE SO WELL.
Another thing that bloodbound does better is that the actions actually have consequences like mc actually gets injured/dies if a lot of wrong choices are made whereas in immortal desires literally nothing happens.
I'm sorry for the rant lol that's all for now. Thank you so much for reading<33
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zoeywades-spouse · 1 year
I definitely wish PB would have a little more variety in how they write GOC LIs.
While I personally don't consider masculine behaviors to be "male coded" and there are a fair share of GOC LIs that I felt worked fine with the female version (Gabe and Cas, Kieran, Manu, Yvette, Rory, Dakota, Hayden), I think it is fair to say that PB does write with the male version in mind a lot of the time- which is why we've pretty much never seen a GOC LI with more feminine behaviors.
I'm tired of customizable LIs but if that's what PB is gonna stick to for most books, they could at least make a GOC LI that's more feminine for once? And not just for the f!LI romancers, but for m!LI romancers too. I'd love if Alpha turned out to have MC be the more Alpha role and LI was the naive newbie (but even the chances of PB getting rid of their VIP system are higher than the chances of PB giving us that in this book).
And while I agree that “masculine behaviours” in and of themselves are not male-coded but I've found in Choices stories that if there’s too much of it and not enough changes it can turn the female LI (in the single LI books I've mostly found this) into basically a male-coded character. That's mainly because there are behaviours and actions with the GoC LIs oftentimes that seem unrealistic when it’s a sapphic relationship compared to a straight relationship that can make the female LI appear male-coded as well. However, it really depends on the story.
I think PB has done decent with some books like Gabe and Cas especially as well as Dakota and Hayden (Guinevere and Lancelot as well!) but there are definitely a lot of others that (like TNA, Cursed Heart, Untameable, etc.) that make me very hesitant of single LI books since it really ruins the experience when you’re romancing a woman and yet she’s acting much more like how a cishet man would behave in those situations than a woman (especially when it’s a sapphic relationship).
I think if PB was going to write a female LI that behaves in more masculine ways or is gender non-conforming (can be both here) it has to be done with thought. When you’re just copying and pasting the text and not adding a lot of depth those behaviours can definitely be perceived as male-coded. We live in a heteronormative society and you can definitely see that in their writing (which is very disappointing but not surprising tbh). There's a lot they're not taking into consideration especially with gender roles and portrayals of masculine and feminine behaviours.
I really like your point about making more feminine LIs! Especially feminine male LIs we need more of those!! And I hope that's the Alpha book we're going to get because that would be AMAZING. It would be such a fun change but I doubt that's how it going to go unfortunately.
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jumblejen · 2 years
We Were Always Going to End Up Together - Ch 5
Suptober 22, Day 5: A Perfect Disaster
On AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42237885/chapters/106611369
(Or read from the beginning: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42237885/chapters/106051008)
Dean couldn’t believe he wasn’t anxious. He was plenty nervous, but it felt like champagne bubbles rising through his system instead of soul-strangling doubt. He’d taken care to pay more attention to how he dressed to go to the Roadhouse than he’d ever done before, inspecting himself in the mirror long enough that he laughed at himself before heading out. He’d picked the soft green Henley to bring out his eyes a little, over a white tshirt that just poked out. Slim fit (but not too tight!) jeans with his favorite still-looked-nice-enough boots and he knew he looked good. He wished he’d replaced his old leather coat, but made do with his everyday canvas one. It would be warm inside anyway, so it wouldn’t be on long.
‘If Dean played his cards right, maybe none of his clothes would stay on that long,’ a little voice snickered in the back of his head at the thought. A guy could dream.
He got to the Roadhouse early, mostly to avoid a chance that his happy nerves could turn into an anxiety spiral while waiting for the time to pass. Jo was working tonight, which was nice because he appreciated a friendly face, but also annoying as she would immediately clock that he was there for a date and she would be merciless. A little sister type, she was a blessing and a curse all rolled into a perky but violent blonde package.
“Hey Dean, who’s the lucky one tonight? Or are you just hoping it’ll be you?”
“I’m always lucky to be eating Ellen’s food,” Dean teased back.
“Well Mom will be happy you still know how to kiss up to her.”
“Do you want to drag her out here to say hi?”
“Nah, she’ll come around later maybe. Besides, you don’t want your date to get the wrong idea.” Jo grabbed a couple of menus and started leading Dean back towards the nicer booths. “After all, they might think you’re likable or something.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just remember that I pay your tip.”
“Oh please. Either your date pays, and tips me well or you tip me well. No way you want to risk looking like a cheapskate on a first date.” Dean frowned at her back as she sashayed away. He hated when she got the last word. His expression changed to a grin as he saw Castiel walk through the doorway.
Apparently Dean wasn’t the only one who was early for things. He stood up and caught Castiel’s eye.
“Hey Cas,” started Dean, suddenly a little shy.
“Yeah, Cas?”
“What are you…”
Dean felt his face flush pink as his happy nervous bubbles curdled in his belly. “Didn’t we have a date?” Dean managed to force out.
Cas sighed deeply and looked at the floor.
Dean wondered if he could just melt through the floor. Worse, this might even be bad enough that Jo would be nice to him. “I mean, your text…”
“Sorry, Dean. I…I didn’t know I was meeting you here.”
Dean’s flush deepened and he thought his whole head might actually catch on fire. “It’s fine, man. No harm, no foul.” Dean thought he might be sick all over his favorite boots.
“Dean, wait.”
Dean met earnest blue eyes and wished even harder he could disappear.
“This was Gabe’s doing. He thinks I don’t have a life and he must have taken my phone and asked you out. I’m so sorry for the misunderstanding.”
“It’s cool, Cas,” said Dean, desperately shutting down his disappointment and putting on his impersonal, charming face.
“No. I might kill my cousin, and he should never have done this without my knowledge.”
“Yeah, definitely a dick move. But really, it’s okay. I’m sorry you came out and all for a joke.” Dean was trying to figure out how to get out of this conversation so he could drown his sorrows a little and then go home and lick his wounds.
“But you wanted to go out with me?”
Dean blinked in surprise. “Wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t.”
“I mean. Are you sure you knew it was dinner with me?”
Dean smiled a little at that. “Of course with you. Not every day that a gorgeous scarecrow asks me out.”
It was Castiel’s turn to blush as he rubbed the back of his neck. In a voice so low and quiet Dean almost couldn’t make out the words Cas mumbled, “Do you want to stay and have dinner with me?”
Dean’s smile was softer, “Yeah man. We’re both here and I’m definitely interested if you are.” Dean gave him what he hoped came across as an encouraging look.
Castiel’s smile was small but bright.
They took seats on either side of the booth, both a little shy and not sure what to say. Dean met Castiel’s eyes and huffed a small laugh. “So Gabe’s your cousin?”
“Yes. And he’s very irritating.”
“Is it so bad having dinner with me?”
“No, I’m sorry. I’m not very good at this.”
“Having dinner?”
“Talking to good-looking men.”
Dean drew a breath in at the sincerity in Cas’ gaze. “Seems like you’re doing ok.”
“What can I get you two?”
Dean tried not to glare at Jo’s interruption.
“Your usual, Dean?”
“Sure, Jo.”
“And for you?”
“I’ll have whatever he’s having.”
“Alright. Be back in a minute.”
“What if I ordered a shitty IPA?”
“Then I guess I’ll have to suffer through the experience.”
Dean laughed, enjoying the adorable mix of awkward and deadpan funny.
They chatted about how Dean knew Jo until Jo dropped off their beers and took their orders and left them alone with a wink to Dean.
 “So what do you do when you aren’t hanging around corn mazes?”
“Not much, really.”
“Does scarecrow really pay that well?”
“No, I just am in between jobs right now. I own the farm that the maze is on.”
“So you decided to go all in on that?”
“It was Gabe’s idea. He talked me into performing there too.”
“So what you’re saying is that we only met because your cousin is a busybody who tries to micromanage your life?”
“He thinks I’m lonely.”
Dean paused. “Are you?”
“I find people to be difficult in a social setting.”
“People are just people man. Most of us don’t bite.” Dean smiled wolfishly, hoping a little bit of his own desire shone through.
“I understand people better when we have a mutual purpose.”
“Such as…”
“At the maze, I’m trying to scare them. At a job, I am trying to get my work done and so are they, so that helps facilitate the relationship. When I am a customer, interacting with the cashier has a practical structure. It’s easier when I know what both sides of the equation are expecting.”
“And when there’s a cute boy you are suddenly having dinner with?”
“I hope I don’t scare him off because I’m not sure what to say. There’s no script for this.”
Dean’s heart melted a little at the wistful vulnerability he could read in the other man’s face. “Well, we’re talking just fine here. And I know everyone has always told me I have more words than most so you can always just get me started and I’ll carry the conversation for awhile.”
“I think I’m doing okay.”
“So far so good. In fact, I think that you have avoided any possible disaster tonight.”
“There’s still time. I could still manage to knock and entire plate of food onto your lap or accidentally insult your life’s work.”
“Well, let’s try to avoid all that, but even if those things happened I think we’d be fine. Once we got the awkward part out of the way, I’d say it’s been perfect.”
Cas smiled shyly at Dean, raising his beer slightly, blue eyes shining. “Then here’s to our perfect disaster.”
Dean felt his smile stretch wide as he gently clinked his bottle against Cas’.
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cheerfulripley · 2 years
I'm going back down my Sabriel rabbit hole and I realized yall might not know I wrote a Sabriel series many moons ago!
It's a s5 Canon divergent AU, picking up after Changing Channels. The first story was a one shot (my first smutty and spn story) that grew into a 4 parter series that is still one of my favorite things I've written. It's got everything you want, fun pranks, drama, smut, action, and angst with ahaopy ending. Sam and Gabe have a interesting relationship and once they figure out themselves they set their sights on helping Dean and Cas work their issues out too. Also, the wings are just so much fun! And Cas gets a promotion we don't see too often.
I'm also proud of it because I dropped the last story for 6 years before the finale kicked me in the ass. So I just love this whole thing :3
Hope yall enjoy it and if you do please leave some kudos and comments!
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Unknown Secrets [4] - repost
Summary: The reader is confronted by the Winchesters, angels, and British Men of Letters. They are still suspicious of y/n but they let them go home to rest. Y/n instead seeks answers at an old friend’s home and tries to work out what to do next.
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, reader, Gabriel, Castiel, Mick, Ketch, Rowena, and Crowley
Pairing: everyone platonic
Genre: Angst, bit of fluff
Word Count: 3,742
Warnings: n/a, reader has a small anxiety attack but nothing crazy :)
A/N: Hello y'all! Thank you so much for this support and patience. I’ve been at college for a while and my dad also passed away so this chapter is out wayyyy later than I anticipated, but here it is! Hope you enjoy <3
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The click of the Impala’s doors jars me from my racing thoughts, Cas glances my way and quickly opens his door, getting out of the car. I’m still feeling the effects of passing out, so hopefully, Cas doesn’t just leave me here in case I faint again. Luckily, he walks around the car to my side, carefully opens my door, and helps me out.
“Do you need any help walking, y/n?” Cas asks while watching me hold onto Baby for support.
“I think I just need a second to get my balance back.” Part of me wants to just accept his help and walk back in to get whatever is going to happen over with, but I need a moment to prepare myself since Gabriel clearly didn’t want me to hear what he had to say.
“Let’s get this over with I guess.” I start walking towards the hotel room, still a bit shaky but Cas is right by my side in case I faint again, or if I tried to run I guess.
“Why do you say that?” Cas asks, focusing his eyes forward.
I scoff, “It’s pretty obvious, Cas,” I say looking at him, “your brother clearly has some kind of issue with me and didn’t want me around to hear what he has to say about me.” Cas slowly nods his head and keeps facing forward.
We reach the front door which Cas opens, stepping to the side and letting me walk in first. It’s very obvious that whatever Gabriel had said made everyone uncomfortable, even Mick and Ketch were looking at me like I was a killer or something. Since Gabe has since occupied my spot on the bed, I instead opted for the chair next to the door.
The atmosphere is so tense, I feel like I can hardly breathe. “So, what the hell, Gabriel?” I say, with zero response. Cas shuts the door and locks it, standing right behind my chair, as though I could actually go anywhere right now.
“We need to ask you some questions, y/n.” Ketch offers, making brief eye contact with me then looking back at the floor.
“Alright, well what kind of questions other than are you secretly hiding Asmodeus’ kid - which I am not by the way,” I say, looking up at Cas, still pissed at both him and his dramatic brother.
“We need to know everything that you remember, every last detail no matter how dumb or insignificant,“ Dean says.
"But I already-”
“And don’t say "I already told you everything, please believe me!” Because that’s clearly not true, alright?“ Gabriel interjects, standing swiftly from the bed, every word dripping with anger. I look into his eyes, hurt vivid in the whiskey color, stabbing at my heart till my eyes begin to water.
I look down at the floor, knowing everyone’s eyes will hold the same hurt and distrust. "I swear, on my life, that I have told you everything,” I say, voice shaking and on the verge of crying or passing out again. I wish I hadn’t bothered on this hunt in the first place. “And if you still don’t want to believe me, then fine don’t,” I say looking back up to Gabriel. Nothing changes in his eyes, Sam sighs and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.
“Y/n?” Ketch asks. I glance at him but I can’t read him at all, I look back to the floor and lean into the side of my chair. “You’re sure that is everything you remember?” I nod and keep looking at the floor.
I can’t stand the anxiety creeping up, the image of Gabriel’s hate-filled eyes filling my vision. I can’t exactly blame him though, if I was sure that someone in front of me was the child of a monster that tortured me for months, I’d want them dead too. “Oh god, does everyone here want me dead then? I mean, I understand Sam and Dean not immediately believing me, but Ketch and Mick surely don’t”. I vaguely hear some footsteps walking towards me.
I realize it’s Mick as he crouches down and gently takes my hands in his. “It’s alright, ” he says, “look at me when I say this, okay?” I take a shaky breath and look at Mick, seeing years of trust and friendship in his face.
“The reason why we keep asking you is because when you were unconscious, whatever you were seeing or dreaming about, it had to do with Asmodeus…” I feel my chest tighten, I had thought it was just some twisted nightmare or my brain reacting oddly with the information I heard before I passed out. I don’t even know how to respond.
“Anything you wanna say that would clear this up?” Dean asks. Though it sounds more like a command than a question really, not that it matters anymore, at this point I’m at these people’s mercy.
“I’m one hundred percent sure, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I don’t even bother meeting anyone’s eyes out of both guilt and exhaustion, I should just go home at this point. “There isn’t a way for me to prove it, but I seriously am lost on what you guys are talking about at this point. So unless you want to tell me what happened, I’m feeling pretty shitty so it’d be great if I could just go home and rest, that okay with you?” It’s silent for a moment, and I look up to see Sam and Dean locked in a stare.
Sam slowly nods and so do Dean and Castiel. I shakily stand, and Ketch offers to help me to my car. I roll my eyes, “Gotta still keep an eye on me huh?”
“You did faint, twice so yeah I’ll stick with watching out for you.” I nod and give a weak goodbye to everyone and grab my jacket, keys safely inside and walk out the door, Ketch following close behind.
“You know I believe you right, y/n?” Ketch says, offering his arm for me to hold onto. I truly don’t deserve him or Mick, especially risking their reputations for helping me out. I hope that whatever I saw has a logical explanation for once. I hold onto his arm, his other hand coming up to gently hold mine, a reassuring gesture that calms my nerves.
“I’m glad you do, it means the world to me,” He hums in thought, “Just wish everyone else would I guess.” The rest of the walk to my truck is quiet, an odd occurrence with Ketch but welcome nonetheless.
“Thank you, Ketch, for believing me and everything,” I say as I climb into the driver’s seat. He only smiles and tells me to be safe but my mind is already somewhere else, as I watch him walk back towards the motel room, I think of options on how to handle this situation. I just lied to four strong hunters, an angel, and an archangel.
And if I came clean now I think it would only make things worse, maybe an old friend can help this whole thing get better and not worse.
The light ring of her doorbell draws me out of my thoughts, I certainly hope she’s home, the only other person I could go hideout with is - “No, I’m not hiding,” I need information before jumping to dangerous conclusions “I’m searching for other possibilities.” The only other people I could ask about this are Mick and Ketch, and I doubt that would go over well.
The front door clicks open, and Rowena immediately envelopes me in a hug. “I haven’t seen you in far too long, y/n! How have you been?” I smile and hug her tightly, thank god she’s home.
“I’ve been good! You’re right it has been too long. Um, could I come in for a second?” Her smile falters for barely a moment, confusion clear on her features.
“Of course, dear. Are you alright?” I swiftly walk inside her apartment and turn to face her.
“Can you promise me that whatever happens, you won’t tell Sam or Dean anything?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, did they do something I should know about?” Rowena asks, raising her chin with an air of confidence and protectiveness.
I merely hold my head in my hands, my elbows resting on my stomach, and pause a moment, wondering how to break the news. “Do you remember doing a spell for the Winchesters a while ago? One that had to do with Asmodeus?”
“Yes I do, took me a few tries to get it just right but it got them a location for the demon. I heard you were helping them in this case, is that why you’re here?”
“Well yes and no. I was helping them on this case, but they didn’t ask me to come visit you,” I turn around and walk further into her home, taking a seat on one of her armchairs. “I had a weird vision and I don’t know what it means but long story short, the Winchesters, Castiel, Gabriel, and possibly Mick all think I’m the nephidemon they’re after.”
I look up at Rowena, hoping for her to keep this secret. We’ve helped each other out of rough spots before, I’m sure she can do it again.
“Okay, tell me about this vision of yours.” She states without judgment, taking the seat across from me.
I told her everything I can remember, and everything that happened after in the hotel. At some point in my retelling, she gets up and makes a quick drink for us both. Smells strongly of cinnamon but tastes more like a kind of tea.
Rowena takes her seat across from me again and cautiously says, “I don’t mean to add anything negative to an already distressing situation, but that vision sounds a lot more like an old memory resurfacing.” I nod, I already had a feeling that was the answer but hearing from her makes it so much more real. “I’m assuming you didn’t tell any of the boys about this memory,” I nod again, “And you’re needing a place to lay low for a bit?” A knowing smile gracing her face.
“That would be the best thing right now, Rowena. Thank you.” She smiles and waves her hand in a shooing motion.
“It’s no problem at all, I do love your company.” I laugh and fully relax for the first time since I left the motel today.
“Is it possible for you to do the spell again, but with the map only showing this city to see if I’m the thing Sam and Dean are hunting? Otherwise, it’s probably back in my town and I’d rather be sure.”
Rowena sighs and glances away for a moment, “That spell used a lot of rare ingredients so it would take a little finessing, of course, you’re welcome to stay here while you figure everything out.”
“Thank you so much, Ro, I owe you one.”
“Make it two,” she says, a playful smile evident.
“Deal. I just hope they don’t try to find out where I am right now. I told them I would be staying home until I felt alright to help them with the hunt.”
“I know Samuel knows where I live, but don’t tell them where you are for now, who knows what they’ll do if they think you’re Asmodeus’ child.”
“Yeah, especially Gabriel.”
She hums in agreement, deep in thought again. She looks back over to me and asks, “I’ll probably need some help, finding the ingredients needed for the spell and all that, would you be alright if I gave my son a ring and let him know what’s going on?”
“I’ve only ever heard of him but yes. If you could tell him to not tell anyone else then I’m totally fine with him being in the know for this situation.” Although I don’t personally know her son, Rowena is loyal to a fault and I can only assume he was raised with that quality.
She stands up and claps her hands together, “Excellent, I’ll go call him up right now and we can get this plan in motion.” I watch as Rowena leaves the room and faintly hear her talking on the phone with I assume to be her son. I allow myself to get lost in my thoughts, I haven’t truly had a moment to myself where I could focus on processing everything the boys back at the motel said. Time seems to pass by extremely slow, hours have probably passed but there’s no real way to tell. I’m practically sleeping while sitting up with all the exhaustion catching up to me.
There was a slight noise behind me. I spin around to see someone standing by the door, a man with a beard and long black overcoat.
“Rowena!” I call out, grabbing my knife from my belt as I jump to my feet. The witch came back into the room, hanging up her phone, the strange man doing the same.
“Y/n, there is no need for that knife,” I look from her to the man across from me, slightly lowering the knife but keeping it out in the open, “allow me to introduce you to my son, y/n this is Fergus, Fergus this is y/n.”
The man pockets his cellphone, I hadn’t even realized he was holding one at the time. He then walks over and sticks out his hand, “Crowley, actually,” I shake his hand and place my knife back in its spot on my belt, “I have heard many things about you, and I have what you and my mother need to test your theory.” He gestures to Rowena, then a table in the next room covered in ingredients, sitting next to a small map of the immediate area. I have no clue how he could have possibly gotten all those ingredients this soon, but I’m certainly grateful he and Rowena are willing to help me.
“Wait, how on earth did you get all of these things so fast?” I ask.
Crowley laughs and replies cheekily, “I have my connections and a number of them owe me a favor or three, figured now is a good time to call them in.” I nod, looking between him and the table containing my fate. “Plus, it has also has been hours since you came here so I did have some time.”
“It’s been hours?? No, that’s not possible. I know I completely lost track of time but I’ve been sitting here for hours? I hope Ketch hasn’t tried to call me or anything, not like I have any answers for him yet.”
“Alright, let’s do this then,” I say, walking to the table and sitting down in front of it. Rowena and Crowley follow suit standing on either side of me. They begin saying the spell, adding different items as every word is spoken. Rowena beginning, and Crowley continuing where she leaves off. The tension builds as every second passes, I almost start shaking with anxiety but I take a few breathes to try and calm myself down.
A flame erupted and covered the map, making me jump in surprise. At first, it seemed as though the fire would destroy the whole map, but then as suddenly as it began, it went out. Leaving behind Rowena’s apartment building and the surrounding area. My only reaction is to sit deeper in my chair and pray to wake up from this nightmare.
A grounding hand falls gently onto my right shoulder, I know it’s Rowena but I have no idea what expression is on her face. Crowley cleans up the mess of the charred map and carefully disposes of the used up ingredients.
“Crowley,” I say, still looking at the table where my fate was revealed. I hear him come back to my left side and hum in recognition, “is there any way you can convince the Winchesters that I have a reason for not returning to this case? I feel like they are already suspicious of me and this sudden disappearance certainly doesn’t help my case.”
The demon remained silent for a moment. I look up and realize he is focusing on Rowena intently. I hope he isn’t asking her to stick her neck out for me more than she has already. I know both of their reputations with the Brits and angels are shaky at best. And it won’t take very much for the Winchesters to go back to hunting them like another monster.
“Well, the best thing I could do is have you call them and say you have a sickness of some kind, and you have to figure out what’s going on before you can continue the hunt in person.” He glances between me and his mother, and I feel her move. I turn to see her nodding her head, unsure if it’s for permission or as encouragement.
“How would they know you were in contact with me without looking like you were hiding something?” I question. I really do appreciate Crowley risking his life for me, but I can’t just expect it right off the bat.
He smiles mischievously, “I have my ways darling,” I nod with a small smile, “however,” Crowley continues, “then you have a tough choice to make.”
“And what could that possibly be, other than needing to seriously consider making me disappear to avoid whatever the other hunters of the world would want to do to me as some kind of disastrous hybrid?” I can tell that my little outburst concerned Crowley and Rowena, both stiffening and standing taller. I just hope it doesn’t deter them from keeping this a secret.
Crowley clears his throat and waves his hand in front of my face saying, “First of all, in case you haven’t heard, Lucifer had a child. Jack is his name, and even though his father is and always will be a monster that should be destroyed, Jack is one of the kindest so-called monsters to exist.” He grabs a free chair and drags it over to sit eye to eye with me. His eyes are earnest and his face caring, “You can hate yourself later, but right now there is no time for that. You’ve already given the Winchesters far too much time alone with too little information on why you’re not there. So, the tough decision is to choose between saying you’re doing so bad that you can’t afford to even take a phone call from them,” I look at him in disbelief. I mean, does he really think these people will believe that amount of bullshit?
“There’s no way they would ever buy that. They may be trusting but they aren’t stupid.”
“You’re completely right, dear,” Rowena chimes in, “the other option which they will be more likely to believe, is that you can still help with research, tracking possible demon signs, and call them if you have any ideas. But it’s best to go to someone you trust to see what made you faint and feel ill.”
“I wonder who those people would be,” Crowley chuckles at my comment. I know it’s going to be hard to lie, and even harder to tell a convincing lie, but there is no other way to protect people. I can’t stand the thought that all my life, I was protecting my town from horrific creatures when I should have just left and gone underground from the very beginning.
“Y/n, I know how you became a Hunter, and I know it breaks you inside thinking that you weren’t fully human these years. But don’t lose sight of all the good you’ve done, the lives you’ve saved and changed.”
“You a mind-reader or something, Ro?” I question the witch. She merely laughs and winks as she walks over to my go bag sitting on her beautiful couch.
“Now all that’s left to do is give those boys a ring.” She hands me my phone and I scroll through my contact list, landing on Ketch’s number. This has to happen at some point, if I keep them all in the dark it will only make this situation worse.
My screen then lights up with his contact picture, I guess he decided to give me a call instead. I answer it worried about what he might say. Rowena and Crowley quietly left and whisper in the room next to me as I pick up the phone.
“Hello, y/n. How are you feeling?” I sigh with relief, he still sounds like a friend, not a suspicious ally.
“Hi, Ketch. I’m glad you called,” my voice shakes a bit with nerves, I’ve never lied to him or Mick and now the Winchesters and two angels are on their side. “I’m gonna be honest, I’m not doing as good as I was hoping today.”
He lets out a long sigh, “I was worried you might say that. Is it just leftover effects from the fainting episode?”
“To be honest, I think the faint was more of a warning. I don’t think I’ll be there for a while.” I’ve never been good with silence over the phone, but with this big a lie to the person I trust the most, the situation is already weighing on me.
“Well,” he finally answers, “you do know we happen to have two very capable angels here that would be more than happy to figure out what’s going on with you.”
“Yeah, that’s kinda the main problem.” I think sadly, “Yeah, I know, I happen to have two very capable experts that I’m going to go see about this weird sickness.”
“If you trust them, then that’s all that matters. Just keep me updated okay?”
It hurts hearing the care and patience coming from Ketch, I’ll have to make sure that no one ever realizes anything is off with me. “Will do Arthur, and hey, I’m sure I’ll be fine to do some research or demon sign tracking. Don’t count me out just yet.”
He laughs, sounding more confident, “Good with us, give me a call whenever you meet with these specialists, so I know you’re in good hands.” I promise to call him and quickly hang up. I don’t know what I did to earn such an amazing friend, but now I almost wish I never met him.
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magickastiel · 2 years
Oh my gosh hii !! This is such a nice thing you're doin bestie,tyyy!! Im actually gonna say what's on my mind for a change instead of just witnessing all the fun go down from afar like usual because hello.. anxiety!😂 So I saw this video on IG and immediately my mind went to destiel aus 😂 like Dean would be *wait for it* the pitcher and Cas and Gabe would be the ones hollering from the tribune. And idk they'd meet after the game ya know.. love at first sight, bit of angst, throw in them adopting some kiddos if ya want a nice long fic heh. As for the rating ,if we get a say in that , y'know I'm a simple lady who gets hot reading a bossy top Dean steamy fic ,but ig it's up to how it comes comfortably to you to write them .
Man am i nervous lol ,I'm leaving this here and hoping you find this just on the right side of stupid and give it a shot 🫶🏻*laughs nervously* https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmLUd_-Mxd8/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
hi bestie!!! thank you so much for sending me a prompt! that video is so stupid i love it hahaha honestly this has already given me a few ideas - i'm thinking gabe is shouting to pitcher dean on behalf of his very embarassed (but also curious) brother. and any opportunity i have for more gabe and cas being brothers content, the better! i'll add this to the poll - thank you so much for pushing past your anxiety and joining in!! you should feel proud of yourself for that 💖
send me a spn prompt for my follower event! 🥰
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thecryptcatt · 2 years
Sewing is awful.
I've never sewed (I hope that's the correct term) in my life, and I decided to give it a shot. Sewing by hand is time consuming, but I've gotten the hang of it... Using a sewing machine is very different. I made the world's worst bow tie for my dog, Sookie...
The Doctor would be disappointed.
But, I did manage to make something.
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His name is Dean, and he's a little cream-colored squirrel- complete with the freckles. I thought it was a fitting name, seeing as it's a squirrel (and because Sookie is often called a hellhound). She's been in love with the little guy since I started making him. I got to see the excitement in her eyes while she watched me make him :3
I'm really enjoying the whole stuffie making thing, and I'm debating whether to make the rest of the supernatural crew: Sammy, Cas, Jack, and maybe even Crowley and Gabe. It'll take me absolutely forever, but I think it's worth it for the gag, and for the dog.
Other than that, I don't have much else going on. It's nice to finally be home and in my own space, even if that space is shared with my sister. My parents are snappy, as expected. I don't think anythings changed in the time I've been gone.
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I decided to FINALLY sit down and finish work on my art final, which took absolutely freaking forever. Don't ask for the meaning or symbolism though. My lizard brain just thought PEGIN and that's what I did!! It's A2 in size I think, and it took about a month?? I honestly can't remember.
Tomorrow I get to see my girlfriend, and I am so excited... But also nervous. She isn't out to her mom yet, and so I can't introduce myself as her girlfriend. I love her with all my heart, and I know she's the girl I'm gonna marry. It's just gonna be a challenge to make sure I stay "platonic" when her mom's around. Oh boy.
I'll most likely update tomorrow evening again, or whenever something big happens. Whatever mental or psychological illness I have is giving me all kinds of memory loss, and I think that maybe journalling here can help me better remember the important things.
Anywho, goodnight yall ♡
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judeschoices · 2 years
Three Little Words
Because Chapter 15 got me in such of lovesick emotional chokehold. Cas out here making me into the biggest, softest marshmallow. 
Ugh, I love him so much.
Y’all know the drill. Black Male!Cassius x Black Female!MC. With a bit of Male!Gabe x Female!MC (one sided, sorry Gabe fans. I like your guys’ idea of poly relationship, but I personally don’t get down like that.)
(Cas Harlow)
What a fucking mess.
Just only what felt like mere hours ago, I left the lone survivor of my hunting party. The first time in a long time that I felt powerless.
That I felt scared.
...where I felt like I was human.
I thought I wasn’t gonna survive, but no. Those creatures left me there as warning. Laying there in those bushes, barely on the cusp of consciousness, I remember feeling angry. 
Angry that I was beaten so easily. Angry that I was rendered helpless to where my own family was torn apart in some sick ritual. Angry that I didn’t die alongside them.
But it wasn’t until I found myself gazing into Judith’s honey colored eyes that I felt a wave of relief.
If I had died, I wouldn’t have the chance to look into those breathtaking eyes again.
With her support and Golden Boy’s help, we created a plan, tracked down our true enemy, warned the covens, and founded the Creator’s true weakness. 
Only now, he’s grown so powerful to point he rendered both covens injured.
I watched helplessly as my covenmate began to close his eyes after I extracted the branch from his side.
I slapped him out of frustration.
“DAMMIT! Wake up, you idiot!” I felt the sting of tears burn my eyes but I refused to cry. Not now.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I looked up to find Judith staring at me with a steady gaze.
“I know what would help,” she said softly. My heart leapt up with hope... before a chilling realization came crushing down on me.
“You’d better not be suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, babe,” I growled at her. Judith’s impassive look hasn’t shifted, save the single arched brow.
“And why not? These people need blood, Cas. Human blood. It would help speed up the healing process and save their lives.” Gabriel shook his head, just as against the idea as I was.
“And what about you? Giving your blood to this many vampires is way too dangerous,” Golden Boy butted in. Judith pinned both of us with a glare.
“For the love of- Listen to me, you idiots! There’s no reason for your friends to die! They’re your family, just...” Judith sighed, her eyes softening.
“Just let me help them. Believe in me, please...” I bit my lip. I didn’t want to lose anymore of my covenmates... but I didn’t want to risk losing her either. I turned to Gabriel.
“Dammit, Golden Boy, use that giant brain of yours to figure out the right solution already!” Gabriel had the distressed look on his face, looking between our covens as Judith.
“I... I don’t know,” he brokenly admitted. Judith let out another sigh, before grabbing my wrist and dragging me over to Margo.
Her miserable expression changed into a a sarcastic eye roll as we approached.
“Am I already in hell? How many times do I have to look at your ugly face today,” she hissed at Judith. The human girl returned the eye roll.
“Relax, we both know it’s anything but ugly.” Honey brown eyes turned to me with a determined gaze.
“Cas, bite me.” I almost choked on my damn saliva-
“Normally I’d be on board with a witty comeback but-” I shut up at the sight of Judith’s glare, gently taking hold of her wrist. Margo watched our exchange with alarmed eyes.
“The hell are you doing?!” I frowned at her.
“She’s helping your bitter ass, so shut up and start being grateful,” I hissed. With a shaky breath, I carefully sunk my fangs into Judith’s wrist. She let out a low hiss through her clenched teeth but didn’t say anything. Swiping my tongue over my fangs, I carefully watched her expression.
“You okay,” I asked softly. Judith glanced at me, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.
“Fit as a fiddle.” Judith turned her gaze to Margo, holding out her bleeding wrist.
“Just a sip now,” Judith murmured quietly to the injured girl. Margo let out a sharp laugh.
“You’re putting fresh blood in my face and expect me to only have a sip?” I glared at the redhead.
“Margo.” She flinched at my tone before brushing it off with an eye roll.
“Fine. Fine.” I watched carefully, making sure my covenmate didn’t get carried away with get more than necessary. The moment I saw her wounds healing, I pulled her away before dragging Judith to the others.
“Hey Judith. Wait a second,” I called out to her. We went through a handful Venandis and I could see Judith’s eyes turning hazy. I held her close to keep her upright.
“Why the hell are you helping Venandis after everything they’ve done. I mean, my coven hasn’t exactly been all warm and fuzzy toward you ever since you met them.” Judith shook her head with a soft laugh.
“You really don’t get it, do you? I’m helping because they matter to you, Cas. You care about them, and I care about you, so that I means I care about them too.” I stared at the girl in my arms in utter disbelief.
‘She was willing to help those who pushed her around, belittle her, threaten her... because of me?’
“Just... just like that,” I whispered, almost breathless at the sheer reality of it. Full lips spread into a sweet smile.
“Just like that,” she answered in kind, her gaze warm upon my face. I smirked at her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“You’re one of a kind, New Girl... it’s their loss if they don’t see it,” I whispered. She let out a chuckle, nuzzling my chin before quickly making her way to Gabriel to help the Clements.
The groans of pain have decreased almost sufficiently as Judith made her rounds to each vampire. Despite the fear of someone taking advantage of her, I never felt more proud of her. She truly had a heart like no other... 
Knocked out of my musings, a pair of elders were dragging in their fellow injured members into the gym. Before Gabriel or I could act, Judith jumped up to meet them halfway.
“Judith, wait!”
“Damn it, New Girl! Wait a second-” Cold eyes swept over me and Adalhard, forcing us to stop a few steps behind her.
“They need help and you’re stopping me,” she asked, her voice dropping a pitch. Swallowing my slight fear of the human girl, I walked up to her and cupped her face in my hands.
“Can you even handle giving anymore? You should be nearly at your limit at this point.” Her gaze lost its edge, squeezing my wrist.
“I’m fine, Cas. They’re the last two. Let me do this.” Biting my lip, I released her. Gabriel and I watched as the girl kneeled, offering her wrists to the wounded elders. Despite being on the brink of consciousness, the two took careful sips of her blood. Just as Judith was about to pull away, the two clamped down on her arms with an iron clad grip, taking more than she was willing to offer.
“Ngh!” Judith gritted her teeth, trying to pull away from them... but thanks to the blood loss, she was much weaker.
Gabriel and I sprang into action, pulling our respective coven elder off of her. Judith raised wobbly to her feet and I wasted no time picking her up bridal style, making my way to the bleachers.
“Cas, put me down. I... I can walk,” I heard her grunt against my shoulder. I let out a soft scoff.
“I only take orders from people who don’t look like they’re going to keel over,” I snapped. I felt her flinch and let out a sigh. 
“Just... Just hush and let me do this for you, Judith...” For the few times since meeting each other, Judith remained silent. I sat down on the lowest bleacher, adjusting the girl so she could sit on my lap. She still wouldn’t look at me, so I decided to lighten the mood.
“So... back when I said you’re one of a kind, I meant you’re more stubborn than any human has a right to be...” I got what I wanted. A beautiful smile. A weak one, but still breathtaking all the same.
“Admit it, that’s one of the things you like about me,” she mumbled into my neck, chuckling. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t stop the small smile from appearing on my face. Gabriel took the seat next to us, a chocolate chip cookie and a juice pouch in hand.
“Your stubbornness is one of your best traits, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make us worried sick. Here, this should help get your blood sugar back up.” Judith was quick to grab the cookie, already biting into it with a moan.
“Judith... I want to thank you for your help. It hurt seeing my covenmates suffering so it means a lot to know that they’re recovering because of you,” Gabriel said, his gaze reverent. I awkwardly cleared my throat.
“Yeah... I’m not about sentimentality and crap, but... you saved my family. It means more than you know.” Judith smiled at us, and surprisingly, kissing my cheek and squeezing Adalhard’s hand. I looked at her with a raised brows.
“What are you doing,” I asked. She shrugged, a goofy smile taking over her normally serious face.
“Just thinking about how happy I am that you’re happy.” I snorted.
“...Weirdo...” But that didn’t stop me for placing a quick peck on her lips.
“...Said with affection.” Those eyes sparkled at me as she rubbed our noses together. Let this be anybody else, I would’ve complained about how disgustingly cute she’s being with the PDA...
But Judith wasn’t just anybody else...
I comfortably watched on as Gabriel offered her juice pouch as Judith polished off the rest of her cookie. The playful banter between the two would’ve bothered me in the past, but I felt comfortable with where I stood with the girl.
And I think Adalhard knows she felt comfortable she stood with me too.
“Human.” All three of us looked up to find the Clement and Venandi elders who hauled in their injured brothers from earlier.
“We wanted to come and issue our thanks,” the Venandi Elder said. The Clement Elder nodded alongside her.
“Indeed. What you, a human, have just done for the vampires gathered here, and at the risk of your own well-being... It reminds me of the days, hundreds of years ago now, when a handful of Crimson Beech humans helped defend us from the vampire hunters.” My brows furrowed at this.
“That actually happened,” Gabriel asked, seemingly as shocked as I was.
“It did. But as time passed and history forgotten, we didn’t think something of the sort would ever happen again.” Judith  let out a thoughtful hum.
“I guess that means it goes to show that humans and vampires have more in common that you previously thought. We both can tell there is a greater evil out to end us both, it would be in our best interest to set our differences, wouldn’t it,” she mused, a teasing tilt can be heard in her voice. The Elders’ mouths twitched upward briefly before giving a solemn nod. 
Margo appeared with a scoff, eyeing the girl sitting comfortably on my lap.
“Before today, I would’ve said everything you guys just said was a load of crap,” she huffed. But she deflated as she continued,
“But before today, I never thought I’d see a human go so far to keep a vampire alive... You’re pretty alright, Gabriel...” With a dismissive wave of her hand, Margo wandered off. The Venandi Elder nodded at Judith.
“We owe you a debt, human.” Judith returned it with a nod of her own.
“I promise you, I’m not going to stop helping until we know how to defeat the Creator, so we can all stay alive.” I bit my lip at that. 
Judith already proven time and time again that she was willing to help us. Even when she’s been used and abused by the covens so many times. Even when they threaten the lives of her and her mother. Even when they actually almost killed them.
‘Just how far are you going to go, Judith? I... I can’t lose you... I don’t want to, don’t make me... please...’
I hugged the girl closer, breathing in that sweet scent that clung onto her skin. I just hope that we can-
All of us jumped as the building shook under the massive energy wave that hit it.
“Aw shit, what now,” I growled under my breath. The three of us rushed to the back door, pushing it open to find dark thunderstorm cloud rolling in fast. The trees lost their vibrant colors and some of them were being uproot by the powerful gusts. At the eye of the storm, pulsing lights burst from the beech tree lighting up the night sky. Judith cursed under her breath.
“He found the ley line’s heart and is starting to drain his energy! We have to come up with something and fast.” Sparing a glance at the room, only the three of us were well enough to take him on.
“Fuck, it’s really us against him,” I hissed, running my fingers through my hair.
“Astoria and Lweyn could only hold out for so long! What are we gonna do to defeat this Creator,” Gabriel stressed, pacing around. Judith regarded the both of us with a cool look. 
Even though the sadness could be seen in her eyes.
“I don’t think a vampire can beat him at all. He’s an all powerful god at this point. It’s gonna take more than blood-sucking to take him down...” Then I saw it.
That same faraway look I would see on her face.
The one she gets when she thinks real hard about something. As she came back to herself, I noticed a wild look flashing in those irises.
“He’d never consider a human to be a real threat. I could fool him drinking vampire blood from me!”
“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND,” I yelled. I know it wasn’t necessary but this girl lost her damn marbles if she thinks I would willing let her walk to her death.
“Cas, c’mon! Think about it. We know for a fact that vampire blood is his weakness! This is the only sure way of ending him once and for all,” she reasoned.
“One question then. How do you plan on getting vampire blood in your veins without, oh, I don’t know... turning into one?!” Gabriel jumped in my defense.
“Which is one hundred percent off the table, FYI.” The girl didn’t back down.
“The science lab has to have something I could use to inject myself with!”
‘This girl is aiming to take years off my life, I swear to God-’
“You want to do a complex medical procedure in a high school lab?! Judith, this is insane,” Gabriel shouted.
“More than insane. You could die! Too much vampire blood will poison you just as much as it poisons him,” I hissed, silently with pleading her to understand. To reconsider. Judith glared at the both of us.
“It’s worth the risk if it’ll save everyone!” Gabriel grabbed her shoulders, shaking her.
“Judith, don’t you get it?! We’re trying to save you! Do you want to die?!” Judith deflated at the sight of Golden Boy’s heartbroken gaze. She turned to look at me, and I met her eyes. I knew I could never hide how I truly feel about her, she’s the only person I know who could read me like a book.
She lowered her gaze.
“Of course I don’t want to die. But... I’m not afraid to. Especially if it meant protecting the both of you,” she whispered. She stepped out of Gabriel’s slacken grasp, a sad look dimming those beautiful eyes.
“You two became such an important part of my life. If putting myself at risk meant you two would be safe... I would do it a thousand times over again with no regrets.” Gabriel choked on a sob.
“And what about how we feel,” he asked her. I grasped onto the little burning embers of anger I had, refusing to give into my sadness.
“Yeah, seems like we should get a say in this stupid plan,” I spat. Gabriel forged on, trying to get Judith to see reason.
“Judith, we promised your mom we’d take care of you. Don’t make us liars...” She let out a bitter laugh at that, a pained smile making its way onto her face.
“Nice try boys, but nothing you can say is going to stop me. Only I can do this. Only a human can defeat the Creator and save Crimson Beech-” The building shook from another energy blast, nearly knocking all of us on our asses. Judith’s eyes harden.
“And we’re running out of time to do both. I need you two to help me with the most important part of this plan. You have to make sure I stay alive long enough for the Creator to bite me.” Without another word, Judith turned on her heel and rushed out of the gym. I cursed under my breath, running after her.
Golden Boy and I burst into the science lab, already finding Judith going through different drawers and cabinets in hopes of finding something to aide her in her crazy ass plan. My heart dropped to my feet at the sight of the syringe in her small hand. I walked up to her, an open heartbroken look in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her, looking into those determined eyes.
“New Girl... Judith. Please, can you just reconsider this,” I pleaded. My voice cracked as I said her name. I never begged for anything in life. Yet here I was, begging this human girl not to throw her life away because I was unwilling to let her go.
“There’s gotta be another way to do this, please Judith, let’s think about this,” Golden Boy said. Judith shook her head out of sad fondness.
“There is no other way. The fact that neither of you stopped me from coming here means that you know that I’m right. This is the only chance we got...” She lifted the syringe and I glared at the sight of it.
“All I need is to take some of your blood and inject into my own veins. Simple, crude, but again, it’s the only chance we got.” Gabriel approached her, covering the medical tool as if he wanted hide it out of sight.
“I’ll sacrifice myself instead. Trick him into taking a bite outta of me-” Judith cupped my face in her free hand, extinguishing what little anger I had left. She looked into my eyes.
“No, Cas,” she whispered. “You know it wouldn’t work. We all know it.”  I gripped her tighter, dropping my forehead against hers.
“Listen to me. These past couple of moths, I’ve felt more live than I ever felt before. I... I don’t want to cut it short, but if you get to keep living...” Her eyes  became clouded with tears as she looked at me. With a shaky exhale, she pulled away but held my hand.
“New Girl,” I called out softly. 
“I need to talk to you for a second,” she said, briefly glancing at Gabriel. Golden Boy got the hint, staying the lab while Judith and I headed out into the dim hallway. The girl turned to me with squared shoulders.
“Look, I don’t know where to start, but hear me out,” she quietly admitted, a shy look could be seen in her eyes. I silently nodded, forcing my heart to calm down as she held my hands.
“Before I go out and to face the Creator, I need you to know how much you mean to me... and how glad I am that I took the risk to get to you know you better.” I gave a teasing grin, tightening my fingers around hers.
“Yeah, I mean I understand your initial hesitation after I went all rabid-vampire on you in the woods that night.” Judith laughed.
“And let’s not forget the ensuing trial where you told the elders that they should just eat me and be done with it,” she teased back. The both of us shared a laugh as we remember our first interactions with each other. Who would’ve thought that this human girl would become such a large part of my life?
‘Where have you been all my life, baby girl?’
“Honestly, I’d go through that fear all over again if that’s what it took to have you in my life,” she confessed, stepping closer to me. I let in a sharp inhale.
“Judith...” She raised a single finger to my lips, signaling she was far from down.
“I want you to know that I’m happy that you decided to take a chance on me. You never made how you feel about humans a secret, often reminding me of my fragility. But you put those reservations aside... and because of that, look at where we are now.” I smirked a little.
“I did it ‘cause I saw something in you. You never backed down from me no matter how much I challenged you. No matter how I tried to scare you for my entertainment. No human so boldly looked me in my eyes and told me that they weren’t scared of a little danger.” Judith smiled at me as parroted the same words she told me the night of the party.
“And I saw something in you as well. Papa always told me to trust my instincts, telling me they would never lead me astray. I’m glad to had listened to his many teachings.” I watched mesmerized as she pulled me closer, leaving almost no space between us. She released my hands in favor of cupping my face. My hands made themselves at home on the curve of her hips.
“Every second with you has reawaken something in me. Something I haven’t felt since my father passed away. All the thrills you convinced me to experience with you, all the adventures we went on together... I’m grateful for it all. And I’ll never forget them for as long as I live.” She brought our foreheads together as she spoke again.
“Thank you, Cas, for being a part of my life.” I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but any words I was going to say died in my throat. 
“I-I... No one’s ever...” I felt the same burning sensation earlier hit my eyes and tried to pull away from her to regain myself. But she held me in place.
“Cas,” she whispered softly, trying to look me in my eyes. I let out a shaky breath, looking into honey brown eyes with teary vision. I felt the first tear rolled down my cheek, and then the next. I swallowed, forcing my voice to work again.
“A-all of that... d-do you really mean it,” I asked. Judith’s eyes told me all I need to know, but she voiced it anyways.
“Of course, I did.” Unable to find a proper response, I gave her a nod, trying to blink away the tears that couldn’t stop falling down my face. I let out a bitter laugh.
“God, this is so embarrassing,” I groaned. I went to wipe my face, but small slender hands caught mine before I could. Judith’s gaze was soft and warm, unwavering and comforting. The corners of her lips quirked up a bit.
“I don’t think it is...” I stifled a gasp as she stood on her toes to delicately kiss away my tears. I tighten my hold on her, closing my eyes and basking at the rare affection. When she pulled back to meet my eyes, her smile widen a bit.
“I think it’s rather romantic,” she giggled. I let out a watery laugh.
“God, you’re so weird.” She gave a wink.
“Right back at you, Harlow.” Toned arms wrapped around my neck, pulling my closer to her face. I could see every fleck of color of her eyes, framed by what seems like dozens of short curly lashes.
“Cas... I love you.” I froze.
“You... what,” I gasped, not believing my ears. She laughed.
“I love you, Cassius Harlow, you edgy awkward jerk,” she giggled.
“I love you.” A kiss on my forehead.
“I love you.” A kiss on my cheek.
“I love you,” she whispered, pressing her lips against mine. I kissed her back, clinging onto her as if she was life itself. She moaned softly as I pushed her against wall, wrapping her legs around my waist.
‘She... she loves me... She actually loves me...’
She pulled away with a teasing grin.
“Need me to repeat it again?” I shook my head, slowly coming back to myself.
“No, I... I think I got it,” I mumbled, thanking every higher deity that it was dark enough so she couldn’t see my blush. I grabbed her wrists, lowering her hands down my neck to rest right above my heart. I looked into her eyes.
Those same eyes she inherited from her father.
And the same eyes that I fell in love with...
“And so we’re clear, Judith Gabriel, I lo-mhm?!” Just as I was about to confess my feelings for her, she silenced me with a rough kiss. Just as quickly as it started, it ended. Judith bit her lip, shaking her head at me.
“Not yet. Not right before I have to go out there. But... if there’s a chance later... I’ll want to hear whatever you were about to say.” I pursed my lips before nodding.
“There will be. I know there will.” Setting her down, we walked back to the science lab, hand in hand. I glanced at her, feeling my chest tighten with each step.
‘Please, to anyone who would bother listen to a broken boy’s plea... Protect her, bring this beautiful human back to me. I’m not ready to say goodbye. Not before I could see what this means. Not before I could tell her those three little words... not before I tell her that I love her.’
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whoblewboobear · 2 years
Something about the way Cas is written is so fun to me because he’s such a dork?? You just know when he found out about vampires in Crimson Beech he was so enamored. Not scared, just fully in awe.
I’m convinced he was turned maybe 4-5 years prior to ID. Around age 14 or 15. He just started high school, possibly experiencing some light bullying, a bit of a loner, working a job he hates just to get by, and just hoping for a change. Something extraordinary or at the very least good. Then he discovers vampires are real and flips his shit.
He also had a twilight phase and so all this is very cool to him sorry I don’t make the rules.
The way he talked about being the hero makes me think that he spent a lot of time reading comics too and spent even longer mulling over what powers he’d want. And then he has them and holy shit??
His life finally has purpose for the first time. He belongs somewhere for the first time. He feels alive for the first time. Where Gabe sees vampirism as something that has only taken from him, Cas sees how much he gained.
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aria-ashryver · 10 months
[excerpt] CH 17 - In Bloom; A Respite
sharing an excerpt from Starlight's CH17 for 🌸Self Love Day! 🌸 (I was going to share an excerpt from CH21 (Gabe's bday fluff) bc that's my comfort chapter, but I just wanted to share the whole thing and then it wouldn't be an excerpt any more aklasjsdk).
The moment it finally dawns on Cas that he is in love with Luca includes what might be one of my top 10 fav lines from this fic:
"Cas's destruction was absolute and beautiful."
I'm really proud of this story. Seeing Cas and Gabriel and Luca grow in their love for each other fills me with a truly precious kind of joy, and it deeply humbles me any time someone reads my writing. I hope it might bring you guys some joy too 💕
(Warnings for language!)
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Luca yelled something in grumpy Scottish Gaelic from where he lay on the bed.
Cas smirked. He didn’t know what the words were, exactly, but he’d spent enough time with New Kid to know when he was swearing a blue streak.
‘You’re such a tease!’
‘I said I was doing my hair!’ Cas laughed, wanting to roll around in their banter like a cat in warm sunlight.
How long had it been since he’d thought about living with someone? About sharing his life with someone? The casual, easy intimacy of it all? Cas found himself wondering about the way you could talk to each other about nothing, incidental things, unimportant things, and somehow those conversations were the ones that would change your life.
Somewhere between “don’t forget to pick up some milk” and “have you seen my phone charger?” was I miss you when you’re gone and the sound of your voice is the first thing I want to hear when I wake up in the morning.
What would it be like to wake up every day knowing Luca was there by his side?
Cas dumped lightening powder into his mixing bowl, his movements jerky with a sudden, quiet panic, because what the actual fuck? He was meant to be teasing New Kid, not… experiencing feelings.
More feelings!
Enough with the feelings!
Fucking shit balls what the hell fucking motherfuck.
Cas scowled at himself in the mirror. He uncapped a bottle of developer from the medicine cabinet —he’d done this often enough that he could eyeball the measurements by now— and began to mix up the bleach.
Fortunately, by way of some furious mixing, Cas had succeeded in wrangling his… feelings, ew… by the time Luca kicked off their shoes and padded into the bathroom again.
You’re a fucking Venandi, Cas thought. You don’t take any shit and you’re a badass, powerful vampire. You don’t need to rely on anyone besides yourself, and you sure as shit don’t have any weaknesses!
Luca wound his arms around Cas’s waist and pressed a kiss between his shoulder blades and Cas knew he was lying to himself. That little fucker unravelled all his defences with the lightest of touches. With caressing dancer’s hands and lips made of love. Luca slipped right in and, without even trying, shattered every wall that Cas had ever built around his heart.
Cas turned in the circle of Luca’s arms. For a moment, he just looked at them. Then, dipping his head, he gently brought their mouths together. Luca’s kiss tasted of home. Cas’s destruction was absolute and beautiful.
Pulling back, this wondrous, new thing a hopeful, flickering light in his chest, he peered down at Luca, still clutching the mixing bowl in one hand, the brush in the other. He cleared his throat with a brusque cough.
‘Sit the fuck down and stop being a pain in the ass!’
Luca laughed, and the sound was starlight. They hopped up on the bathroom counter beside the sink, finding a space between the jumble of toothpaste tubes, eyeliner, and old bottles of cologne.
‘Go ahead,’ they said with a carefree wave. ‘I’ll be good. I’ll just sit here and keep you company. I like spending time with you, Cas.’
Cas wondered if it was possible to experience feelings to the point where your heart actually fucking exploded.
He was starting to think it might be.
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you can find the full fic on AO3! Please note, the longfic overall has an Explicit rating and a number of tags for content and trigger warnings. It is a poly fic featuring m!Cas x m!Gabe x non-binary MC Luca 💖
Happy Self Love Day, and thank you again to @choicesfandomappreciation for your ongoing hard work in hosting (and being all-round excellent) 😊
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations too bc why not!
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twin-books · 3 years
👀Canon ML Felix
Firstly, thank you, anon, for the ask. I very much appreciate it. <3 Alright, now... Boy, do I have opinions on this gremlin. Let's just make one thing clear here... I love him. Now that, that's out of the way, let's talk about him for reals; I actually quite enjoyed his introduction (besides the sexual assault thing which I am still very mad about). I thought he was pretty fun. Then when season 4 hit... this kid is literally the only character I care about now. I wish I was exaggerating. He's got more nuance than Gabriel, more intrigue than Adrien, and is way more fun to watch than Marinette. I'm sorry, that's my opinion. But the thing is, I don't trust the ml team for a second. Especially with Astruc's very high and mighty tweet about canon Felix where he's all like, "So... do we like Felix now?" Why don't I trust them? Oh simple, really. Astruc relentlessly teased and bullied PV fans for the "crime" of liking the concepts and for daring to like "the worst protagonist to never exist", Felix. Then proceeded to add Felix to the canon show but purposely make him suck to "prove" how bad he was and then goes and suddenly turns that around for no real reason. So I got a theory... You know what happened with Chloe? That's going to happen with Felix. I'm betting you. Maybe faster, maybe slower, but I refuse to let go of this belief. I refuse to be surprisingly crushed yet again by these people who think it's funny to make fun of PV fans. He also clearly still doesn't like Felix if you saw his recent tweet where he retweeted clear PV fanart but acted like the Felix in it was the canon Felix and said "Kick him where it hurts, Marinette!". (Btw, what a freaking jerk move. I am trying to be nicer to this man but this tweet really ticked me off, especially since I follow the artist of that image and they're a sweetheart). Guess what happens to characters Astruc very clearly doesn't like? Miracle Queen. Miracle Queen happens. It also doesn't help that his whole "Do we like Felix now" thing sounds eerily similar to him riding on the hopes and dreams of Chloe lovers while still subtly bullying them until Miracle Queen came around and all subtly was thrown out the window. I don't care if he won't be involved as much anymore. I don't trust that for a second. But regardless, when that does happen (and I will be pleasantly surprised if this somehow doesn't happen), I will try to still love the gremlin because he's got more personality than the two leads combined. You have no idea how refreshing it is to not have a character who is obsessed with someone romantically. Literally every main character has someone they are obsessed with (Chloe no longer counts since she is no longer important) besides, sort of, Alya. Like yeah, she loves Nino but she isn't obsessive. Unlike her best friend and her boyfriend and his best friend and his best friend's dad and his best friend's teacher/guardian/assistant. But she's still all about romance (clearly with how she won't stop helping Marinette with Adrien). Felix just wants to screw Gabe over and steal jewelry. That is so freaking refreshing. I am so tired of this show's awful romance. Like, please Felix, screw things up. Just don't fall in love or you'll be like the rest of them. Also, he's cool. This boy has had more badass moments in his only 3 episodes than most every miraculous hero that isn't Ladybug, Rena Rouge, and Chat Noir. He's so fun to watch because he's completely unpredictable (like I mean, his motives are, kind of, and the writing but not what he's going to do exactly). Man, it's so nice to have something that isn't so freaking predictable. Let's not forget that this boy has done more to change the status quo than the two freaking leads. It's still not a lot but ain't it freaking sad he's only had 3 episodes so far and somehow he's contributed more progress to the plot than Ladynoir? I am also convinced he meant his apology in the episode, Felix, and I'm convinced he does care for Adrien at least a little bit. And even if the show proves me wrong I won't care because I rejected canon years ago, okay?
Make no mistake, I know Strike Back will be awful and will probably do it's best to make Felix suck... but I'm watching it anyway purely for Felix. I also kind of fell in love with Dog!Felix's design and I just love him. I love him a lot. Also, even if ya hate canon Felix at least we can all agree that him screwing Gabe over constantly is endlessly entertaining. Like, I could watch that nonstop. To sum it up; I love him but I don't trust the writers with him at all considering what they did to every character I had the nerve to like. But I'm looking forward to seeing more of my gremlin. 10/10 for Adrien's equivalent to Shadow the Hedgehog. Thanks again for the lovely ask and I hope you're having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is where you are, anon. <3 Send Me a Miraculous Character
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