#But I'm going to be absolutely sure that I 110% deserve it
theglizzardwizard · 1 year
NO ONE was harassing you in game. They made jokes about training trap on bosses. That has been an open joke in the community for years. There is a world that exists outside of you. You cannot be this stupid.
Back to point number whatever: You went out of your way to start shit with a stranger for bullshit reasons and got a reaction you were not prepared for. Now you're backtracking.
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Can you write how Geo would deal with a mc that is always sick? (Totally not cause I'm sick too)
My Remedy for your Malady. (All x Sick! MC/Reader)
Anon. First and foremost, I made you wait 5 1/2 days. I am truly, wholly sorry for this *humbly bows*. (▰︶︹︺▰)
Secondly, I decided that I'm gonna do this for all 7 of our characters, because Jess, Brit and Deryl deserve more attention. I hope you may forgive me for my lateness, and enjoy this fic nonetheless (btw get well soon if you're not already <33).
Also I know that Jess especially is shorter (literally teehee) than the others, but I'm gonna get the hang of her eventually. Same with Deryl. >:]
ALSO, you're in an established relationship with them, so that's why they have (very legal) access to your residence!
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Remedy: a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury.
Malady: a disease or ailment.
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Geo was concerned when he found out you were ill.
When you didn't show up to school for the last few days, he texted you to find out why; to which you bluntly told him you felt like utter shit.
He doesn't pick up on the fact you're sick until you straight-up tell him.
Depending on what type of sick you are, he'll get the appropriate medicines/remedies and speed his way towards your home, hell, he might even skip archery, and he *never* skips archery.
Would rock up with food he knows shouldn't cause any problems or nausea for you and will probably make soup.
And you better fucking eat it.
He will feed it to you (reluctantly, but if you seriously can't do it yourself, then he'll manage).
Will ask you how the hell you fell ill anyway, and depending on your answer, he'll be either: Pissed (if you caught it from someone else), Or exasperated (if you stopped taking care of yourself or didn't equip yourself well enough to deal with the weather).
Will take care of you either way.
Will read to you in Japanese to help you sleep.
Will try to not lie near you if possible, unless absolutely needed. He does not plan on catching shit.
Will remain at your residence until you recover; unless he has classes that are either critically important and/or ones you're also in.
Will lend you his notes.
Will also take them back after a few days.
Will also just probably talk to you while you're bedridden, unless you cannot, in which case he'll simply watch you sleep, occasionally stroking your head and hair to try and comfort you.
He's trying his best, okay?
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Sol will freak when he finds out you're sick.
Doesn't care what he's got on next, he's gonna go take care of you.
Will probably feel bad for not telling Hyugo anything about suddenly vanishing
, but he'll understand right?
Will spawn outside your home with: - Medicine, - Your favourite comfort food (if you can eat it without the fear of vomiting), - Probably will bring poetry and art with him, so you both have something to do (that's not him) when you're bedridden.
Will try and hold you if possible, doesn't mind if he gets your blessed germs on him.
You'll have to tell him that you'd worry for him if he fell ill, so he'll respect that.
But he will feed you. You don't have a say in that.
You're being babied now.
He's gonna make sure everything you want (and can have when sick), you'll have.
Is honestly okay with not going to any class, he'll just ask Hyugo for notes if he hasn't been MIAing.
Covers you in blankets if you've got a cold.
If you have a fever? Ice cream. >:]
Essentially tries to uplift your mood as much as humanely possible.
This guy will do anything for you. <33
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Crowe will ensure that when he arrives at your home, you'll have everything you'll need.
Will cook your favourite food.
Will make you eat soup and light foods that are easy on the stomach.
Won't touch you, he doesn't want to fall ill, but will read to you.
He's got a soothing voice I just know it.
And he's 110% going to put you in a coma from how tired you feel when his voice hits just right.
Or maybe you're just fatigued because of your body waging a war against god-knows what kind of virus.
Will make you all forms of beverages to suit your illness, will also go out of his way to purchase any, after all, he's got the funding.
Will still go to classes, and takes extensive notes for you.
Will also tutor you the content if you're up for it.
Will stroke your hair if it's not sweaty, as a form of comfort.
Will make you feel as loved as possible.
Because that's what you deserve.
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Brittney will be appalled.
How did you get sick? More importantly...who got you sick?
She's gonna yell at them.
Or fight them.
Maybe both.
Will buy a bunch of goodies for the both of you.
She can't cook for shit, so she'll just get takeout as food and order a fuckton of cough drops and Panadol.
You're both gonna be painting each others' nails.
And spilling gossip. Oh my god, she always had gossip.
Will give you notes to subjects that are majors, or ones you share.
Other than that can't offer much.
Will sit away from you to not get sick, but she'll 110% be supporting you emotionally.
Will probably give you a massage when you get better.
Idk she gives the vibe that she would.
Is the most aggressively supportive girlfriend ever.
She only wants you to recover ASAP, and to feel as content as someone who's sick can be. <333
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Jess will be focused solely on you recovering as swiftly as humanely possible.
Is upset when she finds out you're fallen ill.
She'll drive to her home, grab the best shit she has and drives to your home.
Stays with you for days on end.
You've become her priority now, after all.
Jess is a very devoted (and lonely) girl, what can I say.
Will try and comfort you via reading to you, or listening to you talk about literally anything.
She just loves your company and you. Poor girl's been neglected her whole life.
She'll try her hardest to take care of you, and she does a very good job. (Ask Brittney teehee)
You're more than glad to have her.
And she to have you.
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Hyugo will be astounded.
You? Got sick?
Did someone make you sick???? (if so teehee someone's getting food poisoning~)
He's at your home, with everything.
Literally everything.
Blankets, movies, games, medicine, puns, your favourite food and whatever else he deems necessary.
Will hug you if you're not aggressively sneezing/coughing.
Will watch movies with you on the couch with you lying on his plush fucking thighs.
Says the most stupid shit in Japanese (such as teaching you how to hide a body) and making it sound like flirting.
Tells you jokes and puns to make you feel better, until you laugh too hard that is and almost die.
Will make food for you.
Will ramble on about random shit to you, or listen to you talk (if you can).
Literally just seeing you content is more than enough for him.
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Deryl will be SHOOKETH.
He will sprint to your fucking house. He doesn't care.
You're his only priority now.
Will magically appear at your home, and immediately hugs you.
You can be fucking dying, he doesn't care.
You're getting squashed.
Will be asking if you're okay 24/7
Until he realises he forgot to bring food.
Then he runs to get it, along with tablets, Panadol, all that jazz.
Like RUNS.
Then he gets tired, so by the time he gets to the store, gets the food (and the 'goods'), he's gonna just call a fucking cab and crash at your place. (he forgot takeout existed lol)
He doesn't mind, and frankly, neither do you. The food and snacks was awesome (well, what you could eat anyway).
Will try his absolute best to take care of you, but often gets carried away with his energy. Often talks and rambles to you while you happily lay in bed next to him and listen.
Will call Geo or Jess for how to make a warm soup to feed you.
Then it becomes 'we've got Masterchefs at home'.
Shit goes crazy when Deryl's around tbh.
And you're more than happy to enjoy the ride (in more ways than one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)).
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
So I think it's been asked before, but I'm curious where the HND skeletons stand relationship wise with the Reader. A lot of them seem to be discovering their feelings a lot with all that's happened up to the most recent chapter 135 how do they feel about the MC romantically and such?
This is a lot of skeletons. AND I WANT TO ADD MORE?!? who hurt me????
Anyway the HND skeletons feelings towards MC as of Chapter 135!!
Sans -He has a crush on her, a pretty big one but he’s also not used to liking people like that. He’s had maybe one crush in his entire life before and that didn’t end well for him. He is also keenly aware of just how much his brother likes the human so he has convinced himself he’s happy to step back from this one. Basically he’s pushing his emotions down and it’s not working for him. It probably won’t hit him until he can’t see you everyday and he realizes that he likes you way more than he thought he did.
Papyrus-oh there is a plan in motion here. Papyrus doesn’t like wasting time after he realizes he likes someone and he isn’t. He just needs the best mood to ask you out officially. Your date to the anniversary celebration that he invited you to in chapter 110 will be the perfect setting for him to ask you to be his official date mate. He isn’t too concerned about the move and distance he knows when he wants to ask you out so it’s perfect. Of course if she asks him out before that he will immediately say yes. 
Red-He is full on in love with her but he isn’t asking her out. His low self esteem has him believing that someone like you still hates him and will always hate him to some extent. There is no way that you could feel the same so he’ll continue to watch from a distance. Unless you ask him out or someone else asking you out for him it won’t happen. He is so crushed about moving away from you but he is also fully convinced he’s love is unrequited and he’ll be lucky to have you lust after him. 
Edge-Completely in love with you but doesn’t think he deserves you. He wants to get better before asking you out as he’s still beating himself up over you getting kidnapped when you were so close to their house. He feels guilty that you trust him so much and he would love nothing more than to ask you out but he won’t until he thinks he can protect you. He wants to earn your trust before asking you to be his date mate. 
Blue -Literally could ask you out at any moment but also wants to be 100% sure that you’ll say yes. It’s the slow game for him and he loves it. He’s been in love with you for a while but is worried that you’ll see him as immature. Really Blue doesn’t mind waiting, he wants you to see all sides of him before he asks you out but he also won’t say no if you ask him. 
Orange - Is still feeling very embarrassed about the whole Myra thing. He wants to ask you out but he is so scared it would ruin your friendship that he is absolutely not going to do that. He values you too much as a friend. He is also keenly aware that Blue likes you a lot and he doesn’t want to stand in the way of that because of that even if you ask him out he’d probably say no but it would destroy him. 
Berry - In love with you and has been for a while. Him and his brother now have that deal though so although they are both actively trying to pursue you and stop the others from getting a chance to date you he has to take it slow to ensure you choose both him and Syrup as he doesn’t know how into poly relationships you are or if you’ll even go for it. It’s a slow build making sure you like both him and his brother equally. 
Syrup -Is really in the same boat as Berry. His feelings have grown so much with you it is almost unbearable and he finds himself doing stupider and stupider things when around you. The difference is if you asked Syrup out he knows he can convince you to date both him and Berry whereas Berry is scared you’d turn one of them down. Because of his brother's feelings Syrup will wait until you come to them. 
Axe-Definitely has a crush but because he hasn’t had one in so long it is really strong to him. It won’t be long until he falls completely for you. You also stuck in his memory which is odd since it’s not that good. He doesn’t remember your real name but he remembers you.
Crooks-Crooks has never really had a crush before and this is driving him insane. He wonders if it normally makes others do stupid things and feels as if he keeps embarrassing himself in front of you. He definitely likes you through and wants to spend more time with you. 
Nightmare-He’s fucked and he knows it. You are a lot like his version of you, the one he lost and it didn’t take long for him to fall. He isn’t using you as a replacement but it wasn’t hard for him to fall in love with you. He doesn’t want to go after you though in case you get hurt again. However if you keep being nice to him he won’t be able to hold back. 
Dream -He likes you a lot. The last time he knew a you he gave you to his brother but not this time. He feels as if this is his chance but he’s worried you won’t like him back or feel he’s trying to replace someone he didn’t actually know that well. He doesn’t really know what to do but he knows he likes you. 
Ink-Is struggling the most over the other version of you he knew and loved. He likes this you but he also feels like there's a lot missing, like your holding back. He’s starting to enjoy the new thinks he’s learning about you but is overall confused about his feelings. 
Error- Feels it’s inevitable he falls for you at some point but is trying his hardest not to. Being mean to you didn’t help and you seemed to push all of his buttons but he isn’t going to just give in. He’s pushing you to the back of his mind. Outta sight and all that. Too bad his bedroom is marred with pictures of you. 
Killer-Awe he likes you which is not the best. You have a weird effect over his shifts because of how the last you he knew died. He wants to protect you but he also wants to keep you away from everyone else and he knows he’s not the safest. Unless he gets a hold of himself and his emotions this could end badly. 
Day-Is staying true to his promise with Killer. He only wants to be friends with you. Of course he is madly in love with you, you’re his wife but he had that ending. He wants to give Blue and Orange a chance to have the happy ending he did. Of course if the others come to him for help he would also help them. As long as you are happy he doesn’t care who you end up with, even if it kills him inside that it can’t be him.
Mint-Thinks you are interesting and attractive but also a filthy human who should die. Don’t feel bad he doesn’t like any humans, not just you. You did make him falter a few times during your most recent stay at the hotel but it means nothing. Or he assumes it means nothing. Theres no possible way it could mean anything. 
Mango-Thinks you are amazing and wants to be best friends. It’s just a shame that he can’t seem to get up the nerve to talk to you. There is the beginning of a crush starting to form. Just a sliver of one barely at the surface. If he spends more time with you this will quickly grow. 
Roulette-Still doesn’t want to get involved because of his job and your connection to his boss. He knows that technically Damian has given permission on several occasions but feels like your brother isn’t thinking of your safety there. He still has a crush and still thinks your insanely attractive so of course there's no harm in looking but he won’t be actively pursuing you. 
Sniper-He feels like the time he got to spend with you during your birthday party helped strengthen your friendship and he realized he likes you. A lot. He is also aware that others like you a whole lot and isn’t sure where to go. His brother keeps talking about how getting involved with you can be dangerous and he sort of sees that but you can’t help who you fall in love with. He needs time to process his feelings and decide if he wants to pursue you. 
Colt-Damian gave him the go ahead and he has been in love with you for way longer than he’s actually known you. Skulls is a legend and he always thought they were amazing, meeting you he didn’t realize you could be even more amazing than he ever imagined. Having your older bro (and his best friend) seem to root for him is only spurring him into wanting more of a relationship with you. 
Musket -He fell hard and fast which he hopes he’s made obvious from the flirting. Just something about you was so enigmatic to him that he wants to know everything he can about you. Plus being in competition with his brother always poses a fun challenge. It’s too bad work is keeping all of the mafia busy.
Carbine -He has a crush and knows it, you're the only one who can really get him to stop working and he just can’t seem to say no to you. He loved having you as his assistant and would adore it if you did that more but he’s also talked himself into thinking that it’s a crush and nothing more so he will not do anything about it.
 Rifle - Likes you a lot. Like a lot a lot. He hasn’t put it together yet that it may be a crush or even more but he will listen in to any conversation that might be about you and will full on fanboy about you when he has a moment. He seriously thinks your amazing and he just wants to see you again.
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blushydrangea · 4 months
so curious on your thoughts on the latest shenanigans lol, also missing your nymphia thoughts in general 💗
it's been a while. cracks knuckles.
(under a read more because it's quite long!)
a lot of things happened since my last time answering an ask about ✈️🍌, even claims that they were long gone apparently. the taiwan trip was so sweet and i'm happy they spent time together & with mirage, something i love about this cast is that they always find opportunities to hang out with each other in different combos, their bond is so cute! i'm curious about the music they're working on, although it seems like we won't get to hear it for a while 😭.
kissgate (that's what i'm calling it lmao) soured my feelings a little bit, because we shouldn't be attacking real people for not acting according to our headcanons. it was sad that plane had to explain herself on twitter, and it's good that the girlies still interact normally after that but i honestly wouldn't blame them if that caused for them to hide their friendship a bit more. still i'm 110% sure they'll never lose what they have, it seems to be something important for both of them and that they wouldn't let go of 🩷.
the drought reminded me of early march (i believe...) when they didn't talk for two weeks (!), i think most people weren't here for it and that is why a bunch of you freaked out. don't worry if it happens again, ✈️🍌 are fine, have some faith in them!
THE PAST DAYS WERE WILDDD. we got bratty nymphia demanding plane's full attention, nymphia with morphine which goes so well with my seven stages fantasy, and planymphia being super sweet with each other 🥺 it was a great moment for the enjoyers, both of them looked so goooood and nymph is like a vocaloid come to life in that cute outfit. their whole live on morphine's ig was absolutely wild & i'm sure a lot of people have shared their thoughts already and i don't wanna repeat them, so i'll just say that the forehead kiss was very important to me <3 and very seven stages. i love winning!
onto nymphia thoughts since you mentioned that!
1) she seems so exhausted and it breaks my heart. nymphia appears to be the type of person who gets more energy from being around her close friends, so she was happier with the s16 cast, but when she's alone it's sad to watch how tired she is. she also mentioned not sleeping in her ig story. i hope the princess can find some time to rest and take care of herself, she deserves it :(
2) on a lighter note... HOW COME NO ONE TOLD ME LA GRANDE DAME IS A BANANA BELIEVER– she liked two!!!! nymphia tweets!!! and commented "oui" on a team nymphia post!!!!! if you were around here in 2022 you'd know how obsessed with lgd i was then, so i'm sure she did this for me 🤧. the pretty & silly fashion girl liking the other pretty & silly fashion girl makes so much sense <3 they follow each other too and now i need a dada and nymphia encounter. pls someone book them both for something. PLEASE. i need to see nymphia look tiny next to her.
that's all i have! even though i've been dethroned lol it's still nice to know someone cares enough about my thoughts to shoot me an ask through my inactivity. i love fandom 🥰
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8, 15, 36, & 39 for Hakoda/Piandao?
ah yes my absolute rarest of rarepairs <3 gonna go modern au-ish generally bc it makes more sense
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
both of them are pretty bad at admitting they're not doing well. piandao's slightly better because he's older and has had to make peace with it more (after all, he canonically admits that sokka has advantages against "an older opponent") but when he was young he was very sensitive to being perceived as weak and old habits die hard. meanwhile hakoda's always all "gotta pull it together for the sake of my kids/crew" and brushes everything off with jokes.
fortunately, they're both fatherly guys who take care of people and can see through the other's mask. they give each other mildly hypocritical advice about going easy on yourself and help out with various household tasks, it's all very sweet.
also, they both dad-sneeze. it's kind of embarrassing for such a cool guy like piandao but hakoda is delighted by it
15. Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
i'd say no, because i think in any universe they're a bit hesitant to label what they feel as love. like i usually imagine it happening in a world where bakoda and pianjeong are also happening and those are the longer-term deeper relationships. like, i think they would probably grow to love each other, but they're not so vocal about it.
36. What are their vices?
i don't think either of them have the stereotypical drugs/alcohol/gambling vices. hakoda strikes as a "drink a beer while fishing" kinda guy and piandao as a "nice glass of wine with dinner" guy. pretty moderate.
(also, the alcoholic native thing is a pretty harmful stereotype, so i'd be careful when depicting water tribe characters drinking.)
honestly i'm not sure they have vices in the sense of mildly immoral indulgent bad habits. so to make this answer interesting i'm going to answer a minor character flaw:
for hakoda, it's recklessness, especially when he was younger. he has aang's "i'm gonna ride that animal" type of thing. he's gotten better about it, but there's still that streak in him
piandao's is pride. he's just like, a little bit of a snob who thinks he's better than people. mostly this is just hard-earned and deserved confidence but he can come off kind of arrogant at times
39. Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
oh 110% hakoda. he's literally canonically an animal lover. but i also just said that post-canon pianjeong is essentially the equivalent of piandao adopting a stray cat, so it's not like there's zero of that tendency in him. i also think hakoda would have enough wildlife knowledge not to pick something up that humans shouldn't be messing with and that would be reassuring for piandao, practical man that he is. like sure baby hakoda wanted to adopt and ride every dangerous animal but he's grown out of that (mostly). they'd be great pet dads just as they are great human dads.
ask game
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helianskies · 1 year
frain, for the ship asks?
good choiiice! 🍪
[ find the ask game here! send me a ship! ]
gives nose/forehead kisses: fran
toni goes all cute and red when fran kisses him, and it drives him wild. fran is going to capitalise on that, absolutely.
gets jealous the most: both
do not underestimate fran. ever. in any context. this included!
takes care of on sick days: fran
i like to think fran does a better job overall of looking after himself and rarely gets ill compared to toni. that makes him more frequently the care-giver (and toni might just milk being ill to extend the lovely treatment) but of course, if fran does get ill, toni will drop everything to bring fran as much soup and tea and straight-to-tv romcoms his heart desires.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day: toni
toni is not quite a fish but certainly feels a pull to the sea when at the beach. fran, on the other hand? less so. the salt in his hair will make him weep. but, sometimes, he finds the little inconveniences are worth the memories.
brings the other lunch at work: both
they'd either take it turns to prepare lunch or both accidentally make lunch and then find they've got dinner sorted too. not that that is usually a problem!
tries to start role-playing in bed: neither
it doesn't suit their dynamic. they've no desire to be anyone other than themselves in their relationship.
embarrassingly drunk dancer: fran
toni has so many photos of fran after having a few too many...
firmly believes in couple costumes: both
they love to match! but while i'm here, i totally see fran buying them matching pyjamas as well :')
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas: toni
fran is aghast. how dare he! but maybe that present turns out to be... something quite special, hehe. he can't stay mad for long!
makes the other eat breakfast: both
both deserve breakfast in bed treatments, as far as i'm concerned. they may adapt depending on each other's schedules, plans, moods, etc. but neither will let the other leave the house without them eating something!
remembers anniversaries: both
they have a designated calendar in the kitchen filled with important dates and some of the most precious and silly and personal photographs they've seen. (it was probably a gift from arthur, at least the first time. little does he know he's started a tradition!).
brings up having kids first: toni
i have no explanation. it just feels like it would be him...
kills the bugs: toni
toni's got this handled. but he won't kill them, he'll just politely remove them from the area and apologise to them, much to fran's bewilderment.
first to define them as a couple: fran
he's too excited to not go ahead and tell everyone before toni's even realised he's in a serious relationship. but if it saves him the trouble, he doesn't mind!
who hides their guilty pleasures longer: fran
fran would prefer to make sure his relationship is 110% secure and serious before things move too fast or he shows all his cards. but toni is not in a hurry either.
snorts when laughing: neither
it has occurred to me that this kind of snort may not be the sort of snort i have been imagining, and so, no. they are not snorters.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 170
Chapter 170: "Together"
Years ago I had wondered if Isabella's conversation with Peter happened before or after she rallied up the rest of the moms & sisters, but I suppose this flashback within a flashback kinda confirms she spoke to the ladies after she received news that Emma & the other children were on their way to GF. Half of me still believes that it was a bit risky waiting so long to inform everyone else of her plan just in case she couldn't gather up all the support she needed in time, but the other half of me also understands that there always could've been the possibility of the ladies turning on her or not being able to keep the secret well enough around Peter. Of course we know now from ch181.7 that Isabella had already recruited Matilda, Jessica, Sienna & Scarlet to assist her about a month after she was promoted to Grandma, but having everyone contribute to the betrayal is certainly more ideal.
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Ya really can't blame the other ladies for being so hesitant. The idea of rebelling against the farm and the life you've been forced to live definitely seems like a sure fire way to get killed, however, as Isabella explains, that you can suffer the same fate just by doing your job, just as Sarah did.
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I'm always up to receive flashbacks on characters, but this is one of those rare occasions that I would have to pass. Seeing how hard both Krone & Isabella struggled to survive the farm system are more than enough for me. These quick glimpses of everyone else's training hurt my little heart already. Aaahh, all the women in this series are so strong. Even though death scares the hell outta me, I doubt I'd live through this nightmare of fighting every day and living in fear.
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When the training is so efficient that they learn how to lie perfectly to the children in order to keep up the orphanage but also how to lie to themselves (unknowingly) about how they could obtain a better life.
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Kinda funny to me how I'll skip pages during some chapters and other times I'll go all in about almost every little thing. Well, now is one of those times I'm gonna ramble a lot, simply because Isabella is involved (as if that wasn't obvious enough whenever she showed up in the past). I absolutely love seeing how angry she is about this cruel world. This hatred of hers has surfaced the day she climbed the wall and saw the cliff surrounded the plantation with her own eyes after Leslie was shipped out and it has been simmering deep inside ever since, so now after waiting patiently for about twenty years, watching so many children be sacrificed to demons, she finally has the power and opportunity to act upon those strong feelings and contribute to changing the world for the better and I'm just so immensely happy that she's able to get this chance. She deserves to get some sort of revenge 110%.
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Learning that the fear we saw her show towards Peter during this deal in ch165 was only an act is brilliant. Now, I'm sure Isabella did have moments where she did feel scared due to the uncertainty of what her new promotion would mean for her, but the fact those feelings practically vanished from her heart in such a short amount of time is amazing. This woman was "free" for two days from wearing any sort of mask and jumped right back into that chess-master mindset flawlessly. The list is endless but chalk that up as yet another reason why I love her.
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I wouldn't let anyone rule over me either, but um.. I'd make an exception if it was you, ma'am.
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I may be giving her too much credit, but I hope she's saying that regardless of what the other ladies decide, that Isabella is gonna provide her children some assistance no matter who stands in her way. If the betrayal really only included her and the four other women already on her side, I'm sure they could've pulled it off. And yes, I appreciate that she sorta mimicked Emma's words to Ray in ch33 despite never hearing the conversation for herself.
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Ohh, how this woman must be feeling after hearing her precious children still call her their mom after everything she put them through.. has to so bittersweet, mixed with relief and regret.
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The combination of his exaggerated expression and panic next to her calm and complacent reply absolutely sends me.
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What I wouldn't give for her to have a moment with her children like that. I mean, it kinda happens.. the hugs, the apologies and everything else, but it should happen more than twice. And definitely without the death.
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Hearing her call Peter a boy never fails to crack me up. And I know she refers to Lambda when she mentions the methods he's okay with, but the way her mind also brings up Nat's broken finger is lowkey hilarious, as if she didn't break Emma's leg before. While the original reason was to prevent Emma from escaping, I can see how Isabella might think her actions was another way to spare the girl from getting shipped early (as extreme & messed up as that idea is). Peter just broke Nat's fingers to be a dick. Nothing more, nothing less. am i showing too much favoritism towards this woman? probably. do i care? nope.
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As quick as a callback it is, I love how Isabella mentioned last chapter how Emma & the others destroyed everything and how she expresses the same wish now. Also, her inner thoughts make me wanna sob. All Isabella wants is her help her children, she could care less what they think of her. And for a moment you might believe that they won't forgive her due to the look upon Emma's face here.
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As expected from our lovable protagonist though, she accepts Isabella's help once she remembers that she and all the other women were victims of the same harsh system they were forced to live under.
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I can fathom how this pathetic man manages to secure a gun and escape from being surrounded without getting hit with a single bullet but whatever. At least no one else gets injured by him as he runs away like a complete coward.
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Favorite panel/moment:
I've no doubt said this many times, but this is by far the best mother-daughter moment I've ever experienced in my life.
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Even though we did reach the raid in the anime, we were denied this panel mostly becuase the second season didn't allow the children to carry guns, which is a terrible shame.. if anything, we were treated to a small smile from Isabella after Emma's "thank you, mom" though. Of course I'd very much prefer the above panel to be animated, but I'll take what I can get. I'm very easy to please when it comes to this woman.
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What if NCT was a regular group?
Rather than having 20 members (and god knows how many more will be added with NCT Tokyo), what if NCT was a five member group? If I were to make the group, who would be in it and why?
I personally think that NCT is a bloated group and that there are too many members who are not that talented or just don't stand out. Having too many members also takes the shine and attention away from the actual talented members in the group. The unique concept of the group of adding members whenever the company pleases and creating more and more subunits, makes it hard for the fans to get into the group. The concept is waaaay too complex and not very beneficial in the long run.
So, I was wondering what would NCT look like without any subunits and with only limited number of members.
I'll begin by choosing 5 members who are the most talented and deserve to be in the group.
Taeyong, Mark, Jaehyun, Ten and Haechan.
They are all multi talented and can contribute tremendously to the group. Let's break it down.
Taeyong: Leader, Main Rapper, Main Dancer, Centre, Main Visual, Face of The Group
Taeyong is the most talented out of NCT. He's a good rapper and a dancer, an amazing leader and his visuals are absolutely no joke. His stage presence is INSAAANE! I think all his positions in this group is justified. He has brought in a lot of fans for NCT since and still continues to do so. When you think of NEO CULTURE TECHNOLOGY, Taeyong is the one who usually comes to people's minds first. He's the most popular internationally and is quite popular domestically. He has the biggest and the most dedicated fanbase. Not to mention, he also writes and composes songs and choreographs dances. He's also very creative and brings some great ideas to the group. He's pretty good at what he does and he's too valuable to leave him out of the group.
Mark: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
Mark is extraordinary. He's a fantastic rapper and a pretty great dancer. He's written most of his own rap (along with Taeyong) since debut. Has several solo songs as well. And seriously, one of the most hardworking members in NCT. You can always see him giving his 110% during his performances. He has a pretty good stage presence too. He too has one of the biggest fanbases, both domestically and internationally. As a english speaking member in the group, he can contribute greatly when it comes communicating with international fans. He's one of the most important members of NCT, so I'm definitely adding him to this group.
He'll be a main rapper along with Taeyong, becuz MarkYong as a duo is iconic. While Taeyong has a wide range when it comes to rapping, going from slow to deep raspy style, Mark balances him out with his fast paced and sharp rap style. It'll be a crime to not put them together in the same group.
Jaehyun: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Main Visual
Jaehyun has a prince-like visuals, which is why he will be a main visual along with Taeyong in this group. He's a pretty good dancer and has honey like vocals. His baritone voice will bring balance to the group full of tenors. He's not a good rapper, hence I'll not be giving him the role of sub or lead rapperrapper, sry :( He has the biggest fanbase domestically and well liked internationally. He has a few writing credits here and there, with a few solo songs and a cover that went viral as well. I've to say, he'll be a welcome addition to the group.
Ten: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
He's the best dancer in NCT, like insane level good. He also has butter-like soothing voice. He's a great asset for English songs, because he has a good understanding of the accent and pronunciations. For smoother & cleaner dance breaks, he'll take the center position but for the hard hitting or rougher ones, Taeyong will lead the group for it. He can also choreograph, though I'm not sure if he has experience choreographing for other members like Taeyong but it still counts. His knowledge of multiple languages will help promote the group globally, along with Mark. He'll be a key member to the group in a lot of aspects.
Haechan: Main vocalist, Lead dancer
Haechan's voice is unique and adds a lot of depth to the songs. He has a good vocal control as well, doesn't strain. He's a very good dancer too and his stage presence is immaculate. I think he'll also do really well during variety show promos due to his extrovertness and personality, but becuz he's in a huge group, he didn't get to shine there yet. That can change in this group, with proper promo in proper places. Overall, I think he's perfect to finish this wonderful lineup.
So yeah, this is my selection for THE NCT group. Notice how there is no sub rapper, sub vocalist etc? I personally think that these 'sub' positions are redundant and people with these positions don't add anything to the group. This group I made has members who are very talented and skilled. They'll be able to pull off a lot of concepts and bring a lot of fans to the group, becoming really popular. This is an all rounded group, where every member brings a lot to the table and no member is riding any on other member's talent and hard work to get fame or attention. For me, this lineup is PERFECT!
Lemme know what you guys think or reply with your own version of the best NCT group.
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veritasangel · 3 months
What's their love language? (how do they express their love?) pt.2
⋆ ˚。⋆ any pov ୨୧˚ warnings: none
↣ contains: sakusa, bokuto, iwaizumi, kuroo, kageyama, (post timeskip)
wc: 1.1k
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Kiyoomi Sakusa - Acts of Service
He thinks that actions speak louder than words.
Doesn’t show his love in flashy ways, so this is definitely more his thing.
He likes taking care of you. Doing small things that make your day easier, like making your tea or putting away laundry.
Hates when you get sick but still helps you through it. Will bring you medicine, soup, tissues and whatever else you need. Always very prepared for times like these.
Bonus: quality time (is more than happy to just do chores with you. I think he likes when you clean together.)
“Nuh uh-" he mumbles as he moves his face away from yours, "I said I'd take care of you, not that I'd kiss you when you literally have snot running out of your nose.” he looks down at your clammy face with concern as he passes you some more tissues. "I can't get sick before the big game this weekend."
"If you actually drank those smoothies I made you, your immune system would be stronger." he sighs. "I'm gonna go grab your soup from the kitchen and I will make sure you finish it." he warns softly as he moves back again when you sneeze.
He spends the next few days doting on you, making sure you're fed, hydrated and that the house remains well kept. And then you do the same when he does inevitably catch your cold too.
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Hajime Iwaizumi - Words of Affirmation
Praise man, praise man !! Absolutely a praise giver.
He’s very good at vocalising his feelings for you.
It's like he's a mind reader, just knows when you need to hear certain words.
Makes sure you know how much he loves you.
Bonus: physical touch? (massages from him?? just imagine it, they would be amazing)
"Baby, stop-" He says softly as he takes your hands in his, looking up at you from where he's sat on the bed. "You're worrying too much about things that don't deserve your time."
He pulls you onto his lap, a reassuring hand on your lower back, "Let's just take it one day at a time, yeah? For starters, you're gonna smash that job interview, no doubt."
"No buts. You're gonna get that job and if you didn't for some crazy reason, that's their loss because you're amazing." he says, "Second, please, please don't worry about meeting my parents this weekend. They're going to love you just as much as I do, I swear to you."
"You gotta' give yourself more credit, alright? I'm gonna record myself giving you positive affirmations that you can listen to." he jokes as you laugh, burying your head into him as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
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Kōtarō Bokuto - Physical touch
This man is a hugger 110% (best hugs without a doubt)
Even if you’re just friends, physical touch is a big way for him to show his love and care.
I think when he’s excited, it comes out in the same way as when you see a cute animal and you just wanna squish them with love.
Practically sleeps on top of you, you have to push him to his side of the bed which usually results in him naturally moving back over to your side again.
You yawn as you begin making your morning tea and his coffee. You feel a pair of arms wrap around your front as Bokuto nuzzles his face against the crevice of your neck.
One of your hands brushes through his hair momentarily before you return to making the drinks.
"You're nice and warm." He mumbles as he closes his eyes, looking like he could honestly fall back asleep. "It's your day off, why don't you get back in bed?" you ask.
"Because you left. The bed's only nice when you're snuggling with me in it." and you smile as you shake your head at his ridiculousness. He clings to you the whole time you move between the cupboards and the fridge before reluctantly pulling away as you hand him his coffee.
"Thank you." he whispers softly as he leans in to give you a soft kiss, a hand resting on your waist.
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Tetsurō Kuroo - Quality Time
Busy busy man but values you over everything so still makes time for you.
Weekly date nights that he refuses to miss, no matter what work says.
Likes to do his morning routine alongside you, eating breakfast, brushing your teeth together, showering etc. it just makes him feel happy.
Insists that every morning and night you take some time to just relax and talk with each other, no phones. That way he starts the day on a good note and ends it on one too.
"The movie's all set up, so now we just wait for the takeaway." he grins as he leans down to kiss your forehead.
He joins you on the sofa, putting his phone on do not disturb as he turns his attention to you, "How was your day, my love?"
"Didn't you say you were waiting on a phone call from your boss?"
"Yeah well he should've called during my work hours then. He's missed his chance till tomorrow." He grins as he gets more comfortable on t he sofa, "Soo, how was your day then?"
Kuroo listens eagerly as you run him through your day, both the good and bad parts. He offers input where you want it and laughs at the gossip occurring at your workplace.
The two of you watched some cheesy movie that he picked, enjoyed a nice takeaway and laughter and smiles ensued as you both joked around throughout the evening, moments he wouldn't give up for anything.
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Tobio Kageyama - Gift Giving
I think sometimes he overthinks too much about how to show that he loves you.
He worries he’ll say or do the wrong thing but gifts are something that occur naturally to him.
Whenever he’s out, he’ll see something cute in a shop window that reminds him of you and before he knows it, he’s walking in and buying it.
The kind of person who hears you like something and buys tons of it to stock in the kitchen.
You could've sworn that when he went for his away games he only had one suitcase, so why is he coming back with two?
As he unpacks, you listen to him ramble about the details of the game, even though he knows you already watched him on TV.
"What's with the other suitcase?" you ask, curiously as you join him on the rug.
"Oh my God, yeah! How could I forget?" He beams way too excitedly as he moves to the other suitcase. "I saw some things whilst I was away and I thought you'd like them. Andd well there was a lot of cute things and cool snacks, too many to fit so I had to buy another suitcase."
He gives you a shopping haul as he goes through the gifts, a lot of snacks, souvenirs and teddies he thought you'd love. "Look at this one! I was thinking we could have matching ones and I'll keep mine as a good luck charm."
And you can't help but smile at how thoughtful he is.
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I never write for kageyama, he's one of my least faves so if he's ooc, sshh
༄ hq m.list ༄ reblogs are appreciated if you like it.
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie, here to pour ice cubes down the back of your office mate's shirt as well as anyone getting pissy in yours or others inboxes for daring to have an opinion the screentime usage on a supposed ensemble show. Seems like a perfect time to talk about the latest LS episode, so get ready my friend, I've got some opinions. So first the 4 things I liked, in no particular order were Captain Judd, Grace and Judd, the group sending pics to Marjan, Owen showing up to dinner. Now let's
talk about the rest of the episode where my thoughts fluctuated between "I don't give a shit" and "are you fucking kidding me". Let's start with the big, glaring issues. Did this fucking show, with all it's promotion of its diverse cast, just try to make the fucking nazi's sympathetic and victims? Fuck off show, the fact that the white supremacists didn't choose violence doesn't suddenly absolve them and make them good people. Violent racism may be on the rise, but by far the common and well practiced racism is institutional. I live in fucking Texas where we have such fabulous legal decisions like abortion bounties, only have 1 place to turn in mail-in ballots per county even if that county has millions of people, and saying its NOT actually necessary for outdoor workers to take a 10 minute water break every 4 hours, even if it's summer and temperatures reach 110+ degrees. Those last two heavily effect particular demographics and if you think the groups that vote for the people that allow those things to happen, that actively encourage it and condone it, are somehow redeemable because they didn't choose violence I have some choice words for you (sorry if that sentence made no sense, i lost some of my thoughts mid raging). To then top that off with a "let's give the violent white supremacist a sob story" and I'm officially disgusted. So yeah, anything tangentially related to this plot just didn't hit for me. And then we wasted so much of the last 6 episodes on this bullshit just to end with this makes me want set Tim's hair on fire. More minor complaints. We're a third of the way through the season and Mateo has had like 5 lines, do better show. And Carlos is just back to work and fine, sure, whatever. This is minor since I didn't expect them to address this till later, but we better get a nice looong conversation between him and his parents. Okay, bitching done, on to OG spec soon!!!
Hello my friend! I got this right before dinner last night and then I was out of spoons for the day but I am vibrating on like, 2000% of my normal serotonin thanks to OG, plus the hard mango soda I had when I got home because it was A Week, so I'm READY to do ALL OF THE THINGS! Also, I finally got to go home so I'm warm now because it was another freezing day in the office. I miss working at home 😭😭😭 ANYWAY, lets talk about LS so I can get to your OG ask because I have THOUGHTS!
This week did have some good stuff, more actually than I was expecting because we got the group being at least FINALLY involved in this plot. Captain Judd is my absolute beloved and I loved seeing a bit of his dynamic with Paul again (that ice storm arc was SO GOOD for them!). More Captain Judd if Owen is going to bitch about his job being the equivalent of being "benched". 🙄🙄🙄 Grace continues to be The Best and her and Judd's relationship is everything to me. I really enjoyed the team kinda goofing off but also getting reminded that the danger is real (also that little kid DID deserve an award!) because they ARE good in the field but that's not always enough. The group making sure to send their failure pics to Marjan is so on brand for them and I'm glad we at least got a mention that they're keeping in touch as promised. I love love love that Carlos and the 126 all got to be involved in this plot finally and we got to see an exciting emergency. I also ADORE little bitty TK holding on to his little bitty backpack straps. He's so pocket-sized and baby! I also really enjoyed Owen stopping by the loft and TK and Carlos making room for him. Judd wasn't wrong, he HAS been lonely and it was good to see him choosing to reach out to his son and work on that bonding instead of moping around at home. I'm really excited for dadzilla Owen and momzilla Andrea, it's gonna be a blast!
Now, as you said, for the not so good.
No only did the show try to make the group of nazis out to be the victims they also tried to make the young guy, who got kicked out of the nazi club for being too radical about wanting to DO nazi shit instead of just talking about it, into a victim because there was someone even WORSE and yeah he wanted to DO shit but maybe not that much. I mean, come on, poor kid just wanted to harass people trying to live their lives and protest people having rights because he doesn't like them, and maybe shout at some local politicians! He didn't want HIS family to get hurt in all that so now it's like, super sad and hard for him because his family is the one affected this time! Isn't he just the most victim-y victim to ever victim? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Sidebar, I just watched Bad Call, and like, THAT guy was a victim! He was picked up by bad guys, and forced to rob a bank while strapped to a bomb. You know who ISN'T a victim? Some white dude who was trying to make other people's lives miserable, and fucked around and found out! Zero sympathy.
The show wasted SO MUCH TIME on this plot and for what?! For them to make it seem like only one guy was a "bad apple" and all the other guys were victims? To kill off some rando woman that no one knew or cared about? Only to not even mention that it was Owen's fault she was in the building at all anyways because he couldn't keep his mouth shut?! For us to hear the writers say through Owen that being a fire captain is boring and they really wish they would have made this spinoff a police show instead?!?! The ONLY moderately enjoyable thing to come out of this storyline was Owen getting some funny quips and him and O'Brian being able to play off each other so well. Which, and I cannot stress this enough, could have happened around actual calls where Owen was doing his fucking job.
Agreed that I'm TIRED of waiting for other characters billed and marketed as main characters to get more than a couple lines of "Yeah, Cap! On it, Cap!" so Owen can waste all the screen time doing NOT first responder work. And giving one "whole" episode to Marjan or Mateo or Paul or Carlos does NOT make up for them not having a consistent presence in every episode. Carlos had a HUGE trauma and it hasn't even come up in a background conversation for TWO EPISODES! Yes, I think it's going to come up more in depth later this season but zero follow up at all?! After he DIED?! Not even a single mention?! *Athena voice* InSANity. And it's doubly frustrating that this is still SUCH an issue so many seasons in, simply because the rest of the characters are so good that people are willing to put up with skipping Owen stuff so they can watch the rest of it. It has never made sense to me why shows talk down to/hate even slightly catering to their hardcore fanbase because those are the people that will make sure to tell EVERYONE about the show, and convince people to watch it with them, and will get the show talked about enough for journalists to write about it, and will KEEP the show going and talked about and beloved even after it's over!
Okay, I think I got it all out. Thanks as always for sharing your thoughts and coming over to be salty with me in my online living room. On a happier note, we finally have some good fucking food to talk about with OG so I'm gonna go work on that post next, and look forward to new LS being about Tommy!
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zv5x · 3 years
Ngl, I saw some Yan!pico x a caring goth!reader in the tags a while back and I haven't been able to get my mind off of it bc ohmygodmybrainrotman- I was just wondering if you could make a short little drabble about it or even share your thoughts? If your requests are closed feel free to deck me across the continent-
Ohh, I remember what post you're talking about! It was a nice concept imo, so I'm happy to give my thoughts on it! And don't worry about requests being closed, I have them open permanently so you can hop in my inbox whenever you please! It's always open! Anyways, i really hope you enjoy these! Don't be shy if you want me to adjust anything or take another request for you! Stay safe and remember you're loved!
(This also reminds me of my oc Nico so much since she dresses goth and I ship her with Pico haha, it makes me love this concept even more^^)
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
So basically, imo, having a goth s/o for Yan!Pico would amplify his yandere tendencies by 110%
You're one of the good ones, you're really not like the others, especially the goth kids he had to deal with within his life, you're special, you're different. Most importantly, you're you. It's even more of a reason to keep you with him, is it not?
You thought Pico was possessive and obsessive as a regular yan? Whoo, (Y/N), be ready for the new "perks" of being goth around him. Pico is obsessed with the idea of people coming to take you away from him or hurt you, and he's especially afraid of the other goths (those that are affiliated with Cassandra especially) ruining your innocence
Pico is extremely suspicious of basically everyone, and his paranoia causes you to be under questioning at the most unexplained times. You could just be holding him in your arms running your fingers through his hair when something he heard on TV sets him off, and next thing you know you're being held at gunpoint as Pico demands to know that you love him and that you'd never leave or betray him
Being goth means you're at a much higher risk of being kidnapped by Pico. Every goth kid he's seen has been a monster out to see him in pain, and he can't let you fall victim to them or even become one of them yourself, so he sees no other solution than to just shield you from it all, keeping you alone all for himself
It was probably Nene and Darnell that told Pico that even though you're goth you're actually a really good person to be friends with, and it was probably them who tried talking to him about his growing obsessiveness as well. Pico brushed them off, wondering why they weren't happy for him. He has a loving s/o, one who he can protect and love without any risk, and here they are acting like his relationship is "conserning" or whatever
However, if you decide it would be a good idea to confront him yourself or lord forbid, break up with him...let me just say your current objective would be to survive. Confrontation to Pico is betreyal, and his delusion about you being a flawless, perfect angel will be absolutely shattered in an instant. If you can calm Pico down without him shooting you, then you deserve a metal, cause holy shit will he lose it. Screaming at you that you turned out to be just like them, just like her, and that he's going to make you pay for even thinking you could get away with manipulating him like you did. Pico is calm-downable from this point on, but it's just really hard, you probably have to pry his gun from his hands and throw it across the room for even having a chance at getting him out of his meltdown. Just hold him in your arms and tell him you'd never hurt him, that even though everything he's been through was so horrible and scary, it's all over and he'll never have to deal with anything like that ever again, and that you'd never betray him like they did
He'll be thankful you calmed him down, for sure. And will try his best to make it up to you by protecting you with his life. Just, be sure to not break any of his delusions about you unless you're a survival expert, cause Pico is not afraid to meet you right in the afterlife if that's what he feels he has to do to be with you
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huenjin · 4 years
feel something different.
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pairing – bang chan x reader
word count – 1473 words
request – chan + fingering + squirting + corruption (i combined three to make it of a decent length with an okayish plot !!!)
genre – smut, includes theft, car sex, spanking, fingering, squirting, praise kink
note – wait and watch me make this into a 10k fic because i love this plot, ah !!
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"You want me to steal the car."
Chan has his hands shoved into the pockets of his denim, his eyebrows raised at you as he watches you. It is way too late for anyone to be out in the streets but you are here, head over heels for this man before you.
"Can't do that, babygirl?" He chuckles, eyes wrinkling into thin crescent. "Told you to not follow me, that you wouldn't like what I'm doing. Pretty girls like you deserve to be treated better. Pretty girls like you are too good to be ruined by my hands."
You turn to look at the Porsche Cayenne — white, glossy and too expensive for you to ever purchase. Your feet are fixed – almost rooted — to the ground and you hear Chan, your entire being temptable to his voice, "The minute you agree though, babygirl, you agree to being ruined by me. You are walking into corruption, aware of the consequences."
You turn to look back at Chan, "I'll do it." Chan folds his arms, raising an eyebrow at your tiny physique that he hovers over quite easily. You repeat, almost like you are reassuring yourself that you can do it, in fact. Chan's staring at your figure in eyes dark and mind clouded because he knows he loves this more than ever — corrupting you is his Achilles heel.
Fifteen minutes, one car at 110 kilometres per hour and one shocked you later, Chan is directing you, your hands on the steering wheel of the stolen car. You are too shaken up to say anything as you press your foot on the gas, letting the car guide you. Your mind is blank, and your blood is contaminated by the overload of adrenaline because today, you commit more than one crime in the name of love.
A broad beach and the waters hitting up the shore come in your vision and you turn to look at Chan, asking, "Is this the place?" He nods. He looks straight and tells you, "You can park here for a while and calm yourself."
Once parked, your head falls down against the steering wheel and your hand holds your chest. Everything comes crashing to you now and you finally realise you are absolutely, completely crazy to commit crimes to garner this man's attention — something he still hasn't given you yet.
You lift your head up and look at Chan, your eyes with want and hope and just expectations that he'll be yours. Your body unknowingly leans forward, your hand pushing up the loose strands of hair away.
"Stop looking at me like that," he tells strictly, his eyes shooting a glare at you.
"Look at you like what?"
"Like you want me," he frowns. "Like you want me to ruin you further." You lean further, trailing your fingers up his firm, strong arm.
"I'm not looking at you like that," you pout. "I just want you to give me a chance." You sit back against the driver's seat, folding your arms and still looking at him with hope, innocence laced underneath your orbs.
"I'm serious, Y/N," Chan warns you. "This was supposed to scare you away. You deserve better. You deserve a man that doesn't do crimes to survive a day."
"No," you huff, eyes narrowing. You shake your head and the loose strands of hair fall forward once again. "I deserve you."
Chan will never say it out loud, but he loves you like that with your hair strands forward. He fucking loves how your strands border your face and highlight how pretty you are, how flushed your cheeks are around him, how perfect you are that he just wants to ruin you, completely.
"Get in the back."
It's firm and there is a resolve that stirs something within you. Chan runs a hand through his hair and mumbles, "Don't say I didn't warn you, babygirl."
With a few shuffles in the next few minutes, you find yourself in the current position. You are bent over Chan's lap in the back seat of this expensive Porsche, your skirt pushed up, panties pulled down.
"Are you already wet from me exposing you?" Chan sniggers. His warm hand runs slow circles into your cheek, thumb grazing harshly at the same time and in a minute, his hand lifts up to spank your arse. You gasp, your spine straightening and you grip on the leather covered seat.
He chuckles, "Babygirl, you just grew wetter with that." Chan rubs your hair with his other hand. Tears prick the corner of your eyes when he rubs the red skin to land a harsh blow against it again.
You scream, "Chan, please." You can feel the slick arousal that has gathered in between your legs, your body shivering. You are sure that you are dripping onto Chan's denim by now.
Chan's slaps gets periodic, with a little more force in every single one of them. You start to twitch and convulse with every hit, biting back moans, tears spilling and it's weird how something you have never tried before is what pivots you to feel close. He rubs your red skin, leaning forward to blow cold air against them and you gasp. "You're such a good girl for me. So obedient. So innocent. And all mine to corrupt."
One final slap and you begin to leak profusely, trying to rub your core against his leg. You whimper shamelessly, unable to hold back any longer.
Chan ends the spanking almost abruptly and the lack of contact makes you cling onto his thighs, fingers digging into them in desperation, body shaking miserably at what he has already done to you. You close your eyes for a minute, trying to control your breath, when suddenly you feel his fingers carressing your pussy.
"So wet for me. You are leaking, baby girl. That's hot," he coos. "So fucking hot." Before you have even a minute to register what Chan's doing, two of his fingers are inside you. Your breathing becomes shallower and laboured, and you dig your fingers further into his thick thighs. He turns his fingers in you and you let out an etched cry. He whispers, bending forward, "You know what's hotter? You stealing cars with me and me fucking you stupid in the backseat of every single one of them."
Chan doesn't play around and gets right to it, pumping his fingers into you, stretching your walls. The rhythm and skill he moves is with such finesse that he makes you a putty in his hold. You and him seem to blend together in a harmony of your own. You swear to heavens you have never felt a pleasure like this. Chan's fingers, thumb brushing against your hot arse cheeks, relentlessly thrust into you as it, with every drag of his fingers, stains you further and further into an abyss of corruption with him.
"You love when my fingers are this deep in you, don't you, baby girl?" Chan's thumb rubs against your clit, slow circles into them as he presses into the button. "Go on, baby. Clench down on my fingers."
"Chan," you gasp, your core tightening on order. "Fuck."
"What a filthy word leaving your innocent mouth," he clicks his tongue.
You quickly become overwhelmed, hypersensitive to everything around you — the harsh material of the denim, Chan's fingers knuckle deep in you and his thumb pressing into your clit. In the back of your head, you are still unable to process that you are being fingered to oblivion by the one you have obsessed over in the backseat of a car you stole. Your mind is clouded with pleasure, pleasure that become even more distinct when he manages to wriggle another finger inside of you.
Within seconds, it all falls apart. Like a star exploding in you, it starts. Your pussy spasms around Chan's fingers, gripping them so tight that his fingers slow down in motion to feel how clenched you are. He thrusts few more times before he buries his fingers deep inside you, rubbing your clit vigorously. Your eyes roll back and you are crying out, wailing loudly shamelessly as you begin to gush around his fingers. Your slick arousal spurts forward staining his denim jeans and his fingers, wetness running down his knuckles.
Chan lets you ride it out till your body has calmed down, orgasm receding and your chest is heaving in to take in the air. He pulls his fingers out, only to stick them into his mouth, tongue wrapping around them and your mouth parts, gaping at the sight and honestly too tired to do anything else. He sucks on his fingers coated in your arousal before he finally chuckles.
"Guess I got my innocent baby girl too corrupted that she squirted all over me and made a mess."
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prismadog · 3 years
Found Family AU: Present [Emptober 12th]
got another one of these done! of course, I'm still so far behind but I'll catch up eventually. I've been having a hard time with ideas but I think I'm finally over my writer's block [probably because I'm avoiding starting a Java edition survival world]
I think I want to write another of these days with Alinar in mind, you know, get to know the elf that turned his back on his little brother. but we'll see. I do plan on writing a couple of the days from other characters' point of view - one with Scott is going to be coming up soon.
anyway, hope y'all enjoy Day 12!
it has to be perfect.
if it isn't perfect then it isn't fit for her.
she deserves the best, their gnome, their child, their daughter.
she deserves only the absolute best.
so it has to be perfect.
can't have any flaws.
maybe it's their nature to believe such a thing, or maybe it's their elven origins creeping out from wherever it was hiding - elves are notorious for beautiful flawless adornments, if it's not perfect then it's worthless.
whichever it is, it's a hell of an attitude and it's making Xornoth feel like complete shit for not being up to old standards - they're not even an elf anymore! they shouldn't care about perfection!
Shrub won't mind if their gift isn't flawless, she won't care. she'll love it no matter how shitty it looks, she'll still love them even if they fail.
they know this.
they. know. this.
and yet. and yet they can't allow themself to slack. they can't allow themself not to give 110% - 150% - 200% - all the percents.
the band has to be perfect.
and it will be.
Xornoth works tirelessly in the make-shift forge, hardly rests while they cast the gold, shape it to design, then melt it down again and recast.
their gnome checks in on them from time to time, making sure they're okay, but she leaves them alone for the most part once she sees how focused they are. they would love to spend time with her again, it feels like its been forever since the two of them rested or talked or tended the garden together.
but they can't stop.
Xornoth. can't. stop.
not until it's perfect.
they don't know how long they work - could be days, could be weeks - time has no meaning in this world. but they get the band finished and engraved.
then comes enchanting the piece.
that should be the easy part.
but it's just as difficult with so few resources and such limited magics.
maybe they should call on their god?
they haven't heard from Exor in so long, not since...
not since they failed the Stag.
the demon sighs.
𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊? [what is it you desire?]
the demon startles at the voice. it's been so long since Exor spoke to them. they thought He had gone into hibernation.
𝕴 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖎𝖓𝖛𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊. 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊? [I have but you invoked my name. what is it you desire?]
Xornoth closes their eyes, exhaling. the God's presence chills the air around them, His words are shadows that creep through their mind, burning and freezing and sending an itch through their system telling them to run.
"I̍̅̀̎̊ ṇ̤͛̒̍ẹ̿͋̒̕ẹ̿͋̒̕ḑ̴̞͛̒ ḿ̬̏ͤͅā̤̓̍͘ĝ̽̓̀͑ỉ͔͖̜͌c͕͗ͤ̕̕," they breathe, "ẹ̿͋̒̕ṇ̤͛̒̍c͕͗ͤ̕̕ḣ̖̻͛̓ā̤̓̍͘ṇ̤͛̒̍t̲̂̓ͩ̑ḿ̬̏ͤͅẹ̿͋̒̕ṇ̤͛̒̍t̲̂̓ͩ̑s̠҉͍͊ͅ t̲̂̓ͩ̑o̯̱̊͊͢ p̞̈͑̚͞r̴̨̦͕̝o̯̱̊͊͢t̲̂̓ͩ̑ẹ̿͋̒̕c͕͗ͤ̕̕t̲̂̓ͩ̑ ḿ̬̏ͤͅy҉̃̀̋̑ ḑ̴̞͛̒ā̤̓̍͘ư̡͕̭̇ĝ̽̓̀͑ḣ̖̻͛̓t̲̂̓ͩ̑ẹ̿͋̒̕r̴̨̦͕̝." ["I need magic" * "enchantments to protect my daughter."]
the Stag probably already knew about their companion, but if He didn't, He doesn't say anything. instead, He says, 𝖒𝖞 𝖕𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖑. 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊. 𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖎𝖋𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖞, 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖔𝖓. [my powers are limited but very well. I will grant your desire. use the gift wisely, Champion.]
"t̲̂̓ͩ̑ḣ̖̻͛̓ā̤̓̍͘ṇ̤͛̒̍ḳ̯͍̑ͦ y҉̃̀̋̑o̯̱̊͊͢ư̡͕̭̇, ḿ̬̏ͤͅy҉̃̀̋̑ L̸̖̽̌͂o̯̱̊͊͢r̴̨̦͕̝ḑ̴̞͛̒." ["thank you, my Lord."]
and with that, the presence of their God leaves them once again, and leaves the demon feeling cold in His wake, as if they had been standing naked in a snow storm.
Xornoth shakes off that feeling and focusses on the new feelings of magic - the buzzing, dizzying, almost euphoric sparks that alight inside of them. it's more magic than they've felt in a long time.
it's precious, this magic, and they will indeed use the gift wisely.
if the band took a long time, the enchantments take even longer.
their focus is razor-sharp, their intent evident, their resolve unwavering. any distraction, even the smallest interruption, and all will be for not. they've asked their gnome to leave them in peace for the time being and she, with reluctance and concern written plainly on her face, does as they wish.
they place enchantment upon enchantment upon enchantment on the band - protection and resistance, health and strength, and a number of other things that would make sure she would be safe from any and all harm.
only the best for their child.
it's a long, strenuous process but they get it done. they finish the band, at long last, and finally leave the forge and enter their shelter for the first time in forever. the band couldn't be more perfect if they tried.
they find that there's a new doorway on the adjacent wall and that the main room that once was their resting place and kitchen is now more of a foyer, however small a space it might be. they peek through the new doorway and find a short hall with three other openings - one on either side and one at the end.
the room on the right houses a small kitchen with a table and chairs on one wall and their cooking pit on the other with a chimney over the top. she's not in there so they check the left.
the left room looks to be a study mixed with a museum - the treasures they've collected on their adventures sit either in piles or on rickety looking shelves. Shrub's books and papers that she's collected from fortresses and bastions cover the entirety of a makeshift table. still, no Shrub.
so, they check the room at the end, their new bedroom it seems. the mushroom block bed has doubled in size, decorations of weapons and the more precious treasures line the walls, and a few of their plants hang from the ceiling.
Shrub is laying in bed, sleeping soundly.
perhaps they should rest as well, even if they can't sleep.
Xornoth approaches the bed silently and as carefully as they can, they slide onto the other side, holding the band carefully in their hand. they'll give it to her later when she wakes.
"Dad?" the gnome asks, her voice groggy and her eyes barely cracked as she turns to look at them.
"s̠҉͍͊ͅo̯̱̊͊͢r̴̨̦͕̝r̴̨̦͕̝y҉̃̀̋̑ ỉ͔͖̜͌f̵͖̜̉ͅ I̍̅̀̎̊ w̦̺̐̐͟o̯̱̊͊͢ḳ̯͍̑ͦẹ̿͋̒̕ y҉̃̀̋̑o̯̱̊͊͢ư̡͕̭̇," they reply, their voice quiet. ["sorry if I woke you"]
"M'nah, is fine." she yawns. "Did you finish what you were working on?"
they nod, "I̍̅̀̎̊ ḑ̴̞͛̒ỉ͔͖̜͌ḑ̴̞͛̒," they roll onto their side to face her. "w̦̺̐̐͟o̯̱̊͊͢ư̡͕̭̇l̙͖̑̾ͣḑ̴̞͛̒ y҉̃̀̋̑o̯̱̊͊͢ư̡͕̭̇ l̙͖̑̾ͣỉ͔͖̜͌ḳ̯͍̑ͦẹ̿͋̒̕ t̲̂̓ͩ̑o̯̱̊͊͢ s̠҉͍͊ͅẹ̿͋̒̕ẹ̿͋̒̕?" the moment they ask, she's bright-eyed and smiling and nodding, it's kinda really cute. they reach for her hand, the left one, take it gently in their claws, and slide the band onto her thin wrist - it shrinks to better fit thanks to the magic ingrained into it. ["I did" * "would you like to see?"]
Shrub's hand is released and her eyes turn towards the new adornment. encircling her wrist is a two-inch wide seamless band made of gold. there's multiple engravings delicately carved into the gold - apples and mushrooms, stags and poppies, a small figure and a tall figure holding hands - and they all compliment each other and blend into one perfect image.
and the amount of detail within such a small thing? no wonder Dad was working for so long.
"ḑ̴̞͛̒o̯̱̊͊͢ y҉̃̀̋̑o̯̱̊͊͢ư̡͕̭̇ l̙͖̑̾ͣỉ͔͖̜͌ḳ̯͍̑ͦẹ̿͋̒̕ ỉ͔͖̜͌t̲̂̓ͩ̑?" their voice is soft, hesitant in the question, nervous almost. ["do you like it?"]
she smiles and shifts closer to the demon, wrapping her arms around them as best as she can. "it's beautiful, Dad, thank you," she buries her face in their chest, her heart swelling with emotion - to gift someone gold, especially made by your own hands, is a very special and important thing. "I'll treasure it forever."
Xornoth relaxes at her words, they knew she would love their present, and wraps their arms around her as well, holding her as close as they possibly can.
no more words need to be said.
the two of them lay there, content and happy, and for the first time in a long time, Xornoth finds themself drifting off. they must have worn themself out, used up too much magic, they think as the world of dreams calls to them.
Shrub is close behind, having worried about her dad for far too long. she yawns once and closes her eyes. the last thing she sees before sleep claims her is the gold band on her wrist, a perfect match to the poppy and stag rings on her right hand.
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helnjk · 4 years
hey, kai! hope you're doing well! congratulations on your 300 followers! i'm so happy for you, and i hope to watch you continue growing and having more people appreciating your work. you surely deserve that! as for the sleepover thing, could i have a ✨ for 'put your lips like this' (post/638516965119606784/put-your-lips-like-this-fw)? thank you so much in advance, and always wishing you the best! ❤️
aaaah hi bee!! thank you so much it means a lot 🥺💕
put your lips like this - @mitsukui 
ok just from the title and the description i can tell it’s going to be so cute i can already feel the butterflies 🦋
Oh, Godric, the voice that took form of your consciousness echoed in your head, this boy is going to be the death of me.
110% agree, fred weasley will also be the death of me 
Fred had thin lips, but they seemed to be astonishingly soft for someone who caused as much trouble as he did. His upper lip was subtly curved, and you were mesmerized by every single little detail you could visually grasp. That moment would haunt your thoughts for a long time, once it was pure cruelty how you had fallen out of love – the one you loved did not love you back.
But you were terribly wrong about that. Fred had been experiencing some shifts on his feelings towards you lately. He had watched you blossom into a charming young girl, and there was something about you hitting hard on his heart. And, frankly speaking, after he caught you looking at his lips, he would be in heaven if he ever got the chance to kiss you.
WHEN I TELL YOU THE BUTTERFLIES!! your descriptions are so gorgeous i’m literally hooked onto every word
You looked captivating in his eyes, and he was ready to show you how amazing a tad of intimacy could be.
He leaned down, bringing your lips together in an extremely slow brush against each other. “Put your lips like this.” And, a second time, you did as he told you to, copying all of his actions.
this is so sweet fml fml fml i’m really so 🦋🦋 right now!! the whole build up to this was absolute perfection, i could really feel all the anticipation
this whole fic really made me feel so many things 😭 so so beautifully written and so adorable !! i would like to have one (1) fred weasley please and thank you 🥺
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sunshinexlollipops · 3 years
I'm NGL...I'm interested in your Twilight rambles. Especially since you weren't sober while watching the saga...honestly the only way you can watch it.
hello, anon.
ironically enough, you're one of a few others who have asked me for my twilight takes. I've ruminated on my takeaways for a good bit, and I've decided this is how I'm gonna go about my thoughts.
so firstly, this is gonna be a long post (hence the "read more" option). I wanna hit it all in one post that I can condense so that I'm not flooding everyone's dashes for this little venture, lol. so for anyone not interested, this should be rather easy for you to pass on!
but for everyone else, here's the post!
so I decided to break this up in a few ways just to gather my thoughts and critiques up the best.
I'd also like to start with a few disclaimers just so we can get this show on the road:
these views are my own. you can still enjoy the saga in your own ways, even while being critical of it. (bc let's be real, there's some red flags lol.) you shouldn't feel like you're being canceled by me if you enjoy the media in whatever ways. this isn't meant to be taken to those levels.
I may mention the books a little, but it's been YEARS since I read them, so I am mostly critiquing the movies (but I will critique Stephanie as a writer/creator).
I understand twilight is fiction, but there are some real problems in the series that can affect people in real life, so reader discretion is advised, and TW's will be put before I bring up 2 topics in this post.
alrighty, so. I watched the twilight saga while on da 🍃 lmao. not all at once, but never done while sober. if you wanna know what I used in particular, I have a delta 8 tincture that's basically just an oil. very nice and legal, and is what made all of this possible. 110/10 recommend bc it made things bearable. 💛
but alas, we have a post to make! so here we go...
yes. twilight does have *some* pros to the saga. you may be amazed as to how this could be in some ways but credit is due where credit is due...
twilight (1st film) is the perfect kind of 2008 camp. I want it in a time capsule bc it's the epitome of that the mid-late 2000's were like and it honestly is comforting in some ways. while cliche and trite, I hold this particular film in a sentimental box and I offer some respect.
also deserves her own mention: the blue filter that gave the entire first film its look 💙
the soundtracks had NO BUSINESS being as good as they were. every single film had amazing soundtracks and the music was never improperly timed or used. if anything, they made scenes ✨iconic.✨ looking at you super massive black hole...
Charlie (self-explanatory)
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the one particular scene in New Moon in which Jacob fights one of his pack members after Bella (dumbly) slaps him. they go to fight and tumble in their throes towards the woods, knocking the "camera" down as they go. not sure why they decided to do that, but tbh the shot was pretty cool so I'll give it to em.
Michael Sheen being horny for everyone the entire time
me being horny for Lee Pace the entire time
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Emmet was turned in Gatlinburg, TN and that place was my childhood so I will give them a point for it (also because I died over the fact that he was mauled by a bear Lmaooooo)
the places where the films are filmed and the sets that were made were always on point in terms of aesthetic
while absolutely horrendous in design and a undeniable failure since it was cut from the films, the animatronic "Chuckésmee" doll lives in my mind rent free as her silicone melts in Washington
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the Cullen's house is where I wanna love eventually in terms of aesthetic.
Robert Pattinson
it taught me what red flags are in men 💛
alrighty, so with our pros out of the way...
here they are...
obviously, this list is gonna be WAYYY longer, but also, is only gonna touch on my general displeasures. I am gonna be getting very specific when it comes to the characters and what happened with them in the series, later.
the Cullen's coveted secret was found out by a horny teenager girl and google
the same formula was used for Jacob's tribe secret
the fact that the Native Americans were used for the werewolf plotline but no actual culture or substance is given to them otherwise
(also would've been nice if Steph had reached out to the actual Quileute tribe she used for her book to ask them how they could be represented and if making them werewolves was insensitive or not, just sayin.)
the main character driving a nice Volvo is not hot asf. idc if this book was written in '05, we had WAY better cars to feel impressed by. cause it was almost as bad as putting Edward in a fecken Nissan Altima.
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"say it, out loud......."
how Edward went from "omfg I gotta drink dis bitch like hose water" to "no thanks, I believe in the lord" when it came to Bella's blood... how did he get over it so fucking quick?????
while Carlisle is a likeable enough character and one of the better vampires, his way of only turning dying people questionable when he's a doc. I mean this in the sense of what makes someone eligible to him to give the bite. it makes you wonder how many people he has had die on him over the years that just... weren't worth it. and if it's over a "he didn't want to create a new vampire and causes waves" he legit let Bella into the fold so easily. so what's held him back?
also Carlisle.... why ya whole family white? WAIT. ONE WAS A CONFEDERATE SOLDIER TOO HOLD UP—
it's very sad that we didn't really see many other outer cultures or races of vampires beside white vamps (before Breaking Dawn). sure there was Laurent, but he was so brief and died as early on as NM. I hate how his character was wasted bc he was interesting asf.
not James looking like he's straight to hunting after getting that Abercrombie & Fitch fit 😶
every POC vampire pulled into the "save Renesmée" plot, aside from the Egyptian clan, look as though they were based solely off of racist Halloween costumes and ignorance. they're depicted as being entirely removed from and obtuse to modernized society, which is unusual considering they feed of humans and would have exposure to it. it's also sad to see them all shown as nearly feral-vampires that just live in the wilds, while these other ancient white vamps get mansions and luxury cars. the POC vamps can still retain culture and traditionalism without making them out like the caveman in old Geico commercials.
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the overall story took place in about 2 years and some change. not sorry, but that is NOT enough time to allow Bella to chose anything. especially with how she literally was trying to screw another guy for like, more than half that time.
Stephanie Meyer can't write women to be friends. she very much so has a women vs. women mentality. (I'll explain in greater detail w some of the characters.)
everyone just accepts whatever outlandish story Edward and his family comes up with when Bella disappears and gets severely injured. like ah, it's okay, everyone runs off to Italy or falls down some stairs and through a window at some point! 🤷‍♀️
extra con SPECIFICALLY bc they blame her being clumsy and everyone is like YA YOU DO BUMP INTO THINGS, BELLA 😅
making Bella immediately perfect when she becomes a vampire.
extra con because she also apparently has impeccable control over her thirst, and is still allowed to see her father/mom after being changed. she should've had the repercussion and never seeing them again while they're alive bc of being a newborn w no control
bc of this too it gives and extra-extra read all about it con bc all of the arguments made against turning Bella into a vampire were pointless in the sense that Bella is apparently a magical vampire savant. and that's on being a gatekeeping girlboss 😳
every motherfucker here is toxic ASF. I'm team no-one. all y'all need therapy and jail
especially YOU
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also you in terms of therapy plz ma'am 🥺
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where is Bella's truck—
a specific con for when Bella went to the wildflower field *in winter* during NM and goes into a mental spiral bc the flowers are dead like BOO IT'S CALLED SEASONS WTF
"it's uh...the florescents..."
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alrighty, but let's get to the actual grit of the story... the characters.
I have some specific beef w some of these people, so buckle up.
Renée was not ready or suited to be a mom.
I say this specifically because, while being youthful isn't wrong per se, Renée has a very toxic version of "I'll grow up when I feel like it."
this woman pretty much uproots Bella's life entirely when she decides to go into travelling for her husband's baseball career. note how Renée is never really given an occupation of her own, and so instead of using her availability to contort to Bella's needs (school, transportation, etc), she decides to try and become a trophy wife to a up-and-coming baseball player instead.
genuinely, if Charlie hadn't been able to take Bella, I'm not sure what would've happened. maybe Bella would've been put into some residency school, or she would've been given to another relative... but the entire reason "twilight" even happened was because of Renée dumping her daughter on her ex-husband's doorstep to chase after her own fulfillment and happiness.
while she calls in on Bella, she treats her daughter's life like gossip. she has more scenes being in Bella's business about Edward than anything else. otherwise, her mom is pretty much just wrapped up in her life with her new husband, and she only comes to visit Bella when she's hospitalized in Twilight, and when she married Edward. otherwise she only calls.
while I don't care about it in a prude's way, they even went as far as having Renée notably wear a thong when Bella and Edward come to visit her in BD1. you could say this was the actress's choice, but it's very noticable and distinct to the point of being noticeable during production, so I'm gonna count it towards her character since it was blatantly left in.
especially since this is supposed to be the last time she sees her mom as a human, and you get to see Renée's red number above her jeans?
it just ruins any sentimental value the scene could've had. especially when you know that Edward could see this through the window of the other room. ffs.
but that's kind of the vibe Renée gives. like a girl who peaked in high school and just can't realize she isn't the only one in the room anymore.
she's the reason moms sell their kids to one direction for caprisuns on Wattpad.
this isn't to critique Leah as a character, but rather how she was portrayed and wasted by Stephanie and the directors.
firstly, in the movies there is NO mention about how Leah is the only female werewolf ever heard of. seriously! it's in the books, and even in the novels, Leah's stance as what seems like an impossible outlier is never truly addressed or realized. it's as though she's the human personification of the world's largest rubber band ball, with how she's written off.
I would've loved to see MORE on why Leah came to be. was there a reason why it didn't matter for her, or just happenstance? why is it ONLY males that become wolves? does that mean other women can become wolves, or will it only ever be Leah?
these questions were never asked by Steph, and so we won't ever get answers. just a waste of something special, honestly.
but secondly, more than anything... I intentioned before that Steph has a problem with women being friends. Leah is one good example to that.
while werewolves are supposedly driven by the anger (*sigh*), Leah is very unwelcoming and cold to Bella for NO reason. if anything, it's portrayed as a jealousy-driven rejection, and I hate how girls are created specifically to go after Bella for supposedly getting on their "terf" of boys.
this also extends to Leah's bitterness over Sam leaving her for his mate. while I understand Steph may have needed an example of "your mate can be anyone, doesn't matter who you love if they're not you're mate," but she specifically hurt Leah in this way and ONLY defines her through her bitter and loneliness. she doesn't even get any other notable dialogues apart from her talking about being heartbroken and betrayed by Sam.
additionally, her father died for pretty much no reason, and ofc it was while he was trying to keep Bella safe from Victoria in NM. it's just needless pain, bro. (also it hurt Charlie, so I'm anger.)
I'm still so disappointed with how Leah's story was treated. she could've been a gem.
like Leah, a lot of my complaints with Rosalie are more so of what she was put through and then how she was used in the story, but there is a little more critique to her character in a specific way.
by this, I mean that Rosalie... doesn't make sense.
heads up— TW!
so, as we know, Rosalie's cause of turning was a horrific SA that would've killed her had she not been bitten. she was r*ped and attacked by multiple men, multiple times.
she understandably holds resentment and hatred in her heart over the events, especially at how she blames them for costing her the goals she can no longer achieve because she became a vampire (honestly idk why she doesn't resent Carlisle for biting her...).
specifically her goals were to grow old with her husband, but also, to have kids, which expresses itself as a problem later on... overall, her story was heartbreaking.
I don't have an issue with giving a character trauma such as this, however, there is a key thing to note.
when giving characters trauma, you have to be realistic and respectful with these events. they are not just plot devices or characterizations. they are not superficial issues you can pick up when convenient and drop when they no longer are.
I am LIVID with how Rosalie's story was used in the saga.
she is portrayed as this jealous, hateful bitch to Bella. in fact, it's a running joke that Rosalie is just a bitch, and there's even a deleted scene in which Jacob throws a dog bowl at her from Breaking Dawn. she is very much so framed into a light of "she's a c*nt.*
she's also actively framed into being Bella's biggest hurdle with the Cullen family, and her desire to become a vampiric member of their clan. she is the only person to say no when they hold a vote over turning Bella in New Moon, and states: "I wish I had someone to say no for me."
Rosalie was also given dialogue in which she refused to or questioned helping Bella when she was being hunted by other vampires. this definitely ties into Steph's "wen can't be friends" mentality, but there's another reason as to why I bring this up...
as I mentioned, Rosalie has her tragic past, and it is revealed to us when Rosalie believes she needs to convince Bella she is making the wrong choice, and that she needs to preserve her humanity and to choose her well-being over what seems to be a momentary desire.
I fully understand why Rosalie would want to say that, but her trauma was given to her specifically as a guilt/manipulation tool by Steph. there is no healing for Rosalie. there's no growth. there's no trace of it outside their conversation. that's one reason it's so enraging: what Rosalie went through only mattered when she was trying to stop Bella.
it just made the tragedy of how she became a vampire practically null and void, in terms of relavance.
also, her concern for Bella also became null and void come Breaking Dawn.
it became very backwards of her when she was informed of Bella's pregnancy. notice how Rosalie is the ONLY ONE in the house who was accepting and encouraging of Bella's pregnancy. not even ALICE was about it, and Carlisle made it clear Bella was dying.
Rosalie only fought for Bella when Bella was pregnant. this was so that Rosalie could vicariously love her fantasy of motherhood through Bella.
so you mean to tell me that she wants Bella to preserve her humanity and to also realize she's giving so much up that she can never get back... and that Rosalie also went through a horribly traumatic event that changed her life forever (literally) and made her hate Bella through jealousy... but she doesn't quite care as long as Bella pops that baby out before she croaks?
it's ugly, it's demeaning, and it's just downright sad. Rosalie could've been a lot different had she been given the room to address and cope with her trauma properly, and she wasn't turned pro-life only when it suited her...
additionally, she gets another negative from me because she told Edward about Alice's cliff jump vision concerning Bella, despite knowing no information over it. that was idiotic on her part, because she had no idea what Alice found and she should've just left it to lie until Alice could confirm what happened. so, like someone else I'm gonna mention on this list, she's part of why the Volturi demand Bella be changed. so yes... sorry Rosie, ya kinda fucked up on your own mission.
also I feel like she would've voted for Trump, oops.
he was a Confederate soldier.
this... this boy.
listen, I honestly like Edward in some ways. I don't mean he's my fave. this boy needs work. but out of all of them, Edward is admittedly the best. but don't think that's also a feat. the bar is very low here.
firstly, I would say my biggest issue with Edward is just... this boy needs antidepressants. lord. eat someone with a Zoloft prescription, idk.
Edward is stuck in this weird state of "I wanna die, but this girl makes my dick too hard for me to." fr. this guy hates his life and yet he wants to live forever with Bella at the same time? I don't get it.
also, boundaries. this man doesn't have them. he doesn't know what they are. which makes sense because he was dying of the Spanish flu and I KNOW this boy didn't social distance or wash his hands... time period doesn't matter, I just know he was nasty and probably didn't wash his ass cheeks ever...
I don't understand how he can simultaneously be like "I wanna bite Bella" to "I gotta watch this bitch sleep" and "I'm gonna sit h her after I break up with her in the woods." it's like he's so obsessed with Bella one moment, and then he hates her the next. one moment he's watching her sleep and disabling her truck so she can't see Jacob, and the next he's killing himself in Italy... men.
that all being said, apart from his juxtaposing outlook on his existence, I just don't really find Edward personally interesting. everything that you could say about Edward being interesting or desirable is literally down to his vampirism. beauty, wealth, mind-reading, appeal, power, abilities, etc.
without being a vampire, Edward has no substance to him aside from being depressed and into celibacy. my man's was literally abstinent WHILE IMMORTAL BRO. no-nut-for-ever challenge guys?
still, that being said, I wish Edward would've fought against his instincts and left Bella alone. he literally changed this girl's life for FOREVER over knowing her for about 2 years or so.
she was 16-17 when she met Edward. she was a kid, for one, but she isn't emotionally capable of thinking things like this through. you're gonna be impulsive and selfish at that age, bc you can't quite wrap your head around things such as this.
if Edward showed more control and concern for Bella (aside from just making sure she wasn't hurt/dead), and he actually stuck to his guns about not turning or marrying Bella, I would root for him more. but he can't control himself, and in turn, caused a LOT of problems.
still, he had more self-control than Bella or Jacob, so kudos bro. I mean, he legit let them kiss in front of him, EVEN WHEN HE WAS ENGAGED TO BELLA. and he never held any true resentment to Jacob trying to steal his girl, aside from when he kisses Bella without her consent.
he did always let Bella know he didn't have to be her choice, I'll give him that, too.
but more than anything we're so lucky Rob played him...
this little bastard.
I heavily dislike Jacob. no, I'm not team Edward. no, it's not because I prefer vampires. (I prefer werewolves but I am a monster-f*cker at heart, so it's like going to Kroger and shopping for me okay—)
I dislike Jacob because of very specific reasons. and overall, Jacob is a horrible character.
I'll first start w his flaws and then the flaws done to him as a character by Steph.
firstly, Jacob is toxic ASF. the only reason Bella and the audience liked Jacob was for the fact he's hot to them (and maybe some get off on the fact he's a werewolf). but take away his wolf form and 6 pack, and what are you really left with?
I would've loved to see Twilight Jacob continue through the series. he seemed sweet, humorous, and just down to earth and enjoyable. the first Jacob Black we see is the best Jacob Black, and unfortunately, he's nowhere to be found come New Moon.
I get that werewolves apparently have anger management issues, but does that really give Jacob the right to be the dick that he is? I say this because Jacob is unnecessarily aggressive, or just overall an asshole to even Bella when he doesn't get his way.
he's childish, immature, and is honestly the type of person who puts you in therapy because of what they do to you. and you may bring up that he's 16 come NM, but that's why losing how he was originally is that much worse. the first Jacob Black we see would probably hate what he's become in NM and then on. I mean, he threatens to Kermit if Bella doesn't get with him... that's low ASF.
one of my biggest pet peeves is how Jacob blames Edward for what happens to Bella, but in reality, it's his fault.
as I mentioned with Rosalie, in NM, when Alice comes to investigate her visions over Bella jumping off a cliff, when Edward rings the Swan residence, Jacob fucks up.
while Jacob wasn't lying about Charlie dealing with funeral arrangements (as our good boy Harry Clearwater died bc of Victoria giving him cardiac arrest), he refused to give Bella the phone when Edward called, meaning that Edward got the stark impression that Bella died.
because of this, the whole mess in Italy with the Volturi happens, and this is the main reason Bella is set to become a vampire (pregnancy aside). so Jacob can rage at Edward the Bloodsucker all he wants— his little asshole moment led to the Volturi know about Bella and set her fate then.
Jacob is just so pointlessly possessive over Bella, and also acts like her being with him is the only way she can stay human. which, is fucking absurd. Bella could date a rando guy who works at Subway and could still achieve the same goal. :/
still, he resents Bella burning turned into a vampire, and this 16yr old is trying so hard to convince this 18yr old that he has what she needs and he can give her the perfect life when he hasn't even graduated high school yet. fucking oof.
his posturing, attitude, and disrespect for Bella's choices are obvious. while I have my reservations about Bella, Jacob NEVER respected her choosing to be with Edward, and as a result, that she wanted to be a vampire too. it was personal to him, which is stupid, because it has nothing to do with him whatsoever. he can say there's a treaty all he wants, in the end, it isn't up to him.
he reacts far too impulsively and without sense, too. defying Sam and not even really trying to become an alpha despite it being implied by himself and others that he should do so? being in his feels and transforming into a wolf to cry about Bella, and nearly causing an accident where 2 humans see him? this boy dumb.
but more than anything... MORE THAN FUCKING ANYTHING—
you know what I'm about to say. you've read the books. you've seen the films. you know his biggest sin.
what is so bad it's worth another TW.
this man...
Tumblr media
there isn't an English language that can properly describe the immense, negative emotion I've always felt for this fucking guy wanting to bang a fucking baby!
thing is, I think I know why it happened, and I'm not sure if it makes the whole thing worse or not.
so, my guess for this horrific pairing to have happened goes to a few key things:
despite teasing Jacob as competition to Edward, we all knew Bella was never going to choose him— this is why Bella isn't his mate to begin with. and so, Steph had to come up with someone "worthy" of being Jacob's love interest/mate.
Steph needed a good enough reason for the wolf pack not to kill Renesmée.
notice how the "we can't kill a wolf's mate" law ONLY becomes a thing once Jacob has imprinted on the infant and the pack comes to kill her. not even when Leah was out through the ringer over Sam was it mentioned that wolves cannot kill another's mate.
but what pisses me off most?
why is it that not killing another wolf's mate is their FIRST law, and per the film itself: means it's the most important law they cannot break?
kinda funny that ya say that, because when has a wolf's mate ever been something the pack has wanted to kill before now? that's so oddly specific...
because you would think a first and most unbreakable rule would be something akin to "don't let humans know about us," or "you cannot kill anything other than a vampire that kills humans." 🤔
this was obviously all a rouse to give Renesmée protection from the wolf pack that wants her dead, while also conveniently giving a "reason" for Bella's attraction to Jacob.
that's dumb for one main reason: Jacob getting with Bella would have prevented Renesmée from being born.
additionally, by that logic... he would've been attracted to his first kid with Bella. 😬
so yeah, I call bullshit.
so this disgusting shit happened for a plot hole Steph didn't know how to fix otherwise. and quite frankly, I wish she just would've left it open.
also, as for Jacob, there really is nothing more to him. his biggest impact was to make Bella an even hotter piece of meat on the market, and to give Steph a reason to not let the werewolves kill Bella and Edward's monster baby.
please get him into dog training as soon as possible. 💛
ah. Bella.
this... this is what I've been waiting for the most. THIS BITCH.
while part of her fault is really just poor writing, I genuinely don't like Bella as a character, and quite frankly, she deserves the worst our of everyone in the films. lemme explain.
while Renée isn't her fault, Bella is the worst person out of all the characters.
not only is she a poorly fledged out character, she makes me want to ram my head into a wall with our disastrous this girl is.
but first, I'mma tell you where Steph fucked up with her character design:
being clumsy isn't a personality
being clumsy isn't the only trait a character can have
being clumsy isn't something you can use to write off her being turned into a lunchable in a ballet studio or whatever else happens to this bitch
the only thing I like about Bella is her truck, really
who dressed her and why did they decide only to give her tasteful clothes once she became a vampire? like this bitch went from Plato's closet to Gucci, my guy 😑
being from Arizona is not a personality trait
saying she hates "any wet, slimy thing" and the weather of forks isn't cute when you say she loves the sun so much bc she would either burn to a crisp or would somehow accidentally eat sunscreen bc she's clumsy 🤪
she is perfect immediately after the bite and Steph was really like "she was made to be a vampire bc now she isn't clumsy and look she perfect" I think not bestie
what were her aspirations? her hobbies? what did she like to do aside from think about Edward or run after boys? what about her isn't just loving Edward and running after boys??? who IS SHE!?
a small potted cactus is not a personality trait
that cactus probably died, fuck
this was low-key Steph's personalized self-insert story and I'm scared
if Kristen Stewart didn't play Bella, what would she even have to offer to anyone?
she was made into an underage high schooler for this love story akxnakxnjsnd
how did she pass high school during all this ON GOD
it is impossible for other women to like her unless they aren't competition (her mom, Esmé, Alice, Angela. that's literally it.)
designed to be the boy toy but really WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT HER!?
so aside from stark design flaws that get us on a bad foot...
I want to address how Bella acts.
I personally HATE how Bella acts. minus the less than stellar acting (I do understand that Kristen was given poor instructions for Bella), how Bella goes about her life and its situations is enough for me to rip my hair out.
I understand she's 16 when we first see her but oh my god? Bella is just a melting pot of issues.
obtuse yet fucking on point. she doesn't know what Jacob is at first but then BANG BOOM EPIPHANY SHE FIGURES IT OUT THROUGH INTERPRETIVE MENTAL DANCE AND GOOGLE. she will go "what" one second and then knows what skeleton is in your closet the next.
pretends to be selfless but is entirely selfish. I cannot think of one thing Bella does, even for other people, that isn't personally motivated. seriously. having Renesmée despite it killing her and making Edward upset? it's because she wanted their baby no matter what. she hangs out with Jacob and gets really close to him? it's all because he offers a distraction from Edward. it all boils down to what she wants.
she doesn't give a shit about her friends. while some are less than stellar, her high school friends from Forks are legit ornaments in her life. they are honestly not close at all, and there's not enough scenes in the movie to show a good bind between Bella and her friends. in fact, EVERY SCENE with her friends is infiltrated by Edward or Jacob in some fucking way.
in particular, I wanna mention 2 specific moments this happened: 1) Bella invites herself to dress shop with Jessica and Angela, but only does so to get the opportunity to ditch them and go to the library to get a book she thinks will give her answers about Edward. 2) when Mike asks Bella out on a date in NM, Bella accepts and then PURPOSEFULLY invites everyone else and Jacob to it. despite them cancelling (with Angela and Eric dealing with a stomach bug and then Jessica just not even bothering to show up), Mike tries to stick the movie out with Bella despite Jacob being a dick to him. then, Mike gets horrifically sick at some point during the film, and disappears to thr*w up. it's not easy to say how long he was gone, but going by the audio, the movie had started, so I'm guessing this happened maybe halfway through or so. this means Mike was thr*wing up in the bathroom for 30min or more and BELLA NEVER CHECKED ON HIM. she stayed and watched the movie with Jacob and then just has a whole scene with Jacob about how she's broken and she can't be the same after Edward, boohoo. poor Mike shows up sick as hell and when Jacob SNAPS on him (yes, wolf incoming I know), Bella only really shows concern for Jacob during that moment. so yeah, fuck you, Mike!
Bella didn't care about Charlie. as much as she pretends to be concerned about her dad, Bella constantly destroyed and hurt her father by her actions. I get some of it was purposeful to get her dad away from her, but I agree with Edward in the fact that she didn't have to go that far to leave. she harmed her dad for no fucking reason, all the time. all Charlie ever did was TRY for Bella. he got her a car, he asks her how she's doing, asks her if she wants to spend more time with him, asks her what he can do to fix things... I HATE how Bella treated Charlie. and she goes off and hurts him more when she's pregnant with Renesmée and after she's bitten. I'm happy, for Charlie, that Bella was able to control her thirst as she was, but I've mentioned this was too much, and shouldn't have been a thing. everyone said it was going to be. and if Bella wasn't just magically amazing at being a vamp, then Charlie NEVER would've seen her again. but hey, doesn't matter bc you're horny for vampirism and Edward, right?
as mentioned above, I hate how Bella has practically NO consequences for her actions. any of them. she doesn't really injure herself when being reckless in NM. her friends never cut her off for her behavior and pretty much just treating them like background noise all the time. the Volturi and Bella trying to one up them as a human when trying to protect Edward. Bella's pregnancy. Bella's vampirism. so much that should've gone wrong or should've had lasting problems for her, and nothing! NOTHING! fucking club penguin held me more accountable than Steph did this bitch!
her trying to get with Jacob. oh my god. OH MY GOD. I don't care about Renesmée having a connection— I already explained that Bella getting with Jacob would actively go against this as well as possibly making their first child Jacob's mate. like BRO. any hoot, my biggest beef is that this girl needs to make up her damn mind. and her reasons for even seeking after Jacob were so fucking selfish, too. she legit got this boy to fall so deeply in love with her just to be hot and cold when we know she ain't ever gonna choose him. Jacob was an emotional Aleve for Edward and nothing more. but to see her be so up in his shit was annoying and just made her less likeable. this isn't soft or hard taco shells, you cannot have both tf.
this deserves it's own notation: Bella kissing Jacob DESPITE Jacob just finding out she's engaged to Edward
the fact that Bella is so desperate for Edward to bite her bc at 17 she thinks she has to be bitten RIGHT NOW or she's gonna instantly turn 70 and has to deal with hip pains as Edward wrecks the badussy
either indirectly or purposefully puts herself in harm's way ALL THE FECKEN TIME like I need her in Nerf armor or something idfk anymore. she literally always on the verge of being killed.
but now, for the biggest sin of all...
as I mentioned before, I hate when a character's trauma is not respected, and Bella? well she done did the worst thing...
she used Rosalie's trauma and desires to get what she wanted.
notice how, when Bella finds out Edward is not happy about the pregnancy (well, she doesn't even know if she's even pregnant at this point, so that's kind of ridiculous), she immediately calls Rosalie.
this is because Bella knows she can manipulate Rosalie into protecting and siding with her on the pregnancy.
Rosalie confided in her about her desire for motherhood, and so Bella took great advantage of that in the end, and I can't fucking stand her for it.
the saddest part is, she's your main character. you don't want to have a main character that makes so little sense as well as them becoming a bad person when that isn't the intention whatsoever. Bella is intended to be likeable or relatable, but she fucking isn't.
she's acts like she's always trying to get her next fix by any means necessary. she is driven by greed and lust, fucking literally, to do everything as she does. it's like watching someone live out their darker fantasies and how Bella is pretty much insatiable despite getting everything she wants and more.
here's the synopsis of the twilight saga bro:
abandoned by mom, Bella starts highschool in a place that isn't warm sunny, ew! but it's okay guys immediately like her but she doesn't like them bc gross. but the one guy, Edward, is cute and mysterious, so she figures him out in like 10 minutes. nearly dies, twice, bc if a van and an H&M model. Edward has to drink her blood like she's a Gogurt tube and bc she's clumsy she can wake up in a hospital and all is well. she isn't afraid by her near death in fact she's even more obsessed w Edward and vampirism. by the end of twilight, she got Edward, but she wants him to change her. Edward is like not rn bitch you're still not legal. 😩
new moon: surprise, Edward still doesn't want to change Bella, and after Jasper nearly goes after her, he leaves Bella in an attempt to protect her. Edward is her everything so now she has nothing, and Bella entertains Jacob to try and fill the void. oh cool, he's a dog on the side, AND he can fix a bike. Jacob works pretty good alongside trying to harm herself so she can think of Edward giving a shit about her lol. But in the end, Jacob still isn't Edward, and she can't have Edward die because she loves him and needs him, and so Bella will leave Jacob and then save Edward like a girl in scuffed Converse. but when Edward is faced with consequences for his actions, she has to offer herself as a sacrifice bc Edward cannot die to where he leaves Bella! The Volturi like Bella because she has McAffee installed in her brain and her firewall makes her.immune to shit, so they're like dope, change the bitch eventually Edward. And ofc Bella loves this because this is what she has been asking for. Sorry I ran away again and hurt you charlie, oops. she tells Edward she gonna be plotting her bite day like Tolkien novel.
eclipse: bite day is planned but OH NO Bella is still human and white so she is gonna curdle in the next 20 seconds if Edward doesn't bite her! she has to apply pressure otherwise she's gonna apply for AARP!!! Bella has to figure out a way to tell Edward she gotta be a vamp now otherwise she can never be a vamp and that would be sad, rawr. XD Oh victoria is a thing and she's made a lil baby army aside from being recast during her time being MIA. it goes as well as you could think it does and really nothing else really happens aside from Bella begging Edward to bite her already while they posture over her like hormonal peacocks.
breaking dawn part 1: she's graduated which means wedding and bite day! holla. she has her Polly pocket wedding but is so ready to be a vamp!!! but first honeymoon and her birds being met by Edward's bees! what's that? she missed her period? HAS TO BE PREGNANT!!!! ROSALIE HONEY— end up being this parasitic type thing and like wowza she looks like a spirit Halloween prop, but it's okay because BABY and she needs it born. she tries to drink blood and her baby snaps her spine like a stale loaf of french bread. rip. Edward successfully gets the baby out of Bella like pulling treats out of a dog's mouth and then he bites her all over the place because Bella was cosplaying the crypt keeper, and now we wait for her to change... BOOM SHE IS A VAMP AS SHE WANTED.
breaking dawn part 2: Bella is a vamp and she is beautiful and no longer clumsy and HA SHE TOLD YA SHE IS GREAT but she also has a weird daughter and Jacob may call her Nessie, but he can protect her from the werewolf pack and THE FBI when they find out what he's doing!!! but wait, the vampire FBI has heard about the kid and now y'all gotta prove she's your daughter like proving to a college board that you didn't plagiarize. you even have to find another vampire human thing and present them your evidence after making us think half of you died 30 seconds ago. but it's okay it all ends well bc Alice is a baddie so now Bella can have her baby, her hubby, and a life that never ends with either of them! she will always be beautiful and rich and hot and important and sexy and skilled and bootylicious and THE END! 🤪
honestly wish Edward just woulda let the van keep going. would've spared me a lot of pain and typing. oof.
anyways, that it! hope y'all enjoyed. :)
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awhphooey · 4 years
Is it weird that I don't really like Gandra? Like she's cool and I can see why other people like her I just don't personally don't vibe with her. Plus I don't really ship her with Fenton, I'm pretty sure their going to be endgame but I see them more are like frienemies. Like they care for each other but they aren't really in the same side. Sorta like Doffinzmirts and Perry the platypus!
Jshfksfb okay this’ll probably take a while for me to respond to bc im literally abt to write a couple paragraphs on why I don’t like her either
Before Gandra stans come after me this is all my opinion, and if you wanna argue take it up in a reblog not my ask box
Okay so first impressions of characters I go off the vibe they give me. If they give me an icky vibe I put them on a ‘maybe I’ll like them later’ list. Gandra got put on the list imediately.
When she started flirting w Fenton... as a Fenro shipper I was automatically thinking ‘bad vibes and crashing into my ship?’. Nothing wrong with this happening, obviously, but with the bad vibes I already got I didn’t trust her being around him. She was clearly not interested in him, and I could tell from the start she just wanted something from him. *smacks Gandra with a red flag* stop that! If you actually liked him that much you wouldn’t have helped Beaks! “But she needed funding or whatever” okay then she could’ve said no to Beaks and found it somewhere else... maybe.. idk.. the money bin? Where said crush also works? “Maybe it would be hard to get hired by Gyro or Scrooge!” you cry, hugging your dear Gandra. Well Fenton got a job there, and he literally thinks hot water is tea... it can’t be that hard, kiddo.
Then! Then she seemed perfectly fine letting Beaks kidnap children. Children Fenton was obviously close with. Onto Beaks tho for a sec, bc he’s actually the worst and anyone who associates with him on friendly terms is garbage. Gandras morals are super unclear, and I can’t tell if she’s a villain or just misunderstood or smth. She seemed ok with the stealing, kidnapping, destruction of property/trespassing (beaks) and leading Fenton on, but then turns around and is like ‘aha ur cute tho’... she literally works for FOWL too??? So she’s definitely written as a villain, like all the other FOWL people.
It’s just difficult to tell what her morals are, and she seems like a bad person. If she really needed the funding despite working for FOWL, she could’ve gotten it other places. She knew what she was doing and that it was morally bad, but she still did it. Fenton is literally a sweetheart and doesnt deserve to be led on like that and then squashed, just for her to come back in s3 and do it again.
I’m not saying Fenro is 110% perfect because it absolutely is not. There’s a power unbalance, Gyro is frankly an ass most of the time, and he yells at Fenton more than is okay. But at least he’s trying to get better now that Boyd is back in his life. You can tell Gyro was a good person before Tokyolk because we got his backstory, and we know Akita and the 2-BO incident ruined him and made him defensive and sour.
I can almost garuntee that if you give me a good reason that Gandra is the way she is and is morally gray (leaning more dark tho, don’t @ me) and give me back story, I might start actually actively shipping Fendra and being okay with it. Until then, I’ll wait in the corner with my Fenro :)
But yes, they do seem like they’d be more of a Doof/Perry relationship. I can’t see them as romantic.
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