#But also this reminds me how much I was delighted when I found lots of them at the sea as a child!
savnofilter · 1 year
On to Better Things | k. bakugo
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      Pro Hero!DILF!Katsuki Bakugo x [FEM] Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): sexual content, angst, strangers to lovers.
sfw — toxic & abusive relationship, toxic baby daddy, mentions postpartum, mental health, arguing, mentions of legal proceedings, counseling, drama, cultural family expectations, love bombing, manipulation, a man being a hypocrite, reader low-key needs a new circle of people around them but that's neither here nor there, reader loves their daughter to pieces </3, reader's daughter is a hand full but we stan!, reader spaces out a lot, "our kids are best friends but we never met before and so happen to be single" trope.
nsfw — sexual content, pro hero!bakugo sorry not sorry lmao, bakugo got rizz, fingering, cunnilingus, groping, praise kink, reader has multiple orgasms (2, hinted 4), reader is a bit shy as it's been awhile and feels nervous, vocal queen reader, clothed sex, protected sex, comforting!bakugo, non-established relationship.
COUNT: 11.4k words (45 mins.)
READ MORE: masterlist + [students | bakugo]
A/N: whooph the warnings… imo, it's nothing too serious, but yk i gotta put the warnings up!! it's not graphic, but it does talk ab the stuff listed. i didnt know how else to craft a toxic ex-baby daddy type of situation, and it divulged into this 😭 also use yalls brains with the sfw & nsfw discernment for the warnings… ofc i do not take lightly about what's written, so dont twist it any other way and the heavier subjects being under sfw. i digress!! ive been wanting to write this request for a while and finally got around to it. unfortunately, i alr want to rewrite. :') despite that, i actually kinda really liked this one so i hope yall fw it too. 🫶🏽 thank you, anon!
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"Mommy!" Your daughter, Niyuki, calls out to you as she runs into your arms.
She had recently turned 6 years old and still loves the end of the day on Fridays where she could run into your arms, and recount everything about what she had learned that week. Niyuki is pretty much a chatterbox and you weren't too sure where she got it from considering that even your… ex wasn't quite the talkative one either. As you grew to love this quality about her, you found it endearing. Phone calls with her were always a delight and that was how she had persuaded (begged) you to let her go to the park despite having other plans for the day.
You had promised on Monday that she would be able to go to the park in addition to ending her day Friday night off with having a sleepover with her best friend. Niyuki, being an excitable kid, wanted to go straight from school to the park so she wouldn't waste any more time than she already had.
"Hi, Niyuki!" You beam back, a loving smile on your face as you pepper her face in kisses, and hold her cheeks as she tries to shy away with her boundless amounts of giggles. "How was your da-"
"Great -- Mommy you promised we could go to the park today!" Niyuki lightly pushes away from you, a slight whine to her voice as she attempts to get away from your onslaught of affection.
"We can still go, I can't greet my little angel first before I do that?" You poke her cheek as you stand up straight and hold your hand out for her to hold. "Tell me about your day, pumpkin."
There was a skip in her step as she recounted her day to you. When Niyuki gets started, she never stops. She talked about the first moment her feet reached the school grounds, to before school had started, then she talked about her first few classes, after that what she did during lunch and how much fun she had at recess, the "drama" (very unserious but nevertheless cute) that happened before classes resumed and so on. Niyuki is also the animated type and could often run out of breath when she talks. She would use her hands and voice inflictions just to convey what she was speaking about. Sometimes, you even had to remind her to slow down and that time was going nowhere when talking with you.
It was moments like this when you could take in the rambunctiousness and appreciate your lovable daughter. You two only seemed to have special moments like these—well, at least you thought they were special—because of the separation between you and your toxic ex.
Before you two had split your relationship had been decent. Despite that though, you were incredibly in love with him, but the same wasn't reciprocated in a way that emotionally gave back. He'd make excuses as to why he wasn't open to you, his reasoning that he "loved differently" and that if you really loved him you would believe him. So you did. Over, and over, and over again. Hoping that the days where he showed up like in the beginning would become more frequent, but your willingness to stay was how he knew he could toy with you.
He had been your first when you had finally agreed to be an item when you were in your early twenties and it took a long time to finally separate from him when things got bad. In addition to dealing with the conflicting feelings of your then-boyfriend, your friends who only wanted the best for you, and your close family members, you also had to deal with yourself. Nights and days spent venting and breaking down about the man had become so common that your friends' concerns grew. You had so many negative thoughts at that time and you were naive to truly believe that there was a happy ending to overcome this predicament. That his way of loving could change for both of you. His manipulative questions would often linger in your head if you left him, and who were you to argue? When arguments would start to come up again almost weekly, it always ended up with you an emotional mess while he "proved" to you that he was the only one who could handle you.
When your ex noticed you started to pull away, he suddenly had an interest in starting a family. Late nights where you two would lay in bed after making up, he'd share his daydreams about you mothering his children, how beautiful and perfect you'd be to fit in his little world.
Family this, family that. Family values, family roles, family life. You two had been friends since you both were in high school, and it only made sense that you two were dating now and getting married soon. Hell, he even made you question what would your family think if you were "running around" instead of being faithful to him. Imagine the embarrassment to your family if you threw all of that away and weren't able to find someone else like him?
People talk, people notice. Many of the older women noted how great you two looked together, and he was well off with a great future that could support you both. Neither did it help that you changed your once passionate future for being a pro-hero to a different career that was deemed less reliable than your previous choice. It was in your best interest that you stayed with him to avoid the awful gossip in town.
When you haven't been in a situation like yours with an inconsiderate lover, it's hard to understand why you stayed as long as you did. Consequently from being his friend for so long and dating him for years meant he knew the sort of things to target your psyche. To reinforce the pressures you had of making your family look good, mixed with the hidden fears of the burden of following the footsteps of your successful siblings as well.
It was a lot to take in and it wasn't long before you gave in. You just wanted him to be who he was again. The stress only grew older with you and the more time that passed had a looming connotation that the older you got the more undesirable and unfit you are to find another relationship. Even past that, you gave so many years to him. You were a virgin when you two had met, and he had already been around. He knew how to kiss you right, he memorized your soft spots and remembered the best ways to make you come undone. He'd expertly sweet talk you after each session, and on days when you were feeling down he would be the first person to show up, usually bearing gifts of some sort coupled with affection. You couldn't understand what had changed. Why did he decide to start treating you like this? You were vulnerable and scared, and nothing like the familiar could ease the fabricated feeling of comfort.
You thought that having his child would finally fix things but you were so wrong. So very, very wrong. After your first semester in the pregnancy, you had heard talk about people seeing your supposed boyfriend—the father of the child you were soon to birth—with other women. Of course, you didn't believe it, and you refused to listen when your friends tried to tell you. In this stage, you were mostly shut in, as this was taught to be the best preparation for giving birth. You couldn't fathom the fact he would stoop so low. He had his low moments, but not like this. He would never.
He had disconnected you from everyone who had truly cared for you and even convinced your family that you were safe and protected with him. It wasn't until one evening when he had the gall to meet one of his mistresses outside of your house is when you realized it was all true, but it was all too late.
You were an emotional wreck for days. You had hit your lowest and it didn't help that your delivery date was getting closer every day that passed. You'd weep to yourself when you were sure he wasn't around and soon enough the house that you had (forced) yourself to love had once again become a prison. A night when you were tired of the pain is when you decided to reach out to your friends and family again. It was a shameless plea for help and you didn't care how desperate you looked and you wanted out. At first, your parents weren't supportive of the fact that you wanted to leave the man but you didn't care. You wanted to leave everything behind and not give this horrible chapter in your life a look back ever again. With enough talking and white lies, you were able to make a workaround to at least get back up on your feet after your delivery.
The delivery of your daughter, Niyuki, was thankfully a smooth one. Not at all enjoyable but very few complications came along the way when the time came. You had made a deal with your parents that you would stay with them so you could comfortably recover from the delivery whilst being able to safely be under their vision when your ex and his in-laws would come over. Your friends started to visit when you were healing more and had even convinced you to go out with them which you hadn't done for over a year. You were utterly scared as you had missed such a large chunk of socialization that even you didn't think you could do it. But once the night started, you didn't want to go back.
One night out became two, then three, four, five, and so on. The time you were home lessened and it didn't help that your friends were more than willing to let you take refuge at their homes. It wasn't like you were going crazy but the high that you got from drinking and even sometimes having flings became addicting and it felt satisfactory in the way you felt autonomy over your body once again.
You'd ignore the calls from your parents and family including your in-laws, especially any communication from your ex. You had ghosted the situation. The most emotionally taxing period of your life was now being forcefully ignored. You'd spend your time if not partying, then out clubbing. Even when you weren't out on benders, you'd stay up all night and indulge in the fact you were being taken care of by friends. And while you deeply appreciated their hospitality, it was also a double-edged sword. You had dropped out of college, you were no longer reliable and the flings and high feelings were no longer distracting you from the fact that you had some serious issues to deal with.
It got to a point where you'd lay in whoever's spare room and drown in thoughts about the situation you were in. A year before then, you had been stuck with your ex, and somehow a year and a half later you had no idea what that situation was like in that home.
Anxiety and suffocating emotions would swallow you often as the memories of your toxic and abusive ex would soon follow the baby girl you had given birth to. Niyuki. You'd remember her smile, the way she giggled, and how active she was. Although you had only spent about a few months or so with her, you'd remember her bright smile. You'd remember the way her eyes shone when she looked at new things or heard new words—how her face always lit up when she heard your voice, felt your presence, or saw your face. The emptiness without her would eat at you and it was time to forcefully welcome a new cycle of you falling into a depression once again.
At this point, you had lost your job, didn't have any urge to pick up any new hobbies or skills and you'd lay in bed all day. Going out until early mornings trying to ignore the fact that you weren't happy in your current state no longer worked anymore. It was a draining process to get back up but you were willing to give your life a go again. You started looking for jobs that hopefully had good pay and were willing to hire someone with this big of a time gap in their resume. While still couch hopping, you still had places to stay so fortunately you didn't need to worry about that.
When you eventually came around to wanting to be in Niyuki's life again, it was too late. Of course, when you had finally decided to start to better yourself and the suffocating feeling of postpartum had slowly dwindled over time, he was there to make sure that you couldn't take control back of your life. Your ex had found out why you had been gone for so long and eventually had things filed so that he would have sole custody. It seemed as though no matter what you did, he was always ten steps ahead of you. And this time you knew that your support from your family was even less than before.
He had swindled the courts and your families to the point that he painted you as a deadbeat and to the courts, it didn't seem as though there was any evidence to contradict that. Eventually, as you went through counseling and legal support were you able to at least gain visitation, an absence of early childhood not being any signs or indicators that you were unfit to see your own daughter.
It was humiliating settling back into your life and getting back up on your feet. Your parents demanded that you would stay with them as a reassurance that you were serious about getting your shit together and you didn't want to argue. Although with their calloused nature sometimes, they did take care of you well. You couldn't tell what they were thinking but they treated you as gently as they could. Even your family members would come and help out from time to time and it made your recovery better. As stated by the courts, as long as the grandparents (either your parents or in-laws) were there to supervise, a social worker, or the dreaded last option, your ex, was there you would be able to spend time with your daughter.
Months would pass and soon years would follow. When you had shown no signs of negligence or malice occurring in your visits, the judge allowed that you didn't need supervision. Your ex protested but it went unheard. Plus your willingness to get your life together showed your dedication so it was a blessing that you were able to get back to a somewhat decent and regular life despite what has happened. Of course the label that had been placed on you wasn't fully gone, but you were at least able to see your own daughter again.
Which is why you deeply cherish moments like this. After inspections at your apartment, the courts approved that your daughter has now been allowed to stay a few days at your place, and this weekend she was scheduled to stay with you. She would get dropped off by him on Thursdays after school, but you limited the talk to only what was important. Usually, on the first day you get her for the week, you do something with her that she's been wanting to do. As much as you wanted to do it right away, you did make sure her homework was done (she would do it at school just so she could spend more time with you though). Despite her determination, you would still check her work and teach her the things she got wrong much to her dismay. You'd make sure you're on time to drop her off to her evening classes and still wake up early to cook her breakfast every Friday morning. Then you'd drop her off and then pick her up at the end of the day seeing as she had no evening classes on weekends.
"We're here, we're here!" Niyuki cheered, the sweet but mischievous smile never leaving her face when around you.
"It's so pretty out! Wanna get some ice cream, Niyuki?"
"Yes, please!"
After you park your car you hop out and help her out of her seat, holding out your hand for her to take as she knows the routine already. Niyuki admires the familiar park although she has been to numerous times. The way she gazes at everything looks as though this is her first time seeing the place, and this kind of wonder behind her eyes isn't unique to this particular place. No matter how many times she has been somewhere or seen something, her eyes always shine with curiosity and wonder. You can't help but watch her with a faint smile, never wanting to forget what her face looks like ever again.
"Which ice cream do you want, Niyuki?" You ask once you two reach the truck, an assortment of colorful ice cream pictures is decorated on the side of the vehicle.
"Hmm…." Niyuki thoughtfully hums. She raises her free hand to comically tap on her chin as she thinks, the gesture urging a laugh from both you and the ice cream salesman. "Can I have the one with the," She leans closer and points to it, "SpongeBob with the bubblegum, please!"
You think to yourself as you settle for something that's to your tastes, relaying your order to him and searching for your wallet to pay for the cold, sweet treats.
You look over at the man and he nods before leaving to the back, "Coming right up."
In no time at all you two are grabbing ice cream and heading to the playscape. Today was a bit hotter than what you were both expecting so you made a challenge that whoever was able to eat their ice cream without being messy gets to go to bed late tonight. You knew you'd win but it was still amusing to challenge her as her bright spirit came along with a competitive one.
In the midst of you two finishing up your ice cream, a younger but familiar voice calls out to your daughter. You look around confused before spotting a younger girl running towards Niyuki and then engulfing her in a bear hug.
"Mizuki!" Your daughter squeals as they both tightly embrace, her popsicle long forgotten now.
"I didn't know you were coming to the park today!" Mizuki said as she pulled away, still holding onto her best friend. Their bond started from the mere fact that their names sounded similar.
"Yeah, my mommy brought me!" Niyuki pulls away to pull at your dress.
"My dad brought me as a surprise, so I guess it's okay we didn't know!"
The two of them were pretty endearing you couldn't lie. They had been to the same Pre-K together before attending elementary together.
So far you had only met her mother and she was pretty kind. You only knew so much about her though and to your knowledge, she is happily engaged at this point. You two would talk often when the two played, often sharing play dates when it was your turn to have Niyuki on the weekends. That's how Niyuki and Mizuki were able to twin, have sleepovers, etc. While having other friends at school, those two were joined at the hip.
That's why you were utterly confused to hear about her father.
You knew nothing about him except for the fact that he and Mizuki's mother mutually decided that things just weren't working out. It's not like she knew much about your ex either. It seemed as though the separation of parents helped bond the two kids, but you felt saddened at how completely different the two situations were. You sometimes worried if Niyuki was embarrassed by this knowing it wasn't always easy at school due to the teasing.
"Mizuki!" A deeper voice calls out to the young girl. With the young girl's name being called, she turns around and excitedly waves him over. You pause in your tracks as you take him in.
Ashy blonde hair that resembles an explosion sits at the top of his head smothered in appearance by his hat, while his eyes are also covered by a pair of what appeared to be designer sunglasses. He sported a relaxed fit, a gray tank top with a light mesh patterned throw-over that did nothing but tease the muscles underneath the cloth, the colors on it being black and white. The look is finished off with black baggy pants and some boots. You could tell he was attractive even without the cover-up. As you finish up the assessment of your daughter's friend's (hot) dad, it occurs to you the fact that he had sunglasses on doesn't hide the fact that you were totally just checking him out.
"Mizuki, I told you to stop running off like that." He grabs the young girl and gives her a playful nuggy.
"Sorry Daddy!" Mizuki giggles and slips away from him and runs to hide behind you instead, your daughter following. They both peek from behind you, and you have no other choice but to introduce yourself.
"Hi, you're Mizuki's dad, I'm guessing? I'm Y/N, Niyuki's mom." You smile warmly.
He nods at your assumption, his expression still the same as before. "Katsuki, it's great to finally meet the mother of this other troublemaker's friend." He playfully steps in Mizuki's direction and she immediately runs to your other side, giggling.
Something about him was eerily familiar. You couldn't place your finger on it, but you simply chalked it up to the fact you have probably seen him in passing at a few of their birthday parties or so. But something about that didn't feel right… Either way, you ignore it. It wasn't a bad feeling but the fact you couldn't place your finger on it would later down the road bug you. You decide to ask instead.
"Have I seen you—"
"Daddy, can we go to Niyuki's house to watch movies now?" Mizuki cuts you off in the middle of your question, undoubtedly earning a glare from her father.
"Mizuki, what'd I tell you about interrupting people when they talk?" Bakugo lifts his sunglasses this time, his gaze revealing he was solely looking at her.
She pouts using you as a shield once again before tugging on your clothes. "Sorry oba-san…" Mizuki says with one of the deadliest puppy faces you've ever seen. There was no doubt she was one of the cutest 6-year-olds you have ever seen. How could you be annoyed with a look like that?
"It's okay, Mizuki. What were you asking?" You ask them and turn better, bending down a bit to be at both of the girl's levels.
"Can we please watch movies in Niyuki's playroom? Pleeaaseeee?" Mizuki asks and your daughter steps up to beg as well.
"Please, Mommy!! We'll be good too!" Niyuki reasons.
"I'm not sure, ladies…" You trail off as you consider that maybe Katsuki himself probably planned out for the afternoon and didn't want to forcefully make him commit to an impromptu earlier playdate.
"It's alright." Katsuki pipes up and you three look back at him. He lightly shrugs and answers as if he could read your mind, "We were going to play it by ear for the rest of the day anyways."
The two children couldn't quite comprehend the second bit of what he said, but they did understand that it was a yes from what he said in the beginning. They gleefully look at you and start tugging and hugging at you.
"Please, Mommmyyy!" Niyuki pleads, now joining in on giving you a hard to disapprove of puppy look as well.
You lightly laugh and nod your head, finally pulling them in for a proper hug and then giving them a tickle to fend off their offensive stance. "Okay, okay! We can do the movie night! But I want you two to at least spend an hour or so here before agreeing to let you two be cooped up inside for the night."
"Okay!" They exclaim in unison. The moment they break free of your grasp is when they run to the playscape. You sigh as you stand up and give Katsuki a soft smile before properly sitting down on one of the benches. He's close second to following your lead, you both now watching as the two girls play with each other as well as other kids. It seemed most parents decided today was a great day to let their kids out. Mostly because it would tire them out for the night which was a plus.
"I wasn't expecting Niyuki's mother to be so beautiful," Katsuki randomly says, cutting the silence. You look at him with a surprised look on your face, a blush starting to rise on your complexion.
"I could say the same for Mizuki's father." You bashfully laugh and un-subconsciously move to adjust your clothes. Admittedly you were not as designer dressed as he was, nor were you in your best fit. One thing to notice other than his attractiveness is that he has impeccable style. Something that shocked you a little since men in their 20s (especially with kids) don't seem to care too much these days. It wouldn't shock you if he had some sort of unconventional job.
He turns to you when you respond, a teasing smirk now dawning on his face. You don't miss the look-over he gives you and you're sure that he wasn't trying to hide it either. "You know they'll be all tired before they reach halfway through the first movie…"
"That is true…" You play into his words as you look forward instead. You feel your heart start to race when he rests his arm on the back of the bench behind you. You could feel the warmth of his skin through the cloth and welcome it. The weather was too hot but his touch was something you were starting to get curious about. "I guess that'll just leave us two to relax then."
"I could help you with that, I'm a pro at saving people."
You hum at his words, "You're a chivalrous man, that's uncommon these days," a teasing smile to rival him now finds its way on your face. "What else are you good at, Katsuki?"
"I'm also really good with my hands." Katsuki humors you, his hand shifting near your shoulder where his arm lay. "Pretty strong too."
"Ah, so those muscles aren't just for show?" Feeling bold, you reach to rest your hand on his thigh, his muscles immediately flexing under your touch.
He leans in closer to whisper in your ear as he answers, his hand now resting lightly on your shoulder. "I gotta make sure I'm always in shape to save beautiful women like you."
A buzzing near your touch catches you off guard as you try to not completely fold at his words. A catchy ringtone soon follows the buzzing and it's now apparent that what you were feeling was his phone. He pulls away with a huff and pulls out his phone, excusing himself as he answers it.
You exhale a breath you didn't realize you were holding in as he leaves. You can't remember the last time you had talked to a male, much less flirted. Most of your days surrounded working and finishing up school as you wanted nothing but the best for your kid. You didn't go out often anymore, and if you did, you only stuck around with your friends. You couldn't complain but feeling so affected like this was starting to make you feel nervous, almost like when you had got back out into the dating world the first time. You tried not to think about those thoughts.
Now, you were back to watching the girls again and they seemed to be having a blast. The day's heat didn't phase them at all and they played to their heart's content. It seemed as though they were playing cops & robbers with the other kids, and honestly, you didn't care what they were doing as long as they were being safe. The good thing about the friendship between the two was that they always looked out for each other; never mind the fact that their circumstances brought them closer together.
Even with how hard you've been trying to do this mother thing, inescapable thoughts always plagued your mind. Mainly about the fact if your daughter truly wanted to stay with you. This whole arrangement of only getting to see your child three days a week has been going on for about a year and some change now. You know that it'd be too early for her to get "tired" of you, but you can't help the fear of her getting sick of you. One thing was for certain is that you definitely are not as well off as her father although you did make sure to pick up extra shifts when you wanted to get her something real nice.
However, your moment of contemplation comes to an end when two girls come barreling towards you, their approaching giggles making you snap out of your thoughts.
"Yes?" Your eyes refocus and you smile softly at the two girls, their wild energy showing how much they truly were out there on the playground having fun.
"Can we have some ice cream please!" Mizuki asks, tugging your arm.
"Please, please, please, PLEASEEE!" Niyuki begs.
You gape a bit overwhelmed at the two young energies, trying to reason with yourself as Niyuki had already gotten ice cream prior. You were sure her best friend did as you knew that both her parents loved to spoil her—even before you had an introduction to Katsuki. It was a hot day and you didn't seem to mind, you were getting pretty hot as well…
"... Okay, but that's the last before we head home! When you finish, that's enough park time."
Your answer is to their standards as they both shower you with affection to thank you for caving into their cuteness. You roll your eyes but the smile doesn’t disappear as you keep an eye on them as they wander to the truck.
"Sorry 'bout that," The new but familiar voice calls out as he walks up to you. "Important business and shit."
Your brows raise at the casual curse and laugh a little, folding your arms as you look up at him. "No problem, but I did tell them that we will be leaving as soon as they finish their ice cream." You inform, nodding your head towards their direction as you keep an eye out for them.
"Great timing, I was about to talk to you about that."
— ✮ ★ ☆ —
The two girls were happier than ever riding together back to your apartment. They sang along to their favorite songs, played I Spy, and talked about all sorts of things you expect from children. It's easier to tune them out when you're around them long enough.
Their excitement continued when you got to your home. As soon as you reached your unit the two beelined to the kitchen after dropping their shoes and bags at the door. And yes, you guessed it, they had matching pairs too. Niyuki knew to go to the kitchen first thing though as she knew you would make something in the meantime before the movie started.
"You two know the rules! Stay near the island to avoid getting bit by sharks!" You called out to them as you fixed up the entryway. You listen out to hear them, still hearing them squeal and toy around in there. You slip off your shoes, adding them to the rest of the shoes before lazily pulling on your house slippers. "The sharks are coming in five… four… three…!" Your warning does the trick as by the time you reach the kitchen they're both sitting in their respective seats and both looking mischievous and peeking at you behind their hands. You make a show of surveying the room as if you can't see where they are and the girls are now "safe" for following your directions. "It seems as though the sharks are clear!"
They celebrate the win, now eager to watch you work your magic.
You three had a fun time as you tried your best to make sure they were safe (the entire time you were internally panicking to make sure everything was okay). Niyuki liked watching you cook and you were more than happy to help her learn as well as do some hands-on stuff. It was only natural that her best friend would follow suit in her curiosity. Niyuki's sole enjoyment of watching you cook is what encourages you to do it more often and get better at it too.
Now there was an assortment of snacks aside from their main meal. It was true that you spoiled her a wee bit when she was with you, but you couldn't help it. Niyuki was your everything and when times were needed you were able to say no.
Once you set up their bowls with their food, the doorbell rings. You figured it was the man who would make another appearance for the night.
"Alright girls, bring your food to the room." You command and watch them leave before making it out into the hallway, finally answering the door when they are both in the designated room. "Katsuki!" You smile and open the door wider.
The blonde-haired male grins at you and holds up the childishly bright bags for Mizuki. "Sorry for taking so long. This should be everything." You nod and reach for it, his actions making you pause as he pulls it a bit towards him as if to hold it from you. "Is it alright if I see Mizuki before I leave?"
You feel your skin flush in embarrassment, hastily stepping to the side and opening the door more to let him in. "I-I am so sorry! Of course, you can," You close the door and lock it behind him when he finally steps in and gets his shoes off. He doesn't need much introduction when two heads pop out from the doorway of the playroom, one squealing in excitement as she runs up to her father to hug him.
"Daddy you're here!" Mizuki exclaims and pulls him in the direction of the room. "Come look at Niyuki's playroom!"
"I'm not sure--"
"No, no it's okay! Let me clean up the kitchen in the meantime." You smile as the three make their way to the room.
Sticking to your word, you waste no time cleaning up. You have a slight hum as you move around the kitchen, appreciating how well today has gone so far. You even met your daughter's best friend, hot dad… who would've thunk? You bite your lip to suppress a giggle that threatens to escape you, a giddy smile still on your face. Gosh, when was the last time you ever found someone attractive? It felt like forever since you've been focusing on parenting, school, and not to mention having a job.
You think about how well the man dressed and how good he smelled. You had to hand it to him, he was really put together and you could see why Mizuki's mother let him in the first place. He didn't seem too bad personality-wise either. Katsuki was the right amount of cheeky and arrogant that was the complete opposite of your ex. It didn't help that his well-defined muscles and physique showed with his great fashion taste. Luckily for you though, Katsuki felt the same way about you.
When he had first seen you, there was no mistaking in the way he immediately found you attractive. Dressed in your form-fitting sundress surely accentuates everything about your womanly body. The way the cloth hung to your mounds and all the beautiful parts of your limbs. But unlike you, he was able to hide how much he was checking you out. Except while indoors he no longer needed sunglasses and he was sure you were feeling the same way about him.
Katsuki's eyes are trained on your butt as you flawlessly move around, the color of your dress perfectly folding around the two globes of your ass as you move. He leans against the doorway once he finally looks up at the back of your head, crossing his arms. "Hey," Katsuki's voice calls out to you. You whip your head around to look at him, eyes enraptured with how attractive the young man is. "Sorry for the weird behavior earlier at the park…"
"It's okay! Really. Stuff comes up sometimes, glad that you were able to get it settled." You turn off the sink and dry your hands, turning to face him as you place the towel on the island in front of you. You don't miss the way his eyes drag down to check out your body.
"The girls will probably knock before they even finish halfway through the movie," Katsuki predicts, his eyes predatory when he looks up at you. "could make it up to you while they're busy."
You shy as you two make proper eye contact. "How could you possibly make it up to me?" You bat your lashes at him, a faint blush heating your skin at the implications of his offer.
An attractive grin spreads across his lips as he pushes off your doorway. "I could show you but it's better if we do it somewhere private."
It takes everything in you to hide the chill that runs up your spine at how he easily toyed with ideas without being so vulgar with it. As if your body is moving on its own, you walk towards him and flash a smile that has equal parts of mischief and seduction.
"I'm interested."
As soon as that door closes behind you two, there is no denying the tension that fills the room. His lips are soft and hot against yours and the feeling has your body tingling. His heavy and calloused hands are tight on your hips as he pulls you closer to his chest, your hands placing themselves on his biceps to try and steady yourself against him. Katsuki hums in satisfaction, tasting your sweet lip gloss on his mouth, teeth moving to nip at your bottom lip to ask for more. You willingly comply and open your mouth although timid about the experience.
You were feeling fresh in the kitchen but now that you two were getting down to it, you were starting to feel shy again. Up until now, it had practically been years since you dated a man, much less kissed or hooked up with one. There was no denying that you were attracted to this man but your mind was starting to cloud with doubts that you wish would just go away. You try to ignore it erstwhile you feel his strong hands slip down to grab your rump through the beloved sundress you wore today.
You softly groan in the kiss as he pulls away, eyes with innocent determination to see this through. His eyes are hot on you and it takes everything in you not to look away. He walks you to your bed, instantly getting on top of you once he has you adjusted to his liking. In a hurry, you move to untie one of the straps on your shoulder, his heavy hand stopping you as he leans into your ear to convey his true thoughts
"'Gonna fuck you in this dress, princess," Katsuki smirks down at you when he pulls away and stands up properly. He tugs you towards the edge of the bed so that your legs hang off the edge, his hands on your hips. He leans down to give your lips a chaste kiss before spreading your legs and kneeling between them. Katsuki's hands softly grip your ankles, the tips of his fingers disappearing at the hem of your dress. His hands slowly drag the fabric up, his hot lips that were once on yours now kissing their way up on your left leg as took his time exposing his skin. "Keep looking at me, baby." Katsuki directs when you lose eye contact with him as he finally meets your inner thigh, his teeth giving the plush skin a teasing bite. You softly whimper, the apparent wet spot on your panties deepening.
He groans at your scent and slightly pulls away to look at your cunt, his hands now placed on the back of your thighs and pressing it to your body. He takes his knuckle to rub up against your labia, adding more pressure once he reaches the top of your cunt to play with your clit. You wantonly moan as he continues to rub at your clit, the fabric of your panties creating a friction that was heavenly but frustrating you greatly. You needed to feel his fingers on you and this wasn't cutting it.
"Katsuki," You breathe out, hips bucking into his handling. He simply hums at you calling out his name, his rubbing slowing down as his gaze now has a teasing glint to it. "N-Need more, please, Katsuki," There's a whimper in your voice, only barely hinting at the desperation that this man can stir inside you.
"More've what?" Katsuki grins at how flushed your expression is, your face dreamy as ever.
"Fingers, need them." You manage to prop yourself up on your elbow as the other reaches down to tug at the panties on your hip. Katsuki snickers at your impatience, his thumb pulling aside your panties to expose your soaked cunt to him. He gives you one last kiss on your inner thigh before he wordlessly dives in.
Katsuki applies his tongue flat against your cunt and gives you a long stripe up until it reaches your clit, just like what he had done with his knuckle moments ago. A breathless moan escapes your lips as he starts to swirl his tongue against the erect bud, his textured and wet muscle taking pride in its work. He closes his mouth around your cunt, leaning more to taste more of the slick that your cunny produces. The vibrations of him moaning from the taste makes you shiver, this feeling of having your cunt licked like this felt so familiar but foreign at the same time. His eyes stay glued to you as he pleasures you, finding everything you do so damn attractive to look at.
Lapping a bit more he pulls away and spits on your cunt using his fingers to lube you up more. He wraps one of his arms around your thigh and holds it to his shoulder, holding you in place as he finally inserts two thick fingers into your cunt. Soon enough, his mouth is back into your count, the tip of his tongue playing with the sensitive bud at the top of your pussy.
The sounds grow increasingly more obscene as he shamelessly laps at your cunt and works his fingers into you. His digits curl to find your g-spot, softly teasing the spot and eliciting more volume from you. You quickly try to hold back how loud you are, walls clenching around his fingers at how good it feels. You bite your lip and suppress a loud groan from slipping out, hips attempting to pull back with no use. Katsuki keeps you locked in close to him and ups the ante by using the tips of your fingers to continue to stroke at the sensitive spot of your g-spot. His tongue now applies more pressure to your clit to bring you further.
"'Suki--" You call out, your hand coming down to grip and tug at his hair. Shivers rack through your body as a long and drawn-out orgasm hits you, his movements aiding to help you bring you down from it. He pulls his fingers out and presses his tongue flat against your cunt to clean up the mess between your legs. You move your hips back in protest and he loosens his grip to let you do so.
You watch with bated breath as he starts to unbuckle his pants, your eyes glued to what is soon to be revealed. Katsuki's movements to get his garment removed are so fluid that you almost miss it when he pulls the condom out from his back pocket. He tears open the soft foil with his teeth and applies the slippery protection onto his hard cock. You instinctively open your legs when he draws closer, a soft mewl leaving your lips when he aligns his tip to your opening.
"You good?" Katsuki softly asks, his other hand holding your thigh open, thumb rubbing your thigh as he awaits your answer. You nod your head and grind your hips against his tip, hand coming up to pull him closer to you as you answer.
"Give it to me, Katsuki."
The man grins at your plea and lays you on your side, choosing to slowly sink himself into you from your approval. The obscene moan you let out gets covered up by Katsuki's lips finding itself upon yours again, happily taking in your willful noises. At first, he takes long and drawn thrusts, trying to accommodate his size for your comfort. This position allows no remorse and you already knew what you were in for when he put you in it. When you two separate from the kiss, his lips are quick to find your neck, his hands now respectively on your ass and thigh to hold you in place. Amid a deeper thrust, he gives an equally rough bite, the force making you moan. You relax your leg more to allow him to hold you better, him taking your actions as the go-ahead to pick finally pick up the pace.
You feel as though you are on cloud nine with his wet kisses and teasing bites covering your neck, his thrusts and handling furthering your ecstasy. His skin smacks against yours as he starts to get rougher with his thrusts, hands gripping you tighter too. You grip at the sheets below you and tilt your head back, mouth agape as you so desperately try to keep up with him. He gives your ass a spank when he feels your pussy clench around him, an animalistic growl coming from him as he repeats this. He pulls away from your half-covered chest and glares at the top of your dress, now getting annoyed at the article of clothing.
Katsuki doesn't slow his hips for a second as he more than easily rips open the top of your dress and earns a discontent whine from you that gets forgotten when he presses a bit deeper into your cunt. His lips press themselves to your newly exposed skin, his tongue happily taking in one of your nipples to suckle and nibble on. There's no mistaking that he's having free reign in the marks on your skin but you're too wrapped on how everything feels to care. An expletive leaves your mouth in a string of whispers when he angles his hips to hit your g-spot, prompting you to reach down and rub your clit for more stimulation.
"Fuck," Katsuki cusses under his breath as he leans up to watch you take his cock, nails digging into your skin and enjoying the way your pussy envelopes his cock. Not to mention the hot visual of you playing with yourself furthering his contentment. He lifts your leg a bit under your knee and quickens his pace. He watches with hungry eyes as your tits bounce at the force, a pretty face to match and his marks all over your body's skin. He groans as his thrusts start to feel heavier, his orgasm impending. He nearly loses it when you grind back against him to chase your release.
There was an air of innocence that surrounded you but everything you did said otherwise. Katsuki simply couldn't get enough of you and he simply didn't want to. Fuck, he wasn't expecting his daughter's best friend mom to be super hot and sweet.
"C-Cunming…!" You mewl, brows scrunch in concentration as you finish off on his cock. His swift thrusts help in coaxing it out of you, slick dripping from your cunt and messy-ing up your inner thighs. He swoops down to give you an open kiss, tongue pressed against yours haughtily as he follows your climax with his own after a few more pumps.
After a few lazy and exchanged kisses he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting you two. You laugh a little as you wipe the remnants away. "That's the best I've had in a long time." You jokingly cut the silence, a chuckle from him following.
"Could say the same." He softly grunts, pulling out from you, and gently places your legs down. He effortlessly picks you up and rests you further on the bed where your legs can find refuge on the plush mattress. "You okay, need me to get anything?"
The first question confuses you. To your recollection, you had never been asked that before. Not after sex when the deed has already been done and the willing participant has already had their fill. A pang of displaced emotions starts to wrack up inside you, a nervous laugh coming from you when you realize that you spaced out trying to conceptualize what you had just been innocently asked.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good! Thanks for asking," You smile sweetly and the cute expression earns a pat on the cheek from him. Shamelessly, the gesture shot a jolt of arousal straight to your core.
"You got a bathroom around here?"
Following Katsuki's departure leaves you in silence. There was a feeling of dissonance that you couldn't really place your finger on and the fact it was all coming together was undoubtedly giving you the worst post-nut clarity ever. You didn't regret having sex Katsuki, that wasn't the case, but how not sleazy he was certainly opened up your eyes. The male decency that you have been robbed of for so long was finally starting to settle and you didn't like the feeling one bit. Tears start to burn in your eyes and you desperately try to wipe them away the longer you sit in your thoughts.
Fortunately for you though, the doorbell sounds repeatedly which slowly brings you back to the present. Your once feelings of despair and disgust are now turning into annoyance. You take your time slinking out of your bed, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and huff at how disheveled you looked. The dress that you've been dying to wear was now torn and stretched, the condition bringing a pout to your face.
You undress fully and grab one of your robes to cover yourself up with, the piece is a bit scandalous but covering you well. You quietly make your way down the hall to not wake up the two girls (if they were awake they definitely would've interrupted you and Katsuki) and finally make it to the door. You peer into the peephole and softly gasp at the person behind the door. The doorbell starts to buzz loudly again and you angrily fumble to unlock your door, it now also occurs to you that the noise could be disturbing the two young girls' sleep.
"Are you fucking crazy?!" You greet your ex with much-deserved hostility.
Shindo simply rolls his eyes at your annoyance and crosses his arms as if it were your fault for his impatience. "I called and texted you multiple times. I'm here to pick up Niyuki."
You openly scoff at his demand, standing taller at his attempt at showing his dominance. You mirror his actions and cross your arms too.
"She's staying with me for the weekend. Why are you here?"
Your ex mockingly scoffs at you questioning him, his eyes narrowing as he steps closer.
"I need to explain why I want my daughter to be with me? You know, the parent who never neglected her once in her entire life." Shindo looks you up and down, openly grimacing at how fucked out you look. "You can't even control yourself, you have no shame, do you?"
As much as you try to keep up the strong facade, there is no denying the tightening in your chest. You don't want to admit it but his words hurt you deeply. His toxic words were starting to feel all too familiar and your body was starting to shut down.
"The agreement was that she would stay the weekend with me. Niyuki's having a sleepover with her friend, there's no point of you coming here."
"Do you think I fucking care about a "sleepover" when her mother is busy being a tramp when she's distracted?" He shamelessly accuses and shifts his expression to one of fake pity and concern. "Do you think you deserve her, hm? I mean look at you, running around and can't even stay committed to us even when I've tried."
"Watch how you fuckin' talk to her, asshole."
A voice filled with just as much disdain comes from behind you, the sheer amount of aggression battling Shindo's. You immediately turn to look at him, mind moving faster than your body in your shocked state.
"I'm sorry, who the fuck are you exactly?" Shindo tilts his head and reaches out to push the door further to reveal who the man is. He freezes when a blonde and spiked hair catches his eyes first, his mockery of emotions from earlier now turning into real anger and a hint of fear. "Bakugo-?!"
Katsuki grabs the edge of the door and pulls it open wider to allow him more space to pass, making sure not to harm you as he gets between you and your toxic ex. "You wanna repeat that, dickhead?" He fists up his shirt and backs him away from the door. "Is that how a hero treats a woman, eh?"
Shindo curses under his breath, fighting against him. The mach attitudes between the two start to boil over as it's obvious that they have met prior. When it escalates to more than words, you start getting a bit fearful. A more aggressive push from Katsuki prompts you to call out for them to stop. One thing about your ex is that he hated being out matched and there was no denying that Katsuki seemed like the type of guy to beat that out of him. It wasn't until their exchange seemed to elevate in volume and another light next door turned on. You plead for them to stop again, your hand lightly tugging at Katsuki's arm although knowing your touch wouldn't be able to do shit against a muscled man like him. Eventually they do stop on Katsuki's accord, both breathing heavily as they stare down at each other. Your ex aggressively scoffs and shoves Katsuki away from him as he looks between you two, gathering himself.
"Have fun with the little gold digger, Dynamight," Shindo says lowly and bumps shoulders with Katsuki as he leaves.
A heavy silence is left in his wake between you and Katsuki. You tiredly rub your face and breathe out a sigh, the exhale soon turning into a dry sob. Katsuki fidgets awkwardly before reaching out to you and pulling you close, letting you rest your forehead on his chest.
"Fuck, he stresses me out," You mumble against his tank, wiping away your tears. "I'm sorry you had to witness that…"
"Hey, he's fuckin' douchebag, alright? Who gives a fuck what he thinks." Katsuki pills away a bit to cup your chin and forces you to look up at him, the gesture warming your cheeks. "Let's get you cleaned up and you can rant about whatever the fuck you want, it's getting cold." He holds the collar of your robe and gives it a playful tug. You softly nod your head then lead him inside.
— ✮ ★ ☆ —
It had only been two days since you had first met and slept with Katsuki and the smile on your face never seemed to disappear.
Thinking about the man easily brought butterflies to your chest, memories of you two keeping you on cloud nine. After you two had gone back inside Friday night, he had comforted you in many ways. It felt silly to say it—that the foreign feeling you were getting in your chest only had one name: a crush. Not full-blown but enough that every time you thought about your Friday night—past the awful interaction with your ex-boyfriend—was one of the best times you have ever enjoyed yourself with a man.
Katsuki did listen to you. He cleaned you up, cuddled you, kissed you throughout, and eventually you two even two more rounds. Never had you felt so comfortable, so… domestic. It was evident that your bright attitude was something your daughter noticed too.
"Mommy?" Niyuki calls out from the doorway, successfully gaining your attention.
You press the small bento box you were prepping Mizuki to take home closed, a smile on your face as you welcome your daughter to make her way to you. "What's up, munchkin?"
"I have to tell you something," She tugs at your pajama pants, a look far from playful or childish in her eyes. You feel your heart sink a bit at how serious she is, bending down to get face level with her.
"Niyuki? What's wrong?" You hold her arms and pull her closer to you, trying to keep contact with her as she avoids looking at you.
"I don't want to go to Pa's this week, I want to stay with you."
You're taken back from her confession, unsure of how to process it. "What do you mean, 'Yuki? Don't you want to see daddy-?"
"No, I want to stay with you," Niyuki regains her courage to look up at you, establishing how much she truly feels. "I heard you guys last night. I want to stay with you more. Daddy's house isn't nice, I don't like it there anymore."
"Niyuki, I…" You shamefully look away at the fact she bore witness to that awful exchange last night. You felt awful that she had seen it, much less found out how dysfunctional your relationship is. You pull her in for a hug and nuzzle her hair and she is more than willing to take in your embrace. "I am so sorry you had to see that, baby. Mommy will see what she can do about how you feel being at Daddy's house, okay?" You hold her cheeks in your palms and she nods her head in agreement.
She places a kiss on your cheek and swiftly leaves the kitchen as if the exchange didn't happen, leaving you by yourself in the kitchen. You stare off into the distance at the exchange, not sure what to think or do with yourself. It wasn't until you felt a wet sensation coating your cheeks that you realized you were crying.
Faintly down the hall, you could hear Niyuki nagging at her best friend and the two giggling and playing around as children do. You sit down on the floor and rest against one of the cupboards as your doubts start to ease themselves, everything in your life turning around so fast that it's hard to grasp.
You had thought for the longest time that Niyuki was simply putting up with you. It is no lie Shindo has more resources than you. The money, house, toys, etc. he has everything you don't. He didn't need to work the extra shifts to make sure she had presents for special occasions, he could easily buy the things she needed and wanted. You thought the only things that could make a child satisfied were the things they could see, touch, and have. You didn't think the small things counted, not when you're an adult where a random Friday could have easily been one of her favorite days in her childhood.
You don't bother wiping the tears from your face as you try to pull yourself together, snot and everything clouding your nasal passage. Oddly you felt numb, like the joy you were feeling was foreign. Nothing felt real but you knew you couldn't stay sitting on your kitchen floor silently crying as you desperately tried to register what the hell your body was going through at the moment. You weakly pull yourself up using the counter to grab a paper towel from the dispenser on the counter and obnoxiously blow your nose into it. You mumble a few cuss words under your breath as you attempt to freshen up as you try coming down from the emotional rollercoaster of this weekend. As much as you wanted time to process this, doing it in a home with a kid who could barge in at any minute was hard. Especially when there are two.
The doorbell rings and you glance at the time on the stove. It was a bit early for Mizuki's mother to pick her up, but you decided you'd just invite her in until the child was ready to leave.
You lazily walk over to the door and peer into the peephole to double-check, your face twisting into an expression of shock as you pull open the door and wordlessly confront the person on the other side.
"... Do you normally answer the door looking a mess?" Katsuki teases, giving you a look over and lingering at the places he seems to like.
You jokingly nudge him and roll your eyes, crossing your arms as you stand a bit taller, feeling your heartbeat pound against your chest. "Haha, very funny." You sniffle and wipe your cheek, the gesture not going unnoticed.
"Did something happen? Did that prick come over and harass you again?" Katsuki grows angrier at the idea, his expression souring.
"No, no, it wasn't that." You quickly ease his concerns and this time remind yourself to look around to make sure there aren't any extra ears before stepping out and closing the door behind you. "This morning, Niyuki told me she wants to stay with me, not just on the weekends." You look up at him finally, your lips immediately curling into a soft smile once you're able to say it out loud.
He grins and pulls you in for a hug, giving you a squeeze when you wrap your arms around his shoulder and squeal. He rocks you back and forth before pulling away while maintaining his hold on your waist. "This shit feels unreal, you know?" You lightly laugh as you look up at him, a radiant smile on your face.
"Her mother is amazing, of course she'd want to stay with you." Katsuki gives your hip a squeeze with his free hand, the action pulling your attention to the solid object digging into your side, the feeling making you look down at his hand.
"Oh," Katsuki steps back and holds up a slim, medium box that had a ribbon tied around it, holding it up for you. "Here."
"For me?"
"Who else, dumbass?"
You snort at his bluntness and shoot him a playful glare as you open the gift. It takes you a few seconds to realize what it is, a gasp following your surprise at the expensive dress, and start to close it back up. "Oh my god, I-I can't have this!"
"Why not? You'll look perfect in it." Katsuki pulls you closer with his hand that was still on your hip, his other landing on your abandoned one. "Pretty girls deserve pretty things."
You playfully push him away and look at the box again before looking up at him. "Seriously, for me?"
"Yes." Katsuki holds your chin up and softly rubs your bottom lip under the pad of his thumb. "And you better get used to it, I'll be buying you a lot of those."
"Why?" You laugh, leaning into him and tilting your head up to challenge him.
"'Cuz I'll be tearing a lot more stuff off of that pretty body of yours," He leans closer to brush his lips against yours with a smirk on his face, "Plus, I need an excuse to see you again."
He seals his promise with a kiss, hands coming up to hold your waist as he presses himself against you.
— ✮ ★ ☆ —
It had been a few months since you and Katsuki had officially started dating. Your mood significantly has changed for the better and made it a lot easier to adjust to having your daughter now finally staying with you instead of her father.
It was hard being able to advocate for yourself but the verdict was in favor since the child should be able to choose where to stay. It did help the fact that your new boyfriend, who you had learned and realized is a top pro-hero in the country, just so happened to bring the best kind of reputation to the courts.
As adults do, you did talk to Mizuki's mother before deciding to fully go through with dating the man. Ultimately it is true that she can't decide what you two do, but you owed it to her for being such a good friend to you and didn't want to step over any toes. She was more than happy to give her blessing and practically threw him over to you, more than happy to let things rest since she is soon to be married anyway.
There was nothing that could prepare you for this turn of events and every day it was easier to wake up feeling happy and blessed. Currently, you just got your culinary degree so that also means one less stress and burden off of your shoulders and another venture soon on the horizon: a head chef.
You just adjusted your graduation gown and looked around for your family, your face immediately lighting up seeing them not too far from where the graduates are exiting. It took almost everything in you not to run in excitement when you were finally able to make it towards them.
"Congratulations, honey!" Your parents are first to engulf you in a hug, the rest of the group close behind. You chuckle as two smaller bodies take your legs, none other than Niyuki and Mizuki claiming each side.
"Congratulations, Mommy!" Niyuki grins up at you.
"Thank you, Niyuki." You lean down to kiss her on the forehead and do the same for Mizuki.
"Do I get a kiss too?"
You look up at the inquisitor, a grin sprouting out on your face as you stand back up. "Of course."
He pulls you in and gives you a kiss, the action getting a mix of responses to the show of affection. Katsuki presents to you a beautifully arranged bouquet along with a promise that there were a lot more gifts back at his place.
Most days in the past you prayed for times like this, but now you were happy you didn't have to anymore.
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listofwhyyouloveher · 1 month
Can you do the greasers dating an Italian girl? (Separate)
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Summary: The gang x Italian reader
Warnigs: none
Author's Note: idk much abt being Italian, sorry if this is offensive, I mean no disrespect
PONYBOY is immediately attracted to your accent. He thinks it makes you sound so classy, and it's so perfectly you. He absolutely adores your culture and your style. Hel'll always try to take you out to Italian restaurants when he's saved up enough money. At first he was really intimidated by you, you're obviously not someone to mess with. And even though you two are dating he's always making sure he's keeping you happy!
He absolutely loves your family, he's loves how close knit they are and your boy cousins/brothers remind him of his brithers. Hes hoping one day he can be seen as one of the family.
JOHNNY was also super intimidated by you. You were so elegant and smartly dressed that he was starting to think you were taking, "if looks could kill," seriously. He tries to avoid you, but he always seems to be doing something involved with you. Once, he took you out on a date as a 2 man for Dallas. He could tell that you didn't really want to be there either, so he tried to appease you by talking to you. You were quite delighted about his conversation and how interested he was about your culture.
Johnny later went on to take you out multiple times. He also tells you that he really wants to learn some Italian or learn more about the culture.
Sodapop is head over heels in love the moment he saw you. He's like Dominic palazzolo from The Virgin Suicides. It's very much a puppy love crush and he doesn't expect you to interact with him at all. Until your father brought you in with him to get his car fixed and then left to run some errands. You were stuck there with Soda so you talked to pass tome. You asked him about what he was doing and Soda told you, he liked how interested you were in his line of work and asked you do in your spare time.
You both totally bonded over your hobbies, but your rich accent and the classy way made Soda realize how much he liked mature ladies.
Steve's always hearing the craziest gossip about you. Granted, it's all stereotypical gossip that you were in the "mafia" or something. Thankfully, it gave you a bit of an "untouchable" reputation. Steve was obviously scared of you but when he saw you and he was expecting some scary mafia girl he just saw..you. you weren't innocent looking, you exuded control even when doing something simple. He was drawn to your aura and found that you made a really good girlfriend too.
As much as he hates to admit it, you scare away a lot of the socs, not Steve. He's a little ashamed that he's not as tuff as his girl but whatever gets the socs off his back!
Two Bit is probably one of the people spreading the gossip about you. Not in a mean and purposeful way, but when he gets drunk, he just tends to talk about whatever he can string together. So he's very scared when he runs into you, you pause and assess him and he thinks you're going to beat him up for talking about you but you just smile at him and walk away. He's so entranced by your smile and really happy that you didn't choose to like kick him in the shins or something. He asked you out in a date while at a party, he wanted to make the best impression so he had his mom help him cook something you'd like, like a classic dessert or dish.
He made such a good first impression on your family who watched him pick you up. They talked about him for days until you brought him around.
DARRY has always liked mature girls. Well, now that he wasn't in high school and needed someone he could actually rely on, that is. He finds that girls his age aren't really ready for something serious, but you did. He loved how fond you were of cooking and how you'd always help him prepare meals. He also loved meeting your family, they really liked him because of how he was literally the embodiment of the perfect American man (ily Darry pls give me a chance). He also was never dumb enough to fall for the "mafia" gossip, he always knew you were very sweet at heart because he has a good eye for reading people.
He'll always try to bake something traditional for you. He's always wanted to be able to bake treats and now he has your mother's recipes to copy and that makes him so happy.
DALLAS would definitely be the type to ask you if you were part of the mafia to your face. He has no shame and he's brash, but something about him attracted you and I guess you're dating now. He really likes the "crime mob boss aesthetic" because he thinks it's tuff so he's always trying to get involved with your father even though you tell him that none of that relates to you. One good thing though is that he wouldn't let any soc pick on you because you're Italian, his mindset is that no one can make fun of you but him. He stomps out every soc that dares mess with you.
He loves gifting you his jewlery, some of it is like really good quality real Italian designer jewlerry that he swiped from vintage stores. He'll give it to you but he makes you promise to return it when he needs it.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Binoculars
Debut: Super Mario 3D Land
Wow! What a large and crisp render of Binoculars. This is more than a lot of enemies get. And it's all for Binoculars!
It is nice to see binoculars as an installed apparatus for public use. It reminds me of those binoculars that are sometimes at parks or zoos where you can put in a quarter and get a limited amount of time to look at ducks more closely. Let's look!
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Wow! There's a North American Ruddy Duck! in this pond! That's my favorite duck! The blue of the male's bill is probably my favorite color, and they are so cute, especially with their funny proportions. Their head looks too small for their body, but their feet look too BIG for the rest of them! Their feet are large and further back on their body because they are divers who swim down to find food, unlike the dabbling ducks, which keep their butts above the water while foraging. Oops! I forgot that this is a Mario Post and that we aren't actually watching ducks at a pond!
Anyway I just found out those kinds of binoculars are called Tower Viewers. More like Quacker Viewers. Ok on to Mario for real now! Mario, sadly, does not view ducks with these binoculars. They are free, however, which is nice! I'm glad there are ways for everyone to enjoy the Mushroom Kingdom's landscapes at a distance and at no costs. In fact, Mario is sometimes rewarded for using them, as a Toad will throw him a Star Medal upon being seen! A Toad who really wants to bee looked at and goes HAH BAH.
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Mario can also see a UFO through the binoculars sometimes! This is often brought up as a Creepy Easter Egg despite the fact that aliens have been present in this franchise since 1989!
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With all that about the 3D Land binoculars out of the way, I am really here to say that the binoculars in Odyssey are BETTER. They look like ROB, and overall are a Funny Robot, so they are obviously better by default! They even move around on their own as if they are looking around, and they are really so good at looking, since they are binoculars. I think the binoculars themselves are bird enthusiasts and watch them in delight constantly!
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These binoculars even have LORE as seen in the art book, and shared by Suppermariobroth! They are made by the same company as the 3D Land binoculars, and are an older model not capable of stereoscopic 3D! They were installed by the sightseeing company for onsite investigation, and someone has to come and collect the logs from the devices every so often. I seriously love this all sooo much! It is so cute and wonderful that they put this much thought into humble little Binoculars! BinocuLORE!
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I would now like to talk about just how these binoculars work! Upon being Captured, they shoot up using spray propulsion (not jet propulsion!!!) and let Mario scope out the area from the sky! Mario got extremely lucky that he happened across these specific binoculars when he happened to have the ability to Capture them, because anyone else using this would be in extreme danger. Please hang on tight!
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Binoculars most recently appear in Super Nintendo World, where they are now real! They use the 3D Land design, which makes sense knowing it is canonically the modern design. You can even look at certain things to get little rewards just like in the game! Super Mario in real life! Wa Who!
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calldaghost · 2 months
Bonding Over Art
Alright - I really wanted to post something and as I was playing around with AI for a bit this was the end result. Was just to cute not to share- so here it is: also, Readers call sign isn’t sunshine, though the team decided to call them that as a term of endearment from time to time: tried to write it gender neutral. Please enjoy :)
Info: - fluff, no warnings, y/n has a young nephew, could me interpreted as a y/n x ghost
Synopsis: Y/n’s nephiew sends a drawing of the team- managing to capture the hearts of the 141
It had been a quiet week at the base, and the team was taking a rare moment to relax in the common room when y/n joined them with a bright smile on their face - a piece of paper clutched in their hands.
“Hey, everyone! I’ve got something to show you,” y/n announced, eyes sparkling with excitement.
Price looked up from his cup of tea, curious. “What’s that, Sunshine?”
Unfolding the paper, a colorful, charmingly amateur drawing was revealed.
“Just received this in the mail: It’s a drawing my nephew did of the team. I thought you all might get a kick out of it.”
The team gathered around as y/n held up the drawing for everyone to see. It was a delightful children’s drawing, each member of Task Force 141 depicted in a way that only a child could imagine. Price was drawn with a crown on his head, wonky lines resembling a cape around his shoulders looking regal and authoritative.
“The Prince,” y/n explained with a chuckle. “My nephew thinks your name is Prince, besides you’re the boss of everyone, so he gave you a crown.”
Price laughed, shaking his head. “Smart kid. I like him already.”
Next to Price, Gaz depicted next to “Prince”, laying down in a flower field - spotting a pair of small, cartoonish green and pink wings drawn on his back.
Y/n explained with a giggle, “It’s Gaz - and look here”- pointing, “he added wings, because he remembered how I told him that you’re prone to falling. Thought you’d like a bit of extra help.”
Y/n smiles a cheeky, pleased grin on their lips when Gaz laughs , slightly embarrassed but pleased as he utters a gentle, “That’s adorable. Tell your nephew thanks.”
Soap’s depiction was perhaps the most amusing: a literal bar of soap with a face, arms, and legs.
“Soap,” Y/n said, trying to stifle the giggles.
“He didn’t quite get the nickname, but he did his best.”
Soap burst out laughing, not even being able to comment on the picture as he wheezes. Y/n going in with their explanation. At last there was Ghost, drawn as a literal ghost with a sun beside him, both holding hands.
“You’re the ghost, and I’m apparently the sun,” y/n explained, a soft smile on their lips, light blush dusting their cheeks.
“He thought we should be together because I’m always following you around.”
Ghost stared at the drawing, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, even if it wasn’t visible - the crinkling of his eyes told enough, timbre voice rough as he utters a soft, “Your nephew has quite the imagination, Sunshine.”
The drawing brought laughter and light-hearted banter to the room. Soap took a picture of it, declaring proudly he’d show it to everyone. Gaz playfully nudged y/n.
“Tell your nephew he’s got talent. He really captured our essence.”
Price, still chuckling nodded, “It’s nice to see something like this.“
Ghost, who rarely showed much emotion, muttered a quiet, “Thank you for sharing it with us.”
Y/n beamed, heart full. “You all mean a lot to me and it seems I gushed a bit to much about you.” Gaz nodded, placing a hand on their shoulder.
“Your nephew’s got a good heart. Just like you.” Y/n smiled, looking at them, eyes warm, feeling a swell of affection for the team.
In the following days, the drawing became a cherished item around the base. Soap took it and hung it on the fridge, where it brought smiles to everyone who saw it. The team often found themselves looking at it, reminded of the innocence and admiration that came from y/n’s nephew. It served as a poignant reminder of why they fought and the importance of their bonds with each other.
After a few weeks, another package arrived and it didn’t take the team long to scramble towards y/n as soon as they shouted out that everyone received little artworks by her nephew after he heard how much the team liked the last picture.
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robin-the-enby · 1 year
Hello ! Could you do an gomez x fem reader x morticia where you meet them when you pick up your sister to school and they get really taken by you and start invinting you to things and you get overwelmed by the affection and tell them they are very nice but a relationship its not what you are after
I never see a reader who doesnt want a romantic relationship, it would be nice to see one who just wants a physical one
Thank you !
It has no appeal
Pairing: Gomez Addams x f!reader x Morticia Addams
Summary: After meeting the infamous Addams family, you can't help but feel drawn to them. But when you notice that the attraction is mutual, you start to worry if you can give them what they are asking for.
Warnings: female reader, queerplatonic (?) relationship, a teensy bit of angst (happy ending tho), use of (Y/N)
A/N: I have successfuly graduated high school and got into university, so I finally have time to write! However, I am still sorry it took me this long to get to this request. I was thinking while writing this and I absolutely love this dynamic, especially maybe the dynamic between the reader's sister and the Addams children, so maybe I'll do something else with this dynamic in the future :) And as an (possibly) aromantic person, I am so delighted to be able to write this piece! I took a spin on the relationship dynamic that might not be exactly in tune with your experience, so be aware of that 😅
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Waiting in front of the tall building, you looked at it with melancholy. You used to go to the same building for years and now, much later, you're picking up your younger sister here. It was a strange feeling that reminded you just how fast time flies and you quickly stomped it down before it got out of hand.
You recently found a small flat in your hometown after your last...relationship...ended. You had a thing going on with a really nice person in the city you studied at, but recently they admitted that they were looking for something you simply couldn't give them and so you parted ways. And life went on.
You thought that a change of scenery would do you good and so you moved back in with your parents, just until you could find something for yourself. In exchange, you helped them around the house and ran some errands for them. But one of your favourite "chores" was picking up your younger sister from school. It felt nice, walking the same streets you grew up in and seeing the teachers that used to teach you. And, of course, the quality time spent with your sister was a great bonus.
She was a lively young girl, who in a few years would go to middle school and you remember how big of a deal that was at your age, so there was lots to talk about. You loved gossiping about her classmates and teachers and hearing about the adventures she had with her friends.
One of them stood out to you. His name was Pugsley and he was a year or two younger than your sister. Every recess they spent time together, playing and discussing very important things, which she always told you about and you gave your insight on. You also learned that Pugsley's sister was your sister's classmate. Her name was Wednesday and although your sister didn't have any problem with her, she told you that she was quite strange, and could be quite mean to Pugsley. You thought it was mighty cute, imagining your sister standing up for her friend during recess against his sister, who had the strangest game ideas from what you've heard.
You talked about it with your parents, asking if you should talk to someone, just to ensure everyone's safety, but they only looked at each other and than at you with strange uncertainty. Apparently, the children were the daughter and son of Gomez and Morticia Addams, who moved into town just when you left for uni. You vaguely remember hearing about someone moving in and you'd certainly be more curious about the newcomers if you weren't preparing for a new big chapter of your life that was colledge.
Your parents explained that the Addams family was a strange bunch, with a strange lifestyle and beliefs. But, as odd as they were, they were actually lovely people and completely harmless, although most of the other citizens avoided them, due to their interest in all the dark, gloomy and macabre things. However, they never seemed to mind the ostracism they faced. So you let it go. Your sister continued to be friends with Pugsley and talked Wednesday out of harming him on the school grounds. Most of the time, that is.
Even after you found a place of your own, you continued picking your sister up from school, because it helped your parents, who were very busy even with your help, but you also just really enjoyed it. And that's where you were now, listening quietly to the excited chatter of children around you, walking hand in hand with their parents and telling them about the day they had. You would've pondered more on the strangeness of a child's mind, but somebody crashed into you, trapping you in a tight hug.
You turned your head and ruffled your sister's hair "Hey you. Long time, no see. How was school today?" You greeted her. She looked up at you with a grin "Hi sis! You won't believe what Micah did in art class today!" You smirked "Oh really? Well, what's the tea then?" Your sister mimicked your expression and was about to speak, when her eyes focused on something behind you. Suddenly, her whole face lit up and she raised her hand to wave it enthusiastically. Turning your head to see who your sister was waving at, you saw a young boy who was just reciprocating your sister's gesture. You didn't know most of your sister's friends personally, but seeing the slightly taller girl standing next to him with her arms folded and a slight frown on her face, you had a hunch of who it could be.
You didn't quite hear your sister's confirming exclamation that the boy was, indeed, Pugsley Addams, because your eyes locked with the two people standing proudly behind the two children. The women, presumably Morticia Addams, was tall and slender, with a visage similar to that of a ghoul, pale skin, raven black hair that shone in the sun and black clothes that, in contrast, seemed to swallow all the light that fell upon it. Her lips were painted a deep red colour and her eyes were just as dark as the rest of her, making it impossible to tell their colour. And yet, she had an almost...angelic aura around her. Like the forbidden fruit, looking perfect on the outside, all beautiful and evoking the feeling of security and peace. But, and you couldn't quite explain why, even if you tried, you felt that underneath it all, was a great power, that you almost feared to uncover. Maybe it was the way she was looking at you. There wasn't anything...malicious or hostile in her gaze. Just something...magical. Wise. As if she knew a lot more than you. And you found yourself believing it.
Blinking a few times, you managed to break the intense eye contact with Morticia and looked at her husband, Gomez. He was shorter and quite the contrast to his wife. Where she was calm and collected, he seemed to vibrate with energy, even while standing still. He, too, was looking at you, but in his eyes, was just a spark, as if he was inviting you to come over and talk. He seemed to be enjoying himself so much and yet, he was just picking up his children from school. His appearance and mannerisms were energizing and uplifting.
And suddenly you saw your sister skipping over to the strange family, running straight towards Pugsley. Your eyes widened and you rushed after her. As she threw her arms around Pugsley, blabbering about something excitedly, you placed your hands on her shoulders. Throwing a short, apologetic look towards Mr. and Mrs. Addams, you gently reprimanded your sister "You can't just run off like that, without permission or letting me know at least..."
Your sister looks up at you, a sad, guilty look in her eyes. With a face like that, you can't really stay mad at her. "I know you were excited to see your friend, but you can't just run off like that. If something happened to you, I wouldn't know where you are." you explain to her as you pet her hair softly. She smiles with appreciation before nodding and apologising. You reciprocate her smile before turning your attention to the family that was watching your interaction silently, but with interest.
"I'm sorry for my little sister, she can be excitable around her friends, she doesn't mean to be rude." you excuse your sister, but Mr. Addams just waves his hand "Oh nonsense! We know from Pugsley here that your sister is a good friend of his, and any friend of his is welcom with us anytime." he smiles energetically and you can't deny that his smile is rather attractive. Right after that thought you remember his wife is standing right next to him, but before you can start to feel bad, you notice the warm look on her face as she looks at you, still with that...knowing look on her face.
You smile at Mr. Addams "Well, I'm glad we haven't caused any trouble. I'm (Y/N) by the way. It's nice to meet you...mister Addams, right?" you introduce yourself. Mr. Addams takes your hand, giving it a firm handshake, although you can't help but feel he is holding your hand just a tad longer than is appropriate. "Oh please, drop the formalities. Since our children seem to be good friends, we might as well be too, if you'd like. The name's Gomez."
You wonder briefly if Gomez's wife is as enthusiastic about the proposition as he is, but when you turn your gaze to her, she is already reaching for your hand, holding it gently, but confidently in her own. She gives you a charming smile and when she speaks, it's as if a siren is calling out to you, a helpless sailor on the wide, wide sea "I think my husband is right. My name is Moricia. This is our daughter Wednesday," she gestures to the infamous girl, who is still sporting a very neutral expression, although she seems to be staring straight into your soul, as if assessing you, before giving a slight nod "and this is Pugsley, as you may know." The boy smiles warmly at you, giving you a polite greeting.
"Well, it was very nice to meet you all, but I'm afraid we have to go, otherwise our mother will be worried about what happened to us." you chuckle and smile at the couple. They seem like wonderful people, you can't understand why anyone would have anything against them. "As a mother myself, I can completely understand that." Morticia smiles "And we would not want to keep you any longer. But I was thinking, would you like to come over for a visit? The children will surely have fun together and we would be delighted to get to know you better. We've heard you recently moved back here?" as she says this, she grabs ahold of Gomez's hand as they both smile. You feel the intensity in their gaze, and et there is no pressure that would force you to agree. You look down at your sister, who looks at you with pleading, hopeful eyes and mouths the word "please", before you turn your gaze back to the couple and grin "Yes, that's right. And that sounds amazing!"
You exchange numbers and go your seperate ways. You register, out of the corner of your eye, them getting into a fancy looking, oldfashioned car, apparently with a personal driver. You don't think much of it and continue to walk home with your sister, who was excitedly skipping along the sidewalk, asking about when you were going to call them the entire way.
It didn't take long for the date of the visit to be set. Morticia called the next afternoon and you agreed to come over with your little sister at the end of the week, so that your sister wouldn't have to rush home and prepare for school.
Once the day came, you were actually pretty nervous, although you didn't really understand why. You blamed it on the fact that you're going to a stranger's home and you wanted to make a good impression. Because it definitely wasn't the fact that you were attracted to a married couple. Yeah, as if.
When you the big house the Addams' lived in, you had to say you were impressed. Sure, it was...unorthodox, but it had a strange charm. And when you were invited inside by a rather tall man, who, although his skin was almost gray and his expression somewhat...dead, seemed pretty nice, you almost felt...homey. The atmosphere of the home, paired with the type of people that lived there, was actually cozy. Gomez gave your sister directions to where she can find Pugsley and Wednesday and she promptly ran off, leaving you alone with the couple.
When she was out of sight, the man took your hand delicately and placed a simple kiss on your knuckles. A simple gesture, that was made much more sensual by the way he looked at you from below, his eyes glinting with...admiration, you would say, if it didn't seem so wrong. Still, you smiled politely and tried to think nothing of it. But you made a mental note to stop these kinds of actions if they would appear, thinking of his unfortunate wife.
Morticia was in the living room, sitting by a grand fireplace, reading a book. You didn't recognize it, but when you asked, it was revealed that the book was in French. You felt...uplifited, being in the presence of such stylish and intelligent people, that weren't snobbish, like you've encountered in the past.
They sat you down across from them on a small sofa and asked if you'd like anything to drink, or perhaps to eat. You declined the food, but you couldn't resist a nice drink to complement the lovely afternoon. The pair sat on another sofa across the small, seemingly old conference table, slightly turned towards each other, hands intertwined. But their sight was only on you. Both of them watching you intently, but their faces were gentle and their smiles welcoming. A thought crossed your mind. Maybe Morticia wasn't an unfortunate wife with a philanderer husband. And when Gomez started passionately retelling a story from his quite adventorous past, you couldn't help but let your mind wander. You wanted to listen, you really did, but his passionate movements, his grin, the lively glint in his eyes...And the way Morticia was listening to him, posed and collected as always, but oh so devoted to her husband, body, mind and soul, her gaze so tender...They looked so beautiful. A forbidden fruit that you could never experience the taste of.
"(Y/N), are you alright?"
You snapped out of your thoughts and you saw the pair look at you, their faces showing concern, a little bit of curiosity and perhaps a hint of slight disappointment. You shook your head, trying to ignore the heat in your cheeks. "Oh, yes, I'm fine." you reassured them quickly "I am so sorry, my mind just...slipped. I promise I wanted to pay attention, you have a lovely way of telling stories, Gomez." you said, still not really used to being on first name basis on them in such a short while.
Lucky for you, they seemed to not take it personally. Morticia assured you that sometimes, the mind does what it wants and drifts where the body can't. In no time, you all finished your drinks and as Morticia went to put them in the kitchen, you stood up and offered to wash the dishes in return. She seemed hesitant, but you told her firmly you weren't going to take no for an answer and a smug smile bloomed on her face. When you looked back on it, she must've seen something in that action that drew her to you just as much as you were drawn to her.
You stood in the kitchen, side by side, you with your hands in the sink, scrubbing glasses and the woman of the house next to you, with a dish towel in her hand, drying and putting away different utensils you cleaned. You agreed to do all the dishes, since you were already at it. Once you were done, Morticia did something you didn't expect. Instead of vocalising her gratitude, she leaned towards you, placing one hand on your arm, and pressed a delicate kiss on your cheek. You were left wide eyed at the kitchen sink, the sponge still in your hand. She handed you another towel, and you dried your hands, noticin Gomez, who was stood leaning on the entry to the kitchen, smiling as smugly as his wife. So that's how it is...you thought.
You went to check up on your sister, who was playing a pretty suspicious game with the siblings, but she seemed unhurt and happy, so you let it go, gently reminding her to stay safe and not do anything she doesn't want to. Then yu spent the rest of the afternoon chatting nd getting to know the unsusual pair. You also met the other inhabitants of the house - Gomez's brother, Fester, Lurch, the man who opened the door for you, the grandmother (you didn't know her name, or if she even was related to the family, but she was very sweet) and lastly...Thing. You couldn't deny you were a little put off by a sentient severed hand, but you calmed down when he offered you one of his fingers to shake. Despite the strangeness, they were all so polite and lovely and fun to be around. But, you had to go home in the evening.
After that, your sister started to come over the Addams' household more and more often. And every time, you accompanied her, of course. While her days were spent having all kinds of adventures with Pugsley and Wednesday, yours were spent calmly with the parents. Gardening with Morticia, listening to Gomez and running little rerrands with him or simply reading in the living room, all the while flirting, first subtly, but the more time you spent together the more...serious it was.
You were now sure that there is a mutual attraction going on and that there wasn't anyone who was unaware or not consenting. It felt...nice, for a while. Slowly starting over, getting close to someone again. But you were beginning to feel afraid of what was to come. You tried to enjoy everything while it lasted, before they inevitably approached you with the proposition of becoming more than just friends. You were afraid of hurting them, and yourself, just like last time. But at the same time, you couldn't make yourself pull away from the affection.
It was on a fateful Tuesday night. The Addams' planned a sleepover for your sister, which obviously meant you would come as well. Somehow, you knew this was going to be the fateful night, the moment you were dreading for a long time now. And it seemed that time wasn't on your side either. Time spent with Morticia and Gomez always seemed to fly right past you.
They had prepared a big dinner, that, although it looked questionable, tasted amazing. Paired with a nice drink, you put the children to bed and soon you were relaxing on an elegant sofa, you in the middle, the pair surrounding you from both sides. Your shoulders were touching and even though you knew what was going to happen, that you would maybe never se them again, the places where your skin touched theirs felt electric, sending shivers down your spine.
Of course they took notice. They were both so intune with your emotions and body language, it was amazing and dreadful at the same time. Gomez placed an arm behind your shoulders, Morticia placing her hand softly on your thigh, both rubbing soothing circles.
"(Y/N)..." Morticia started. "Our dear (Y/N)..." murmured Gomez, his head leaning closer to your shoulder. "You know you are an amazing person, dear?" Morticia asked, and you looked at her, not finding words to respond. She must've seen the turmoil in your eyes, because she smiled reassuringly. "I believe you are very smart, our darling." she continued "And that you can see that...we like you." "Oh, I think like is not even close to how we feel about you, corazón." Gomez said, placing a kiss on your shoulder, making you gasp. Morticia sent him a look "Gomez, behave yourself. We need to talk this out first and foremost. And I believe our trésor has something important to say." She looked at you just a intently as always and yet so tenderly, like only Morticia can. Your heart was beating out of your chest, your hands clammy as they clutched at your clothes. You took a deep breath. Now or never.
"Yes, I've noticed you have feelings for me. And everything you've done for me, and my sister, and everything you continue doing, I appreciate it. You don't even know how." you start, wanting them to know you care about them, just..differently. "But, I'm afraid, I cannot give you what you deserve. I'm sorry to tell you that...I'm not interested in a romantical relationship." And the truth was out. There was no return. Yet, you had to continue. "I...I care for you, and your family. You are amazing people and together, you both are so beautiful, it's almost ethereal sometimes..." you chuckle "Whenever you touch me, I feel as if my very soul was on fire. But...romance is not something I can give you." you finish and study their faces intently.
For once, the pair isn't smiling. You almost start to take it as a bad sign, an omen of a near end. But, Morticia looks up from your face to her husband and after some silent conversation between them, they nod at each other, once. Only once and they know exactly what the other wants, what they're thinking. Oh how you admire them, you think, as a small ember of hope still prevails inside your chest.
"Cariño..." Gomez takes your hands in his, stealing your attention. His eyes are soft and his face adorned by a sympathetic smile. "Don't apologise. There is nothing to apologise for. Some things we cannot help. And while you will belong to us, body and soul, we won't ask of you to return anything you don't feel you have. If you'll agree to that, that is." he smiles at you and nods and you actually feel like you might shed a few tears, happiness and relief washing over you and blooming in your chest with such force you think you might burst.
You feel hands on your shoulders and Morticia lays her head on your shoulder "What do you say, notre cœur?" And you laugh. You laugh happily, your eyes glinting. Instead of saying anything, you take your hands from Gomez and turn to Morticia. And cradling her face softly, you seal your answer with her lips. And then Gomez's. And then you seal it again, and again, and again.
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604to647 · 10 months
Safest with You - Ch. 3 (The Drycleaner)
3.2K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: You listen to a sign from the universe and it leads you to Din.
Warnings: Some pining and then more fluff 💕 although Reader is a bit of menace as she straight up ogles Din like a piece of meat 😂, brief mention of female masturbation, reader is described as shorter than Din, first use of pet name “Pretty Bird”.
A/N: The series is slow but sometimes falling in love be like that. I pinned a series masterlist, so you can always jump to the smutty one shots that happen later in the timeline when these two are in an established relationship if you need a fix. The fact that Din boxes is 100% attributed to @djarinsbeskar's Boxer!Din AU which was the very first Din fic AU I ever read on Tumblr and remains one of my favourites and one I revisit often; making Din a former boxer/owner of a boxing gym is my small but humble homage to Rachel's genius. Also from that same AU is this piece of art from one of my favourite artists, @kate-komics that I think about often also. Thank you both for the inspiration!
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“He bought you books?!?”
“Well, technically, he bought us all books.”
The whole table laughs; your friends were delighted when you handed out the books, but they’re entralled at the background story that comes with.
“And he didn’t leave you his number or anything?”
“No! Told the cashier he didn’t want to want me to feel ‘obligated’.”
“It’s okay, babe.  We’ll find him,” nods Katie, whipping out her phone. 
Bea starts typing on her phone as well, “Right.  He said his name is Din?  How do you spell that?”
“I don’t know.”
“Is it short for something?”
“I don’t know.”
“How old is he?”
“I don’t know.  40s?  He’s greying,” you picture Din’s soft curls and bury your face in your hands, “it looks so fucking good on him.” 
“Where does he work?”
“I don’t know.  Not downtown.”
“Well, what does he do?”
“I don’t know.”
“Babe. What do you know?”
“I know his coffee order is Ice Quad Expresso in a Venti cup with extra ice and six shots.”
“Ok, so we know he probably has a heart condition.”
Everyone bursts out laughing.  Your friends have good reason to be so enthusiastic – it’s been ages since someone has caught your eye.  You don’t date a lot, and that’s always been your preference.  You have a picky temperament to begin with, but the truth is, you’re happy and at peace with the way your life is now after years of hard work.  There simply hasn’t been room or a need for a partner, and your friends don’t push you to date (except Jen who always reminds you that there’s a guy at her firm she wants to set you up with, but even that’s more in good fun than anything).  But right now, you look flushed and besotted over this stranger; positively smitten.  They love it for you.
After a few minutes, no one has found anything on social media, any dating apps or Google – admittedly, there wasn’t much (anything?) to go on, but you’ve seen these girls work internet detective miracles before.
Oh well. 
You sigh, “I need to get drunk and forget him.  Or painfully obsess over every detail I can remember.”
And you all cheers to that.
A week later on the Saturday, you’re out running errands, and you find yourself standing in front of your drycleaner which has unexpectedly closed.  A handwritten sign in the window reads: “Emergency Closure.  Reopening to be announced.”
The drycleaner’s is supposed to be your first stop of the day and you don’t really feel like carting your dirty clothes with you to run the rest of your errands.  Moreover, you’ll need a few of the items in the coming weeks.  You take out your phone to look up other drycleaners in the area when something in your mind clicks: Peli’s Drycleaning on 14th.  You search it and see it actually exists, and has a pretty good rating to boot.  But, it’s sort of out of your way, not really in the same area you’re in at all.
You shouldn’t go.
Should you go?
And what if you do?  Do you… ask about Din?  That’s weird. 
But you’ve been thinking about him non-stop all week: daydreaming about his soft smile during your work commute, remembering the flex of his strong hand covering yours as you answer emails, getting lost in thoughts of his big brown eyes while out walking the dog.  You flush at the memory of touching yourself in bed while recalling his deep and rich voice.  Every attempt to forget your handsome Quad Ice over the past week has utterly failed.
Eff it. What are the chances that you unexpectedly need a new drycleaner, and it happens to be the only thing tangentially related to Din that you know? Maybe the universe is trying to help you out.
Before you can characteristically overthink it, you flag down a cab and give the driver the address you looked up; your heart pounds the entire ride over.
When you step into drycleaner’s, a little bell above the door jingles to signal your arrival, and a short woman with a huge amount of curly dark hair appears from the back.  You think she might be Peli, but you can’t be sure; she gives you a huge smile and gestures to take in your clothes.  Finding her to be super friendly and chatty, the two of you make easy small talk as she neatly lists out your items by hand on her notepad.  When she gets to the coffee stained skirt, she lets out a low whistle, “Oof.  Been there, done that!” she quips.  You decide this is probably the best opening you’ll get, “Actually, that coffee stain is probably why I’m here.  Someone saw it and recommended your place.”  Peli raises her eyebrow as you press on, “His name is Din, he said he’s a friend of the owner?”
This gets her attention; the woman stops what she’s doing and studies you with great interest.  Her face breaks out into an impossibly wide smile and she exclaims loudly, “Din sent you, eh?  And he said we were friends?”  she lets out a deep belly laugh, “Babysat him when he was a kid, but yep we’re friends. Ha!  Hi, I’m Peli!”  She shakes your hand as you introduce yourself. “He said to mention his name and you would try harder not to lose my clothes,” you joke. 
“That scamp!” chortles Peli, “Don’t worry!  We’ll take good care of you!  You know… because of Din.” She rolls her eyes good naturedly.
“Of course.  Because of Din,” you grin back, “So…does he send a lot of… people who need drycleaning, your way?”
“Nope!  You’re the first!  And honestly, now that I think about it, why hasn’t he been sending me more business?”
You figure it’s now or never, “Do you know where I could find him?”
If possible, Peli brightens even more at your question, “Oh yeah, for sure!  At this time of day, he’ll be at his gym.  It’s about 2 blocks that way,” she points in the direction for you, “can’t miss it!  Big sign that says ‘Mando’s Gym’.”
Peli finishes taking down your information for the clothes and lets you know when everything can be ready.  You give her an enthusiastic thanks; when opening the door to leave, you have a moment of hesitation, but looking back, you find Peli already pointing in the direction of the gym.  You give her a smiling nod and head that way.
Peli was right.  You can’t miss the sign; it sits atop of a standalone three story building that’s set further back on its lot.  The front area of the lot looks like it might have once been a driveway of sorts, but is now used as a parking lot; a handful of parked cars lets you know the gym is fairly busy today.  The front of the building has giant windows that look like garage doors and makes you think that the building might have once been a mechanic repair shop; from the little of what you can see inside, you think the gym occupies the first floor of the building and possibly the second.  The big set of garage door windows are separated in the middle by an entry way that you walk through, slightly nervous.  Once inside, you see a reception but currently no one behind the small desk; instead, you peek around the partition wall behind the desk and see that the space opens up to a clean, spacious room that has about 8-10 people working out on various machines and punching bags lining the walls, all leading to a larger group of people clustering near the boxing ring centered at the back of the room.
You’re making your way towards the back, scanning over the group looking for Din when you spot him, right in the middle of the ring.  He’s got his gloved hands up, blocking part of his head, but you can still tell it’s him; when you hear him shouting encouraging words to his sparring partner, his familiar voice sends a shiver up your spine.  He’s wearing a sweat drenched grey t-shirt and his hair is messy and wet from his work out, but he looks even better than you remember.
Actually, he looks fucking delicious.  From this angle you can see the cut of his jawline and how it tightens as his grunts and pants.  His arms are flexed from his forearms up to his biceps, and are so muscular they’re straining hard against his shirt sleeves.  You must be straight up ogling him because you don’t even realize when Din notices you; you’re too busy looking at his legs and admiring how his thighs fill out his navy blue shorts so snugly.  You only look up when those same legs start walking in your direction and come to a stop at the edge of the ring.  Din is leaning towards you against the rope with a heart-stopping smile, “It’s you.”
“Yes, it’s me,” you grin, repeating back his words to you from the bookstore.
Din thinks he must be dreaming, or maybe he’s been knocked in the head one too many times today.  He had just paused the fight to show Jimmy the new combination again, when he looked over to see the prettiest sight.  You, standing in his gym, soft and dainty, with a wide eye expression on your face.  You’re looking in his direction, but when you don’t make eye contact with him immediately, Din allows himself the smug thought that you might be liking what you see and puffs his chest out a little before making his way over to you.
Now you’re looking at him with that same pretty smile that he hasn’t been able to get out of his head for the last week, and he can’t wait to talk to you again, “Are you okay to wait for 5 minutes?  We’re just finishing up this training session.”
You nod agreeably, “Sure, I can wait.”  There’s a bench running along the right side of the ring where you take a seat to better enjoy the show.  You’ve never seen boxing up close before, so you don’t know what to expect, but you find yourself mesmerized by everything Din is doing in the ring.  All his movements are intentional and graceful; he’s in total control of every motion he makes: ducking, blocking, punching.  His muscles are all flexed and his shirt stretches tight, barely containing them as if Din himself is an extension of the explosive power harnessed in his fists.  The legs that you were drooling over earlier are quick and agile; it’s true you don’t know his age but his sparring partner looks to be in his mid-20s and Din is having no problem out maneuvering him.
As he circles the other fighter, you think you spy some ink on a flash of some exposed skin and the idea of exploring what’s underneath Din’s shirt has you swallowing hard.  In short, you can’t take your eyes off of him. 
The 5 minutes is action packed and over before you know it.  In one continuous smooth motion, Din ducks under the rope, jumps down and grabs a fresh towel from a stack on the other end of the bench you’re sitting on before sliding over to sit next to you.  He looks at you almost bashfully as he towels off his hair and wipes the sweat from his brow and neck.  You think you could get used to seeing him like this: cheeks pink from exercise, bright eyes glued to yours and a grin so wide it reveals a deep dimple in his right cheek that you’re discovering for the first time.  He’s taking your breath away and you haven’t even been back in his presence for more than 10 minutes.
“What brings you to this part of town today, pretty bird?”
If anyone else had bestowed a pet name on you so soon after having met, you would have immediately gotten the ick, but the endearment rolling off Din’s tongue sounds so natural and sweet, it has you melting, “Some handsome guy bought me a thick stack of books and then made it nearly impossible for me to thank him.  Tracked him down to this gym.”
“Handsome guy, eh?”
“Yep.  Real handsome.  And sweet.  You know anyone around here like that?” you tease.
Handsome.  You think he’s handsome. Din thinks his heart is in danger of no longer fitting in his chest.  He holds his hand up to his brow, as if to shield his eyes from the light, and mines looking around gym in an exaggerated manner, “Nope.  Just a bunch of smelly, sweaty ruffians.  Owner’s a handsome guy though, maybe you’re looking for him,” he says, eyes twinkling.
“You own this gym?”
“Sure do.  Used to be my dad’s.”
“Well, he would be proud of you and what you’ve done here, Din.  It looks great.”  You mean it, and you look around the gym with a renewed sense of awe now that you know Din is the one responsible for its operations.
Din’s not sure how you knew the exact thing to say to make his heart swell, but he knows without a doubt that you’re being genuine and he is reminded again of your kind nature. 
You look back to see Din looking at you with a soft expression and before you let yourself get lost in his eyes, you force yourself to pull it together, “Oh Din!  I can’t believe I didn’t say this right away: Thank you!! Thank you for the books.  It was so incredibly unexpected and sweet!  My friends also say thank you – a few of the books you bought were for them.”
“You’re very welcome.  Have you enjoyed the books?”
You’re warmed by how thoughtful Din is, and you let him know the books are turning out to be great and you and your friends can’t believe how long you’ll have to wait for the next instalment to come out.
“Do you have plans to read tonight, or would you happen to be free?”
Even though you had been hoping that Din would ask you out, your heart leaps into your throat now that it’s happening.  “I think I should be!  If I finish up this list of errands I’m supposed to get to today, that is.  Giving Peli my drycleaning was only the first item,” you lament. 
“Peli!  Is that how you found me?  Clever girl.”
You beam at Din’s praise.  You realize you haven’t explained how you knew where he was, “As luck would have it, my regular drycleaner was unexpectedly closed.  Nearly derailed my whole errand day until I remembered you mentioning you had a friend who ran a drycleaning business.  Something else I need to thank you for.”
“I’m glad I could help.  Well, if you have a bunch of errands you have to finish before you can go out with me tonight, I’m going to scoot you out of here right now so you don’t cancel. Scoot!”  Din adds a silly shooing motion with his hands as he says this, so you know he’s not seriously trying to get rid of you.  You giggle, but nod, eager to get on with your tasks so that your date with Din might come sooner.
Din asks you if you need a ride, but you tell him you’ll be fine and jokingly scoff, “Hey!  I don’t want you putting off your work and then backing out either, mister.”
“Not a chance,” grins Din.
As you walk together towards the front of the gym, Din lets you know how much he’s been thinking about you,  “I’m really glad you came to here today.  I was about to camp out everyday at the coffeeshop in the morning and then that bookstore in the afternoon until I found you again.”
“Who would have looked after the gym if you did that?”
Din looks around at the gym; some of the boxers and staff that had been watching the two of you look away quickly and pretend to busy themselves to avoid being caught staring.  “Shoot.  This place probably would have burned down.  Looks like you just saved the gym.”
You can’t help but giggle again and Din feels a growing sense of pride in being able to make you laugh.  “How about tonight I take you out to dinner as a thank you?”
Giving him an incredulous look, you answer, “I should be taking you out to dinner to thank you.”
“I don’t think so, pretty bird.”
The pet name shoots straight to your core again. 
Din stretches himself up to his full height and looks down at you with mock stern expression, cocking his eyebrow.
You can’t say you’re at all intimidated even though he towers over you; you’ve long since felt that Din’s company spelled safety.  But to play along, you counter by looking up at him with your biggest pleading eyes.  Din is instantly disarmed and knows in this moment that he will never be able to refuse you anything.
He suggests a compromise, “How about we go for dinner and fight about the check there?”
“Ok.  But just so you know, I’m not used to losing,” you challenge playfully.
“Me neither.” Din tilts his head slightly to draw your attention to the wall you’re standing next to.  It’s the other side of the divider wall you rounded when you came in, and you see that it’s covered with awards, certificates, and articles lauding Din’s boxing accomplishments.
Amazed, you skim over the honours and achievements, “This is you?  Wow – you’re incredible Din!  …9 times weight division champion? Oh man, now I don’t know if I can take you.”
“I bet you could,” from the look on Din’s face, you’re sure that the double meaning is meant as a tease, but you can’t help squirming a little.
Blushing, you relent, “Ok, you can pay for dinner.  But I still have to thank you for the books.”
Din is finding your persistence on this point to be adorable, “Your ‘thanks’ is enough.  No need to feel like you owe me; it was a gift.”
“I know.  I just have an outrageous sense of reciprocity.  I really do want to find a way to thank you somehow.”  You reach up and put your hand on Din’s shoulder to hold yourself steady as you lift up onto your toes and kiss him on the cheek.  Despite having just gone who knows how many rounds in the ring, he smells incredible and you can’t help but linger your lips on his cheek.  You exhale softly and hold Din’s gaze as you slowly lower down to your normal height.
Din looks as affected as you feel, “Remind me to buy you some more books.”
Both of you laugh, now giddy about the prospect of seeing each other again in a few hours.  You exchange numbers and Din promises to text you later with the address of the restaurant he’ll meet you at tonight.
Heading down the street, heart aflutter and fingers trembling with excitement, you take out your phone and text the group chat: I found him.
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hisokaisdaddyz · 3 months
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❝Kinky Sinz june- Overstimulation & Oral sex❞ ✧ ೃ
♡Exploring kinks with Astarion.♡
His hand left her wrist and gripped her hips, fingers digging in as he pulled her body back against him, pressing his rigid cock against her ass. "You're so close, little one, what if I gave it to you right now, would you cum for me?"
☆Overstimulation & Oral sex.☆
☆Fem Pov☆
This was my first Astarion bot, he's been my latest obsession, Neil Newbon absolutely devoured this character. The way this man has a hold on me is wild.
☆Song Recommendation of the day! Slut me out 2-Nle Choppa.☆
☆This song reminds me so much of Astarion, since he's so down bad for himself.☆
{Again, another one of my bots.}
.ೃ࿐.ೃ࿐❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄.ೃ࿐❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
Astarion was absolutely delighted since Y/N wanted fulfill the request he had, it took a week, and a lot of begging to convince her, nonetheless it was worth it, Astarion had been aching to explore more in the bedroom, since, he had lost his ability to walk in the sunlight, he stuck in the bedroom until the sun sets, so he figured he'd kill time, by fucking Y/N every chance he got; for instincts, he want to try Overstimulation out, he wondered how she'd look squirming underneath him, tears pricking her eyes, sinful little cries coming from her, as he pushed her over the limit. He wanted to hear her begging him to stop, while he buried his cock deep into her, abusing her pretty little cunt until he's had his fill, but of course he loved the slow, sensual sex, it was the way he loved her, he wanted to make sure she felt it.
However, this was also good. Being able to taste her on his tongue, her salty but sweet juices mixed with his semen which filled every hole she had, since he stuffed her with it, he'd kept fucking it right back into her everytime it leaked. He had also noticed how much she loved the way his tongue dragged along the slit of her pussy, the cold, wet feeling made her shiver, or when his lips wrapped around her clit, sucking it on, while his fingers fucked her, it brought him pleasure, so much, he felt his cock twitch, a low groan emitted from him as he nearly came, knowing she felt good, was more than enough.* "Do not forget....the safeword, Darling. What is it?" He questioned, he wanted to make sure she didn't forget the damn word again, when he hears her mutter red, He gets a sense of relief and darts his tongue back in
His hold on her wrist tightened as he buried his face in her pussy, eating like he hadn't feasted in weeks. He loved the way she trembled, the way her knees were beginning to give out, but he held up by her wrist. This position was more convenient in many ways. She sat on her knees, her ass facing him, and he held her wrist back to keep her up, and to prevent her from running, which she did often.
Her loud cries, and pleas were like music to his ears, the way she cried his name, the way her body trembled violently, she had came so many times, he had lost count, they'd been going at it for about two hours, non-stop. "God's below, you're one filthy little freak, aren't you?" Astarion mumbled against her pussy in a teasing manner, his voice sent vibrations against her clit, causing her to cry out, and nearly cum again, but the second he realized she was near he pulled away, edging her for the fifth time, he found joy in the way she squealed, and groaned out of frustration. His hand left her wrist and gripped her hips, fingers digging in as he pulled her body back against him, pressing his rigid cock against her ass.
"You're so close, Darling, what if I gave it to you right now? I take it you'd be satisfied?” This was most erotic thing Astarion had ever seen. He'd nearly come himself, just from the sight of her shaking body, her lips parted, her face flushed, sweat dripping down her body. He'd never seen her so vulnerable, so open, so exposed.*
"If release, is what you're looking for, then I suggest you start begging for it, Cheeky little pup." 
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angelkissiies · 2 years
takes two to toxic
ellie williams x reader
cw/tw : fighting, cursing, hurt no comfort, aggression, manipulation, cunnilingus, toxic relationship, sex obvi, mentions of violence, mean!ellie. like a lot more but i cannot remember.
wc : 2.5k
proof read : yes | hell no
a/n : i have no idea how this reads and i cannot bring myself to re-read it - so enjoy! also this is only one of the dark!ellie fics i have planned!! also this kinds sucks.
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Seattle had been taxing, putting a strain not only on your bodies but also your relationship. It had been two weeks since Ellie had even slept in the same bed as you, causing you to suffer alone in your sleeping bag. You knew it had been a long couple of months for her, so you tried not to hold it against her- but you couldn’t control the feelings when they bubbled over and bubble over they had been. She’d found a fun hobby of being insanely reckless and picking fights with you when you criticized her. It drove you insane, leading your mouth to react before you could control it. 
“Ellie, that was so fucking stupid!” You huffed, slamming the theater doors closed before shoving the chair back into place. She’d decided to sneak off whilst you were sleeping, ending up catching an arrow in the shoulder- thankfully she wasn’t dead, but as she rolled her eyes at you, you kinda wished she’d gotten a little more damage done. “What were you even thinking?”
It wasn’t usual for her to storm off and ignore you until you ultimately cooled down over the situation, but something made her halt as you shouted. Yes, it was stupid- but she couldn’t find it in herself to care how stupid or dangerous her moves were. It was progress, one way or the other. Ellie prided herself, usually, on keeping a cool head. On being able to handle situations without popping a blood vessel, but as she looked at you a glowering rage entered her body. Even if you didn’t realize it, you were a walking reminder of the reason she had to do this. “I did it for us, babe.” She spat, her usually delightful green eyes becoming murky in the dark light of the theater. “Thank me and get over it.”
You scoffed, pulling your pack off and letting it fall to the floor with an obnoxious thump. “Thank you? You really expect me to sit here and thank you for going out there alone and almost fucking dying?” The gall of the woman before you genuinely made your stomach churn, how could she be so blind to the recklessness of her actions? And how could she possibly think you’d be cool with it? “What did you even get out of this? Did you find anything new? Did you find her?” You knew the answer, seeing as when you found her she was taking her anger out on some poor long-dead infected. 
Ellie brought her tongue up to skim her gums as an angry smile came to rest on her lips, “At least I’m doing something. Hm? You couldn’t possibly understand that since you’ve been the one bitching the entire time about being tired.” She saw you wince at her words, bringing her to take a step back from you. As much as she didn’t want to be doing this, she couldn’t stop herself as words kept flowing, poisoning the air between you two. “You begged to come with me, so don’t fucking complain about what I do.”
“Y’know, you’re just like her.” You whispered, pushing past her to find some dark corner to tuck yourself into. She was so mean, too mean. You often thought back to Joel, how he’d feel about the person his little girl had become, surely he’d be appalled. YOu knew you were, as you often tried to force yourself to forget the Ellie that’d died back in Jackson. The Ellie you’d fallen in love with. The Ellie who’d never have spoken to you like this. 
Her hand wrapped around your wrist, jerking you back towards her as you attempted to pull away. Her grip was like steel, her slender fingers digging into your skin roughly. “Who.” She asked, internally knowing the answer. She knew exactly what you meant at that moment, and the restraint she’d been holding inside completely disappeared as she pulled you back to stand in front of her. 
You’d had enough, no longer fearing the consequences as you peered up at her- her impossibly overwhelming aura seeping into you as your face morphed into something staining in hatred. “Abby. Who else? you two fucking deserve each other.” You sneered, feeling her nails begin to pierce your skin as her grip began to tremble from how hard she was squeezing. “Fucking let go!” Your free hand came up to push against her chest, trying to free yourself from her death grip. 
Ellie’s entire body felt hot, having urges she’d never experienced as she felt your hands fighting against her but failing as she overpowered you. She couldn’t understand why the feelings she had about you now were so violent, so brutal. They used to be so gentle, so innocent. It didn’t change the fact that her mind was spinning now, seeking a way to convey her feelings. A way to show you how she felt without hurting you any more than she already had, though part of her wasn’t opposed to the idea. 
Her hands moved faster than you could comprehend, one coming up to weave into your hair whilst the other wrapped around your neck. It was dizzying, how unpredictable she was. She jerked your head back, dipping down to connect your lips in a clash of teeth and flesh as you battled against her- not understanding why. She was persistent, not letting you wriggle free as she stole the air from your lungs. 
You hate her? You didn’t even know, still feeling the sting of her words as you cowered before her. The grip on your throat made your head fuzzy as she finally allowed you a second to breathe before backing you onto the decades-old couch in the middle of the room. You didn’t know why your fight against her had slowed, letting her win as you blindly followed her wherever it was she wanted. Maybe it was the love you still held for her or maybe it was something in your stomach that had fluttered when she’d put her hands on you. 
“Don’t make this harder than it has to be, okay?” Her voice was rough, filled with an edge of desperation as she realized that this entire time the hatred she held for you wasn’t because of Joel or Abby. It was because she’d been letting her want for you turn into disdain with every moment she distanced herself from you. Every second she barred herself from sharing with you, every lonely night in her sleeping bag, every joke she stopped herself from telling you. She’d been the reason for all of this, her own happiness being smothered by her need for revenge. On Abby and herself. “I know you want this too.” 
“I-,” Did you want this? She’d been making your life a living hell since you left Jackson. She’d said some really horrible things to you, even going as far as to threaten you when it got too heated- yet you could deny the yearning you had to be important to her again. You couldn’t think of anything you wanted as much as being hers again, and it was evident now as you felt a heat begin to pool between your legs as she hovered above you on the couch. “I want this.”
She didn’t hesitate for a second, the pit in her stomach begging to be filled as she shoved her hands under your shirt- practically ripping it from you before discarding it out of sight. She felt like an animal, nursing a hunger she could only fill with you as she attached her mouth to your nipple, dragging her tongue against the bud before taking it between her teeth. She didn’t understand the need she had, something inside of her still wanted to hurt you. To make you cry, whilst the other just needed you to look at her with- those eyes. As she looked up at you, mouth attacking your poor bud, she saw them. Your eyes were filled with a familiar haze, one she’d last seen in Jackson when she’d chased you through the woods outside the walls- hunting you down. 
You whined, arching your back to be closer to her as she sucked a dark mark onto the skin of your breast- almost drawing blood with how hard she was biting. “Fuck, Els, want you.” You breathed, hands coming up to wind in her auburn hair. 
She was quick with her movements, hands dipping down to the button of your cargo pants as she pressed chaste kisses to the skin of your stomach, dragging her teeth across sensitive spots as she got closer to your waist. Her fingers broke the waistband, pulling your pants and underwear down as she did so- discarding them haphazardly. You attempted to close your legs, only to be stopped almost instantly by her arm coming up to hold your left leg down to the couch roughly.
“Keep your legs open,” Ellie grunted, dipping down between your thighs to lick a stripe up your pathetically wet cunt. She practically moaned at the taste, fingers digging into your thighs as she used her tongue to separate your folds- finding your sensitive numb all puffy, and swollen begging to be touched. She didn’t hesitate to circle her tongue around the orb, flicking it roughly with every pass she did. 
“Oh my god, Ellie!” Your stomach tensed, cunt releasing an embarrassing amount of arousal as she played with you. The sensation was almost enough to make you cum on the spot, having spent so long without any kind of sexual stimulation- you were more than a bit frustrated. You knew how easy it would be for her to fuck you and go back to how it was, and at this point, you weren't sure you cared. You’d take the hits if it meant keeping her for yourself. “Fuck.”
Her mouth dipped down to lap up some of the slick that had begun pooling around your slit, gently coaxing her tongue past your swollen lips and inside of you in one swift movement, She moved her hand up to rest on your stomach, thumb reaching down to deliver rough stimulation to your clit as she dipped her tongue in and out of your tight cunt. The barely audible noises escaping her mouth vibrated against you, making you press her face further into your heat. 
You practically screamed at the added pleasure, bucking your hips as you ground into her mouth- wet noises echoing through the desolate theater and more than likely out into the street via the broken windows. You couldn’t care, the dizzying pleasure beginning to wind in your stomach like a rubber band- aching to snap as she pushed you further and further into a place you could only describe as heaven. You cursed her, internally, for having such a way with her tongue that made you put a backseat to all the shit you’d been through with her. If there was one thing you knew she excelled at, it was manipulation. “M’gonna cum, Els.” You whimpered, her abuse of your clit making you attempt to pull away. 
Her tongue came up to replace her thumb on your clit, pulling the nub in between her lips as she sucked on it harshly- eliciting a sharp gasp to leave your mouth. She didn’t need you to tell her you were close, as the fluttering of your cunt around her tongue had already keyed her on. “Tell me you hate me, tell me that you belong to me.” She groaned against your clit, savoring every inch of you as she peered up to take you in. 
You’d thrown your head back, just barely hovering over the dusty couch cushions, with your mouth agape as you let out messy moans of her name. Her words hit a sweet spot, prompting you to give her a sweet whine in response. “Fuckin.. Fucking hate you, Els. So fucking much.” It was mostly a lie, though the words felt good as they slipped off of your tongue and into the thick tension that surrounded the two of you. You didn’t want to mean it but as you recalled all of her abuse in your haze of pleasure, you’d found a wave of anger rising despite everything. 
You didn't want to say it, not wanting to give her the pleasure of owning you again- when you’d already given her everything you’d had. It bubbled at your lips, on the tip of your tongue as you panted. “No.”
Ellie halted, her dark eyes meeting yours as she stopped completely, mouth coated in arousal as she glowered at you. “What was that?” The untamed aggression she’d been pushing down arose again, this time doubling as she tilted her head at you. You were hers. Bottom line. What were you saying? She’d been processing all of this and doing all of this for you. You weren’t leaving, were you? No, that couldn’t be it. There had to be another explanation. Right?
Your eyes grew wide as you tried to push yourself back, away from her but she kept you locked firmly in place. You wanted to be upset about your ruined orgasm but couldn’t as you cowered under her gaze. She was terrifying, like a completely different person from moments ago. You didn’t think she could become more intimidating, more ferocious in her pursuit but you were wrong. “E-Ellie... I-,” You began, voice unsteady as you felt her hand move down to her pocket. 
“You’re mine. You’re not anyone else's. Hear me?” She growled, letting her hand caress the soft perfect slate of skin that covered your thigh. She was an artist, this was art. You were art, or at least you would be. 
You whimpered, eyes clouding with anticipation as you felt goosebumps arise at her touch. You were terrified, of course, but embarrassingly enough it didn’t stop your cunt from becoming even more soaked as she spoke. You should definitely not be finding anything about this pleasurable, hell, you should've turned around and headed back to Jackson by now but something about her kept drawing you in. It was unhealthy. Toxic. Addictive. “M’yours?” You said, speaking it as more a question than a statement- making Ellie grow frustrated. 
Ellie drew her hand from her pocket, switchblade flicking open as she scoffed lightly. “You are so dumb,” She began, letting the blade skim the sensitive skin. “But, god, you’re so pretty.” She was as if whiplash was personified, sending you for a loop every time you thought you understood what was happening. “M’gonna make sure everyone knows you belong to me.”
You furrowed your brows, nodding along with her mindlessly. God, what was wrong with you. Every piece of self-respect and resolve to defend yourself had been whittled away into a need to be with her. You’d tried to fight. You’d tried to leave. You’d done everything you could to put yourself first and you’d failed completely. Every effort had been in vain as you felt the cool metal press into your thigh. “Are you gonna hurt me, Els?” You whispered, watching her bite back a smirk that rose to her lips with the sound of your feeble voice. 
“Yeah, I am, baby.”
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velvetwyrme · 11 days
transformers one is out now!!! have yuo watched it yet?? how was it?? c:
HI ANON i hope you dont mind that i kept this in my askbox for a couple days because I hadn't watched it yet (wanted to make sure I was No Longer Sick, because being sick in the cinema is Not Great) and also technically it hasn't released here yet,,,? BUT apparently they've got advance preview weekends for like. the same price so Obviously I went.
AHHHHHHHHHH hold on I've been talking nonstop about it for like the last. 4 hours. fucking help me. or dont. I love to chatter and will continue to do so under the cut shjfkgnwmbfks so if you count this, it'll end up nearing 6. I'm... probably going to talk about this as if you know the general premise of the movie, but if not. Google it. Or just go watch it!! (Can recommend) I talk too much to summarise it fhfjfbskdnfkf
Vague spoiler warning because I don't know what I'll talk about rhdjfbekntkr,,,,
Edit: If you've been following me for any amount of time, you know that when I say this got long, you really do have to believe me on that.
My mom liked it as well???? She came with me because I didn't want to subject any of my irl friends to my tf rambling and she didn't want me to go alone fbfkfbkd I thought she wouldn't, but SHE LIKED IT.
Okay so first off: going into the theatre, I was so so afraid that I was going to have the same thought I had after watching Puss and Boots: The First Wish, which was- "I REALLY liked that, and it would have been one of my favorite movies if I was still a child." (Still a really good movie!!)
Anyway, onto my wild rambling.
The visuals were superb!! Gorgeous. No notes. Freaking amazing animation and character design and world design !!!!! I'LL COME BACK TO THAT I COULD YELL FOREVER ABT WORLDBUILDING. The characterisation is so so good, so tasty.
Also because I'm a huge honkin nerd...
The movie is largely focused on the dynamic between Orion Pax/Optimus Prime and D-16/Megatron, but the other characters also shine through really well, and they show off a lot personality even with the ones with very few scenes. Elita-One is a fucking delight I wanna kiss her!!!!!!! She's so cool and pragmatic and it SHOWS in what she does and how she acts. She IS better than you, and she knows it. Even Starscreams confident yet cowardly nature is shown with him lounging on a throne and slinking off after his fight with D-16, and he's barely there!!! RAHAGGHHH I love what you can do with characterisation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also my god this movie was funny. Even when the pacing is fast it's a GOOD fast. Comedic moments are used really well in this, and it flips smoothly between that and the more serious and heartfelt bits.
AND HRHFJFJDK okay so maybe its just my sense of humor, but I found Bee to be really really really funny. He's just like me for real!!! Talks too much, excited as HELL about everything!!!!!!!!! HE'S JUST LIKE ME. I also told my mom this and she was like. "Yes! He is jist like you!! He talks a lot. You would do the knife-hands thing. Also, you're wearing yellow." And. I was. I am. hrhfjfjfkkghdk 💛💛 Shockwave in this movie is ALSO very funny. He gets punched <3 Many other characters also get punched, but he complains about it. He reminds me somewhat of TF Animated Shockwave but less intimidating sgdjfbdjfbdmfbmd
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Speaking of characters... Airachnid was so pretty. I love her design so much!!!! She's alien and COOL and I love her!!!!! She has so many eyes... (I'd ALSO love to know more about what her deal is. But... her lack of a motive/story is made up infinitely by strong screen presence and personality) Sentinel was ALSO very pretty and I loved seeing him on screen but I (spoilers) loved seeing him get ripped in half more. Those were LOVELY shots.
I brought my mini Soundwave along with me!! I liked Soundwave in the movie even if he didn't play a big part <33 The "there sure are a lot of waves" joke was VERY funny because I had the exact same thought moments before.
There are a LOT of cameos in the film and I kept going "AHHHHH [CHARACTER]". I get why they didn't add more as main characters- there were a loooooot of characters running around already, and only 2 hours!! Even so, I still wish we saw more of the other characters that cameoed (JAZZ!!!!!! MY BOYYYY!! I WAS SO SCARED THEY'D KILL HIM OFF) or had minor appearances because I just. I want to know what they'd do with the characterisation........ but that's what fanfic for for ig ehfjfhdk,,
And on the topic of lovely shots, theres a series of scenes near the end of the movie with no dialogue, only music and sound and. It's SO good. It's so impactful and beautiful and ausuaiaiurhrgh...
The whole movie is inherently sort of a tragedy since it's a prequel. We all know how it ends; what these characters become. But the build up to that is so SO good. I loved the character progression- D-16'S PROGRESSION TO BECOMING MEGATRON IS!!! AHHHHH!! I loved seeing him shift from one perspective to another and they made it believable.
His anger and betrayal giving way to violence- there's this one bit shortly after they are given the ability to transform where you See that violence in D-16 fir the first time, and it's shot so starkly in comparison to the other characters (who also fight to get away) and it's just like. Oh. There's the potential for something dangerous there.
It is so so interesting to me to see how that violence is framed in comparison to the others- all three of the other protags have their moments of violence- Elita-One is very very intimidating and used violence/threats to get her way, and Bee has this lightheartedness/innocence to his violence... Orion Pax is just. he's doing what needs to be done, he takes no joy from the destruction- he's fighting back, but I think most importantly all of them know when to stop.
There are the fights and punches that get thrown around, and then there is D-16 wailing on Starscream. Megatron RIPPING SENTINEL IN HALF. God that scene was good.
Anyway, sometimes in media a character goes through a Big Event that changes or breaks them, but here? There is no breaking point for D-16/Megatron. It's a slow spiralling descent and you see him taking one step after another, deciding to continue down this path. This is shown in a more literal way with his eyes slowly changing colour through the movie (fucking SICK SHOTS!!!!!!!) but there are a dozen more moments where you can see him decide who he is becoming.
And as audience!! Though we know this change is inevitable!! (This is an event in the past- the end of this is already written!!!) It's still tragic!! I feel for him!! I want him to keep getting back up in the face of Sentinel's cruelty!!!!!!!!!!
Orion watching his friend change, seeing them grow further apart... and he still hangs onto that hope right up until the end (and even after that!!!!!! He banishes him, because he will not kill him!!)
imo, they did Orion Pax/Optimus Prime really well in this one- he gets into a lot of trouble and it somehow works out. I think they do really well in making him feel down to earth in this- he's punchy and dynamic and has this unwavering respect for the people around him, but he's also good at being tricky and manipulative to get interesting outcomes that nobody else could have considered- he knows how people tick on an individual level and he knows how to use that. He thinks differently, and it's fantastic. Most importantly, Orion can see something nobody else can: a world where things are better.
Orion becoming Optimus... ough. aough. It's so!!!!!! AHHH. I loved all of the sequences that follow after. When his signature axe made an appearance I was so excited it was REALLY COOL. ALL OF IT WAS SO COOL.
The fight choreography is FANTASTIC and while it was a little messy at times (so much... going on........) it was fluid and dynamic and mwah mwah mwah I love it.
ALSO I SAID I'D YELL ABOUT WORLDBUILDING but this is really really long already so like. I'll keep it short as I can
The glimpses of the society that exists is FASCINATING to me. We don't get to see much of it, because our main characters are purely of the lower classes, so what's available to us is quite limited, but the class structure is INTERESTING to me. Unlike IDW, where form dictates function, this universe is driven (ha. ha.) on the idea that some Cybertronians can't transform (and thus work in the lower classes, as miners and waste management etc.) but as it turns out, (spoilers) they actually get their transformation cogs removed before they come online. And like... I can't help but wonder how they pick who gets that treatment?? Luck???? I'm dying to know.
ALSO I really like the Quintessons (sad they're not the the horrible five faced creature things. I wanna see the Weirdos!!!!) but I still think these fuck hard. They're really buggy and organic and cool (I adore their ship designs holy shiiiiiiiiit- just yesterday I was admiring all the bugs and monsters and crabby things in Guild Wars 2, and now THIS?? BLESSED.) And the CYBERTRONIAN DEER ARE COOL!!!!!!!!!! I like them. That's all. I wished we got to see more of the bio-mechanical parts of the planet...
AND AND THE PLANET ITSELF HOLY SHIT AHHHHHH!!!!! The city is gorgeous- the spires going up and down is mwah amazing. The roads and rails appearing/disappearing as they are used? PEAK. The MINES and the surface of Cybertron. They're shifting, moving, alive. I legit was staring slackjawed when they were in the mines- it's just SO COOL to watch!!!
AUGH I want to watch it again. I probably WILL watch it again.
If you got all the way down here, thank you for reading (?!) and please tell me what YOU thought of it if you've seen it 🥺👀 Or if you're going to. I definitely recommend it.
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rengoku-loves-you · 1 year
Would you ever perhaps do Kyojuro with a reader S/O that is physically a lot bigger than him? Just a lot taller and wider and physically very strong? I love the idea of their hugs making him feel safe and protected, and also flustered Kyo from being totally scooped up so effortlessly. I feel like not a lot of people in the world could make him feel that way but he deserves it, given how hard he protects everyone else all the time. Thank you if so and if not no worries!
(my first one in awhile, so sorry it took so long dear 😭 i hope this is good enough!! i'm still shaking off the writer's rust, so my apologies if it isn't quite the peak of quality! <3)
rengoku x reader (in which reader is much, much bigger than him)
all his life, ever since his mother died, rengoku has been the bigger person. the protector. the one to hold senjurou when he cried and carry him when he fell, clean up after his father's mess, protect the innocents who knew nothing of the world from the wicked demons. he'd accepted his position with grace and a smile, just like his mother taught him. because he was strong, and he was good, and he could handle it. he was expected to handle it.
now, he's found someone bigger.
and it's strange.
he didn't think much of your physical appearance at first. he knew himejima, and you were around the same height... probably. he never saw you two next to each other long enough to compare. he only knew he had to tilt his head back about the same to look at your face. which hurt his neck, so more often than not he didn't bother and stared straight forward at your chest instead.
he wasn't really sure why you laughed when he did, but you didn't demand that he look at you properly, so he didn't mind. he laughed along before continuing whatever conversation you'd been having, and that was the end of it.
until you started visiting the rengoku estate to train together. and then went on to stay for dinner. and then kept going from there.
shifting from allies to friends to dating seemed so natural that he hadn't even questioned it. he cared for you, and you cared for him, so it made sense! he just... didn't expect dating to be so physically different from friends. and now he's constantly reminded of just how small he is compared to you.
the first true realization is during one of your training sessions together, just after the first time you manage to knock him flat on his back. after the initial surprise, you give a loud bark of laughter as you drop your shinai to the ground, seemingly in disbelief. he laughs as well, delighted by your very first victory over him.
"bravo!" he booms, clapping his hands together and beaming at you. "i knew it was only a matter of time before you bested me! our training together truly is paying off!" you smile proudly back at him.
"thank you! i learned from the best," you say. before he can get up, you take two long strides toward him, bending down to hold out your hand.
and that's when he pauses. standing where you are, your tall frame manages to completely block out the sun, rendering him entirely within your shadow as light surrounds you like a halo. head tilted back to gaze up at you from the ground, something in his brain clicks.
"oh," he says, "you're very tall." you blink. and then you chuckle again, though your expression shows confusion.
"thank you? it ran in the family." you curl your fingers, silently urging him to take your hand, and he does. you pull him to his feet with ease. your shadow still engulfs him, and he takes a step away, back into the sun. "did it take you this long to notice?"
"of course not!" he stares at a button on your uniform as you dust off his shoulders. his face is tinged pink. "i just haven't quite... understood until now, i suppose." you hum, giving his clothes one last brush.
"it's pretty easy to understand. i'm big," you pat your chest, "and you're little." you put your hand on his head, giving his hair a teasing ruffle.
"ah!" he says, ducking away from you and shielding himself with both hands. "no, no, i'm afraid you have it wrong! you're merely..." he takes a hand from his head to wave it in your general direction, and you grin wider when words seem to fail him, "...large."
you tease him for a bit longer before he distracts you with continuing the training session. though the conversation ends, the thought lingers, and he finds himself making comparisons whenever you're near. studying how the training swords seem like baby toys in your hands. how the uniform is that much tighter around your arms and chest and thighs. teacups and utensils almost laughably tiny as you handle them with delicate care.
how he fits perfectly under your arm when he sits beside you. the way his hand disappears when you hold it just as delicately as the teacups despite both of your scars and blisters. the way your arms wrap around him so completely and make him feel very small and safe and whatever the positive version of claustrophobic is.
and then you pick him up.
he doesn't expect it. he's meditating outside, regulating his breathing, when you sneak up on him. but not really, because he can hear your near-silent footsteps stop in front of him. he was going to let you have your fun trying and failing to startle him, but you don't fail.
you succeed so well, in fact, that when he feels hands under his arms lifting him from the ground, his eyes fly open and his leg swings up and nearly nails you in the jaw.
"whoa, kyo, hey! it's just me!" you sound half amused, half alarmed as you hold him at arm's length. he freezes, and then he stares with wide, wide eyes as you give a hesitant laugh. "yeah... probably not a good idea to sneak up on a slayer. sorry." his lips part, preparing to speak, but nothing comes out. he doesn't know what to say.
he can't remember the last time he was held, and with so much ease. like he weighs hardly more than a newborn kitten.
your grin fades, and you lower him back to the ground, clearly taking his silence the wrong way. he grabs your wrists before you can retract your arms, closing his mouth and inhaling deeply through his nose. by the time he exhales, he's managed a smile.
"that's alright!" he says. "you merely startled me, no need to apologize! i was prepared for a shout or a touch on the shoulder, not... not that." his voice fades near the end, unintentionally. you look prepared to apologize again, so he lets go of your wrists to clasp one of your hands in both of his, bowing slightly over it. "please forgive my poor reaction! i haven't been held in such a way for a very long time and let my instincts get the better of me!"
"oh, no, that's okay." when he glances up at your expression, you seem thoughtful. "is it... fine if i hold you? i wanted to, but if you don't like it-"
"of course!" he cuts you off, loud and dare you say, eager? he squeezes your hand tighter, then lets go. "i would only request that you don't surprise me in the future, or i won't be responsible for what i might do!"
"aw," you say. "you mean i have to warn you before i do-" you stoop down, sweep one arm under his knees, catch him around the shoulders before he falls, and straighten up, "-this?"
"hm," he says. you moved slow, giving him more than enough time to dance away or stop you. he did no such thing, and now he lies giddy and awkward against your chest, high above the ground, his cheeks as flame-touched as his hair as his smile grows wide and wild. he wrestles his arm out where it's squished between you, throwing it around the back of your neck. his other hand raises to your cheek.
"i told you. i won't be responsible for what i'll do."
he's still smiling when he leans up from your arms to kiss you.
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herbofgraceandpeace · 4 months
Spoilers for A Deadly Education below:
(I haven’t discovered how to do the read more link on mobile yet, sorry for being a tech loser.)
So I really, really, REALLY enjoyed A Deadly Education! It was such a deeply, richly imagined world, and the exposition of it was done wonderfully through El’s grumpy, sarcastic inner dialogue. I don’t think you could actually justify it as complaining, but it sort of works as an explanation for her breaking the fourth wall.
The characters were so deliciously real and believable all around, not just El! Side note: I love, love, love books with many women characters; they are just like life, which ALSO HAS MANY WOMEN CHARACTERS. I don’t think it has to be just women authors who do this, but it’s telling that they’re usually the ones to do so. Anyway, the boys and girls of this book were such people very teenagers, and it heightened the drama naturally as a result! A lot of the book relies on hierarchies of the kind usually found in school stories, but that wasn’t just a cool gimmick or means to enliven the stakes. It meant that the morality of their actions was much more obvious and undeniably relevant, and that’s such a powerful truth about suffering on its own! It strips back the fripperies of life and requires us to make very real decisions about what our relationship to the people around us. What will we do to survive? Can we survive alone? And what counts as survival? If we sacrifice others to save ourselves, what will be left of us at the end?
I loved the way that El’s internal dilemma centers around her ability to harm others easily and her desire to not do so—and sometimes, painfully but so realistically, her battle with her desire to harm them in retaliation for how she’s been treated. One of my favorite parts of the book was El’s moment of decision on whether or not to fight the maw-mouth; it reminded me strongly of the moment from Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables when Valjean has to decide whether to turn up at the trial of the man who has been misidentified as Valjean himself. In both cases, the protagonist is forced to make an utterly self-sacrificing choice—to choose something which will most likely destroy their life completely in order to save someone in many respects undeserving. The freshmen El was attempting were young, innocent, and helpless, but they had done her no favors, and she knew she would gain little to no benefit from saving them. But she did it anyway!! Just as Valjean has to realize that he can’t keep his position as mayor and do good if it’s built on the unjust suffering of this man. (I’ve no idea if that connection makes sense to anyone but me, but I’m tired and can’t explain better.)
I couldn’t help contrasting this book with Spinning Silver since I just read it, and I have to say I was delighted by how much more open discussion of morality (see the paragraph above lol) there was in this book! Spinning Silver was so action-focused that I’ll have to look deeper to get at its themes, whereas El’s narration AND her character arc brought it all to the surface in A Deadly Education. Another of my favorite moments was El’s thoughts on her own anger with Magnus; there was lots of real, convicting truth there. You cannot fight the cycle of violence, of fear, of hatred with the very same weapons—you can only break it through choosing mercy and justice (paradoxically) and giving of yourself. Which brings me to the delightful Orion Lake! Ladies and gentlemen, a certified Boy. I’m not sure if he could be called a narrative foil to El (I’m so tired help), but it’s interesting to observe the difference in how they go about caring for others. El is jaded; she sees the brokenness of the world and all of its cruelty, and she chooses to help others (by denying herself at all times!) anyway. Orion sees much less of the evil in people and in the systems of the world—but! fascinatingly! he sees the evil in the scholomance system in a way that El doesn’t (or at least isn’t prepared to deal with yet). He can’t be bothered to think about the consequences of saving everyone, but he’s darned well willing to die doing it. I was amused and frustrated with El for not seeing him as a kindred spirit earlier on in the book because they both recognize the fundamental principle that might does not make right, that the strong should not prey on the weak. Yet while El refuses to acknowledge how deep her loyalty to this principle really is, Orion’s thoughtlessness means that he’s blind to the ways he himself is perpetuating the abuse of the weak through the enclave. Delightful stuff, and realistic character conflict born of different perspectives and experiences!
also, did I mention we get sisterhood?? I don’t care if they’re just friends, El and Aadyah and Liu are sisters now. To me.
Basically, it’s a great book, and I can’t wait to read the next ones
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theeldritchcorvid · 3 months
Thoughts On The D20 Campaigns I've Watched Thus Far
This is by no means completely exhaustive, it's a mere summary of my absolute BRAINWORMS about this show. Been a long time coming, this one. Under the cut because this is a LONG ONE.
A Crown Of Candy: First campaign I watched. I loved the stakes and how complex these characters were. Brennan getting his murder on was something I didn't expect to like as much as I did. The sets? the design? INCREDIBLE. I want to build Calorum in Minecraft. I bingewatched it and it hurt so badly but I loved it. It was all the bits of Game of Thrones I liked without the bits I don't.
You almost forgot one of the major villains WASN'T made of broccoli. Almost. That levity was sorely needed and it came at very important times.
Ravening War: Watched the Calorum campaigns pretty close together. Found it fascinating how Matt's GM style meshed with the PCs. It felt like the House Of The Dragon to ACOC's Game of Thrones. In the best way. Lou Wilson being actively involved in killing his previous character's own parents. Deus Pa'zuul giving horror and kind of grindhouse energy. Reminded me of a show I like.
A Court Of Fey And Flowers: REGENCY YEARNING. Ruehob! THE COUSINS! Andhera being a constant mood! Aabria serving absolute LOOKS every episode! Loved it. Laughed my ass off and got weirdly invested simultaneously. Really good regency love stories are my absolute kryptonite.
Was introduced by the concept of 'The Goblin Code Of Chivalry' and expected pure comedy. Was wrong. This campaign wrenched my heart out of my chest and restored my faith in love. Also, sidebar: I need to GM or play Good Society these days. Holy shit. I love RP games.
Neverafter: I am spooked senseless and delighted. The fights in this one feel so tense, comparable to ACOC but in a very different sense. I'm a sucker for a really good Fractured Fairy Tale but it has to be very specifically done. The red tokens mechanic made me so happy when I learned how it worked in the finale which I won't spoil but I thought it was a really fun mechanic.
The evolutions of the characters with death was absolutely fascinating. Zac Oyama is now forever a cat to me I'm sorry. And I am blown away by the editing of this season. And Brennan's E1 'make a wisdom saving throw' to Ally out of nowhere is something I enjoyed. It has impacted significantly on my DMing style a LOT as I am someone who likes sharp left turns into horror.
Burrow's End: Currently watching so I can't expand fully on the season but liking it so far! Jasper Cartwright is delightful (he is excellent on Oxventure when he guests on that show which is where I know him from.) The characters all feel so rich and there is clearly something deeply unsettling behind these lovely forest creatures. Never fully understood the Humans Are Cthulhu trope until now. Aabria yet again brings an absolute banger of a campaign and I cannot WAIT to carry on with it
Sorry for the long post, everyone. I'd absolutely recommend 'You Awaken In A Strange Place' on Oxventure for D20 enjoyers who favour the chaotic. It slays me in the best way.
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moxfirefly · 11 months
Oh! Oh! Mikey deserves some love 🥺 how aboooout... 15 and 23 with fem!reader? 😏 if you're up for it c: (love all of your works btw you're one of my inspirations)
You know I love this for my boy Mike! Also that means a lot to me! I’m glad my silly little stories can bring so much joy 🖤
Rated explicit (18+ only)
"Don't be gentle with me—I like it when you're rough."
He felt that small animalistic prickling hit his veins the second you said it. Because for Mikey, being rough wasn’t exactly necessary but not unwanted.
It was the way your hips met up towards his own in a roll that fried his brain. In the way your pretty hands ran up his plastron and found his chain and tugged.
He was taken with how pretty your skin looked, flushed and sweaty and just the way your walls kept hugging his dick.
Urging him to let loose.
To really make you his.
You don’t have much time to register when he pulls out, the emptiness enough to make you whine but it’s when he flips you onto your stomach that you bite your lip.
It’s the way his hands lift your hips and push your upper back onto the mattress, the burn of the position really making the moment all the more delightful. Something smart was about to leave your lips when you feel him push into you with a grunt that makes your toes curl.
“You’re so tight like this for me baby, so so good—“ Mikey rolls his hips, slowly testing the waters and you want to remind him of your previous statement.
But when his hand wraps around the back of your neck to keep you in place, to absolutely ravish you…
To simply fuck you.
You know your desires did not fall on deaf ears.
Your hands don’t know where to go but Mikey seems to have plans because the stuff hold on your neck disappears in turn to grabs both your forearms to pin them on your back. “Oh—FUCK!” Your moans are muffled by the sheets and the ache slithers into that delicious burn. Mikey’s thrust aren’t letting up and that persistent plap plap plap sound has you under a spell.
“That’s what my girl wanted, huh?” He emphasized his cockiness with another sharp thrust. It was enough to make you squeak. When he yanked you up by the end and wrapped his own around your midsection your head fell against his shoulder.
Mikey attached his mouth to your neck, bit the sensitive flesh enough to make you moan.
Enough to leave a red mark.
“You’re mine,” He whispered nearly drunkenly against your neck.
When his finger found your clit, all you could do was bite back a moan.
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chynandri · 1 year
Additional Thoughts About Ibara & Aesthetics
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Using this image to indicate to you that I'm gonna be mentioning Rouge&Ruby a LOT.
Writing this post on Ibara and Tsumugi's dorm room, it reminded me of some more thoughts I’ve been microwaving in my brain for a while. From the dorm post we’ve pretty clearly established that Ibara… doesn’t express much of a personality in his sense of style 😂 he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone ok
HOWEVER… what I’ve found really intriguing about him (besides everything.) is that despite that lack of self expression in a personal space, he does have a strong sense for art and aesthetics in what he creates.
What tipped me off on this was actually his in-game office interaction with the whiteboard. He has the ‘good’ result of drawing a cute bird, saying he ‘knows a little about the arts’ (which probably means he knows a lot, he’s just being fake humble). When I first saw this, I was a little bit surprised.
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So later on, when Rouge&Ruby confirmed that he does do costume designs and storyboards himself, I was pretty excited to see his artistic skills a little bit expanded upon.
And actually, he has said this interesting thing in relation to art:
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Translation by Land of Zero
So clearly, Ibara has a sense for the value of art and thinks it’s important.
And it aligns with how he intended for Adam to focus on the art of performance (compared to Eve which is more popular and takes on more entertainment jobs).
What I’m trying to say is that while he obviously loves making money and business domination, he also has an understanding and skill for art and design. Business, art, aesthetics often come hand in hand I think, as having a good concept and attractive visuals is essential to selling anything...
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Translation by Land of Zero
Considering he designed every part of Melting Rouge Soul + Ruby Love himself and contacted Hiyori for his connections to chocolate designers so that Eden's chocolates stand out, I feel his consideration for making something with 'artistic and financial value' really comes through in Rouge&Ruby.
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Translation by Land of Zero
I think the whole point of that event is that within Ibara there is a passionate burning soul bursting with expression and creativity (even love) in pursuit of his ambitions, and it comes through so so much in those songs and his own performance. He’ll prove Eden’s superiority in every avenue possible, not just monetarily but also artistically.
Although all this is only applied to his work, which is what he’s most passionate about. To Ibara, his work IS him:
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Translation by Land of Zero
Additionally, Rinne notes Ibara’s more 'poetic' (and nerdy 🤓) side with how the Minotaurs Labyrinth is designed in Ariadne (variety show Ibara traps Crazy:b in):
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Not only do things have to look good, they have to be quite meaningful and conceptual too. I mean, this IS coming from the guy who bases his whole personality and image on one (1) book he read as a sad little kid (Art of War btw) and inserts very unsubtle Bible references everywhere.
And Ibara putting the most effort into his chocolates despite being annoyed at having to make chocolates past Valentine's Day and it having no relation to work:
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Translation by Land of Zero. He loves to succeed and be impressive for the sake of it.
So where he doesn’t put much effort into his personal spaces or appearance outside of work, it’s all because Ibara’s personality is just one that’s extremely singularly focused on one thing - his passion and work. I think this creates another interesting and lovely paradox to his personality, just one of the many this guy has. It’s what makes Ibara so delightful as a character.
Tl;dr - Ibara is actually quite into art and aesthetics, and even artistically inclined himself.
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blood-gulch · 3 months
grace blood-gulch's s14 episode ranking list because i am so special and have lots of thoughts on every episode ever :)
Tier 1 - legitimately good quality content i recommend viewing
Room Zero - as someone who was personally Waiting those multiple years to see that rvb animated episode be finished i was so excited by this one. also i just love the animation + attention to character details in the og one. even though it doesnt really add much to that original base, newer fans should watch it to appreciate the animation cuz its cute. especially fond of every character detail moment like church running backward and using his hand to slide or the earliest iteration of grif being canonically animated as fat. idk i love it a lot and i think its p cute and well worth the watch. it's also the first episodically which is neat. good opener for s14.
The Brick Gulch Chronicles - look its stop motion lego and its cute as fuuuuuuck. the plot being sarges bday is adorable. literally awesome.
Fight the Good Fight - okay i just find it cute and quirky and generally enjoyed watching it quite a bit :) it made me laugh. the [Red] team gag was good. it reminded me of the similar gag from the simpsons in the kamp krusty episode. my dad always makes jokes about that specific gag so ahh. definitely worth the watch but understandable to skip.
Caboose's Guide to Making Friends - its just really fucking cute idfk
Head Cannon - This one's just really funny and also adds on to a scene that already was fun in a good way. Enjoyable. Highly recommended.
Get Bent - I wish sarge was still an old woman but dykenut and church bisexuality balances it out. i also wish we had female tucker. it makes me sad we didnt get female tucker.
Red vs. Blue the Musical - The reds' song is about weapons and the blues' song is about church killing himself. 10/10. no notes. perfect summation of rvb in like 10 minutes.
Mr. Red vs Mr. Blue - genuinely delightful like a distilled everything i like about tucker. he's really fun here. also sister is fun here.
The Triplets & The "Mission" - The triplets own hard. the scene with wash connie and south at the end always makes me smile. ohio girl youre fucking crazy but youre everything. I love you.
Tier 2 - Decent content. You can skip but still somewhat worth ur time.
From Stumbled Beginnings and Why They're Here - Mostly fun. Asterisk mostly. There's an episode between these two that's technically an episode trilogy you should skip. Otherwise is pretty fun.
The #1 Movie in the Galaxy: 3 - This is silly and fun. I enjoyed it. It's also short.
Meta vs Carolina: Dawn of Awesome - look man its a death battle. if you like death battle youll have fun. if you hate death battle you can skip it. shoutout sarge deadbeat dad implications though. i cant even be mad its just not the character id expect them to do that to...
Grey vs Gray - i found it fun :) nothing stand out tho. skippable but not egregiously bad.
Immersion: The Warthog Flip - Look if you Like seeing science stuff yeah its a good watch. if you dont like that you can skip it. I like the math and science though. you don't lose anything in skipping though.
Tier 3 - Meh
Orange is the New Red & Invaders from Another Mother - theyre not bad but aged... poorly. i thought they were funny when i was younger but i watched funhaus actively then. i dont know how this would fare to a non-FH fan. Desert Dance [Spins]
Red vs. Blue vs. Roosterteeth - I KNOWWWWW THERES A LOT OF NOSTALGIA its just .... not very funny. its creators meeting their characters but its also odd in a strange way. you can watch it if youre curious enough. i liked the end voice over of s14 a lot tho so like maybe watch it and if youre bored skip to the end lol
Tier 4 - Drink a lot or watch with friends to experience enjoyment
Club, Call, & Consequences - look man the only way youre enjoying this is if you are a hardcore lolix guy or you are wasted out of your mindddd. im sorry who the fuck is siris. i honest to god thought siris was a bit as a joke on the whole thing of "grif simmons and hammer" from earlier. they never even mention siris again. who the fuck is siris. i felt like i was like lied to or something . sorry siris is so fucking funny. well he didnt have a personality but thats ok. i dont know if he actually exists.
RvB Throwdown - Get Miles Luna out of the booth. never let him rap again.
Tier 5 - Bad. Skip it.
Fifty Shades of Red - Fifty Shades of Red has possibly one of the worst jokes in the series that immediately assassinates Tucker into a pretty fucking awful light and retroactively ruins his character for the preceding 13 seasons. I honestly recommend skipping Fifty Shades of Red to avoid that one tucker joke. its not necessary and contributes nothing. The rest of the episode is fine and on the level of stumbled beginnings & why theyre here. but god that one joke is so bad i can't in good faith recommend it. it just leaves me fuming LOL i could write an essay as it being the origin point of post s13 writers room tucker hate where they start trying to make him an irredeemable asshole & dont understand his whole deal for the rest of the series.
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jmrothwell · 7 days
Fic writer asks:
4, 11, 16, 24, 44, 70
(there are too many great questions!)
Thank you thank you! They are really good questions!! (found here)
Long post is long so there's a read more cut. (Question 16. (How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?) gets especially long because I decided I want to discuss all my WIPs.)
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
This is a wonderful question, and honestly it depends. Some ideas definitely are me reading or watching something and forming an AU around that. Sometimes it's listening to music and a vibe strikes me that I am like I must write a story that fits this vibe. Other times, I'll be daydreaming and a single scene will pop into my mind and haunt me until I write it down which usually leads to creating the world and circumstances to allow that scene to happen. Sometimes I get an impulsive (in the cases of my darker angstier stuff intrusive thought) and my brain is like wouldn't that be messed up? (Like Crash Pad, Ch 11 solely happened because I built the backstory for the POV character and brain went, you know what't be really screwed up?)
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Oh geez. But there are so many good fics!! At this moment the immediate top 3 that jumped in my head were:
-It's a supernatural delight by @invisibleraven (JatP fic) -Trip of My Life (Every Time You're Touching Me) by @daintyduck99 (JatP fic) -Prince Charming's Jacket by hitechlatte (Rise TMNT fic)
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
So most of my fic ideas are in some WIP phase. (I'm serious when I saw I need a focus schedule to help me out) We Run Together - This next chapter is all Reggie being all anxiety riddled because Cam and Bobby take him shopping . . .still not sure if we're gonna get to the plane ride this chapter or next. Bobby's first since turning and Reggie's first period. . .it's a miserable affair for the two of them. I have this mental image of them during a layover just sprawled in the waiting away noses shoved in some sort of fast food bag or peppermint bag fighting off the queasiness of being trapped in a metal tube with a bunch of people, including young kids. . Hello Baby June, Goodbye Heart - I keep going back an reading what we have for the next chapter and all our notes. I don't know how much Ash is ok with me gushing about details bu I'll just say the stuff we've got planned it's literally that meme of "give me fic. 'you have to write it.' no write only fic." A lot of of my JatP wips are on rotisserie skewers in my brain right now, rotating, coming into view, reminding me of their presence, enticing me to work on them. And they ALL have moments that I am like, you were the scene! The reason I started this fic in the first place and I still haven't gotten to you yet!! . Crash and Burn - Gotta get through this last chapter of Crash Pad, which is gonna be fun. But then Glowing Embers!! Aaaah, the Donnie POV side of Crash Pad!! Especially Ch 9-11 of Crash Pad like I am at that point of must write this that I have worked myself into a frenzied state where writing is no longer possible . Finally the Donnie Double AU - This AU has so much angst potential. Right now I have two planned fics for it. An unnamed one where Mikey goes after the Donnie Duplicate to try and coax him back to the lair. Only instead he sets him off. And like I said, it gets angsty. The Donnie Duplicate 1000% believes he is OG Donnie, it is hardwired into him, no amount of evidence is going to convince him otherwise. Also hardwired into him is the belief that the only way to get his life back is to kill the entity that stole it from him i.e. OG Donnie. Which leads me to the second planned fic Meant to Be(working title, it may change). This is the reader insert(possibly OC) led fic. Essentially the premise is Donnie Duplicate runs into MC, and initially begins clinging to them out of an 'I just lost my entire support system' desperation that turns into a really unhealthy obsessive possessiveness. When I say it is pulling a lot of vibes, especially the planned ending, from Meant to be Yours from Heathers the Musical I ain't lying. In fact most of the vibe songs I am pulling for this lean into dark and angsty feels. Straight up have been listening to a song called Stalker's Tango on a loop for planning parts of this fic
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
Hmmmmmm, this ones tough, if it was bad advice I most likely purged it from my mind. The thing is sometimes what is great advice for one person and their way of writing may be terrible advice for some one else. Like even the write daily advice, I think this is great advice. But it needs to be tailored to some extent. When I got back into fic writing I worked myself to the point where I am now needing to reevaluate my expectations of me and my writing. Because I can no longer keep up with the way I wrote a few years ago. The same advice I would have thought was great then would kill me now.
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
This question would be easier if I had a regular beta XD. Personal mistake of my own that I keep noticing, I don't let the story breath enough.
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I have no hesitations telling people I write. I might not always discuss what the stories themselves are. But the brilliant thing about fanfiction is I don't have to, I can just talk about the joy of exploring the characters outside of canon, exploring how they would behave in different circumstances. At my sister's wedding a couple years ago, most people didn't even care about the what I was writing, more on the how I found the time. Because this was when I was in peak production mode, where I was slowly burning myself out with the sheer amount of writing I was doing without pacing myself at all.
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