#But it was really awkward and we didn't even talk
allllium · 24 hours
~ Soft!Jason is the best Jason
~ WC: 1,566 [Fluff, Hurt/Comfort]
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- You and Jason have a sleepover
You and Jason have been dating for a couple months at this point and he has yet to sleepover at your house. Not only that but he's never allowed you to sleep at his overnight. For a while you didn't know whether or not to be offended by this but Jason quickly assured you that wasn't the case.
You know Jason went through some shit, as much as he's tried to hide it, the scar on his chest isn't something he can easily hide from the light. Although he's yet to explain everything to you, you try your best to understand some things he simply can't do.
Once you finally accepted that spending the night with Jason wasn't something you'd be able to do, he surprised you.
“Hey sweetheart.” He greets you as you answer the phone.
“Hey Jay, what's up?” You don't know why he's calling you only an hour before he's coming over for dinner, but to each their own.
“Nothing much. I was just wondering how you felt about having dinner over at my place?”
“Oh um yeah we can do that. Is there any reason?”
“Do I need a reason to cook for the one I love?” He was gonna cook at your house anyway.
“You know you were gonna have to cook at my place anyway, what's really going on?”
“Nothing, baby. I'll see you later?”
“Yeah I'll be there.”
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As suspicious as it was, you got ready and began your short journey to Jason's place. Even though you don't know what's about to happen you've eliminated a few options. There's no way he'd want you to come to his apartment if he was going to dump you. Not that he would either way. You think.
When you push open the door, you can see that Jason has already finished preparing dinner. He's now trying and failing to light candles on the table.
“Need help with that?” You ask him, taking off your shoes by the door.
“No, I got it.” He gets the candles lit and turns to greet you properly. With a very excited kiss from your boyfriend and a very fancy dinner, you know something is going on.
“Hi Jay.” You smile sweetly. Giving him a tender hug.
“Hi. I'm glad you're here.” Looking into his eyes you can see the vulnerability shining through.
You look around his apartment to see nothing but furniture. You're well aware of Jason's neat freak habit but somehow something seems different. You decide not to read anything into it, considering he constantly cleans your own apartment when he comes over.
“I'm glad too. But can I know why?” It's not that you don't want to be at his place, it's just that you rarely are. You can count on your hand the amount of times he has invited you to his instead of suggesting yours.
“I just want to enjoy a night here, with you.” That's vague.
“Okay? What's for dinner?” You decide to change the subject, he'll tell you what he's thinking about eventually.
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You and Jason eat your dinner in almost complete silence. It's comfortable silence, not that awkward silence when you just don't know what to say. You can tell he's overthinking something but you don't know whether or not you should ask about it. The last thing you want to do is pressure him into talking.
Soon after you move onto the couch to watch a movie. Despite your insistence to clean the dishes before laying down, he drags you with him to watch a movie. Something you've never seen before and low-key have no interest in but you're happy just laying with him while he enjoys it.
“Mm Jay.” You poke at his shoulder and try to get his attention. He quickly looks up at you from his position with his head laying in your lap.
“What's up sweetness?” You can barely hear him though the sleepiness coating his voice.
“I should probably go.” You whisper. This is usually the point where Jason politely but firmly kicks you out. He always tries his best not to be mean about it.
“No?” He says as a question.
“What do you mean? You want me to stay a little longer?” Your heart beats faster as you realize what he might mean. This is ridiculous. So he might want you to stay the night. No need to have a heart attack over it. It's just sleeping.
“Can you stay the night?” He asks, even quieter than before, like he's prepared for you to say no.
“Of course I can.” You immediately confirm, continuing to scratch his scalp as if your heart's not about to beat out of your chest.
“I'm sorry I haven't asked you before.” He begins to explain, you try to tell him he doesn't need to but he continues. “I've wanted to for a while now but I haven't been able to. It's because of you, I have nightmares and I've been too scared to really deal with them. But you make me feel more relaxed than I have ever been.”
“I make you relaxed?”
“What? Is that the only thing you got from that?” He seems genuinely surprised at your single question.
“Well yeah. I like knowing that you feel relaxed around me.”
“You're not worried or anything?” He pulls his head out of your lap to make eye contact as you talk.
“Worried? About what?” You raise your eyebrows in confusion and try to think about something you should be worried about. There's nothing you can think of.
“Well I don't know. Like having your sleep interrupted or having to deal with me in the middle of the night.” The more he talks the more anxious he gets. You can tell he's starting to doubt his decision to ask you to stay.
“Of course not. It's not like I get enough sleep anyway and I am more than happy to help you if that's what you need, at any time.”
“You really do need to get more sleep.”
“Okay Mr falling asleep on me.” You roll your eyes in sarcasm.
“C'mon that's on you. You can't play with my hair and expect me not to react. I'm only human after all.”
“Hmm I'm not too sure about that, you're too perfect to be human.” He gives you a big grin as he stands off the couch and starts to pull you off as well.
“Then I guess we'll be aliens together.” He pulls you into him and looks deep into your eyes.
“Such a sweet talker.” You rebut, trying to keep distracted from the butterflies filling your stomach.
“Yeah, just for you.” He spins you both in the direction of his bedroom. Yeah those butterflies are too strong to ignore.
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Sitting on his bed, he stands off to the side of it, contemplating something.
“It's okay Jay, I can go if you need? Or sleep on the couch?” You try to stand but he immediately pushes you back down.
“No fucking way.”
“Are you gonna come sit with me?”
“Yes. I'm just thinking.”
“About?” You gently reach over and pull his hand into yours. Softly coaxing him closer.
“This. Us.”
“Hm all good things?”
“Yeah all good.” He smiles and joins you on the bed.
“Good. I really like you.”
“I really like you too.” You can't hide your smile once you see the slight red tint his face has taken. “Do you want something better to sleep in?”
“Yes please.” Without another word, he grabs you some clothes of his, and lets you change privately.
Soon enough you're laying on your side in his bed with him pressed up behind you. His arms quickly make their way over your body to pull you as close as possible.
“This might be the comfiest I've ever been.” He sleepily tells you, warm breath hitting the back of your neck.
“Me too. Your bed is extremely comfortable.”
“I hope so, I want you here all the time.”
“That can be arranged.” You dig yourself deeper into his bed and arms. You feel as if you've been buried in a giant cocoon of warmth and you never want to leave.
It doesn't take long for you both to fall into a deep sleep, and although you expected it, neither one of you wakes up throughout the night.
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“Good morning, sweetheart.” Jason greets you sweetly from his place by the stove. The smell of pancakes overwhelms you.
“Good morning Jay. Why are you up so early?” You sit on the counter next to the stove, watching him move gracefully as he cooks.
“I wanted to thank you. I know pancakes aren't the best thank you gift but it's all I have at the moment.”
You quickly cut off his rambling, “thank you gift? For what?”
“For staying with me. Last night was the first night in a long time I haven't woken up from a nightmare.”
“Oh Jay, you don't need to thank me for that. I'm more than happy to be with you.”
You hop off the counter and take the spatula out of his hand. You place your hands on either side of his face and pull him in for a gentle kiss.
“I really like you.” He whispers against your lips.
“I really like you too Jay.” You whisper back, smiles blooming on both your faces.
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melminli · 19 hours
𝗡𝗼 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀 - 𝟬𝟮
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pairing: jjk x fem. reader
summery - meeting new people can be nerve-wracking, but that's how you make new friends.
word count: 1,2k
content: x reader, pre canon au, genshin impact inspired themes, crack, fluff, (in the future: manga spoilers, angst, gojo satoru x reader...)
series masterlist | previous chapter!
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tokyo, august 21 2005
"i think i'll have the blueberry cheesecake..." you finally decide after thinking about it for a while and looking at the different options at the shop window.
satoru joined you. "yeah, me too."
you looked at him in annoyance in response. "are you stupid? pick something else. we can't both have the same thing." you pointed at something else in the window by tapping on the glass. "take the chocolate cake. i want to try it."
his mood worsened at your statement. "you always do this, and then you don't share yourself, so i always end up eating the things you actually want!" he threw the accusation at you being finally fed up with your behavior.
you laughed lightly and didn't take him seriously. "is that so?" you didn't elaborate further because you didn't really care, to be honest. it wasn't your fault that he always wanted to order the same thing you did. hasn't he ever heard of the rule that when you go out to eat somewhere, you have to pick different stuff?
you waited outside on a bench while he went in to buy the pastries, and you looked a little surprised when he came out a few minutes later with a box too big for just two cakes. "what did you buy?" you asked him a bit judgmentally. though, maybe the right question to ask was how much. you shouldn't have let him go in alone.
he just shrugged his shoulders. "the cakes and a few other things because we're going to meet some of my friends." he casually gave the reason while being very aware of the fact that this wasn't the original plan.
you shook your head. "no, we didn't talk about anything like that. i don't want to meet your friends." you said directly without hesitation. you had a relatively good day today, a good mood, and the weather was nice. you wouldn't ruin that by spending your precious time being awkward around other people.
satoru just rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses. "i know you don't like talking to strangers, but you need to get out of your comfort zone a bit."
there was literally no reason why you had to do that. you didn't know why he made that his mission today. "i'm doing this with you already, isn't that enough?" you complained.
he sent you an offended look at that statement. "we've known each other for ages. that's definitely not the definition of strangers." he said a bit bitter. you always had to unintentionally break his heart like that.
you avoided his gaze. "i'll look up the definition right now if you keep bugging me." you said, being a little petty but also didn't want to risk exposing yourself in case he was right. you guys had been hanging out pretty often since you met two months ago, and he also texts you every day and spams your phone with dumb memes. "besides, i don't want to meet your stupid friends."
"they're not stupid. come on." he ignored your whining and went ahead. he knew you would follow him eventually since he was carrying your blueberry cheesecake. otherwise, he wouldn't have acted so confidently.
you considered following him for a while until you shouted. "wait for me!" you said and ran after him.
a while after that...
you ate your cake in silence and didn't pay much attention to the others. it was kind of relaxing to picnic outside, you thought. especially in the shady place under the trees. but even though you were a person who said what was on their mind most of the time, you were pretty quiet right now. well, you were kinda outnumbered here, so one could say that you felt a little intimidated, perhaps.
was it very obvious that you had grown up isolated and had never actually interacted with others around your age? you hoped not because even if you didn't like to admit it, satoru was the only person you would consider somewhat of a friend, and you certainly didn't want to put that on your resume.
"so, why aren't you a jujutsu sorcerer if you can see curses?" the girl next to you asked you in a casual tone.
you shrugged your shoulders and answered without looking her in the face. you were pretty nervous right now, you always wanted to be friends with a girl. "i don't know. why do you ask stupid questions when you can just shut up?"
satoru looked at you with disappointment. "hey, what did we talk about? stop being mean to others as a defense meschanism. you need to let others into you." he said the last sentence in a therapist voice while pointing both his hands to his heart. "this way, you just come across as a total asshole and no one will like you that way."
you just rolled your eyes and wondered why he always bothered you to hang out with him if you were such an ass. "that's what your mom did last night."
the other two friends laughed lightly at the trap that the gojo had set up for himself. he looked a bit betrayed at the two before he started saying something quick to somehow save his honor. "well, unlike you, i have a certain charm that appeals to older women. so i don't know. maybe i actually have a chance with your mom." he countered, emphasizing the last words extra hard.
it was a little painful to watch him try so hard. he just made things worse with that awkward statement. "my mom's dead, actually." she wasn't, but you loved the look on others' faces when you told them that after they made a your mom joke. you tried to stifle your laughter at satoru's expression, but you couldn't help but slightly contort your face.
it was a bit difficult not to be childish when you had lost your childhood to the hands of adults. it was something you would never get back and therefore would always stick with you.
the white-haired boy finally noticed what you did. "stop lying to make me look like a idiot! you really made me seem like a bad person!"
the three of you thought the same thing at what he said. he was worried about that? satoru's best friend couldn't help but add something as well. you think his name was suguru. "you don't need her help for that, i think you can do that all by yourself."
this led to the two continuing to bicker and exchange insults and threats with each other as they butted heads.
shoko ignored them and turned to you again. she didn't really mind your rudeness. you seemed like a good person with a tough shell. she asked you something because she wanted to make sure that she had heard you correctly before. "what did you say your last name was again?"
you looked at her and answered with a disinterested tone after reaching for a fruit roll. "raiden. why?"
she shook her head. "no reason." she looked up through the small gaps in the foliage, which let out pretty rays of sunlight. raiden means thunder and lightning, doesn't it?
to be continued...
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echobx · 2 days
author's note: this is something I wrote for my oc!fic but I hit a writer's block and I have to redo it all to combat that, but I didn't wanna lose this entirely to the bin, so I'm posting it bc my brain also won't let me put it into a one shot somewhere. and how's your day going bc this is also the third time of me trying to post this...
warnings: pet names, making out, talk of sex, 1st person pov!!
word count: ≈900
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“Tell me what you want,” JJ demanded with a whisper and my breath hitched at his hand harshly squeezing my hip.
“You. I want you, J,” I whispered and he kissed me.
“Want me to make you feel better?” he rasped, running his hands up and taking my shirt with them.
“Pretty please,” I begged and he leaned up and pulled me with him so he could take my shirt off. He was basically gawking at my boobs, which gave me enough time to open his shorts, diverting his focus.
“What are you doing?”
“I thought-” I looked at him with puppy eyes and he smiled.
“I'm not gonna fuck you, not yet.” Then he got up and I decided to do the same. It had been a bad idea anyway. Things were happening too fast and I wasn't-
“What are you doing?” JJ repeated, standing on the opposite side of the bed and looking at me, as I was holding onto my shirt, but his shorts were off. And his boxers really didn't do the best job at concealing his erection.
“I thought you didn't-” the words got stuck in my throat.
“Put the shirt down,” he ordered and I let the fabric fall to the floor. Then he pointed at the bed and I quickly opened my shorts and let them fall to the floor too.
“What was that now?” JJ chuckled.
“I thought, because you did and- Equality, you know?” I mumbled.
“Yeah, but I wanted to take those off,” JJ laughed lightly and I bent down to pull my shorts back up.
“You don't have to put them on again, princess,” he ran his hand through his hair and I furrowed my brows.
“This is very confusing to me.”
JJ stepped around the bed and cupped my face with his large hands. “I'm sorry, I didn't think- Should I explain?” I nodded and he continued speaking. “I'm not gonna have sex with you, today, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. And if you want me to strip for you, just say the word. Also, taking your clothes off of you is part of my job from now on. All right?”
“I understand,” I whispered and he smiled boyishly.
“Good. ‘Cause I love you.”
“Love you too, J.”
He took a step back, looking me up and down as a guttural groan left him. “How do I even deserve you?”
“I didn't plan this,” I shook my head and looked down at myself. It had been a total coincidence that I had decided to wear one of the new sets that morning; the peach one. “I promise, I didn't plan it.”
“I don't care if you did or not, you look hot as fuck, baby,” he bit his lip and shook his head slowly, admiring every last inch of my body. “Turn around for a sec,” he asked and I did.
“Do you like it?” I asked and in response he pulled my flush to his chest, his hard cock pressing into my ass.
“Fucking love it, baby,” he quietly growled into my ear before biting down on my earlobe. “You make me crazy, darling.”
I sighed as his hands roamed my body, squeezing and grabbing, while his lips were leaving wet kisses on my neck and shoulders. And when his hand slipped between my legs, running over my wet slip and softly pressing into me, I bit my lip to not moan as loudly as I wanted to. My mind was completely blank, nothing but the pure pleasure he was giving me filled it up. JJ wanted to pull his hand away again, but I held onto it. Turning my head to look at him over my shoulder, I looked into his lust drunken eyes and he kissed me. Drawing soft circles on my clothed clit with his thumb.
“I want to try again,” I whispered, his forehead leaning against mine as he nodded.
“C’mon.” With that he let go of me and pulled me into bed with him.
“Do you wanna try like last time?” JJ asked as we sat on the bed and it felt a little awkward.
“I wanna not think about it,” I whispered and he smiled.
“I'm good when it comes to not thinking, maybe even the best,” JJ murmured while leaning over and pressing a kiss to my lips. His kisses had the ability to make me forget the world around us, so it just felt natural when he laid me down underneath him, groping at my tits and pressing his knee in between my legs and-
“J,” I moaned and he looked at me a little concerned.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” I smiled and played with the hair in the nape of his neck. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” he hushed and went back to kissing me, his leg still pressed against my wet cunt.
His kisses traveled down my neck over my shoulder, pushing the bra strap down and letting me free my arm. He kissed my throat and I threw my head back, moaning softly before he went to my left shoulder and pulled the strap down there, too.
Rolling down the lace of my bra he started kissing the swell of my breasts, moaning against my skin as soon as his lips closed around my nipple.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
only tagging moots bc this doesn't really count as a standalone blurb/fic to my brain || @redhead1180 @maybankskiss @princessmaybank
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sadisticsongbird · 3 days
playing god's game ~ coriolanus snow
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warnings: blood, talk of mental health, talk of death, idk really
word count: 3.8k
a/n: a shorter one, but bigger ones are coming. i had to adjust some timeline things for the next few chapters and im sorry this has been slow burn for pretty much all of it but im really excited for this story. its honestly been one of my favorites to write! anyways, ENJOY!
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The rest of the evening went by in a blur. It was evident both you and Coriolanus could tell that the feeling wasn’t the same the rest of the night as it was in the first few minutes. Everything was strictly professional from there on out despite the few stares that both of you pretended not to notice. After a couple hours of hammering away at some ideas, Tigris came to check on the two of you. When it was clear you weren’t even finished yet, she left and came back with a pink silk gown and robe for you. You just stared at it, unsure what to do with it. It was one of the finest materials you would ever have the opportunity to wear. When you didn’t take it from her, she thrust it into your arms and told you to follow her. Leading you to her own room, she let you in alone to change. You didn't mean to pry during, but the drawings on her walls were too alluring to ignore. Tigris was a brilliant designer. As you left her room, you made sure to tell her as much. She smiled at you, simply thanking you and telling you to get back to work. 
And that’s what you spent the rest of the night doing. To the point you hadn’t even realized you fell asleep. 
When you woke up, the sun was pouring in through the tattered curtains in the corner office. Lifting your head up from the wooden desk, you sat up, realizing that Coriolanus was nowhere to be found. His desk was tidied up from the papers and books the two of you had scattered last night. Everything sat neatly in its original position. You knew that Coriolanus was an organized person, but he didn’t seem meticulous. Judging by the state of the rest of the apartment compared to his corner, you assumed he hated not having control over the cluttered apartment. 
You rotated your head to look behind you at the rest of the apartment when you noticed something fall off your shoulders: a blanket. Coriolanus or Tigris must’ve placed it over your frame after you fell asleep. Your cheeks heated up, in embarrassment or simply because you were thankful, you hadn’t a clue. Honestly, you didn’t know when you fell asleep last night. You don’t remember closing out a conversation, but you don’t remember feeling tired either. Regardless, it felt awkward to be alone in the Snows’ apartment. You stood up from your spot, draping the fallen blanket over the back of it. You felt bad snooping, but you badly wanted Tigris or Coriolanus to appear. There didn’t seem to be any noise coming from the apartment and the curtain to the room opposite to Coriolanus's office was closed. You figured that was where their grandmother stayed, but you didn’t want to pry. Thankfully, right on cue, the front door opened, revealing a colorful Tigris. She was like a drop of sunshine to an otherwise gloomy home. 
“Y/N! Hey, I figured you would be up soon. Is Coryo still here?”
“Huh?” You were still waking up. “Oh, uhm, no. I think he left. I mean, he could be here. He wasn’t in the office when I woke up.”
“He probably left to bring your proposal to Gaul already.” You had forgotten about turning in the proposal. You know you didn’t put your name on it, so you hoped that Coriolanus would give you some credit. After yesterday’s events in the classroom, you weren’t sure. “Do you want some?” Tigris asked. 
“What?” you asked, unsure how long you had zoned out. Looking towards her, you saw that she had some packaged breakfast cakes, ones similar to the ones that Ma made. “Yeah, sure.”
Tigris smiled at you, happy that you agreed. “I wanted to go out and get some real breakfast for you. We…we don’t have much here.” She paused for a moment. “Don’t tell Coriolanus I told you this. He…well, just don’t.” She stopped again after speaking that hushed tone. “Anyways, your uniform is laying in my room on the small sofa if you want to go get changed.”
She turned around when you walked away towards her room. I didn’t take long to get dressed back into your uniform and jacket. Folding the gown she let you borrow, you made sure to assure its good condition before laying it on her bed. 
Walking back into the main area, you could smell the warmed cakes and you didn’t seem to be the only one. Grandma’am’s curtain opened the same time you stepped out of Tigris’s room. You felt bad that you were still ‘invading’ their home when Coriolanus was no longer even here. She seemed standoffish toward you already last night, but you didn’t want to make it worse. 
“Good morning,” you said shyly. 
She didn’t reply for a moment, looking you up and down in the same outfit she last saw you in last night. Compared to her attire, you looked homeless. “Good morning,” she said, not disgusted but obviously not happy with your presence. 
“Grandma’am!” Tigris said, interrupting the awkward moment. The old lady smiled at the entrance of her granddaughter. “I got some treats for our guest. Sit and I’ll get you some too,” she said, leading the woman over to the open space on the table. “Y/N, sit. I’ll be right back.”
When she left, the two of you sat down next to one another in what you anticipated to be silence. “I’ve never met any of Coriolanus’s friends.”
“Oh?” you asked, for two reasons. One, you couldn’t believe that Coriolanus didn’t let any of his other friends meet his family when it was almost normal for esteemed Capitol citizens to know everyone and their families. Two, that Coriolanus could consider you a friend. 
“I blame myself. He’s very protective of us and our home. Sometimes maybe too much.”
Tigris reappeared, setting the plate of cakes down in front of the two of you and turning the TV on in the corner of the room. 
“Just yesterday, one of the tributes brutally murdered one of our own Capitol children. Arachne Crane, daughter of Idmon and Lucia Crane, sister to Phalanx Crane, was dearly loved and cherished by her family, friends, and classmates.” You knew that the zoo was being broadcast, but you thought they’d get rid of the footage from yesterday. Your assumptions were proved wrong when clips of Arachne’s death played over and over again from different angles. It was almost strategic how they continued to replay it, but it made you shutter and look away from the screen. Not before you saw a glimpse of Coriolanus run over to her fallen form, though. “She will be honored for her contributions to the Hunger Games this year per Volumnia Gaul’s request and remembered by friends and family at a funeral service held this evening in front of the Academy.”
Tigris shut off the television as soon as it was turned on. Unbeknownst to you, they continued to play the footage, which means only moments after you looked away your figure appeared onto the screen, running to Coriolanus’s aid and dodging the bullets sprayed in your direction. The feed cut the moment the tribute from 10, Arachne’s tribute and murderer, was shot down. 
“Y/N, I had no idea. Coriolanus didn’t-” She cut herself off. 
You had stopped eating at this point, keeping your focus down on your fidgety, sweaty hands. You felt a hand rest on your shoulder, making you look up. Grandma’am had also stopped eating, focusing her attention on you. “Thank you. For protecting him.”
You gave her a weak smile before glancing towards Tigris. She looked stunned to say the least. You didn’t want sympathy from them when there were others who needed it. “Thank you, Tigris. For the breakfast. For everything. I should really get going, though. To class.”
“Will they still have it?” she asked, watching you stand up, leaving your breakfast practically untouched. 
“I doubt Gaul will put a pause to the Games. If anything, Arachne’s death will make her want it to come sooner,” you said. As much as you hated it, you knew that things would be much harder on the tributes now, and in turn, much harder for you. 
“Okay,” she sighed. “At least let me walk with you. I should get to work anyways.”
“Sure,” you shrugged. You moved out of the way as Tigris cleaned up your unfinished food when you remembered that your bag was still in Coriolanus’s office. Moving over there, you found your bag up against the desk, latch closed with all of your books inside. Coriolanus must’ve tidied up your things as well last night. Leaning over to pick it up, you noticed a floorboard below the desk that seemed to be out of place. You wondered if it was loose, but when you were able to lift it from the ground, you realized it was on purpose. There were a few things in the hollowed out floor: a piece of orange fabric, a compass, a notebook. You wanted to reach your hand in to dig out the contents, but you heard someone coming up behind you. Placing the piece of wood back down, you stood up quickly, bag in hand. 
“Ready?” Tigris asked from behind you. 
“Yeah,” you sighed. She smiled before walking back over to Grandma’am, placing a kiss on her head and saying goodbye before meeting you at the door. 
The moment the door was closed, you asked Tigris if you could stop by your house on the way to grab a change of clothes. She agreed, telling you she would wait outside while you ran in. You felt bad for that. You had been in her home for hours, practically barging in, and she volunteered to stay outside of your home while you only grabbed a change of uniform. You would hurry as much as you could, not wanting her to wait alone long. That idea was forgotten though when you opened your door to your mother on the floor. 
“Mama!” you screamed, throwing your bag on the floor and rushing over to your mother who was lying in front of a broken glass plate and crumbs of desserts. “Fuck!”
The television had been turned on in the living room, news feed cutting in and out, the same one you had been watching shortly before in the Snows’ home. The news of Arachne’s death was still playing and it made you wonder how long they had been broadcasting the event since it happened. Tending to your mother, you tried to roll her over and away from all the broken glass, but it seemed to not matter. Glancing at her hands, you noticed the scratches, blood, and shards all over them. 
How could you have been so stupid to forget about your mother? You were too caught up trying to play star pupil that you forgot about her. You wondered if the stains on the floor were from her hands and why they continued to multiply, but when you felt hands on your shoulders, you realized they were your tears.
“Y/N? What happened?” Tigirs worriedly asked, helping you help your mother. 
“S-she…I don’t know,” you cried. “I forgot, I left, I’m so fucking stupid. She can’t be left alone.” You were practically sobbing as the two of you rolled your unconscious mother over. “Is she dead?” you asked, trying to find a pulse with your shaky hands. Tigris gripped your hand and pulled it out of the way to replace it with hers. 
“She is, Y/N, she is. But you have to help me get her up.” 
You shook yourself out of your emotions to deal with your mother. Tigris helped you lift her up to place her on the couch. The moment that she was above the ground, something in her seemed to flip a switch. She began to flail, making it harder for both you and Tigris to carry her. 
“Elspet! Elsie! Elsie Sage!” she called. “ELSPET!”
You readjusted your grip under her arms, trying to get her to calm down enough to get her safely to the couch. “Mama! Mama, you need to calm down!”
“Elsie! Elsie, please!”
“Who’s Elspet?” Tigris asked. 
“I don’t know.” Truthfully, you didn’t. Your father was normally the only person she called out for. “Mama, please! Quiet! I know you’re hurt, but you need to let us help.”
Your mother began to settle down little by little, at least enough to be able to put her down. 
“She’s here, Y/N/N. I saw her.”
“Sure, Mama. Can you please let me clean your hands?”
She looked between you and Tigris, seeming to understand what was happening now. Shaking her head, you let go of her, asking Tigris to stay with her while you went to get a wet rag and tweezers from the bathroom. When you came back, the television had been turned off and Tigris sat next to your mother, observing the injuries on her hands. 
“Thank you,” you told her. She didn’t respond, only smiling and continuing to take care of your mother. 
“Can I take the pieces out of this hand?” she gently asked your mother. 
She responded to Tigris with a nervous shake of her head, making you hand the materials you gathered to Tigris. You felt bad just watching your mother get taken care of so you moved over to the broken plate of goodies on the floor. Well, you couldn’t return this plate of goodies to Ma now. You were sure she wouldn’t care anyways, but you still felt horrible. 
Grabbing the straw broom beside your kitchen wall, you began to sweep up the shards and crumbs into a pile easy to throw away. A substantial amount of dust gathered with it and you suddenly felt conscious about your home and who was in it. You were sure this was just how Tigris, Coriolanus, and their grandmother felt when you just showed up unannounced. They were unprepared for a visit, probably not even desiring one. You hated assuming things about people, especially one who was sitting here taking care of your mother and one that seemed to be one of the prestigious people you had ever gone to Academy with. But just like you, they deceived people about their true lives. While you were worse off than the Snows, it made you feel more comfortable knowing that Tigris understood what it was like to live this kind of life. 
Gathering the rest of the pile, you made sure to kneel down and look under the table and the back of the couch that your mother and Tigris were on. You wanted to make sure that your mother couldn’t be hurt by even a chunk of stray glass. Your eyes scoured the area, looking for things to sweep up when you noticed a slip of paper, or what looked like one, underneath the corner of the seat. Picking it up, you realized it was a torn, folded photograph. Unfolding the ridged piece of film, you discovered a photo of a young, teenage girl wearing a popping, floral corset and white skirt. Her arm looked like it was around someone else, but the other figure in the photograph was the missing half. 
“Do you have something to wrap her hand with?”
You stood up, shoving the photograph in your jacket pocket. “Uh, yeah. I’ll be right back.”
Scurrying away, you left the mess to find gauze or wrap or something in your bathroom to use. When you came up empty, you grabbed a loose shirt on the floor and tore the bottom off. 
“Will this do?” you asked, walking back into the living area. 
“Yeah,” Tigris responded, turning back to your mother who remained unmoved. She was almost like a statue but contrasted to how she looked when she was sleeping. Her skin was pale despite the little blood loss from the cuts and the creases on her forehead seemed to be more intense. You sat down on your small coffee table across from your mother and handed Tigris the scraps of fabric. 
“Mama? Is this yours?” you asked, holding up the ripped photo so she could see it. 
Her eyes connected with the photo then went to yours, almost as if she wanted to know if you knew the answer to a question she had not yet asked. 
“Her,” your mom said, pointing to the picture weakly with the hand Tigris wasn’t occupied with. “She left.”
“Who left, mama? Who is this?”
“Where is she? This… Elsie? Elsie?! Elspet, please!” she began to cry again, her hand shaking as she touched the girl's face lightly with her fingertip. 
“Mama, is this Elspet?” You didn’t realize you were getting angry, your tone raising until Tigris spoke up. 
“Y/N, maybe it’s better to let her rest.”
You looked at the blonde girl, not anger in your eyes, but pleading with her to let you get some answers. Because you were frustrated. You were upset. You were angry. But you knew that she was right. If your mother couldn’t give you answers now, she maybe could after she had time to rest. Helping Tigris lift your mother from the couch, you guided her to her room down the hall. Tigris stood outside the door while you tucked your mother into bed, placing a kiss on her forehead, and whispered a small ‘sorry.’ When you closed the door behind you, you let your head fall back onto the door. 
“I’m sorry you had to meet her like that,” you whispered, knowing Tigris wasn’t far and watching you. 
“Don’t be,” she replied. “I’m happy to help.”
You let out a breathy laugh. “Shit, I left her here, Tigris. I knew she couldn't be here by herself and I left her here.”
“Don't blame yourself. You had no idea this would’ve-”
“But that's the thing. I did know. I knew that she's been a danger to herself for a long time. The only reason she's still alive right now is cause I can't bear to leave her in a goddamn facility. Every time I think it gets bad enough here, I feel guilty for thinking that way because I don't want to have to imagine what they'll do to her there,” you cried.
Tigris stayed silent. Honestly, it was because she didn't know what she should say. “So this isn't the first time?”
“I wish. It's just about every night she wakes up screaming, calling for my father.” 
“Your father was a general, right? Stationed in the districts?”
“Yeah. In 12. He started his training there, but had to come home and start a family with my mother. He was deployed again during the war, but he never came back. Mama never told me what truly happened, but I always assumed he was killed by rebels.”
“Coryo’s father was also stationed in 12. Died there too. I wonder if my uncle knew your father.”
You simply shrugged. Had your father and Coriolanus’s father known each other, would you and him have been friends? Would your families have been friends? Tigris was quickly growing on you and you would have liked to have been a part of her life long ago. 
“Where did you find the picture?” Tigris asked.
“Under the couch,” you said. “I assume she must have ripped it and the other half got lost in the ruckus.” 
You moved past Tigris to go back to the area. Perhaps you could find the other half. Regardless, it was still a mystery who the girl was in the half of the picture you had. You hadn't got a good look at it, but you would have to do that once Tigris left. You were sure she was going to be late for work by now.
“I can look for it. I should probably stay home with my mother, anyway.”
“Will you be at the funeral this evening?”
“I'm not sure. Arachne and I weren't really friends. I'm sure the rest of the mentors will be there, though.”
“Coriolanus will probably go…not that it makes a difference for you. I should go. Pay her family respects. Either way, I need to get going. It was nice meeting you, Y/N. I hope your mother feels better.”
“It was nice to meet you, too,” you expressed. “And thank you, really. For everything today.”
“Of course,” she said, walking over to your door. “And I hope Coryo brings you by again soon,” she teased. 
You gave her a small smile before wishing her goodbye. The moment the door closed behind her, you took the half-photo back out of your pocket. The young girl in the picture was kind of blurry, but the more that you stared at the figure, the more you realized the resemblance that she bore to your mother. Could this have been your mother when she was younger? You didn’t know why she would have worn a dress of that sort or how she would have even found a forest. From what you had learned in history classes, the old Capitol was essentially a city, just a lot less structured. People own their own little houses, mini-mansions of the sort. Some were placed close together and others were more spread out, closer to the countryside. But it was always city-like, never forest-like. 
You really needed to find the other side of the tattered photo. It probably had something written on the back of it, much like your old family portraits did. It was never seen because of their framing, but your mother always liked to keep things orderly so she could remember them when she grew older. You set the photo on the table, crouching down again to see if you could find the other half of the photo. Looking under the couch, you came up empty handed, same with the table. You thought you could have accidentally swept it up, but nothing was there either. You were just about ready to give up when you saw something peek out from under the television. Walking towards it, you began to get excited as it looked ripped on the side, much like the one in your pocket. There was some writing on the backside, as you predicted. Confirming your suspicions, in your mother’s handwriting, it read ‘Guinevere & Elspet (Gwen & Elsie).’
Gwen was your mother’s name, although you didn’t know that it was short for Guinevere. And Elspet, or Elsie, was the person your mother was calling for. Flipping the photo over to see the other half, you nearly froze. It wasn’t possible. There was no fucking way. Sticking the two halves together, just to be sure this was truly the other half, your breath hitched. Your mother’s arm was around another girl. One who was wearing the same dress that Lucy Gray arrived to the Capitol in.
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keicordelle · 3 days
Yuki and Performativity: the autistic mask
(aka the analysis I've been trying to figure out how to format for like 3 weeks)
Okay, so now that Yuki's autism has been ~established~ (here, but I'm just going to pretend everyone was following along), I'm really really interested in the subtle ways that that presents itself in his characterization.
Because Re:member does a really great job of making it obvious, because it's written in Yuki's perspective (at least in vol 2) and so heavily flavored with his own though process. But It's equally present in his characterization in the anime (and I assume the game, but I'm not caught up so we're just going based on the anime here). And a lot of that time, that characterization is so delightfully subtle that I didn't even pick up on it the first time through. But now I'm obsessed and I'm Noticing Things and y'all must suffer with me. so.
I think it's fair to say that Yuki's blunt and cold nature are features of his autism. Also probably the fact that he is extremely awkward when it comes to emotions and, notably for this discussion, expressing them. (oh to be a fire extinguisher)
But he's also really good at acting. And I'm making some assumptions here based on my own experiences, but I figure this comes in large part from the amount of effort he puts into trying to read others. He picks apart other people's interactions to figure out why they're reacting certain ways because he doesn't Get It.
And so he uses that in his every day life. Like, you wouldn't really figure someone so extremely autistic and introverted would make for a very good idol, what with the whole "having to interact with people all day every day" thing -- and he didn't want to be an idol! He just wanted to make his music and have people appreciate it! In fact, he looked down on idols at first, which probably had more to do with him undervaluing their artistic integrity (or at least I imagine that's how he would frame it), but he is very explicit about how he doesn't like how people fawn over him (read: idols) because of their looks rather than on the merits of the music.
Anyway. One of the key features of his characterization is that he's always acting. Always. There are a handful of moments we see him in the anime where he's not playing a role, even and particularly when he's off stage.
I've talked before (here) about Re:vale's introduction and how from the very first moment we see them, they're On. Not just in their initial prank on i7 where they pretend to be serious and scary, but also in the bubbly happy personas they present afterwards. They drop one mask for another, and at no point are they ever not wearing their idol stage personas. This is relevant to i7 for reasons but for this discussion rant it's relevant because this is how Yuki engages with the world. There are only a handful of times where we ever see him truly drop his guard -- usually only when he's alone with Momo, and occasionally around Yamato, which will be relevant in a bit. (And one other very notable time towards the end of season 3, but we'll get there.)
Anyway. He's only ever comfortable when he's playing a role. Which is never explicitly established, and I love it all the more for that, because they're totally content to just let you pick up on that without shoving it in your face. But they introduce it in ways that are subtler than I even thought at first. Because at first I was like, "okay, well he's got his stage ikemen persona, and he's got his sillier tsukkomi routine, and he's got his darker prankster who genuinely seems to be enjoying your discomfort persona (which is probably the one among them that's closest to his reality, because he really does seem to enjoy teasing and making people uncomfortable even when he's not On)
But literally any time he has to engage with someone, he falls back on a performance. A myriad of them, in as many different faces as he needs. And even when he tries to be genuine, he'll fall back on that performative role as soon as someone offers him an out. He will become whatever other people need or want him to be, so long as it doesn't involve being himself.
We see this particularly clearly while Yamato's struggling with his role in Mission and Yuki comes to him in a genuine effort to help
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You can see the transformation in Yuki's face : Yamato has offered him a role, and he is now going to take that and run with it.
He steps into that role as easily as that, and from there on out, everything he says, while still true to his own beliefs, is very heavily shaded by his new performance as a criminal psychologist. It makes it easier for him to express himself, because he's no longer Yukito Orikasa, fumbling his way through emotions that he's been told time and again that he doesn't express properly, he's Yuki, criminal psychologist, and that's something he can figure out how to be.
You can even see it in his gestures; from then on, they get extremely dramatic, very much what you'd expect in a stage play (moreso even than in a movie). Which works well considering this is an anime and dramatic gestures suit the medium, and that's probably part of why I didn't really notice that at first. Even his tone becomes more dramatic. You can hear it flowing up and down the scale of emotion, rather than his usual low, teasing edge. Really great direction all around tbh
We see this same sort of transformation in the next episode, while Yamato's staying with him, and honestly this scene makes it a whole lot clearer. Yuki does actually start off more himself in this episode because he's in his own home. He doesn't really want to go out of his way for Yamato, he's mostly helping him out of obligation, so the mask slips a bit.
He flits in and out of a couple different personas fairly rapidly at the start of their interaction. Even Yamato remarks on this, which I actually didn't realize until just now when I was skimming through to find the shot I wanted to reference. He's never fully seen Yuki with his metaphorical hair down before, and the change is remarkable
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He offers Yamato some advice, rather against his own will. His countdown here is his "speak now if you want me to listen to your problems or else I'm leaving" ultimatum, and he fully intended to when he gets to zero. But he doesn't (which I think surprises them both), and when Yamato calls out to him, he stops and actually offers genuine advice, no persona there to filter it. And it's harsh, like he usually is when he's unfiltered, because he's Autistic As Fuck and doesn't really know how to be anything else no matter how hard he tries (as is very explicitly laid out in Re:member : he has tried, hard, and he just can't figure it out)
And then he immediately falls into another role, when it's clear he's going to be trapped in this conversation that he doesn't really want to be having. Which is equal parts to soothe himself and to piss of Yamato, I think. Maybe heavier on the piss-off-Yamato side of things, because for all that he's helping him, they really really don't like each other, and Yuki's really kind of an asshole at heart
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And from here on out he fully embraces the mocking asshole persona he's chosen to adopt. The same thing happens: he becomes more expressive both in voice and gesture, and it both softens the blow of the harsh things he says and makes it worse.
And you can then see the exact moment Yuki realizes that he's Fucked Up this conversation and pushed things much much further than he expected or intended to
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(a shot which is on the screen for like less than half a second and that I had to clip and go frame by frame through to get because my own autism is now Activated)
The next scene is, I think, rather intentionally ambiguous (at least at the start) as to how genuine Yuki's responses are. It's fairly well established that, despite his aichmophobia, Yuki doesn't really have a ton of self-preservation instinct when it comes to fights, so it's seems entirely reasonable that his continued efforts to poke at the already enraged bear are just, what he'd do and not a persona he's putting on
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However, it becomes clearer further into the scene that this is indeed another performance for him. First here, somewhat subtly, where in the actual line of dialogue, he calls Yamato "Yamato-bocchan", which, while appropriately mocking, also places him very firmly in a role other than his natural disposition.
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From here on out, it becomes fairly clear to me that he's reverted back to his role from Mission. Yukito Orikasa is shed once more (if he was ever truly present here), and Yuki the Criminal Psychologist has taken his place. Yamato's breakdown follows a similar script to his character's here, though his is genuine -- but Yuki reads the similarities and falls back into his psychologist role.
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He then offers Yamato some advice that actually references Shizuo's own words, which is... a huge Dick Move in this moment but that is actually a super neat and subtle reference, especially because he genuinely thinks he's helping.
he's not.
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And this part is fun because it then becomes a lot less clear if Yamato's clued in to the role he's playing and is now playing along with his part in the movie, or if he's really just genuinely doing this (it's the latter, but it teases the possibility for most of the scene)
But anyway, the point kind of got away from me. You see Yuki fall back on this acting any time he's in a situation he doesn't know how to handle -- or, well. Not just then, actually. Pretty much in any situation. He's more comfortable pretending to be someone else than he is being himself, and he'll default to that whenever he can get away with it. He maintains it even when he's alone with Momo a lot of the time (I have an headcanon about Momo knowing what it is he's doing and allowing him it, as a sort of kindness)
Of course, his dealings with Yamato are hardly the only time we see this so clearly presented. He draws any number of roles over him like a mask, and falls into whichever suits his needs -- perhaps most notably at the very end of season 3, where he dons the caricature persona of a thug in order to try to protect Momo. Which is, uh. Maybe not the best idea he's ever had but hey, it works, kind of, so more power to you, Yuki.
He (arguably) adopts this same sort of thuggy image earlier in the season, for much the same reasons, when he waits outside Ryo's apartment with a baseball bat (that he definitely does not know how to use).
However! Of particular interest is the scene where he confronts Touma, where he's actually not assuming some sort of role. This scene is pure, unadulterated Yuki, and that frightens Touma and Torao exactly the same way as it puzzled Yamato above.
This scene itself is more a commentary on his relationship with Momo than it is Yuki's performative nature, really, because it highlights very well the fact that he's willing to do anything for the sake of his partner. It's pretty clear to me that when he walks into the dressing room and when he first confronts Touma, he's not Yuki the Badass, he's Yukito Orikasa, desperately trying to track down his partner.
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Like, this is very much Yuki's real personality, not one of his endless roles
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And that is precisely what gives him the edge here. Touma and Torao are really not expecting him to be so cruel and careless. They're used to Idol Yuki, handsome and flippant and appeasing. Not Yukito, entirely willing to stomp all over the law if it means saving Momo from danger
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This is one of the only times that Yuki lets his true colors shine so obviously true. Usually Momo or Rinto is there to remind him to be aware of his station and to keep himself in check, but Momo is in danger and Yuki Does Not Care about the consequences, because at the end of the day, he's cold and calculating and absolutely nothing like the friendly persona he puts on, and he's only really doing this because he's passionate about music, not because he loves being an idol
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Anyway. I guess all that sums up into: Yuki, first among the Autists, hides behind different masks so often that everyone around him is startled when he drops them, including himself a lot of the time. And that the show (and presumably the game) does a really incredible job of presenting this incredibly subtly
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windcarvedlyre · 2 days
Venti Week day 2: Alternate form
Venti Week prompts here!
Technically this is late by UK standards but it's on time in America. Have some short but sweet Kaeven fluff! The ship is criminally underrated and I feel a duty to spread it. This was so much easier to write than the piece for yesterday.
Kaeya yawned and stretched, sunlight gently warming his back from behind his kitchen table. Venti sat across from him, engrossed in his breakfast. The two of them were having pancakes courtesy of Kaeya. There were still soot stains on the wall from Venti's attempt the previous weekend.
As Venti drizzled even more syrup onto his stack, his eyebrows furrowed adorably in concentration, Kaeya couldn't help but stare. Mornings like this, where neither had work to go to and his braids glistened different shades of teal in the sun's rays and his expression was unclouded by his past, were his favourite.
Last night Venti had finally felt comfortable showing Kaeya his archon form. He'd been jittery with anxiety, Kaeya holding him and stroking his wings and murmuring sweet nothings to him, hoping it would- if only a little- help gently untangle the millennia of baggage he'd accumulated. He knew Venti was a god. Seeing him like that drove it in more, but despite literally glowing last night he looked far more radiant in this little moment of domesticity.
Venti glanced up from his stack- now half the height it was before- and gave him a bemused look.
"What are you thinking about?"
Kaeya shot him a smug look back. "You."
Venti snorted, looking away in a poor attempt to hide the blush dusting his cheeks.
Kaeya was tempted to say nothing and not ruin the moment, but there were things he needed to ask.
Venti looked back at him. "Hm?"
"About last night."
Venti's expression curdled. "What about it?"
"Don't worry, I meant everything I said back then." Kaeya hastily replied. "Nothing has changed."
Venti hummed. He didn't sound convinced.
"I was just wondering..." he continued, "if that's your true form, is that what you're most comfortable in? Do you only go around wingless to maintain an image? If that were true I wouldn't mind if... you know..."
As he trailed off- archons, he was still awful at sincerity- Venti's shoulders relaxed again. He put down his fork and hummed thoughtfully.
"Technically neither are my true form. I don't really... have one? Unless you count how I looked before ascending, but even that was an ephemerally-formed concentration of anemo for the convenience of other-"
"Hang on. How you looked before you ascended?"
Venti shifted awkwardly in his chair. "Right. Well. I didn't always look like this."
Kaeya raised his eyebrows. "You didn't? I know you're not human but none of the specifics; what were you?"
Venti sipped some of his apple juice. "A small spirit coalesced from a thread of the Thousand Winds. I couldn't even play the lyre at the time; I don't know how I managed."
Kaeya leaned in; it was rare to hear much about Venti's past. "Is that why you made yourself look human, then?"
Suddenly Venti's expression darkened. He looked down at his pancakes, something unreadable in his eyes. "Not exactly."
Ah. Difficult subject?
"We don't have to talk about that now," Kaeya said softly, "or any time soon. Don't worry about it."
"Thanks." Venti replied, a little stiff. The atmosphere was still off. He should distract him.
"Your old form, though. Can I see it?"
Venti was still focused on his plate but his expression shifted slightly- was he blushing again?
"It's a bit embarrassing."
Now he had to see. "Nonsense, I'm sure it's majestic."
Things were still awkward but Venti's expression was less clouded now. He could afford to push a bit.
"I'll pay for your drinks for a week? But one bottle max per night, I know how you are."
Venti furrowed his brows again, torn between preserving his dignity and the offer Kaeya knew he couldn't resist.
He sighed.
"Anything for you, mein Liebling."
Kaeya opened his mouth to reply but flinched and covered his eyes as Venti disintegrated into teal light. A soft breeze, simultaneously warm and cool like Venti's skin was to the touch, emanated from his form as it shrank and recoalesced above the table.
The light cleared. Kaeya blinked its echoes from his eyes. Another tiny pair of eyes blinked up at him.
Holy shit, he was adorable.
The dark amorphous face those eyes sat on, half the size of his palm, was framed by a frilly white cloak with teal accents, crowned with two pieces of fabric that reminded him of his usual cecilia accessory's leaves. Tiny teal legs dangled in the air as a vaguely winglike trio of floating things fidgeted behind his back.
Kaeya couldn't stop a laugh from escaping his throat. He slapped a hand over his mouth but couldn't hide its widening corners.
Venti was unimpressed and tried to give him a deadpan look but it made him even cuter.
"Don't laugh!" he said in what Kaeya could only describe as a chirp. Dear Celestia, he was going to asphyxiate. He couldn't hold back the laughter anymore.
"I'm sorry-" he forced out between inhales- "it's just too much! You're like a kitten. I want to smoosh your little face."
He reached out and poked Venti teasingly. He was soft like a marshmallow.
Venti sighed, his deep exasperation done no favours by his higher pitch. "I'm not going to hear the end of this, am I?"
"Nope!" Kaeya replied, grinning. "You can have your dignity back in a second, but can I do one small thing first?"
Venti moved his eyes in a vague impression of rolling them. "Fine. Sure."
Standing from his chair, Kaeya leaned over the table and planted a kiss on the top of his head. Venti's face flushed teal; Kaeya smiled even wider, gazing at him fondly.
"You should take that form again. I'd love to do that more often."
His lover turned his face away from him, but something about him made Kaeya think he'd be smiling if he was able.
"...Maybe I will."
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rosescarlette · 2 days
Zhongli asking Cloud retainer on how to confess to you.
Cloud retainer now known as "Xianyun", Rex lapis now known as "Zhongli" were just talking normally at Mt. Aocang. Discussing the normal topics like they would. That was when Zhongli had asked a question which seemed so out of topic.
"So.. Cloud retainer.. how do you suppose I go speak up to a mortal and.. ask them out somewhere?"
She raised an eyebrow, clearly confused.
"Hm? One didn't get your question correctly."
"ahem. What I meant to ask was.. how do I ask a mortal out?"
She was utterly confused. Why would he ask such a simple question. Besides not only that she knew he was well capable of talking to mortals. So.. what happened now?
"Hm. One thought you were well good on your own? So what happened now?"
"Well.. there's this mortal.. who's.. rather special to me. I want to ask her out.. except how do I make sure she doesn't get weirded out or get scared out by me?"
There was just an awkward silence between them both. Rex lapis knew how to talk to mortals perfectly fine. But when it comes to you.. he's unsure of what happened to his confidence. He neither doesn't know what that feeling is. Is that he wants to talk to you.. or is it something else..? It was bothering him ever since you both were first acquainted. He grew fond of your personality and unique traits. Except.. he found it quite hard for him to actually bring himself to speak about his feelings for you. In the first place he doesn't even know what he's feeling.
Meanwhile Cloud retainer was just an introverted person. Sure she lives a mortal life now but she doesn't know much either. So she is unsure on how to help him.
So there was just an awkward silence from both of them. Until Cloud retainer finally spoke up.
"So.. let one guess straight.. You want to talk to a person without the person getting uncomfortable?"
"Ah yes."
"One thought you were capable of doing that alone?"
"ahem. Yes but-"
"I suppose there's no hiding then. Very well. Every time I see her.. there's some feeling that just.. makes me feel uneasy."
"Was she threatening you?"
"No. Let's just say more as if this feeling was.. hm.. I cannot describe it in words.."
"One shall say it then. You love her. That feeling is called love."
"Love?" But I've never felt such intense feelings ever before."
"That still doesn't explain anything. Rather not."
"Hm.. so how should I.. get her to talk to me?"
"Are you both acquainted already?"
"Yes. We are."
"It's simple. Just ask her out somewhere."
"That's.. the point.. she often leaves the moment I come to talk to her.."
"Hm. How about bringing her favorite flowers and asking her out?"
"Would that really work?"
"She is a mortal.. One has seen mortals do that. And it works for them.. so why not give it a try."
"Very well. I should ask her about herself.. and know more before potentially gifting her something.. it should be meaningful."
"Alright then. Farewell cloud retainer. I shall let you know when it works. Hopefully.."
"One shall wait for the news too then."
She said with a smile and zhongli had left. However that evening she still couldn't figure out who that lucky person was. Hopefully she also gets to meet you too.
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3amclothesmonster · 6 months
When you realize you'll never ever have that bond you guys used to have.
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
It sounds like Joe and Ken focused on telling stories, stories that being stories focused on the world and characters they knew. While Pete's were more focused on delivering a message with story flavored wrapping.
This is very much the case, but the difference seems to go even deeper than that, to a fundamental difference in worldviews that affect how they approach story.
Episodes written by Joe Fallon and Ken Scarborough respect children as people. Children have been shaped by their experiences and have unique personalities. Children are curious and have brains--they are driven to explore new things and can draw conclusions from what they see and do. Children are already people who deserve respect, and like all of us, they're growing into different people as they learn new things and have more experiences. The child characters can thus be the drivers of their own stories and come to learn lessons for themselves. The child audience can relate to those characters, be drawn into the story, and learn what it's trying to teach without having every detail explicitly spelled out.
Episodes written by Peter Hirsch seem to approach children as people-in-training. They might have one or two personality traits, but instead of coming from and interacting with other elements of their background, they're just pasted on, like a sticker you can put on your Generic Child Prototype. These blank-slate children need to have knowledge poured into them so they can become Properly Educated Adults. So in his episodes, these child characters will go through their story with a question, and the adults--the real people--will tell them the information in great detail so these characters--and the watching audience--can go off into the world knowing what the writer has decided they need to know.
In Joe and Ken's episodes, flaws are funny, and can create funny conflicts that will teach the children better ways to approach problems. In Pete's episodes, flaws are horrible things that need to be pointed out, labeled, and sanded away, so these children can grow up into the perfect model of what a Good Adult should be. The first approach is engaging, and celebrates diversity of personality in a community, while the other becomes bland in the interests of shaping all the members of a community into the desired mold.
Comparing the two approaches provides a shockingly thorough lesson in how one should and should not approach writing and education. Story and character and message are all intertwined. Trying to force the message onto the story and characters makes for something bland and generic and unrealistic. Letting the characters shape the story and letting the story bring out the message makes for something much more unique, organic, engaging, and real. And yes, maybe I've come to this conclusion by spending far too much time thinking way too deeply about a bunch of shows for elementary-aged chlidren, but that doesn't mean it's not fascinating to see how, even within the same show, an writer's personality and approach to the audience can make such a vast difference in the quality of a story.
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munamania · 5 months
ok im a really chill and normal person and i get over things and am well adjusted but take a walk with me here. just give me my time to complain when im not in the absolute fucking trenches. and yes i believe i suffered more than those in trench warfare. it was literally a lesbian situationship with a bistraight girl come on. just. magenta choppy shag with the roots coming in. camo cargo pants black t shirt with red lettering and striped long sleeve (sign someone likes music. confirmed). lip ring big black stud earrings and nails. red docs. i think lesbians should be allowed to kill one dyke baiter in their lifetime idc
#and now we're gonna get into some quiet parts and youre just gonna let me have this#i. am so sick. first of all it was kinda funny how people ik ended up sorta surrounding her. felt good. but like we've shared a space#together since everything. i can like be in her presence it's seriously fine. that said. i do sometimes miss her#i say this after going through the really hating her guts period bc of her evil evil evil ways. and feeling like she's lame as hell bc she#s. but i mean it's me talking i have my problems too. i Hate the way we always so naturally act in sync. and i hate that we've both picked#each others' brains for hours so it's like. i knew you once and now we can't even look each other in the eye and that just really sucks#and i feel like. not that i strictly believe in these things. but we were sort of twin flames. i largely suffered for like. basically#falling in love w her. and i know i didn't leave as much of a mark. but i still hope it sucked a little for her#and i'll admit i think it'd be some sort of miracle if we could ever talk civilly. unfortunately we work in two ways#literally behaving in Ways and borderline fucking or not speaking. so. here we are#and i already humiliatingly tried to extend an olive branch this summer so im not gonna be fucking stupid. yk#but GOD how annoying. i did talk to situationship today and we were relatively normal so at least that's not deathly awkward#it's still. definitely um. stiff. but not terrible#i need to get to the club. pretend theres a cig emoji im on desktop rn#sorry for this.#film girl saga
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Me, my friend, and her daughter (she's 5) were walking at the park today and her daughter just reached up and grabbed my hand and held my hand for like 5 minutes while we were walking and i almost started crying
#she didn't want me to leave when i was leaving 🥺#we saw a little baby mouse in the visitor's center at the park and got the people there to rescue it and she wanted to pet it so bad 🥺#i think my new best friend is a 5 year old little girl even though I'm really awkward around kids#like what do you talk to them about? hello child i am 23 and depressed but you are 5 and adorable pls don't ever grow up#i gave her a bee i crocheted bc it was from a kit that andrew got me and it was supposed to be a 'turtle bee' where it was a turtle and you#took it's shell off and it was a bee. i only ever got around to making the bee part and then we broke up and i couldnt look at it anymore so#i gave it to her and she's like why doesn't it have a mouth and my first thought was well kid I didn't feel like looking at it anymore and#you'll appreciate it more than i will so you can have it even without the mouth.#im debating on giving her the squishmallow he gave me. cause it's currently wedged between my bed and the wall#but it's cam and he was my favorite squishmallow before Andrew got it for me. like i already had one this one is a different edition#so like i want to keep it bc it's a Christmas sweater cam. but i dont want to keep it bc ouchy memories. and she'd get more use out of it#than it being wedged between my bed and the wall so i dont have to look at it#we were driving back from this store bc her mom had to pick up a uhaul and she was too small to ride with her so she got to ride with me#and this poor little 5 year old had to carry the conversation bc i didnt know what to talk to her about 😂 she's like what do you do when#you're home and im like don't tell her you lay in bed all day you can't tell the chils you're depressed and im like i like to read and play#with my animals and crochet. she was very jealous that i have cats. and when we were driving back from the park i had music on and her mom#and me were talking and shes like I CAN'T HEAR THE MUSIC GUYS and her mom goes that's her way of telling us to shut up. and then we stopped#talking and she's like i still can't hear the music 🙄 so i turned it up some and im like jen im introducing your daughter to waterparks 😂
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 7 months
Finished dream daddy and I have . . . Thoughts
#random thoughts#dream daddy#okay so first of all i really like the writing and humor#at least in the main good routes#all the character designs are great#yadda yadda yadda okay can we talk about how underdeveloped some of these dads are???#specifically brian mat and hugo's routes were a bit lacking#mainly because their routes didn't really focus on a central flaw in their character like the other dads did#mat and hugo were trying to overcome A Thing and brian's route wasn't even about him like at all#it was more about the player character's daddy issues which like compelling but we're not supposed to be a character#mat's main character flaw is his social awkwardness but not even that because he doesn't perform cuz his WIFE DIED#hugo's route is just a series of events he doesn't even have a main character flaw#unless you count him being secretive about his hobbies??? which is literally just damien. they are the same#damien also kind of suffers from this lack of character flaws which affect his route but it's compensated for#with his direct relationship with other characters (mary)#who is hugo friends with? what about mat? brian?#the game really feels like joseph damien and mary were the characters they put the most thought into#with everyone else being an afterthought#really doesn't help that mat and hugo are the only dark-skinned dads#it really feels like they realized they were thin character-wise and made them poc to provide an illusion of depth#also??? why is mat's relationship with his daughter so underdeveloped???#she is literally just there.#and speaking of daughters i feel like brian's relationship with his daughter could have been a good focus for his route#like cmon he's raising a child who's DEF neurodivergent and doesn't know how to socialize her correctly#make him actually full of himself and think his way of parenting is the best way until you show him the light#at least don't make it focus on the fucking self insert mc#i like craig! nothing to say about craig. platonic ideal of a route.#wish more of the dads had relationships with each other on an individual level#like specifically with brian. have we seen brian talk to anyone outside the bbq???#and im not counting the texting thing this is base game ONLY. i think the texting thing is weird and poorly implemented
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galmiahthepigeon · 8 months
The absolute power of not having to talk to people if I don't feel like it
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yangsrose · 11 months
going zip lining and having the cute instructor not only make conversation with me during the wait times but also having to straddle me while trying to catch me after getting to one of the platforms was not on my trip bucket list
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proud-larrie · 2 years
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potato-elf · 2 years
You ever think "what I'm about to do is probably a mistake but damned if I don't make it"?
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