#But it's just not Vlad to me without the idiot streak
redrobin-detective · 3 years
the difference between outside and in is a single step
Dannymay Day 5: Doorway ________________________________
Danny knew what it is like to exist in between two things. He existed in the fuzzy grey area between life and death, struggled between his desires and his responsibilities. Now he stood outside the door of his home, soaked to the skin from the rain and realized he was stuck here too, between a rock and a hard place. Only he could phase or punch out of rocks and hard places but not this. 
The only home he’d ever known and he was stuck on the other side of the door, not knowing if he was welcome anymore.
Sam told him to run when he called her in a panic that his parents had found out about his powers. She had a stash of money, IDs, even motorcycles for her and Tuck should they have to move. She told him to leave hours ago but he couldn’t. Tucker told him to let things cool down for a few days, opened his home to Danny to let the tension cool a bit before confronting them. He doesn’t know what Jazz would want. His mother had tried to call him after he’d finished talking to Tucker and, in a panic, he’d thrown his phone into the pond at the park. Not his greatest move but he was panicking.
Sam and Tucker were both waiting for him at their respective houses, Sam to escape from and Tucker to shelter him. And yet Danny was standing outside the door to his own house. A part of him wanted to run, wanted to run so far and so fast that maybe he could leave this heavy hurt behind him and start over. Another part wanted to hide, to sink from view and wait for the world to get a little better before poking his head out. Mostly, he just wanted to go home. He wanted to change out of his wet clothes, take a shower and crawl into his bed. He wanted his parents to love him, weird ghost powers and all. 
Danny had raised his hands to knock on the door a few times only to think it was ridiculous he was knocking on his own door. Of course that didn’t mean he was making any move to open it himself. He could probably phase through, sneak upstairs without anyone noticing. But that felt wrong too. He pushed his wet hair out of his face and brushed aside the wet streaks on cheeks. He’d take it to his second grave if there was tears mixed in with the rain water.
“This is dumb,” Danny said out loud after 15 minutes of staring at the door. He wasn’t going to go in and they weren’t going to let him in so he might as well leave. Turning away was the most painful thing he’d ever done but he’d gotten down two steps when the door opened.
“Danny,” the voice was so soft, he almost didn’t recognize it as belonging to his father.
“D-dad,” Danny mumbled back through his chattering teeth. His dad looks rough, eyes sunken, shoulders slumped. He doesn’t ever remember seeing him look like this before. And it’s all because of him. “Sorry, I was just going.”
“No,” Dad said, reaching out his hand across the threshold of the doorway but pausing before he touched Danny. “No, you’re cold, you’re wet.” The words were said cautiously, the edges of a questioning tone. He feels his dad’s eyes studying him carefully. “Come inside, Danno. We’ll talk once you’re dry.”
“I,” Danny choked down. He backed down an additional step. His eyes darted over to the window where he could see his mom watching him with a calculating gaze. She was frowning. “No, I should go.”
“I don’t,” Dad said quietly, looking down at the rain soaked stoop. “I don’t know what’s going on with you. I don’t know who or what you are right now and that, that scares me. The only thing I know for sure right now is that you are my son. You are my son and you are standing in the freezing rain, shivering on the steps of your home.”
Danny looked up at his dad, always larger and more imposing than him but now especially he seemed ten feet tall. “I don’t know how things will end tonight, if I’m going to find out you’re a ghost or a dream or something else altogether. Frankly, I’d rather not know anything. This is a lot to take in but I won’t leave you out there in the cold while we work things out. Come in Danny, let’s try this again.”
He held out his hand again, this time with the explicit permission for Danny to take it. Mom said something Danny couldn’t hear and he saw his dad nod apparently in agreement. She disappeared from the window and appeared next to dad a few moments later with a dry towel. It was held out in supplication.
“Come inside, swe- Danny. We promise, we promise to listen before we take any action.” Her lower lip warbled and her hands shook as she held out the towels, “and if you are a ghost, if you are... gone, then we’ll work that out too.”
“I’m not dead, not really,” he stated, the cold retreating for a most as hope warmed him from the inside out. “I have powers but I’m still, alive, still me.” 
“Save the explanations for when you don’t look like a drowned rat,” Dad smiled. It was shaky and still unsure but it was real. Danny thought of all the times Vlad had called his dad neglectful and idiotic and pitied him for not seeing how great a man Jack Fenton was. 
“Y-yeah, okay.” The first step was hard but climbing each step felt a little easier, like he really was was coming home. He took his father’s hand, warm and encompassing as he passed through the doorway. Some doors led to ruin, some to fortune. But this door, he hoped would lead him home. 
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If Comte and Vlad had a fist fight, who do you think will win? Same question for Comte V Leonardo
Hm, well, there are a lot of factors to consider here. Vlad does seem to have telepathic capabilities to an extent, and that might give him an edge in combat. There is evidence to believe that Comte has the capacity to resist any kind of mental invasions (I’m assuming due to age/experience), so that edge may be selective--he might only be able to use it if Comte has his guard down. 
That being said I don’t know the extent of Vlad’s combat experience. I haven’t seen him engage with anyone physically; he seems to prefer more subtle forms of control and removal. In this way, the more I think about it, the more fascinated I am by their difference in that regard. When Vlad resorts to violence, there seems to be a necessity for a perceived direct attack on his person. He shoves MC into the door only after she rejects him (for idk the twelfth time?) with finality. I imagine it takes a lot for him to even bother to sully his hands, and it raises the question of whether he dislikes it or not. Given the sizable scar on his chest I have to wonder if he hates resorting to violence for a reason (PTSD related? that scar on his chest is SIZABLE). 
As to Comte, we do know that he can eliminate eight human men in the space of ten seconds (no weapons, empty-handed combat)--which is formidable. In Leonardo’s ending, we see him taking out people left and right, and it’s Leonardo who has to remind him to keep from using excessive force. While there is no specification as to his fighting style (is it martial arts? did he learn it on the streets? no idea) it’s clear he works with a great deal of efficiency and ruthlessness when it is required. One thing I’ve always found interesting about Comte is that he does seem to have something of a darker streak/bent. But he doesn’t seem to act on it, or at the very least works particularly hard to suppress that part of himself. (I’ve never seen him do anything lethal to my knowledge, the most dark I have ever seen him go is the biting event).
Honestly? I’m not going to lie, I get the feeling that if push came to shove, Comte would win--but it would be a really, really close fight. I doubt he would win by a landslide, I just think he would be spiteful and experienced enough to be able to gain the upper-hand. Additionally, I don’t know how Vlad spent most of his time in the past; but as far as we know Comte essentially lived on the streets. He denied his legacy and fortune, so he presumably had nothing but what he was able to accomplish himself in those hundreds of years of wandering. Given how open-minded and patient he is, I imagine he’s gotten into countless fights out of self-preservation (or in his attempts to protect others). In my experience people...do not like people like who Comte used to be LOL. He isn’t one to compromise on his principles at all, it’s more than clear in his allusions to a more...ah, shall we call it a punk as all hell history. While he tries to adhere to more civil avenues, a lot of his self-control comes from being a father now LMFAO. (I mean ik I’ve said it before but a man that says “The only reason I’m doing this is because they left you unharmed. I never said I had forgiven them.” is not one to pull any punches literally or figuratively).
Furthermore, two crucial factors have just occurred to me. 1. Comte has a metric fuckton of pent up rage directed at Vlad as much as he tries to sympathize with the pureblood, so I imagine he’s coming after this fossil with centuries worth of unrestrained, frustrated moxie. 2. Knowing Vlad as we do, I get the implication that he might feel like he deserves it (I am a tooooooortured misunderstoooooood vampire doing what I m u s t to save humanity from a dreadfullllllll fate yada yada yada we get it Majora’s Mask ass havin’--) so he might not put up as much of a fight at some point.
As to the whether or not Leonardo or Comte would win a fist fight, I can only offer two memes in answer. The first is that the two would be tussling (Jojo meme Leonardo: “Oh, you’re approaching me?” Comte: “I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting any closer.”), MC would find them, and they would immediately stop because she would get upset at seeing them all messed up (even if it was temporary). The true winner here is MC because they would literally rather fall right on a sword than scare her. My second reply to that scenario is, yeah Comte can beat the shit out of Leonardo, but the emotional toll? What I mean to say is, I feel like as much as Leonardo would throw punches for shits to impress MC, I don’t think he would ever seriously want to escalate to that point with someone he cares about. Inevitably, I only see a tie happening--MC intervention, or both of them being unable to fully go through with it (no real spite for each other, just complete dumbassery).
Honestly every time I see that meme like “the best kind of characters are the ones that sincerely know better but choose to be idiots just because” and I feel that resonate to the very depths of my soul when I look at Comte and Leonardo
For those interested, in terms of combat potential, I feel like they both pretty much spent their life as one extended bar fight/protectors in the night (Batman has left the chat). As such, I think they’re pretty equal in terms of skill and power--where one might feel Leonardo has the edge in terms of strength, Comte probably has the edge in his lack of hesitance. (Though Leonardo can pick a fight when he feels the need, it’s usually a last resort. I’ve only seen him get unrelenting when a human person is faced with lethal force.)
I had way too much fun with this ask 😂😂😂 I hope everybody enjoys it? And sorry if my Comte bias got in the way, I’m by no means the end-all-be-all!
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 11: Villain - Sinners Are We Chap. 1: I’m Kinda Glad That You’re Evil Too
When Danny goes down, so does everyone else. Including one Valerie Gray. And Dan couldn’t be happier.
Danny Fenton’s life had gone to shit and it didn’t take long after for Valerie Gray’s to follow right behind. Like Danny, she had lost her entire genuine social circle. All the other kids at school certainly weren’t friends of hers that’s for sure. And when Danny went with Vlad? Both of them seemed to just disappear in the wind.
Honestly? She was furious he hadn’t taken her with them. Wasn’t she practically family? Didn’t both of them value her? Vlad said time and time again how proud he was of her and how important she was to him. Danny had loved her once, and had stayed a strong friend after. Yet they both left her behind to rot. Danny, she could forgive, he had lost everything and nearly died; but Vlad? No. Sure she had her dad, but their relationship was strained at best, toxic at worst. He hated what she did and was meek. While she had a violent streak a mile long and loved to fight ghosts. Combine that with all three of her only friends and the one man who supported her vanishing in the aftermath of a fiery explosion, and she became a walking bomb of anger and resentment.
School didn’t help either, none of them gave a damn about the trio after the initial shock and gave even less of a damn about her. If anything, she became the new target for the torment all three had faced. Difference was? She hadn’t been about to tolerate that. Which eventually lead to a quick and unpleasant expulsion due to repeated and violent fights. Her shattering Dash’s knee had been the breaking point for the sports-obsessed school, and she couldn’t have been happier.
Screw the lot of them.
And what was she going to need schooling for anyway? She was a hunter. Now she was free to do that without the distraction of school. Which only led to her feeding her aggressive side. To her fighting more and more. Which her dad was having none of. Because then she had been around him more too, and that led to more fights. Which, her father put his foot down on after she threw a lamp through their stupid thin walls. So that left her out on the streets, with the only family she had left telling her to stay the Hell away. It was at that point she started to resent people more than ghosts.
Because what had ghosts really taken from her? Nothing at this point. Sure that damn dog had got her dad fired and ruined her clothing. But it was humans who abandoned her as a ‘friend’ and ‘family’. It was humans who had harassed her at school and sneered at her on the streets. It was humans who were the mean ones.
The treatment of her as the huntress didn’t help things either. Jack and Maddie, though strange and even dangerous, were likeable and friendly. Red was not. Especially since her grieving tactics seemed to involve taking things a little too far more often than not. She had been stupid proud the first time she managed to actually destroy a ghost, but the first time she did that publicly? The town reacted with nothing but abject horror. Crucified her as a murderer and danger to society. They didn’t reject her though. Of course those pricks didn’t, they needed her. She was the only line of defence against the ghost onslaught.
And eventually she decided: you know what? Screw this whole fucking town. You can all burn for all I care. And stopped giving even an ounce of a damn about bystanders or damages. She was just here to fight, that was it. End of story. If someone died in the crossfires then that wasn’t her problem. These people didn’t deserve for it to be her problem. Fuck every last one of them.
Then her ‘father’ really screwed her over, revealed who she was. The girl behind the mask. And all Hell had broken loose. People would cross the street to avoid her, which only pissed her off. The motel was suddenly perpetually full and any place that could get away with refusing her service did. Eventually, she had to resort to petty theft and death threats just to get a decent meal.
She was absolutely done. Done with this damn town. Done with the stupid people in it. Done with humans. At least a ghost she could pound the crap out of. And they, the ghosts, respected and feared her for it. Good. And she’ll let those ghosts destroy that stupid town, it was retribution as far as she was concerned.
And that’s when she met him again, as she was walking down a deserted road away from the only home she’d ever known and one that had scorned her. And he had looked different. In a way much similar to her. Less friendly. Less kind. Less helpful. Actually...
He had looked like a monster.
All sharp fangs and claws, forked tongue and flaming hair. Red eyes. He couldn't fool a blind man into thinking he was ‘good’ with the way he looked then. Add in the deeper voice as if puberty was a thing ghosts experienced. And the really stupid thing? The first thought that had popped up in her mind was that he was kind of... hot. Which was ridiculous. And she remembers the conversation they had then. Him floating down to stand on the ground with arms crossed and a mean smirk across his face.
“Well if it isn’t the Red Huntress”, quirked a mocking eyebrow, “come looking to hunt me down?”.
She had rolled eyes, “hardly. Unlike the others you aren’t pathetically easy to beat the shit out of”.
That had gotten him to more genuinely raise his eyebrows in slight surprise, “oh? And what if I just so happened to be on my way to Amity? What would you do then, little hunter?”.
She had known that was a threat instantly, she hadn’t known just how serious of a threat it had been though. “Ha, like I care. Raise that miserable place to the ground for all I care”.
He had actually laughed at that, loudly, and uncrossed his arms to shrug exaggeratedly, “well I’ll be. Wasn’t it your ‘sworn duty’ to protect them? That town and it’s people? Whatever could they have done to change your mind”, he had actually looked slightly impressed then, “you are impressively stubborn after all”.
“Hmmm, let me make a list. Oh wait! I don’t care. Those people are dead to me”.
“Oh? And what of ghosts?”.
She had stared at him for a bit then, though had never been able to figure out what the fuck his angle was. “Punching bags that talk back. Might have destroyed a few. What’s it to you”, she had scoffed, “not like you like ghosts either”.
He had laughed again, almost sounding like a cackle, “fair enough, Huntress. Can’t say I haven’t destroyed a few myself”, then smirked and leaned forward menacingly, “what if I said I killed Vlad? Or your dear sweet little Danny”.
She had scoffed, not believing him for a second, “that’s bullshit and both of us know that”.
He shrugged and leaned back, “hardly. Though fine, I just blew up the guys mansion. Didn’t bother confirming any corpses”.
She had squinted at him, the nonchalance had made it clear that he was being honest that time, “yeah well, that man can rot too. He turned his back on me, so fuck him. Fuck people honestly. And what? Did ghosts finally tick you off enough to want them obliterated. Join the fucking party”.
He had smirked and laughed, the smile had been honestly charming; not that she admitted that at the time. “No. I just want to see everything burn, roast marshmallows in the flames, and dance in the aftermath”.
“Well that’s ghostly of you, Phantom”.
He had rolled his eyes very exaggeratedly, “it seems you’re no different”, he had walked close and gotten his face in hers, “so who’s the ghostly one here? Seems you’ve turned your back on your kind. And here you’re supposed to be the ‘good human’”, she swore he purred then, “you know, that almost makes me disappointed. You were always my favourite. Not like any of those other idiots stood a chance”.
She had huffed and refused to back up from him, “agreed. And I don’t think I even have to point out you were my favourite target”.
“And now?”.
She glared at him, “those people have done worse to me than you ever have. I told you, screw them”, and smirked a little, “what? You gone deaf over the years?”.
He had tilted his head back and laughed loudly again, she hadn’t remembered him ever laughing that much or smiling that much. “Damn!”, and looked to her with that stupid cocky smile, “in that case, want to watch it burn together?”.
She had squinted at him more, “what are you playing at”.
Phantom had just rolled his eyes and walked past her, “as I told you, you were always my favourite, Red”. And wasn’t that a mindfuck?
She had turned her head back to watch him walk, looked back to the direction she had been going, and then made a decision that would change everything.
Screw them. Fuck them. This was just. This was what they deserved. They were going to burn and she was going to enjoy the flames.
She had turned on her heel and stalked after him, determined anger in her eyes and a small mean smile on her face. He had looked back to her, at the sound of her footsteps, and full-on cackled before grinning wild and malicious.
In another time, Amity Park would have been the last town standing. Heralded by a hero standing against her long time enemy. But this time, the charred twisted mess of debris, blood, and guts was the spark that started the fire that would set the whole world ablaze. Brought about at the whims of a duo with stained hands twined together doing the waltz across the remains; grinning and laughing all the while.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
A King For Tonight’s Fentertainment - Chap. 6: This Ones Already Had The Fight Taken Out Of His Bite
Summary:  As expected, the GIW are still idiots. As expected, Vlad was up to shit. And Danny wouldn't be Danny if he didn't get hurt at some point.
Danny snaps his head to the side, his mom whirling around, as a heavily bleeding Vlad Plasmius staggers away from a building. Sam and Tucker both slide off Danny, Sam crossing her arms and Tucker pointing with mock aggression at Plasmius. While Maddie pulls out and points an ectoblaster, Danny tilts his head back and groans. Groans loud enough to make everyone still around look at him, confused. Danny speaks loudly at the sky, “now what the hell? This is just brilliant”.
Tilting his head back down towards Plasmius as Danny forms a shield behind himself, easily deflecting an ectoshot from one of the GIW agents. Danny doesn’t even acknowledge their little attempt before addressing Plasmius. Taking in the older halfas ectoplasm splattered form, “the fucks got you lookin like rats were gnawing at you, like the cheese head you are, for weeks?”.
Plasmius grumbles and glares at Danny, “well let’s see, an entire city was dropped on my head after getting damn well blinded by a portal the size of an absurdist supernova”.
Danny barks out a single laugh before glaring right back, “exaggeration. But better question, why are you here”.
“You say that like it’s an accusation of guilt”.
“With you, it always is”, Danny steps forward, putting himself in front of his friends, while his mom goes and socks agent L in the face for trying to shoot her son. Danny smirks as he overhears her growl, “you were warned”, before Danny snaps at Plasmius, “what were you doing, old man”.
Danny doesn’t even have to wait for a response as agent G gives him what he was asking for, like a complete idiot; which is pretty expected from one of them. Agent G points at Plasmius, slightly surprised, “you! You’re the ectoentity the commander followed to those powder canisters! We destroyed you!”. The agent rubs his face, looking and sounding a bit manic, “you, you tricked us?! So we’re not at fault! We’re not at fault! Hahaha”.
Danny sighs, “figures”, Danny points over his shoulder at the laughing, and potentially brain-damaged, agent, “I think ya broke him Vladdie”.
Plasmius huffs before attempting to fly off, preferring to avoid the young badgers' wrath while being in this weakened state. Though he gets yanked out of his mental mussing about Daniels absurd, yet so often untapped, power. When he gets shot by a high power ectocannon, too injured to really do anything other than flop unceremoniously on the ground.  
Danny facepalmed as soon as Maddie got off the shot, pushing his hand into his face even more aggressively as she snaps, “ghost! So this was your fault! You ectoplasmic waste of human post consciousness!”. While agent L groans on the ground and agent G is still lost to his bout of lunacy.
Sam and Tucker both give Danny glances of pity while he sighs, “and we were starting to get somewhere...”. Both of them cringe and facepalm themselves, as they hear Danny push his hand into his face so hard that he breaks his nose.
Danny blinks as blood drips down his face and off his chin, “well that’s a first. I have officially had a day that has finally heaped on enough bullshit to become worthy of accidental self-harm, that wasn’t caused by some fight shit”.
“Or you forgetting where you’re walking”.
“Or you holding knives wrong”.
“Or you swallowing solid objects”.
“Or you-”.
Danny cuts his friends off, “I get it!”. Whipping his arm across his nose, and hand down his face. Mostly just smearing it around rather than effectively wiping it off. Adjusting his nose bones so it actually heals right, before walking behind Maddie; whose got her gun cannon blaster thing, with some name Danny didn’t bother memorising, pressed into Plasmius chest. “Uh, could you, like, not?”, Danny sighs as he stands behind his mom, looking down at her kneeling form before she aggressively jabs a small ectogun into Plasmius head.
Plasmius, meanwhile, is staring, mouth slightly ajar, at Daniel prancing around in his kings-wear in town with blood streaked on his face.
Danny sighs again, pinching a bit of his moms' suit around her wrist and lifting her arm/hand up. Relieving the ectoguns pressure on Plasmius head. While Maddie just blinks at her son’s hand, thrown off by the show of strength. Danny leans forward to have his face in front of Plasmius’s, frowning, “what’s up Vampy. Now I really don’t doubt you had some hand or bullshit in this, so what the hell could you have to possibly gain by getting those twats to powder-fuck everything to the Ghost Zone. I mean, certainly, the town squashing you under its heel wasn’t the goal”, Danny gives a shit-eating grin, blood tracing over some of his teeth and lips, “you’re not that much of a masochistic glutton for punishment”.
Vlad glares, looking slightly disgusted, “that wasn’t the goal at all Daniel”. Danny and Maddie easily hear him grumble, “only you were meant to be sent off, but those fools probably messed that up”.
Danny straightens up and laughs, exaggeratedly wiping away a fake tear only to accidentally smear blood around his eye, “oh wow! What’d you expect? That’s practically their job!”. Danny leans back down and pats Plasmius mockingly on the cheek, “but naw, shits all on you. You frootloopy fuck”, standing back up and shrugging exaggeratedly, “they explained how the stuff’s supposed to work and really, there’s no way it wouldn’t have sent everything to High Hell. I mean, Ancients, you can’t teleport a lair keeper out of their own lair that way. You’ll just ass fuck off the whole damn place. Like really, this level of stupid isn’t becoming, or whatever, of you, Batshit”.
Plasmius mutters, “I swear he's going out of his way to make up as many insulting names for me as possible”. Plasmius clears his throat while Danny chuckles, “well duh. You are completely deplorable”.
Plasmius forces down a wince as Maddie pushes the gun further into his stomach, “answer my son, you ectoscum”.
Danny walks off slightly to grab a bit of debris while Plasmius responds to her, “now Maddie, I’m sure we can be-”, only to be cut off by Danny dropping a rather large chunk of cement on his head. While both Sam and Tucker fall over laughing, Dash and Kwan both gape.
Kwan stutters, “s-so he c-can fight back, heh”. Dash grumbling mockingly, “what, does ‘his highness’ think I’m not worth the effort”. Both boys jump as Danny snaps his head around, talking with a wide grin, “yup. That about sums it up”.
“Why you little!-Fentax!”.
Danny ignores the two boys as Kwan holds Dash back, “dude, are you insane? Pretty sure he’s about to give a freaking ghost a verbal lashing...not to mention that he’s just ignoring the blood on his face”.
“Soooo”, Danny taps at his chin, “my mom could just shoot you....again. Not really sure why she’s not”. Maddie doesn’t even take her eyes off Plasmius as she responds, “because, I want answers for why the hell some ghost is toying with my boy”. Both Plasmius and Danny blink at her before Danny slowly lifts up a bit of his cape and slowly looks down at it, “uh....I think the why goes without saying at this point”.
Maddie just growls at Plasmius, who gulps faintly.
Danny rolls his eyes, muttering, “and everyone calls me out for being a growly little shit. Eh, whatever”. Danny glances around discreetly, only Sam and Tucker are actually closely watching him at this point; though there’s definitely a good portion of the town watching this little ‘conversation’.
Danny leans down, getting his face up in Plasmius’s; enough so that no one else’s could see Danny’s face and so Plasmius could definitely smell the blood, Danny doesn’t make a habit of assuming everyone else’s senses were as good as his own. Letting his eyes change to green and blaze with threatening energy, his crown also blazing threateningly, as he pats Plasmius chest just below his neck and above the barrel of his moms ectocannon thing. “Now now, no need for all that tension. You’ll throw your back out, old fart. Now what to do about this little transgression against my homely home. I’m sure you are aware that doing such against the whole of someone’s lair is rather, heh, problematic”, Danny grins devilshily, pushing his fingers hard enough to bruise Plasmius collar bone, “especially mine. I am rather...protective. And you are irking that”.
Plasmius pales a bit, getting on the bad side of any ghosts, half-ghost or not, obsession wasn’t really smart. Especially on such large, even if accidental, scale. Not to mention that Daniel has clearly had some secret or another ousted.
Plasmius promptly stiffens and clenches his teeth as Danny condenses ectoplasmic energy around his core and pulses it, disrupting Plasmius’s core just enough to be extremely unpleasant and painful. Maddie backs off slightly, unsure of what’s going on, as Plasmius grits out, “point taken... your majesty”.
Danny closes his eyes and pats Plasmius chest above his core, making the guy wince, “oh now that’s a rare thing, getting you to not sound like a pompous conniving twat”. Danny grabs Plasmius’s arm as he stands up, dragging Plasmius off the ground while opening a portal. Smirking at the barely standing man before tossing Plasmius in, “enjoy the snow tundras! I’m pretty sure Kempler's favourite show just ended! Be a dead dear and cheer him up for me!”.
Danny laughs, closing the portal to the sounds of crying and screaming.
“You just...let him go?”, Danny turns around to his moms disbelievingly comment. While she yelps, “sweetie! Your face!”.
Danny smears his arm under his nose again, flicking off bits of slightly dried blood, before sighing, “it’s fine, I’m fine, we're all fine. Well, Plasmius is not. And I wouldn’t say ‘let him go’. No, in his state he won’t be getting away for a day or two. And frankly”, Danny intentionally shudders for comedic effect, “I’d rather be beaten within an inch of my life than be stuck with Kempler for even an hour”.
Sam and Tucker walk over, grumbling.
“I’d rather watch someone vore a damn spork, again, and still use it to eat a pound of flowers. For two hours. While frequently re-swallowing the spork”.  
“I’d rather eat that pound of flowers”.
Danny taps his chin and grins devilishly, “I’ll keep that in mind next time you steal the game controllers, Tuck”. Now it’s Tucker’s turn to pale, “please don’t”. Sam smirks, “please do”.
Danny puts his hands behind his head, looking at the sky, while Sam and Tucker go off at each other. Until Maddie tugs on his arm sleeve, “hmm?”, tilting his head down, “uh, what is it, mom?”.
Maddie pulls out a handkerchief and starts cleaning Danny’s face off. Danny grimaces, “mooooom!”, but lets her clean him off. Maddie grumbles about shooting whoever hurt her boy, eliciting Sam to chuckle, “you better not shoot Danny”. Maddie squints incredulously at Danny who blushes slightly, “there was just such a level of stupidity and bullshit that my hand just had to face fuck me”. Tucker smirks, “aka, you’re too strong for your body”.
“Shhhhhh”, Danny goes to place a bloody finger over Tucker’s lips but Tucker bats it away disgustedly.
Maddie, meanwhile, fiddles with the ruined square of fabric before glancing at the ground where the ghost had been, “sweetie, all of that was...kind of...threatening. And why’d that creature stiffen like that?”.
“Heh, well I was hurting him. That’s kind of how people, ghost or human, react to pain”, Danny rubs his neck, ignoring his moms surprised expression, “normally I wouldn’t be so harsh but well, that one never learns and is far more of a thorn in my side than most”.
“So you’ve ‘interacted’ a lot then”.
“Yeah and um-”, Danny cuts himself off and whirls around to the two agents trying to sneak off, “oh no, I don’t think so. I’m not about to give y’all lowkey heart attacks but...”, Danny trails off as he runs off after the, now fleeing, men.
Tucker chuckles, “so that’s what he did”. Spotting Maddie looking towards him with a curious expression, he sighs. Sam elbows him, whispering, “that’s what you get for opening your trap”.
“Tucker, what do you mean? Giving someone a heart attack isn’t possible, especially a ghost. Darn things are completely heartless”.
Tucker puts his hands up, “look, Ms. F. We’re all kind of tired of the anti-ghost stuff”. Sam butts in, “especially Danny”, Sam grumbles to herself, “but Danny won’t ring her out too much for it, he’s too kind for that”. Tucker chuckles, “yeah. Though, like really cut it out. But...that is possible, the giving heart attacks thing, for Danny anyway. He can pretty well do anything. But core attack is more accurate here”.
“Core attack?”.
“Yup! Don’t ask me how really. But...he vibrates the ghosts core in a way that messes it up for a beat. We’ve seen him pull that before, pretty well incapacitates ghosts from the pain alone. Though-”, Tucker gets cut off by a snowball to the head.
Danny walks up dragging two unconscious agents, glaring with a slight amount of humour, “Tuck, do you ever know when to shut the fuck up? I could do WITHOUT hunters, even if one is my mom, getting any more funny ideas”. All three of them look down at the men as Danny drops them on the ground. Tucker pointing at them and raising an eyebrow. Danny rubs his neck, “they looked behind them while running, slammed into a wall. Ate dirt, choked on concrete, gargled marble, and last but not least, face fucked stone”. Kicking agent L, “this guy broke his nose”, kicking agent G, “this one managed to both shatter his eye socket and dislocate his jaw”. Looking back up at the three and shrugging, “reformed G’s eye socket but L can live with the nose deformation. All in all, I think they punished themselves”.
“Sooo, what are we going to do with them, dude?”.
“What do you mean by not wanting hunters to have more information? Danny...”.
Danny internally groans at his moms' tone, rubbing his neck, “I’m the king of ghosts mom, having more information out there that could harm them or the Ghost Zone is not something I want. That’s kinda the opposite of good”. Turning to his friends, smirking, “this”.
They’re only confused for a second until a pissed off looking taxi driver pulls up, stopping so that Danny can toss the men into the taxi trunk. Danny chuckles as the taxi speeds off, “that’s gonna be a long and cramped ride, dude pretty well swore to everything that he’d make it the bumpiest ever”.
Sam and Tucker both nod, “good”. Sam turns to Maddie, “so, you’re not going to give Danny a hard time about all of”, gesturing to Danny’s cape and crown, “this? Are you?”. Danny tilts his head to the side and grumbles, “only for, like, the past forever”.
But Danny’d rather not have Sam and his mom go bickering about shit, so he straightens up some, “anyway uh, it’s late and shit so I vote for letting me embrace my bed”.
Tucker snickers, “like you’re actually gonna sleep”.
“I can try can’t I?”.
Sam elbows Tucker, “lucky Mr. Royal bombastic over here hardly needs it”. Danny groans, “tell me about it! I’d be even more dead on my feet!”.
Maddie raises an eyebrow but Danny grabs her wrist, “so home!”. Waving at Sam and Tucker as he practically drags Maddie home. Maddie watching where she steps so as to not trip on Danny’s cape, while Sam and Tucker exchange slightly worried glances.
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