#But not to villanous extent
ziracona · 11 months
Incredible how a piece of media can be about the demonizing of minorities for existing and the endless prioritization of the not life even, but wealth, comfort, and ease of the majority, over the lives of minorities, and their right to exist at all. And about the beauty of love in minorities even discarded and devalued and demonized. And the horrific, banal, shallow, casual depravity and evil of the majority in power choosing to sacrifice those vulnerable around them as if it’s nothing at all, or even deserved and celebrated. And how worthless that is. And the way even lost and dead, demonized, hated, and discarded, love and unity between the oppressed and the forgotten will be remembered in echoes by the land itself and last for centuries and color the future. And still. Still. People will see all of that, and refuse to engage with the text in any way but a desire to explore the nonexistent depth of and fuck some rich evil white cop guy
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turnin9pag3 · 3 months
GUYS CALL ME CRAZY BUT IM SORRY I FEEL LIKE STANDFORD “FORD” PINES IS PARTIALLY A VILLAN. i understand that he wanted to nurture dippers talent and genius but he forgets the kid is JIST TWELVE. dippers is a CHILD and this man is in his late 60’s.
He is to dipper what Dumbledore is to harry. to a lesser extent of course because i don’t feel like ford was inherently evil or “raising him for slaughter” but i do feel like he cared more about his research than he ever did about dipper or Mabel for that matter. he willingly pulls dipper into dangerous situations knowing that dipper looks up to him as an idol and will listen to pretty much anything he says. he also waters down dipper’s skepticism about moving to gravity falls to study with him by convincing him he was being suffocated with Mabel and she was unwelcome. which is NOT true dipper LOVES mabel with every peice of him and for ford to take advantage of his idolization in the eyes of a fucking 12 year old and convince him- even for a moment- that studying mosters with him was more important than his twin who has been by his side LITERALLY since they were born is so beyond fucked up. all that just so he can have someone to spread his genius onto. dipper had so much potential by going down the route but also the kid is young. he’s already been traumatized by that point and he needs to be a kid the best he can. and if we are going real deep into it mable never should’ve blamed herself for weirdmageddon because its more fords fault than hers. sure she made a stupid decision but she- like dipper- was only 12. by ford convincing dipper he doesn’t need Mabel he caused her to want to give them more time. even if dipper didn’t need her she still needed him. and dipper did need her he just told himself he didn’t because his idol told him he didn’t. ford had zero regard for people of corporeality and this is also evident in the fact that he made the deal with bill to begin with. he became so concerned with his studies and what could be created he went full evil genius mode and essentially made a deal with the devil because he had access to the mindscape. even after all of this goes down he tries dragging dipper down that same path.
im not saying ford was the villain but i am saying his character needs to be looked into more because he puts them in potentially fatal situations and only cares when they are at the edge of it ending. hes a good guy who cares about them but sometimes i just feel like he cares more about the unknown than them.
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lostinthesasuke · 1 year
its a huge theme thru naruto that people who claim to care about sasuke make absolutely no attempt to understand him or get to know him. people either project their desires and fantasies on him, or villanize him. he is often seen as an uchiha before anything else. sakura never got to know him or his motivations, and selfishly clinged onto him. itachi used him as a tool to satisfy his own goals without ever taking his humanity into account. kakashi projected himself onto sasuke to such an extent that his self loathing never allowed him to sympathize with sasuke and be a supportive adult in his life. orochimaru simply saw him as a means to an end, as a powerful vessel. even on team taka we see shades of this, even though it is clear that they care deeply for him. the only character in the entire series who tried to understand sasukes motivations, his feelings, his trauma.. is naruto. no matter how clumsy his attempts were, he is the only person who ever tried to see sasuke as a full person. and so when the village later on idealizes naruto and puts him on a pedestal, i wonder if naruto got closer to understanding the discomfort of being adored without being seen.
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williamaltman · 3 months
My late thoughts on 2x7 because I said I would but then forgot:
Like everyone else I was expecting Lestat to be portrayed worse than he was. They actually let him have so many moments of honesty and/or vulnerability. That's kinda the case on the book trial too but in a very different way, and since Lestat wasn't as fucked up from the murder attempt on the show I thought they would go heavy on villanizing him.
I don't think we're getting a "real trial" version on episode 8 like people had assumed either.
We got as many Lestat & Claudia crumbs as possible which I really appreciated. "I see the best of my vampiric nature in her", "Claudia is my blood", him looking proud, his reaction at her death.
I actually wasn't expecting the trial to be where they would revisit the "fight" or even Claudia's turning. I thought it was interesting that we got a "Lestat version" of things even though it's technically not his POV yet.
I didn't really like the new version of Claudia's turning, it was even worse than the previous one which I didn't think was possible.
The fight... I actually appreciated what we got of it. I was hoping they would make it more "equal", because my biggest problem with it was how extreme it was (which is still the case unfortunately) and how one-sided it seemed with Louis being seriously injured while Lestat was barely even hurt if at all. Making it more equal and showing that for a moment Louis had the upper hand, was the one going at Lestat the most and got to hurt him too is a weird relief to me... It's like a contradicting mix of feelings where I both feel better for Louis and also kinda side-eye him for it, you know? Lestat's bloody ass face and disoriented expression compared to how he looked on episode 5 is a huge difference, and it means the "follow-up" to it wasn't quite as we saw either.
Still wish they did something about the drop, like saying that Louis asked/taunted him to do it or something or that it wasn't as high as it seemed. I always thought the idea of saying either it or the "fight" didn't really happen was too big of a cop out. Even though I wish they hadn't even written that a tall, they did so they have to commit to it (to an extent at least).
"My immortal companion is Claudia. My coven is Claudia." was just beautiful. I kinda wouldn't mind them not giving Madeleine any chance despite her not having commited a crime, especially cause in the show she was sort of a "forbidden" fledgling which is against the rules, but I'm glad that they adressed it because of this response. Her choosing to die with Claudia is probably the biggest act of love in this damn show.
I guess we're not getting the TVA version of Claudia's death. It's still possible I guess since we only see her death through Armand's POV, but I always thought it didn't make as much sense in the show to begin with considering Claudia being older among other things, and I think it would change the logistics of what we saw too much since that still has to be at least slightly true.
The preview... Seems like Louis will directly threaten Lestat and *really* think he died in the fire? In the book it was always kinda weird cause he just assumed so and didn't think about it (on page at least) until Armand told him he was alive. I'm curious how they'll deal with all that considering some stuff we got.
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pjsk-headcanons · 21 days
breaks knuckles we're doing akinene ( •̀ ^ •́ )✧
Context for later stuff: In my mind, WxS have a game where they yell out random parts at each other and do their best to play it for the next five minutes. Mizuki is fully in on this and even participates. (Mizuki theater kid canon TO ME)
Akito didn't realise he was into Nene before she got all confident, and now he's just down bad. Unforch for her, Nene has a thing for Loser Boyfails, now that she is no longer a Loser Girlfail. (To the same extent, at least...) She takes one look at this guy, sighs very heavily, and starts taking notes on how to become his friend. (In a very neurotypical fashion.)
They're bi4bi but lean in opposite directions and are so used to being percived as gay that all of their friends are Very Confused when the resident lesbian and chronically gay guy start making out holding hands - and I say holding hands because they are both embarrased to hell and back. This does not mean they're going to lay off the PDA though. Making your partner embarrassed is the highest form of love.
Before they got together, Nene attempted to act (Y'know. given she's an actress.) like Akito's friends to try and win him over, which means being bubbly and listening to the entirety of both RADder and GLaP days' catalouge trying to figure out how to start a conversation. Eventually she gives up and tries talking about her intrests, specifically a game she knows Toya also likes (Slime Rancher). This is exactly what she needed to do from the beginign because, as stated, Akito is down bad and will just sit there staring in awe while she infodumps.
Nene shows up to a VBS performance in full theatre kid attire and Akito proceeds to buy her an entirely new wardrobe.
Akito is forced to go to WxS performances. Nene begs him not to but Kohane and Toya had already bought tickets and An cant make it so he kinda has to. Half the performances are Nene doing the stupidest shit imaginable (She fills in for Tsukasa on the human canon one time and now Rui thinks it's acceptable to do literally anything to her-) or she's playing the villan and holy shit is he gay straight bi.
Nene unironically says "unforch" and it's begun rubbing off on Akito. Which means Kohane and Toya and Kotaro too. An is sobbing in a corner.
Ena is the last person to find out about this. She thinks Akito just has some random girl on his arm or whatever but she goes to the Shinonome Household one time and Ena's impression shoots up instantly when she finds out Nene is not just a girl, but a Gamer Girl (who listens to n25).
Mizuki jokingly threatens to kick them out of Kamikou's Pride Club for being too straight. An actually threatens to kick them out but bc of the aformentioned WxS game - Rui keeps giving her slutty parts intentionally and boy howdy does Akito fall for it.
Rui: Nene! Kinky assassin! Nene: What gender? Rui: A guy. Nene: On it. (To Akito) Wow I've, um. Dropped my assassin killing gun. Into your dick. D'ya mind if I fish it out? Akito: (Spluttering) An: (Groaning) Toya: (Chuckling) Everyone Else: (Roaring Laughter) Mizuki: Okay, now do it for real. That means not on your boyfriend. Nene: Sure. (Walking over to Rui and holding a Finger Gun below his neck) Wow... Sure would be a shame if I had to feel up your insides, removing any trace of life, raw and bleeding, so all that was left was a variety of products to be sold... (Shrugs) Too bad you wont be awake to feel it. (Shoots Finger Gun) Akito: (Has not said anything and we're not sure he can.) An: (Bemused Laughter) Everyone Else: (A Light Smattering of Applause) Nene: (Mimicking Tsukasa) Now back to talking about that policy that wants to make our existence illegal. Tsukasa: How dare you mock me, a future world star??!! Nene: Yeah, you can't be a star if you get hatecrimed, dude.
They stay up all night playing Splatoon! <3 I love me some gamer gays. They did almost break up over Mario Kart, though...
formatting this on my phone was a mistake... but yah i think thats it for now!! i'll probably think of something else in ten minutes though... from 🎲 anon!! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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kuyenshino · 4 months
I think ppl conveniently forget that Asa is an orphaned 16 years old killed by a devil due to the actions of a jealous teammate and a grooming ped0 teacher, and that she only came back to life after being possessed by a devil.
Yes, it seems Yoru kinda warmed up to her but she's still a devil and for all we know she can "betray" Asa at any moment.
Asa is not there to cure or heal Denji as she has her own issues to deal with, doesn't have a degree in psychology, and neither was there in csm part 1, so she doesn't understand the whole picture or the extent of Denji's trauma.
You can say she is being selfish or self centered for sure (and who is NOT selfish in CSM?), but that's how she has lived for years. When you are alone, you only have to worry about yourself. After her mom died, she didn't even have family or friends until she met Yuko and that didn't even last long (and for what we know she was killed).
The fact that at least Asa listen or tries to understand Denji is enough I think, but its weird how ppl needlessly likes villanizing every single thing she does and treats her like a sociopath with no empathy (especially in reddit or twt), even when we know she is possessed by the War Devil and Asa is probably in a more difficult and fucked up situation than Denji.
And you know what? At least Denji still has Nayuta (and Pochita?) and he can focus on that. Yoshida is a wild card but he seemed to be concerned about him at some point. But Asa? She is completely alone and we know Fami/Kiga is playing with her. Same with Yoru, I don't trust her. So, who will help her? Who will listen to her?
Someone really cares about her?
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
Top 10 Favorite Classic actors
So I was thinking of doing a top 10 actors list....But the list was dominated by classic actors ,so doing that list .Might do more modern actors too.Also this is both actors AND actresses
Rule to clasify for classic actor ,I went exclusively with actors who have passed on
10.Christopher Lee-Guy with a long and very varied career,Lee brings a dangerous villanous yet sophisticated and even seductive vibe to most roles
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9.Peter Lorre:Arlene Francis once described Lorre as "Our favorite sad eyed villain" and that sums him up well .He brings both a creepines and yet a sense of sadness to many roles while also being an underrated comic talent .Even though type cast as villains he could play diffrent types of villains ,as shown by his three breakthrough performances in M ,Man Who Knew Too Much and Mad Love,where he plays a tormented pathetic childkiller ,a cool levelheaded kidnapper and a obsessed mad stalkerish surgeon with equal pinache
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8.Roddy McDowall-Theres a sad cliche that child actors often have bad careers ,Roddy McDowall is a big exception,transitioning from child star to one of the most praised character actors of the 20th century with a six decade career .Be it film,television ,theater or voiceover,McDowall conquered it ,and be it a historical epic , a horror film,a cartoon or a certain franchise about talking apes .....McDowall NEVER phones in ,he brings the sauce
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7.Vincent Price : Vincent is one of my favorite personalities of the 20th century ,known for his sophistication and wicked sense of humor .He started out as a matinee idol before finding his niche playing villains ,usually in horror.What I find interesting about Vincent is he is really good at playing the "Man drivent to villainy ",he can play a right evil bastard but his villains tend to be either sympathetic to an extent or they are clearly having a ball so you cant help but like them .Whether villain ,protagonist or even a side role hes just a hoot to watch
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6.Boris Karloff -Karloff for YEARS was my go to answer for favorite actor .Of the classic horror stars Karloff is so understated,like he could go big if he wanted to but the little inflections and movements he does are effective enough.PArt of my love for him is his voice,like watch the GRinch or him telling the story of Death and the Servent in Target and you are just pulled in .He can do sinister very well,(I will always remember his slimey grin in The Body Snatcher) but of course his greatest legacy is being the FRankensteinMonster which if you ask me is one of the greatest performances in cinema ,he is brutal and vacant but at the same time sad,frightened and child like
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5.Ingrid Bergman -So while I adore Casblanca and she is great in it....It is her performances in Gaslight ,Murder on the ORient Express and especially Anastasia that put her so high.I have never seen a performer just ....."Go there" as well as she does ,so consistantly and I kind of forget Im watching a movie .Shes not higher cause I just havent seen enough of her
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4.Humphrey Bogart-Bogart is cool,and while Ive always thought he was cool,i wasnt initially impressed by ol Boagey .......The more stuff Ive seen with him the more I realize beneath that coolness is a really good actor who can do comedy,romance,be a tough guy and even be the second most paranoid nervous wreck of a villain I have ever seen (Behind Tony Goldwyn in Ghost ),theres more to him then just being cool
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3.Katherine Hepburn;.....DO I have to explain placing one of the greatest performers of the 20th century so high? .....Just watch Philidelphia Story,African Queen and Lion and Winter,youll get it
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2.Eli Wallach-I pretty much love this guy anytime he appears in something .Hes another guys who can play vilains but add a layer .Hes always entertaining and he played one of my favorite film characters ever Tuco in The Good the Bad and the Ugly
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1.Claude Rains.....I think Claude Rains should be called the greatest actor of the 20th century over the likes of Charles Laughton,LAurance Olivier and John Gielgud.....Cause this guy TRAINED Charles Laughton,Laurance Olivier and John Gielgud !!!!!He is one of the greatest character actors of the 20th century .He has possibly the greatest voice of any actor (The competition is James Earl Jones and James Mason ) which was so striking,his big break was the Invisible Man ,a movie where you dont even SEE HIM .Man did horror,adventure ,sci fi ,musical ,dramas and was in both Casablanca (As my favorite film character ever Louis Renault ) AND Lawrance of Arabia ,AKA two movies considered pretty darn good .And if you want more proof ,watch his death scene in Deception where he is shot by Bette Davis ....And just smirks and says "You fool ".I stand by Rains being my absolute favorite actor
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So thats my list,share your favorits if you want ,or just share your thoughts on mine
@piterelizabethdevries @the-blue-fairie @ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @princesssarisa @countesspetofi @amalthea9 @barbossas-wench
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strayheartless · 5 months
The thing about Vanipliku is, I don't hate it. I just don't ship it in the same way I ship Soriku.
The difference (for me) between the two is that while Soriku may not always do the healthy thing when it comes to eachother, They always have the others best interests at heart and its obvious that they are willing to work at a healthy relationship.
Vanipliku by comparison are like Anti-Soriku. not in the sense that they are evil Sora and Riku, but in the sense that they do not have the same intentions towards eachother as the hero's of light have. Repliku, to a certain extent is Riku at his most vulnrable and manipulated, but also at his most angry. He is Riku at his most likely to lash out at Sora. Even if he is no longer the same as Riku, he is still a snapshot in time of an angry child who (if we follow Sorkiu Fanon rather than Canon) is still upset that he is pining over his best friend.
Vanitas isn't Sora, hes not even Ventus. He looks like Sora, he almost sounds like Sora, but he's not Sora. There is no part of him that thinks or acts of cares like Sora does. He was the "piece of Ventus that was taken away" while Sora was the "piece ventus needed to be whole" but they are different pieces of a bigger whole. Vanitas is negativity, he has been manipulated and abused his entire exsistance and if you read the Kingdom hearts character files you find out his exsistance is just pain and bitterness. he is literally the antithisis of light. Does this make his inherently evil? no, but it does make him more prone to self distructive behaviour.
I will be the first to say Vanitas' Villan credentials are of the same ilk as someone like Sephiroths, but like Sephiroth he is a product of what other people make him. He is obsessive and cruel, he loves the same way he hurts and that doesn't breed healthy relationships.
To me Vanipliku is one of those relationships like SephGen or Sephikura or AkuSai. it has great potential to be a toxic yet completely codependent relationship. the kind of relationship that you know you shouldn't be in because its doing you damage but you won't leave because who else loves you in that way that makes you feel powerful, makes your skin crawl with need?
So with that in mind I often read Vanipliku like this:
Repliku is with Vanitas because its the closest thing he can get to Sora. Van looks like Sora, he sounds like Sora, but Van is fucked up enough to go along with the darkest of Repliku's idea's. If Repliku asked, Vanitas would grab his hand and let himself be pulled into the darkness. But Repliku doesn't neccesserally love Vanitas' darkness.
Vanitas wants to be loved. He doesn't care how, and he doesn't care why, he just wants to feel as if he is. He doesn't know what love feels like, so When Repliku is willing to kiss him, willing to hang off of him and be possessive of him, Vanitas accepts that, revels in it even.
The fact that what they are doing is not love its obsession, its toxic codependency, doesn't even register. They both feed of of each others darkness.
Niether of them want to be alone and regardless of the fact that Repliku makes Vanitas feel rage like nothing else when he compares him to the hero of light, or barates him for his own personality, doesn't matter. The fact that Vanitas will torture and emotionally humiliate Repliku in return doesn't matter. because in the end what they have isn't love, but it sure feels like it to them.
The posessivness spills out into letting the other be touched by others. Repliku is extremely jelous and will hurt people and Vantias if he percieves even the slightest chance of betrayal.
Vanitas craves the pain, and the feeling of being owned and wanted. He's less jelous of insignificant others, but he would truely love to torture Sora until Repliku sees how weak the boy is. Until he realises Vanitas is the better option.
I dunno man, if you see them as loving and healthy, I'm not about to say you are wrong. You ship what you ship and I think thats great. this is just how I have always interpreted this paticualr ship!
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mario-art · 5 months
HELLO, you made such an interesting point in the tags of my post:
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You know what’s funny? Is that Thrawn is really being turned into a “Machiavellian” type of villain, but what’s even funnier is that Machiavelli himself received this type of treatment. Now idk how much familiar you are with the 16th century author, but just know this: Machiavelli and “Machiavellian”, and whatever people can take from him, is heavily misunderstood (I actually really hate the use of the adjective, but perhaps that’s a story for another type). Now I know that Zahn wrote Thrawn based on a certain extent on the Machiavelli archetype (I remember reading it somewhere, pardon if I have no proofs), but I’m actually laughing hard thinking that as characters they are having the same treatment by popular media. Lemme explain: Machiavelli wrote the Principe not because “oh he cynic!1!🥶He mad!1🤬”. No. Machiavelli wrote what he wrote because he wanted to save Italy dalla Ruina, from its ruin. Machiavelli dreamed of a more compact and unified Italy. He had a vision and just as much as Thrawn, he wished to serve his people, Florence (in Thrawn’s case, the ascendancy) and Italy (which didn’t existed at the time).
And now, with Thrawn being reduced as you said in a villan without complex motifs, I can’t help but think how poetic is to be doomed to the same narrative as the figure who inspired your existence. Maybe this was planned all along, I don’t think so personally, but Thrawn is being oversimplified by Filoni the same way Machiavelli gets reduced as just a “pragmatic person” and “the ends justify the means” by everyone (don’t let me start on how wrong the quote is).
To sum up: Thrawn and Machiavellian are rhyming in the same direction in popular mainstream media.
This was my Ted talk, sorry in advance for possible writing mistakes, I just woke up✌️
Hiii! Thank you so much for the spontaneous Ted talk 😄😄 Your parallel between the Ascendancy and Florence+Italy is sooo on point, it blew my mind for a second. Now I have to delve deeper into it
Actually there was a period of time when I was really invested in this topic, I read his 10 letters, history of Florence +the Prince obviously and almost fell from a chair when they put him into Assassins Creed game, but now there're just small bits that I remember. Maybe it's time to refresh things
I didn't know that Zahn was actually inspired by Machiavelli. I'm new to this part of the fandom, so I haven't read anything about him or his working process, but after you mentioned it I'll take a note for the future. I must confess I learned who Thrawn was only during the Ahsoka show and due to the fandom. Like there were so many memes about him here on Tumblr, there's no way fans will hype some basic dude so much. And then my friend recommended the new trilogy
So yeah, it's such a pity that not 1, but 6 books of new material got completely ignored and the character simplified to what we've already seen so many times literally everywhere. You phrased it beautifully
I haven't read the old trilogy yet, heir to the empire, only know the plot in general, but I'm curious what exactly motivates Thrawn to rebuild the empire. And how the characterization of him differs between these trilogies. Is he mostly the same or did Zahn change the character after so many years like Terry Pratchett's Vetinari evolved from the very first version of the Patrician to his later works (I can't help comparing them after yesterday, though I hadn't done it before idk)
So yeaah... At least I'm happy that there're so many talented fans here and we can happily ignore whatever happens on the screen 🙃
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majorbaby · 1 year
Now I'm thinking about how MASH moralizes competency in the medical field most of the time. Being good at your job is a positive trait for our heroes, and a redemptive trait for our antagonists. Except when Hawkeye mercifully breaks that formula, but I'll get to that.
Frank is a competent military man and an incompetent doctor. Henry, the inverse. Potter is the best of both worlds, but keep in mind that when Potter arrives the show retools its definition of "competent military man" from warmongering patriot to kind-of-honourable-I-guess. Charles is a competent doctor in spite of his questionable morals. Margaret at her most villanous is consistently portrayed as a being at the top of her field, which sets up her redemption arc.
Would we be able to accept the positive trajectory of Hawkeye's relationships with Potter, Charles and Margaret if they weren't all good at their jobs? Potter may be regular army and Charles an old-money upperclassman and Margaret a military-loving career army nurse, but they all save lives. I wouldn't say it's because of that that Hawkeye is able to bond with all of them, but it is one less barrier, and I think if it were there it would matter to him.
Hawkeye's talent and skill as a doctor is central to the character, and yet he's horrified by how that makes him complicit in the war effort. He also cautions Henry against seeing the war as an opportunity to escape his boring life and do some thrilling, fulfilling work as a doctor.
And in "The Party" Hawkeye wrongly assumes his father's practice is more important to him than "the son I [Daniel Pierce] brought into this world." which is a sobering reminder to Hawkeye from someone he loves who is also a doctor that there's more to life than doctor-ing.
Early on in "The Consultant" Dr. Borelli (played by Alan Alda's real-life father, if that means anything to you) warns Hawkeye that kindness isn't an inherent trait of doctors: "You have a great many gifts doctor, it's a pity you can't number compassion among them."
We wouldn't have a show if Hawkeye constantly grappled with the ethics of being an army doctor (even against his will) because it's show about a medical unit, so I think instead it's that much more important to make the point that a job, no matter how honourable it is, should never be what you are, it is only what you do.
And this is why I think BJ is unable to convince Hawkeye that's he's doing something wrong in "Preventative Medicine" or something that Hawkeye will be unable to live with - BJ is appealing to Hawkeye the doctor, not Hawkeye the person. I don't think it's that they disagree on the ethics of their profession, it's that Hawkeye is bound by those ethics only to a certain extent because there are some situations in which they limit his ability to "do no harm". When pushed beyond the limits of what he considers to be morally acceptable, he easily defers to the ethics of Hawkeye the person.
IMO, that was great use of the character because it's a counter to the idea that being good at your job absolves you of the harm you might do off the clock and/or the responsibility you have to think for yourself. Being a compassionate individual made Hawkeye a good doctor, not the other way around. The same traits make it impossible for him to excel in the military by the army's standards.
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evilkaeya · 1 year
I highly doubt Mori ever hurt a single hair on Dazai or Chuuya’s heads, or had them really hurt or punished. That wouldn’t benefit him in any way, and seems out of character regarding two characters he wanted to keep close and loyal. He didn’t push Dazai away until Oda, and even then it wasn’t just for the sake of hurting Dazai, it was for the permit. And I refuse to believe Chuuya would’ve stuck around if he was being mistreated to that extent, loyalty or blackmail be damned. They’re both powerful assets that Mori wouldn’t have wanted to give incentive to leave, because if they decided to leave, who could stop either of them? It just doesn’t seem in character for Mori from what we’ve seen of him to me. Neither would a bunch of other stuff I see in fanon, like him forcing Chuuya to use Corruption at all, much less to the extent of permanent damage (I usually see this when the author wants Chuuya to join the ADA I think) Chuuya is pretty much a weapon of mass destruction, even without using Corruption! And he’s a model employee! That’s not something Mori would just throw out the window! Sorry for the rant in your inbox, this is just something that annoys me and I could talk forever about mischaracterizations and fanons, feel free to ignore!
I agree with everything you said fr fr like I understand that a lot of people despise mori (me included but I find his character highly interesting. I wanna study him under a microscope like a bug) and want to use him as the plot device in angst fics but mischaracterizing the character and his dynamic with others is not it yk. The amount of fics featuring mori abusing skk makes me think half of the fandom didn't read the same bsd as I did.
Mori is clever but that doesn't make him flawless. I know for a fact that most of this mischaracterization come from Yosano arc (and holy fuck I hate him for what he did to Yosano) but I think people forget that he was younger than. Not a boss, but a military general, and he has come a long way since then. Not to mention it's evident in fifteen and stormbringer that he's more cool headed and silly than he was before, seeing how unafraid both Dazai and Chuuya were of him. There is no canon evidence of him torturing Dazai (why would he even touch him like he knows dazai can nullify his ability and possibly kill him) or Chuuya (if he tortured Chuuya why would he be so loyal to him now? Make it make sense).
And the thing about fanon too. Like I said, to create angst, you need a solid plot device that can convince the readers that it's the source of all evil, and Mori is a good candidate for it. He has the aura, he is an antagonist, and he has a dark past. It's easier to villanize him even more. But yeah, forcing Chuuya to use corruption doesn't make any sense because like? He'll die if Dazai is absent?? Why would he kill off one of his executives? Yokohama’s strongest ability user who's so loyal to him?? 😭
Anyways yeah this fandom loves mischaracterizing characters lol it's truly annoying
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donnapalude · 2 months
just to clarify because i have seen a lot vagueing and indirecting going on: when i say that in 409 silver used the vulnerability related to his disability to avoid showing a deeper vulnerability to flint, i absolutely believe that to some extent he both was and believed he was being truthful. that is a true vulnerability to him and it is an actual show of trust to show flint that. and i don't believe it was calculated in the sense that he actually planned it out in his brain, i think he acted subconsciously. the tone of the post was like fake mad at him, i was joking, i don't think he is a villain! i love him! what i do believe however is that his motivations about the choice were fairly complicated.
a) while silver does not always voluntarily lie all the time his actions are very rarely completely genuine. not because he is evil, but because he does not have enough of a sense of self for genuine to truly mean something. if you don't know what your wants, needs, preferences etc. are what are your actions stemming from? he has real feelings of course, but i think, as he does not know how to recognize them and honour them, his actions are more often motivated by survival then by them;
b) since he does not really know for himself what he wants and should get out of a relationship, just that it's something he wants to keep, with flint he takes his cues from him about the rules he needs to follow not to lose that bond. at the beginning flint made clear he expected no honesty between them so keeping uncomfortable truths from flint was a more effective way of not creating strife between them. after flint makes clear that honesty is the new expected paradigm in 309 (post on what i mean by this), silver undersands that he will need to move in that direction. and i don't mean in a calculated manner, i just think it's his instinct to warp himself to avoid losing things that are important to him. which does not mean he showed something false. it's just that the two things go together: he could not have shown flint his vulnerability wrt to his leg if he did not actually love and trust him, but also that is not to me the motivation that moved him to do it in that precise way, in that precise moment;
c) while his disability is a true source of insecurity for him, flint had already tended to him without judgment when he was recovering from losing his leg and i think, while still a difficult step, he comparatively assessed this to be a safe thing to share and certainly incredibly less daunting than matching flint's level of honesty and talking about his past. which is demonstrated by the fact that he refused when it came to it. so even if i think it was not calculated i do think subconsciously he knew he had to do something to show flint he was being honest and open with him. i think that being that open was also something he wanted. it's just that imo he would have been too scared to act on it or even acknowledge it to himself if it didn't basically become a condition to keep flint as a friend. so i think unconsciosly he did throw up a level of deflection so that flint would look at this (true) show of vulnerability without noticing that it wasn't really revealing anything new. when i say his reasons to open up to flint where based on a practical need to keep the relationship going, to me that does not detract from the fact that it was a choice that showed great love. he did not want to lose him! so he did something that was very difficult, while still protecting the part of himself that was more vulnerable. this still shows extreme devotion to me.
i hope i explained myself better i am really sorry if what i wrote came off as ableist it wasn't my intention. i realise a couple of sentences were really not well put and my tone was very flippant. i was making kind of a jokey rant of like fake frustration with the convoluted twists and turns of his mind, but i did not mean to really villanize silver. nor did i mean to imply he does not have real feelings of shame and insecurity about trusting others with his disability. i know he does! i just think the way he deals with that is layered and complicated. but i could have taken care to express the feeling more carefully. sorry everyone <3
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
I've long considered Catelyn to be a well rounded character with engrossing POVs while criticizing her behaviour towards Jon. I see her as one of the examples of GRRM's strength as a writer for his characters, even the most well intentioned ones, aren't exempt from committing acts that are unlikeable. He humanizes his characters and part of what it means to be human is to have shortcomings and failings.
This is also why I cannot take Show Rhaenys and anything she said seriously. Including her behaviour towards Alyn. Because, contrary to Cat, she was the embodiment of Ryan and Sara's mediocrity as writers for she was entirely their creation and had nothing in common with GRRM's Rhaenys Targaryen save for her name. Show Rhaenys wasn't a person but a statement. They desperately wanted her to be likeable, going to the extent of presenting her as the only sensible voice on the show (even though she had irresponsibly murdered a bunch of smallfolk previously but that was obviously brushed under the rug because Rhaenys could do no wrong and also because the writers have double standards). She had to say and do everything that the writers of the show deemed 'appropriate' because any seemingly honest untoward behaviour from her side would reflect badly upon them.
It frustrates me to say something nice about Benioff and Weiss but the changes they made to Catelyn on the show were more palpable and believable. Show Catelyn had remorse about her behavior towards Jon but she was still, as long as she lived, connected to the character that GRRM had created in the book.
Maybe a response to this post that I reblogged.
I agree, utterly. Rhaenys is unrecognizeable, and no amount of "F&B was unreliable / F&B is a history book unlike the main novel's PoVs / the measters were trying to make more violently-inclined or assertive women's ambitions and actions villanous" will ever negate either that women are as capable of violence against innocents while still being an oppressed "class" AND "unreliable narrations and faux history doesn't mean we can't use our brains to glean at least a few very likely to just true conclusions".
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bes-ton · 4 months
poison trick actually works
Technoblade: one of these cups are poisonous Tommy: immediately downs one of them Wilbur and Philza: aghast - how do you know if that one is poison free? Tommy: was kinda hoping it was poisoned
Hero and villan AU
hero philza
hero techno
hero wilbur
vigilantly tommy
note: this is a crack fic but read the warnings, this was written before everything went down with wilbur (fuck him, and give lots of love to shelby) but i still like my writing and hope others enjoy it. ALSO a key of the hero names will be at the bottom
warnings: nonconsensual drug use, child abuse, panic attack? cussing too.
Tommy’s day had a horrible start. He almost slept through his alarm, if not for the other foster kid he shared a room with. Rushing down into the kitchen to grab an apple before running to the bus stop.
But as he made it to the door the foster parents walked down the stairs, blocking the exit. The two of them looked the four kids in front of them and back at each other.
Dale the ‘man of the house’ had a wicked look cross his face before he spoke.
“Me and Sharell have guests coming over tonight and we can’t have you miscreants messing up our image, they will get here around the time you get out of school and they will be here for about three ish hours” a dark look crossed his face but Sharell cut him off
“If we see you before they leave you best believe that you will be severely punished for not listening to you parents” her voice was sickening like it was dipped into a vat of artificial sweetness.
A murmur of “I understand” or”yes ma’am” came from the four teens. A look of rage crossed Dale’s face.
“You don’t believe us! Just watch you-“ he grabbed Tommy by the shirt “can see him as an example of what happens when you disobey us” he balled his fist and landed a strong punch into Tommy’s gut.
A small ‘omph’ left Tommy, but that was all. Any and all noise was seen as arrogance in Dales eyes.
“Get out of my sight! If we get a call from your school that you were late that will be double punishment!”
The four of them scrambled out the door as soon as Dale and Sharell moved out of the way.
They ended up just barely catching the bus.
History was a pain in the ass, why the hell does Tommy need to know the exact date the union of supers started, just why? Yes it slingshotted society into accepting super powers but why does he have to know the exact date. It’s stupid.
Since Tommy can’t go back to the house for another three hours which really meant five hours so 8 and curfew’s at 8:30, he should stop patrolling at 7 to get dinner at Puffys diner- dear prime why is he doing math to figure out his schedule.
Guess math can be used in the real world.
Anyway- Tommy has to find Purpled to figure out if he is patrolling alone or not. Walking around campus looking for Purpled was pretty boring, and Tommy had already checked his normal spots.
Just as Tommy was about to stop looking, Purpled materialized in front of him. In his classic purple hoodie and a smirk covering his face.
“Oh you are a dick, how long have you been here?”
Running across rooftops was therapeutic to Tommy but Purpled - the bitch - was very communication oriented when it came to being vigilantes something about “being on the same page and having a plan” no, find crime, kick ass offer to call an ambulance and get the hell out of dodge. That is the extent on Tommy’s plan.
“We really need to get new code names because ‘purple’ is too close to my name” Purpled said from the other side of the rooftop.
“Well then what do you want me to call you?”
“Why do you act like I know? I just don’t like it”
“Well, I have to call you something. Oh wait! I know how about-“
“If you start listing purple things I will hurt you.”
“Why would you do that?”
“You named a MOTH after an ORANGE I do not trust you.”
“Her name is clementine not orange you clusterfuck”
“Tommy what the hell is a clusterfuck?”
“What happened to no real names in the field? Also the synonym to clusterfuck is Purpled” Tommy said, smug satisfaction covering his face and lacing his voice.
Purpled threw his hands up in defeat. Throwing a glare at Tommy before pointing down at the ally below them and making a be quiet motion.
A gruff voice broke the silence, the muggers voice sounding like knives on a chalkboard.
“Hand over the money little lady or bad things will happen to you” the mugger threatened.
Purpled and Tommy shared a look. A plan forming in their minds, smoothing out the details through crude hand motions.
With a wink Purpled disappeared. Leaving Tommy to listen for the sound of Purpled dropping down into the ally below.
With the near silent thud of Purpled’s shoes Tommy teleported in between the lady and the mugger.
The mugger a large built dude who towered over Tommy, made a noise of surprise that Sounded like a dog whine and stumbled back. From behind Purpled struck the the muggers knee. Making him fall, Hard.
Snatching the purse from the muggers hand Tommy turned to the lady, her face decorated with shock, handed her purse to her. Clearing his throat Tommy spoke through his mask.
“Here you go, ma’am, do you need us to call someone?” The voice was obviously fake but she didn’t comment.
“No thank you I will be going now” her voice shaking with every word.
After stopping five more muggings Purpled and Tommy made it to the warehouse district, it’s almost always riddled with crime, but also hero’s so they have to be extra careful.
Sneaking around between warehouse was stressful and three of the five they passed were empty. The first building that had people was a just group of homeless people.
They always have odd advice, but very interesting.
The second was what they thought was a high end drug deal. Three large crates of sealed packages on one side and two people negotiating. Both people flanked by multiple gunmen.
Walking around the outside of the building, Purpled found a Fire escape.
Once in the building they stuck to the rafters, listening, waiting. The plan was to watch and wait which Tommy thought was stupid.
The sun was just setting when they were doing the trade off.
“Where did you even get this stuff” the one in blue asked
“Oh I made it in my lab it took months to come up with the formula.” The old man with a lab coat and goggles said.
“Why? Why make a drug and sell it to dealers so junkies can shoot it up?”
“The drug isn’t what’s important, the after effects are, having civilians be the ones to be aggressive lets me and others like me do what we want-“
Up in the rafters Purpled and Tommy shared a look. And Purpled mouthed the words ‘he’s monologuing’
“-of course! Having the drug out on the streets occupies the police and hopefully even the hero’s!”
“Good to know.” The brunette in blue pauses, then said “by the wa- WHAT THE FUCK”
Purpled had unarmed the guards behind the crazy scientist while Tommy got the ones behind the blue bitch.
“Oh hello little hero’s! I thought the commission stoped having child soldiers!” Purpled paused but not for long before he landed a solid uppercut and knocked him out.
As Tommy fought the blue one, he oddly knew how to fight, like really really well.
“I know your vigilantes! If you comply you won’t be arrested!” That made Tommy falter. Purpled had even faltered before launching himself across the gap and pinning the blue British man from behind.
Just as Purpled landed on him the door bust open from the front of the warehouse came two members to the dream team.
“Oh fuck.” Was all Tommy could get out before he was handcuffed.
The blue drug dealer was actually one of the hero’s in the Dream Team, 404. It was nice that the dude offered to not arrest them but Purpled just had to be a bitch and thought it was a bluff.
Now as they sit next to each other in the back seat of a black minivan while the leader of the Dream Team argues with a police officer over taking the two of them back to headquarters instead of the precinct for questioning. Tommy just really wants to cuss out Purpled for being suspicious.
The police officer walked away from the van and just as Tommy was about to celebrate, the drivers door opened and in popped the hero blaze.
“Now that the custody of you two has been decided, we can finally leave! Now who do you want to be in the back seat with you? Dream or 404?” Blaze asked
Purpled’s head shot up sending a wicked glare at Blaze “Personally I would prefer Gold”
Blaze just gave Purpled the most unimpressed face that Tommy has ever seen, he couldn’t not laugh.
With a sigh Blaze pulled out his phone. A look of horror crossed Purpled’s masked face as he muttered “dream, dream can be back here we don’t mind pleasedontcallGold”
Blaze just gave him a grin and said “to late, he can’t make it to sit with you but he can interrogate you.”
Wannabe hero’s group chat
one of the two vigilantes is mouthing off can Punz please put the fear of god into them during their interrogation? 🙏
Gold digger
why the hell would I do that?
Blood god
I can do it.
Green teletuby
Bad idea
Blood god
Cussing police
Construction worker
No thanks
That’s a great idea 👍
Anteater #1 hater
Blood god
So you want me to interrogate them
If Punz says no
Blood god
Gold digger
I’ll do it.
You ruin my fun ☹️
After laughing his ass off Tommy was squished between his best friend and one of the top heroes in the country. That’s pretty cool.
The heroes have an unreasonable amount of buildings that can function as ‘headquarters’ for their interrogation but they passed like five different buildings that Tommy knew were for hero’s and he was getting worried.
“Heyyy what time is it?”
“This is NOT the time to joke red” purpled grumbled
Gogy fished out his phone and started to say something but was cut off.
“Stop being pissy or I will forever call you grape, no matter what you decide to be called- also I am genuinely curious about the time” Tommy explained.
“Wow red I didn’t know you were like that” the tone purpled used was convincingly hurt, it even fooled the hero’s, as concern painted Tommy’s face Purpled continued
“would you call my grape if I said I wanted to change my name for gender reasons” a annoyed sound left Dream and he sat straight up like he was going to say something when Tommy once again cut someone off.
“You already did dumbass are you going to change it again?” Tommy gasped hand to his chest “are you coming out to me again? What changed!”
“I will deck you do you understand me Tommy” purpled said in a flat tone. 404 and Blaze made choking sounds while Dream looked on in amazement, they were self destructive to their vigilante identities.
“Wow what happens to secret identities?” Tommy grumbled
“Shut up Tommy is common as fuck your fine” Blaze had started snickering try and failing to hide it behind a cough. Tommy was making a noise that sounded like a dying cat.
“Oh by the way Tommy it’s like 6:45 for your curiosity” said 404.
It hasn’t even started and Tommy never wants to be interrogated ever again. What the hell is this, isn’t there supposed to be someone asking them questions? Aren’t they supposed to be in separate rooms? The two of them could make a cover story! These people are horrible at interrogation.
“I’m board” Tommy’s voice echoed in the silent room. With some shuffling Purpled managed to kick him. And made a shushing gesture- well their hands were cuffed so Purpled couldn’t make the complete motion.
The door opened revealing a blond guy in a white hoodie and Purpled dropped their head onto the table.
“What were you doing in the warehouse district?”
“Doing vigilante shit”
“Because hero’s don’t do shit where they are actually needed- OW why do you keep kicking me?” Purpled turned their head to Tommy glaring at him before gesturing to Gold and it fucking clicked.
Gold the hero, is Punz, Purpled’s older sibling. Punz who taught Tommy how to find good paying side hustles. Punz who hates his job. Punz who tought Tommy how to identify kidnappers and traffickers. Punz who hates hero’s. Punz who reports every foster home Tommy runs from. Punz who treats Tommy and Purpled like twins.
Oh shit.
A look of pure panic covers his face as adrenaline floods his system. Copying Purpled he puts his head down and try’s to calm his breathing.
It was quiet for a long time after that. Punz let go a really deep sigh.
“You’re right you know, hero’s don’t patrol where they’re needed” Tommy turned his head to look at purpled who had turned to look at Tommy. Surprise mirrored in their eyes.
“You two did a good job.” At that purpled shot up in their chair, Tommy followed their example.
A knowing smile like when Punz caught them trying to make cake with monster at 3am because they didn’t know the brownies labeled ‘mine do not touch’ were pot brownies.
“You really thought I wouldn’t recognize the custom sweatshirts I bought for you?”Tommy’s head snapped to Purpled
“You never told me they were custom made!”purpled looked at Tommy with a look that said ‘are you shitting me’
“Why do you act like I know everything!”
“Because your a walking encyclopedia of random knowledge!”
“Wow that’s a big word for you! Do you even know what encyclopedia means?”
“A synonym for encyclopedia is Purpled!”
“Purpled give my your cuffs” Punz said, breaking the loop. Confused Purpled complied. With a turn of a key the cuffs came off.
Punz made a motion for Purpled to follow him out the door, as he got to the door frame he turned back to Tommy who was still cuffed to the table.
“Tommy, there’s always a place for you at our table- I’ll try to find someone who can get you out of here”
Tommy nodded, no one beside an acting guardian could get him out anyway.
It had been a long time since Purpled left with Punz, Tommy was surprised that Punz hadn’t found someone to pick him up yet. Or he had and they just haven’t got here yet.
The next time the door opened, instead of his social worker, a gigantic dude with pink hair and a boar mask walked in.
“You took longer to break then last time” the dudes voice was deep an monotone.
“Well Punz said they would find someone to bail me out.” Tommy responded.
“Why would he do that?” The weirdo prodded
“Punz uses they, don’t be transphobic.”Tommy angrily stated
“I didn’t know that.”
“Well you should their your coworker”
“Did you know that you are annoying” the dude drawls
“Yes it’s one of my great qualities.” Tommy snarked
“You don’t like hero’s” he stated
“No I like hero’s but they never patrol where they are needed.”
“What do you mean”
“You really think that rich people are the most likely person to be robbed? That’s fucking stupid.”
“They have money why wouldn’t they be at Risk for being robbed?”
“Because muggers aren’t stupid enough to go where they would be caught”
“What do you mean?”
“Going to a rich neighborhood means that they are more likely to be arrested and they don’t have bail money so they-“
“So your admitting-“
“I’m not done. So they stick to poor less patrolled areas to successfully steal from.” Tommy finished. The dude just stared at Tommy like he was waiting for him to continue.
“Oh, now I’m done” Tommy chirped.
“You do know you have been arrested for vigilante activities.” Tommy nodded in place of a verbal response. The dude just looked disappointed.
The pink haired guy stood and exited the room. Not saying a single thing, Tommy heard a conversation -well more of an argument- start and he came back in with a, bag, holder, case thing.
The big dude methodically set down and opened the case, revealing multiple sharp objects that were way past the title of “knives”. Tommy was starting to get worried, and angry, like what the actual fuck you can’t just torture people.
“So here’s what is going to happen-“
The dude whose hero’s name Tommy found out was “blood god” - which was a shit name, not exactly something that would give the idea that people are safe but okay. - never actually hurt him but damn well wanted to citing how Tommy was a criminal.
The “blood god” got his questions answered, much to Tommy’s dismay and once again left the room, taking the bag of sharp objects away. A new guy in a yellow turtleneck and brown trench coat came in the room with the blood god behind him. The blood god was carrying two cups of water with him now.
“Hello Tommy! You can call me Siren!” The new guy said. He seemed like a wrongun. The two cups were set down, before Tommy could grab one the mashed man spoke.
“One of them is poisoned”
You wouldn’t
Why not you clearly don’t trust hero’s and you’re annoying.
Tommy contemplated and looked at the drinks in front of him. The clear cups made it clear to see that there was no cloudiness or powdery residue in the water.
But the way the cups were set down, one was obviously closer like they wanted him to take it, it was so obvious that any sane person would choose the one farther away, but who said Tommy was sane.
The new guy made a coughing sound but Tommy paid him no mind.
He downed the one closer to him like a shot.
The two opposite of him actually flinched, the brunette looked surprised. Kind of like a gaping fish.
“How did you know that cups not poisoned?”
“Big man, I’m hoping it is.”
The pink giant choked.
Tommy’s arms started to feel numb and he grinned.
Guess I chose right. Tommy promptly passed out.
When Tommy woke up he had a pounding headache, and really really really wanted to vomit. Tommy saw a bucket, and he did.
Tommy’s mask remained fitted to his face.
Looking around Tommy noticed that he wasn’t in an interrogation room or a cell, or looked like an apartment mixed with a office, in one corner there was a kitchen and a dining table across from the kitchen was three desks.
Tommy was on a couch in the fourth corner, looking at the TV mounted on the wall. Standing up, he looked for any sign of other people. Seeing no one he went to snoop around the kitchen for food.
Finding a cup of instant Mac and Cheese, Tommy threw it in the microwave for the recommended time. Checking the stove for the time Tommy froze.
I’m gonna die.
Checking all of his pockets he couldn’t find his phone or wallet or anything.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh hell oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh no oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh fuck.
He couldn’t breathe.
The loud beep of the microwave, someone’s hands on his shoulders, the smell of Mac n cheese, blond hair, green clothes and black wings.
Tommy started to breathe again.
A blond dude clearly old was sitting on the ground in front of him. When did I sit down. Taking a deep breath Tommy looked into the strangers eyes.
“I have to get back to the house” the stranger made a strange noise, like he was in pain.
“You weren’t picked up by your guardians so you’re at an emergency placement for the night.”
“I can’t go back, they’ll kill me” his breath picked up again. Shushing came from the stranger.
Pink hair fell in front of the strangers face and a new guy handed Tommy’s Mac n cheese to him. The gruff voice of who he assumed was he blood gods spoke.
“Let the kid eat, yes on the floor, do you really want to move him? No? Okay get up old man, don’t break your back.”
A manic giggle broke from his mouth at the absurdity of the situation.
A deep sigh and the blood god sat diagonal from him.
“Call my techno, if you don’t want to go back, we can get someone to pick up your stuff.”
Tommy nodded, he would like that. He took off his mask.
“Jesus Christ mate,”
“What the fuck”
“I knew you were a kid but damn,”
“Oh shit, dadza has a new favorite”
“Shut up Wilbur”
Fire cracker / blaze - Sapnap Gogy / 404 - George not found Dream / green Teletubby - dream Blood god - technoblade Dadza - Philza Anteater #1 hater / siren - wilbersoot Gold / Gold digger - Punz Cussing police - badboyhalo Construction worker - foolish gamers Captain- Captain Puffy
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ashplayz · 1 year
Lord Rodgers (from the swan Princess)
x Reader
Mentions of abuse
Reader crys gold-
Tumblr media
Lord Rogers had always been a loyal yet caustic servant to Prince Derek and Princess Odette, but he had never quite experienced a feeling like this before. When the wealthy benefactor donated a significant amount of gold to the kingdom after they had fallen on hard times after yet another run in with a villan. Lord Rogers couldn't help but feel drawn to her. Even despite him believing he was quite too old for love.
He eventually ended up trying to pursue her whether it be through friendship or something more yet the women remained guarded and distant. One of the days of her stay in the kingdom he asked if he could give her a tour of the kingdom and she let her guard down just enough to agree.
At some point of their tour they came across a gandula boat resting on swan lake and Lord Rodgers without really thinking about it blurted out that he should take her for a trip on the lake that was oh so historic to Derick and odete's relationship speaking of those two this might have been promoted by them, assuming things about Rodgers feelings towards the girl. Feeling as though she could trust Rodgers in that moment she agreed.
He ended up bringing how much he was drawn to her up on their trip across the lake.. And her response was basically that if he loved her she was afraid she'd have to break his heart. Seeing as she didn't trust anyone in that way. Rodgers saw the pain behind her saying that and knew it must have been for good reason. Rodgers decided the healthiest thing would be to not overstep in this despite how much he wished he could show her he could be trusted.
Later in the evening he went to her to apologize for overstepping and that's when he learned the truth.. The reason for her wealth. See her mother had been a peasant living at rock bottom so she had made a wish upon Jennie that her first child would cry gold so she'd never have to worry about money again. To put it lightly the girl had been mistreated her whole life for her tears.. Lord Rogers's heart broke upon seeing the full extent of the pain she went through.. Countless scars and deep running pain..
He even found himself tearing up as he couldn't really recall the last time someone he cared about was really hurt.. He took off his cape and wrapped it around her to cover her up and he comforted her to the best of his ability despite her tears bringing on more of his own. He told her that she was worth far more than her tears..
She had never throughout her whole life met someone that was actually genuine but she finally saw that Lord Rogers was different from all the others. She saw the sincerity in his eyes and the love in his heart. Slowly, she began to let down her guard and open up to him.
Lord Rogers showed her that he truly cared for her and that his feelings were true. He never asked for anything in return, and yet he found himself earning her heart.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
I just think the song "villanous thing" by shayfer james suits fyodor a lot??? It's a headcanon I have. Maybe he likes the song and plays it on the cello 👀
I finished the song and it's nice song. To an extent the lyrics do have a resemblance of Fyodor's character. I don't know if he would necessarily play it on his cello but to each their own :)
Bye bye! :)
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