#anti neutrality
ncssian · 5 months
there’s something so insidious and sinister about provoking and provoking and provoking people into violence and then immediately condemning them for that violence and using it to justify ur hatred for them… talking shit about “well there’s no excuse” “this is who they really are” i hope a wasps nest falls on your head sometime this week
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
I am aware that a televised adaptation of a book or book series doesn't and can't be 100% faithful to the original source(s). 
However, it's still frustrating to see show writers and producers make huge changes in themes and characterizations and then do not make it clear to audiences that what they created is majorly different from the canon. Or that they are making a series that is not trying to be the objective truth of the events, revealing the mysteries the original canon document set up for us to ponder.
As just pure soap opera-leaning entertainment, the show does more than others, but it still lacks a lot of even soap opera potential because of those time jumps disallowing us from seeing the development of the contention between Alicent and Rhaenyra, Rhaneyra and Viserys, Viserys and Daemon, Daemon and Laena and his daughters, Rhaneyra and Otto, Criston and Otto, Criston and Harwin, Harwin and Larys, Larys's and Lyonel, Alicent and Otto, and so much more. 
Where are the scenes showing specific quarrels that build into the hate and strife in inter/intra-familal/political factions? 
If Aegon (II) is such a pitiable person, why don't we get more tension and confrontations or suppressions between him and Alicent apart from that one scene to show such? Things like this are missing. And we know that Aegon and Rhaenyra will come to blows at one point, yet we have never seen an interaction between them besides that one smirk he threw and her repressed acknowledgment in episode 8. Huh? Am i supposed to care or feel any hate here?
So far, every character has the promise of complexity and the assumption, but very little of the showing vs telling.
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And with all the critical changes of undeniable facts of the canon Dance of the Dragons from Fire and Blood, I still think it's odd that House of the Dragon is treated as if its portrayal is revealing any definitive "truths" hidden in Fire and Blood about the relationships we saw on screen. 
For me, House of the Dragon is more a fanfiction of the reimagining type (as opposed to an AU, where the other choice(s) made toward an original situation go toward another option) that George R.R. Martin thought should be televised while he works on The Winds of Winter, despite going on record not liking fanfiction. A total "reimagining" as opposed to an AU because the two female leads do not act like humans, just representations of "women who have no agency because all they want is peace and it's the men's fault that they will go to war". Meanwhile, if we go back in real humans history women constantly wages wars (even when they were doing it in the stead of their sons, they still were the ones who decided war was necessary) for power, money, etc.
While Mushroom, Orwyle, Runiciter, and Septon Eustace all are the main major and named sources for the more intimate events of the Dance of the Dragons there are still many core, undeniable truths recorded about the Dance:
Rhaenyra--by court account, in the eyes of the nobles at court, and by peasant public knowledge--was known as the "Realm's Delight" for her beauty, charm, and precociousness from the age of 7. While Viserys could have emphasized this, it had to have come from Rhaenyra's disposition itself for other nobles in court to believe in her "delightfulness" so strongly. It’s also possible Viserys saw how people already felt and treated Rhaenyra, felt that himself or used it to create more attention and regard for her. But that’s the rub. We don’t get any answer towards that because it’s ignored. And where is the “show” of that adoration from courtiers/peasants or whomever for this moniker? We only get the mention of that moniker (a “telling”, not a “showing”) in episode 4 in that play she sees with Daemon at night.
Alicent was 18 years old when she married Viserys while Rhaenyra was 9. From the get go, they were never peers of age. Rhaenyra was technically Alicent's superior as both a royal and later as the heir. Going by canon custom, Alicent (the Queen Consort, not the ruling Queen/Queen regnant or Queen Regent) still isn't supposed to be as powerful as to adjourn council meetings, or start them. Alicent was even the one to read to Jaehaerys and make sure he was as comfortable as he could be before he died, and she die this at 15. She only got to call the council after Viserys' death because Viserys, the king, was dead.
Daemon was in the Stepstones fighting to maintain the control he gained after the first incident at King's Landing with Rhaenyra, during the banishment Viserys commanded. His first wife, Rhea Royce, died during a hunt near the Vale after knocking her head, trying to get up a few days later, and then passing out. So concerning whether or not he is responsible for her death is more up in the air than the shows makes it. If they wanted to keep the Daemon-kills-Rhea bit, then they should have gone with the assassin sent to kill her method (like Larys). Have it be a servant poisoning her horse's feed and making it go mad or something.
Daemon never gets Rhea Royce's properties after she dies. Despite that comment in HotD's 5th episode being the only thing shown, and not Daemon actually trying to do as he said and the consequences of that.
Mysaria does get pregnant with Daemon's child but loses it after Viserys banishes Daemon. She actually goes back to Lys for a time by Viserys' order. There would have been too much importance placed on the miscarriage for it to have been mistold or fake and sex workers still could and did often get pregnant. Also, there is generally not much a women could do to utterly prevent pregnancy forever if she is already fertile, and even if there was, Mysaria was not likely rich enough to get such a service. Daemon, as a man of such a society and going by his actions on F&B, is more likely to want to keep the child. In the book, he got the egg knowing she was pregnant. No lemme don't play with their children because tie children are their main chance at getting their feudal legacy.
Daemon and Laena do go back to Driftmark for Laena to give birth to her their newest child for her and the child's own safety.
Viserys doesn't die from literal flesh rot. He has a gradual "decay" in the metaphorical sense, since he dies of complications gradual and much weight again until he dies in his sleep. He doesn't get hurt by the swords in the Iron Throne until much later and Rhaenyra’s own maester, Gerardys, is credited for saving his entire arm/life by cutting off two of his fingers. Viserys had already been having trouble with gout, shortnes of breath, and chest tightness. Not as cool, flashy, or poetic but both common for rich and powerful people who didn't exercise often and indicative of his lifetime of feasting. (I think that this condition was exacerbated by the stress of his daughter, second wife and other kids constantly fighting, Daemon’s refusals to obey properly, as well as the continuous questioning Rhaenyra’s fidelity/heir status.) The show gives literal rot for more apparent drama and to generate more empathy towards this character. The shots and angles of his entrances in episode 8 also do this. (Meanwhile, not enough is given to Joffrey Monmouth, Laenor, Laena, and the shots for Laenor/Joffrey in episode 5 especially lacked in comparison to Viserys. But I digress.)
Viserys never made a deal with Corlys over who of Rhaenyra's kids by Laenor will inherit what, nor what their last names will be. Rhaenyra is the one who demands Corlys name Lucerys as his heir when he lay in bed sick (so that it can be settled in case he dies), and she was the one who told Daemon to kill Vaemond for naming her three sons bastards/her unfaithful and being thus treasonous herself. Viserys, after hearing Vaemond's other relatives protest against this action, ruled to cut out their tongues for mentioning the "lie" again after he already ruled for it to never be brought up again, on pain of the same penalty.
Joffrey Lonmouth dies when Criston kills him at Rhaenyra and Laenor's wedding tourney. Criston does this after Rhaenyra refuses to give Criston her favor, going into a rage.
Criston also beats up Harwin in the same tourney, winning the match between them.
Alicent enlists Criston after he kills Joffrey.
Laenor dies by Qarl Correy in a town near Driftmark. In public. Many different witnesses to that murder are assured.
Harwin and Lyonel were still alive when Aemond claimed Vhagar. 
Joffrey Velaryon (3), Rhaenyra's kid, was the one Aemond (10) saw before he even touched Vhagar. Aemond pushed Joffrey aside and then climbed Vhagar. It was Joffrey's cry that alerted his brothers: Jace (6) and Luke (5). (This was also told by Aemond himself.) Baela and Rhaena were never there.
Viserys "punishes" Rhaenyra and her family by ordering her to stay in Dragonstone as he and his other kids by Alicent, with Alicent, leave. The purpose was to separate and distill tension rather than punish.
Alicent never loses control and attacks neither Rhaenyra nor Lucerys.
Rhaenys and Meleys weren't in King's Landing when Aegon (II) was crowned, since the matter of the Driftmark claim was never brought before the Greens in King's Landing in the first place. Rhaenyra and Daemon did what they did.
Rhaenys and another two Lords wanted to use the dragons and go after Aegon, while Corlys protested what he said was destructive futility (ruining the place you want to rule). Rhaenyra doesn't want to use the dragons so that her sons do not risk themselves; Daemon actually agrees with Rhaenyra to not to use the dragons in the first black council after Aegon II is crowned.  Daemon wanted to send out messages to all the lords to gather under Rhaenyra and use the dragons as a last resort.
Jaehaerys was never actually at the Great Council that decides in favor of Viserys.
And so much more...
The show looks more like a shallower puppet shadow of the canon tale more than a televised portrayal of the canon. All the characters feels like one dimensional representations of a conflict between just Alicent and Rhaenyra, who themselves have the same pressures of their positions from Fire and Blood, yet are not acting as if they have desires for power of their own--apart from obeying Viserys and Otto for validation. (This could have been one layer instead of the only or one of just two). Their personalities are too wrapped in that desire. And in Rhaenyra's case, the prophecy her father places the burden of.
That's the other thing. It is clear in Fire and Blood that Viserys has much culpability and the book doesn't try to redeem his poor choices or explain them as him trying to do his duty and leave him as the suffering "savior' like how the 8th paide over emphasizes.
There is not "yeah, BUT" sentiment even suggestive for his character's inability to create real harmony and understanding amongst his kids. He wanted peace but didn't do the real work for it or couldn't. He also left much of the real governing to his council members, letting them reason out what decisions he would make. And since, again, he was not rotting away like in the show, he was almost always healthy enough (in comparison)-- despite his chest tightness and gout--to actually be the former or think more independently.
He was a king that preferred throwing many parties, feasts, and tourneys both when he had Aemma and after when married to Alicent. He enjoyed his luxuries when he could and often did, especially to offset the already listed challenges to his authority and his responsibility towards maintaining the Targ dynasty.
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bewareofdeaddove · 5 months
Once you start harassing people over their tastes in fiction, you've gone too far.
You should not be sending anon hate.
You should not be telling people to kill themselves.
You should not be contacting people's family members, job, or school.
You should not be sending people gore.
You should not be telling people that they deserve their trauma.
You should not be attacking people over liking something fictional. At that point, you're the problem. Not the person making things you don't like, YOU. Harassment is never acceptable.
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neptunes-cunt · 2 years
i love you consistent meals i love you steady blood sugar i love you little snacks i love you non-diet foods i love you full-fat yogurt i love you sugary drinks i love you intuitive eating i love you full stomach i love you breaking free from diet culture i love you body that just wants to keep me alive
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transmascissues · 2 months
i absolutely cannot believe people are trying to start discourse about whether nex benedict was actually nonbinary / whether it was okay for him to describe himself as nonbinary to some people if he didn’t actually identify that way as if he isn’t literally DEAD because he was KILLED. this is a MURDERED CHILD and these monsters are so busy getting mad at the possibility that he might have been a trans boy who described himself as nonbinary to his family because that was easier for them to take that they’re turning a CHILD who was MURDERED into fucking discourse. even when we die at the hands of cis people’s violence, our own community finds a way to make us the villains of the story.
and all of this bullshit on top of the ways that cis people are already trying to say our grief over his death is unjustified. all of this on top of people claiming he wasn’t murdered and speculating on other causes of death (i literally saw someone say he “clearly went home and took the coward’s way out” and i have never been more disgusted) or claiming that he started the fight as if any action on his part could’ve been enough to justify his death. i am haunted by the sound of his father screaming that his child was not filth because that is what people have been saying about this poor kid, that’s how cruelly his memory is being treated, and even the trans community can’t get it’s shit together enough to look past the stupid discourse and see the tragedy in front of us. did you all forget that it was supposed to be up to us to grieve him in the way he deserves when the rest of the world fails to care if people like him live or die? did you all forget that this child was our sibling, the future of our community, a life that we should have had the chance to know and treasure while he was still here but that we now have a responsibility to hold close to our hearts in his absence? nex’s life was precious and it was ended far too soon and if you truly believe that anything is more important than mourning his life and fighting for a world where no more trans people have to meet such an awful fate, you’re a traitor to this community and you do not deserve the place you occupy within it.
i’m so tired. i can’t even imagine how tired his family must be, to see the public treat the child they’re grieving so horribly, to see the world fail their baby again. leave him alone. he was already robbed of peace in life; the least you can do is let him finally have it in death.
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eriklehnsherrific · 9 months
in case you need to hear this
workout because its good for your heart, lungs, releases endorphins, and you want to get stronger. not because it’ll make you skinny or make your body look a certain way.
wear sunscreen every day in order to protect yourself from easily preventable and deadly skin cancer, not with the goal of preventing aging (there is nothing wrong with aging or wrinkles; it is a natural part of life and reflection of the life you live).
eat more vegetables because you need the fiber to make you more regular, they help lower your risk of eye and digestive problems, and they help in nutrient re-uptake. not because eating only carbs is “bad” for you. you need a combination of carbs, fruit/veg, protein, fiber, fat, etc for a full balanced diet. 
cut out dairy from your diet if it makes you shit your brains out every single time without fail, not because it will “make you fat”.
drink more water because, despite how annoying it is to be told “just drink water”, it does actually make you feel better if you’re anxious or your head hurts or you don’t have any energy. not because it’ll “flush out your immune system uwu” or it will make your skin clear.
drink green tea because its delicious, not because it’s a “natural detox”. ( “detoxes” aren’t real. your kidneys detoxify your blood for you)
not everything “natural” is automatically healthy for you. not everything “unnatural” is automatically unhealthy/dangerous
cutting out whole food groups and labeling them as “bad for you” in any form is restrictive. if you aren’t allergic to gluten, you don’t need to cut gluten from your diet in order to be healthy. if you were not specifically instructed by a doctor to go keto in order to aid treatment for a disease (such as cancer or epilepsy), you do not and should not go keto. 
do “healthy” things because you deserve to live a long, healthy life. yes, you. your weight doesn’t matter and it has never mattered. you deserve to keep yourself safe. 
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actuallyverynormalbtw · 7 months
to me, saying you can form a system without trauma is like saying you can form a scab without a wound.
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flappingdragon · 1 month
I’m so tired of seeing “dom Lucifer”, “top Lucifer”, and “daddy Dom Lucifer” Is he just not allowed to bottom?
Is he not allowed to feel like an ant under MC? Is he not allowed to grovel at MC’s feet and BEG for them to have their way with him? Is he not allowed to be submissive? Is he not allowed to be at MC’s mercy? Is he not allowed to be dominated? Is he not allowed to scream out MC’s name from pure overstimulation? Is he not allowed to be a slut for MC? Is he not allowed to be a brat for MC? Is he not allowed to be a whore for MC? Is he not allowed to beg for mercy? Is he not allowed to beg?
This man is clearly not just a “dom”. He can bottom, too. Just give him a chance and let him. Maybe he gets too tired and doesn’t want to do all the work for once.
I’m looking at the ones who always write gender neutral MC’s as bottoms. Maybe some people want to see more top gn MC.
Don’t be basic. Consider both sides. Look at your recent posts and think to yourself: Are they inclusive?
Let. This. Man. Bottom. For. Once.
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 3 months
By the way, I've seen a lot of discourse on "endogenic" alters, so repeat after me
Your brain splits alters as you need them. That means you can have a completely trauma based alter, and you can also have an alter created to deal with homework, aka an "endogenic" alter. If your system formed from trauma, you are not "traumaendo". You are traumagenic. Full stop.
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muchtooold2 · 3 months
I’ve recently discovered the part of the internet deeply devoted to defending Mystra in BG3 and I get she’s a long standing lore character but it feels like we played a wildly different game.
And I just know in my heart of hearts that if Mystra were male and Gale were female I wouldn’t have to keep reading some variation of “well it’s fine she did nothing to stabilize a ticking time bomb in the chest that would have wiped out an entire city because it needs to feed on the weave despite no real evidence this actually hurts her at all” or “actually it’s Gale’s fault he tried to return what he thought was part of her to her because he was an grown adult who should have known better despite the fact she did not tell him and he did not know it would have hurt her and is horrified to learn this in act 3.” Like, this isn’t me woobifying him. I love Gale and know he can be self-absorbed, his ego is big, and if left unchecked his personality leads him to become the literal God of Ambition. But he’s not like a power hungry schemer. His ambition and desire for knowledge (things Mystra likes!) got the better of him and since he is also insecure he decided to try to do an ambitious thing and prove himself to a goddess. He knows and admits that’s on him! But he (and players) are still allowed to be mad at the fact he’s kicked to the curb to maybe blow up a city to learn a lesson Mystra does not bother explaining until she’s literally forced to because he did not kill himself on her command. And people are allowed to find their relationship wildly inappropriate and toxic and abusive because based on the game you play, it is.
I don’t think it’s bonkers to say that in this situation, Mystra—a literal goddess who met Gale when he was probably somewhere between 17-22 years old—was wrong to have a relationship with him, that it was a toxic and abusive one and that is on her as the entity with more power in every way, that she was petty for letting him languish for a year and being willing to potentially let him kill a whole city while he was trying not to die by eating magic shoes, and that telling him to kill himself is a dick move. And people are like “well according to DnD lore she’s just protecting herself and she was only resurrected after he was a teen” are doubly annoying because bg3 doesn’t give a shit about the canon timeline considering Durge would be like…10 if they cared.
And I know it sucks if you like love Mystra in DnD lore and this doesn’t align with her or whatever but bg3’s themes of “hurt people hurt people” and “power over others is something easily abused if you’re careless” also applies to Mystra. With the sort of exception of Selûne, the game also feels pretty clear on the idea that gods Do Not and Cannot Care About You. The game you play is showing a toxic relationship (and I will say she is not as bad as some people say she is, like she is a goddess operating with some blue-orange morality) and if the genders were flipped we would not be having this discourse.
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odinsblog · 7 months
Message to all alleged “anti-war tankies”
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If you were truly anti-war, at worst you’d at least try to pretend to be neutral, and not support either side. At best, you would not be on the side of Russia, the aggressor that, unprovoked, invaded a smaller sovereign nation that was peacefully minding its own business, was not in NATO, and wasn’t even applying for NATO membership. NATO was not the cause of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
As always, I remind people that Russia is committing war crimes in Ukraine, including but not limited to: erasing all mentions of Ukraine from schoolbooks, murdering entire civilian populations of Ukrainian cities, and kidnapping thousands and thousands of Ukrainian children (some as young as 4 months old) and placing them into “re-education” centers where they are forced to learn how to become good little Russians. Russia is indiscriminately bombing civilian targets like funerals, churches, schools and hospitals, and the Russian army is using mass rape as a weapon of war.
(Remember, Ukraine has demonstrated that they have the capability to reach Russian held territory, but unlike Russia, the Ukrainian military has only targeted military installations.)
If you can just hand wave all of the Russian war crimes and atrocities away because “America bad,” then please spare everyone your anti-war concern trolling, and your faux worries about Ukrainians dying. Just admit that as long as, lol, “communist” Russia isn’t the one being invaded, you are morally indifferent to human suffering and you actually do not care about ending wars.
Russia can end the war instantly just by going home.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
🔗LINK to Seth Abramson’s Retrostack Review of HotD (Season 1) and Ryan Condal’s Writing
*Just so I no longer have to travel to Reddit for this link*
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🔗 LINK to the Variety Article referenced
🔗 LINK (original); 🔗 LINK (uploaded on Tumblr by me) to Retrostack Article which Ambramson says: “RETRO covered the concerning season finale here, raising a serious and potentially Season 2–impacting narrative framing error that didn’t seem to be part of the major media response to the season finale elsewhere” explaining his tying Condal’s writing and direction to events in America.
Originally got this review/article from thedracarysqueen HERE, who got it from this Reddit Post
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randomprosho · 2 months
"thought crimes aren't real" is only meant for fiction, not something for pedos/zoos/necros to use as an excuse for their fucked up fantasies involving real people/animals.
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pos-syscourse · 1 month
Sometimes you do gotta do that thing that is detrimental to your health. Self care is sometimes harmful, and yes it’s confusing, but needed.
It’s helped me to think of juggling balls, only some are rubber and some are glass. I can let the rubber ones fall — I’d prefer not to, because they bounce everywhere and make a mess, but they’re harmless, but they can fall. The glass ones can’t — they’ll shatter and break, and that’ll hurt me a lot more than rubber.
Remember: you can let the rubber ball fall. You can go one day without brushing your teeth. You can go one night with a bad sleep schedule. You can do something that means you “dropped the ball.”
Especially if it means preventing a glass ball from falling.
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Hanging on by a thread for a multitude of reasons.
So, looking up acotar fan art one inevitably gets smacked in the face with Fey/sand at some point. And if it's not them with their kid or cutely holding hands, it's something like this:
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(There are watermarks on the fanart and I got them from Pinterest...middle one is someone called ignartio, I didn't find them on instagram though)
Why are people making a big quantity of art of this particular part of acotar? Are there truly people thinking that this is in any way appealing? Let's recap.
Feyre goes under the mountain, a comparatively dumb little girl. To save her lover Tamlin and maybe her friend Lucien if she's already at it. Faces crunchy Amaranth and doesn't get the riddle right (not wanting to belittle her here bc acotar Feyre was somewhat of a cutie, but that riddle was easy af, way to make her seem like an idiot.) Anyway, get's beaten to unconsciousness after blurting out her name because Lucien would have rather died than to give it away.
Little Feyre get's her three trials and a bunch of tasks for inbetween, i.e. cleaning that hallway. Other than that, people leave little Feyre relatively alone.
Until that self serving prick comes along and thinks to himself "Hey, why not treat her like an object and humiliate her in front of hundreds if not thousands of people, for shits and giggles?" So he proceeds to have his lackeys dress her up in what is essentially a handkerchief and paint her, so everyone can see where he put his grimy hands. And then he drugs her and has her dance for him, barely half aware of what's going on around her. All the while touching her. And the next morning she awakes with a killer headache, barely any memories and the need to throw up.
"But he did this to protect her!" - From what? Nobody cared for her beyond the trials. She was not used as entertainment by anyone else. They had their orgies and whatnot. There was no passable reason to be doing this to her.
"But he only touched her waist and hips!" - So you're telling me that you'd find it okay if somebody drugged you and "only" touched your waist and hips? Touching somebody without their consent, especially in such a vulnerable state is simply gross.
"But he had to keep his mask-" - Shut. Up. His "mask" did not include this particularly disgusting shit he pulled. He could have just let her alone, nobody would have batted a lash. Feyre was a comparatively uninteresting human girl. Had he not made her dance practically naked, no one would have missed her there.
My point, you ask? Stop romanticising what Rhysand did to Feyre under the Mountain. Stop trying to justify it. Those were the actions of an entirely sick individual.
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cherryg · 1 year
The internet censorship is coming..(again)
There are two well known censorship bill known as KOSA and the EarnIt act.
These bills both promised that they will protect children but unfortunately these are misguided bills that says they’ll do something but then they will do the opposite or make things worse.
Both of these bills are serious threat to the LGBT community and will censor a lot of content especially there
the EarnItact will also get rid of NSFW content and deem it as illegal, and will also get rid of section 230
The KOSA act will let attorneys from Florida and Texas take control and decide what people could and could not watch and sue websites and anything they don’t like and will not protect children but mostly put many vulnerable teens and children at risk while going as far as to even censor important information like sex education, health issues, suicide prevention hotlines and many more
We have stopped these bills from passing before but the cofounder Richard Bluemenhal is clearly not giving up and trying hard and hard again to push these bills back on congress
Last year more than 90/100 human rights groups urged lawmakers and congress to not pass KOSA in the omnibus bill and it got shelved and the same then happened to Earn it last year on February/March
But now he is trying a third time,using and manipulating grieving parents and young people into supporting and lobbying his bills, whiles even accepting anti trans and LGBT groups into supporting his legislations. He’s trying to find any type of scandal a platform is currently facing and turn and twist it on behalf of his agendas.
He says he supports abortions and the LGBT community but his bills will censor those things he claims to support. He can’t have it both ways.
But he was stubborn enough to ignore every criticism and scrutiny he gets about the legislations, being childish and all.
Not to mention that they are also both privacy nightmares to everyone and globally too
That’s why it’s important that you call and email your representatives and lawmakers and urge them to drop Kosa and the earn it act
Let any human rights group you trust knows and tell anyone you trust about it weather it be a friend or family member.
For more information, click these links below ⬇️
You can also help us by joining our discord server on how to stop internet censorship
There also a petition made from Fightforfuture recently about the KOSA act
(Update # 2)
Hey guys I’m back to warn everyone about yet again another bad internet bill it’s called the safe tech act
This act is supported by 7 democratic senators including bluemenhal which is never a good sign with him when it comes to internet bills.
This is a misguided 230 reform and when reading it, all it shows is that these people have no understanding of 230 whatsoever.
It’s just another dangerous censorship bill that threatens everyone’s free speech. The creators claim that it’s won’t hurt free speech but it actually does and they do not understand how important 230 is in its current form right now!
Here is a good article explaining the safe tech act really well and why it’s dangerous :
Also talk to your representatives about this and why it’s bad and if you can, try to explain to them about why section 230 is important. Support digital advocacy, human rights and any other groups that supports free internet and expression and let them know about these legislators and their bad ideas!
Update 3
The EarnIt act is sadly coming back after failing two times, now they are trying a 3rd time.
This legislation is dangerous for privacy and free expression and speech. It will bring lots of surveillance and is just as bad as the restrict act.
Now it’s being reintroduced by two senators and two representatives if you don’t know what this bill actually does there is more information about it here from these links : https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/earn-it-bill-back-again-seeking-scan-our-messages-and-photos
The second one is called KOSA (KidsOnlineSafteyAct),
now this bill has failed to pass last year because a lot of opposition from 90/100 human rights.
It claims it’s would protect kids but it’s actually has a lot of censorship and is very dangerous to lgbt/trans kids and many other kids that are in abusive households. It will actually hurt them instead of protecting them.
If that’s not bad enough it’s tragically gaining momentum and attraction by these child advocacy groups and being sponsored by Dove and Lizzo. And there has been petitions in supporting this unconstitutional bill, One of them having somewhere around 30k signs…
I really wish I could say I’m joking but this is sadly true.
If you want more info on KOSA here they are:
Please everyone call your senators and representatives and tell them to oppose these bills. We really need help into fighting off these bill so we could keep a free opened internet!
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