#But the moment's passed. Not much of a possibility we'll be moving there soon now.
One thing they will not tell you about writing is how fun it is to project on your characters.
#Lmao YOU get my anxiety#YOU get my derealisation and how it's tangled with my parental issues#YOU get my—#Wait hold on#You... only have my longing “what ifs” but real and happy childhood memories or “childhood memories but make them happy”..?#Erm... okay...#I struggle a bit with that one because it's like “Huh?”#“You want me to write about lir parents and memories without it being melancholic??”#Like you two are going to STAY silly–goofy SO HELP ME#But I get a spike of anxiety every time lir parents are mentioned and it's like#Oh wait no they're cool I know this I literally wrote them as chill guys#I was planning on having a story focused on a character's paranoia about potentially encountering their dad out in the wild#Based on how the possibility of living near my dad was momentarily (read: buildup over months) a lot more pressing/likely#But the moment's passed. Not much of a possibility we'll be moving there soon now.#It's just background radiation again (since he *does* know where we live and could conceivably fly here. Especially the longer we don't#Visit him over there)#So I don't think I could do it justice#Maybe another time if the possibility becomes more pressing again#It would've been the same subject matter as that Let's Get Burgers 3–parter where Knife keeps running into their abusive ex#For a bit I wanted to make a gross story. Y'know. Story that makes you feel gross. And it would've heavily featured my intrusive thoughts.#I don't really give characters that. I gave Micah a little moment as a treat about being killed by a wild monster/animal and Harlow had som#Anxiety thoughts. But I didn't really have my intrusive thoughts and I think it's a big part of my anxiety so I wanted to portray that.#I don't really want to do that much anymore though. Maybe later if it strikes me.#It's just...! I see a lot of characters. And I do relate to a lot of them (Hello Lake. Knife during the three parter and my interpretation#Of Wally Darling). But I feel like there are big chunks of my experiences that I just don't see. So I'm gonna do some of it myself! Even if#I'm not able to convey it exactly how I experience it! Also#Writing is a good way to get the feelings out/out there to be shared.
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Hi! Im not sure, feel free to completely ignore! But I love your writing and I saw this tiktok and it made me think about reader being exited for trick or treat but not a lot of kids come by so Bucky does something special? Or they go out to give out candy?
Thank you so much in advance if you decide to write something related to this!
Have a nice day/night
Trick or Treat.
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Pairing - Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings - none!! just bucky being a sweetheart in love
Word Count - under 1k
Author's Note - thank you for this request, it's so lovely!! seeing as we've just passed halloween, thought i'd write something short and sweet. hope you enjoy.
Masterlist. Inbox.
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You've been sat on your front steps for hours.
Bowl of candy in hand, goodie bags made up, decorations hung and ready. You've always loved Halloween, for as long as you can remember. Now you're older, the highlight is getting to see all the neighbourhood kids dressed up as they trick or treat.
Not this year. You and Bucky moved apartments last year, and you were ridiculously excited to get to give out candy on your new block. Turns out, no one really passes by your place.
"Baby," comes a voice from the front door behind you. "You're gonna catch your death. It's freezing."
Bucky sits down next to you, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders and pulling you into his side.
"You wanna come inside? We can watch those old Disney Halloween movies you love."
You rest your head on his shoulder, revelling in his warmth.
"Not yet, Buck. Just gonna wait a little longer."
It's breaking his heart seeing you so defeated. You've been looking forward to the holiday for weeks, and it certainly hasn't turned out the way either of you hoped.
"Do you think there just aren't any kids around here? I've literally seen none."
"I don't know, baby. I'm just as confused as you are."
He presses a kiss to the top of your head, arms tightening around you.
He is confused. In your old apartment, you'd have dozens of kids come by, eager for candy and the cookies you'd make. You and Bucky would sit out on the front steps and give out goodie bags for hours, striking up conversations with parents and celebrating all of the costumes.
"Maybe we should go inside," you say quietly, starting to shiver. "We'll have to ask Sam tomorrow if he got any trick or treaters. Maybe it's going out of style."
Bucky has a sudden eureka moment, jumping up from his spot next to you.
"Wait here, baby. One minute."
He runs inside, leaving you disorientated on the steps. He's back within thirty seconds, your bag in his hand.
"Come on. We're going out."
"It's a surprise. You'll see."
You pile into the car as Bucky loads all the candy into the trunk, trying to be as subtle as possible. He climbs in and presses a kiss to your knuckles before holding your hand for the entire journey, humming along to the radio as he drives.
You suddenly begin to recognise your whereabouts, more confused than ever.
"Why are we in Sam's neighbourhood, Buck?"
He winks.
"You'll see."
As soon as you pull up to Sam's house, he's striding out of the front door and towards you.
"Thank God you're here. I can't do it anymore. Why didn't we just do this in the first place?"
"Do what?"
"I remember Sam telling me about the, quote on quote, 'obscene amount of trick or treaters' that he gets at his house every year. And he hates Halloween -"
"It's true!" Sam interjects.
"- so I thought you could save him from his misery, and you get to give out candy like you wanted."
You're grinning at him from ear to ear, practically bouncing on the soles of your feet.
"You're a genius," you whisper, leaning up to press your lips to his softly. "I love you."
"I love you too," he smiles, stealing another kiss or four.
"I'm gonna head upstairs and watch the football game. You guys have fun out here!"
Sam throws you a thumbs up before retreating inside, closing the door behind him. You and Bucky bring all of your goodies from the car and set up on the porch, ready and waiting.
Before you know it, there are dozens of groups of kids on the street, all of them adorned in spooky costumes. They practically skip up the pathway towards you, excited and giddy.
"Trick or treat!"
"Woah, you're all super scary... I like your makeup! And your wig! Hey, your shirt is super cool!"
You're placing candy in their bags, so you can't see Bucky beaming behind you, light radiating off of him in all directions.
He'd find a way make it Halloween everyday if it meant he could see you smile like this.
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prolix-yuy · 8 months
Crawling Back to You
Pairing: Incubus!Dieter Bravo x Virgin F!Reader
Summary: Have you no idea that you're in deep?
Word Count: 8.2k
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, religious corruption kink, bastardizing prayers, brief drug use, mentions of alcohol consumption, grinding, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, breaking a hymen, descriptions of blood, biting and drawing blood, pheromone incubus anatomy, size difference/kink like whoa, monster transformation, monster fucking, PiV sex, wildly unrealistic sex, kind of dubious consent in the way that she has no idea what she's getting into so Dieter checks in A LOT, consent is sexy and monsters especially should ask for it, Reader has no idea what she's doing when it comes to summoning an incubus.
Notes: Like most things Dieter's involved in, it takes twice as long but you reap the most rewards. A little late for Halloween, but spooky season is 24/7 and I needed to put this out into the world as soon as possible. Very special gold star mutual thanks due to @ezrasbirdie who gave me the prompt for this story and then talked me through some of the ideas she had. Religious corruption kink is super new for me, not being raised in a formal religion, but it was incredibly interesting to explore in this way. Apologies for the sacrilege, friends, it's all in the pursuit of sexyness.
A big disclaimer! This is not a blueprint for losing your virginity! This is some wildly unrealistic sex, especially for someone who has never experienced PiV intercourse before! Please be safe and careful with your bodies. While we thirst over these scenarios and would love to take monster cocks, always practice safe and fun sex with partners who care about your comfort.
A second disclaimer that in this fic, the Reader defines losing her virginity as experiencing penetrative sex and breaking her unbroken hymen. Virginity does not look the same for every person, and each individual's circumstances may be very different. Virginity is also a social construct that has some gross stigmas around it, which we'll be briefly addressing. I've also kept the reader's age unspecified (18+ of course) but that she has gone to college, so whatever age you may be reading this, your own sexual journey moves at your pace and if/when you define that you've passed this milestone, that's the right time for you.
Cross-posted on AO3
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The lines chalked into your hardwood floors glow with a sudden and panic-inducing heat, smoldering as a phantom breeze whips around your kneeling body. The lights in your apartment flicker and dim as a sooty haze hangs around your ankles. Springing to your feet, you frantically search for something to smear the careful symbols to nonsense while a crackle of electricity raises all of the hair on the back of your arms and neck.
It’s much too late to go back now.
Something pulls in the center of your chest as the room expands and contracts like a great beast breathing. You try to stand strong but the tremble in your frame chatters your teeth. Suddenly the room plunges into darkness, and a crack echoes in your ears before the light swells back to full strength. Bracing yourself for what may be in the circle you foolishly copied, you peel open your eyes. 
Then, your mouth falls open, because never in your wildest dreams did you expect Dieter Bravo, famous actor, to be sitting in the middle of your half-assed summoning circle.
“What the fuck?”
He looks just as bewildered as you do, cross-legged on the floor and pulling his lips from a turquoise bong cradled in his lap. He’s wearing sunglasses - did you spirit him here from halfway around the world? - and an open silk bathrobe patterned with roaring tigers. The waterfall of folds bundle in his lap, and for a mouth-drying moment you wonder if he’s got anything on beneath. Then he shifts, billowing a cloud of skunky smoke at your ceiling and placing the bong at arms length. 
Well, he is wearing socks at least, pulled halfway up his legs and under Crocs. You don’t know whether to laugh or choke on your tongue.
“What the fuck to you too,” he grumbles, creakily getting to his feet and dusting little frills of ash from his shoulders. It’s now easy to see he’s sporting tiny black boxer briefs, and your eyes fight to land anywhere but there. They finally find the book, opened to the page you scoffed over until your finished glass of wine goaded you on.
“This can’t be happening,” you finally squeak out, shifting on the balls of your feet as you spin and press your fingers into your cheeks. 
“Sure is,” Dieter says, one hand on his hip and looking at you with naked curiosity. He’s swept back the robe on one side, showing off the shapely curve of his thigh, the soft definition of his stomach, how large his hands…
“I didn’t…I couldn’t have…you…go back,” you stammer, heart and head pounding. Does this mean you’re a witch? Did you honestly summon something with a book you rented from the library? Nothing makes sense with this man staring at you - practically leering - as you contemplate whether you’re having a dusty-old-book-based hallucination.
“Breathe, baby,” Dieter purrs, hands making soothing motions in the air between you. Taking in a big breath and letting it out explosively, you follow Dieter’s motions to sit down with him. The floor is hard and unforgiving on your bottom, but you criss-cross-applesauce with him as he leans back on his hands.
“Normally when I show up, people aren’t all that surprised,” he says, and his voice is raspy and sonorous in the room. You swallow hard, finding comfort in twisting the hem of your pajama shirt in your palms.
“Well, it’s pretty damn surprising to have THE Dieter Bravo in my living room,” you say, a momentary swell of pride when you realize your sarcasm hasn’t flown the coop with your sanity. Dieter chuckles, tilting his head onto one shoulder.
“Who were you expecting?” 
“Honestly, no one. Nothing,” you lie. Half-lie. You were hoping for something pretty specific.
“Very cute, but let’s not pretend we don’t know what’s going on here. I know exactly what you were hoping would pop up in this pretty little circle of yours.” 
Your eyes wander to his inner thigh, then snap to a symbol on the floor. 
“I thought…” You sigh, ducking your head. “I thought I was summoning some sort of…sexy demon. At least that’s what the book said.” 
“An incubus,” Dieter offers, and you nod. 
“But clearly something went wrong, because you’re here, somehow.” You scrub a hand over your face. “No idea how I messed up this bad. I didn’t even know you could mess up this badly.”
“Oh, you didn’t,” Dieter says in a carefree voice. “Mess up, that is.” You arch an eyebrow at him.
“But I got…you.”
Dieter leans forward, elbows on his knees as he cocks his head with a knowing smile. In the dim light of your apartment his eyes seem even darker than before.
“Exactly what you asked for. At your service.” He tips his head, tongue slipping from between his plush lips to swipe along his full lower one. A sudden patter of arousal grips your hips, and he half closes his eyes and breathes deep.
“That can’t…you’re Dieter Bravo.”
“You’re an…incubus.”
“Also yes.”
The next question blurts out of your mouth too quickly to stop.
His laugh is just as quick and breaks some of the tension digging into your spine. The warmth of it wraps your head in cotton, smiling along. 
“Oh, starlet, I should be pissed as hell to be pulled away from that fantastic party I was about to ruin, but this is turning out to be much more fun.” Your cheeks warm at the affectionate name. “How many people do you think summon incubi these days? A demon’s gotta get by.” He’s sliding closer to the edge of the circle but not moving past it. A small voice in the back of your mind notes that he might not be able to.
“So…acting,” you say, not without a little smirk. He seems to like that, smile stretching wider and crinkling the corners of his eyes.
“What, should I be slinging burgers?” he asks with another snort of laughter. “C’mon, don’t tell me it doesn’t make sense. Beautiful people, sex appeal galore, fast living and high octane relationships? I haven’t been hungry in ages.”
Your hands still in your lap, studying your fingers as you let the silence linger. Dieter allows it for a time before his voice pulls you back.
“But you summoned, and I came. You must have a reason.” 
Now that the silly half-buzzed fantasy is mere feet from you, saying it aloud is daunting.
“You’ll…you won’t get it.” 
His eyebrows lift in slow surprise. 
“Try me.”
You're turned on more than you’ve ever experienced in your life, and Dieter’s nostrils flare as his jaw ticks.
“I was having a drink. A couple,” you correct, the dregs of the bottle giving you away. “And I was just hating the way I was feeling about everything going on and I looked at this book and it seemed like a funny thing, to try and summon a demon…”
“Incubus, get it right,” Dieter purrs, and the air thickens.
“I didn’t think it would work,” you protest, hands coming up to cradle your temples. 
“But you hoped, enough to do all this work on the one day of the year when magic is easiest to grasp,” he teases, tilting his head to the side to catch your eye. It’s definitely not helping the situation that he’s Dieter Bravo, solid C-list star who’d captured your attention in more than one of his movies. Thoughts of his dark eyes and full lips drew your hands down your body on more than one occasion before…
Dieter growls low and frustrated. “Let’s cut to the chase, starlet. You’re laying out a buffet and I can’t even have a taste.” You blink owlishly at him before he smirks, licking an incisor. “I can smell how much you want me.”
Shock slams your mouth shut, face burning. Your traitorous body has failed you again.
“You called and I answered. I’m still in your circle, so you could send me away, but I doubt you know how to do that.”
He’s right. You’ve trapped him here. With little old you.
“Or, you could tell me what you really wanted when you spent all this time writing all these little symbols so carefully.” Dieter’s fingers dance along the chalk lines, smile turning cheekier. Steeling yourself, you let the truth out into open air.
“I called you because…I’ve never had anyone before.” 
Dieter’s face remains cooly neutral, but you can see his nostrils flare briefly. 
“You’ve never…”
You shrug, self-deprecating smile cutting through the awkwardness.
“I’ve done some things, by myself, but never…I’ve never had sex with anyone in the…classical way.” The words are starched and wooden but hit a chord with Dieter. He repositions to sit back on his knees, hands splayed on his bare thighs. The smooth expanse of his chest begs to be touched.
“I thought I smelled something special here, and I was oh so right,” he rasps, nipping at his lower lip while he drags his eyes over your body. “Human virginity is a social construct, but inexperience in pleasure? Being allowed to revel in your body discovering all the ways it can feel? That is a rare treat.” 
You don’t expect the sudden rush of emotions at Dieter’s eagerness. Years of people either finding you broken or fetishizing your “purity” had given you an even larger complex than you thought. 
“It’s not…fucked up that I’m doing this?” you ask. 
“What sounds better to you, letting some Chad fumble through trying to pleasure you when his dick can barely handle your sweet cunt, or allowing someone with centuries of experience give you everything you ever desired?”
Your aforementioned cunt knows which one she wants.
“May I ask why you’ve waited until now?” he says, interrupting your railroading thoughts. Shyness and shame clouds your eyes.
“My parents were very religious. Lots of ‘thou shalt nots’ and ‘obey thys’. But I wanted to be a good daughter. So badly.” Dieter’s eyes are darkening as you speak, fingers pressing divots into his thighs. “So I did everything they said. Followed all the rules. And I grew up their perfect little girl. Never got caught sneaking out with a boy, never drank or smoked or anything.” 
“How…boring,” Dieter comments. It stings between your shoulders.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much all I heard when I went to college. That I was boring for not liking weed. A buzzkill because I was nervous about breaking rules. And sex…”
Here you swallow, your lower lip trembling before you bite it back. 
“I thought I was doing everything right. Everyone told me I was doing everything right. And then I get into the real world and nobody wants…” Looking up you catch a softer expression on Dieter’s face, true understanding blunting the lust.
“How have these fumbling fools tried to pleasure you?” he asks, and maybe the wine is still thrumming in your veins (it’s not), but your tongue is looser than it’s ever been.
“Grinding mostly. I think they’ve…cum…but I don’t. Not like when I do it myself.” 
Dieter snarls softly. “Fuckers,” he rumbles, an oncoming thunderclap crackled with electricity. 
“Every time I feel like I’m damaged goods,” you sigh, wrapping your arms around yourself. “I thought maybe this would…fix me.”
The lights in the room dip low as Dieter chuckles. Darkness seems drawn to him, settling around his shoulders like a fine stole.
“Betrayed by the God you worshiped so faithfully,” he muses, rolling his shoulders and licking his lips. “Don’t worry, starlet, I’ll take care of you tonight.”
“Can I…do anything for you?” you ask. Dieter’s smile softens, tutting quietly.
“Believe me, you’ll be perfect,” he praises, the heat in your cheeks even more unbearable. “Like I said, I’m rarely hungry anymore, but your arousal will be delicious. I’ll gorge myself on your peaks and leave you sated…and ruined for any after me.”
That should be a warning. It only makes your want greater.
“Okay,” you breathe out. Dieter’s smile widening again. Are his teeth…sharper?
“Now we can fuck to our heart’s content in this summoning circle here,” Dieter says, tapping his finger in the air. Motes of copper light and sparks rain down from an invisible barrier. “I’ve had more challenging obstacles. But if you would like me at my best, break the circle starlet.”
Standing back up, you retrieve a cloth from your kitchen table. When you return Dieter is standing in the center, prowling ever so slightly in his tiny prison. You move to wipe the line connecting the circle when…
“Are other celebrities incubi?” you ask, kneeling in front of him with open curiosity on your face. Dieter’s predatory smile quickly shuffles to confused and incredulous.
“I mean, maybe, I don’t keep close tabs.”
“Tom Hiddleston could totally be one. Or Robert Downey Jr. Heck, maybe Marvel just employs incubi to keep their revenue going…” Leaning down, you move to wipe the mark. 
“Strange little starlet,” Dieter chuckles, and a warm breeze tickles the back of your neck. With one swipe the circle is broken.
“Hannah Waddingham would totally be…” you start to say, nerves tumbling words from your lips, but thankfully Dieter’s stop them. 
He moves so quickly for a moment you’re sure he’s going to devour you, tear you limb from limb for imprisoning him. Instead he crashes your mouths together, hand firm on the back of your neck as his broad shoulders press you on your back. His hips slot between your thighs so smoothly you’re arching into them before you can think straight. Once your head is carefully lowered to the floor his hands find your wrists and press them above your head, maneuvering your thighs to wrap you around his waist. The dizzying feat of agility pales in comparison to his kiss.
Dieter commands your mouth to submit, tongue hot and lewd between your lips. You’re afraid you’ll choke on your own but he strokes delicate paths into the lush depths that keep you barely breathing. His lips are plush and yielding, pulling away to drag against the corner of your mouth or teasing the edge of your lips. And his teeth. You’d had boys clack against you, or press them harshly against your lips. Dieter knows exactly when to scrape them against your tongue, how much pressure to put with your lower lip trapped, the anticipation of them sliding against your skin before he dives in again. 
“What a soft, pretty thing you are,” he rasps, and there’s a deep grinding quality to his voice now. Like stones moving slowly past one another, it vibrates straight to your clit as he inhales deeply behind your ear. 
“Dieter…” you manage, his face lifting from his ecstasy to study your own. His eyes are somehow losing the edge of white, expanding into inky blackness. He lazily laps at his lower lip, and when you lean up to kiss his chin he snarls and presses deep into your apex.
“I’m sorry, starlet, I forgot you’ve been waiting to break promises,” he teases, sliding a hand down to knead at your ass. As quickly as you were laid out you’re suddenly in the air, legs wrapped around Dieter’s waist as he carries you out of your living room. His strength has you feeling light as a feather, barely a nuisance as he searches out a place for his plans.
“The bedroom.” You motion to a half-opened door and Dieter’s knowing smile precludes entering. 
“Eager, aren’t we? What if I wanted to lay you out for everyone to see?”
The image of your body laid bare, covered in moonlight and monstrous hands, flutters your eyes as the bedroom door shuts behind you.
“No, tonight you will remain in my confessional,” he says, kneeling down on the bed and letting you fall back into the mess of pillows and sheets. 
“You’re very fond of religious metaphor,” you rib, rubbing your thighs together as Dieter sheds the robe and his Crocs, a brief moment of clarity bubbling a giggle up your throat. Dieter’s motions slow as he regards you again, kneeling between your legs.
“Maybe I am rather fond of…corruption,” he husks, the word lighting on your skin like sparks. “Maybe I like seeing you forsake all for me.” 
If he asked, you just might. The high of his attention is so great.
“But in this moment, what I mean is we will speak no lies in this room.” His hands trail down your thighs, and now your body remembers it has no experience from here. You shake, heart pounding as Dieter crawls up your body with only brief brushes to guide his way. “My promise is that you will know pleasure as great as I can offer. And you will tell me everything you think, and feel.”
He hovers over your body, broad enough to block the paltry light through your window.
“Would you like to be pleasured?”
“Yes, Dieter, please.” 
His smile is wicked, and the scrape of his fingernails up your ribcage arches your back. In a fluid slide of his fingers your shirt is over your head and tossed into darkness, leaving you bare-chested under him. He hums with appreciation as his face descends, curved nose dragging along your tender skin. Time hangs in the balance as you tense for what may come, but Dieter only traces dizzying paths with the tip of his nose and the fullness of his lips. Up one side of your ribs, placing kisses at intervals, then along the underside of your breast. His hot breath warms skin, nipples hardening sharp and sensitive at the scratch of his facial hair. Then down the center of your stomach, a long and cyclical detour around your bellybutton. Stomach trembling, he hushes you as his fingers slide under your waistband and bunch your sleep shorts and underwear in his hands. 
Another fluid drag and you’re nude, still swimming in endorphins at Dieter’s skilled touch. It’s only when hot palms wrap around your knees and begin easing them apart do you balk. Instinctively you clamp your legs together, heat flooding your face. Dieter tuts, smoothing his hands up and down your jittery thighs.
“What are you afraid of, starlet?” he asks, ghosting his fingers over the apex of your sex. Just the brush against your mound steals your voice, that same hot shame and anxiety pulling you in on yourself. When you don’t answer, Dieter commands more firmly, “Look at me, sweetheart.”
Dragging your eyes from the ceiling back to him doesn’t help. He’s all mischievous eyes and knowing smiles, pressing a kiss to both of your knees as he rests his chin on them. 
“I can make it easier for you,” he says, fingers finding a soft crease in your hip and stroking along it. “Give you something for the nerves, for any pain. I’ll only let you feel good here with me.” 
You take two more grounding breaths and ease the pressure on your knees.
“”Sorry, I’m just…no one’s ever…” you say, but before you can explain your woeful inexperience he’s wedging his way between your legs and holding your thighs open in his firm tight grip. 
“I’m the first to taste this forbidden fruit?” he asks, and you clench involuntarily. He waits as you gather yourself enough to nod. A deep, dark chuckle falls from his lips. “Starlet, you have no idea what you’re in for tonight.”
The question claws up your throat but no sooner has he glanced at your pussy he’s diving in to press his tongue deep and sweeping through your folds. The velvet slither arches your back off the bed, a strangled cry earning a satisfied hum between your legs.
“Holy shit, Dieter, oh my god,” you rasp as he flicks his tongue in fast swipes over your clit. It’s foreign and taboo, so much wetter and softer than your fingers and you can barely stop your hips from bucking into his mouth. One hand presses you down to the bed, his chin tilting up to catch your eye. Slick shines his mouth, and your pussy throbs when you realize his eyes are the shiny black of nightmares and creatures used to the dark. 
“No god here, sweetheart. Only me. Only take my name in vain,” he growls, and the rush of blood in your ears speeds up when you realize the hand pressed on your abdomen spans the width of your hips. Black-tipped claws indent the flesh, prickling your skin just shy of pain. Dipping low again, Dieter swirls at your entrance and prods in, nose pressed tight to the button of your pleasure. The supple stretch is unfamiliar, pulling at a primal need to let him fill you. It tightens your thighs and shudders you against him as he forces you down again, the bite of claws a sharper warning. His jaw doesn’t stop, plunging and delving into you as deep as he can manage. 
“Dieter, it’s never…oh fuck, it’s never felt this good before, please…please, I can’t stand it,” you beg, a rush of slick coating his tongue. Now a true snarl seeds your cunt, and in the charcoal dark his silhouette thickens, shoulders broadening under your knees. He pushes you further up the bed, pulling even greater cries from your chest. Dragging his tongue from your sopping hole, he sucks greedily on your clit, hands wrapped around your waist to lift you half off the bed. Suspended and flowing with arousal, your hands unclench from the sheets and circle his wrists. The skin is hot under your palms, and they dig deeper in at your scrabbling touch. It’s not enough, so with a boldness you pull from a dizzying depth you bury your fingers in his curls. 
At first touch they’re soft. Long enough to wind around your fingers. You give a gentle tug and swear you feel a shudder around you. But as you bury them deeper another sensation tickles your palm. Something unyielding and curved, smooth like bone. Two protrusions fit in the webbing of your thumb and forefinger, short enough that the blunt tip brushes your knuckles. Horns, you think. A demon is eating me out and he has horns. And where you might have tried to wake yourself from a nightmare at this thought, instead you wrap your fingers around them and tug.
Like lightning something changes in Dieter. His lips tear from you with a roar that fills the room, your mind, spreading like forest fire and drying your mouth out. You hold on as he drops you back to the bed, the sound still ripping from his throat. Then there’s pain, supernova-like in intensity and scorching through arousal and fear. Your eyes snap down to Dieter’s mouth, but it’s no longer defiling your pussy. It’s clamped hard on your inner thigh, air puffing sharply through his nose. The pain radiates, and you realize he’s bit you. Not an overzealous love bite, you can feel the puncture of incisors and pump of blood into his mouth, the same pattern as your racing heart. Your hands release his horns, pushing you up as your mouth drops open in horror. 
“Dieter,” you gasp, but with his horns released the pressure abates. His eyes open slowly, catching your terrified face. The curve of his brow morphs from surprise to apology to determination. Then a thumb presses firmly to your clit and circles it, washing pain away with pleasure teetering right on the edge. His fangs remain in your thigh as you stare at him, incredulity on your face but pleasure rocking your hips. He adds pressure to the bite again, speeding up his fingers as your brain struggles to differentiate one from the other. 
Then, just as your spine begins tingling and your fingers go numb, one slick finger penetrates your cunt, smooth and deep, barely noticeable compared to the symphony of sensations. Like a reward, Dieter gives you the final stroke that crashes your orgasm over him, slamming you back to the bed as pain and pleasure and shame and exhilaration floods your brain. You barely register Dieter’s jaw releasing, fingers working you through your orgasm as the slow laps of his tongue lull you back to your body. Every muscle quivers, attempts to sit up failing twice before you manage to come up to your elbows. 
Between your legs Dieter is pressing devotions to the spot he bit, open-mouthed kisses with peeks of tongue soothing the injury. His finger is still inside, a lazy caress of your walls foreign but not unpleasant. Finally he lifts up to his knees and turns his attention back to your face.
“I’m sorry, starlet, you got me a little too riled up there. I’ve fixed it, but you might be sore tomorrow.” A bloom of teeth circle your inner thigh, but no blood oozes out. You felt the pop, felt him inside you, and somehow he’s taken it back. “Can’t have you injured because of me, not very professional.”
“I hope it stays,” you pant, fingertips tracing the dark marks. The tenderness arcs down your spine. 
“Fuck, you’re made for sin, starlet,” Dieter purrs, and now your attention can turn back to him. Grounding yourself with a healthy, “oh fuck,” is the only way you can fathom what he’s become.
He towers over you even kneeling, broad body only more tantalizing as he’s grown in stature. The well-known triangle tattoos you’d seen in paparazzi photos are joined by swirling patterns up and down his arms, concentric rings and text you can’t read patterning his skin. Where only wild curls were before now jut two smooth horns, curved away from his face and looking suspiciously similar to a goat’s. His skin almost steams in the room, wisps of smoke or condensation haloing his silhouette like an ominous aura. 
Then his hand flexes again and you realize how full you are with just one finger inside, even observing how thick and wicked they’ve become.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, and there’s only a hint of teasing now as he works his finger inside.
“It’s…okay,” you gasp, staring at the place where you’re connected. His thumb ghosts over your clit again, but so soon after your high it’s over sensitive, making you hiss and tremble. 
“Shhh, starlet, just relax. Thought it would be better to take advantage of the pain.” With a final stroke that lights up your nerves he slips out, holding his fingers up for you to see. They’re wet with your arousal and a little blood, a lot less than you thought. “Now that’s out of the way, we can take our time giving you the best fuck of your life.” With a knowing smile, he pops his fingers into his mouth and licks them clean. 
“Fuck, you really are…an incubus,” you say, acquainting yourself with the dull ache of your loss. There isn’t much fanfare, no swelling of emotion. If anything, breaking your hymen is probably the least memorable part of your night. Dieter’s smile falters briefly, and in a dizzying turn of events he shrinks back, closing in on himself. Ducking his head, you might think he was embarrassed, or shy. It looks stranger than the horns on him.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Touching the horns got me a little too worked up. Let me open you up on my fingers for a little while longer, that’ll give me enough time to…change back.” His smile is sheepish now, hands roaming your thighs and stomach. Instead of the skin-crawling terror you thought that would instill, you’re practically preening under his touch.
“Is this you? This form?” you ask, and you let your boldness move to your hands. You stroke your fingertips over his, investigating the smoothness of his claws, how the joints of his fingers are more pronounced than yours. He scoffs an uncomfortable laugh.
“Uh yeah, mostly. But you’ll have a lot more fun bragging that you lost your virginity to THE Dieter Bravo,” he redirects, shaking his head like he’s annoyed he’s not that man yet. 
In your brief and paltry handful of intimate moments, you never considered yourself bold. You’d let men touch you until your discomfort was too much, or your embarrassment pulled to the forefront. You never asked for the touches you enjoyed, or sought out the pleasures you dreamed of. But now, with a creature that’s endearingly vulnerable before you, your voice is finally strong enough to be heard.
“I’d like you to stay this way,” you say. Sitting up further, you skim your hands up his arms to cup his face. Your touch snarls his lip briefly before he settles.
“You can’t handle that, starlet. I’ve kept my human form reasonable, but you will not be able to take my cock,” Dieter husks. Tugging your wrist down to his waist, you palm him through fabric barely able to contain him. Thick and long in your hand, he drops his head and thrusts against you and gets bigger.
“Ruin me, then,” you whisper, filthy and naive into his ear. “I’ve waited all this time, saved myself for no one but you. Make me take no lover but you. Make me pray to you for ecstasy.” Leaning in to the metaphor rewards you. With a dangerous rumble he pushes you flat on your back, one hand wrapped around your throat.
“You want this, starlet? All of it?” he grits out, sickening cracks and pops echoing in the room. His hips force yours wide, planting his other hand by your head and carefully watching your face. The shine of his fangs whips your heart into a gallop, more ink dancing on his skin as he transforms from something beautiful to something magnificent. The room darkens perplexingly until you realize wings spread from his shoulders, thin light gleaming through the stretched web of skin. His aura crackles with molten motes, a whiff of fire and smoke making a home in your lungs. When he looks back at you, half familiar and half transcendent, his roguish smile brings one to your lips.
“Strange little thing, wet and ready for me,” he croons, removing his hand from your throat. A rip of stitching signals he’s as nude as you are now, and your eyes widen when the heavy length of his cock rests on your mound, curving past your navel and thicker than your hand can circle. 
“Say you want Dieter Bravo back, and I’ll have just as much fun wrecking you in that form,” he says, but there’s something cautious between you now. A shimmer of anxiety and distrust. You’re holding a thread of something truer than he intended to give you, and if you drop it you’ll never find it again.
“Can you help me make it feel good?” you ask, sliding your palms along his chest. Without proper pupils it’s hard to track his expression, but you think it’s awestruck.
“Of course, starlet. You’ve learned to cum from pleasure and pain, but I won’t have you suffer more than necessary.” Dieter leans down and cups your head, bringing your nose to his neck right where it meets his shoulder. “Breathe,” he instructs, and you inhale deep. Below the smoke and heat you smell sweet new earth, lush and fruitful. It makes your mouth water, clutching at his shoulders as he begins rocking his hips against yours. His monstrous cock slips in the wet mess between your legs, slicking the underside generously.
“Fuck, you arousal is so delicious, I could taste you for centuries,” Dieter whispers. Lifting up, he smiles at your dazed expression and wandering hands. They trace his features, lingering on his lips. “How are you feeling now?” 
You want him inside you, filling you up to bursting, to breaking. The need is hotter, all-encompassing. It’s surety that he won’t hurt you, that you’ll be shown pleasure beyond anything you’ve experienced. It’s lust but also trust. 
“Can you kiss me?” is what you say, and Dieter’s smile is a touch softer before he leans down and claims your lips. 
You swear you hear a hiss when he touches you, his skin scorching but not enough to burn. Parting his lips and nudging your jaw open, he traces the inside of your lower one with the tip of his tongue. One hand cups the back of your head, cradling you to his mouth, and with a forbidden thrill you realize his hands are now large enough that his fingertips caress the perimeter of your face. The threatening pressure of claws in your skin arcs arousal back in your cunt, winding your fingers into the curls at the base of his neck.
“Tell me if it hurts,” he orders, and with a magnificent beat of bat wings his silhouette glows with dancing light much like a breath sparking fire to life. The warm hue of his human skin has gilded to gold, tattoos moving along the dips and peaks of his body. Eyes black and fathomless, his smile is a lifeboat in a raging ocean. He lets the heavy weight of his tongue wet his lower lip as your eyes widen, hefty cock lifting from your mound to press at your entrance. Scrabbling fear overtakes you, and you clutch at Dieter’s shoulders as the pressure mounts. 
“Again, starlet,” he croons, but his voice is the rumbling of great stones moving over one another as you inhale deep of his scent. Cool water pours through your limbs, easing your muscles and letting your legs drop open wide. His other hand presses at your lower back and arches you off the bed, resting your thighs atop his own. Then, with a controlled push his head breaches you, wrenching a wrecked moan from deep in your chest. He stops as soon as he’s engulfed in your heat, the only betrayal of his own state residing in the long exhale of breath that tickles across your chest.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Tell me if you need me to stop,” he grits out, but you shake your head and roll your hips. It’s sloppy, inexperienced, but he moves ever so slightly within you and it punches a groan from between Dieter’s clenched teeth. 
“Please, Dieter, more,” you beg, his claws tightening around you again. Another measured advance, another wail, more snarling and groaning from the creature stuffing himself inside you. Whatever aphrodisiac he’s fed you is working magnificently. You’re full, the pressure intense, but the pain is dull and quiet. He’s watching where you’re joined so closely, stretched obscenely around his cock, waiting for your thighs to unclench before backing out and pressing deeper in. 
“Touch your clit,” he gasps, “Rub that pretty clit so you can take all of me.”
Your fingers are nowhere as decadent as his tongue but they pull bursts of ecstasy close to the surface. Venturing a look down, you’re dismayed to see he’s barely halfway there, so much more of his pulsing cock still to take. He already feels like he’s in your stomach, battering against your lungs. Tears spring to your eyes, lower lip wobbling.
“It’s not going to work,” you whisper, and even with the knowledge that Dieter could turn human at any point you still wallow in the rejection you anticipate. Not good enough for anyone, not even the person you called for.
“Shhh,” Dieter soothes, easing you back down to the bed. He tugs over pillows to tuck under your hips before covering you with his body, still looking in your eyes even at his towering height. “Breathe. Do you want me to stop? I can let you rest, change back to my human form. If you can take all of this…” His hips twitch forward, a soft cry tumbling out. “...then you can take my human cock perfectly.” With a tenderness your eyes water for, he strokes his thumb along your cheek. “Do you want me to stop?”
It’s already so much, so intense and mind-blowing, but you can’t help yourself. 
“I want all of it, Dieter,” you say, consequences be damned.
Much in the same way touching his horns unleashed something in Dieter, hearing those words unlocks something even more primal and greedy in his face. Dropping down to his elbows, he presses your face against his neck. 
“Bite,” he orders, the word igniting every pleasure center in your body. “Hard, starlet, give me one as good as I gave you.” The words are barely out before you sink your teeth into the crook of his neck, but instead of blood or other ichor you’re flooded with pleasure. The sensation rips an orgasm out of you, hips bucking on his cock. You register Dieter pulling out to the tip before slamming his hips into yours, seating himself fully inside your throbbing cunt. You don’t know how your body makes room for him, how you’re not screaming (well, maybe screaming some), but he’s inside you and littering your body with, “oh fuck, oh fuuuuucks” as he swirls his hips. 
“I did it,” you coo in pleasure-dipped delirium, head flopping back on a pillow as Dieter starts thrusting into you in slow passes.
“You sure fucking did sweetheart, look at that perfect pussy taking my monster cock,” he praises, now sliding along your clit with focus. The overstimulation rolls right into desire again as your cunt learns how to gorge itself on pleasure. 
“It feels…good,” you say, bearing down on his thrusts to meet him with a little more force. He purrs in admiration, starting to speed up ever so slightly. 
“Yeah? Like how good you feel all stuffed full?” Dieter asks but it’s nonsense now, his focus pulling between your face and his cock pumping in and out of you. There’s a little more pain now, places where his cock brushes that zip sharp up your spine, but it’s far from unpleasant. In fact, you might like it. Maybe really like it. 
“More, Dieter. Want to feel you. Please,” you moan, restraint flickering in Dieter’s eyes. 
“Fuck, baby, you can’t say shit like that when I’m so deep in you, I won’t be able to…” His thought falls off as his thrusts speed up, a little more force at the end each time. It’s kissing at something devastating inside, something clawing its way to the surface through years of shame and dread.
“Please Dieter, I’ll beg for it. I’ll…” Your brain wraps around a wicked idea. “I’ll pray for it.”
That does the trick. Dieter’s lips curl back in a snarl as he rears up to his knees, wings spreading to fill the room with only him. Hands gripping your hips, he looks down at you not like a lover, but like a fallen god. 
“Then do it, starlet,” he challenges. His smile is cool, but his cock twitches in your cunt. You have him. 
“Glory be to you, Dieter,” you say, and hellfire light erupts around him. Dragging himself out of your cunt, he holds tight as a bowstring.
“And to your…fucking massive cock,” you continue, eyes rolling back as he fills you to the brim. “And to your true form, in all its beauty,” you add, softer now, drawing his eyes back up to you. Time hangs as he studies your face before dipping down and sealing your lips with a kiss that means too much for words. When he lifts away you finish the prayer.
“As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.”
Dieter’s smile glints.
“A-fucking-men,” he rasps, giving you just enough time to press your hands against the headboard before he starts railing you. 
You’re lost in pleasure and ache and sin and Dieter pounding recklessly into your cunt. His grip paints bruises along your waist, battering thighs marking the inside of your hips. His claws dig into your flesh and sharp scrapes tighten your nipples. Hands roam up over your breasts, around your neck, pressing your wrists into the bed as ominous splintering and cracks echo in your ears. 
“Another before I cum on your tits, sweetheart,” he pants, spitting down onto your clit and circling it with vigor. You cry out, hips bucking as the thickness of his cock impedes on your quivering walls. “It’s so close baby, just cum around me. Let me feel you cum on all my cock this time.” 
“I can’t,” you cry out, shaking and sobbing around him. Dieter tuts, his rapidly increasing slap-slap-slap of thrusts maddening. 
“You can, and you will starlet. You didn’t think you’d take my cock. I didn’t think you’d take it, and look at you now. So you’re going to cum. You’re going to cum now.”
The order shakes the room, pictures rattling on the wall as a final flick hurtles you off into oblivion with Dieter’s roaring triumph right behind. He’s somehow still fucking his cock into you even though you’re so tight it almost hurts to be cumming so good. A final crackling roar and you’re achingly empty, followed by a hot splash of cum across your stomach. Then another cresting your breast, and more and more until you’re covered in it, sticky trails sliding to pool in your bellybutton and drip over your sides onto the covers. Dieter is gasping above you, glowing like a sacred artifact as he pumps the last drops from his cock. 
You close your eyes once and it’s a mistake. As soon as you let your eyelids touch exhaustion grips you, fighting your desperate attempts to reopen them. It’s battling this bone-deep tired when you experience Dieter’s return to a human form. The horns receding, tattoos fading to just the ones that grace tabloid pages. The wings fold away, and soon a sexy as hell rumpled and soft body replaces the supernatural one. 
“Wore you out, starlet?” Dieter Bravo asks, kneeling between your parted knees with a rakish smile. You try to return it with a nod but your whole body is heavy, the mess barely bothering you. Dieter hums thoughtfully, and in a few moments a warm washcloth is cleaning up his cum.
“Side effect of my influence, helps a lot in the moment but it’s got some pretty strong sedative properties. Good for a speedy exit.” His chuckle sounds faraway now, even as you try to clutch at it.
“Stay,” you manage to croak out, hands seeking his body. You find his hair again, nose buried in your sex as he licks softly at your folds. The building ache there creeps back down to something dull and manageable.
“Our contract is up, can’t stay once you’ve given me what I’m owed.” Dieter’s lips start leaving small kisses along your abdomen, fingers soothing your skin. “Even if it was very, very good.”
“Please,” you try again, racking your rapidly puttying mind for anything to keep his hands on you. 
“Even when you say it so sweetly,” Dieter says, but there’s melancholy now. It glances off your fingertips as sleep pulls you under. 
In the between world of dreams, you think he says something more to you, but Morpheus snatches it away. 
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Hail, starlet, full of grace, Dieter is with thee. 
This might be the silliest thing I’ve ever…well, hmm…
Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, all those delectable orgasms you gave me.
Holy starlet, bringer of…something special.
Pray for this sinner.
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There’s blood on your sheets when you wake, though less than you expected. There’s also less pain, though the ache takes your breath away when you sit up too fast. Hobbling to the bathroom with the cool pink of morning light guiding, you inspect your body in the mirror. 
You don’t look much different than before. Some strange notion of losing your virginity making you suddenly appear “mature” is dashed away. Maybe there’s a little glint of a secret in your eye, but not much more. Actually, surprisingly not much more. You expected bruises, scratches along your body and love bites marring your landscape. Instead your canvas is unblemished, no marks or injuries to hide. It’s almost as if he’d never been there.
Sitting down on the toilet, you wonder if maybe he wasn’t. That you dreamt up debauchery due to food poisoning or someone spiking the punch at the Halloween party. You couldn’t possibly have summoned an incubus. 
A dark mark inside your thigh catches your attention, and any doubts dissipate. A ring of teeth, four larger fangs prominent, marrs the inside of your thigh. Brushing your fingertips over the circle, the skittering thrill of those memories settle in your chest. 
You ride on the endorphins for a few days, a handful of people noticing. A work friend tries to interrogate you on it but “a lady never tells” is a saucy enough reply for her to give an approving look. You buy a new bed online, the base of yours splintered to ruin, but you keep the cracked headboard like a souvenir.
Online dating doesn’t seem as daunting now that you’re not so worried about the dreaded “first time.” You even accept a few dates, meet some generally nice men with generally boring personalities. They don’t make your heart race like a certain celebrity whose name you googled briefly before slamming your laptop shut. They certainly don’t kiss like him, or make sexy little jokes or terrify you as much as intrigue you. 
So for a while you try to move on. There’s no other option, right? Dieter Bravo the Movie Star would never give you a second thought. Dieter Bravo the Incubus surely has better things to do, more lascivious living. So you try to find something even remotely like what you felt that night.
It’s mid-November when you find yourself sitting on your living room floor again, piece of chalk in hand. You lit candles this time, bought black lace lingerie, made yourself up to feel pretty. It doesn’t help your shaking hands as you pull the rug off the summoning circle. Touching up a few spots, you settle by the broken line where you released Dieter. It all popped off when you completed the circle last time, so with a deep breath and a swipe of the chalk, you reconnect the chalk.
And you wait.
And wait.
A bulb in a lamp flickers but it’s brief. An errant breeze almost snuffs out a candle. But nothing happens. Your knees are sore, eyes watering but you blink the tears away. 
It was a long shot, you have to admit. A fluke chance, never to be repeated. You’ll have to settle for something bland, safe, loving but…
Nothing like Dieter.
You’re about to get up from the floor when one other idea tempts you. Something you thought he might have said before leaving you ruined.
Pray for this sinner.
Clasping your hands in your lap, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. 
It’s been a long time since you last prayed.
“Dieter…” you whisper. The fine hairs on your neck rise up, but you press on.
“Dieter, I pray to thee,” you continue, closing your eyes. “Come to me in my hour of need.”
A pause, then a final entreaty. “Please.”
A rumble creeps into your body, tiny puffs of candles snuffing out reaching your ears. You dare not open your eyes yet, too hopeful for disappointment. Instead you wait, and hope.
A hot hand, thick fingered and human, slides up your chest, over your throat and cups your chin. Relief floods your body, melting back against a solid chest and chuckling lips.
“Hello, starlet,” Dieter croons in your ear, wrapping his arm around your waist and tucking his head into the crook of your neck. Your fingers search for curls, burying in his hair as you lace your fingers with his.
“You came,” you breathe, sparks igniting on your skin as he presses a line of kisses from your shoulder to your ear.
“How could I not, when you prayed so sweetly?” he teases, tugging you back to sit in the cradle of his crossed legs. “Smart of you to try the circle, but outside of all hallow’s eve you don’t have access to enough power for that trick.”
“But you came,” you repeat, turning your face into Dieter’s ministrations. He nips at the side of your jaw, soothing it with his lips before murmuring a confession into your skin.
“I hoped you would call again.”
A thick emotion swells in your chest, and you spin in his grasp to crash your mouths together. The momentum knocks him backwards to the floor, letting you straddle his waist and feast on his ample lips. His hands roam your back, reverent in their paths. When you break to suck in lungfuls of sweet air he leans up to mouth at your neck, possessive hand on your ass urging you to grind against him.
“Have you let anyone else fuck you?” he growls. To your delight the anxiety and trepidation that colored your first encounter is nowhere in sight. You smile wolfishly down at him.
“How could I? You’ve ruined me for any man,” you tease, and under your body he writhes, the whites of his eyes trading for inky black. “Plus, one time is hardly enough to know if I even like sex. I’ve barely begun to explore.”
The fangs flash between his kiss-swollen lips, and under the promise of any delight you desire you glimpse the even more exciting fondness that will draw you back to him again and again.
“Then we have a lot of work to do.”
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Crawlin' back to you Ever thought of callin' when You've had a few? 'Cause I always do Maybe I'm too Busy bein' yours To fall for somebody new Now, I've thought it through
The Arctic Monkeys, "Do I Wanna Know?"
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Bleeding From The Storm
Chapter Five - Lilac
After the death of his son, the head of the Dupont family wants his daughter protected. He moved her to Monaco, the safe zone, and has her protected by Charles Leclerc. Max Verstappen was never supposed to meet her. He didn't even know who she was. But he knew she was beautiful, and he knew he wanted to know more, much to the horror of Charles Leclerc.
Warnings: hints of smut, talks of death and murder
Series Masterlist
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The Dupont's weren't in the Netherlands for very long, just a week. But Max was determined to make every second with her count.
The broom closet was potentially the most unforgettable moment of Max's life. When their father's finished the meeting and Max was called back to Jos's side. It was incredibly difficult for him to concentrate on anything with a lacy, lilac underwear in his pocket.
It was easy to convince Jos to let him spend more time with her. All Max had to do was tell his father that his spending time with her and being nice to her was manipulation tactics, and Jos agreed. Max said things to his father, things that made him sick to his stomach. He knew Bunny wasn't stupid and pliable, but those words had Jos agreeing.
Max had never been the type to take a girl out for lunch or dinner. In his line of work it was easier to just sleep with them and move on. But not Bunny. He couldn't get her out of his head if he tried.
It didn't help that she looked so pretty sat across from him, sundress covered in pretty blue flowers, as she sipped her drink. She'd been saying something, but Max didn't know what, too busy admiring her to listen.
She looked at him like she was expecting an answer. "Sorry, Angel," he said, shaking himself out of it. "I was a little distracted."
He'd been staring at her the entire time, she knew. Her smile was wide, shy embarrassment written on her face as she looked down at her near empty drink. "I asked when you're coming back to Monaco," she said, using her straw to stir the drink.
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth when he thought. "I don't know, Angel," he answered. Angel, never Bunny. She loved it, loved the way her insides squirmed every time the name left his lips.
"Are you gonna tell me when you're back?" She asked.
Max's heart jumped, ready to leap out of his chest. She wanted him around for more than just her short stay in the Netherlands. He knew he had to get back to Monaco as soon as possible.
"Angel, I promise," he began. As soon as I'm back in Monaco, I'll come see you," he said, hand reaching across the table. He didn't know what he expected, maybe for her to place her hand in his. Not for her to start running her nails across his skin in such a soothing manner.
A shiver ran down his spine. It was a mixture of soothing and ticklish. He sucked in a breath as he turned his hand over and she began tracing patterns along the back of it. "When you come to Monaco, we'll have to do something fun," she mused. "Plus, you'll have to return my underwear to me at some point."
His eyes damn near bulged out of their sockets at that. "Holy shit, Angel," he croaked out. He checked the time on his watch, only to distract himself. But then he found himself releasing a sigh and a small 'Fuck'.
Her nails stopped moving against his palm. "What is it?" She asked.
Max closed his hand around her fingers. "I've got to get you back," he mumbled and stood, pulling her up with him. "You're going back to Monaco tonight, right?" Max asked, but he already knew the answer.
"Yeah," Bunny mumbled, a pout on her pretty lips. "Are you sure we have to go now?" She asked and Max nodded his head.
Lacing her fingers through his own, she allowed herself to be pulled away from the Café max had taken for to for lunch. In that moment she wasn't Bunny, she decided. No, she was Angel.
They passed a secluded little alleyway. It wasn't pretty, not by any means, full of rubbish bins and overflowing with trash. The smell as they passed was atrocious.
But still, she gripped his hand and pulled him into the alleyway. "Angel," Max said, catching her before she could flatten herself and her pretty white and blue sundress against the dirty wall. "What are you doing?"
Her hands were around his neck as she looked up at him, giving what Max could only describe as puppy dog eyes. "I don't want to say goodbye yet," she whispered and pulled him closer.
Max let his eyes drift shut. If his Angel was kissing him, he wasn't going to complain. He just pulled her against him, keeping her flush against his body. Max knew he was giving everything over to her, but he didn't much mind.
She moved away from his lips, kissing across his jaw and down to his neck. "Fuck me," she said breathlessly. "Fuck me right here, against this wall."
But Max shook his head as he pressed his forehead to her own. "I'm not gonna fuck you in this dirty alleyway," he said and checked his watched. "Besides, I've got to get you back."
He grabbed her hand once again, but this time her pout was unmissable. It took everything Max had not to give into her. "I'm sorry, Angel," he said as they approached the Verstappen stronghold. "I promise to make it up to do in Monaco."
She let go of his hand, but for no other reason than to protect Max and herself. Them being together, it was impossible, forbidden. If Dupont found out what the daughter he'd been trying so hard to protect had been doing? It would have started an all out war.
Max was silent as he led her to his fathers office. He knocked and waited for confirmation before leading her inside. Max stood himself by the window while Angel, his Angel, went to stand by her father.
"Dupont," said Jos as he looked over at the signature on the paperwork. "I trust the shipment will arrive in the next two weeks."
"Verstappen, you have my word," said Dupont, his hand coming to rest on his daughters back. She stood straighter, but her gaze was still focused on the ground.
No more pleasantries were exchanged as Dupont and Angel were led from the office. Jos waited just long enough for them to be out of earshot before he opened his vile mouth.
"She was was delectable," he said in Dutch, and Max clenched his fists by his side. "Much more pleasant to look at than that old crone Dupont would insist on bringing everywhere he went."
If it had been anybody else talking about his Angel like that, Max would have lost it and pummelled his face beyond recognition. But he kept himself composed. "What about the business?"
"She is Dupont's only living heir, and yet she seems incapable," Jos said, ignoring Max's question. "As soon as she takes over from him, Dupont and everything he has will be ours. I've always wanted to own part of France," Jos said more to himself than anybody else.
Max's mouth went dry. He said her name. Not Angel, not Bunny, but her name. "What happens to her once you've... gotten what you want?"
Jos laughed a dry sort of laugh. "Max," he said with a shake of his head. "She'll be dead."
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool
Series taglist (CLOSED): @doofenshmirtsevil-inc
@maximofflove (tried to make this slightly longer for you lmao)
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snowgsf · 5 months
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This was all with Aunt Google's help, so don't judge me.
Warnings: There's nothing behind it, it's just obscenity, so just obscenity
Tara Carpenter X Reader G!p
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— Are you going to do drama for a beat too? — The girl looks at me angrily.
— Don't be an idiot, you're twice my size, do you really think that if your shoulder hits mine it won't hurt? — I roll my eyes.
— As always, making a great drama, like everything you say and ask. — I see the girl's eyes slightly relax.
— Great, since it's drama, it's over. — I blink a few times in surprise.
- He finished?
— Yeah, it's over, if you'll excuse me I'm going to pack my bags.
I look at Tara as she walks away towards the closet. I stay still in place, well, I know that what happened at dinner wasn't a girl's drama, we're having a deal, right? Even though I don't want to admit it, I'm having a thing with her, a thing where we agreed that we wouldn't be with anyone else.
It looks like a relationship, but it's not.
— Tara, calm down, don't think you're making a decision too quickly.
I go into the closet and see her packing her bags.
— No, I'm not, I'm honestly fed up with it. It was nice of us hooking up, really, but the moment we agreed that we wouldn't hook up with anyone else and you ignored me for that shitty bitch, I realized it wasn't going to work out.
— Is it okay?
— That's it, we'll put an end to this thing, there's no way I'm going to see some bitch come on to you and I have to keep quiet.
I hold my smile that wanted to appear.
- You are jealous?
- Yes! — She responds brusquely and points to herself. — I want you for myself, understand, for me-
I interrupt her dialogue by placing my mouth on hers.
She pulls her face closer to mine, feeling her soft, warm lips. Her hands go towards my wet blouse. Without thinking much I just move away to take it off, then I come back and put our mouths together again.
- You already have me. — She smiles against my mouth when I kiss her again.
I feel her tongue on mine, making different sensations pass through my body, one of the main ones is excitement, something that always happens when it's her.
I lower my hands to her waist and squeeze with some force. Her hands go down my sports bra to the hem of my pants, but soon her hands return to my breasts again, where she enters the piece of cloth.
I let out a happy sigh at the contact.
— You drive Me crazy
I kissed her neck while I felt her hands on my breasts, her mouth was open, letting out low moans, her fingers played freely with the tip of my breasts.
— Y/n, don’t mess around. — I smile against her neck, I take my hand to her blouse, and without delay I take it off her body.
A moan escapes my lips when I now feel my entire torso bare. Slowly, with our mouths in a bold kiss, we walked to the bed.
I pull her sleep shorts down, thanking all that is Most Holy that she doesn't wear anything else.
— So delicious. — I moan in her ear while her hand holds my hard volume. — Damn, you still don't understand baby? You are the only one. — I take my hand between her legs, touching her clitoris, receiving a moan in return. — Mi amor, only your pussy holds me, don't you still understand that? — I start moving my fingers in circles, stimulating her clitoris in a way that I know she likes, feeling her excitement on my fingers makes me get harder if that's possible.
— Oh, fuck. — I smile against her neck, I move my lips down her chin to her breasts, where I put my mouth, making my girl moan louder and place her fingers in my hair and squeeze.
I leave hickeys all over her naked body, I only stop when my mouth is close to her pussy, I kiss her thigh before doing something I love, sinking my mouth there.
I let out a contented moan when I taste her, Tara also moans, she presses her fingers tighter between my hair making my head stay there.
I slowly pass my tongue over her clitoris, I move away a little just to separate her labia majora and I can suck her center, I take two fingers there, penetrating slowly while my tongue plays with her sensitive spot.
Tara's moans get louder, making her grip on my hair tighten, and her liquid drip more and more.
I start to move my fingers slowly, I kiss my way up to her mouth and I take the opportunity to kiss her while her mouth is open.
Tara moans against my lips, feeling her own taste of excitement, I move my fingers faster and stronger, I look at her eyes that were now open.
Her beautiful brown eyes were dilated, her hair was loose and drops of sweat ran down her neck, her excitement became greater, I took advantage and added another finger. A louder moan still escapes her beautiful lips.
Her body curves towards my hand. I open a smile and bring my mouth to her neck where I slowly bite it. Inside she goes to the sheet, where she squeezes it.
I slowly bring my mouth to her ear, sigh there and without realizing it, I moved my hips against her leg.
— Damn girl, you can't imagine how I'm imagining her mouth around my dick right now. — Tara moans louder, squeezing me tighter with her legs closing. - Open your legs.
Without contesting the girl tries to keep her legs open. I feel her walls squeeze my fingers, her arousal dripping down my fingers.
— Y/n, please. — I smile, I take my fingers out of her when I feel like she's going to cum. A moan of disapproval escapes her lips.
Without caring, I pull down my wet pants and underwear, taking them off and throwing them anywhere there.
A surprised moan escapes my sweaty lips Tara began to masturbate me slowly.
— Let me suck you. —Speak against my cheek. - Please. — I smile mischievously. — Or, fuck my throat, please let me feel your dick in the back of my throat. — I pull her body to the edge of the bed, when we are at the edge, I get up from the bed, standing up, without thinking much Tara got out of the bed and gets on her knees, placing the tip of my dick on her lips.
I sigh when I feel her tongue licking me, I open a smile and as she looks, her beautiful doe eyes are fixed on me.
— You're going to take my dick like a good slut right Tar? You will take my cock to the back of your throat without complaining. — Tara quickly agrees, I take my hands to her hair, lightly squeezing her strands before slowly starting to enter Tara's mouth.
At first I only put it in until the tip and took it out, but soon after Tara had relaxed her throat I fucked her mouth.
Tara choked, but at no point did she want to stop, I moaned while her hands went to my balls, massaging them.
I squeeze her hair and throw my head back, I leave work for a while with the girl kneeling in front of me. She sank her mouth around my cock, taking it to the back of her throat, making her nose hit my belly.
— Such a good slut for me, damn, I'm dying to cum in your throat baby, but the thing I want most right now is to cum deep in your pussy.
I force her mouth to come off my shaft, I see tears coming down her beautiful eyes, her cheeks are red and she is panting.
Without me needing to say anything, she sits on my lap, gripping her thigh as her wet pussy touches my dick.
Without thinking much, the girl on my lap starts moving her hips, rubbing herself against me, I just watch her features, but just when she's about to cum I force her to stop.
— Please, Y/n, I need it, it hurts. — Tears streamed down her eyes, but I really didn't care about her crying at the moment.
— Ride me, love, take my dick in your pussy, wasn't that what you said, that you wanted me all to yourself? — She quickly agrees as she takes my tip to her wet entrance. — Then take my cock like a slut, like the beautiful slut you are — I kiss her neck.
Slowly Tara sits on my dick, slowly, I feel the sensation of wonder that is in my girl's pussy, I let out a moan when without any delay she sits down at once. Making my dick go all the way to the stalk.
— Damn girl.
So her hips don't take long to move. Going up and down, making her small breasts swing in my face, my hands on her waist helped her to go at a speed that didn't make her tired quickly.
That's it, I'll stop here 😀
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itsphoenix0724 · 2 months
I love your fics. Could you do an Azriel x Reader fic based on the song Hate Me by Blue October? It could lend itself to a great premise. The song didn't have a happy ending so I think the fic wouldn't need to either. I think it could be that Reader and Azriel were together (not mates) and Az did something to cause the Reader pain. And I feel like the fic could be vignettes of the IC spending time together and Reader ignoring him. Maybe even it could end with Reader finding someone new and moving on. If you like the idea, thanks in advance!
Hate Me (Azriel x Reader)
Warnings: Angst, no happy ending
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Hi lovely! Thank you so much for your request. I love me a good angst fic lol. I tried a different formatting for this, so we'll see how you guys feel about it! I hope you enjoy, please feel free to visit my page anytime <3
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If you’re sleeping, are you dreaming? If you’re dreaming are you dreaming of me? 
Azriel bolts upright in bed, chest heaving with shaking breaths that he can’t keep in. His hand instinctively reaches out to your side of the bed, but it meets nothing but cotton, fabric slipping through his fingers like water. You had been there, for a few blissful moments, holding him as you always had when the nightmares roused him from sleep. Now he was alone, and no one was at fault for it but himself. 
I had to block out thoughts of you so I don’t lose my head. They crawl in like a cockroach, leaving babies in my bed 
He may have hated himself for it but he tried to find comfort elsewhere, when he wasn’t working he was in the slums of Vlearis, drinking himself to the point of blacking out. He needed to forget your face, your voice, your smell. He couldn’t stand to be in the house the two of you had shared, not when your phantom was constantly haunting the halls, chasing him down at every turn. He thinks of you barefoot, singing and padding around the kitchen in nothing but your nightgown, and orders another shot.
And will you never say that you loved me just to put it in my face? And will you never try to reach me? It is I that wanted space. 
Azriel wanted you to yell at him, he wanted you to scream your rage so hard that the mountains rumbled. He could have taken that, he wanted it even. But what he couldn’t take is your indifference. Family dinners at the River House were mandatory, and Azriel tried to attend as few of them as possible. Mainly because you were always there. You had every right to attend, and you were always pleasant to him. Sending him tight-lipped smiles and polite nods, even passing him the potatoes at dinner. It was like looking in a warped mirror, a portrait someone had poured water over. His former happiness was nothing but running paint. 
Hate me today, Hate me tomorrow. Hate me for all the things I didn’t do for you. 
“Another mission?” You questioned from the doorway as Azriel was shoving things into a pack. “But you just got back yesterday?” Azriel sighed deeply, buckling the pack shut and hauling it over his shoulder.  “I know, I’m sorry but this is a serious matter.” His shoulders were tense, the dark circles under his eyes still prominent from not resting.  “How long will you be gone?” Your brows furrow. “A week at least,” came his tense reply. You were quiet for a moment, and the tension that filled the room could be cut with a knife.  “You’ll miss our anniversary, can’t they send someone else?” Your broken tone hurt his heart, but he persisted.  “Rhys needs this done urgently.” He pressed, fastening the straps of his leathers. “Rhys would never miss his and Feyre’s anniversary.” You snapped, the annoyance finally wearing on you.  “Well Rhys and Feyre are mates,” Azriel bit back and immediately regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. You took a step back, the betrayal shining clear on your features.  “Fine then, enjoy your mission.” You left his study, and he could hear the bedroom door slamming behind you.  He should’ve gone after you, he should’ve gone upstairs and begged for your forgiveness, but he left.  And he would regret that decision for the rest of his life.
While I was busy waging wars on myself, you were trying to stop the fight. You never doubted my warped opinions on things like suicide and hate. You made me compliment myself when it was way too hard to take
He returned from the mission and your things were gone. No trace was left of you in the apartment you once shared except for a letter on the kitchen table. Even in your goodbye, you weren’t angry, it was like you knew that this was coming for a while, but he was completely blindsided.  He could still recite the letter back from memory.  Azriel read it repeatedly, it was still in the back of a drawer in his office, unable to bear getting rid of it.  “Dear Azriel,  I’m sorry to leave you like this, however, I know that if I were to try in person I would fail. Please know I still love you, a part of my heart will always be yours to possess, but I cannot continue a relationship with a ghost. I need you to know a few things. Please don’t hate yourself for this, you tried your best but you are too obsessed with your work. I wish you could see that your family values you as a person and not for your abilities. No one would’ve loved you less if you had taken a day off, but I understand your battles. Another thing, do not try to follow me. I am taking some time, to find myself and heal, I hope you will do me this favor and respect that. I hope one day we can be friends. I’m sorry.”  Your name signed at the bottom felt like a brand stamped into his heart, the fact that you felt the need to apologize to him twisted the knife even further. True to his word, he respected your boundaries, and when you finally returned to the Night Court everything was different. You seemed to glow again and laugh again, and Az realized just how much of a shell you had become at the end of your relationship. 
And with a sad heart, I say bye to you and wave. Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I had made.
It was bittersweet for Azriel when you finally brought home your new partner. A male you met in Dawn on an emissary trip. The rest of the inner circle warmed to him quickly, as much as it pained Az to admit he was a good male. Theon made you blush, and laugh and was completely devoted to you. He gave you everything Azriel himself could not and he was happy for you. When it came time for Azriel to introduce himself, he glanced once at you running your teeth between your bottom lip with worry, and decided he would no longer be a barrier to your happiness. So, he did his best to smile and shook the male's hand to introduce himself.  You were happy, that was all that mattered to him. 
Hate me in ways, yeah, ways hard to swallow. Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you
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noroi1000 · 6 months
Wild Animal 2
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Part One
Warnings: Holding in captivity (tied, collar); mentions of sexual things)
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Your legs and arms were tied as you lay on the bed. Goosebumps appeared on your skin as the covers were ripped off you and your naked body was exposed to the cooler air. There's a blindfold on your eyes that you can't take off, no matter how you move. Your mouth was tied with a cloth, so you couldn't speak.
You were the curse user. So why did they act like they had so much more experience with it? Even though you felt tied up, it didn't hurt that much, but you couldn't break free.
You could squirm somehow when you felt embarrassed and insecure about being naked, but there was nothing you could do.
You have no control over what's happening.
And the coldness in your body did not disappear because the covering that was on you disappeared. You still felt a source of warmth next to you. But when you got used to the ambient temperature, you realized that it was even a warm room.
You heard different sounds. But you didn't know where they were coming from.
Murmurs, bed creaking. Then steps. And finally, the door opening.
The person next to you didn't come out. Someone else came in.
"Did you do what I asked? Wait... Why are you getting dressed? Were you undressing? Did you-"
"I was supposed to search her."
"Satoru, you bastard, if you did something to her –!"
"I didn't do anything to her! I just wanted to hug her! She would be warm if we had skin-to-skin contact."
You knew these voices very well.
And memories from earlier appeared in your head. Four hands that hold you so tightly that you won't run away. When you didn't even have a chance to escape from them. Your body is immobilized. There was no passage behind you or in front of you. As if you were between two large walls. You can't move. You can't run through this. Your wrists will be held even if you run away, so they can hold you. So you can't escape. Are they still your former friends? Is it even them?
Satoru and Suguru wouldn't act like that! They wouldn't kidnap you. They wouldn't tie you up.
But... You couldn't think of what they wouldn't do to you. You can only think about what they have already done to you. They were going to kill you. However, they did not kill you. Instead, they kidnapped you and tied you up. You have no way to escape. And you can only lie there and listen to their conversation. Or rather, their quarrel. You can't think about what they would do to you. Because it's not them anymore. Not the ones you knew. Some time has passed since your last meeting. You don't know what kind of people they are now. You don't know how they've changed. You don't know what they will do to you. You don't know how they will react to you. You don't know what they're planning to keep you here.
"She's awake?"
That's what Suguru said. You're sure about that. After all, their voices are different from each other.
"We'll find out soon~."
You felt the bed directly next to you sag under a foreign weight. And the cloth that prevented you from speaking was removed from your mouth.
But you couldn't say anything anyway. The hand on your cheek that was holding your face. And lips invade yours in a way that will make you make a sound or wake up.
A tongue pressing against your lips and then against your own. The grinding of your teeth. All this is to make you wake up or make a sound.
You let out a grunt as his tongue slipped deeper. You wanted to push him away, but both your legs and arms were immobilized. There was absolutely nothing you could do about it.
Just when you thought your breath would come through your mouth, you felt a pain in your lower lip as Satoru's teeth held your skin, biting. How did you know it was Satoru? He teases you at every possible moment. That's how it was at school.
Now that may have changed, but apparently there hasn't been a single change. But what surprised you was that he kissed you. Or he may have done it on purpose to piss you off. He will play with you. You can't have any other idea.
"You see, Suguru, she's awake." Satoru chuckled, rubbing his thumb over your bleeding lip. "Good morning." He pecked your lips one more time before sitting next to you and putting on his shirt.
"How are you feeling, (y/n)?" Suguru asked calmly. You felt a hand touch your forehead. He thought from the beginning that you wouldn't answer. From friends to enemies. Now they will do anything to make it from enemies to lovers. But unfortunately, you have no say in this matter. Just like you forced them to lament after you left, they can now force you to stay with them.
Either you are their friend and live with them with a smile, or you are their enemy and live with them even if you don't want to.
Or maybe you live with them the way they want. You are their lover, and you get everything you can dream of.
But you can't dream of leaving this house anymore. You lost your chance when you killed people.
The blindfold has been removed from your eyes, allowing you to look at them. With small smiles, they looked at you and saw little tears in your eyes.
You were underneath them as they hovered over your naked body.
They did it on purpose. You know they did it to make you feel that way. You are naked. And no one would want to run away naked. You feel so small and vulnerable without clothes. Yes, ridiculed. And their eyes stare at you constantly.
"If you behave, we'll take off your ropes now." Suguru stroked your cheek.
They honestly thought you would fight them. You will struggle to get out. You will want to push them away. Even bite. And you lay there, trembling.
What your superiors said about you... They had it right. Of all the sorcerers, they were the only ones you wouldn't attack.
Sentiments and also the knowledge that they are stronger than you. This is how it always has been and will be. There is no reason to change.
"And when you're like a house kitten, we'll replace all that with a collar and a chain on your leg, okay?"
"The collar was my idea, honey. You're not taking it off." Gojo laughed.
Are they crazy?
The collar perfectly shows this when the animal is not wild but domesticated.
There are also ways for them to check whether you will behave well.
"You go naked at home. This is the most important rule. We have to make sure you don't take the knife and put it in your pocket. When we tell you to, you put on a cat tail." Satoru laughed, showing you a metal teardrop with a fluffy cat tail on the back. "I believe you know where we're going to put it, right? That's why you have to tell us every time you want to go to the bathroom."
"One of us is always home to watch over you. And when we can't be here, you lie tied to the bed. We can't risk you running away and doing something stupid AGAIN."
"Suguru is right! But if you're a good, tame kitten..." he paused to grab your chin. "We'll really trade the handcuffs and chains for an ankle ring."
You were shocked. That's why they didn't tell you to talk to them. You can get used to this situation.
And they have to tame you.
Wild animals can be tamed.
And they will turn you into their docile kitten. And you will be more docile and cuddly than you were before all this happened. You can't be their friend. And to keep you with them, they have to do something to make you take their words seriously.
It all happened because you loved them.
So they can keep you here because they love you.
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A/N: Well, I was sure I posted it. One, now that I checked, was as a project on Wattpad. That's why I'm sharing it now. (Even though I still think I'm sharing this sooner.)
Do I have strange ideas, and am I perverted? Yep, I'm just getting into the role of an author writing on Wattpad and Tumbrl .And I also imagine things as if Gojo had ideas.
@weebotaku21; @yihona-san06; @mikkies; @raysheil; @dreeamiea; @safaia-47; @porridgesblog; @weebnk-popper; @mc-reborn; @witchbybirth; @starlightanyaaa
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Could I Request a yandere arkhamverse harley quinn concept? -🎂
Sure! Writing Harley Quinn could be fun :) This felt a bit everywhere but most of my fics are me just letting my thoughts flow without planning so I hope you enjoy ^^
Yandere! Arkham! Harley Quinn Concept
(Primarily Arkham Knight)
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Violence, Manipulation, Anger issues, Grief, Kidnapping, Drugging/Gassing, Breaking and entering, Forced companionship, Delusional behavior, Clingy behavior.
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Harley could work as a romantic or platonic.
Like... as a platonic she seems like she'd be really bubbly and act like a friend.
A psychotic friend but... somewhat of a friend.
As a romantic she'd be about as obsessive with you as she would be with Joker.
One thing that Arkham/Injustice Harley share with each other is their independence from Joker.
It's just that they deal with it differently.
Injustice Harley becomes a hero after the death of Joker.
While Arkham Harley commits to crime in the name of Joker.
This version of Harley actually gets more insane at the passing of Joker instead of better.
Harley would be a very dangerous yandere in general, but this universe may just make her worse.
Her obsession with someone new most likely starts sometime around Arkham Knight if she sees you in a romantic sense.
If she sees you in a platonic sense I imagine it could be whenever but for now I'll focus on Arkham Knight.
Harley is a yandere who feels she needs to be dependent on her darling.
If she sees you as a friend/ally then she sticks around you as she feels you'll ease her through her grief.
Which is strange as if anyone else tries to ease her grief she snaps at them.
Here's some backstory between you, up until Arkham Knight.
The friend route would make more sense if you "knew" her when Joker was alive.
Harley no doubt first had platonic feelings towards you, that's how her yandere traits would start due to her being with Joker.
She stalks you for a bit then breaks into your home.
She acts like you two are friends and is really bubbly and overly excited towards you.
While you barely know anything about the crazed woman who keeps breaking into your home, she feels she knows everything about you from just watching you.
No doubt spills about you towards the Joker.
She tells him she's found a new friend and that they simply must be involved with their plans.
Your "friendship" with Harley is very one-sided.
She somehow manages to find you and even drags you with her places.
At least once you've been a hostage for one of her and Joker's plans.
The entire time she's acting like it's a fun thing for you two to do.
"Mr. J said I could bring you to meet him~ I bet we'll have so much fun!"
You did not.
Despite your fear and forced compliance, she trusts you and soon you may even get used to being a target of her strange obsession.
Hell, maybe soon you convince her you'll be her "friend" if she just visits and doesn't pull you into any of Joker's plans.
She agrees... and never leaves you alone.
You and Joker are the ones she loves the most.
So when she loses Joker, her beloved, she only has one other person to cling to.
While you contact the police and Batman of Harley's obsession towards you, Harley realizes she needs the comfort of her beloved friend.
It's at this point Harley can stay a platonic yandere or split into a romantic yandere.
Harley would hunt you down, even if you moved.
When she does? She'll send her goons to pick you up and drag her to her little base she's made for herself.
It disappoints her that you may no longer be in your old home, but she'll find you.
You don't need to hide from her!
The moment your conscious you look so confused.
Only to see Harley staring with a grin.
"Hey there! Been awhile, hasn't it? Safe to say I think I've missed you...."
Harley would use her darling as a coping mechanism.
Like an old friend, one you never wanted, she sobs and rants about the loss of Joker.
The whole time you're tied to a chair and hoping Batman comes fast enough.
Then over time she'd shift the topic of her rants to you.
She rambles to you about how you've always been there and how much fun you two have had in the past.
Then maybe the conversation dips into romantic territory... her mentioning how she feels things for you without even meaning to say it.
The idea of her having romantic feelings towards you strikes fear in your gut.
Unfortunately, it's not your say if she has romantic intentions with you or not.
If Harley continues to just see you as a friend then she plans on making you her second in command.
Even if she liked you as a crush she'd take a similar route, although it changes over time.
She's physically clingy and often wants her darling beside her.
Harley would also find some sort of "fun" nickname to call you all the time, smiling the whole time.
If Harley held romantic feelings towards you... imagine if she tried to make you her new "Joker" in this universe?
She may try to get her hands on Joker blood, gas, or even some chemicals to force you into her new love.
Oh, Puddin'... you may be unwilling now, but she'll show you that you can be wonderful for each other.
Harley in this universe truly can't forget about her Joker.
She also adores you.
Why should she have to choose between the two of you?
Why doesn't she just have both?
Harley in this universe definitely seems like she'd brainwash and drug you into the next Joker.
The moment she sees traits of him in you melded with your normal personality, she's in love.
Ohhh, now she has you both!
She's never been happier!
While you're panicking as your personality feels split due to Joker... Harley is holding you and kissing you with happy giggles.
"Oh you're everything and everyone I love! Now I have you both once again... we... I can be happy again!"
By this point something is telling you to reciprocate the affection but you struggle with what to do.
Harley becomes fully dependent on you after this, simply happy she has her two loves in one.
Maybe you'll even let the whole Joker personality take over?
Then you'll be a ruler of crime.
This isn't a life you wanted.
But as the Joker's presence within you grows... you begin to enjoy it.
Then maybe you'll begin to reciprocate Harley's feelings.
Then you'll be everything she's ever wanted.
"I love you, Puddin'...!"
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apompkwrites · 1 year
the mourning kingscholar || leona kingscholar
masterlist characters: no canon, nuru, jabali, jabori (OCs) genre: angst contains: death, more weird magic lore, everyone is sad, injuries, brief mention of gore, suicidal ideation(?) summary: the guardian is dead. and as mwezi miji moves on, a new institution appears. notes: time skip! time skip! well, it's like halfway in but oh well. anyway this marks the end of the mwezi miji arc! it doesn't mean we're done with it, just that we'll be changing scenery for a bit :) also changed up the parts linked so it's easier for me to edit :D parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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the funeral was silent. the remaining members of the guard opted for that, offering up their presence but that was about it. but even the lack of comfort was appreciated by the four standing closest to the makeshift grave.
it felt wrong to bury atiena in the outskirts, seeing as how she had essentially made mwezi miji the home it is today. so, the guard opted to bury nothing, leaving behind a marking made of two nearby sticks and twine that allowed people to mourn before the village mourned together.
or maybe their reason was to give nuru some way to mourn before being pushed into the limelight.
the boy hadn't stopped shaking, even when you pulled him up from the ground, away from atiena's body. in fact, he seemed to tremble more the moment he buried his face in your neck. maybe the increased shaking was also because you were trembling all the same.
even now, the two of you, well four if you counted the twins, continued to tremble, your sobs wracking your body and mixing with the rain that had rolled in a few minutes ago.
it was so cold.
in hindsight, you were thankful that the remaining members of the guard stood back. they didn't have to hear nuru's pained gasps and cries, preserving the image of atiena's legacy being passed on to her strong-willed son.
but to you and the twins, you saw nuru for who he really was in that moment.
a boy, no older than 14 years old, had just lost his mother in one of the cruelest ways possible. in your arms, curled up and leaking snot and tears, was a boy who had been reduced to a baby crying for his mother that would never return, no matter how much he prayed to the gods.
jabori, much like nuru, had been crying in jabali's arms right behind you and nuru. jabali, on the other hand, stood tall, tears still falling down his cheeks, but his expression as cold as ice. you knew the moment he was in the comforts of his room, he would break down.
atiena truly had been a mother and a caretaker to everyone, but especially to you four.
it took nuru a few more minutes to pull himself together. he managed to do it, but remnants of his breakdown were still evident on his face. when you pulled him up from the ground, you wiped away some lingering tears with your thumbs, muttering comfort under your breath as his wings naturally folded around you.
he took one last look at you, his eyes still glassy and red, before taking a deep breath and letting his wings relax behind him. he scooped the mask and jacket that had been stripped from atiena, holding them both close to his chest. he took another deep breath, one to hold himself together, and stood tall, mimicking the same stance his mother had taken time and time again.
"it's time to go home," he ordered, pointing at a few guard members before pointing back down at atiena's body, which had been laying under a tree to avoid the rain. "careful with the escorting of the body. any scratch that comes to he-- it... will be responsible for desecrating an honored body."
"...yes, sir!" the guards echoed in response, hurrying over to hoist atiena's body up.
there was no surprise that the guard quickly adapted to the new "leader" with no hesitation. it was expected that he would take up the title as the next guardian, but it was bittersweet knowing that that time had come too soon.
"(name). jabali. jabori," nuru turned back to the three of you, his eyes downcast as he began replacing his old fur cloak with his mother's. "i trust you three will stay by my side."
"... of course," you nodded, earning a twitch of a smile from nuru. the twins muttered affirmations behind you, still quiet from the brief funeral.
"we'll get back at the dens," nuru promised, looking down at the mask as if speaking to it. "they won't get away with what they've done."
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the moment the new guard stepped foot in mwezi miji, the villagers gathered together as if they had already known something bad had happened. the second their eyes landed on atiena's body, still preserved as if she had only been sleeping, the village erupted into a flurry of cries and screams.
the elders, the ones who knew atiena since she had arrived, silently cried for the young woman who singlehandedly defended the village all those years ago.
the children, the ones who had looked up to atiena since they were born, wailed and sobbed openly as if they had truly lost their parents.
you hated walking through the village with atiena's body only a few feet away. it felt wrong.
you truly thought that atiena was invincible. it turned out she was to everything and everyone except her own magic.
when her body was laid on a blanket offered up by the elders, it seemed as if the gods themselves had damned her the moment she died. her body, which already lost its wings until only the bones remained, began to turn black. it looked as if the shadows she had fought in were now consuming her, swallowing her whole to drag her down to the darkest depths.
"m..." nuru seemed to say something but he bit his tongue, holding back any cry he had building up inside. and you knew exactly why.
one look around and you could tell the villagers were horrified. nuru must have noticed that fact too.
"stand back!" was what he managed to say, pushing a few children behind him. atiena's body only seemed to endure the sensation for a few minutes, but in those minutes, nuru had an urge that he couldn't bury.
he rushed forward in a second, his hands clasped around what remained of atiena's arm. and in that moment, the shadows that were consuming her latched onto nuru.
"shit!" you were the next to move, pulling nuru away from atiena's body. he thrashed around in your arms crying out that he needed to do something. you didn't care that he was crying now or that he was practically begging for you to let him go, nor did you care about the fact that the black substance had begun burning your skin alongside his. all you cared about was making sure nuru was as far from the body as he could be.
he let out an ear-piercing shriek when he managed to claw at his face, the black substance burning his eye away until all that remained was a solid black line down his face and his eye seemed to permanently glaze over.
"nuru!" you called out to him, kicking at his flailing legs. "listen to me!"
"ma!" he cried out to atiena once more, his hands now clawing at the sand underneath him. "let me go! ma!"
"she's gone, nuru!" jabali was quick to join you in restraining nuru, grabbing at his shoulders and pushing him into the ground. "c'mon, man! get a hold of yourself!"
"ma! ma!"
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that was the last time you saw nuru. well, that version of nuru, anyway. the little boy you had grown up with was gone once he managed to calm down that day.
he had to grow up that day and you did too. the future of mwezi miji had been dropped into your hands the moment atiena died. the moment nuru was made the next guardian was when you and the twins had to catch up to his maturity.
no longer would you have long nights and short mornings because nuru was too energetic to sleep and too tired to wake up. no longer would the twins be at your door to wake you two up, complaining about how nuru, the son of the beloved guardian, was the worst at being on time for patrol.
no longer would you get to be children at the young age of 14 years old. well, now you all were 16, so time had really forced you to grow up.
one look at your closest companions was enough to tell you just how quick time had caught up to you all.
nuru still had his fluffy hair, just like it was when you first met him. the feathers that were stuck in his hair all those years ago were now neatly groomed instead of all over the place. his little fur cloak was now more akin to a shawl, connected in the middle by a string. his wings grew just like his mother's, spanning out wider than you had ever thought they would. his scar from the final moments that nuru was, well nuru, seemed to grow alongside him. his eye, however, was now fully missing. he told you it was because of whatever atiena's magic was had finally eaten away at it.
but you knew full well that he had gouged it out himself.
the twins still retained most of their features, unlike nuru who seemed to outright change himself entirely. they still had the freckles dusting their face and their cream-tipped locks curling around their face. the main difference was that they had garnered more scars and muscle as the days went on. mostly jabali, as expected of the more rambunctious twin.
and then there was you. gods, did you even resemble your brothers anymore? your hands were now dyed black, almost rivaling the shadows that burned at atiena's body that day. it didn't hurt for the most part, luckily. it only tingled every now and then or even just the occasional stabbing pain as if a spear had been driven through it.
but, for the most part, it was bearable.
"you two are on patrol now," you instructed the two new guards, motioning over to two older guards standing a few feet away. "go relieve them from their post. they're responsible for checking in with jabori to report any findings."
"of course," the two guards nodded, hurriedly walking towards their new post. the night was quiet, the same as it always was. the dens seemed to fully retreat after their leader had vanished that night, much to your relief and anger.
you were more so relieved because nuru didn't have a chance to enact revenge. you knew that, given that chance, he would kill someone and probably die trying.
you couldn't stand the thought of that.
you were fine with dying yourself if it meant nuru would live. besides, that would be the best outcome, right? nuru was the guardian now, so he had to be here to take care of mwezi miji. the twins were also more valuable than you with jabali providing physical protection and jabori providing intelligence.
what did you offer? you were just some no-good runaway royal that happened to find refuge in the village.
yeah, the best outcome would be for you to--
"(name)!" one of the guards you had just sent to patrol called, hurriedly waving to you.
"what is it?" when you reached their post, you were greeted with a black carriage. you stood there for a moment before muttering, "oh... right."
"what if it's the dens again?" one of the guards whimpered, prompting you to shake your head.
"no, no, it's not the dens," you reassured, waving the guard off. "go get nuru and the twins."
you could have sworn you agreed to not enroll.
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"the hell is this, nuru?!" jabali voiced what you were thinking, granted with less tact than you would have asked. jabali held up the letter, still crinkled from being crumpled up into a ball. "why the hell did you accept the enrollment?!"
"nuru, as much as we trust your judgment, why are we leaving?" you added, earning a nod from jabori. "i mean, we need to be here to take care of mwezi miji. who's gonna take our place for the entire four years we'd be out?"
"(name), jabali," nuru called to the two of you, his hands folded neatly in front of him. "i would not have accepted the enrollment for us if i didn't have a plan."
"what'll happen if we leave and the dens come back? what if we're not here to take care of everyone?" jabori asked cautiously.
"i scouted the dens before i made this decision," nuru explained, stretching out his wings. "they seemed to have dwindled since we last fought. i doubt they'd be back. and even if they did, i have an agreement with the headmaster that we will leave as soon as possible in order to protect everyone."
"why didn't you consult us?!"
"because i knew you would all disagree." a somber smile made its way onto his face. the expression was rare, but there were moments where nuru, the real one, seemed to come back. "there is a reason why i would like to go to night raven college."
"and why's that?"
"it is known for housing and cultivating young mages. if we were to go..." nuru's eyes drifted over to the bird mask sitting on the table. "...we might find an answer."
"so please," he pressed his forehead against his hands, "come with me. i can't... i can't do this alone."
you and the twins all shared a glance. the only sound that accompanied you was the distant neighing of the black horses pulling the carriage outside.
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @bajifairyy @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @minteaspoon @kitty-chan33 @hornehlittleweeblet2 @letskeepitsimpleshallwe @atsuki-mitsuri @catgirlwannabe @miss-puregotti @havens-not-here @valka-230 @sacrificialwife1 @cherrykissesss890 @nothing-leave-me–alone @carmelchocola @a-random-bored-person @shuriiiewrites @chaos-inperson @o01101bean11010o @zolev @psiioniicmatesprit @1midnightcoffee @mizucika @lunavixia @gasoline-eater @thesirenwashere
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the-possum-writes · 1 year
Can I please get some hcs of Finn, Fern, Bonnibel and Marceline (separately) with a gender!neutral human reader who gets found in some kind of stasis pod in an overgrown underground bunker from the mushroom wars, and when they wake the reader up it turns out the reader was put in stasis near the end of the mushroom wars and now has to adjust to a radically different world? And after a few months of helping them get used to things the reader asks if they want to go on a date sometime?
Waking up from Stasis Hc
❥Characters: Finn, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum
❥Tag: Mentions of war and death, SFW, Gen!neutral reader, angst & comfort, human!reader, headcanons
❥A/n: Sorry for the wait! Gonna keep this limited to Finn, Marcy and PB due to my 3 characters per request rule. Hasn't been proofread, i wanted to get this one out as soon as possible ;w;
❥Taglist: @watchingfromthefloorboards @foxpearlwilder
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It was like sleeping any other night if it wasn't for the weird dreams. They were continuous, vivid and bizarre enough to the point you forgot about the real world where you can't fly nor talk to animals, eventually the memory of raid alarms and gunfire stoped bothering you as much as they used to as you enjoyed living one dream after another like a movie marathon.
But eventually all dreams, just like movies, come to an end.
When you wake up its like you're being splashed with a bucket of cold water, you're clutching your heart while gasping for air as bright lights burn the cornea of your eyes like pepper spray.
"Are they still alive?" one voice asks.
"Just barely, we'll need to transport them to the hospital."
Is what you manage to understand before you black out for moment, this time there were no dreams keeping you company. When you woke up you finally understood the situation you were in, with your memory slowly coming back to you in short bursts. The room you're in is plain white with weird machinery connected to you through thing tubes and suction cups, beside you is a young man with bright blue clothing. "Hey, you're up." he greets you after noticing you open your eyes.
"Looks like it, yeah... does this mean the war is finally over?" you ask which gained a confused expression from the young man.
❥Princess Bubblegum is in charge of your well being the next few days, she'd walk in and run some tests and ask you simple questions but she'd only gain "Yes" or "No" responses from you.
❥She was the first to assigned you some professional help, talking with someone to let out all your confused and emotional turmoil.
❥"Your health has been improving." PB brings up during one of your medical check ups.
"So has my mood, it's not easy moving on but I know my family would want that for me." you motivate yourself, earning an awknowlodge nod from the princess.
❥Once you're out of bed you finally have a chance to properly marvel at the Candy Kingdom, from its candy residents to its sweet smelling architecture."You built all this? And everything is made of candy?"
"Sure is, you can take a bite of anything is you like."
"Even you?" you joke.
"Ha, ha very funny." PB huffs sarcastically.
❥Bubblegum is a busy woman but you still tail coat behind her like a baby duckling, either helping her as an assistant for her science projects or joining her for royal tea ceremonies.
❥After a year has passed and you felt comfortable in your new home did you feel confident enough to ask PB an important question. "You're gonna over work yourself again Peebs, how about I invite you to dinner at a restaurant?"
"Just bring it up to my lab, having company would be nice."
"Yes boss!"
❥Turns out the young man has been keeping watch over you for almost two days, refusing to leave your side until you woke up. Maybe it's because you're the only other human (besides Susan) in Ooo who he can relate to, or he's just that nice of a guy.
❥Once you woke up he was ecstatic to learn more about the world you lived in, what kind of monsters could you slay? What games or comics were available at the time? But Finn soon realized you weren't up to reminisce about old times. "My family... They didn't make it did they...?" you'd start weeping.
❥He gave you space to sort out your feelings due to Pb's request. Whenever Finn was relaxing at his own home he often found himself thinking about you, trying to get in your shoes and understand how he would feel if he suddenly woke up and Jake wasn't with him.
❥The next time he came to visit you he brought a get well basket with a bunch of snacks and his favorite comics, however some of them were half eaten because him and Jake got hungry on the way there, his heart was in the right place but his stomach wasn't. "Hey, I'm glad you made it here though. I appreciate it." you'd tell them.
❥"How's the recovery going?" he'd ask, curious to know since there's less equipment checking your vitals compared to the previous times. "It's going steady, Princess Bonnibel says I'll be out in no time."
Finn gets close to you, making sure there wasn't a wad of gum nearby. "Between you and me, she's a great medic but she's also very serious about it. She had me swallowing horse sized pills without a second thought pfft."
"Yeah, she be like that."
❥"Do you know what you'll do when you get out?"
"I have no clue, although PB suggested I'd get used to the outdoors."
"Then I have the perfect spot."
Then Finn would proceed to take you to visit weird kingdoms, some made of fruits and others made of breakfast, it's amazing experiencing such things with Finn by your side.
❥He'd always talks about the adventures he goes on like something out of a legend, it's tempting to go on one with him but he says. "I'll have to teach ya how to use a sword."
"Well sign me the fluff up."
❥Seeing Marceline for the first time is kind of scary when you first woke up. Mainly it was due to so many vampire monster movies.
❥She'd ominously float near you one day, when you were still down in the dumps after learning the truth. "I was there." she says all of a sudden, dry and blunt.
"I said I was there, when everything went down. You managed to sleep it off in one of them bunkers, you didn't have to see your loved ones leave one by one. Consider yourself lucky."
The reason you were scared of her the first few days was because of the way she looked at you, with those dark red demon eyes.
❥Marceline would keep the whole "paralysis demon" kind of approach the next week. You'd wake up in the middle of the night to see a flash of her nocturnal eyes before she vanishes. You're unsure if she's haunting you or not, when asking PB about it she says "Marcy probably wants to talk to you but isn't willing to open up yet. Just give her some time." she'd shrug it casually. You would shrug it off too if it wasn't because it feels like you'll get a heart attack everytime you see Marceline's eyes.
❥It's like treating a cat. You wait for her to come to you. Eventually once you got out of the hospital and settled up in the candy kingdom, Marceline woke you up with the music from her guitar, she didn't give you that hard look and instead floated near you in a relaxed position.
❥Despite her personality and appearance she's surprisingly the most understanding of the three. As you soon came to find out she was a witness of the early days of the war, it was almost therapeutic talking to her about it.
"The smell of plane fumes was a pain in the buns, I remember I would spread lotion under my nose just to distract me from it." you'd bring up.
She would carry her bass with her and slowly playing a few beats. "I used to tied car refreshers to my forehead." she cackled.
❥The two of you bonded over music, she'd play a melody from back in the day and you'd tell her the details. "Ah I recognize that one, it was a good single."
"Really? I've had stuck in my head since I was a kid but I never knew the rest of the song!"
"Well, consider yourself lucky" you snarky repeat the same phrase she told you when you two met, receiving a pillow to the face.
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del-thetiredwriter · 1 year
Night is still going on
Warning: disturbing themes,yandere Aemond, yandere Alicent ,dark themes, mentions of rape …
English is my second language
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It's been a long time since you were in Kingslanding . You were the daughter of Queen Aemma and King Visersy. Your mother died when giving birth to you and your twin brother Baelon . Your brother died a day after he was born. As long as you can remember, there was tension between your sister and stepmother, and this tension was passed on to their sons, your brothers and nephews. Although both parties treated you well, the tension between them was suffocating you. After the Driftmark incident, you couldn't take it anymore and went to Winterfell with your friend Cregan Stark. Your family were against it, but your father couldn't say no to you and you moved to Winterfell. After moving to Winterfell, you rarely visited your family and hadn't seen them in the last 2 years. You were sending them letters sometimes but when your father's condition worsened, you went to visit them.
It was one of the rare dinners you had with your family. While you were cutting a piece of meat, you wanted the dinner to be finished in silence as soon as possible. Then your father, King Visersy, began to speak.
"We could not see each other for a long time. I wish you would visit more often. If I don't call you let alone come you don't even write properly. You are indeed a very ungrateful daughter. We have no value for you.”
you smiled
“My dear king father, how can you say that? You know how precious you are for me . It's just that I'm so busy in Winterfell that I don't have time to write a letter."
“You just make excuses,” Visersy laughed.
Your dad Visersy didn't stay long for dinner. He retired to his chambers to rest.
You thought, 'Oh here we go, I hope nothing happens again'
your stepmother Queen Alicent began
“It's been a long time since you've moved to Winterfell. It's been 6 years, hasn't it?"
" Yes my Queen "
"You're 21 now, right?"
"Yes my queen" you said with a smile
‘Oh, I can imagine where this topic is going. ' you thought
“You are a girl of marriageable age. Have you ever thought about your marriage? I can help you with this.”
Before you could answer, your sister Rhaenyra intervened.
“I actually think Jacaerys is an ideal candidate for you. “
“Or Aemond. Right Aemond" said Alicent
Aemond and Jacaerys nodded in agreement with what their mother had said.
“My Queen, sister your proposals have truly honored me. But I have to refuse . Actually, I came to talk to my king father about this. I will marry Cregan Stark.”
Alicent's face fell for a moment at this news, but she quickly recovered.
“Oh I didn't expect that. Then I wish you happiness, my dear."
“So do I,” your sister said.
And this is how the night ended quietly and uneventfully, or so you thought.
“Did you hear what she said! ' said Alicent uneasily.
“She's going to marry that Stark. If I had known this was going to happen ,I wouldn't let her go to Winterfell!”
"Mom. Calm down. This will never happen.” said Aemond calmly.
“Aemond, we must keep her here. She can only be truly safe when she is with us.”
"I know. Don't worry, soon my sister y/n will be my wife ."
It had been a long and tiring day. You finally went to your room. When you walked in you saw your brother Aemond.
"My brother. What brings you to my room at this hour?"
“I wanted to relieve some longing because I missed my sister so much. ”
"I understand . But I don't think this is not a suitable hour . Please return to your room. We'll talk another time."
Aemond moved closer to you and tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Oh but I want to quench my longing now, sister.”
Something wasn't right. You felt in danger.
"Aemond look-"
"You know what will happen now, right"
You should have run. Aemond grabbed your arm and pushed you onto the bed. He slowly started to climb on you. You tried to fight him, but he was many times stronger than you. And a frightened scream came from you.
Then unexpectedly the door opened. Both Aemond and you looked at the door. It was Alicent. You thought you were saved.
“My queen mother please help. I-I-"
You couldn't speak without crying.
"You still haven't finished the job?"
'What' You were shocked by what Alicent said.
"I don't want our first time to be so quick, mom"
"Hurry up."
Then Alicent looked at you and smiled.
“Dear y/n don't worry, it's all for your own good,” said Alicent, and kissed you on the cheek.
And before she left the room she looked at you for the last time and told his son not to be too harsh on you.
You were shocked. So much so that you did not even oppose Aemond.
“Relax sister ,” said Aemond with a smirk.
“The night is still going on.”
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Your bully has a soft spot for you
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The relationship between you and Haitani has always been a bit complicated. On the one hand, he's a bully, always teasing and making fun of you in front of friends. On the other hand, he seems to have a slight weakness for you and always secretly helps when you're in trouble. And you tried to ignore his behavior, but part of you can't help but wonder, "is there more to this?" But you didn't have much time for such questions. You were sitting in class not thinking about the guy, but thinking about not getting a grade below four, because your family was very strict about grades. Okay, physical violence, you get used to it, but it's not possible to get used to moral pressure, it will become a lifelong trauma.
"What are you thinking about, nerd? Me, perhaps?" — He teased you by taking your glasses, which made it difficult for you to see. Your thoughts weren't the brightest. I was just afraid to go home, knowing what I could get for today's top three. And at first you were a little scared when the glasses were taken away and moved forward to pick them up, frowning your gray eyes.
"Ran, please give it back..." — He grinned, handing back your glasses. Then he came up to your ear and whispered something.
"What are you worried about? I'm sure you passed the test well. You never cease to amaze. You don't have to be so hard on yourself," — he ruffled your hair and smiled.
"I only got C... my mother and father will be unhappy."
"Are your parents strict about grades?" — Haitani's expression was surprised and worried for you. He looked around to see if anyone was watching and pulled you towards him. — "Don't worry about it. I think your parents will understand that you just didn't quite understand the topic, and it's not your fault," — he patted you on the back to calm you down and smiled warmly. You looked down, flinching a little.
Ran noticed that your body was shaking and your eyes were filled with sadness when you turned away. You knew that nothing good would come of it, your parents were going to scold you for getting a grade below four. You knew that as soon as you got the results sheet. My throat was dry from stress at that moment, my hands gave up the paper and I had to put a lot of effort into not crying right in class. He put both hands on your shoulder and stared into your gray eyes.
"Hey, listen to me, okay? Don't worry about it too much," — Ran looked at you with a serious smile, showing his true feelings for you, protecting you.
"They'll hit me again..." — Ran took you by both hands, looking into your eyes.
"I promise you, I won't let that happen. I always protect the people I care about," — he ran his fingers through your coffee hair and soothed you in a gentle tone. — "I don't understand why they have to be so strict with you, I think they really overreact to the test... it's not the end of the world if you get a grade below three," — he tried to laugh off his worries, trying to comfort you.
"Do you care about me?.." — I got caught up in his words alone. Haitani was surprised by your sudden question, he felt his heart pounding in his chest. Even if you couldn't see his face, you could feel his smirk.
"Maybe I have some feelings for you," — Ran looked at you with a sly smile, then hugged you tightly to his chest. He hugged you even tighter, his strong arms wrapped around your waist. He held you close and whispered in your ear, his voice sounding hoarse as he spoke. — "I love you.." — He couldn't hold back his true feelings any longer and decided to confess his love to you. — "Will you let me see that test? Maybe I can help with the mistakes?" — He picked up your work and began to look through it carefully, and then his eyes lit up with rage. — "This sheep forgot to count your points for the second part. Don't worry, we'll figure it out now, and you'll have a beautiful D."
A must-read!!!
hey, guys! I know that sometimes various translation jobs can be taken from Tumblr. My native language is not English, I forbid you to take your work for translation, as I already post sketches in my native language.
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taeu7 · 4 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
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Wonwoo was momentarily stunned into silence, the weight of his members' knowing gazes heavy upon him. Clearing his throat, he found his voice, albeit softer than usual. "Look, guys," he began, his plea earnest, "let's keep this a secret for a while. I promised Y/n to respect her decision. Please, help me out this time."
The members exchanged glances, an unspoken agreement passing between them. One by one, they nodded, their loyalty unwavering. "We've got your back," DK affirmed, "We'll keep it under wraps until the right time. No need to rush things and cause a mess."
Seeking to lighten the mood, Mingyu leaned back in his seat, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. "Y/n's a cute girl, but tell us, Wonwoo, who made the first move when you guys started dating?"
Wonwoo's cheeks flushed a shade pinker, but he met Mingyu's gaze with a smile. "I guess I'm the one who fell much harder. It's like I've always liked her, but I was blind to my own heart. I'm the lucky one, to have found someone who makes every moment feel like a favorite song on repeat," he confessed, his words a tender melody to the ears of his friends.
DK let out a low whistle, his eyes wide with surprise. "I never knew Wonwoo hyung could be this romantic," he said, a note of admiration in his voice.
Hoshi clapped Wonwoo on the back, his grin infectious. "Our Wonwoo is the best, isn't he? A true poet at heart," he declared, the pride in his voice unmistakable.
Laughter and light-hearted teasing filled the car, a chorus of brotherhood that echoed long into the night.
Wonwoo returned to his apartment, a rare day off on the horizon. He reached for his phone, his fingers tapping out a message to Y/n.
Wonwoo: Hey, how was your day? Are you free tomorrow? Let’s go on a date.
Y/n: Cool! Finally, we’ll have our time.
Wonwoo: Yes! I’ll pick you up at 9 am.
Y/n: Okay! But where are we going?
Wonwoo: It’s a surprise!
Y/n: Now I’m even more excited. The excitement was a tangible thing, a flutter in her chest that kept sleep at bay. She rose from her bed, pacing the room as she contemplated the perfect outfit for the occasion. Her wardrobe doors swung open, revealing rows of clothes, each piece holding memories and possibilities.
In a burst of inspiration, she reached for her phone again, this time to call her best friend Aera. The face that greeted her on the screen was sleepy but soon brightened with excitement.
Y/n: Babes, help me with the dress. What should I wear for our first date?
Aera: Wow, so you finally made it! When did it happen?
Y/n: I’ll tell you the whole story when we meet. Now, help me with this.
One by one, Y/n held up dresses to the camera, each one a contender for the day that would soon dawn. Aera’s discerning eye was invaluable, her suggestions punctuated with laughter and encouragement.
Finally, they settled on the perfect dress, one that struck the delicate balance between comfort and style, a piece that made Y/n’s heart sing.
Y/n: That’s perfect, I love it too. Thank you! What would I do without you?
Aera: Okay, okay, enough buttering! All the best for your date.
Y/n: Yes!
The call ended, and Y/n laid out the chosen dress, her heart still racing with anticipation. She tried to imagine the day ahead, the places Wonwoo might take her, the conversations they would share. It was all too much, too wonderful, and with a smile lingering on her lips, she finally surrendered to sleep, her dreams a canvas for tomorrow’s promises.
Next morning Wonwoo was already outside, his eyes scanning for Y/n. As she stepped out, the morning light caught in her hair, turning it into a halo around her face. She was a vision of loveliness, her outfit chosen with care—a soft pastel dress that swayed with each step, complemented by a pair of comfortable yet stylish shoes, perfect for a day of adventure.
“Sorry I’m a bit late,” Y/n apologized, her cheeks tinged with pink.
“It’s okay! But you look so pretty,” Wonwoo said, his eyes crinkling with a smile that reached his soul. He reached into the back seat and brought out a neatly packed breakfast. “This is for you, have it,” he said, patting her head with the gentlest of smiles.
“Thank you! You’re the sweetest… Now tell me, where are we going?” Y/n asked, her curiosity piqued as she accepted the breakfast.
“Wait until we arrive…” Wonwoo teased, a playful note in his voice.
As they drove, Wonwoo shared that Mingyu, Hoshi, and DK had discovered their secret, but he assured her that he had handled the situation. Y/n felt a wave of relief wash over her.
“Sorry, Wonwoo, but I promise I’ll look for the right time and tell them about us. I just don’t want to make things awkward between us,” Y/n said, her voice earnest.
“I understand,” Wonwoo replied, squeezing her hand reassuringly while expertly steering the car with the other.
“We’re about to reach,” he announced after a while.
“I guess I know where we are going,” Y/n said, a knowing smile on her lips.
They arrived at their destination—an amusement park! Y/n’s eyes lit up with delight.
“How did you know I always wanted to come here with my boyfriend?” she asked, her voice filled with wonder.
“I think watching too much drama helped,” Wonwoo admitted, touching his hair shyly.
“Awww! Let’s go inside,” Y/n beamed, her excitement palpable.
As they entered the gates, Y/n’s eyes darted around the crowd. “What if people recognize you? This can’t be good,” she fretted.
“No one will, chill! Wearing a mask will help,” Wonwoo reassured her, his confidence soothing her nerves.
“But it would be even better if you disguised as a girl, don’t you think? Like in those dramas,” Y/n teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Yeah, sure, maybe next time,” Wonwoo laughed, the sound warm and genuine.
They found themselves in a hairband store, surrounded by an array of charming accessories. “Let’s take this couple’s hairband with the cute teddy on it,” Y/n suggested, her voice bubbling with excitement.
“Anything you say,” Wonwoo agreed, his heart full.
Y/n instructed him to lean down, and she placed the hairband on him with the utmost care. “See, you look so cute,” she cooed.
Wonwoo, in turn, helped her wear one. “Uhmmmm, you look even cuter,” he said, his voice soft with affection. The amusement park was alive with the sounds of laughter and the sweet scent of cotton candy in the air. Wonwoo and Y/n found themselves amidst the magic, their hands intertwined as they navigated through the vibrant throngs of people.
They approached the merry-go-round, its lights twinkling like stars in the daylight. Wonwoo helped Y/n onto a painted steed, a gallant knight to her graceful queen. As the music began, a lilting melody, they rode in circles, but to them, it felt like a dance just for two.
Wonwoo: “This feels like a scene from a movie, doesn’t it?”
Y/n: “Yes, a perfect moment frozen in time.”
Their laughter mingled with the carousel’s tune, a perfect harmony to the rhythm of their joy.
After the ride, they wandered, hand in hand, to the ice cream stand. Wonwoo chose chocolate, Y/n butterscotch, and they sat on a nearby bench, sharing bites and stories. The ice cream was sweet, but the looks they shared were sweeter.
Y/n: “I think your chocolate ice cream looks better than mine.”
Wonwoo: “Here, try it,” he said, offering her a spoonful. “Everything tastes better when I’m with you.”
As the day progressed, they captured memories with selfies, their faces close, smiles wide. Each click of the camera was a snapshot of happiness, a keepsake for days to come.
Wonwoo: “We’ll look back at these pictures years from now and remember how perfect today was.”
Y/n: “Let’s make every picture count then,” she said, pulling him close for another photo.
The sun began to dip, casting a golden glow over the park. They found themselves at the top of the Ferris wheel, the world below them a miniature wonderland. The moment was ripe with romance, the kind that fills the pages of novels and the scenes of films.
As the Ferris wheel reached its zenith, Y/n turned to Wonwoo, her eyes reflecting the twinkling lights below. “You know,” she began, a playful seriousness in her tone, “there’s a myth that if you kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel, your love grows stronger and lasts forever.”
Wonwoo looked into her eyes, the soft glow of the sunset bathing them in a gentle light. “Is that so?” he replied, his voice a whisper that only she could hear. “Then I suppose we have to test that myth, don’t we?”
Y/n nodded, her heart beating so fast. As their lips met, the world seemed to stand still, the noise of the amusement park fading into a hushed silence. It was a kiss that spoke of promises and whispered dreams, a seal over their feelings, binding them in the sweetest of spells.
Wonwoo: “If that myth is true, then our love is now unbreakable.”
Y/n: “I think it was already strong, but now… it’s invincible.”
They shared a smile, their connection deepening with the shared secret of the kiss.
The evening had crept upon them, painting the sky in shades of twilight as Wonwoo and Y/n reluctantly decided it was time to leave. The drive home was quiet, a comfortable silence filled with the unspoken wish that the day could stretch on indefinitely.
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They reached Y/n’s home, the car’s engine coming to a gentle halt. Outside, under the soft glow of the streetlights, they stood close, the air around them charged with the day’s shared joy. Y/n: “I wish this day would never end,” she murmured, her voice muffled against his chest.
Wonwoo: “I wish that too,” he replied, his arms tightening around her.
In the comfort of their hug, the world around them seemed to stand still—until a familiar voice cut through the moment like a knife.
Jeonghan: “What’s going on here?” he asked, his tone serious, giving them the deadliest of scares. Y/n and Wonwoo sprang apart, their hearts racing from the surprise. Jeonghan stood there, an eyebrow raised in question, the seriousness of his tone belied by the twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
To be continued.......... !
A/n : i hope you guys will like it ! Do drop your feedback ☺️ It inspires me to write better! Thank you ❤️
Next part update
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Day 6: Return To Middle Earth - Forget Me Nots
Okay so this is based on a post by ettelenethlien about flowers growing on the graves of middle earth heros and especially the part in the end asking if the flowers that grew on glorfindel’s grave now bloom under his window in imladris. And as cute as a concept as it is, I made it painful so here is a one shot based of this for @glorfindelweek . Also apologies as due to the mess called my life I am late with this prompt and I've not written in a long time.
It had been some time since Glorfindel had been back in Middle Earth, and since the second age passed, the Last Alliance defeated Sauron. However, it was the first time Glorfindel could stop; there was peace.
While he was most thankful to the Valar not only for another chance at life in Middle Earth but also for choosing him out of all the great elves of the past to return, there were moments where he gave into his weaknesses and saw it more as a cruel twist of fate rather than an honour. By now, the novelty of ‘the great hero of Gondolin’ being here had worn off for most inhabitants of Imladris and those who often visited, yet he still got stared at and still had questions asked, especially questions that were painful to answer because it was painful to think back on his home and all that he had lost that day.
In the early days after his return, he was often found in the library, perusing through the ancient texts, a painful curiosity driving him to see what historians had written about that day. It was difficult for him to get through what Erestor called his personal flagellation, but he needed to know. He wanted to know what happened after. He was, of course, filled in on that upon his return, but this is different; it was as if he needed to relieve that on his terms to move on.
However, no matter how he tried, it did not help. Soon enough, while the inhabitants of Imladris were enjoying themselves and finally basking in the times of peace, the golden-haired elf spent most of his time alone. The day that his city fell was nearing again, and this time, nothing was going on that had kept Glorfindel busy, nothing to get his mind off it. For the first time, he'd have to face it head-on. The change in his mood was evident to many, especially Elrond, and he could not help but worry.
“I worry about him, Erestor.”
“I know, and I do too, but what can we do? You know very well that when we offer him help, he deflects and says everything is fine.” The dark-haired elf sighed as he sat by the fire in the elven lords' study.
“The day is fast approaching. Maybe one of us can stay with him. Keep him company.
“You know he will decline the offer as he did the previous years. I feel like maybe this is something he needs to go through alone. But we'll be there for him should he need us.”
And so the day approached. Glorfindel tried to keep himself as busy as possible, but no matter how much he tried to go on patrols or scouting missions, it was as if some higher power undid all that, and on that day, he had nothing to do and was in Imladris. After an uneasy sleep, the golden-haired elf woke. The pale sunlight was slowly creeping into the valley, so far lighting the mountain peaks. Glorfindel slowly got out of bed and made his way to the balcony, which overlooked one of the smaller gardens in Imladris. One that he had been very fond of as it was more private and less visited compared to others.
As the cool morning air hit his face, he closed his eyes briefly before taking a deep breath. After what seemed like ages, he opened his eyes and looked at the garden but stopped, an almost stabbing-like feeling piercing his heart as his gaze landed on the hundreds if not thousands of little, light blue flowers which seemingly appeared overnight on the grass outside his balcony. He'd not seen those flowers in thousands of years, and painful memories came flooding in.
A memory of him and Ecthelion riding through the fields outside of the city, fields that were filled with these very flowers that he had not seen anywhere other but Gondolin. Ones that had been his favourite and which he also had growing in the garden of his house. He remembered little Eärendil running through those very fields, being chased by a laughing Idril, as he once joined Turgon, his king and friend, on a walk with his family. And he remembered reading the many accounts in the ancient scrolls of how these very flowers seemed to bloom in thousands over the grave that the refugees of Gondolin had made for him.
He thought of Rog, Egalmoth, and Galdor. He thought of one elleth who had a stand with baked goods at one of the city's markets, which always gave him the best sweet treats. He thought of a young ellon who always managed to find him while on duty and who told him how he'd become a warrior just like he was. The pain and guilt he felt at the moment was unbearable, and before he knew it, he was standing on the grass among those flowers.
It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that he was here. Why him? This, indeed, was a cruel joke the Valar had played on him. It was the only explanation. Why was he allowed to return, to walk in Middle Earth again, while so many did not? Had they even been released from Mandos, or still dwelt in its halls?
Glorfindel barely had felt the tears streaming down his face as he got on his knees and began grabbing fistfuls of those flowers and ripping them out. In his rage, he was sure this was another cruel trick of the Valar. These flowers had only bloomed in Gondolin; it's impossible for them to have been here.
As he was destroying the flowers, angrily, through the tears, mumbling incoherent words that a passing Lindir was able to make out, “That's for Ecthelion…that's for Turgon….that's for Penlod…” before he rushed to find his lord and Erestor, knowing they'd be able to help.
Soon enough, Elrond rushed into the garden, his chief advisor following. He stopped. The scene in front of him tugged in his heart. By now, the seneschal was sitting among the flowers, both those he ripped out, his fists still full of them and those which were still in the ground. But now he was sitting slumped in defeat. Though Elrond was confused, he'd never seen such flowers before anywhere, let alone in Imladris, and he was confused as to why they were seemingly the reason for Glorfindel's outburst.
“Ah.” Said Erestor softly so that only Elrond could hear him. “I remember these flowers from a scroll Glorfindel once read and one he often returned to. I cannot recall their name, but these flowers bloomed in the fields of the Hidden City. And it was said that once the refugees of Gondolin built our seneschal’s grave, the flowers bloomed over it in thousands.”
“I see.” Now Elrond understood. The ripped-out flowers made sense. He was sure their sudden appearance must have been shocking and painful to the golden-haired elf lord. Not knowing of any words of comfort that he could offer him, Elrond quietly walked over to him and, kneeling on the ground beside Glorfindel, he put his hand on his shoulder, offering him some comfort.
Glorfindel had no idea how long he sat there and was unaware of anyone around him until he felt Elrond's hand on his shoulder. For he knew it was the lord of the valley; he could sense his comforting presence. He stayed like this longer before slowly rising to his feet.
“I'm sorry you had to see me in such a state. And I deeply apologise for ruining the garden.”
“You have not ruined anything, my dear friend. Would you like to join me and Erestor for breakfast, or would you rather spend the time alone?”
“I think spending time in the company of others will do me some good. But I would like first to get dressed.”
“Of course.’
Thinking back to his home and all that he lost was still painful, even in the years to come. But in that moment, that outburst in the garden, Glorfindel properly allowed himself to grieve for his home, king, and friends. While the pain never disappeared, it was a little easier to bear. And the flowers that previously had only ever been found in the fields of the hidden city had since bloomed in the small garden outside of Glorfindel's chambers while the elf lord still dwelt there.
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amaretigris · 6 months
Developpe Ch. 4
1.2k words | Spicy fluff 🔥
Taglist: @luna2034 @mylittlemermaid221 @notagreekgal28
For reference in this chapter, the first pic is a fish lift, and the second is a fish dive. ☺️
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That was a close call. Seeing you curtsey in your little ballet skirt, with only leggings underneath, gave Jonah ideas. The image of him bending you over his desk popped into his head, but he quickly shook it away. He didn't know what he'd gotten himself into.
In class on Monday, you were met with several glares. Several other ballerinas were huddled in the corner, looking you up and down, and whispering about why you'd been chosen for the lead female part in Don Quixote. You were a nobody from nowhere, after all.
Clearing your throat, trying to ignore the icy stares, you walked up to the casting list on the wall. You face lit up when you saw your name at the top for the part of Kitri. You were excited for the role, but just as excited that Jonah had kept his word to you. What exactly did this mean going forward? You weren't sure, but the possibilities thrilled you. While you were busy restraining your thoughts, you saw Jonah enter the studio.
Bouncing to your normal spot, you didn't turn to face him, but followed his reflection in the mirror. Jonah was carrying a stack of paper, and walked straight to the equipment closet. After he pulled everything out, he got everyone's attention.
"Alright class! The casting has been posted. I have the list of dance sequences for each role printed. This includes individual and group dances. Please pass these around and find yours in the stack. If you have any questions or issues, you can come to my office during office hours."
His expression grew stern for a moment.
"Do not, however, come to my office and ask me to reconsider the casting. These roles have been chosen for the dancers who have shown exceptional skill and proclivity."
You felt goosebumps covering your body at his words. The notion of Jonah thinking you were skilled was a pleasant one. You were flying high through class. You began practicing your solo dances. They were tough, but you were grateful to be learning them.
At the end of class, you put your jacket on much more carefully. As you slipped your fingers into the pockets, feeling the creases in the fabric, but no note, you were a little disappointed. Surely you couldn't expect one every day, though. He'd gone out on a limb to give you the first note. You should be happy for now, and patient.
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The next class period, you found yourself struggling. You were practicing the couples dance with Sebastian, who had been cast as Don Quixote himself. You were happy your new friend had gotten the part, but the two of you didn't have the moves down yet. The couples dance included a fish lift, and you and Sebastian were not synced on the positioning.
"Again," Jonah said, watching the two of you.
You almost fell to the floor on this attempt, but Sebastian caught you at the last second.
"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" Jonah asked when you were standing back up straight.
You met his eyes.
"Yes. I'm sorry."
He shook his head.
"Don't apologize. Try again," he coaxed.
You two practiced this lift for the rest of the class period, with no luck.
"Don't cha worry," Sebastian smiled, "we'll get it soon."
You nodded.
"We will. Thank you Sebastian. Nice work today."
Turning to retrieve your coat, you felt giddiness rise up in your chest when you felt a sliver of paper in your pocket. You calmly walked out of the studio, unfolding it carefully.
My office for office hours.
Practically skipping back to your room, you showered, and busied yourself with tidying up your space until it was time to go to Jonah's office. The whole way there, you could feel your heart racing. You took a centering breath, and knocked on his door. Jonah called for you to come in. You noticed that he wasn't wearing glasses today.
"Hello," you smiled, taking the seat closest to him this time.
"Hello, (Y/N)," he smiled back at you, then his features twisted. "You and Sebastian seemed to have been struggling on synchronizing your positioning today," he said frankly.
You sucked in a breath. Shit. You hoped he wouldn't take the part away from you.
"I know. I'm sorry. Hopefully we can get it next time," you tried to placate.
Jonah shrugged his shoulders.
"Hopefully. I think we should try it."
You could hear the blood rushing up in your ears.
"W-What?" you squeaked out.
Jonah put on a wolfish grin at that.
"I said I think we should try it. I can show you the man's proper position. I'll just pull the chairs to the back of the room," he motioned to the chair you were sitting in.
He got up out of his own chair and rounded his desk. You slowly stood, stepping out of the way for him to pull the chairs to the back wall. With those out of the way, he padded across his office. You watched him lock the door, and your adrenaline spiked. When his eyes met yours again, they had a mischievous twinkle in them. Seeing his larger frame coming toward you made you want to swoon.
"What if someone comes by?" You managed to choke out.
He was much taller than you, looking down at your smaller frame when he stopped only inches from you.
"No one will. You're the only student that's been brave enough to come by my office this semester. Besides, I locked the door," he cooed.
He held his hands up, gently caressing the back of your arms.
"Should we get started?" he breathed.
You didn't know if this was a good idea, but you weren't going to say no. Sucking in another breath, you raised yourself en pointe, and assumed your first pose of the dance. You were amazed to see Jonah lift onto his toes, too. Without another thought, you began, first going into the pirouette, then shifting to the battement. Jonah did the same, surprising you with his flexibility. Trying not to let yourself get too distracted, you spun into him, setting up for the fish lift.
Putting his hands around your waist and inner thigh, Jonah pulled you close to his body, and lifted you into position. He walked a small circle with you, then letting you go down into the fish dive. Feeling the magic of the moment, you didn't want it to end. Several seconds later, Jonah pulled you up. Suddenly turning to him, giggling with happiness, you came face to face with your instructor.
He seemed short of breath; you weren't sure whether it was from the move or the moment. Looking up into his soft blue eyes, you smiled.
"Thank you. That was wonderful," you chirped.
Jonah's dimples made their appearance, making your smile grow wider. You couldn't tear your eyes from his.
"It's no problem," Jonah insisted. "You just need an experienced partner."
Raising his right hand up to your cheek, he settled it there. Touching your skin, Jonah's eyes blew wide. This was the first time you'd ever touched skin to skin. He felt an instant spark through his fingertips. You felt the same pulse of energy, and your heart was beating out of your chest. You knew that he'd experienced the same sensation, based on his reaction.
"What're you going to do about it?" you spoke before thinking, casting your eyes down to Jonah's lips, and back up again.
Jonah creased his brow and studied your eyes until he made a decision. Nodding slightly, he urgently molded his lips to yours.
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regular-lord-reckoner · 4 months
back by unpopular demand it's...me!
hi :3
uh so as of yesterday it's apparently somehow been six months since my dad passed which feels........utterly bizarre.
it feels like it's been a month at most to me and my mom.
like logically, yes, we know that much time has passed, but on another level it just...doesn't feel like it can possibly be that long. at all.
i'm really trying this time to not rush myself through anything, especially grief. i think that's part of why i got so stuck last time, i pushed myself to try to get back to normal too soon instead of just feeling what i feel.
it's not to say i'm not trying to work through it all or anything, but for me at least this shit just takes time.
i had a breakdown the other morning over fucking toaster strudels of all things, but they reminded me of him. it's one of those things he'd sometimes get from the store when he'd go grocery shopping and he'd always be so excited to tell me about them.
"i got us something there in the freezer," he'd say whenever i'd wander into the kitchen at some point
i miss so many moments like that, just the little interactions we'd have throughout the day.
i know i got to a point of being so completely burned out beyond belief that i didn't want to talk to anyone ever at any time and i wish i hadn't now because we could have had more of those moments, but it is what it is, i guess.
i'm still going to therapy and still trying to work through everything. i was doing all this work on primarily my mental health before he passed and then that became the main focus naturally so I'm slowly getting back to work on that as well.
My therapist also gave me a book to read she said would help me with some of the feelings i'm struggling with as far as feeling like everything and everyone else around me has moved on but i'm still stuck and all that so i'll be diving in to that soon.
i was doing okay for a while there as far as taking care of myself goes, but i think as we've gotten closer to the six month mark and that realization just keeps washing over me over and over again i've just been diving into work and chores and of course taking some time to just fuck off from work (but that usually means i end up doing work until right before bedtime so i'm trying not to do that as much.......still going to do some, though, they can't stop me!!)
that's been burning me out a little i can tell. so i'm trying to back off of that and actually i'm finally at a point with all my stuff where i'm caught up so that's a relief. there was some shit that went down a little while back that i might explain later in another post at another time but it ended up with one of my managers having to apologize to me over and over again because basically i wasn't doing something i was supposed to be doing but no one thought to tell me that soooooo i was unknowingly causing a bit of a clusterfuck for a lot of people so that was fun!!
also in more fun news my mom had to go to a walk-in last weekend (not this most recent one, but the one before that) because she woke up with a lot of pain in one of her arms. naturally the concern was for something heart-related but she said she didn't think it was that but more like a pinched nerve, so they checked her out at the walk-in and seemed to at least agree it wasn't her heart so that was good.
on the downside, though, after a few more tests since then it apparently is her neck. there's a bulging disc there that's indeed pinching a nerve and she's pretty sure she even knows which one in specific is the problem because it's also causing numbness in one of her fingers
i hope it's not something she ends up having to get surgery on, but i also hate seeing her in pain like this. both of her sisters had this same problem and ended up having to be operated on to fix it, so my mom's got an appointment coming up to have someone look at the tests she's had done so far over and assess the situation and i guess we'll go from there.
she's been able to get a little relief from some pain medication and even a round of acupuncture but it's been pretty rough on her. crazy how you can just wake up one day and just bam, some bullshit is going on!!!
anyway, aside from all of that we're doing okay. just taking each day at a time and am still squeezing in all the self care that i can and trying to be good to myself (although i can definitely tell i need to drink more water, i dunno why that's always one of the first things to go when it's like, dude, this literally has almost killed you, please drink the water, it's literally sitting right next to you at all times!!)
but yeah, dunno if i'll be on here more consistently or not; i don't want to promise anything i'm not sure i can keep because who knows how i'll feel tomorrow or a week from now or another month, another six, who knows! but!!
if you're reading this i hope you're doing well.
i know no matter what your circumstance is right now things in general are incredibly difficult and i hope you're also taking time to take care of yourself when/if you can.
i hope something really, really amazing happens this week. some really good news. for everyone.
anyway, i'll go now before i get too sappy but just wanted to end on a lighter note and wish you well. thank you for taking the time to give me and my troubles a moment of your time. have a good week! :3
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