#Buy hair remover device
refeminizeme · 1 year
who wants to buy nudes?
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heliads · 1 year
Can I pretty please request Carlos Sainz x reader where she’s rly shy and gets worried that maybe he wants someone more outgoing but he tells her he loves her any way she is? Your writing is amazing 🫶🏻
anon i love you wholeheartedly please let me speak on carlos
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You are not who you are supposed to be. There are qualifications for being the girlfriend of a Formula One driver, you’re sure of it, probably even a style guide somewhere if you only bothered to look it up. Perfect hair. Clean makeup. Pretty, but doesn’t try too hard. Willing to give up their whole life to follow one man on mad jaunts across the planet. Wherever your guidebook is, though, you must have lost it long ago, because you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing, and worst of all, it’s starting to show.
You never should have gotten into this position in the first place. That isn’t to say that you hate it, far from it; dating Carlos Sainz is the best thing that ever happened to you, making you the happiest wrong person at the right time to ever exist. In every other universe, he’s probably seeing models or actresses, but here, he has you, and you’re willing to fight off every multiversal version of you just to keep everything as it is right now.
Your butterfly effect was quite stunning, actually. You ended up getting tickets to a Grand Prix through last minute cancellations. They were great, came with paddock passes and all that, and while you were lingering through Ferrari hospitality, Carlos happened to drop by to visit a friend and he noticed you while you were in line to get some water. He’s got the confidence of, well, a world class athlete, an adrenaline junkie, a professional race car driver, and so he introduced himself.
Sometimes, it’s just as easy as that. A father’s cousin’s roommate buys two tickets to a Grand Prix, then a stranger’s roommate’s brother gets sick, and suddenly you’re touching down off a plane overseas and walking through the door of paddock hospitality. You wear red, and you are seen. Just like that.
It took one more weekend before either of you knew that you wanted what you had to last for good. He texted you, followed you on Instagram and blew his cover of seeming cool by accidentally liking a post of yours from six years ago. And, when he saw you again, he knew that he wanted the spark between you to be something more, something like a bonfire.
Coincidence may have supported you thus far, but you don’t trust it not to abandon you. At the end of the day, you are you, you are Y/N L/N, and you are so far removed from Carlos’ world that it stuns you to think that you were even in his orbit so long as to meet him. If there are powers that be somewhere in the universe, they’re either playing a cruel joke or messing around to give you a helping hand. 
Hopefully, it’ll be the latter, but truly who knows at this point. As if it wasn’t surreal enough to introduce Carlos to your friends and family as Carlos Sainz, Formula One driver. As if it doesn’t blow your minds that people have started making Instagram accounts just dedicated to posting photos of you and your boyfriend whenever you’re seen out together.
The problem lies in the insanity of it all. You are not from this sort of life, you weren’t born into a silver spoon dynasty and you barely know how to interact with any of them now. You get along with the other WAGs as best you can; Heidi’s lovely, sure, and you were friendly with Charlotte until she disappeared, but sometimes it feels like it’s just you and your boyfriend against the world. Of any ally to pick, Carlos would be your top choice each and every time, but still. The fact remains that he will go out and race and leave you to your own devices, and you lack the extroverted impulses to social climb with everyone else.
This, then, is the main concern. You can pick out whatever designer clothes you want, goodness knows Carlos has offered to buy you anything already, and you can get your nails and hair done before each and every race, but that doesn’t change the fact that you, at your core, are never going to enjoy the paparazzi circus whenever you have to brave it.
It’s just not your scene, that’s all. You’re on the quieter side, happy to spend time with a few key friends but increasingly nervous in large crowds. Formula One is all large crowds, as you’ve discovered; thousands of fans, hundreds of engineers and team members, plus drivers and girlfriends and best friends. So many eyes, all on you. So many voices all shouting over each other.
You love Carlos, though, and you love him wholeheartedly, so you gather up your courage and go to race weekends when you can. Every time Carlos sees you in the crowd, he smiles so widely his friends tease him for weeks, and he runs to you first after every podium and strong finish. You want to be there for your boyfriend, truly you do, you just wonder if all of this should come easier to you than it does.
Also, you wonder if Carlos wishes the same thing. He has been nothing but perfect to you, so the spirals of guilt currently tangling their way through your insides are purely of your own creation, but what if he truly does think like that? Carlos must see the other WAGs, how they shine and sparkle with attention instead of feeling the urge to run. Wouldn’t he want that? Wouldn’t he get frustrated that you can’t be like the rest?
Thousands of girls in the world, and he picks you. You don’t know if it’s sweet or genuinely frightening. He wanted you out of everyone, yes, but he could replace you in a snap, swapping you out like some useless part on his car. There is nothing about you that cannot be replicated in any other girl. Even Charles did it, in a way, got himself a new girlfriend that’s a dead ringer for Charlotte. Carlos has no reason to keep you except for something he knows and you don’t.
The guessing will drive you mad, maybe, but you’ll lose your sanity long before that just trying to keep up with everything in his fast-paced life. You’ve been to prior F1 races, obviously, it’s how you met Carlos in the first place and it’s also how you kept him, but this upcoming weekend is different, this is Barcelona. Carlos is the center of attention at his home race, and every step he takes, a new storm of people is flooding in to ask him for autographs, selfies, anything to remind them that he’s real and right before their eyes.
Carlos doesn’t ask for a whole lot, and he certainly didn’t force you to come to this race, but you saw the hope in his dark eyes when he brought it up oh-so-casually at a dinner last week. You had assured him that you would go there to cheer him on along with the rest of his home crowd, and Carlos had been delighted for the rest of the evening.
You are happy to go, truly, but it’s taking everything in you to keep your smile up in front of the reporters and crowds and fans, and it’s just the first day. All you’re handling right now is qualifying, not even the actual race. In the back of your mind, a voice whispers that it’s only going to get worse from here on out, but when Carlos looks back at you as you wind through the paddock, you just smile and tell him you’re glad to be there with him. You’re here for him, after all, and Carlos is busy enough with race stuff that he won’t want to hear your complaints.
That’s what you keep repeating to yourself throughout the entirety of that day. Carlos qualifies well and is properly pleased about it, as he should be. The possibility of a podium or perhaps even a win for his home race has been one of his top goals for the season, and he’s as close as he can get to it right now. He earnestly talks about it the whole drive back to your hotel, but once you’re back in the safety and peace of the room, the conversation abruptly switches back to you.
Carlos sheds his jacket at the door, watches you flop down onto the bed with a smile on his face, then asks you pointedly, “And how are you doing, amor?”
You smile back at him, the expression trained to perfection after being tested so many times today. “Great! Glad that everything’s going so well for you. I’ll be cheering for P1 tomorrow.”
In truth, you’re tired more than anything. People kept coming up to you all day, assuming that taking a selfie with Carlos’ girlfriend was at least half as good as getting to see him. They gave you all manner of gifts and things to give to him, extracting promises that you’d tell him dozens of different people wished him well. You knew you’d get a lot more attention when you started dating Carlos, but the lack of personal space and privacy at the races is truly unlike anything you’d experienced before.
Carlos has been dating you long enough to pick up on this, apparently, because he furrows his brow and sits down on the edge of the bed next to you. “I’ll be glad to see you tomorrow, but do you want to tell me what is really on your mind? Don’t try to tell me otherwise. I know you, no?”
You sigh, covering your face with one of your arms. Carlos deflects from this attempt to hide by gently pulling your arm away, pressing a kiss to your forehead to make up for it. “Talk to me, cariño.”
You look sorrowfully at him, but when it becomes clear that Carlos won’t let you go until you confess, you give in. “It’s just a lot, I guess. The people and the cameras and everything.”
Carlos frowns. “I can get them to go away, you know that. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
You look away. “I just thought you wouldn’t want to hear it. All of the other girlfriends have no problem with it, just me. I thought you’d want me to be more outgoing, so I tried, I really did, it’s just hard for me, I don’t know why.”
When you dare to risk a glance up at Carlos, you’re surprised to notice that he looks genuinely hurt. “Sweetheart, you didn’t think that I would actually be unhappy about that? I just want you to be happy. Don’t think about me.”
You let out a low breath. “I know, it’s just– I want to be like the rest, really. I don’t want this to be a reason–”
You cut yourself off, distracted by Carlos’ hands still wrapped around yours. Carlos picks up on the obviously dropped subject, though, and looks at you with fresh concern. “You don’t want it to be a reason for what?”
“That you would break up with me,” you whisper.
That’s it, then. That’s the truth. If you can’t live with Carlos’ lifestyle, why wouldn’t he leave you for someone who could? It makes perfect sense to you, but judging by Carlos’ expression, that logic couldn’t be further from his mind.
“No, Y/N,” he says, “That’s not right at all. I don’t want to break up with you, like, ever. Not because of this. I don’t want someone else, I want you. I love you, querida. I love the girl who showed up out of nowhere and made me forget about every other woman in the world. I love the girl who shows up to my home race even though it stresses her out because she wants to be there for me. I love you, Y/N. No one else. Just you.”
And, well, in the face of such passionate declarations, who could stand firm in their own self-pity? Certainly not you. You smile and let him kiss you again and again until you can’t see straight, and after that it is better, it is all better. Hearing it straight from Carlos is better than trying to guess at it. It lets your worries finally sink off into nothingness. It’s just you and him, just what he wants. Just what you want.
f1 tag list: @j-brielmalfoy
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richarlotte · 18 days
Hair Removal Methods.
I was heavily inspired by a post I found on Reddit when making this post. I haven’t seen too many posts about hair removal methods on Tumblr, and I have quite a few asks in my inbox about that, so it made sense for me to make a small guide with tips, methods, and recommendations. If you want more information, product names, my sugar wax recipe, or just recommendations, please don’t hesitate to send me an email or just comment below for me to respond.
Cost: $
Speed: Average
Smoothness: Average
Discomfort: Low
* Always buy men’s razors. They usually come with  sharper blades that don’t clog as much as the blades on women’s razors.
* I only shave using hot water and when I’m in the shower. The hot water softens the hair and makes it easy to remove, and the flow of the water prevents my razor from clogging.
* The direction you shave is important. If you shave against the grain (the direction opposite the hair points), you can get a closer shave, but you risk ingrown hairs. Shave with the grain on sensitive areas and do multiple passes if needed.
* I personally use shaving cream from EOS and products from Topicals to lessen ingrown hairs and clear up dark marks. Shaving isn’t my preferred method or hair removal, but when I’m in a rush, it gets the job done.
Best for your whole body, especially large and flat areas like your arms and legs. It's cheap and effective but often time consuming. If you want to maintain a perfectly smooth body, you’ll have to shave or touch up at least twice a week.
Nair/Chemical Removal.
Cost: $
Speed: Medium
Smoothness: Smooth
Discomfort: Low
* There are many brands but the basic idea is you apply the cream to your skin, wait 5-10 minutes while the hair “melts" off your body, then you wipe it off. You’ll definitely need to shower after using Nair to remove any excess cream and to avoid burning your skin. I would say this is mandatory unless your specific brand says otherwise.
* The process will probably smell pretty bad. You'll want to wipe the cream and hair off with something disposable to avoid ruining your regular towels. I personally use tissue, you can use anything easily accessible.
* PATCH TEST BEFORE USE. These creams and powders are made from very really strong chemicals and can absolutely mess you up if you aren't careful. Everyone's skin is different, so put a little on your arm first, see how it reacts, then use it on a larger area.
Best For: Armpits and pubic hair. I find these creams are best at getting hard to reach or uneven surfaces that your razor might struggle with. This is also a good option if you are in a hurry or don't have the option to try the options below.
Cost: $$
Speed: Slow
Smoothness: High
Discomfort: High
* Epilators look kind of like foil shavers you'd use for your face, but the end has a roller with tiny clamps that essentially grab hairs and pull them out.
* Personally I think these hurt like a bitch, especially the first time you use them. You can definitely feel each individual hair get pulled out of your skin.
* The main benefit of an epilator (and waxing, discussed below) is that you're pulling the entire hair out, root and all. This means hair in that area will grow back significantly slower than shaving. It also means that if you're willing to commit to a routine, each future use with the epilator will be less painful.
* I highly recommend icing the area before and after to avoid swelling. That being said, the area needs to be completely dry for the device to work.
* Epilator performance has always been pretty hit and miss for me. They're good at getting coarse hair, but will struggle to get fine or short strands. Again, you will likely need to make a shaving pass to clean up anything left behind.
* Additionally, if your hair is too thick or the surface is too uneven, the epilator can get tangled and stop functioning leading to a super painful situation. As with any of these tips, definitely test on a small area and see how it performs for you so you can get a feel for the length/thickness your device can handle.
Best For: Flat smooth surfaces, primarily your arms, legs, and torso. Some people really love epilation, others don’t. I think epilation is an acquired taste and it’s not my favorite method.
Cost: $$ to $$$
Speed: Slow
Smoothness: High
Discomfort: High
* When you need to get 100% smooth there is no substitute. I love the way my body feels after waxing or sugaring and it’s what works best for me.
* I'll do my best here as a general overview but please watch some video guides before attempting this. I'll cover the two most common options I have experience with: soft wax, sugaring, and hard wax.
* Soft Wax: Hot wax is applied to the skin, then bandage strips are applied over. Once the wax cools, the strips are pulled off, taking the hair with them. This method is probably what you've seen in movies. They're good for getting rid of finer hairs, but unlike hard wax, you risk taking off your skin if you do it wrong. If you're trying waxing at home (especially for the first time), avoid this option. Despite the name, hard wax is actually much safer and what I recommend
* Hard wax: Hot wax is applied to the skin. Once it hardens, you peel the wax off by itself, taking hair with it. Since hard wax only bonds to hair and not skin it's a much safer option for beginners and does just as good a job removing hair as soft wax. This is what I use when I don’t have time to make my sugaring solution and I've never looked back.
* Wax is warmed in a... wax warmer! It's a little pot with a heating element, kind of like a croc pot. Hard waxes come in pellets that you dump in, soft waxes usually come with their own container that pops into the unit. Look for a wax warmer that can adjust the temp, not just an on/off switch. Most but not all have this feature. Each wax brand is different so you'll need more/less heat to melt it correctly, especially if you're doing a longer session where the wax can begin to solidify in the pot.
* Popsicle sticks are a cheap, effective way to apply wax. You'll want something disposable as it can get quite messy.
* Waxing, like epilators, will slow down your hair growth. This means the more you do it in the same area the less hair will grow back, and the less painful each subsequent application will be.
* Your hair needs to be a certain length for the wax to catch, so check your brand and plan accordingly. My professional technician has mentioned 1/4th inch is a good guideline for when to start waxing.
* As with every method on this list, please test on a small part of your body first. The wax will be quite hot (like getting into a hot bath) but not so much that it burns your skin.
Best For: any area you want super smooth or silky.
Laser Hair Removal.
Cost: $$$$
Speed: Slow
Smoothness: Depends.
Discomfort: High
* Getting started will take some time and effort. You have to set up a consultation beforehand before even scheduling a session where you'll talk to the professional, ask any questions, then work out your plan.
* Laser hair removal is a process over time, not a one and done. Considering each session can cost hundreds of dollars, we are talking a huge investment. It cost me $800 over 4 sessions just for a small area on my lower body. For larger areas, we could be talking thousands!
* On that note, the total cost is going to vary a ton. Not only will each area be priced differently, but most places require you to book multiple sessions in a row or packages of X sessions you can choose to use over a year.
* The pigment of your skin matters a lot. Generally speaking the darker your skin the harder/less effective the process will be. There are different types of lasers available that may make this irrelevant but you'll definitely want to do your homework.
Final Thoughts.
What matters most is time. If you have the time to wax or shave your whole body, go to a professional for laser hair removal or pro waxing, or epilate yourself, then you’ll have much better results than someone who rushes through everything. Learning, investing in quality products, and then actually investing time into the hair removal process will get you closer to where you want to be without wasting as much time or money as you would leaping in blind or with no effort.
Richarlotte x
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
HAHHAHA! Nothing’s stopping me from doing it TWICE!
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💕
(Bc you deserve a million of these, seriously!! But I will also send an ask to not waste your time x,D)
What are AGSZC’s YouTube search histories? >:3c
I've been wanting to tell you this for the longest time: the cable protector for my laptop charger is a Pikachu! It often kills my writer's block because I can feel its (positive) judgmental stare whenever I don't write. A+ involuntary Pichu motivation! Unfortunately I glanced at the ask this morning and completely mistook the question while I was drafting it at work
( ╥ ᴗ ╥) I unhelpfully present you:
AGSZC Google Search Histories
• What to do if being stalked
• What to do if being stalked by dead man
• What to do if being stalked by dead man and mother
• Writhe meaning
• What does it mean when someone says writhe for me
• Was Sephiroth queer when he was alive
• How to talk to people without making it awkward
• Why is my memory poor
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• How to be a good puppet~
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strwbrrymlkjh · 1 year
I can't say 'hello' to you and risk another goodbye
alhaitham x gn! reader
it was a casual day of strolling through the city looking for a gift for cyno and you never thought you would bump into someone you have avoided for a long time.
a/n: angst, hopeful ending, maybe OOC Alhaitham, title from 'i almost do' by taylor swift
wc: 2.5k
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Every year on June twenty-third, you and your friends gather to celebrate Cyno’s birthday. And with birthdays comes gifts. You were not able to attend his celebration for the previous year so you were trying to make it up to him this year by giving him something special. It was a casual day of strolling through the city looking for the most appropriate gift and the last thing you thought would happen was you bumping into someone you have avoided for a long time.
As it turns out, listing off TCG card shops inside your head was not a very good idea as you will be too preoccupied to notice the the tall figure standing in your way, too immersed in his own world as well.
It all happened so fast. One second you were walking and the next, a strong hand is holding your forearm to prevent you from falling face first on the sidewalk and embarrassing yourself in front of countless people. You are about to apologize for not looking at where you are going and having your head in the clouds but your words get caught in your throat once you take a good look at your savior.
Standing in front of you with the same towering height, serious and calculating eyes and extremely familiar soundproof earpieces is your former boyfriend Alhaitham. Scanning him from head to toe, you think that you might fall again despite his strong grip on your arm. You will gladly do so and let the earth swallow you from where you lay if it means saving yourself from interacting with him.
You are convinced that the universe is out to get you as Alhaitham slowly and carefully lets go of your arm and removes the device covering his ears.
"Are you hurt?” He asked while placing the earpieces on his neck. You shook your head no as you brushed off the imaginary dust on your pants. The feeling of his touch lingers on your arm.
"I should ask you the same thing. I was not really looking at where I am going so it was my fault for bumping into you. Sorry.” You responded sheepishly while staring at the tiles that adorned the street.
"I’m fine.” Still a man of few words, you taught.
You finally had the courage to steal a glance from him only to find that he was already staring at you. Averting your gaze as quickly as possible, you started thinking of ways to flee. You wanted this meeting to end as soon as possible, to run as fast and as far away from here as you can, but you couldn’t. It was as if your feet were glued to the floor as you tried to make up excuses in your head.
Oh, that’s it. You should just tell him that you were looking for a gift for someone.
"Uhm, I should -” you started.
"Are you here to buy something for Cyno?”
You stopped in your tracks. Ah, yes. Cyno is one of your mutual friends.
You almost forgot about that fact as it has been a year since you last spent time with Alhaitham. Twelve months of radio silence and actively going out of your way to avoid him. Anyone would think that you two had a bad breakup. If only that was what really happened.
You have been captivated by Alhaitham the first time you saw him when you were children. As a child, you did not understand why but he was the first and only person that made your heart beat so fast you could feel it on your tongue.
Confessing your feelings for him was a spur-of-the-moment decision. He just looked so beautiful that day silently standing beside you as you wait for your fellow scholars at Pardis Dhyai. His turquoise eyes glowing in the sunlight, gray hair dancing in the wind. You would not have been able to stop yourself from telling him that you like him even if you wanted to. To your disbelief, the aloof and stoic man agreed to go out with you.
Everything was going well at first. You were trying to get to know him on a different level - memorize his quirks, the things that make him tick. All your friends are happy for you both. But soon enough, the consequences of entering something without giving it much thought caught up to you.
You were hoping for a change in him once you became his significant other. Maybe a little more affection and communication. Instead, you felt alone in the relationship - always the only one to remember the important details about the other, always the only one initiating and planning dates.
You did not want him to change. You just wanted him to make you feel that he wanted you too. That he wanted to stay in this relationship with you.
At some point, you felt that you were burdening him with your presence, that you were disrupting his life. You start drowning yourself in what-ifs, your insecurities like fire gnawing at your stomach. Maybe he really is not the one for you, that there is someone out there for him. Someone you could never be; a person kinder and better than you. Better for him.
Ending what you had was not something you thought would happen but thinking about prolonging the agony for the both of you was more than enough reason to call it quits. So you did. And just like when you two got together, he simply nodded his head and agreed to break up with you.
You knew that being in his presence, even as friends, would only make you fall harder than ever before. You were trying so hard not to regret your decision so you decided to keep your distance. No speaking to each other, no stealing glances. You even refused to be in the same room as him until you have completely moved on.
In the past year where the both of you did not have a single significant interaction, you were confident that any trace of affection for him has completely disappeared. You thought you would be able to look at him without feeling any pain or regret.
That was not the case, it seems.
You were back to square one, feeling exactly the same way you felt that day you confessed to him. You wanted to reach out and wrap your arms around his waist, card your fingers through his hair, stare into those eyes and get lost in them. But you know you can’t do those things anymore.
You noticed that he was still waiting for your answer so you nodded, not trusting your words.
"I should get going.” You whispered, not wanting to spend another second in his presence lest you cry and confess your feelings for the second time.
It was rude to just leave him there without saying a proper goodbye but your tears were threatening to spill from your eyes so you just gave him a nod and without waiting for his reply, turned around and began walking away.
A quick escape is what you were expecting. What you were not expecting was nearly jumping out of your skin when his large hand made contact with your wrist and pulled you back to where you were standing seconds ago.
You stared at him with wide eyes, and judging by the look on his face, he was also shocked by what he had done. It took him a few more moments to get out of whatever trance he was in and he quickly released your hand.
“Uhm.” You did not know what else to say. Even after all this time, Alhaitham still has that effect on you.<
"I need your help,” He said. You looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to elaborate.
Noticing this, he added, “I have not chosen a gift for Cyno yet.”
“Is it alright if I come with you?”
Everything in you was screaming to say no and walk away just as you planned. But you know you can never refuse this man, another thing that remains a fact even if you are not together anymore.
“Sure. No problem.” You responded in a small voice. You are convinced that your mind is playing tricks on you when you see a small smile grace his handsome face. His smiles were rare, after all.
“I was planning on buying something from there.” You pointed to a nearby trinket shop with TCG card banners hanging at the front.
“Lead the way.” He pushed the glass door and let you step inside first before trailing behind you. Your eyes scanned the objects on the display shelves and you felt the tears pricking your eyes once again.
“Alhaitham.” you called out his name which caught his attention. Saying it out loud felt foreign to your tongue after a long time of only whispering it in your head. The man turned around and stared at you.
“I’m going to look for TCG cards over there.” You pointed at the back of the shop. He kept his gaze on you for a few seconds before nodding his head.
You wiped the stray tears that escaped from your eyes while looking at the cards. You were not in your right mind to pick anything decent so you made it your goal to agree on the first thing that Alhaitham picks and leave like you originally planned to. You can always come back here before Cyno’s birthday anyway.
You lingered for a few more minutes, giving Alhaitham enough time to pick something. It was then that you noticed a shelf displaying preserved flowers in glass encasements. One particular flower caught your eye, a Padisarah.
It looked so beautiful inside the glass encasement, as if suspended in time. You smiled at the thought. If only you could have frozen time that day you confessed to Alhaitham, when the only thing you can feel is the overwhelming love you have for him. Maybe you would not feel as if a part of you was missing. Maybe then you would not have to spend sleepless nights being a prisoner of your thoughts, dissecting every interaction with him, trying to find some sort of signal that he likes you as much as you like him. Until now, it was almost impossible to tell how he feels about you.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you failed to notice Alhaitham’s presence behind you.
“Have you found something?” You were startled as you suddenly heard his deep voice. He has caught you staring so intently at the flowers that he can’t help but examine it too.
You needed to get out of here. “I have to go. Kaveh told me he needs help with things.” was your lame excuse.
Alhaitham looked like he was about to say something. Instead he kept his mouth shut and nodded his head with an indescribable look on his face. You felt bad for lying but you did not want to break down inside the store in front of him.
“I’m sorry. Maybe you’ll find something here.” You headed straight for the shop’s doors. You have no idea where you are headed but you really just want some place where you can let your tears out.
You have always been an emotional person. It was one of the key differences between you and Alhaitham. Despite this, he has been very patient with you - always accompanying you to wherever you wanted to go, helping you with the lessons that you found difficult to understand, silently listening to your rants after a bad day. The memory made you realize that he showed his affection for you in his own ways.
Maybe he was not lacking, you were simply not content.
You have not made it to your car when the unshed tears started escaping and soon enough, you were bawling your eyes out. For the first time since you convinced yourself that you have moved on, you allowed yourself to cry.
You were sitting on the curb trying to control your breathing when you heard a familiar voice call out your name. Lifting your head, you saw a disheveled Alhaitham holding a paper bag with the logo of the shop where you left him.
You did not have time to wipe your tears away when he suddenly bent down and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head.
I am so sorry,” the man whispered, his hold around you tightening. You were too shocked to even say a word. What is going on?
“I know I am the last person you want to see but I need you to know that I am so sorry for not saying anything and letting you walk away. I should have - “ his voice cracked.
“I should have said something.” he rested his head on your shoulder. You, still at a loss for words, became acutely aware of the close proximity of your faces. At this angle, you could see how tightly he has his eyes closed, as if stopping tears that are threatening to spill.
In a hoarse and broken voice, he continued, “Everyday, in a sea of faces, I find myself looking for yours. I missed you so much. You have no idea.”
You placed your hand on his cheeks urging him to pull back and allow you to properly look at him. It was the first time that you have seen him with this distraught and worried look on his handsome face.
He lifted the paper bag on the floor behind you and presented it to you. You opened the bag and the content was not something you were expecting. It was the preserved Padisarah you were staring at earlier.
You did not know what to say. You did not know what this meant. You looked at Alhaitham, hoping he has the answers to your unsaid questions.
“I thought you were shopping for Cyno.”
“I wasn't,” he admitted. Then closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if preparing himself for something. “I had no idea how to keep you from leaving and it was the only excuse I could come up with.”
"Please accept it. I will not inconvenience you any longer.” Your eyes widened at his words. He took your silence as a sign that you did not want anything to do with him. He started getting up and walking away but you were still frozen in your place.
You were hesitating, still in the prison of what-ifs you made for yourself. Between the both of you, Alhaitham was never the emotional one but he had been very honest with his feelings today and it was only fair for you to reciprocate. This was the second chance that you did not know you had been waiting for and you’ll be damned if you let it slip away.
Wiping your eyes, you stared at the flower as you placed it back carefully inside the bag before chasing after the man you’ve loved for so long that you can’t imagine ever loving someone else again.
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Can we get a couple scenarios of Atsushi not knowing about outside-the-orphanage stuff? Angst is always welcome but I'm more thinking like. Pencil sharpeners. He'd be terrified.
hand held sharpeners r worth side eying but i think electric sharpeners would blow his mind and terrify him
staplers wouldn't blow his mind but those staple removers? he'd think theyre a weapon tbh tbh
a kindle would make him weep tears of joy tho he'd still prefer like libraries and actual books
idk if this counts but the price of candy or other such exclusive goods from his childhood, like i think he'd be hesitant w/ candy overall (cough trauma) but once he starts to realize he can buy some he lowkey goes overboard becuz its so cheap
all hair things would freak him out, what do u mean that u put a super hot and potentially dangerous thing near ur head and neck ???? for FASHION???? like he'd be convinced that a hair curler and straightener could kill someone
blow dryers freak him out too
10/10 thinks an iron is a torture device until he sees someone using it and gets confused
he's fascinated with a microwave and would kinda sit and watch it heating up food, especially cooking popcorn, a few times
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serxinns · 6 months
uhhhhh i have an idea!!!
imagine class 1a (platonic or romantic, u can choose) with a darling who acts like a thembo (i mean ABSOLUTELY STUPID) and then it starts to affect their training and stuff, so they suddenly do better and the class finds out that their darling was actually really smart this whole time, they just act dumb because people liked them like that :3
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Your classmates knew you were a nimbo always wondering out the world without a care and it gives them gray hairs but they still love you
Whenever Bakugo is sarcastic with you or someone else says a joke to you, your brain goes into a loading screen and when you FINALLY get it it's already too late 😭 and he either pinch your ears or pinches your stupid adorable face telling you to stop being so stupid and you're just looking at him with either a blank face or just smiling "innocently"
You have this habit of cooking your head to the side like a dog curious about noise and they just head over heels Ochako squealed to herself blushing Kirishima covered his hold head with his arms making small mutters about how cute you are along with Midoriya
Even Iida couldn't stay strong to cute little you he couldn't even finish his lecture without trying to form a smile or covering his face with his mouth cause he wanted you to take him seriously whenever you left your notes he gave you his or offers you to study with the two of you alone together and if anyone of your classmates wanted to join he use excuse like "they need it more" or "I can only tutor one person"
Denki is always teasing and flirting with you he sees you as a flame twin the two of you would always do chaotic stupid stuff that would result in destroy the room or would get the two of you hurt and despise that the two of you would laugh it off, the class FORBIDS the two of you to be lab partners cause denki told you to put in the yellow chemical when it's suppose to be the pink one sero had to rush In and grab the bottle and throw it out the window where it exploded safe to say denki got scolded while you were babied
Momo is like a mama bear whenever she sees you do something stupid she'll quickly rush over there to the rescue and fight off or remove whatever is about to Harm you and hugs and nuzzles you against her to check and see if you are OK, she always packs a med kit whenever it's hero training or anywhere dangerous to patch up mostly you and your classmates up but mostly you buys you the most amazing and expensive gifts and always gushes and cherish over any gift you send her even if it's some crappy glittery macaroni with a glittery heart and an M in the middle she would put that up on her wall like its a trophy
Tsuyu is so sweet and patient with you whenever it's something you don't get she explains it the best way she can for you, she's obsessed with every little thing you do every time she's watching you do something or minding her business (like drawing, making origami, etc) she sighs dreamily observing and studying you like one of their study books whenever your near harm or in hair she wraps her tongue around you and quickly takes you to a safe place
One day in the common room bakugo and his gang were playing video games bakugo and Sero were yelling at each other to shoot at the zombies while Bakugo was on the edge of breaking the controller and killing Denki and Kiri, Sero wanted to tease you a bit "Hey y/n! What's the database that only pro heroes can assess?" Mina smacked his head while he laughed like a hyena "Stop teasing them it's not very nice! y/n bestie you don't have to" "It's the hero network!"
Everyone paused and silently looked at you with a blank stare even Sero shut his mouth while you were casually eating your snack you looked at them confused "Isn't that the right answer...?" "HOW DID YOUR DUMBASS KNOW THIS" "BAKUGO! be nice!" Before they could ask you any more questions you left with your snack in your right hand and your device in the other, ever since then your classmates started bombarding you with questions and you would answer them correctly without even thinking about it while your classmates were impressed they were also worried do you not need them were you smarter than they thought? Were you offended by them babying you?
So one day Ochako came up to your desk playing with her fingers and looking away "y/n how are you so smart all of a sudden?" You turned to her and smiled "I acted like this because everyone liked me being like this! People started bullying me for being smart so I acted a bit dumb then people would like me" The class heard about this and all hugged you (expect Bakugo) telling you that they like you the way you are smart or dumb
And now the class was more obsessed with you than before always asking you questions Denki and Mina begging you to be their study partner or to do their homework and they'll reward you with sweets but Iida would scold them for it the class would still love you even if you were a little dumb or smart it doesn't matter but you'll always be naive to their dark obsession with you
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anlian-aishang · 1 year
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a/n: thank you, loves, for your immaculate thoughts. tags: levi x reader, sex toys, breeding kink, fem!reader word count: 700
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“Levi, I…! I can’t - !”
“Yes, baby you can and you will.”
Fingernails scratched your scalp, praise and encouragement. Meanwhile, by his clenched fist at the back of your head, Levi yanked you further down his cock. His tip at your end beckoned another glass-shattering shriek. Levi was sure he would have a migraine in the morning, but for now, your cries were his dopamine. 
How many had it been now? Neither of you knew. You could only guess based on your symptoms. Your throat had run raw with the scars of screams. Thighs quivered, legs bruised from a night on your knees. His cream and your sweat had blended, leaving you a hot and slippery mess. Still, the slits of crescent divots remained in your skin, evidence of his firm and persistent grip. Your arms had gone numb, no longer could you even hold yourself up, but that was not a problem in the arms of humanity’s strongest. No signs of tire since you first got in the bed. If anything, his pace had quickened. If anything, you knew what that meant. 
Muscled V accelerated against the bounce of your ass, the hard to your soft. Levi gave a swift spank, your only warning was the sound of a sharp wind current as his hand cut through the air and landed harsh against your curves. Behind you, Levi allowed himself a smirk. Bending forward, he brought his lips to your nape, “Such a good girl,” dirty words between sweet kisses, “taking it so well.” 
Peering over your shoulder, you watched his face contort into a familiar expression: teeth grit, brows knit, twitches in his lip. “C’Close…” he struggled through a series of gasps and his waves’ first tides, “C’Cumming… again!”
You savored his transition: from that look of stress and tension to the one of pure pleasure. His lips parted, overstimulated voice fell past them. Head thrown back helped his screams break free and echo throughout the bedroom. Your eyes drank him up as rapid pants and labored breaths took turns in his chest - rising and falling sporadically, resulting in a track you wished you could play infinitely. Inside and once again, you felt his warmth fill you past the point of entirely. 
He must want twins. 
Before he had pulled out, his remnants were already overflowing. Seeing you filled up with his love and watching it drip onto the bedsheets, it gave your clean freak a confusing feeling. “Look at you,” Levi sighed and admired, brushing your hair back and leaving kisses in its wake, “so filthy, can’t even help yourself.”
“Yeah?” You teased, feigning anger, “Well, I’d like to see you take it better.”
At the thought, Levi’s jaw inadvertently fell. A subtle attempt to subdue his shivers as his erection revived - he hoped you did not notice. 
Clearing his throat, clearing away wandering thoughts, Levi’s voice returned from post-coital ascent to its standard low, “Can���t have you leaking like this,” though he very easily could, “not if you’re gonna have my babies.” Levi reached over your shoulder and to his nightstand. As your gaze relished at the sight of his muscles, ears perked at the slow drag of his drawer. From a velvet bag, slender fingers removed a device, a device so new that it could reflect the moonlight into your eyes. 
Levi traced it down your spine, along the arch of your back and over your cheeks, cold metal contrasted to your hot touch, drawing shivers. Levi soothed them with his speech, “This is for you, for us.” In one motion, he withdrew his cock and plugged its gap with smooth, sparkling amethyst. 
It felt good, too good! On another night, it would have made fun foreplay. After hours of sex with Ackerman, though, a harsh wind could make you cum, let alone this. In fact, just the thought of him buying it for you - going to such lengths to breed you - was enough to get you off again. 
Watching you writhe and whine - Levi stroked himself with nine months’ worth of anticipation. His good girl would soon be an even better mother. 
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// masterlist //
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ahummingbirdwitch · 3 months
OH MY GREAT HEAVENS your Cypher are so good,, I would love to request a fluffy Cypher x Reader fic, possibly one where he tries to DIY a gift for you (it ends up looking not as he expected)
Thank you sm anon!! Here ya go :)
Makeshift (Cypher x F!Reader)
Summary: Cypher DIYs a gift for your birthday. So sweet it’ll give you cavities.
Pairing: Cypher x F!Reader
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 944
Warnings: none
Notes: I had the same Reader character in mind from my usual Cypher fics but y’all are free to imagine anyone you like!
Your birthday was coming up, and your gift had to be perfect.
Cypher wasn’t one to brag, but he liked to consider himself the best gift-giver in Valorant. There was no competition, really. He had every agent’s passwords, to all their devices and accounts; he knew what kinds of sites they perused, what things they added to their carts while shopping online, so when birthdays and holidays came around, he was practically Santa Claus. It wasn’t a secret how he knew what his friends wanted, but they were all grateful nonetheless.
The ones he cared about, anyway. Sova got a lump of coal every Christmas.
You were no different. He knew pretty much everything you liked, all your favorite sites and items and things you were saving up for. He could easily just buy you the first thing on your wishlist or have your favorite meal delivered to HQ, but you weren’t just any agent to him, and this wasn’t just any birthday. You were his girlfriend, and this had to be special. You deserved something straight from the heart.
So, after much deliberation, he’d decided to make something himself.
He’d made plenty of gadgets in his life, all for work, but he’d never made anything of that nature for someone. Nothing meant to be a gift, anyway. He’d thought about making you something practical, like a hair dryer or an electric massage stick, but nothing seemed personal enough. You needed something sentimental.
You loved bears, so at last, he decided he’d make his first real robot: a little bear-shaped friend.
In all honesty, Cypher struggled to put it together. He was good with tech, that much was true, but his devices weren’t nearly as advanced as Killjoy’s. He’d thought about asking her for help more than once, but ultimately, he’d stuck to his work and pressed on alone. This was his gift to you, and he could do it himself. No challenge was too big.
The night before your birthday, it was finally finished. He wiped his forehead and took a step back, admiring his handiwork. It wasn’t as flashy as something Killjoy would’ve made, but that was okay. He’d done it all himself.
He just hoped you liked it.
^ ^ ^
“Alright,” Cypher said, guiding you towards your desk chair. “Sit down, and close your eyes, dear.”
“Ooh, is it time for my surprise?” you asked, giggling as you took a seat.
“Yes. Come on now, close them.”
“Okay.” You did as you were told.
Cypher removed the bear from its box, taking a deep breath before holding it out to you. “Okay. Open them.”
You obeyed. The second you saw the bear—a miniature version of your teddy bear in white and blue colors—your eyes nearly popped from your skull. “Aww, Amir!” you exclaimed, accepting it from him. “It’s my Teddy! But he’s little!”
Cypher’s face flushed under his mask. “Do you like it?”
“Like it?” You were grinning from ear to ear. “I love it! He’s so cute!”
His heart warmed, fluttering with love and relief. “I was calling him Mini-Bear,” he said. “But you can call him whatever you like.” He took a step closer, taking the bear from you gently so he could feel around the back. “He… also speaks.”
He pressed a button, and his own voice came out of the bear: “I am always watching you, my dear.”
You stared in awe, looking absolutely delighted. “Oh my God. That’s so sweet!” You took the bear back from him. “You really made him all by yourself?”
Cypher chuckled. “Yes. It was… a bit tricky, I’ll admit. But I think he turned out okay.”
“He turned out great.” You hit the button again, beaming when another line came from the bear, also in Cypher’s voice: “Thinking of you, sokar.”
Cypher blushed. “Maybe don’t run through all of them right now…”
You gave him a cheeky grin, then hit the button again. “Sleep well, princess,” the bear said.
“Princess?” You smiled coyly. “I haven’t heard that one before.”
Cypher scratched the back of his neck. “It is… cheesy, I know. But the bear said it, not me!”
You laughed and hit the button again. “Goodnight, my dear,” the bear said. Suddenly, it began to stutter. “I—I love—love—love—”
Cypher froze, panicked. “Shit,” he muttered. He hurried to grab the bear from you. “I—oh no. Oh dear. I thought—I thought the voice box was stable.”
You looked up at him, eyes round, still smiling. “Hey, it’s okay! It just glitched for a sec.”
“No, no.” He looked over the bear, wanting to phase through the floor and disappear. “Shit. I can—fix that. It was—not supposed to do that.”
Especially not when he’d been in the middle of saying… that.
“Amir.” He felt your hands on his, and slowly, he allowed you to take the bear. “It’s okay, I promise. I love it.” You cradled Mini-Bear in your arms, blushing as you smiled down at it. “That line… were you saying what I… thought you were saying?”
Cypher looked at you, heart full. Embarrassed as he was, he could see as clear as day how happy you were, and relaxed. “Yes,” he murmured at last. “I have… been meaning to say it. For some time now.”
You got to your feet, leaving Mini-Bear in the chair before wrapping your arms around Cypher. “Thank you, Amir,” you whispered. “I love him. But I love you most.”
Hearing those sweet words from you made all of his work worthwhile, even if it hadn’t all turned out perfect. He held you closer, hugging you tightly as he closed his eyes, savoring the moment. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
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lou-struck · 1 year
Wax On..
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Atsumu Miya x reader
~ After Losing a Bet with his brother, Atsumu finds himself in a hairy situation.
WC: 1.7k
Warning: Mentions reader having experience with waxing some of their own unspecified hair, Atsumu being in pain, hair removal as a punishment.
A/n: this prompt has been on my list for awhile, I'm glad I finally found the motivation to work through it!
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Atsumu’s leg hasn’t stopped shaking since he begrudgingly slid into your passenger seat. A paper shopping bag hanging limply at his side, swaying like a sardonic metronome.
“You really don’t have to do this, Tsumu,” you offer him a small smile as you take in every inch of his terrified features. There is a coldness to his skin that wasn’t there an hour ago, and his breathing is all kinds of shaky as he tries to brace himself for the harsh reality he has created for himself when he gets home.
“I gotta do it,” his voice wavers, and he presses his cheek against the glass window and closes his eyes. “Samu won’t let me forget it if I chicken out.”
“I’ve done it before, Tsumu; I promise it only hurts for a minute,” you say, hoping to reassure the athlete, but it only makes him sink farther back into his seat. 
“It will still hurt, though,” he mumbles, crossing his arms childishly in front of his chest. Almost as if what was about to happen wasn’t entirely his fault. 
It was.
He was the one who proposed the damn bet in the first place…
It all started the other day when you met your boyfriend and his twin Brother for a picnic in the park. The three of you were having a great time until you saw a children’s volleyball match starting from across the grass. 
From the first sound of the whistle, the twins’ ears pricked up like dogs, and they turned their full attention to the match. Cheering on the little guys eagerly as they take the outdoor court wearing puffy knee pads that look like marshmallows on their little legs. At first, it was cute, until they had a disagreement on which team would bring home the win. 
The Miya twins are known to be ridiculously competitive, but this was a bit ridiculous.
Trash was talked, and the stakes kept getting raised until Atsumu boldly told his brother that whoever team loses will have to get their legs waxed.
Guess whose team won?
With Osamu’s blue team securing a victory over Atsumu’s green one, there is now a brand new waxing kit nestled securely in your boyfriend’s swaying shopping bag and an uncomfortable silence in your usually chatty car, the only sound that can be heard aside from the soft blowing of the air conditioning is the steady stream of taunting text messages, and waxing fail videos being sent to Atsumu by his brother.
“Hey now,” you scold as you glance out of the corner of your eye and see your boyfriend pressing play on one of the many videos. “Don’t watch that; you’ll only get yourself more stressed out.”
At the sound of a pained yelp, his body tenses up, and he shuts the device off quickly. “Why didn’t I bet somethin else like shaving an eyebrow,” he whines, looking at you with a pouty lip.
“Don’t ever do that,” you giggle, taking one of your hands off the wheel to grab his own. “You have great eyebrows, Tsumu. Why can’t you just bet your brother a cup of coffee like a normal person.”
He throws his hands up in the air in disbelief at your suggestion. “Just a cup of coffee?” he exclaims. “Where’s the fun in that?”
“I’m just saying, next time you make a bet, don’t bet your body hair unless you know for sure you are going to win.” you tease, turning the wheel sharply into the driveway. He is slow to get out of the car and slower to the front door. Each step he takes is reluctant and heavy with regret, but his pride is much too great for him to back out now.
“Here we go,” he breathes, stepping into the house at last. To him, buying the supplies and coming back inside was half the battle, albeit the less painful half but still half. His hands, calloused from many years of intense workouts, shake in apprehension as he pulls the package of teal-colored wax, the applicators, and the paper strips themselves from the confines of the paper bag. 
Carefully remove the packaging and read each step. Toss the wax cubes into a microwave-safe bowl and heat them in small increments until they have melted completely. While you do that, Atsmu changes into a shorter pair of athletic shorts and sits on the freshly cleaned-off dining room table that has been pushed against the wall whilst awaiting his fate. 
You bring the now-melted wax over to the table edge for Atsumu to see; the blond looks down at the bowl in your hands with the slightest bit of curiosity written on his features, “Looks nice,” he comments on the shimmering bowl of wax. “M’ glad we didn’t choose the red one; it woulda looked like blood.”
“That’s true,” you snort, dipping the wooden applicator into the teal wax and stirring it around one final time. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“How bad can it be?” he chuckles nervously, sitting back in a more comfortable position. “I gotta show ya how tough I can be off the court.”
“You’re plenty tough, Tsumu,” you say, scooping up a small test glob of the wax onto the applicator and applying it to the inside of your wrist to check whether it is a safe temperature to use. The smooth thickness of the wax, along with the comfortable warmth on your skin, tells you that it is safe to use.
“It’s not hurtin’ ya or anything, right?” he asks, watching your features carefully. Although he is the one who is about to be in a world of pain, he still worries about your own comfort above his own. The gesture makes your skin heat up under the shimmering wax.
“Nope,” you grin, holding out your wrist for him to feel. “It’s all ready.”
“Can I get a kiss for good luck?” he asks cheekily, leaning in closer to you with puckered lips. 
When he looks at you like that, who are you to say no to your sweet yet sometimes overconfident boyfriend.
“For luck,” you giggle, meeting his lips with your own. The stress that he had been feeling up until this moment decreases, and his shoulders tense Your kiss draws out the stress he has been feeling like a salve to a wound.
“Feel better?” you ask, pulling away a bit too soon for your liking, but the cooling layer of wax on your wrist reminds you that the two of you are on a deadline. 
“I’ll need more later,” he winks, leaning back up against the wall; as you turn your attention to scooping a layer of wax back onto the applicator, you see Atsumu clenching his fists into balls. His eyes never leave the ever-approaching wax. 
“You got this, Tsumu,” you murmur, spreading a smooth layer onto his shin in the direction his curly leg hairs are growing. Once on, you smooth the waxing strip over the layer of teal in the same direction, pressing down until it sticks together. 
“Are you gonna pull it off?” he asks nervously. There is so much trust in his eyes, you know that the best way to help him through this little predicament is to do it as quickly as you can. Before you respond to him, you rip the sheet off of him in the opposite direction from where you applied it. 
“Owwwwww,” he whines, closing his eyes tightly, practically jumping off the table in surprise. He squirms as you try and clean up the waxed area of any stray hairs. Once you stop, he stills and looks at you with red cheeks. 
“How was it?” you ask. “I heard the first one is always the worst.”
“It stung…” he mumbles, unclenching his knuckles. “That damn Samu knew this was gonna hurt.”
Not wanting to remind him that this was entirely his idea, you look down at the strip and see the large patch of hair stuck to it. “Woah, look at all that hair Tsumu,” you murmur, showing him the strip in fascination. 
“That was all mine?” he asks in disbelief. “No way.”
“Do you want me to prove it?” you ask, getting another strip ready. 
He looks a bit nervous but nods. “C-can ya hold my hand while you do it?” he asks, reaching out for your unoccupied one. Doing this one-handed may slow you down, but how can you say no when he looks at you with so much trust. 
“Of course, I can.” you giggle. 
Strip after strip comes on and off of Atsumu’s leg as he whines, cries, and curses aloud. But despite the unfamiliar pain, he doesn’t tap out or ask for a break. Finally, you pull the last stip off of his leg and pause, looking over the slightly red and hairless limb for any missed strands. 
“A-are we all done?” he pants, looking up at you with big eyes, fat teardrops resting on his waterline, threatening to fall any moment.
You shoot him the tenderest smile in the world and sweep a few sweaty locks of his dyed blond hair from his forehead. “Take a look.”
Using you as support, he shuffles to sit upwards and takes a look at his right leg. Despite a few irritated patches of skin and a few droplets of teal-colored wax, his leg looks baby smooth and shiny, not a stray hair in sight. Gingerly he runs his hand along the surface in wonder. 
“It’s so smooth, babe. You gotta feel this,” he announces, looking up at you expectantly. The look of pride and relief on his face makes your heart swell as he grabs your hand and runs it down the length of his shin. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”
“It’s very smooth, Tsumu.” you giggle, giving the hairless skin a playful little smack. “That wasn’t so bad now, was it?”
He rolls his eyes playfully. “Not bad at all,” he drawls overconfidently and starts to spin himself around to jump off of the dining room table. 
“What are you doing, babe?” you ask, reaching to grab his shoulder, effectively stopping him in his tracks. “We still have to do the other leg, remember?”
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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jodeliejodelie · 2 months
My utterly correct and well-researched predictions for The Sims 5
no research has actually be done by me at all
EA will make the game a monthly subscription "service" which always needs to be online. There will of course be multiple subscription tiers with the higher tiers receiving some utterly mediocre clothes, hairs, furniture, Sims, you name it, paying lipservice to causes like diversity to make them seem important and un-missable (farm that FOMO). Lower tiers will have ads, a limited number of allowed mods/cc, and reduced graphics or some shit.
And of course there will be expansion packs, a staple of The Sims franchise, but you will need to pay for those too. Unless you subscribe to the platinum+ package, which includes a season pass. Of course there will always be certain cc packs that everybody will have to pay for, such as collaborations with big brands like D*sney, big fashion houses or IK*A. Occasionally there will be a freebie, but it will be a shitty print on a basegame T-shirt nobody cares for.
But that's not all! Not only will there be subscriptions, o no, there will be an ever bigger affiliate system. Basically an inbuilt multi-level management system (pyramid scheme) where people can sell their own mods/cc and recruit other people into their downline and make money of the mods they sell. They will give it a cutesy name, like Mod Families, Creator Visionaries, or Simgineers. There will be so many *shitty* mods, but since EA sits at the very top of the pyramid, there is absolutely no desire for quality control. You will see the same hair, with some added strands/removed strands/shorted/streaked/etc. edits over and over again. Of course there will be major fights and drama when the two biggest teams asset flip/convert create the same thing (some uninspired Second Life high poly blouse or something).
Anyway, I'm having a business meeting with EA next week and I'm very excited to share this plan with them.
P.S. Other features:
Extra in game currency like diamonds that people can use to buy even more junk for the game
Limit mods/cc to the Hub, you can't just put things in folders, it won't work
Sponsored events in the game, like a Simlish concert of K*ty P*rry or a Ad*das pop-up store in the mall
More social media integrations
An additional app for mobile devices where you play with your sims in a very limited way, but most importantly earn in game currency by doing stupid tasks, like playing games or watching ads
No pools in the basegame, that was a A+ decision in The Sims 4, so we're keeping that
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lovelyiida · 1 year
I’m srry if ur not comfy with writing for mha girls but I’ve been wondering if u can find time to write jirou headcannons? Tysm if u do!
OMG IM SO COMFY WITH WRITING ABOUT THE MHA GIRLS DW!! I've actually been waiting for someone to ask me to write about the mha girls for a minute so thank you for your service lol. I also have a Mina fic otw, but that's another conversation for another day ;)
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when the both of you first met, you guys instantly clicked.
it was the first day of class, you had so many thought running through your head at that moment:
were you good enough to become a pro-hero?
did you really deserve to be here?
will you actually make it?
is this even your calling?
sitting at your desk your hands were occupied with a fistful of your uniform. you look down at your legs, lips quivering and eyes watering, you were so nervous.
"hey? are you alright?" you heard a soft voice say. your head rises, snapping out of your nervous thoughts you try and show a smile.
"um yeah! I'm just so nervous." you look away in embarrassment, wiping a stray tear from your cheek. looking back you take in the unknown female's looks.
her dark eyes look into yours deeply, her short dark purple hair laying perfectly around her face. you notice her give you a deadpanned look.
"you're obviously not alright⏤here, we can listen to music together before the bell," she says, she lets out a shy smile as she removes a singular headphone from her ear and extends it out for you to grab.
a little dazed by the confident proposal, you nod and give her a slight bow. placing the single headphone in, you patiently wait for the girl to play her music.
when she presses play, your eyes light up.
"you know this band?" you beamed, the girl's eyes widened as well at your sudden burst of energy. "hell yeah! they're like the hottest thing out on the underground scene! I just went to one of their concerts!" she says back, a light blush on her face forms as she chuckles in excitement.
"what's your name?" you asked.
"Jiro Kyouka! and you?" she says, you tell her your name and the both of you formally greet each other with a bow.
after that day, both of you were hip-to-hip.
it didn't matter where either of you was, because you were always together.
and everyone knew that.
"hey, have you seen L/n? I need help with my combat skills," Mina says.
"y'know they're with Jiro," Bakugo says.
the both of you always went out places or hung out at each other's dorms and listened to music.
you loved it when Jiro would send links to her favorite music, and she'd love it when you'd do the same.
sometimes if the both of you were bored, you guys would make stupid songs on garage band, ultimately leaving the room with stomach cramps with how hard you laughed at Jiro's fried auto-tuned vocals.
there's one time when the both of you were getting tickets to see your favorite popular band, hovered over the computer in the lunchroom waiting for the ticket sale to drop. eyes wide open, staring into the blue LED screen, feeling that if you looked away for one second you'd lose all your chances.
you had all the devices possible, computers, tablets, and phones, the both of you were completely silent clicking any button possible to buy the tickets.
"I got them!" Jiro screamed loudly, the both of you crashed into each other's arms and started to scream like wild banshees. there were a couple of odd stares from people in the lunchroom, but that didn't matter.
and when you guys finally went to the concert, you guys screamed even louder. yelling out the lyrics like your life depended on it, hands entwined the whole night.
taking so many photos together that night, you had so much fun you'd never forget this moment ever.
voices hoarse and eyes tired, you had a sleepover in your room after the concert crashing in the bed...you fell asleep so quick you didn't even notice that you guys cuddled the whole night.
everyone seeing the life drained out of you and Jiro as they first hand witnessed the effects of post-concert depression.
sometimes there would be times when the both of you just co-existed with one another.
no talking, no interaction was needed, just the feeling of each other's presence was enough.
and on days when that wasn't the case, Jiro was there for you no matter what.
if you felt down, she'd be the first person to cheer you up, singing one of the weird songs the both of you made to make you laugh
letting out a weary smile, you huff out a breath and wrap your arms around her waist and embrace her into a soft hug. "what would I do without you, Jiro?" you mumbled into her shoulder.
"I don't know...die?" she says, sarcasm oozing from her lips.
the both of you burst into laughter, she hugs you even tighter now.
"I don't know what I would do without you either, L/n..."
you knew you never felt out of place when you were with Jiro, you always felt so in tune with her. you knew her deepest secrets, she covered all your wounds and healed all your scars.
you were complete.
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is it weird to giggle at your own writing, this was so cute I literally was melting into my bed the more a typed this out. I hope you liked this anon!
165 notes · View notes
My Summer Internship.
Under Master Abdul
8:00 pm on a Friday. It's true that being a litigation summer associate at a large law firm is generally an easy gig, but sometimes stuff has to be done. Better reflection of real lawyer life, I suppose. I finally shut my computer and got ready to head out.
My name is John. I'm 25, just finished my second year of law school in Athens at the University of Georgia, and interning in a large Atlanta firm for the summer. I grew up and went to college and law school in Georgia.
I'm 5'6”, about 150 pounds, with straight, short brown hair and brown eyes. Thanks to my Anglo—Saxon ancestry I have a naturally smooth torso. I have a fairly average to below average cut 5 inch cock. I'm gay, and openly so, but not very experienced. I've bottomed a couple of times, and generally have no interest in topping.
I walked to a nearby gym where I liked to work out. I used to be a soccer player through high school, but I was intrigued to find out that there was a gym with exercise equipment in the downtown area. I discovered there was one immediately next to the building where I work. The gym tended to close early on Fridays so it was pretty dead. There was just one guy there, manning the front desk. His name was Jake, and he was the evening manager. He was 6 feet even, 180 pounds, brown hair, and green eyes, with a trim build. No indication he was anything other than straight, which was a shame. He wasn't exactly a genius, but he was nice enough.
I smiled and flashed my gym card. As I ruffled through my bag, I was dismayed - I forgot my gym clothes! I looked at Jake, and asked, "Hey - I forgot my gym clothes. Do you have any I can buy and use?"
"Sorry, no," he said. "We just ran out of stock and I forgot to order new ones, so we won't have any until next week."
"No problem," I responded. "Hmm, any chance you'll let me workout in my boxer briefs, socks, and undershirt? I'd just hate to have to go home to grab my gym stuff - it's a good thirty minutes away. Plus, I was going to use the gymnastics stuff, anyway - no need for gym shoes."
"I don't know about that," he said. "The gym is pretty strict about not using underwear in the gym." He pulled out the manual and looked at the rules. "Undershirts, underwear, and socks are all off-limits. You can't work out in those."
"Damn it!" I was frustrated. "Any workarounds we can do?"
Jake read further. "So, it technically says: you can't wear underwear as your outermost clothes on the gym floor. But, you just need to have a collar and cover your male private parts. And, no pubic hair is allowed to touch the equipment. I think I saw something that might work..."
I was perplexed, but the gym was empty and I wasn't going to miss this chance. "What do you have?"
He looked in a lost and found box. "I think these two could technically work." He fished out a thick, black, leather dog collar - big enough for a fairly large dog. "This could fit around your neck, I guess."
"So I'd wear my undershirt with a dog collar?" I asked. I was a little confused, and to be honest, a little turned on - I hadn't really done a lot of BDSM play but I was intrigued.
"Well, no," he answered. "Just the collar. No undershirts, remember? But there isn't really a rule against being shirtless as long as you have a collar..."
"OK," I answered. "But what about the rest?"
He fished out a silver metal chastity device, still in its box. "Looks like someone left it here. It might be small. But, the book only says your penis must be covered. Nothing about balls or ass..." he mused.
At this point I was terrified but also very turned on. "I think it'll fit. So I just need to wear this collar and this chastity device. Is that it?"
"Hmm, maybe one more thing," Jake began. "No pubic hair. Think you can use this hair removal cream?"
I was so turned on at this point. I nodded. "OK," he said, "you can go in the locker room and get ready. I can take that key," he gestured towards the chastity device.
I headed off to the empty locker room and stripped naked. I put my clothes on the bench and stared at my naked self in the mirror.
Just then, Jake walked in. "Hey man, sorry, I was about to take a piss. Hey, need some help with the hair removal cream?" I nodded in a daze. He rubbed it on my cock and balls and my asshole. "Should we do your pits
and legs too? I guess they technically come around puberty, right?" I was not in a position to object, so he did it. I was hairless from the neck down.
My hard dick would have to go down in order to fit in the device, even though I was smaller than average. I thought about some un-sexy thoughts uand finally got it in. The steel coldly but firmly kept my persistently
stiffening dick in check.
Jake then put the collar around my neck and tightened it so it was firm but not strangling me. "How's that?" he asked. "Good" was all I was able to sputter out.
"All right, then. Enjoy!" Jake smiled and waved as he headed out.
I stepped into the exercise room, naked except for a collar and a locked cock, my dick straining against the steel and dripping pre-cum. I felt the cool breeze of the Air Conditioner and went off to hit the exercise equipment when I noticed the gymnastic equipment. I was interested since watching the recent Olympics and wanted to try on them. There was the rings, the pommel horse and the female event parallel bars and balance beam.. I felt exposed and turned on, even though no one was there. I was humiliated but also horny as fuck.
I imagined people watching me, eying my naked body. Watching my smooth, muscular frame. I wondered if people would lust after me as I held a handstand. I spread my legs in mid-air and felt the cool air on my exposed asshole. My dick throbbed in its cage.
I wondered if men would look at my smaller than average cock cage and wonder how small I must be in order to fit in there. I was humiliated, but turned on. The idea of critical eyes looking at my body and evaluating
how it did - and did not - measure up.
I thought about how smooth my torso already was naturally, due to my background, but how much more boyish my body looked without pubic hair, armpit hair, and even leg hair. I wondered if men would deride me as a lesser man. Would they think of me as a weak boy. Was I a boy who deserved to wear a collar and be locked away, for real men to teach and play with. I thought of all the men fully dressed, and how much shorter I would look standing in bare feet. I felt vulnerable and exposed, but that only made me hornier. An hour and a half must have gone by. I heard the maintenance folks go into the locker room and leave. I was about to head back to the locker room when I heard a male voice. "John?" I turned around and my heart dropped.
Standing there were four full-time corporate associates at my law firm; all of them were dressed in work clothes, and had their gym bags with them. I didn't work with them, since I was in a different practice group, but I knew them all since they were friendly folks and worked a lot with the summer program. I forgot that this gym had a basketball court, and that these guys liked to play 2 on 2 after work on Fridays.
ABDUL- was an Arab corporate associate - he had been with the firm for many year. After having moved
from his home in Saudi Arabia to attend law school in the Atlanta area he had decided to stay in the area to live and work. He was a young 49 years old. A dark masculine guy who was an avid gym goer. He stood 6’4” had short dark black hair. On his face he seemed to have constant heavy 5:00 shadow no matter how much he shaved, dark eyes, a vivid white smile which gave him the appearance of enjoying life but at the same time had an imposing, almost threatening demeanor that was animal like. He was a natural leader of men.
PHIL - the guy who spoke - was a 32 year old corporate senior associate. He had played lacrosse at university and was still a generally muscular, if a little less rock hard, 6’ tall. He was pale and had fiery red hair and blue eyes. He had a bit of a southern accent as he had grown up in North Carolina.
MIKE was a lawyer in our international arbitration group. He was married - he met his wife at the law firm when they were summer interns years ago- and had a bit of a beer belly, but was a handsome guy. A little bit of dark chest hair poked out of his shirt. He was also 32 years old, 6 feet 2 inches tall, had brown hair that was between wavy and curly, and dark eyes. Belying his New England roots, Mike was always seen wearing boat shoes around the office - luckily, not a big issue at the firm, since it wasn't one of the really stuffy ones.
Finally, ANDY was a soft spoken guy who worked in tax. I had heard he was engaged to a woman he clerked with for a judge the year before. He was 30 years old, had curly brown hair, green eyes, and wore glasses. Andy was more of a co-rec sports guy in college - somewhat fit, but never really jacked. He was the shortest in the group at 5 foot 10, but still noticeably taller than me.
"Hey guys," I responded. "It's not what you think -"
"No worries, "Abdul said. "We used to joke that the rules for what you can and can't wear had some weird exceptions. But I guess those exceptions are real!" He quipped. All four laughed, and I laughed uneasily along with them.
The four guys approached and I began to feel more comfortable. "Don't even worry about it," Andy said. "We're not telling anyone at the firm. You do you!"
We chatted a little bit about how the summer was going. Like I said, these guys were nice and friendly, and I didn't feel threatened. I felt more and more at ease as we continued the small talk.
"I can't help noticing," Mike started, "how smooth you are. Are you naturally so smooth?"
"Not really," I said, "they have that rule about pubic hair and all, so I used hair removal cream on it."
"Can I feel?" Peter asked. It seemed like a weird request, but like I said, I was getting more comfortable. "Sure," I said. Peter ran his hands on my chest. I shivered a little bit.
The four guys began getting a little more comfortable about it. "OK if I feel your pits?" Abdul asked. I nodded. "Can you put your hands behind your head?" I complied. "They're so smooth," he murmured as his rough hands grazed my exposed armpits.
Mike looked at Andy and asked, "I wonder how smooth his dick and balls feel." Andy responded, "go ahead, he doesn't seem to mind." Mike held my cock and balls, feeling the bare skin. No one even asked me at that point. It was humiliating but kind of exhilarating, like I wasn't even there. I was just being inspected by these men.
Peter touched my nipples, and they firmed up. "Perky!" he exclaimed. The guys laughed. I gave a small smile.
Without saying anything, Andy knelt down and gently touched my ass cheeks. "Can you spread your legs a bit?" I did. He spread my ass and touched my asshole. "This is definitely smoother than mine," he observed.
The guys chuckled.
"This is alright, right?" Peter asked. I nodded. "I guess you're pretty much naked and exposed anyway, right?" I looked at the floor in shame. "Nothing to worry about," Andy chimed in. "It's just like biology class, looking at a body that is so different than ours." The other guys expressed their agreement.
Mike looked at Peter. "This cage is pretty small, but looks like it fits him." Peter nodded. "Definitely smaller than me." Andy and Ryan agreed. "How big is it," Mike asked, holding my cock cage and looking at Peter
and Ryan, not even looking at me. "Um, 5 inches when hard, I think." "Yeah, that's smaller," Mike said. I was humiliated. But why was I enjoying it so much at the same time?
Abdul looked down at my dick in his hand and noticed I was leaking quite a bit of precum. "Looks like you're a little turned on!" The other guys laughed. I reddened and sheepishly nodded. "Happens to all of us. But now, my hand is a little...sticky."
"Oh, and it's getting on the floor too," Andy chimed in, standing up after prodding my asshole for a couple of minutes. "I think the cleaning staff has left for the night though."
Peter looked around. "I don't see any cleaning tools. We should probably clean that up though."
Out of nowhere, I blurted out, "I guess I could lick it up?" The other guys were stunned. Mike broke the silence: "yeah, makes sense. It's your mess, anyway. Go ahead."
I knelt on the ground and licked the pre cum. I looked up and saw Abdul's hand also with a little pre-cum. "Would you like me to clean that up as well, Abdul ?" A small smile spread on his face. "Yeah, please." I licked
the pre-cum off the palm of his hand. I heard Andy nearby say, "that's so humiliating." Peter agreed, "yeah, but he's gotta clean it up, right?"
I stood up. "Well, we should probably get going," Peter said. "Off to Abdul 's to play some poker. You take it easy, John!" I nodded and waved as they walked away chatting amongst themselves.
I headed to the locker room and made a horrible realization. My clothes were gone! The maintenance folks must have taken them. Also gone was the key. A post-it note was left on the desk, which stated: "put in lost-and-found, pick up on Monday." The gym was closed for the weekend, and the staff wouldn't back for a couple of days!
I frantically looked around, wondering what my next move would be. I was stuck in nothing but a collar and a chastity device! What was I going to do?
Not really knowing what to do, I started after the four men, who were just leaving. "Hey, wait up!"
Phil looked back. "What's up, buddy?"
"I'm kind of in a pickle," I began. "My clothes are gone, and looks like the staff is gone for the weekend. Any chance you guys could lend me some clothes?"
The four looked at each other. "I don't know," Mike said. "All my gym clothes are sweaty, and they're too big for you anyway. You'd look ridiculous in them." The others nodded in assent.
"Wait," Abdul said. "We can't leave him here, though. Maybe we bring him to my place, we were going there to play poker anyway." "Sounds like a good idea," Phil responded. "But should we check with the guard of the parking garage in the building? Might look a little suspicious having this little guy walking around pretty much naked." Phil flicked my cock cage, and it bounced up and hit my abdomen. The guys laughed, and Andy patted my ass. I shivered gave a shy smile.
"I'll go talk to him," Mike said, and he walked off to find the night guard. While waiting, the rest of the guys conversed about work without me. I stood there naked, ignored, like I wasn't even present.
A minute later, Mike came back with a middle-aged white man in his 40s, with a scruffy red beard and a satchel in tow. "This must be the guy," he mused, and the four associates burst into laughter. "Well, I can release him into your custody, but he's clearly got a penchant for trouble, so you'll need to make sure you can control him."
Control? Custody? Those words struck me as odd, since it wasn't like I belonged to the four guys, or anything. But that stirred something in me. My cock swelled up and my nipples perked up. I felt a little pre-cum flow once again.
The guard rummaged around in his bag. "Someone left this dog leash, but I think it should work with the collar. Just to make sure he doesn't go anywhere." He handed it to Abdul, who attached it to my collar. I was a little shocked but said nothing. "You probably don't want him running off," the guard continued. Abdul gave the leash a hard tug, which jostled me off my balance, and everyone laughed again. "He's not going anywhere
I won't let him," Abdul declared.
The guard looked in his bag some more. "You probably don't want him distracted either. How about this blindfold?" Phil agreed. "He's already very stimulated by the whole situation." He placed the blindfold on me and I could not see at all through the thick leather blindfold."
"One last thing," the guard said. "He's probably a little freaked out, and probably would be better if kept it shut."
I heard some movement, and felt two rough hands hold open my mouth. A clean, leather bit was inserted in my mouth and locked around my head. I could no longer see or speak. But for some reason, it only turned me on more.
"I think that's it!" I heard the guard conclude. "Hope you enjoy this boy and he gives you no more trouble."
"Thanks, man," Abdul said in his deep Arab accent spoke, as the guard's footsteps indicated he was walking off. "Let's go, boy. Gotta get to the poker game." With nothing else to do, I followed as they tugged me along. The four associates continued to talk as if I wasn't there. I wondered where the night would take me.
I couldn't see, but I could hear and feel as the four associates led me through the underground parking garage of our building. I didn't hear many cars or people, so it must have been pretty empty. Made sense, since it was late on a Friday in the business district, so it was pretty dead. We stopped and I heard Abdul say: "here's the car, hop in!"
There was a pause. Mike asked, "where do we put him? I don't think you want his bare ass messing up your precious leather seats?" All laughed. "I guess not," Ryan started. "But can we just put him in the cargo hold
of my Escalade, all trussed up like that?"
"Wait," Peter responded. "I just dropped off my dog at my parents' house last weekend. I think I still have the pet carrier in the back. I was planning just to leave my car here until Monday since parking is free over the weekend. How about that?" The guys murmured in agreement.
I felt a wave of humiliation as I heard them get the dog cage and herded me in the back. I heard the trunk door close and the car start. I had never felt so humiliated, so mistreated. And yet, my cock had never been harder. I could feel pre-cum dribbling out, even though I couldn't see it. All of this, of course, was restricting my cock keeping me from getting fully erect.
After about half an hour - although it felt like eternity - we arrived at a swanky apartment building. I heard the guys get out and Abdul hand his key to the valet. "We've got some cargo in the back," I heard him say. "Could you bring it through the loading dock and have them bring it up to my room?"
"Sure thing, sir," I heard the valet respond. The car moved again, this time with me and just the valet. I heard him whistling as he drove into the parking garage.
The car stopped, and I heard the guy get out and open the trunk. I heard him chuckle. "What do we have here?" I heard the valet yell out, "hey guys, here's a delivery for 1007." Two guys came by and lifted my cage out. "Nice," I heard one of them say.
"You know the drill," I heard the other start. "Need to make sure they aren't hiding any contraband here." I felt the two men's hairy hands probe my asshole, jiggle my cage, and feel around my mouth through my gag. "Nothing here, but this asshole will probably be full by the night," the other said.
They opened the cage and yanked me out by the collar, and brought me to attention. I could not see anything but I knew there were several men around me Again talking like I wasn't there, I heard the first one say "bring this to 1007 using the service elevator. Make sure to bring it to the back entrance, wouldn't want to scandalize the neighbors." The other guy led me by the leash through what i assumed was the hall to a service elevator. As the elevator started moving, I heard him say, "you're in for quite the time, kid." He laughed.
The elevator stopped and he tugged on my leash for me to move forward. I heard a door open and felt him latch my leash to a hook somewhere. He forced me to kneel where I was standing. He started scratching behind my ears like I was a puppy "Wait here for them to pick you up. Maybe your new Master will have me take you out when you need walkies to do your business" the man said. I heard him laugh as I heard him shut the door and walk away.
After five minutes, I heard a different door in front of me open. “Our delivery is here!" I heard Andy say. He unhooked my leash and tugged me forward. I felt Phil's hands unhook my blindfold and gag. The light of the apartment was blinding as I was finally able to see for the first time in about an hour.
I could see that I was in ABDUL's dining room. Ryan and Andy were seated and chatting as Ryan shuffled a deck of cards, and Andy opened a case of poker chips. Phil smiled as he set down the blindfold and gag. "Sorry about that," he said. "The guard was right, wouldn't want you freaking out or running off in this state. Probably the best that we kept you in check."
"Yeah, no worries," I responded. "Never done that before, but I didn't mind."
"The pre-cum did suggest that!" Ryan mused from the table. The three guys laughed raucously. I felt my cheeks burning. They weren't wrong - it was a foreign feeling, and I felt a rush during the whole experience, but I didn't hate it. I was turned on the entire time.
"Speaking of which," Abdul noted, "looks like you're leaking a bit again."
He looked down at the floor as pre-cum leaked out of my caged dick onto the floor. "Any chance you can clean that up? My hardwood floors are certainly cleaner than that gym floor." He was right, I suppose - I knelt down and licked up the pre-cum.
"Good boy!" Andy exclaimed.
I heard a toilet flush from a nearby door and Mike walked out, zipping up his pants. He smiled as he saw me. "John is here!"
I suddenly became very aware that I alone was naked, except for a dog collar and a chastity device. "Hey, Abdul," I started. "Any chance you have any clothes I can borrow while I'm here?"
Abdul started to respond, but Andy called out from the table, "everything Abdul has is going to be too big on you. Plus, just us guys, right?" The others nodded in agreement. "I suppose that's right," Abdul said. "Plus,
it isn't too cold in here, is it?" I shook my head.
"Then it's settled!" Mike concluded. "Come join us at the table!"
I started towards the table to take a seat, but Ryan interrupted: "Hold on, Abdul, these chairs are really nice, very expensive. Wouldn't want to ruin your purchase from your last bonus, would you? The boy's sweaty ass and balls wouldn't do great things to these chairs." The group laughed.
Abdul turned to me. "Is that OK? Perhaps you can just stand right next to this table?" I shrugged. "I don't mind, all I do is sit at a desk anyway." "Great," Abdul acknowledged.
The guys played a first game. Mike won that one. The guys groaned as they handed him their chips. "Great start, I need a beer now!" Mike proclaimed, as he stood up towards the kitchen. "No, I can grab it," I blurted out. "Really?" he asked. "I don't mind, plus, I'm already standing." "Thanks, John!" Mike gleamed as I turned to grab a beer from the kitchen.
As I fumbled through the fridge and looked for a bottle opener, I overheard the guys talking, apparently not realizing I was in earshot. "Is it just me, or is it kind of hot to have a naked guy waiting on you and and foot?" Abdul said. "Yeah, I agree," Andy responded. "It's kind of hot that he’s a small southern white boy, I wouldn't really feel comfortable with that but he obviously is."
Mike responded, "yeah, I hear you. One, it's like you have a naked colleague in the room, and two, white guys are hairier, bigger, and have bigger dicks. Doesn't feel right having them serve you, and usually I don't get turned on seeing guys like me naked."
Abdul added, "Being an Arab it seems kind of historically right to have a white guy serve me, you know? Especially a southern guy. A form of ancestral karma. He is smaller, docile, and smooth. Plus, no question who's the superior man - you can see it in the classic signs of masculinity - our body hair, our larger dicks, et cetera."
I knew I should feel demeaned, but all I could feel was my dick struggling against its cage at hearing all this. I walked back to the dining room.
I handed Mike his beer as the guys chatted. "It's nice to have someone grab stuff from the kitchen for you," Mike said, as the others laughed. "Yeah, kind of like having a white slave boy," Andy added. Those words startled me, but in a good way - and perhaps in a visible way. "Seems like he likes it," Ryan said, pointing at my dick. It must have jumped a bit when Andy called me a slave boy.
Abdul turned to me. "Sorry about that, we're not meaning to offend you or anything. We don't want to make you uncomfortable. Guys, stop." The guys all murmured apologies. "No, not at all," I responded. "I don't mind. I kind of like it. I guess I'm a little submissive, and I like, well, serving bigger masculine guys."
The guys all looked at each other. "Are you sure?" Abdul asked. "Yes," I responded. I am here to serve my masters." The four looked at each other and smiled.
"Well then," Abdul started. "For the rest of your time here, you'll call us all 'master.'" "And," Andy added, "we will call you 'boy,' 'slave,' or really whatever we want." The others nodded.
"You'll wear just that collar and that chastity device," Ryan continued. "Nothing you can do until Monday anyway; Jake has the keys, and the gym doesn't reopen until then." The others laughed.
"What about a wager, then?" Mike started, looking to the other guys. They began to talk as if I wasn't there. "Tonight's poker prize is a small southern slave boy for the weekend - sharing encouraged." The group laughed. I sheepishly stared at my feet in the background. This was going to be a long weekend, and I was more turned on than ever.
Part 6
As the night went on, the four masters played a competitive series of poker games. It turns out all of them were equally good - or equally bad, or lucky. As midnight approached, all four were in spitting distance of winning.
For the most part, I was sent back and forth from the kitchen to grab food and drink. The masters didn't even look me in the eye; they simply called out instructions, like "Boy, I need a beer," or "Slave, my martini is empty."
In one exciting episode, Master Andy decided that we should order a pizza. When the delivery guy rang the doorbell, Master Abdul directed me to grab the pizza at the door. "But I'm not wearing real clothes..." I started. "And you shouldn't be," Master Abdul cut me off. "Slaves do not protest when their masters instruct them to do something. Get the pizza, boy."
I gulped and walked to the door. Upon opening it, the delivery guy - a young white guy probably 18 years or so -looked at me with wide eyes. I handed him the cash and took the pizza. I realized Master Andy had forgotten the tip. "Excuse me," I said, "I need to grab the tip."
I walked back in and asked Master Abdul for the tip. He pulled out some cash, but a smile crossed his face. "I'll walk back with you, boy," he answered. He attached my leash to my collar and led me to the door.
Master Abdul handed the delivery guy the tip. He also handed the guy the leash. "Would you like to use our slave boy for 10 minutes? No permanent damage to the property, but you can use him for some fun." He gestured to a guest bedroom off to the side of the entryway. The delivery boy nodded. Master Abdul smiled. "Make him lock the door, wash up, and head back in when you're done."
The delivery boy pulled me in by the leash and pushed me down to my knees, swiftly and hard. "Unzip me, slave," he said in a harsh but hushed tone, nervous that he would disturb the audible party going on. I pulled
out a thick 7-inch cock, pale with a bright pink head. "Suck me off," he demanded. I choked as I slowly tried to get the whole thing down my throat. He grabbed my ears and fucked my mouth roughly for a few minutes.
I gagged and slobbered all the way through, until he shot his no load, emitting a moan. The moan was apparently a little louder than expected, as I heard the masters cheer from the other room.
The delivery guy smiled. "You better not let a drop spill out," he warned, as he buttoned his pants and walked out. I cleaned up and locked up as he left.
As I walked back to the room, Master Ryan said, "good job boy. Nice to know you have some oral skills." The group burst into raucous laughter. "Why don't you get us some more snacks and beer?" Master Mike commanded.
As I was getting together food and drink for the masters, I heard their conversation, and at multiple times felt my dick struggle against its cage:
MASTER ABDUL: I could really get used to having a slave boy. Somewhere down my family line, we owned slaves. Something idyllic about that, even though it's not legal anymore.
MASTER MIKE: There is something natural about it. Seems natural that white men like us take charge. Plus, I can't help but notice that the slave looks more natural naked, locked, and collared.
MASTER ABDUL: He did take those things pretty well - almost like it was second nature to him.
MASTER ANDY: In a way we did him a favor, right? He seems to have taken well to it, and it does indeed seem like the natural scheme of things.
MASTER MIKE: So boys, what are your plans for the slave if you win tonight? All of us seem well poised to do so.
MASTER ANDY: My fiancé is away for a work trip, so I could really use a slave to take out my sexual frustrations. Truth be told, I'm getting a little hard thinking about it
(others laugh).
MASTER ANDY: I would just use all of his holes - I have only done anal once, and it was amazing, but my fiancée doesn't do it. So yeah, just tie him somewhere and fuck him every which way.
MASTER ABDUL: It's nice when you don't have to worry about consent.
MASTER RYAN: Well, slaves can't consent, right? That's the whole point about being a slave.
MASTER ANDY: Exactly. It's nice to worry just about your pleasure and not have to think about whether you're hurting someone else for a change.
MASTER MIKE: I take it you like doing it rough?
MASTER ANDY: Rougher than my fiancée would like
(others laugh).
MASTER PHIL: I, for one, am going back to my college to meet up with other members of the lacrosse team. I would love to offer them a slave boy for the overnight.
MASTER RYAN: That poor boy - he'll be destroyed by all of those players.
MASTER PHIL: Haha, probably. Some of those guys are twisted. I think one of them might fuck him in the ass with a lacrosse stick or something.
MASTER ANDY: Well that will be something - either a sex slave for me or a house slave for a bunch of lacrosse guys. What else - Mike, Ryan?
MASTER MIKE: I used to make performance art pieces with human elements, and had this idea for one called "Colonization." My idea was to have a man - be shackled in a cage with a bit in his mouth, a cage on his dick, and a dildo stuck up his ass. The dildo would be remote controlled, and viewers can change the settings in intensity. They could also reach through the cage and touch the man, grab his nipples, etc. Well, if I had a slave boy, I wouldn't need to convince anyone to do that.
MASTER ANDY: That does sound hot. If laws weren't laws, you could even sell the art to a wealthy buyer.
MASTER MIKE: Don't get me started; one of the downsides of performance art
(others laugh).
MASTER MIKE: Maybe things could change anyway. Ryan?
MASTER ABDUL: I'm more old school, I guess. I long for the days when we had slaves in the fields doing our work. I have a large farm here in rural Georgia; I would take the slave there and work in the fields. I do have other workers there; maybe they'll get some more ideas.
MASTER PHIL: Maybe - like they'll use the slave boy for his holes? Or realize they wouldn't mind also being naked slaves to a white master?
MASTER ABDUL:: The possibilities are endless!
(others laugh)
MASTER ABDUL: Perhaps even put a bridle on him and make him pull me around like a pony slave.
I was more turned on than before as I walked back in. "You've got an interesting future, boy," Master Andy said. "And it all depends on this final hand." I gulped.
As the game wound down, one of the masters dropped his cards, and won the wager.
They say “to the winner belongs the spoils.” Now I knew it was true.
I could hear people milling around me but I couldn't see them through the leather blindfold covering my eyes. I heard waiters passing around hors d'oeuvres and glasses of champagne while male voices murmured in the background.
"It's vulgar, isn't it? An attempt to shock the audience?"
"Is it? I think it almost feels at home, familiar. Like it was meant to be. This beautiful, slight, body chained, immobile, subject to whatever men want to do with it."
"I suppose so. I can pinch this dark nipple and he is powerless to do anything." I felt a sharp pinch on my left nipple and couldn't help myself; I flinched and winced, but the handcuffs and humbler around my legs and chained to the ground didn't let me go that far.
"Interesting you say," another voice said. "I see it as an artwork, an object. Yes, there is what looks like a human as a part of it, but the human has become part of the piece." I heard others murmur in the background in agreement. I felt my cock stiffen in the chastity cage.
"Look, it is leaking precum!" yet another voice said. "I think it feels at home in this position."
"Have you seen the interactive part yet?" I heard a familiar voice say. It was Master Phil. "No," responded another man, as I felt his rough hands touch my stomach. "I thought touching the artwork was interactive enough!" A group of men laughed nearby.
Just at that moment, I felt the dildo in my ass start to pulsate. I couldn't help myself as a moan escaped my throat - although it was muffled by the bit in my mouth. The audience heard the vibrating sound and I heard a few chuckles.
"There is a vibrator in the ass that can be controlled by the audience," Master Phil stated. "Interestingly, it's in another room of the gallery. You might have confused it for a thermostat or something, but if you look closely, it's labeled 'intensity' and goes from off to low to high. Part of the artist's messaging. Ah, here he comes now," I heard Phil say, as I heard footsteps. The group murmured and clapped.
"Thank you all for coming," I heard Master Mike say. "I heard Phil talking about the control in the other room. I think of it as a symbolizing white men's control over all bodies from a distant Western metropole, without them even knowing what is really going on."
"Powerful," I heard one man say. "Indeed - and both as symbolism, and as indicating the white male art patron's control over the art piece." Another responded.
"Is that why all of the patrons here, and even the staff, are white men?" Asked an inquisitive member. "Yes, that's right," Master Mike said.
"It also makes sense to me that you used a white human body. And one that is short, and not well endowed," stated another viewer. "It feels right that this human is part of the art piece, controlled by white men. A stronger, more muscular, taller, white man would not fit the bill." The comment garnered much agreement from other viewers.
"I'm glad the message came through," Master Mike said. "Now, please, enjoy yourselves, interact with the artwork." I heard applause as the crowd returned to chatting, eating and drinking, and playing with my body. I felt the vibrator start pulsing intensely. The pleasure was quite intense, and I felt my body sweating.
My sense of time was a little warped, but I knew it was Saturday – the day after the poker game. I had been there for several hours now. Before I was put into place, I was given a medication that kept me hydrated, and
preventing me from needing to use the bathroom for 48 hours. That would span the weekend - and the time Master Mike got to own me after winning.
"It's a beautiful piece," I heard a man say to Master Mike. "Are you looking to sell it?"
"You know, I hadn't thought about it," I heard Master Mike say, "but the offer sure is tempting."
"My name is David Andrews," the man said. "I'm a connoisseur of sorts in the colonial art space. Most of my collection is historical artifacts, but this would be a lovely addition to my gallery in the UK."
"Is it in London?" I heard Master Ryan say. "No," Mr. Andrews responded. "I don't think folks in London would go for this." I heard a small group of men laugh. "I have an estate in the country, members only, for men who appreciate art hearkening back to colonial days."
"How would you even ship the art?" I heard Master Andy ask. "Well," Mr. Andrews answered, "it would have to go through customs and I'd need to ship it either private or via one of the big shipping companies. And I would probably let the officials in charge have a little fun with the art
piece as a thank you."
"Interesting; I've never thought of being able to sell a performance art piece," I heard Master Mike say. "Well, yes, do you have the title to it? You can register any piece of art as property," I heard another man say. "I'm Brian Windgate," the man introduced himself. "I'd be interested in purchasing the piece for display in my private home. And I would use the human piece for my own pleasure use as well. It will be nice to have a human object I own legally."
"Now wait a minute," I heard Master Abdul say. "I'd like a chance to throw my hat in the ring; I do have quite a bit of money in my trust fund. I could still use a field slave."
"Isn't this getting a little out of hand?" I heard Master Andy whisper to Masters Phil and Mike. "I mean, didn't we only win John for the weekend?"
"I'm not sure he can do anything about it," Master Phil said. "Yeah, and by the looks of all that leaking pre-cum, he doesn't seem to mind," Master Mike said in jest. "Well, that or someone is really turning up the intensity." The three laughed.
And honestly? To me, it was a little of both. I wondered what would happen as I remained immobile, unable to see or speak, and incredibly turned on.
I could smell freshly cut grass in the air as I tugged the cart behind me. With blinders on, a bit in my mouth, and my cock locked, I could not see, but I could feel Master Abdul tug to tell me to change directions. Next to me, I could feel another man tugging the cart as well.
I should explain. Master Abdul did end up taking me after my stint as an art installation. The guys decided that it would be too risky to let me out of their group, just in case some of the other men at the art gallery got a little too creative. I was brought to Master Abdul’s expansive farm in North Georgia, where I met his three farm hands - Jose, a muscular 6 foot tall 30 year old single Mexican man with Native American blood: Pierre, a 6 foot
5 tall absolute tank of a man with dark black skin from Senegal; and
Karim, a hairy, 5 foot 10 recent immigrant from Syria.
The three men were surprised when I walked in wearing nothing but a collar and a chastity device. They weren't slaves, so Master Abdul simply told them I was a new addition to their work team to help prep the farm for an evening with Masters Andy, Phil, and Mike. They shrugged and we all went off to do chores around the field.
The men were curious and asked me why I would do something like this. I told them my story - which they all found funny - and how Master Abdul had won the right to own me that weekend.
"Do you like it?" Lupe inquired. "He seems to," Karim said, tapping my locked cock and noting my leaking dick after recounting my story.
"I was nervous at first," I said. "But Master Abdul and the other men just seemed so confident and like owning me felt natural." I smiled and noted the other men had grown significant bulges in their pants.
We continued to toil in the fields and the sun continued to rise in the sky. Soon, it was in the high 80s and everyone was sweating. Jose took off his shirt, revealing a smooth chest and a large tattoo on his right
pec. Soon, Karim and Pierre joined in. After a while, Pierre wondered aloud, "perhaps we should all strip? Would certainly save us having to wash all these clothes." The others agreed and soon we were all working
naked in the fields - with me of course wearing a collar and a lock on my cock.
About a half hour later, I heard Master Abdul calling out. "Hey! You can't all work naked here - what if someone catches you and you get in trouble for public indecency?"
"Sir, we were all just hot," Jose said. "Well, we have to cover you up a bit," Master Abdul said. "I have some collars and chastity device here if you wouldn't mind putting them on." The other guys looked at each other, but it looked like they had been thinking about it too.
Everyone else struggled to put the chastity devices, especially Pierre with his 11 inch thick monster, but Jose's 9 inch uncut cock and Karin's 8 inch circumcised dick also put up a fight. Everyone was clearly turned on and excited - sounds like it wasn't just my fantasy? After that, we all just started calling Master Abdul "sir" and "master" - it kind of felt right.
That evening, Master Andy noted that Master Abdul had somehow quadrupled his stable of slaves. The masters all laughed, as the four of us served drinks and served as footstools. Initially, it was just me who was stuck under the table sucking off each of the masters as they won games of poker. I went from Master Andy's 7 inch light pink uncut cock, to Master Phil's 8 inch thick dick, to Master Abdul 9 inches, to Master Mike's respectable 6 inch tan cock. I didn't think any of the other slaves to be interested in sexually servicing men, but they too joined in. It was especially humiliating to see Pierre service Master Mike, a man whose dick was literally half his size.
The word "stable" resonated with Master Phil, and there was a discussion of what Master Abdul could do with four slaves. In the end, the masters decided that Master Abdul could use two of us at a time as ponies, one as a house slave, and one as a sexual slave in the bedroom. "And perhaps I can loan them out to you once in a while," Master Abdul quipped.
That was about a month ago. I went back to the office that Monday, since Master Abdul knew I still had to finish my internship. But, the entire summer, I was to not wear an undershirt under my dress shirts, and to wear my chastity device at all times. I was also to stay at Master Abdul's farm with the other slaves on the weekend.
The rest of the slaves stayed permanent slaves; after all, they were previously just hired workers. But now, they lived in a stable during the summer and were owned by Master Abdul
As the summer ended, Master Abdul asked what I wanted to do after. "You'll get a return offer to join the firm, of course. But think about whether you've found something else you're more natural at."
I did get the return offer to return to the law firm.
I was hones with Master Abdul and he was honest and supportive of my needs,
With his guidance I was able I accepted the offer that was best for me.
The Offer Master Abdul made to me.
I am now Master Abdul’s legal Assistant. I live in his apartment as his “pet” slave during the week
Every Friday afternoon after work Master Abdul strips me, collars, me loads me into my dog carrier in the back of his car. Off we go to his farm where I eagerly get together with my fellow slave Jose, Karim, and Pierre
The four of us spend the entire weekend serving my legal associates Master Phil, Master Andy, Master Mike. And my life time master, Master Abdul.
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kai-anderson-whore · 2 years
Pretty please write something off of the song “ride it” by Jay Sean 😭😭😭
U can add any changes to it u need to, just pleasss😭
Sure I struggled a bit this thing one since I was cutting in-between studying I hope you like it
Ride it (smut) (kai Anderson x fem reader)
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Summary: you met kai when your boyfriend broke up with you making kai a rebound.
Warnings: smut , reader riding kai, mentions of cheating.
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
You had met kai a month and twenty days ago at a club you were there to forget you ex, playing these games with him on the rebound if you will, kai knew it was just that but he felt much more for you, the one for him you were.
You sat by the bar sipping your mojito your dress tight on your body hugging each curve perfectly, topping up your lip gloss often since the shine stained the glass containing your drink.
"Hey can I buy you a drink" a voice said beside you, giving him a slight bit of your attention you noticed he was good looking the kind of guy to help you get over your ex, "sure I'll have another mojito" you said with a toothy grin.
"A old fashioned and a mojito please" he said to the barman, giving the man a nod making our drinks, "I'm kai- kai Anderson" the blue haired man introduced, "y/n y/l/n" you smiled.
"You here alone?" He asked now sitting on the barstool beside you, "I wasn't I came here with my best friend but she went off with some dude" you shrugged as the bartender gave you and kai your drinks "That sucks" he chucked making you giggle.
After a few more drinks chatting with kai, Flirting with him and he was with you, eventually landing you in your home his lips on yours as you stumbled around.
He loved how fiesty you were, a bit of a diva, you loved to tease him telling him no when he was trying to reel you up then sending him that cheeky wink that drove im crazy as you walked away from him.
Kai sat on the sofa of the basement, his thumb grazing over your contact number contemplating on whether to call you are not, finally giving in placing the phone his ear waiting on you to answer.
"Hey kai" your voice spoke through the device making kai smile, "Hey y/n you busy?" He asked waiting on your answer, "why miss me already Anderson?" You teased with a light giggle.
"Maybe so are you?" He chuckled, "I'm not busy I'll be over in twenty minutes" you replied before handing up, fishing out a outfit and matching lingerie you always made sure to look your best for kai, there was something about him pulling you in you couldn't explain it but you liked it.
And as if it were clockwork you were outside kai's door within that twenty minutes, your knuckles knocking on the wood of the door, waiting for kai to answer.
The door pulled open revealing the man you had been seeing for the past nearly two months, it wasn't if so you were dating it was a casual hook up thing, but you were starting to have feelings for him.
"Hey" you smiled waving at him, "Hey come in" kai said moving aside allowing to enter the house, you shrugged your coat off along with your sneakers, allowing yourself to get comfortable.
"Do you want a drink or anything?" He asked you shook your head not wanting to bother him, he took a seat beside you in the basement 'his little mancave' he called it, "how was your day" he asked looking into your eyes.
"Yeah good just working away" you shrugged going on to tell him about your day, his eyes darting between your eyes and lips, till they linked with yours, his hand on the back of your neck holding you there close to him as his body pushed you down on the sofa.
Your hands went to remove his shirt, discarding it on the floor along with our own, "I want you to ride me" he instructed wasting no time you got up removing your bottoms so did kai leaving you both naked.
Straddling his thighs before sinking down on him, you both sighed in union, your hips rocked along his cock, the pleasure you were receiving making you throw your head back holding kai's chest, his eyes watching your tits bounce, his grip leaving crescent marks on your hips as he thrusted into you.
"Oh fuck kai" you moaned your legs shaking ready to give in, kai's hips snapping up harder and faster bringing you closer to that blissful ecstasy you've Been awaiting for.
Kai felt like you touched his soul whenever you were like this together he couldn't get enough of you, you always left him wanting and needing more.
"You gonna cum baby?" He asked all you could do was nod that coil in your stomach ready to snap, "use your words" he ordered.
"Please kai let me cum please" you begged unable to hold on, "let go princess" he grunted, now nearing his own release, "Oh my god kai" you almost screamed that wave hitting you like a tsunami.
Kai kept giving you hard, fast thrust chasing his own release, overstimulating you, hissing at the feeling, "Oh shit fuck" he moaned spilling his load into you.
Your body was exhausted, chest pressed against his, his hand stroking your back comforting you through the blissfulness you were in.
The next morning you were awakened by your phone ringing, checking to see who it was the number unknown to you, grabbing kai's shirt from last night answering the phone.
"Y/n?" You heart dropped hearing that voice that broke you almost two months ago "what do you want" you asked in annoyance.
"I want to talk to you I miss you" your ex said "no no you don't other wise you wouldn't have FUCKING CHEATED" you shouted banging your fist againt the door, startling kai from his slumber, "it's over okay I can't take it anymore I moved on you should to" was the last thing you said hanging up and blocking the number.
Kai stood there trying to seem oblivious to what happened nonchalant, you walked up to him till he was against the door, "I know you heard but I can make you forget it all" you smirked and thats what you did.
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Oh look, What I have so far for my Cataclysm and pre-canon Mondstadt plot points for my ATWIAWL AU!
After defeating Durin, Celestia summons Barbatos to assassinate the Khaenri’an heir, to which Barbatos very reluctantly cooperates with, that is until they get there and discover a baby Kaeya.
Seeing his smile, Barbatos cannot bring themself to kill the baby and attempts to smuggle him away from the Cataclysm, but they are discovered by Morax and the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles.
Before all of this, Dainsleif was exiled (for reasons I haven’t really decided yet) from Khaenri’ah but came back during the Cataclysm hoping to save the people, but bumps into Barbatos. Dainsleif is tense at first until Barbatos hands Kaeya over to him and tells him that he must run before the Sustainer arrives.
The Sustainer then proceeds to arrive and Barbatos buys the two time as Dainsleif and Kaeya flee into the Abyss. However, Barbatos quickly loses the fight.
An offence like this would normally lead to the offender’s execution, however, the Sustainer is unable to kill Barbatos without severe consequences (all relating to Istaroth), but leaving them to their own devices is just as equally dangerous, so instead, the Heavenly Principles seal them away.
She still tells all the other archons that they killed Barbatos to dissuade them from also rebelling.
Before they’re able to seal them away, however, Barbatos transfers their powers over to the Thousand Winds, blessing them with power rivalling that of Liyue’s adepti so that after the deed is done and the Sustainer sets out to attack Mondstadt, the Wind Wisps are able to fight her off, sending her into a deep slumber after the Cataclysm weakened her.
After they were blessed by Barbatos, the Wind Wisps essentially became divine protectors of Mondstadt, similar to the Four Winds and Liyue’s adepti. They’re also able to have human forms, identifiable by their white hair and anemo-coloured tips and eyes. They mostly stay in Mondstadt but are also known to live in other nations alongside people they decide to stick to.
Before they were sealed away, Barbatos was able to remove their soul and put it into the form of a Wind Wisp not too dissimilar from the rest of the Thousand Winds. Since their identity as Venti was compromised, Barbatos decided to craft a new identity under the name of Nye and use it to secretly remain in Teyvat.
The fact that Barbatos disguised as Nye is still around is a secret only the Thousand Winds are privy to, because if Celestia were to ever hear of Nye’s true identity, they could potentially awaken prematurely, and that is the last thing anyone wants.
Because they’re around, Venti is able to heal Dvalin of Durin’s poison, but because I’m also a sucker for the gay dragons, close to the present events of the game, Durin gets reincarnated into the most reckless being in all of Teyvat. Initially, Dvalin lets him be out of a sense of guilt from killing his past self, but then Durin (whose name might not be Durin anymore) gets himself in a sticky situation and Dvalin has to appear in his human form in order to get him out of that situation. Afterwards, Dvalin decides to stick around with Durin to ensure that he doesn’t get himself almost killed again.
In his human form, Dvalin has a fake anemo vision and I can imagine him either being a bow user or a catalyst user.
I like to think that Durin would have a cryo vision. I can imagine his weapon either being a claymore or a physical catalyst like Heizou or Wriothesley.
During the Ursa the Drake crisis, the presence of the wisps are able to save Crepus’ life. I haven’t decided yet if present-day Diluc still has the same personality he had before his father died in canon, or if he’s still grumpy. Another fic that inspired me was “A Bard’s Ambition” by OG_CaleHenituse where even though Venti saved Crepus’ life, it wasn’t without people thinking he had died when he went missing which still results in Diluc’s fallout with the knights.
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testingthewatersss · 9 months
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I never lost him Trigger warnings for PTSD, mentions of war, torture,  etc. Just unapologetic cuddling and comfort ft. Steve Rodgers. Bucky Barnes x F Reader Chapter 5 3500 words fluff, angst, comfort. 18+ MDNI Post TWS Steve realises that he's not the only one looking for Sargent Barnes. Reader is Tony’s sister, a non-enhanced shield agent who recently resurfaced.
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When morning finally comes, it’s her who wakes first, stretching and yawning and running her hands through her lovers hair to soothe him when he starts to come round, too.
“Hi, handsome” she whispers, letting him nudge her jaw with his nose in greeting, “Sleep well?”
Not really, Bucky thinks grimly, fighting back against the lingering, nightmarish visions still burning behind his eyes, But I slept, so I guess that’s something.
Y/N knows what his silence means. She draws him in a fraction closer, bringing her lips to his brow.
His metal arm lets out a low moan, polished fingers furling against her hip bone.
“How do you wanna do this, doll?”
She quirks a brow, letting him move up to peer at her with tired eyes.
“Today” he clarifies, “The move”
Bucky watches curiously as she smiles at him, letting her fingers roll along his jaw, down, so that they can tickle his neck, too.
“However you want, Buck”
Her voice is like honey. It’s thick, and sweet, and he’d drown in it, if he could.
“I want it over with…” he says, harsher than he’d intended.
Y/N chuckles at that, light and airy.
“That’s fair” she allows, playing with his hair, “Want me to call Steve? or Tony, maybe… Tony could make up some excuse, get rid of him for a couple of hours?”
Bucky’s lip purses, he shuts his eyes for a minute, and considers wether or not orchestrating an event to remove his oldest friend from the building might be a step too far.
“You… You think he’d buy it?”
“I don’t think it matters-” she says, calm “-if SHEILD call him in for something, he has to go check it out”
“You didn’t mention anythin’ about SHEILD”
“My brother has some pull with head-office” she reminds him, “It’s the easiest way to clear everyone who’s not staff out of the tower”
He looks unhappy for a moment, but then his expression shifts to considerate.
Eventually, after a few deep breathes, he nods.
“Do… Do I get my own room?” he asks, voice almost jovial-
Y/N laughs, already on her mobile.
“Sure you do, Barnes” she tells him, “It’s bein’ made up as we speak, we settled on blue for the decor”
She lowers her phone, expecting to see some kind of smile on his face.
Maybe those genuine expectations are why the look of pure horror catches her so off guard.
“Hey-” she bursts, “-Hey— What’s the matter?”
The device she’d been clutching lies forgotten by her legs, as she reaches over to stroke his cheeks with both of her hands.
Silently, Bucky reaches up, so that he can bring one set of her knuckles to his lips. He presses a kiss against her thumb, and hopes she can’t feel the way his jaw is quaking.
“You want a different colour?” she presses, aiming for humorous, “Or-”
He shakes his head, drawing in a breath through his nose.
“..I… I thought we… we’d be staying together…”
There isn’t a question in his voice. He’s not asking for clarification. He’s already settled on his conclusion and that is what she thinks is the most upsetting.
“Do you really believe I’d just leave you on your own like that?”
Blue eyes widen, he clutches her hand a little tighter as he stares at her, and then he shakes his head.
“No” he confesses, voice breaking now, “No, but if-”
“You have your own room for if you want it” Y/N explains, “It’s there for you if you want your own space, but nobody— Not a single person is going to take me away from you, okay?”
She knows what he fears. He’s told her. He’s spent a long time telling her all the horrible ways he’s been kept over the years, and she’s long since realised that isolation is what scares him most.
Her assurance settles him. He nods, and kissers her hand before lowering it back to the sheets.
“Will…” Bucky makes himself ask, “…Will we be going to your room, then?”
He wants details, she realises, He wants to know exactly what’s going to happen.
That’s fair. That’s more than fair, really.
“When we have a time” she begins, tone deliberately calm, “Then we’ll get started here, Buck… We’ll grab whatever you want to bring and we’ll take my car back to the tower…”
He’s watching her, clearly hanging on her every word.
“…then…” she continues, “…then we’ll park in lower garage and take the elevator up to the main block—“
“Main block?”
The genuine intrigue in his voice makes her smile, she brings his hand to her lips this time, kissing the cool metal as she nods.
“The main block” he hears her confirm, “There are a couple of out-buildings, Buck… Trainin’ areas, workshops, guest houses, bits like that”
He’s awestruck, but he just nods, waiting for her to continue reciting their plan for the day;
“So” Y/N sighs, “Once we’re inside, we’ll head straight up to our suite”
“Our” he cuts in again, the word feeling foreign on his tongue, “Our?”
That is definitely a question.
“Well, yeah” she beams, “If we’re goin’ to share, then that makes it ours, doesn’t it?”
He lets out a disbelieving scoff, the hand he’s not clinging to hers with going up to scratch at his jaw.
“…And once we’re in there…” Y/N says, “…then we can do whatever you want, Buck… We have all the toys, and a kitchen, and a bathroom with a proper tub…”
“And Steve?”
“When he comes home?…” she checks, waiting for his nod before continuing, “…We’ll be in our room by then, won’t we?”
He nods again, watching her.
“So, I think that answer falls under ‘we can do whatever you want’-” she replies, “-As soon as we get inside our door is going to lock, the only people gettin’ in are people we let in so whatever happens is totally up to you”
He pauses then, mid breath as his brow furrows with consideration.
“Do…” he gulps, “…Do we have to tell him I’m there?”
“No” Y/N allows, “But he’s not stupid, Buck, after a couple of days he’s bound to figure it out and I think it might be a little bit kinder not to drag it out too long…“
Again, his expression shifts to something awfully thoughtful. This time, she can’t help but reach over to stroke his hair back, away from his eyes.
Her phone buzzes, but she ignores it. Relishing instead, in the way he’s pushing back against her touch.
“We… We have to tell him today”
The certainty in his tone is oddly familiar. She knows what it sounds like when he’s set on something, when his minds been made up. Trying to talk him out of whatever it is, is a waste of energy. She’s curious though, about how he’d come to his decision;
Bucky blinks at her, looking resigned.
“It’s like you said, doll…” he sighs, “…He’ll find out anyway, in a couple’of days, and then… then if he knows that I hid from him he’s only going’ to feel guilty— like I… like I don’t trust him and I—” he runs a hand through his hair, “—I do.”
That makes sense. She nods.
“If I tell him I need space, do you really think he’ll back off?”
“Do you?” she challenges, knowing that’s what really matters.
After another momentary pause, he inhales, squeezing her fingers again.
“Yeah” he whispers, “Yeah, I— I trust him.”
With an approving smile, Y/N nods again, releasing his hand so that she can grab her cell phone that has been vibrating unhappily by her knee.
Bucky watches her curiously as she unlocks it, reading whatever is on her screen. He’s about to ask when she laughs, rolling her eyes and slipping it back onto the nightstand.
“Tony already had it covered” she tells him, “He says he scheduled everyone including himself in for a full morning of charity gigs— y’know? meet and greets, photo opps with kids, that kinda thing— he, uh, thought about using his connections with SHEILD but didn’t think you’d like the idea of gettin’ them involved, so he went with this instead…”
Bucky’s jaw drops.
“Smart, really—” Y/N continues, “—Captain America can’t bail on things like that, not with press swarmin’ around”
The man is still staring at her, lamely trying to wrap his head around the idea that her brother has had the forethought to arrange something like this for him. For his benefit, for the benefit of the man that killed his parents—
“So” her calm voice drawls, “We have ‘till three to get settled. That’s plenty of time, love.”
He forces a smile, but Y/N can see that he’s not quite present.
“Do you want to get breakfast?” she presses, trying to coax him back to her, to the present, where she can kiss his cheek, “or—”
Bucky’s head shakes slowly. He tries to think of anything other than the sound of Howard Stark begging for his life.
“Can we go now?” he asks, suddenly needing to move, “Can… Can we just… go?”
“Hey…” Y/N soothes, sitting up to kiss at his cheek, “Sure we can, but, just— breathe for me, love, look at me”
He does, blue eyes blink to hers, and she watches tears fill them.
“I’m sorry” he whispers, “I’m so, so sorry”
And just like that, she knows he’s not apologising for anything he’s done recently. In her opinion, he’s not apologising for anything he has ever done.
Still, she knows that’s a pointless road to go down right now, so, she nods, and kisses him again.
“…I know…I know you are” he hears her swear, “…It’s okay…”
“I didn’t mean too” he sniffs, “I…”
“I know” she says again, “Sweetheart, I know you didn’t”
He looks so desperate, that for a second she reconsiders all of this. Maybe he’d be better off right here, with her, away from Tony, and Steve and Natasha and any other reminder of a past he should never have had to live through… But then, he blinks, ducking his head and sniffing back tears, as his free hand comes up to tug at the dog tag that he hasn’t taken off since she’d given it to him, and she knows they have to try.
“Bucky” she whispers, “I love you— I know this isn’t easy, but you’ve gotta hear me when I tell you that I wouldn’t put you in danger”
“I know” he agrees weakly, “I know, and I… I love you too, doll— I… I really do, and I trust you, I- I just, I feel so bad… like everythin’ that happened was because I wasn’t strong enough to stop it and I- I don’t want to wait too long now and freak out, I- I just want to get movin’…”
That makes a whole lot of sense, so she nods, pressing a final kiss against his cheek before straightening up a fraction and suggesting that they get started on packing.
He doesn’t want to bring much, and most of her belongings are already at the tower.
It’s sad really, how everything he owns fits into a backpack.
Y/N does try and convince him to bring any trinkets he’s grown attached too, any books or maybe some of the clothes they’ve stocked into the closets, but, he declines, confessing that he’s barely touched anything outside of the kitchen, including the wardrobe.
“I don’t need much” he says, baseball cap firmly in place, “I don’t think I’ve ever kept clutter”
She rolls her eyes, holding onto his gloved hand as they start to towards the door.
“Lucky for you I have plenty” she scoffs, “we’ll have to order you some proper clothes though, Buck, that henley is older than me.”
“I’m older than you”
She laughs at his rebuttal, and he cracks his first real smile of the morning.
He manages to keep it well into their journey. The pair chatter about nothing. About the cost of sweaters and the way her brother dresses sometimes.
It’s only when they pull up outside the towers back gates that his expression turns dower.
There’s a concerned crease between his brow, and his eyes are flicking around their new surroundings in an obvious act of surveillance.
Y/N doesn’t comment on the shift, she just holds his hand as the door to the internal garage opens, and the car slows to a crawl in it’s usual space.
“What’s your threat level, huh?”
She’d started asking him that years ago. When she’d needed to try and find a way of letting a terrified solider let her know how scared he was, without having to say it out-right.
He finds it just as comforting now, which is probably why they still use the system so often.
“6” is the answer Bucky settles on after a beat of consideration.
“Want to take a minute?” she offers, “they others are out, they won’t be back ‘till much later on.”
“Maybe?” he says, “Could… could I take a look around?”
He wants to familiarise himself with his new environment. To scan it for any threats that might’ve once been lurking in the shadows.
“Sure” she agrees, opening her own car door, “You can look wherever you want”
He doesn’t venture far. He just circles the room, stopping every few paces to examine something he’s decided might be important.
This isn’t new behaviour. He’s been this way ever since she’d first met him, and she’s long since abandoned trying to decipher how much of this overly cautious attitude was there before HYDRA trained it into him.
There must’ve been something there before. Some small spark of nervousness that has only been heightened by the trauma of his experiences.
Maybe I’ll ask Steve, she muses dryly, I’m sure he’d love to tell me all about how he was when they were younger.
“Is… is there somethin’ below us, doll?” Bucky asks growing still at Y/N’s side,
“Yeah, sweetheart” she answers, “It’s just storage— it’s full of Tony’s scraps.”
Bucky nods, seemingly satisfied.
“4” is what he says, reaching out for her hand, “Is there a security system?”
That makes her laugh, a real, untempered laugh bursting through her lips as they head towards the entrance.
“FRIDAY— This is Bucky”
His eyes narrow, with confusion, and then, they widen as a gentle glow of blue flutters across his vision.
“Nice to meet you Sargent Barnes— I am FRIDAY”
“8” he bursts, fingers tightening around her own as a sudden flush of panic tightens around his chest, “8”
“Hey” Y/N soothes, realising that this display might be more than a little bit jarring, “Hey, it’s okay— she’s the security system, she’s our AI, it’s alright”
He blinks 3 times fast, trying to keep his breathing steady.
“I’ve been informed by your brother that he is to be given full family access, is that still applicable?”
“Wh-what does she… what does she mean?”
“She means-” Y/N exhales, “-That Tony told her that you were coming”
That seems to settle him for a beat. He slips back into silence and she can’t help but lean in and press a kiss against his cheek.
“Is… Is she real?”
Her head quirks at that, a smile tugging at her lips.
“Why don’t you ask her?”
“She… she can hear me?” he asks, “All the time?”
“Not exactly, Sargent Barnes— I can only hear you when I’m listening. Daily conversations are filtered by the lower levels of my programming so that I don’t intercept private information.”
“My… My name is Bucky” he says, eyes looking up and around at the ceiling, “Are… are you a real person?”
“No, Bucky. I am a type of Artificial Intelligence programmed by the Starks to manage the various systems that are integrated throughout their homes and technology.”
“So, you’re… you’re a computer?”
“If that makes it easier for you to understand” she allows, “but not really.”
Y/N laughs again, and squeezes his hand.
“She has a personality, and independent thought. We coded her, but it’s not as simple as her just being a computer.”
“Like Vision?” he asks, trying to make sense of the bizarity of the situation, “You told me about him”
“Kind of” she agrees, “He started off as JARVIS, who handled things before FRIDAY, but he’s got a physical body, now, and a little extra kick from the stone.”
“So” Bucky exhales, “She’s runs the security?”
“She runs everything” Y/N says proudly, “We have tones of security protocols, Buck- Force fields, DNA walls, facial recognition and genetic detectors - It’d be impossible to have all of those monitored by staff 24/7, so FRIDAY oversees them, checks them for bugs or abnormalities.”
“Can I see?” he asks suddenly, “Not right now- but, but one day, I- I’d really like to see how it all works.”
Her heart swells in her chest as she sees the genuine spark of interest behind his eyes.
It’s so sweet, seeing him letting himself admit to his curiosity that she can’t help but kiss him again.
“Sure” she promises, “Sure you can, as soon as we get settled, I’ll pull up all the screens with you, give you a guided tour, okay?”
“That sounds nice” he muses, “I… I always liked tech, ever since I was a kid I… I used to think it was magic, I always said if I’d’ve been able to go to school it would’ve been for somethin’ like that”
“Look at you” she teases, “Beauty and brains.”
He scoffs, eyes rolling as she inches in towards him;
“Still at an 8?” she murmurs, lips ghosting his jaw.
“5” he alters, leaning down in an attempt to garner another kiss.
She obliges, not pulling away until she’s confident that his calm facade is almost genuine.
“Ready to head inside?” she checks, looking at the door, “It’s a straight shot up the stairs, or we can take the elevator.”
They don’t.
Bucky asks if she’d mind walking, and the way he’s still gripping her hand makes her answer real simple.
They go slow. Y/N is more than happy to let him peer out of the windows and let his free fingers graze the polished banisters.
She catches him starring at the view from the seventh floor with a strange amount of longing, and that’s when she decides to break the silence they’d been settled in.
“You can see the fields” she notes, over his shoulder, “and there—” she points, “That lake? is great for fishing”
“Steve likes it there?” he checks, “You told me he spent all weekend there last month”
“Yeah” she confirms, “He tried to put a tent together, but I asked FRIDAY and she told me that he couldn’t quite manage it”
Bucky scoffs at that, leaning into her side a little more obviously.
“How far does the forcefield go?”
“We have 3 layers” she answers, “Zone X, Y and Z— Z is the inner ring, X is the outer.”
He nods, face considerate.
“FRIDAY, can you light them up for a second, please?”
“Sure thing, boss”
“You can only really see the nearest one from here” Y/N tells him, “the other two go out too far— the furthest is a couple of miles over the gate line.”
The soft blue dome is beautiful. It’s shimmering like water as it disappears into the sky, and then, into the trees that are lining the horizon line that’s visible from the window.
“That’s incredible” he says, genuinely meaning it, “How… How does it work?”
“God” she chuckles, “I suppose me just sayin’ that it ‘just does’ isn’t goin’ to cut it, huh?”
He smiles, turning to face her properly.
“It’s energy based, sweetheart, self-fuelled by the arc reactor technology that keeps the rest of the building running”
“Energy based?” he parrots, clearly keening for more detail, “So it’s not physical?”
“It’s a meta-physical barrier” Y/N allows, “but if it deems any other energy signatures to be a problem the pro-tons knit together in whatever arrangement is needed to repel them”
“So” he starts, “It reads other types of energy and if it thinks it’s a threat then it can change itself to get rid of it?”
“Basically” she agrees, “It’s why birds don’t fry themselves by getting too close, why we could drive up and in, why Tony can take off and land and why Steve’s shield could make it out to hit a goon that wouldn’t stand a chance at touching it”
The look of awe on his face takes her off guard.
It dawns on her that maybe she’s so used to all of these impossible things that it’s easy for her to forget how unusual they are to everyone else.
“and that’s just one facet of the security systems” FRIDAY announces suddenly, “you are safe here, Sargent Barnes.”
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