#By the way this beautiful drawing was drawn by the author himself
tushanfoxspirit · 2 years
So beautiful and heart warming…
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jemiswumbo · 12 days
she’s out of her mind
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luke castellan x daughter of hades!reader
anon prompt: Hey babes! I saw your post about wanting prompts and I was wondering you could write Luke Castellan x Daughter of Hades! Reader where it's like sunshine (Luke) x grumpy (Reader) trope?
authors note: hello i am back with a small drabble for the cute prompt above! i got drunk off of applebees dollaritas and wrote this in 15mins so do with that information what you will. hope you enjoy! :)
title is from she’s out of her mind by blink-182. lyrics are a lil fitting.
warnings: none? i think? it’s just fluff, i think. sort of.
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“Wake up, sunshine.”
You groaned low and deep, releasing a guttural sound full of pure agony. Rolling over on your (extremely warm, cozy, sleep inducing) bed, you came face to face with your boyfriend, Luke Castellan, who was currently opening up the curtains in your cabin.
Being the only child of Hades at the camp, the entire cabin was sparse and empty, save for the corner you called home. There was a bed with black sheets and blanket, a side table full of the few memorabilia you had to your name, and a dresser beside that which held your extensive collection of black clothing. The walls resembled the inner workings of a cavern; slick rock prodded with small bones and beautiful jewels encapsulated the bedroom areas. Sconces held lit torches burning bright with turquoise Greek fire.
Your favourite part of the cabin, though, was the specially-crafted blackout curtains that were typically drawn tight over the windows. Not even a sliver of light could penetrate the thick, black, velvet drapes. That was, until, your idiot boyfriend took it upon himself to draw them open. The harsh blades of sunlight violated your eyes, illiciting your pained groan. You hated it when people interrupted your sleep.
“Luke,” You whined, shoving your face into your pillow, hoping to evade the blinding light. “Let me sleep, please, for the love of the gods.”
“Fuck the gods,” Luke said, and you could hear the smirk in his voice without needing to see his (cute, devilishly handsome) face. “Anyways, it’s 9am! You’ve slept in long enough and I wanna have breakfast with you and your pretty face.” Luke flopped down on the bed beside you and flipped your body back over with ease, in a foolish attempt to force you into the world of the living.
Typical for a child of Death, you kept your eyes squeezed shut and pounded the bedsheet with your fist. “I will literally, genuinely, actually murder you without hesitation if you don’t leave me the fuck alone.”
“That’s no way to talk to your boyfriend.” Luke said, pressed a small kiss to your nose. You swatted him away with anger.
Any other (normal, rational, smart) kid at camp would’ve soiled their pants and fled in terror from such a threat uttered by the one and only daughter of Hades. You were capable of a simple killing — you were graciously bestowed the gift of sucking out the souls of mortals with a mere flick of the wrist — and so it was only logical to fear such a ghastly claim. Luke, however, had realized early on in your Camp days that you were full of shit and would never hurt a fly. He took an opportunity to befriend you and you’d been dating for a few years now. You were (truly, madly, deeply) in love with him and yes, despite your immense hatred for morning sunlight, you would never actually hurt him.
“Come on,” he prodded again, cuddling up beside you and tapping your forehead mischievously. You mustered the courage to crack open one eye (barely) and saw him grinning down at you. “Wake up, baby. Let’s get breakfast and then spend the day at the docks. We can swim and sun bathe and have a picnic—“
“Gods, you’re ambitious today,” you grumbled, rolling back over to face the opposite direction of Luke (and, the open windows), allowing him to grab your waist and pull you up against his chest. “I hate being in the sun. You know this.”
“Yeah, but I like to try new things with you,” Luke said, peppering a few kisses down your jaw and the side of your neck, squeezing his taut arm around your torso. “And I’m dying to see you in a bikini.”
“Perv,” you mumbled, but deep down you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, causing a crimson blush to bloom over your chest. “Give me another hour to sleep.”
“No,” Luke said, and now it was his turn to groan impatiently. “Please, now, for me? I love you and want to spend time with you.”
“I hate you and want you to leave me alone,” you replied, pulling your fluffy duvet back up over your shoulders. “Bed time.”
“Beach time,” Luke decided. He sat up slightly and ripped the blankets entirely off your form, exposing your body to the cold air of the morning.
You shrieked. “Luke, you asshole—“
Luke jumped out of the bed, smiling wide. He gathered up all the blankets up into his arms, much to your dismay, and held them away from you. You only wore shorts and a tank top to sleep last night, and the chill in the room froze you right to your bones. Luke bundled up the bedding into a ball and fired it across the room. “There, now you’re acclimated.”
“You’re dumb as hell.”
“You are a grouchy, sleepy demon who needs breakfast and vitamin D.”
“Ugh!” You exploded, finally shoving yourself out of bed in a fit of exasperation. Luke had the audacity to applaud you. “Okay, there, I’m up!”
“So proud of you, my sleeping beauty,” Luke remarked. He crossed the room to you and placed a tender kiss to your lips, making sure to nip at your pouty bottom lip.
“Sorry for being rude,” You murmured, after having kissed him back. “I love you. I just don’t love being woken up.”
“I know,” Luke said with a grin. “I actually think you’re cute when your grumpy, so I do it on purpose to bug you.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t stop the small smirk from appearing on your cheeks. “Whatever. You promised breakfast and I’m starving, so let’s go.”
Luke mimicked your playful eyeroll. He took your hand, leading you out the door and towards the dining pavilion.
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note 2: hi hi! if you read this and enjoyed it and maybe want to read more from me, i would super appreciate prompts and requests sent to my inbox! can’t guarantee i’ll write them all but i will for sure try my best! thanks for reading! :)
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berryless · 6 months
As much as Astarion likes to pretend he's better than everyone, the truth is—when the performance ends, and the curtains draw to a close, he stays on the stage alone and forgotten, unworthy of attention when he isn't a spectacle. That's why his little theater is open for everyone around the clock. Every act, every movement, every phrase, although deftly improvised, is part of the show.
Everything to prevent the crowd from discovering the truth.
Everything to fool himself into forgetting said truth himself.
That outside of the spotlight, away from the little stage of his, when he looks in someone's eyes, Astarion doesn't see himself reflected in them. They look at him, but also past him, through him, like he's nothing but an empty space, a person-shaped hole in the fabric of the world that someone forgot to mend.
And because this happens oh so every often this thought is no longer a fear of his, not something he can doubt, but a simple fact.
They don't see him. They don't know him.
They don't care to.
Admittedly, this makes it easier to stomach luring them back to Cazador. Because of course a performance of century would require a fee. Nothing in this world is free. Certainly not his services.
And he is but a humble baitman, a shining lantern attracting moths to leap into the flames of eternal damnation.
A tool.
And as a tool he does what he's told to do unless he wants to end up discarded and broken like others disobedient useless tools were.
But then Tav sees him. And it's frightening.
Because suddenly after the show is over, after the curtains are drawn, after everything falls back to silence, and he returns to being in nothingness, he isn't truly alone on this stage anymore.
She's here, sitting quietly, looking at him in a contemplation, thinking who knows what—Astarion certainly doesn't. And her presence alone is forcing him to put back his stage costume and perform off clock, asking in jest if she happened to lost herself in his eyes, because it certainly wouldn't be the first for this to happen, he does have pretty eyes (or so he's been told enough to regurgitate the sentiment appropriately).
Tav laughs, "As a matter of fact, you do. But…" Her voice trails off, and that uncomfortable stare returns. She looks at him, lost in thoughts as she gathers her words, and a wave of goosebumps runs up Astarions arms when it comes to him she actually sees him.
Wants to see him.
Through him—in a different, completely foreign way, not skipping past his existence, but uncovering it and studying its insides. His insides.
The notion makes him nauseous.
His fingers start to tremble, and Astarion hides them in his fists.
He never knew that being perceived might be so frightening.
He's far more comfortable with everything being the usual way, for people withdrawing when the performance ends, for them seeing past him, but not him, because if they judge his mask, his persona, his act—that's a critique of his presentation. His work, if you will. His craft.
Not of Astarion himself.
And as it shockingly turns out, he might not like receiving judgment on something that he, an actor, an author, a man behind the stage is.
"You have far more than just those beautiful eyes of yours, aren't you?"
He laughs on cue, desperate to turn this exchange into one he has with his audience, "My, what gave me away? My luscious locks, perhaps? Or would that be my lustful lips? I received rave reviews on my use of them. Would you like to try for yourself?"
Tav smiles. She looks at him openly, without blushing, without twitching, neither sultry nor loathing, accepting his words like an act that they are.
Astarion can barely keep his flirtatious mask without it cracking.
"As tempting as this offer is, afraid I've to restrain myself," she sighs, the tone of her voice aligning to his. She's also performing her part, and he knows that with certainty. "My compact size does not allow me thread deep waters without caution."
And your waters, Astarion, run very deep indeed.
She doesn't say this out loud, but he can infer the meaning from other places.
"Oh, come on, I'm hardly deeper than a puddle," he quips back. "You'll be perfectly fine sloshing through. As long as you don't mind being messy."
"Will I?"
He's still unable to see his reflection, but the feeling of being seen doesn't go away. She looks at him, through him, but not past him, right into his skull, right into his soul, and a part of him wants to curl himself in a ball to hide from this deep penetrating stare of hers.
Thankfully, Tav turns away before he's forced to do that. Or gouge out her wise all-knowing eyes, completely ill-fit for someone oh-so-young.
"Goodnight, Astarion."
He doesn't ask for a goodnight sip this time, just says something fitting without thinking much about it.
The feeling of her gaze lingers, it crawls under his skin, making all his hairs stand on end.
He doesn't like it.
And yet the shudder runs through him from just a fleeting picture of those eyes prying him open and reading through him with same acute attention that's reserved exclusively for her books. A frightened one, yes. But simultaneously full of excitement.
He does not like it.
Not one bit.
Not at all.
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blackdungeon357 · 2 months
bad batch X artist Reader
Authors note: this is just for fun I randomly thought of this I tried I hope you like it
You have been with the bad batch for a while. You usually just draw when the boys are on missions or when things are calm in hyperspace although it is usual for you to draw you never really show them to the boys or Omega and most of the time they never question it. Until one day you were out at the store and left your sketchbook open on accident Omega found it on your bed and it was open to a page you have drawn of your little family. Omega grabbed it to show to the others at first they were a little weary because your privacy but when they looked at it their face is dropped as they flipped through the pages there were pictures of all of them just doing regular things
As Hunter looked through the sketchbook at all the pictures of his brothers his eyes are gleaming with happiness as this shows how much you see them as a family when he gets to a picture of him it says a few things that you like about him and its nothing but sweet as he looks at the well drawn picture of him holding his knife he is very happy and proud of how it looks as he keeps looking he finds a picture of him and Omega with the words #galaxies best father he smiles he never knew that you would say that about him and it brings joy to his day when you came back he smiles and handed you back your sketchbook "mesh’la you are a beautiful artist keep going I would love to see more" Hunter is extremely supportive of your skills and would love to see more as it helps him calm down seeing the pictures you drew and the time and dedication you made for each of them he also loves the notes you write in them.
This big boy absolutely love your art especially the ones about him he finds this as a way you show you love and care for him and that makes him so happy he especially lost a little notes that you wrote about him he can't help but feel joyful inside. wrecker makes it known that he saw it he walks up to you and embraces you in a bear hug like Hunter he is very appreciative of the time you spent to draw each picture of him he especially puts the picture of him holding his stuffed animal. "Y/N you are amazing at drawing! We should totally draw together one day" Wrecker is definitely the type to do art as well and he happily gives advice to you as you give advice to him Wrecker does love you to death and would do anything to see your art.
This precious baby actually feels more secure about himself as he looks at the pictures you've drawn of him and everything you wrote that you like about him it makes me feel jittery inside he also blushes a bit overall he's very happy that you see him in a good way as he is very insecure about how he looks but his favorite is the old picture you drew of him and Fives. It reminds him of the good times before everything happened it gives him a sense of nostalgic and he loves it Echo is very thrilled that you took the time to draw him and he loves the details of the pictures. When you get back Echo looks at you with a very happy smile and a better feeling about himself because your opinion is the only thing that matters to him now "ca’tra you are so talented when I saw how you drew me and the sweet notes about me it made me feel so good about myself you are truly amazing" Echo now sees himself in a better light and its all thanks to you.
Tech was quite busy looking at his data pad until Omega decided to show him the sketch by shoving it in his face to get attention after his attention was grabbed he takes a look at it and at first he doesn't really care until he realize it's yours he's impressed by your proportions and ability to capture their figures very well he decides to look through it he finds many pictures of crosshair, wrecker ,Hunter, and Echo then he comes across one of him looking at his dad in the middle of the night and he loves how it looks the shading is spot on the proportion is correct he is very impressed we all know Tech is very intelligent and probably good at human anatomy and like things to be perfect when you come home he hands you back the sketchbook "you're proportions are pretty good you know a lot about human anatomy I'm impressed" he is very happy and may start to questions about if you know of each piece of the body and will correct you if you get it wrong.
He doesn't understand art at all like he's impressed that you can draw that well but he doesn't ever draw so he doesn't understand but he smirks at the notes about him he notes to tease you about it when you get back but other than that crosshair is ok with your drawings PS: he loves the drawings of him the most. Honestly Crosshair is very prideful what did you expect? So when you return home he is quick to tease you "so I'm charming eh?" He says this with a smirk on his face as he looks at you with that smirk and as you try to grab your sketchbook he keeps it out of your reach and laughs at you attempts to grab it Hunter has to tell hem to return the sketchbook but for the next week hes teasing you about it always steeling your sketchbook just to see the new things you wrote about him and more badass pictures of himself it annoys you but you can't do much but you will play his little game and it will continue until you can hide your sketchbook.
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lilyrizzy · 4 months
revealing myself as the author of this kinkmeme fic & cross-posting here bc why not! romeo & juliet au
Shoving his way through the dancing bodies, Max searches for something to bring him relief from his pounding head, his sweating palms. The faces belonging to the bodies are all blurred, occasionally shifting into focus to reveal the gold-trimmed, bold-coloured masks that most of the partygoers have opted for in place of a real costume.
The metal armour of Max’s own creaks as he moves, but the noise is lost underneath the thrumming of the bass. It repeats only inside his head with every step he takes, the memory of it captured earlier in the quiet of Helmut’s drawing room as he and the boys had prepared to leave.
Don’t go making trouble tonight, they had been warned, but that had before the endless shots hand delivered by Gianni, the pill Martin had presented to him with a sly grin.
Let ’s have some fucking fun.
The fun burnt up just as fast as the ecstasy in Max’s bloodstream, until all that remained of the vibrant colours and wondrous elation was his pounding heart and the grinding of his back teeth.
Stumbling out from the crowd, he makes his way back to the same bathroom he and Martin had giggled their way out of only an hour or so earlier. With shaking hands he plugs and fills the sink, dipping his head underneath the gold faucet when it is only halfway full because he can’t wait a second longer to fill his burning throat with cold liquid. When it’s near the point of overflowing, he dunks his entire face into the bowl.
The cold has prickles erupt over his scolding cheeks, like a thousand tiny needles dancing on the surface of his skin. It’s a pleasurable pain, sweet relief followed quickly with a growing, then agonising discomfort. Lifting his head when he can take no more, he stares at himself in the jewel-framed mirror, watching the water slide down his face and drip from his chin as he pants.
His silver mask floats on top of the cool pool or water, but he doesn’t move to place it back over his eyes.
Let them throw him out; he’s ready to go home anyway.
He swipes a hand over his face, and then across his head. Hours ago he had a helmet as part of his costume, and he wishes he still did to hide his dripping wet hair. It’s long since been lost in the chaos of the evening.
Nobody throws a party like Horner. Max’s pupils are still dilated, his cheeks still flushed pink in testament to that well-regarded fact.
The flush of a toilet behind him disturbs his dissociation and has him pushing away from the sink. He means to make his way back towards the party, but his steps are sluggish and lingering, unsure of where to go. Gianni was his ride, but only a few moments before Max had escaped from the sweating mass of dancers he’d spied him at the bar, helping himself to a bottle of whiskey.
Away from the main hall, the music is quieter, a low murmur punctuated only by the vibration through the floorboards underneath Max’s feet. Every room he has seen has the same garish decor, crystal chandeliers glistening overhead, rich velvet drapes of royal red and forest green drawn across every window to conceal the depravity occurring inside from the respectable front the Horner family portray to the outside. This one, stuck between the place where they snort their drugs and the place where they dance them away is no different.
Showing off their new money Helmut would scoff, like he didn’t compete for the same back alley jobs as Christian, didn’t fill the same corrupt officer’s pockets, just on different days of the week.
To Max, a beautiful thing is a beautiful thing.
Glancing around with awe that would no doubt have his father disown him, something sparkles in the corner of Max’s eye, capturing his attention. Turning towards it, he sees it is the ripple of water trapped inside an enormous tank he didn't notice earlier. Fish every shade of the rainbow gliding through it with ease.
The colours are so bold that Max almost wants to rub his eyes again. To pinch himself, remind himself that it is time to wake himself up from his drug-induced stupor, but- 
As he steps closer to the glass with a small smile, eyes tracing the movement of the beautiful creatures, something warmer slides into focus.
Deep brown eyes tracing the same fish Max is, wide in a kind of wonder. Then, meeting his through the ripples of water, wider still.
Max’s breath catches in his throat, as he blinks the rest of the face into focus. In an instance, every extravagance of the evening fades into insignificance, becomes a poor imitation of the beauty held in the teasing curve of lips that the stranger offers him through the glass when Max cannot tear his gaze away.
There’s more than lovely eyes; dark curls, a proud nose and tanned skin. Against the white feathered wings that sit just above his shoulders, it looks the colour of honey and Max imagines would be just as sweet to taste. There is dark ink snaking across his bared collarbones like vines that speak of nothing angelic, and instead only of Max’s desire to consume.
Is this what it feels like, to fall in love?
Hello, Max mouthes almost helplessly through the layers of glass and captive ocean between them. When the man only raises an eyebrow, questioning, Max raises a hand and waves.
This gets him laughed at. Instead of embarrassment, it’s pleasure that has his cheeks burn as a giggle slips from his own lips, fogging the glass in front of him. He resists the urge to press his face against it to see the man better.
Instead, he steps to the left, meaning to move around the fish tank and see the man with only air and no water between them. Wants to move closer until there’s nothing between them at all.
The man seems to have other ideas. 
He steps quickly in the opposite direction to which Max walks, teasing. Max stops, raising his eyebrows in his own question, but the man only bites his lip as though trying to hide his grin. Around them, people pass by- or at least they must. Max hardly notices, as though the world has narrowed to only the two of them.
Max steps backwards and again the man evades by stepping back in the direction he just came. For a few moments, they continue like this. No matter which way Max moves, the man dances the opposite way, no longer trying to hide his smirk. Max finds that despite it being at his expense it is a smile easy to return, the way no other has been before it.
Finally, the man's face splits into joyous laughter that Max can just about hear. His body tumbles against the glass as though he has knocked himself from his feet with his own silliness, the palms of both his hands pressing against it. On several of his fingers, there are gold rings that the light through the water dances off.
Max finds himself laughing also, raising his own hands to touch the tank, as though he could press against the man's skin through it.
When the laughing has subsided, the man steps back, raising one finger to beckon Max to him. Max goes, powerless against his need to give this stranger whatever he wants. This time, he doesn’t move when Max steps around the tank until they are face to face with no body of water between them.
“Hello,” Max says again, and this time he doesn’t wave. His blood is hot from their game, thrumming in his veins. Now it is easy to see the rest of the man's costume, a white slip that meets the floor, the hem edged with golden thread.
It is normal at these parties, for men to go in women's clothing. Martin himself is tonight sporting a denim mini skirt and strapless, tiny top borrowed from Victoria for the occasion. This man's outfit is much more tasteful, of course.
A good girl, Max wants to say nonsensically, just to see if he could get the man to blush.
There is no modesty, however. Instead, there is a slit in the fabric of the skirt that travels all the way up to the man's hipbone, a plunging neckline. One strap is dangling just off his shoulder, and it would only take one nudge of Max’s fingertips to reveal his tit, his nipple that would no doubt be the same rose colour as his mouth. This knowledge feels particularly indecent to the lion prowling in Max’s chest, looking to devour.
Though raised to be classy in his own way, reserved and polite, his upbringing abandons him in favour of molten desire pooling in his stomach as he steps closer, and closer, until the man's back is pressed firmly against the wall behind him.
His fingertips itch with the need to touch, but is places them instead on the brick at either side of the man’s head. He’s still laughing; Max wonders if he knows how not to.
“A knight in shining armour,” the man says, eyes sliding from Max’s face down to his toes, in a way that makes Max want to strip it all from his body, lay his flesh bare for more of the same interested gaze. “Very original.”
The teasing edge to his voice is bolder than Max is used to from strangers, startling more laughter from him also.
“What, you do not like it?” He asks, placing a hand over his breastplate, where just underneath his heart is beating for a different reason than the drugs. “I suppose, of course, a fairy is much better.”
He lowers one of his hands to tug playfully at the feathered wing protruding between the man’s back and the brick wall Max has him backed up against.
It is the stranger’s turn to sound affronted.
“I’ll have you know, I’m an angel,” he insists, and he mimes looping a halo around his dark curls with an outstretched index finger. “I just lost my halo dancing.”
Max smirks, then presses a thumb to the man’s plush bottom lip. Immediately, his eyelids flutter shut and his mouth slips open. Hearing his breath hitch has Max’s cock- trapped inside his stupid costume- twitch with interest.
“How lucky,” he murmurs, leaning in so the words are half breathed across the angel’s parted lips, “that you fell from heaven, just for me.”
Girls in his position would usually swoon at Max’s interest, but the man laughs and throws his head back, his eyes still closed. It makes his curls fan out against the dark brickwork, makes his body arch up into Max’s.
“You need to get some better chat up lines,” he says, but his voice is breathy, like he cannot drag enough air into his lungs to make the insult land the way it should. Max silences him by pressing his hips harder against him, unable to help flick his gaze downwards, desperate to see where the man is pressed into Max’s body, wanting to know- Unable to feel because of the hard metal separating them.
If only he was wearing nothing more than an elaborate bedsheet, like-
“Tell me your name,” Max pleads, hand moving from the man’s lips to the back of his head, wanting to protect his delicate-looking curls from the rough scrape of the wall.
The man's eyes slit open again. It sends a thrill through Max, how the man can look him dead in the eye the way the women he’s had never can.
“Where would be the fun in that?” He asks. His hands have fallen by his sides, palms flat against the wall behind him, as though caught somewhere between surrender and submission.
Max makes a noise of consideration, before dropping his mouth down daringly to press against the ink on the man’s shoulder. This close, he can see that they are tiny rose buds in various states of bloom.
“I can think of other ways we can have fun,” Max counters, slotting a leg between the man’s thighs. He hisses, hips rutting against Max, as his lips continue to graze over the delicate skin of his throat. “I could have lots of fun with you, in my bed.”
He would be lying to say it didn’t give him some kind of thrill, taking something so beautiful for himself under the roof of his lifelong enemies, in front of their eyes, but at the same time- This was more. A treasure too precious to be shared.
Even so, Max’s hand snakes under the skirt of his costume, finding the deliciously smooth skin of his angel's inner thigh.
“Let me take you home,” he pleads again, nose brushing against his, as his fingertips inch higher and higher. “Just having this has ruined me for anyone else, I-”
There’s a flurry of noise behind him, the sound of shouts and a door crashing open. Still, it takes the calling of his name in Martin’s frantic tones to have Max dragging his face away from the strangers, looking over his shoulder.
“Max!” Martin says, his pleading face coming into focus, penetrating the light of Max’s personal heaven “Mate, we have to run. Gianni’s been found out, and-“
He pauses, looking between Max’s face and then his lover's. Eyes growing wide, Max is about to ask what the fuck the matter is when Martin is clutching his arm hard and yanking him away with a few forceful tugs.
“What the fuck!” Max spits, looking apologetically back to the man, except-
Except his own eyes are wide now, with fear. They’re fixed on the pendant that Martin wears around his neck, Helmut’s crest, which has slipped from underneath his costume.
“Really, Max, we need to- I don’t think you want Horner to catch you feeling up his golden boy,” Martin says again, desperate, and everything finally slots into place inside Max’s love-drugged brain.
“Daniel,” he whispers, glancing back at his- At the angel.
“Max,” is all he replies, something between salvation and despair. Then, pushing off from the wall and reaching as though to catch Max’s hand, he says firmer, “wait, Max-“
But Max is already running.
Later, in Gianni’s car, Martin doesn’t excitedly tell the story of how he caught Max nearly fucking the son of their enemy, the way he would had it been any other conquest. Some lines, in their world, are too bold and bloody to cross.
Instead, he sneaks quiet glances at Max as they drive away from the Horner mansion, as though there is a question burning on the tip of his tongue that he doesn’t dare to ask. It becomes so irritating that Max has to close his eyes.
In the darkness behind his lids, he sees Daniel again. This time, there is the shine of a halo above his head that illuminates the rest of him, bathes him in gold. The knowledge of who he is does nothing to sever the pull Max’s heart feels towards his, his only regret of the evening being he didn’t take more while it was so ripe and real underneath his fingertips.
“Max,” Gianni questions, but his voice sounds far away as though Max’s ears are in the water of the fish tank. “What has gotten you so mellow? Too much to drink?”
Martin scoffs, something pitifully knowing in his voice.
“He’s gone and fallen in love.”
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etirabys · 9 months
CS Lewis says:
The actual operation of the Homeric diction is remarkable. The unchanging recurrence of his wine-dark sea, his rosy­ fingered dawn, his ships launched into the holy brine, his Poseidon shaker ofearth, produce an effect which modern poetry, except where it has learned from Homer himself, cannot attain.
I semi-like reading Homer for a variety of reasons but I've always felt put off by claims that these authors were really good, so good that they account for the success of future writers who emulated them. Probabilistically that makes no sense. The human population has grown so much, and so has the share of people who are literate, and the bank of thought they stand on. Aristotle is probably my favorite of the really old writers I've sampled – he feels clean and affable and smart – but it would be very surprising if I considered him remarkable for quality, and indeed he isn't.
One reason I think people say this is that they are mixing up gratitude with quality. Writers have gotten better and better over the years because of what came before, so they are naturally indebted to tradition. But it seems to me that the real reason is that socially agreeing that the olds were also the greats enables the class of people who do intellectuality as leisure and passion to play social games and word games. Let's look at how CS Lewis continues this:
...except where it has learned from Homer himself, cannot attain. They emphasize the unchanging human environment. They express a feeling very profound and very frequent in real life, but else­ where ill represented in literature. What is really in our minds when we first catch sight of the sea after a long absence, or look up, as watchers in a sickroom or as sentries, to see yet another daybreak ? Many things, no doubt-all manner of hopes and fears, pain or pleasure, and the beauty or grimness of that particular sea and that particular dawn. Yes; but under all these, like a base so deep as to be scarcely audible, there is something which we might very lamely express by muttering 'same old sea' or 'same old morning'. The permanence, the indifference, the heartrending or consoling fact that whether we laugh or weep the world is what it is, always enters into our experience and plays no small part in that pressure of reality which is one of the differences between life and imagined life.
This is not a good argument. It's a way you can see things. You could apply it to anything, and so it proves too much. It's a way CS Lewis feels, or has chosen to feel, about Homer, not a way in which Homer has Contributed To Literature.
Yet I found his argument so beautiful to read. I kind of want to believe it! And to write something this beautiful about Homer, CS Lewis and his audience had to buy that there was always more depth to Homer worth diving for. Something must be extractable that has not been noticed for thousands and thousands of years... the sheer gravity of the preexisting dialogue draws one to the work, and once drawn, one must believe there is more there.
And as long as people crave these beautiful, subtle, old games of analysis, they will not let what is very old be anything other than great.
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aziiori · 4 months
Glimpse of you
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Characters: College!Scaramouche Au x gn reader
Word count:1.0k
Author's note:I do not have ownership of any of the characters mentioned. All rights are reserved for Hoyoverse
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!! 🫶🏻 This short fanfic is inspired by a song titled "Tingin" by Cup of Joe ft.Janine Teñoso! Enjoyy!
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Scaramouche, a member of the school band, was practicing with his guitar when his attention was captivated by you who caught his eye. Intrigued, he felt a sudden interest in you as their gaze met his own.
Scaramouche, who finds himself irresistibly drawn to you whenever you're in the same room. He can't help but steal glances, captivated by your presence and struck by how good you look. Each time your eyes meet, a spark of interest ignites within him, leaving him eager to learn more about you.
Scaramouche, enchanted by the golden hour's magic, caught sight of you by the window, where you sat like a vision of grace bathed in its warm glow. In that precious moment, you seemed to radiate an ethereal beauty that stole his breath away.
Scaramouche, who finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions as he grappled with the unfamiliar sensations stirring within him whenever he was near you. Confusion clouded his mind as he pondered the nature of these feelings and the potential paths they could lead him.
Scaramouche, often feeling downcast, finds his spirits lifted whenever you come into view. Your mere presence has the ability to brighten his mood and set him back on track.
Scaramouche, with every glance exchanged, finds himself utterly captivated by your presence, as if you possess a magnetic charm that effortlessly draws him in. He feels a sense of eagerness to accompany you, ready to follow your lead wherever it may take him.
Scaramouche, amidst his friends' banter and the bustling atmosphere, suddenly zoned out the moment his gaze met yours. Ignoring the chatter around him and the chaos his friends were causing, his attention became solely fixated on you.
Scaramouche, who found himself unexpectedly colliding with you in the hallway. Quick to react, he extended his hand to assist you back up, a rush of joy flooding him when you expressed your gratitude.
Scaramouche, whose heart soared with happiness when you asked if he wanted to be friends. In that moment, it felt as if time slowed down, the world around him fading into the background as the possibility of friendship blossomed between you and him.
Scaramouche, who always gets a tingling feeling whenever he hangs out with you, especially when he catches your gaze with those captivating eyes of yours.
Scaramouche, that often finds himself lost in thought when you compliment him on his looks or his exceptional talent at playing the guitar. Your words linger in his mind, etched into his memory, a constant reminder of your admiration and appreciation for him.
Scaramouche, whose thoughts are consumed by you every second of the day. No matter what he's doing, you're always on his mind, a constant presence that fills his thoughts and influences his actions.
Scaramouche, too timid to express his emotions, gazes at you affectionately whenever he's in your presence. His love for you remains unspoken, yet evident in the tender way he looks at you.
Scaramouche, who is wholeheartedly devoted to you, willing to dedicate himself completely to you with no hesitation, with unwavering loyalty and commitment.
Scaramouche, understands that your paths may take different directions in the future, but he treasures each moment spent with you, fully embracing the present and cherishing every memory created together.
Scaramouche, who pours his heart into ensuring he never upsets you, knowing that losing you would mean losing the sweetest joy and deepest love he has ever known. He cherishes every moment with you, cherishing the bond you share more than anything else in the world.
Scaramouche, vulnerable enough to express his fear of losing you, once cried out to you, revealing his deepest worry. In response, you tenderly reassured him, promising that you will never leave his side, comforting him with the unwavering assurance of your love and commitment.
Scaramouche, couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in your friendship after he vulnerably expressed his fears to you. As the days passed, he observed how your connection grew stronger, filled with a newfound depth and understanding. This transformation ignited a spark of optimism within him, whispering the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there could be a future where the two of you are even closer than before, bound together by trust, empathy, and an unbreakable bond of love.
Scaramouche, filled with anticipation, mustered the courage to ask if you'd be interested in hanging out sometime. His heart raced as he awaited your response, and when you agreed, a wave of joy washed over him, lifting his spirits higher than ever before.
Scaramouche's, undivided attention is devoted entirely to you throughout the day. From carefully selecting your favorite foods to sharing thrilling rides and skillfully winning stuffed toys, every action is a testament to his unwavering dedication to making you happy. He finds joy in the simple pleasure of seeing your smile, and every moment spent together is cherished as a precious gift.
Scaramouche, eagerly implored you to stay a little longer, extending the precious moments together to watch the dazzling fireworks display. As you strolled to find the perfect vantage point, he found himself immersed in a flood of memories, reminiscing about the very first time he laid eyes on you, the nervous excitement of your initial conversation, and the countless shared experiences that followed. At that moment, he was struck by the overwhelming realization of his unwavering and profound love for you, a love that has only deepened with each passing moment spent in your company.
Scaramouche softly calls out your name, seeking to capture your attention. As your gaze meets his, a flutter of nervous anticipation stirs in his stomach. Yet, in his heart and mind, he knows there's no turning back.
Scaramouche, poured out his heart, revealing how his world shifted from the moment he first saw you. Your presence brightens his days, and being with you makes him feel valued and understood. Amidst chaos, his focus remains solely on you.
Scaramouche, in tender anticipation, held his breath, hanging onto your every word. When you reciprocated his feelings, a wave of euphoria washed over him, causing him to release an unexpected, heartfelt cry of pure happiness, echoing the depth of his emotions.
Scaramouche, who had mustered up the courage to ask you out properly after a week of confessing his feelings, finally took the plunge, solidifying your bond and affirming his commitment to you. As you accepted him, a wave of relief washed over him, knowing that you were now officially his, just as he was yours.
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I love how this story turned out and I hope you guys did too!!
I worked hard on this and I do not allow any form of translation, copying, or plagiarism. Cooperation is appreciated.
©aziiori 02/14/24
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raccoonfallsharder · 8 months
recommended works ⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
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these are the folks who have written or drawn something (specifically within the rocket raccoon fan community) that either murdered me, resurrected me, or both.
(i am always open to recs so if you wanna link me to your fave i will be so happy to check them out)
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⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎ fanfiction ☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
The All of You (ao3) i fuckin love this story so hard. i love the OC. i love the writing. i love the set up. i reread this probably every month or so and pine for more. it's so fuckin good. @lazarel-3000 is a double-threat (at least) who is also on my recced artist list, which means (obviously) they are a recced creator as well.
Casino Royale (ao3) this fic by @hibatasblog (see also: Entanglement, below) is so fucking delightful. petra quill is so hot i want to date her myself, and the tension between her and rocket is through the roof. loving the angst, loving the little ways that heartbreak seeps through every new paragraph, loving the mystery of trying to figure out what happened to petra and rocket to set them on their separate paths and now bring them back together. always waiting anxiously for the next chapter.
Entanglement (ao3) this fic by @hibataao3 has me rationing my consumption in a way i have not done in a long time. i'm like "i only read one chapter a week to pace myself, as a little treat for surviving another seven days." beautiful writing and intricate storytelling, the metaphors and analogies are so good i almost wish i was back in undergrad writing a thesis on it.
Friends (tumblr) @nyxivy is making their way through the rocketober 2023 prompts and the first fic of the series is. so drool-worthy. i've probably read it fifty times since it came out. short and so hot i could die (much like rocket himself), and somehow incredibly sweet in just the span of a few paragraphs? i will continue coming back to this fic and look forward to more from them at every chance i get.
Get Up (tumblr)@caesarhamato22 is another person on my recced creator list because trying to find just one fic to call my "favorite" is a challenge (obviously i was unsuccessful because there are two on this list). anyway this is lovely and fluffy. i die.
last (friday) night (ao3) nsfw. trying to pick a "favorite" of @aliasrocket's work is like trying to choose a favorite incarnation of rocket (i cannot). guess who is also on my recced creators list.
more than seven (tumblr) second @caesarhamato22 fic on this list and another recced creator. this one is one of my favorite comfort fics (i mean it's still sexy as hell) that i come back to very often. like it's just so wonderful and sweet and perfect and atmospheric and vibes
stars. (tumblr) ☕︎ stars. (ao3) sexual tension & some of the loveliest atmospheric writing i've ever consumed. another @aliasrocket fic that lives in my head.
A Very Basic Instinct (tumblr) ☕︎ A Very Basic Instinct (ao3) nsfw. when i tell you this fic did things to me. it is probably one of the fics i reread most. like, all the time jkjk only semiregularly. check out the author @elegant-fleuret for other equally brainrot-inducing smut (also mentioned in my recced creators).
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⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎ art ☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
@bathmob i wish. i could draw rocket. like this. the vibes are so good. the style. is perfect. i thank the universe whenever i see new art from them.
@glow-autumz is absolutely going to be a published comic artist some day and i will buy anything she works on ever. literally everything she creates has a story behind it, which i love. like, not only are her illustrations gorgeous (and like…often very hot) but every single one is (at least) a single-panel narrative. plus her OC is also cool as hell and i love her interpretations of rocket.
@lazarel-3000 creates the most toe-curlingly delicious art i've seen in a long time. i am seduced by pretty much everything they create. even their rough drafts have me panting. (i also have a crush on their OC and as a bi-lady i look at their art and am often like oh shit this is a fuckin feast). as mentioned before, this artist is also the author of one of my favorite fics and is a recommended creator in general.
@uglly-rodent posts always make me want to pinch the babby raccoom's cheeks and/or cry.
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⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎ creators ☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
@aliasrocket writes such beautiful things it is impossible to pick a favorite (i got two of their fics in the fic section and it was difficult to narrow it down that far and even now, i'm not certain). their tumblr has the added advantage of a ton of drabbles, every single one of which is perfection.
@caesarhamato22 read everything. like everything. great smut but i am a sucker for the slice of life shit and it's so fuckin good here. i just wanna be a nail tech on knowhere/locked in a closet with rocket/have him steal my t-shirt/whatever. it's like all my most domestic desires got turned into little fanfiction dreams. so much wish fulfillment i could die
@elegant-fleuret has great fanfiction (more than just the one on my fic list - i just felt like i had to narrow it down and A Very Basic Instinct literally gives me a a fresh hit of dopamine every time i reread it, which is a lot). plus also art. double-threat.
@evolvingchaoswitch writes with a ton of vulnerability and rawness and angst. i am also in love with the shorter pieces they've been putting out for rocketober 2023 (some really great poetry, some really emotional oneshots, some really hot oneshots). plus their OCs always fuckin rock
@lazarel-3000 look. look. i cannot say this enough. please go check them out they are hope in a hopeless place. some of the sexiest art + one of my very favorite fanfictions + one of my very favorite OCs have come out of this flawless individual. (full disclosure they also did some nsfw art of my OC jolie and rocket that has me crying and dying and hyperventilating on a daily basis)
@love-for-faeries-go-burrrr has another one of my favorite OCs and i am always hungry for their little storylines whenever they post.
@mrwolfhare is one of my favorite sources of gotg food-for-thought. just some of the most thoughtful explorations of the details of both the mcu and comic canon, excellent headcanons, beautiful screenshot sets, and really solid art. the drawtober art and ficlets have been highlights in my days this month and i'm told there may be a rad fanfiction on the horizon so keep your eyes on this! (rad fanfiction is here now! read Subject 880HR on ao3)
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brenna · 5 months
Assigned Lovers on Earth
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Category: M/M | Fandom: Good Omens | Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley
Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 7/7 | Author: scullyphile
Did Aziraphale just confess, in hushed tones, that he liked having Crowley around? Liked having him sleep on his couch at odd hours of the night? Was this real life? Did his ears feel suddenly warm? Crowley pressed his burnt tongue against the roof of his mouth to remind himself he still had a body. It's been about a week since the apocalypse was averted, and they are prepared to slowly carve out an existence with each other. They've both decided they want to be together, and, as always, not told the other one anything about it (yet). It's going well, until their bosses call and tell them they have to train their replacements.
To Crowley, Aziraphale was the warmest, brightest being in the world, an inviting lamp in the cold, dark night. Aziraphale’s presence radiated good and hope and protection, and he, akin to a moth, was drawn, compelled to flutter ever closer to his angel, his safety, his home. It became harder every time to close his eyes, turn his back, and fly away, but he knew his movement could draw unwanted attention to the angel’s light. There were those who would extinguish it, if for no other reason than to punish the demon. There were also those who would smash it simply because it burned brighter than any other light in all of Heaven and Earth. 
This Crowley knew: that no other being outshined Aziraphale. He wanted to tell his angel every day how special he was, how unique, how strong. But that would mean expressing his feelings, and that was the only thing harder, more dangerous, than closing his eyes and walking away.
Aziraphale saw himself as a tall blade of grass in a prairie of equally tall grasses–or if he was feeling charitable to himself (which was much harder than being charitable to others), he might see himself as a wildflower, something akin to a forget-me-not, in a meadow of beautiful flowers. In both cases, he never stood out among the crowd, but he always hoped to see Crowley, his dear Crowley, hover close to him. He would stand as tall as he could in the dusk, in the twilight, hoping. 
To him, Crowley was a firefly, a beautiful light dancing around him in the sky. He flickered on and off in a calming way, and everything felt peaceful; the angel’s nerves didn’t vibrate so fiercely when Crowley was near, and he felt, well, seen. He always knew his firefly would dance away again when it came time, and he, the blade of grass (or perhaps the flower), would be unable to follow. And Aziraphale feared that someone or something might find out who Crowley was hovering near and pluck his wings for it, so he could never again return to the meadow. Or, that next time the angel stood watching the sunset he’d spot the lightning bug darting around another, taller, brighter-colored plant. He pushed these feelings down deep inside and tried to stand straighter.
Both had been hoping, secretly, for thousands of years, that one day Crowley would be able to land, that it would be safe for him to stay. Something major would have to happen. Something like a failed Armageddon, perhaps. 
Continue on ao3
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n0v4t33z · 8 months
Dark Desires: Chapter II - Eternally Yours
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Pairings: VampireCatHybrid~Seonghwa x Female Reader, VampireCatHybrid~Ateez x Female Reader
Genre: Horror, Angst, Romance, Vampire Ateez, Paranormal?
Word Count: 10.1k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Violence, Language, mentions blood, Magic, Fantasy, Some Fluff, Highly Suggestive at times (This is a warning for the whole story overall)
Chapter specific: Lots of kissing, intimate situations but not explicit, flirting, blood, Y/n speaks about death and magic with the boys, (I'll add more later if more come to mind)
Author's Note💌: Okay so in this chapter there was originally supposed to be smut but I omitted that part due to being short on time because of my schedule. Unfortunately I'm not very fast at typing up smut because how much I struggle to write it so that'll come out on a later date so that I can put more thought into it. Since I don't write smut I felt like maybe it would have probably been a bad Idea if I forced myself to do it right now so to save you from cringe I decided not to include it! Either way I still hope you enjoy the chapter! 🌙
Spotify Playlist🩸
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
A few days go by and I never find out who's scream it was that I heard a few nights ago, it didn't help that the door Seonghwa told me not to go into kept teasing me. So me being me I finish my work for the day so I could have more time to explore the house. The door was near the basement of the house from what I noticed is that they usually come here or the basement after feeding at night or after going out in general. I look around to make sure no one is around and I walk into the dark room I reach into my pocket and I turn on the spare candle in my pocket from when I was replacing them earlier, I walk around the dark room and notice a beautiful golden hourglass with a sigil on it, the same one in my room. I carefully look around and I notice a drawing on the wall, from what I could read it seemed to be from 1646. The drawing was of a woman whose features were almost identical like mine, could this woman in the drawing be me? Why was that drawing here? On the floor was that same sigil drawn in blood, In the corner I notice alot of black and white photos along with some drawings and pictures of different girls, were those their previous victims? All the girls were exceptionally gorgeous. From the corner of my eye I see the spine of a book, the front of the book was empty with no title so I decide to open the book. I slowly begin to realize they were diary entries, 1863, 1925, 1958. Under my breath I whisper to myself "When I called Master Seonghwa a history book I didn't realize he was actually writing one himself…"
I decide to look up my birthday as a strange curiosity and while skimming through the entry I come across something interesting "I had a dream of that girl again. It's been a while since I've seen her. I have a strong feeling she was born today, I can feel it. I can't wait until I find her. I'll do everything in my power to protect her, she's going to be the only reason worth living this cursed life only then I'll know what true happiness is." When I read those words I can't help but to begin to tear up, for the first time in my life someone was happy I was born. Yeah, my family might've been happy that I was born but they never really showed it. My family was rarely the type to show any affection for me at all so to think someone wanted to show that affection towards me really shocked me. This man has literally been waiting to be with me for hundreds of years even before I was born. Is this true love? Is true love when someone waits for you even years before you're actually born? Will he be disappointed if I'm not what he expects me to be? What if he realizes he doesn't like who I am and he kills me, then what? I have so many questions but yet I'm scared of how they'll be answered.
Suddenly the door behind me opens and I jump and drop the book and candle in the process. When I turn around and see it's Mingi I scream when I notice him charging at me, I try to move out of the way but he grabs both of my arms and begins to violently shake and yell at me "What were you doing in here?! Didn't Seonghwa tell you to stay out of here?! You're not supposed to be in here!" I look up at him and noticed his eyes were now glowing blood red "Master Mingi I'm so sorry, I'll never do it again!" he grabs me by the throat and squeezes my throat just enough to choke me but not snap my neck. He pins me against the wall then answers in a low growl "There won't be a next time, Hongjoong was right we should have sacrificed you that night." I cough trying to catch my breath while I try to claw his hand off of my throat. Suddenly everyone else runs into the room with Seonghwa yelling at Mingi "Let her go you bastard! You're going to kill her!" He then tries to run over to Mingi but Hongjoong and Yeosang hold him back then Mingi turns and smirks in his direction "She has to die now Seonghwa, Draven is going to be really upset. That time you bought her won't do her any good anyway, I was right not trusting this dumb witch. They're such deceitful and sneaky humans." San, Wooyoung,and Jongho run over to over to hold Mingi back.
Yunho gently puts his hand on Mingi’s shoulder and gently squeezes it. "Calm down, you know you can't be the one who does the sacrifice. You're a young vampire remember that, so if you kill her you'll ruin everything not just for you but for all of us. So let go of her, come on." Mingi hesitantly puts me down throwing me onto the floor then Hongjoong lets go of Seonghwa and helps Yunho escort Mingi out of the room while Yeosang stays with the rest of us. Seonghwa runs over to me and holds me tightly in his arms, his breathing still ragged from the scare "Miss y/n, I told you not to come in here.. " I continue coughing for a bit then I say in a slightly hoarse voice "I'm so sorry Master Seonghwa, curiosity got the best of me."  He sighs deeply "You scared me, you put yourself in such danger.." San gives me a worried look "You know If Wooyoung hadn't called us telepathically because he heard screaming, you would have most likely been killed by Mingi."
Wooyoung looks down slightly frowning "He's one of the youngest out of all of us with the youngest being Jongho, luckily Jongho's strong willpower helps him from giving into his vampiric instincts. Mingi on the other hand is terrible at it, he's still learning to control himself."  God this is so embarrassing... "I'm so sorry for betraying your trust. I promise I didn't have bad intentions." Yeosang courteously nods "it know, but now that means we'll all have to keep an eye on Mingi now. " Seonghwa says "She's going to stay at my side at all times.." I shake my head "No! I'll be okay I promise I'll just stay away from him. I'll just do what I'm supposed to from now on and not stray from my duties." Seonghwa worriedly looks at me "Are you sure? You really don't have to risk it." I get up and nod "It's ok Master Seonghwa I'll be fine." San looks at Seonghwa "We'll just do what Yeosang said if that's the case, let's just watch him. I'm sure ostracizing him won't help at all but make him resent Miss y/n even more than he already does. "
They all get up and Seonghwa looks over at me then at the guys and flatly says "Okay that's fine, I just need to have a word with Miss y/n can you guys please give us some privacy?" They nod in obedience and head out. Once it's just him and I he looks down at the floor and sees the book I was reading left open on the last page I read, he picks it up and puts it on a table near him then shyly smiles "I guess you found my diary." Embarrassed, I fidget with my hands "Well, it's more like a history book now." he chuckles "Okay you got me there." he takes my hand and pulls me a little closer to him "I've been looking for you almost all my immortal life, and now that I've finally found you I just want to protect you." His gaze connects with mine "Which is why when you I heard Wooyoung tell me you were in trouble, I was terrified of losing you." Now I feel bad for coming in here, he told me explicitly not to and I disobeyed him. I would have died by my own ignorance. It definitely proves that curiosity killed the cat. "I'm so sorry. I promise you I won't do something like that ever again. That was just way too close."
He clears some stray hairs from my face "Next time you want to see something just ask me, you'll be much safer with me okay?" I nod and rest my head on his chest "So, it was true that you're in love with me then?" He softly hums and gently strokes my cheek with his thumb "I knew what you were going to look like way before you were born, in person you're much more beautiful than the drawing I have of you, Hongjoong drew it for me." I pull away and look at him in shock then look over at the drawing again "Wow, really? How did you know though? Like how were you able to see my face?" He shyly smiles and holds my hands in his "I actually dreamt about you, which is why I was only able to see you a handful of times but everytime I did my heart felt something it usually doesn't." I giggle "So, you mean you felt butterflies in your stomach and you felt happy?" He smiles and nods then leans in close to my face, centimeters away gently caressing my cheek. "I'm sorry if this is too sudden but will you be mine?" His beautiful emerald eyes look deep into my eyes and for some strange reason I’m compelled to just give in without thinking twice about it.
Why is my heart beating so fast I can't breathe. He's so beautiful. "I- " My stomach churns and the longer I stand there the harder it becomes to speak until I blurt out "What if I disappoint you?" Seonghwa tilts his head and asks in a slight sad tone "Why would I be disappointed my love? I've been looking for you for almost my whole vampire life.." I stammer "Well, I mean, we've never met prior to this so our personalities may clash." He brings my hand up to his ice cold lips and gently presses a kiss on the back of my hand and looks deep into my eyes "There's a reason why I kept seeing you in my dreams my dear y/n. I'm willing to work with our differences if that's the case. That's how important you are to me." I look down slightly flustered from all the attention and how gorgeous the man is in general. Well he's nice right? I should be okay, he's definitely been treating me better than any of my ex's and that's a start. Seonghwa gently lifts my chin so that our eyes meet once again "So what do you say princess?" I nod staring deep into his eyes unable to look away.
"Of course I will Master Seonghwa, as long as you don't hurt me I'm all yours " He leans a little closer, he smelled nice. Nothing like how people usually say vampires smell like, dusty, and gross. His oddly sweet smell being quite soft and warm despite how cold his skin is in reality. "I promise you my eternal life I will never hurt you darling." He steps closer to me gently pressing his chest against mine "Just call me Seonghwa ." He gently places his ice cold lips on mine and kisses me. Slowly, while the kiss intensifies he slithers his free arm around my waist. I gently rest my hand on his chest while I kiss him, he then slowly kisses down my chin and onto my neck causing me let out a soft sigh. He slowly pulls away and re collects himself “I- not here. I don't want to risk anyone um.... Hearing things." I nod and shyly look away feeling my cheeks burning he takes my hand and gently kisses it "I guess I'll get back to my duties now." He nods looking at me very lovingly "Please be careful my love." He gently presses his ice cold lips on my forehead for a kiss goodbye.
When I step into the kitchen I stand there for a few seconds looking out the window thinking what I should make for dinner. A few moments later while getting all the ingredients ready Jongho enters and gently puts his hand on my shoulder "Miss y/n, how are you doing?" I slightly jump and I turn and look at him "Oh, Master Jongho hello. I'm okay, I’m still a bit spooked." He sits on a chair next to the table "I'm honestly glad you're okay. I'm sure having an angry vampire trying to kill you is pretty traumatic in itself." I begin chopping a few vegetables and let out a soft sigh just remembering the way Mingi’s eyes were burning into mine, his eyes had so much hatred in them that remembering made me feel unsafe and uneasy. "it was, but knowing you guys were there really comforted me. Although that made me want to go home alot more than before knowing there's someone here who hates me enough to hurt me."
He stares off straight ahead and walks up next to me clearly still upset from what happened "I'm so sorry, I can only imagine how you feel right now. I know this won't change how you feel but if it helps we all like having you here. Not because you do housework but because you're really nice, you're an amazing friend and because you really remind me alot of my own mother." I smile then I look over at Jongho and hug him tightly "I'll be here as long as I'm allowed to be here." He pulls away and looks at me, his cold grey eyes staring deep into mine. He then gently touches my face with his ice cold hands "it's like my mother never left me, when you came in to the practice room to cheer up my singing it reminded me of what my mom used to do." I gently hold his hand on my face then I gently smooth out his blazer "And I'll continue to do so as she did and cheer you on for as long as my human self is alive don't worry."
He rests his forehead on my shoulder and hides his face from my view "We can't sacrifice you to Draven anymore, I don't want you to be gone. You have to stay here with us.” He pauses for a few seconds then he continues  “You see, I'm not usually the one to freak out but Draven really scares me. To point where the thought of him taking everything we have from us all over again and being helpless terrifies me because that's not the position that I like to be put in. It's embarrassing being so vulnerable like that. " I gently lift his head and I look at him while gently stroking his soft Auburn hair "it's okay, we'll find a way to stop this I promise." I felt bad because I knew my reassurance was a straight up lie. How could I compete against this Draven guy? I have to somehow find out what's going on.
"I'll have to talk to Hongjoong about this, he has to know a way to stop this." He clears his throat trying get himself together "Of course, you should do that but for now just sit here and enjoy a meal with me and San, yes?" He hums in agreement and watches me cook while he waits for the food to be finished I pour him a warm cup of Earl grey tea infused with blood. San and Wooyoung eventually come in and sit next to Jongho "oh hi Master Wooyoung, don't worry I made extra food today."  I turn and serve them some tea then I begin to serve their plates and place the plates in front of them "let me know how I did today guys." They all take a spoonful of food then Jongho says "Oh wow, this is actually really good now I know why San's been eating with you because your ability to merge human and vampiric pallets is seamless."
I sit down and watch them eat with a smile on my face "Thank you so much Master Jongho but all I did was just add blood." San and Wooyoung look over at me then San says "Hey, aren't you going to eat?" I rest my hand under my chin “Oh yeah, I'll eat the leftovers don't worry"  San shakes his head and gets up "No, Miss y/n you're going to eat with us remember? That's what we agreed on." He serves me a plate of regular food and sets it in front of me "Ahh fine, I was just trying to be a normal maid." San sets a glass of grape juice in front of me and Wooyoung laughs "A normal maid? You stopped being a normal maid the moment you befriended us." Jongho then says "Remember how i said you're a great friend? I wasn't just talking about myself you know" 
I take a sip of my grape juice then in a slightly disappointed tone Wooyoung says "Times like these is when I wish we could do fun things together like normal friends instead of being at home rotting." San's face lights up and says "We can have a little picnic party in the garden tomorrow!" Wooyoung and Jongho nod in agreement then I say "We can, I'll make the food and the desserts!" Wooyoung gives me puppy eyes and says "can I help you cook please?" I nod "of course that would be amazing! You'll be a huge help" Jongho says "Well, I'll ask the rest of the guys if they want to help decorate since the garden is kind of big but don't worry Miss y/n, I won't ask Mingi out of protection for you."
I feel bad he’s getting excluded now. “Are you sure that he’ll be fine with that?” Jongho nods giving me a reassuring smile “I promise you he’ll be fine. Maybe him not being in attendance he’ll realize his mistake.” I hum in response then I give them a serious look "Okay so I have a question, who's Draven? And why am I supposed to be sacrificed to him?" They look at each other nervously for a couple of seconds then Wooyoung blurts out "He's a vampire demon we work for, We call him Draven but his real name is Zuphroi. Oh, and you were supposed to be sacrificed to him because Draven loves to feed on the life force and blood of humans." My stomach drops and my hands fidget under the table to try and calm myself “Hm okay, so who’s the guy in the painting that I saw in the main room of the house?” everyone stays silent for a bit then San says “Oh, that’s our creator. Sir Kim Jongkook.”
I look at their expressions and I could tell they seemed very sad. “If I may ask, what happened to him?” San looks at the guys almost like asking for permission then they both nod and San continues “Well, Sir Jongkook is actually Draven’s older brother..The thing is though that body is no longer Sir Jongkook’s brother because the demon known as Zuphroi possesed it yet he still presents and goes by Draven. The demonic powers Draven got also enhanced his vampiric powers which let him be able to easily surpass his already very powerful older brother and defeat him. Years ago he drained Sir Jongkook of his life force but kept his brother’s remains in his castle, to which remain there till this day. All of this happened because we all became very close to Sir Jongkook and Draven became jealous, the reason being was that he was like a father to all of us and we were like his children but his brother got upset he couldn’t form the same bond we had with his brother which is why he seeked Zuphroi’s power to destroy his own brother out of envy. Our bond was naturally stronger with Sir Jongkook because he was our creator.” I sit there for a moment processing everything “So that man in the painting is Draven’s deceased older brother?” San nods “Correct.”  I slightly raise my eyebrows in shock “Wow…That’s incredibly dark.”
Wooyoung nods looking a bit sullen “Yeah, you’d think because they were brothers Draven would have had mercy on Sir Jongkook since from what they told us they both suffered alot as children. They might not have been brothers by blood but they spent a good portion of their lives together. ” Wooyoung clears his throat clearly not wanting to get emotional and says “Anyway, any other questions?” I nod “Ah yes, why do San and Yeosang turn into cats?” San tilts his head “You know It’s not just us that can turn into cats, all eight of us do actually including Seonghwa.” Oh my gosh, Seonghwa as a cat? If San and Yeosang were so cute I'm sure Seonghwa would be adorable! I raise my eyebrow and blink then San continues “We all turn into cats because Draven put a curse on us.
The upside is we can obviously turn into cats and switch back to our “undead” selves at will but a few downsides are when we need to feed and are on the brink of starvation we become too weak and are unable to turn back into our “undead” selves until we feed on blood again. Another and I guess the worst one is Draven has complete control over our curse so if the amulet around his neck is destroyed then so is the curse, freeing us. Which is why we’re kind of scared of him and try to avoid him showing up at all costs. because we're usually totally vulnerable around him.” I sit back in my seat and look at the three guys sitting in front of me in complete shock “Wow, I’m so sorry this curse is such a burden to all of you. This Draven guy sounds scary. Honestly I would have never thought it would be possible to turn from one species into another.” Wooyoung smiles and wiggles his fingers in the air “That’s magic baby, the dark arts.” Jongho looks at me with a faint smile "Anything else? These guys are basically an open book.” 
I nod  "Hm yeah actually, so all those drawings and photos of those girls in in that room, who are they?" Jongho responds "That room is a room Seonghwa usually frequents as you can see most things in there are his, but those girls are girls he thought were you and instead of returning them we just sacrificed them to Draven because it was easier to keep the sacrifices going since we're kinda forced to keep them coming for him because we have a pact with him." I look down trying to re gather my thoughts then I say "So, you guys knew about Seonghwa's situation?" They all nod then I look at them worriedly "Then how come Mingi hates me and Hongjoong is always so uptight? Wouldn't they at least be a bit nicer?" They shrug then Wooyoung says "Hongjoong is just naturally like that since he's the leader, he takes his position very seriously but he's actually pretty cool and Mingi, honestly we don't know why he acted the way he did we were pretty shocked he attacked you."
I know he probably won't hurt me but knowing that because of me so many innocent girls were killed makes me feel terrible. San taps my hand to get my attention and says "Hey, Please don't tell anyone we told you any of this, I don't think Seonghwa wants you to know." I quietly nod "I understand Master San." Jongho reaches over for my other hand "I hope you don't think differently about any of us." I shake my head "Oh no, I understand you have to honor the pact." I get up and start to gather the dishes San turns to look at me "I hope you're not upset Miss y/n." I shake my head "Well, I can't be It's not in my place to be upset. From the looks of it if you don't honor your pact with him I'm sure you'll be in huge trouble."  Wooyoung looks at the floor for a second then shakes his head "Yep no, I don't want to think about it. Tomorrow night we're supposed to go find someone new for Draven, Hongjoong told San earlier."
I felt a pit in my stomach knowing someone was about to get killed in my place again. San looks at Wooyoung puts his finger on his lips "Shh, Wooyoung stop. It's making Miss y/n very uncomfortable." San holds my hand and gives me his sweet eye smile "How about I help you wash the dishes Miss y/n, today was alot of people who ate with us." He glances over at Jongho and Wooyoung "Evryeone, say goodbye to Miss y/n" Wooyoung narrows his eyes at San while Jongho sits there slightly confused. Shortly after they excuse themselves and both say their goodbyes while San stays behind and helps me clean up the kitchen and do the dishes.
“I’m so sorry for scaring you like that. I know as a human it’s pretty scary feeling so helpless.” I shake my head while clearing out the stove area “You really don’t need to apologize. It was done with good intentions. If anything I really appreciate you giving me a heads up.” San looks out the window looking at the darkening sky. "even so, I feel like I still need to apologize. It just feels wrong if i don't you know?" He glances down at his hand bubbles gently squeezing the bubbles between his fingers onto a bowl below. “You really are such a sweet person, Seonghwa really does know how to pick them.” I turn to San slightly taken aback "You think so?" He gives me a dimpled smile and pokes my cheek leaving a bubble on my cheek "I know so, I can feel you've been through alot. So I think you deserve someone who will love you and protect you, the way a beautiful girl like you should be treated."
He feels that I've been through alot? If only he really knew. Does that mean he has some sort of variant of being clairvoyant or can he just read my mind? Wait... I look to see a smirking San then I poke his side "You're cheating! You can read my mind! That's not fair!" San lets out a yelp and pouts "It's not cheating if you mean well! I'm just emotionally intelligent! Seonghwa reads your mind all the time why me?! " I part my lips in shock then I cover my face in embarrassment Oh god, he knows about me thinking he's beautiful.. "He wha-" San nervously chuckles and points out the window "Look, it's a legion of cats..." Confused I glance out the window and by the time I look back I see his little cat self running away. "Wait! Master San I thought you were going to help me do the dishes?!"
Later after finishing the dishes and bringing a drink over to Yeosang, I run into Hongjoong. He looks at me slightly suspicious and approaches me hastily "Why were you in that room?" I shake my head "I was just curious, I'm so sorry Master Hongjoong." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Look, Seonghwa reminded me who you are now but that doesn't excuse you going around behind our backs sneaking around into rooms you're specifically supposed to stay out of. You're human, you can't expose yourself to some of these things because they will kill you.
Look what happened last time when you wandered off by yourself." I clench onto the beverage plate tightly trying not to look directly at the man’s clearly upset face  "I understand, I'm sorry Master I promise it will never happen again." He pats my head and his voice softens "Good news for you though, we've decided to use someone else as a sacrifice. The only thing is that we hope Draven accepts it." I fidget with the plate in my hands "So, does that mean I get to go home soon?" He clicks his tongue and shakes his head "I'm afraid not, you have to stay here with us."
I nod silently in disappointment. He then looks at me with worry in his eyes "Look, I know what happened with Mingi was really traumatic and it didn't help I was also being a bit rude and going around scaring you. I just didn't know if I could trust you, it wasn't until Seonghwa let me know that you for sure the person he was looking for and you were in fact the girl in the drawing. That's when I realized that I should be nicer since you'll be around here for a long time. So, my apologies for all the misunderstandings. I hope you can forgive me." He holds my hand and puts his other one on top of my free hand "Ahh, Master Hongjoong it's ok I understand." He warmly smiles "Thank you for being so understanding.."
For a few seconds it stays quiet before I decide I need to hear it from the leader himself so I look over at Hongjoong and quietly whisper "So Master, do you know why Master Mingi hates me so much?” he stays quiet for a bit and presses lips into a pained smile "I actually don't know about that one, he's very closed off and usually keeps to himself and distances himself from us alot. The only person he's truly close to is Yunho." Man, Mingi really is unpredictable if his own friends aren't as close to him as they want to. "I see, well I'll let you go now Master your laundry is almost finished I just need to fold it." He gives me an understanding nod "Thank you, you have my permission to leave it in my room when you're finished. "Once Hongjoong is gone I head over to the chapel in search of Yunho. He must be with Mingi. When I open the door and I notice he wasn't in here.
I turn and see Seonghwa standing behind me and I let out a muffled shriek "S-Seonghwa hi, I was just looking for Yunho." He smiles and gently pulls me into a kiss "It's time for your bath my love." I blink and look at him confused "Oh, but it's only 8:30?" He rests his forehead on mine and says "I want to spend extra time with you since I've barely seen you around all day." A flush crept up on my face Oh my gosh what is happening?! "Besides we were in the middle of something earlier remember?" He gently kisses me again, afterwards I swallow the nervous knot in my throat "Oh, of course I remember." He pulls back and he holds my face in his hands "Does that make you uncomfortable my love?" I shake my head "I- Uh no.." He grabs my hand and leads me to his room. It was so romantic looking, the lights being very dim with the red bedding contrasting beautifully with the black Victorian furniture. The room smelled like him too, that same sweet almond vanilla scent that makes me feel warm and safe.
I hear him lock the door behind him and take off his long cape-like jacket in one swift motion, gently hanging it into the matte black coat rack in the corner of the room. Without his cape on I notice he has a small, slim waist. Wow, he looks like a textbook vampire from his hair to his beautiful features, everything a girl could ever want all wrapped up in one being and he's all for me. I mean wha- He glances at me and smirks almost like he really is actually reading my thoughts. He reaches over for me and pulls me over to the bathroom. San was right, he is reading my thoughts.. Everything was set up, from the romantic lighting and ambience to the blood red petals in and leading to the bathtub. Amazed, I look at him not knowing how to react and he says “I hope you like it my love, you deserve to relax and unwind after a long day..” I look at how beautiful the tub is keeping my gaze away from his "I love it, the rose petals were a nice touch.."
He gently tugs on my hand and turns my face towards him "Are you shy?" I nod "I- Yeah, you're just so gorgeous It's hard for me to even look at you." He chuckles "How do you think I feel sweetheart?" He rests his forehead on mine "It's taking so much of me not to ravish you right now." He kisses me and without breaking the kiss he pulls me up onto his arms wrapping my legs around his waist and walks me over to sit me down on the sink. He swiftly undoes my dress, his cold fingertips gently brushing against my warm bare skin. "You're so warm my love." He then slowly pushes my dress off of my shoulders and pulls it off letting it fall onto the floor. He steps back to admire my figure in the lacy bra and panties he chose. "You look delicious.." My cheeks burn causing me to cover myself by pulling him closer to me while he leans into my neck and peppers kisses along my neck and collarbones. He runs his hands up my thighs and squeezes them. I'm going to get railed tonight aren't I? Seonghwa chuckles "I'm most definitely going to enjoy you tonight my love."
The next morning I slowly open my eyes and realize my head is resting on Seonghwa’s chest. Unlike a regular person, whose heart beat would wake you up his was nothing but silence which is slightly off putting. Giving me the urge to look up at him to make sure he was actually real. When I meet his eyes he looks down at me gently stroking my hair and says “Good morning my love, did you sleep well?” I nod then I bury my face in the crook of his neck, still slightly sleepy and he says “I wish we could stay like this forever.” I hum back quietly while he gently kisses the top of my head. After what happened last night it made me realize how much he longed for that moment to be with me. The fact that this beautiful man loved me enough to wait all these years for me. I still can’t believe it. I gently hold his hand to which he laces his fingers between mine “I wish we could too.” I say then he brushes a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and kisses me while he gently rests his hand on my neck and mine on his chest. He pulls me on top of him and without breaking the kiss I pull back.
“As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you for a little while I have to go and finish Master Hongjoong’s laundry from yesterday.” He nods then gently kisses the side of my jaw "That's okay, just stay here with me for a bit." He pulls me to lay on top of him while resting my head on his chest again, only this time his arm was around my waist while the other ran his fingers through my hair. "I'm happy I no longer have to wake up alone, I'm glad I finally found you." I gently boop his nose "Thank you for taking care of me. Hwa." He takes my hand in his and kisses the back of my hand "You've got nothing to thank me for my love. I only showed you how much I love you, because it comes from the deepest most sincere part of me." A small knot forms in my throat as he utters those words, for some reason evreytime he speaks his truth. I still can't believe someone actually feels that way towards me, he seems too unreal. "You know, I kind of feel bad because I feel like I have nothing to offer." Seonghwa tilts my head to face him, and looks at me with slight hurt in his eyes "Don't say such a thing, you have plenty to offer. Your love and respect is more than enough to me. I'm so sorry you might have experienced injustices in your life where you had been giving far too much than what you were receiving but I promise you I won't ever hurt you. I'll be with you forever. and coming from me, that's a long time."
My eyes begin to sting from the tears so I blink them away and bury my face in his neck. Seonghwa chuckles and pats my head "Don't cry my love, it's okay." I let out a slightly embarrassed laugh and wipe my eyes "Don't worry they're happy tears, I'm just moved by your words." He his thumb gently caresses my bottom lip "My age is showing again isn't it?" I shake my head and sit up on his lap "No, I like it. Trust me, people my age are usually stupid more than anything because of how selfish they are, at least you're empathetic and wise. That's very attractive in my eyes." Seonghwa smirks and nods "Alright princess, I'll take your word for it." I glance over at the clock next to Seonghwa's bed and it read "8:15 am" Ah damn, I have to go I need to start cooking for the picnic today or I won't finish in time.. I rest my arms on either side of his head and gently kiss his cheek "Okay, I've got to go now! No peaking in the kitchen until I tell you to.." He pulls me down on top of him again and smiles “Alright my love, if you run into any problems don’t hesitate to look for me okay?” I nod "No problem, you've got my word."
In the garden behind the house I stand outside taking down the laundry that I left to dry the night before due to Hongjoong's special request. While I fold laundry and look at the garden, I realize today is the picnic we planned so I try and fold as fast as my little  hands would let me. Eventually when I finish folding the clothes I walk to Hongjoong’s room and drop off his basket of clothes. His room is amazing, but yet somehow still messy so while I was there I decide to do some cleaning up so while cleaning up Hongjoong's desk I notice a stray sheet of paper that appeared to be ripped out of a book that said "The sacred blood of the witch is the elixir of magic and power.” I stand there for a few seconds wondering what that meant then I set the papers into a neat stack. Maybe I shouldn't meddle in his things and just go, I can probably get something out of San or Wooyoung. I carefully clean up the rest of the stray papers and books on the ground and exit his room.
After dropping off Hongjoong's laundry my next stop was the kitchen so I begin to prepare the food and some desserts, shortly after Wooyoung comes into the kitchen and says “It smells delicious, can I help? Remember you promised to let me!” I nod while I prepare the dough for some cookies “If you want you can help me with the food and I’ll do the desserts fair?” he nods and grabs an apron from the kitchen closet. A few minutes later while Wooyoung chops a few vegetables he says in a low voice “We’re getting that sacrifice tonight Miss y/n. If you don’t mind is it okay if you help us?” As soon as Wooyoung uttered those words my hands ran cold. Immediately I turn and look at Wooyoung and I slightly stammer “I-I don’t know if that’s a great idea Master Wooyoung.” He slightly raises his eyebrow and says “And why is that?” I begin to fidget with my hands then I look out the kitchen window “I can’t do that knowing you guys will kill that poor person because of me.” Wooyoung sets the knife down he then turns to me and puts his hands on my shoulders “But we have to go through with the sacrifice, especially if you want to stay alive. We just need your help to keep them calm that’s all, you won’t see the moment that person is sacrificed.”
I shake my head then I turn and look at Wooyoung “I can’t. Knowing that person is going to die because of me doesn’t sit right with me at all.” He sighs “But that person’s death is what’s going to keep you alive. I’m not supposed to tell you this but if Draven gets a hold of you, his power levels will increase and we really don’t want that. That man is already dangerous as it is.” I blink then a confused expression grows onto my face “What do you mean me? Is there something wrong with me?” He puts his hand on his hips and the other one gently tugging his dark hair clearly regretting he even said anything to begin with. ”Okay, look. So, you have a relative from a few hundred years ago who was a very powerful witch her name was Ursula but she was known as Sorceress Ursula. She was very well known among the underworld community which is why you're probably not very aware of it. So obviously, you being related to a witch especially a very powerful one you have literal magic running through your veins, the thing is Draven is not aware you’re related to her right now but once he smells your blood he’ll instantly know then you’ll be in big trouble.”
I swear I feel like a normal human I don’t get it, I’m most definitely not liking where this is going either. ”It's not just you who's going to be in trouble though so are we. Seonghwa for falling in love with a witch and us for helping him keep you alive. Witches and Vampires are forbidden to fall in love due to the fact that we are undead and to witches vampires are a perversion of life itself or in other words we aren't natural. We are not meant to be alive despite being considered dead." So Seonghwa is risking not only his life but his friends as well all because he loves me. I have to at least help out, I don’t want Seonghwa or my friends to get in trouble because of me. I sigh “Alright Master Wooyoung I’ll help.” He smiles and hugs me tight “Thank you so much, also please don’t tell anyone not even Seonghwa about what I told you.” The oven dings causing both of us to jump so I pull away and hurriedly get the oven mitts and I take out the other batch of cookies ”Don’t worry, I won’t say anything I promise. It'll stay safe with me.”
A few hours later San comes in with Jongho then he cheekily smiles “Can I have a cookie?” I nod and hand him the plate of cookies “Sure but just one, we have to eat first.” he takes one and puts it in his mouth “Oh my, these are delicious.” he chews on the cookie while he takes another plate of sweets and heads outside to put them on the picnic table. Jongho smiles and walks over to me and shyly nods his head “Good afternoon Miss y/n I hope making all these treats and food wasn’t too much of a hassle for you.” I smile and shake my head “Oh, no worries Master Wooyoung helped me, it was very nice to have someone help me but something funny is that I found out he’s actually a very good cook.” he steps over to the pots of food on the stove “Well, I’m glad it wasn’t an inconvenience for you, I can’t wait to taste all of these they smell delicious.” I smile then I hand him a pot of food to take outside “I’m honestly excited for the food too. I kinda skipped breakfast and I'm starving.” I grab another pot of food and we both head outside eventually fixing everything and setting everything up. I look at the table then I realize I forgot the tea so I walk back inside the kitchen and I notice Yunho In the kitchen with Yeosang heading outside to the picnic.
Oh my gosh Yunho. Maybe I could ask him about Mingi. Both Yunho and Yeosang say hi with Yeosang following up with “Miss y/n, Wooyung let me know about the picnic today. If I may ask will there be blood?” I nod “Yes Master Yeosang I prepared a pitcher full of pure blood but we will also be having some blood tea, Masters San, Jongho and Wooyung really enjoy that one as well so don’t worry. I also have a feeling the menu will be to your liking with blood since Wooyoung helped me prepare a special blood sauce to go with the food.” A small smile appears on his beautifully angelic face then he says “Ah, alright then sounds great. Come on Yunho let’s go get some food, I haven’t eaten human food in a few decades” I glance over at Yunho then I blurt out “Actually Master Yeosang, I have a question to ask Yunho we’ll catch up to you in a little.”
He nods and heads outside towards the beautiful gazebo where the picnic is being held. Yunho then turns his attention towards me then says “So, what exactly is your question Miss y/n? I also hope you’re doing okay from yesterday’s attack.” I look down and tightly grip the side of my dress then I fidget with my hands “I’m doing a bit better, still very much freaked out though. Although my question actually has to do with the attack. Master Yunho, why did Mingi attack me?” Yunho averts his gaze from mine for a few seconds then looks back at me “Well, Mingi is just sort of a younger vampire who can’t control himself and you happened to upset him when he noticed you were in that room. Thus, creating a very dangerous mix of elements.” His guard is up, I have to try harder. “Well that makes sense but even before that I sensed Master Mingi didn’t like me.” Yunho looks out the window clearly worried about all the questions being asked “Well, Mingi has always had trouble opening up to people just give him time and he’ll warm up to you.” I shake my head “I’m sorry Master but I have a feeling It goes far beyond him acting cold towards me, he literally almost killed me.”
Yunho slightly leans onto the kitchen counter almost leveling his height to mine “It’s just like what I said earlier, him being a young vampire and him being terrible at controlling himself is the reason why he attacked.” Hongjoong and Seonghwa are talking in the distance then Yunho quickly walks off outside with the rest of the guys leaving me alone in the kitchen until a few seconds later Hongjoong and Seonghwa enter the kitchen. Immediately I play off my interaction with Yunho by grabbing the tea kettles “Oh hello Master Hongjoong, hi Seonghwa I was just getting some blood tea for you guys and regular tea for myself.” Hongjoong waves and grabs a tray of cookies on the counter "Hello there Miss y/n I'll be taking this outside" He gives me a kind smile and leaves Seonghwa and I alone.
“I can help you my love” He reaches for one of the kettles from my hands “Oh, careful it's hot.” I say while I make sure the kettle doesn't touch his skin. Seonghwa glances down at me then smiles "You're so precious, you know that?" I cover one of my ears with my available hand hiding bright red ear and he chuckles "Your shyness is telling me you agree with my words." I look down slightly embarrassed "I'm just still in shock someone as sweet and loving as you has been waiting for me all these years." He kisses the top of my head and pulls my shoulder onto his chest "Which is why now I'm going to make up for all that time I lost not being with you." I raise my eyebrow with a cheeky smile "Well, I hope you enjoy being with all wrinkly old woman Sir." Seonghwa tilts my chin up looking deep into my eyes "Just know no matter how much time changes you, just know my love for you will never change." I meant that as a joke but why do I feel like crying? This knot in my throat... Unable to speak Seonghwa gently kisses my forehead and smiles "Let's go, I'm sure you're very hungry after all that cooking." We both walk outside towards the gazebo and I begin to pour tea in their tea cups then San says “Oh, hey Miss y/n don’t worry about pouring tea just sit and eat comfortably, after all we’re all sitting here enjoying a meal as friends even though it might be a little weird since we’re not exactly human.”
I set down the tea pot and I sit down “That’s okay, friends are friends. I mean you guys were human at one point in your lives so that counts.” I serve myself a plate then I look around “The garden is beautiful and so is this gazebo but from the looks of it it’s rarely ever used.” Jongho says “Oh yeah, usually just me and San are the ones that come out here. I really like to look at the graden and sing.” after swallowing a spoonful of food San says “I like to come out here and play in my cat form it’s so fun being able to run around since Hongjoong and Seonghwa don’t let me do it inside.” I pick up the floral golden rimmed tea cup and take a sip “Oh I’m sure being a cat must be fun. It must feel nice being so free, but how come none of you guys burst into flames when we came outside? Aren't vampires deathly allergic to the sun?”
The guys look at each other and laugh as if I've said the most hilarious thing even until Hongjoong clears his throat “Well, the sun severely hurts our eyes Miss y/n. The whole catching on fire or having sparkling skin thing is a myth. The only way to kill us really is by a stab in the heart with a wooden or silver steak, beheading or burning is also an option.”  Well, that's gruesome, I didn't think he'd mention that so nonchalantly. I slowly nod “Ah, that explains the sunglasses then? So how often do you guys need to feed? Is that an everyday thing or..” Everyone looks over at Seonghwa then he gently pats my head and says “Well, to be truthful we only need to feed at least once a week or every 3 days, meaning we each feed an average of 52 times in a year maybe a little more.” Wow that’s kind of a lot, 52 victims every year. With Draven involved though I'm sure the amount of victims is double the amount of death.
Seonghwa gently reaches over to hold my hand Wooyoung then smirks and says “The thing is though when a vampire falls in love with a human their thirst for their blood becomes very strong.” My hands grow cold then San turns to Wooyoung and smacks his arm “Hey, Wooyoung don’t tell her that you’ll freak her out. I’m sure she still doesn’t trust us like that yet..” Seonghwa gently squeezes my hand “Do you trust me Miss y/n?” His green and gold eyes look right at me very tenderly with no trace of malice. “Of course I trust you, I’m just still a bit scared from what happened. So knowing you might eat me in any second kinda scares me a bit. especially since um..” Oh my god, no wonder he would get extra riled up when he was anywhere near my neck last night. I glance at the rest of the vampires at the table then back over at Seonghwa who gently kisses my forehead and chuckles keeping his cool “I would never do that sweetheart, I love you too much.” Yeosang then says “You don’t have to worry about Seonghwa not controlling himself, he keeps his vampiric instincts under control very well.”
Wooyoung then cheekily smiles “Guys, I’ve never seen Seonghwa look at anyone like that, I like it, he looks less scary.” Yeosang shoots him a look then smiles “I mean when you’ve been looking for your soul mate for most of your vampire life then you finally find them I’m sure you’d act the same way.” Yunho looks over at Seonghwa and says “I know you’re happy but please keep an eye on her if something happens to her before we can get to her I really don’t want to think about it.” Seonghwa looks over at me then turns to Yunho slightly annoyed “Actually my dear Yunho, Mingi needs to be the one who's careful he should know better. Just because he’s a younger vampire doesn’t excuse him attacking people. he doesn't intend to feed on.” Yunho looks over at Hongjoong almost pleading him to step in but in return Hongjoong shrugs and says “He’s right, that can’t be an excuse. Look at Jongho, he's the youngest and he controls himself very well.” Yunho sighs in frustration then says “How can you just be on the witch’s side?! I’m sorry but you guys out of anyone here know how hard it is for Mingi to control himself. ”
Everyone turns and looks at Yunho in shock I then feel Seonghwa’s hand clench I hold his arm and gently squeeze it then he responds in a low tone “Yunho, don’t ever disrespect Miss y/n like that ever again.” Yunho grows a very sullen expression “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stand hearing you guys say those things about Mingi. I promise Miss y/n he’s a great person. It’s just that…” He looks over at everyone for a second then he looks back at me “MIngi doesn’t like you because of your witches descent...You’re a witch.” Hongjoong gets up and grabs Yunho by the arm “Alright come on Yunho, you’ve said enough today.” I know Wooyoung told me earlier but hearing him say it that way makes me realize I'm somewhere I shouldn’t be. I have a feeling I’m going to die here.  
While Hongjoong escorts Yunho back to the house I sit there in shock and embarrassment. Seonghwa pulls me close and gently pats my head and without thinking I say “I honestly wish I was gone. Ever since I arrived here I’ve brought so many problems to you guys, you especially Seonghwa. I’m so sorry.” He gently kisses the top of my head and gently strokes my cheek “No, it’s not your fault please don’t say that. From the day you were born I hoped to have you in my arms that’s how much I love you. Being born of a witch's descent isn’t your fault at all, to me you’re just human.” San, Jongho, Yeosang and Wooyoung walk over to me and Seonghwa. Jongho puts his hand on my shoulder and gently squeezes it he then sits next to me and holds my hand “I also am glad you were born because who else Is going to cheer on my singing?”
San moves some plates aside and sits on the table “Yes, and who else is going to play with me or give me really delicious snacks. Only you Miss y/n” Wooyoung then says “If you weren’t here I'd have no one to test recipes for, you’re also an amazing cooking buddy. It’s really fun cooking with you.” And finally Yeosang says “Not to mention if you weren’t here I'd have no one to help me out with experiments since none of these guys ever want to help.” I sigh “I’m so sorry for being selfish, but please understand where I'm coming from. I’m terrified just being here, don’t get me wrong being with you guys has its upsides because if I'm honest in the back of my mind there’s always that thought that maybe one day i’ll end up dead. I’m just a mere human, I’m not a witch I don’t have powers or powerful spells.”
Seonghwa slightly smiles and turns my face towards him “As long as I'm here I'll protect you with my life so you have nothing to worry about.” San looks over at the other guys then says “Us too, I know we just met not long ago but we’re all so fond of you now so don’t mind grouchy Mingi. We’ll protect you.” San then turns into his cat form and walks over to me purring and rubbing his tiny head on my arm I gently pick him up put him on my lap and pet him. My throat grows a heavy knot but not one of sadness but one of happiness and slowly my vision blurs and tears well up in my eyes. “Thank you so much…” I gently hug San in my arms while Seonghwa wipes away my tears “Oh no, don’t cry my love.” I smile and shake my head “I’m sorry I'm such a crybaby it was just happy tears.” Everyone else smiles then Jongho says “How about we help Miss y/n clean up?” I put San on the table and I get up and pick up all the plates “All the dirty dishes can go in the sink I'll wash them when I’m finished packing up all the food” they nod and take the pots of food inside San stays behind then turns back into his regular form “About what Yunho said, just ignore that. He got a bit emotional because he’s really close friends with Mingi.”
“It’s okay, I know I'm a witch by blood he wasn’t wrong about that, It just hurts because of the way he said it. I thought he was my friend and I’d never thought he’d say those things, but I totally understand I honestly would have stood up for my best friend too.” San sighs then grabs a cookie from the plate and takes a bite “True, but he didn’t have to use the fact that you’re a witch against you it’s like getting upset because fire is hot. It makes no sense because you can’t change who you are although I do think the fact that vampires and witches have a strong rivalry against each other plays a strong role as to why they’re acting that way especially Mingi, for him everything that Draven says he follows. Draven hates witches but he loves the power that comes with them so when he drinks their blood he favors that over human blood any day.”
San picks up some pots of food and we walk back towards the kitchen. He leans over close to me and says “Do you need help with the dishes again?” I shake my head and smile “Oh no, it’s okay Master San you can just bring me the remaining food from outside besides I'm sure you need to rest and prepare yourself for um… That thing happening tonight.” He looks over at Seonghwa, Wooyoung, Jongho and Yeosang talking to eachother while they bring in the rest of the food then San gives me an eye smile and says in a low whisper “Oh right, I almost forgot about that it’s today.” The rest of the boys walk into the kitchen and set the remaining food onto the kitchen table then Wooyoung says “Forgot about what San?” San then turns to Wooyoung and awkwardly smiles “Oh you know, that thing that’s happening tonight” Seonghwa then says “Oh, did you let Miss y/n in on what we’re doing?” Wooyoung nods and says “Yes, I told her this morning and she says it’s okay.”
Seonghwa looks over at me slightly worried “Are you sure you want to do this my love? I don’t want you to get scared over what happens or you know see us in a different light.” I force a smile and hold Seonghwa’s hand “It’s okay, I understand. You guys are in a pact after all and the last thing I want is for you guys to get in trouble so I decided it’ll be best I help and not be useless. I need to put my personal feelings aside.” Yeosang then says “I don’t know if Wooyoung told you this but please try not to get attached to this person, I know you’ll probably want to make friends with someone but It’s best you don’t we don’t want to risk an escapee.” I nod “Yes Master Yeosang understood.” Yeosang puts his hands on my shoulders his ruby red eyes looking into mine "Seriously, you cannot get attached Miss y/n, no matter how kind they are and how much you want to comfort them do not get attached." Huh, I wonder why...
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
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thxrnking · 10 months
Imperfect - Chapter 9: Recover
Content Warning: overstimulation (external viewpoint), panic attack (external), depiction of conflicting feelings towards a known abuser
[Imperfect Masterlist]
Author’s Note: A huge thank you to everyone for your patience on this last chapter. It's not what I originally had in mind but given that there's more to go after this (in other fics) I'm perfectly satisfied and I hope that it's worth the wait for all of you. It may be some time before the follow up, Overkill, comes out but it will be coming. Please enjoy - TK
It’s over. They’ve won.
In the Night Swan’s absence her throne room has been overrun by those who used to serve her. Hundreds of citizens once trapped as her minions finally freed by Wanderlust and his friends. No one planned for it to become a chaotic frenzy but who could blame them. After who-knew-how-long trapped under her control the crowd was aching to move and shake and scream out their joy.
The crowd covers almost the entire room, pulsing in waves as they all move to the beat of their own delight. Some are singing, others Dance to the music that Discoball blasts as it soars over their heads wearing a look of pure happiness. The small silver ball is ecstatic, spinning endlessly, refracting light around the entire room, and even spitting out confetti every once in a while as everyone rejoices in their freedom.
Well…nearly everyone.
Wanderlust is passing through the crowd with some difficulty. Everyone wants to shake his hand, thank him, and Dance his praise but the Prince is focused elsewhere, his focus drawn by red hair, a red suit, and a large pink feather boa draped over one shoulder that’s drawing further and further away.
Jack Rose isn’t Dancing. Instead he weaves his way between the mass around him with surprising ease. Arms tucked in, bobbing to and fro, barely bothering the people he passes. Still there’s something about his stance, the tense muscles in his arms, the tight line of his lips, his bowed head; something isn’t right.
A nearby dancer calls Wander’s name, invites him to join the Dance, several others also join in and he only looks away for a moment. A polite decline and a quick goodbye is all it takes to lose sight of Jack. Panic grips him as he rushes through the crowd, pushing his way past several people before almost tripping over Jack crumpled on the floor, almost as though his legs just gave out beneath him.
Jack’s gloved hands hide his face while the Dancer tries to make himself as small as possible. Without a second’s thought Wander grabs Jack’s elbow and loops his arm up, over, and around his own shoulders.
“Come on,” he heaves the dancer to his feet, “Let’s get you out of here.”
Jack continues to hide his face with his free hand and Wander heads straight for the door.
As they leave the throne room, the racket follows after them so Wander doesn’t stop, continuing down corridor after corridor until eventually he pauses. As he glances back and forth it occurs to him that every time he’s come to this place he’s used a portal in and out of a single room, so he has no idea where he is, never mind where the hell they’re going. Lucky for them, Jack reaches to point down a corridor and they’re on the move again.
As they finally reach a door, Jack removes himself from Wander, shoving the door out his way and storming into the room beyond. One glimpse of overly-fancy furniture and Wander knows exactly where he’s brought them.
Jack drops onto the stool beside a large ornate dressing table which, with its accompanying mirror, definitely wasn’t there last time. Large, wooden, and black with gold detailing, it’s beautiful but just as cold as everything else in Jack’s bedroom.
The carpet silences Wander’s steps as he walks up behind Jack, watching as the young man stares blankly at his own reflection. As he stares at Jack’s reflection, a sudden realisation hits the Prince. Everyone up in the throne room is celebrating the defeat of a villain, but Jack…
The air feels lighter knowing that she won’t walk in at any second or interrupt for the hundredth time. Still her presence has seeped deep into the walls of this place. A hollow, foul shiver that will never fully leave no matter how far she is from it. And even with everything she’s done, the lives she’s ruined, the terror she’s wrought, she’s still the only family Jack’s ever had.
And now she’s gone.
Wander gently places his hand on Jack’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry.”
It’s all he can say. Yes, a family is broken but nothing happened that shouldn’t have. Night Swan was defeated, her victims were released from her control, and Jack has proven to himself exactly what he’s capable of in spite of her. There’s not a moment that Wander would do differently.
Jack reaches up with his hand to gently brush against Wander’s fingers, a slight sad smile passing across his lips. Jack knows. He understands. That doesn’ make it any easier. Knowing this is for the best doesn’t silence the self-loathing and guilt that festers inside him.
Maybe with time; time to adjust, to settle, and to finally finally accept the truth of who his mother is. Maybe then Jack can finally accept what he’s always been.
And that’s okay.
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jkoo-njoo · 1 year
College crush - 3
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summary : college au l when the frontier between a crush and an obsession blurs, how can you draw the line?
pairing : shy n clingy bf! jk × black fem! reader
genre : fluff, soft yandere | headcanons
word count : 2150, on going story
warnings : stalking, fixation, home intrusion
author’s note : Hi loves ! This is supposed to be the second to last chapter of this story, but I don’t feel like ending it so soon. I’m still hesitating on wether to write a sequel in the form of drabbles or just add 2 or 3 more chapters instead of just one. You tell me what you would prefer most (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Enjoy my angels ~ ♡
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3/ the moth searching for light through darkness, with hope
- the first time : just reaching out to you
Jungkook was really set on taking the leap of faith and sending you a message directly.
he is very nervous but also confident that you will appreciate this gesture because he has backup :
a few days ago, after the bi-weekly photography class, he followed you a bit around before going home
you went to grab coffee with some of your friends at the local café
and he just sat at a table behind you lot, making sure not to be noticeable
he was glad that you and your friends had the habit of talking a bit loudly so he didn’t have to sit right next to you to listen to your discussions
what he heard that day left him completely speechless
you guys were talking about the type of actions you’d consider romantic from a significant other and what you’d love to experience
best believe he was absolutely tuned in when it was your turn to speak
and that’s when he heard you say that you were a delusional and hopeless romantic that would really love to have a secret admirer that sent you letters and gifts
everyone clowned you and kept telling you to give it up because it would never gonna happen
but he, on the other hand, couldn’t be happier
he was going to make your dream happen, with the upmost joy doing it.
fast forward to today, with Jungkook going insane over trying to choose the perfect first-letter-from-a-secret-admirer between the 3 piles of tens of already written letters he had in his room
he settled for this one short letter :
“Like a bee drawn to a flower, I am endlessly attracted to your being, your beauty and existence essential for my survival.“
he signed — your secret admirer not yet ready to put any indication about his identity
he folded it with great care and put the message in a beige ancient style letter that he sealed with red wax
he hesitated on perfuming the letter or not but he eventually decided against it, because what if you don’t like the odor and throw away his letter, rejecting him before even checking him out ?
he was ready to go all out for you, but that didn’t mean he wanted to take reckless risks
he truly wanted to make an impact on you in the best way possible. And that included being very meticulous
when he was done, he walked up to the building next to his and deposited the letter in your letter box, whilst shaking uncontrollably the entire time
he did that in the middle of the day, so he figured he’d check the day after if you opened your letter box
he went there 3 days in a row and noticed that you didn’t really check your letter box that often
so he went against one of the main restrictions he imposed on himself : not to go all the way up to your front door.
but he did. and from now, he’d give you letters by putting them in between the front door and the wall, just above the handle so you’d inevitably notice them immediately every single time.
- the second time : being too greedy
this little back & forth of him writing letters and giving them to you lasted a few weeks
he would send you letters every 2 to 3 days, and they would vary in length but never in substance
they would always be very light and easy to read, whilst intensely dripping with passion and love
the one he sent you yesterday was :
“if anyone ever asks me which is more important between my life and yours, I would tell them that I have died to myself and that I live only for you.”
he was taking his secret admirer job very seriously.
and judging by the way you would take all of his letters and not throw them out — he regularly checked the dumpster assigned to your building — you were visibly enjoying it.
one day, the routine got interrupted when he came up to drop off the LLOTD [love letter of the day] and…. your door was unlocked.
in his defense : he was sliding the letter between the door and the wall like he always did, but this particular time it didn’t want to stay in place ; the letter kept falling
so he grabbed the handle to have more balance while trying to make the letter fit in the crevace
then the handle just… moved. and opened the door.
he didn’t even do it on purpose like,,, it just opened ???
and now he was standing there, frozen in the middle of the hallway with the handle still in his hand, unable to move.
his hands inevitably start to sweat because even if he’s stuck, he knows what he wants to do ; but he can’t bring himself to do it.
he has always dreamed of entering your place. He has been wanting this for so long.
and there was now a golden opportunity to fulfill this dream……. he couldn’t let it pass by him. He just couldn’t bring himself to close the door and go home
so… he enters.
he is absolutely delighted to be in your space ; but he’s also getting very overwhelmed
there is so much to look at, so much to smell, so much to admire and ingrain in his brain
he gives himself like 5 minutes to get around and puts on a timer to make sure to go out on time.
you are living alone so your room’s decoration is very sweet & unique
also meticulously clean and organized
though he takes notes that he should buy you a basket to put your fruits in it, and a duvet cover so you can snuggle your cute self inside, and more plushies to horn your bed
he cannot wait until the time he gets to decorate this place with his own special touch too
the timer goes off indicating that it was time to go back to his place
he pushes the letter between the front door & the wall, then leaves
he was in such a state of euphoria that when he got back to his place he wrote like 5 letters in one sitting
when he noticed that you never really locked your door but just shut it, and since he knows your schedule by heart, he starts breaking into your home a bit more often over time
each time, he tries as hard as he can to not touch or move anything
he only verifies that you do not throw his letters by checking your bins, and lays on your bed while daydreaming of cuddling with you on it while watching movies, or play with you on your pc set up
he is very careful to not do anything that would make you notice that someone is coming into your place while you’re not there, because he doesn’t want you to be scared.
he would never deliberately cause you to be uncomfortable, afraid or to resent him
but it’s getting harder and harder everyday to not touch or take anything when he wants to go back to his place with each and every object that you use as a souvenir
he’s getting tormented…
so close, yet so far from the goal,,,, it was driving him crazy.
- at the same time : a curious appreciation
it’s been a few weeks since you’ve been regularly receiving love letters from a secret admirer
you would be lying if you said that you weren’t completely enjoying and indulging in it
at the beginning, you thought that it was a prank, because it was just so random & the timing was almost too perfect since you started receiving letters right after that one discussion with your friends
but it started being more recurrent, and it progressively made you flattered to receive such sustained and lovely attention
the words of this admirer were sure having a strong effect you.
so much that you kept absolutely every single one of their letters in a little box hidden in your nightstand
nowadays, you were catching yourself waiting for their letters or thinking about their words more than once throughout your day
you didn’t talk about it to your friends because you didn’t want them to make fun of you ; or worse : that one of them admits that this has all been a big joke and that it was all fake
this is your own little secret that you keep between you and your heart
and it’s just letters, beautiful letters at that. The admirer does not seem to be a creep, so you’re safe. There’s no need to alert anyone… right ?
at some point, you’ve tried to find out about the identity of your admirer.
the only information that you have at the moment is their signature : they sign every single letter with the mention — your secret admirer
you do not even know their gender. This is as anonymous as it gets like you cannot make this up
you have no idea about who it could be : no one in your social circle or the circle of your closest friends seems to be a good enough pretender to this spot, so it was surely intriguing you
but what you do know is that you are going to meet them soon. You have to.
- the rest of the time… too far gone to go back
eventually, one of your hoodie disappears. Like straight up vanishes.
you noticed it because you were looking for something to wear as lazy pajamas and it was one of your appointed “trash clothes” to put on
it is not that serious though like you must’ve just lost it.
So you wore something else and went on with your life, not caring much about that.
a few days later, you received a letter from your secret admirer.
it was weird because they haven’t sent you anything in like 10 days ; that was very out of character for them.
so, you were relieved to receive something from them again, but this letter was rather unusual
it wasn’t a poem ; but an apology.
the title was “please pardon me my love” and their writing was very clumsy, like they’ve been shaking while writing it.
in the letter, they admit that they took your hoodie — you assume that it must be the one that you lost the other day. They apologize for it by saying that they just wanted to have a piece of you with them and knowing that you didn’t value this particular hoodie that much they couldn’t help themselves. They promise to buy you absolutely every clothes that you want, and that they’ll replace the hoodie with a new one of your taste by tomorrow. At the end, they beg for your forgiveness and implore you to not stop loving them ; some water drops that you assume to be dried out tears adorning their words.
if you were being honest, you really couldn’t care less about the hoodie disappearing ; but it did make you feel kinda uncomfy knowing that they intruded your sacred space
their confession made you reflect on the past few days, and validated the feelings of confusion and uneasiness you felt seeing some of your belongings slightly changing places sometimes while you did not recall moving them yourself
you were definitely not crazy nor were you having hallucinations.
despite this… you still couldn’t find it in you to fear them or worry in any way.
like, they just took a hoodie that you didn’t care about. This was harmless, right ?
so, for the first time since the beginning of this whole ordeal : you decide to write an answer to them
you didn’t take yourself too seriously : you told them that you weren’t mad about the hoodie, but that the next time they come in here they better clean up your place a bit because you were pretty busy at the moment and didn’t have the time to do so
you would leave it on your desk tomorrow and see what happens
but for now, it was time to sleep and rest. Or at least try.
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7saith-moved · 4 months
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name: lucifer fallhaven
nicknames: luci
species: fallen angel
residence: purgoe, louisiana & venice, italy ( previous hellvilli )
occupation(s): head of fallhaven crime family, ceo of nether corp
previous titles: king of hell
sexuality: heterosexual
visual age: 40's
actual age: need to ask?
fc representation: penn badgley
WARNINGS of mention of torture, weapons, abandonment, violence, crime .
influence: as a former king of hell and the ceo of nethercorp, lucifer possesses immense influence over both the supernatural and human realms.
legal acumen: having worked his way up as a lawyer in the nineteenth century, lucifer is highly skilled in legal matters, making him a formidable negotiator and manipulator.
immortality: being a fallen angel, lucifer is immortal and resistant to many conventional forms of harm
heavenly restrictions: lucifer is bound by the agreement between heaven and hell, limiting the extent of his actions to prevent upsetting the balance and facing consequences from higher powers.
vulnerability to divine forces: despite his power, lucifer is vulnerable to the forces of heaven and divine intervention.
complicated past: lucifer carries the weight of his rebellious past, which can be exploited emotionally or psychologically.
soul contracts: lucifer can offer contracts to humans in exchange for their souls, granting him their allegiance and servitude.
shape-shifting: as a fallen angel, lucifer can change his appearance to blend in with humans or adopt a more intimidating form.
hellish influence: he can exert control over demonic forces and manipulate hellish energies..
charismatic: lucifer possesses a charismatic and persuasive demeanor that draws people in.
strategic: he is a master strategist, always thinking several steps ahead to achieve his goals.
ambitious: lucifer is driven by ambition and a desire to maintain control over the supernatural realms.
Long before the current accord between realms, Lucifer was a revered and mighty archangel in the celestial hierarchy. His unmatched charm and beauty earned him the moniker "Lightbringer." However, his pride and yearning for independence led him to challenge God's authority. This defiance sparked a cataclysmic conflict in the heavens. Lucifer and his followers fiercely battled against the heavenly forces but were eventually overpowered and banished from paradise. The once-glorious archangel found himself plummeting from heaven, his once majestic wings now scorched and torn as he descended into the depths of the infernal abyss. The anguish of God's retribution haunted Lucifer for centuries. The memory of the war he started, the agony of rejection, and the burning pain of his damaged wings served as constant reminders of his rebellion. God's punishment left an enduring mark on Lucifer's psyche, stirring feelings of torment.
Humans often overlook the fact that everything was orchestrated. Heaven required a scapegoat, and Lucifer willingly took on the role out of loyalty to his father. With a heavy heart, he dared to pose a question that gnawed at his conscience: Was it pride or mere curiosity, and when did curiosity become a sin? Before the heavenly council, he voiced his inquiry, only to quickly see the deception in front of him.
In the pristine white corridors of Heaven, urgency fills the air as a tumult looms on the horizon. With swift force, Lucifer is seized and hauled to the heart of Heaven, where he faces the consequences of his rebellion. No mercy, not even from the angelic. A knife is drawn and soon the vision turns to white. "you're nothing" a voice rings through the piercing rings. his brothers have made him foe.
Lucifer refuses to speak of the terrifying events. With closed eyes, he imagines his mother's comforting embrace. Despite his torn wings, he briefly finds solace in her love, feeling as if he's experiencing the tranquility of a mortal's peaceful passing—silent, fierce, and strangely beautiful. is this his death?
As Lucifer plunges through the skies, the echoes of angelic screams reverberate through the celestial realm, a haunting reminder of their once-beloved comrade's descent. Legend has it that Lucifer's impact upon the mortal ground was so tremendous that it cleaved a continent in twain. A deep chasm formed between the fractured landmasses, into which cascaded torrents of water. Downward, Lucifer plummeted into the abyss of eternal darkness, descending into the infernal depths of Hell.
After countless centuries, a weakened Lucifer emerges from his slumber amidst the damned souls of Hell. Amidst the wretched souls surrounding him, he pauses to mourn the heavens that had forsaken him, tears streaming down his face before drying into a mask of rage. Determined not to emulate his father's failures, Lucifer resolves to fulfill his duty to care for those around him. Gradually, what was once known as Hell transforms into Hellvilli, an empire forged in darkness. Under Lucifer's reign, sinners find redemption and rise above the judgment that once condemned them.
Lucifer is thriving in the modern era, commanding his infernal family with remarkable prowess, causing unease in the heavenly realms. The Fallhavens, a formidable supernatural crime syndicate, boast a membership exceeding a hundred individuals. Their frequent clashes with rival supernatural families, particularly those associated with Heaven, are well-known. The historic animosity between angels and demons has historically resulted in deadly conflicts, though recent times have seen a welcome decrease in hostilities.
In 1927, the Heavenly Council seeks Lucifer to draft contracts due to a decline in mortal prayers. A council of Hellvillian princes has been established to maintain cosmic equilibrium. These seven influential figures currently dwell on Earth, scattered across the globe. Their actions sow chaos and lead mortals towards embracing the sanctity of goodness.
Lucifer unleashes chaos on Earth, establishing Hellvillian as a nine-layered realm of damnation, with a small town called Purgoe perched atop its hierarchy. This town remains hidden, visible only to sinners, a determination made by the heavenly council. Each new mortal soul entering Earth undergoes judgment and prediction for either eternal damnation or heavenly ascent, a game played among the angels that Lucifer finds excessively cruel.
Yet, it's crucial to understand that Lucifer's involvement in making contracts was not by choice. He was coerced by the threat of harm to his family, compelling him to make difficult decisions and swear an oath to the heavenly council. Fret not, mortal as the king of hell has a plan to bring hell to it's lone kingdom.
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bookwormscififan · 4 months
Strange, But Not Entirely Unpleasant
A/N: A little piece I wrote for my friend @jellyfishdooter for their "Give Chase a Boyfriend" movement. I paired Chase up with an OC of mine who is very dear to my heart, Pat, a fallen angel from my WIP 'Surviving Sin'. Enjoy!
Feel free to send an ask here or to my author blog @sarah-a-c-author for any clarifications on Pat.
Pat walked through the park, hands in his hoodie pockets as he scanned the faces of people he hardly knew, scouting for proud souls to reap. His hood was pulled up to cover his lilac hair, sunglasses perched on his nose to cover his eyes, and he walked with a slight hunch to seem as inconspicuous as possible.
It was his job as both fallen angel and head of the Pride department of the Seven Deadly Sins Reaper Unit to scout out souls to reap, a potentially eternal punishment for his moment of pride after a lifetime of seclusion and a betrayal that led to his death. His back still ached some days in the places his beautiful wings used to be. At least you’re doing something. You aren’t wandering in Purgatory for all eternity. You get to come here, watch the humans work.
He paused as he spotted a man sitting on a bench, talking on the phone in his hand with a frown. Pat tilted his head, twisting his neck slightly to tap into his powers, scanning the man for signs of pride and only finding sadness. He furrowed his brow, noting the edge of frustration in the man’s voice as he ended his call.
Curious, Pat strolled to the man’s bench, sitting some distance from him and looking at the ground. He tapped the toe of his shoe against the dirt, absently drawing small patterns as he plucked up the courage to speak to the mortal.
“How do you get those points so sharp?” Maybe I don’t have to find a way to speak to him. Pat glanced up, seeing that the man was watching the patterns he had been drawing. He cleared his throat, taking a hand out of his pocket to push his sunglasses further up his nose before shrugging.
“I don’t actually know,” he replied, stopping the movements of his feet. “I guess I just tilt my foot to make sure the points stay sharp? The pattern’s no good if it’s curved in the wrong places.” He shrugged again, looking at the man and holding his hand out. “Name’s Pat.”
“Chase,” he offered, taking Pat’s hand and shuddering at how cold it was. “Cold hand. Are you cold? Do you need another jacket? That hoodie seems far too thin for you.” Before Pat could say anything, Chase had removed his own jacket and wrapped it around Pat, rubbing his shoulders to warm him up.
“T-Thanks,” Pat stammered, mind blanking at the kindness Chase was offering him. “I-I’m not cold, I just have a lower body temperature than you, but you’re really kind.” If his face wasn’t so pale, Pat swore he’d be blushing.
“Can I get you a coffee? I just… I think I need someone to talk to.” Chase looked at Pat with bright eyes, hands on his knees as he waited for Pat to answer. Pat looked at the pattern he’d drawn on the ground, biting his lip as he recognised it as the symbol for ‘pride’, then swept his foot over it to erase it before glancing back at Chase.
“I’d appreciate that.” Idiot. When was the last time you drank anything remotely human? “You can talk to me; I’ve been told I’m a good listener.” He smiled, standing up and following Chase through the park to a small coffee shop.
Pat hesitated as the realisation set in that he’d have to remove his sunglasses to seem ‘normal’, and he focused his attention as he blinked a few times, then took off his glasses and caught the brown eyes looking back at him in their reflection.
“What will you have?” Chase asked, looking at Pat with a smile as they reached the barista, holding his wallet out to pay. Pat looked at the menu, stomach churning at the various names of drinks written, and he opened his mouth before he’d thought of something to say.
“I’ll have what you’re having,” he blurted, internally kicking himself for his answer, standing silent as Chase ordered and waved him to a table to wait. As he sat down, Pat tugged his hoodie sleeves over his hands, poking his thumb through a hole he’d worn into the cuff before lifting his hand and biting his nail.
“You know, biting your nails isn’t usually healthy for you,” Chase said with a chuckle, reaching across the table to tap on Pat’s wrist, making him stop chewing to look at him. “You seem nervous. Is everything okay?”
“Ye-Yeah,” Pat said, lowering his hand and tapping his foot against the ground under the table. “Just… been a while since I did something like this.” More like never. Like you ever sat and drank coffee with that boy you liked in your life. Too busy hiding and avoiding death.
“Hey, Pat,” Chase said quietly, leaning over the table to send Pat a soft smile, “It’s just coffee and lending a listening ear to someone. It doesn’t have to be more than that if you don’t want it to. I could tell you all this shit that’s happening to me, then you can walk out of this shop and never see me again if you want.”
“That sounds… that sounds nice,” Pat said, dropping his gaze to his hand when he felt Chase reach out to hold it. He opened his mouth to say more, then paused when their coffees got delivered, giving the barista a curt nod before looking at Chase again. “Did your troubles have anything to do with your phone call?”
Chase let out a dramatic sigh, holding his mug of coffee between both hands and staring into it like it had all the answers. “I’m in the middle of divorce proceedings,” he started, sighing again before lifting his head to look into Pat’s eyes. “She wants to take everything with her.”
Pat tried not to show any emotion on his face at the mention of Chase’s wife, ignoring the slight stab in his heart at realising this man maybe wasn’t who he thought he was, then nodded his head to prompt Chase to go on.
“I loved her once, and I could almost swear she loved me,” he said, waving a hand in confusion. “I don’t know where it all went wrong. We’ve got two beautiful children, a boy and a girl, and she’s got her dream job. I just can’t shake the question of whether it’s me.”
“What do you mean?” Pat asked, sipping from his mug and hiding his grimace at how strong the coffee was, swallowing it down with effort and opting to fake drinking for the remainder of this meeting.
“I promised her the world,” Chase explained, looking back at his mug, eyes going from a bright blue to the same grey as the colour of the sky when it rained. “I worked my butt off to pay off our mortgage, I even juggled two jobs to pay for childcare while she found her roots in her job. I started making internet videos to make some side cash.” He looked at Pat, and Pat inwardly flinched at the exhaustion showing plain on Chase’s face, his energetic mask finally off.
“Making those internet videos opened my eyes to new things. The feelings I had toward guys I found attractive were valid, even though I was sure I deeply loved her. Well, she found out and basically outed me to everyone, pawning me off as some kind of weirdo who couldn’t make up his mind.” The circles under his eyes seemed to grow darker, making his eyes almost sink into his face, and a tear rolled down his pale cheek.
“She divorced you… for liking other guys?” Pat struggled to understand what Chase was saying, mind flipping from one conclusion to another. Idiot. You found the guy that is far more advanced than anyone in Hell ever was. You have a knack for finding things further ahead than you.
“She divorced me for more than that,” Chase chuckled, leaning back and sipping from his coffee, mask back on. “I wasn’t spending enough time with her or the kids. I was too lazy. I wasn’t making enough money. At some point in the last five years, she stopped loving me.”
“Where I’m from, it’s difficult to understand divorces,” Pat started, picking at the dry skin around his fingernails. “Most people got married for security, like financial gain or status. Love isn’t usually a concern.”
“Maybe I should have gotten married for status,” Chase said with a bitter chuckle, looking into Pat’s eyes with an emotion he couldn’t identify. “My kids don’t deserve everything that’s happening between us.”
“When there’s trouble in a relationship,” Pat said quietly, reaching across the table to hold Chase’s hand, “The children are usually the most affected. I believe you’re trying your best to keep your children safe, and you’ll ensure that they won’t be too hurt from this whole problem.”
Chase smiled, squeezing Pat’s hand and finishing off his coffee, running a hand through his hair and heaving a heavy sigh. Pat watched as his carefree mask slipped again, his tired face returning to show the true Chase.
“How are you so kind?” he asked Pat, hooking his lips into a crooked smile. “Everyone always sides with my wife, telling me it’s my fault that we’re going through these divorce proceedings.”
“It’s not your fault that you learned more about yourself,” Pat defended, tapping his fingers over Chase’s palm. “Life is all about learning, and if you aren’t learning new things, then you aren’t living.” If you aren’t learning about yourself, you’re being too proud and thinking you know everything, and that summons me.
“I… never thought about it like that.” Chase pulled his hand away and stood up, signalling that it was time to go. “Do you… want to walk for a bit?”
“Sure.” Let’s hope Greg doesn’t come looking for you. You’ve got a quota to fill, Pat. “I’d love to.”
“Have you been in town long?” Chase asked, hands in his pockets as he walked beside Pat.
“You could say that,” Pat answered with an awkward laugh, scratching at the back of his neck. “My job has me travelling all over the place a lot. I’m in places for some time before I have to go back to my boss.”
“That actually sounds like a really fun job,” Chase said, kicking at a rogue stone on the path. “Does your boss fund the travel expenses?”
“Yeah…” Not that I actually travel so much as I take an elevator up to the areas. “It is nice some days to just have some free time, though.” He shoved his hands into his pockets, ignoring the faint ringing in the back of his mind signalling one of the Reapers was trying to contact him.
“That’s true,” Chase agreed, keeping pace with Pat and tossing a small plush ball between his hands. “Though I do wonder sometimes if too much free time is a bad thing. Where’s the limit? A day off feels too short, but a week off is too long.”
“My job has me working almost all week,” Pat said slowly. “I get one or two days off, and that’s about the free time that works for me. You just need to find a happy middle.” Or complain about how sore your back is so the King of Hell will let you off for an hour or two.
Chase hummed, looking at the ball in his hands and giving it a short squeeze. He twitched his nose slightly before looking back up at Pat, seeming comfortable to show him his true state of mind, with his hollow eyes and downturned lips.
“Have you ever been married, Pat?” The question caught Pat off guard, and he stood still for a minute as he tried to figure out what to say.
“I had a… partner, once,” he began, avoiding Chase’s eye so he wasn’t caught in a lie. “We’d planned to run away together, but then things went wrong. I was… sent away. I made new friends. I met another guy, and he was nice, but he’s got his own messes to deal with.”
“But you’ve never been married?”
“No, just dated around a bit.” Why are you telling your life story to this mortal? You’ve really lost it all. “I guess I haven’t found the right person to spend my life with.” Internally, Pat cringed at the cliché line, and the scars on his back began to tingle.
“I’m sure you’ll find someone,” Chase said with a smile, clapping Pat on the back before glancing down at his phone as it went off in his hand. “I’ve got to go. I’m needed at the courthouse. It was nice to meet you, Pat. I hope I’ll see you again before you move.” With a short squeeze of Pat’s hand and a small wave, Chase dashed off, leaving Pat to watch his disappearing form with an aching heart.
“I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again.” Chase sat beside Pat on the park bench facing the fountain, adjusting the cap on his head and crossing an ankle over his knee. “I thought you’d left.”
“I’ll be leaving soon,” Pat replied, running a hand through his hair. “I just wanted to check in on you before I left.” Chase glanced down to see Pat was drawing in the dirt with his foot again, and he tilted his head in an attempt to interpret the pattern.
“What do you draw when you’re talking to me?” he asked quietly, taking out his phone to take a photo of the pattern. “It’s the same thing you drew last time, isn’t it? Must be special to you.” He frowned when Pat brushed the drawing away again, turning to look at him and gasping when he saw that Pat’s eyes were purple.
“There’s so much I can’t tell you, Chase Brody,” he whispered, taking one of Chase’s hands in both of his own, lifting it and gently kissing the back of it. “My job, my past, who I really am. I can’t tell you because then you’ll get scared and run away, and I can’t handle that.”
“I don’t need to know your life story,” Chase replied, squeezing Pat’s hands and leaning closer. “I don’t even mind not knowing who you really are, Pat. All I need is someone I can trust to talk to when I need someone.” He wiped a tear from his eye, sniffling before leaning back.
“I can be that someone.” Pat nodded resolutely, letting go of Chase’s hand and brushing off his purple jeans. “That thing I draw is sort of like a calling card. Draw that when you need to talk, and I’ll be there. You can trust me.” He smiled at Chase, using his thumb to wipe away a tear on Chase’s cheek.
“Thanks, Pat.” Chase chuckled, dropping his hands into his lap. “You’re an angel.” After a tap on Pat’s knee, Chase stood and walked away, lifting his phone to answer a call.
Pat watched him go, swallowing a lump in his throat as tears welled in his eyes. You have no idea how right you are, Chase Brody.
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch
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cilil · 11 months
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❀ 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕤𝕝𝕠𝕨
Prompt(s): Demiromantic rep + coming out + I guess they're also gay like almost every fic on my blog Characters: Lúilírë/Airilin Synopsis: Two Maiar, a budding romance and a confession. Warnings: /
Author's Note: So yeah, I know I'm late, but I keep my promises. Here's some LuiLin! Also small disclaimer before we begin: I'm doing my best to portray these prompts accurately and provide some decent rep, also drawing from my own personal experience at times. Feel free to reach out if there's something you think I got wrong, but also keep in mind that experiences differ and are still equally as valid. Thank you♡
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"F-for me?" Despite his best efforts, Lúilírë stutters slightly when a gorgeous bouquet of water lilies is presented to him. 
"No, I just spend my days swimming around in lakes to pick flowers for fun and then show them to others so they can appreciate me," Airilin says in a light, playful tone. The mischievous twinkle in his violet eyes and the jolly swishing of his tail betray his amusement. 
Is he just messing with me or is he... Lúilírë wonders – and not for the first time – but after a moment of hesitation, he accepts the gift with a small smile. 
The bouquet is so big that he needs both hands to hold it. Every single flower is as flawless as it could be, carefully selected and handpicked, and a thin sheen of glitter covers their petals, something he has learned to identify as Airilin's signature. Lúilírë can tell that his... acquaintance? friend? fellow Ainu he's found himself thinking about in strange and exciting ways sometimes? put a lot of effort into this gift, and he wants to tell him how much he appreciates it, yet – 
When he looks up and meets those wonderful, alluring eyes, his normally quick and sharp mind fails him. Airilin looks at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something, and it seems to Lúilírë as if he can see the flow of his emotions in his gaze, like waves crashing on a beach. There's joy, excitement and something resembling hope, there's nervousness, worry and something akin to hurt. 
Lúilírë has long since decided that he likes Airilin. Despite his moodiness and habits of messing with those around him, he finds himself drawn to the beautiful water spirit, admiring him, laughing with him, allowing him to drag him away from his work every once in a while. He has happily entertained the occasional physical advances as well, chalking it up to Airilin's playfulness for the most part, but allowing himself to dream of more in the privacy of his chambers in Ilmarin. Yet in moments like this, Lúilírë wonders if, under the pretence of games and casual flirting, there's something else the other Maia wants – and if it is something he can and wants to give, if he's ready for whatever has remained unspoken between them thus far.
"These flowers are very lovely," Lúilírë says, trying to keep his expression even so it doesn't reflect the same nervousness he detects within the other Maia. 
"To be honest, I-I don't know what to say... y-you really didn't have to..." 
He trails off as words fail him once again. Airilin raises himself from the pool he has appeared from, balancing on his tail to be on eye level with the strategist, and reaches out to brush his hand against his cheek. Lúilírë remains completely still, allowing himself to enjoy the calming feeling of his companion's cool, slightly wet touch. A few glittering ice crystals form on his cheek, much to the water spirit's delight. 
"I like you a lot if you haven't noticed," Airilin says, his melodious voice unusually soft. 
"L-like as in...?"  
"Yes. As in liking you very much and more than a friend. And..." 
A moment of silence ensues, interrupted only by light splashing noises as Airilin's tail twitches nervously. 
"I... haven't really felt like this in a while. Or at all; I'm not quite sure. All I know is that I like you and I want you. But... if you don't want something like that... we can also just... you know, have fun. Or do nothing at all. I don't mind."
He looks down at the bouquet in Lúilírë's hands in an attempt to hide his blush. 
"Just... tell me if you want this too. I don't want to feel like a fool for liking someone again."
Again? Did he have other lovers in the past?
Lúilírë hesitates before responding. Part of him wants to ask about it, yet he feels like this isn't the time to pry. It's not like Airilin to be so open and direct, making him wonder whether those strange feelings between them have been on his mind for a while now as well. 
He lifts his hand to catch the other Maia's just as he's about to withdraw and instinctively interlaces their fingers. Never before has he initiated such a gesture, Lúilírë realises only after he already feels Airilin reciprocating, his claws gently scraping over the back of his hand; but it feels good. 
"I have never... done anything like this before," he admits. Being honest is the least he can do, he tells himself. "And I like you a lot as well, I simply haven't... figured out where I want to go from here. Would you mind... taking it slow?"
Lúilírë expects to see disappointment, yet to his surprise Airilin brightens up and nods eagerly. 
"You know what, little pearl? That's even better. I'm going to need some time as well."
His usual grin returns and he starts gently tugging on the other Maia's hand. Lúilírë feels like a weight has been lifted from his heart and smiles back; it's strangely relieving to finally admit what has been on his mind and to be assured that Airilin wasn't upset with him. 
Little pearl...
"So, um... what should we do now-?" he asks, only to be pulled into the pool and find a pair of strong arms and a tail wrapping around him. 
Airilin laughs. "Now I take you for a swim while you hold onto those flowers." 
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litandroses · 2 years
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Haven’t had time to read lately, I’ve been studying for licensure so I’ll be giving these very few recs for Pride Month instead! I think I’ve mentioned some of these books before but giving them another boost wouldn’t hurt.
1. A Door Behind a Door by Yelena Moskovich
In Yelena Moskovich's spellbinding new novel, A Door Behind A Door, we meet Olga, who immigrates as part of the Soviet diaspora of '91 to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There she grows up and meets a girl and falls in love, beginning to believe that she can settle down. But a phone call from a bad man from her past brings to life a haunted childhood in an apartment building in the Soviet Union: an unexplained murder in her block, a supernatural stray dog, and the mystery of her beloved brother Moshe, who lost an eye and later vanished. We get pulled into Olga's past as she puzzles her way through an underground Midwestern Russian mafia, in pursuit of a string of mathematical stabbings.
2. Waiting on a Bright Moon by Neon Yang
Xin is an ansible, using her song magic to connect the originworld of the Imperial Authority and its far-flung colonies— a role that is forced upon magically-gifted women “of a certain closeness”. When a dead body comes through her portal at a time of growing rebellion, Xin is drawn deep into a station-wide conspiracy along with Ouyang Suqing, one of the station’s mysterious, high-ranking starmages.
3. The Terracotta Bride by Zen Cho
A tale of first love, bad theology and robot reincarnation in the Chinese afterlife. In the tenth court of hell, spirits wealthy enough to bribe the bureaucrats of the underworld can avoid both the torments of hell and the irreversible change of reincarnation. It's a comfortable undeath … even for Siew Tsin. She didn't choose to be married to the richest man in hell, but she's reconciled. Until her husband brings home a new bride. Yonghua is an artificial woman crafted from terracotta. What she is may change hell for good. Who she is will transform Siew Tsin. And as they grow closer, the mystery of Yonghua's creation will draw Siew Tsin into a conspiracy where the stakes are eternal life – or a very final death.
4. After the Dragons by Cynthia Zhang
Dragons were fire and terror to the Western world, but in the East they brought life-giving rain…
Now, no longer hailed as gods and struggling in the overheated pollution of Beijing, only the Eastern dragons survive. As drought plagues the aquatic creatures, a mysterious disease—shaolong, or “burnt lung”—afflicts the city’s human inhabitants.
Jaded college student Xiang Kaifei scours Beijing streets for abandoned dragons, distracting himself from his diagnosis. Elijah Ahmed, a biracial American medical researcher, is drawn to Beijing by the memory of his grandmother and her death by shaolong. Interest in Beijing’s dragons leads Kai and Eli into an unlikely partnership. With the resources of Kai’s dragon rescue and Eli’s immunology research, can the pair find a cure for shaolong and safety for the dragons? Eli and Kai must confront old ghosts and hard truths if there is any hope for themselves or the dragons they love.
After the Dragons is a tender story, for readers interested in the effects of climate change on environments and people, but who don’t want a grim, hopeless read. Beautiful and challenging, focused on hope and care, this novel navigates the nuances of changing culture in a changing world.
5. The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez
A "highly imaginative and utterly exhilarating" (Thrillist) debut that is "the best of what science fiction can be: a thought-provoking, heartrending story about the choices that define our lives" (Kirkus Reviews, starred review).A mysterious child lands in the care of a solitary woman, changing both of their lives forever. I expected many things from this trip. I did not expect a family.
A ship captain, unfettered from time. A mute child, burdened with unimaginable power. A millennia-old woman, haunted by lifetimes of mistakes. In this captivating debut of connection across space and time, these outsiders will find in each other the things they lack: a place of love and belonging. A safe haven. A new beginning.
But the past hungers for them, and when it catches up, it threatens to tear this makeshift family apart.
6. Robbergirl by S.T Gibson
In a Sweden wracked by war and haunted by folk stories so dark they can only be spoken of in whispers, Helvig has been raised by her brigand father to steal whatever treasure catches her eye. When her men ambush a girl on the road with hair pale as death and a raven perched on her shoulder, Helvig cannot resist bringing home a truly unique prize: a genuine witch. Drawn irresistibly into the other woman’s web, Helvig soon learns of Gerda’s reason for walking the icy border roads alone: to find the Queen who lives at the top of the world and kill her. Anyone else would be smart enough not to believe a children’s story, but Helvig is plagued by enchantments of her own, and she struggles to guard the sins of her past while growing closer to Gerda. As Christmastide gives way to the thin-veiled days when ghosts are at their most vengeful, the two women find themselves on a journey through forest and Samiland to a final confrontation that will either redeem them or destroy them entirely.
7. The Pearl Thief by Elizabeth Wein
Before Verity . . . there was Julie.
When fifteen-year-old Julia Beaufort-Stuart wakes up in the hospital, she knows the lazy summer break she'd imagined won't be exactly what she anticipated. And once she returns to her grandfather's estate, a bit banged up but alive, she begins to realize that her injury might not have been an accident. One of her family's employees is missing, and he disappeared on the very same day she landed in the hospital.
Desperate to figure out what happened, she befriends Euan McEwen, the Scottish Traveler boy who found her when she was injured, and his standoffish sister, Ellen. As Julie grows closer to this family, she witnesses firsthand some of the prejudices they've grown used to-a stark contrast to her own upbringing-and finds herself exploring thrilling new experiences that have nothing to do with a missing-person investigation.
Her memory of that day returns to her in pieces, and when a body is discovered, her new friends are caught in the crosshairs of long-held biases about Travelers. Julie must get to the bottom of the mystery in order to keep them from being framed for the crime.
This exhilarating coming-of-age story, a prequel to the Printz Honor Book Code Name Verity, returns to a beloved character just before she first takes flight. 
The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez (release date: August 30, 2022)
Two warriors shepherd an ancient god across a broken land to end the tyrannical reign of a royal family in this new epic fantasy from the author of The Vanished Birds.
The people suffer under the centuries-long rule of the Moon Throne. The royal family—the despotic emperor and his monstrous sons, the Three Terrors—hold the countryside in their choking grip. They bleed the land and oppress the citizens with the frightful powers they inherited from the god locked under their palace.
But that god cannot be contained forever.
With the aid of Jun, a guard broken by his guilt-stricken past, and Keema, an outcast fighting for his future, the god escapes from her royal captivity and flees from her own children, the triplet Terrors who would drag her back to her unholy prison. And so it is that she embarks with her young companions on a five-day pilgrimage in search of freedom—and a way to end the Moon Throne forever. The journey ahead will be more dangerous than any of them could have imagined.
Both a sweeping adventure story and an intimate exploration of identity, legacy, and belonging, The Spear Cuts Through Water is an ambitious and profound saga that will transport and transform you—and is like nothing you’ve ever read before.
Note: This bonus is UNIQUE fantasy, I swear it.
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