#C: coal
wavesalwayscrash · 5 months
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I'm sorry I'm the one you love, No one will ever love me like you again, So when you leave me, I should die, I deserve it, don't I?
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terraclae · 6 months
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Crystalspine Clark and Nalfina
plus a version without the makeup because I just like it
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buggsxp · 2 years
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canary, your cage is now open, you’re free to go,,
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leona-florianova · 4 months
Deeply fascinated by people who drive electromobiles in areas where electricity comes from coal fired power plants. Like mmmm very cool to see a coal powered vehicle in this day and age. And you say its ecologically friendly? Does it at least go "CHOO CHOO?" No? aw..thats sad...
But I do love how the exhaust pipe is not part of the car but you can still see it few kilometers away right over that hill. Big.
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thefloatingstone · 6 months
How would you compare Presley's racism vs Ashley's racism. Although now that I type this at least Presley never compared them animals. Hmmm...
Honestly it's all down to "root cause" and "how they express it".
Pressly is a veteran of the first contact war who was shooting at these people less than 30 years ago. His racism has its roots in a perspective forged during wartime and all the baggage THAT drags up. But we get clear and straightforward addressing of Pressly growing out of his racism by his own words, remarking in his log "Reading back on my older entries, what a damn fool I've been."
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Ashley on the other hand may have similar baggage, as her grandfather is a disgraced military man and caused her entire family to be blacklisted because of the First Contact War with the aliens, and that would be a similar place to draw her prejudice from and help her grow out of by realising her true feelings of anger and resentment are misplaced. But the way she voices her racism is full of venom and true, deep seeded contempt and hatred. Comparing them to animals is the big one, and ME2 itself mocks her for this comment if she died on Virmire. But it's more than that. Ashley's entire personality is that of "High School Mean Girl". The second Liara steps on board of the Normandy Ashley is GUNNING to bully her. Not just because she's an alien but ALSO for being "one of those lesbian sluts". (reminder, in ME1 Liara is an extremely shy and awkward historian and archaeologist)
When Shepard tells Ashley to NOT bully Liara for being an Asari, Ashley straight up says "No fun, Commander >:("
Also there's this line which some people miss because it requires you to have the discussion with Liara about the Prejudice and racism Asari face galaxy wide and then going directly to Ashley and speaking to her)
(the clip starts at 2:44)
idk if I said it here or if I said so in discord to a friend, but I see kaidan and Ashley as being written as the answers to Bioware's handling of Renegade and Paragon options. Kaidan is more geared to reflect a Paragon playthrough and Ashley is more geared to fit a renegade playthrough. Possibly the thinking was whichever way the person is playing, it would affect who they decide to spare on Virmire.
(also I have a good relationship with my family but Ashley going "WHAT DOES SHE MEAN SHE DOESN'T LIKE HER MOM???? THAT'S STUPID." comment also makes me really fucking angry considering how many irl friends I have who have moms who suck ass)
Pressly's racism is problematic (same as Garrus' racism in the first game) but he outgrows it and openly says "I was wrong."
Garrus has a full on conversation with Tali in ME3 and directly says to her "I'm sorry and I was wrong."
Ashley never apologises or excuses her early comments and behaviour. She just at some point stops doing it so overtly and comments how "no I like Tali a lot" (Everybody likes Tali) as if this somehow undoes everything she said. More than anything, she tries to justify and excuse her past comments and opinions while also saying the most hateful things about the crew.
She's a racist bully from a heavily religious traditional military family who makes no effort to understand people from family structures or upbringing she doesn't understand, alien or otherwise, who immediately started picking on the shy nerd the SECOND she stepped foot on the ship and never apologises for any of her actions, racist or otherwise.
The racism is a symptom of a much nastier whole.
She's a VERY well written character. I just heavily dislike her.
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cocksley-and-catapult · 4 months
what would their characters be if they played D&D....... :3
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xannerz · 1 month
i miss my dog
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
doing the mental equivalent scrabbling my legs in the air like a beetle on its back because i am thinking about the concept of cindy piss and fuck taking care of cuno and c. and i love it so much but i dont have anything significant to add to it so the idea is just being. rotated in my mind while i flail for something to say about it because i want to talk about it but i cant think of anything. to say.
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whore-tm · 1 year
one thing about germans. they will be having a barbecue, be it sun or rain
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wavesalwayscrash · 5 months
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Waves Always Crash /// Page 25
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Lotta. cats to draw.
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terraclae · 6 months
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Follow-up on the last pic because I do actually have to draw Coal’s face proper too since I think he’s handsome
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You know Santa leaving coal in naughty kids stockings doesn’t really sound like a good idea. Cause now he’s given a bunch of kids willing to do bad stuff a stocking filled with hard rocks.
Alice: That is a good point, isn't it? He needs to have an alternate "you were naughty" anti-present to gift to children whom he thinks might do harm when presented with the Christmas equivalent of a sock with a brick in it. Not sure what as of yet, but. . .hmmm. . .
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guyawks · 1 year
A Canary in a Coal Mine
“Screw the library. Man, I hate coming here even more than I hate going to exams.”
The sound of Ms Bedford, the prim and proper campus librarian, shushing us echoes from across the dilapidated shelves of the old library.
“See, Melvin, you can’t even complain about how boring it is here” Garrett hisses, flicking his pen against his nearly-blank notebook. “Why’d you have to drag me to this friggin place?”
I raise my head from the thick textbooks I’ve been poring over and push my glasses back up my nose.
“I told you, friendo, you need to study for once. Do you really wanna repeat any more classes?”
Garrett clears his throat and sighs.
“Ugh, you’re right.”
“Here’s a fun bit of trivia from my history paper to keep you entertained” I excitedly whisper. “Did you know that back in the early 20th century, coal miners used canaries to protect themselves?”
“Oh and how was that?” my friend asks, uninterested.
“Well, in underground mines, there was a huge risk of carbon monoxide being present in the air” I recount enthusiastically. “These miners, unable to detect the odorless but lethal gas, would die from exposure to the hazard before even realizing it was there. So what did they do?”
Intrigued, Garrett takes a deep breath and listens on.
“They started bringing caged canaries into the mines with them. Those fragile songbirds were far more susceptible to gasses than humans, succumbing to their effects quicker and more severely. The second a canary dropped, the miners had a clear sign to evacuate or put on breathing masks.”
“Woah…that’s so…sad for the birds though” Garrett wheezes, now inhaling deeply between every word.
“Better the birds than the miners” I reply. “In the 1920s, they had to do what they had to do.”
“Crazy….I think I’m…can you reach into my bag and grab-”
Before he can finish his sentence, however, Garrett starts to hyperventilate uncontrollably. He doubles over the desk onto the floor, panting for air.
Witnessing this furore, I call out to Ms Bedford.
“Help, miss, my friend can’t breathe!”
As onlookers watch in concern, the librarian rushes to my side. Taking one look at Garrett, she turns and announces to the entire hall.
“Attention students, the library is closing! Please leave in a calm and orderly manner!”
Ms Bedford and myself both pull dust masks out of our pockets while the procession of people exit. A cold smile forms on my face beneath the mask.
“Good work, Melvin” Ms Bedford tells me once the building is empty, passing me a roll of cash.
“I told you bringing him here would be cheaper than doing an asbestos test on the building” I whisper back, retrieving my barely-conscious friend’s inhaler.
“Who better to test the air quality than one of the most sensitive asthmatics I know?”
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ebbpettier · 2 years
slaps down a headcanon based on absolutely nothing
in COverse, santa is not real. but also god cant stop me.
AU where, not only is he real, the mage tried to extort him for information once, and simon was placed in a permanent position on the naughty-list for abetting him. he didn’t really get christmas presents to begin with, but once you swing a halberd at father christmas it’s hard to get back off of his radar
and after the events of the later books, and years of telling baz and lady ruth not to hang up a stocking for him because he always got coal anyway, he finally comes down one morning to find a wrapped box on the coffee-table
(attached, a note that smells like allspice informing him that he has been placed on probation, and to have a merry christmas)
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fuzzyunicorn · 14 days
no no no no, blaming god for my monstrosity is incorrect— lil Satanists haven’t u all been tormenting me for over 25 years? The severity & frequency of what u all have done to me has resulted me in being the way in which I am, and it’s totally ur own faults :)
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townpostin · 2 months
Jyoti C Singh Deo's Art Exhibition Concludes with Great Success
"Existential Dichotomy" exhibition captivates audience and critics. Jamshedpur-born artist Jyoti C Singh Deo’s solo art exhibition, "Existential Dichotomy," held at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath in Bangalore from July 5 to July 11, 2024, concluded with resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on the contemporary art scene. JAMSHEDPUR – Jamshedpur-born artist Jyoti C Singh Deo held a solo art…
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