hamable · 1 year
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shrikeicee · 1 year
show me the siblings
this is all i have so far, i havent thought about them since yesterday morning ngl
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in the first ask u sent where i talked about him, i forgot to mention what Happened during his first aurora with Darkwalker. his parents had a hunch he was gonna be picked, Darkwalker usually picks sturdy kids that look like they can take a beating (survive out in the wilderness and kill people) and smokey was already a decently outdoorsy 8 y/o. first aurora, darkwalker possesses him and she doesnt attack any people BUT she does kill the family dog (it was growling at her, it knew something was wrong) and that woke their parents up before she could like. jump out a window and find some mainlanders.
also when a vessel is chosen, theyre usually cast out from society. its safer for everyone else that way so that darkwalker isnt as much of a problem for the rest of whereever the vessel is from. what everyone else Doesnt know, however, is that this is how darkwalker thrives. the isolation and ostracization makes it way easier to manipulate her vessel into doing whatever she wants, ie, killing people. if smokey had been accepted by his family and the rest of his town, odds are he wouldnt kill people in his spare time away from auroras cause hed be harder to manipulate around normal people with normal people opinions about mainlanders.
anyways . his sisters try with various attempts of effort to reach out to him when theyre older (and when hes thoroughly manipulated). jazzy and robin try to get in contact with him and he refuses, jazz is more forceful with her attempt and he threatens to attack her cause darkwalkers got it in his head that they dont really give a shit about him, they left him to die when they cast him out. zephyr doesnt really try tho. they know it wasnt his fault but they still resent him for the rift it caused their family and community.
also this is what darkwalkers from <- link to the game wiki about her. its like a challenge scenario thing in The Long Dark. i grabbed her (the game version doesnt have pronouns) and threw her at a theory thing i found on reddit (voices and screaming in the Ash Canyon mines) and came up with the dollar store werewolf aurora thing.
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shes so girlboss queen slay
also smokey doesnt respond to simon at all. like hell ignore u on purpose if u call him that
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hizashi and Aizawa kidnapping a young teenage girl, and her bonding and quickly finding comfort with Hizashi, leaving Aizawa to awkwardly attempt at being super soft and all the more gentle to his sensitive little girl, his heart panging with pain every time she flinches or cowers away from him. “You don’t need to be scared of me, kitten.. please”
your little acts of favoritism weren’t necessarily intentional, you hated both of them. they were your brothers teachers, and whoop dee doo, they kidnapped you. but... you liked hizashi more.
it was just something about him that made you believe he was some form of comfort item, probably because he wasnt brooding, and didnt have a mean face, and he was the first human yud ever seen in this place, that all combined into one and he became your rock, your shoulder to cry on. he was just... so nice, although his quirk was loud, somehow he managed to speak softly with you. it was such a bright contrast to at home where two firey blondes always scream at each other, and your father tries to calm it down.
on your first night ever here, you had tried to jump out the window, and were captured by the thick scarves you once admired, hed lectured you, yelled at yiuu even, all you could see were those red eyes of his, and hear his voice. and he scared you, he scared you so much. i guess it justtranslates to now, first impressions are everything, and to you, he looked like a big scary man who would yell at you.
eventually, you stopped caring about how you hated him, or how you wanted to leave, as you clearly never were. so, instead of glaring at them, or crying, you accepted the fact that he was taking care of you. hizashi, hizashi was taking care of you... aizawa though? no way in hell, he was just so... you'd never seen him with a smile, he never tried to talk to you, he just kinda watched you, and it freaked you out, at some point you started believing he was trying to kill you, don't even ask how you came up with that conclusion.
you just couldn't manage to warm up to hi as you'd done so quickly with hizashi, and it showed. you were always tense when alone with him, like he was going to jump out at you any second and stab you, you didnt talk to him , sometimes you felt so anxious around him that you would outright start crying, shaking in some form of fear, or hide yourself under a blanket. although hizashi was proud that you loved him so much, he knew that this was hurting his husband, that his own little girl was scared of him.
so he would always try to coax you into doing things with him, saying things like "can your papa come and help" or "how about we have papa do this with you while I make lunch?", just trying to get him included so you would feel just as comfortable around him as you were with his own self. Sometimes he just left the room to let you have alone time with him. He’d even lectured his husband about how he always looked angry, and that he has to smile form time to time, and not the creepy “I’m gonna kill a villain” smile.
And so Aizawa started trying, not trying to be like hizashi, even that was too much for him, but trying to be nicer, he was a gentle person when he wanted to be, so this came with ease for him, he would tuck you in at night, read you stories, hold you if you cried, feed you, help you bathe (which you usually liked hizashi to do, and in general, inserted himself as a gentle roger in your life. You would expect taht this would work, that because he was so nice to you, because he was so sweet like hizashi, you would accept him as your father.
But nope! Again, first impressions are everything to you, and now, he was written off as the villain of you story, now, you jsut ran off to papa whenever he was around, and didn’t even give him the chance to hang around you, it just made it worse honestly, because now, not only did he look scary, but he also looked fake, which is never good. Every time he would try to if you, you would clutch onto hizashi for dear life, acting like his hand would do nothing but burn you.
Tears would cloud your vision, and he would pulle back, not wanting to cause you any more pain, and jsut stare in. Pure jealousy at his husband, who cooed and gave you a hug.and guess what? You hugged him back, and hid yourself in his chest, willingly, without a fight, without a tear, instead with a smile, most of the times mic wouldn’t interfere, wbatigg ns this to everyone a safe space for you, a place where you should naturally do things, but sometimes, he would give you little bushes int he right direction. Like disappearing completely for my he house so you’ll be forced to talk to Aizawa.
This is one of those times.
Yo been wandering the house for about ten minutes now, waking up form a nap, to find mic absent from his usual place in the rocking chair at your bedside. It was a little after lunchtime, and they’d only given you a small cup of fruit for breakfast (intentional, from mic), you were fairly hungry, and usually he was there to give you food, but you had no idea where he was, you had heard the… other one on the phone in their shared office, but you did not want to talk to him right now.
Aizawa could tell you were awake by the fact that all of the cats were meowing like crazy, and little pattering footsteps had followed his hearing around, mic had left abruptly, probably some little plan of mischief again, he was hizashi after all. He was just waiting for you to either 1: go back to bed, or 2: come to him for help. Mic had specifically told him to follow these rules for after nap time, so he did. And grew progressively more worried as over twenty minutes, trying to read through his students grading work, too distracted by the urge to go find you to accomplish anything.
His worries dissipated though when he saw your little head poking through the door, cat in hand, confused and tired looking, small tears beginning to prick th corners of your eyes, little sniffling sounds left you. His wha specked up form the desk, you’d given up walking around the whole house, your restarting had slowly pent up, you couldn’t manage to find him, and you were so hungry.
“Oh- hey honey, I didn’t know you were up. Do you need something?” He questioned, smiling intently at you, you just inched back into the door frame, breathing heavier by the moment, your hands shook and your head felt like it was going to explode at any point. Youbcontenoajted runnign back to your room and waiting till mic came out where you could hear him, but your stomach grumbled, reminding you how hungry you really are.
“I’m- im looking for daddy. Where is he.” You spoke, a very hushed tone overtook your words, making them almost inaudible for him. His face sunk slowly, he tougher you were actually gonna come for him, but the he remembered taht patience is key, and that he shouldn’t get mad, because it is t your fault taht you’re just a little sensitive, too fragile to handle more than one attachment, he gets it. He jsut at least wanted you to look at him, instead did your little feet, I’m Ayer if you could meet his eyes the. You would see how much he loves you.
“Oh, he left a. Little while ago. Is there something you need from him? Your papa can give him a call if you want, you could even talk to him!” He exclaimed excitedly, plastering that happy smile across his face to seem more inviting, liek mic had told him to do. He stood out of his chair, rounding up the papers and putting them in his file folders.you tried to sink back furthers, almost disappearing behind the doorway, you shook your head aggressively, almost running off, then yet again, your stomach made another noise, and forced you to stay.
“I- no. I’m- im hungry-“ you spluttered, not caring if it was embarrassing that you were stuttering so much, you just wanted food. And calling mic would just get you a lecture on how you could’ve just asked your papa, the same thing would happen whenever you went to uncnecesary lengths to avoid the man, your daddy would make sure you knew that it made him feel bad, while you’d at there bored. Not caring, at all.
“Oh- well you should’ve told me sooner kitten, if I’d known I would be up already. Cmon, let’s go to the kitchen, your daddy made you some food earlier” he spoke, rising from his chair slowly, you cowered slightly as he walked over, clutching the little kitten right to you for comfort, he mewed and snuggled closer, completely asleep. The man sighed when he saw you backing away from his grasp, he knew you were still scared. But he was just so impatient… he was tired of waiting, he wanted to hold you, even if it was jsut foena few minutes. He needed it feel you there with him.
Is he acted quickly, moving in a matter of seconds, he swooped his arm under your leg, and hooked his other around your torso, pulling you straight up into his grasp. Youu huh froze, his hands felt cold as ice on your skin, like they were burning you, immediately after he started walking, it snapped you out of it and you threw a fit. You dig your fingernails into his skin, and kicked and flailed in a panic, still trying to keep the little kitten in your lap safe. A full blown panic washed over you, clogging all your senses.
The dam holding back tears form your eyes crashed, and immediately you were sobbing, biting at his shoulder to let you go, he tried to rub your back to calm you down a bit, but just made it worse, as his hands felt like living anxiety creeping up and down your spine. He didn’t know what to do, let you ride it out, andkk no possibly have you get sick because of how much your crying in an empty stomach? Or let you down and go straight back to square one.
Your veined felt like pure ice had flooded in them, and it felt liek someone was repeatedly jabbing you in the head with tiny needes, fear was jsut so prominent in your sense, it overcame you, and made you whimper and scream.
“Whoah, breath for me alright? I just want to hold you. I’m not going to hurt you okay? I would never hurt you. Kitten… you don’t have to be scared of me” he spoke, trying to keep a proper computers, he wanted to cry with you, he wasn’t a very soft or emotional man but honestly, he was so upset with himself already, this was jsut pushing him for the edge. You cried, and cried, at some point you weren’t even crying and screaming at him, more with him. He held you close, you’d stopped the struggle almost five minutes ago, letting him hold you. It was odd. It almost felt… nice.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m being stupid again” You alien through your remaining little hiccups, shove my your face into his shirt, smelling the woody scent he carried around with him. He cooed, letting you hide yourself from him, savouring this soft moment was of top priorirty in his head… you jsut looked so sweet, so different from those harsh cries that would sound usually whenever he came around.
Who would think, shouts aizawas hand couldn’t feel nice? The same ones that had just been burning you, the ones that made you scream, felt like a breeze on a spring day, he actually felt warm, he felt like happiness, like contentment.
“No hon, it’s not stupid. Your scared. I know that, we all get scared and it’s not a bad thing, I love you, I really, really love you kitten. Just know that” he continued on with his little speech, leaving down to kiss you in the forehead, Jsut to be suprised when you didn’t flinfh, you were too tired to be scared; and too hungry, plus, he was really warm, the cat had pretty much snuggled up to him already, who says you shouldn’t.
“I- um- I love you… to?” You spoke, more of a question than anything, you’d spent so long Harding him that you didn’t know if you even could love him, it didn’t even feel possible, then again, you litterally cling to hizashi like a koala, and your mental state has relaly said “swoopity swoop” and scattered itself everywhere. Maybe having two comfort items was actually better than one… huh.
“Well, let’s go eat then. All taht crying probably made you tired, I’ll let you watch a movie in my office, you can watch pinto again, I know you love taht one. Cmon, let’s go” he spoke, and started walking again, you cuddled closer to him as he did, smiling slightly at the warmth. Hizashi was very extravagant, exiting, and hyper, this man felt very cool, calm, it was such a dark contrast, but it worked so well. You jsut… you Jsut liked it.
Well… now we’ll just have to wait and see who’s the favorite
Thank you for requesting! It was super fun to write and had me feeling super happy when I finished :)
I’m thinking about doing yandere todoroki family asks, because I’m litterally in love with @i-cant-sing one… so, requests are open for those if you want to put them in (please do I’m begging)
Anywho, have the most wonderful to days today! Goodbye!
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kpurereactions · 4 years
ca you do a bts or nct version of the got7 (a member yells at you) imagine you did a while ago :) thank you
PT. 1
Your stomach was a never ending pit of nerves. All day circling the web were pictures of H/N smiling as he whispered in some girl you didn't recognized ear. You paced, constantly checking his location as you waited for him to get home. You had a plan, to ask him about the pictured rationally, and not jump to any conclusions until you had a chance to talk to him. It was the right thing to do, and for all you knew it was one of his make up artists and she was fixing something on his face. You knew not to believe the comments on line.  ‘We need to talk.’   
Your heart stopped at his text, and everything you did to try to get yourself to calm down and think rationally. He showed up guns a blazing, throwing his backpack on the ground and kicking off his shoes. Seeing the way he was reacting made your blood boil. He had no right to be the mad one in this situation. 
“What is your deal?” You asked as he completely ignored you to open your fridge. 
“My deal? Why, do you think your special enough to know everything that is going through my head?” He snapped back. 
“Um, no? I guess? But I definitely think Im special enough to get an answer to something as drastic as this?” You said with a sarcastic tone as you slid your phone with the picture on it across the counter at him. 
“God, you really are crazy, aren't you.” He started, his voice raising. “You know, maybe instead of obsessing over me, and trying to keep your relevance through me you should grow up and get a life of your own!”
He watched you with hateful eyes as tears started to well up. He knew the one thing you were the most insecure about was the perception that you were only with him for his fame. 
You turned and walked into your bedroom, locking the door behind you. What ever was going on in the photo didn't matter anymore. He went somewhere you never thought he would go, and the thought that he felt like you were only with him to stay ‘relevant’ broke your heart. 
He must have left after his blow up because there was no attempt to come after you. You laid in your room crying for hours, and when the tears finally seemed to stop you left your room to a dark apartment. It wasn't hard to notice the things he brought with him were all gone, and he was no where to be found. You sat in your dark apartment not doing anything for a long time, not really sure what to do. Or where you stood with Taeyong. It wasn't until your phone lit up did your eyes leave the window you stared out of. It was him.  You contemplated not answering, but deciding to be the bigger person you answered and put the phone on speaker, but didn't say anything. 
“Y/n?” He said. His voice completely different from before. You didn't answer.  “Im sorry.” He started, you could imagine him hunched over picking at his nails as he spoke. You thought about biting back but chose against it, not wanting to cause anymore damage.  “That picture was a set up, if you will. My make up artist wanted a picture that made it look like we were in a relationship to show he friends but when her friends posted it it became a huge problem. I spent all day being yelled at for something I didn't realize was happening. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. 
You could hear the sadness in his voice, so you had to forgive him, but you made it very clear that you were not okay, and he would spend how ever long it took to make it up to you. 
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He’d be quick to realize just how out of place he was and would quickly run after you, stopping to door before it could fully lock. He’d just grab you and hug you tightly. He wouldn't say anything, because he wouldn't know what to say, but you could tell by the way he hugged you he wanted to take back everything he said. He’d hold you until you eventually wrapped your arms around him too, and once you did a tear would roll down his cheek.  “I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have taken my bad day out on you.” He said, a sad smile on his lips as he tucked a stray hair or two of yours behind your ear. 
He’d tell you all about his day and how he got ripped for falling into a trap set for him by a stylist. He wouldn't ignore what it was he said either, and make it very clear that he didn't think at all that you were in anyway only with him because he was famous. 
By the time night rolled around the two of you had slumped into the bed and laid there giggling, as he got around to telling you about the good things that happened during his day. 
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Speaking to anyone like this was so out of character for him, and it shocked him just as much as it shocked you that he exploded like that. He’d stand there, staring at your door, not sure what to do, and he’d stand there, staring as he listened to your sobs, completely frozen. He’d eventually move to the couch, and sit there with his head in his hands, completely confused as to what it was he was going to do to make this situation better. 
When you finally came out, the sight of youre red face made him break down. You were shocked to see he was still there. You were also confused as to why he didnt try to talk to you in the hours past. He would just look at you with the saddest eyes and and when you sat next to him hed turn his head into your shoulder and whisper ‘im sorry’ as you stroked his hair. 
You wouldnt be able to bring up the photo again. Youd hear from other members about the situation and how the picture looked 100x worse than it actually was. Theyd also tell you that you werent the only one accusing him of something he would never do in a hundred years, and how he came to your place right after Johnny and Jaehyun ripped him for it looking like he was being unfaithful. 
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You would hear the front door slam right after you slammed your own door, and you wouldn't hear from him until the next day. You had spent alright feeling sick to your stomach, convinced now that your relationship was over. He had never yelled at you like that, so to be in this situation you feared the worse. The next day you laid on your couch, still softly crying at the thought of loosing him, and the last words he would have said to you. 
You got up only when there was a knock on your door. Lifelessly you walked to it and slowly open it. Only to turn around and walk away when you saw Johnny standing there looking just a rough as you probably did. You turned to walk away but the feeling of him quickly grabbing you from behind and holding you tight made you tense up. 
You honestly didnt know if you could forgive him, but as he held you tightly he spoke into your shoulder a sincere apology. You turned when he was finished to see he had started to cry and when you walked away slightly he let out a soft sob. 
“You cant treat me like that.” You said sternly, tears forming in your own eyes. You watched as he nodded and sighed before wrapping your blanket around him and accepting him as he wrapped you in his arms. The two of you stood like that for a while, and once he was finally ready to talk again he explained everything and how it was just one big misunderstanding. 
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He wouldnt take you storming off as an answer. He would be fully aware of his actions and he would act fast to fix it. He’d grab your hand before you could turn to close the door and pull you back out to the kitchen. He’d point at your phone and tell you quickly that this photo was a misunderstanding and the person who took it posted it with malicious intent. As soon as that was out his tone would soften. He would explain where he was coming from. How he had just got out of a five hour meeting where he had to convince people who didnt believe him the truth and then help identify the person who posted the photo. 
When that was done explaining that he acknowledge what he said. But by the time he had gotten to that you were already holding his hand and had already made up your mind to forgive him. Hed sigh, feeling bad now for ruining the evening, but things would get back to normal when you suggested food, and the two of you would be able to unwind on the couch
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Doyoung would be in shock at your reaction, and then what he said would really settle in. Hed sit at your door, knocking and pleading for you to open the door. Hed send apologies your way through the door as he desperately tried to get you to open it. When you finally did, hed just look at you and when the tear you were trying to hold back finally broke hed sigh and wrap you in a hug. Hed tell you he didnt mean what he said. He’d apologize for taking his hard day out on you and ask you if you wanted to hear about the picture. 
The look on his face though had already confirmed that it was all a miss understanding, so when you shook your head he would nod and pull you into a soft, sweet kiss. Hed ask you if you forgave him and you would see the world lift off his shoulders when you nodded. Seeing how hard he fought to get you to understand was more than enough. 
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 I was going to do all 23 members but... its alot. So heres part one. 
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ablackfangirlwrites · 4 years
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Aizawa was beyond annoyed
He had been interning at this hero agency for a while and it was his last year at UA
And he wouldn’t call himself arrogant or anything but part of him
Felt like a job like this was beneath him or at least he wasn’t going to learn anything from it
It was basically a glorified babysitting job
Some big politician was going to be in town and they had a daughter
And somehow it became his job to watch her
The whole thing was silly according to him
He would be doing this while his friends were outgoing on bigger missions and getting real experience
And he felt that he could be doing something way better with his time like that
So he wasnt that interested in every little detail the higher ups were telling him
He got the basic point you weren’t allowed out of the hoteroom while you were in town and he and another hero would be stationed with you and taking shifts
Easy enough
But when he saw you he got a feeling this job was going to be anything but easy
For one he had assumed you were a young child
But you differently weren’t
You had to be about his age
But you had an air about you that just screamed trouble
It was a complete contrast to your father who walked beside you
He walked like he demanded respect from everyone and that he was an important person
You just looked like you were irritated and couldn’t be bothered to listen to them when they were telling you the plans of the trip
“Eraserhead” he acknowledged you telling you his name but again you weren’t playing attention
This was routine for you for the last few years of your life
You went somewhere with your father (it wasnt like you had a choice)
And hed lock you in some hotel room because it was safest there until it was time to go somewhere new
You couldn’t remember the last time you were actually home
But at this point in your life you didnt care anymore
It was clear that this would be your life until you went to college in the fall
Something you couldn’t wait for Cause you knew you’d finally have some freedom
One of the other bodyguards tried to make a small conversation with you but you rolled your eyes
“You dont have to talk to me. All you have to do is show me my prison for the week.” You told him with your arm crossed looking it the window
Your father cleared his throat, “you all have to forgive her, y/n tends to be cranky after a long flight.”
You only clicked your tongue as a response
Aizawa hadn’t said anything
But he had already judged you
Bratty, spoiled, mean, and probably moody, and simply not pleasant at all.
This was going to be so annoying
When you all got to the hotel you and your father went your separate ways
And Aizawa simple followed you to your room, “If you need anything I’ll be out-.”
You slammed the door before he could finish
You had been to japan a few times before so you knew the area
So you had no plan to stay in
As soon as you got the chance you called your friends that you had in the city and you set off
Aizawa just sighed deeply outside your door
At least you didnt seem like your were interested in making his life a living hell
At least that’s what he thought but he didnt know how wrong he really was
It was when Aizawa came back for his second shift that he realized something was up
“Has she came out at all?”
They just shook their head, “Shes been pretty quite.”
“Have you checked on her?”
They shrugged, “I’ve knocked a few times but no answer I’m sure shes just sleep.”
Aizawa didnt think anything of it but something in his gut told him he should
A little after the other hero left
He knocked on your door to check on you again but no answer
He felt like he should have known better but he’d go to open the door only to find the room empty
He called out your name a few times but no answer
But then saw that your window was open
And like something straight out of a movie he saw you used your bedsheets as a rope to escape
Dread covered his face
He was done for
What was he supposed to do? How was he going to tell them he lost you?
Did someone kidnap you? How long ago did you leave?
So many questions ran through his mind
But before anything else he had already jumped out the window and started his search for you
You couldn’t have gone far
And you weren’t
You went out with some old friends and was hanging with them in a local club
You had no business being there
But this was the most fun you had in months
Aizawa was a good tracker so it was just his luck that it didnt take long to find you
He just thought of all the places a teenager would go
So that brought him to the club where he saw you dancing on the floor
He sighed in relief
At least you were safe
But that relief was short lived as he approached you
Because as soon as you saw him you took off
It was annoying enough to have to leave and find you
But now he was going to have to chase you
You were fast but he was faster
He followed you all the way out of the club and after having enough
He used to capture scarf to catch you
You faced him enraged
“Let go of me!”
“No way, do you have any idea how much trouble you could have got in? That you could have got me in?”
“That’s more of a you problem. Now let me go.” You said fighting against him but you couldnt set yourself free
“Not until we get back.”
And so he dragged you back to the room
He was lucky no one was there to see him bring you back
Once back into your room he let you free but he didnt make any move to leave himself
“You can go now.”
“Theres no way I’m letting you leave my sight. You could have lost me my job.”
You narrowed your eyes at him
You were going to leave again but you saw it was going to be a lot easier said than done
The next few days would go by dreadfully long for you
Aizawa watched you like a hawk
It was almost impossible to do anything with out him being 10 feet away from you
Most if the time whenever you were out you could escape
But Aizawa wasnt having any of it
He was going to be a hero and he wasnt going to let you or anyone else get in his way
“How’s your babysitting job going?” Hizashi teased him one day while he was at school
Shouta only rolled his eyes and just explained how much of a pain you were
“Have you tried to talk to her? You know shes pretty cute. I saw her in the news.” He went on talking
But Aizawa didnt care
He didnt want to know you but part of him did have to admit you were very nice on the eyes
But one day something changed
Maybe you were just bored when you saw him just sitting in your room
But you started a conversation
“What’s it like going to UA?”
Aizawa was surprised by your question
Up until now you seemed to have hated him
But he answered your question anyway
Which lead on to more talking
Which lead to a new appreciation for each other
Aizawa learned about how much you had traveled with your father and had never been to a real school or a stable home
And that you hated it
He actually felt bad for you
He couldnt imagine living like that and having someone always watching you
No wonder you were always trying to run away
It would the night before you were going to leave the country again that Aizawa was talking to you out on your balcony
It wasnt like the two of you were friends now
But you did have to admit Aizawa was funny and you liked him
Not to mention he was hot in a tired bum type of way
“So I guess this is the last night of me babysitting you.”
“I guess it is…”
Dispite starting off so rough the two of you did grow closer In a last few days
“So you gonna give the next guy as much trouble as you gave me?”
You laughed, “Of course. And besides the only reason why I stopped trying to run away is because you aren’t ass boring as you look.”
Aizawa rolled his eyes, “Sure…it wasnt because I’m actually good at my job.”
The two of you went quite, “I dare say I’ll even miss you Aizawa.”
Aizawa looked at you, “do you think you’ll be back?”
“Donno… I start college back home in the fall…who know what will happen till then.”
Aizawa just nodded “Well, if you do come back…I dont think I’ll mind babysitting you again.”
“Nice to know…”
The tension between the two of you was thick
And you being bold moved over and kissed him
He was shocked at first but he quickly recovered
The kiss was light at first but quickly got intense
But you pulled away when you heard someone knocked on your door
The two of you didnt speck the rest of the night
And when morning came he would be with the team escorts you to your plane
You stop and secretly gave him a piece of paper with your number on it “Keep in touch eraser.”
You whispered in his ear and wink before boarding the plane
Aizawa didnt know what to think at first he assumed the moment you shared last night was because you were lonely
But now…he wasnt so sure
He just gave you a little smile as he saw you bored the plane
And he’d laughed to himself you were really a lot of trouble
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Late night cuddle calls
Cw:mentions of f*od and ab*sive m*ther.
Ok to rb
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The moon was hid by the dark stormy clouds, the savage wind ran amok the city Howling like a wolf, hitting the window of every appartment it went around,thunder strikes the Sky with a roar, smaller,lightins follow suit Briefly illumating the heavens now darkened.
Its late already.
Jerico turns and tosses around her sheets unable to fall asleep,resting on her back, hands behind her neck, she sighs hesitantly looking at her phone charging right besides her on her bed.
Would he still be awake?
She grabs it,turning it on,unlocking it and going to her most recent chat.
The contact reads "my sunflower🌻🖤" she smiles looking at the profile picture.
"Hey, you up?" She types.
Miles' phone rings as he drinks from his tea, hed be pulling an all nighter to finish some homework.
Checking his phone his expression turns into worry, its already so late, why was she up?
"Yeah I am, whats up?"
"I cant sleep,ive been trying for two hours....can you come?"
He hesitated looking that he was half way through his assigment, he sighed "yeah, be there in ten, ill go get us some snacks, not like I nees them cause youre the only snack I need" he then thinks it again deleting the last part.
"Ill be waiting, ill leave the Window Open"
He grabbed his backpack, putting his phone charger, some money and an extra pair of clothes just in case the rain caught him outside.
So he jumped out his Window,jumping around buildings to get some tea, snacks and maybe even a small plushie if he got lucky.
Exhausted, jeri sighed closing her eyes for a bit.
Her cat, Canela,sat on her chest purring. She chuckles slightly opening her eyes to pet her.
The rain had started to fall, in small harmless droplets, to then transform into a full blown storm.
Miles had just finished getting the last thing he needed, a small plushie of a dragon with intentional patches of different shades of red.
He knew shed like it.
A soft tap on the Window let jerico know miles had arrived, he enters taking off his jacket, he was drenched.
--hey babe-- he says leaving his backpack--hand me a towel?
--Heh sure--jeri gets out of bed walking sluggishly to a chair with folded towels.
--hey is that my hoodie?--he asked.
--it was your hoodie nows mine!
--you little thief!--He said playfully-- ill catch you!--He runs up to her lifting her up.
--oh noo Spiderman has caught me ohhh--both start to laugh--ill tell you what,If you have another set of clothes you go take a bath,I dont want you to get sick
--aw youre always takin care of me!--miles said kissing her--okay, ill go take a bath, mom--jeri rolls her eyes--oh I got you tea and your favourite snack, and a little gift okay babe?
Jers eyes are sparkling with joy running to his backpack.
He then proceeds to go to the bathroom in jericos room.
The girl opens the backpack to find the little plushie dragon.
She coos hugging It.
Miles just finished taking his drenched shirt off when his girlfriend Came to hug him from behind, she was warm-- thanks babe!!
--Ah its nothing...a bit of privacy tho?-- she nodds kissing his cheek and leaving closing the door behind her.
As she sits on the bed drinking her still somehow warm tea something catches her attention.
--needless to say I Keep her in check--miles sang followed by mutters of the parts he didnt quite know-- she was all bad bad never the less...
And so she sat there absolutely enamored, listening to her boyfriend sing.
Ten minutes later she handed him his fresh set of clothes and miles came out the bathroom in an oversized shirt, sweatpants and with red fluffy Slippers.
Jeri giggles making grabby hands.
--Im coming im coming--he said playfully grabbing his own tea and cookies sitting behind jerico,who then presses her body against his as he hugs her--whats been worrying you baby? Youve seem...off
Jer shrugged looking away-- nothing that I havent told you before..
He sighed hiding his face on her hair--theres not much i can do about it...but ill be here as long as you need me, and even then ill stick around...te amo jerico
--yo también miles
Both kiss, and spend the night drinking their warm drinks and listening to music.
Suddenly someone knocks on the door.
Miles climbs up the walls to a dark corner.
Jeris auntcle,vica enters the room--jerico?you okay?-They say in their british accent--heard noise from downstairs--vica looked up-- oh,hello miles
Miles sigh unsticking from the ceiling, falling on his feet hands on the pockets of his jackey-- oh hey vica, thought you were jericos mother
The brit scowls--after what she did the last time that...--they made a pause stopping themself from cursing-- shes no longer allowed around here, but anyway ill let ya ankle biters alone...
They closed the door and miles went back where he was hugging jerico tighter.
--What did your mom do last time she was here?
Jeri hid her face on his chest--awful stuff..she made this huge deal about some of my clothes, she even tried to forbid me from using those thigh hig boots
--the shiny black ones?
--yeah those!
--But those look so good in you!-miles said--what else?
Jer took a long sip from her tea-- her usual...awfull stuff, and also, do you remember how I said I was going to visit you after mom went back home, I couldnt go cause she got mad at me, just because I defended myself from her...,vica kicked her out and I didnt have the energy to go,im so sorry miles...
He hugged her tighter--you dont need to apologize, right now its you and me amor,no one else...
He lifted her face up by the chin and kissed her, she kissed back pressing her forehead against his.
After finishing their food they went to sleep.
Calming music playing in the background, contrasting And complimenting the chaotic stormy enviroment of the outside, as miles hugged jerico from behind protecting her from any danger.
Hed always be there to make her feel better, an smile appeared on his face as he heard the soft calming breaths that lured Him also in a peacefull sleep.
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pogaytosalad · 3 years
Heres a wip of a sequel.
Dmviolence, by jade
Hello, if youre hearing this, it probably means im dead. Either that, or im alive and just got tired of keeping this hidden. You might remember my voice from a previous recording about a takeover in sector ⬽:➻, in which id helped prevent total annihilation of the sector. At the time i was unnamed, however now you may call me Kalton. After the takeover i resigned and moved to a job at a dmv. This planet was, for some reason, in one of the most tactically advantageous locations in the galaxy. And for some reason the higher ups dedicated the whole damn planet to dmvs. Dont ask why. Now, onto the story.
I woke up, and i put on my emerald green contact lenses. Just like any other day. I put on a basic white t-shirt and a leather bomber jacket along with a pair of jean shorts. If you cant tell by now, im gay.
I live in a small apartment. By small apartment i mean a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen all crammed into 2 rooms. I hopped out the bedroom window onto my motorcycle. It was a diamond white motorcycle with deep red stripes along the sides and the handlebars. My pride and joy. I put on my jet black helmet and took off towards my job at the, you guessed it, dmv.
Chapter 2
I pulled up in the parking lot and took off my helmet, my blue hair a total rats nest. The doors were push doors, yet i somehow ALWAYS pulled first. I entered the dmv and went to my station. A few hours passed by and no one had come in yet, which was unusual. So naturally i decided to sit down on the floor, put in my earbuds, and enjoyed some heavy metal. A few more hours passed by, and usually by now i wouldve been yelled at by my boss. This struck me as odd so i stood up. I really wish i hadnt stood up. The place had been completely destroyed. There were drop pods crashed in through the roof and they all had the ERGON logo on them. Ergon was a multi trillion dollar pencil manufacturing company with its own military. They had previously tried to take over sector ⬽:➻ when i had been working there. I was not looking forwards to what was about to happen.
Quickly, i ducked back onto the floor before anyone saw me. There were 4 riot soldiers holding this building. This was gonna be fun. The riot soldiers are your stereotypical riot gear and police baton soldiers. But these guys had laser batons and the riot gear gave them heightened strength and speed. They also had some, dare I say, shitty energy pistols. I crawled over to one of the soldiers who wasnt being watched and broke their neck. Carefully I took the baton and the pistol. Slowly crawled my way back to my station and checked the shot count in the pistol. I had 6 shots, just enough to take care of the remaining three soldiers. I stood up quickly and shot each soldier twice in the head. First shot to open the riot helmet, second shot to kill. I vaulted over the counter and grabbed the three pistols. These things were so stupid. You couldnt even remove the clips. Once you ran out of shots, the pistol was useless. Nonetheless, i didnt have any choice. I had a laser baton and 18 total shots in 3 pistols.
Upon leaving the building, my motorcycle was one of the few things to survive. It had alot of scratches and damage, but it still worked. The helmet was shattered however. I mounted the motorcycle and took off towards the next closest dmv. Maybe id find some better gear there.
Chapter 3
Pulling up next to the second dmv i immediately noticed 3 things. 1: there was blood everywhere. 2: there were 25 soldiers here. And 3: they all had energy weapons. The reason these things are relevant is because energy weapons dont cause bloodshed. This was the result of something else. Something new i hadnt dealt with yet.
I drove up and ran over 5 of the soldiers. This was probably an incredibly bad idea, seeing as i had 18 shots, enough for 9 kills, and there were 20 soldiers left. Every single soldier turned to me and i, being the absolute genius that i am, welded the front of one of the pistols shut with the laser baton, shot it off, and threw it into thei crowd of soldiers. It exploded, releasing a shockwave of energy and disabling the soldiers. I then used the baton to cut through the riot gear and kill the soldiers. I felt like a badass. That is until a mechanical looking wolf jumped at me and started trying to rip my face off.
The wolf was a frostwolf, except it had been placed into a mechanical frame and its teeth and claws had been replaced with lasers. I tried to bash it off of me with the baton but it just bit it in two. This gave me just enough time to grab an energy pistol and shoot the wolf. It kept trying to kill me amd i wasted a whole clip on it until suddenly, the dog started to levitate in the air and got thrown aside into a wall. I got up and was instantly frozen in place. Thats when.. she walked up.
Chapter 4
The she i am reffering to is ebony. A goth/punk wannabe with light blue tear shaped eyes and black hair with purple streaks. Shes a bitch whos mind got too powerful and now she can move things without touching them. Shes been chasing me for months. Not in a murderous way. Shes just obsessed with me. Ive tried to tell her im gay but she wont listen. And now im at her mercy.
She walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. I hated it. She looked as if she was contemplating whether or not to free me when a pod came down from the sky and crushed her. Thank god. But i honestly wouldve rathered suffered at her hand than deal with what i had to deal with next...
Out of the pod came the warden. The goddamn warden from sector ⬽:➻. Last id seen him hed been in the same situation as ebony. Crushed to death under a pod. But this time, instead of being on my side, he was here to kill me. He was huge. Like seriously huge. He was at least 8 feet tall and shaped like gaston. Whos gaston? Nobody knows these days. But its basically a way to say "extremely buff and wide". Back to the story. The warden wasnt looking very good, considering the rotten skin, obviously quickly patched together face, and muscles hanging loose out of his skin. His rotting ruined body was held together by an exoskeleton of chromium-tungsten alloy. Nothing i had was gonna cut through that. I was gonna have to get creative here..
The warden had 2 weapons, both of them were his fists. Huge gauntlets that were each about the size of a cow. Definitely bigger than his previous set. They were a golden green metal i couldnt identify. But i didnt want to get hit with one to try and find out. I ran. I ran as fast i could run into the dmv and hid. I could hear the wardens footsteps. It was as if a small earthquake happened each time he took a step.
I peeked over the desk i was hiding behind and saw him punch through the 2 desks opposite to me. It took no effort and i couldve sworn i saw him smile. Obviously i didnt. Cause he didnt have a mouth anymore. But if he did, he definitely wouldve smiled. I took a shot to get his attention and ran off towards the wall. The warden was definitely faster than i expected.
Luckily i managed to dodge the blow by a centimeter. The metal smelled of decaying flesh and popcorn. The wardens blow punched a huge hole in the wall. I hope you see where im going with this.
I ran off to another wall and we repeated this same process a number of times until the building was barely still up. I ran out the doors and threw the baton at the last of the supports, cutting through it and causing the building to collapse in on the warden. He wasnt getting out of that. I decided to search the rubble to see if i could find anything worth taking. I found a new baton, a flame rifle and a few more energy pistols.
The flame rifle was a very interesting design. The sides were painted jet black with flame decals scattered about. You could feel the heat on the inside and it made the gun warm to the touch. Comfortable to hold. Other than that though, it looked like an old fashioned 8.59mm sniper rifle. It had 4 shots remaining, so id have to use it sparingly.
I grabbed some scrap materials out of the rubble to make a holster for it and put it on my back.
The energy pistols just dangled from a keychain. The baton was simply turned off and placed through a hole in the back pockets of my shorts. I ran to my motorcycle and drove off, i needed to find out more. I had questions, and i had a sneaking suspicion that i knew where to find the answers.
I drove off again, i was dirty and there was blood on me and my bike. I probably looked like a serial killer. But i knew that if anyone was still alive, itd be jayden. They were.. well. They were a vampire. They lived in a swampland area and wore sparkly rainbow shirts and a huge sunhat. The sunhat allowed them to go outside in the sun, and they only drank coconut water. They also had a crazy amount of weaponry and used to work at ergon, before being fired for stealing weaponry. By the way, if you havent noticed by now, im using they/them to refer to jayden. Jayden doesnt have a gender. Jayden.. is kind of my crush. It probably has something to do with the fact that theyre the only person on this planet who talks to me. Other than ebony.. but ebony is... not my type i guess. Anyways, back to jayden. Jayden was on the roof of their swamp shack drinking coconut water out of a wine glass. I yelled up at them and they fell off the roof onto my back. I guess i cushioned their fall. Jayden immediately said "What do you need dear" without waiting for me to stand up, and shattered the wine glass. I informed them of the situation and asked the questions i had. Things like "what are the ergon soldiers defences like on their ships" and "how did they reanimate the warden" they had answers.
Jayden told me about the new security measures that had been put in place since id last been on an ergon ship. There was now a code for each teleportation pod and the gaurds had doubled. As for the warden, it turns out jayden was actually the first test run in reanimation sciences, and couldnt answer me because they had been unconcious in a lab when the warden was reanimated. That explained the vampire undead thing. Jayden invited me into the shack where they pulled a nail out of the floorboards and it turned into a ramp to the basement. Down in the basement? Thats where jayden kept their weapons they stole. And boy oh boy were there some interesting ones.
One that immediately caught my attention was the big rocket launcher. It had 3 barrels and each was a different colour, indicating a different effect. One was red, one was yellow, and one was green. The red barrel fired a normal explosive rocket, the yellow barrel fired an electromagnetic pulse rocket, and the green barrel fired an acidic explosive. And the launcher shrunk down to the size of an energy pistol when a button was pressed. It gathered up dirt and dust and garbage around it from the back to quickly convert into ammo but the only downside is that it would be difficult to use more than once in an area.
Jayden picked out an old shotgun. At first i didnt understand why, but then they loaded the clip. The clip was a huge drum that loaded in the bottom of the barrel. The drum was see through and inside you could see sawblades lined up side by side. When they pumped the shotgun a blade got lifted into a slot between the 2 shotgun barrels and started glowing red. When the trigger was pulled, the blade spun at high speeds and fired out of the slot, spinning along the ground like a wheel. It could cut through anything a baton could cut through and seemed to almost follow its target. The gun itself looked like an DP-12, except behind the pump, a large clear drum full of sawblades was in place. The blade sat between the barrels in place of the iron sights and got heated up by an electrical circut.
I also took a laser sword instead of my baton, it was just like the one that [3825968] had, except this one was about an inch longer. The final weapon i took was an acid thrower. It was basically just a watergun with acid in it. Ive always been partial to acidic weapons. If youve heard my other story, youd know why..
Jayden also took a submachine gun that fired freezing rounds. The rounds were essentially glorified waterballoons with liquid nitrogen in them. Though the rounds were bullet sized, enough shots from it would certainly freeze you in place. The freeze gun was about the size of the average human head, and was painted navy blue with blue saphire stripes placed along it. We both left the shack, me with my sword and jayden with a wine glass. We were ready to kick ass and put a stop to this.
We left and immediately both got flung into some trees. Guess who it was. It was ebony. Her body had been found and reanimated. I was starting to see a pattern. And now we had to fight the telekinetic who could kill us with a wave of her hand.
She was levitating. Her eyes were glowing red and her hair was floating in the air. She had a smile of someone about to rip your arms off and beat you with them. I tried to take a shot at her but my hand got knocked aside by an invisible force. So i tried the next best thing. Seduction. Fake seduction. Hopefully the whole dying and coming back from the dead thing didnt make her stop being weirdly obsessed with me.
While i faked surrender and complimented ebony and attempted to seduce her, jayden took aim of their ice gun and shot a burst at ebonys right arm. The arm froze in place and shattered. Hopefully that would lower the strength of her telekinetic abilities. It did. But only by about half. Which meant jayden got thrown into the air as i tried to discreetly unholster my acid gun. It wasnt discreet enough and the gun was knocked from my hand.
The gun flew forwards and the impact of hitting the ground set it off for a second, just enough to spray an acidic burn through her arm. Incapacitating her. Jayden ended up sneaking up behind her and impaling her through the skull with the shattered end of their wine glass. Finally ebony was dead for good.
The acid gun was busted, so we had to leave it behind. We got onto my motorcycle and took off towards my apartment building. We would need food if we were going to be traveling. An apartment complex would probably be full of foods, and alot of dead people who wouldnt care if we took some stuff.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
deja vu bucky barnes x reader
christmas request info can be found here 
"How long has it been since you've slept." "I heard you scream. Nightmares again?" "Hold my hand. You're going to be fine."
Song: mirrors by pvris
tag list: @cynic-spirit +++++++++
i walked through the lounge, looking to all the men and women working on the renovations to the compound. i sipped my coffee and leaned my back into the counter, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose. it had been a long few months since id been recruited and things werent exactly easier. i of course was a new hero, pushed onto the team after the untimely demise of one tony stark but we were making it worth it. i had made pretty good friends with bucky after all and everyone said that was hard to do. but then again maybe it was something more.
when i opened my eyes i saw him through the window, taking his morning jog around the building. he had done it everyday since id arrived and he said hed do it everyday until he left again. he had told me at one point though that he was waiting to head back to Wakanda, whatever that meant. all i knew was i got to spend every day with him, training as well as relaxing, amongst a few other things.
he was a smooth talker after all and we often found ourselves flirting over dinner, making the other recruits practically sick. it was a nice change of pace though, id finally found someone with as silver a tongue as myself. it helped for other activities though. i smirked to myself at the thought. when i turned back around to set my cup on the island i jumped, bucky standing on the other side staring at me.
"jesus buck, you gave me a heart attack."
i said, clutching my chest and he laughed, sipping his own coffee, looking at me over the edge of the mug.
"we both know thats a lie."
he said slyly, setting the mug down on the counter. i shook my head, leaning in and resting my weight against my elbows.
"we still on for tonight?"
i said with a wink and he smirked at me.
"arent we always?"
he quipped back and i couldnt help the smile creeping its way to my face. when clint walked in i heard him groan. he had decided to come back every few days to check on training progress and to make sure the renovations were going to plan.
"oh god, not you two."
he said, pouring his own coffee. i laughed, taking a sip.
"is there a problem officer?"
i asked and he sent me a testing look.
"no but i wont be staying, i wouldn't want to impose on whatever this is."
he said, motioning between us.
"How long has it been since you two have slept?"
he grumbled into his mug before leaving promptly. i turned back to bucky who winked at me. the thing is, ever since we'd started training, a spark was shot off and we keep finding ourselves together in bed. even if it is just for a round or two and never a full night. we hadnt committed to anything even close to that yet. that was okay with me though.
"my room or yours?"
i asked, biting my lip gently and i could hear him groan low in his throat.
"definitely yours, if i can wait that long."
he said almost annoyed with himself before strutting back out of the kitchen. i smiled widely, standing back up and returning to my position to watch the magic happen.
i laid in bed on my stomach and played with the ties on my silk robe. i had been waiting for bucky for what felt like forever and it was starting to get late. surely he didnt forget we were supposed to be doing something, he never forgot. i sighed as i rolled onto my back, worry starting to set in. i sat up quickly and walked around my bed, slipping my panties back on and tightening my robe. i looked to my phone before putting it in my pocket, it was already midnight and everyone else was asleep by now, those that were here at least.
i walked slowly down the dark hallway, side stepping the roomba-like creatures as they cleaned the floors. i drew my brows, not seeing a light coming from buckys room. did he fall alseep on me? even after he expressed his excitement? i almost felt offended. i crossed my arms over my chest before i heard him making sound from the other side of the door. i drew my brows, hearing him whine. i could almost make out soft 'no's. then i heard him scream. i tried the doorknob first but it was locked. then i started banging on the door.
i called but no answer. i hit the door again.
i yelled but nothing.
"im coming in."
i said sternly, standing back and kicking the door open. everything was dark aside from the red glow of his alarm clock. i saw him stir against his pillows; he was still fully dressed, shoes and everything. he must've fallen asleep.
"no, no, get away from me."
i heard him mumble, his hand opening and closing a few times as he curled into a ball. it almost broke me seeing him like that. i stepped forward slowly.
i said softly, touching his shoulder. a second later he snapped out of it, sitting upright and clutching my throat. he had the angriest look on his face like he was under some kind of spell. i gasped as i felt my feet leave the floor, reaching one hand to touch his face even at the distance we were at. as soon as i got contact all his memories flooded my mind as i absorbed them, seeing all the torture and pain they had caused him. this is what he was dreaming about. i clutched and scraped at the metal with my other hand before he realized what was happening and dropping me. i fell to the floor, couching up a storm and feeling the tears flowing down my face.
"oh my god, y/n, im so sorry."
he said, touching my back ever so gingerly.
"im so sorry."
he repeated, backing up. i finally caught my breath, placing both hands on the floor in front of me as i knelt down.
i croaked out, reaching for him.
"im sorry."
he said again, helping me to the bed. he clicked the light on, making me blink hard against it.
"are you okay?"
he said a little broken and i nodded. then he gasped, standing quickly and walking backwards until he hit the wall. he covered his mouth and shook his head.
"whats wrong?"
i asked, standing and stepping slowly to him like you would a wounded animal.
"i hurt you."
i shook my head as he started huffing, trying not to cry. i grabbed his hand in mine and he tried to pull away. but i persisted.
"bucky look at me, you did not hurt me. i am fine. please just Hold my hand so i can show you."
he gave in slowly and i pulled him back to the bed with me.
"I heard you scream. is it the Nightmares again?"
he nodded slowly, looking to the ground.
"i thought they had gone."
he confessed, closing his eyes and resting his head in his hands. i rubbed his back slowly.
"You're going to be fine buck."
he looked over at me with sad eyes and i could see tears starting to form behind them.
"but i hurt you, how can i come back from that?"
i shook my head.
"bucky ill live, maybe with some bruising for a while but im still here. and i still trust you. you were doing so good and doing so much better. you said they were gone after all, at least until now."
he sighed.
"i guess i just had a moment of weakness. my best friend left me again and i just lived through another war."
he confessed and i pulled him in to hug me, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. he stiffened under my touch like he was worried hed hurt me again but i understood why. he was scared. hell, so was i.
"you are always allowed to have moments of weakness buck, especially if your dreams look like that."
i said and he pulled away, eyes wide.
"you saw them."
he said in realization and i nodded.
"yeah, i did see them."
i said and he shook his head, a tear finally escaping down his cheek and into his beard.
"im so sorry."
he said, his voice breaking as he began to cry.
i said, pulling him back into me and hugging him tightly.
"you dont deserve my demons."
he said shakily, finally wrapping his arms around me. i pet his hair softly,
"maybe not, but they help me understand you and im thankful that i can."
i said just above a whisper, feeling him shake against me. i closed my eyes as we sat in silence. there was a million things i could say but none of them seemed right just yet so i decided against all of them. at the very least he could be vulnerable for a moment, even if it was just a moment. i liked that he could trust me enough to do this though. i sighed heavily, scratching at the back of his neck when i heard him sniffle.
"thank you."
he said softly, pulling away. in front of me was a broken man but i finally understood him as a person.
"you never have to thank me buck."
i said and he shook his head, wiping his face with his shirt sleeve.
"i know we arent exactly like that but i want you to know that i love you."
my eyes went wide.
"of course you dont have to say it back but i want you to know its true. we've been with each other for months and its only now im realizing how much i actually care for you and i just needed you to know that."
he said and i sent him a small smile, pulling him in for a chaste kiss. i could taste the salty tears against his lips and his face hot and flush against my cold finger tips. when i pulled away he finally smiled back.
"i love you too buck."
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duker42 · 5 years
(1) Hi! Im not sure if you are taking request or not but if you are can you do a levi x reader where the reader and him dated when they were living in the underground and he promised hed come back for her before going up to kill Erwin but obviously never did because he couldnt so he tried to forget about her and she (reader) ended up leaving the underground and eventually joined the scouts but he doesnt recognize her because shes changed a lot since they were kids/teenagers and she recognizes
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💜Old Lovers💜
Y/N blinked as she looked at the Captain as he stood on the stage and looked over the newest recruits to the Survey Corps. Her breath caught as his eyes passed over her briefly before moving on to glare at the others that remained standing the in courtyard. Levi....
“Levi, I don’t trust this Lobov, don’t agree to it!” Y/N pleaded as she watched him inspect his ODM gear.
He looked over and raised an eyebrow at her protest. He had thought she would have jumped at the idea of living on the surface. Her face was worried as twisted her hands out of nervousness. The candlelight shone on her brassy red hair.
He put his triggers handles down and walked over to her, setting his arms around her lightly and pulling her against him. ”Everything’s going to be fine Y/N. As soon as I finish the job, I’m coming back for you.” He promised, a small smirk on his face as he looked down at his lover.
“Really?” Y/N looked up at his grey eyes which were quickly darkening as he leaned forward.
“Of course, I want you beside me on the surface. But before I go, why don’t you send me off properly?” He asked, cocking his eyebrow at her and flashing a wicked grin as he covered her mouth with his own.
She wondered if he didn’t recognize her because of her hair. He had only known her with the red dye she had soaked her hair in, hiding the true white blonde hair that would have attracted too much attention in the Underground.
She was upset that he was standing there, looking exactly like he had the day he left her in his bed. The day he had disappeared out of her life for the past four years. He had forgotten her and moved on.
Her eyes lowered as Commander Erwin continued to speak to the recruits that had chosen to join the Survey Corps, talked to her.
Levi scowled as he looked over the pitiful few recruits that had found the balls to join the Scouts.
He eyes paused on the tiny blonde, before moving on. His thoughts immediately went to Y/N and it pissed him off.
He shoved down the guilt that rose up in his chest. After everything had gone to hell and Farlan and Isabel had been killed, he had given in and pledged his life to the Scouts. Decided to follow Erwin.
He had tried to convince them to let him go back. To bring Y/N up to the surface with him. But Commander Shadis had thought that his newest weapon would just disappear into the shadows of the Underground and he hadn’t been able to convince him that it wouldn’t happen. He just wanted her with him.
When he realized it wasn’t going to happen, he buried his heart under layers of ice and tried to forget the woman he still dreamed about. The one that he still woke up and expected to see beside him, four years later.
The fact that a brat reminded him of her could be nothing but trouble. He growled and turned away, ready to return to base and the solitude of his office.
Commander Erwin called Y/N into his office, making her very nervous to have a face to face with her highest superior her first day in the Scouts.
“You’re Y/N, correct?” Erwin asked, looking through her file as he motioned for her lower her salute.
“Yes, sir.” She answered, looking closely at the tall man that Levi was supposed to kill four years ago, sitting there very much alive.
“And you are from the Underground?” He sounded bored and Y/N wondered if this was routine for the Commander to verify everyone’s information on their first day.
“Yes, sir.” She stood a bit straighter, unwilling to let anyone look down on her because of her background.
“You’re a bit older than the average recruit.” It wasn’t a question but she felt that he wanted an explanation.
“I lost my....family, four years ago. It took me a year to finish saving up for the passage to the surface.” Y/N said looking directly into the Commander’s blue eyes.
He studied her for a long moment before nodding thoughtfully. He leaned back and appraised her. She twisted her hands behind her back and she saw his eyes drift to the movement.
He sat up and made his decision. “Report to Captain Levi. You’re dismissed, Y/N. Welcome to the Scouts.”
Y/N saluted and turned on her heel and marched out of his office.
She missed the smirk on his face as he watched the door close behind her.
Levi looked up at the knock on the door with irritation. “Come in.”
The recruit that reminded him of Y/N opened the door and he sighed. He should have known that Erwin would have picked up on his unease. Bastard never missed much. He wondered why he would send the girl that reminded him of his past lover to him now.
He had only ever mentioned Y/N once, after having far more to drink than he should have. He hadn’t been drunk, but his tongue had loosened. When Erwin had told him about his lost love Marie, Levi found himself sharing his memories of Y/N. The way she looked, the way she smelled, the way she twisted her hands when she was nervous.
The next morning, Erwin hadn’t mentioned their conversation, but Levi could be certain that he had never forgotten. He wondered if he was making him face his past, or just pouring salt on that wound to harden his shell a bit more.
“What do you want?” He asked irritably, looking down at his desk.
Y/N blinked at his tone. He had always been surly, but it had increased during their time apart. She moved deeper into his office and looked around. It was clean, making her smile. Some habits never died it seemed. The smile slid off her face as she started getting nervous about being in this room with him.
Her hands came together and started twisting together as she tried to tell herself that she didn’t love him anymore, knowing that it was a complete lie. She had always loved him, would never stop.
She didn’t notice him looking up and freezing at the sight of her hands twisting. His eyes widening before narrowing intently as they darted up to her face. She was too busy looking out the window, wondering how she was going to stand being around him without being hurt.
He caught her attention when he appeared in front of her. He was always so damn fast. His hand caught her chin between his fingers and pulled it up to he could look at it more closely.
“Y/N?” He whispered.
Her breath caught at the sound of her name on his lips again. It had been long since she heard it.
She didn’t answer, couldn’t answer because his mouth was covering hers, his tongue pressing into her mouth desperately. It was like he was starving and she was his meal. He pulled her against him, anchoring her to his body with his strong arms as he plundered her mouth.
She felt like she was drowning in him, his scent surrounding her and the taste of him on her tongue after so long being without it made her start to cry.
He pulled back, tasting her tears and brushing his fingers across her face to flick them away. His lips are gentle as they cover hers again, sweet and loving. Y/N sighed into his mouth and he couldn’t help but pull her harder against him again.
“Y/N, Gods, I’ve dreamed of you for years.” He whispered, running his lips down her throat as he placed his hands on her ass, pulling her up against his hardening groin.
“Why didn’t you come for me?” She asked, dousing cold water on his desire.
He looked at her sincerely as he answered. “They wouldn’t let me. I begged for months. The old Commander wasn’t as trusting in me as Erwin.”
Y/N nodded. Levi may have been a lot of things, but he was never a liar, not to her. His eyes asked for permission and she pushed her lips back against his in answer.
He groaned and pulled her up into his arms, carrying her through a door into a bedroom and covered her body with his own as he laid her down. “Y/N, I need you....” He groaned against her neck, his fingers starting to strip her of the straps of her gear.
Her own hands push insistently at his own, wanting to feel his skin under her hands and against her own.
They were bare in minutes, their skin hot and slick with desire as their mouths continued to tangle. She wrapped her legs around him and cried out as he desperately drove himself into her body.
His own strangled gasp at feeling her again almost made her come undone. His invasion of her sex was a little painful, she hadn’t been with anyone since him.
He felt her tighten around him, knew that like him, she hadn’t been with anyone else. He felt a sense of pride that she had waited for him, that she was in his arms again with no ghosts between them. His eyes rolled back as she flexed around his cock and a low moan escapes his lips.
It wasn’t a hard pace, but it was steady, his body rocking into hers with even thrusts. He couldn’t stop his hands from moving over her body, feeling as much of her as he could as tried to keep from coming too soon.
Her body responded to his like the last time they were together was the night before, not four years earlier. She felt herself shudder as his cock beat steadily against her back wall, making her gasp with every thrust. Her moans were getting louder, causing Levi to muffle her with his own mouth as he pushed her over the edge.
Bolts of pleasure shot through her as she cried out into his mouth, Levi eagerly swallowing the sound of her pleasure. He felt her pull him deeper into her body as she came around him. The feeling making his body tingle as he came to the edge of his own release.
Levi pushed hard into her body and stilled, gasping loudly and throwing his head back as his cum shot out of him with a force he hadn’t felt in years, making him weakly collapse against her, spent.
They barely had time to catch their breath before there was a knock on the door. Levi hurriedly redressed and walked out to his office to answer the door while Y/N slipped back into her own clothes.
She listened at the door and her eyes widened as she heard the voice of the Commander in Levi’s office.
“So I see the old lovers are reunited.” He says clearly, an amused tone in his voice as he addresses Levi.
“Yeah, so get out of here so we can continue.” Levi spat out.
“I’m happy it’s her, Levi.” Erwin said quietly.
“Me too. Now get the hell out of my office.” Levi said, moving him towards the door. “And Erwin? We won’t be leaving this room tomorrow.”
Erwin laughed as he open the door. “I expect nothing less from old lovers. You have years to make up for.”
Y/N smiled as she heard Levi flip the lock and call out as he headed back to his bedroom. “You better not have put your clothes back on, Y/N. You won’t need them for the next 24 hours.”
She grinned as the door flew opened and he settled his hot gaze on her, his smile wicked as he advanced on her hungrily.
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hoeforbilly · 5 years
dating billy would include
request: "Could I get headcanons for what dating Billy would be like? Thanks ❤️❤️❤️" @gourdsmith
warnings: domestic abuse mentioned briefly
genre: is headcanon a genre? i guess? mostly fluffy anyway
word count: 617
Tumblr media
• this is my f i r s t request and im so excited omggg
• okay so
• dating billy would be extremely fun and rewarding but challenging at the same time
• cause that boy has got some issues
• mainly regarding his father
• so i feel like there would be a lot of nights when he would just knock on your window
• bruises everywhere, heavy eyes and a heavier heart
• and he'd just need comforting
• the first time he did it you two weren't even dating yet
• but he just needed to not be alone so bad he came to you anyway
• in moments like this he would need to be held, you'd either sit in his lap or lay in bed with him and he would hold you sooooo close im crying
• which reminds me - he would cry around you
• which is big considering it is billy hargrove after all
• he would just become a big pile of mush in your hands
• "can you play with my hair?" would be something hed constantly ask for
• billy would just adore the feeling of your fingers in his hair
• i dont know why but i imagine hed be really into pda (i wonder why)
• everyone should know youre his girl and hes the one to make sure of that
• picking you up before school, walking up to your door and attacking your face with kisses
• he didnt wanna do it around max
• cause he knew she wouldnt let him live if she saw how soft he was with you
• holding your hand a l l t h e t i m e
• his arm around your as you walk the halls of hawkins high
• hands in your back pocket as soon as you reach your locker
• it would really entertain you to see how proud and mighty he was at school
• knowing how cuddly and needy he became when the two of you were alone
• you would help him work on his anger
• though just your presence would usually be enough to calm him down
• whenever he got really angry youd pull him to the side and just whisper sweet nothing into his ear
• he would hold your hand, play with your fingers, and usually calm down within minutes
• and, of course, you and max would become besties
• which would lead to max's and billy's relationship improving
• the three of your would go to the mall or the movies together, max usually going off to find the party at some point
• billy would treat dates really seriously
• hed want you to know how special he thinks you are so he would try his best
• cute picnics on the hood of his camaro
• drive-in movie nights
• in the summer he would rent a boat and take you out on the lake, you would jump out and swim and then just make out lol
• he would even try cooking for you guuurl
• i just got a very vivid image of billy in nothing but an apron but lets ignore that
• you two would have so much fun together
• and contrary to popular belief - he would be sooo good for you
• he would be caring and gentle, loving and thoughtful
• just the best boyfriend in the world basically
• and when he finally had enough money, he would ask you to run away with him
• and you would
• and you'd live happily ever after hahah
it's not super long but i hope it's okay!
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
Day five of Dreamswap weekish - Chained
Fandom: Dreamswap by @onebizarrekai
Characters: DS Nightmare, unnamed members of JR, no-mercy human
Word count: 462
Warnings: cursing, imprisonment, reference to a no mercy route
Taglist: @anxiety-is-married-to-depression @angelofthehalfmoon @trainwreck-of-skeletons @hisame-amadashi​ @therandomskelekey
Despite the fact that Dream probably still wanted him dead, given the fact that the other had accused him of being a criminal for some stars forsaken reason, the healer who he had been dragged to, had healed him back to full HP. Nightmare's... Not sure how his health had gotten so bad - maybe it had something to do with not moving and moping for... However long he had been in that timeline. He still didn't know just what this Justice Reigns was really about, but asking questions fell on deaf ears.
He'd been dragged to a cell as soon as he was back to full HP, and hed been chained to the wall - however the length of the changs did allow him to move the length of the cell, which was about twelve paces in every direction. There was a small, dirty window set high in his cell - not that he could get to it, as when he jumped, the length of the chains tugged him down to the floor, and the magic within them pulsed, causing him to freeze in place.
Nightmare stared in absolute confusion as a human child was dragged past the bars of his cell, kicking and screaming. He sputtered "Wh-what the fuck?!"
One of the guards heard him - a tall and broad-shouldered goat monster "Quiet, prisoner!" They snapped "This creature may have the face of a child, but they’re slaughtered hundreds of monsters in their home timeline, for no other reason than because they believe themself to be above consequences."
Nightmare, disbelieving, checked the child's LV, a wave of nausea hitting as he saw an LV of 20 on the chi-whatever this being was. "What... What the hell..." He's never seen anyone with an LV of greater than three or four in his home timeline... and he hadn't interact enough with the monsters in that new timeline to know what their levels of violence were. None of them seemed particularly friendly, but that just might have been part of their aesthetic choices. 
Nightmare patted his pockets, a small grin appearing on his face as he realized that he still had his lockpick. He wasn't going to try to escape at the moment - what would the point of that be? He would wait until it was evening and then bust out and escape.
... He just had to sit and wait. Which was incredibly boring, but he didn't mind very much. The thin mattress in the cell that he was in was more comfortable than the cold hard ground. Nightmare suspected that he would have to keep moving, to evade Dream... Then again, Nightmare knew that he had always wanted to travel... It could be fun? Provided he survived being captured by his former best friend, after all.
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ellana-ravenwood · 6 years
Salt, Tequila, Lemon - Jason Todd x Reader
Please read this intro, thank you very much :  
So. I posted this yesterday, but after a bug on the Tumblr app on my phone it got deleted. I’m super bummed out because it had over 200 notes and quite a few feedbacks that I never got to read because it was accidentally deleted...If the people that took the time to comment things on the story could take a bit more time to write a little comment again and give me their feedbacks, and also if the people that liked and reblog could do it once more...i’d appreciate the hell out of you <3.  So reposting it (thanks god I always have back ups of all my stories now). Written in twenty minutes during my break at work. Bam. Hope you’ll like it :
Also, since Tumblr’s new guidelines and enforcement of it, I DON’T really appear in searches anymore, so the only way for this story to be seen by others than those who follow me is to reblog it. So if you wanna, you can show your support for my writing by doing just that. Thanks very much. You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Ok. So. Grandma’s remedy against heartbreak ? Oh, right. 
Salt. Tequila. Lemon. 
Got it. Licking the back of your hand to make the salt stick to it, you pour yourself a massive shot of “To-Kill-Ya” in your coffee mug, not even caring about the fact that there is still some remnant of your cappuccino from last night in it. 
You focus on the sound the liquid makes as it fills your cup. Makes you think about something else. Good. Yup. This was totally gonna help right now. 
“Cheers”, you exclaim to yourself, your empty apartment echoing your voice. 
Wincing. Stingy. Salt on its own is gross. 
More wincing. Oh my god, it burns. The coffee that was still at the bottom of the cup is an oddly nice touch. 
The last of the Wincing. 
You spit the piece of lemon you just bit into in the trash and…miss. The yellow fruit falls with a little flat sound on the floor, and you honestly can’t bother to pick it up. Your apartment is a mess anyway, so you just stare at it angrily and pour yourself another drink. 
Salt. Tequila. Lemon. 
You gulp the last of the citrus and shiver. Miss the trash again. 
Damn. This was good. 
Well, actually, it was disgusting. 
You didn’t like strong alcohol and what the Hell ?! Why did you leave a bit of coffee in your cup ? Now that the aftertaste was kicking in, it was actually really gross. If the tequila itself didn’t make you wanna throw up, the stale coffee taste nearly did. Oh, and the salt and lemon combination was as awful as ever. 
You really didn’t like salt, tequila, or lemon. 
But it was still good. 
Because thanks to all this immediate awfulness, you could slowly feel yourself drift into “haze land”, and forget about your worries. 
Forget that your boyfriend of two years just cheated on you with some random woman you worked with. Woman that, by the way, he met at the Christmas “end of the year” party from you work you invited him to…You gave him free champagne and mise-en-bouche and all your love, and he broke your heart. 
It wasn’t your thing, to drink your sorrow away. And it wasn’t your thing either to wallow because of a man…But you genuinely thought he was “the one” (oh what a mistake you would soon realize that was). 
He was always so nice, treating you like a princess. He complimented you daily, and never forgot an important date. He was affectionate, not to an annoying point. He was the perfectamount of affectionate. He was a gentleman and seemed to love you and yet, he betrayed you. 
If a man like him, that was nothing short but sweet and passionate with you, cheated on you, then did that mean you couldn’t trust anyone ? 
Because in your eyes right now, he was perfect. Albeit said eyes were slightly clouded by a a few tequila shots. 
You were downing a fourth drink starting to slowly sob when…
There’s very few things that can get you out of a drunk state in seconds. 
An extremely cold shower could do the trick, for instance. Brings you back to your senses a bit you know ? You wouldn’t magically be sober, but you’d get a clearer mind. Or someone giving you shocking news ! Or like, an event so incredible that your body just forgets how drunk it is for a minute. 
And this event, for you, came at the perfect time. 
Right when you were entering your “sad drunk” phase, which was between the “lol alcohol does NOTHING to me” phase where you downed most of your drinks, and the “dancing on the bar’s counter” phase (a few more drinks and you would have a one woman dance party in your living room, acting as if you were on a bar’s counter and that your name was suddenly “Britney”).
Right when you were about to wallow times a thousand, and cry, and yell “whyyyyyyy ?!” to the sky, arms in the air (drama queen). 
Years later, looking back on that particular event, you’ll start to realize that Destiny HAS to exist. Because come on, it was just too perfect a timing to be a simple coincidence. 
You were about to swallow up your fifth drink, launching yourself head first into the “sad phase” when an ear shattering noise rang all around your apartment. 
Broken glass. 
It was the sound of broken glass. Heightened to the max by your drunkness. You turned on your stool, and…there he was. 
It was a guy. That you were sure of because he had no boobs and too much pecs. And that guy…well that guy just flew right through your window, destroying it. How rude. 
There was glass everywhere. 
How much did a window cost ? Probably a fortune. 
You wondered briefly if you could just use aluminium foil and tape the shit up. There was nothing of value to steal in your apartment anyway, and if aluminium foil could keep meals warm, it definitely worked with a house too right ? 
You sobered up quite a bit, but you were also very drunk when this event happened, so your mind was still in that cloudy weird phase where your priorities were…interesting. 
You worried more about the broken window at first, than about that guy who just launched through it. 
A guy. 
Not just any guy. 
You saw that guy before. 
He was one of those night vigilante your crazy hometown was filled with…RED HOOD !! 
“Thick thighs”, is the first thing you thought right after you recognized him (priorities). 
The second thing you thought was that you needed another drink, and so you downed what was your fifth one, but with that crazy thing happening ended up being on the same level as if it was a second one. You were tipsy, but not “drunk” anymore. 
The third thing that came to your mind was…Is he still alive ? 
No cause, he was like, just laying there, on your living room’s floor, not moving. 
Oh. He spoke. 
So he ain’t dead. Good, means you can have another drink then, you don’t need a clear mind to call an ambulance or something. 
Oddly enough, in your half-drunk half-sober state, this sounded completely reasonable. Nevermind if Red Hood had some internal bleeding or something. He talked. He was probably fine. 
A minute passed, and you just sat there, sipping up your tequila in between taking a pinch of salt and biting into a piece of lemon. 
Salt, tequila, lemon. Great remedy against heartbreaks. 
Wait, were you heartbroken ? Really ? You couldn’t really recall that fact now. But, yeah…it was the reason why you were drinking right ? Because right now, all you could think about was the fact that this Red hood guy had abs for days…
This unforeseen event sobered you up quite a bit, but the two shots you just took kinda brought you back to the same state than you were before.
Well. Not quite. You were drunk as hell again, but seemed to have avoided the “sad phase”. Instead, Red Hood bursting quite literally through your window took you to another road. 
The : “Cool, I got a drinking buddy phase”. Well, taking for granted he didn’t have any internal bleeding and wouldn’t die while biting into a lemon wedge. 
“Tough day ?” 
You ask him, as he slowly sits up and shakes his head, trying to regain his senses. He looks towards you and seem surprised (or at least you think he is, because he wears a mask so…kinda hard to tell). 
Jason definitely thought he was alone in this place, because no sane person would just sit there, not saying anything, as someone simply jumped through their window. Nope, most people would just freak out. Scream. 
He knows, because it’s not the first time he falls through a window during a night on duty. And every single time it happened, people freaked out. Screamed. Threw stuffs at him, or hid away begging for their life to be spared. 
And yet here you were, half a bottle of tequila in front of you, surrounded by lemon wedges you bit into, and table salt all over your hand, just staring at him curiously. And did you just say : “tough day” ?  
Well, Jason guessed the empty half of the bottle was why you were so chilled about it all. He sat up, and slowly got back to his feet. 
Usually, going through a window meant the end of the night for him. He’d go back to one of his secret stash, patch himself up and get some rest. Most of the time, he fell through windows because someone pushed him or threw him there…Though today, he just embarrassingly missed a step and fell by himself. 
Of course, no one would ever now he tripped while jumping from one building to another (you lived on the last floor) and went careening into your home (and life). Nope, the official story would be that he fought a fierce enemy and was thrown into that window. Finding fake villains name was easy, given how truly ridiculous some could be. 
Tim and Damian were still after the “Illusive Blue Man” that he totally made up that one time he walked into a poll and had a huge black eye that he couldn’t quite explain…Oh man, he had to stop telling such elaborate lies and just say “I fought with a few guys last night” without more explanation. 
But he couldn’t help it. And those kids believed everything he said, it was too tempting…But for now, this wasn’t the issue. Nope. 
He did a quick check of his body and knew he wasn’t really hurt (thanks “dad” for the amazing body armor ugh ?), so he was planning on leaving that poor girl’s house and send a mystery check in the mail to pay for the damage (money stolen from a certain Bruce Wayne of course, as if he would pay himself). 
Yup. He was just gonna stand up, and go on his way and…somehow, he found himself sitting on the stool opposite side of this mysterious girl, and now she was peppering salt on his hand ? 
“Salt”, she says, and she has a cute drunk voice. Jason almost forgets he just went through a window a few minutes ago. 
“Tequila”, she continues, downing her drink and pointing at the one she poured him. He doesn’t even care the she poured it in a cereal bowl that she didn’t even seem to have clean…He drunk worst things in worst recipient. He turns away to take off his mask and so that she can’t see his face, and “bottom’s up”. 
“Lemon !” she finishes, biting into the sour fruit and spitting it in the direction of the trashcan but missing completely. The lemon wedge goes to lost itself amongst his fallen brothers…
Jason bites into his own lemons, and spits it. Right into the garbage. 
There’s a slight pause, where she just stares at the trashcan, and then at Jason, back to the trashcan, and then turns to him again and simply says : 
So. This was surreal. 
Here you were. In your home. Taking tequila shots. With…Red Hood. 
One of Gotham’s night vigilante. The most violent one. But the dude seemed chilled. He was holding his liquor really well. 
And now you were talking about your broken heart, telling him the story as if he’d been your friend for years. And he was listening. Intently. And reacting to what you were saying. It had been a LONG time, since you had this kind of talk with anyone, and despite the fact you were drunk, you still noticed how nice it felt to have someone to talk to. Someone that genuinely listened. 
“And then he slept with her !” you say angrily. 
“Nooooooo !?!” 
“Yes, he did ! He slept with…with…what was her name…”
“Nicole. From accounting.” 
“Right, Nicole from accounting ! That bitch ! She always just…counts and shit ! And he slept with her ! Nicole from accounting ! Whom he met thanks to me, by the way ! At a partyyyy !! At my wooooork !!” 
“What an ass.” 
“Right ?! Oh but he had such a good ass though…Quite firm. But whenever he wore jeans, it was super flat.” 
“So, not such a good ass in the end then ?” 
“I guess not. You have a good ass. Popping right out in this outfit of yours.” 
Red Hood chuckles, and the sound of his laughter makes you forget that you just said something incredibly embarrassing. His voice is…nice. Deep. Manly. You like it. You wanna make him chuckle some more, so you say, hoping : 
“And it looks very firm. Not just quite firm.” 
It works. He snorts and it’s very cute. Oh wow. He can be sexy and cute. Full package. You smile a bit dreamily. 
For a second, he’s lost in that smile of yours, and there’s a silence installing itself in the room. A comfortable one. That you break : 
“Ok. So now, he’s not that perfect anymore ! He got no ass ! Penalty points ! I never notice how un-assed he was before…” 
Jason smiles and damn. He’s hot. 
Somewhere along the way, he stopped turning his face away from you whenever he took a shot, and just ended up taking his helmet off. He was probably hoping that you’d black out or something, so you wouldn’t remember his face (or he just didn’t care). 
In any case, you were pretty sure you never saw him before. His face kinda reminded you of an old memory. Of someone you saw somewhere long ago, when you were a kid…Which wasn’t really a big help right ? 
Right. You had no idea who he was. And in your drunken state, probably couldn’t piece anything together anyway. So even if you did know who he could be, you wouldn’t know in the end anyway…Makes perfect sense right ?
What you knew was : he’s hot. 
This white streak in his hair did something to you that you couldn’t explain. And that jawline ? You would love to get cut on that bitch.  It could actually cut a bitch, you were sure of it. Those blue eyes ? You’ve never seen someone with such blue eyes. And did you mention to yourself how muscular he was ? Because man you only saw guys like this in magazines ! 
But beyond his handsome features, he seemed like a nice guy. Like he was listening to you, a total stranger. And this realization suddenly raised your guard up. 
You also thought that your ex-cheating-boyfriend was a nice guy. And come to think of it, who the hell just barge in someone’s home like that, and actually stay to drink tequila shots ?! Wait but…in your guts…it’s not like with your ex. 
You don’t think he’s a nice guy. You know he is. 
There’s a visible shift in your mood, after this realization. So far, you talked to him about your broken heart freely, and he listened. 
Oddly enough, no words that came out of your (perfect) mouth bored him. Jason wasn’t sure wether it was the alcohol or not, but you captivated him. 
But in a split second, and without him knowing why, your features changed. You were now frowning. Like an unhappy little kid. It was kinda cute, but he didn’t like it because…why were you frowning ? 
He tries to lighten up the mood and says : 
“Well here you go. See, you didn’t loose the perfect guy, his ass was flat in jeans. Can’t work with that, can you ? I bet we can find other flaws. Make you realize he actually was a looser.”  
Your guard is up, but you can’t help but smile a bit, plus you were frowning just now because you realized you just knew you could trust that total stranger, and it was so weird…. 
Besides, no harm in indulging this, because you’re pretty sure it’ll make you feel better to try and see the bad side of your ex-boyfriend, not just his good ones. No one was perfect. And so, still a bit careful, you say : 
“Well…He never got any of my Tv shows or movie references.” 
“Well, here’s a point to take off of his “perfectness”. Doesn’t get pop culture references. Deal breaker.” 
“Yeah…Yeah you’re right. It is. He also used to hate when I made jokes. I like puns ya know ? Terrible ones. Well, he was always embarrassed whenever I made them in public.” 
“Ashamed of his girlfriend, doesn’t sound very gentlemanly, right ?” 
“Yeah. It doesn’t. Maybe he wasn’t such a perfect gentleman…He also used to not want to go out with me if I didn’t wear any make-up and was dressed just casually.” 
“What you mean, he never just went out with you ?” 
“We only went out on dates. I had to dress up. I could be casual home though…” 
“Well goodie, the man let you be yourself when you were home. Big deal. To be honest, sounds like a douchey move.” 
“That was kinda douchey…I never cared what he looked like.” 
And it’s true. For you, physical appearance wasn’t everything. And sure you thought your ex was hot and all, but only because you liked his personality too. You liked his jokes, you were never ashamed of anything he said. 
And right now, sure that stranger that bursted through your window was hot, but the reason you felt like you could tell him things was because he just made you comfortable by his mere aura. Because he gave you such a good vibe. 
You never were fully about appearances. It was always just a bonus for you…So it never occurred to you why your ex would only hang out in public with you if you were pampered. Like he used to hate when you just wore hoodies and no make-up, even if you didn’t need make-up to be beautiful. 
Comes to think of it, he was very much about appearances…Uh. Interesting. You never realized that before. 
You turn to Red Hood, and the look on your face says it all. You’re slowly realizing maybe you didn’t just lost “the one”. The vigilante says : 
“Ok, so : no ass, no humor apparently, doesn’t get pop culture references, and was kind of a jerk when it came to going out with you…” 
“He did tell me often that I was beautiful though. Including when I just woke up from a night out, and was awful looking.”
“Yeah, but he never went out with you looking like that. He shouldn’t feel ashamed of hanging out with you looking like that. Just like he shouldn’t feel embarrassed when you joke. He can be exasperated, like if you really make bad puns, sure. And he can think it’s unfunny…But embarrassed ? No.” 
“I guess…I never thought about it.” 
“Well let me tell you, as someone who does not know neither you nor him personally, he sounds like a bit of a jerk. Let’s not forget he cheated as well. Like, that’s not something good people do. Especially not with…Nicole from accounting.” 
“Nicole from accounting…Yeah. They’re together now though.” 
“So ? He should’ve broken up with you if he realized he liked her. That’s the right thing to do. Trust me on that, I put villains behind bars for a living, I know what’s right or wrong.” 
“I heard you kill criminals.” 
“Used to. I used to kill criminals, I had issues. I’ll tell you one day if you wanna. It’s a real tear jerker story. With clowns and crowbars. And I’m telling you that because I’m drunk, right now. Also, if we want to be specific, I don’t actually make a living out of putting villains behind bars. Like, I don’t get paid or anything…” 
Jason finds himself ranting about anything that comes to his mind, and though he hears himself claim it’s because of the alcohol he’s saying all this, he realizes maybe there’s something else making him want to talk. 
You. A total stranger he walked upon. Or rather, went-through-the-window upon.  Who didn’t freak out when he went through said window. And instead, invited him over to have tequila shots. 
Because, according to your grandmother, the best remedy to…basically any problems in life, was “salt, tequila, lemon”. 
“She was a wise woman.” 
He says, and you turn to him, clearly not understanding what he was talking about. 
“Who ?” 
“Your grandma. For saying that salt, tequila and lemon was a great remedy against heartbreaks and all.” 
“Oh. Yeah. I wouldn’t know, I never met her. She died before I was born.” 
“Well what she passed on to your parents is great.” 
“What ?”
“Well, that “salt, tequila and lemon” thing, I assume she said that to your mom or dad, and then they said that to you, and then it became your grandma’s advice. Right ?” 
“…Nah. It’s an excuse I made up. Whenever I need to justify something, I just say “like my grandma said, ain’t no shame in eating an entire tub of ice cream if you want to”, and then people are just like “oh yeah, cool”, because when you say the word “grandma”, then it gives a perspective to your words ya know ?” 
Jason had no idea what you were on about, but he loved it. You seemed to be very smart. And witty. And funny. The hell did that guy cheated on you for ? And why was he ashamed of going out in public with you when you weren’t dressed up ?! 
You currently wore “Hello Kitty” pyjamas, had absolutely no make up on, and your hair was a mess, and he thought you looked gorgeous.
“Why are you so nice ?” 
Your question takes him by surprise, and for a few seconds he doesn’t register it and just says : “ugh ?” 
“To me. Why are you so nice to me ? Is it the alcohol ? Does it make you nice ? Or are you just nice to every stranger ? Every girl you destroy the windows of ? Or are you like my ex ? You seem nice, but then you go off and cheat on your girl simply because you like another girl and you’re too cowardly to break up with your current girl ?” 
Jason hiccups slightly, and says : 
“No, I’m not nice to any girl I met. I’m actually usually kind of a jerk, too “brutally honest”. But you…I don’t know. You give me good feelings. Oh and here’s to add on his flaws list. “Coward”. Can’t even break up with a girl, has to wait to get caught red-handed and break her heart. Cooooward. Bad flaw. Kind of guy who runs in the face of danger, instead of standing by you.” 
It’s probably the fact that he said “you give me good feelings” that spurs this in you. That gives you a new clearer perspective on things. 
“My heart wasn’t broken.”
It’s a shock, to you. This realization. This sudden feeling jumping in your face. You…are not heartbroken. You’re mad. You’re frustrated. You feel betrayed. You feel a crazy burning anger towards your ex for toying around with you like that. For not having the balls to just break up, after spending two years together. 
He was suppose to know you. To be your friend. Things could have turned out better. He could have just come up to you, say the truth, and…You were pretty sure you’d still be friend. Because he really was a great guy. 
He really was all the good thing you though about him. He made a mistake, an unforgivable one in your book. But he was a great guy. 
He was just…not your great guy. Not anymore at least. 
And you realized, there, quite drunk, that…It was ok.  
Your heart wasn’t broken.  
Your heart wasn’t broken. 
Your pride was. Your trust was. But your heart ? …Maybe you weren’t completely in love with him. You were best friends, yes, but love ? Maybe it wasn’t love…
Your heart wasn’t broken. 
“My heart isn’t broken.” 
You tell Red hood, looking at him right in his wonderful ocean blue eyes. And he looks right back at you, and just nods. Just like that. And then he pours you one last tequila shot. 
Because like your grandma would say : “When you make great discovery about yourself…Salt, tequila, lemon”. 
It took you only a few hours with him to realize that you weren’t in love with your ex, and that was kinda scary. Because this realization didn’t come from nowhere. 
But when he said that your ex broke your heart, you felt obligated to tell him that no. No your heart wasn’t broken. You were sad and angry, yes, but not heartbroken. For you, in that moment, it was important for this total stranger to know you weren’t actually in love. 
Hell, you didn’t even know yourself you weren’t that in love before you talked to him. It just came as a sudden, yet utterly true revelation. 
Because, and this wasn’t the alcohol speaking…You felt incredibly attracted to that guy. To Red Hood. Not just because of the white streak in his hair, and the eyes, and smile, and voice, and abs, and thick thighs. That too, sure, but not only…Nope. 
Nope. Not because of this. 
But because he had a tough day (he said so himself, explaining to you how he went through the window…he was fighting a super-villain when he got flung through your window, tough tough time ahem), and yet he sat with a crazy lady that peppered salt on his hand and practically forced him to take a tequila shot…
Because you could see in his eyes, and felt in your guts that he didn’t have an easy life…and yet he took a break from whatever he was doing to just sit with you and listen to you. He didn’t even make sense, that you trusted those feelings so fiercely. And yet, you did. Because he listened to you. 
He saw you were struggling and he stayed. And though you felt you couldn’t trust anyone at that time…You oddly felt like he was ok. 
Like he wouldn’t be the kind of guy to cheat, or run in the face of danger, leaving you all alone to fight off demons. 
In a few short hours, you fell for this guy more than you ever fell for your ex. 
What did that say about you uh ? …That was pretty pathetic…
Jason didn’t think that you were pathetic at all. 
On the contrary. If he went to seat with you, and drink with you, is because he was instantly mesmerized by you. 
And though he didn’t know at first why, now he was sure of it. 
It’s because you didn’t freak out. And something told him it wasn’t only because you were a bit drunk (he fell in drunk people’s home before…none reacted like you). 
Nope. It was because you were special. He just knew it. Special in every way. Funny. Beautiful. Genuinely listening to him when he was speaking. 
He peppered his own problems within your story, as you told him. And you listened. Hell, even referenced a few things he said early on, way later, while you were crazy drunk. You listened. 
You gave a total stranger that seemed to have a tough day some salt. And tequila. And lemons. 
And then you cared. You asked him a thousand times if he was ok, and he basically had to take off his armor to prove it so (to your eyes’ greatest pleasure…mm mm mm those muscles). 
Captivated. He was captivated by you. It was strange, and though he knew it was because you were special, he still was unclear as to why his feelings were that strong. 
For someone he just met. And barely knew. And only knew while drunk. 
You were just…Special. 
It was surreal. The all thing. 
What started as a night where you planned on wallowing your pain and drinking…ended up changing your life. 
And no one could convince you that it wasn’t Fate. Because what were the odds that Red Hood would fall through YOUR window after tripping (yeah you didn’t buy that “fighting super-villains thing” at all) ?
What were the odds of his timing being so perfect, arriving just before you started to cry ? Because there was no doubt in your mind that if he had come a few seconds later, he wouldn’t have stayed. 
He would have found a crying mess, and maybe he would have tried to confort you but…You wouldn’t have answered. In your “sad phase”, you only cry and whine. He would have eventually left. And the wonderful talk you’d just have, would never have happened. 
But instead. He came right before your lips touch that fatal shot of tequila that would have brought you into the “sad phase”. And took your drunkness down a notch. Rerouted your evening. 
You weren’t wallowing anymore, you were ranting. 
Sharing your anger and frustration. 
And he helped you realize that your ex wasn’t that perfect…That maybe it was just not meant to be…After all, he cheated on you. 
Uh. What a shame. You didn’t even know his name…”Red Hood”…
You wished you knew his name. 
The morning lights were rising, and the bottle of tequila was long gone. 
There were still salt and lemons though. For some reason, you decided to buy the entire grocery store’s stock of lemons. 
Red Hood stood up, and said he had to go. 
He was nice about it. Said it was a pleasure to have spend the night with you. You both laughed about the innuendos that ensued. 
You were exactly on the same page. And he understood all your joke referencing to pop culture… 
But it was time for him to go. And he apparently had no intention of telling you his real name. He didn’t hint either at ever coming back to see you again. 
And there was that. Just a nice night, spend talking to a genuine friend that you’ll never see again. 
A genuine friend that you didn’t even know a few hours before. 
Maybe it was the alcohol speaking. Maybe not. 
And even if you ended up never seeing him again, this evening truly changed your life…At least, it saved you from a heartbreak. Made you realize it wasn’t that.
Though, now, as he climbs out of the window again (he couldn’t possibly use the front door), you feel like the actual heartbreak is starting. 
Grandma’s remedy against heartbreak ? Right. 
Salt, tequila, lemon…
But the tequila is all gone. 
“I’ll send someone to fix that window…Sorry again about that. …Bye.” are his last words, and then he’s out. 
And the tequila is all gone. 
Days pass by in a blur. 
Salt. Tequila. Lemon. 
Ugh. But you don’t want to this time. You don’t want to get drunk to forget. 
You don’t want to forget him. And you know it’s ridiculous to get that worked up over a guy you met one night and that will never come back. That you didn’t even know the name of. 
This entire night was weird anyway. 
Getting drunk with a dangerous night vigilante. Pouring your heart out to him, and him doing the same. The hell were you even thinking ? 
Salt. Tequila. Lemon. 
That would be a good idea to do this right now, because man…your heart hurt. More than when you discovered your ex sleeping with Nicole. From accounting. But you can’t resolve yourself to drink. To forget. Nope. Instead you…
*Knock knock knock*. 
Uh ? You take a quick look at your clock in the kitchen.10 pm. Who the hell is coming at 10 pm ?! It can only be bad news. Especially in Gotham…You peep into the eyehole and…
WHAT ?! 
You open your door quickly, and… 
“Told you I’d send someone to fix your window.” 
It’s him. It’s Red hood. But in…civilian clothes. 
His ass doesn’t look flat in jeans. 
He’s holding a window wrapped in cardboard, and there’s a toolbox at his feet. 
“Yeah, you did…come in.” 
Jason Todd. 
That’s his name. And connections are fast to be made in your brain. Jason Todd. Bruce Wayne’s adopted son. That supposedly died…ten years ago. 
And is Red Hood now. Oh. It makes sense. Even his little “killing criminals” thing while Batman never killed. You easily put two and two together. 
Red Hood. Jason Todd. Bruce Wayne. 
Wow. Can’t believe you never guessed that before. Of course Bruce Wayne is Batman. He’s got the motive, the means, the excuses…It’s so obvious. And yet, you never realized. And no one else in Gotham ever realized. 
Jason Todd. 
Now you know his name. 
And he’s fixing your window. Nobody ever fixed windows for you before (even those who broke it).
Um. To add to the “perfect man” list : “Handy”. 
Jason Todd.  
He quickly works the window up, and then he turns to you. While he was working you talked, as if you knew each other for years. Joking around. Like old friends. Like old extremely good and close friends. 
It fits. It clicks. It’s natural. You and him, him and you. 
Barely knowing each others, and yet knowing each others the best. 
Jason. Todd. 
He turns to you now, and with a smirk, he says : 
“Ya know, my grandma always say that when something good happens to you, you need to celebrate. And I feel like this, right now, you and I, though I have no idea what we’re doing and where it’s going…Well it’s still something to celebrate. And she always says, my grandma, that to celebrate perfectly you need…” 
You smile. 
Yeah. You don’t know where this thing between you two is going, but you do know that you never met someone who so fully understood you. 
And in such a short span of time. And you know you’re not mistaking. It’s a feeling too strong to be a mistake. 
He came back to fix your window for god’s sake. And trusted you enough to tell you his actual name. Without a second thought. Which meant everything. Especially since from all the hint he let slip through last time you saw each others, about his father, well…let’s just say telling people his real name wasn’t really something he was used to. 
But it just works. It fits. It clicks. It’s not like with your ex, because you don’t think you know it does. It just does. The fact that you say those next few words in perfect sync finishes to convince you : 
(“…And she always says, my grandma, that to celebrate perfectly you need…”) 
“Salt, tequila, and lemons.” 
I’m so mad the Tumblr app crashed and I deleted the original post...Y’all were great and reblogged the hell out of it ! Which is why it got so many notes in such a short span of times. And feedbacks. I haven’t had that many feedbacks on a story in a long time. So just one last time and I won’t bother you with that again : Please, if you enjoyed this story, don’t hesitate to reblog it and share it with others. People who don’t follow me can’t really find my stories anymore so...you’re a big help by spreading them. It’s always very encouraging. 
And if you got the time, feedbacks are always hella appreciated and always make my day a little brighter <3. 
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peterpumpkinparker · 5 years
Dropping By- Peter Parker/Spiderman Oneshot
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Hi guys! I know its been awhile and wow Ive missed this blog-hopefully this makes up for the 3 months of ghosting <3 Word Count: 800+ Genre: Fluff! Warnings: None!
You stared at your complexion in mirror, not truly happy with the person staring back. Did your hair look fine? Did you look under dressed? Over dressed? Was your makeup too much? Too little? Your head swirled with these unanswered question. You knew know matter how hard you tried, you weren't going to look perfect on this first date.
Peter Parker, your crush since you walked into his chem class and fate graciously put your seat next to his. Your crush since he helped you study for chem after your grades started to slip. Your crush after you realized he was the Spiderman. Your crush after 4 months of pining for him, had asked you out. You thought it was a miracle, but really, everyone knew it was meant to be- and by everyone, Ned and MJ. But he had asked you out to dinner, at some new Italian restaurant, and you calmly said yes even though you wanted to scream.
You smiled at yourself in the mirror, letting the happy memory wash of that day over you like sunlight in summer. You weren't sure you were ready for this date- the butterflies you had were practically eating your stomach from the inside out- but you weren't going to back out now.
You walked down to the living room, hearing your parents in the kitchen. It was almost a half an hour to your date- and you were hoping to give a pep talk to your parents to not make things awkward between you or Peter by asking embarrassing questions. But, to your confusion, your parents looked like they were leaving- when they specifically said they would be home.
“Whatcha guys doing?” you asked casually, cautiously watching your mom pack makeup into her purse.
“Oh, y/n, you look so nice,” your mom complimented, her voice leaving a trace of guilt.
You grabbed a water from the fridge, your hand shaking from nerves.
“Are you going somewhere?” you asked before gulping down water.
Your dad sighed, giving your mom a sidelong look. “Y/n, were sorry, but you cant go on your date tonight.”
You felt your heart drop down to your stomach as shock filled your system. Almost choking on water, your voice cried out, “Why?!”
Your mom gave you a sad look, explaining,” Your father forgot he had a company get together tonight, and he promised he would be there, and he can only get in with a plus one.”
“Its required I have a partner with me to get in,” your dad further explained, “some fancy restaurant or something like that- I know it sounds stupid,” he added, seeing your clearly reproached face, “but your mother and I have to go. And you have to hold down the fort while were gone”
You looked between your parents, hoping for a crack in their faces, a way to wiggle in and get what you both want, but there was no way in.
“So- no date?” you asked helplessly.
“Im sorry, y/n, but- no date.” you mother answered, her voice stern but sympathetic.
You sighed, filling your disappointment replace the excitement. “Guess I'll go call Peter.”
“Alright,” your father called out from the front door, “tell him were very sorry- we'll be back around 9!”
Your mother gave you a quick hug, and after your good byes and the slam of the door, the emptiness of the house made you somehow sadder than before. You didnt want to call him- the dread of letting him down, or him thinking your backing out made you feel guilty. But you found yourself finding his number in your phone, and clicking the call button, the ringing sound making you chew on your nails from nerves.
Peter picked up surprisingly quickly, making the butterflies come back from the sound of his hello.
“Hey Peter,” you sighed, dreading to tell him the news.
“Hey y/n!” he said rushed, as if he had been running for a while, the sound of wind making his voice sound fuzzy. “Im almost there, dont worry, I just gotta couple blocks to go-”
“Are you being Spiderman right now?” you asked, a smile sneaking onto your lips.
“Uhhhh-why you ask that?”
“Cause- I can hear Karen through the phone,” you stated with a smirk, waiting for his reaction.
“Crap!”you heard him curse, making you laugh even though the guilt was eating in your stomach.
“Yeah… I am,” he admitted, “but Im gonna change in the alleyway next to your house- so your parents wont think Im some crazy person when I come to pick up.”
You sighed, burshing your hair to the side. “Peter- Im so sorry to say this, but- you cant come over.”
“Wait- whats wrong y/n?” he asked, hurt in his voice, making your heart ache.
“Nothing, its just, my parents have some stupid company party to go to, and they need me to “hold down the fort”, you said with air quptes, not remembering Peter couldnt see them, “so- the dates cancelled.”
“I really was excited, Pete, I was,” you put in after, rushing your words to hopefully fix any wound you caused him.
“Me too,” he replied after a small silence, his voice smaller than usual.
‘Next week,maybe?!” You hated hearing him sound dejected, so to compensate, you tried to make your voice sound hopeful.
“Kay?” you asked him, hoping he would forgive you for doing this to him.
“Kay,” he repeated, his voice still sounding as if you just dumped him.
“Im so sorry about this Pete.”
“Its not your fault- Ill see you later, I guess. Night y/n.”
You sighed, laying on your bed, hoping the tears trying to crawl up would go away.
“Well,” you concluded to the ceiling, “that didnt go as well as I hoped.”
With no plans for the night, you decided to just do what you usually do on a normal night- blast music and try to do some homework. The night was just about to come, twilight coloring  your room with a burst of golden hues. It was beautiful, you had to admit, and again you felt a pang of longing to be with Peter
.It had been an hour of lonely listening to your depressing playlist of sad songs when a sudden knock was heard on your window. You jumped, a scream escaping your mouth as you instantly turned off your playlist.
You craned your head at the window pane, trying to see who the intruder was, but only a pink and orange sky greeted you. You stepped off your bed gingerly, and as you opened the window to investigate the strange sound-Out of nowhere, a red object whipped out from above the window, making you scream until you realized who it was.
“What the hell!?” you yelled, laughing off the fright.
“Im sorry, Im sorry!” Peter unhinged himself from his upside down position, the piece of webbing flying away in the breeze as his feet made contact with your small terrace.
You smiled, nervousness attacking your stomach. “Its okay,” you asked after brushing your hair out of your face- “why are you hear?”
You watched Peter shuffle a little with his feet, his broad shoulders blocking your sight of the railing of the terrace.
“Well, I felt bad that we couldnt- ya know, go out or anything-” he fumbled, “so….” He took a pause, looking at you so intently with those bug eyes on his red mask you felt a little unnerved- like he was staring right into you.
“Uh-Why dont you just close your eyes,” He finally said, the nervousness coming through in his voice. You were confused, so you took his outstretched hand with a suspicious smirk, and you laughed at the ticklish feeling his hand left on yours as he led you out your window.
“Okay, “ he counted, “one..two...three.”
You opened your eyes, and when you did, you were met with the sight of a mini picnic, complete with even a little bouquet of flowers with your favorite Italian food laid out on take out plates. It was the cutest thing you had ever seen, and you didnt know how to react to such a sweet gesture.
You stared at it, shocked- how could you be with someone so sweet and caring?
“I mean, its not much-” he began to ramble as if he was embarrassed about the cheesiness of it, “but I figured since you would be home you might want to hang out here- its okay if you dont but I just  thought maybe Id come hang out with you instead of going somewhere so I picked up the food I hope you like the flowers some lady sold them to me on the-”
You laughed, kissing his cheek to make him stop- you knew if you didnt do something, anything, hed probably go on that nervous rant for hours.
“Its perfect.” You smiled at him, happiness filling up in your eyes.
Peter felt relief envelope his body. He wished he wasn't so awkward around you, but you didnt care if he rambled, or accidentally scare you half to death. You were so sweet and funny and new him so well and man, you looked so pretty at this time of day, he wish he could take a picture of you and keep it forever. He sighed, relishing the feeling of your hand in his.
“Wait-” you interrupted his thoughts, “how are you gonna eat?” You pointed at the obvious mask covering his face.
“Oh!” He thought, feeling dumb for not thinking of that and maybe changing before he decided to knock on your window.
He quickly fumbled with his mask, bringing it above his nose so all you could see was a wide grin.
“Better?” he asked.
“Much better,” you smiled, and kissing his  cheeck again you yelled: “Lets eat!”
I hope you guys liked this! I havet been active (like at all) so I hope this makes it up! :)
@fratboievans @grandmascottlang @galaxy-parker @hollandroos @honeymoonparker @hazsterfield @itsholyholland @naturallytom @starksparker @underoosstark @uglypastels @underoos-shield @petersshirts @revengingbarnes @th3n3rdyon3 @just4muggles
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dark-and-kawaii · 6 years
Itachi x Reader
Please enjoy!!! This goes along with the small Drabble I wrote a while ago!!! Quote a few of you were asking if I would continue it... So I did!!! Hopefully I did it justice!!!
Part 1. Click here
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“Itachi… D-Do you really have to do this…?” Holding your hands against your bare chest, you watched as Itachi pushed his arms through his Akatsuki robe…
Itachi turned towards you, his face full of agony and despair… A sharp ping hits your chest as you stare into his onyx eyes… You weep on the inside, not wanting to cause him anymore suffering…
“____.” Ambling towards you, Itachi rested his forehead against your very own as he smiled with closed eyes, “You’ll make a fine mother with our child, i’m just sorry i can’t be here to witness it with my own two eyes.”
“I-Itachi... -”
Before you could continue with your own sentence, Itachi backed away from you and began to cough up blood…
“Itachi! Please tell me you’ve been taking the medicine i’ve been getting for you… H-How can you expect to even make it there if you’re like this… You… You’ll die before you even reach, and what if Sasuke brings reinforcements?!”
“Kisame will be there to keep them back as i deal with my little brother.”
Your eyes were glassed over and you no longer  could hold in your sorrowful tears, this was just all too much for you… For years… No…. Since childhood…  you’ve been keeping Itachi and you a secret and now… After weeks of not seeing him he attempts to get you pregnant and tells you he will see you in the afterlife…
Wiping his mouth, Itachi gathers himself and heads for the door…
‘T-This… This can’t be it… Please… I-It’s not fair…’  
As Itachi holds onto the door handle, before he leaves… He says his final goodbye to you with a forced smile and one lone tear…
Just as he walks out, a second before the door closes you reach out with your right hand and yell with nothing but pure emotion… “Don’t go!!!” …. As the door shuts… You fall to your knees sobbing…
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Weeks have gone by… Nothing seems the same… And you had no clue whether you love was dead or not… Staring out your window, your hand resting against your cheek… You hold your stomach and prey that a miracle has occurred and that Itachi is actually on his way home…
Closing your eyes, you think back to when you and Itachi would play around in Konoha…
‘Can’t catch me!!! I’m the rogue!!!’ You stuck your tongue out at Itachi as you ran from him and jumped from building to building as he pursued you. Itachi flung one of his Kunai at you and it nearly grazed your arm… ‘EEEKK!!!’ Freezing where you were atop a tall building you hastily swirled around and stopped in the direction Itachi was… ‘You cheater and why are you using an actual weapon what if that hit me!!!’ You were stomping your feet and pointing at the kunai knife.
‘You’re the rogue and i’m the anbu though… Why wouldn’t i have a kunai knife, plus i would never actually aim for you.’ Teleporting from his spot, Itachi appeared in front of you and tapped his forehead against yours before grabbing his kunai.
‘Yeah yeah. Right. Let’s go grab something to snack on, Itachi.’
Walking side by side in the heart of Konoha with your dangos, you and Itachi were doing what children should be doing at such a young age, enjoying down time. Before you knew what was going on you heard Itachi yell out your name before being tackled to the ground…
A rambunctious cow had escaped it’s cart and was running straight towards you, and it probably would’ve killed you if it wasn’t for Itachi protecting you…
‘Someone grab that damn cow!’
‘Are you both alright?’
‘That must’ve been so scary! Those poor kids!’
‘____. ____.’
Despite all the voices going around in your ear, only one truly caught your attention…
Opening your eyes, his face was a blur for a second until you blinked. Clear as day, Itachi had your tiny body in his small arms… ‘I’m glad you’re okay, ___.’
‘Th-Thank you, Itachi. F-For helping me back there.’
As you continued to peer up at him, you watched as he steadily closed his eyes and smiled, ‘I’ll always watch over you, ____.’
Opening back up your eyes, you continue to look out your window but this time with a smile on your face. Itachi’s childhood didn’t last long, but you cherish the memories you have before he became obsessed with training. He had good reasons for it, and you were honored he trusted only you to watch over Sasuke during certain days… Though, sometimes he’d still act like the overprotective brother and not allow you near him…
Chuckling at the image in your head from back then it was cut short as you heard a knock at your door.
Not even thinking you darted to your door, no weapon or jutsu ready in case it was an enemy… Just yourself and hope that it’s… ‘Please!  Be him!’
Opening your door… Your heart stopped and your breathing ceased…
The shark mans iconic grin was nowhere to be found on his face… But instead a sulking frown…
“N-No… Wh-Where’s… Where’s Itach-”
“I’m sorry, ___. He asked me to come here once he-”
No strength left in your body, you collapse to the ground as you did the day he left…. “I-Itachi…”
By no means was Kisame a heartless guy. Getting down to your level, Kisame held out his hand to you. Lifting up your head, you saw he was holding Itachi’s necklace and Akatsuki ring,  “He’d want you to have them.”
“Th-Thank you, Kisame…” As tears ran down your cheek, Kisame wiped away one of the tears that was about to fall with his finger…
“I can’t stay, but if i can i’ll come check in on you and the child time to time. It’s the least i could do for him.”
“Ho-How did you know…”
“I have better senses than you think. I’ve got a good feeling it’s going to be a boy as well.” Standing back up, Kisame turned to look up at the sky. You could see faintly Kisame’s grin appear once more on his face… “Take an easy, ___.”
Once Kisame Teleported away from you and your home… You used your sleeve to wipe your eyes so you could slip Itachi’s ring on his necklace and place it around your neck…
Continuing to sit on the floor… Your mind was still fuzzy, you still couldn’t wrap your head around the thought of living a life without Itachi. Especially now that you’re carrying his child... Holding onto your head you mourn… Until a certain sound catches your attention…
Looking out your open door from where you sat on the floor… A crow perched on the small bush outside your home…
‘I’ll always watch over you, ___.’
As the crow caws, you hold your stomach...
“Thank you-”
~ Caw
Sitting up from the floor, you hold onto the door frame and smile at the crow before looking up at the blue sky as you continue to rest your hand on your stomach… “I know you’ll watch over myself and your son Shisui.... Itachi“
~ Love Kiwi xoxo
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whistlemist · 6 years
Take Out Night
Tim did not have time for this.
There was a meeting going on back home with his family. One of the most important meetings they always had that, for the bat-kids, was pretty much life or death. It was always about strategy, cunning, and wit.
It was the family takeout night.
Someone got to pick what the whole family would order, no exceptions, no other fast food, no other options. It took a whole hour meeting of them trying to outsmart each, to impress Bruce so they could get the main prize and tonight Tim wanted Chinese food.
Which means that getting kidnapped wasn’t a good start to this afternoon. With a scowl on his face, he dug his heels into the carpet as the masked man was trying to drag him out of WE. It only worked a little since Tim was small and bearly when over the 110 marks. This might be why he was kidnapped so often because all they had to do to Tim Wayne was toss him over their shoulder.
The heels in the carpet did nothing, he was still dragged along like it was nothing. When they got to the car he looked up at the man. “Listen, I know you ‘re probably really good at this, but it’s family Take out and Movie night and I really want to win the food part, so can I just write you a check and go?”
“Get in the car kid!” The man growled grabbing him by the back of his shirt before forcing Tim inside the backseat, soon the other two men had shown up getting into the car before driving away. “Shut up and I won’t kill you, kid!”
Grumbling Tim crossed his arms eyes closed. Now he had a huge problem. Last few times he had lost to Dick and Jason. Italian food and Burgers where good but he really wanted to eat some Chinese food! It’s not like he could let his chance slip again! Not with Jason and Dick both plotting about some sorta new food, whatever it was called, but he wanted sesame chicken and pork fried rice damn it!
“I can write it right now. I have my checkbook and a pen,” Tim offered and when they said nothing he frowned. “Come on! What teenager has a pen nowadays?! Please….?! It’s a family food ad movie night!”
“I said shut up!”
Sitting back Tim started to tap his foot trying to think of an escape plan that would be simple enough for Tim Wayne. This would have been so much easier as Red Robin. He’d just knock them out before heading home.
Looking out the window he thought about throwing himself out the door but Tim knew that not only was that risky but did he really want to risk getting injured and stuck int he hospital with no food that he had his heart on? Nope! Time to think of something else.
After a few minutes, they pulled into an alleyway. Alright, this could work for him. Maybe just slip away when they weren’t looking. Easy, simple, he liked this.
Suddenly the car came to a stop in the middle of the always. Sitting up Tim looked around confused on why where they just here in the middle of this place where anyone could find them?! Handn’t they done this before or at least looked it up online before deciding to kidnap one of Wayne’s children?!
“Get the other car,”
Oh, they had a second car. Well, points to that. As he was yanked out of the car Tim just went limp, pretending to pass out. If they thought he did maybe they would have some struggle to get him the next car.
Suddenly he was just tossed over someone’s shoulder. Well, that never worked, why would it work now? Despite that, he was ready to figure out how to get home. The sound of something opening let him know that was probably the truck. Still being limp he was lowered down laid on the floor of the truck before it slammed shut.
Opening his eyes only after he felt the car starting Tim crossed his arms looking up into the darkness with a scowl on his face. Alright, now that he was alone there was an unknown window of time. First, he felt around with his hand looking for the strap that was often used in case kids got stuck in the trunk. Feeling around he found nothing.
“Right,” Tim mumbled before moving around to reach down to his watch pressing a button as small light blinked on. Taing off the watch he set it on his chest before moving to reach down to his show. A twist of the heel was made to reveal a lock picking kit. “Alright time to get out of here so I can get my food.”
Taking out the tools he started to mess with the lock moving the tools around trying find the right… mechaizmen…. A click. Ah ha! Carefully he held onto the lid waiting for the car to pull to a stop that way jumping out wasn’t going to cause to harm. Finally, it pulled to a stop peeking out he looked around the streets.
Carefully Tim slipped out of the trunk before moving carefully towards a shop. Going inside he kept down heading towards the back door when the front door slammed open “There he is!”
“Crap,” Tim shot off running towards the back door. Slamming it open he hurried over to the fire escape stairs. Lowering himself at the last moment he jumped up catching the end pulling himself up rushing up the stairs ignoring how his kidnappers struggled to try to get the stairs to pull down. “Sorry, I got to go!”
Getting to the top Tim looked around for an entrance. Finding the door he ran to it wiggling the handle only to find it locked. Now he could pick it but that would give the others time to reach him. Besides he didn’t want to lose his kit, it was brand new!
Going to the end of the building he looked over before humming. Yeah, that would be a perfect place to land on. Now all he needed was the sped. Running back to the end Tim took a breath before running full sped leaping off the building.
The second he got close enough to landing he tucked and rolled before springing back up running towards the door. Not waiting to see if it was locked or opened he kicked it open. No time to waste he hurried down the stairs to before ended up on a ninth floor.
Going out he realized he was in a realtor building. Luckily they had an elevator. Going over he pushed a button waiting. As he stood there Tim tried to fix his suit. It had gotten a bit crinkled with all that drama from work. Pushing the coat down trying to get the lines out e noticed that his phone was missing.
He would have to delete everything on there when he got home. Luckily it had a failsafe on it and if those thugs tried to use it the thing would fray itself out. Still, that was a nice phone! Had all his music on it… oh well, he’d pick up another one on the way home.
The bing, the doors opening as Tim walked in thinking about all his favorite foods he was going to be ordering tonight. Pork fried rice, sesame chicken, Sweet and sour chicken, beef and broccoli, cream cheese wontons, egg fu young, ah, there was much he was going to order and the leftovers he was going to put them in containers tomorrow that way he could eat them for and lunch.  
Getting downstairs he sighed before asking the front desk if he could make a call. He called a few of his brothers, Jason, Dick to come to pick him up.
But those jerks! They wanted him to give up his bid to take out! Hanging up on them Tim st his hands on his hips debating on what he was about to do and if it was childish enough to warrant the single e was about to give out.
It was time to be childish.
“You know when you said you it was matter of life and death, I thought you meant actually dying,” Kon said as he carried Tim in his arms towards the Manor. “I don’t think fighting over what take out is life or death, Tim.”
“Have you’ve ever been to my family's take out night?” Tim asked as he held on smiling. He kissed Kon’s cheek. “Thanks for getting here so fast.”
“You screamed ‘Kon, I’m dying!’ of course I got there fast!” Kon said before smiling at the kiss. He held Tim a little closer before moving to fly lower as the Manor came into view. “You know for a place where some of the scariest people live is also one of the most beautiful places.”
“The Manor was in the talk of Home and Gardens,” It was said with pride because, well, yes Wayne Manor was a very lovely place to live and screamed wealth. As they landed on the balcony outside his room Tim gave Kon a kiss on the lips, a chase one but still loving. “Thank you, I’ll text you later!”
“See ya!”
Once showered, dried and dressed Tim hurried downstairs. He would have to grab a phone from the cave, for now, to use until he got a new one. Once he picked one that he liked, copied all his things to the new phone Tim Destroyed the old one.
Running back upstairs he headed towards the kitchen Tim got there in time to see everyone watching the news. At first, he wondered what happened and if this ruined the chance of his food but then he noticed that it was his own kidnapping.
“Well, looks like Drake is fine,” Damian said turned around. “Shame, with you gone I would have been able to beat these idiots easily,”
“Shut up, Satan’s child!” Jason snapped at him as he crossed his arms. “Brat’s right now, it would have been easier.”
“Glad you’re alright, Tim,” Dick grinned going over to hug before pulling back face getting serious. “But it’s time to battle.”
“First things first,” Bruce came over to Tim “Post something your social media so people won’t keep report that you’ve been kidnapped.”
“Right,” Tim said glaring at Dick as the older Robin backed away as they eyes each other up. He took out his phone opening up his app while asking “What game are we playing tonight, Bruce?”
“We haven’t drawn out the games yet,” Walking over to a small bowl that had small pieces of paper folded up into squares. Holding it up Bruce nodded to boys as they all sat down around the island table waiting. Bruce shuffled the papers before holding one up. “First game tonight. Janga. The ten-second rule applies, everyone has that time to make their move, if you miss it, you’re out.”
Tim paused to take a picture of himself flashing a peace sign while added that he was safe at home and that it was thanks to Batman. Yeah, he’s dealing with the press another day. Looking back he was already thinking about how to make his first move, well depending on who went first second and third.
“Second part will be,” Bruce moved the papers again before pulling out another one looking it over for a second. “Calculations.”
Dick frowned slightly, not that he was bad at it but going against Tim? That was going to be a challenge not to mention he could tell that the stakes where high tonight. Tim had an air of wanting to win and it was strong.  
“After that, the final challenge will be,” A toss of the bowl before the last paper came out. “Connet four.”
“Tt.” Damian looked at the other three eyes narrowed. It was a simple childish game but placing that game in the mix with them? He knew he’d have to be careful. “When do we start?”
“Now.” Bruce turned around picking up the Jenga game opening it. “You know the rules, last one standing gets food order rights. Now, since we did it youngest to oldest last week, will go oldest to youngest.”
Everyone wast tensely watching as Tim placed his last block on top as the tower wobbled a bit before going back to being still.  Once it stilled moved forward quickly eyes scanning the thing as his time was quickly going he got one block out placing it on top before they all paused as the thing wiggled more threating to topple over.
“Yes!” Tim shouted throwing his arms up into the air “I win!”
“I’ll kill you, Drake!”
“You lot, so shut it!” Tim yelled as the two of them started to face off only to be ripped again. “Hey!”
“Enough!” Bruce set them down. “Damian, you lost. Alright, let’s move on with calculations.”
Dick was struggling as he answered another question. On the paper there were ten questions, each of them made by Bruce, did he ever put an easy one? No! Not at all so he was trying to get done as soon as possible. If anything he had to be at least second to move on to the next round.
The scrapping of paper, however, was unnerving and he could hear how fast Tim was going. Damn, this was a major disadvantage with this challenge. Tim was a well-known genius and maybe people underestimated Jason but the second Robin was a lot smarter than most people knew.
The hope had been that Tim would have been taken out in the first round but since that didn’t happen he had to do his best to get all the answers right and to finish on time. The stupid timmer was a half hour but he almost cringed when he heard the small ping of the bell in and Tim call out that he was done.
Trying to force his mind to work fast Dick scribbled down his answers as fast as he could. The second bell made him wince as he could feel Jason’s smirk even though he hadn’t looked up. Once he was done he flipped his paper over and smacked the bell.
“Alright, there were two minutes and three seconds left on the bell.” Bruce closed his phone before taking all the papers reading them over. “Tim got every answer right.”
“Of course,” Jason rolled his eyes. “Come on, old man who’s it gonna be me or Dick?”
Taking a minute to go over both the papers Bruce took his time before looking up. “Jason is the winner. Dick, you forgot to show your work on two of these.”
“Noooooooo!” Dick cried laying his head down. “I wanted pizza!”
“F*ck yeah!” Jason yelled standing up before glaring at Tim, his hand patting his hidden gun. “Ready to lose?”
“Like that’s going to happen,” Tim glared standing full height though it did very little against how tall Jason was. “Get ready to be buried twice.”
“Damn, that’s cold,” Jason smirked. “Alright, bring it on!”
The rules were the same as Janga, you have ten seconds to get your move in or you lost. Tim and Jason had been moving their red and black pieces as fast as possible as well as keeping tabs on each other’s moves.
Baby blue eyes and Lazurus’s green eyes glared at each other while they moved their pieces down into the slots as the pieces continued to fall until finally there was only a few moved left. Jason moving one over only he bearly missed the line as it fell into the wrong slot before he could snag it up.
“No! Damn it!”
Without hesitation, Tim put his second to the last piece in before jumping up with his hands raised high. “Yes! I am victorious!”
“Damn it!” Jason hit his fists on the table before sitting back. “Whatever, you got lucky!”
“Don’t be a sore loser, Jay,” Dick laughed as he moved to put the game away.
“It makes you look pathetic, Todd.”
“You were sulking this whole time!”
“Enough!” Bruce yelled as he pulled out his phone. “Alright, Tim, what are we ordering?”
As the Silence of the Lambs played, it was near the end in the Family movie room. In front of them on the coffee table, it was full of Chinese take out boxes. Everyone had their own plate filled with this and that from the place and even got seconds.
Tim was in his chair next to Bruce watching the movie as he slowly ate the late of his food eyes closing a little. Even though the movie wasn’t scary to him, hell they have seen worse. With the last bite of his food, the warm bubbling feeling that had settled in his stomach the second the food had arrived was expanding as he felt relaxed and peaceful.
Shifting more he laid his head on Bruce’s shoulder slowly dozing up thinking about what leftover Chinese food he was going to eat tomorrow. Just before he could slip all the way under he made a mental note that next week he wanted Korean food.
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the-static-and-i · 5 years
⏳ :)
TW: Prison-esque cells, chains, collars, bomb mention, anxiety, anxiety inducing text, drowning, shattered glass, glass shards, cuts, electrocution, character death. Please let me know if i missed anything, this is a big one.
They had been trapped for four days. No word from Sam or Marvin or Anti or even the cult assholes. Jackie had been fruitlessly trying to hack to each of their accounts, hoping for a clue or a location, some physical place he could go and get Marvin and everyone out of.
Finally, as he set his bags onto the bed of their new hotel room, he got five notifications from the server all at once. He glanced at it, assuming it was just casual conversation with weird timing, but saw each one of them was from Two. The preview of every message read "Tick tock. :)...", and Jackie fumbled to unlock his phone, pulling up the server and the first chat he saw, Phaedo. Everyone active was responding negatively at the code underneath the message, but he saw Chance and Alex mentioning getting onto solving it.
Nic rested his hand on Jackie's arm, hugging him from behind. Jackie relaxed a little, leaning back into the hold and turning off his phone, hoping that someone would get the code quick.
He got his wish; by the time he woke up the next morning, all groups had solved the code and JJ had dm'ed him.
"They're taunting you. You know it's probably a trap, right?"
He pulled up the code, seeing a link that led to a picture of Marvin chained up, the caption reading "Better hurry, hero. Your brother's waiting." With some coordinates attached. He sighed, looking over at Nic who had been working on the code late last night while Jackie had been trying to get information on the cult members. He was curling closer to Jackie's side, still asleep.
He sighed quietly, plugging the coordinates into his map app, seeing that they led scarily close to their current hotel. Anxiety chewed at his nerves, but he ignored it as best he could, finally typing a quick message back to JJ, "I know, but we dont have a choice. I'll be careful."
He turned over, wrapping an arm around Nic and hugging him close for a moment, long enough that he slowly starting waking up, before laying a gentle kiss to his forehead.
Nic was giving him a sleepy smile when he pulled away, and he uttered a soft "Hey."
"Hey. That code last night? Leads to more coordinates. They're nearby, so I'm gonna head out. You should try to stay out of the hotel, just in case it's not a coincidence that they're so close."
Nic yawned and nodded, working his way up but pausing to stretch. Jackie followed suit, pulling the sheets up lazily and moving to find his bag and costume.
10 minutes later, they were both outside, Nic heading towards the local mall, Jackie speed-walking over to the destination from the code. There was nothing on the map in the location, but the cultists had confirmed that they had gotten the answer, so he didnt hesitate more in getting going.
It turns out the map was wrong, he realized as he reached the destination. There was a small, beat up shack, the remnants of a burned house or some small fort, on the property. He heaved a sigh, watching his steps closely as he moved toward the building, texting updates to the group chat.
He stepped onto the foundation, breathing a small sigh of relief that nothing had jumped out and attacked him in the 6 yard gap between sidewalk and cement.
He glanced down at the group chat, seeing Two piping in with a simple "tick tock," repeating themself but setting Jackie's nerves on fire. He buried his anger and confusion at how they got into the locked chat, telling them to fuck off and then saying hed be back soon.
He stayed quiet as he looked around again, turning off his phone and slipping it into his pocket as he passed the blackened remains of a doorframe.
In the corner of the next room was a cellar door, metal and grey, with a rusty padlock keeping chains around the handles. He ripped off the chains easily, pulling the doors open and eyeing the steps warily.
This was so a trap. He sighed again, grabbing one door and pulling it off of the hinges so he had less chance of getting trapped in whatever hell was waiting for him, before finally descending.
His vision didnt change the farther down he went, but he could feel the dull throbbing in his temples that meant his night vision had kicked in.
All around him were cells, empty ones that didnt even have food trays or windows, and definitely no bed. His ears perked as he heard shuffling in one of them farther ahead, looking into it and seeing- "Marvin?"
Jackie was quick to pull open the door, his brother looking up at him with weary eyes, but a small smile twitching up his lips.
"Knew you'd make it. Little help?" Marvin rattled the chains around his wrists, Jackie nodding and pulling them out of the walls, then getting to work on unlocking them from around his limbs.
"You look like shit, Marv." Jackie tried to sound playful, but he had been worried as fuck, and he wasnt totally convinced this wasnt a trap.
"Its this new diet I'm trying: not eating or sleeping for a few days? Maybe you should give it a shot." Jackie snorted, successfully pulling both sets of chains off of Marvin's limbs before noticing the big fucking collar.
"Jesus, 's this overkill or what?" He mumbled under his breath.
"Right, that's what I'm saying, it's not like I- ow- not like I punched him in the throat or anything." Jackie gave him a look. "I didnt! I elbowed his nose. Sam punched him in the throat!"
Jackie tensed up, glancing back through the bars but not seeing anybody. "Sam's here? Who else is?"
"She uh, she was? Anti came and dragged her out a bit before you got here, and she didn't look like she was in the best shape.. You're going after them, right?" The collar came off finally, Marvin grabbing it and setting it aside carelessly. He stood up as Jackie moved backwards, his knees protesting at the movement as blood flooded back into them. He wobbled on his feet, leaning hard against Jackie as his numb feet struggled to support him. "Shit.."
When he was stable enough to stand on his own, Jackie finally responded. "Course I'm going after them, he cant hurt anybody else. Who else is here? Can you get them out?" His mind was racing, his eyes flicking between Marvin's dull ones.
"I.. can try? But my magic.." He tried to create a flame at his fingertips, instead getting small sparks that fizzled out. "Yeah, no. Do you even know where he took her?"
Jackie hesitated before shaking his head. "No. So I'll get everyone out, and then we have to find out how to get them home safe.." Jackie tried to ignore that that would be harder than he made it sound, stepping back into the hallway and onto the next cell.
Finally, all five people stood in the hallway, shaking and crying but unharmed. Marvin led them out, following Jackie's shouted directions, since he held the rear.
As they all climbed out, in an almost single-file orderly line, Jackie heard something. He turned his head, his foot still on the bottom step, only seeing the long hallway with an unnatural darkness at the end of it. His fight or flight kicked in, rocking forward on his toes as he turned back to Marvin, who was holding a hand out to him.
"Jackie dont, you dont know what's in there and we have to get these guys safe."
"I know, but-" tick tock. The sound reverberated off the walls, Jackie looked back and saw a shape forming in the darkness.
"Dont you fucking dare, Jackie come on!" Marvin called, but Jackie didnt look at him, instead stepping down and turning towards the hallway.
"Get them out of here, please. Stay safe," he heard Marvin groan in irritation, before he corralled the people together and led them away. Jackie waited until their steps faded away before he moved down the hall, glancing into every cell as he passed. tick tock.
He stopped and listened as the sound came again, hoping to locate its source but no dice. The echoes had faded when he finally moved again, his pace even slower than before, in case the ticking was a bomb or something similar.
ticktock. He flinched, his head ducking to his left as he swore the sound was right in his ear, nothing more than a quick whisper that had his skin crawling. He looked around hastily, ensuring he wasnt about to be jumped, before he picked up his pace again, realizing that the noises were coming from Anti or similar, not anything that would explode.
He glanced into the next set of cells, tick tock tick. It came from in front of him, so he kept moving. Ticktocktick. He started running, the shape at the end of the hallway solidifying the closer he got. ticktockticktock. The hallway seemed to drag on, he stopped checking the cells, nearly sprinting. tick tock tick tock.
He skidded to a stop as everything warbled around him, the cells fading to dirty plastered walls, ticktocktick, the end of the hallway rushing forward to meet him. He backed up, trying to outrun the stone wall, tick tock tick, but it stopped far before it reached him, blending seamlessly into the rest of the wall before he could blink. ticktock.
He looked around the new room in a rush, realizing the sound was slowing down and he had no idea where he was. tick tock. He walked over to where the stone wall had been, banging against it and hoping to find it hollow. It wasnt though, and he huffed an irritated worried sigh, turning and putting his back to the wall, tick. tock. as he reexamined his surroundings. There was no door, no window, no light source, no pillars, nothing. The walls were bare, the floor was wooden, the ceiling was low and empty.
tick. He heard a glitching sound, his eyes having to readjust to the sudden green light of Anti appearing. In front of the glitch was Sam, struggling desperately against the arm around her throat. tock.
Jackie ran and lunged forward, Anti's cackle echoing around the room as he glitched away. He was kicked from behind, a boot to the center of his back that had him stumbling over his own feet. He swiveled midair, landing on his ass and shielding his face against whatever blow might be coming.
There wasnt one. Instead, Anti stood in front of him, flicking open and closed a knife at his side. His leer was cruel, almost illuminating the rest of his face. Jackie didnt look away, pushing himself to his feet as he forced his heartrate down.
"No witty quips or clever catchphrase, hero?" Anti sneered, his body glitching out.
"Nah, you arent worth the effort. But if you want-"
"If I’m not-" tick, "maybe she is." He smiled, glitching Sam back into the room. She shook her head as she saw them both, quickly hugging herself and backing away. "Or maybe him?" tock, Nic glitched in, looking around the room confused. He glared at Anti as soon as he gained his bearings, reaching out for Jackie.
As his hand brushed the fabric of Jackie’s costume, he was thrown back across the room like he had been shocked. He sat up quickly, seeing Jackie was back against the opposite wall, like he had been shocked too. Nic rushed toward his side, hitting a glass wall after only a couple steps. He hit it hard, staggering back but not falling. He pressed his hands against the pane, turning to glance at his side and seeing Sam with her hands pressed against two glass walls of her own, one separating them.
“Sammy, you okay?” He asked, seeing the bags under her eyes and her shaking arms. She stared blankly out through the glass, giving only a small nod in response.
“You?” Her voice was quiet, hoarse, Nic couldnt tell if it was from screaming or not having water in a few days, but he figured he didnt want to know just yet.
“Uh, was good up until now. We’re gonna be oka-” As if on cue, the sound of rushing water cut him off quickly, and he muttered a soft curse. He looked forward again, seeing Jackie standing up again, with Anti between him and the glass cells.
“Tick tock, Jackaboy. Who’ll you save this time?” Anti glitched away, his voice still reverberating as he spoke again, “My money’s on neither.”
“Fuck you, asshole!” Nic shouted, banging on the glass once before stepping back from it. Anti laughed joyfully, either at Nic or at Jackie running full speed at the glass in front of him.
His body slammed into the wall in front of Nic, the box wobbling back and forth, the water at his feet sloshing around in tandem. He backed up, looking over at Sam and seeing her backed against the wall opposite Nic. She ran forward too, her impact rocking both of their boxes a little. She groaned softly and rubbed her shoulder, backing up again anyway.
“Sam dont, dont hurt yourself. I got this, Im getting you both out of here.” He ran forward again, hearing the glass crack as his arm hit the same spot again. The cage rocked back dangerously far, Nic calling out as he pushed himself forward to offset the weight. It worked, the cage stabilized, and Jackie was ready to run again. “Back up.”
Nic complied, and Jackie ran full speed at the cage, successfully breaking through the glass with his shoulder. He pushed himself through the big fucking hole, further shattering the glass until he could reach Nic.
Sam gasped next to them, but Jackie didnt divert his attention yet. “D-dads, if something happens, you two get out, i love you both, tell everyone im so-” her voice was rushed, but her own screams still cut her off.
Jackie looked over quickly, seeing wires laying in the water at her feet. The electricity off of them was visible, and Sam was fighting to not let her legs give out. Jackie cursed, hastily jumping back from Nic’s cage and readying himself to run again, Nic standing next to him. He didnt object, instead cueing Nic to run with him, the two of them rocking the box back. She yelped as the water climbed higher up her bare legs, but bit her lips and leaned forward against the rocking.
The two of them backed up again, barely waiting for the box to stabilize again before taking off. The glass cracked loudly, a small shatter going across the entire front of the pane. Water started spurting out from the cracks, but it kept climbing higher, soaking her shorts and tank top without going past her belly button yet. She cried out as the electricity increased, her body doubling over and accidentally splashing into the water.
Her voice doubled as Jackie and Nic backed up, Ren trying to take over and front so Sam didnt have to suffer any more. The box rocked back as the shatter got bigger, not breaking but getting close, so close, they were so close.
“We love you both, you can do this, we believe in y-” The electricity increased again, and Ren gasped, feeling her heart beat shudder and fuck up, her breath catching in her throat. She couldnt even cough, the water rising up to her throat making her larynx twitch and close up.
The men, her dad, her dads that she rarely talked to, slammed into the glass, but it bounced them off of it instead of breaking. She heard Anti’s laugh, his cruel, sadistic, grating laugh, before the water rose again, covering her ears and eyes and soon her whole head. She couldnt move, her body was so stiff, she had to swim, had to fucking move, come on, please, but she couldnt force her muscles to tense or relax.
On the other side of the glass, she saw the shapes of Jackie and Nic, still throwing themselves at the glass, she tried so desperately hold her breath, to hold out, to keep herself alive so Sam could hug them both again. The electricity, Anti, was so against her determination though, increasing until she could actually feel her heart struggle to keep pumping as all of her muscles froze up.
She screamed out, seeing the shadows on the other side coming closer again, fucking hoping that this was the one. Her vision went dark all at once, but she didnt hear the glass break. She tried to open her eyes, tried to look out at her family, tried so hard to call out to them, but her body wasnt responding, barely even twitching as the electricity increased more. She didnt even feel it happen; she was gone. 
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