#CJ and Isaac
ave-the-enby · 1 year
Thinking about CJ and Isaac, I'll introduce them better at a later date. But they're identical twins. Anyways, Isaac is the one who tries to get his parents recipes but they tell him no. One day CJ tried and was told no as well. So they tried teaming up and after a long while their parents gave in. Or so they thought, they weren't given any exact measurements to their dismay and also found out at a much later date that they weren't told all the ingredients. CJ caught his momma adding an ingredient when she told him to go get something from the garage. They felt incredibly betrayed.
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is this too niche
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crispyjenkins · 18 days
FINALLY got you on my dash again, only to discover you've written an AC fic that you are giving us dribs and drabs of, heathen *shakes prison cell bars* please tell me more about "Miles" before I combust
HI UR MY NEW FAVORITE (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
  “Your name is not Miles.”
  Desmond tenses for a barely a moment before relaxing again, and doesn’t bother to look up from the hidden blade he’s tweaking to have a faster release. Even if he didn’t recognise the voice, the dark blur leaning against the doorjamb out of the corner of his eye would tell Desmond sure as anything who had come to haunt the armoury at his side. “Of course it isn’t,” Desmond eventually mutters to Francesco Vecellio, the only one of Ezio’s brotherhood to wear dark gray instead of white.
  Francesco snorts, eyeing Desmond from under the beak of his hood, Desmond’s own pushed down around his shoulders to better see by lantern-light. “You should have thought to pick a more common name if you did not want others to question it.”
  “ ’Should have thought to pick anything before I showed up.” He grinds his chisel a little deeper into the metal casing of his blade, and then nearly cuts himself slipping on it when Francesco gives a startled laugh.
  “You didn’t have one prepared?”
  Desmond blinks up at Ezio’s highest-ranked protégé, not sure if he should feel embarrassed or not. “I, uh. Didn’t think that far ahead?”
  And for someone who had managed nine years evading Templars and Assassins both, you’d think he’d have known better.
  The look Francesco gives him tells Desmond he feels the same. “You’re smarter than that, fratellino.”
  Desmond scowls. “Well, obviously I’m not.”
  “... You snuck into the main headquarters of the Italian Brotherhood in less than an hour and then fooled us all into thinking you were supposed to be here for nearly a week — Machiavelli isn’t sure even our Padrone could have managed that.”
  Swallowing uncomfortably, Desmond scoffs and tries to return to his hidden blade, but that still leaves his entire profile in view of Francesco’s far-too-discerning gaze. And he’s the only one other than Desmond to have been training for this since childhood: his observation skills are beaten only by Ezio, and even that is mostly thanks to his Eagle Vision.
  Actually, Francesco is a born Assassin, too, does he have EV?
  “Do you have the Sight?”
  They blink at each other, and Desmond isn’t sure who is more surprised by the interruption. Snarky he may be, Desmond has also had politeness beaten into him, and deference besides, and everyone in the Brotherhood had clocked it.
  “To an extent,” Francesco eventually admits, sounding puzzled, “Nothing so refined as il Padrone’s.” He looks away, crossing his arms over his chest. “It is... finicky, I can only use it while motionless, and it really only tells me if someone means me harm.”
  Desmond bites back the offer to help train his EV into something far more useful — it would never reach the level of Altaïr’s, or Ezio’s, or Ratonhnhaké:ton’s, because that had more than a little to do with Isu fuckery. However, the Levantine Assassins (at least until Altaïr’s death, though it was Al Mualim who started the practice) were able to train most initiates to have at least some grasp of the technique, as long as they had that genetics-dictated spark to start with. Desmond was lucky enough for his time in the Animus to awaken his own Vision, and living as Ezio slowly mastering it into Eagle Sense had improved it in leaps and bounds for Desmond on the outside, and prepared him for experiencing Ratonhnhaké:ton’s advanced form of it. Though that, and Eagle Sense, never actually awakened in Desmond Miles.
  But “Miles” hasn’t told this Brotherhood that he has Altaïr’s Sight, Ezio’s Gift, partly because Desmond forgot they didn’t know, but now it’s also an active decision, because it would without a doubt make them insist he’s Ezio’s son with even more conviction. And until Desmond has figured out what he’s going to tell Ezio about the whole time-travel–thing, he isn’t going to confirm or deny anything the other members cook up.
  Except Desmond watches Francesco tilt his head, and then his eyes burn golden for just a moment. “Why do you ask?”
  He’s smart enough to guess, but he’s also smart enough not to assume, and patiently waits for Desmond’s response.
  Ahh, fuck it, he’s already screwed up this whole identity thing by talking with Claudia (not that he meant to reveal so much to her but, well, she’s Ezio’s baby sister. And [redacted]. Fuck, time travel is so weird).
  He looks up from his carving again to flash his eyes right back, and is more than gratified to see Francesco glow a steady, deep blue. He tends to avoid looking at the Brotherhood with his EV, he’s too much of a coward to confirm just what they actually think of him, and he’s only looked at Ezio once, before they properly met.
  Francesco smiles in the shadow of his hood, seemingly pleased with Desmond trusting him with such a secret. “Does il Padrone know?” he asks without judgement, and Desmond winces as he looks back down at his tinkering.
  “No, I... I became so used to it that I didn’t think to mention it, and then it had been so long that it was... awkward?” He chuckles nervously at admitting such a weakness, especially when he’s pretty sure this is the longest conversation he’s had with Ezio’s star pupil. He has double blades, for Christ’s sake, despite not being a Master Assassin.
  Oh. Is Desmond jealous of Francesco? Hm, something to think about.
  “And then you did not want the others gossiping,” Francesco agrees, nodding like that is the obvious conclusion. Desmond still doesn’t relax, but he’s glad he didn’t have to spell that out for him.
  Desmond scratches the bridge of his nose awkwardly. “I’m not Master Ezio’s son, but I don’t think any of our siblings would believe me if I tried to tell them that.” And hadn’t finding out his real parentage been an absolute trip; he’s still scarred mentally and physically from it. Which reminds him, he should respond to his mother’s last letter before she begins to worry about him taking too long.
  Having a mother to care about him is... still an experience he’s getting used to. It’s only been, what, two years since he found her again?
  She had glowed a blue so dark it was almost black, a colour Desmond hadn’t seen even once in either of his lives, or the lives he’d lived in the Animus. He knows she kisses her letters before sending them from the indigo left behind like lipstick.
  ... Which is also how Desmond found out he had progressed from Eagle Vision to Eagle Sense, which was also the point he realised he hadn’t told Ezio about his EV in the first place.
  “I believe you.”
  It’s said so simply, Francesco even gives a little shrug, but Desmond whips his head back around and is... absolutely floored. As dehumanised and used as he was in the 21st century, his little jaunt to the past has almost been worse, if he lets himself think about it too hard (and he never does). People don’t just... believe in Desmond.  Something must show on his face, because Francesco offers him a tight smile. Then, blessedly, he changes the subject and nods to Desmond’s hands, “What are you working on?”
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markerofthemidnight · 4 months
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So, I was bored and looking around the ‘net for something to draw, when I found this awesome “draw six characters like this” template on a random Reddit post.
Anyways, even though I had to look up what almost all of these prompts were, I really liked essentially all the potential designs that could come out of them based off of my quick Google searches, so I went ahead and did it!
This whole thing took me a total of NINE HOURS, making it the longest time it’s ever taken me to finish any singular artwork. As you can see, I also finally figured out how to upload images onto canvases on ibisPaint X! THE POWER I NOW WIELD!
(basic rundown of designs under cut)
B-Side Wiggly - Most B-Side designs are basically just “the character but with a different colour scheme and a few new accessories”, at least from what I’ve seen. I don’t know why I chose Tinky’s colour scheme specifically, but I like the mix between blue and gold.
Naturally, as this is a B-Side design, I gave him a microphone for the whole… rapping thing. I also replaced his coral crown with a dollar store paper one, turned the frown on his fur pattern upside-down, and you can’t really see it because of the pose, but he also has Wiley’s dog tag necklace.
Dark World Adam - This was the only form I didn’t look up, but mainly because I knew even if I did, I wouldn’t get much out of it. We haven’t seen enough Dark World designs to be able to see much consistency from them.
The stripes on his horns kinda looking like an Imp’s (and being pieced with jewels because if his horns were real he’d totally do that) and his wings being more demon-y was intentional, but him kinda dressing like Toriel wasn’t. I just thought his robe being dark purple with flames on the sleeves and the Delta Rune on his chest would be fitting- a complete coincidence, but a fairly fitting one nonetheless!
Tainted Tozu - This one’s kind of a bastardisation of Tainted forms, because all I did was look it up once and go, “Ah, yes. I have to make one of my favourite characters look like a character from a bad creepypasta with some shoehorned-in religious symbolism.”
Naturally, Tozu was the only fitting option for that. I gave his mask a black half to call back to his OG design, turned his fake horns into real horns, and turned the X on his cape into a real X made of blood. I also went ABSOLUTELY HARD on making his eye look as creepy as possible without overdoing it- I think I did well!
Shimmering Pomni - Now, I didn’t technically need to look this one up, but I haven’t touched Terraria in a while so I needed a recap on what exactly Shimmer forms looked like. I was surprised to see that a fair bunch of them are actually references to various other games- with that, I was left with only one option.
Gave her cape a star design on its interior… mainly because it looked good, but also because the Star Cloak exists, and no matter how subtle it was, I needed to throw some Terraria stuff in there SOMEHOW. Hence the presence of the little magical girl stars around her: no matter how much of a Deltarune reference it seems, it’s still a Shimmer design at heart.
Moonbound Mind - Looked up what exactly a Moonbound design was only to quickly see that they are ABSOLUTELY AWESOME holy fuck I love this aesthetic???
Naturally, there was noone more fitting for a Moonbound Design than… the Sun. What, did you think I’d say Heart? Gave him a nice little royal design (he’s the ruler of everything in the end~) …and I don’t know why I made that moss so sparkly, but. It looks good. I like sparkly things, alright?!
Mirror Dimension Myke - That’ll only make sense to people who have been following me for the past few months, but that’s right! Myke’s a Visitant in the Mirror Dimension! A fairly sadistic and hostile Visitant, but… hey, it’s Myke, what were you expecting?
I chose the Mirror Dimension specifically for this free space… pretty much because I wanted another excuse to talk about it. The thought process behind his design was basically just “make him look like a really cool superhero”, fitting for a defender of the truth such as himself.
The visor was inspired by Peridot from Steven Universe, what with the similar colour schemes they have, and… hey- hey Myke, THE TEMPLATE! STAY INSIDE THE TEMPLATE, FOR FUCK’S SAKE!
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fazcinatingblog · 2 months
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When the band gets back together
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roguetelemetry · 1 year
Rick James on the A-Team, with Isaac Hayes.
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sastielsfandom · 1 year
Best time of the year to share my favorite, and maybe only, twins I've ever come up with, CJ and Isaac.
It's best to get to know them through writing, without further ado, here they are:
As soon as CJ heard the footsteps, which weren't meant to be heard someone's just bad at being sneaky, she should've known.
The door swung open, revealing none other than Isaac who stared at his twin, waiting. CJ thought he looked like a gremlin in his stance. Or a crab.
Regretfully, already, CJ asked the question Isaac was waiting for, "What?"
Isaac continued to stare at his sister with wide eyes, letting the air become awkward by not saying anything. Before CJ just rolled over and ignored him, he pointed at her, "You look funny."
Without missing a beat, CJ responded with, "And you wish you were funny," holding up her middle finger afterwards. Isaac quickly mirrored the action back.
He backed out of the room for a moment, keeping his finger up and in the room, "Momma!" Isaac called, "CJ is flipping me off!"
The sound of a rolling pin stopped and in its place you could hear a loud sigh, "You two are practically adults!" She shouted, the rolling pin could be heard again, "I don't care!"
"Wow," CJ said, with a shake of her head, "Momma doesn't care about you," completed with a shrug and tssk noise, "Suck to be you."
Isaac mocked her with a hand and overexaggerating her words, grabbing the door handle on his way out, but before it closed completely, he let go of it. It was enough just to piss CJ off.
She immediately noticed, grabbed a pillow she wasn't currently using and tossed it towards the door but missed, she laid down annoyed at her aim. "He is such a bitch," she mumbled into her pillow.
Looking at the door again, she reached for another pillow, didn't even bother to look as she lazily threw it across the room. Hearing the door close, she glanced over, of course that one would make it. Why? Because the universe thinks it's a comedian or something.
She sank her head further into her pillow. She'll try again later with life. When there's food. Until then... Sleeeeep.
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finnicksghost · 2 years
really pains me that pedro pascal and oscar isaac hasn’t had a homoerotic film exploring the intimacy of male friendships ala elaine may’s mikey and nicky, martin mcdonagh’s the banshees of inisherin or even alfonso cusron’s y tu mama tambien
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double--cross-d · 6 months
Bro I just read the Playground and I don't think I'm gonna emotional recover
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softspiderling · 1 year
but i need your lips on mine | d.h.
summary: derek hale is a mystery you have yet to solve
pairing: derek hale x reader
warnings: none
word count: 1,9k
author's note: hello guys the teaser for the long awaited college au is finally here. i hope you guys like it :) tagging @stilinskiderek bc i’ve been annoying charlotte about this fic for ages and i know she’s been waiting for a derek fic😭 side note: this is a teaser/accompanying fic to the actual fic boy, you write your name (I can do the same) which will be out on thursday! meaning this is NOT an excerpt of the fic, but offers more background of the relationship derek and the reader have, and also where the nickname CJ comes from
“Are you actually washing the car or are you just waiting for someone to pay attention to you?”
“Oh ha ha, you’re hilarious,” Derek said dryly, wringing out the sponge and tossing it in one of the soapy buckets. You grinned at him, tossing him a water bottle, which he easily caught, drinking quickly as you leaned your hands into your waist.
“Sure,” you replied, looking around. It was quite busy, every single member of the frat seemed hard at work. “Pretty nice turnout, huh?”
Derek shrugged in a way that meant he was agreeing with you, but he didn’t want to look like he was bragging. He was humble like that. You scoffed, brushing your hair back over your shoulder, and Derek zeroed in on the bikini strap under your top, a grin forming on his face.
“You come here to lend a hand?”
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes at him with a snicker. “I was thinking ahead. With you standing in the sun for the whole day and Isaac around buckets full of water? I was bound to end up soaked, thought I’d save me a trip to the laundromat.”
“Now you’re basically begging me to drench you,” Derek drawled, picking up the sponge soaked full of water, advancing on you.
“Don’t you dare!” You hissed at him, giving him a shove.
“Are you doing a special?”
While you and Derek were wrestling around, ending up with both of you getting a soak, you hadn’t noticed the Mini pulled up next to you, windows down, a pretty girl smirking at yoi.
“Nah, I’m just here to support my friends,” you said, gesturing to Derek, wiping your wet forehead with a laugh. “It’s his frat that’s organizing this car wash. Derek, this is Amanda, she’s in my Women’s Writing class. Just transferred from Palomar.”
“Hey,” Derek said, leaning against her car. “You here for a full wash?”
“Sure am.”
Derek nodded, leaning back. “Isaac! Grab some boys and a couple of buckets, we got another one.”
Isaac saluted Derek, his wet curls hanging in his face. Glancing over to you, he grinned, wagging his eyebrows when he caught you staring at his bare chest, turning on his heel to grab the buckets, but not without teasing you.
“Take a picture, CJ, it’ll last longer.”
“CJ?” Amanda asked, raising a brow. You groaned internally when Derek only smirked at her, clearly ecstatic that he got to tell the story again.
“Right, you’re a transfer, so you don’t know where her nickname comes from. Well, let me tell you, you’re in for a treat. It was a really nice summer day-”
“Derek, I’m not letting you tell the story again with the exaggerations,” you scowled at him, though in jest, shoving him gently. You turned back to Amanda, sighing softly. “Anyways. It all started when I was a freshman, a couple of weeks into the semester. I was taking Deucalion’s class for Intro to Ancient History….”
An incessant ringing pulled you out of your deep slumber, but your head barely rose from the pillow as you poked the screen of your phone until the alarm stopped, leaving you to your slumber again. You had fallen asleep around 4:30 because it had taken you that long to finish your paper on Caesar. Usually, you never left your assignments for the last minute, and to be fair, you didn’t really. Leave it to the last minute, that is. The assignment was done, sitting in your folders waiting to be printed for about a week or so. But then you caught up with your study group, where you found out that Deucalion always knocked you down a letter grade if he didn’t agree with your opinion. And he loved Caesar. You didn’t. Which you made exceptionally clear in your essay. So being the freshman that you were, wanting to get good grades in your first semester, you decided to rewrite all 8 pages with the deadline looming in less than 10 hours, because he insisted on collecting the assignments right at the beginning of the class. Not the smartest thing you’ve done. Around one am, the library had closed, in the middle of your hot streak, and by the time you reached your dorm, you lost your train of thought and it took you two hours to find it again. And it was not because you fell asleep for 20 minutes. When the alarm blares up again, you groaned loudly, reaching for your phone to silence it, stilling when the phone pinged, announcing the arrival of a text. You narrowed your eyes at the screen, your eyes bleary as your vision slowly cleared.
[Stevie]: where r u???
Your heart plummeted when you read the text, and while you checked the time, you had to resist the urge to throw yourself out of the window.
08:13. Deucalion’s class started at 08:15.
Scrambling up from your bed, your legs tangled in the blankets and you nearly brained yourself when you fell to the floor. Getting up, you located your paper on your desk, making sure it was still where you left it, before you headed to the bathroom, quickly brushing your teeth. With your toothbrush in your mouth, you tugged some jeans and a shirt out of the closet, laying it on the bed to get changed when there was another ping.
[Stevie]: hes l8 if u hurry up u mite make it in time
Your eyes widened, the gods must’ve heard your silent prayers and you rushed to the bathroom, spitting out your toothpaste, and splashing some water in your face for good measure before you grabbed your stuff, backpack on your arm, phone and paper in your hand, running across campus to get to the lecture hall. When you finally skidded to a halt in front of the doors of the lecture hall, you slowly opened the door, peeking into it. There were two lines down the stairs, so the other students must be in line to drop off their papers at the front. Sighing a deep breath of relief, you squeezed yourself through the gap in the door and inconspicuously walked behind the last person in line. As the line moved forward, you dropped your backpack in between the seated rows, making it seem like you’d been in the class from the beginning. As the line slowly moved forward, you caught a glimpse of Professor Deucalion at the front. Only, it wasn’t him… Narrowing your eyes, you eyed the guy that was standing by the desk, his arms crossed. He had dark hair, a faint stubble and a scowl on his face. Must be Deucalion’s TA, though you didn’t remember ever seeing him during lectures, though he did look quite familiar. By the time you reached the front desk, you lifted your head, your eyes meeting the TA’s. He raised an eyebrow at you as you dropped your assignment on the stack and the way the corners of his mouth curled up made you furrow your brows.
“What?” you asked defensively and he uncrossed his arms, leaning his hands on the desk.
“Nothing… Just. Cute jammies.”
You heard the class let out laughter as you stared at him before glancing down at yourself, flushing when you realized you were still wearing your pj’s, which was just a tank top and arguably your worst pyjama pants: Teal and pink Hello Kitty pants. Snapping your head up, you glared at him, but before you could say another word, the side door opened, and Professor Deucalion walked in.
“You better take a seat, CJ,” the TA said with a smirk, collecting the assignments in his hand and you bit back a retort, finding an empty in the back row as Professor Deucalion started the lecture. As he droned on, your eyes kept flitting over to the TA in the first row, glaring at the back of his head. Even hours later, when you were at some fresher party a frat was throwing, the incident was a topic with your friends.
“It was crazy. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
Stevie nodded as you only rolled your eyes, taking another sip of your drink. “Seriously, she was staring with her mouth open and everything. Which I get. I just have more self-control.”
“You guys are ridiculous. He was making fun of me,” you pointed out and Audrey stared at you, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head.
“Dude. He wants to bang you.”
With a snort, you shook your head at your friends and their crazy conspiracy theories.
“Come on, I didn’t come here to talk about our lecture. Let’s go find something to do. I think they’re playing beer pong in the backyard,” you suggested, dragging your friends through the house and out into the backyard, which seemed to be just as crowded as inside. Walking over to the beer pong table, it looked like they were in the middle of the game, so you just tapped on the shoulder of one guy.
“Hey, is it possible for me and my friends to play a round?”
“Sure,” he replied without turning around, throwing the ball and scoring. “You guys can just- oh hey, CJ!”
Of course it was fucking him*. The TA from Deucalion’s lecture was standing in front of you, an amused grin on his face.*
“My name is-” you started, but he waved you off snickering.
“I know what your name is. But CJ is fitting, isn’t it?” He took a sip from his drink, giving you a brief once over and you ignored how Stevie’s grip around your arm tightened for a second. “I see you changed, though I must say I did like the pants.” You gave him a look and he offered you his hand.
“Derek Hale.”
“There were a lot of people at that party. And I guess the name just stuck.”
“Huh. So everyone just calls you CJ?”
You shrugged. You didn’t really mind the nickname, it was cute. At this point, it was odd to hear someone call you by your government name unless it was a professor or someone from the faculty. Everyone addressed you as CJ. It was just the story that bothered you, mostly because Derek liked to add details that were unimportant. Also because he cracked up all the time telling the story like it was the funniest thing he’d ever experienced, that jerk.
“You have to admit it’s a cool nickname,” Derek cut in, and Amanda laughed.
“Guess so… So how does that work with you being a TA and you two dating?”
“We’re not dating.” “He’s not actually a TA.”
Really? That was what he chose to correct? You side-eyed Derek but he just gave you a subtle wink as Amanda perked up, looking at you curiously.
“So, you’re single?”
Even before you replied, you noticed how Derek clinked himself out of the conversation, walking over to the waiting cars leaning against the door. Every time you thought you had figured him out, he went ahead and did something that confused you even more. Sometimes you thought back to what Audrey and Stevie had said to you about Derek before you even really knew him. You glanced over to him as you handed Amanda your phone so she could put her number in, and it was as if Derek could feel your eyes on him, he turned his head in your direction, giving you a small smile, flashing his teeth at you. Some day you will just flat out ask him.
But not today.
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hmslusitania · 2 years
Okay actually now that I’m thinking about it which non-endgame west wing ship do you hate the least? Or maybe even like!
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grumpytheunicorn · 1 year
Hi there! I was wondering if you have any head cannons for Jun and Donnie’s kids? I absolutely love the comic you made abt Emma and I would luv to see more interactions between the kids and the fam :))
Thank you for the ask and I am glad you like my lil comic! I plan on making more in future!
I do have many head canons for their kids! Buts here's a few.
The girls are triplets. Jane being born first, then Emma, then Mary. Isaac is the youngest. He was born a year or two after the triplets. Donnie cried for hours when each one was born.
The triplets are all poison dart frogs like Jun. Isaac is a soft-shell like Donnie.
They are named after Jun's and Donnie's favorite authors. Jane Austen, Emma Orczy, Mary Shelley and Isaac Asimov.
Emma is genderfluid, And will go by "Em". They go by He/She/They pronouns and doesn't prefer one over of the others. They are also selectively mute.
Jane has Donnie's resting bitch face and as never smiled a day in her life. And never will.
Mary is very mystically inclined and can see people's auras. She likes her Uncle Mikey's aura cause "It looks like a sunflower caught fire and it blew up"
They each have their own favorite uncle, but CJ is the favorite. He is the favorite Uncle.
Donnie taught all 4 of them how to commit tax fraud and steal money from ATMs at 4-5 yrs old.
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crispyjenkins · 1 year
Assassin's Creed fic 👀 I am always a sucker for (good) Desmond Miles fic, hell yeah, would 100% read those if you posted them.
👀 👉👈 you're my new favourite, anon. this isn't close to being done but i'm very fond of it so here's a lil preview~ inspired by esama's study of flight, but with a twist! (gen, time travel/reincarnation, found family, william miles' a+ parenting, accidental subterfuge, desmond goes by miles mostly)
  Inhaling a careful breath, Ezio pauses half a flight from their destination and Leonardo halts on the step above him, frown deepening in concern. “Ezio?” he prompts, when he still doesn’t say anything.
  Ezio sighs. “We have thirteen recruits now,” he explains, turning to lean his back against the staircase wall; the cool temperature of the stone actually calms him somewhat and allows him to go on, “He’s been with us a few months, now.”
  Tilting his head curiously, Leonardo bends closer to him. “I thought you had stopped recruiting for the time being.”
  “I had.” Ezio rubs over his face quickly, such discomfort usually unsafe to display so openly — then again, Leonardo is hardly his enemy. “One of my discepoli, Adele, noticed him first.”
  “ ‘Noticed him’?”
  “... In my defense, I was away on a long assignment.”
  Leonardo just looks bewildered, an expression that’s usually quite amusing to see on the man, but Ezio can only cough awkwardly.
  “He, ah, was here a week before anyone thought to question him.”
  His old friend blinks slowly at him, Ezio can almost see the calculations happening in his mind, before his whole countenance brightens enough to make Ezio wince. 
  “You mean he infiltrated the Brotherhood? And nobody noticed?” he asks gleefully. “Oh, Ezio.”
  Refusing to flush in embarrassment, Ezio crosses his arms with a humph. “As I said, I wasn’t in the hideout at the time. Geniuses some of my recruits may be, but they all thought I had sent him here. Adele was the one to notice he had previous training, and asked him where he had met me.” Letting out a long breath, Ezio does smile, just a little. “The whelp didn’t even deny having snuck in, ’said that this is where he wants to be and was tired of waiting for chance to put him in my path, or I in his.”
  Leonardo laughs brightly, moving to rest against the wall across from Ezio. “And Machiavelli didn’t kill him immediately?”
  “No, Valeria convinced them all to keep it quiet until I returned from my contract, the little hellions. She even used me as a meat shield when Niccolò finally found out.” Ezio loves his recruits to distraction, they’re his brothers and sisters and siblings and he would gladly die for any one of them. He would also like to never face down Machiavelli’s sword and rarely-used hidden blade ever again. Once was already in excess.
  “And the recruit?”
  “Miles defended himself, of course. At least long enough for Niccolò to become intrigued by his skill.” He’s still testing the theory, but Ezio is fairly certain even the rank of millite is too low for him, though why Miles would be hiding his prowess is a concern all on its own. 
  Leonardo has known Ezio far too long, and far too well to not guess at his unsaid meaning, his lips tugging back into a thoughtful frown. “You think he was trained by another Assassin?”
  “I’m not sure yet,” he admits with a sigh. “He certainly wasn’t trained by any of our branches.”
  “Miles, Miles Miles,” Leonardo muses to the sloped ceiling. “Unusual name. Germanic? Or French, perhaps?”
  Ezio had been considering contacting his brothers in Spain, despite being almost positive that Miles wasn’t trained by them; he hadn’t even considered the French branch. Actually, did the French branch even exist anymore? He thinks he recalls hearing of its decimation around the time of the Inquisition.
  “There’s a thought,” he agrees slowly, rubbing his jaw. “I’d have to ask la Volpe or another older member about their fighting styles, I only ever crossed blades with Helene, and she hadn’t been an Assassin in many years by then.”
  “Ah, Helene... Dufranc, was it? Yes, yes, the lovely rogue from Barcelona. ‘Mon petit Assassin’, if I recall correctly?” 
  Glowering, Ezio kicks his friend’s foot at the reminder of the nickname he only escaped upon return to Italy. Some of his Spanish brothers still tease him about it in their letters. “I regret ever telling you about that,” he grumbles, much to Leonardo’s amusement. 
  Though, he quickly sobers and meets Ezio’s eyes under his hood, pinning him there easily. “Why am I here, old friend?” he asks, softly, but leaving no room to wriggle out of the answer again.
  He really isn’t making this easy, is he?
  Ezio can only hold Leonardo’s gaze for a few moments more, before he has to look away. “Miles is a bastard from a Veneziana whore. He never met his father.” He needn’t look to know Leonardo gets it immediately, but Ezio still goes on, “My students aren’t nearly as subtle as they think they are, and I do not know if it would have occurred to me without their whispers.”
  Leonardo understands this immediately, too. “Ah, does he not bear significant resemblance to you, then?”
  Ezio shakes his head. “My recruits seem to think so, but I’m afraid I’ve gotten far too in my head about it and am no longer sure if what I see is simply what I want to see.”
  “Oh, Ezio,” Leonardo sighs, standing straight to reach across the narrow space between them and put a hand on his shoulder. “I would be glad to meet him, old friend. Then, after, we will sort all this out, just as we always have.”
  Despite himself, Ezio finds himself relieved by the comfort, and reaches up to squeeze Leonardo’s hand, before removing it and stepping away. “Thank you,” he murmurs, and nods to the bottom of the stairs. “Miles is usually sparring one of his brothers or sisters around now, come with me.”
  “Or siblings,” Leonardo reminds him with a soft laugh, following at his heel.
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wondererryn · 5 months
why did my friend send me this i thought we were past chain mail
" Hi can u put your name in it and send it to 10 different people We’re trying to make the longest iMessage for the 2021 Guinness World Records. Put your name below (copy it) and send it to 10 people, Don’t be th e one to break the chain
🐷Sadie 🐷
⚾️Matthew ⚾️
😎Spencer 😎
🥶Kayla 🥶
🌈Justine 🌈
📍Aniyah 📍
🤞Emily 🤞
😜Brenda 🥎
🐱Emerson 🐱
🏈 Vishal 🏈
🦊Sahithi 🦊
🐰Sravya 🐰
💃🏼Jacqueline 💃🏼
🏄 Reilly 🏄
💀⛓Corine ⛓💀
🤍Mia 🤍
🎀Aylah 🎀
🪴Merrill 🪴
💕 Kendal 💕
🍬Chloe 🍬
🍭 ♡Taylor ♡🍭
🐻Keira R.🐻
🐝✌🏽Hannah ✌🏽🐝
💖Johannah 💖
arlyn 🦥
🏵Emily 🏵
🏳️‍🌈 Rayno 🏳️‍⚧️
🥝🧸 Tessie!! 🧸🥝
🍍grace 🍍
💀 Lucas 💀
😭Pheobe 😭
🦻🏻 Sierra 🫀
🦖Gisella 🦖
🦋Nolah 🌼
🏈 Will 🤪
⚽️Noah 🤡
⚽️Caden 🇮🇪
🌸 Beatrix🌸
🦑 LuCiA🐳
🐾 Abby-Rose🐶
🥶Kylie 🤫
🌸Taylor 🌸
🌺Dailyn 🌺
🌮Jacqueline 🌯
🐱 Aria 🏊‍♀️
🍄 Evelyn 🍄
👾Isaac 👾
🍕Pearl 🍕
🐹Margaret 🐹
temped to put my name and pass it on now
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 4 months
Happy WBW!!
Does your story have any special animals, or beliefs about cryptids?
CJ! I'm sorry, I'm so far behind on asks, but thank you for persevering!
The Coven's werecreatures department has a small group of dedicated cryptid hunters/believers. Jonah Carver, who Isaac had drunk desk sex with at the last holiday party Isaac's colleague, is one of them. He lives up in the Pacific Northwest, so of course he's a Bigfoot and Batsquatch fan. But he also dedicates his time looking for evidence of Gumberoo, ball-tailed cats, and the many water-based beasts that haunt lakes, rivers, and the coast.
Even though the Coven's whole deal is magic and the supernatural, cryptid research is treated as, er, an eccentric hobby. One could argue that there's actual proof of vampires, ghosts, etc. People like Jonah would counter that you can't find evidence if you never look! Maybe cryptids are endangered species, the types of magical creatures who couldn't adapt to an increasingly human world as well. Or they could be newly emerging species, or even just a one-of-a-kind being. It's never a waste to ask questions or seek new routes to understanding. Besides, if nothing else, these cryptids are cultural and historical touchstones. They're worthy of study and preservation just as much as any document or artefact.
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hannahhook7744 · 10 months
Stormbringer Crew Incorrect Quotes (Part 1);
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*After d3*
Tiger Lily:
Hannah, surrounded by kids 10 and under:
Hannah: what?
Lampwick: uh... Who are they?
Hannah: Some of my crew mates!
Lampwick: but... That's a two year old-
Harry *lunges at Luke* I'm gonna kill you!
Hannah *jumps in the way to break it up*
Harry *accidentally slices her cheek*
*Room goes silent*
Hannah *tears up*
Harry: Wait no—
Hannah *runs* DAD!
Harry *runs after her* NO! WAIT! I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T TELL DAD!
Parker to Cj: damn girl are you a snack because—
Hannah *jumps out of a barrel with a spray bottle full of a murky liquid and sprays Parker with it * NOO! BAD PARKER!
Parker: What the fu—
Hannah *sprays him in the eyes* NO, BAD PARKER! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SISTER!
Cj *laughing her ass off*
Hannah: That's for me to know and for you to never find out. Now get!
Isaac: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry?
Hannah: General Mathematics 1st Grade Edition.
Isaac: What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you.
Josh: Being a fish.
Isaac: Well, shit.
John: We need a plan to beat them.
Isaac: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food.
Isaac: Judge me all you want, I get results.
Luke: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.
Skia: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.
Hannah: Self care is stealing someone's birthday cake just to eat the frosting.
Skia: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Skia, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan??
Skia: Wait. I the fuck used this pan…
Hannah: It was you the fuck.
Skia: It was I the fuck…
Luke: Who cooks rice in a pan?
Hannah: They the fuck.
Luke *teaching his friends how to cook* This lamb is so undercooked, it's following Mary to school!
Hannah: so he can eat her fucking soul—
Peachy: Hannah no—
Skia: I've never, ever, ever, ever, ever met someone I believe in as little as you.
Luke: This crab is so undercooked I can still hear it singing 'Under the Sea!
John *starts laughing *
Hannah: Luke, stop! We're literally meeting Ariel in five minutes--
*on the Storm Bringer at 3am*
Hannah on the top bunk: Isn't it werid that we pay money go see other human beings?
Luke on the bottom bunk: Are you talking about Prostitution, the movies, or airplane tickets?
Hannah, peaking over the edge of the railing: Glasses, Luke. I was talking about Glasses.
Luke: Well, how was I supposed to know that?
Hannah: Dude. I wear glasses. Your younger sister wears glasses! A lot of our crew members wear glasses! Why wouldn't you know that? And why was prostitution your first thought?!
Treycor: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.
John: What if it bites me and it dies?!
Parker: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, John, learn to listen.
Eduardo: What if it bites itself and I die?
Lewis: That’s voodoo.
James: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
John: That’s correlation, not causation.
Eduardo: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?
Parker, Lewis, Luke, River, and James: That’s kinky.
Treycor: Oh my God. I hate all of you.
Hannah*grimacing* I second that.
Hannah: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
River: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Luke: She did.
Skia: All three of us where literally there.
Hannah: Shit, I forgot you guys were with me when I did that.
Josh: I actually have a black belt.
Evelyn: In what, karate?
Josh: No, from Gucci.
Darcy, to Noah: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
Noah, motioning to themself and Skia: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
Remi: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Peachy does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff?
Skia: If Peachy were to jump off a cliff, they would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Peachy jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Remi: You jump off a cliff!
Skia: Gladly. Provided Peachy did first.
Peachy, in the background; NO ONE IS JUMPING OFF OF A CLIFF!
Haul: Violence isn't the answer.
Alex: You’re right.
Haul: *sighs in relief*
Alex: Violence is the question.
Haul: What?
Alex, bolting away: And the answer is yes.
Haul, running after them: NO-
Isaac: Okay okay stop asking me if I'm straight, gay, bi, whatever. I identify as a FUCKING THREAT.
Haul: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Hannah: Oh, you’ve been?
Haul: Once. In Monopoly.
Hannah: How petty can you get?
John: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Remi: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why.
Skia: Only if you also don't ask why.
Skia: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick.
Remi: This one is fine.
Haul: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Hannah: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Hannah: Everyone, synchronize your watches.
Remi: I don’t know how to do that.
Peachy: I don’t wear a watch.
Skia: Time is a construct.
Hannah, slumps her shoulders: I don't even know why I asked that. I can't even tell time.
Hannah: I think Skia was right.
Peachy: I'm surprised they haven't marched in here to say 'I told you so.'
Remi: They wouldn't do that.
Skia: You're right, Peachy. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.
Skia: *turns around, the shirt they're wearing says 'Skia Told You So' on the back*
John: i went through an entire character arc during quarantine.
John: i became more evil if you’re curious.
Haul: We're still in quarantine, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still!
John: i’m going to get worse on purpose.
Luke: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon.
Hannah, not looking up from their book: Spear.
Darcy: Someone will die.
Noah: Of fun!
Luke: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Hannah: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Josh, standing with their back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Haul.
Haul: How did you do that without turning around?
Josh: ... To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
Hannah: Fuck.
Haul: We've got to work on your cursing.
Hannah: Why? I'm pretty good at cursing already.
Skia: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Skia: No! Four to five seconds!
Peachy: Too late!!!
Hannah: Welcome, fellow idiots!
Haul: Hello, Hannah!
Hannah: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot!
Haul: You underestimate me.
John: I'm a reverse necromancer.
Hannah: Isn't that just killing people?
John: Ah, technicality.
Hannah: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Haul: You're like 12 years old.
Hannah: I MIGHT DIE AT 24!
*Hannah and Haul skipping stones on lake*
Haul: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Hannah, whispering: Take that you fucking lake.
Hannah: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Luke: Oh, I’m always running.
Luke: The question is from what?
Hannah, in a beach shirt: So sue me, it's October and I'd like to be on Island Time for a day!
Luke: I have Spotify open right now on my computer, do you want me to blast you? Do you want me to put you on blast? Cuz I've got your history right here on the sidebar,
Luke: Take it Back by Jimmy Buffet, Nautical Wheelers by Jimmy Buffet, Jolly Mon Sing by Jimmy Buffet, Steamer by Jimmy Buffet, trEAT HER LIKE A LADY BY JIMMY BUFFET, MAÑANA BY JIMMY BUFFET, WHEN SALOME PLAYS THE DRUMS BY JAMES BUFFET, HAVANA DAYDREAMIN BY JIMMY BUFFET- What the FUCK happened to you?!
Hannah, laughing: I HAD A CASE OF THE MONDAYS!
Hannah, cry-laughing: ᴵ ᴴᴬᴰ ᴬ ᶜᴬˢᴱ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴹᴼᴺᴰᴬʸˢ.
Hannah: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Haul: You and me!!!
Hannah, tearing up: Okay.
Hannah: What time is it?
Luke: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out.
Luke: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune on purpose*
Luke: It’s 2 am.
Hannah: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Skia: You stab me, I stab you, and then when our legs get better, we buy a big-ass house.
Luke: You can stab me too, then we'll have 30 million.
Skia: Good thinking.
Hannah: What do you think Skia will do for a distraction?
Luke: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Luke: ... or they could do that.
Peachy: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Remi: Tubular AF!
Luke: Mood to the max!
Hannah, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
Skia, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.
Hannah: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Luke: 'Prettiest Smile'
Peachy: 'Nicest Personality'
Skia: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
Remi: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Hannah: Oh cool, I got 'most forgettable. '
Luke and Skia: Excuse me, what?
Hannah: I got most forgettable? Why—hey, where are you four going? And why do you have your weapons drawn?
Hannah: Anyone d-
Skia: Depressed?
Luke: Drained?
Remi: Dumb?
Peachy: Disliked?
Hannah:—done with their work... what is wrong with you people ...
Hannah: Time for plan G.
Skia: Don’t you mean plan B?
Hannah: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Peachy: What about plan D?
Hannah: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Remi: What about plan E?
Hannah: I’m hoping not to use it. Luke dies in plan E.
Alex: I like plan E.
Luke: What about plan F?
Treycor: We're not doing Plan F.
Luke: why?
Treycor: Plan F is Get help.
Luke: Oh. Yeah, let's not do that.
Hannah: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Skia: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Hannah: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Luke: Actually I did the math, Skia would have $225, not $0.15.
Skia: Fam I’m right here....
Remi: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Hannah: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Remi: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Hannah: :(
Luke: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Skia would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Remi: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice.
Luke: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Peachy: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice.
Luke: Apply juice to what.
Treycor: Directly to the forehead.
Skia: Great chat everyone/
Darcy: I’m going to take you out.
Luke: great, it’s a date!
Darcy: I meant that as a threat.
Luke: See you at five!
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