reppyy · 5 months
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witchwhaat · 7 months
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so. i watched anatomy of a fall
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kxllerblond · 7 months
I missed making cringe longer form videos. tumblr is going to EAT the quality but whatever!!!! i love my dangerous little criminal man!!!
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Kill Boksoon
pictures taken from Pinterest.
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This movie, though I am a bit late to watch it. I am glad I did.
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this actress- knew her from Crash Course In Romance, This role takes the cake. She was a bad ass, mind you. A mother and an assassin.
Too Good.
I also noticed the colour grading of the film, It showed the cool tones of blue when the situation was serious and grim. You could feel the emotions being intense in those moments. Also The colour changing to warmer tones when she feels safe or happy, like when she is at home with her daughter.
At the end of the film, when she was worried about the fact that her daughter had seen everything , you could see the background being blue while her face showed the tint of orange showing signs of hope for things going well.
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Also, I absolutely loved the way they showed her going through possible scenarios in her head. Like it was a montage of fighting consequences which looked quite amazing on screen.
This director took shots from different angles and through different mediums where we could see various styles that seem of fit the movie.
It was about chaos, violence, and vulnerability along with the need to survive .
Loved few fights scenes.
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Also got an appearance from him....
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Shocked me for a second there, but it was great to see him on screen like that.
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alyssalovestaylor1989 · 9 months
Watching thrillers on Christmas morning seems fit for the occasion ig so far, we’ve watched “misery” “small sacrifices” highly recommended.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 6 months
i just finished writing a very complicated puzzle of a chapter and now i feel like a genius
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rexaleph · 10 months
watched May December after being reminded of it by this post abt how people are wrongly calling it camp. Which yeah it isn't that exactly. But it is funny. like with the music? it works to not make it unbearable misery porn, and it does it with humor, no? Like the movie does do jokes. someone says, or even quotes Haynes, that people can't bear their own discomfort, but the movie isn't the rub your face in it type at all, it releases the tension often and doesn't really punish you. Like yeah the heavy parts are not shy about the bleakness and not a joke, but it's not hard to watch. and very emotionally straightforward imo, doesnt really leave one with complicated feelings
good movie, i liked it, don't feel like i've liked a new movie in a while
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smallscreengifs · 2 years
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mychapel-004 · 11 months
i’ve seen so many people discussing the springlock scene in both negative and positive ways and i think it brings up really cool points about how matthew played that scene and balanced fan expectations with his own characterisation.
i think the discussions around this movie have rlly exposed the disconnect between fanon and canon in fnaf, especially talking abt the core games in isolation, bc frankly in the game universe (ignoring the books) we get Very Little characterisation for William other than the obvious, but Matthew managed to add so much in the way he talks and his body language.
in the reveal scene, we see afton at arguably his peak. in his first scene, he comes off as somewhat demeaning and judgemental until he recognises mike’s name, at which point he seems to have this nervous energy, rushing to cover it up but stumbling slightly, his reaction to the tables being turned even slightly is massive.
this is a man who committed multiple mrdrs in essentially broad daylight, hid the bodies in the most obvious place, and still got away with it, and then kept the crime scene as a trophy of his actions, and an ongoing prison sentence for his victims. he has been in complete control for decades, and is confident that he can deal with any kind of threat quickly. his confidence in his reveal is palpable
it changes when vanessa shoots him. the whole parallel with vanessa and the animatronics is hugely interesting too- how william refers to the animatronics almost endearingly as “kids” when he wants them to obey, how both vanny and the animatronics have an unearned loyalty to him, almost a pseudo-adoption through what he did to them, taking them from their parents and keeping them under his thumb, forever stuck as naive, forgiving, obedient children. vanessa breaking from that control shakes him, but the mask slips back into place almost immediately.
then, he’s outsmarted by the brother of one of his victims, and the child he planned to end next. his pseudo-children turn on him and he can no longer manipulate his appearance or shed his skin to escape. he explodes on them, and his language is incredibly telling that he is being dishonest.
he calls them small, trying to belittle them into submission, even though they are ten feet tall metal animatronics powered by rage. he is grasping at straws to regain control, and failing miserably.
finally, the springlocks go off. the locks in the movie look more like a ribcage, so the first two likely puncture his lungs. they’re slow, and painful, but he doesn’t scream or beg or sob. he grunts and groans, gritting his teeth and only letting out sounds of pain that sound almost involuntary. there is no way in hell he would visibly let himself show weakness or pain in front of these creatures that he believes he has control over. he isn’t brought to his knees until there are eight metal spikes embedded in his abdomen. he doesn’t let the mask fall for even a second, until he literally PUTS THE ACTUAL MASK ON and finally collapses. even then, he’s fighting for consciousness, twitching and writhing with no control over his body. william afton thrives on control, and his soul will not rest until he gets it back.
it’s why he keeps the pizzeria- he always comes back. he can’t help but return to the scene of the crime, putting on his old costume, continuing his killings. he revels in being a constant threat on the horizon. and now, he knows he is going to die, and he knows the suit will bring him back, and noone will be able to get rid of him then. so he puts the mask back on, and waits.
in terms of the sfx- they’re pretty accurate. with stab wounds, you need to leave the knife in the wound as long as possible for best chance of survival, as it stops the blood from escaping. in terms of the springlocks, there wouldn’t be copious amounts of blood as the locks are keeping the wounds filled- which is good because it means a slower, more painful death.
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lotus-slumbers · 10 days
Hi! I saw your requests were open, so I was wondering if you could write a yandere batfam where they kidnap the reader, but the reader is like, super chill about it, and the family’s reaction to this. Tysm!
🪼 anon
A Gentle Place to Land (Yandere! Batfam x Accepting! GN Reader)
Content warning: yandere themes, obsession, mentions of mental illness, mentions of loss of personal anatomy and drugging. Etc.
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A gentle breeze caresses you, the sunlight a gentle kiss.
Here, you could experience such a thing. A thing so close to tranquility you would almost dare to say it was. Most, if ever put in your situation, would be losing their minds. Panicking. Begging and pleading with all they could to try and change their fate. To escape.
You knew such a thing wasn't possible. You knew it from the night they had taken you. Looking into the shadowy eyes of the cowl, before the dart had punctured the tender place below your ear and the drugs entered your system, turning the world dark and dreamless.
You knew. If not the fates, they had decided and that was more than you could fight.
But it was a lot better than it had seemed.
At first, it was a ploy. Trick your captors into believing you're not going to do anything stupid and build repor to get them attached so that they won't do anything too bad to you. Hopefully, gaining their trust enough to plot an escape and succeed.
Just like those movies and true crime TV shows you've seen; comply and wait it out, wait for your chance at freedom.
Your feelings started getting mixed up really soon after. Had you forgotten about what Stockholm Syndrome was or had you been blind to the truth in the first place?
Maybe it really wasn't that bad...
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
An almost comically large sunhat place over top your head, feet propped up on the end of the chair and a cold drink in hand. You didn't even care for the sets of eyes lingering on you, you were used to strange people giving you strange looks as you went about your day in Gotham.
They know this isn't a normal person's reaction and they're worried, most waiting for this little peace to be completely discarded once the shock of the situation passes and you truly understand what has happened. Others are trying to pick apart your phycology to see if maybe, just maybe, something really is different up in that head of yours.
You? Well, you're just sipping on your cool drink before the heat makes the ice melt. You don't want Alfred's signature juice cocktail (non-alcoholic, of course, because you'll probably never be seeing a drop of that in your life again) to get watered down and ruined.
"Are we sure we didn't give then to much of that— um," Tim stalled for a moment, giving your impartial face a once over before deciding the trajectory of his sentence. "—sleeping medicine? Maybe it messed with their nervous system or something?"
"I hate to admit it but I think Drake is onto something here. I mean, who in their right mind would ever submit to this tomfoolery? Willingly being stuck with you all? Father and I, I can understand, but—"
"I never thought you'd ever agree with Tim," Jason grinned, making Damian's face turn sour.
Dick moved behind your seat, leaning down and squishing your face between his hands.
"Nothing's wrong with them!"
You gave a bright, closed eye smile that only served to further concern the man watching from the nearby window.
His butler placed a hand on his shoulder when he gave an exhausted sigh. Although, the makings of a smile did seem to tug at the corners of his lips.
"I'll make another therapy appointment, Master Bruce."
Should he be concerned about your nonchalant appearance or was it just your nature? Has some trauma happened to you previously to make you this way? Was it a trick that he was just having trouble seeing through?
Or was he overthinking this all again? Instead of overthinking it and coming up with more safety measures and plans to keep all the way he envisioned, he should be out there with his kids.
Even if it was just all a trick, there was no way you could manage to outsmart or outrun all six of them.
Bruce shook his head, sitting his drink down on the counter and heading towards the door.
"Don't bother."
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reppyy · 10 months
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brainrotdotorg · 11 months
here is my pitch for a mainstream movie trailer for disco elysium because i want you to suffer
Starts with complete darkness.
VO Ancient reptillian brain: “There is nothing… Only an ancient primordial blackness…”
“Radioactive” by imagine dragons starts playing
We see harry appear in this dark void, floating in slo-mo, camera slowly zooms into Harry’s face
VO Ancient Reptillian brain “Your consciousness ferments in it, no larger than a single grain of malt…”
Camera comes to rest on harry’s face, taking up the whole screen
VO Ancient Reptillian brain “No ex-wives are contained in it…”
Wham sound effect, music cuts out
Reaction shot of Harry opening his eyes. “Wait. Ex-wives?”
VO Limbic System: “Time to go to work in the shit factory!”
Sound of Kineema engine starting up that blends into the first lyric of the song
“I’m waking up to ash and dust” plays just as we see Harry open his eyes on the floor, Voice over plays as he looks around the trashed room confused
VO Harry: “Who am I? Why am I here?”
Clip of kim and harry shaking hands
Kim: “We’re detectives. We’re here to solve a murder.”
Harry: “I’m a police officer? I must be a superstar cop!”
“I’m breathing in the chemicals” inhale right as harry snorts some speed
Kim facepalms
Text in the disco elysium font on black screen:
VO Joyce over a shot of the skyline: “Something is happening in this town, officer.”
VO Harry over numerous quick clips of him failing little things: kicking the mailbox, dropping the barbell, etc: “I’m an alcoholic. I’ve got a bunch of voices in my head. I don’t even know who I am! How do you expect me to solve a murder?”
VO Kim over him writing in his notebook: “I expect you to work, detective. It’s not easy; but thats the job.”
Extremely fast montage of action or particularly striking moments synced up to a bunch of edited in bass thumps to the song– harry making the jump to get the coat, swinging to punch measurehead, visual calculus constructing a crime scene in glowing CGI effects, cuno shouting “fuckpig!” harry and kim dancing in the church, Harry reaching out his hand to the phasmid (who is out of frame), dolores dei turning away from the camera, culminating with kim lifting his gun in slow-mo to point at the mercenary
VO KIM: “Never fuck with Kim kitsuragi.”
Music slows and stops entirely
Smash cut to a reaction shot of Harry looking in admiration. “How’d you get so cool, Kim?”
Reaction shot of Kim making a smug expression thats cut from a different scene.
Beat drop
Montage of different characters clipped saying the word “disco”
Wham shot, music cuts out. Harry leaned over a countertop about to lick the rum stain. Kim clears his throat.
Harry’s eyes dart to look up at kim. Shot of kim raising the eyebrow.
Slowly, slowly, he moves to lick the stain.
VO Electrochemistry: Aww, yeah.
Kim, sighing and shaking his head: “We’re all doomed.”
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natalievoncatte · 4 months
Kara is buzzed when it happens. Not drunk, buzzed. A little tipsy. Not lost in the sauce, more “in her cups”. It’s been a rough day of wordsmithing and crime fighting and game night has turned into an impromptu movie night because no one has enough energy to play anything. The Settles of Catan box is gathering dust next to the Pictionary stuff and the other random games that have accumulated at Lena’s apartment ever since they all realized that she has the best bachelorette pad for hosting these things.
Instead they’re watching Twister instead of playing Twister, laughing at how cheesy it is. The movie is almost over but the night is young and Kara is unwinding, so she asks Lena for a favor.
“Can you bring me some?” she says, spotting Lena pouring wine from a box that Kara brought over.
“Sure,” Lena says.
A moment later, Lena joins her.
This moment is inportant. Kara doesn’t know it yet but it’s one of the most important. One day she will rank it in importance with the day she first saved Lena and the first time she walked into Lena’s office and a number of other firsts.
Consider this: It is a warm May night and Lena has the windows open to let the breeze in. It’s maybe seventy in the penthouse and eventually it’ll get cooler. Right now, everyone is lazing about in knockaround clothes. Kara herself is in a pair of old threadbare sweats from the DEO that she kept even after the organization disbanded because they were so comfy, and the ribbed tank she had on under her outfit at work, baring her blocky and sun-tanned shoulders.
(This is because Lena once made a comment about her big meaty shoulders after they attended a spin class together. Kara never consciously said “I’m giving Lena two tickets to the gun show”, but she has her bis and tris on display around her whenever possible anyway. Kara had no reason to flex when she’s opening a bottle of wine -or a box with a screw cap- but she does it anyway. She doesn’t need to pick up Lena’s car… you get the idea.)
Lena, for her part, is dressed in mercilessly short shorts that bare her thick thighs, and she’s put on a sweatshirt. A gray sweatshirt that has the National City university logo on it, a school she did not attend, and is two sizes too big for her. She’s put her hair up in a sloppy ponytail and has taken out her contacts in favor of a pair of rather chunky-framed glasses. She looks like a dork.
A stunning, cute, adorable, huggable, kissable dork.
Lena brings with her two blue plastic tumblers of wine, and hands one to Kara.
The couch is packed. Alex and Nia flank Kara, and their respective partners fill out the sofa. Really, someone should have saved Lena a seat in her own house. She has one in mind, though. She sits right on Kara’s lap as she hands her the wine.
It could be any number of things that cause it. She’s tired, she spiked a few of her drinks with alien rum, it’s been a long and frustrating day and she’s just not thinking right. She doesn’t have her filters in. Words just spill out.
“Good girl,” Kara says, as Lena settles in place.
The reaction is subtle, but to a Kryptonian, obvious. Lena’s heart does a little pitter-patter and she tenses just slightly, just barely, so subtly that only Kara would notice. Her pupils widen and her breath catches sharply.
Alex, seated such that she’s behind Lena, snaps her gaze to them quickly.
Kara does the only thing she reasonably can do. She presses her legs gently to either side to make sure there’s enough room and lets Lena settle in with her. The couch is one of those huge custom jobs that cost more than Kara’s apartment and every stick of furniture in it, so there’s room for Lena to comfortable position herself and lean back into Kara, sipping a bit of wine.
Everyone is else is dead silent, the only sound coming from Lena’s massive TV and theater quality sound system (so there is in fact a lot of sound)
Lena is there and she’s warm and soft, the crown of her head in perfect range for a little sniff. With not much effort Kara could press her lips to Lena’s hairline and give her a little kiss.
She’d done that once. It was after a save, when Kara was holding Lena in her arms after catching a collapsing crane on her back, shrugging off a hundred tons of twisted metal to save her Lena. It was not long after Lena came back to her and things were still weird and fragile and Lex wanted her dead and Kara was so, so scared, so wracked with pain just from knowing what Lena meant to her. The only way she could stop herself from kissing Lena, proper kissing, was by pressing her lips somewhere safe and friendly and kinda a we’re friends kiss and not a I want to marry you please never leave me again kiss.
Lena drinks the wine so fast she gulps, and she’s either thirsty or trying to calm her nerves. There’s a palpable air in the room right now, a heavy tension that’s made them all suddenly stiff and uncomfortable. They pass the rest of the movie in silence.
“Who’s up for a double feature?” Kara says, not wanting to leave but not wanting to test the terms under which she might stay.
“Not me,” Alex says. “We’ve got to get home and pay Ruby for watching Esme. Besides, if we let you picky we’ll end up watching some damn cartoon.”
Nia wnd Brainy similarly demur, citing reasons of their own.
“Okay. I’ll stay and help clean up.”
“You don’t have to,” Lena says, tentatively.
“I don’t want to be a poor guest.”
The rest of the Superfriends pile out of the penthouse and into the night with mildly alarming speed, and Kara is suddenly alone with Lena. The vast penthouse doesn’t feel empty. Instead it feels close in, almost crowded.
Lena slips off of Kara’s lap and plops beside her, yawning. She sets down her empty wine cup and stretches, delightfully arching her back as she throws her arms back up over her head, fingers laced. Kara doesn’t need x-ray vision to see she’s bare beneath the sweatshirt. Her own heart does a little flutter.
She looks so soft, so cozy and inviting, but her legs are such a distraction that Kara can’t help but look at them, her gaze sweeping from ankle to hip with the intensity of an explorer who’s just crested a mountain and set eyes on a promised new land. That’s when Kara realizes that Lena saw her looking and is meeting her gaze firmly.
“Like what you see?”
Kara swallows hard. She can hear the drum of Lena’s own heart, almost feel the same quickening of her pulse as well as the slight waver in her voice.
Kara licks her lips.
“Should we clean up, or…”
“Should we? Or should it wait until morning?”
If Lena had been dropping hint before, she was laying down the gauntlet now. She looked at Kara with lidded eyes and a flushed, wine-silly grin.
Kara swallowed hard. A part of her, a very loud part, still insisted she misinterpreted all of this and Lena was just being friendly. What if she was just being friendly, what if-
“What would you rather do?” said Kara.
Lena shrugged. “I’m tired of thinking, Kara. People ask me what to do all damned day. I’d rather relax and just let someone else take charge for a while.”
The way she said it, especially take charge, was so heavy and drippy and velvety that Kara could get lost in it.
Fuck it.
Kara twisted and, carefully, very carefully, lifted Lena into her lap. Lena made sure to not sit but straddle, her warm thighs bracketing Kara’s as she settled her weight in Kara’s lap and fell against her chest.
Very, very tenderly, with supreme care, Kara pressed her hand to the back of Lena’s head, slipping her fingers into Lena’s hair, and guided her in. She savored every second. The ghost of breath on her lips, the sight of Lena’s blown pupils before she closed her eyes, the feeling of Lena’s fingers digging into her shoulders as their lips met. Lena kissed her softly at first, then more and more greedily, exploding from a gently pressing of lips into something undeniably needy and hot. When Lena moaned into her mouth, Kara’s nerves lit up like a Christmas tree and she instincts grabbed Lena’s hips and and grinds herself up against her.
“Lena,” Kara whispered, “is that my sweatshirt?”
“Yes. It is.”
“Take it off,” said Kara, and then a moment later, “good girl.”
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aethon-recs · 5 months
2024 Update to Tomarrymort Longfic Recs — 8 additional fics
I wanted to add 8 lovely new longfics that have been published since the last time I put together this rec list — 6 more for the Intermediate reads list and 2 more for Advanced. Hopefully you’ll find something within these additional 950k words of absolutely brilliant Tomarrymort fic to sink your teeth into and enjoy:
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Longfic rec list collection:
Tomarrymort Beginner reads are the fics I would use to introduce someone to the ship and help them get a baseline for the variety, themes, and tropes that best represent our ship;
Intermediate reads are for readers that are already familiar/sold on the ship, and are looking for fics that explore interesting new facets of the Tomarrymort dynamic; 
Advanced reads comprise challenging works of some nature, whether the writing features more complex subject matter and/or pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in a piece of fanfic.
Please enjoy these 8 additions to the list, all of which are either completed or still updating as of 2024!
Intermediate Longfic Recs
A Light That Never Goes Out by @kippipies (M, 80k, WIP)
Setting: Non-Magical AU Premise: If Harry is the target of a dangerous crime lord called Voldemort and his gang of Death Eaters in a modern mafia AU. Why I rec it: This is a delightful, high-energy caper of a fic in which Harry is a scrappy low-time criminal who accidentally crosses crime boss Voldemort. Naturally, Voldemort sets his sights on getting revenge, but Harry slips through his fingers at the last minute each time. The action scenes in this fic are incredibly dynamic and super fun — I felt like I was watching an action movie at each confrontation between Harry and Voldemort.
And the Living Will Envy the Dead by @k-s-morgan (M, 81k, WIP)
Setting: Time Travel (1940s) Premise: If Harry were flung back in time to Tom’s sixth year and almost immediately reveals he is Tom’s horcrux, setting off a chain reaction of obsession and control.  Why I rec it: An intricately crafted character study of Tom and how he gained control over the rest of Slytherin House by the time Harry meets him at the start of sixth year. Harry’s arrival throws Tom’s plans off-kilter, especially once Harry reveals he was Tom’s horcrux in another timeline. This leads Tom to believe the other version of him had somehow loved Harry, and shows him that it’s possible to form such a connection with Harry here if he wants, despite how dark, cruel, and violent he turned out and how little he cares for others. 
By Any Means by @corpium (E, 74k, WIP)
Setting: Alternate Universe Premise: If Harry has a younger brother Evan who is the Boy-Who-Lived, yet Harry’s overprotective actions towards Evan end up attracting the attention of Voldemort directly onto himself. Why I rec it: This is a really engaging and fast-paced adaptation of canon events if Harry were born 2 years earlier and his younger brother were the one that the prophecy applied to. The relationship between Harry and Evan is really sweet, as they share the burden of growing up at the Dursleys and all the adventures that Harry underwent in canon. There’s also such a fascinating exploration of magic as Harry gradually becomes more powerful as a result of all the trials that he’s put through, eventually becoming powerful enough to attract the attention of Voldemort. 
Pledged by @moontearpensfic (E, 118k, WIP)
Setting: Alternate Universe Premise: If Harry and Tom are best friends that enter together into a Hunger Games-crossed-with-Triwizard Tournament in their seventh year.  Why I rec it: This fic depicts co-dependency to such an intense degree between Harry and Tom. Not only are they inseparable best friends throughout their time at Hogwarts, they also perform a cooperative magic ritual that binds their magic to each other permanently, and allows them to share thoughts and feelings with each other across a mental link. There’s also an intriguing mystery at the heart of this story, as Harry and Tom try to figure out the origins of the Triwizard-style tournament that they enter into in their seventh year. 
Revolution of Configured Stars by @tollingreminiscentbells (E, 153k, WIP)
Setting: Voldemort Wins AU Premise: If Harry was raised in a pureblood family in a universe where Voldemort wins, and ends up attracting the attention of Voldemort in his seventh year at Hogwarts.  Why I rec it: This is such an intricate, incredibly thoughtful depiction of a society where Voldemort won and Harry was raised as a ward of a pureblood family. By the time it’s Harry’s seventh year, he’s a budding Arithmancy scholar who wants to explore whether it’s possible to choose the optimal timeline via arithmantic calculations, which catches the attention of Voldemort. Voldemort and Harry’s relationship unfolds in such a steamy way, and they truly feel like equals who hold each other in high regard, as Voldemort reveals that they have been inextricably linked by fate, whether or not he ended up trying to kill Harry as a baby in this particular timeline. 
the stars, my destination by @milkandmoon-ao3 (M, 15k, WIP)
Setting: Time Travel (Marauders Era) Premise: If Harry is sent back in time as an infant and adopted into the Potter family, growing up and attending Hogwarts alongside James.  Why I rec it: There is a dearth of Harrymort fics set in Marauders Era so it is such a delight to read about Harry’s friendships and rivalries with Marauders Era characters, like being best friends with Regulus and Quidditch rivals with James. As Harry starts his sixth year, the First Wizarding War heats up in the background and begins spilling into their life at Hogwarts as many of their classmates are recruited to fight on either side of it. All the while that he has to keep secret the strange mental connection that he’s had with the Dark Lord all his life. 
Advanced Longfic Recs
Hearthstone Abbey (Series) by @ramabear (E, 152k, WIP series)
Setting: Soulmate AU Premise: If second year Harry is plucked away from his canon universe by Voldemort from another universe who is his soulmate. Why I rec it: I wholly melted at all the ways Voldemort takes care of Harry in this fic, better treatment than Harry’s ever gotten in his entire life, and Harry is so lovable and adorable in turn. Voldemort has established himself as a religious figurehead/cult leader in the alternate universe, and it was very interesting to read about his alternate path to power. The soft grooming in this fic was so so delicious, ramping up in intensity as the fic progresses; Voldemort completely dotes on Harry and their dynamic is so sweet and tender, a very nice counterbalance to the sinister and predatory tones that underlie their relationship.
if we were lovers by @reggieblk (E, 277k, complete)
Setting: Non-Magical AU Premise: If Harry and Tom meet in a prestigious drama programme and fall for each other against a backdrop of high stakes threatre productions.  Why I rec it: The character work is so rich and detailed in this coming-of-age story in a modern AU setting. It’s clear there was so much thought that went into all the character interactions here, not only between Harry and Tom, but also the ensemble cast of characters who inject so much heart and humor into this story as well. I love the way that @reggieblk cleverly weaves in elements from Shakespeare’s plays and uses the theatre backdrop to depict how the love story between Harry and Tom unfolds — their developing relationship feels, at the same time, both very immersive and cozy, as well as highly fraught with tension. (As a bonus, there is an absolutely amazing original play in the interlude chapter that was written specifically for this fic!)
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exhaslo · 4 months
Okay but like...
How about a werewolf!Miguel and reader who like to do role play in bed.
Like he comes home and walks through the bed room door to find reader in like red lingerie and a red hood.
Miguel is using all his inner strength to keep his from showing excitement as he crawls ontop of her like a predator. But his tail wagging aggressively behind him was a dead give away.
I feel like I had an idea for a Werewold!Miguel a while ago, but I can't remember what it was...Hopefully I will remember!!
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut, roleplay, overstimulation, slight breeding kink
A mythical world where humans coexist with those of what people in other worlds call, 'monsters'. From vampires, to mermaids to even leprechauns, nothing was out of the ordinary in this world.
Not even your Werewolf boyfriend, Miguel O'Hara.
In this world, you were the Spider-Woman who fought crime. Miguel was your loving boyfriend who supported you. Even when you got recruited to the Spider Society; however, there have been times where he would get jealous of another man's scent on you.
You didn't mind because you loved seeing Miguel jealous, that and the sex was over the moon!
Which was why, when you saw a movie from one of the Peter's world, you had a devilish idea. You have told your boyfriend about how other worlds differ from yours greatly. Plus, whenever you could, you would sneak some movies and shows from other worlds too.
Recently, you showed your boyfriend movies about Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.
While taking offense to some of the topics in the movie, you couldn't notice how Miguel's tail wagged as the character with the red hood appeared.
This sparked an idea.
You had finished work early and had no missions or drama happening for the rest of the day. Well you hoped the later would still remain silent. On your way home, you stopped by the tailor, hoping that your new outfit was ready.
Thank god it was.
Unable to hide your glee, you took your new suit and hurried home. Miguel was still at work, so you had time to make the mood perfect. You were going to have fun tonight.
Everything was set. All you had to do was wait for Miguel to return home. You put on the cute red riding hood dress you bought, double checking to make sure it fit perfectly. This was something new and you hoped Miguel would like it.
"Mhm, what if he doesn't like it?" You muttered to yourself.
"(Y/N), I'm home." Miguel called out.
You jumped from hearing Miguel's voice, a little worried about the idea now. Taking deep breathes, you poked your head out from the bedroom door, spotting your boyfriend sniffing the dinner you made. His tail wagged and ears pointed upwards, which meant that he was in a good mood.
"Hm? (Y/N), why are you hiding?" Miguel asked with a chuckle as he caught your scent.
"I'm not hiding~ I'm waiting~" You cooed.
Miguel sensed your playful tone as he hurried over. You giggled to yourself as you crawled onto the bed, waiting for his reaction. Once Miguel opened the door, his eyes widen as you laid before him in the beautiful red hood.
"Welcome home, my big bad wolf~"
Miguel was at a loss for words as he drank you up with his eyes. His tail uncontrollably wagging as his pupils grew wide. Miguel slowly made his way over to you, climbing over your small frame compared to his.
"This is dangerous, (Y/N). I just wanna eat you up." Miguel said with a low groan, his head buried against your neck.
"I don't have work tomorrow, Miggy. Won't you be a good boy and play along?" You asked with a pout.
Miguel groaned once more before capturing your lips in a deep kiss. His hunger for you was strong as his tongue devoured your mouth with little time for you to fight back. His grip was heavy against you waist, his hands desperate to strip you nude.
As Miguel explored the cavern of your mouth, he broke free from the kiss to adore you. His fangs poking out while his pupils dilated. You had done your job and managed to get your boyfriend horny.
"(Y/N), I won't be able to hold back,"
"Then don't. You know I can handle it," You said, catching your breathe.
Miguel just chuckled as he started to lick and suck against your neck. His hands now massaging and groping your breasts while his bulge rubbed against your clothed cunt. You whimpered a moan as Miguel rutted roughly against you.
Honestly, despite your super powers from being Spider Woman, Miguel still dominated over you in bed. Your stamina was nothing compared to your werewolf boyfriend. You had learned the hard way whenever it was a full moon.
Your body had been sore for days.
Recalling the moon, your eyes widen as you tried to look over to the calendar beside the bed. You had forgotten to check when the full moon was! Gasping, you noticed that it was none other than today.
Of course.
"Mig-Ah~" You moaned as Miguel took your breast within his mouth.
You were starting to feel dazed as Miguel toyed with you with the dress. His fingers had already dipped down to your clit, rubbing harsh circles against your sensitive bud. His tongue roughly licking and sucking against your nipples, desperate to make you cum.
You tried to call out to your boyfriend, wanting to remind him of the moon, but you couldn't focus. Your core was burning up as you felt the urge to give into Miguel's movements. Your body arching from the pleasure.
"Ah~ Mhm~" You moaned as you cam.
"Haaaah, (Y/N), I can't hold back," Miguel groaned as he striped himself.
You wanted to marvel at his body which seemed to sparkle like a god. Your eyes focused downward towards his erect dick, already accepting your fate.
You weren't going to work for the next week.
"M-My, Miguel...what a big dick you have..." You giggled, trying to play along. Miguel just chuckled as he poked his dick against your entrance,
"All the more to breed you with."
And there it was. You gasped and moaned as Miguel thrusted his cock deep inside you. You hadn't even noticed when he ripped the panties off your dress. Tears formed against the corner of your eyes since the full moon affected Miguel differently.
"So tight. Just for me," Miguel whispered as he started to thrust into you, "Perfect for my babies."
You called out to your boyfriend, wanting to remind him to be a little gentle with you. Your walls were stretching with each thrust of his dick, bruising your cervix with every hit. You gasped and moaned with every slap of his hips, falling deeper into his lust filled attack.
"Little Red wants my babies, don't you? Such a naughty girl, my only girl." Miguel growled lowly as he pinned you into mating position.
You cried out as you felt Miguel reach deeper inside you. His words turning your mind into putty as you just agreed to his desires. Your body cumming and giving into his wishes, squeezing and begging for him to fill you.
"Miggy~ Ah~ R-Right there~" You cried out.
Miguel grunted as he slapped himself into you. Your cunt fluttering against his cock as your juices formed a white ring around his dick. All this causing Miguel to lose himself into you. His teeth marking your body as his thrusts became rougher.
"My mate. Mine." He growled, cumming inside you, "Not enough,"
"Hah, hah...M-Mig...F-Full...moo-ah~" You arched your back as Miguel kept thrusting into you.
Your legs were starting to grow weak and your mind was fading fast. Miguel tore your dress by your breasts, taking one with his mouth as he rutted into you.
"S-So....m-much~" You moaned, feeling his thick cock push his cum deeper inside you, "Ah~"
"Mine. Pretty red," Miguel grunted, capturing your lips in a kiss as he felt you cum once more, "Gonna have my babies, (Y/N). Don't waste a drop,"
You laid against the bed, a babbling mess as you let Miguel fuck you stupid. It was safe to say the dress worked...perhaps on a different night you would have enjoyed the roleplay a little more.
"Once more,"
Nights of the full moon were always restless nights if you couldn't give Miguel some sleeping pills. It had been a while since Miguel fucked you as rough as he did, but you never complained. You enjoyed being filled and loved.
"Aye, sorry (Y/N). I went overboard." Miguel apologized the next morning as he whimpered and showered you with kisses.
"It's okay....I should have paid attention," You whispered softly.
Miguel whimpered more as his ears and tail fell. He carried you to the shower to wash you up, wanting to take care of his precious mate. Rubbing his head against yours, Miguel gave you a sad puppy look,
"I didn't transform...did I?" He asked. You giggled softly, kissing his head,
"If you did, I'd be even more exhausted and full,"
"Sorry, (Y/N)," Miguel apologized once more. You pecked his lips as he washed you,
"You can apologize by getting me a new red dress."
"Of course!"
Another great thing about having a werewolf boyfriend....Miguel would always make-up to you after once of his restless nights.
Not that you complained.
Hope you enjoyed!!!
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rosesdrop · 5 months
Pick a weapon
What do they like about you
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(Note: remember, this is a general reading so not everything is going to resonate perfectly, I might open personal reading services later, but for now, enjoy your reading ⭐❤💞)
Pile 1:
You have such luminous skin, there's possibly an age gap between you and this person, they like your resting bitch face, and how stubborn you are, such a gloomy mood that gives off adam's family and these sorts of gothic vibes, you've got sleepy eyes that are mesmerizing, and such a hard temperament, you're hard to please in this person's eyes, you make them so overwhelmed with all the kinds of moods that you carry within you, it makes this person have a hard time understanding you, you are always trying new things and it's just too much for this person, they have no idea where you get all this energy from. It could even be that you're from a different ethnicity and this person tries to understand you better, it makes them curious about you and they like it. Even when you talk it's too hard catching up with you, you're so expansive about all the topics in your conversation, you like to discuss all kinds of different subjects, this person adores that, they see how philosophical you are. They don't understand your mind, they're having such a hard time figuring you out pile 1 😂, it's such a struggle they're trying so hard, but they like it, the fact that you are bigger than the sun itself, how much you can overwhelm them and they get so burned out by your energy(I don't mean it in a negative way), the fact that you're not a force to be wreckend with. They just feel like you're too much for them to handle. You're most likely either a fire or an air sign. They mainly like your mood states , your emotional and temperamental center, it's so dramatic and entertaining. Your effect is just fatal on them, you're even making them have physical reactions upon how charged up they get around you, the reason for that could be that you have expansive energetic field, some of you could also have bigger and more curvier bodies. An additional message that I'm getting is that you get influenced by the moon cycles, you possibly get more energetic and lively that normal at night.
Pile 2:
You are very graceful in the way you talk, you may be sending blessings to people around you constantly and praying for others. They like your beauty, they find you to be just 'pretty'. They also like how wise you are, if you wear dresses this person likes seeing them on you, you are maybe on the shorter side and they find your height to be cute. Earth signs. They like how courageous you are, you can be so calm and steady when facing adversities and they find this so strong from you, you are the type of person that has a silent strength to them. You are so solid , so sure of yourself that it's hard to shake you. You always have the right sense of what to do. They like your smell, if you wear some kind of perfume they really like the smell of it. You could always be scoring the highest grades at any work you do, you're always so productive, and if you like cooking, you make the best food ever. This person sees you as self-reliant and self-sufficient, someone that doesn't like wasting much time on nonesense, and a person that keeps to themselves, and again, that makes them see you as very smart and wise.
Pile 3:
They like how sensitive you are to the environment around you, and how overly critical you are of everything, you might like crime movies that awaken your investigator side, to find clues and solve riddles. If you have green eyes specifically they like them, also how you put on your makeup. You're unapologetic in everything you do, you do whatever you want to do anyways, they're fascinated by that, it's like, you give the sense that you are elusive about what you want to do, especially the way you act about things, but you surprise them with the results, you may seem like you're just playing around at first impression but then this person gets impressed by the things you can achieve. You don't ask much from people. You're very unpredictable to this person, they think that you're a lucky and special person, unlike anyone else they've ever known.
Pile 4:
You're older than this person, or they like your maturity. They like how friendly you are, you give off this sense of familiarity to them and they feel welcomed and well treated in your presence and they respect you for that. You have an inspirational impact on this person, they take your words to heart, and they resonate with them, they give them space for creative pursuits and create space for new ideas in their mentality. If this person felt misunderstood and lost in the past you give them a new vision, a better one. The color black and gothic type of clothing fits you in their view, they think you're aloof and eccentric, you have a sharp mind but your ideas for them-they have a hard time organizing every thought proposed by you according to the actual situation, your thinking is superior for them.
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