#Caitie Writes!
theloveinc · 2 months
mating press is so objectively ugly ... embarrassing
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caitylove · 26 days
Excuse my ramblings, but I noticed something this morning and just felt like sharing with the world. Last night with my most recent update to Rules, I officially crossed the 100k word mark for publishing fics this year, and I have even more written, which seems insane to me. (To put it in perspective I only got up to like 30k last year? And I thought that was a ton, for me).
After LITERALLY a decade of stuck in the spiral, dark hole of depression, where I always felt like I was just struggling to keep my head above water and where all sense of creativity was just barren, it feels so.... uplifting. Like I am, in my mid-30s, finally finding myself again after a decade away,
So, the lesson here is, no matter how long you have been gone and unable to find that muse, never believe it's gone for good. Sometimes you just need to heal to be able to find those words again.
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What she says: I’m fine
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Bakugo and your daughter cuddle every day after work. It’s a pretty sound routine; he gets home, changes clothes… and then sits down and lets her hug him right up until dinner is ready or needs to be made.
And they’re cute together! So cute, in the way she’ll stand on his thigh to rub her cheek against his, and more often than not, he’ll start drifting off to the sound of her babbles about school while listening and patting her little belly.
Things always have to change though, don’t they? When one day it’s her who ends up taking a nap on his stomach… and you’re forced to pluck her off his lap so that she can, at least, go rest in her bed…
Except your first attempt at getting her up results in one scary eye glaring at you as she clings to her father, and says, “let me go, you… you bitch!”
And Bakugo doing such a bad job at hiding his laughter that she ends up waking up anyway… and tries to slap him, too.
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finelinens · 3 months
to be totally clear, i'm done with the dream team. i'm no longer a fan and have no plans of creating any fanart in the future! at the moment i'm not considering deleting my old fanart of them, but i have been considering deactivating my main twitter for a while so that might happen at some point. i had a good time, but it's over now!
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dinsfire24 · 6 months
Amanita hummed happily to themself, gathering flowers into their arms. Why were they gathering flowers? Well, they had to give them to someone. They couldn't remember who, so they figured they'd better just give some flowers to everyone they could find. And everybody liked flowers, right?
A pair of voices sliced through the air. Ah, there were their first targets! Listening carefully, they recognized the voices as Caity and... and...
They saw the red-and-black clown come around the corner. Right, Clown. They picked out a rose and a sunflower, then darted up to the pair. "Hey!"
Clown stopped, his shoulders hunching. "Oh... Hi, Amanita," he said flatly.
Caity, meanwhile, smiled at them. "Hey, Nita! Whatcha got there?"
"I was... I picked flowers." They held the sunflower out to Caity first.
She accepted it happily, tucking it into her hair and telling them, "It's so pretty! Thank you."
Clown tried to slip away, but they quickly handed him the rose. "Don't..." They paused. "For you too."
"Ah." He shoved it into his inventory. "I like black roses better."
Caity shot him a look. Maybe confused? Amanita was confused too, but they started to realize something as he walked away.
They turned to Caity, frowning. "Why does Clown- Why does he hate me? Did I do... or, well- forget something?"
She hesitated. "I don't know... I mean, I don't think he hates you. I dunno why he would. But I don't know him very well."
"Hmmm." Amanita looked down at the bouquet in their hands. "Okay. Bye."
Then they walked away, collecting flowers as they went and thinking of a plan.
Someone who knew Clown better. They tried to remember people they'd seen him with. They thought he didn't have many friends. Maddie? Was she his friend? Or was it Kab...?
Well, they could see Kab right now. She was in a house. Probably her house, actually. They looked down at their bundle of flowers. She liked blue, right? She was wearing blue. This blue bell-shaped flower would be good.
With flower in hand, focusing on the thing they had to ask Kab, they walked up to the door and knocked.
"Oh, shit- Be there in a second," Kab called, and Amanita heard the sounds of several things being knocked over. Or shoved into a chest. Or both. They covered their ears to dull the noise.
Once it had ended, Kab opened the door. "Oh, hi, lil' buddy!" She grinned. "You've got a flower for me?"
They nodded, tossing it to her. "It's- I'm trying to... Uh..." Oh, the one thing they had come to ask. "Shit."
Kab snickered. "Aren't you, like, ten? Oh, you probably learned that from me... Pyro's gonna be pissed."
Amanita tilted their head. "But... Not important," they decided abruptly. "I remember. Why does... Yeah, why does Clown hate me?"
She stiffened angrily. "How am I supposed to know? Probably 'cause he's a stupid asshole," she snapped. "Don't- Just don't worry about him, okay? His opinion doesn't matter."
"Oh." They drooped slightly. "But he keeps... avoiding me. You weren't the- I was wrong."
"What's that supposed to-" Kab stopped herself, taking a deep breath. Her voice was strained, but calmer when she asked, "Wrong about what, lil' buddy?"
"I wanted- I thought you were his friend," Amanita explained. "Well, it kind of... I mixed you up. With, uh, Maddie?"
"Ah." Her expression darkened. "Right. Maddie is his friend! Yes, right, of course she is," Kab spat.
...She was definitely angry at them. But they weren't sure why. "Do you... Kab, do you hate Clown?"
"I do. I really do. I hate his smug fuckin' face and his stupid words and the way he's taking away my-" Again, she stopped herself. This time, she didn't start talking again until she'd turned around and went back to what she was doing before Amanita had come over.
They were almost going to leave when she quietly said, "You should stay away from him, Amanita. Maybe it's better if he doesn't like you. I don't... I don't want to know what he could do to you."
Some strange feeling congealed in their gut. Were they angry, too? "I'm... sorry. For asking," they told her flatly.
Kab's head snapped towards them. "Lil' buddy, wait-"
They ignored her, shoving their way out the door and running into the field.
There were a couple of people nearby. Pyro and Rae. They didn't think they'd given them flowers yet. But suddenly, they didn't even want to give out flowers any more. They just wanted to go lay down for a while.
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
Allow me to also offer
Ice as Josiah Bartlet
Mav as Leo McGarry
Natasha as CJ Cregg
Mickey as Charlie Young
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You are just GUNNING for this huh?? Although, I have to admit, I was thinking switching Ice and Mav so Penny could be Dr. Abigail Bartlet 👀👀👀
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winterrose527 · 1 year
~couple questions~
4. How do they compare to each other's exes? Are they the same "type" or an upgrade/something different?
12. What struggle have they seen each other through?
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
18. Would they have kids together?
25. Who said "I love you" first?
27. What interests do they share? For interests they don't share, do they ever participate anyway?
Ooh thank you for these asks. I'm starting with jonsa because you're TOO kind to include the other ships. I'm going canon era rather than modern AU because it's just where I feel these babes the strongest.
Also apologies because this is horrifically long and nonsensical.
4. UPGRADE BABYYYYYYY. It's like, not even close. It's not even a little close. Sansa 'You're as different to Joffrey as anyone I've ever met' Stark. Jon 'She's the best they could ask for' Snow. They're such a wild upgrade on one another's past relationships - if one wants to call them that. And actually looking at those two quotes I love how singular they both are. Like it's not just 'you're great' it's 'you're the best', even when we didn't get them the way we wanted they are still just so much better than everything we were given.
12. What struggle haven't they seen each other through? But in all honesty I think the biggest thing that they personally share in common (I am saying personally because their entire family suffered the loss of one another, etc.) is the loss of agency. And it happens so soon for both of them. Sansa arguably never had that much of it, but Jon was a highborn bastard, he literally could have gone anywhere and done anything but he went to one of the most restrictive sects in the Seven Kingdoms. Sansa chooses a path to become Joffrey's queen. I think those two paths are really interesting because they're both ones that are chosen through their idealism, when as the reader you know that as Joffrey's Queen, Sansa would be his prisoner, and as a member of the Night's Watch, Jon will be the realm's prisoner.
That they are basically both choosing to not have real choices for the rest of their lives because they simply don't understand the implications of it.
And then I think both of their journeys are learning those implications and fighting against them when they could and surviving them when they had to.
I truly think that a lot of what we saw in Season 6 is that struggle with agency. How do they reclaim themselves when they are suddenly beholden to one another? You know you can almost see it in both of their eyes, even as relieved as they are to have found one another, there seems to be this sense of would it have been easier if I didn't? and I think that is where they clash, as they both somewhat overcorrect.
and I also think that is PART of what Sansa is so upset about when Jon returns with Daenerys. Yes, it's about the North and yes, I believe she's jealous, but I think Winterfell became a symbol of their agency and so when Jon gave it to Daenerys it wasn't only that he was giving away his own but that he was taking Sansa's too. Which is one of the reasons that in spite of everything there is something to that they'll have Ned Stark's daughter to speak for them. they could not hope for better. because it is almost an acknowledgment that she has healed more than he has, that she has learned her lesson in a way that will not allow her to forget it again.
Sorry I feel like I bungled that explanation & I know it's not a cheery 'resolved' thing but I don't think of Jonsa as resolved. I just think of them as complex and delicious and we could have had it allllllll
15. I love love love the call back of Jon behind his desk at the Night's Watch with Sansa behind hers at Winterfell. Also, I'm sorry, you cannot convince me that Sansa's 'Go on, I believe in you' is not at least a little inspired by Jon? like it's so different to anything else we've heard her say, it's so like... soldier to soldier goading, that there is no organic way she would have picked it up if not for spending time around him and his men and I just loved it?
but in all honesty, I think something that I like is that for the most part they really don't bleed into one another. they are such distinct people to me, and they each make the other more of themselves rather than blending into one another.
18. IF THE GODS WERE GOOD BABY GIRL. And like, I'm so glad that we've now taken out the stigma of Queen's ruling because JON SNOW IS A GIRL DAD JON SNOW WILL ALWAYS BE A GIRL DAD.
25. Oh gosh. I go back and forth on this one, but I think Jon felt it first and I think Sansa says it first.
27. Surviving is like a big one tbh. They like it so much. They're so good at. Others can die mad about it - oh wait they did.
In terms of hobbies, I don't see a ton of overlap, but I think they're very good at being with one another while they are doing their thing. And then when the kids come most of their 'hobbies' are centered around them so of course they're shared.
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
From this:
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To this:
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Katya Zamolodchikova is a writer!
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theloveinc · 1 year
bakugo x reader - you have a fussy baby
(warnings: ooc, you have a baby and are called mama. no mention of pregnancy. written in bed)
There’s a part of Bakugo that always gets a little bit nervous when you call. A growing fear, one that’s not always the most reasonable, as he’s long since learned to stop guessing what it is he’ll have to answer to.
Usually, his worry is assuaged immediately by the chirp of your sweet voice, more often than not calling to ask about groceries, or the timing of his arrival home, or even just to say, “hey, sweetie. How are you?”
But as of late, with the stress of multiple new realities on his hands, the playing catchup of his returning back to work, it’s been—
“Katsuki,” your voice trembles on the receiver, the fuss of your hands practically audible too, “thank god. I’m so sorry, but—“
You whimper, there’s a wail, and his gut clenches, veins turning cold as ice with adrenaline like any and every other time he prepares, quicker than you know, to catch a villain.
“Fuck, babe?” his voice is raspy with the crack of worry, his eyes flitting about as if the crime is in front of him, the offender just across the line of the dark, moon-lit horizon. “Are you okay? Are you safe—“
You interrupt.
“I just can’t get him to sleep. I-I’ve tried everything,” there’s a hiccup from somewhere close by, the baby on your shoulder most likely, “but he’s not going down. I don’t know what to do anymore. He’s clean, he’s changed, he ate almost everything I had—“
“Hey,” he says sternly, dad-like, in a way you’ve almost never heard from him, and you halt. Bakugo looks around the empty streets he’s walking, the evening sky of a warm spring having now receded into chill. “I’ll be there quick, okay?”
And just as soon, he calls Kirishima to let him know he’s deviating from the patrol route.
Your son relaxes in his arms almost as soon as you set him down. Still in uniform, a sheen of sweat and dirt coating his body, he must smell like something comforting to the little babe as he stops crying just as fast, smacking his little lips into the sweaty shirt he now lays on.
You part from them, letting Bakugo take charge, the anxious tears stopped but still streaked down your cheeks, illuminated where you finally allow yourself to sit on the handsome blue armchair by the crib.
“Fussy shit,” Bakugo complains quietly, tearing one little snort of a giggle out of you as you gaze upon the two of them and wipe your nose, and at the same time, he gazes down at the baby with your eyes. “Wanted to make your mama cry, huh?”
“I’m sorry,” you say, sinking down into soft plush, “I’m so sorry I panicked, made you come all this way for nothing.”
“Stop apologizing, baby. ‘S not nothing,” he replies. “You needed help, and that’s what I’m here for. I’m”—he almost says fuckin’ Dynamight, pausing to look at you when he changes his mind—“dad. I’m dad.”
You smile weakly, and he approaches, dipping down on one knee to let you give your finally sleeping baby one last goodnight kiss, your fingers gently curling his blonde bangs away from his forehead.
“Just needed your daddy, I guess. Right, little boy?”
Bakugo can’t help but smirk, pulling back carefully to gently put the baby in his crib. He whines as he goes down, stretching his little limbs out now that the swaddle has been discarded… and though he notices the way your fingers tighten into themselves in worry as you watch, he settles back into sleep almost immediately, barely a pause in between to confirm it.
In the new silence, you finally whisper. “You gotta go back? To work?”
“I’ll get Denki over here in an hour,” Bakugo nods, also whispering; the sound that comes out unfamiliarly quiet, but not all that unpleasant as he steps and turns back to you, one hand reaching out to smooth down the hairs on your neck. “He’ll let you rest. You got it til then, or should I wait with you?”
You wave him off, still seeming tired but already calm enough to turn on the night light and pick up the book you started way back when, maybe even before becoming a mom. “I’ll be okay.”
“Don’t be afraid to ask for help again though, mama,” he leans down to give you your goodnight kiss before he finally has to go, reminding you of all the trust he has for you, too. “We’re all here to help.”
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eternally-smitten · 1 year
NATALIEEE it's been a minute since we talked but I gotta pop in and say I'm so excited to see you shipping with Roman!!! I'm hoping to see some of your amazing writing works of you two sometime 😌😌
CAITIE!!! Oh my gosh it has been too long! Please please please pop in to talk to me any time!! I love hearing from you so much!!
You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you send an ask about me and Roman. I am smiling so much as I'm typing this!! I just finished season one of Succession and I've just completely fallen head over heels for him. I'm definitely going to write for him soon :)
Please pop by to talk to me any time! Inbox, dms, whatever! I love hearing from you ♡
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caitylove · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: William Adama/Laura Roslin Characters: William Adama, Laura Roslin Additional Tags: Melancholy, melancholy musings, Ficlet, Thoughts on Autumn Summary:
Is Autumn the last breath before the darkness?
Just some musings on Autumn :) 
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I’m going INsane the only fic that does a fix it for the black water arc where shi wudu lives and he xuan and shi wudu work out their Issues and come to understand each is NPAB but reading that arc in NPAB made me fucking crave shi wudu lives fix-its AND. THERE. AREN’T. ANY. OTHERS.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
moved to @theloveinc!
🖤rbs welcomed🖤
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Nothing to Worry About
Rating: G
Relationships: Nancy Wheeler/Jonathan Byers/Argyle, Argyle/Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler/Jonathan Byers, implied Nancy Wheeler/Steve Harrington
Warnings: Light angst and self-esteem issues
Prompt: Multiamory March day 1: V-Relationship @polyamships
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years
me in the middle of writing a fic, three drabbles, and drafting a few things on the side: so hear me out, what if i wrote-
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