#Call from Dysfuntional Families
momlovesyoubest · 11 months
Calls From Aging Dysfunctional Families-Handling the Entitled Type
Calls From Aging Dysfunctional Families-Types of aging dysfunctional families who can call you over the summer vacation Narcissistic-Entitled Families Calls from aging dysfunctional families’ adult children or Narcissistic Entited Families’ adult kids will happen during the summer. These VIP Clinet’s adult children call you desperately for private care over the summer visit. Their problems…
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lucidreamsxx · 2 years
Obey Me! Random Headcannons pt.1
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- Asmo watches Keeping Up With The Kardashians and Bretman Rock's youtube channel religiously, it's the only human realm show he truly enjoys since it has so much drama and Bretman is an embodiment of a bad bitch and that speaks for itself.
-Mammon has definitely tried printing money before. It was fine till he started to use it and got caught instantly.
- Solomon once tried to pole dance cause Asmo asked him to...never again...
-Lucifer and Mammon have walked in on Asmo doing the dirty, multiple times.
- Satan burned the HoL down once and Belphie slept through the whole thing.
- Leviathan sometimes pays part of Mammon's debts for him. He's still his brother after all.
- Beel once ate a bite of Solomon's food by accident and had a very high fever for a week. In which he could'nt eat anything but soup and porridge and drink honey lemon tea. He avoided Solomon's stuff like the plague after.
- Long before the Great Celestial War, Mammon as a young angel once fell from the celestial realm by accident to the human realm covered in gold dust. He fell into a village, and was soon called a god and carried on a pedestal and was offered gold. He was collected by Luci soon after and was given a talking to by Michael.
- Lucifer likes watching Gordon Ramsey. He thinks that the way Gordon curses is absolute perfection.
- Simeon gets all blushy and flustered whenever he writes PDA scenes for TSL.
- A rat once got into Barbs's kitchen, man got on the kitchen island and refused to come down till the rodent was disposed off of. In the end Diavolo himself came in to get it.
- Barbatos just very recently got into Måneskin after Belphie recommended it to him.
- Luke stress bakes and gives all of it to Beel.
- Mammon refuses to let his crows anywgere near Beel cause he refers to them as 'mini-noisy- chickens'.
-Levi knows almost all of the Human realms kpop and jpop groups. His favourite is Twice and he's a ot9 and a Momo stan.
-Mamnon likes to go casino hopping.
-The one movie all of the demon bros sat down and watched together without complaining was Éncanto. It did indeed remind all of them about their own dysfuntional family.
- Diavolo sometimes has sleepovers with Asmodeus, Barbatos and Solomon and they all watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians together. Dia is so into the family feuds.
- Belphie fucking despises alarm clocks, he goes livid if there's one in a 5 meter distance of him.
- Satan absolutely hates the human realm history channel. As a demon who's been through almost all of history's moments he gets ticked off whenever a fact isn't accurate or it's bullshit, which in reality is alot.
- Mammon LOVES the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise. He feels a kinship to Sparrow sometimes and thinks those are one of the best films ever made. Has the entire blu-ray boxset in his room.
-All the demon bros+ mc and royals and members of purgatory hall stand up for Mammon whenever they hear someone talking shit about him (other than themselves). Lucifer once smacked the shit out of a lower demon for talkin crap about Mammon and calling him a scum. Over protective much?~
- Asmo is secretly a major shareholder of most of the beauty and skincare brands on the human realm.
- Lucifer has a drawing drawn by Mammon, of himself and Lucifer which he has laminated and kept in the bottom of his bedside drawer. He looks at it whenever he feels down.
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class1akids · 4 years
U might be getting this a lot idk but what is your opinion on mitsuki and bakugo's family life (like if he's been through domestic abuse and such)
Hmm, it’s one of those really tricky questions, because (1) we have seen Mitsuki only in one situation (which was very high-stress), (2) the definition of child abuse is very culture-dependent - in some places any physical or verbal attack would be immediately considered abuse, in many others, “physical punishment”, like light smacking is separate from child abuse, where some kind of injury is the threshold, (3) it’s not sure how much of the scene was supposed to be Hori’s slapstick comedy, like much of the scenes of physical retribution against Mineta, or when Bakugou stabs Deku in the head with his collar. 
So different readings can be made of the same scene. I can give you mine as for now (caveat: in my wider family there were many people with anger issues and aggressive communication, so my personal threshold for these things is quite high):
I can whole-heartedly agree with All Might, that the Bakugou family-home is at least highly dysfunctional, and Mitsuki’s parental style was definitely a big contributor to Katsuki’s own issues with not being able to read and process his own emotions appropriately - everything being translated into anger.
The first picture we see is Mitsuki lightly whacking Katsuki - it’s not meant to hurt, more a pre-emptive strike to keep him in check. I think she means it in a funny way, but clearly she’s inconsiderate of Katsuki’s feelings who probably feels humiliated. (Also, she’s not the only person using whacks - it’s used in a various parts of the manga to get people out of their own headspace - e.g. Mirio does it to Deku, so does All Might).  
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Katsuki reacts with (understandable) anger - and to me the dynamic is not so much one of oppression and fear, but an ingrained dysfunction of communication, where Bakugou to cover up his embarrassment in front of the two teachers who at this point are the most respected adults in his life calls his mother rude names and physically threatens her, though I’m fairly certain it’s an empty threat and he wouldn’t actually raise a finger to her. While Mitsuki to cover up how rattled she is, is attacking Katsuki and blaming him for his own kidnapping (this is btw the scanlation, not the official VIZ-translation, which always uses much stronger language). This kind of victim-blaming and gaslighting is very harmful for the self-esteem of children, and obviously even worse in the state Katsuki is post-Kamino. 
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Masaru’s intervention is very weak and ineffectual, his peacemaking efforts are rejected by Katsuki. But it is more about the appearances than the root-cause of the problem. In any case, it reinforces that the entire Bakugou family is aware that their behaviour is very much inappropriate, but they just can’t help themselves, because this style of communication is just so deeply ingrained.    
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Now with this exchange out of the way, let’s focus on the second part that is much less referenced. 
Mitsuki first tries to brush off Aizawa’s question with a joke, but then she lets a rare moment of sincerity. 
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And it turns out that she sees Katsuki’s problems quite clearly - that the too much empty praise all focused on his power (she seems to be a part of this) affected his personality and behaviour. (If I had to guess, but this is pure speculation on my part, Katsuki’s parents were early on also very much focused on his exceptional quirk, being proud of his talent and potential, and it took them a while to realize how it started to push Katsuki in a bad direction. And by the time they caught on that there was a problem, it was very difficult to reel in Katsuki’s willful personality, which could have lead to the spiralling of aggressive language and smackdowns in the family. They simply didn’t know what to do with him.)
And to their credit, Mitsuki and Masaru do realize that UA is a better influence for Katsuki than they themselves are, and she is clearly touched by Aizawa’s public support for Katsuki, so I think despite all the dysfunction, the aggressive and belittling language, they do truly love Katsuki and want to do what’s best for him. Also, Mitsuki understands that there is another layer to Katsuki underneath the insolent, self-centered brat, but she is unable to connect with that person, because honest, positive communication is basically non-existent in the family. 
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And when she’s not trying to cover up her emotions, she’s actually able to express that she was worried about her son in a quite affectionate way (Katsuki’s face tells me in that panel that it’s the first time he hears that), and also has an acute assessment of the situation the school is in. Finally, the fact that she is asking them not to go easy on Katsuki, kind of shows that she knows that he badly needs a different type of influence than what he got at home and in his lower grades in school. 
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The Bakugou household situation gets referenced two more times. Once during the remedial arc, where Bakugou advocates for a violent smackdown of the brats, saying that’s how he was raised. I think considering that they are dealing with a bunch of kids with their teachers watching, Bakugou is not advocating for serious violence, but more like a “show them who is top dog”. But he backs down at Todoroki’s request, because he knows violence in his experience is a whole different level, but perhaps also admitting that whether it’s low-level smacks or the Todoroki-household level of violence, it doesn’t lead to winning anyone’s heart and if anything will rile up the kids more. 
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The other example is when Bakugou reacts to the shitstorm that goes down at the Todoroki dinner, which basically implies that he finds it less shocking that there are problems in itself and more just a question of politeness of keeping it under wraps (which was Masaru’s attitude during the teacher-visit).
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So in conclusion, I do believe that Bakugou’s household is very dysfuntional, especially how they seem to have elevated verbal and light physical aggression to everyday communication, which probably heavily contributed to Bakugou’s anger issues, low self-esteem, emotional constipation and his lack of communication skills. He was probably not an easy child to start with (precocious, confident, self-centered, extremely talented, wildly competitive children are hard to parent well), and clearly Mitsuki and Masaru were not up for the task. 
But I also think that they genuinely love him and want what’s best for him. 
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vulpes-incendium · 4 years
Fanfics we need more of
- RoChu cardverse (seriously, they'd be the most dramatic/scandalous pair no? I'm desperate for one 😭)
- Russia vs Japan rivalry (look up Liaodong peninsula, they were fighting over China's land, with France and Germany interfering. And of course later on being on opposite sides in WWII. Such great fanfic material, why has no one talked about this? Esp. Japan's psychology!)
- Non-highschool AU HongIce (don't get me wrong, I love HS AU and this pair is literally called the "highschool boys pair", but I'd love different settings for them too!)
- GOURMET TRIO (such an underrated CANON trio, one of my favourite!)
- BAD BOSS TRIO (okay, this might be a bit controversial and dark, but there are a lot of interesting stuff with these three and I love me some dark fics from time to time)
- Dysfuntional Asian Family (now, I of course love the loving family dynamic most fics have, some did point out the family is dysfuntional, but never really dive deep into it. And guess what, that is the real dynamic of Asia, the real-life relationship among the Asians is so complicated and dysfuntional I don't think I have ever seen any fic depicting it accurately. I know fanfics are our fantasy and we like to keep away from reality, but it's nice to see these sometimes)
- WWII Asian theatre (most of the WWII fics are based in Europe, which I understand, but Asia was a mess back then too, esp. China and I don't mean just the Sino-Japanese wars. I know there aren't alot of Asian characters, but how about the Concessions in China? Most western countries plus Japan occupied China, so you could use European characters and it doesn't have to be canonverse how China was suffering, there could be human AU love stories too? Based in Tianjin, Shanghai, you name it... There were eight concessions in Tianjin at the same time at a point by AusHun, Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Russia, America's merged with Britain's, that wasn't WWII but still)
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vampyrluver · 3 years
heres a vague concept for a vampire oc thts been brewing in my brain for a long time, im using they pronouns bc i haven't figured out wht pronouns i want them 2 use nd idk wht name either.
- theyre from old powerful (royal?) money, they themselves arent technically like in line 4 royalty or anything (but thts bc they done goofed up nd lost ties w their family) but they sure still act like it
- bc of their lineage nd how they grew up, theyre very spoiled, selfish nd used to getting wht they want, they also had the tendancy to b manipulative nd sneaky nd very charming as a means of getting things to go their way (they use this a lot to their advantage)
- i have this idea in my head of when u first meet them theyre trapped in a mirror of sorts nd are not so much....begging to b let out but more....trying to persuade u nd charm u into letting them out (i saw this one post abt the mirror thing being the opposite where vampires only show up in mirrors but not irl nd im obsessed w it)
- theyre not a trusting person in the sense where they arent too fond of ppl knowing things abt them they kinda of just prefer to b an enigma
- i havent worked out the details yet but they had a falling out w their family, got banished or whatever due to smth they did (i want it to b smth thts rly bad, i wanna make it very clear they arent y the best person theyre a lil evil nd devious)
- as things would progress tho i like the idea of them chillin out nd not rly becoming a GOOD person (they're also gna b devious nd manipulative nd selfish) but at least w their close friends/acquaintances (they wont ever call u a friend to ur face) they like, are a bit more caring, i wont say nicer but...less mean lol
- theyre very over the top dramatic, read: evil gay coded cartoon villain
- of course theyre a lil bit sexy (as a treat)
- they have 2 parents nd 3 siblings, even tho they did smth bad to get banished their family isnt so perfect either, lots of dysfuntion nd trauma ensued in tht very fancy rich royal vampire mansion
- theh nd their family hold tons of secrets, theyre more powerful then u think
- they might b charming nd sexy but theyre also lowkey not as good at interacting w ppl as they thought bc being trapped for like, 100s of years does tht to u lol
this is all i have rn i think, but ill add more when i think abt more. im currently reading up on vampire lore bc yes
but thoughts? is this dumb? i just....luv evil vampires
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firesign23 · 4 years
JB AU: Jaime takes Joffrey to his therapy sessions. Cersei hates the new therapist for being so hard on her sweet boy. Jaime is definitely not attracted to this Dr. Brienne. He definitely hates her too. Definitely.
(1) This story starts shortly after after Tywin’s death, leaving Jaime the reluctant head of an extremely dysfuntional family. The good news is that it means he can insist on Joffrey getting therapy as a condition of Cersei staying with him after she leaves Robert, the bad news is… everything else.
(2) Brienne recommends family therapy sessions, and while Cersei’s reaction is a genuinely paranoid “She’s trying to take my child! We’re NORMAL, SO NORMAL, and she’s trying to take him, I bet Robert paid her” (because Robert is very much not above using the children to get what he wants in the divorce), it gives Jaime a push to pursue therapy, though with someone who isn’t showing up in his dreams naked and wielding a sword.
(3) Cersei’s paranoia grows stronger when she realises Brienne has a connection to Renly and she goes on the offensive, because clearly Jaime’s not man enough to protect his family. It means that Joffrey’s care is changed to another therapist, and Brienne believes that was Jaime’s decision because he does not trust her.
(4) They cross paths in a non-work setting and it’s so, so awkward. But with his new coping skills and realisations from therapy, Jaime manages to (a) recognise his emotions, and (b) have a moment of honesty that leaves them in a neutral place.
(5) They don’t see each other again for, like, a year. Then one day Jaime phones her office, asking if she has places available for Tommen and Myrcella, because he now has custody of his niece and younger nephew and Brienne’s the only person he thinks will get it. She returns the call on her lunch break, and they end up talking for some time before she tells him that she doesn’t think it would be a good idea--she knows that she can’t be as removed from the situation as she would need to be, but can refer them to really amazing therapist who specialises in children with their backgrounds. Jaime, recognising that this is an admission of some sort of feelings between them, asks her to dinner and the story ends on a hopeful note.
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.
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sparklyjojos · 5 years
[THE CHILDISH DARKNESS Recaps, Chapters 1-2]
Note 1: As this book is a direct sequel, it requires good knowledge of the events of Smoke, Soil or Sacrifices (recapped here).
Note 2: Please be aware that the book revolves around a dysfuntional family, bad relationships, heavy depression and self-harm, and that the narrator might not be a very morally upstanding man.
Note 3: Do not believe his lies.
Note 4: Or do. It’s your call.
Note 5: Different people want to believe in different stories, after all.
[tw: gore, body horror, csa, suicide, sorta homophobic undertones?]
[Our narrator is Natsukawa Saburou, a writer of trashy mystery novels and one of the older brothers of Shirou, the narrator of Smoke, Soil or Sacrifices.]
Saburou recalls his time in middle school when he was concerned about possibly being gay and in denial, since he liked to suck girls’ fingers and that’s ALMOST like blowing a guy, RIGHT? But his actually gay friend Okamoto Yasuhiro, known as Okachi, said that Saburou didn’t seem to be actually gay. On the other hand, their mutual friend Kaede seemed to him to have some lesbian vibes. (The three often hanged out together.) Okachi also claimed that while there is a line between straight and gay, it’s faint and sometimes cannot be seen clearly.
When they were In high school, Kaede’s father died in a work-related accident, and she reacted to it by eating a tremendous amount of food and falling into a few days worth of sleep. While she was sleeping her left arm started to swell unnaturally. As it turned out, a womb-like structure had developed there, along with a fast growing fetus, which was cut out in surgery and then cut out again when the same unbelievable event repeated. Kaede’s family claimed that maybe it was the dead father trying to come back to help Kaede, as she had a stalker called Araki Kazuo.
Whether the dad thing was true or not, Saburou decided to solve the problem by beating up Araki. The two engaged in a lot of fights escalating to using weapons. After learning about the problem, Saburou’s brother Shirou said that maybe their older brother Jirou was right: just beating up a guy wasn’t enough, you had to use much more drastic measures. Saburou followed this advice as far as cutting Araki’s two fingers off, internally horrified at the act and how much the threats coming out of his own mouth sounded like something Jirou would say. Upon returning home he popped the fingers in the fridge in case one of Araki’s buddies asked to get them back (nobody did) and sat down to play the piano to calm himself down.
At that time Saburou loved to play the piano, but only a single piece: Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3. No other music resonated with him so much, and as the result he was a rather poor pianist. One day when he heard the musically gifted Jirou play Beethoven, he was struck by the artistry and emotion heard in the piece. [By struck I mean he even popped a boner and had to go deal with it, because this is Maijo Otaro’s book.] The difference in skill between them was obvious and depressing. Then Saburou noticed that Jirou in all his genius seemed to get quickly bored with each piece and just randomly choose what to play. Maybe Jirou had genius, but Saburou had just enough skill to play the one piece he loved. Maybe their approaches were both okay. It was hard to judge.
While playing, Saburou thought about how Araki had yelled that his stalking was the proof of his love for Kaede. Surely there was a ‘love’ there, much like both sides of an abusive relationship may be convinced of their ‘love’. Maybe Kaede’s dead father also tried to return out of ‘love’, oblivious to the fact that each time he only hurt his daughter more and more.
[And then Saburou tried to lick those cut off fingers in the fridge and was like ‘well, I’m disgusted, and since these belonged to a guy that clearly means I’m not gay!” ...Whatever you say, narrator.]
What is a story?, the narrator is wondering. Why does it exist? Why don’t we employ our power of imagination solely to think of new ways to find shelter or food, but we need stories? Why do we need to give birth to fiction, something that doesn’t exist in this world? Why do we need the lies called a story?
The narrator believes that it’s because you can’t tell the truth using anything other than lies. Every writer knows that using a lie will make something seem more real than just faithfully recreating reality; will make deep emotions deeper. A story is a truth you want to tell, but told in lying words. Something that can ellicit joy greater than just plain laughter, or suffering greater than just normal pain. It’s not really something you explain as much as something you feel.
Maybe it’s not that the writer chooses a story, as much as the story has a chance meeting with the writer and can be transferred to others through him. Maybe that’s why no one can write just any story or pass down just any truth. The story is the one who conveys the truth by using the writer as a tool.
Certainly when Saburou was writing two novels in high school, The White Forest (白い森) and The Hymn (賛歌), he did want to convey truths: about commitment and detachment, and how one could at once be with others but still stay separated from them. When he came to write cheap mystery novels later, he ceased to be the tool of the story. Focusing on monetary gain, he wasn’t able to write something more real than reality.
Shirou noticed that and kept criticizing how stupid Saburou’s new novels were, how he’d sold himself out and that he’d become a factory producing the same thing in a different package over and over again, and even snapped one of Saburou’s books in half once. Saburou understood the point: he should be writing more important things and give his life some value. There was value to someone like Shirou, an ER surgeon saving lives every day, but Saburou didn’t really do nothing special.
After the recent case and Nozaki’s attack [see: Smoke, Soil or Sacrifices], 29-year-old Saburou started to feel like now that he had witnessed a true case, he wouldn’t be able to lie convincingly in his novels, and therefore would be unable to convey the truth. He gave up on the idea of turning the Nozaki case into a book, even if it’d bring a lot of money. Or maybe that was just his attempt to escape the reality of what happened.
Saburou called his editors and announced he’s not going to write anything anymore. He had stable income from a cram school he had once established (with an apt acronym of NAPS), and since nobody there really liked him coming around and trying to help, he could fill his time with whatever else he wanted.
At first he focused on sleeping with women. Many women, who tended to be the girlfriends and wives of his friends. So many women that in an attempt to take each one to a different hotel, he sort of ran out of all good hotels in Fukui, and only then realized how ridiculous this whole way of living was and maybe he should focus on something else.
For some time he was playing the piano in a club called Super Dash Penguins [clearly the greatest club name ever] near the Fukui station. He was doing pretty good when imitating famous jazz pianists, and maybe that was precisely what he was best at: not doing anything original of his own, just putting a little twist on something created by others.
Around that time, in March, Saburou accidentally witnessed a teenage girl burying a mannequin in the middle of a field. Quite suspicious activity, seeing as the case of Nozaki burying multiple women was still fresh in everyone’s mind. So when the girl then rode her bike past his car, he decided to stealthily follow her [while commenting about how pretty she is in a highly creepy way. Er, narrator? Please stop?]. She was circling between what seemed to be her house and various places in Nishi Akatsuki, each time taking a mannequin from the shed, riding to some remote place and burying it. Saburou decided to investigate the shed while she was out, but during his first attempt he was almost caught by a thin bespectacled man wielding a hoe – probably her father – so he had to return to the car and wait for a more opportune time.
At the more opportune time, Saburou managed to sneak inside the shed and found a map of Nishi Akatsuki with fourteen red pins. Six of them marked the locations of Nozaki’s attacks, and eight pointed to the places where the girl had buried the mannequins.
Unable to do a lot more, Saburou returned home. His mother was still in a coma, his father Maruo and oldest brother Ichirou were still hospitalized, and Shirou spent a lot of time at his girlfriend Atena’s place, so Saburou was usually completely alone in the Natsukawa house. On that day, though, Shirou was home and slammed a news article on the table in front of him. Together with a bag containing a pair of real human legs.
The article provided the names of people who had gone missing since February, all having the surnames Aoki or Aikawa, which fit the pattern that Nozaki used to choose victims. What’s more, the disembodied legs that probably belonged to a missing person were found buried in a location that would lie on top of Jawakutora’s spiral on the map of Nishi Akatsuki.
Saburou remembered the girl burying mannequins. While the points on her map seemed rather randomly chosen, she might have something to do with the copycat. Saburou was a little afraid that Shirou’s impulsiveness would result in him trying to punch the truth out of the girl, but it’s not like all Natsukawas didn’t have this sort of temper.
They arrived at the girl’s house. Shirou invited himself in and by being loud, flashy and acting like he had the full right to be here, got the girl’s father (who’s not the thin guy Saburou saw earlier) to show them her room. The father stated that the girl – Fuse Yurio – hadn’t shown any changes in behavior recently, but to be honest, she had always been a strange child in the first place.
Shirou in his chaotic investigation of Yurio’s room carelessly threw a lot of books on the ground: a lot of weird mystery novels in the vein of Nisio Isin and Seiryoin Ryusui, as well as a plethora of paranormal trash, mostly about UFO. (“Oh, look, now these are some really stupid books,” Shirou said throwing Saburou’s entire Runbaba series to the ground. Fair enough.)  Finally Shirou found a suspicious bundle of volumes held together with a rubber band saying DON’T TOUCH ME, using hundreds of tiny kanji for ‘death’ to make the letters. How very teenage. The bundle contained several tomes with novel-like titles, one of them called Runbaba Notebook and featuring a poor picture of very effeminately looking Runbaba.
Shirou noticed aloud that the first character of each title put together created a message: Dad comes into the room at night. The possible implication made Saburou so outraged he wanted to jump at Yurio’s father with fists before they even tried to make sure there’s really abuse going on, but Shirou managed to stop him. The father claimed that he had no idea what the message was about. Yurio was apparently weird enough to do a creepy thing like that randomly. Shirou decided he’d want to hear the explanation from the source, but it seemed Yurio didn’t have a cellphone he could call.
Further investigation revealed a file titled ‘suicide note’ on Yurio’s PC, containing a description of her being abused sexually by her father, and: “I just want to know that at least my life is my own. My body will soon disappear from this Earth.”
Saburou really did punch the father this time and Shirou had to hold him back to prevent carnage (“Sorry Mr. Fuse, this guy here loves kids and snaps when he hears about child abuse”). While Shirou acknowledged the abuse might really be happening, he also couldn’t ignore the possibility that this could be just a kind of a cry for attention on Yurio’s part, or that it may be a sort of self-harm done in one own’s imagination.
Shirou then found a set of school books and a middle school uniform, all unused, and only then did Saburou realize that the girl had been out in the fields during school hours. According to the father, Yurio had been homeschooled even since she’d refused to attend classes, probably because her unusual personality had made her a target for bullies. Shirou asked for a way of contacting Yurio’s peers that still were friends with her.
While the father left the room to put together a phone number list, Shirou scolded Saburou for punching people without thinking. “Seems you haven’t used your head properly in years! Is it going to take another dead Runbaba and closing yourself in that damn warehouse for you to actually think?!” Saburou didn’t have an answer to that. Shirou asserted that right now the most pressing issue wasn’t figuring out all the family’s issues, but finding Yurio, who might have really been planning suicide.
And so Saburou had to focus on thinking. He couldn’t afford another Runbaba, couldn’t just close himself off from the world in some dark place. Finding this girl was all that mattered, this girl who smelled of citrus fruit and would surely grow up into a beautiful woman one day [um, narrator, your focus on those things in a thirteen-year-old girl is kinda creepy].
Shirou got a call from his friend Sanbonsugi, who had been watching the place that those disembodied legs had been found at. Sanbonsugi witnessed the murderer coming back to the crime scene. The man’s description exactly matched that of the man with glasses that Saburou had seen snooping around Yurio’s house earlier.
Shirou found a mostly destroyed notebook in an oil drum used to burn trash, which could mean Yurio got rid of the evidence for whatever plan she had in mind. The map in the shed had a new addition that Saburou hadn’t seen earlier, a sentence scrawled on it: YOU CAN’T FIND ME.
The two brothers got moving through the town. Shirou called each person from the list that the father had provided and learned that apparently Yurio had a boyfriend. [“Don’t look so down about it, you lolicon,” Shirou said towards Saburou. Thanks for recognizing the creepiness, dude.] The boyfriend was a sixteen-year-old Hashimoto Takashi. (“Seems you’re not the only lolicon around, huh?”) The brothers split, Saburou searching for the boyfriend and Yurio, while Shirou went on to catch the glasses-wearing murderer.
Saburou was unsuccessful in getting any information from Hashimoto’s parents. They didn’t seem to be interested in their son’s life in the slightest and had no idea who Fuse Yurio was.
Meanwhile, Shirou and his friend caught the murderer while he was checking on the buried body parts. The guy was Takano Yoshiki from the neighboring town Nanjou, and when Shirou arrived at his house, inside he found Yurio’s boyfriend Hashimoto Takashi, dead from suffocation, still tied to a chair with tape.
After beating the shit out of Takano, Shirou discovered yet another map of Nishi Akatsuki covered with pins, this one portraying what Takano had been attempting to do by burying the body parts: draw a giant monkey similar to that of the Nazca Lines. Jawakutora’s spiral would create the monkey’s tail.
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After Shirou called Saburou, and after they beat the hell out of Takano once again, they asked him about the reason for drawing the picture. Takano answered,
“For Great Jawakutora.”
This time it was Saburou who had to pull his brother away to prevent murder.
Saburou then found Hashimoto’s sports bag. Stuffed inside was an array of nine balls used in different sports as well as a globe. The soccer ball had a paper ring around it. It must have symbolized Saturn, the globe – the Earth, and the rest – the other planets and the Sun. Why would a high schooler lug those around? Why would the same high schooler be killed? Maybe he and Yurio planned to do something that interferred with Takano’s little project. That would explain why Takano had been hanging around her house with a hoe: to follow her and dig up the mannequins so they wouldn’t mess up his Nazca monkey design. But what image could be created using ten “celestial bodies” and eight mannequins... and six buried women?
Saburou couldn’t figure this out, but Shirou put two and two together as soon as he saw it, running to the nearby computer to search for it (using awful dial-up Internet, because this is early 2000s) and make sure.
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The Pioneer plaque was sent to space twice, on board of Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. Aside from a drawing of two humans and the Pioneer probe, it also featured a message for the aliens on how to find the probe’s origin. The pulsar map using 14 pulsars -- that starburst shape on the left side of the plaque -- could be used to calculate the position of the Sun, and the drawing of the Solar System below pointed to the third planet from the Sun.
Ten objects of the Solar System, fourteen pulsars. Ten balls, six buried women and eight mannequins. A strange girl obsessed with UFO could definitely come up with something like this.
Shirou said that the pulsar map could be pointing them to where Yurio is. Her writing YOU CAN’T FIND ME might have meant that she desperately wanted to be found. Clearly, this was the time for Saburou to step in. Saburou replied that he wasn’t the one who had managed to find all those clues, but Shirou retorted that it had been Saburou who had already found Yurio once, and Shirou wouldn’t be able to figure the situation out without that.
So Saburou started to think about where Yurio could be. Maybe she and her boyfriend Hashimoto had planned to kill themselves so that their naked bodies would symbolize the man and the woman from the Pioneer plaque. If so, then maybe the additional fifteenth line of the pulsar map – the galactic plane – would point to them, just like it seemed to point to the two humans in the drawing.
Saburou put on his warmest clothes (even March is quite cold in Nishi Akatsuki) and walked deep into the dark mountains, moving along the ‘galactic plane’ towards the Hand Pond, called so after its characteristic hand-like shape. The lake seemed like an appropriate place for a meeting between two teens.
The mountain forest at night was cold and frightening, mostly because of the possibility of walking into a bear. But also because of an urban legend claiming that a family of cannibals known as Chiuhi lived in secret underground tunnels stretching all throughout the mountains, and that they’d be more than ready to pull a lonely wanderer like him into a hole and eat him.
Although what really scared Saburou was the possibility of Jirou somehow being there, that horrifying man ready to enact revenge on the family starting from his younger brother.
Finally Saburou caught the distant glimpse of the pond glinting with moonlight. Finally a spot of light in the oppresive darkness. Was Yurio still alive? Dead? If she had already died, then maybe exhausted Saburou could just lie next to her instead of Hashimoto and die too so her efforts wouldn’t be in vain, or something.
Upon arriving at the moonlit lake Saburou turned off his flashlight and became one with the darkness.
It wasn’t a bad feeling. Maybe once you’re caught by the very thing you’re afraid of, there’s no further point in fearing it.
In the quiet darkness, Saburou heard music coming from within him. Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3. He whistled to the tune and in response heard a small sound somewhere in the darkness. Was that Yurio? A bear? The Chiuhi? Jirou? A UFO full of aliens? He continued to whistle until someone asked, “Who’s there?” A girl’s voice with no discernible emotion.
Saburou thought that maybe it’d be better if aliens really showed up right now, responding to “the Pioneer plaque” or maybe “the Nazca monkey”. People had killed or were planning to die just to make these images. That’s why the aliens really should notice them and show up.
If Saburou was writing a novel about all this, he’d certainly make that happen.
A story passed from an enthusiathic creator to the recipient in the sky...
Even if it’d be a lie, that’d be okay. After all, it was the known truth of stories that a person’s great effort would without fail be noticed by someone else.
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lulufeca · 6 years
Ever since Hurricane Bianca 2 teaser came to our lives, people loved the return of russian Katya and her club.
So @iqkittygirl wrote a Club Katya fanfic called:
Welcome to Club Katya
Here Trixie comes to LA to pursue her dream to become a singer, leaving family and a boyfriend back home. Talking to Craig she gets to know Katya and her burlesque club, also the girls working there. First she only makes friends with them and finds a day job to be able to have money. And soon we start to know her.
This Trixie makes me worried. She is a wonderful girl, fighting her way to be herself. She start to like her boss (Katya) and keeps getting in really big troubles like Sleeping Beauty drugs, her boyfriend comes to get her back, house problems and she has a crush for Katya who looks like is trying hard to keep the professional relationship and not a power play. Trixie has the worst kind of way to understand her relationships, she is full into the circle of abuse and cant get away from it. Poor child is running to any kind of care someone gives to her, craving affection and suffering dysfuntional actions and thoughts, without undertanding that Katya is her boss and she knows everything. Katya has her own troubles to deal, worries about the safety of her girls and seems like she loves Trixie in some way, but knows how that girl had fucked up relations before coming to Club Katya.
Oh, other thing I like: money problem. You can have two jobs and they can pay you not enough to have a life, rent and food. How dificult can be to rent in a place that raises your payment and you dont pay attention to the contracts you sign (please, read before signing anything).
I dont think the writer is near the end, but I wanted to support this story. 
Go read
Go comment.
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odinspattern · 4 years
stars and romance through texts?
Congratulations, you picked 2/3 that are actually about Lilli! Both of them are very different.
The first is called Stars because Lilli has this strange afinity to the vastness of the nightsky. She is not really a stargazer, nor does she contemplate the universe that often. But like. She yelled at the moon (which was actually about feeling like her entire family has abandoned her and feeling like she is held to a different standard than others. She sees others getting praise for trying while she... does not or is met with a lot of fustration. Which is not always directed at her but more of the whole situation that surounds her.) In this way she awakened Tyr’s interest. So I wanted a kind of companion piece to this. Not only to explain how it is really different circumstance though she is once again doing something really reckless and is centered around the sky.
Writing it also allows me to really get under Lilli’s skin in a way that is hard to do in sessions for two reasons. A, we are playing and and B, Lilli has met so much rejection that she tries to hide most of her pain. Which is also why she is so chaotic, It isn’t all fun. She acts out because she believes no one truly cares and her behaviour patterns are really dysfuntional. And here we get to look closer at those behavious.
So! The story is actually pretty simple in turns of plot. In the story Lilli climbs the highest building in Red Larch and then tries to coerce Tyr to show so that he can see the stars from the same angle as she does, which is Lilli speak for; you and I are friends and I am thankful that you have my back and trust me. Meanwhile there are lot of snippets laced in of how Lilli’s interactions with her clan are like and explain some of her thought processes.
 Sixteen years ago
"Arre, Lilligeant," her aunt pinched the flesh between her eyebrows. Her voice was in that fustrated ever suffering voice that it took whenever Lilli talked to her. Lilli's shoulders tightened as she exaled in barely contained dread. The older gnome was dressed in the colors of her own clan. Grey and blue, which was a nice contrast to her brown skin. "You really ought to think through your actions."
Present day
Lilli tugged at the strap that held the party's backpack's lid secure. It slid open with ease, the leather smooth in her hands. She lifted her head up. Raven was already curled into a small featal position with her back turned towards Lilli. The small gnome frowned. There was no telling if the elven woman was asleep or not. Her breath was coming out in slow and relaxed puffs. Then again, she could be pretending. They had met a day ago, and Lilli had no idea how experienced she was with acting. Lilli shook her head and turned her gaze back on her task. Her hands found a small, slick and leathery item. Grinning inwardly, she pulled them out. They were smaller than she expected. And blue to boot. The gloves of swimming and climbing was a big investment. The vendor had claimed that the gloves would help you climb and swim. It had been a group purchase, and she was part of the group.
Surely the group would understand if she decided to try them out?
As soon as that thought came, she felt her mind do a jump. First Skade's blond face came up, her face twisted into a strict expression. Then it was on how she would never understand. But what was never anyway? It was a foreign concept to most long lived people. Gnomish straight up didn't have that word, they borrowed a word from undercomon. Did elves ever think of the never? Was it a dark elf matter? And wasn't Skade always more okay than she expected? After all her mind was a little devious, despite her noble upbringing. That made her think of how different she and Benjamin was. If only someone could teach him fun. Yes, this was going to be fun. But it wasn't just for a game. It was neccesary. And if things were neccesary, then it didn't matter if people understood.
Satisfied with the conclusions her mind had settled on, Lilli slid the strap back to close the backpack. She glanced up at Raven once more. No change. Deciding to just chance it, Lilli tip-toed through the carpeted room. 
Romance through texts is a lot simpler, haha. It is mostly about Lilli and her former love interest and criminal contact. Of course, Faerun doesn’t have cell phones but it is how I imagine their relationship went. Lilli’s texts are in bold.
Thank you for letting me stay over! Your grandmother is intense. 
haha, she is. again, i'm sorry about the misgendering. i wasn't sure if you wanted me to mention it or if you wanted to do it yourself. got kinda awkward there. 
You do not need to worry. She is old and it is natural that she would assume. Most people do. 
for the future, do you want me to challenge? i mean, i don't want you to feel in danger or to accidentally out you, say in public or whatever? but i'll respect if you want me to. 
... you are actually the first person to ever ask me that. Thank you.  Honestly, I thought that the reason you did not say something was because you didn't notice. Sometimes I don't. I... next time, just correct them. It is not like I always catch it myself, as I said. And honestly the people who want to run me down for being gnc trans would probably do it because I am a tiefling, you know?
sure thing. 
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nerdylittleshit · 7 years
Thoughts about Spn 12x13
So... Considering this was a Bucklemming episode, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Of course the last three, maybe four episodes have been among the best of this season, so let us not compare them too much. Like most motw-episodes this one brought the plot along, while also fixing some lose ends and might foretelling how the season might end for some characters.
So, let’s start this.
To me her parts were the most intersting of the episode. There is still so much we don’t know about her and I’m glad the show made her the complex character she is now. Her relationship with Mr. Ketch is kinda creepy. He certainly was flirting with her, but I think his interest in her is because he sees her as the perfect killer. Just the way he is. Like I said, creepy. And his little speech that this is the real her, that the ruthless huntress he has witnessed is the best version of her, was the most interesting to me. A killer, nothing more. Not a mom, no matter how hard she pretends. Which brings us again to season 6 and Dean’s time with Lisa and Ben. Because in the end he leaves them because he thinks he is a killer, nothing more. Not a father.
Dean: [...]What I'm good at... is slicing throats. I ain't a father. I'm a killer. And there's no changing that. I know that now.
Mr. Ketch: [...] But when you hunt, Mary. You're one of the best I've ever seen. You might play at being the good mummy. But when you're in the thick of it, nothing but a blade in your hand and blood in the air. That's the real you. The best you. And I think you know, and I think that scares the hell out of you.
As season 12 so far has been a subversion of season 6 Mary’s story might end different. It already did in the way she told her sons on her own that she worked together with the British MoL. And I’m really glad she did this, instead of seeing yet another Winchester keeping secrets until everything is too late. Does it hurt her sons? Of course. And they have very good reasons not to trust the MoL. And to be upset about Mary lying to them. But her coming clean to them is the best she could do.
Apart from the obvious parallel that I already mentioned Mary has been tied to Dean in other ways as well. Both enjoy some magic fingers and pay-per-view. And both are exellent liars. Which is the reason Dean could look right through her lying. And I’m pretty sure it will lead to some serious trust issues. I also wonder if all those Mary-Dean-parallels that we had all over the season serve as a way to foretell Dean’s arc? So far it was brought up to show us how much they have in common, that Dean is a lot like his mother, and again as a subversion of Dean wanting to be so desperately like his father. But maybe whatever will happen to Mary gives us clues to what will happen to Dean as well. We will see.
And two more things regarding the British MoL: Mr. Ketch sees them as his family. And while telling Mary she should keep her distance to her sons (because it makes her weak) he might offer her that they can become her family as well. With all the different families we have seen this season (and yet alone in this episode) the MoL might be the most interesting. Because honestly? So far I wouldn’t have seen them as a family. They don’t act like one. But it is something we should keep in mind for the future. Second: Will Lady Toni ever come back? Mr. Ketch and Mick are fun to watch, but I kinda miss her. And I still think there is a reason they showed her son. So. I keep waiting.
The MacLeods
And the winner for most dysfuntional family is.... surprisingly not the Winchester. I think once Dabb took over he looked at all the lose ends of past seasons and decided to fix at least this one. Because if Doctor Who taught us one thing it is thaz you can’t just change the past without consequences in the present. Or so I think. Anyway, Gavin’s trip to the 21st century resulted in the creation of a ghost and the painfull death of some teachers. Speking of, the teaser was one of the most scariest in a long time. Also, I headcanon the two lady teahers from the girls only school were girlfriends.
Gavin as a character was kind of underused. He was brought back to blackmail Crowley and now sent back to punish him. He had no real agency of his own, though I think his decision to sacrifice himself can be seen as such. He was a good man, certainly not like his grandmother or his father. Rowena even said so: “Fergus, he's not like us. He believes in things. Let him do what he believes is right.” I think both Rowena and Crowley cared about him in some ways, knowing that at least someone good came out of their family. And before the reveal Rowena wanted to bring back Gavin to his time (and his death) I thought she had learned her lesson that sometimes of you love someone you need to let them go and make their own decision. Maybe part of her did it out of that reason. And at least Sam and Dean might see it like this. I did wonder why Rowena was interested in her grandson in the first place when so far she had shown no real interest in her family/her son. Sam and Dean couldn’t know she was interested in him because of her revenge for Oskar, or otherwise they wouldn’t have brought them together. I think it is fair to assume Dean does indeed remember the conversation he had with Rowena in 12x11 and thought that after her reveal that she no longer cares about power she might take interest in her family. Either way, I think we will see some growth/development with Rowena; I don’t think everything about her grandson was faked.
So, let’s talk about Gavin and Fiona. In true Bucklemming fashion it wasn’t obviously enough to let Fiano die heartbroken on a sinking ship, no she needed to be raped first. Seriously, why do they have to include rape/sexual assault in almost all their episodes? I also wonder if Fiona killed herself because of that before the ship sunk or she died along with everyone else. The reason why she was after teachers especially was a bit clumsy. Anyway. I feel like Gavin’s story here might be a bit foretelling of what is yet to come. He is a man out of time, someone who should be technically dead and who doesn’t fit in in his new time. Upon learning of the consequences of his time travel (the rape of his fiancee, the deaths of innocents) he decides to fix everything in going back in time, sacrificing himself, and to be untited with the one he loved in eternity. I wonder if we see the same happening to Mary as well. Just as Gavin she should be dead and doesn’t fit in her new time. We don’t know of the consequences of her coming back. She still died in 1983, so the past wasn’t changed. But the present/future might still do. And we already saw her almost sacrificing herself in 12x09. Furthermore her spouse is dead, and her dying would mean she would be reunited with him. And with Crowley and Rowena we had family members who had to accept Gavin’s decision to sacrifice himself, just as Sam and Dean might have to do. Of course during Gavin’s return to his time the focus was on Dean, so it might be foretelling for him as well, and this is where all the Dean-Mary-parallels are aiming at. I still hope they find a better way than to kill Mary again. So far the season subverted the shows past way of dealing with this issues, so I hope they do it again.
Some other things:
We saw that Fiona was tied to the locket and that the locket travelled with the teachers to their school. But it needed to come back to the museum in order to find new victims? Except for one they all died not at the museum, but the locket needed to return there everytime for new victims. This doesn’t make sense. Bucklemming *sigh*
Dean remembered the year and town Gavin disappeared. One point for smart!Dean, or as I like to call him canon!Dean.
Also another experience point for witch!Sam.
And at last: the victims were all alive again? Does this mean everyones memory of their murders was rewritten as well? How come the Winchesters still remember? *sigh*
I like that they mentioned Cas, but also how come two angels and one demon could find Kelly but not Cas? He is a smart bean.
So Kelly needs protection. I actually thought her super powerfull child would protect her, because this is kind of a common trope. Also the line that once the child arrives her life will be over makes me more than ever believe that Kelly won’t survive this season.
Dagon seems pretty cool so far. I hope her power to explode angels won’t come up again (#protectCas2k17). Also gives a new light why Ramiel wanted to kill Cas with the spear instead of just exploding him. Anyway, I wonder why Dagon is so interested in nephilims. Was she one as well? Or made one? There has been some speculation if the princes of hell were fallen angels once. Ramiel at least sounded like an angelic name. Also according to the Wikipedia Ramiel is a fallen Watcher and leader of 200 angels that are turned into fallen Angels due to their taking wives, mating with human women, and teaching forbidden knowledge. So the princes could have a history with nephilims. She tells Kelly that her son could save them all. But who? The demons? And from what? The fact that Lucifer seems to be communicating with her is troubling.
With Dagon we also bring back the theme of stories who became stories: she tells Kelly that names like angel or demon are just labels and she shouldn’t believe everything she heard in sunday school. She paints angels and the Winchesters as the bad guys, but Lucifer and demons as the ones she can trust. Of course with the British MoL we already brought back the topic of a black-and-white-moral, dividing the world in good and bad and how dangerous this can be. Not everything is always as it appears.
And speaking of Lucifer. So there is a reason why he is not in the cage. And why his grace went down the vents. We were meant to be suspicious of this. Still, this is the most stupid Crowley could have done. I mean seriously? This just waits to fail spectecular. The cage is the safest prison for Lucifer. Having him in hell just to have his revenge on him? Crowley should be smarter than this.
I thought Lucifer might use the info Crowley has a son against him, but with Gavin dead again it is useless. Still, Lucifer knows that eventually Crowley at times gives a damn. also, petition for a sitcom with both Crowley and Lucifer raising their kids as single dads.
I like the fact they brought back Mark Pellegrino, because I like his version of Lucifer the best (though Misha comes real close). I also like that the show gave us an explanation why he was back in his old vessel. And the fact that they fixed the vessel means he will stay in it without wasting it. Works for me.
Finally, that song in the end montage (”Play with fire” by the Rolling Stones) was utterly familiar to me and here is why: they used it before in 6x22 (”The man who knew too much”). Another call back to season 6. I’m pretty sure smarter people than me have already worked out all the parallels between 6x22 and 12x13, so I won’t do it here.
Until next week, and if I have seen right the alpha!vampire (season 6, yet again).
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kimpossibleswarts · 4 years
(reblog) Covenants/Vows/Commitments.....Our Word means everything
Reblog from Jan 2010
God does not intend us to be emotional slaves to our circumstances. He expects us to consciously choose the right response to every situation and trust Him to cause “everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Obedience is a choice!   How many promises have I broken? Do I think before I commit?  Why do I promise or swear at all? My word should be as good as gold everytime.  My, "Yes" should be, "Yes" and my, "No" be my, "No" period! I enjoyed the teaching shared at church this morning. It was confirmed what we discussed in our Home church gathering.  We are individual dysfunctional if we are not 100% aligned to the Father in Christ, healthy and whole., Every single relationship we have is effected by the lack of health in that relationship.  First, my relationship with Chirst, then, with my spouse, my children, family, friends, church family, etc all come after that.  If one is broken, they are all potentially dysfunctional as a result. That explains a lot. They call our home "dysfuntion junction".  Thank God, in His grace, He accepts us as we are, draws us near and gives us New Life, through the sanctification process we participate in. Confession of sin, forgiveness, healing. Halleluja!!! "Father, God, it is my desire to honor You in all I do, to keep my word, remember the covenant you made to me,  Your people".  May I stop going astray and turn my heart back to follow the Good Shepherd daily. I desire to be wholly devoted to Him.  That means, counting the cost, no compromise, but through listening and hearing His voice, chose the Truth, and walking in the spirit, for, "Where the spirit is, there is liberty". Amen"
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cindabarth4546-blog · 6 years
Visit These Gret Tips On The Best Ways To Create Catfish Gears!
John Reginald Halliday Christie was actually endured in Yorkshire, England, in 1899. That's challenging for me to cope with an earless ear due to the fact that I always try to pay attention to people, yet i do not just like consistently reversing just so i can easily listen to an individual chat. Hard-gainers typically burn calories thus quick that they could certainly not be stashed as body fat or even made use of to construct muscle mass. Whatever takes place, one of my very first discoveries about lifestyle after swift manner is that when you gave up acquiring the most inexpensive, most handy things, you begin to receive imaginative, which gives me hope that there's one thing to this honest consumer concept, nevertheless. ( I am actually an actuary as well as have actually been head of state from the consulting arm of Http://Pieknabozdrowa.Info my worldwide body system as well as I have composed lots of papers not just on my specialty but on other topics where I have actually pieced together the partnerships in between exactly what shows up to most individuals to become fully dissimilar relevant information.) But I assume I have a response and it connects to a bodily ailment of my heart. Nevertheless, costochondritis can additionally arise from an upper body disease, including after breast or even soul surgical treatment. When very first time friends remain good friends for good, there are opportunities. The vocal that is actually as well loud injures the listeners' ears - the voice that is too soft is not being actually heard. Comply with the directions listed below on effective ways to construct a poly passage green property as well as you can plant seedlings or even starting seeds in simply a time. Primarily, absolutely nothing in my family members ever goes right, individuals getting sick, no funds, unhappy, everybody combating along with one another, and so on He repetitives his aficionado's label often times. But very most notably, this takes time for an organisation to grow its purchases and earnings - which inevitably equates in to potential amounts from revenues, cash flows and dividends. Although few might be actually troubled with a vampire bite (that we know of), a lot of have gone through some sort of perforation injury at once in life. Building sites are currently ending up being a shelter for hearing issues, as confirmed through National Principle for Occupational Protection as well as Health, which has predicted that a 25-year-old construction employee has the hearing from a HALF A CENTURY outdated without work sound exposures. What is very most fascinating in paying attention to this performance many times is that the band start off participating in well and also create energy along with every tune, also when the punters are silent, the band appear to become truly appreciating themselves. Like sensonral hearing loss or even nerves or even eustachcan cylinder dysfuntion or genectics. Create audio compact discs making use of the birthday party celebrant's most liked old-time classics, make and spare on compact discs a slide show of photos from the special day celebrant and also his friends and family, impress the guests along with gemstone- or even gold-themed benefits, prepare your own personal various great tasting cakes, or even generate vintage candy bags for the site visitors. Therefore, as quickly as I have determined one thing that may possess worth, it is opportunity to start a comprehensive research and due diligence method. When the emotional states are actually dismayed, the brain shifts to eliminate or even air travel method during which opportunity little or even no learning could happen up until the student is actually tranquil once more. QE3 published easy-money operated as a hand-out to Commercial as well as led to financial resource rising cost of living, and is resulting in additional serious unforeseen macroeconomic outcomes. If the firm is actually facing a money crisis that could quickly turn off the whole unit", advises a staff member who did work in a startup occasionally back. Working - If you do work in a workplace or even an open-plan workplace however locate yourself consistently sidetracked by individuals strolling through, phones calling, others talking, as well as the basic chaos that can be office lifestyle, sound reduction earphones can easily create a variation.
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