#Canada UFO Sighting's
ufosightingsfootage · 2 years
2 Amazing UFOs Filmed Yesterday 13th February 2023 Santiago Chile
2 UFOs filmed just yesterday over Santiago in Chile. These look like Cylindrical shaped UFOs and they're definitely moving towards the mountain.
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royalteachitchat · 2 years
Project Blue Beam: WEF Insider Reveals ‘Fake Alien Invasion’ Will Unite Humanity
Mainstream media usually presents UFO news as fringe stories for weirdos, but the media has gone UFO mad in the past week, reporting on sightings and events as serious news events.
Given that we know mainstream media takes orders from the global elite, and any shift in the narrative must be viewed with deep suspicion, the question must be asked, why have the media changed their narrative so dramatically?
According to reputable sources, the government are going to fake a global alien invasion in the year 2024, in order to usher in a one-world government.
Here’s where it gets really interesting.
In his 1994 book Project Blue Beam, investigative journalist Serge Monast writes that the United Nations, NASA, and other government agencies have been working in secret since 1983 on a top-secret operation called Project Blue Beam.
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paranormal-xfiles · 1 year
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Ufo orb
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ivovynckier · 2 years
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There are no UFOs, only spy balloons. If there were, François Truffaut would be there, making hand gestures at them.
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The Shag Harbor UFO
On the night of 4 October 1967, at about 11:20 pm Atlantic Daylight Time, it was reported that something had crashed into the waters of Shag Harbour. At least eleven people saw a low-flying lit object head towards the harbour. Multiple witnesses reported hearing a whistling sound "like a bomb," then a "whoosh," and finally a loud bang. The object was never officially identified, and was therefore referred to as an unidentified flying object (UFO) in Government of Canada documents. The Canadian military became involved in a subsequent rescue/recovery effort. The initial report was made by local resident Laurie Wickens and four of his friends. Driving through Shag Harbour, on Highway 3, they spotted a large object descending into the waters off the harbour. Attaining a better vantage point, Wickens and his friends saw an object floating 250 to 300 m (820 to 980 ft) offshore in the waters of Shag Harbour. Wickens contacted the RCMP detachment in Barrington Passage and reported he had seen a large airplane or small airliner crash into the waters off Shag Harbour. Assuming an aircraft had crashed, within about 15 minutes, two RCMP officers arrived at the scene. Concerned for survivors, the RCMP detachment contacted the Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) in Halifax to advise them of the situation and ask if any aircraft were missing. Before any attempt at rescue could be made, the flying object, with lights still showing, started to sink and disappeared from view. A rescue mission was quickly assembled. Within half an hour of the crash, local fishing boats went out to the crash site in the waters of the Gulf of Maine off Shag Harbour to look for survivors. No survivors, bodies or debris were taken, either by the fishermen or by a Canadian Coast Guard search and rescue cutter, which arrived about an hour later from nearby Clark's Harbour. By the next morning, RCC Halifax had determined that no aircraft were missing. While still tasked with the search, the captain of the Canadian Coast Guard cutter received a radio message from RCC Halifax that all commercial, private and military aircraft were accounted for along the eastern seaboard, in both Atlantic provinces and New England. The same morning, RCC Halifax also sent a priority telex to the "Air Desk" at air force headquarters in Ottawa, which handled all civilian and military UFO sightings, informing them of the crash and that all conventional explanations such as aircraft, flares, etc. had been dismissed. Therefore, this was labelled a "UFO Report." The head of the Air Desk then sent another priority telex to the navy headquarters concerning the "UFO Report" and recommended an underwater search be mounted. The navy, in turn, sent another priority telex tasking Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic with carrying out the search. Two days after the incident had been observed, a detachment of navy divers from Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic was assembled and for the next three days, they combed the seafloor of the Gulf of Maine off Shag Harbor looking for an object. The final report said no trace of an object was found.
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frank-olivier · 6 months
Society for Scientific Exploration
Within the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism there is a teaching that prepares human beings to achieve an enlightened state of consciousness and bodily transformation called the Rainbow Body. A few days after the death of a Master practitioner of the teachings, the body shrinks and then vanishes from sight. Witnesses report unusual phenomena in the locality of the deceased such as rainbows of various shapes in the sky, beautiful music heard from an unknown origin, and the scent of a fragrant perfume.
This comparative analysis explores the research done by Fr. Francis V. Tiso who details his investigation into the attainment of the Rainbow Body by Khenpo A Cho, a Tibetan monk, in 1998.
Similarities are noted between the recorded accounts made by fellow monks who witnessed the transformation of Khenpo A Cho and Biblical passages concerning the Transfiguration, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus, as well as the visionary experiences in the early 1800's of Anne Catherine Emmerich concerning the Assumption of Mother Mary. Also considered is the possibility that some of the orbs of light witnessed in association with the UFO/ UAP phenomena could be intelligent light beings manifesting in our perceptual realm.
This presentation is a exploration into wisdom teachings concerning who we may be and who we may become. Is the bodily transformation into a body of light the next step on humanity's evolutionary path? Are the orbs of light people experience showing us a glimpse into a far more wondrous reality filled with intelligent beings that exist all around us?
Kathleen B. Covalt: Becoming Light (March 2024)
Grant Cameron (Whitehouse UFO)
2024 Orb Update With experiencer Chris Bledsoe and the people at Skinwalker Ranch talking about orbs. I bring in many of the top orb experts in the world who control at least 400,000 photos. The orbologists join me from Canada, Scotland, Holland, and the United States.
Orb Panel Update (March 2024)
Robbert van den Broeke
Robbert van den Broeke: Lichtbol boven veld, gefilmd door Robbert (August 2017)
The Doors - Light My Fire
Thursday, March 14, 2024
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thenexusrealms · 23 days
Nexis Web
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Location….. AIU Headquarters, London. The GUARD Anomaly Investigation Unit (AIU) headquarters are hidden amidst a fortress of advanced technological and global surveillance, buried deep beneath the City of London. The outside world was blissfully unaware of its existence and wider GUARD organisation, GUARD standing for Global United Alliance of Research and Defence. GUARD was created as a PACT to protect Earth from external threats but also to research the wider galaxies, within GUARD you have many units one of which is the AIU whose job it is to investigate any and all unexplained anomalies.
Within the HQ on this one particular evening, Detective Jenna Collins of the AIU walked briskly through the command centre, her eyes scanning the streams of data and live feeds flashing across the large array of monitors that lined the room. The air was thick with the hum of computers, the occasional murmur of an analyst working and the distant sound of a news broadcast playing on one of the screens.
“Boss, you need to see this,” said Noah Grant, the unit’s tech analyst, his voice tinged with urgency. He gestured towards one of the main monitors, where a cluster of reports and social media posts began to surface, originating from Ottawa, Canada.
Jenna leaned in, her brow furrowing as she read the headlines and social media posts, even snippets from police radio chatting that had been intercepted. They all followed similar to…
“Homeless man found dead with unexplained green scales on skin. Cause of Death, unknown”.
Ottawa Authorities Baffled by Mysterious Deaths in Downtown Area.
“A lizard man has been found in my City, OMG” — One resident posted on social media.
Noah typed rapidly on his holographic keyboard, pulling up more detailed reports. “It’s not just one case, it seems to be multiple in the City, four bodies in the last two weeks all showing similar symptoms of scale with no visible injuries”.
Jenna’s mind raced as she processed the information. This was new, never experienced by AIU before, with green scales on the skin, something was off and Jenna knew her team needed to take control of the situation.
“Looks like we are heading to Ottawa,” Jenna said, calm but decisive. She turned to Liam Reyes, an agent of Jenna’s team, who was sat quietly at his desk. “Reyes, alert the team we are heading out to Ottawa immediately”.
Jenna and her team started preparing for deployment, this was nothing new the AIU investigated loads of unexplained occurrences from UFO sightings to disappearances they chased up leads, but this time the issue was a public outcry and rumours causing unrest.
Jenna pulled a secure line to brief Director-General Adrian Blackwood, who was meeting with other GUARD directorates in GUARD Asia Headquarters in Jinju, South Korea.
“Collins, this best be important I’m about to meet the South Korean president” Adrian said with authority as he answered the line. “Director, we’ve identified a potential anomaly in Ottawa Canada, Four dead all showing signs of an unknown condition, scales on their skin” Jenna replied.
“Scales, like reptile scales Collins”? Responded Adrian confused and concerned. “Yes director” Jenna quickly responded.
“Okay then, get the team over their liaises with the GUARD North America office, keep me posted, oh and Jenna try to keep this under we don’t want this getting out of hand over social media” Responded Adrian. “Copy that,” Jenna said as the line cut.
The team gathered in the departure bay, where a sleek, unmarked aircraft awaited them. As they boarded, the team was chatting away, GUARD units always carry their own weapons and land at GUARD facilities which are stationed in every major City across the globe, the aircraft they were travelling in was a GUARD GVT-11 a VTOL aircraft that was most commonly used by the AIU for international travel.
Arriving in Ottawa, snow blanketed the streets and cold immediately hit the team.
“Bloody hell it’s cold here” Said Liam as he stepped off the GVT and shook the hand of North American GUARD colleague Rodrigo.
“Welcome to Canada” Rodrigo shouts with his arms sprung out either side of him.
“You must be Rodrigo” Jenna states jumping off the last part of the steps from the GVT grabbing Rodrigo’s hand and shaking it.
“It certainly is, shall we get you set up we have a temporary GUARD facility downtown” Rodrigo responds.
The team put their bags into the 3 GUARD Tactical SUV’s known as GTS-7.
“Reyes and Tan, you two head straight down to the scene and try gain control, Rodrigo we will join you at the facility and get set up” Collins states.
“Yes Ma’am” Responds Rodrigo.
Liam Reyes and Communication specialist Emily Tan arrive at the scene, on arrival they are greeted by a Sergeant within Ottawa Police Force.
“You must be these GUARD agents my superior told me about, no idea who you guys are but I’ve been told to hand this over to you guys and I am happy for it, good luck!” Said the Officer as he walked the pair down to the scene.
“So I hear there have been 4 bodies so far discovered of similar markings” Reyes questions the officer.
“Markings, you mean scales boy they are not markings they are scales like a gator” The officers stops and looks directly at Reyes stress and concern in his eyes.
“Sergeant, we will need access to all the bodies if possible,” Emily asks politely.
“All yours, me and my team will get wrapped up I’ll leave two officers to man the scene for you anything else here’s my card give me a call” The officer states before leaving in his police cruiser.
Emily and Reyes stand over the body, a male frozen but scales in the creases of his right arm and neck, green scales like that of a reptile, Liam bends down over using a pen to prod the scales.
A voice shouts “Liam don’t touch the bloody body” it is the AIU Forensic Specialist Claire Hart a colourful person with bright pink hair, gothic dress style and large platform boots.
“Claire, glad you’ve made it down any ideas on what we are looking at?” Says Reyes.
“I’m good Liam but not that good give me some time, let’s take some photos, Emily can you do a holographic scan of the body and area so we can assess back at the GUARD facility Collins wants this wrapped up and out of Public view,” Says Claire.
Emily gets out her SpectraScan 360, a cutting-edge device that is handheld and used in forensics by GUARD units. The device allows rapid capture and reconstructs crime scenes in high detail, three-dimensional holographic imagery. Emily begins to take the scan walking around the body and the surrounding areas allowing full detail to be reviewed in a secure location.
Once the scan is complete, Liam and Claire move the body into a ChronoBag which is a high-tech containment unit that services as both a body bag and a preservation chamber. The ChronoBag is designed to preserve deceased bodies in a perfectly static state, allowing GUARD’s Forensic teams to transport and analyse remains without any degradation or further contamination.
The team loaded the body onto a Forensic conversion of the GTS-7 and headed back to the facility allowing Ottawa police to clean up the scene.
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dailyp1anet · 8 months
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By Lois Lane, Senior Staff Writer
PUBLISHED: 23:00, 13th December 2013 | UPDATED: 23:46, 13th December 2013
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STRANGE VISITOR? Satellite footage taken from Wayne Enterprises.
An epic showdown over the skies of metropolis, the caped wonder we now call Superman, along with the United States Air Force, defeated a group of alien terrorists attempting to destroy the city and ultimately, the world.
Days ago General Zod and his Kryptonian army invaded global airspace, and declared the citizens of the Earth were harbouring a fugitive from the planet called Krypton. As government agencies scrambled to respond, clues about the alien living among us had already been discovered deep beneath a glacier in the Canadian Arctic Region, specifically Ellesmere Island. Embedded with the military and scientific teams of NORTHCOM, I witnessed their detection of a mass concealed in the ice. It was first believed that what they had found was Soviet era submarine, what they discovered was actually something much more exotic.
Interestingly, a series of UFO sightings occurred in the Manitoba region between 1975 and 1976. A mysterious signal began to emanate from beneath the ice of Ellesmere Island sometime in 2012, which was detected by a NASA satellite. The satellite then picked out an anomaly within the ice shelves. A mission to scope the icefield was commissioned in 2012 at the same site as Scout Ship 0344. Only, the Scout Ship was discovered a year later when I arrived.
An isotope analysis of the surrounding ice bores suggested that an object had been trapped in the glacier for over 18,000 years. The Pentagon was quick to deny any such encounter, but when the ship broke through its icy bounds and disappeared into the sky, questions were raised from locals in the area. Civilian contractors corroborated my recollection and their description of the ship matched my own. I had a firsthand experience in dealing with the alien visitor. He had secured a job working on the military base stationed just outside of Yellowknife, the capital, and the only city, and has the largest community in the Northwest Territories of Canada.
I followed the mystery man into the glacier, when I was scoping the area. He seemed to have known how the ship operated and activated it successfully. He rescued me when I was wounded from a Kryptonian robot, he possessed godlike strength and could shoot heat lasers from his eyes. My rescuer saved me from death, for which I am eternally grateful. I was unable to regain consciousness for a prolonged period of time and when I woke up, I was taken back to mainland Canada by military personnel with no answers from my questions posed by this appearance of an alien ship.
As for my rescuer? He disappeared during the object's departure. A background check revealed that his work history and identity had been falsified. The questions raised by my rescuer's existence were frightening to contemplate, but I also know what I saw I arrived at the inescapable conclusion that the object and its occupant did not originate on earth. Teams from across the world tried to track the ship, but were unable to locate its whereabouts.
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walrusmagazine · 2 years
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What UFO Fears Tell Us about Trust in Government
The horrors of the world wars shook public confidence in technical expertise and the state’s ability to ensure the safety of its citizens
Sightings of UFOs remain steady today, although citizen organizations now perform all the data collection and analysis. This small, disconnected group of citizens, which began writing to the government for answers in the early 1960s, still exists today and continues to ask the same questions. A recent edited collection of essays by leading ufologists notes that, some seventy-five years after the Kenneth Arnold sighting and the alleged Roswell crash, we arguably know no more than we did then: “The UFO field has produced thousands of dedicated researchers over the years, and reams of literature; but to what end? What can we claim to know conclusively today about the underlying nature of UFO phenomena that we didn’t know in the late-1940s?”
We do know one thing. Namely, that the UFO issue in Canada represents a failure on both sides: citizens unable to convince the state of the reality of flying saucers and extraterrestrials, and the state unable to convince its citizens the pursuit was utterly irrational.
Read more at thewalrus.ca.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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In the latest aid package, the US sends new missiles to Ukraine
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/01/2023 - 12:00 in Military, War Zones
The Biden administration revealed its thirty-ninth shipment of equipment to Ukraine, valued at up to $300 million to help in its defense against Russia.
The new security assistance includes artillery, anti-armoured features and ammunition, including tens of millions of small arms ammunition cartridges.
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In addition, among the items included are additional ammunition for Patriot air defense systems, AIM-7 missiles for air defense, Avenger air defense systems, Stinger anti-aircraft systems and additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS).
This is the first official confirmation of the transfer of the AIM-7 Sparrow (Air Intercept Missile) to Ukraine. Although the AIM-7 is originally an air-to-air missile with semi-active radar, it will be employed by Ukraine's Buk-M1 surface-to-air missile system, increasing its air defense capabilities. Developed by Raytheon, the first variants of the missile entered U.S. military service in the 1960s.
In addition, the package also includes 155 mm and 105 mm artillery cartridges, 105 mm tank ammunition, precision aerial ammunition, Zuni rockets and ammunition for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).
In addition, it provides AT-4 anti-shield systems, more than 30 million small arms ammunition, mine removal equipment and systems, demolition ammunition for obstacle removal, night vision devices, spare parts, generators and other field equipment.
After President Biden's meeting with President Zelensky at the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, in May 2021, the United States held its thirty-eighth instance of withdrawal of equipment to Ukraine.
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A 9K37M1 Buk-M1 Ukrainian TELAR. (Photo: VoidWanderer/Wikimedia Commons)
In total, the U.S. has committed $38.3 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden administration, which includes more than $37.6 billion provided since the start of the invasion of Russia on February 24, 2022.
“The United States will continue to work with its allies and partners to provide Ukraine with resources to meet the immediate needs of the battlefield and long-term security assistance requirements,” the Department of Defense said.
Tags: armamentsMilitary AviationWar Zones
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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Mass UFO Encounter Light Formation Stuns Eye Witness
Some are suggesting portals, but what whatever these UFOs are (or phenomena) they're hovering over a field and it's been filmed from a moving car. That's all we know. Check this out.
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royalteachitchat · 2 years
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the-drunk-game-master · 10 months
It's actually wild to discover that the whole "United States covers up UFO sightings" is not only a real thing, but not for any maniacle X-Files reason.
They're just lazy. That's it. They told the Project Bluebook guys to just say it's always a weather balloon or swamp gas, because they just didn't want to deal with the threat of alien visitors. if it wasn't the russians, they didn't give a shit.
it's the same with the shitty railways and the lead water pipes. people say "Hey, can you fix the roads?" and they say "Nope, too much money and time" and that's the same response when someone says they got probed by aliens.
If a fighter pilot saw a UFO their superiors would just say "No you didn't"
Shows like X-Files and Stargate always made it seem like the government was using crashed alien spaceships to make super fast stealth jets, but like... they just ignore it. they can't be bothered.
Maybe in Canada and Europe they actually do have some sort of science team working on this, but.. but damn. it's so fucking disapointing.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Alexander Panetta
June 7, 2023
The Canadian government has confirmed its participation in a first-of-its kind international meeting on unidentified flying objects hosted at United States military headquarters.
The gathering at the Pentagon late last month comes amid a burst of activity in Washington and eye-popping news reports related to so-called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).
It featured a U.S.-led briefing to visitors from nations of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance, which includes Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
The Canadian Department of National Defence told CBC News in an email that Canada attended the meeting, led by a Royal Canadian Air Force representative.
"The details of the meeting remain classified," DND said in an email. "It can be characterized as the sharing of information on the subject of UAP and no further details can be shared at this time."
The meeting featured a presentation by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick — the veteran scientist in the U.S. national-defence establishment who leads the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), a new entity created in 2022 to lead UAP-related activities for the U.S. military.
Kirkpatrick publicly revealed the Five Eyes gathering last week while speaking at a public conference hosted by NASA.
"I have just held our first Five Eyes forum on this subject," Kirkpatrick said.
He explained the goal of meeting allies: to co-ordinate more closely with friendly nations in pooling information on UAP sightings.
The creation of his office is part of a surge in activity following a 2017 report in The New York Times on bizarre sightings kept secret by the U.S. military.
In the wake of that report, Kirkpatrick's office was created, the U.S. government now produces an annual report on UAP sightings and Congress created a system for government whistleblowers to report sightings.
Now two of the journalists who wrote that watershed 2017 report have taken one giant leap forward — and reported extraordinary new allegations.
This week they described jaw-dropping new claims from a decorated former combat officer who served as the U.S. Department of Defense's representative to a UAP task force from 2019 to 2021.
Jaw-dropping new claims
David Grusch was quoted in their print report, and in a later televised interview, saying the United States has in its possession aircraft of non-human origin.
And not just one aircraft, he says — but many.
He says the discoveries are numerous, involving everything from wreckage up to intact vehicles, and he says these items have been collected for decades — by the U.S. government, by allies and by defence contractors.
He says this information is being illegally withheld from members of Congress and he's alerted them as well as the inspector general for the American intelligence community.
NASA UFO panel says stigma, lack of data are problems when studying 'unidentified aerial phenomena'
Authors who reported on his allegations for the science site The Debrief quoted other U.S. officials vouching for Grusch's credibility, including Jonathan Grey, an officer in the intelligence community with a top-secret clearance.
"The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone.… Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us," Grey says in the report.
This, to be clear, is not the official United States government line.
There is no credible evidence to date of extraterrestrial activity, non-earthly technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics, Kirkpatrick said in recent testimony before the United States Senate. 
Additionally, the latest annual UAP report did not cite any evidence of extraterrestrial technology. 
It said that of 366 recorded sightings, 163 wound up being balloons or balloon-like entities, 26 were categorized as unmanned aerial vehicles and six were aerospace clutter.
However, it said 171 sightings remain unexplained.
The U.S. military disputes Grusch's suggestion that it holds evidence of alien aircraft. 
In an email to CBC News, Pentagon spokeswoman Sue Gough said, "AARO has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently."
She said AARO is committed to following the data and its investigation wherever it leads.
Watch video clip.
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