#Captain Grey
greydepa · 6 months
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Anyone who has read the Kanan comic books knows Depa Billaba is almost a mother figure to her padawan Caleb Dume in those books. So I thought this commission of Depa & Captain Grey kissing and Caleb peeking in and calling her Mom would be funny.
Artist: Sophia Filsoofit
Instagram: @vivid.abyss
Check out her Instagram for more of her work and if your interested in a commission.
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mock-arts · 1 year
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My main piece from the @vodeanzine! Gree, Buzz, and Grey lookin at some funky alien fish.
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uppyr-blr · 6 months
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commission for @greydepa ! (they have alot of other amazing greydepa art from other artists, do check out!)
love me a good jedixclone ship tehe
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Feverish Flirtations
Summary: You've been the lead medic for General Billaba's battalion for awhile now and you've had a crush on Captain Grey for almost as long. What happens when a fever and a trip to the med bay loosens the Captain's tongue? Pairing: Captain Grey x Reader Rating: Gen (but minors DNI) Word Count: 4,219 A.N: This is for the wonderful, beautiful, and lovely @imarvelatthestars ! While writing this I think I may have become a Grey fan lol. Also, I know there's some inconsistencies with him from the comics, like having the rank of Commander in the comics but Captain in TBB. I went ahead and went with Captain since TBB is more recent, but I included the characters Styles and Stance from the comics since they're the only other named clones from their battalion. Anyway, I really hope you like my interpretation of Grey's character and that you enjoy this little fics!
Warnings: Mentions of medical procedures and illness.
“I’m telling you I’m fine, Doc, you just said the bleeding is internal- that’s where the blood’s supposed to be!”
Your eyes flickered up from your datapad to meet the clone’s attempt at a charming grin. A part of you wanted to laugh, mostly at the expectant look he was giving you, and if you weren’t so tired you probably would have. Right now, though, all you could do was sign.
“Styles, you already told me that joke. You know, the last time you landed yourself in here with a traumatic injury.”
His face fell just a little, “Oh- I did?”
“Guess you should scan to see if his brain’s still there too, Doc,” called Stance from the next bed.
That one did manage to get a small smile out of you, and you saw Styles get some of his pep back at the sight. Then, in a light tone, you said, “Oh, I don’t think it’s that, I think his time with me is just that forgettable.”
Styles sat up as best he could in the med bed, “Come on now, mesh’la, you know you’re as unforgettable as they come.” He winked at you, and you also might have felt a little flustered at his term of endearment, again, if you weren’t so tired.
“I’m sure,” your tone was still light, and you gave him a small smile as you finished making the notes in his chart. Despite the nature of his injuries, he would be just fine. Thank the maker.
“Oooh, barely a polite brush off,” Stance crooned, “Better luck next time, brother. Now, Doc, when can this poor injured trooper get your undivided, tender care?”
“When you have a real injury,” Styles rolled his eyes, though even you could tell there was no real malice there, just brothers in arms giving each other a hard time.
“I do have one!” he lifted the arm the field medic had already temp-treated with a bacta wrap, “Look, I have a boo boo on my bicep. Kiss it better, Doc?”
You felt your eyebrows quirk up, but before you could think of a comeback a stern voice called out behind you.
“Stance, Styles!”
Both men were snapping to attention- or in Styles’ case, as best he could laying down. You turned to see none other than Captain Grey walking into the med bay with the medic who would be relieving you for the next shift. Grey’s eyes were firm as he looked between the two men, a look that, while not uncommon for the Captain, was rarely present when you were in the room.
“Make sure I never hear you speaking so disrespectfully to our staff again. Am I understood?”
A minor rush of panic flowed through you as both men said a loud “Sir, yes sir.” 
You held up your hand, instantly catching the officer’s attention. “Oh, please, Captain, there’s no need for all that, they weren’t being disrespectful.”
There, you saw it, the way his deep brown eyes softened when they were on you for more than a second. The way the lines at the corner of his mouth smoothed, his eyebrows lifting up a fraction, and his head tilting just a bit as if to lean closer to your presence. Maybe you imagined it every time, a hopeful fantasy, but he most definitely did ease up a little at your words.
He couldn’t backpedal on the order, though, which you respected, and settled for him asking how the boys were doing. You gave him and the other medic your reports, which were thankfully standard and very little cause for concern. It was a good day- or, as good as a day could be during a war.
Now that you were officially relieved, you wished the troopers a good night, reminding Styles to rest up, lest he have to spend more than a night cooped up here. You had just started to turn to the door when… 
“Let me walk you back to your quarters.”
Even your exhausted state couldn’t stop you from feeling the nervous excitement starting in your chest, given that it was Grey who offered. Outwardly, all you gave was a polite, thankful nod, before saying goodnight to the others and heading for the door.
There was a brief, comfortable silence for the first few moments you two walked together down the corridor, before he cleared his throat.
“I’m…sorry about them, sometimes they forget that comments like that can make civilians uncomfortable.”
You turned a smile on him and, again because it was him, it was easy to make it warm. “Don’t worry, Grey, I wasn’t uncomfortable.”
His mouth twisted a little as he looked at you from the corner of his eye, “You just seemed…a little stressed when I came in, I assumed it was because of their flirting.”
“Oh! Oh no, it wasn’t that,” you laughed lightly, hoping to put his mind at ease, “I’m just tired is all. You know I spend all my time here on the ship worrying about you boys, it was a long day of that when we lost contact with your recon team.”
Finally, it was his turn to grin and your heart did its typical pitter patter whenever he smiled at you. Unfortunately, the look vanished as suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and held back a grunt of some kind. Then he was turning his head away from you, fist shooting up to cover his mouth as he let out a string of deep coughs.
“Grey, are you alright?” you stepped a little closer to him as he tried to hold back another cough, then cleared his throat.
He nodded his head, trying for that small, lopsided smile again, “ ‘m fine, just a scratchy throat.”
Your eyes narrowed, “Should I be sending you back to the med bay?”
As if to usher you along, he started walking again, pointedly in the direction of the lifts. “No no, I’m fine. Promise. I think the plant-life around the old ‘sep base just got to me a little bit.”
Even though you had resumed walking beside him, you still kept your gaze concerned and a little suspicious. “If it gets any worse, you call me, or go to the medic on duty, understand?”
“Sir, yes, sir” he said as if you were his CO, though his tone was lighter this time and he was still smiling.
The two of you walked in silence for a few moments, then this time he cleared his throat in a way that might have had nothing to do with his cough. “So, what you said earlier…you really don’t mind the flirting?”
You let out a little huff of laughter, “Not really, it never goes too far after all. You and your men have always treated me with respect and I know they’d listen if I ever told them it wasn’t appropriate.”
Something in him seemed relieved as he nodded. “Good. I didn’t like the thought that they were crossing a line with you, I’m glad they weren’t. And I’ll…keep that in mind.”
You weren’t exactly sure what he was going to keep in mind, but, given how he suddenly looked like he was turning something over in his head, you decided not to ask.
Another comfortable silence fell over you both for a while, and it wasn’t until you were out of the lift and on the level for your quarters when he struck up some small talk. It wasn’t anything noteworthy, besides the fact that talking to Grey about anything was something you would always welcome. 
Though, he did seem a little different in his way of talking, halting at the end of sentences like he was holding back a question, or taking a breath to prepare for another comment, before closing his mouth silently. It was almost as if he was trying to find an opening to say something specific.
Or, maybe he was just trying to hide his cough from you, because a few steps before reaching your door, he burst into another short fit.
“Grey,” your tone was soft, but firm, “Please go have that checked out, we don’t want our captain getting sick.”
“It’s not bad,” he insisted again, “We have some antihistamines in our emergency med kits, I’ll take one of those and be fine.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Doc,” he insisted, not unkindly and with a soft expression that lightened the depth of the scar across his face. You knew that some of the boys liked your fussing, finding it endearing, and you wondered if Grey felt the same.
But it didn’t matter if he liked it or not, you would worry and fuss either way. “Yes, I do have to worry, Grey, it’s my job.”
“I promise if it gets worse, I’ll go straight to the med bay and raise you on the comms to let you say I told you so, how about that?”
Well, that was probably the best you were going to get out of him. “Alright, deal.”
Again, Grey opened his mouth, as though some sentiment or question was on the tip of his tongue. His eyes were even lit up a little, like an idea was sparking something behind them.
Alas, whatever it was, he hadn’t found time to broach the topic before you were at the door to your bunk and he closed his mouth yet again. Still, he shifted for a moment, tucking his helmet under his arm a little more securely as he looked to your door. He hadn’t said goodnight yet, either.
His eyes finally met yours again and looked a little surprised, “Yeah?”
“Is there… something specific you wanted to talk about?”
For a moment, all he did was stare back at you, again, seeming to think something over in his mind. Finally, though, he closed his eyes and let out a small breath, then looked at you again with a polite smile.
“Maybe another time. For now, you need your rest, can’t have our favorite medic this tired.”
You nodded, maybe feeling a little disappointed, but respected whatever decision it was he had come to. “Sir, yes sir,” you said with a little salute. “Goodnight, Grey.”
“Goodnight, Doc.”
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The next morning, you had just gotten your hands on your first cup of caf in the mess hall when your commlink beeped. The code was Styles’ and your brow furrowed in confusion as you answered.
“Um, hey, Doc, the Captain told me to call you and say ‘you told him so’?”
Well, kriff.
You were down in the med bay in record time, even leaving your drink behind, a testament to just how much this particular man meant to you. There was the on-duty medic and Styles, flanking a very dizzy looking Grey who was dressed in nothing but his blacks. Though he was sitting upright on the bed, he looked half ready to tip over with the way he was swaying.
“He insisted that you be the one to look him over,” said the other medic, stepping aside as you approached.
“ ‘Course I did,” Grey mumbled, eyes barely staying open, “I promised Doc could say told you so…so-” he waved his hand at you, as if presenting a valid point with the gesture.
“As you can tell, he’s a bit delirious,” your colleague huffed.
Grey opened his mouth to say something to the other medic, but when your hands reached up to press against his forehead, he let out a long breath instead. “Ooh, your hands are niiice.”
It was no wonder he thought so, he was burning up badly, the fever coating his face in a sheen of sweat. He burst into a horrendous fit of coughs then, worse than last night and sounding full of phlegm.
“I was on my way back to my bunk when I found him slumped against the walls of the corridor near his quarters,” Styles informed as you took Grey’s pulse the moment the coughing died down, “said he was trying to get to the med bay so he wouldn’t make you mad.” Then he actually huffed out a chuckle. “Or at least, that’s what I gathered from his babbling.”
“Alright, Captain,” you started, gently guiding him, “lay back, let’s run some tests and find out what’s going on.”
“-don’t have to call me Captain, good-lookin’,” Grey mumbled with an attempt at a smile while he did as you asked.
Figuring that keeping him talking was good, you quirked an eyebrow as you grabbed the scanner, “Good-looking, huh? And here you were scolding Styles for flirting just last night- No no, lay on your back, Grey, keep still,” you insisted when he tried to roll over on his side towards you.
The action caused another bout of choked hacking to ensue but Grey obeyed, staying flat on his back, even as he kept slurring nonsense when he could speak again. “Want to flirt… Wanted last night… chickened out. You’re too sweet when you fuss over me.”
You tried to ignore the heat creeping across your face, this was no time to feel flattered or embarrassed by his words, ones that you barely caught as you read the data scrolling across the screen of your scanner. Styles was silent as you worked and Grey rambled on, a sign of just how worried he was about his brother. Hopefully your tests would bear good news, and Styles could tease his Captain’s hypocrisy in no time.
“Haven’t said told you so yet.” Grey said it just barely above a hum, eyes fluttering shut as more sweat beaded on his forehead.
“I’ll say it later, for now you just-”
You were interrupted by a third round of retching and your heart ached at the little groan of pain that rolled out of his mouth at the end of it. Thankfully, your scans were finally done and a little bit of relief filled you.
“Alright, Grey, looks like you have a mild pulmonary infection, nothing too serious,” you smiled down at him then, “though it would have been better if you came here last night, you know, like I told you so.”
The smile he gave back was worn and tired, but no less genuine, “There it is, ’ll listen next time, mesh’la.” More coughs ended his bleary promise, but they were shallow and short this time.
You turned to the other medic, who was already going to the cabinet with the antibiotics in it, and told him exactly what you needed and in what doses. At the moment, you were mostly worried about breaking his fever, while it wasn’t life threateningly high, it was still on the dangerous side.
Then you turned to Styles, “Can you get a patient smock out of the wardrobe? I think he’ll be more comfortable in it than these sweaty blacks.”
Grey hummed loudly, drawing your attention back to him, “Doc, if ya wanted to get m’ clothes off, just had-” another cough, “-ask.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes a little, “Oh, Captain, you’re going to be very upset with your babbling once your fever’s broken.”
He shook his head just as his brother came back with the red two piece outfit. “I won't. Told you, wanted to say all this last night,” his mumbling was a little more clear this time, as if trying to make a point and you weren’t sure how to respond.
Thankfully, the younger medic came back with the needed fluids for the IV and said he would help Grey into the smock while you readied the medication. As the privacy curtain was pulled closed, you could have sworn you heard Styles whisper something about Gray wanting you to undress him instead, but you chose to ignore that as well.
They worked quickly, and the Captain’s treatment was ready by the time the curtain was pulled back. Grey was sitting up again and he stayed like that while you administered the IV. He took it like a champ, though he still looked quite dizzy the whole time he was sitting up.
“Alright, Grey, these fluids will help bring your fever down, and the antibiotics will start clearing up your lungs, I even put in a little something for the pain. We’ll have you feeling better in no time.”
“Hmm,” he cocked his head, “I feel better already,” he hummed as he watched you work, big brown eyes still looking tired. Then, he echoed a sentiment from earlier, “You’re too sweet when you fuss.” 
Again you had to ignore the fact that the flirting, coming from him, made your face heat up. Grey kept his tired eyes on you, even as you motioned for him to lay down again.
“He’s going to be okay, right?” Styles asked in a quiet tone.
You smiled at him reassuringly, “It’ll take some time to clear up the infection, but he should be just fine, nothing our resources can’t handle. Though, I think you should send his helmet down to equipment maintenance, make sure the filters are working right.”
“On it!” He cast a look at his captain, “If you keep flirting with our favorite medic here, make sure you go all out, Cap,” he ended the statement with a wink before heading out of the room.
That made you laugh a little, feeling much more at ease now that your worry had calmed down. A quick look at the time told you that your shift had officially started, so you relieved your colleague, leaving you and Grey as the only ones left in the med center. You had thought that maybe he would fall asleep, but you still felt his eyes on you as you kept working. 
Then, while you were typing up his medical chart, he whispered, “You wanna hear a secret, Doc?”
“What’s that, Grey?”
“If I wasn’t sick, I’d ask if it’s okay to kiss you.”
That made your eyes go wide and your fingers halted their tying on the datapad. You weren’t sure if it was his fever, the pain medicine, or a mixture of both making him even bolder than before, but this time, his comment was hard- or rather, impossible, to ignore. When you looked down at him over the pad, his eyes were fluttering again, the exhaustion of his fever and relief of the medicine kicking in making it harder to stay awake.
“Wanted…” he hummed, coughed once, then tried to look up at you only to close his eyes again. “...Have to get better at…flirting first…Then I’ll ask…”
Despite how easy it would be to pretend you didn’t hear or understand him, you found yourself answering him. 
“Ask me when you’re healed up, Grey.” 
You said it quietly, but there was an undeniable lift to the corner of his mouth before he finally drifted off to sleep.
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Overall, you deeply disliked the way the troops were treated by the overseers of the GAR, but, one thing that you would give credit for, was that they actually provided their medical division with good supplies. Thanks to that, Grey was cleared of his illness quickly and didn't have any signs of lasting symptoms. 
You wish you had been the one to give him his final check up and clear him for duty, but you weren’t. Instead you were stuck in a meeting that all head medics employed by the GAR had to sign into via holocomms. 
Fortunately, it didn’t take long for him to seek you out.
Grey caught you late in the evening, a few hours after your meeting, standing in the hallway conversing with some of your newest staff. Respectful as always, he waited patiently for you to finish your talk, though your skin felt warm knowing his eyes were trained on you the whole time. Had he come to see you because of what you said about that kiss he seemed to want? No, no, he was half asleep, surely he was just there because he knew you wanted to see him all healed up.
Once the nurses finished with their last question and took their leave, you turned to the captain with a warm look. He looked as healthy as ever, skin his usual tanned  tone, eyes bright, mind seeming alert and present.
“I see you’re back on your feet.”
“Thanks to you,” he said lightly as he took a few steps closer to you. He must have noted the late hour, because he asked, “Are you heading back to your quarters?” and when you nodded he seemed to straighten just a little, as if reading himself. “I’ll walk with you.”
“Alright,” you found your own tone a little teasing as you two started walking, “but if you start coughing again, you better listen to me when I tell you to go get it checked this time.”
He chuckled, “Don’t worry, cyare, I’ll make sure to listen to you next time.”
Again, he seemed to make your heart skip a beat with nothing but a simple endearment. At least you were able to compose yourself. “Good, I’m glad someone’s learning to listen to me around here.” Your tone had no bite to it, and you could tell Grey knew it with the way he flashed you a smirk.
Unlike the last time he had walked you to your door, you were much closer to your quarters this time and any conversation you two would have had couldn’t last long. You asked how he was feeling like any good friend would, and he told you he was fine, that you didn’t have to worry. He asked what your plans were when the ship landed on Coruscant and you were only half joking when you said “sleep”.
Then, just like the other night, when you two reached your door, he seemed to hesitate, something weighing on his mind. Except this time, he actually spoke up.
“So, I wanted to talk to you about something.” He looked over at you from the corners of his eyes and when you only looked back at him patiently, he went on. “I know I was feverish that first day in the med bay but…” he rolled his shoulders, “I heard what you said after I made that comment about wanting to kiss you.”
Your heart was suddenly acting as if it was competing in the galactic gymnastic championship, somersaulting in your chest and leaving a nervous heat to creep across your skin.
This time it was you who cleared your throat, “O-oh, you did?”
Finally, he turned his body to face you fully, his face set in determination. “Yeah, I did. And you should know that I might have rambled those things because I was sick, but I still meant every word of it.”
That caused your breath to hitch and you found yourself taking a step closer to him. “You did?”
At the soft, hopeful sound of your voice, his determined expression softened and now he was giving that cute, lopsided smile again. “I did. I really, really like you, have since the day you first stepped on board.” He let out a little laugh then, “I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve wanted to tell you that, or how many times I’ve wanted to ask to kiss you, but I’m not the best at flirting.”
“Oh I don’t know, you did alright the other day.”
That earned another small chuckle. You realized then that you were holding your breath, waiting for him to make good on what you said that day when you thought he was falling asleep. 
It must have clicked for him too.
Grey’s eyes somehow softened more as he took another step closer and reached out his hand. Your breath hitched when his fingers gently brushed your cheek, then you held your breath altogether when his thumb ran over your bottom lip.
“Can I kiss you?”
The air held in your chest pushed out with a breathy, “Yes!”
And you saw his eye shining for only a moment before he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. It was light at first, a nearly feather-light touch that nevertheless took your breath away again. Then, he was tilting his head and slipping the hand at your cheek to cup the back of your neck instead. It was all too gentle, even when he started moving his lips against yours in a way that told you just how much he had been craving this moment.
Who knew how long the kiss went on, all that mattered was that your head was spinning by the time you two finally parted.
“Wow.” Both of you said it at the same time, which made you both laugh together too.
“If it leads to moments like this, maybe I should land myself in the med bay more often,” he winked.
You groaned at the thought, “Oh, please don’t, my heart couldn’t take it!”
Grey was chuckling again and this time, he slipped his hand to your waist and pulled you even closer to him. When he spoke again, his tone was deep, yet playfully intimate. “Then I guess I’ll have to find other ways to make your heart race.”
And you knew he would make good on that promise too.
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river-sam2 · 1 month
“What in blue blazes going on here!?”
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The future of a gang and a cop that they unexpected.
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jadeorgana · 6 months
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Master Depa Billaba & Captain Grey in battle together by David Cabeza
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evilhorse · 4 days
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Captain Scarlet cards 24: Captain Grey
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anyadarlingsdomain · 1 month
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How the Clone Commanders rate General Norien
From a General scale of 1-10
Cody: 10
Fox: 5+/10 (it depends on his mood 😆)
Wolffe: 8
Appo: Solid 10
Thorn: 11
Gree: Definite 10 or 15 (he’s generous like that 😆)
Seb: 10 ✨
Bly: 12
Grey: 6
Rex: 15 (😆)
Howzer: 15 😎
Skylar (Her Commando): 10/6
Nix: 15
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
i think a lot about the fact that caleb dume was such good friends with the clones he served with. they were his buddies. his brothers, even. his role models, sometimes.
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greydepa · 7 months
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Master Depa Billaba, Padawan Caleb Dume, & Clone Captain Grey in battle
Artist: Nicholas Ducote
Instagram: @nickducoteart
Check out his Instagram for more of his work and if your interested in a commission.
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asgoodeasgold · 1 year
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A goode dose of side eye, lush hair, smirk and a uniform to celebrate the start of the weekend! Have a great one!
Matthew Goode as Captain Gray in Birdsong, a TV 2-parter based on Sebastian Faulk's novel (beautiful 💔😥)
📷 BBC Birdsong (2012) my edit
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uppyr-blr · 6 months
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cute lil depa and grey commission im working on (i spent so long on this its embarrassing i need to get better)
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
The moment Rex unlocked his shifting ability obviously wasn't exactly the nicest. His desperation to save Grey from the Trainer's wrath is what triggered his very first shift, and even as a sabertooth cub he was capable of mauling someone to death.
The shock of becoming a completely different creature and subsequently killing someone (even if it was one of the bad trainers that beat up the cadets whenever they were displeased with them) was a little too much for a 3 year old cadet. Rex ended up running away in fear.
Fortunately his squad (who are understandably a little shaken up about what just happened) aren't about to let a little brother go through something like this on his own. They set off to search for Rex (with Keeli having the foresight to seek out the commander batch cadets and briefly explain what happened before asking them for their help).
Eventually they find him curled up in his sleeping pod, hiding under the covers because he doesn't want to be seen or even look at himself. He's a child size little sabertooth cub covered in dry blood and he's clearly in a lot of distress... But that doesn't deter his squad and ori'vode from pilling into his pod and comforting him.
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river-sam2 · 4 months
Captain Ochre(NCS)and Destiny Angel(OCS)
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avengedbiologist · 1 year
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Finally finished em (tho ochres lookin janky so may add another layer). Finally Magenta has some friends to hang out with.
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jacksonstarkiller · 2 years
Magenta: I sleep with a knife under my pillow.
Grey: Weak, I sleep with a sword.
Blue: You're both pathetic.
Magenta: What do you sleep with?
Blue: Scarlet.
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