#sephora norien
anyadarlingsdomain · 5 months
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How the Clone Commanders rate General Norien
From a General scale of 1-10
Cody: 10
Fox: 5+/10 (it depends on his mood 😆)
Wolffe: 8
Appo: Solid 10
Thorn: 11
Gree: Definite 10 or 15 (he’s generous like that 😆)
Seb: 10 ✨
Bly: 12
Grey: 6
Rex: 15 (😆)
Howzer: 15 😎
Skylar (Her Commando): 10/6
Nix: 15
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anyadarlingsdomain · 5 months
A while ago I did a little fic inspired by a fanficion I read a while ago. It’s a AU where if Sephora and some of her allies get sent to an alternative realty where she doesn’t exist yet the entirety of Order 66 still was initiated to happen. (Also this is after she is married to Rex and Order 66 happened many years prior in her time.)
“Okay.. so let me get this straight.” Anakin said while walking down the barrack hall.
“You and Rex are MARRIED???!!” He asked her in shock.
Sephora gave him a skeptical look. “Yes.” She plainly stated as if it was no big deal.
Everyone pretty much just coughed in the room.
“Way to be discreet.” Wolffe scoffed. Cody gave him a look.
“-And you’re a Jedi General??! No less on the HIgh Council?” Anakin exclaimed.
“Well yes..but that was years after that time—”
“RIght, right after the whole apocalypse or whatever. But you still did!!”
Sephora looked nonplussed by his insistent probings, she rubbed her temples. “You’re not taking this seriously.” She muttered.
“I am taking this seriously!” Anakin defended. “You married my Captain! That’s a BIG DEAL!!!”
Sephora slid her hand down her face. “Wow…”
“She’s so done with him.” Jesse snickered.
Poor Rex just looked traumatized by it all, he just did not know WHAT TO DO.
“I think she’s referring to the executed plan of Palpatine General.” Wolffe pointed out to him.
Sephora appraised him. “Thank you.” Wolffe just smirked in content.
“Okay, okay fine. That is a big deal. But still you can’t just expect me to remain kosher and not ask about this. He’s my Captain- like how did you two even fling???!!!”
Fives coughed. “Uhh I think you said they had a ‘force bond’ General?” Fives stated.
Rex coughed.
Sephora crossed her arms and glowered at him.
“Riiighhttt..yeah I guess that explains some things-”
“I just can’t with you…”
“--But not everything.” Anakin stated.
Sephora’s eye twitched. “How about I start talking about all your little escapades with Senator Amidala and start questioning you on how all of that fiasca started??”
The boys snorted in laughter, crying.
“She’s good, I like her.” Fives stated to Echo who was trying to hide his face.
Rex gave him a questionable look.
Anakin raised his hands in placation. “Alright, alright. Point taken.” He supplemented.
“Is it really?” Wolffe pressed.
“I’m sure it would be fun.” She said in a sing-song voice. At this Cody couldn't take it, he had to turn and cough.
“Alright, alright. I get it. I’ll yield.” Anakin stated.
“Good.” She stated.
It was quiet a moment, everyone was on the edge of their seat. It was OBVIOUS they had more questions.
“So..did you have any kids?” Anakin suddenly asked.
“Oh for the love of god Ani.” Sephora retorted, this made him cave in.
“Man..she shorted his name that must be bad.” Kix stated.
“I’m sorry but I’m insanely curious!” He defended. “Wait, did I have kids?”
Sephora pursed her lips unblinking.
“I’m so done with you..”
“But did you though- or me?” He asked excitedly.
The clones were losing it at this point.
“I don't know how much more of this I can take before I'll lose my composure.” Wolffe stated with a slightly amused look on his face.
“You haven’t lost it already??” Cody asked him. Wolffe glowered at him.
“I’m not sure if I should be telling you any of this..” She admitted.
“What’s it going to do?” He asked. “I'm not going to die.”
Sephora face palmed. “You already know the risks. I don’t need to repeat them to you.”
“Any kids? Any?”
“Wait..we have no kids? Or no you won’t tell me?”
“Anakin I’ve been married for 9 yrs..I have children.” She nonchalantly stated.
All the clones coughed in triumph. Poor Rex was in shock, the poor man was mystified.
“Wow.” He put, blinking, “Wait…how old are you???”
Sephora just stared at him. “I am so kriffing done with you.” The clones snorted in laughter. Some of them had to get up and leave.
“I can’t.” Fives said his face beet red, he coughed.
“You don’t ask girls that question Ani..it’s against the rules.”
“Why how old are you?” Anakin smirked crossing his arms.
Her eye twitched. “There’s no way you're fifty you look too youthful for it..wait how much older are you than me?”
“End of discussion.” Sephora closed.
“No I’m not-”
“Yes end of discussion. I am older than you in general so shut it.”
Cody was trying to hide a wheeze. Wolffe snorted, he was quite enjoying all of this comedy.
“Wait how much older?”
“Near the end of the CW I was 26 you were 21. I’m five years older than you.”
Anakin’s jaw dropped. “That’s not fair.” He finally stated.
“Yeah you thought that then too.” She stated now sitting down and randomly going through an archive.
“So…you were placed on the High Council before me then?”
Sephora raised a skeptical eyebrow at him. “Maybe? What if I was?”
Anakin scoffed. “Why are you being so cryptic about it?” He asked confused.
Seohora just smirked slightly. “Maybe because I want to be.” She stated.
Anakin frowned, the Commanders and Rex snickered.
“You’re so irritating.” He stated, crossing his arms. He was pouting to be honest. The snot.
“If you knew half of what you did to me all those years ago..you would probably take back that statement.” She stated.
Anakin raised a skeptical eyebrow. “What did I do to you exactly?” He smirked slightly.
“My lips are sealed.” She calmly stated.
“You are something else you know that?” Anakin stated.
“Yeah…something else..” She repeated like there was something in her train of thought.
“Maybe you should your check on your Padawan don’t you agree?” She calmly suggested. “1600 is generally training time.”
Anakin opened his mouth. “Wait how did you..” It clicked. “Yeah, yeah right. It was the same I take it?”
Sephora raised her eyebrow at him, smirking a little. “Are you going now?” She questioned of him.
Anakin huffed. “Fine. But I want answers later.” He stated pointing his finger at her and leaving the premises.
Sephora shook her head and sighed. “I forgot how exhausting he can be.” She stated, looking back to the still there clones.
She smirked slightly. “Still inquisitive? You can ask, but it doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll answer.” She admitted.
“You got beef with Skywalker?” Wolffe inquired but it sounded more of a statement.
“Let’s just say, we didn’t get along very well.” She stated looking back to the archives.
“Yet you added up marrying Rex?” Cody asked looking a little skeptical himself.
“Well Rex isn't exactly Skywalker now is he?” She stated.
501st snickers. Rex glowered at them.
Wolffe smirked himself. “No not really.” He stated smirking at Cody.
“You seem more open with us then answering the General” Jesse stated, “Is there a reason, may I ask?”
At this they seemed genuinely curious.
“I’ve always felt more relaxed around your brothers I guess. I was used to staying around you for many years. I was with my Master before the CW began upon Kamino. I guess you can say I don’t think as much about it.” She stated looking back to him.
“Anakin…well we always butted heads so..I’ll let you decipher that.” She replied, trying not to hint at anything too much.
Most of them smirked.
“So…if you’re here. Then what does that mean for all of us?” He asked of her.
“I’m..not entirely sure Jesse. But I’m hoping that maybe I can put a stop to this event before it even starts.” She said gazing at him intently. “From what I can tell thus far…things are very similar..in fact scarily so. Yet my existence along with Battalion seems to be naught. In this regard..I am not sure. But perhaps it is good for me..so that I won’t have any recognition.”
They were quiet a moment. “How bad was it?” This time Fives asked. “During you know what.”
The light in her eyes faded. “It was terrible..it was horrible. But if there’s anything I can promise now I won't let it happen again. That’s a promise I plan to keep, as long I am here..I will make certain you don’t experience what I did then. You have my oath.”
They seemed transfixed by this statement. It was obvious they were not expecting this much dedication from her. Rex was looking at her differently at the moment. He was really thinking more into it now..
I’ll upload Part Two later since this is so long 😆
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anyadarlingsdomain · 5 months
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A little subscript from my main story. This takes place shortly after Order 66. Involving my main characters. They’re stationed upon Coruscant and trying to leave after meeting up again.
“Let me get this straight.” Sephora said holding out a hand. “You want to become 501st target practice?” She stated in disbelief.
“Yeah!” He readily agreed with a happy grin.
Some of her men snickered. “Fun.” Ironhide commented. Dex and he exchanged glances, grinning they high fived.
Rex just looked skeptical whilst Cody looked in disbelief about the idea. Echo was trying to hide a smile but miserably failed.
Seb was just nonplussed by his antics if not disappointed.
“Are you insane?”
“I’ll happily volunteer.” Ironhide submitted.
Everyone turned toward him.
Sephora facepalmed.
“You still think that Hardcase was trouble?” Cody asked Rex.
“Hey!” Star exclaimed offended.
Her men snickered. Rex smiled a little, shrugging but not admitting to anything.
“I was trying to get away from 501st now you want to go and draw their fire??”
“You’re the Jedi I’m not.” He pointed out. “Besides you need the distraction why not?”
Sephora was fuming inside. At length she looked at Seb, he was just looking to him blankly but he shared her gaze after a moment. His eyebrow rose up a little.
At length she sighed, rubbing her temples. “Fine. We’ll head up to the capital then we’ll part ways. You divert their attention away from the east side and we’ll head there.”
Starkiller fist pumped.
“But if you don’t rendezvous in ten minutes I’m having Ironhide come save your ass.”
“Won’t need it.”
Ironhide crossed his arms smirking at him. “We’ll see.”
Star gave him a look. IH’s smirk just deepened.
“Suck it”
“Knock. it. off.” Seb cut. They shut up after that.
Kix looked amused to the whole ordeal. “This is all fairly normal.” He stated. Echo shared an amused look with him.
“Kind of.” Rex partially agreed with an amused look. But he seemed to agree more than he was letting out.
Ironhide is one of Sephora’s men. Along with Starkiller. Dex is one of her ARC Troopers. He’s generally one of the more ‘mature’ ones but he has a sardonic edge and may be more on the adventurous side. He is also the tech savvy one and slicer of the group. Starkiller is her main troublemaker of the group. He’s a combination of Fives and Hardcase combined. Ironhide is the weapons expert. He is a follower as well.
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anyadarlingsdomain · 4 months
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Her ARCs ✨✨
Dexter and Nixen
Lovely comm by @nadinescomics 🩵
IG: nad_fan_art
Pretty much the ARC twins in 614th
Nix is the more quiet one. He has very similar mannerisms to Seb.
Is the overall leader of the squad and Second in Command to Seb.
He latter becomes Captain following Order 66.
Dex is a little more open than Nix. Has a sardonic side- but it's more mild compared to Ironhide. Is the overall techie of the group (besides Sky) he is a bit of an stealth operative.
These two flow well together. Let's just say their General is proud of them and is quite fond of her ARCS ✨✨
Ocs: Dex, Sephora, Nix
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anyadarlingsdomain · 5 months
Part 2 of the AU. So the party is starting to have further individuals appear from Sephora’s timeline and they don’t entirely understand why or have control over it- as far as they know.
Part One
Sephora sighed in defeat.
Anakin and some of his men came into view.
“So..she’s your sister?” He questioned, giving her sister a uncertain yet interested gaze.
Cass saluted. “The names Cass, pleasure to meet you General Skywalker.”
Anakin looked skeptical.
“She seems more causal than you.” He noticed.
“She can be.” She admitted. “And yes she is my little sister.”
“So” Anakin said crossing his arms. “What’s your story?”
“Heh, my sister’s backstory is probably a lot more interesting than mine.” She admitted throwing a ball and catching it. “Believe me.”
“You’re force sensitive too?” He asked seemingly noticing it.
“Probably not as much as Clone supporter here.” She stated taking a bite of an apple.
The clones raised an eyebrow to the address.
“‘Clone Supporter?’” Anakin questioned.
“You know Clone General..I’m sure you’ve heard the story by now..or so I’m assuming.”
“We’ll yeah she mentioned it..but not like that.”
“I just have weird terminology don’t take it so personally.”
Anakin looked to be trying to hide a smirk on his face.
“You’re funny.”
“Glad you think so.”
Some of his men coughed.
“She‘s an interesting one.” Anakin admitted.
Sephora laughed. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
“Why is he so tall?? Where did he get so tall?” She questioned our loud pointing a fork at him. “Where is the oddities to all of this??”
“Heck he looks taller then Seb.”
“He is.” Sephora confirmed.
“Poor dude..”
“Isn’t that your Commander?” Fives asked.
“Yeah that’s her Commander. Marshall Commander he’s pretty neat.” Cass admitted.
They all smirked to her talk.
“You’re a lot different from your sister aren't you?” He asked her.
“Just telling now?” She questioned smirking at him.
Some of them chuckled.
Anakin looked bemused. “A little..”
“Something you needed?” Sephora asked him.
“Just more questions..” he said kind of awkwardly.
“I kind of figured..nothing I need to worry about?”
“Not that I know of..unless you have something to tell me?” Anakin opened.
Sephora thought about it. “Nothing comes to mind at the moment..but if something does I’ll be sure to tell you.”
“Work with Commandos?” Cass suddenly asked him.
“Sometimes..why?” He looked a little skeptically at her.
Cass just shrugged. “No reason.” In fake innocence, smirking a little at the end.
Anakin gave her a skeptical look.
“So how old are you?” Ahsoka suddenly asked her.
Cass shrugged. “25 why do you ask?” She said winking at her.
Ahsoka shrugged. “Just curious how different you two are.”
Anakin smirked. “Now I got an idea..”
Sephora gave him a warning glance. “Don’t push your luck.” She warned.
The men in there chuckled.
“Why are you so against saying how old you are?”
“Because she doesn’t want to.” Cass butted. “You really are an ass aren’t you?” She questioned of him walking beside him- eyeing him up then easily forgetting about him and walked past him.
“Just want to say I think you’re hot and to keep slaying.” Cass said to Jesse.
Everyone seemed shocked by the comment. Cody just smirked.
“Umm..thank you..” Jesse said still not entirely sure how he should respond to that. Fives just looked amused by the exchange.
Anakin pointed at her sister. “That’s your sister?” He clarified.
Sephora face palmed.
“Little sister yes. Trouble maker compared to her? Yes. Will I end your life if you hurt her double, triple yes.” Cass said giving him a stealy glance.
Snickers could be heard behind them.
“Don’t try anything funny sly man I’m watching you.” She said deliberately, pointing at his eyes.
Anakin really didn’t know what to think of her.
“I think she’s neat.” Ahsoka admitted smiling at the pink Mando. “I like your armor.”
“Thanks kid.” Cass sweetly said patting her on the head- Ahsoka didn’t seem to mind though.
“- You would..” Cass glowered at him.
“She’s your polar opposite isn’t she?” Anakin asked carefully watching the pink clad Mando.
“You could say that yes.” Sephora admitted as Cass came to perch on the table alongside her again.
“So what’s going on?” Star announced coming up by them and leaning on the table similar to Cass eating a pastry. “God I haven’t had one of these in years…” obviously enjoying the treat. “It’s so good.”
The clones just looked amused to his announcement.
“Introductions, formalities you know the drill.” Cass answered.
“Oh yeah..the fun stuff. Do you like her? She’s pretty neat when she isn’t being a brat.” He stated.
Cass shoved him in the arm.
The clones looked amused to the spectacle and were trying DESPERATELY to keep their cool.
“Kriffing knock off..”
“-like that.” He expressed not even phased by her aggressive shove but simply went back and leaned against his part of the table.
Sephora gave him a pointed look. “Behave.” She warned.
Cass just looked disgruntled where she was.
“Who? Me or her?” Star questioned.
Cass scoffed. “Obviously you you snot.” She said hitting him again.
“Both of you.” Sephora reprimanded. Cass just rolled her eyes.
“No need to get nasty about it.” Star snided rolling his eyes. He retraced back from her hitting. “And quit hitting me- it’s hostile.”
Cass made an unintelligible noise. “‘Hostile.?’ You’re such a baby.” She antagonized. “You’re so irritating.” She muttered looking ahead.
Everyone looked mildly amused to the whole ordeal.
“I take it that this is fairly normal?” Anakin asked her.
“Fairly.” Sephora admitted, giving her duo an disappointed look.
Cass just looked bristled by Star compared to him being completely chill and eating his biscuit besides her.
“Well all the same to you. It’s nice seeing you all again.” He toasted to them. “Nice seeing younger faces of me.” He stated with a laugh.
Cass face palmed this time. “Gods..you're so cringe.” She said exasperatedly.
“What you got anything better to say back??” He challenged her.
“Enough, the both of you.” Sephora returned before she could. “We’re in a group here.”
Cass sighed through her nose.
“I don’t know, I'm kind of enjoying this.” Anakin admitted.
“Don’t influence them..” Sephora pleaded.
Star let out a laugh. “Yeah we could go -round and round.” He stated with a snicker.
This time Sephora threw her cape into his face. Some of the clones winced.
Starkiller placated her. “Okay, okay I’ll stop.” He said with a humorous chuckle.
“Moron..” Cass said under her breath. Star gave her a look.
“I don’t know…I kind of like them.” Anakin admitted.
“I’m glad you do..so what’s on your mind?” Sephora asked trying NOT to cause to much attention..yet it seemed that was all but futile now..
“Well I was speaking to Obi-wan about all of this and of course he spoke to the Council about it. We were kind of curious if there’s anything more you can tell us..like anyone else involved in this movement so to speak- if you know.”
Sephora sighed. “The problem is Ani..there’s no guarantees. Yes there are many similarities but I still can’t 100% say if who or what is going to happen here..yet something in me feels it may..” she said her tone foreboding at the end.
“So is there anyone you know?” He he questioned her. The room grew quiet.
Starkiller coughed, giving his General an uncertain gaze. Everyone watched this gesture interestedly.
Sephora sighed again. “It’s complicated…” she admitted.
Anakin crossed his arms. “Well I’m open ears.”
Cass gave her a worried look. “You’re not going to tell him- are you?” she whispered to her.
“‘Tell me what?’”Anakin asked skeptically giving them both suspicious looks.
The three looked to him uncertainty it was obvious they were uncomfortable if not wary.
“Anakin you must realize I come from a different time..where I exist and others that appently don’t exist here..it doesn’t mean the same will happen here.”
“Then why are you so hesitant to tell me?” He questions of her feeling the gravity of the situation. “Is it something I did? Someone in this room? Is that why you’re so reluctant to tell me??”
Sephora sighed rubbing her temples. But before she could reply to him someone walked in.
“Sir…we found this..clone wandering the grounds. He refuses to say his designation and won’t talk besides to General Norien- or another General.”
Everyone turned towards them then.
Sephora’s eyes widened, she jumped off her seat. “Seb!”
All the clones seemed shocked by this exclamation.
“That’s her Commander?”
“Hey- are you okay?” She asked him looking it him curiously.
Seb looked like he was gauging the situation looking around. “Depends on what this is about.” He admitted, he looked on the defensive.
“He’s fine. He’s my Commander.” She exhorted it the troopers holding him down. “You can release him.”
“Doyle, Comet do as she says.” Anakin stated. “He’s a Marshall COmMaDeR too.” He added.
They readily agreed after his word. It seemed they were shocked exchanging glances.
“Well...it seems you keep getting more of your people..” Anakin stated. “Maybe you’ll get more of your troopers soon.”
Sephora winced to that statement.
“So what. is. this. about?” Seb pressed glancing to them all having a steely look to him. Some of the troopers seemed a little taken aback by his severity.
“Somehow our realities seemed to mix.” Sephora stated. “Some of us as you can see have ended here- in a past that is very similar to ours- yet not the same. As far I as I know- we- you, our men do not exist here. 614th doesn’t exist as far as I know..yet everything else- seems to be vastly the same.”
Seb thought this over a moment. “So what does that mean?”
“I’m not entirely sure..but perhaps we can help this reality before..worse things happen.”
“About that.” Anakin cut in. “What were you going to tell me earlier?”
Sephora looked to him. “If I tell you..what happened..you won’t like what you hear.”
“I don't care. If it means it helps us here and the future I want to know.” He pressed. He looked a bit hostile.
“It doesn’t mean it will happen-“
“Stop diverting it.” Anakin snapped.
“General.” Rex reprimanded giving him a worried look.
“Anakin-“ sensing something she automatically seized up giving him a warning gaze. “Don’t. do. that.” She snapped.
Everyone seemed confused.
“Do what?” Ahsoka asked. “What did you do Master?”
“It’s nothing.” He said shaking his head looking a little guilty of what he just did.
“There are some things..that are not meant to be known.” She stated but almost made it sound like a warning.
“It's something I did isn’t it?” He questioned of her finally looking up. “Why else would you be hiding it from me so much..unless it’s someone I really care about?”
Sephora held her ground. “Don’t make this difficult.”
“You’re doing that yourself!” He scorned.
At this Seb shielded his General a little.
“Yeah it’s getting obvious now..” he said studying the party in front of him that seemed ither worried, in fear or defensive of his person atm.
“General..let’s just calm down.” Cody intervened stepping in between them giving Seb a bit of a wary look.
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anyadarlingsdomain · 5 months
Personal headcanon that Appo is a bit of a tease and likes teasing with the General (Sephora) - he mostly just does it because it’s easy to do with her- (she’s too goody two shoe’ for her own good 😅) no less since of rescuing him (after Order 66, it’s a long story) he grew more closer to her. They’re more on conrad level but Appo doesn't mind her so much- but again teasing.
He knows how Rex feels about her- and from her men how she feels about him. So needless to say he will like to bring that subject up to the surface in some shape or form 😆 (so does a lot of his Commander brothers 😂😂🤣😅)
Also Sephora highlights some of her hair ‘blue’ in honor of 501st years after Order 66 in reverence of them. This short references it.
Appo rose an eyebrow. “I still don’t get why you don’t just tell him?’’ Appo said one day.
“Tell Rex what?” She questioned him skeptically.
“-That you like him?” He said with an amused look.
Sephora rolled her eyes. “It’s not like that Appo..”
“No?” He questioned crossing his arms. “You sure about that?” He asked smirking a little.
Sephora eyes him after a moment giving him a skeptical look when he wouldn't back down with the gaze.
“Come on-”
“It’s not like that.”
“You dyed your hair blue.” He pointed out.
“Appo..it’s not like that.”
“You’re tripping me.”
“I dyed it because of 501st!”
“-And Rex. If not solely Rex.” He said with an amused look.
Sephora glowered at him. -“You don’t need to convince me. The entire GAR knows.”
“The entire GAR?” Sephora stated skeptically.
“A lot of the GAR.” Appo expounded.
“..That’s a lot Appo.”
“It’s true.” He stated.
Now Sephora crossed her own arms. “And what did the GAR say?”
“They say you and Rex are an item.”
Sephora face palmed. “What else do they say..?”
Appo smirked a little. “Probably things you don't want to hear.” He stated.
Sephora moved her hand down her face. “That’s lovely.”
“Why are you two so stubborn?”
“Appo you’re starting to sound like Ani…”
“Then it’s true then?” He asked with an amused look.
“Dammit Appo.”
He just chuckled.
“I’ll just say the Captain doesn’t necessarily dislike you.” He stated with a wink.
“..should you be telling me this?” She questioned of him.
Appo put his hands up. “It’s not like it's anything new.” He stated.
“- But maybe it is to you.”
“He thinks you’re cute.”
“Appo.” Sephora hid her face.
“You two are so similar it’s adorable.” He stated with an amused look, watching her embarrassment over the matter.
“You’re annoying.”
“I know.” He stated matter-of-factly.
“What's up with the blue?” Wolffe stated deliberately meaning her hair.
Appo smirked. “Ohh you know…”
Sephora shoved him. “Shut up Appo..”
Her men just snickered in the background.
“501st- probably more Rex though.”
Sephora glared at him.
“Probably more Rex.” He repeated again to her disdain.
Rex looked stupefied. Wolffe scoffed crossing his arms.
“No favorites huh?”
Sephora gave him a look. “I don’t do favorites.” She admitted.
Wolffe looked amused. “Then explain the hair.”
“What’s wrong with blue?” She reasoned. “It’s just blue.”
“Why not green? It’s your battalion’s color after all.” Wolffe submitted.
“Exactly!!” Star exclaimed. “I've been telling her that all this time!”
Seeing his excitement and Sephora’s obvious annoyance of the subject Wolffe smirked.
“I’m not dying it green.” She stated.
“Why not? You dyed it blue, why can’t you add green?” Wolffe questioned.
“Because it's my head and I don't want to dye it green?” She questioned.
Wolffe just continued smirking. She frowned.
*Also Sephora really gets along with the Commanders. It’s like she’s on a personal level with them. It’s like she gets personal ‘special status’ and she’d be the only Jedi sitting with them in a meetup- and it’d be just Commanders save for Rex because he gets special treatment too. Because he’s that ‘special’ Captain. She really has close connections to the clones. She is like their personal ‘support buddy.’ She is like a #1 supporter of clones and they know it.
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anyadarlingsdomain · 5 months
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Cass: I’m not a Commander..I don’t think I’m entitled to that ranking…I’m more like Captain 😌
Rex: …that’s not how that works.
Cass: Commander sounds..high up there
Cass is my Mando oc. Youngest of the Norien siblings- Sephora’s little sister. She is literally known as ‘the sass in the room’ and is full of spunk. Literal teenager literally.
Credits to: Jasminedoodles for commission ^
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anyadarlingsdomain · 5 months
A little excerpt during the Rebels Era. The clones were talking regarding their past and Rex brought up General Norien.
“You knew Master Noríen?” He stated, seemingly surprised to hear the name come from Rex’s mouth.
Rex let out a chuckle. “Yeah..I knew her. So did most clones in fact.” He stated, sharing a grin with his brothers. “Jedi Master Sephora Norien. Member of the Jedi Council, General of 614th Battalion- Moonbeams they liked to call themselves.
And most known amongst my brothers..The Clone General.”
Ezra’s eyes were saucers. “How did you know her? I mean I know she’s a General and all but how did you meet?”
Rex let out another chuckle, having a hand come behind his neck. “Well that was a while ago. I first met the General when I was stationed as an ARC Trooper. We just finished with one of our rountinal training exercises and she came in.
It wasn’t exactly hard to spot her, she was literally the only other female in the room.” He said with a chuckle, “no less you don’t miss Norien’s sights very easily. She’s easily noticeable. Our commanding Officer introduced her to us. We knew about General Ti- her master. And some about this Apprentice..but it wasn’t on the forefronts of our minds at the time. But once she personally introduced herself, you knew automatically that she was different and it was something you automatically took a liking too. Needless to say as Ti’s Apprentice she was with her often in Kamino. She was the second Representative for Kamino there.
Sephora’s involvement with the clones was constant. She stayed for months off and on with her Master for the implement of our program..along with other duties that she held too. Once the Clone Wars began..she was assigned to an Battalion, 614th as I’ve stated. Her leading officer was a Marshall Commander just like Cody. He was a good fellow..very stoic Commander you couldn’t get much past him. He was very observant.” He chuckled. “Anyway, for the course of 3 yrs I fought alongside the Clone General off and on. 501 and 614 were combined on missions many times. We were a force to be reckoned with. Like the other clones we’ve all come to learn and respect her over the years..she certainly earned her title..she was a great leader and comrade. I am proud and honored to serve alongside her during the Clone Wars. She is by far one of the greatest Generals of Jedi. She was a good friend..” he stated looking a little forlorn after that comment.
They were silent a moment.
“Do you know what happened to her?” Ezra suddenly asked him.
Rex was looking to the floor. “Heh..I..I’m not entirely sure..I haven’t heard anything from her in years..I just assumed that,” he seemed to be struggling, his hands kept unclenching each other. His vod seemed to be starting to worry for him and started to reach out.
He finally looked to him, shaking his head. “I can’t believe..” his eyes started to grow watery, “that she could be still alive..after all this time..and what titles she held especially with the clones” his eyebrows furrowed over, he shook his head. “There would have been no way..she couldn’t survive that..they would have torn her apart.” He finally broke down and wiped the tears roughly from his face, walking off- upset.
Ezra looked solemn. “I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to hurt him.” He admitted looking to the floor in shame.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself kid.” Wolffe said. “The General always meant a lot to Rex..she meant a lot to all of us,” he said with a frown. “But especially Rex..she was extra special..”
Ezra looked puzzled regarding something.
“What do you mean?” He asked him curiously obviously hinting more to what he was meaning.
Kanan looked up, seeming to know.
Wolffe shrugged. “He loved her, that’s why.” He stated.
Ezra’s eyes went saucers. “He was in love with the General??!!” He asked in astonishment.
“Yeah,” Wolffe stated shrugging again- as if it was no big deal, “in fact many people did..or at least had crushes on her. Namely my brothers,” he said with a chuckle, “trust me if you saw her you would understand why. But of course..Rex’s goes way deeper than that.”
“I’ve seen her..it’s just that..I thought it was against the Code-“ he looked to Kanan offended- “you told me!!”
“And it is.” Kanan calmly stated. “It always has been. The clones were on a different system but it’s the similar idea. It’s a very professional system. Jedi to clone officer. No open attachments or anything related..it would bring the flow out of balance no less the ways of war probably wouldn’t operate the same after.”
“It probably wouldn’t.” Wolffe agreed.
“But in some ways..the Jedi had it harder. At least in the rules of attachments.” Kanan stated.
“I just don’t understand..it doesn’t seem fair. Why is the Code so rigid?”
Kanan sighed. “Not all things can be explained Ezra..it’s just how things are.”
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anyadarlingsdomain · 2 years
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Amazing Commission by @moonvixenart!! 🔥
Thank you so much!! 💙💙
Oc: Marshall Commander Seb 614th Moonbeam Battalion ✨
Oc: General Sephora Norien
30 notes · View notes
anyadarlingsdomain · 2 years
Commission done! 💖
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Amazing commission done by ive_gone_chonkers on IG!
Oc: General Sephora Norien
Oc: Marshall Commander Seb 614th Moonbeam Battalion
22 notes · View notes