#Captain lee taylor
avengedbiologist · 1 year
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There's a lot of time to talk when you're flying to mars.
The first men on Mars, it hadn’t felt real. The red planet was beautiful from afar, but even more so close up. Despite this Jeff had other things on his mind, their ship was on autopilot, it was a long journey to Mars and both the men would need to sleep and eat. Jeff sat staring out the window, watching the stars but he could barely even focus on them. The pressure was getting too much, he had to get his thoughts out.
‘Hey Lee?’ Jeff shouted back, Lee had been getting a drink from the back of the ship.
‘What’s up?’ Lee said, as he appeared in the doorway.
He lent on the doorway, watching his partner nervously try to speak.
‘Can we…talk?’
‘I mean there’s no one else to talk to, so hit me’
‘I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately, mainly on this mission since I’ve had so much thinking time on this mission and I just need to get it out, I know I’ll tell Lucille about it but I can’t keep it in that long.’
‘You’re worrying me now Jeff.’
‘I think I’m bi.’
‘Oh- Jeez you scared me there pal.’
‘Sorry I just-’
‘Ay don’t be sorry about personal feelings.’
‘I just don’t want it to affect our friendship, or my relationship with Lucille.’
‘I’m fine with it, and Lucille will understand, besides, you’re still gonna be a good dad either way.’
‘Thanks Lee.’
‘Anytime buddy, now let’s get home, you have a son to meet and a wife to hug and I have a new nephew to meet.’
Jeff smiled, he couldn’t wait to be home.
Read on AO3
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2008hondacivic · 1 year
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Keep simple
Nothing tired
Nothing old
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butchmarner · 5 months
Who is the gayest PWHL Team?🌈
(Based on my extensive and unprofessional research of players' instagrams lol)
Minnesota: 3 confirmed
Michela Cava- dating teammate Emma Greco
Emma Greco- dating teammate Michela Cava
Liz Schepers- dating Ohio State teammate Michaela Boyle
Toronto: 7 confirmed
Brittany Howard
Carly Jackson
Allie Monroe
Jess Jones
Hannah Miller
Kristen Cambell- dating Team Canada softball player Emma Entzminger
Erica Howe
Ottawa: 7 confirmed
Brianne Jenner- (C) Married w/ 2 kids to Hayleigh Cudmore, her former teammate in Calgary
Emily Clark
Emerance Maschmeyer- married to Team Canada goalie Genevieve Lacasse
Ashton Bell
Malia Schneider
Zoe Boyd- either gay or really really really good at lesbian thirst traps and a queerbait of an instagram
Amanda Boulier
Boston: 7 confirmed
Hilary Knight- (C) dating speed skater Brittany Bowe (sorry Freddy Anderson)
Shiann Darkangelo- dating Montreal's Elaine Chuli
Jamie Lee Rattray
Samantha Isbell- exes with New York's Jill Saulnier
Taylor Wenczkowski
Amanda Pelkey- married to Finnish Olympian Venla Hovi
Erin Brown- dating New York's Savannah Norcross
New York: 9 confirmed
Micah Zandee-Hart (C)
Madison Packer- married to former teammate Anya Packer
Jade Downey-Landry
Jill Saulnier- exes with Boston's Sam Isbell
Chloe Aurard- dating basketball player Ella Bushee
Savannah Norcross- dating Boston's Erin Brown
Olivia Zafuto- dating former Boston Pride teammate McKenna Brand
Elizabeth Giguere- married
Johanna Fallman
Montreal: 9 confirmed
Marie-Philip Poulin- (C) engaged to teammate Laura Stacey
Laura Stacey- engaged to teammate Marie-Philip Poulin
Elaine Chuli- dating Boston's Shiann Darkangelo
Sarah Bujold
Erin Ambrose
Leah Lum
Mélodie Daoust- has a son with ex-wife, currently dating retired Team Canada player Hannah Bunton
Cath Dubois
Brigitte Laganiere
Notable mentions to 4/6 captains in this league being gay 🌈
(thank you @lesbianracecars for helping me in my extensive research)
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 3 months
Semi-Final Two
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Mr Knightley (2009):
Johnny Lee Miller as Knightley is JUST SO. I mean the way he says "if I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more" IS JUUUST. The dance scene. The tentative shy smiles. The fact you can see in his eyes the entire time " I am completely in love with this woman. She'll never love me back BUT I DO NOT CARE I'LL LOVE HER FROM A DISTANCE ANYWAY" IS JUUUUUUST
We need to appreciate Mr Knightley more for both his snark and for those soft eyes just so full of love for Emma
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GIF by dearemma
I was just going to send in the actual dance but the little panic he has when Emma says she knows his secret is just soo charming. There was some thread on twitter a few years ago about how a romcom man's most important quality is knowing how to look at a woman and JLM is just the master of it in this Emma
I really feel like the pictures say it all. He stands there, head tilted to one side. He is listening to you. His posture is relaxed. His gaze open, frank, candid. He's not trying at all. He just is.And that's why he is Knightley.
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GIF by night-unfurls-its-splendour
Some propaganda, not just for Jonny Lee Miller, but the general interpretation of 09 Knightley. I have some excerpts here from my review of the 09 adaptation:
What I really think is great about the 2009 interpretation of Mr. Knightley is what an easy and comforting presence he is, without being apologetic when he scolds Emma. I think this is communicated especially well by how often we are actually shown Mr. Knightley taking his almost-daily walks to Hartfield, how smoothly he comes and goes, and how happy Emma is every time she sees him coming up the path (usually, just at the perfect moment when she needs something to put her back to rights.)
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Here is Emma, feeling lonely after Miss Taylor's wedding. And in the background, walking up to Hartfield--there's Knightley. He's always been there for her, and he always will be.
And also this Mr. Knightley is as understated as ever, but I wanna highlight this outfit and why I love it: This is Knightley’s first appearance in the series and it’s the perfect establishing shot that shows the viewer everything they need to know about Emma and Knightley’s relationship and how it has always been. He sort of materializes, out of focus in the background, but Emma immediately knows he’s there. And to accentuate how much Knightley is part of her home and scenery, his clothes (similar shades of pale tan, white and minty green to the wall behind him) almost camouflage him and make him seem at one with the moulding of her home.
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Additionally, Jonny Lee Miller captures Knightley’s playful qualities, and his exasperation is so endearing
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GIF by christophernolan
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GIF by sashajames
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GIF by christophernolan
I can’t be the only one tickled by this Knightley’s frustration with Emma! JLM FTW!
Jonny Lee Miller is mesmerizing in any role he inhabits. It’s 2009 Knightly all the way.
no but can you actually go vote for mr knightley he was FOUNDATIONAL for 16 year old me my favourite portrayal of my favourite austen man cannot fall at this hurdle!!!
He is my ultimate Austen Dream Man, I'm with him until the end. Honestly this adaptation is my very favorite of them all (P&P 1995 is a VERY close second) because it made me fall in love with Emma as a story? Honestly no other adaptation or indeed even my reading of the book made me love it quite as much. My crush on JLM goes back to 1995 and I do think he is one of the better actors of his generation - his range alone is just impeccable. The fact that he can go from Sick Boy to Mr. Knightley to Sherlock to Jordan Chase is really something. Of all the actors I know, his range is the most impressive. But i love how bright and sunny this adaptation is. The colors, it is as vibrant as Emma should be! The Kate Beckinsale Emma is dark and terrifying to me, not at all suitable an adaptation. I like the Paltrow Emma a lot, but it's got the same issue the 2005 P&P has for me -- it's just too short. This is tonally just right, and the casting is lovely, and JLM is just at his dashing best. His face is so expressive, he is so capable of communicating so much without saying a word. His open jealousy of Frank Churchill is delightful to watch. His face when Emma tells him his secret is out at the ball! JLM is maybe the most underrated actor of his generation and I LOVE that he has been multiple Austen heroes. I maintain that in a future adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, an older JLM would make an EXCELLENT Mr. Bennet. He would convey the right amount of grumpy but fond beautifully.
Look. Do people realize JLM hates wearing period clothing AND hates dancing? And yet in Emma he's sashaying around in pink jackets looking amazing and is THAT convincing? That's called BRILLIANT ACTING!!
A tiny bit of Mr Knightley 2009 propaganda but I love that they put in that bit from the book where he looks like he's going to kiss Emma's hand when he's saying goodbye but then he hesitates and doesn't and I just...it's such a tiny detail but conveys so much!
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GIF by myforeverworldofmovie
It’s the only Emma adaptation that really hits the romance notes well. Knightley’s crowning moment of awesome really feels like it (when he rescues Harriet from humiliation) and his subsequent dancing with Emma does make you feel a shift in their relations. Love this adaptation. - This Knightley and Emma in particular are equals. They quarrel, not because he’s telling her off, but because they can have an argument because they know each other, trust each other and care about each others opinions, and there is never a sense of domination of one over the other. This adds so much fire to the romance, and it’s so unusual for a romance of that era (or even one written today!!). - Emma is rich, clever and beautiful and as powerful as a woman of her age and situation could be at the time and she married Knightley for no other reason but because he’s her best friend and his company for the rest of her life will enrich her. - He even leaves his house to move in with her!
Captain Wentworth (1995):
Ciaran Hinds has that perfect ruggedness yet friendliness to his face that makes him the perfect charming Wentworth. And all of the longing that he manages to convey in his eyes is so hot.
Wentworth may be angry/resentful with Anne but in general he is charming and the best friend you could ever have. Ciaran gets the pleasant parts of his character and brings them out, while keeping a guarded coolness (protective camouflage) with Anne.
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GIF by molinaesque
I dunno if this counts as propaganda or not, but Ciaran Hinds has a face that looks like it was jackhammered out of a shale cliff.
If a line like 'I am half agony...half hope' comes out of a face like that you know that man has a soul for poetry.
I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan. Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes? I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in
F. W.
I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look, will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house this evening or never.  
This is propaganda for the next round because I need my boy to be a finalist! But this letter is all the persuasion I need to know that he is a winner
Ciarán Hinds in this is a whole other level of "a good man" He makes Anne's decision at the end so much more perfect.
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Alex Scott's daughter (1) II Leah Williamson x Reader
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"Our song is the slamming screen door Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window When we're on the phone, and you talk real slow 'Cause it's late, and your mama don't know." ~ Taylor Swift, Our Song
part 2 I arsenal women masterlist I word count: 1747
Being the daughter of Alex Scott was significantly different to having any other mum. Not only had football a very important part in both of your lives, but you also were much closer than other families were. Alex had gotten pregnant with you when she was only seventeen, struggling to balance being a young mum and finding her way into a football career. You two basically grew up side by side, with the same people and on football fields all across the country. Often, you felt more like sisters than mum and daughter.
Now you were twenty-one sitting on the sofa and watching your mum slip on some heels while simultaneously putting in her earrings. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me to this party?“, she asked for the hundredth time now.
You rolled your eyes with an amused smile; “Yes, I’ll be fine at home with my book and a hot chocolate, Mum.“ “Okay, fine. I won’t ask anymore. But you’re going to miss out.“, she warned you, holding up a finger in your direction. Satisfied, you nodded once; “Thank you and no, I don’t think I will.“
Your mum shrugged into her coat and walked over to give you a kiss on the crown of your head: “See you later. I won’t come home too late.“ You closed your book carefully, keeping one finger between the pages as a bookmark and raised an eyebrow at your mum; “We’ll see about that. If a certain redhead is there, I’m sure it will take longer.“ You knew your mum loved parties. Especially when her new crush was likely to show up.
Alex just waved your comment off; “Oh shut up. She won’t be there.“ “If you say so…“, you stated before returning to your book. “Hey, I’m not just saying it, I know it.“, your mum continued. “Mum, you need to hurry up or you’ll be late.“, you reminded her, pointing at the clock in your living room.
Hesitant the former player started to laugh:” Yeah, fine. Why do you want to get me out of the house so quickly?” “I don’t.”, you replied flushing. Despite her feeling that something was off in the way you tried to make her leave, she said: “I’ll see you later.” “Bye, I love you.”, you shouted as Alex was already at the door. With a huge smile she turned her head towards you before stepping out of her home:” Love you, too.”
A couple of minutes after your mum left the door ringed. A bright grin was on your lips as you opened the door for your girlfriend: ”Lee, come inside.” “Hi.”, Leah smiled. A loud sigh escaped your mouth:“ Hey, sorry, I thought she’d never leave.” “Couldn’t say goodbye, huh?”, the blonde threw her eyebrows up in amusement.  “Nope.” The defender admitted:“ That’s kind of cute.” “So, any plans four this evening?”, you winked at her.
In a casual tone the older woman answered:” No, I thought I’d just come over and we’ll see what we’ll do.” “Sounds good to me.” An innocent smile was showing up on Leah’s face while she showed you what the Arsenal player was hiding in her bag:” I even brought my book if you prefer to read together.” “Like in a reading date? I love that. Do you want a hot chocolate, or I think we do have a bottle of red somewhere if you prefer that.”, you informed her about the options.  “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m just here to spend time with you.” Time together, was something you rarely had, especially with the busy calendar your girlfriend had even with her ACL injury.
So you decided on the following evening plan:” Okay, let’s spend our time with reading so your physio can’t complain about the fact that you don’t rest enough.”  
“I’ve rested enough.”, Leah protested before she was lifting you up carrying you in the direction to your bedroom. Giggling you pleaded: “Lee, let me down.” Although you knew all too well about the England’s captain stubbornness. Determined the blonde shook her head: “No.” “Sofa or bed?”, you questioned her. “To read on?” “Yes.”, you nodded.
“Bed.“, Leah decided quickly. You nodded in agreement of her decision; “Good choice.“ “I know.“, the defender grinned back while following you into your bedroom. With a sigh, she let herself fall onto your bed. You immediately followed suit. With your head propped up on one arm, you opened your book; “Want me to read out loud to you?“ “Sure, why not?“, Leah agreed and turned around to put her own book on the nightstand. As you started reading, she drew her attention back to you.
However, this did not last long. You could feel her fingertips on the outside of your thigh tracing small patterns and then slowly wandering higher and under your shirt. In feigned annoyance, you slapped her hand away; “Hey!“ “What?“ Her blue eyes met yours with pure innocence. “You’re not listening.“, you scolded her. Leah shook her head in denial; “No.“ You shot her an amused look which Leah took as an invite to kiss you and finally, you gave in.
The book dropped from the side of the bed as you passionately kissed her back, running your fingers through her long blonde hair. “Now I know why you didn’t finished The Cost of Living yet even though it’s only 200 pages.“, you laughed between two kisses. Your girlfriend rolled eyes as answer and pressed her lips on yours again. You two were so absorbed in each other that neither of you heard the front door open and close. “Honey, I’m home.“, Alex’ voice echoed through the hallway.
In surprise, you two immediately drove apart but at the same moment, the door to your bedroom opened. Alex stood in the door frame, watching the scene before yelling out; “What the hell?“ “Oh shit. Alex, I can explain.“, Leah replied. She got up from the bed and took a few steps towards her friend. Your mum refused to hear any of it, looking from you to Leah with in an expression of betrayal; “No. That’s my daughter you kissed there, Leah!“ “Alex…“ Your mum turned back to you; “And you? Leah is one of my best friends!“ “Mum…“, you whispered, looking down at your hands because you could not stand to look at the hurt in her face.
“Can I talk to you for a moment, Alex?”, the blonde pleaded. Sternly Alex shovelled one of her closest friends out of the room:” For how long this has been going on, Leah?!” “Not long. Really. We just didn’t find the right time to tell you yet.”, Leah confessed. Out of breath Alex lips escaped an: “Oh wow.” “Don’t be mad at her. I started it.”, the younger woman told her, the softness in her words when she mentioned her daughter startled the older one. Devastated the former Arsenal player shouted: “You? When? How? Why?” “Because your daughter is cute.”, Leah said trying not to hurt her best friend any further while staying honest about her feelings.
Furious Alex looked at her:” I know she’s very cute!” “Alex.” Angrily the ex-defender waved with her hands:” What?!” “Calm down.”, the blonde asked her to. “So you started it?” “I did.”, the England skipper nodded earnest. “Are you serious with her? If not I swear-“, Alex began.  Without any hesitation Leah stated firmly:“ Alex, you know me. I don’t date unless I mean it.” Groaning the BBC reporter hid her face in her hands:” I know and I even told you recently you need to let someone in your heart again, that you’re ready to love again.” “And I am.”, the Arsenal player confirmed. “With her?” “Yes.”, the blonde affirmed.
Carefully you reached out to the brunette: “Mum?” “I’m fine. Sorry, I’m just being dramatic it’s what I do.”, Alex apologized.  A mild but also tired smile appeared on Leah’s face:“Only when it comes to her.”  “True.”, her friend admitted while putting the arms around her daughter into a tight hug. Quietly you said:” But mum I’m not a kid anymore.”  “I know that.”, your mum mumbled into your ear. “But?” “It’s Leah. And you. I’ve to get used to that first.”, the brunette revealed. You let out a sigh of reveal:” That’s okay, we respect that.” “You should leave now Leah.”, Alex told the younger woman. The blonde went to you and pressed a kiss on top of your head:” Oh okay, good night you two. See you both soon.”
You share on last look with Leah; “Night, Lee.“ “Good Night.“, Alex answered curtly and closed the door behind the blonde defender. Your mum turned back to you but didn’t say anything. “How was the event, Mum?“, you finally decided to break the silence. “I don’t want to talk about that right now.“, she shook her head earnestly. You bit your lip, trying to avoid the elephant in the room; “What do you want to talk about?“ “You.“, Alex replied simply. With a sigh you agreed; “Alright.“ Slowly, you sat back down on your bed.
Your mum was still looking at you with her arms crossed in front of her chest but her facial expression has relaxed a bit; “So? When did you want to tell me?“ “Soon, really.“ Alex raised an eyebrow and repeated sceptically; “Soon?“ “Yes?“ Unconvinced, she shook her head; “I don’t believe you that.“ “I’m really happy with her.“, you stated, tired of discussing with your mum.
Finally, she seemed to soften up and sat down next to you; “You really are, huh?“ “Yeah.“ “I can tell.“ You carefully tried to find her eyes; “You’ll get used to it, right?“ “I think I will.“, she answered, a smile tugging on her lips. You nodded gratefully in her direction: “Thank you.“
“Hey?“, she asked and nudged you with her shoulder. “Huh?“, you looked up in surprise. Your mum winked at you; “I don’t want to know anything about what you two are doing together, okay?“ Perplexed, you could not stop yourself from laughing; “Okay.“
After a moment of silence, Alex cleared her throat; “I’m sorry I send her away for tonight.“ “Don’t worry about it.“ Gently, she slapped you on your thigh as she got up from your bed; “Let’s order some food and you tell me about you two? How does that sound?“ A big smile on your face, you followed her; “That sounds great, Mum.“
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sserajeans · 11 months
you are in love
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a hanni x fem! reader smau
synopsis: hanni and y/n have been friends since the beginning of time. one could argue best friends, even. but something's different in the air this school year, whether it's the pressure of senior year or y/n's urgent need to break her single streak, it's up to the whole gang to get the girls to realize how they feel (and quick).
starring: hanni minji hyein danielle (nwjns), wonyoung (ive), leehan (boynextdoor), gyuvin (zb1), kazuha (lsrfm), jiwoo (nmixx) and more...
others + genre: childhood best friends to lovers, idiots in denial, fluff, non-idol au, slow burn, angst, love triangle-ISH loosely based off taylor swift's "you are in love"
notes: irregular updates due to school and other stuff, ignore timestamps, will start updating after i finish through half the story!!
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profiles: fish hooks, the backyardigans
playlists: over here!
1. captain y/n
3. girlypops
4. sob sesh? (written)
5. y/n vs diffuser
6. cupid gyubi
9. uhm hi
10. first date?
11. allan gyuvin
12. #FifthHarmony
13. the snitch's story
14. shes grown 🙄
15. does it matter
16. d-day (half-written)
17. twitter debut
18. dumbass y/n
19. simp city
20. should've said no (written)
22. ijbol worthy
23. under pressure
24. match made in ocean (semi-written?)
25. burnt toast, sunday (half-written)
26. wonyoung vs leehan
27. brr it's cold
28. y/n whore allegations
29. the dates
30. let kim cook
31. how u been, y/n?
32. bbangsaz to the rescue!
33. never grow up
34. lee y/n, believe in yourself
bonus: BHB, be honest bro!
35. minji = idiog
36. lee y/n, our superstar
37. can't-doggy-paddle
38. daniyn, hanyn, and... wonyn?
39. oppenheimer sundays
40. avoidant lee y/n
41. the niniz dilemma
42. minji senses
43. WONMIN⁉️
44. making the bed (written)
45. @/cantthinkofausr
46. collision course
47. coffee at midnight (written)
48. we kind of fought
49. 04z!
50. stylish lee hyein, boring lee y/n
51. the christmas fair pt. 1 (written)
bonus: you wanna bet?
52. the christmas fair pt. 2 (written)
53. god's silliest soldier
54. fighting a losing battle
55. sitting ducks
56. paper flowers
57. 2am, cursing your name
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taglist (OPEN): @yyeonmis @lostamoeba @jisooftme @yoontoonwhs @awkwardtoafault @kvnii @lcv3lies @limbforalimb @spritin @kaypanaq @i06kkura @manooffline @kimsgayness @justme-idle @jenaissantex @mightymyo @sewiouslyz @wowowowcake
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about the fact that, even if they don't physically eat her, jackie taylor is the first person the girls cannibalize.
we see it most intensely and most obviously with shauna, who consumes more and more of jackie's life. before the plane even crashes, shauna takes jeff's virginity, which was supposed to be jackie's. she takes jeff, jackie's boyfriend. after the crash, she takes the team's loyalty; more and more of their teammates start confiding in and working with shauna, ostracizing jackie, until the team firmly chooses shauna over jackie, their captain. shauna goes on to marry jackie's boyfriend and have the suburban little life that jackie was supposed to have. hell, shauna even takes rabbits from jackie—jackie "loved them", but we only see rabbits when it's about shauna. they're symbolic of the wilderness and who shauna has become.
but it's not just shauna. the longer they're in the woods, the more the rest of the girls start taking from jackie, consuming bits and pieces of her identity until there's nothing left.
jackie is the leader. she's the team captain, and her role is to lead and keep her team together. we're explicitly introduced to jackie this way. coach martinez points out how the other players on the team are better than her, but what she has is influence. she's specifically chosen to be the one to lead her teammates through difficulty. and at the party, we see her in action. we see her take a fractured team and put them back together! she fixes them, she leads them, she heals them.
but after the crash, jackie isn't a leader. misty is the one calm under pressure, who gets them through the first few hours. taissa steps forward and pushes the team to move from the crash site, the one with the initiative to go look for help on foot. laura lee is the one brave enough to try and fly the plane. akilah stops them from eating poison. nat hunts for them, provides for them. lottie protects and guides them.
she almost finds a foothold with the seance, almost finds the old part of herself that gives pep talks and lightens the mood with distractions. but van can weave stories by the campfire, and mari can lead late night line dances and make booze.
so what's left for jackie? each of the girls cuts and picks at the facets of leadership until there's nothing left of it for her. until she's a worthless captain to a group of girls who have figured out how to break her up and share her between themselves.
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pevensiechase · 8 months
"The thing about pain...it demands to be felt"
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“But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.”
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"if there’s one thing the gods love, it’s tragedy. with wings that burn and boys who fall."
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war is a slippery slope.   what would you do? becomes what will you do? becomes my god, what have you done?
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"I sat with my anger long enough until she told me her real name was grief." - C.S. Lewis
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars // Wayne Family Adventures: Episode 45 - Strong Enough (1/2) & Bastille, The Weight of Living Pt. I & II // Aldous Huxley, Brave New World // @obsidianstrawberrymilk & Richard Kelly // @cywscross (via @ibuzoo) // Taylor Swift, "You're On Your Own Kid" & X Ambassadors, "Unsteady (Erich Lee Gravity Remix)" & Andy Grammer, "Sinner" & The Oh Hellos, "Second Child, Reckless Child" & Bastille, "Icarus" & Bastille, "Daniel In The Den" // @kelsiers (via @jaysroyss-deactivated20181228 // James Blunt, "Monsters" & AG, "How Soon Is Now? (feat. Dresage)" & Franz Kafka, letters to his father & Paramore, "Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore" & Bastille, "Flaws" & John Ney Rieber, "Captain America: The New Deal" // Twenty One Pilots, "The Judge" // Pinterest & Bastille, "Lethargy" // C.S. Lewis, on grief
Thanks to everyone who helped me find the post on Jason Todd being a Shakespearian tragedy. This is kinda messy, but oh well. There are just so many songs that relate to Jason.
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9-1-1-polls · 2 months
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avengedbiologist · 2 years
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Still mad they didn't have a reunion.
Throw back to the first time I drew em below💪
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
rose-colored glasses (all distorted) | lee jeno
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title: rose-colored glasses (all distorted)
pairing: lee jeno x fem!oc/reader (no name used, written in third person) | mentioned: oc's brother!jaemin, lee haechan, park jisung
genre: bet!au, brother’s best friend, angst, smut, fluff (if you squint) | requested
summary: a long-lasting crush for her brother’s best friend, a bet, obsession, devotion and jealousy; all things that cannot lead to anything good. But the world that Jeno showed her was perfect and she couldn’t see what it really hid behind the rose-colored glasses. It was all distorted.
warnings: angst, manipulation, gaslighting, fights, jealousy, smut, fingering, oral sex (m and f), (semi) public sex (on Ferris wheel), pussyjob (i guess??), degradation, praise, dirty talk, unprotected sex, jealous sex, make-up sex, inexperienced!oc, feeling like tagging this dubcon bc of the heavy power imbalances (jeno is mean at the start and then he’s slightly possessive and she would do anything to have him in any way, do what you need to do with this information) but there’s always consent
words: 18.294k
playlist: who are you ; 5h | like that ; bea miller | lose you to love me ; selena gomez | you all over me ; taylor swift | case closed ; little mix | can't help falling in love with you (dark) ; tommee profitt | monster ; exo
a/n: i promise it’s a bet!au but with a darker twist. I enjoyed writing this even if it’s quite out of my comfort zone (please don’t make me write mean men anymore I need them to be himbo male wives) but as I said I’m happy with it so I hope the anon that requested it (and all of you) will like it anyway. This story has no intentions of romanticizing this kind of behaviour, if you realize you’re in a manipulative/toxic relationship please ask for help.
taglist: @wooyoung4eva @jenoxygen @sunshinedhyuck @kundann @jaeymark
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Having a crush on her brother’s best friends was one of the dumbest things she could ever do. Especially when they had always been in two different leagues. 
Jeno had always been the popular kid at school, after a few years of being a loser in middle school, he picked in high school and college. He was everybody’s first love, tall, charming, the captain of the basketball team, and he even had good grades. 
She, on the other hand, was the opposite. Not a loser like the typical image of the silly girl with pigtails and round, big glasses who spent her days reading books. But still not popular enough to be at his level. She was reserved, she preferred minding her business and spending time with her few friends instead of living in the chaos of frat parties, or disco nights with people she barely knew. She was Jaemin’s sister but she couldn’t be any more different than him. Probably being his sister was the thing that worsened everything. Everybody expected her to be as cool as her brother, funny, cute and charming at the same time, but most importantly, not annoying. 
And yet, all those differences didn’t stop her from falling for Jeno. It was rather impossible when he was always at their place. They grew up together. Sure, she was always a step behind, watching from the side, laughing at his jokes when nobody else did, reminding his birthday to Jaemin that never remembered, admiring him and cheering him silently for every accomplishment he made. But she was there, every day since she was ten falling for him deeper. By now she came to the conclusion it wasn’t just a stupid crush that was going to pass. Too many years had passed by and she still looked at him in the same, delusional, way. Even if Jeno never paid her much attention, no matter how hard she tried.
But it wasn’t like Jeno couldn’t see it. He knew she had a thing for him, he could see how she squirmed every time their bodies touched casually, or how big her lips curled when he greeted her and most importantly… rumors ran. 
He knew. But there was something funny in keeping her on the edge, seeing that, somehow, the harsher he treated her, the more she came back, wagging her tail every time he acted just a little bit nicer than usual. 
And his group of friends knew too, always joking about it when they all stayed at Jaemin’s place and he left for a few minutes, giving them the opportunity to talk about his sister that always found a way to go downstairs just to say hello. So they talked about her a lot, chuckling, joking, saying that overall she wasn’t that bad and maybe he could’ve given it a try. But all of them were a little bit too competitive. Jeno was sure that if he only gave her a bit more she would’ve fallen to her knees, Haechan believing that she was too proud and innocent to actually risk it for him, while Jisung listened, laughing, but not believing she would’ve given up so easily. 
But Jeno was firm in his belief. He knew she was already his. But it was risky; she wasn’t just anybody, she was his best friend’s sister, and even if Jaemin never showed to care much about her, he knew it was still a dangerous game to play. 
But Jeno was a player, and he loved risky games. 
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“What are you doing here?” She exclaimed when, turning around, she saw Jeno lean against her bedroom doorframe. “Jaemin’s not home.” 
“I know,” he replied, shrugging and making his way in. “I wasn’t looking for Jaemin.” 
She furrowed, trying not to panic over the fact he had never been so close to her with nobody else around. “Our parents aren’t home.” 
He snickered, “I’m not looking for them, either.” 
“Then who are you looking for?” Her voice betrayed her, shaking a bit, but she shrugged it off with an awkward chuckle.
“Damn, you are dumb, aren’t you?” 
“I’m looking for you,” he said, sitting on her bed, and looking around. “Jesus, you do love pink,” he exclaimed, almost with a hint of disgust in his voice. 
“Can you tell me what are you doing in my room?” She asked, crossing her arms on her chest and standing in front of him, having no idea where she found the courage, and deciding to let the comment about her room fall. 
“I’m throwing a party this weekend,” he explained, placing his hands behind him on the mattress, stretching his legs out and tilting his head to the side, “wanted to know if you were coming.” 
She laughed awkwardly, shaking her head. “You are inviting me?” 
“Yeah, why not?” 
“You hated when my mom forced you to bring me along.” 
“Yeah, because you were a loser back then and annoyed the fuck out of me.” 
She gasped, staring at him in disbelief. “This is how you are inviting me to a party?” 
“I said ‘were’, I think we can get along now,” he said, standing up, and leaning close to her. “Or am I wrong?” He whispered while his hand placed on her waist, making her move back in surprise, but he stopped her, gripping tighter. 
She gulped, lifting her head, and stared at him. “You barely talk to me…” 
Jeno smirked, caressing her cheek and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, maybe I want things to change.” 
She swallowed, trying to keep her eyes on his and not on his lips, fighting the urge to lean in and kiss him. This meant nothing. Jeno never looked at her like that. So why would he start doing it now? 
“Do you want things to change between us?” He asked, almost cooing, moving his thumb on her lips, grazing gently. 
“Ye-yeah, I do,” she said, snapping out of her thoughts and pulling back, turning around to hide the big breath she was taking now that she wasn’t in his hold anymore. But Jeno knew it anyway; she always did that even when he barely touched her or stood too close to her for more than two minutes. 
“Great, see you this Saturday, then,” Jeno smiled, winking at her before closing the door behind him.
Her heart was beating ten times faster than usual, and a grin was not leaving his face until he walked downstairs and saw Jaemin. That was going to be fun, but he needed to be careful. 
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The party wasn’t chaotic like the high-school parties he and Jaemin used to plan every time their parents weren’t home, it was mostly their closest friends and some other people she had never seen before. But the music wasn’t too loud, there was nobody already drunken or high, lying on the floor, and most importantly, there weren’t couples all over each other in the living room. 
She found out later from her brother that it was an inauguration for the house Jeno just bought, finally free out of his parent’s clutches. But of him, there were no traces. 
She had been wandering around the place for like ten minutes now, a drink in hand as she hummed to the music playing from the speakers. Pushing the black dress she was wearing down her thighs, regretting the choice every two seconds she took a step and it rolled a little bit more up on her legs. 
“I was looking for you everywhere.” 
“You scared me!” She screamed, turning around too swiftly and spilling the alcohol all over his shirt, gasping and biting her lips nervously when she realized what she had done. “I’m sorry, shit, sorry. I can help you fix that.” 
“Enough,” Jeno stopped her, blocking her empty hand from touching his wet chest. “My bedroom, now.” 
“Yo-your bedroom?” She stuttered as he dragged her upstairs, leaving the party behind. “What are we doing in your bedroom?” 
Jeno laughed mockingly, pushing her inside. “We’re fixing the mess you made. Why? Thought I was dragging you here to fuck?” 
She moved her mouth without letting out a sound, feeling shame creep over her face. 
“Yes? Want me to fuck you, babe?” He asked, lifting her head up by the chin and smirking at her flustered face. 
“I – no, why would I?” She chuckled awkwardly, pulling away. “If you get changed, I can clean it, and then I’ll give it back to you once it dried,” she said, bringing the topic back to his stained shirt. 
“I have a washing machine here,” he said, hands moving to grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head, making her get lost in his toned chest and abs. She had never seen him so exposed, but she was sure as hell that he had never been like this before.
“Close your mouth,” he ordered. 
“It’s closed,” she retorted, grunting but still diverting her gaze from him. 
“Sure,” he chuckled, throwing the dirty shirt on his desk chair; he didn’t even care about the shirt, he just wanted to spend time alone with her. “Anyway, I need you to help me pick another one.” 
“That’s why I am here?” 
“Yeah, I told you, I don’t want to fuck you.” 
“Stop it. I don’t want either,” she replied, biting her lower lip nervously and tapping her high heels against the floor.  
Jeno studied her, another smirk curled his lips before he sighed. “Help me fix the mess you made so we can go to the party and have some fun.” 
When they reached downstairs again, she had no idea how she was still standing on her feet, staying too close to him and helping him close the buttons of the new shirt he picked got in her brain. Jeno pointing out all her weird antics didn’t help her much at relaxing. And just when she thought she was free and could find a corner to dance alone and then run home and avoid him forever, she got dragged on the couches. 
“We’re playing truth or dare,” Haechan chanted, making her sit next to him. “You can’t miss it.” 
“Truth or dare? How old are we? Fifteen?” She asked, looking around at the others, hoping somebody was going to back her up. 
“That’s why I never wanted to bring you along,” Jaemin booed, “because you’re boring.” 
She wanted to talk back, but the hums of agreement of his friends made her shut her mouth and squeeze more in her place. 
“We’re starting from the youngest,” Haechan said. 
“Man, why always from me?” Jisung huffed, rolling his eyes, receiving a look from his friend. “Fine, truth.” 
So they started playing, too many dumb dares and too spicy truths for her liking, but she tried to be likeable and don’t be a buzzkill. 
“Truth,” she chose for the first round, fearing the question, already knowing it was going to be something embarrassing or something she couldn’t answer because it wasn’t like she had many adventures. 
“Where was the wildest place you ever had sex?” Haechan asked, making her face heat up immediately.
“Dude, that’s disgusting, she’s my sister,” Jaemin whined, turning around and fake-gagging. 
But she was standing still, wanting to die under the interrogating gazes of the others. “I… I only did it in a bed,” she confessed as her eyes skimmed all over the room to avoid the mocking smirks on the others’ faces. 
“Wow, yeah, should’ve expected it from you,” he mocked, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. 
She bit her lip, nervously playing with the hem of her dress, until her eyes met Jeno’s. He was staring at her but she couldn’t decipher what he was hiding under his gaze or if his lips were turned in a genuine smile or a mocking one. But it didn’t matter… well, it didn’t until she had the brilliant idea of picking dare. 
“Guess what, we’re hoping you can spice up your life in one night,” Haechan joked. “You have to play seven minutes in heaven with Jeno,” he said, turning around and winking at his friends. 
She expected Jeno to gag or complain about the pairing, but he didn’t. He looked at her, stood up and then reached his hand for her to grab. She hesitated, looking over at Jaemin for approval, but she gagged instead when she saw a girl all over him. 
“Come on,” Jeno urged her, making her drift her gaze from her brother. “I’ve got a brand-new closet to try.” 
The walk to his bedroom was silent as she felt panic run in her veins. 
“You know that it doesn’t have to be sex, right? You can also just talk while playing seven minutes in heaven,” she mumbled when he opened the bedroom and started walking to the closet. “Or we could do nothing, that’s also valid, you –” 
“Will you shut up for a second?” He asked, turning around, stopping in front of her, pushing her inside before closing the doors behind them. “Great, so much better for my ears,” he huffed. “And, to answer your annoying questions, no, there’s no fun in that.” 
“We can’t do that in seven minutes,” she muttered. “Also you said you didn’t like me like that, you said that just before, you-” When he shushed her with a kiss she felt her knees buckle and her heart race and it felt like a fever dream. 
“That’s something that shouldn’t happen in this game, you know? No kissing allowed.” 
“No kisses but sex yes?” 
He chuckled, making her walk back, sitting her on a small white desk next to the wall, dress lifting up, barely covering half of her thighs. “Weird, isn’t it?” 
She hummed, breath shaking when his cold hands ran on her naked thigh. “Wait, I’ve never done this.” 
“I thought you said you did it in a bed?” 
“I – I did but it was ages ago and it was…” she stopped, embarrassed, “it was bad.” 
“Oh, yeah, not surprised,” he replied. “Do you trust me?” 
“I don’t know,” she whimpered when his fingers grazed her panties. 
“I think your body trusts me,” he whispered against her neck when he moved the panties to the side and felt how wet she was. “Is this from before? Did seeing me half-naked got you like this?” 
“N-no, why would it, mmh,” she stopped when his fingers started circling on her clit. “We shouldn’t – we shouldn’t –”
“Do this?” He asked, smirking and pushing a finger inside her, making her roll her head back against the wall. “I will make you come if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m not your ex-boyfriend.” 
“Jeno –” 
“Shh,” he shushed her, lips barely brushing against hers, “you don’t have to hold it back,” he whispered, starting to move his fingers inside her wet pussy. “I know you want this so badly. You’ve been dreaming about my fingers for so long,” he cooed, smirking when she lowered her head in embarrassment. “It’s alright, baby. A lot of people would want these fingers buried inside of them… and you are the lucky one tonight.” 
“You won’t tell Jaemin, right?” 
He snickered, “what happens here is a secret, honey. Just relax, stop being so serious, that’s why nobody can’t stand you. You think too much.” 
She was about to open her mouth again and talk back but when his two fingers curled inside of her and hit the spot that made her tremble, she could only try to hold in the whimpers and let her head fall against his shoulder. 
“There,” he hummed, “so much better.” 
“Mhh,” she mumbled, her hand reached for his other arm and squeezed tight, trying to hold onto something, “feels good.” 
“I know, baby, I know. He didn’t give it to you like this, right?” He teased, moving his hand to reach for her hair and force her head up so he could look at her face, eyelashes fluttering and lips parted to let out low moans. “What about this?” He asked, adding a third finger and starting to move his thumb on her clit, eliciting a choked sob to roll out of her mouth and to open her eyes fully. “You like this?” He asked, but he knew the answer, she was dripping over his hand and her hips were rolling against his thumb searching for more friction. 
“Yeah,” she whispered, biting her lips, nails digging into his arm when he started to move faster into her, making her try to close her legs, embarrassed by the lewd sounds of her wetness, but Jeno only smirked and forced her legs parted. 
“No, pretty,” he whispered, “want to see you.” 
“I think I… I’m close,” she confessed, feeling her body burn up and a new weird sensation build up in her stomach. 
“You think?” He asked, tapping her cheek so she would open her eyes. “Oh… he never made you come?” 
She nodded, diverting her gaze again, feeling the sensation intensify with every thrust of his fingers. “Mhh, it’s too much, feels – feels too good,” she whimpered, hips grinding against him, and lower lip bleeding for how hard she was biting on it. But Jeno couldn’t care, he knew she could take it, she simply wasn’t used to it, but he was going to make her get used to it. This was just a preview of everything he could give to her, a small window on the world he could show her. 
“Come,” he ordered, “I don’t think we have much time. And you don’t want Haechan to hear you moan like a whimpering mess, right?” 
She shook her head before throwing it back, feeling a new sensation rush over her, her stomach tightened and her toes curled in her shoes while her hips bucked up against him. 
“No more, no more,” she whimpered, trying to push him away. 
“Shh, it’s alright, baby, it’s alright,” he shushed her, thumb grazing her cheek. She blinked, trying to shake the dizziness out of her brain, eyes falling on his lips, wishing she could taste them again because the kiss of before was so unexpected that her brain didn’t even have time to register it.
And Jeno knew it, but he needed her to crawl back to him, he couldn’t give her everything just yet. He needed time, precious time, filled with tests and games that she needed to pass and then maybe she would’ve gotten to him. He couldn’t even care about that stupid bet anymore, if the time was ticking and he needed to get with her in two months, he wanted to have her in the palm of his hands and play with her like a puppet. 
“I told you I could make you feel good like nobody else ever did,” he said, winking, pulling away, leaving her sitting on the desk, slowly realizing what just happened. “Like nobody else ever will,” he whispered, turning around, waiting for Haechan to call them down again. 
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She shouldn’t have felt special. She shouldn’t have felt the butterflies fly in her stomach just because Jeno touched her for a stupid game. Yet, she did. Jeno was the only thing that filled her thoughts for the passing weeks. When she was trying to work. When she watched a movie. And when her hands shily moved on her body, desperately trying to replicate the feeling his fingers made her feel. 
But nothing came close to him. She needed him, every day a little bit more than the day before. But the more she craved him, the more he seemed ephemeral. She couldn’t reach him, she didn’t have his number, and she never dared to sneak into her brother’s phone to steal it. She already looked pathetic in his eyes, so she needed to win him in another way. She needed to appear charming in his eyes and make him fall for her for real. But she didn’t know what he liked, or well, the only thing she knew he liked for sure wasn’t going to make him fall for her. But it was something. And something was better than nothing. 
“Yeah, alright, I’ll wait here.” As soon as those words slipped out of Jeno’s mouth and Jaemin closed the main door behind him, she took the last steps on the stairs to reach him, running to the couch, waiting for him. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked when, coming back to his seat, he saw her sit there. 
“Because it’s my home?” She replied, playing dumb. “I thought both of you left.” 
“But I’m right here, so…” 
“Wanna watch a movie with me?” She asked, ignoring the way he was, not so subtly, trying to make her leave. 
He snorted, “why would I want to watch a movie with you?” 
“Because I’m bored.” 
“You are bored, not me,” he huffed, sitting down. “Also, Jaemin will be back soon, we don’t have time for a movie.” 
She shifted, sitting on her knees and placing her hands on his shoulder, “Then can we do something else?” 
He looked at her up and down, trying to study her expression, “Like?” 
“Promise you won’t tell anybody?” 
“What are you on?” 
“I know we said we weren’t going to talk about that night,” she started and Jeno stopped her immediately. “Exactly, so why are you bringing it up?” 
“Let me finish, please,” she begged, and Jeno nodded, curios to know where she wanted to go. “It was… good. I mean, you are good so, I was thinking that maybe we could…” 
“You want to be my sex buddy?” He finished for her, a mocking smile on his face. 
“I want you to teach me,” she confessed, feeling shame take over. 
Jeno raised a brow, tilting his head, “you want sex lessons from me?” 
She nodded, lip trapped in her teeth. 
“What makes you think I want to spend time with you? Especially like that.”
She stammered, not knowing what to answer and he rolled his eyes. 
“Okay, fine, since you want my attention so bad, let’s try this,” he said, turning around, face so much closer to hers now. “You have to prove to me that it won’t be a total loss of time.” 
He smirked, moving a strand of hair out of her face, “I gave you something the other week, didn’t I?” She hummed. “Give it back to me.” 
“I told you I don’t know how to do it, it’s not fair.” 
“Alright, consider this the first trial lesson. If you’re not a total failure, which I doubt, I’ll give you what you want.”
Her eyes moved around the room, suddenly realizing how dumb everything was. That was a bad idea. That was the lowest point she could reach just to have him somehow. 
“You know what, I… I think I don’t need those lessons,” she said, jumping off the couch but she had no time to walk around it that Jeno was already in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. 
“I know you don’t really want these lessons,” he said, pushing her back against the couch. “All you want is my attention, isn’t it? You got a taste,” he whispered, lips almost touching hers, making her lean closer, only making him smirk, “and you can’t get enough.” 
She wanted to deny it but there was no point anyway. It was written all over her face. It was in the way her thighs were squeezed together. It was in the way she had never worn clothes this revealing before around him. 
“Am I right?” He asked again because he wanted to hear those words slip out of her mouth, he wanted her to admit how obsessed she was with him. 
“Yes, I can’t get enough.” 
He smirked before moving his hand down on her neck, thumb caressing her jaw, “So… do you want to have a bigger taste?” 
She nodded and then dropped to her knees when he pushed her down. Hesitant, shaky hands moved to unbuckle his belt and push his jeans and underwear down, exposing his already half-hard cock. 
“Can you get me hard?” He asked, already knowing that it was a matter of seconds with the way she was looking up at him. 
No words slipped out of her mouth, she only nodded and then started pumping his dick, but his stern gaze made her lower her face. 
“God, I really have to teach you,” he complained, rolling his head back and sighing loudly. “Open your mouth, your hands are useless.” 
“Good,” he moaned when she parted her lips and stuck her tongue out. “See, you know how to do it, you just don’t want me to think you do.” 
She was about to retort when he pushed almost all the way down, making her gag around him. But the discomfort didn’t last long, it felt unexpectedly good. She liked the sensation of his length on her tongue, or how she could feel the slight throbs when she sucked harder. But what she liked the most was the way Jeno’s face was contorted in pleasure and how deep moans came out of his lips.
“Don’t give me those – fuck – innocent eyes. Where did you learn, uh? With porn – shit – or reading?” He asked when she opened her eyes and met his, making him lose his mind.
“No, don’t answer, I don’t care where you learned. I just – fuck – need you to keep doing that. Keep sucking,” he ordered, making a makeshift ponytail with her hair and guiding her on his length. “Can you take all of it?” 
Her eyes snapped up, looking at him, silently telling him that she couldn’t. 
“Oh, you can’t?” He snickered. “But I’m here to teach you. That’s what you wanted, right? For me – fuck – to teach you. Then learn,” he said, pushing deeper down, making her gag around it. “Relax your jaw and breathe through your nose,” he told her, slowing down, pushing out before sliding in again. “Good girl, just like that,” he praised, and her thighs clenched together at his words, feeling wetness pool in her panties. “You are good at this,” he smirked, eyes glistening as he watched her concentrated expression and the way her cheeks hollowed around his girth and her tongue twirled around his head when she reached the tip. 
“Do you exercise with Jaemin’s other friends? Uhm? Or am I the only one?” He grinned when she shook her head, still not pulling away from him. “No? The only one? The only one you get on your knees for?” 
She nodded again, stopping working on him to breathe again, “o-only you,” she said, glossy eyes looking up at him, drool dripping down her chin. 
“Can you be a good girl and take more for me?” He asked, wiping the drool away, and lifting her chin up. 
“More?” She asked, voice trembling. 
He hummed, “Can you let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours? You don’t have to do anything but keep your mouth open for me.”
“Yea-yeah, I can,” she replied, parting her lips again and giving him full access. A muffled moan rolled out of her lips as soon as his hold on her hair tightened and he started thrusting into her mouth fast. 
“Fuck,” he moaned, throwing his head back, “you feel good. Are you sure this is – fuck – your first time?” 
She tried to nod, hands wrapping around his thighs as she started gagging more around him. “What, baby? Want to breathe?” He cooed but without stopping. “Here. Take a deep breath, just like that,” he said when he pulled out of her, making her cough to catch her breath again. 
“Oh, look at you, opening your mouth again,” he said, tugging her hair and pushing into her mouth again. “I thought you were going to start – fuck – crying. But no – shit – you love this, don’t you?” He teased, staring into her watery eyes, feeling his orgasm close already. 
She nodded, squeezing her eyes when he hit deeper, gagging around his length. 
“It’s alright, baby,” he moaned, “I’m close. Gonna fill your pretty mouth and you – fuck – you will take it all like a good girl, uh?” 
She moaned around him, closing her eyes, trying to relax more as his thrusts got faster, closing her thighs together, skin burning up in shame as she felt her panties get wetter and stick to her skin. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, gritting his teeth and coming into her mouth. “Swallow it. Everything,” he ordered, pushing lazily into her mouth, emptying himself before pulling out. “Everything,” he repeated, grabbing her chin, and making her look up at him, watching as she swallowed all of his cum. “Good girl,” he praised her, leaning in, making her believe he was going to kiss her but instead he licked a stripe of seed that dripped on her chin and smirked at her disappointed face. 
“Get up, you don’t want your brother to find you on your knees in front of my cock, right?” He said, reaching out his hand, helping her stand up after he pulled his pants back up.
“Come here,” he whispered, cleaning her chin with a napkin and fixing her messy hair. “That’s better, isn’t it?” He asked and she hummed, diverting her gaze from his, nervously playing with her fingers and squeezing her thighs together, feeling her pussy throb for how turned on she was. And Jeno knew it, but she needed to be patient. Time. He needed to take time. 
“What’s with that face? You wanted the whole thing, didn’t you? You have to earn it.” 
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After that, other weeks of silence passed. Jeno only said hi when he passed over and nothing else. And she started to realize that she was being played, or better, that she was playing right into his fantasy, so she needed to get him out of his mind. 
But it wasn’t like she had any idea of how to stop thinking about him. She had tried for more than 10 years to stop her heart from beating so fast every time she saw his face, or don’t stutter every time he addressed her. And she never succeeded. So how could she do it now? Now that she got so much more than a taste, now that she knew what his lips tasted like, now that she knew what his fingers felt like, now that she could scent his perfume every time she closed her eyes. 
And, worst of it all, it felt like Jeno knew when she would start to get tired of playing this game of push and pull and always came back to her, every time giving her a bit more, and yet, a bit less. 
And then one day everything changed.
“Hey! You’re soaked.” His voice rang in the late afternoon in the middle of the street. It was raining and she forgot to bring an umbrella with her, also, she couldn’t call anybody because her parents and Jaemin were out of town.
“Yeah, I can see it,” she whispered, keeping on walking, not wanting to turn around and fall on her knees more. 
“Stop walking and get in, you’re gonna get sick,” he screamed, driving behind her slowly. 
“As if you care,” she mumbled, trying to shield her body from the cold, cringing at the way the raindrops fell inside her clothes and wet her skin. 
“I do care,” he whispered, grabbing her arm, and turning her around, chest to chest, rain wetting them both. “And now get in.” 
“I don’t need you to come and save me –”
“I said, get in,” he ordered, sharp eyes looking into hers, not giving her a chance to talk back or disagree. So she lowered her head and walked to the passenger seat without saying a word. 
“You can’t live without me,” he whispered when they were both in the car and started driving again in the chaos of Seoul’s streets. 
“You’re so full of yourself,” she huffed, crossing her leg on top of the other and turning her body toward the window, watching as the drops ran on the glass and the lights outside appeared blurred. 
“You are mad at me because I didn’t reach for you this week,” he said, tapping his fingers on the wheel, and it took a lot for her to don’t turn around and stare at them and imagine once again how they ran on her body and made her shiver. “Tell me I am wrong, come on.” 
She pressed her lips in a thin line, and then brushed her hair behind, “No, you are not wrong.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said, making her turn around in surprise, eyes focusing on his face, studying his profile, wondering why he apologized. “I didn’t want to leave you hanging for so long, I’ve been busy.” 
She hummed, looking in front of them this time, and squeezing in the passenger seat. Not replying because it didn’t matter anyway. He had been clear, she meant nothing to him, so what was the point of building up castles that were going to fall? 
“Why are you not taking me home?” she asked when she realized he was driving in another direction. 
“I know nobody’s home, don’t want to leave you alone,” he explained, coming to a stop at a streetlight, facing her and smiling… his sweet smile? The kind of smile he never, ever directed at her? 
“I’m an adult, I can stay home alone,” she replied anyway. She needed to push him away, she couldn’t keep falling for his game, no matter how sweet he appeared to be. It probably was fake, just so he could brag with Jaemin about how much of a gentleman he was and didn’t let his little sister all alone in the middle of a storm. 
“You wanted my company so badly the other day, why is it different now?” He grinned, before moving his hand on the shift to start the car again and sprint toward his place. 
“We won’t fuck tonight.” 
“Never said we had to,” he replied. 
“Then why do you want me at your place?” 
He shrugged, pulling into his driveway. “Are you sure you’re the only one that can’t live without the other?” 
She stood there, frozen on the spot, brain struggling to register his words and to comprehend if what she understood was what he meant. He liked her too? He wanted to spend time with her? 
“Wait,” she said, opening the door and running outside. Trying to don’t get wetter under the rain, reaching him under the porch while he struggled with the keys to open the do. “You find me annoying, you said you don’t want to spend time with me, you avoided me for so long, why do you do this?” 
Jeno sighed, throwing his jacket somewhere and getting out of his shoes as soon as they stepped in. “Undress.” 
“What! You said we weren’t going to have sex.” 
“It’s to give you new clothes, dummy,” he replied, rolling his eyes. “Follow me,” he said, walking to his room, a path she knew too well by now, and yet her breathe faltered just like the first time she found herself there. And it didn’t matter that nothing was going to happen, it was the thrill of being so intimate with him somehow.
“You didn’t answer,” she complained while he looked for something to give her in his closet. He turned around, a white shirt in hand, giving it to her that was now only covered with her panties and bra. 
“I find you annoying but maybe I like it,” he replied. “You look interesting under the surface.” 
She didn’t want to smile so big but her lips moved automatically, a dumb smile creeping on her face, eyes glistening. 
“Calm, now,” he warned as soon as he saw her reaction. “This doesn’t mean we are dating, but I wouldn’t mind spending time with you. And now get dressed, before I don’t keep up with the promise of before.” 
The heat of the house made them find comfort from the cold outside while they eat something while the television was turned on mostly to fill the silence between them. 
“Don’t you think it’s weird?” She asked while cleaning her lips from the soy sauce that dripped on her mouth. 
“Everything,” she said. “We’ve known each other for so long but… we don’t really know anything about us.” 
“You don’t?” He quirked a brow, licking his lips before placing down the empty bowl. “You think Jaemin didn’t tell me about all the questions you used to ask?” 
Her cheeks heated up, cursing lowly at her brother for not being able to keep a secret. “Okay, fine, but he’s not you. I don’t know it from you.” 
“Maybe you should tell me something about you. I think I can read you easily but not enough to get somewhere,” he said. “And you want to get somewhere, right?” 
She hummed and then took a deep breath before opening up. Talking over and over again, letting him know even the most irrelevant things about her. Letting him go deeper than anybody else, not even caring if something was embarrassing. She trusted him. 
And Jeno listened, finding out that yes, she was a lot, but maybe it wasn’t so annoying. And the more he knew about her, the better. 
And then he started speaking. But his words were calculated, just like the stories he was telling. He knew what he was saying, he knew what he was doing. He was giving her a piece of himself without actually giving her anything. Without letting her slip deep under his skin. Yet for her it was enough, no, for her it was everything. She had never seen him so open, had never seen his body so relaxed beside hers, no walls were diving them right there. And that, mixed with all the sweet tempting words from before, made her fall into a vortex from which she would never get out. 
Jeno had trapped her in his golden cage, but she did not know it yet, and probably, she would’ve never realized that.
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“Why are you so happy?” Jaemin asked his sister, staring at her with a disgusted expression on his face. She had been hopping instead of walking for days, always had a smile on her face, and strangely she wasn’t clingy, always locked in her room, only God knows doing what. 
“Why do you care? Shouldn’t you be happy that your sister’s happy?” She asked back, pouting before grabbing something to eat and running upstairs again, hiding from her brother’s questions.
Jeno had kissed her. 
After talking for hours, after being so close and at the same time so far away, Jeno leaned close to her and kissed her. This time for real. A slow, sweet kiss. A kiss that she had well imprinted in her mind. 
But not only that. His hands had touched her skin, trembling, and full of shivers. His long, slender fingers had trailed over her thighs, and then over her hip and held her close to him. And if she closed her eyes she could still relive all those emotions, from his scent to his eyes that had never been so real and close to her before. 
Also, they had slept together. She, Jaemin’s delusional sister who had fantasized so much and for so long about ending up in his arms, had slept in Jeno’s bed. 
And not like the other girls he let pass in his bed before, asleep in a tangle of sheets and sweat and cum. No, they slept in fresh, clean sheets, with his arms around her waist and his breath hitting the back of her neck. And although in the morning when she had woken up, he was not there, that was enough. 
Because Jeno was in the kitchen preparing breakfast and bidding her good morning with a smile on his face that tasted like something new, something genuine. Big brown eyes creasing up in half-moons and cheeks lifting up. 
Though… there was a but.
‘You can’t tell anyone about this.’ He had told her as he drove her home, serious gaze facing the road, one hand gripping the steering wheel and the other caressing her thigh. ‘It’s our little secret. You know how to keep secrets, don’t you?’  
And she nodded, confident that she could do it. That if she had kept her crush on him a secret for so long, she surely could keep their ... relationship a secret? Or friendship? Or friends with benefits? She had no idea, she didn’t know what bound them together, she didn’t even know if there was actually anything that tied them together. But it didn’t matter, if it wasn’t now, it would be in a few months. It was only a matter of time. Jeno wanted to get to know her, Jeno wanted her to be a part of his life as much as she wished he was a part of hers. 
‘hey, it’s me. are you free this friday?’ 
She blinked twice, shifting her attention from her pc to the phone beside it, trying to understand why an unknown number was texting her until she opened the message and ‘– jeno’  appeared at the end.
‘how did you get my number?’ 
‘i have my ways 😉 anyway, for friday? i need to buy some things for my place, it’s too empty, thought you could help’ 
She breathed deeply, looking around only to waste time and not answer right away just to don’t look desperate. As if she didn’t already answer ‘yes’ in her mind even before she knew what they were going to do, as if she wouldn’t have always been available for him.
‘yep, fine by me. where do we meet?’ She replied after a few minutes, hands sweating and heart throbbing harder in her ribcage. 
‘my place, i’ll drive.’ 
And that wasn’t a date, surely not a date like she always imagined but it was something. It was nice not hearing him huff annoyed at her every word, or seeing that he didn’t move away from her with a disgusted face when their hands brushed together casually. He even laughed at her unfunny jokes. 
“Our parents were never home,” she said. After buying everything, he offered to buy her a milkshake in a small coffee shop at the mall, so now they were sitting at a table in front of each other. “I mean, even when they were, they never paid much attention to us.” 
“That’s why I was always there,” Jeno chuckled. “Your mother couldn’t see the mess me and Nana made.” 
She smiled, lifting her gaze on him, but still stirring the liquid in her glass. “I wanted to move out of there so many times, but my job barely makes me afford my car bills and the few hobbies I have. How did you do it?” 
“Well, it’s not fair when your dad pays half of it, right?” 
“Your parents are cool. I remember when they used to bring you and Jaem to the amusement park. I never went there.” 
“Never? Not even once?” He asked, surprised. 
“Nope,” she confessed, biting her lower lip, already embarrassed at what she was about to say. “I always wanted to win a bunny from the water gun game,” she confessed. “You won it to Jaemin once. I was so jealous of that plushie.” 
He smiled. “Well, I might win one just for you.” 
Her eyes lit up, locking into his, heart doing cart-wheels in her chest. “You would?” 
He hummed, hand under his chin, rubbing it lightly, “Why not? Next Saturday? How’s that sound?” 
“It sounds amazing,” she squealed. “I love you so much.” 
He smiled, looking at her, feeling a bit of warmth spread in his chest. Maybe she was nice. Maybe betting on her wasn’t the right way to start this. 
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When Saturday night arrived, she was vibrating with excitement. Wearing a red top, a leather black jacket and black shorts, she grabbed her small bag and rushed outside, swiftly warning her parents and Jaemin that she was going out with her friend and she wasn’t sure she was coming back. Receiving no answer. 
But she didn’t care, she couldn’t care if at home nobody paid her attention. She had a date with Lee Jeno. Jeno was taking her to an amusement park for the first time and he would’ve even tried to win her a big, soft bunny she desired so much. So not even the bus ride – that she usually hated – to his place bothered her at all. 
“Hi,” she greeted shily when she walked into the driveway and saw him leaning against his car. Black jeans wrapping around his legs, black shirt covering his chest and red jacket shielding him from the light breeze of the night. 
“Hi, bunny. We’re matching,” he pointed out, dragging his eyes on her body and then smiling when their eyes met. 
“Yeah, we didn’t even plan it,” she replied, a shy smile widening her lips as she opened the car door and stepped inside. 
The car ride felt different from the others. The atmosphere was light while music played on the radio and they hummed along. There were no side-eyeing or annoyed sighs coming out of his lips like it used to happen when he was forced to bring her along because they couldn’t leave Jaemin’s sister alone. Now, Jeno glimpsed at her, diverting his attention from the street, with his lips curling in a warm smile. 
And even the whole date at the amusement park was different from all the other times they hung out together. 
It was like being around a different Jeno. He was carefree, laughing at her bad puns. He was kind, always paying for the rides tickets, drinks and food or wrapping a hand around her shoulders when they tried scarier attractions and she was afraid. And he looked beautiful, more than usual. There was something magnetic in the way his black hair framed his face, and his lips curled in soft smiles, making his eyes crinkle up too. He radiated a new sense of safeness. And she knew for sure that she was falling deeper. 
“Now that we tried everything there’s only one thing missing,” Jeno said, dragging her toward the biggest attraction. 
“The Ferris wheel?” she asked, tilting her head to look at him, fighting back the urge to intertwine their hands together. Jeno had been rather touchy the whole night, but she didn’t want to cross lines and ruin the amazing night they had. 
“Yeah, are you scared?” He asked, waiting in line. “You have me by your side,” he said and then leaned in, whispering next to her ear, “and when you’re with me, you have nothing to worry about.” 
She hummed, torturing her lower lip and shifting closer to him, and, unexpectedly, he wrapped his arm around her waist, and she had no idea how her knees didn’t fail her and make her fall to the ground. She didn’t even know how she didn’t pass out for the whole queue since his fingers kept caressing her skin. 
“We should be able to see the whole city when we get up there,” Jeno commented, looking around waiting for the wheel to start moving now that they were inside of a cabin, sitting next to each other. 
“Yeah, I guess,” she hummed, legs buckling in nervousness, and squeezing in her arms to avoid attaching to him like a koala on a tree. 
Jeno picked it up quickly and turned to her with a furrow. “Are you afraid of heights for real?”
“M-me?” She giggled awkwardly. “No, haha.”  
“You are shaking like a leaf,” he pointed out, hand resting on her thigh to stop – at least – one of her legs from shaking. 
“I’m fine,” she replied, taking a deep breath, trying to focus on anything but the way the ride was moving and how – in fact – Seoul was shining beneath them. “What was that?” She asked, panicking when they felt a jolt and the cabin stopped at the higher spot. 
“I think it stopped,” Jeno replied. “A planned stop… I guess.” 
“Planned? Or maybe the wheel broke, and we will fall, no, no, we will crash on the ground and you know there are no chances of surviving and this will be how we die? What will we tell my family, they don’t know about us, they think –” 
He kissed her, hands cupping her cheeks and pushing her close, air cutting short in her lungs not from fear but the chills that he was making run down her spine. “It’s alright,” he whispered, slightly pulling away. “I told you, you have me.” 
She looked at him not totally convinced because if the cabin fell, having him by her side wasn’t going to save her. Surely, it would’ve made her death sweeter, oddly, and tragically romantic but it was still death. 
“I’m sure it’s just to show the view,” he explained, kissing her again, and again, and then his lips moved down, kissing away the chills on her exposed neck. “But since you don’t like the view…” he whispered, cupping her right boob, squeezing just enough to make her roll her head back. “I can give you something to keep you distracted. What do you think?” 
“Yeah,” she moaned, “I’d like that.” She unconsciously parted her legs, not a single cross about being in public crossing her mind.
“Great,” he smiled, biting the skin of her collarbone, “feared you were going to turn down the offer.” His hands slipped down, cupping her mound and he grinned when her hips started grinding against his palm. “Oh, oh, keep doing it, keep grinding on me. It feels good, doesn’t it? The seam of the jeans pressed against your clit by my hand makes you go crazy, isn’t that right?” 
“Yeah,” she breathed out, opening her eyes to look into his. 
“You know, I thought you should’ve worn a skirt for practical reasons but this – shit,” he whispered when her moans got lower and deeper, “this is even better.” 
“I need you,” she whimpered, hands moving to try to touch him. 
“I know you do,” he cooed, “you’ve tried so hard to hold back all this time, the whole night trying to keep your hands to yourself because you just can’t help yourself, can you? Want to feel me,” he said, pressing harder against her covered pussy as she kept grinding against him, “no, no you need to feel me.” 
“Yes, please,” she whimpered, leaning closer to him, making their lips meet again in small kisses. 
“Can you do something for me?” She stopped moving for a second, confused by his request, but nodded. “Come in your panties like this,” he started explaining, tapping her hips to make her start moving again, “and then I’ll give you what you want.” 
And she did, even if it felt humiliating to come like that, grinding against his palm as if she was desperate, making a mess in her already drenched panties and barely holding back the moans. But it was all worth it when he smiled against her lips and whispered, “good girl, you are my good girl. Learning so fast, aren’t you? Making me so proud of you.” 
“Come here,” Jeno said, unbuttoning his jeans and freeing his cock. “Take your shorts and panties off.” 
“He-here?” She mumbled, panic running behind her open eyes. The cabin next to theirs couldn’t see them, the black windows shielding each crib hid them well, but it was such an exposed place anyway. 
“You heard me. Want to make you try something new. Come on, take them off and sit on my lap,” he ordered and she followed his instruction, trying to hide the stained black panties in her shorts as if he couldn’t feel the mess of her cunt as soon as she sat on his lap.
“You’re going to ride me, but I won’t get inside you.” Her face dropped, a bit because she couldn’t get how and because she just wanted to get there and finally have him, completely. But Jeno wanted to take it slow, he wanted to make her dance in the palm of his hand more, twirling around, following every single one of his words so well that he fell more and more every day. 
“Spit on your hand,” he ordered. “Like that, and now wrap it around my cock. You want it to slide perfectly between your lips, right?” Not that it was needed since her wetness was already making his cock slip against her so easily, but he loved seeing how much she obeyed him with no hesitation. He loved seeing that she would’ve done anything for him.
She nodded, doing as he told, eyes glistening because he was already so hard and it was all because of her, for her.  
“Don’t,” he stopped her when he could feel her trying to tease his cockhead against her entrance, “no fucking, remember?” 
“But why?” She huffed, pouting. 
“I want to save it for a special occasion for my special girl,” he replied before placing his hands on her naked waist and guiding her hips on top of him. “Just grind on me, remember before? Like you did with my hand?” She nodded, hand wrapping around his neck and forehead falling against his. “Do it with my cock, just like that,” he praised, kissing her gently. “Feel how good it is? It’s big isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, so big.” 
“Imagine it inside of you, stretching so much more than my fingers. Remember my fingers? How you dripped all over them and came so easily?” She hummed, hips bucking in shame and legs shaking at the idea of feeling him inside. “No, it’s alright. I know you remember them. I bet you spend your nights using yours, imagining it was me. Your little fingers – fuck – making their way into your dripping cunt, fucking yourself hard and yet…” he moaned, throwing his head back, “nothing can come close to me.” 
“No – no. It doesn’t – mmph – feel just as good.” 
“I know. But you need time, bunny. I can’t fuck you like this, in public, on a Ferris wheel. Not for our first time. Not when I’d leave you trembling and panting even more and you would have no strength to stand on your knees.” 
She trembled in anticipation, pressing further down, making him groan. 
“Fuck, you’re so good,” he said. “Need to feel you more. Lift your hips more.” 
“Li-like this?” She asked, whining when she had to pull away from him to give him space to grab his cock and start to rub it up and down her wet pussy. “Oh, this is, mmh, this is weird,” she mumbled, voice breaking a bit more every time that his tip pressed over her opening but never pushed in. 
“But it feels good, right? We need to come fast; it will start moving soon again, remember? You don’t want the operator to find you like this, right?” 
“No, no, I – that’s humiliating.” 
“I know, baby. I would never make someone humiliate you. So I need you to stay like this, don’t try to slide down on me and let me rub my cock against your pretty pussy, okay?” 
“Ye – yes,” she moaned. 
Jeno moaned, rolling his head back, when he started to rub his head faster against her dripping cunt and clit, the cabin filling with wet sounds and moans they couldn’t hold back anymore, not even caring if there was somebody next to them. 
“It’s good,” she whimpered, nails digging behind him, ripping the leather protection of the seats. “I’m – I’m close,” she breathed out, voice pitched and pussy clenching around nothing when another jolt shook the wheel and it started moving again. 
“Me too, bunny. Can you come with me?” 
“Yes, yes, please, faster,” she moaned, throwing her head back when he started doing that. Jeno had no idea how he was fighting back the urge to just penetrate her right there and then with no warning, slipping past her warm walls and filling her up, fucking her hard until she was nothing but a mess. And that thought made him grit his teeth and kiss her, cum spilling all over her cunt, triggering her orgasm too at the sensation of the warm liquid making a mess on her. She had never done that with her ex-boyfriend. And this orgasm was stronger than the rest, it left her shaking, whimpering, and panting in shame, in pleasure, in whatever drug Jeno was making her take every day that passed. It was becoming more and more of an addiction, yet, she didn’t seem to get enough. 
“Fuck,” he moaned, laughing lowly, trying to catch his breath. “That was intense,” he said, smiling at her, “grab your clothes and put them on if you don’t want the whole park to see you like this, though,” he teased, handing her the discarded panties and shorts. “It would be a beautiful view,” he said, watching as she tried to stand on her wobbly legs and get back into her clothes, “but I’m pretty jealous of it.” 
And another flush of heat rushed up her body, forcing her to lower her head. 
When the attraction came to a stop they barely looked decent, but they couldn’t care.
“Are – are you still trying to win the bunny for me?” she asked, head lowered as the realization of what just happened hit her, and it was clear as the sky how experienced and used to this he was by how he was walking as if nothing happened, as if he didn’t just come all of her pussy and then made her push her clothes back on, walking around in that mess. And the worst of it all was that she liked it, she liked that he left a mark on her somehow, that something of him was still on her skin. 
Jeno chuckled, almost as if he knew exactly what was running in her mind, finding it appealing how she would let go for a second just to go back to her usual serious and shy self in the blink of an eye. “We came here for that, right?”
He had promised her. And he kept his promises. Just like he kept his bets. But the more he looked at her, the more time he spent with her, the more he couldn’t see a clear line between the bet and reality. He knew he liked the thrill, he knew he liked the desperation, but he wondered if maybe, just maybe, he was starting to like her. 
Because when they reached the stuffed toys booth, it didn’t bother him that he had to pay to try to hit the target to win her that toy. He didn’t even find her supportive cheers annoying. He didn’t even mind that she kissed him as soon as – with a clear shot – he hit the target and made it fall after ten seconds of the game, winning her that so-awaited white bunny with big eyes and pink ears. 
“You’re so good at this,” she exclaimed, clapping her hands and jumping on the spot, waiting for the operator to hand him the toy. 
“I had the greatest support ever,” he smiled, handing her the plushie, smiling as she brought it close to her chest and hugged it tightly. A dream of a child coming reality after so many years. 
“Do you like it?” He asked even if he knew the answer. 
“I love it,” she replied. “Thank you for winning it for me and thank you for bringing me here,” she whispered. 
“No worries, I had fun,” he replied, reaching for her hand. “Should we head home? My place? How’s that sound?” 
“Amazing,” she replied, smiling from ear to ear, intertwining their hands, and walking to the car. 
She was still smiling, hiding her face behind the plushie for happiness and shame as she felt his cum drip slowly out of her. 
And Jeno was smiling too, thinking that if she finally had gotten his bunny, he had gotten his, too. 
“He’s your bunny,” he whispered close to her, “but you are mine.” 
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“Your fridge is always empty,” she huffed, closing the grey door and huffing at her boyfriend that was sitting on a chair, scrolling through his phone. “How do you survive like this? How do you survive without me doing everything for you?” She asked, crossing her arms on her chest and glaring at him.
Jeno chuckled, placing the phone down and standing up, reaching her, wrapping his arms around her. “I know, bunny. I’m sorry. I promise next time I’ll make you find the fridge full.” 
She rolled her eyes, and pushed him away, “you know it’s a lie. You say it every time and then we would always starve if it was for you.” 
“Oh, come here,” he pouted, grabbing her wrist and pulling her against his chest again. “That’s better,” he smiled, snuggling their noses together, making her laugh. “See, you can’t be mad at me.” 
“No, I can’t.” 
She really couldn’t. Especially now that they were dating for almost a month. Even if she knew so many flaws he had, she grew to love them all. She couldn’t even hate how it had to be a secret because she still had him and that was all that mattered. Actually, she enjoyed that it was a secret. 
After a few weeks of sneaking around with Jeno going to her place to see his brother and having to sneak in her room or in the bathroom for a few kisses and heated make-out sessions, this was so much better. She spent most of the time at his place, telling her family she was at her friend’s house or at the library, it wasn’t like they cared anyway. And Jeno never made Jaemin come over when his sister was at home. So everything was working out smoothly. 
This was great. It was the illusion of living together, but she hoped that soon it would’ve turned into something real. Their story was getting rather serious, in a way she never expected. 
She brought some of her things to his place so she had no problems when she stayed over. They did many things together like grocery or buying things when something broke. Jeno always found time to have at least a Saturday or Sunday evening for them to go out to restaurants, and when he couldn’t, they usually went to other types of dates in the afternoon. They even bought a matching bracelet – that Jaemin didn’t notice because he paid her even less attention now.
“You’re not picking a movie, anymore,” Jeno said, chuckling, stealing the remote from her hands and making her whine.
“Oh, please,” she huffed, “for one bad movie.” 
“One is enough,” he replied, leaving a peck on her forehead, making her squirm and snuggle close to him on the couch. 
But even after he picked one, they didn’t pay the movie much attention because they were too busy kissing each other. She sat on his lap, fingers in his hair while his hands cupped her ass and pushed her closer to his body. And this happened almost every time, they just couldn’t keep their hands off each other, but they never did more than that. Jeno wanted to wait for a special occasion. 
And that occasion arrived. One night, Jeno brought her to a restaurant out of town; a fancy place she had never been to before. 
“You picked such a beautiful place,” she said while they waited for the second course, and she looked around still amazed. That wasn’t the kind of place she used to go, and they never even went together to a similar restaurant. Experimental cuisine, beautiful, elegant design, and classical music playing in the background.
“I’d do this and more for you,” he replied, caressing her hand on the table. “And, talking about doing things together. My parents have a house out of town and they don’t use it, thought we could go there together.”
“You mean just us or with your group of friends?”
“Just us. So we can spend some time alone, no need to worry about your brother, about anything.”
She hummed, “Yeah, I’d love to.”
“Great, you can come up with a lie, right?”
“Of course, I can,” she replied. “But, can I ask why Jaemin doesn’t have to know about us?”
“You know him, he would ever let me close to you,” he replied, shrugging. 
“But you’re his dearest friend. You are like a brother to him. I think he trusts you.”
“It’s not about trust,” he said. “It’s weird. And yeah... he knows too much about me to don’t want me near you.”
“Like? Are you trying to scare me away on our date?”
“No, no,” he stopped her right away. “But I’ve been a player most of my life, and as much as he can't stand you he wouldn’t want me to break your heart.”
“So... as long as he doesn’t know you can break it?”
“As long as he doesn’t know I can love you without him reminding me of my past,” he explained. “Hey, I love you. More than I ever loved anybody else, so can you please don’t let my past define me?”
She gulped, looking into his eyes and finding the truth. “Yeah, sorry, I’m just a little paranoid because... because nobody ever went this far with me.”
“I know,” he replied, smiling, “that’s why I wanted to take it slow, that’s why I don’t want to rush us.”
“Can we go back to your place?” She asked once they were in the car, the rest of the night proceeded smoothly as their conversation never drifted to her family again and they left the past right where it was. “I don’t want to go home.”
“I wasn’t planning on making you go home anyway,” he said, smirking. “I have a small surprise at home.”
“A surprise? Is that another bunny?”
But when they arrived home there was nothing, not physical, at least, and she looked at him with a furrow. “There’s nothing here.”
“Mhh, it’s something you had next to you all night,” he sang, walking close to her, wrapping his hands around her waist and moving her hair to the side, leaving a trail of kisses on her neck. 
She chuckled, “is it you?”
He hummed, making her twirl in his hold. “Do you want me, bunny?”
“Don’t I have you already?”
“Yeah, but I think you still want more, don’t you?” He asked lifting her up in his arms, waiting for her to wrap her legs around his waist and start to walk upstairs. “I can’t take your disappointed face every time we don’t go all the way.”
“You make me sound desperate,” she chuckled, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. 
“Because you are,” he replied, opening his bedroom door and laying her on the bed. And he was right because she didn’t waste time kissing him and moving her hands on his body to free him of his clothes. 
“Gonna make you feel good,” he whispered once they were naked, lips closing around her nipple, sucking and twisting, making her push her body closer to his. “So good, bunny. Like nobody else ever made you feel.” His mouth moved down, tracing kisses all over her abdomen and then over her mound before lapping at her clit, making her whimper and squirm under his kisses and licks. 
“No, shh, don’t move,” he whispered, pulling away from her slit. “Let me take care of you, bunny. I know he never did. But I’m not him, I’m not like anybody else.” His lips started moving on her again, sucking on her clit hard and then teasing her entrance, tasting her, feeling lightweight as his hands kept her legs spread open, fingers digging in the soft flesh of her thighs.
“Uh,” she cried, head thrown back, eyes squeezed closed and lips gasping for air. “It’s – it’s so good.” 
He smirked against her skin, chin getting wetter with the slick that was streaming out of her as his tongue and lips moved faster on her, bringing her to the climax sooner than she wanted. 
But even if she loved the feeling of his lips, she needed more. 
“Jeno,” she mewled when he pulled away, licking his lips and cleaning his chin with the back of his hand. “Ne-need you,” she stuttered, looking into his eyes, filled with lust and need. “Please, need to feel you.”
Jeno kissed her, one hand at the side of her head keeping his body up and the other stroking his hard, thick cock. 
“Gonna make you mine,” he groaned, aligning his length at her entrance and pushing into her, nails digging into his back as the never felt before stretch cut her breath. 
“Fuck,” she cried, searching for his lips, chest panting as she tried to calm down, “you’re... you’re too big.”
“No, bunny,” he reassured, caressing her cheek, hips backing away before sinking in again, “you can take me. You can take everything I give to you.”
She nodded, legs falling limper as her body trembled in his hold. 
“So good for me, bunny,” he praised, the veins of his neck popping out as he tried to hold in the moans. 
“Want to – want to hear you,” she mumbled, cupping his face. “Please, want to know I’m – fuck – making you feel – aah – good.”
And Jeno let go, groans and low moans rolling out of his parted lips as he started thrusting into her faster, making her get even wetter as she felt him reach deeper inside of her.
“You make me feel so good, baby,” he hummed, throwing his head back when her walls clenched harder around him and he knew it was just a matter of minutes. He couldn’t hold it anymore. They were made for each other. Fitting so perfectly that he felt good like never before. Nobody could come close to this, to her.  
“Fa-faster,” she barely breathed out, eyes half-lidded and lungs gasping for air.
“Faster?” He smirked, tilting his head, staring at her face, getting high in the way she was whimpering so nicely every time he pushed back and forth. “Can you take me, bunny?”
“Yes,” she screamed. “Need – need to feel you more.” She had no idea how it could’ve been possible, or exactly what more did she need from him. But she needed him. She needed him to get under her, and she needed to get under him. Tattooing each other under their skins.
And Jeno gave it to her. Going faster, pulling her legs closer to him, leaning down to cage her completely making her feel small and safe. He was always going to give her everything and more. Everything that would’ve been enough to never make her want to leave. Because she was his, and he was hers. And they belonged together.
“Je-Jeno,” she cried, feeling her stomach tighten up, silently warning him that she was close.
“I’m close, too,” he said through gritted teeth. “Your pussy’s so good, fuck. You are too good. Come for me, bunny. Come with me.”
And her body obeyed, squirming under him, hips bucking while her eyes rolled into the back of her head and another orgasm washed over. 
“Yes, just like that,” Jeno groaned, watching her face contort and shooting his cum into her, hips slamming messily against her ass while his hand gripped her waist harder to keep her in place. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, pulling out of her and rolling at her side. “So, was it worth the wait?”
She smiled, turning to him. “You are always worth the wait.”
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Jeno was... caring. Too apprehensive at times. Not that she minded all the attention but she sometimes wondered if he did too much. He insisted on picking her up when she came out of work. He always dropped her by when she went out with her friends alone. He drove her everywhere, saying that it was safer because ‘you may never know who you meet on the metro or the bus.’
But the weird thing was that one minute he was all over her, never taking his eyes off of her even for a split second, and then he was nowhere to be found, or he even got mad at her, reminding her to don’t be too touchy because nobody had to know.
Just like right now. He invited her to Haechan’s party but didn’t spare her a single glance all night but she had no intention of rotting on a sofa seat just to get back home after wasting an entire evening.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Jeno snapped, glaring at Haechan pushing him off of her.
“Hey, man,” the brown-haired replied with a smug smirk on his face, “we were dancing. Had no idea you cared about her so much?” He grinned.
“Take that grin out of your face if you don’t want me to wipe it off with a punch,” he warned, glaring at him before grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of the living room, walking upstairs not even caring that she was hardly following his steps.
“Jeno wait!”
“Shut up!” He screamed, pushing her inside an empty room and locking it behind them with the key, stuffing it inside his pocket. “What the fuck were you thinking, uh?”
“W-what?” She asked, chest panting for running and because she didn’t expect him to react like that. 
“Stop with that fucking act of the innocent girl,” he barked, cupping her cheek with a hand and pushing her close to the nearest wall, pressing her against it with his body. “I was right when I said you would’ve crawled to every single friend of your brother. You’re such a slut.”
“What? Don’t call me that! You know it’s not true,” she retorted, voice shaking with fear. She had never seen him like this and she couldn’t even get why he was so mad. She and Haechan were only dancing, and nobody could know that they were dating, so it wasn’t like she had a choice. 
“Oh, it’s not true?” He cooed, squeezing her face tighter. “Then why were you grinding on him?"
“I - I wasn’t,” she whispered as tears started flowing on her face.
“Oh, nice,” he sighed, shaking his head, and letting go of her face, placing his hand beside her head against the wall, “now you’re going to cry. You were all over another man and you cry.”
“You know it’s only you. I’d never leave you,” she replied, lips quivering as she looked into his eyes and found them filled with darkness. “It was… it was the heat of the moment, he asked me to dance and you weren’t there and you said to keep our distances.”
“Yeah, but I think you need a reminder of who you belong to,” he said, flipping her over. "Need to put into your little dumb brain that I’m the only one.”
She nodded, shivering when his hands slipped under the dress, and she shouldn’t have felt so turned on because he was finally paying her attention, because he was showing he wanted her and nobody could come close to her. But she was. It was fucked up, and yet, her knees were buckling already under his touch.
“Need you to remember that even when I’m not by your side you’re mine and mine only. This body,” he said, running his hands on her thighs and waist and then squeezing her boobs, making her groan, “is mine. You are mine. Say it,” he ordered. 
“I’m yours, always yours.” 
“That’s better,” he replied, voice still stern, and hands slipping inside her laced panties. “Oh, wet already? You want me to be mean to you, don’t you?”
“No, I – I’m sorry.”
“I know you are,” he said, "but don’t lie to me. You’re either dripping because of him, which will make me very mad. Or...” He leaned closer, “you are a little slut that gets off to these things.”
She whimpered, feeling her knees buckle. “Don't call me like that.”
“No? You want me to call you bunny, right? Want to be my little bunny?”
She nodded, biting her lower lip when his fingers started moving on her clit. 
“To be my bunny you have to be good. And right now, you’re not. Prove to me you can be my good little bunny and not some cheap slut that lets all her brother’s friends pass her around, okay?”
“Yeah, I will prove it to you,” she said, trying to turn around but Jeno grabbed her wrists and blocked them together behind her back. 
“You’re not moving from here,” he ordered. “And be thankful I brought you here and not in the bathroom. Come here, on the desk,” he ordered, guiding her to walk over to the white desk at the side of the room. 
“Is – is this his bedroom?” She asked, looking around, seeing it was too decorated to be a guest room. 
“Yeah, is that a problem? Don’t you want to leave him a little gift of something he will never have?” 
“Je – Jeno you don’t need to be jealous, I-” 
“Shut up,” he groaned, ripping her panties and spreading her legs more. “You think you know him more than I do? You think I don’t know what he looks like when he wants to fuck someone?” 
She rolled her head back when he slipped one finger into her. “I wouldn’t have – fuck – I wouldn’t have let him.” 
Jeno snickered bitterly. “I’m not sure about it,” he replied, kissing her roughly and pushing another finger inside. “Your ass was pressing so much against his cock. Think I didn’t see it? Think I’m stupid? He was hard, wasn’t he? And you loved it,” he mocked, adding a third finger making her moan louder. “Because you love attention, you live for attention. You seek it. You crawled to me because you needed attention so how can I trust you? Tell me? How can I trust you with other men?” 
“I – I would never cheat on you,” she replied, trying to steady her breath and keep up with him instead of getting lost in the way his fingers made her feel. “If I could – fuck – dance with you in public, I – I would, I would only – fuck – do it with you.” 
“So you’re going to do it again just because I’m not by your side? Just because I don’t carry you around with a leash like a fucking dog?” He replied, stilling his fingers inside of her and tilting his head to the side. 
“That’s not what I meant,” she replied, trying to close her legs but he stopped her in her tracks lifting a finger and pushing her hips down against the desk. “Jeno, please,” she begged. “I won’t go to parties anymore, okay? I can stay at home, I never liked them anyway.” 
“And you think that’s enough?” He asked, picking up the movements inside her, making her breath shake and her nails dig in his arms.
“Then what more can I do for you?” She asked, tears flowing down her cheeks, feeling overwhelmed with emotions. Disappointing him was the last thing she wanted to do. 
“Don’t fucking cry,” he growled, leaning closer to her but pulling his fingers out of her. “I hate it when you cry. I hate when you do dumb things first without thinking about the consequences and then do this, play the victim.” 
“I just – I don’t want to upset you or hurt you. I don’t like fighting with you.” 
“Then use your brain?” He said, tapping his fingers on her mouth and pushing them down her throat. “The only time you’re not supposed to think about a thing is when I’m fucking you, got it?” 
She nodded, trying to kiss him back when he pulled his fingers out. “Can you forgive me? I’m sorry.” 
“Maybe, I’ll forgive you if you don’t disappoint me another time,” he said, letting go of her face. “Are you going to be a good girl?”
“Yes, yes, I’ll be your good girl,” she replied, moving toward the edge of the desk to feel him more. 
“Then bend over,” he ordered, waiting for her to follow his orders. “See, you can be good when you want to.” 
She was about to reply but then pursed her lips together, not wanting to get him mad even more. If she liked it when he got rougher, she still didn’t want to fight or make him truly upset.  
“This ass,” he said, hand slapping her ass cheek hard, making her jolt, “is mine. Got it?”
“This pussy,” another slap, but this time on her pussy, “is mine.”
“And you,” another smack on her other ass cheek, “are mine.”
“Yours. I’m all yours,” she whimpered, feeling her skin burn.
“Now be a good girl,” he said, rubbing the skin of her ass, “and part your legs more.”
“I wanted to fuck your mouth but I need to feel you, need to fuck you hard and make you walk out of here with – fuck,” he groaned, pushing inside of her wet cunt, “make you walk out of here with shaky legs and my cum dripping out of you.”
Her nails scraped against the hard wood under her, head rolling back at the stretch of his cock. 
“Yeah, you like that? That was what you wanted, shit,” he moaned, “Wanted me to pay you attention so you got on my nerves to get this. You want me to be rough with you, don’t you?” He asked. “Answer me,” he groaned, pulling her flush against his chest and leaving a light tap against her cheek. 
“Yes, fuck, yes.”
“But if you – fuck – want me to be rough with you, you just have to fucking ask. But noo,” he cooed, a deep laugh rolling out of his chest. “It’s better to go around and act like a slut, isn’t it?”
“N-no,” she breathed out. 
He snorted. “And you know, if I only didn’t care so much about you I’d let him fuck you. I’d love to see the – fuck – the disappointed look on your face," he said, wrapping a hand around her neck and squeezing it before kissing her hard. “Because he can’t fuck you like I do.”
“I – I know," she moaned, feeling her knees shake. 
“Nobody can fuck you like I do,” he whispered against her ear. “Say it,” he ordered, “say that nobody, nobody, will ever make you feel as good as I do.”
She threw her head back, ass arching against him, pleasure making her feel dizzy as she struggled to make the words come out of her mouth. “No - nobody will ever make me – mmh – nobody will make me feel as good as you.”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“You feel good,” she moaned, head falling forward, not really sure she could last longer. “No,” she whined when he pulled out. 
“Turn around,” he ordered. “Want you to look into my eyes while I break you.”
She stumbled on her heels, hardly turning around and sitting back on the desk and in a second Jeno was inside her again, thrusting into her mercilessly, knocking the breath out of her lungs. 
“You make me so fucking mad,” he groaned, kissing her roughly. “I wanted to get home and – shit – fuck you gently all night and here we are,” he said, cupping her face, “we have a party to get back to and we look like a mess all because you never know when to stop.” 
“Too much," she mumbled, looking into his eyes, hips shaking. 
“No, you can take it, you wanted this and you will take this. I know you’re close, you’re – fuck – squeezing me.”
“Play with your clit,” he ordered. “And come for me while you look into my eyes.” 
“Y-yes,” she replied, sliding her hand between their bodies and starting to move her fingers on her clit, wanting to roll her head back but forcing herself to keep it up and stare at him, feeling the orgasm come. 
“Shit, yes,” Jeno moaned. “Just like that. Good girl, my good bunny,” he praised, kissing her. "Yeah, that was what you wanted. And keep bein’ my good bunny and come,” he ordered, giving one last thrust that pushed her over the edge. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she cried, locking her legs around his waist and digging the nails of the hand around his arm into his skin.
“God,” he groaned. “Mine. All mine.”
“Yeah,” she breathed out, meeting his lips in a soft kiss again, “I’m all yours.”
Jeno leaned his forehead against hers as they both caught their breaths and came down from the high. “I’m all you ever wanted," he whispered. “All your life you wanted me. And now you have me, bunny. You have me right here, so don’t you dare leave me.” 
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She wasn’t supposed to be there, eavesdropping a conversation about her that she wasn’t supposed to hear. But when she come back from work, she opened the front door and heard Jeno and his friends talk in the kitchen, surely Jaemin wasn’t there, or there was no way they would have that conversation. But she didn’t do it on purpose and she had no idea if it was better like this or living in a lie. 
‘You didn’t win the bet, technically. It was two months and you started dating her after three.’ Haechan complained. 
‘Yeah, but I got to her after one week, I think I win.’ Jeno replied and even if she couldn’t see his face, she knew there was a smug smirk on his face. 
‘I mean, the bet involved both fucking with her and dating her so I think he’s right.’ Jisung chimed.
‘And as I told you she fell on my feet. She was literally begging for my attention so my point was proved.’ Jeno 
She felt her eyes flood with tears and ran away with the intention to confront him at home. Receiving more humiliation in front of his friends was the last thing she wanted. 
‘God, I hate you, man, Fine. Here’s the money.’ 
Jeno scoffed. ‘I don’t want the money,’ he replied. ‘I think I found a better prize.’
“Honey,” Jeno said, opening the door of his place. “I wasn’t expecting you to be home, why’s your car in the driveway?” 
“Don’t call me honey,” she said, standing in front of him, crossing her arms in front of her chest and staring at him. 
“Oh, what happened? We didn’t have a date, right?” He asked, trying to guess why she was mad. “And surely today is not your birthday.” 
She took a step forward and slapped him, making him flinch and stare at her with a surprised expression. 
“You are an asshole!” She screamed. “You played me for a fucking bet. You – you lied to me all these months! Five months of lies and games you played for some money. Is this all I am to you? A joke? A bar talk with your stupid friends? How much do they know about me? Did you have fun making fun of my innocence? Or was it funnier to laugh about how much I trusted you and let you do things I would’ve never done before?” 
“Hey, hey,” he said, trying to reach for her but she pulled away, glaring at him, making him understand that if he dared to touch her she was going to slap him again. “You are not a joke for me. And they don’t know a single thing about you. I don’t want anybody else to know so much about you, to get so deep under your skin. Everything that we did, everything you told me, had been just between me and you.”
“I heard you,” she retorted. “I’m not dumb, I know what I heard. I heard how hard you were trying to convince them that you were right and you won! All your daddy’s money and you still need to win more by betting on me!”
“I didn’t want the money,” he explained, walking closer to her again. “Can you let me explain?” 
“No, you’ve got nothing to explain. There’s nothing you can say that will,” she stopped, lowering her head and sniffling lowly, running the palm of her hand under her nose. “Nothing you can say will make you come out of this innocent,” she whispered, feeling new tears wet her face. This wasn’t supposed to end like this. She wanted him too much for this to end up so badly.
“Does it matter why I got closer to you? Do you really want a stupid bet to come between us?” He asked, trying to meet her eyes but her head was still reclined, facing the floor of his living room and her hair hid her face. 
“It’s not a stupid bet. It’s me. It’s us,” she replied with her voice full of anger. “And I won’t let you get away with this. I will tell everything to Jaemin. I will tell him how his best friend, well friends, played his sister. I will tell him how you used me all this time and you will see,” she said, finding the courage to look up at him, but when she met his eyes she couldn’t find fear. Jeno was unfazed, staring at her with a faint grin on his face.
“Honey, do you hear yourself?” Jeno chuckled darkly, shaking his head. “Do you really think he would believe you? His annoying, pathetic little sister who drooled over me for ages. And careful, that is what he thinks about you.”
Her mouth hung open, not expecting him to say something like that. “I didn’t drool over you,” she retorted, trying to push in the back of her mind the fact that deep down not even Jaemin cared about her. That truly she was way lonelier than she thought. 
“Shh, don’t cry,” he said, walking to her, caressing her cheek now that she let down her guard, shoulders dropping and heart crumbling into pieces. “You know you do. You wanted me so badly for all this time so… what’s different now?”
“You – you, this is all a game for you. You bet on me. You think nobody wants me.”
“Did I ever say that? No. But let’s be real, you’re 21 and nobody ever looked at you the way I did. All the things I did, I did them for you,” he replied, thumb brushing on her burning wet cheek. “I made you feel good, so why would you be mad at me? I never said I loved you when we started. I never told you that when I didn’t truly believe it.” 
“But you knew I… you knew! You knew I would’ve done anything for you,” she screamed, shaking harder in his hold, feeling both comfort and coldness in it. She couldn’t wrap her head around it, how he was the main reason for her pain and yet the main reason for her comfort.
“And? I knew how dedicated you are, so what’s the problem?”
“I… I… you know it’s not fair,” she whispered, looking down again, not bearing to his face. His handsome, gentle face that fooled her for so long. “You know that’s one of the worst things you could ever do.”
“Is it?” 
“Yes. And I’ll tell my brother and you will see. You won’t make me change my mind.” 
Jeno grabbed her waist, pulling her close to him. “You won’t tell him anything. Do you really want to humiliate yourself? What are you going to do? Tell him that you crawled to me on your knees because you needed someone to teach you about sex? You remember right why it all started? Imagine how he would feel knowing that you go around asking all his friends to fuck you.”
Her eyes drifted on his face. “I don’t go around doing that,” she said, tears streaming down her face. 
“Maybe…” he replied, wanting to bring up the way she was grinding on Haechan even if they were together, but deciding to don’t more fuel to the fire. “But if I would’ve said no, you would’ve. Isn’t this better for everybody? Your brother doesn’t know, and we still have each other.”
“I don’t want to have you,” she lied, meeting his eyes, scaring herself because how could he be so impassive? How could there not be a trace of emotions? Did he care or not? 
“No? Now that you finally got me, you don’t want me anymore?” 
“No – not like this,” she replied, trying to stop the sobs and don’t look even more like a mess. The mess he made. “You – you are a completely different person, you – you are not who I thought you were.”
“But I am me. You loved me all these months, and trust me, that was the real me. Why don’t you love me anymore? Why would you push me away, bunny?”
“Do-don’t call me bunny,” she said, glaring at him.
“But you love it so much, don’t you? Do you still have the bunny I won for you? Remember it? I can give you so much more than that.”
“I – I need you to love me, I don’t need this. I don’t need toys. I don’t need lies. You hurt me.” 
“And I’m sorry, alright? I never lied to you when it came to us. I would’ve broke us off if I truly didn’t like you.” 
“Yeah but I, I’m not sure I want you anymore,” she said, slipping out of his hold and grabbing her purse and jacket from the couch. “We – we need a break.” 
And Jeno watched her go, opening the door of his house and closing it behind. He didn’t cry, he didn’t run after her, he didn’t try to stop her. 
He knew she was going to come back to her. 
Crawling, just like she did the first time. 
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She was lost. Everybody around her noticed that. Weird, she thought, that for once they were paying attention to her. But she couldn’t tell the truth, she shrugged their oppressions off, pretending that it was just life, work and lack of sleep.
And that wasn’t a total lie. She had spent sleepless nights up, Jeno’s ghost haunting her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge every night. Because if during the day she could pretend and try to distract herself, at night she couldn’t. 
Jeno was everywhere. He was like her shadow, walking behind her, a cold wind blowing around her, covering her with shivers. He was imprinted on her body, his fingerprints burning up on her skin, leaving scars that weren’t physical, scars she couldn’t mend or sew. Scars he left open, bleeding, and poured with salt. Scars only he could heal. And only he could make. 
And she didn’t know what to do. If it was better to go back to him, let him heal her pain and hope he wasn’t going to scar her again or leave immediately. Admit to herself that certain things just weren’t meant to happen and let him go, slowly, bleeding some more, but let him go. 
And it took her two weeks to make up her mind and take the most painful decision of her life. 
So when she found herself at his front door she felt every second pass, slowly, prolonging that torture more. 
“Coming.” She could hear his muffled voice from the other side of the door and wanted to leave, not sure that after seeing his face she would’ve carried through. But she was there, and when she took the first step back, it was already too late. “Oh, you didn’t warn you were going to pass by,” he said, surprised of seeing her there. 
She hummed, “No, it was a last-minute decision. Can I come in? Or are you already busy with somebody else?” 
Jeno sighed but moved to the side. “I told you, I love you. I would never move on so easily.”
She shrugged, before turning around again. “Actually it won’t take long, so you can go back to what you were doing,” she said, making Jeno furrow. 
She came back, but he already suspected she didn’t come back how he wanted. 
“I thought about it a lot,” she started saying, fingers playing with a loose thread of her sweater but she was forcing herself to look at him. “I thought about us a lot and I realized I can’t do this. I can’t have you, not like this, not after everything.”
Jeno blinked repeatedly, shaking his head. “You want to break up with me?” He asked to make sure that was the point she was making. 
“Yes,” she replied. “It pains me a lot but… I need to put me first. I am worthy unlike all of you think.” 
Jeno hummed, rubbing his chin and wetting his lip. “You are, you sure are. But… you know nobody will make you feel as good as I made you feel, right?” 
She didn’t answer. She feared nobody was going to make her feel what he made her feel, but that couldn’t be possible, right? There were so many people in the world, he couldn’t be the only one for her. 
“Nobody will ever know you as deeply as I know you.”
No answer again, just broken eyes looking into each other. 
“Do you really want to erase all of these years?”
She furrowed at his words, chuckling bitterly, “You never paid attention to me.” 
“Are you sure? Just because I was looking at you from the sidelines, silently waiting for the moment to have you? We love in such a different way you think I don’t love you. How could you be so full of yourself thinking that your way of loving is the only right one?” 
“I don’t think my way of loving is the only right one I… you… you never loved me,” she whispered, feeling her heart clench because she had to repeat it to herself every night and doing it again, reminding herself that he never loved her but only played her like a puppet on a string, brought her to her knees, and made her feel worthless. It proved once again that everybody was right, that she was nothing special, nothing more but a sideshow for everybody to buy a ticket and laugh at her goofiness and futility.
“Here you go, doing this again. Do I have to get on my knees to tell you I love you?” He asked, taking a step closer to her. 
“No, there’s no –”
“No, I’ll do it,” he stopped her. “Here I am, on my knees for you.”
She clenched her fists and wanted to slap him again for missing the point so many times. “You bet on me!” She replied, screaming at his face. 
“That’s so irrelevant,” he replied, keeping up with her angry gaze, not even flinching.  
“No, it’s not. And you’re lucky I didn’t say a thing to Jaemin –” 
“Shut up,” he stopped her, standing up once again, voice harsh before it turned sweet and caring again, “I thought we were clear about not telling anything to him, right?”
“No,” she fought back. “I won’t keep my mouth shut.”
Jeno rolled his eyes and stopped her, a hand around her cheek and another around her waist. “Now you stop and listen to me,” he groaned, “alright, darling?” She hummed, tears running down her face again, and hated the way the only thing her mind could think was how much she had missed the feeling of being in his arms. 
“I’d never hurt you on purpose, I love you and it doesn’t matter if it took a bet to get it. I do. And I want you to put it in your mind. Please, let me show you how much I love you,” he whispered, kissing her neck, making her shiver and push him back. She couldn’t fall, not again, not now that his games were all revealed. “Shh, shh, don’t fight it. Don’t fight me,” he rasped. “Remember how you were always all over me? What changed now?”
“You are not who I fell in love with,” she managed to say, shivering and squirming under him, feeling that the power he had over her was once again making her walls fall down. 
“Just let me prove it to you, let me prove you it’s always me, the only one you love so much. Because you love me, right?” He cooed, caressing her cheek, and wiping away the black rivers of mascara on her face. “I know you still love me. I know your heart cannot beat with me out of your life.”
She didn’t answer but only hummed, shivering when his hand reached the small of her back and pulled her closer. Tired, she felt tired. And once again, he was the only one keeping her up on her feet. He was the only one that didn’t let her fall. But she wondered if it was because he truly cared, or if he needed to control her. If this sense of comfort was also fake like everything else. But her mind couldn’t tell it, not now at least, and she only hoped that when she did, it wouldn’t have been too late. 
“You don’t want me to leave you. You cannot live without me. Remember?” He whispered, caressing her face gently, reaching her hair, caressing her scalp, fingers moving in circles just like she liked, in the same way that would always make her fall asleep with her head on his lap, or against his shoulder. “You told me, whispered it to me while laying on my chest, fantasizing about our future together.” 
“That – that was before…” she sniffled, trying to fight it off, trying to grasp onto what was left of sanity, screaming to the small part of her that wasn’t completely devoted to him to please wake her up and make her get out of there. But there was nothing left of her that wasn’t madly, deeply, and completely in love with him, lost for him, devoted, obsessed with the feelings he brought along. Nothing of her didn’t scream Jeno anymore. She was his. Every inch of her skin. Every cell of her blood. Every thought in her mind, about him. 
And he knew it. Because he truly had her imprinted in the back of his mind. He had studied her for so long, silently, without making her notice. He knew exactly what she needed and how to give it to her. He knew how neglected she was and how she needed to be valued, loved, praised, and cherished. And he was going to do it. If she let him, he was going to give her everything and more. 
“But I’m still here,” he smiled, and then he kissed her as his hands moved to gently cup her cheeks and kiss her lips. “See, there still are my lips on yours,” and then he moved down, “and on your neck… right here,” he sucked. “Right here, bunny, where it makes you shiver so much under me.” And her body trembled in his hold as if it was a command, something natural starting from her brain as soon as his lips moved, like a magic spell.
“Yeah, you know nobody else will know how much you love being kissed there,” he hummed, snuggling his nose against her skin. “Or touched here,” he said while his hand moved under her sweater and brushed against the skin of her hips.  
“Jeno, we – you need to stop,” she shook her head, trying to stop him once again. To stop herself from falling into the wolf trap. 
“Do I? Does your body want to?” 
“I don’t care what my body wants. I know this is wrong.” 
“How is this wrong?” He asked, pulling his hand out of her sweater, but still keeping the other on her cheek, caressing softly. “It’s us, bunny. It will always be us.” 
She swallowed hard, trying to understand if he was lying or if he was being honest, but she couldn’t get it. She had never been good at reading him and he had played her so many times she had no idea if she could trust him. But what was he gaining from this? Why was he fighting so hard to keep her when he could’ve had anybody else? Why was he still trying to keep her with him if the bet was done? Sure, that was wrong, the worst thing he could’ve ever done but it was in the past. He grew to love her. He loved her. Lee Jeno loved her. And he was doing everything to prove it to her. 
“Do you want it to be only us, bunny? I need to hear you say you want me to show you how much I love you.”
“Ye – yes,” she replied. “Want it to be only us.”
And she fell. She had thrown herself out from the tenth floor of a building with no parachute and didn’t even realize it yet, and by the time she would’ve opened her eyes and realized what she had done, it would’ve been too late, too close to the ground, too close to crushing down. Her fear of the Ferris wheel would’ve been her reality. 
They were once again in an amusement park, going round and round, running after fantasies, marking each other, biting off pieces, bleeding. While the Ferris Wheel kept falling but from higher, much higher than where they were before, and death, even if by his side, wouldn’t have been sweeter and tragically romantic. And while meeting her tragic faith, the only thing she could hope for was to never open her eyes, to never realize the rose-colored glasses carnival Jeno locked her into, but to pretend, and pretend… and pretend until there was nothing left to do, until her sad destiny would’ve welcomed her and lulled her with the ideal of a love story that was only in her mind. 
“I love you so much,” he kept whispering next to her ear while he had her body pressed under his, hands intertwined together over her head, chest pressed against her back, hips thrusting against hers, lips kissing the blades of her shoulders, trying to go deeper under her skin because if only he could’ve, he would’ve. “I love you and I want you to never forget it.” 
And all she could do was hum and moan under his expert hands that played her like a violin. “I – I missed you,” she cried out, letting go of a confession she couldn’t keep in anymore as another orgasm rushed over her body. 
“I know,” he whispered, holding her closer. “Can’t get enough of me, can’t – fuck – be without me.” 
“I – it’s getting too much,” she whimpered, pressing her head against the pillows of his bed. “You feel too good,” she wept, holding his hands tighter, feeling her heart burn up when he started to whisper again how much he loved her, how much he needed her. 
“We fit so well, bunny,” he whispered, pulling out and turning her over, slipping into her again, holding her limp, tired body in his arms as he picked up his rhythm again. “We are made for each other,” he said, caressing her wet cheek. “So don’t ever let anything – fuck – come between us. Not the bet,” he groaned, feeling another orgasm approach them, “not your brother. Not another man. Nothing and nobody, fuck.”
She hummed, lazily blinking, eyes barely adjusting to see his face, and smiled. She smiled because that felt like heaven. She smiled because Jeno looked like an angel. She smiled because after being a loser for her entire life, there was a small patch of paradise reserved even for her. “Just us,” she whispered. 
And by the time they came together she had no more strength to keep her eyes open, even less to talk, but there was nothing more to say. She had nothing more to say, not for now, at least. Her wounds were healed.
So she let go in his arms, drunk in his scent and warmth, heart beating with the hope of a better future. A hope that was fueled by a reality that was all distorted. And in her dreams, she couldn’t hear him, but he would’ve made sure to remind her of that promise every day. 
Jeno turned around, eyes studying her relaxed face, fingers grazing her cheeks, moving her hair out of her beautiful face, a grin creeping on his face as he leaned down to kiss her parted lips. 
“It will always be us, bunny,” he promised. “Always.” 
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I hope you liked it, please leave feedback and let me know with comments, reblogs or asks ♡ For more support consider donating.
Part 2: shattered glasses
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companion-showdown · 3 months
Who is the best companion to get intoxicated with?
this tournament was suggested anonymously
Ace McShane vs Donna Noble
Ace McShane vs Wilfred Mott
Jack Harkness vs Donna Noble
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Ace McShane vs Jamie McCrimmon
Wilfred Mott vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Iris Wildthyme
previous rounds under the cut
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Ace McShane vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Jamie McCrimmon
Wilfred Mott vs Liz Shaw
Dan Lewis vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs The TARDIS
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Ace McShane vs River Song
Charley Pollard vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Dodo Chaplet
Rose Tyler vs Jamie McCrimmon
Delgado!Master vs Wilfred Mott
Romana II vs Liz Shaw
Barbara Wright vs Dan Lewis
Frobisher vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Martha Jones
Polly Wright vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Koschei
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Bernice Summerfield
Clara Oswald vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs Romana I
The TARDIS vs Tegan Jovanka
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Day 2
Jack Harkness vs Liv Chenka
Martha Jones vs Alan Turing
Polly Wright vs Mel Bush
Chris Cwej vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Jason Kane
Koschei vs McQueen!Master
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Narvin
Ruth Leonidus vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Vislor Turlough
Bernice Summerfield vs Steven Taylor
Wolsey vs Clara Oswald
Clarence the Angel vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs Karra
Romana I vs Romana III
Compassion vs The TARDIS
Hebe Harrison vs Tegan Jovanka
Day 1
Ace McShane vs God the Computer
Evelyn Smythe vs River Song
Sabalom Glitz vs Charley Pollard
Miranda Who vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Hex Schofield
Dodo Chaplet vs Panna
Vicki Pallister vs Rose Tyler
Peri Brown vs Jamie McCrimmon
Delgado!Master vs Fitz Kreiner
Wilfred Mott vs Leela
The Brigadier vs Romana II
Liz Shaw vs The Black Dalek Leader
Barbara Wright vs Nyssa
Lucie Miller vs Dan Lewis
Father Kreiner vs Frobisher
Amy Pond vs Bill Potts
(too many links for the post to work but all matches under the tag intoxication: round 1)
Day 1
Ace McShane vs Adric
Tegan Jovanka vs Victoria Waterfield
Delgado!Master vs Aris
Jo Grant vs Sutekh
Jamie McCrimmon vs Kamelion
Barbara Wright vs Harry Sullivan
The Black Dalek Leader vs Mother Francesca
Irving Braxiatel vs Elspeth (Where Angels Fear)
Iris Wildthym vs Peter Summerfield
C'rizz vs God the Computer
Romana III vs Carmen Yeh
McQueen!Master vs Mr Crofton
Wolsey vs Sam Bishop
Jack Harkness vs Rory Williams
Bill Potts vs Mickey Smith
Donna Noble vs Ryan Sinclair
Day 2
K9 vs Grace Holloway
Sabalom Glitz vs Sara Kingdom
Polly Wright vs Mike Yates
The Brigadier vs Morbius
Panna vs Varsh
Vicki Pallister vs Karuna
Father Kreiner vs Cousin Anastasia
Alan Turing vs Captain Magenta
Compassion vs Jack McSpringheel
Evelyn Smythe vs Renée Thalia
Frobisher vs Sabbath Dei
Narvin vs Lola Denison
Ruby Sunday vs Ianto Jones
Missy vs Yasmin Khan
Madam Vastra vs Sally Sparrow
Dan Lewis vs Graham O'Brien
Day 3
Steven Taylor vs Ben Jackson
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Zoe Heriot
Leela vs Ian Chesterton
Soldeed vs Vislor Turlough
Tremas vs Peri Brown
Dodo Chaplet vs Duggan
Bernice Summerfield vs Pandora
Koschei vs Valarie Lockwood
Lucie Miller vs The War King
Charley Pollard vs Joseph (The Doomsday Manuscript)
Miranda Who vs Eliza
Chris Cwej vs Adrian Wall
Death's Head vs Hebe Harrison
Jane Austen vs Amy Pond
River Song vs Gwen Cooper
The TARDIS vs Beep the Meep
Day 4
Romana II vs Chang Lee
The Three Who Rule vs Liz Shaw
The Kandyman vs Nyssa
Sergeant Benton vs Karra
Mel Bush vs Susan Foreman
Romana I vs Erato
Jason Kane vs V.M.McCrimmon
Clarence the Angel vs Scarlette
Hex Schofield vs Cousin Justine
John (Another Girl, Another Planet) vs Liv Chenka
Ruth Leonidus vs D'Eon
Fitz Kreiner vs The Original Golden Dalek Emperor
Martha Jones vs Bannakaffalatta
Wilfred Mott vs Toshiko Sato
Rose Tyler vs Vincent van Gogh
Clara Oswald vs Nardole
links to previous tournaments
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bbgnyx · 5 months
omg !! I saw your post where you said you'd be taking song fic requests and I have one. 🫣
song: you belong with me - Taylor Swift
lyrics: "But she wears short Skirts, I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along so, why can't you see? You belong with me.."
Pairing: football player!lee know x introverted!reader
genre: angst (with fluff at the end...?)
You Belong With Me~
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a/n: this is absolutely my favourite song ever! @hugsforjungwon thanks for requesting this, it was thrilling to write, and I hope you like it!
my taglist is open btw, just message me if you wanna be part of it!!
masterlist | prompt list
ty, @cafekitsune for the dividers~
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
for asks view this post
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The night was calm and peaceful. You lounged on the couch, absentmindedly swiping through your phone, while your best friend, Minho, lay sprawled across you. An 80’s hip-hop song played softly in the background, prompting you to groan. "Who on earth decided to play this ancient song?" you quipped, only to answer your own question. "Oh right, we have a Minho in the room." He simply rolled his eyes, and you couldn't help but chuckle.
You and Minho had been inseparable since childhood, so close that you even defied the college rules and secretly roomed together. In your opinion, sharing a room with your best friend was far better than being stuck with some spoiled rich girl. The college dorm arrangements were always harsh, and you didn't want to take any chances.
Over time, your connection with Minho has only grown stronger, and perhaps, you've developed a crush on him. However, you knew deep down that his relationship status as someone's boyfriend rendered your feelings insignificant. It was heart-wrenching for you, but what truly mattered was Minho's happiness, even if it wasn't with you.
Tonight appeared to be just like any other normal night, with both of you lying down engrossed in your phones. Strangely enough, Minho seemed restless, his fingers dancing furiously on the screen as he typed away. Suddenly, his ringtone erupted into a fast-paced melody, prompting him to abruptly leave the room. You didn't pay much attention at first, but you could faintly hear his voice resonating from outside the door. He was tense and arguing.
You realised it was another one of the many fights between him and his girlfriend. You sighed and turned your attention back to your phone. After a few minutes you heard him come back inside, a hand running through his hair like he always did when he was nervous.
“Trouble in paradise?” you asked putting your phone down and turning your attention to him. Minho laughed ruefully, running his fingers through his hair again, as if just thinking about it was enough to make him want to pull at his hair. "Not exactly," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of fondness and frustration. "Jiyeon is wonderful, really. It's just that we have different...senses of humor. She didn't appreciate one of my jokes, I brushed it off as something trivial, and now she's giving me the silent treatment."
"Makes sense. Your jokes suck."
"They do not."
"You're the only one who laughs at them."
"You do too!"
"Only because they're so bad!". As you uttered those words, your gaze dropped to the floor, almost as if avoiding eye contact would reveal the hidden truth of your admiration for Minho's jokes.
"Jiyeon's not bad, of course, but don't you think you jumped into this a little too quickly?" The thought had been lingering in your mind, quietly questioning whether Minho's trust in everyone was warranted. It took him quite some time to let his guard down and trust someone, and although you would never voice it aloud, you couldn't help but feel that he had rushed into this relationship faster than he was comfortable with.
Maybe it was because Jiyeon actually registered as a girl to him. After all these years of being friends, you probably didn’t look any different than the boys to him. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy dressing up, it just wasn't a priority for you, and you didn't have much time for it. Growing up in a small neighborhood, you weren't exactly the social butterfly either.
Jiyeon, on the flip side, always exuded an air of elegance and charm. She was effortlessly put together, making it easy to engage in meaningful conversations with her. Although she adored Jiyeon, it pained her to see her standing next to Minho. They didn't even have to be physically close to give off the impression of a couple.
As your conversation gradually faded, you decided to play some music. The song that came on was your absolute favorite, causing you to sway your head and unleash your inner karaoke star. Minho chuckled, leaning back in his chair, his fingers unconsciously tapping along to the rhythm.
"Jiyeon would absolutely despise listening to this," Minho remarked.
"It's quite entertaining!" you replied with a smirk.
Uh huh, sure," he playfully retorted.
In that moment, you couldn’t think of what Jiyeon thinks of all things. You saw her enough without dwelling on her when she wasn't even there. So what if the music was a bit silly and funky? You were a little silly and funky yourself. Sometimes it made you wonder how Minho could spend time with you, considering how different you were from Jiyeon. It just didn't make sense to you.
But what did Jiyeon really know? She wasn't the one who had known him for ages, who could sense his moods from across the house, or who shared all his inside jokes. No, that was you. But did it even matter anymore? Who were you to feel bitter about Minho's new love interest? Just a friend who hung on his every word, whether you showed it or not.
"I don't understand how you can listen to this," Minho interrupted your thoughts, causing you to quickly look away, feeling your face flush from almost being caught staring at him. "It all sounds the same to me. Like static."
"Not to me," you replied, watching Minho get up to make some tea. You couldn't help but wonder if there was some sort of barrier over his eyes that you could remove, so he could see you for who you truly were: everything he had been searching for.
The following day, Minho was in the company of Jiyeon during the morning, but upon his return, he seemed unusually quiet. It was evident that he had a lot on his mind, so you decided not to disturb him. However, you couldn't resist for too long.
"I noticed you left in the morning," you mentioned.
"Yeah, I was with Jiyeon," he replied.
"Is everything alright?" you asked, concerned.
He let out a forced laugh. "As alright as it can be, I suppose."
You nodded, not wanting to pry further. "Are you ready for the big game this afternoon?" you inquired.  "Yeah, I guess," he responded nonchalantly. You smiled, reassuring him, "You're our star quarterback, you'll do great." Extending your fist, you offered him a fist bump, and he reciprocated.
The game arrived sooner than expected, and you quickly put on your house scarf before rushing to the stadium to wish Minho luck. Spotting him, you couldn't contain your excitement and almost tackled him to the ground. His laughter filled the air, a rare and beautiful sound. It was moments like these that made you feel privileged to be one of the few who could bring out that genuine joy in him.
As you said 'Good Luck,' you both performed your special handshake, a ritual you always followed before every game. Afterward, Minho mentioned that he had something important to tell you and went off to prepare himself. You waved him goodbye and found a seat in the bleachers. It was then that your gaze fell upon Jiyeon, she was the head cheerleader, energetically waving her pompoms and looking absolutely adorable in her tight top and short skirt, something you would never be. You couldn't help but feel surprised that Minho didn't approach her for a kiss or something.
The game began and the crowd erupted with cheers, each person supporting their own team. In the end, your and Minho's team emerged victorious! You jumped up, threw your scarf aside, and hurried down to meet Minho.
"You were amazing! I'm so proud of you, as always," you said excitedly.
"Thanks, y/n," he replied, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
You continued to gush about the thrilling game, but then noticed that Minho was only focused on you. Curious, you asked him what was on his mind.
"I wasn't completely honest earlier. Jiyeon and I... we broke up. And I've been thinking aboutwhether I made the right decision or if I was too blind to see what was right in front of me. I think I've found my answer."
You stood there, shocked, and surprised. Was this really happening?
Without warning, Minho swept you off my feet and pulled you into the most passionate kiss you had ever experienced. In that moment, it felt like the entire world disappeared, leaving just the two of you.
There was nothing wrong with exploring, making mistakes, and searching for love. But if it wasn't out there, Minho would always come back.
He would always come back to the person he had known all along.
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I have so many characters I need photos for, if those who know who the character is could send an ask or dm with a photo to use that would be amazing! I'll also edit this post to cross them out as I get them :)
Taylor “Skitter” Hebert from Worm/Parahumans
Vriska Serket from Homestuck
Xivu Arath from Destiny Two
Queen Vanessa from A Hat In Time
Sado from The Hex
Amy Dallon/Red Queen from the Parahumans series (Worm + Ward)
Linaris the Obsidian from Ishura
Otohan Thull from Critical Role
Lolth from Critical Role
Raven Queen from Critical Role
Sara Berry from The Ballad Of Sara Berry
Citizen Dawn from Sentinels of the Multiverse (Sentinel Comics)
Grandmother from the Green Rider
Lady Cassandra from Doctor Who
Lilith from Supernatural
Captain Syrup from Wario Land
Lee from Yu-Gi-Oh! (World Legacy Storyline)
Kalina from Fantasy High Sophomore Year
Raven Darkholme/Mystique from Marvel Comics
Queen Asheviere from Battle For Wesnoth(heir to the throne campaign)
Maya from Jak & Daxter
Widowmaker from Overwatch
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The Pitch
Deep in space the rocket ship powered forward, a small blue star, millions of miles behind it, its place of origin: Earth.
Before it, and steadily growing larger was its destination: Mars. The Red Planet, glowing against the endless darkness of the universe.
From the cockpit of the rocket ship Mars pushed the endless tracts of space from the view port, and the two astronauts, flicking switches and pushing buttons on the massively complicated control panels, activated the powerful rocket motors to send their ship roaring into the alien atmosphere.
From the base of rocket red flames belched smoke as the engines battled against the planets gravity. Winds laden with red dust were diverted for the first time by the hand of man.
Over the radio, one of the astronauts counted down, “Fifty feet … Forty-five … Forty feet …” The red sands of Mars moved, slightly at first, and then greater gouts of dust were kicked up as the rocket ship bore down on the surface. “Ten feet … Nine … Eight … Seven … Six … Five … Four … Three … Two … One … Touchdown! We have Touchdown!”
A softer voice, faint and crackly with the distance from the Earth was heard. “Congratulations, Lander. Everything here checks out, you are Go for disembark.”
“Roger, Control. Lander is Go for disembark.”
On the side of the rocket, a small door opens, a swirl of dust obscures the opening, and clears to show an astronaut, silhouetted by the internal lights. Ponderously he climbs down the ladder, turns and pauses, before striding out to place the first human foot on the Red Planet. “Another step in Humanity’s great journey of exploration.”
Soon after the second astronaut follows, and both start moving across the desolate landscape. Suddenly one wave to the other. “Over here, I’ve found them!”
The other joins his crewmate, and one uses a grabber to pick up an object. He holds it up to examine it, before declaring: “No distance is too far … to get a Mars Bar!”
The film paused on the smiling face of the astronaut framed in his helmet behind the Mars Bar held bottom left of the screen. The lights in the small conference room come up, and the three advertising people beamed widely, unnaturally white teeth gleaming in the artificial light.
“Of course, Mr Tracy, in the real film you will be the ‘lead’ astronaut; the first out of the rocket to recreate your first steps, and the one to speak the tag line. Captain Taylor, you will be the second astronaut, the one who ‘finds’ the Mars Bar.”
Captain Lee Taylor glanced across at his openly horrified friend and beyond him, Lucille Tracy, was clearly a woman who had just witnessed a train wreck.
He smirked. Those two were current out of commission, so it was down to good ol’ Lee to sort things out.
“Well, Lizzy,” he began, ignoring the woman’s hiss of irritation and muttered “Jessie”; “I’m sure it’ll be a whizz bang job for your company. Sell ‘em candies by the truck load.”
The two advertising executives and the representative for Mars company all brightened. Clearly, they agreed, and thought he was going to sign up for his role.
“But there’s one little problem, and it ain’t so little, when ya really get down to it.”
‘Lizzy’s’ colleague frowned. “A problem?”
“Yup. Th’ Space Agency ‘owns’ that line.” Blank stares. “Y’know ‘Another step…’ blah blah blah. They own it. Can’t use it for advertising without their permission.” An exaggerated frown. “An’ I’m pretty sure they already turned you down for a – whaddya call it again? Oh yeah – a ‘public relations collaboration’ way back when the mission was on.”
Jeff goraned. “They wanted us eating the damned things on live tv from the space ship, and on Mars.”
Lee snorted. “Even if the agency hadn’t nixed that idea, I’da done it. An’ so woulda th’ rest a the crew.” He indicated Jeff with a thumb. “Chocolate upsets his guts in zero-g. Weren’t no way in hell we were gonna breathe that stink all th’ way t’ Mars an’ back.”
Jeff glared at him. “I’m not that bad, Lee.”
Lee smirked at him. “The hell you aren’t, Jeff. We got back from that first equipment drop at Alphie, the techs spent two dang weeks pulling that ship apart, ‘cause it smelled so bad in there, they thought a skunk musta got in an’ died!”
Lucy giggled from behind her hands, and watched the pitch team turn slowly green at the thought. The argument beside her was starting to heat up, so she cleared her throat. Loudly.
Jeff and Lee immediately quieted down and turned back to her. Typical. People thought she was the mother of four kids, with one on the way. In truth, she was the (very) pregnant mother of five kids, with a nephew who randomly landed on her doorstep.
She turned her attention back to the advertising team. “As Lee pointed out, you’d have to do an extraordinary amount of work to get the rights to use that line for advertising purposes. There’s also the matter of Jeff and Lee’s binding contracts: they cannot participate in any activity that may be mistaken as being approved by the Space Agency without their express sign off. I sincerely doubt that you would be able to get them to agree to this advertising campaign.”
She glanced at Jeff, who took up the ball. “As you know, I have left the Space Agency, in favour of running my own business. I have to consider Tracy Engineering Industries, and how any public appearances may affect its interests. I’m afraid I cannot see how participating in your advertising campaign would benefit my company.”
Lee chimed in, “And you were sayin’ you’d banned chocolate from the house cause that was all young … uh … Jason? Jamie?”
“John.” It was sighed.
“Yeah, that’s the one! How he was refusin’ ta eat anything but chocolate.”
Jeff looked evenly at the three people across the table from him, and controlled a flash of guilt. They were deflated, and looked like he’d kicked their puppy. Which, he supposed, he had.
“I am terribly sorry, gentleman, ma’am; I thank you for your kind offer–”
“We could rework the line! Change it! And we could put your company logo on the rocket! Double-up on the advertising!” The company representative blurted out the idea, and the other two, immediately started muttering together, apparently trying to figure out an acceptable alternative for the words the Space Agency’s public relations team had sent two years writing.
Jeff paused, considering. Three hopeful faces were again watching him.
A glance either side of him, seeking input from Lucy and Lee, settled the matter.
“As I said, I … that is we thank you for your kind offer, but we will not be accepting.”
It took some time to extract themselves from the room, and more time to be allowed to depart the building, but finally Jeff stepped out onto the pavement with his wife and his best friend on either side of him.
He wrapped an arm around Lucy’s shoulders and turned to Lee. “Now tell the truth, did you really want to do that ad?”
Lee shrugged. “Woulda been fun. But th’ Agency would nevera gone for it. Sayin’ no here an’ now saved everyone a whole lotta wasted time.” He punched Jeff. “Anyways, what I said wouldnta mattered. They was only after you. Whole thing lived or died on your say so. Th’ big damn hero with the big damn dimples.”
Lee ducked the swiped hand easily. “I don’t have dimples, Lee,” Jeff muttered.
Lucy smirked. “At least, not on your face.”
She disentangled herself from her husband as both men gaped at her in shock.
“Lucy!” that was Jeff.
Lee’s reaction was much more entertaining. “Oh, god, no! Dammit, Lucy, too much information! Don’t need to know nothin’ about his rear end other than if it’s loaded for gas attack! Oh, god. That’s it! You’re gonna find me some brain bleach to clean that outta my mind.”
Laughing, the three of them stepped out from the shelter of the building, set on enjoying a rare afternoon with no responsibilities.
Just three friends enjoying life.
I found this old tv advertisement for Mars Bars on YouTube. And then I started thinking.
It’s a dangerous thing for me to do.
Also, the fart joke crept in there and hijacked the end. Sorry about that.
The standard disclaimers, I do not own Thunderbirds, either the TOS or CGI Series. (Although I do own copies on DVD.)
Oh, and Mars Bars were DEFINITELY harmed in the making of this fic!
I do not do this for money, but for my own (in)sanity and entertainment.
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lesbianlotties · 1 month
idk if you've talked or written abt this before, but what's your take on jackie's potential for cannibalism? i feel like most of the fandom parrots the "laura lee and jackie had to die first bc they would never have done cannibalism" , which kinda tracks but also kinda feels simplistic (and boring). like i don't think any of the girls would've even considered it until they were in such a fucked up situation, so if you put her through the right circumstances i feel like jackie could've gotten there (and im sure laura lee would've, even easier than jackie)
like i think a lot about how easy it could've been for jackie&shauna's fates to have been reversed, and if it were shauna who froze and jackie who went two more months without food while trying to live with the grief of losing shauna by talking to her corpse, i could absolutely see jackie starting to eat her. biggest difference being jackie would definitely not end up sharing bc she'd be very possessive abt being the only one to get to consume shauna
thank you so much for asking because that's seriously such a good question. i've thought and talked and written a lot about laura lee going down the cannibalism rabbit hole, and even making the most of it (for catholiscism reasons!) but we should all be talking more about the endless possibilities of jackie's cannibalism era <3
the thing is these are all just fun possibilities to think about! there's no right answer! sure, it makes sense that jackie (and laura lee) died before the cannibalism because as characters they represents things that would go against it. but aren't we playing with dolls here? can't we consider all the possibilities? even if they aren't so likely?? because isn't the thing about cannibalism for survival that all of them would do it if it came down to it? and asking what would be the extreme circumstance that would push them there?
for jackie the obvious answer is shauna, always, for all questions tbh. her downfall wasn't the rejection of cannibalism not even the rejection of the wilderness stuff, it was shauna. at least mostly. it was shauna's betrayal and the fight with shauna which took away her will to live. at least mostly! but what if instead shauna had continued to be jackie's reason or at least escouragement to stay alive
i'm not the first one to say that jackie would've gone all out as step father to that baby (if somehow idk it wasn't jeffs or they got over it). she would've done everything to secure shauna and the baby's survival, and yeah i think that includes cannibalism!!
and let's even be generous to jackie and say shauna wasn't her entire world (she was but if there's space for an extra 1%) she was also a very commited team captain! along with shauna, the group also kinda betrayed her, discarded her, move on and away from her. but!! what if that hadn't happened? what if by some miracle instead of losing everything, jackie had come through as team captain in the wilderness, commited to keeping them all alive no matter what, used the influence she thought she had or at least used to have back home? she would lead, organize, talk them through it, make sure that all of them participated to stay alive
and who knows! girly might have even come up with more uh civilized ways of choosing a meal i mean victim. jackie taylor might have revolutionized survival and started an ethical cannibalism business in the wilderness! let's all give her the benifit of the doubt and a little credit as team captain and let her thrive a little!
also yeah 100% agree with you on her being too possessive of shauna's corpse to share lmao do you think that girl would've let anyone get a bite of shauna shipma??? be real. she was violently jealous of every person that laid eyes on shauna
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