#Captive Hearts of Oz
lovfreak · 6 months
ok real talk. Anime watchers,
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
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starkwlkr · 3 months
monster mash | oscar piastri
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summerween masterlist
Oscar didn’t think he would be babysitting on Halloween night, but then again he didn’t have plans. He was stuck babysitting his mom’s friend’s kid, Luke. The parents were going to a Halloween party so Oscar’s mom volunteered her son to babysit.
“Why would you do that? I’ve never even met the kid!” Oscar groaned as Nicole Piastri closed the front door after giving candy to trick or treaters.
“Laurie is a good woman and she even babysat you so please just look after Luke for one night.” Nicole replied.
“Mum, it’s Halloween.” Oscar frowned.
“And you’re babysitting.”
So Oscar got ready and drove to Laurie’s house that was decorated with skulls, pumpkins and fake spiderwebs. It was clear that this family took the holiday seriously. After ringing the doorbell, the door opened revealing a kid with a pirate costume.
“What are you supposed to be?” The boy asked.
Oscar rolled his eyes. “Your babysitter for the next three hours.”
“Luke! Be nice to Oscar!” The boy’s mother said as she walked to the door to greet Oscar. She was dressed as Dorothy from the wizard of oz while her husband was dressed as the scarecrow. “Hi, thanks for coming. Our numbers are on a sticky note on the fridge, he is not allowed to watch any scary movie no matter what he says and no more eating candy.”
“But it’s Halloween!” Luke whined.
“Listen to your mother, Luke, no more candy.” His father stated. “There’s money on the kitchen counter if you want to order some pizza. We should be home by 12.”
Oscar nodded at all their instructions. How was he supposed to keep a kid entertained? Legos? He didn’t know the first rule to entertain kids.
After Luke’s mom and dad left, the seven year old immediately ran to the living room and grabbed the landline. Oscar wasn’t sure if what to do. It’s not everyday that a little kid uses a landline. After dialing a number and waiting a few seconds, Luke spoke into the phone.
“They’re gone. My dad left money for pizza. Bring your candy too.” He said then hung up.
Oscar stood in the living room confused. “Who were you talking to?”
“Sarah.” Luke replied casually. He then walked to the coffee table and grabbed the remote, turning on the tv and clicking netflix. “Can you order cheese pizza?”
Oscar didn’t think much of it so he walked to the kitchen to grab the money. His heart stopped when he noticed the back door was wide open. Was this some kind of prank? Surely it was. Before he could do anything, a loud yell startled him from behind him.
“Fuck!” Oscar yelled out as he turned around and saw a random girl laughing along with Luke and another little girl in a Wednesday Addams costume. “That’s not funny.”
“You scream like a girl!” Luke laughed, but stopped when the little girl punched his arm. “Ow!”
“Sorry, it’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” The random girl said then extended her hand towards Oscar. “I’m Y/n. I’m Luke’s neighbor and this is my sister, Sarah.”
“Oscar, I’m Luke’s babysitter, but only for today.” He made sure to include the last part. He stared at the girl, captivated by her beauty. He figured he must’ve stared at Y/n for a while because Luke was complaining that he was hungry for pizza. “Oh, pizza, yeah right.”
While Sarah and Luke went back to the living room, Y/n hung out with Oscar in the kitchen. He dialed the pizza place. As he ordered, he started stuttering. That’s when Y/n offered to order instead.
“Hey, Tommy! Can we get our usual? And throw in those lava cakes too and a coke. Yeah, thanks. See ya.” Y/n spoke with confidence then hung up and gave Oscar his phone back.
“You know the pizza guy?” Oscar questioned.
“Yeah. He’s my ex, but it all ended on good terms.” Y/n said. “So Freddy, Michael or Jason?”
“Do you have a preference? I’m more of a Michael Myers kind of girl, but we can watch Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street or if you’re into something else, that’s cool too.” She smiled at Oscar as they walked back to the living room where the kids were trying to find a movie to watch.
“But he’s not—” Oscar pointed to Luke.
“Supposed to watch scary movies? We do this every year! My mom gets a babysitter on Halloween, Sarah and Y/n come over and we eat pizza and watch scary movies!” Luke interrupted. “My mom doesn’t know so don’t tell!”
“Yeah, don’t be lame!” Sarah added.
“Sarah! Be nice or we’re leaving.” Y/n warned. “It’s cool, they won’t get scared.”
“What about the other babysitter? Did they know about this too?” Oscar questioned. He really wasn’t in the mood to get in trouble.
“Yeah, but she was going to tell Luke’s mom and now she’s missing.” Sarah said with no emotion. Oscar nervously laughed, but stopped when no one around him was laughing.
“She’s joking. The last babysitter left because of college and yes she knew about this so come sit so we can watch a movie.” Y/n patted the seat next to her.
Oscar had to come clean at some point. He hated scary movies. He would rather sit through a romance movie than watch some person getting killed by a slasher. So instead of suggesting a more family friendly Halloween movie like Hotel Transylvania, he blurted out two words. Just Dance.
“You mean the game?” Luke asked.
“Yeah, the second one has Monster Mash. It could be . . . fun.” Oscar shyly said.
“Oh god, I haven’t played Just Dance in forever! I say let’s do it.” Y/n agreed and stood up from the couch. Since Luke didn’t have the game, Oscar put the dance on YouTube.
“Wanna try?” Oscar asked Y/n. He looked at the kids. “They don’t look too convinced.”
“Eh, they’ll just have to watch us dance horribly.” Y/n chuckled.
“Speak for yourself! I am a Just Dance champion.”
The kids watched as Oscar and Y/n danced like a zombie while the iconic Halloween song played. They didn’t even notice when Y/n’s ex aka the pizza guy knocked on the door ready to deliver the cheese pizza and lava cake and soda.
Luke opened the door and gave him the money. “Thanks. Keep the change.” He handed Sarah the bottle of soda.
“A dollar?” Before Tommy the pizza guy could get another word in, Luke slammed the door shut.
The kids watched as Oscar picked another song to dance to. Luke shook his head in disappointment. Even he could tell that Oscar had developed a crush on his neighbor.
“Do you know your sister’s number?” Luke asked Sarah.
“Cool.” Luke replied. “Want to share a lava cake?”
Eventually, Y/n and Sarah had to leave since Luke’s parents were coming back. As Oscar was putting Luke to bed, the boy gave him a piece of paper with a number on it.
“What’s that?” Oscar asked.
“Y/n’s number. She likes the color red, Agatha Christie books and scary movies.” Luke replied. “It looked like you needed help.”
Oscar couldn’t believe it. Was he that bad that a seven year old had to help him get a cute girl’s number?
“Uh, thanks?” He took the small slip of paper. “Get some sleep, Luke.” He smiled at the boy.
“Oscar? If you and Y/n get married—”
“Okay, I wouldn’t go that far.” Not yet at least.
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@yannew @annieoncrack @stinkyjax
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gilverrwrites · 4 months
Hi! Could I request BTAS Ozzie with a reader who pays a lot of attention to little details? As in, she will fix his bowtie when it's not properly positoned, hand him his lighter or even light his cigar herself, undust his suit to make sure he looks his best and things like that. Thank you!
Oh BTAS Ozzie, my sweet bird, he deserves someone attentive for sure.
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≈500 words, CWs: None, just fluff! 💜
Sometimes he thinks he’d lose his head without you, like yesterday; so tied up in his work, must call the caterer, must check in with the henchmen, and there’s a shipment due down at the docks, must see to that. He has half a foot out the door when you stop him. 
“Ozzie you forgot your hat!” 
You’re hot on his heels, as always. He’ll never fully be able to convey his gratitude for your attentiveness he thinks as you gently place his top hat on his head. 
“Curses, can’t do without that. Whatever would I do without you, my love?”
“Luckily we’ll never have to know.” You answer, earnest as ever, straightening his tie as you place a sweet kiss on his nose, and as much as he would love to stay and revel in your companionship, he must be gone. No rest for the wicked as they say. 
Or this morning. He’d been conscious of wearing his old coat, something he’d picked up in his travels as a younger man. It still fit, just about, but it sat a little too snug in places it had previously been tailored to, but your sitting, watching, listening attentively to his rambling with those pretty eyes had distracted him from his worries. 
When you’d joined him before the mirror, dusting off his shoulders and neatly tucking his pocket square into his breast pocket whilst telling him “Honestly Ozzie, I don’t know what you’re worried about.” He’d melted, you always know just how to lift his spirits. “I think you look very dapper.” 
Even now, after an impromptu visit from the Joker, he had no nerves left for the clown to get on. Just when he was ready to snap, there you were, at his side, smoking stick already loaded and ready to be lit by your hand. 
“Astute as always, my Dear. How do you manage it?” He asks, amazed by your once again impeccable timing. 
“I love you, Oz.” You reply, “You captivate me, it would be far pretty near-sighted of me not to notice these things.” 
“Yes, quite right, quite right.” It brings him an endless amount of joy to know that he has captured your heart. How he’s managed to reel in such a fine woman he might never know, but how fortuitous that you’d managed to find each other amongst the everyday rabble of Gotham City.
Your hand is soft in his, he admires it, perched within his talon-like fingers as he brings it to his lips for a chaste kiss. The delightful giggle that escapes you in response has him swelling with pride, he shall have to do that more often.  
“Now,” You begin, leading him toward his office. “Will you please finish telling me your tale about the aviary of doom?” 
“Yes, If it pleases the lady, it would be my honour.”
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Talented Tenrecs
The lowland streaked tenrec (Hemicentetes semispinosus) is a member of the extraordinarily Tenrecidae family, which is found exclusively on Madagascar. This particular species resides on the east side of the island, in tropical rainforests. Their range can also overlap with their cousins the highland streaked tenrec, which inhabits both rainforests and savannas.
This species is quite small, ranging from only 140-172 mm (5.5- 6.8 in) in length and weighing 280 g (9.9 oz) at maximum. Despite their stature, they are hard to overlook as their coloration-- black with a bright yellow or orange crest and stripes-- can be quite striking. In many ways H. semispinosis resembles shrews and hedgehogs; the body-shape is round, with an elongated snout and large claws for digging. Like hedgehogs, the lownald tenrec also sports large quills along the length of its body as a means of protection. However, tenrecs are not at all related to hedgehogs and the resemblence is entirely due to convergent evolution.
In addition to acting as an impenetrable defence, the lowland tenrec's spines are also used for communication. When rubbed together the quills create a high-pitched sound that members of a group use to alert each other and warns away potential predators like snakes, fossas, mongooses, and civets. This species is the only known mammal to use this method of communication, which is more commonly found in insects and snakes.
H. semispinosis can be found either on their own or living in groups of up to 25, all of whom reside in underground burrows. Individuals spend most of their time foraging for their primary food source, worms, and is active both during the day and at night. However, during the winter months of June and July they may enter a state of hibernation known as torpor, during which they decrease their heart rates and metabolism.
Reproduction occurs during the rainy season, from November to May, though in ideal conditions the lowland streaked tenrec can breed year-round. Reproductively active males will spar one another for access to females, though females will also resist mating if they aren't receptive to the male. Pregnancy lasts about 58 days, after which the mother gives birth to an average of 6 young. The babies take less than a month to wean, and become fully mature at only 40 days old. On average, individuals can live about 30 months in captivity.
Conservation status: Within their range, the lowland tenrec is highly abundant and has a stable population, so is rated Least Concern by the IUCN.
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Harald Schütz
Desire Darling
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
Rockets continue to be fired at Israel, at least one person was injured, a 64 years old man. Here's a reminder that this is what it looks like AFTER Iron Dome has intercepted a rocket from Gaza, as the rocket's debris falls over the residential area that the terrorists fired it at, and debris can surprise people by landing up to a few minutes after an interception:
And this is what it looked like when a girl happened to be outside when the siren sounded, and she didn't have enough time to get to a bomb shelter:
I've mentioned 77 years old Chana Katzir before. She was held hostage by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second biggest terrorism organization in Gaza, which released a vid with her and another captive kid, and then claimed that she was killed by IDF fire. She then turned out to be alive, and was released by Hamas on the first day of the hostage deal. Her family said she was healthy when she was kidnapped, but she returned from captivity with heart problems. Her condition deteriorated, and she is not hospitalized, with a real threat to her life.
This is Chana in the vid:
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(the Arabic subtitle reads, "I am Chana Katzir from kibbutz Nir Oz")
And this is her with her family:
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Chana's son Elad is still in captivity.
The IDF continues to expose constantly how Hamas uses civilians areas, including schools and kindergartens, for its terrorist activity:
The US Congress discussion on Antisemitism at college campuses was even more shocking than I thought it would be. It was evident that they would claim that certain phrases are disputed in meaning, and therefore protected by freedom of speech. I did NOT think that three presidents of prestigious higher education institutes would sit there, and not be able to bring themselves to say clearly, that an EXPLICIT call to genocide the Jews goes against their schools' code of conduct.
As a gay, Jewish and disabled woman, I think the following vid is incredibly important. It shows the "free speech" line of defence is applied selectively, it's used to allow harassment of Jews, while speech that is offensive to other marginalized groups is NOT allowed.
The answers (obviously coordinated, because these presidents are parroting each other, down to using the same terms) claimed that as long as this call was "just" speech, not conduct, it was not a violation of their code. I just wanna point out that the way we get to hateful conduct, IS by allowing hate speech. Also... what does that even mean, "if it turns into conduct" in the context of a call to genocide? Jews have to be massacred (with intent to destroy the whole nation) on UPenn's college campus, for the president of this university to finally think it constitutes harassment of Jews? Plus, harassment is absolutely one of the crimes that doesn't have to be an action. Sexual harassment has long been recognized to include speech, so why is harassment of Jews treated differently to harassment of women? Does anyone think that a Jewish student, who hears dozens of students on campus calling for the genocide of the Jews, is not feeling harassed?
And at the same time, House resolution 894, condemning antisemitism, passed with over 300 votes in favor. Which is good. What bothers me is that there is even a single person who would vote against it. And it turns out, no less than 14 people voted against it. Not to mention those who voted, "present." This should be an eternal shameful stain on the records of every single one of the people, who couldn't bring themselves to clearly say no to Jew hate.
This is 20 years old Assachalo Sama.
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He's one of the Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza since the fighting resumed. He was mortally injured, and for two weeks, doctors fought for his life, before he succumbed to his wounds. The people who served with him said he was the heart of the unit. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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auspicioustidings · 1 year
Satin and Lace
Summary: You have been abducted by pirates under the command of Captain Philip Graves.
Word Count: 2.4k
CW: None I don't think other than this being a complete crackfic AU
Captain Graves winked at you after making some lewd comment on the swordplay of his crew and it made you huff and point your nose up. It was like you had learned nothing in the last 3 weeks on this ship because immediately boisterous laughter rose up at your attitude. 
"Apologies darlin', forgot we were in the presence of such an esteemed lady" Graves purred.
You found the man insufferable. When you first met he had swept you out of your manor and onto his ship and you had been scared of him. Now? You don't know if the feeling really held. It was clear that his crew loved him and he loved them. He took time out of his day to teach the cabin boys proper sword form, would help in the galley when the sea was calm and it was decided there would be a 'family dinner' with all the crew getting double rations, gave any crew member that came within reach a loving bop on the shoulder or head which they always smiled at. 
So you wouldn't say you were scared of the man as such, if anything you wished he would do something to be more, well, pirate-y. Since stealing you away in the night neither he nor any of his crew had laid a finger on you. They would try to include you in banter sometimes, only laugh when you haughtily refused. But the laughter didn't feel mean. It made some twisted part of you comfortable, like you were being welcomed in to this crew. And that just would not do. 
Pirates were not to be befriended and a lady of your breeding could not simply roll over and let them charm you like this. It was such a temptation though. You hated your life in general, parents both dead, fortune and cold, empty manor left to their only child. There was immense pressure coming from every corner to marry, but the thought of letting some man only after your title and fortune stamp his last name on you before climbing inside your skin made you nauseous. It got worse with every caller, each of them thinking you stupider and weaker than the last. 
You knew you had garnered somewhat of a reputation now. The nickname whispered around the social circles had made you see red the first time you had heard it, but you had kept composure as always. 'The Unplucked Rose'. Reduced to a beautiful thing to be picked by those vultures, tittering away about how your thorns were only for show but your petals would surely be soft and delicate for any man to touch. The worst part of the whole thing was that they said it as a compliment, as if being beautiful for men was the greatest thing you could ever aspire to be. As if wilting with age before being plucked would be some tragedy. 
Here though? On this ship? Not one of the Shadow crew had ever made you feel the way high society had. They viewed your carefully composed airs and graces with humour, as if it was easy for them to see right through you to your heart that yearned to be able to relax for once, not always be poised. 
You had thought to be difficult for the Captain when you first set foot on the ship, demanding the best cabin if they were going to abduct you. He had only affirmed that of course you would get the best of everything and given you his cabin, provided ample dresses, made sure him and Oz always served you the best food the galley could provide. You thought that meant he would sleep with you, but he moved his sleeping arrangements to be with his men. It was confusing everything you knew about pirates.
Maybe you could relax, just a little. Nothing world shattering, but would it be so terrible to try and at least enjoy what you could of captivity? You weren't even sure how long you would be here or where they were taking you, this could all end tomorrow and then wouldn't you feel silly for choosing to be miserable the whole time?
"Oh I don't know Captain, with the way Oz and Lerch are holding those swords it seems you have always had a number of ladies on this ship."
The look that Graves gave you was as close to sin as you had ever seen. The slow smile at finally catching sight of you, the real you, not the creature of satin and lace that you constantly had to hide under, made butterflies erupt in your stomach. 
"Kitten finally gets her claws out!" Oz laughed and when you looked over you saw he had changed too. He was clearly delighted with this little surrender on your part, coming over to ruffle your hair. 
You immediately started to smack his hand away, ending up in somewhat of a play fight as he continued to try and ruffle. 
"Watch out, they say that cats hiss before they attack" Lerch laughed, making colour rise to your cheeks at the realisation you were practically hissing at the the First Mate. Then you were laughing too. God, you were laughing and it felt wonderful.
You were sure that you forgot how to breathe when a steady hand landed on your waist, pulling you gently away from Oz. Graves was so close to you now, smiling easily as if holding you like this wasn't absolutely scandalous in your eyes. God, you were not even allowed alone in the same room as a man never mind having one close enough that you could smell the gunpowder off of his skin. 
"Now now, leave our little lady be. Not her fault she's got eyes enough to see how bad y'all are with swordplay."
The others laughed and the Captain escorted you back to your quarters, crooking a finger under your chin to tilt your head to him.
"You be careful darlin' or I'm liable to do something foolish" he whispered, his voice booth husky and somehow smooth in your ears.
When his thumb brushed your bottom lip you found yourself wide eyed and leaning towards him. He smiled at you. He smiled at you and not that creature of satin and lace. When was the last time you had felt seen by anyone? This pirate was going to kiss you and oh how you yearned for it. 
But he only firmly pressed his thumb and finger to make your head tilt back down and pressed his lips to your forehead before fixing your hair, hand eventually settling to caress the side of your face.
"Your to be husband would have my head if he knew how I felt about you" he said with a wry smile, "if he knew I got to hear that beautiful laugh of yours. Got to know how you like the colour blue because it reminds you of the sea, how I could tell because you always pick the blue dresses when it's storming outside and you can't go on deck and look out. Think he'd not be inclined to forgive me seeing that pretty blush of yours when we're hauling ropes and you think we ain't looking. The pretty blush you have now."
You were entirely certain your heartbeat must be visible now with how it thumped against your ribcage like a wild bird thrashing to get out. 
"Husband?" you asked, voice barely a breath at this point. 
Graves' smile took on some taste of melancholy you did not care for at all as his hand dropped from your cheek before he took a step back.
"Rightfully should have been with him a week or more ago, but seems my Shadows have been coming up with all sorts of ways to delay the voyage. Galley saying they need provisions, bosun telling me we need maintenance, First Mate insisting we go around the weather. You'll get to meet him in two days if the weather holds. He heard about you, apparently you are all anyone talks about on land. Don't look so scared darlin', he's not a bad man. Worked with him for a time actually, back before I was a Captain. He traded in a life of piracy for something more legitimate, practically owns the whole island we're dropping you off at."
You knew that tears were threatening to spill from your eyes and you hated it. You wanted to scream and rage. This was why you had been on this ship for 3 weeks? Someone had bought you, paid Graves to pick you up and deliver you.  Composure, always composure. You shut the door, he would not see you cry.
You knew that cannons were supposed to be loud, but this was deafening. You were aware something was happening from the ringing of the bell and the fact that Velikan had thrown open the door to the cabin to make sure you were inside and then promptly locked himself in with you, standing ready by the door with his sword. You had always found the man in the demon mask fascinating, he didn't talk but he had carved a little bird and given it to you during your first week on the ship. Right now he was terrifying. 
He wouldn't even acknowledge you when you tried to ask what was going on, and then the cannon fire had started and you were thrown out of the bed. The wooden floor was not kind to you and you knew you would have bruises if you made it out of this alive. A short bark of laughter erupted from you at the thought that you may die in the bedroom of a pirate Captain in nothing but your night gown.
When another blow rocked the ship the noise suddenly intensified and you felt your stomach lurch as gravity fell away. There was envelopment in a deep cold, your name being screamed, and then nothing.
"Jesus bonnie, gave us a right fright! There ye are, yer ok."
You didn't feel ok, you felt like you were about to hack up a lung. When you shot up to do so you smashed into the head of the man that was leaning over you, him giving a short howl of pain before sitting back and laughing. You didn't have your wits fully about you to try and figure out what was going on, the only thing you could do was have a massive coughing fit, eased somewhat by a warm hand rubbing your back. 
"Hey it's ok. You're safe. My name is Kyle Garrick, I'm Royal Navy. And don't worry about Soap over there, most of the girls he kisses head butt him" said the man rubbing at your back. Soap had added a 'sort of, not really' after he had said Royal Navy. 
Looking around the deck of the new ship you were now on they at least did look more like officers and less like pirates if you ignored the one in a full one skull mask. You found it didn't really scare you having gotten used to men in masks over the past few weeks.
As Kyle sat you up he draped a blanket around you which you politely thanked him for through chattering teeth. Oh if only high society could see you now, night gown soaked through and clinging to your skin in a way that hid nothing.
"Captain Price" said a handsome man, going to a knee and shaking your hand with a steady smile that felt comforting. He was older than you, but young to be a Captain you thought. Then again, so was Graves. "You've had quite the ordeal. Given where the Shadows were heading, we think they were taking you to Kortac. It's an island about a days sail from here, but you don't have to worry. We'll get you home."
When the Captain went to stand you felt a sudden rush of something. A dam breaking. You leapt after him, grabbing his arm as tightly as you could. 
"I don't want to go home" you cried. After that you couldn't stop the tears, couldn't do anything about the words spilling out. You hated home. You wanted to stay on the sea where people saw you as more than what you had to pretend to be. You could not go back and attend parties and laugh politely when the insidious gossips made suggestions about what you may have experienced on a pirate ship. You thought you might die if the assumption that you were impure by their standards emboldened men to touch you without your permission. You wanted to be able to laugh again.
But you knew it was a lost battle. They said they were Royal Navy, they were hardly going to do anything but take you back to your manor. For what felt like hours the only sounds were the gentle lapping of the waves, the creaking of the ship and your sobs.
"The only people who know she's here are us, the Shadows and once they tell him König" said the man with the skull mask.
"Aye. The big man'll come for her. And I saw Phil's face when she went in the water, he'll come for her too. If it hadnae been me diving in there and pulling her onboard think he wouldnae have ran. He'd have stayed and fought even if it meant losing his ship and everyone on it."
You held the blanket tight around you, still on your knees and looking at the four men on the deck above you trying to figure out what they were suggesting. The Captain looked at you with a furrowed brow, some emotion you couldn't pinpoint passing over his face before he nodded and then looked to the skull mask man, the two of them walking off into the ship. 
You were confused as Kyle helped you to your feet with a grin.
"You'll need to wear some of my clothes until we can stop at a port and get you something better" he said.
"And dinae worry, we'll teach ye swordplay. That way when König and Graves come, ye can show them a thing or two" Soap added with a grin of his own.
When it hit you that you were staying you couldn't help but throw yourself at them in a tight embrace. Time to find out who the real you was.
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
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We are heartbroken to report that 85-year-old Aryeh Zalmanovich, a resident of Kibbutz Nir Oz who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists was murdered. His body remains in Gaza in Hamas captivity. Our hearts go out to his family.
May his memory forever be a blessing.
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mithrilhearts · 9 months
Oooooh Golden Hearts Bleed Faster and Unnamed Alice In Wonderland/Oz AU for the wips game, please!
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I'll share a snippet from GHBF and then some information about the other!!!
“You’re welcome to cozy up with me in the reading nook if you get bored,” Bilbo hummed playfully, flashing a grin and twirling his fork between his fingers. “I tell great stories that may even captivate you, Mister Oakenshield.” “Fairytales of trolls and dwarves?” Thorin drawled, rolling his eyes and letting the sultry pass that came his way pass him by. Not to say it didn’t bring a small dose of warmth to his cheeks all the same. “Rain check.” Gesturing to the window at the pitter-patter of actual rain to accompany his words, Thorin was grateful their chatty breakfast had fallen to silence, just as it usually did. A little banter, and sometimes nothing at all. It was comfortable, to a certain extent. This was still a job, and no matter how cozy or domestic it felt, Thorin was keeping everyone and everything at a professional, arm’s length, distance. (Golden Hearts Bleed Faster, COMING LATER THIS YEAR!!)
Now the other AU, which has been sitting on my wip list for like....2+ years lmao.
In a nutshell, here is my idea:
One day, Smaug would be slain by a hero in king's armor, with the heart of the mountain as his weapon.
Smaug, an enchanter (he's the wizard role here, but bad), takes the three kings, Thorin, Bard, and Thranduil, and essentially takes some of the best parts of them away (heart, smarts, courage), and curses Middle Earth into forgetting that prophecy - for all anyone knows, Smaug has, and always will be, the king.
Bilbo crash lands into the picture, a reluctant and unlikely hero who must help the three lost kings find themselves again - who have been physically altered as a part of the curse. Instead of a set of ruby slippers, as those are hardly adequate to a hobbit...how about a shirt of mithril rings? A kingly set of armor, if you ask me.
It will have various Oz elements, and Alice in Wonderland inspiration across the way - and I'm looking forward to finally getting to this one!
And yes, Gandalf is Glinda.
Fun Fact: my sibling REALLY wants this one 🤣 so I hope she likes it.
Ask me about my AUs!
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Please consider BTAS Penguin being visited by his gf every single day while he is at the asylum, receiving a big hug the moment he is released and being told how much she missed him. Basically Ozzie being spoiled with attention after weeks of not being able to go on dates. Ty <3
A/N: aww this is so endearing, he does deserve to be absolutely spoiled rotten.
Trigger Warning: none, just fluff
Word Count: 473
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BTAS Penguin x F!Reader - Sweet Liberty
Before the both of you knew it the day finally came for Oswald's release. 
Oswald wouldn't need to rely on the public bus this time. You were already standing beside your car on the other side of the road. Absolutely beaming. 
You were waving, practically about to jump out of your shows with joy. "Ozzie!" 
He smiled widely, he stole glances both ways to make sure the coast was clear to make a beeline for you. When he was finally within arms reach it took everything in you not to squeeze the absolute life out of him.
Oswald's heart immediately swelled, he was so grateful to finally be back in your arms, back where he was meant to be, back home. 
You cup his face with your hands and bring him in for a passionate fulfilling kiss. Oz was caught off guard after years of being restricted from your affection, but he'd have no problem getting used to them again. 
You slowly leaned back and giggled at the surprised expression on Oswald's face. 
"C'mon Ozzie! Let's go home!" You beamed as you rounded the front of the car to get in the driver's seat. 
“Oh babies! Daddy’s home!” You hollered. 
A flock of various birds, in all sorts of colors, sizes, and species came flying to the front door of the studio apartment. 
Oswald is knocked off his feet as his precious pets welcome him back home. 
“Oh ho ho ho! Hello! Hello my precious birds! How I missed you so!” 
You couldn’t help but beam gleefully at the happy reunion. 
Once the birds had their fill, they took off back to their perches.
You bent down to help Oz back to his feet and dust off his coattails. You lead him over to the purple loveseat in the middle of the living room. Once he sat down, you went to the kitchen and began making his favorite tea. 
“Oh thank you, my dove!” Oz gladly took the cup and sipped it generously. 
“Of course, darling! Welcome home.” You smiled sweetly as you pecked his cheek. 
You sat down next to him, before you spoke again, “so…we don’t have to do anything today, if you just want to relax…”
Oz quirked an eyebrow. “Did you have something in mind, dear?” 
You shrugged before you listed off how later that afternoon there was a showing of one of Oswald’s favorite operas and following that you had made reservations to his favorite fine dining restaurant just a walking distance from the opera house. 
Oswald’s eyes sparkled. He could never imagine being treated to all his favorite delights, not to mention sharing those delights with a special someone that captivated his heart the way you have. 
He grabbed your hand and held it to his heart. He smiled as he said, “darling that sounds absolutely marvelous!”
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jainiss · 1 year
bringing reactions from female characters of genshin impact to the arrival of a beautiful you.
Hope you guys like it ~~ Ps: forgive me if there are english mistakes. English is not my native language. Ps2: these are guesses at what I think it would be. all fictional.
With grace and poise, Ningguang observes you, masking her curiosity. "Fascinating. I wonder what secrets lie behind such allure."
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Keqing's stern expression softens slightly, feeling a strange connection to you. "Hmm, you seem to possess a unique energy. I'll keep a close eye on you."
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Beidou grins with enthusiasm and extends a hearty welcome. "You've got quite the aura! I like you. Let's sail the seas together!"
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Klee jumps with excitement, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "You're so pretty! Want to see my bombs? They're beautiful too!"
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Jean, the acting Grand Master of Mondstadt, greets you with warmth and elegance. "Welcome to Mondstadt. Your beauty is a gift to our city."
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Mona sizes you up with her mystical abilities and then offers an enigmatic smile. "Hmm, your presence certainly holds intriguing possibilities."
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Qiqi tilts her head curiously, her expression unchanging. "You're beautiful, just like my glowing flowers."
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Ganyu smiles softly, impressed by your beauty. "I'm delighted to meet someone as elegant as you. May I offer you some tea?"
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Hu Tao:
Hu Tao chuckles with excitement, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Your beauty rivals the aesthetics of the Lantern Rite! Let's create an unforgettable festival together!"
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Rosaria glances skeptically at you. "Appearances can be deceiving. I'll keep an eye on you."
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Fischl's eyes widen in excitement, viewing you with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "Behold, Oz! A being of such astounding beauty, they must hail from another realm!"
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Sucrose's scientific curiosity is piqued, and she takes out her notebook to record observations. "Oh my, the beauty quotient appears to be off the charts. I must conduct further research!"
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Noelle blushes and bows politely, captivated by your grace. "Greetings! You are truly beautiful! Please allow me to assist you in any way I can!"
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Xiangling's eyes gleam with excitement, seeing the potential for culinary inspiration. "Your beauty rivals the most delectable dishes! I can't wait to create a new recipe in your honor!"
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Barbara smiles warmly, her heart full of admiration. "Your beauty shines as bright as the sun! May the blessings of the water be with you!"
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Diona narrows her eyes skeptically but eventually offers a nod of approval. "Well, you've got style. Let me know if you need a drink, though I won't go easy on you."
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Sayu jumps up and down excitedly, drawn to your charm. "You're so pretty and cool! Let's play together sometime!"
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Yoimiya grins, immediately struck by your aura. "Ah, your beauty is like the colors of a brilliant fireworks display! You've got my artistic senses tingling!"
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Raiden Shogun:
Raiden Shogun gazes upon you with an enigmatic smile. "A captivating aura indeed. Your existence intrigues this deity."
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Kamisato Ayaka:
Ayaka maintains her graceful composure but secretly admires your elegance. "Your beauty is akin to a delicate cherry blossom, serene and captivating."
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Xinyan's eyes shine with excitement, impressed by your charm. "Your beauty is like a blazing inferno! Let's rock the stage together!"
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Kujou sara:
Sara winks playfully at you, sensing a shared sense of adventure. "Hehe, you've got the aura of someone who loves a good thrill. Care to join me on a gliding race?"
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Yanfei's eyes sparkle with curiosity, her legal mind intrigued by you. "Hmm, such beauty is a rare legal matter indeed. I must investigate further."
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Eula can't help but be drawn to your beauty, and a rare smile graces her face. "Your allure is like a glimmer of light in the abyss of Mondstadt."
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Yaoyao observes you with a shy smile, captivated by your beauty. "Um, your presence feels like a tranquil garden. It's nice to meet you."
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Yunjin bows respectfully, feeling honored by your presence. "Your beauty graces us with a celestial aura. May I sing for you?"
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Traveler (Lumine/Aether):
The Traveler twins exchange glances, feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity. "There's something about them that feels so... familiar."
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Byebye ~
© jainiss ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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blueheartbookclub · 9 months
"Oz Reimagined: A Kaleidoscopic Journey through Baum's Enchanting Wonderland"
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In "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," L. Frank Baum invites readers into an enchanting realm where the ordinary and extraordinary collide in a tapestry of vivid imagination. Published in 1900, this timeless classic transcends generations, weaving together a narrative that resonates with both childlike wonder and profound allegory. At its core, the story follows Dorothy, a young girl swept away from her mundane Kansas life to the magical land of Oz by a cyclone. Accompanied by a motley crew—a Scarecrow in search of a brain, a Tin Woodman yearning for a heart, and a Cowardly Lion seeking courage—Dorothy embarks on a quest to reach the Emerald City and beseech the Wizard for a way home.
One of the book's remarkable qualities is its duality—it functions both as a whimsical fairy tale for children and a subtle commentary on turn-of-the-century America. Baum masterfully uses the fantastical elements of Oz to mirror the societal issues of his time. The Yellow Brick Road becomes a metaphorical path of self-discovery and enlightenment, echoing the pursuit of the American Dream during the Gilded Age. The characters' quest for attributes like brains, heart, and courage symbolizes the intrinsic human desire for personal growth and fulfillment.
Baum's world-building is nothing short of extraordinary. The land of Oz is a kaleidoscope of vibrant landscapes, each more fantastical than the last. From the Munchkin Country to the Winkie Country, Baum's creativity knows no bounds. His vivid descriptions and whimsical details breathe life into Oz's eccentric inhabitants, from the good witches Glinda and the Witch of the North to the ominous Wicked Witch of the West. The juxtaposition of the familiar and the fantastical captivates readers, creating a narrative that is simultaneously comforting and thrilling.
At its heart, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" is a celebration of friendship, resilience, and the extraordinary potential within each individual. Dorothy's journey is not just a physical one but a profound exploration of self-discovery. The Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, and Cowardly Lion, despite their perceived shortcomings, showcase the transformative power of belief in oneself. It's a timeless message that continues to resonate, reminding readers of all ages that the strength to overcome challenges often lies within.
In conclusion, Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" stands as a testament to the enduring power of imagination and its ability to transcend the boundaries of time and age. With its whimsical charm, rich symbolism, and profound messages, this classic continues to beckon readers into the enchanting realm of Oz, where dreams take flight, and the magic of storytelling weaves its eternal spell.
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," L. Frank Baum is available in Amazon in paperback 10.99$ and hardcover 18.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 158
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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Wizard of Oz (the whump AU) Plot Summary
While I love so much about this project, I don't see myself having the time/motivation to do anything for it story-wise. I may still post short comics or doodles, but the main story will probably never get its prose, at least not in the foreseeable future
Therefore, for those who were interested in it, under the cut is a (pretty detailed) synopsis of how the story would've gone :)
Character Details:
(note: art of the characters is linked, but some lead to full comic pages/whumpier art. Also, characters will be referred to as their better-known names throughout the synopsis to lessen confusion)
Dorothy Gale - Stranded in Oz at 12, Dorothy has since made a name for herself as a witch hunter and general assassin.
Tokoret "Toto" Nightshade - Dorothy's partner. A tiefling-like humanoid from the land of Shahaedr, and an ex-mercenary. Dorothy rescued from his former employers.
The Tin-Man/Farran Black - A fallen soldier who was "rescued" and resurrected by the Wizard. His heart and a few limbs were replaced by enchanted inventions, and the Wizard keeps his original heart in his lab, preserved by magic.
The Scarecrow/Wil Ironcrest - A thief imprisoned by the Wizard after being caught one too many times. His voice was magically sealed away due to his tendency to insult his captor, and his mouth was stitched closed for good measure.
The Lion/Reyne Arada - Taken in by the Wizard after his village was destroyed. Subject to several magical experiments meant to turn him into a ferocious protector.
The Wizard/??? - A powerful and mysterious magician. Guardian and unofficial ruler of the Emerald City.
Kanna Lanterne/The Woods Witch - A master of nature magic. Actively opposes the Wizard, and lives in an isolated part of the woods.
Glinda Utara/The North Witch - One of the Wizard's closest allies, and occasional tormenter of the Tin Man.
Setting Details:
Oz is the country as a whole. It borders Shahaedr, known by less-tolerant Oz citizens as 'the shadowlands'. Oz and Shahaedr are almost constantly at war with each other, and are currently in one of their periods of fragile peace. The war Tinman died in was between Oz and Shahaedr. The Emerald City is one of the closest settlements to the border of the two lands.
Dorothy and Toto are traveling via horse-drawn cart to the Wizard's castle to meet about a hunting job, when they encounter Scarecrow, who is in the middle of attempting an escape. The pair try to help him, and make an effort to figure out what he's running from, but are horrified to discover that his mouth has been sewn shut, and he cannot speak. Before they're able to do anything, a pair of guards appears to drag him away, claiming he's a dangerous criminal in the care of the Wizard, and apologizing for the disturbance.
They carry on, soon reaching the Wizard's castle, and are told the Wizard will see them at dinner that night.
When the time comes, they briefly meet the Tinman, who serves the meal. Dorothy asks after Scarecrow, mentioning she met him on the road, but the Wizard says he's been taken care of and moves on to discussing the job.
He asks her to kill the wicked witch of the wood, and offers a large sum. Dorothy tells him she cares less about the money than the justice, and asks what the witch has done. The Wizard spins a tale of her evil deeds, and Dorothy agrees to begin the hunt the next day.
Meanwhile, Tinman is excused, and goes to check on Scarecrow, who's been beaten and confined to a cell. He does what he can to treat his fellow captive.
Later, Dorothy is settling in, and tells Toto that she doesn't trust the Wizard, especially with the way he treats his supposed servants. After dark, she sneaks out of their room to have a look around, and is drawn to a strange green light that seems to be coming from a staircase. When she tries to get closer, she runs into Lion, who attempts to scare her away, but fails, and becomes upset because of it. Dorothy comforts him, and they have a quick conversation. He promises not to tell the Wizard she was snooping.
The next day, the Wizard confronts her for snooping.
Lion is with him, looking somewhat ashamed as the Wizard boasts about his familiar's loyalty. Dorothy doesn't mention her distrust, but admits she was curious about a green glow she saw earlier. The Wizard claims it's his "own special brand of magic", and deflects any further questions. At this point, Scarecrow, who's been cleaning the hall throughout this conversation, collapses. When Dorothy runs to help him, the Wizard tells her to not bother.
She tries anyway, despite being met with wariness from the three captives, and helps Tinman get him to a bed. They talk briefly, and she expresses disapproval of the Wizard's disciplinary methods. The Wizard comes upstairs and hurries her along before she can ask any questions, but the Tinman is now more trusting of her. Afterwards, she begrudgingly goes into the Emerald City to get information on the witch.
While there, she notices an alarming amount of citizens are wearing green spectacles. They claim it's a wearable protection spell gifted to them by the Wizard. When asked about the witch, the lenses seem to glow as the people speak of evil and treachery. Later, Dorothy finds a broken pair and cautiously moves to try them on, but is stopped by Jade, a street vendor. Jade warns her they poison the wearer into madness, and it's all the Wizard's doing. Dorothy asks about the witch and the captives, and is given honest, if uninformed, answers. The Wizard took the three in under the guise of helping them and providing 'gainful employment', but anyone can see none of them are treated well, and the witch's only crime is refusing to ally with the Wizard.
Meanwhile, it's revealed that the Wizard was watching them through the broken glasses.
When Dorothy returns, she claims she's learned enough and will leave to hunt the witch the next morning. The Wizard offers to pay her in advance, but she declines, and is dodgy about further questions, having made up her mind about where her loyalties lie.
That night, she and Toto make plans to break in a week later, when the Wizard is supposed to be away, and free his captives, as well as investigate the odd green magic. They find Lion spying on them, and calm him down, talking him into not telling the Wizard.
Lion goes to tell the other two, but the Wizard is nearby and overhears some; afterwards cornering Lion and coercing him into revealing the duo's plans, threatening to hurt the others if he doesn't.
When Dorothy and Toto set out the next day, they're ambushed by the Wizard's guards. Dorothy escapes, but is wounded, and passes out in the middle of the woods after running a good distance. Upon waking, she finds herself in the witch's garden. The witch knows Dorothy by reputation, and introduces herself as Kanna. Despite being on edge and distrustful at first, they come to an understanding and agree to help each other: Kanna will help to free Toto and the captives, and Dorothy will aid her in taking down the Wizard.
Meanwhile, the Wizard hosts Glinda, who is delighted to take part in interrogating a captive Toto, and agrees to help the Wizard with his plans to invade Shahaedr, Toto's homeland, despite the delicate treaty Oz currently holds with them.
Back in the woods, Kanna tells Dorothy she'll put the Wizard's guards under a sleeping spell, but must stay in her garden to focus. She promises to catch up with Dorothy and lead them all back to the safe haven once the three captives are freed.
With the advantage of being presumed dead by the Wizard, Dorothy easily breaks in and finds the Tinman and Lion locked in separate cells. Scarecrow has been tied up outside, left to starve as a punishment. There is no sign of Toto, and Dorothy is forced to flee when the Wizard seems to be returning, taking her horse, which had been stabled at the Wizard's after the ambush.
They cut the stitches that seal Scarecrow's mouth, but he still can't speak due to the Wizard's magic. (He has totems that grant him more control over them: a straw doll for Scarecrow and an iron one for Tinman).
Meanwhile, the Wizard is outraged to find his prizes gone. His eyes fall on the totems, and he reaches for the metal doll.
On the road, Tinman suddenly starts writhing in pain as the Wizard holds his totem's metal leg over a fire, then saws away at his arm with a file. Dorothy is unsure what to do, resolved to simply holding Tinman and trying to comfort him. Lion is panicking, and Scarecrow is still too weak to be of much help.
Kanna suddenly arrives, and analyzes the scene. She and Dorothy remove his metal limbs, and the Wizard watches as the totem's corresponding limbs crumble away, becoming furious. He seizes Tinman's heart, and holds it over the fire.
When Tinman starts screaming, Kanna realizes the Wizard also replaced his heart, and orders Dorothy to cut it out quickly while she makes a replacement. Dorothy does, apologizing all the way through, and Kanna gives him a heart of living plants in the nick of time.
The Wizard watches Tinman's totem crumble, and angrily turns to Scarecrow's.
As the women help a barely conscious Tinman onto the horse, a frantic noise from Scarecrow stops them. They quickly figure out he's been blinded and deafened by the Wizard. Kanna isn't able to do much, as she can't replace a mind. Tinman manages to calm him down by weakly signing into his hand, and they proceed to the safe haven.
Dorothy talks to Lion, who feels restless and guilty over leaving. He hates and loves the Wizard in equal parts, since the castle is the only home he can fully remember. Afterwards, Dorothy gets a psychic message from the Wizard, taunting her with the image of a beaten Toto.
Meanwhile, Kanna looks after Tinman, creating him new prosthetic limbs out of plants.
Dorothy leaves in the dead of the night to confront the Wizard and rescue Toto, but he defeats her by controlling several of the villagers' minds through the emerald glasses. Dorothy is horrified, realizing he has the capability to turn the people of the Emerald City into an army. She manages to get away, taking Scarecrow's totem with her.
While she's gone, Glinda finds and terrorizes the garden, overpowering Kanna, then beating up Scarecrow and taunting Tinman. Lion momentarily overcomes his fear to save his friends, and claws Glinda across the face, forcing her to retreat.
Dorothy returns, and gets mildly chewed out by a recovering Kanna. Together they use the totem to help restore Scarecrow's senses and voice.
Now that Glinda knows where they are, the group decides to relocate. Kanna and Tinman start to bond, but when things veer into a more intimate territory, he freezes up, prompting her to pull back. The two talk it out, and set some healthy boundaries.
Dorothy is once again taunted with Toto, who's in bad shape, but this time everyone's dragged in as the Wizard offers to exchange him for Lion. Just Lion. The others tell him not to do it, but with all the times his friends have shielded him, Lion refuses to cooperate, deciding to give himself up if that means the Wizard will stop coming after Tinman and Scarecrow.
He sneaks off to meet the Wizard, but the Wizard simply shoves a bound and injured Toto into the woods, claiming this was technically the deal. Lion tries to stand up to him, but is swiftly cowed.
Toto is found by Jade, who recognizes him and takes him in. At this point, she realizes things around the city are getting weird as the Wizard makes his final preparations to storm Shahaedr. The people wearing the emerald glasses seem strangely intent on finding or improvising weapons.
With Lion missing, the remaining four set out to find him, with Jade encountering them in the process. Dorothy and Toto reunite, but it's cut short when the citizens of the city begin marching in rank towards Shahaedr.
They return to the Wizard's castle. Tinman and Scarecrow split off to find and free Lion, while Dorothy and Kanna go to confront the Wizard. They fight their way past the Wizard's guards, and finally make it to his lab. Glinda is standing beside him as he channels energy through a huge orb that's glowing green, and Kanna challenges her to a fight as Dorothy attacks the Wizard.
Despite his being a skilled magic user, Dorothy is a witch hunter, and manages to match the Wizard, blow-for-blow. Just when she manages to get the upper hand, the Wizard draws energy from the green orb, healing himself and regaining his energy. Though it seems like a lost cause, Dorothy fights on.
Kanna manages to defeat Glinda, but even together, the Wizard has them outmatched as long as he has access to the orb. Just when it seems like he's won, his ex-captives make it to the lab, and Lion breaks away from the group, attacking him.
Surprised and hurt that his own Familiar would hurt him, the Wizard is initially too shocked to fight back, and Dorothy and Kanna surge in to help. Meanwhile, Tinman and Scarecrow manage to reach the orb, and shatter it.
The glow immediately stops, and the Wizard is defeated soon after.
Going back into the Emerald City, they find piles of broken green glasses, and confused, but unharmed civilians. With both their friends and the city freed from the Wizard, the group heads back to Kanna's garden, to rebuild and recover.
@blackberry-bloody , @unicornscotty , @whumpwillow , @grizzlie70 , @burtlederp , @madrono-but-i-am-not-a-fruit , @outofangband , @whumpy-catfish ,
and thank you to @whumpingwithclara-alt for the emerald glasses idea :)
if anyone actually read this whole thing and wants more of a specific scene mentioned, let me know and I can try to draw it
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ivaldisonsforge · 4 months
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Yggdrasil pendant - 59$
The Yggdrasil Pendant is a captivating piece of jewelry that beautifully combines Scandinavian ornamentation with a central depiction of the mighty Yggdrasil tree. • Material: 925 Sterling Silver • Diameter - 1,41 inches (3,6 cm) • Weight - approx. 8 grams (0,3 oz) Crafted in exquisite detail, this pendant is circular in shape and made from high-quality silver, ensuring its durability and elegant appearance. The outer edge of the pendant features intricate Scandinavian ornamentation, inspired by the rich cultural heritage of the Vikings. These ornate patterns pay homage to the traditional artistry found in Norse craftsmanship, showcasing interwoven designs that symbolize unity, strength, and the interconnectedness of all things. At the heart of the pendant lies the central motif of Yggdrasil, the mythical tree that occupies a significant place in Norse mythology. Yggdrasil is often referred to as the "World Tree" and represents the center of the cosmos, connecting the realms of the gods, humans, and mythical creatures. Its branches stretch towards the heavens, while its roots delve deep into the earth, symbolizing the harmony and balance between different realms of existence. In Scandinavian mythology, Yggdrasil is believed to support the entire cosmos and is associated with wisdom, renewal, and the cyclical nature of life. It serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of embracing one's roots while reaching for the skies. The Yggdrasil Pendant is not only a stunning piece of jewelry but also holds deep symbolism and meaning in Scandinavian mythology. By wearing this pendant, one can carry the essence of Yggdrasil with them, symbolizing their connection to the past, present, and future, as well as their respect for the natural world and the ancient traditions of the North.
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mirikitakato · 4 months
[Translation] Halloween 2023 - A capricious love for an endless night: Episode 10
Snow: This teapot is empty. On the night of the last feast, I tried to capture the scenery here, but I gave up.
White: Why? You seemed to like this village.
Snow: It can't be helped if only one of us likes it. This teapot can only hold one scene, ever. It can't capture two different places.
Raising his face, Snow looked straight into White's eyes.
Snow: We've seen so many amazing places that it would be a waste to hold this one in. There's no point in capturing a scene only I love. I want to find a place that is special for both of us to share forever.
White: Snow...
Snow: Now this teapot has returned to my hands. If someday we can find a scenery that we both find truly beautiful, let's capture it in this as our favorite.
In response to Snow's gentle smile, White's face showed a hint of sadness.
His body was hazy as if glowing, and his fingertips were slightly translucent. White's fragility itself told the story of the past rift.
White: ...Is that so.
Snow: Of course!
The twins, who were identical since birth and did everything together, eventually drifted apart.
The changes and attachments that took root in their hearts once tore them apart forever, only to bind them together again.
When will the scenery that the two, who have seen all the strange things in this world, want to capture with all their hearts appear? It may take decades or centuries, but surely, the time will come when this teapot will be filled.
Snow: The scenery of the night I loved will also disappear tomorrow morning once the afterglow of Thewlis' magic fades. I finally have no regrets for this land….Well, that's how it was from the beginning.
White: Hohoho. As expected of my other half. You are a loving and heartless bastard.
White gently touched Snow's cheek.
The way their faces got closer until their foreheads touch is like a scene from a movie, making my heart race and flutter.
Just like when I was captivated by the charm of the Thewlis who took on the form of a human a moment ago.
Owen: Hey, don't get lost in your own world, you two?
Lennox: Well, at least the children aren't here today...
Figaro: Were you two bickering again?
Oz: Don't drag us into your problem.
Bradley: Take your lovey-dovey fight elsewhere.
Snow: Well, well, well…what's this? Everyone is here! Just when I was having a lovely moment reaffirming my love with my dear White.
White: Oz and Figaro too! You remember we talked about how nice it would be to see Thewlis’ wedding here when we built our mansions in this area, right?
Snow: It's a dream come true, but can't you be more sentimental?
Oz: I never dreamed of such a thing.
Figaro: You're exaggerating. I was thinking it would be nice to see it as a drinking snack because it’s a lucky charm, that's all.
Lennox: Haha. But it's nice that we can all witness this together.
Cain: Yeah. Besides, Oz kind of reminds me of the sulky Arthur when he's with the twins.
Oz: …....
Cain: Haha, even your face looks like his, when he's not on his best day.
Long-bearded old man: Uhm...Lord Snow, Lord White.
Snow: Hmm?
White: What’s wrong?
The villagers gather around them.
They look around anxiously, their eyes darting back and forth along the gold-paved path.
Long-bearded old man: Are you two no longer going to protect this village...?
They knelt on the ground, looking at each other.
Bulky man: Now that Lord Thewlis is gone, this village is finally unprotected and left to fend for itself. The spring will freeze when the time comes, and we may lose our water source for the winter...
Long-bearded old man: Then we won't be able to live the way we used to. And the cold winter wave isn't the only thing that can take our lives.
Bulky man: We may starve and suffer from hunger, unable to find food or drink... And when the others learn of the guardian's departure, someone may appear to attack the village.
Long-bearded old man: Please, once again, won't you take pity on this village...? I beg you, please, please...
Pressing their foreheads against the cold snow, the villagers pleaded.
As if gently embracing them overhead…
A low, soft, compassionate voice descended.
Snow: We understand your feelings.
White: We know how harsh it is for humans to live in this land without the protection of wizards or spirits...
Thickly-dressed bulky man: So, if that's the case...!
Snow: But we refuse.
White: It's not our concern.
They answered casually, as if refusing an afternoon tea.
Long-bearded old man: B-but... didn't you love this village...?
As the villagers' hopes dwindled, they clung to their pleas, their desperate faces etched with despair.
Two faces, as perfectly formed as artificial dolls, gazed down upon them from above.
Their eyes held a strange mixture of coldness, akin to that of one looking at a stone lying on the roadside, and compassion, akin to that of one cherishing a wildflower.
The two figures exchanged identical smiles.
White: What good would it do to love it? In the first place, this is a land we once abandoned. We have not protected this village for a long time.
Bulky man: W-what...?
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Snow: You may be mistaken, but Thewlis who left this place, and we are the same. We are not gods who love and give everything. It is up to us to protect the land or abandon it at our own convenience, but if you have something you want, ask for it as you wish. For we give whimsically and love whimsically.
They love and abandon the place as they please, whimsically.
No one could force or control their love, which had endured countless nights and spanned countless years.
Perhaps that is why this village was born and will perish.
White: But isn’t today the beginning of the banquet? Then we shall be entertained for a while longer.
Long-bearded old man: ...I understand...The preparations for the banquet will be ready soon...
Bulky man: Please, make yourselves at home...
Although this outcome is also a result of their love, perhaps they will cherish it someday in the distant future.
As one of the memories told in their long history.
Figaro: There you go again, doing whatever you want...
Figaro muttered disdainfully as he watched the twin and the villagers.
Figaro: Look at the villagers’ faces. Each one is filled with a hint of doubt and resentment. Just because you're wizards doesn't mean you have to take responsibility for human lives. You can choose to care or not care, for all I'm concerned. But still... Toying with these pitiful lives at this age, and for no reason at all… I wouldn't call your whims very admirable, you two.
Bradley: Couldn't agree more. Pickin’ up something you’re just goin’ to throw away anyway. What a terrible taste.
Snow: Oh, really? Quite unusual for you two to agree on anything.
White: As fellow wizards of the North, you two might find yourselves doing the same thing someday.
Figaro: Well... maybe. But you two should really take it easy.
Bradley: Hah! I wouldn't do something as rotten as you two.
Shaking his head dismissively, Bradley turned his attention to the villagers.
Bradley: Don't get too complacent, you lot. In this country, the weak-willed die first. It's up to you to decide whether you live or die. If you keep whining and obeying the twins, you're just going to die anyway.
Owen: Then perhaps I can offer you my protection?
Cain: Owen...
Owen stepped forward silently, standing before the villagers who are kneeling in the snow.
The villagers hold their breath, captivated by his gentle smile.
Cain: You... have you ever protected a settlement before? I often see you in places with a lot of people, but I've hardly ever seen you actually care about them.
Owen: Hmm, never done it, but should be a simple task. I'll give you everything you need. There's no need for you humans to do anything. You won't have to fear or worry anymore. Believe in me and surrender to me, and you'll find happiness.
Mufflered woman: R-really...? Is that true?
Short-haired man: Is it true that Lord Owen would…
Oz: ...Don't be fooled by that man's words. He's a clown. If you open your heart to him, you'll be consumed by a curse.
Snow: Yes, indeed. Don't be too trusting.
White: These people are grieving. Don't be cruel to them.
Bradley & Figaro: You two dare to say that...
Owen: Oh, come on. I was just trying to be nice.
Young girl: Sir Cain, Sir Cain.
Cain: You guys...
Cain looked at the children he spoke with earlier. Their eyes, once filled with fear and apprehension, now gaze up at him pleadingly.
As if seeking new protection.
Young girl: Is it true that we'll be left alone in this village?
Freckled boy: If the spring dries up, will we be able to survive...?
Cain: ...I won't let that happen. And besides, you have all that gold dust. If you fortify your homes and increase your supplies, can't you make this village even stronger? …Is there anything else I can do...?
Young girl: But... in this land, even with money, we can't be sure of survival.
Freckled boy: We can't withstand the cold or hunger...
Akira: Ah, umm...
I tried to offer some words of comfort, but was at a loss for words in the face of the children's pleas.
Then, Oz spoke up.
Oz: Children of the village.
Young girl: Y-yes...
Freckled boy: Ah, you're Sir Oz...
Oz: The twins left the village centuries ago. Yet, the village has not perished. To this very day, life has continued. Even if there was an undying spring and the protection of mythical beasts, it would be nothing more than a temporary solace in this land. If you were to perish, it would have happened long ago.
Speaking in a low, steady voice, Oz delivered the harsh truth. There was no malice in his tone.
Oz: Humans seeking shelter also gathered near my castle, but I have no recollection of caring for them.Yet they still live, by their own strength. Both then and now.
Young girl:...Can we survive without the help of wizards or guardian spirits?
Freckled boy: Can we humans live on our own...?
Oz: There is no guarantee. But humans are surprisingly resilient.
A gentle breeze suddenly blew through Oz's long hair, caressing the children's cheeks.
It seemed to be a whisper of advice for their future lives.
Akira: (That's right... the village hasn't perished even though Snow and White haven't returned in a long time) (I guess it's because of the existence of the Thewlis, the rumor about the twins' territory, and the mild climate...)
But the threats of nature can't be underestimated. They're not so weak that they can be sustained for hundreds of years just with those factors.
So, maybe this village will continue to exist in the future.
Even without the wizards protecting the village and the mythical beasts that guard the spring, they will continue to live together and help each other, just as they have always done.
It's the same as the Thewlis who left this place. I think this village is also welcoming an end and a new beginning at the same time.
Young girl: Is that so...? I can't quite imagine it yet.
Freckled boy: But... it's true that we've been living on our own all this time while the two of them haven't been back...
Looking at the children with their heads bowed, Cain placed his hand on Oz's shoulder. He stepped forward and bent his waist.
He picked up the Thewlis’ scale he had just found and placed it in his palm, chanting a spell.
Cain: Thewlis’ protection hasn't been completely lost. This will be your amulet. I've also added my blessing magic. It's a small token, but please accept it.
Cain placed the scale in the girl's small hand.
The scale, which changed color depending on the angle, looked like a real jewel.
Cain:...In the Northern lands, even wizards can't live without some determination. Despite that, you have survived admirably in this environment. There will be hardships, but I'm sure you will make it. However…
Cain stopped speaking. His gorgeously rimmed eyelids rose and fell as his voice continued with sincerity.
Cain: It may go against the Northern code, but it must be fate that we meet. I can't just leave you without doing anything.
Lennox: Me too... I only come here for rest, but I can't bear to leave just like that. If there is anything you need help with, I can at least do it. Carrying luggage, doing repairs…Especially if it's manual labor, leave it to me. If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask.
Cain: I'll help too! I'm good with physical labor. Also... couldn't we find a place for them to relocate to, even if it's not in the North? Just like Oz said earlier.
Oz: What if we find a place? What will you do then? If you say you can't leave them alone, won't you be concerned about their lives after they move?
Cain: Their lives after they move... That's right. To begin with, these people don't want to move anywhere else. After all, you get attached to the land you were born on...
White: ......
Snow: .......
Resting his chin on his hand, Cain lowered his gaze. Then, as if an idea struck him, he spoke casually.
Cain: Hey, how about this? Even if it's just when we're leaving, could you pack a little extra of this village's wine for us?
Hooded woman: Oh, of course, but... Are you taking it back as a souvenir?
Cain: That too, but I have a friend who runs a famous bar. I'll ask if he can sell it there. It's a bar for wizards only, but if word gets around there, maybe someone will be interested in this village, right?
Akira: Indeed... Shylock loves alcohol, so he might be interested. Besides, that place has all sorts of customers from all over the world.
Lennox: Fortunately, this place is near the border with the Western Country. Even the high mountains wouldn't be impossible to cross for a sufficiently powerful wizard. And from there, the rumors could gradually spread...
Akira: Maybe this will turn into a secret hideaway for wizards...
Cain: That's it! The first ones to gather will probably be wizards from the West, and I'm sure they'll be talkative and cheerful fellows.
Figaro: Before we have more people coming and going, we should focus on the wizards first. That's an interesting idea.
Lennox: Yes. This country is a harsh place for wizards too, but..It might not be an impossible idea.
Bradley: Not too sure about that. I don't know how many people would go out of their way to come here. But maybe it's not a bad place to get blown to by a sneeze every now and then.
As the wizards conversed, the villagers also whispered among themselves.
For them, it might still be a dreamlike, hypothetical scenario.
But their eyes, which had been stained with despair, now held a glimmer of hope.
Cain: ...I don't have the power to protect this village, but I'll come here to play by the spring with my friends sometimes. The guys who aren't here today will surely love it.
Freckled boy: Sir Cain...
Owen: Hmph. How are you going to get to the North Country? You're still not used to brooms or magic.
Cain: I'll ask Oz. He'll teleport me here.
Owen: Huh? What?
Oz: Me…?
Cain: Why not? Stay my friend so I can ask you for favors like this in the future. But I'm going to get strong enough to come here on my own someday.
Owen: Aren't you ashamed to make big claims before you can even do it? You just want to show off, don't you? Borrow Oz's power to make yourself look bigger.
Cain: I can't help it right now. I could use your help too, you know.
Owen: Hmph, cheeky.
Akira: I'll come back and visit again! With Cain and the other wizards too. So if you don't mind, could you pack some honey candy for me? It was so delicious, I'd like to give it to the people who can't drink alcohol. Next time, we'll bring some souvenirs for you.
Young girl: Even the Sage…Yeah! I'd be happy to!
Freckled boy: I'll be happy to pack it for you. Please... until we meet again...
Cain: Ah, yes. So until then, please stay healthy.
Snow: Well, well, well, there you are!
White: Let's put an end to this standing around and have a toast!
Akira: Huh!? Snow and White, where have you been…?
Figaro: They just slipped away quietly... And of all times, when we were talking about the future of the village.
Snow: Sorry, sorry. We were showing the villagers around the cellar. Look at this.
White: It's aged wine from a good year. Let's toast with this one.
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Oz: Are you going to drink? You're lightweight drinkers.
Figaro: I don't know what you'll do if you get drunk again.
Snow: Then, so be it. Come, you too, pour us a drink sometime.
White: This is the beginning of our beloved, joyous festival. Let us surrender ourselves to the last sights of this night and the revelry of the feast.
The twins' smiles towards the villagers and wizards remained unchanged. It was as if this day was just another ordinary day in the passing of time.
Above the spring where the Thewlis was no longer seen, the evening sky signaling the end of the day and the morning glow signaling the beginning of a new day enveloped the village sky for a while.
Their homecoming, which might be their last, continued for a while longer, guided by whim.
Episode 9
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Bear school medallion ★Material: High Quality Solid 960 Sterling Silver★
Weight: approx. 58 grams (2 oz) Size: 40 x 40 mm (1,57 x 1,57 inches) One-sided Witcher Pendant
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