#Carl Grimes x gender neutral reader
tobyisher3 · 3 months
A Tree and Lake
Fandom: The Walking Dead
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Pair: Carl Grimes x gender neutral reader
Tw: Probably spelling mistakes, not proof read, implications of death, no walkers mentioned, dreams of a dead loved one, pre-established relationship, Death, grave sight, nickname (my love), and sad with a hint of fluff.
Pronouns: None used
(Y/n) - Your name
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Y/n’s POV
“Come on get out of bed.” Carl told me playfully . “I can’t, not yet.” I said with a smile. “If you don’t I will make pancakes and eat them all by myself.” He exclaimed and began to walk down stairs as I sat up and walked down stairs. “Smells good.” I murmured walking behind him and hugging him. “I know I’m making it.” He said proudly.
“What’s got you being so cocky?” I asked tilting my head as I walked away. “Nothing I just miss you.” He said as I looked down. “Right.” I muttered as he sat down next to me and I laid my head on his lap. He played with my hair and I hummed softly. “It’s almost time for you to go.” He told me and I looked up at him.
“I don’t want to Carl.” I said as he smiled at me and sat me up and kissed my forehead. I’ll be right here when you fall asleep I promise my love.” He said happily, I began to tear up. “Please don’t make me.” I begged him, he held my hands. “I’m sorry (Y/n). Wake up.” He said and I did.
I was all alone in my bed. It was cold. I curled in on myself and cried. I heard soft knocking, my door creaked a second later, followed by a kid. “Yeah Daryl?” I asked and he sat next to me on my bed. “We found a place for him.” He told me and I sat up.
“I’ll be there in second let me get dressed.” I told him and he walked out of my room closing the door behind him. I sighed when I was done changing and saw his hat. I put it on then my shoes, walked out my front door. I saw Rick and Daryl there as they walked me to the spot.
It was by a tree near the lake. I smiled softly as they left me and I sat by the tree. I laid and I took off his hat and setting it on top of the freshly placed dirt.
“Ya know I dream about you every night. I don’t know if it’s actually you or just how I remember you. I remember when I met you here, our first date was here, our first kiss…a lot happened here.” I mumbled to myself.
“I’m glad this is your final resting place my love.” I muttered and placed on the dirt and started to doze off. I love Carl Grimes. I hope you always knew that, my cowboy.
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A/n: Hey all idk if this is the second one this month, but I am on my Carl Grimes trend again. I watched the entire show from the time I was 12 until Rick’s “last” episode. I’m 20 now and I still have a thing for Chan Chan (Chandler Riggs). My mom and I have called him Chan Chan since I was 13. I’m glad y’all are still out here keep Carl’s memory alive and somehow know what Carl poppa is. Either way I got a little emotional writing this and I hope you enjoy loves!
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munsonshire · 9 months
Carl Grimes as your Boyfriend
Disclaimer: I'm not talking about child Carl, like, not the first seasons, more like the ones before his death when he was older. And no, there is not gonna be any 18+ stuff on this one. Also, this is gender-neutral. Masterlist
He's very protective over you, like, he won't forbid you to do anything but he will tell you to be careful
He likes taking you on little dates, whether it's inside or outside of Alexandria.
His fave is taking you to this one lake close to Alexandria to swim (you both clean it of walkers before doing anything else).
You are the only person in the group that can steal his hat.
He showed you his eye scar sometime after he got it, he does trust you very much.
You carved your initials on a tree because you're just cheesy like that.
He lets you borrow his flannels all the time.
When Negan comes he quickly figures out that you two are dating and in his own twisted way, he praises Carl for getting himself such a beautiful partner, though he does use you against him when threatening the group.
He won't let you come close to him with scissors, as much as he trusts you his hair is sacred to him.
Likes playing little silly games with you when there's nothing else to do, like hide and seek or something like that
You found a monopoly on a run and brought it back to Alexandria, you sometimes play with it, and he gets really defensive (in a funny way) when he owes you money, he will start saying stuff about how money is now unuseful and all that, it's cute
He's the little spoon, the poor boy needs some love, he will pout and make sad faces if for some reason you want to be the small spoon, he wants to be held
His first and main love language is quality time so he will try to spend all of his free time with you
He likes reading all his comics with you, he sometimes acts like a total nerd talking about Marvel or StarWars and all the theories that he has about what happens in the comics
He's the kind of guy that does the yawn thing, where he yawns and puts his arm around your shoulders
Will let you play with his hair and even braid it sometimes
Makes random bets with you about anything that he can think of, he always bets the same, A kiss
Holds your hand all the time
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ficnation · 2 years
Change of Plans - Carl x Reader
Request: “hey! can you do a carl grimes x male reader fic? maybe something fluffy and set in the summertime. anything you feel like really! thank you!”
requested by anonymous
Word count: 434
Pairing: Carl Grimes x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: pure fluff
A/n: A little bit of a break from all the angst for our favorite boy cOrAL. As usual, I hope you enjoy it! Please leave feedback and reblog <3
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It was a hot summer day in the middle of July. The sun hung high in the sky, almost scorching the skin of any who dared to set foot outside. People who didn’t have any duties outside hid in their homes away from the unbearable heat. If it were any other day, you probably wouldn’t even take a step outside unless you absolutely had to, but it was “date day.” A day you promised to spend with your boyfriend, and you had already made plans to have a little picnic date. You weren’t a fan of changing plans, so you insisted it still happened.
“Carl, hurry up already!” you called from downstairs, finishing packing a little lunch box filled with fruits and sandwiches for the both of you to enjoy on your picnic.
“You’re as patient as hungry Abraham,” Carl said, chuckling while he walked down the stairs.
He stopped just by the kitchen doorway, shirtless, and you looked up at him giggling. Carl’s eyes shined with playfulness.
“You’re doing this on purpose,” you accused, pulling your eyes away from him to put the lunch box into your bag.
“Maybe, I am. But can you blame me? It’s so freakin’ hot outside. Who would want to go out in this weather?“ Carl finally put on a t-shirt, knowing this time he won’t be able to persuade you this way.
“It’s just sun, Carl. You won’t melt.” You shook your head in disbelief at his antics. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little bit of heat,” you teased, raising an eyebrow at him.
“If I was afraid of it, why would I spend any time in your presence when you’re so hot?” He sent a cheeky wink your way, smiling with smugness when you stared at him dumbfounded.
Your cheeks warmed up at his words before you caught on to his play. “You’re still trying to change our date plans!” you gasped, pointing an accusatory finger his way. “No, it’s not happening.”
“Oh, come on!” Carl whined, spreading his arms widely in defeat. “I will make it up to you, I swear,” he tried again. “We can always go tomorrow. Maybe it won’t be so unbearable then.”
You thought it over for a few minutes before finally giving up with a resigned sigh. Your boyfriend looked at you expectantly, and when you nodded your head, agreeing to his proposal, he cheered loudly. He ran up to you, encircling your waist with his arms and kissing your cheek sweetly.
“I’m gonna make you a cold fruit smoothie,” he promised, kissing your face all over, making you giggle.
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Taglist: @whiskeypowder  @azanoni @humanmistakes @yttricuz @twdeadlysins @kamieshep @donttelltheelff  @jessica-mikaelson18 @spidergirla5  @infectedcleo @tuttifuckinfruttifriday  @wonderful-writer @huffledor-able541 @lilithjo @thatcucumberwhore​
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Fine I'll give you fluff 🙄....Carl and reader find this huge museum and decided to check it out for supplies to find out the museum has been untouched there's no signs of walker or human and since Carl and reader are still children they decided to fuck around and even give themselves a tour of the museum and it ends with sweet first kisses 😚
- ♣️
heyyyyy ♣️ of course and thank you. the Luke castellan req u sent me is already hurting and I've barely written any of it yet LMFAO ; also didn't know how to do the kissing bit so I'm sorry :( I've never been to a museum so ifk djsndmsm ; I should've scrapped this it's so bad wth
CARL GRIMES ; museum
summary ; you and carl go on a run and take a tour of a museum
warnings ; language, mentions of knives
genre ; fluff
word count ; 1k
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You and Carl approach the large building, gazing upon the well-founded structure. It was a curvature shape, large glass windows covering it, pulling in gallons of sunlight each day. You couldn't imagine the amount of sunbleach on the floor inside if it was that familiar thin carpeting like in arcades or inside al Chuck E Cheese's across the globe.
As you walk closer, killing any stray walkers with your knives, you notice there's a whole layer below the upper, circular part of the building. It's held up by pillars, protected by shade, and only covered in a few tall windows here and there. Below that, it sinks into the ground a bit with the help of some staircases on each side behind the sign and little wall to prevent casualties. It was more boxy, however, still covered in windows. The whole structure looked freakishly modern, like the world didn't end back in 2010 here, like the world just kept spinning up til now, apparently. It was a little freaky seeing it, but you brushed it off. Whatever this place was, they probably pulled in millions of dollars a month to look like this.
You approach the front, seeing Virginia Museum of History & Culture in bold lettering above the main doors.
Now, you and your long-time friend Carl never got to learn all that much about history or culture, seeing as the world ended in the middle of your fifth grade year. All through elementary school, it wasn't something anyone was teaching a bunch of little kids who'd forget within an hour over recess.
The two of you share a shrug and nod, deciding to go in to look for any food or resources. You keep your weapons ready and in hand, prepared to take down as many walkers as need be.
The first challenge was getting inside, however. The door was locked. Luckily, Carl was able to pick the lock with a spare safety pin he kept in his pocket for this exact reason, and he slowly pushed the door open with his foot. His boot leaves a print on the door from the dirt and dust on the ground, leaving the stainless steel door a little messy as you both enter.
You clear out each large room, finding no signs of life, or death for that matter. You closely examine all of the WW2 replica artifacts and read the little signs, teaching you about the nearly hundred-year-old war. It was pretty interesting to you, considering the only war education you'd gained was being part of one yourself with the whole Negan and the Saviors thing.
Carl notices you reading as he breaks open some protective glass, opening a stash of rifles that'd been found post-war on the battlegrounds in Virginia.
"Think they still work?" He asks you, holding one up in his hand.
You shrug, "How would I know?"
He nods and shrugs, agreeing with your statement. However, you'd take anything you could get your hands on at the moment, food, guns, ammo, anything.
You two unlock a long forgotten childlike curiosity, exploring the museum for all its knowledge. You learn a lot about cultures and wars walking around the building, about ancient Aztec civilizations and the Civil War.
You ended up finding a little bit of food and some guns and ammo. I mean, a museum would never be a go-to for apocalypse rations anyway.
The two of you sit down in front of the windows near the front of the building, giggling and gasping for air after playing tag for a solid twenty minutes. Your cheeks are flushed and you run a hand through your hair, trying to cool yourself down a bit.
"I didn't know you could run so fast" Carl chuckles, lightly nudging your shoulder.
You shrug with a light smile and reply with a sarcastic and snarky tone, "My urgency to get away from you is showing"
You stick close to Carl, heading into a locked portion of the building, staff only. You wield your knives, cautiously turning the lights on.
Nothing, once again.
Another lunch room, weird enough. But it had plenty of non-perishables you could take. Including spaghetti-o's, which you hadn't had in years. The warm, metal taste could already be tasted on your tongue as you imagined the beautiful taste of the noodles and sauce again.
Carl turns to you, "Ready to go? It's nearly dark"
You nod, "Go on without me, I wanna go in that section we didn't really explore yet"
He shrugs, "I'll come with you"
"It's fine-"
"You wanna learn more, don't you?"
You shrug and nod.
"Nerd" He teasingly chuckles, "C'mon, let's make it quick"
You quickly run out to the section you didn't get to explore much, learning all about JFK's assassination. God, if the internet got to progress any further, you'd be all over Reddit sharing conspiracies and theories about this right now.
"Holy shit, dude took two bullets, what the fuck?"
You begin to rant as you read the little book on the podium, silencing Carl as he sits on the floor. His feet hurt, and his shoulders were beginning to ache, so he decided to sit down like this was kindergarten storytime.
You stand and speak, using your hands to communicate through body language as he attentively listens to you. He looks up at you with admiration, like he was genuinely focused on you and only you. You stop to breathe, your throat dry as you shut the book.
Carl fixes his hat, handing you some water.
"Ready to go home and eat these spaghetti-o's that I know you're dying to eat?"
"Yes please!"
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alexiswritingstuff · 2 years
Anything to make you happy.
Pairing: Glenn Rhee x gn! reader. 
Request: Him getting you comic books on a run, a cute small lil drabble.
AN: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. I honestly couldn’t describe how much I like Glenn as a character. He’s so comforting :((
Please keep the requests for him coming in!! I would love to write more for this guy!
Warnings: Nothing too bad. There are general descriptions of an apocalypse and the consequences of one. Little mentions of death (not Glenn or the reader.)
This also might be very long as I like to add in moments between other characters as well as the main one it's centred around, so... Yeah, get yourself comfortable.
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An apocalypse is something people can prepare for depending on the amount of time they have. They can get food supplies, weapons to protect themselves, extra clothes if needed.
But the one thing people don’t think about in that moment... is entertainment.
I mean, sure, if the world was ending right in front of your eyes, having something to do when you were bored wouldn’t really be something that would be on your mind. Except... 
What happens when that time does come?
Your group had finally secured a place to stay after moving around for weeks on end. You went from house to house, neighbourhood to neighbourhood, and even in a literal circle because of the events of the farm.
But now you had something.
You had a home.
The only downside, however... was that the place was in fact a prison. Meaning that you had to live whatever life you had left inside a prison cell.
At least in this world, it was optional.
You currently found yourself residing in the cell that you chose. You were sitting on the lower part of one of those bunk beds, with your back leaning into the cool stone wall that the bed was up against.
The answer to the previous question of ‘what happens when the time of boredom comes’ in your case, was reading.
Well, it wasn’t like you just pulled out a full on novel and started following these characters on an emotionally descriptive journey that never left a thought unknown.
They were comic books.
The last contact you have with your previous interests before this whole zombie invasion thing.
You flick onto the next page, wide eyes concentrated and eager as they scan over the action taking place across the smooth paper. An edition of a Batman series you used to follow growing up.
It may have been the same scenario over and over again. You know, some form of evil occurs or someone turns bad, makes a racket, and may even take someone to get Batman’s attention.
But every single time... he gets there.
The moment there is that feeling of success from the evil doers, or that sense of surrender from the hostage taken to rile people up, he appears and fights until things are safe again.
He barely gives up, and even when he does, it just shows you that he’s human. He’s just-
“Y/n, hey,” 
When the sound actually caught your ears, you began to blink rapidly. The action scene that was previously playing through your head began to fade away until your focus now landed on a figure that stood in the doorway. Your doorway.
Glenn smiles for a second, waiting for the book in your hand to lower before he continues on, “Uh... Daryl is planning to go on a run in like five minutes? And-- And I’m going to go with him.” the man explains with a few nods of his head as if trying to convince himself of what he was saying.
Now because of an introduction like that, you were expecting some sort of implication, or a reason as to why he was telling you this... 
However, nothing else was said.
After staring at the man for at least five more seconds, your eyes narrow, “... Why are you telling me this?” Glenn blinks for a moment. Probably replaying the last few minutes in his head before his eyebrows raise, “Oh, I, uh... Sorry, would you.... Do you want to join us?”
“That’s what I was going to... ask.”
You suppress a smile, giving the guy a few nods of your head in attempts to ease him a little, “Um, I kind of said that I would help Rick with the farming today already... I mean, I can get someone else to do it, I’m pretty sure Carl would--”
“No, no, no, that’s fine! That’s fine!” Glenn suddenly insists with his hands held out in front of him for further emphasis, “That’s-- That’s okay, um...”  
“I’ll see you later then, huh?” the guy continues while you watch in amusement, finally letting a smile take over your lips when he looks back one more time, “I hope you enjoy your... Wait, is that-- Is that a Batman comic book?”
Glenn’s entire body twisted in a matter of seconds after the words left his lips, and before you could even properly answer, he was sat down on the bed beside you, taking the book right out of your hands.
“Uh... Yeah, it is,” you confirm regardless of your confused state, just watching as Glenn flipped the book round so that the cover was visible in front of him. “Whoa, it’s in great condition,” he then points out before turning to you with narrowed eyes, “I didn’t know you liked comic books.”
“What?” you question almost instantly while you lean back a little, making Glenn feign fear as he gave them back, “I don’t know! It just-- I mean, no one else here likes comics, apart from Carl.”
“Besides, I’ve never... actually seen you read one... Ever. Not even back at the camp.” he adds on, and you let your fingers lightly graze back and forth across the book spine, “That’s mostly because I’m scared of ruining it.”
“It’s the last connection I have with my previous life.”
You know, whenever the topic of the world before the apocalypse came up, barely any of you had anything to say. It was mostly because it would end up with people having an existential crisis, but what else could you do about it?
There was a sudden sigh that passes through your lips after a moment. Your eyes flickered over the book in your grasp, it now being Glenn’s turn to watch, “It is my last one though,” you start up once again and turn to look at the guy beside you.
“Gotta make it count, right?”
The guy in question held no response. His eyes were practically glued to the comic book you held to the point that you thought he was going to make it float in the air or something.
“Glenn?” you question with a mild tilt of your head, becoming a little concerned at the lack of movement, but that at least mildly faded when his expression changed.
It was this sort of smug look that spread across his features. Like, he had this thought inside his head that he knew would gain praise if he said it... But he never did. “Shame.”
Without anything else, the man abruptly began to move. 
He ducks his head a little and quickly pulls himself towards the edge of your bed before getting his body upright, all the while you just stared in utter confusion yet again, “What... Uh, Glenn?” you call out to gain at least a little bit of insight...
But he just walks out of your cell.
“See ya.”
The sun was right in the middle of the sky.
It was strong, every beam from that star spreading warmth across anything that the rays touched.
Especially your back.
You were doing what you previously said, which was helping Rick with the farming. The man himself had duty over the seeds, while you were the one doing the actual heavy work.
The tip of the garden hoe in your hands was placed against the dirt about a meter away from your feet. You took a moment, making sure that the tool was in the right position, letting it dig slightly in, before pulling it towards yourself. 
Thus creating a small, shallow trench.
Once happy with your previous work, you let yourself move to the side, allowing Rick to do his part of the job.
Which he indeed did.
The man picked up one of those little pouches of seeds that the other guys managed to grab on a run, and began to sprinkle the little things throughout the newly dug line at an even distance, “Now,”
“I may not have experience when it comes to gardening, but,” Rick began with that usual gruff voice of his and leans back when he’d fully emptied out the small pouch, “I think within the next few weeks we will have some vegetables.”
“Or a new decoration for the yard,” he then adds on with less confidence, and you let out a mild scoff in response.
The two of you share a look, grins appearing on both pairs of lips, before you move back to the trench, using the smooth side of the hoe to reposition the dirt.
You let the tool in your hands drag down the new line of soil on the side, which in return covered up the seeds. And once at the end, “Or...” you dug the head of the hoe into the ground right beside it. “You could just look at the packet...”
“If you’re not too sure, that is.”
Your right arm was placed on top of the garden tool’s handle, the weight of your tired body now leaning onto it, while you wiped your sweaty forehead with the back of your hand.
It was now his turn to scoff.
The man shook his head, giving you a look of fake annoyance which ultimately failed as a smile curled at his lips yet again, “Yeah,”
“I guess you’re right.”
Before either of you could say anything else, there was a certain thing that you spotted beyond Rick’s shoulder.
It could barely be seen, considering the distance between both you and the oncoming thing. But it could be heard.
A motorbike.
Your face lit up in an instant. Your once tired and slightly nagging self fading away all at once as the sudden want to run surged through your veins.
And the moment Rick had turned back in your direction after looking at the bike himself, your eyes were on his, begging for permission to succumb to your feeling, but also apologising as it would leave him to do the work by himself.
“Go,” was all he said with a mild tilt of his head, and your feet moved before your brain did.
You did manage to get a “thank you” out to Rick when you ran past him, however, since you weren’t focused in that moment, you had no idea if he had actually heard.
Your legs were quick, one foot moving right after the other, while your eyes stuck on the transport coming closer and closer to its final destination.
However, it was far enough that you could make a quick pit stop at the barrel of water just on the outside of the farm area. There was a need to get the sweat and dirt off your warm skin anyway.
You shoved your hands in the cool liquid, swishing them round for about a second and even splashing some on your neck. But then you were on the move once again, wiping your hands on your trousers to get rid of the excess water.
It took you a moment to get to the first gate as you were kind of in the middle of the field, but thankfully someone was already there giving you a head start.
“Let’s go, Carl!” you yell out as the kid began to slide the huge gate open, trying to give him some sort of praise while also trying to distract the walkers from the incoming delivery.
Once the opening was now enterable, both you and Carl were quick to run through. “Okay, okay-- I’ll get the ropes, you get the gate,” you instruct, patting the kid on the shoulder before carrying out your mission when he showed an understanding.
Your feet skidded against the gravel underneath you in a matter of seconds when you got to the second gate, not even giving yourself a chance to take a proper breath as you hastily grab at the ropes without a moment to spare.
It was a new system. A reinforcement added after the whole Woodbury thing to ensure a safer entrance and exit.
It wasn’t much, but it was as good as it was going to get.
“Go, go, go!” Carl calls to you when he got the gate unlocked, and as soon as he started to pull it to the side, you had begun moving yourself.
The rope in your hands was yanked down in such a way that had your body practically floating as you used your weight to pull at it. And soon enough, after about a minute, the new doors began to open.
Your teeth were gritted, your arms were growing tired and the pungent smell of rotten flesh became practically the only thing in the air. But that wasn’t going to make you lose your focus.
Because as soon as those red doors hit against the lines of wooden spikes behind it with a whine that echoed through the visceral growls from rotten bodies, the bike made its way through, “All right, Carl! Move it back, move it back!”
With one last pull to the ropes, that felt like they had cut off your circulation, the set of blood covered doors closed right as the walkers had finally found out that it was an entrance.
You let out a huff of air, giving your now extremely tired arms a shake while Carl made sure that the official gate of the prison was completely secure.
“Good job,” was all that you said, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder, which in return earned you one of his small smiles, probably more grateful of the fact that you didn’t call him a kid.
And with that, you were off once more.
The motorbike had stopped outside the first gate that you opened, and as soon as your eyes caught onto the figures that appeared with it, a smile returned to your lips.
They made it back.
A feeling of pure relief was passing through your veins when you watched Glenn hop off the back of the bike. He was unharmed and looked the exact same as he did this morning... with the additon of walker blood, “D’you guys have fun?”
But he was alive.
The guy smiled when he saw you, that light energy he always carried when in a good mood just radiating off of him, which is something that everyone who knew Glenn enjoyed, regardless of if they admitted it or not.
“Hey,” he breathes out when you were finally close enough, letting one of his hands raise up to your opposite shoulder once your body had concluded its movements next to him.
“Was it successful? Did you get good stuff?” you question, looking between the two boys while mirroring Glenn’s position, and Daryl slightly snorts before twisting round to take one of the backpacks attached to his bike, “Well...”
“Considering that this guy right here almost got himself taken out just to grab something,” he starts up through a voice that turned into a grunt halfway through when he pulled himself back into his previous position, “I would hope so.”
Sorry... What?
“Hey! You said you weren’t going to tell anyone!” Glenn points out after huffing out a breath, removing his hand from your shoulder to snatch the backpack from Daryl while you could only stare. “Oops.”
Your eyebrows were raised, lips parted with many sets of words aching to pass off the tip of your tongue until you finally decided. “Wha... You what?”
Glenn sighs when he saw Daryl’s amused expression. He gave him a playful yet meaningful glare, but then he steps towards you, letting his hand reside itself on your back once close enough before giving you a push as a signal to move.
This man better explain himself.
Back in your cell, as weird as that sounds, the pair of you sat on the old, ragged bunk bed. Both yours and Glenn’s legs hung over the edge of the tattered mattress which had sunk from the weight of two bodies after so long of nothing.
The man beside you was talking. Finally letting that story of his spurt from his lips, in a very dramatised manner.
“No, there was literally nothing! We didn’t see anything or hear those... those weird zombie noises-- I mean, Daryl didn’t even sense it or whatever.” Glenn ensures with frantic hands. Reliving the moment, “It just... All I did was reach for something.”
“That’s it... I looked at it and then went, ‘oh wow, you know? This-- This is exactly what I’m looking for’ and then BOOM! Walker.”
Even though this man was in fact talking about a near-death experience, there was a tinge of amusement that appeared in your chest. The frantic movements, the stumble of his words, the expression he held on his face.
He knew how to tell a story.
“Well, I’m glad Daryl was there then.” you comment before slightly turning your head, shielding the smile that begged to appear on your lips. 
“What-- I mean, yeah... I guess,”
“But I could have got out myself.” Glenn points out, mildly offended at the lack of faith his best friend seemed to have in him, but you simply raised an eyebrow in his direction, “Could have? Meaning... that Daryl did save you.”
After going to speak, the man paused. His parted lips maintaining their position before they came to a close, while Glenn’s eyes averted from your own once you had faced him like before.
“Well... Again, yeah...” he began reluctantly before sighing, “But look, I was in an awkward position, okay?”
“I had the lower hand, I admit, however, it was literally grabbing at me from the other side of a shelf. I got jump scared!” Glenn exclaims, his voice raising in pitch, especially when your head jokingly shook, “I mean, I have played many horror games in my time-- Many, but nothing-- Nothing! Could’ve prepared me for that.”
The certainty in both his voice and his expression had your head shaking once again. It really was maddening to hear someone explain an experience like that in such an entertaining way.
... However, that feeling of amusement seemed to fade by the time your eyes were back on Glenn.
There was a new emotion that took over his face. It was unreadable at first; his gaze aimed towards a wall, lips closed, shoulders slightly sunk.
A memory.
“What are you thinking about?”
The question seemed to take a minute to process in Glenn’s mind. He remained as he was for about another second before he slightly leans back, a quiet exhale seeping between his lips.
“Uh,” he began through a sigh after closing his eyes with a shake of his head, “Nothing... Sorry, It’s nothing, it’s just... It was a weird moment.”
“Yeah, well, that’s understandable.” you point out before the cell could fill with silence again, “I mean, getting attacked by those things isn’t supposed to be fun, is it?” you then add, the continuation thankfully gaining a slight smile in response, “No.”
“No, no-- I know. I know... but.” Glenn insists, clasping his fist in his other hand, “It just made me think about all the times that things like that happened to other people, you know? And... How they weren’t lucky.”
“Or how some didn’t even have the chance to react, or--”
Those dark eyes had finally fallen to yours again, the expression on your face making him realise that he may have started to ramble.
He put his hands up all of a sudden, another sigh of air passing out his mouth when his palms reach up to his face, “Sorry! Sorry-- Oh, man, I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”
“Hey, no,” you say quickly, placing a gentle hand on the top of his thigh before you could even think, “Glenn, listen, It’s fine! It’s a big thing to process... You’re doing great.”
Glenn kept his hands to his head, clearly still feeling the guilt regardless of what you said, but nonetheless the words prompted him to at least turn his face in your direction.
“Did you get what you were looking for, at least?” you question simply once his eyes met your own. It was an attempt to distract him, change the subject, so he could move on from self-pity... 
However, you seemed to have created something much different.
Glenn sort of stared at you for a second. He blinked once... then again... and again, “Oh...”
Suddenly, his eyebrows raised, realisation stricking in those dark brown eyes before they began darting around the room like he was trying to find an invisible fly, “Oh-- Oh, the thing!”
“The thing-- Oh, hold on!”
There was not a single chance to get a word in yourself, as before you could even open your mouth to speak, his body had sprung up from the stiff mattress and hurled through the cell door.
“Gle-- Glenn?” you called when your eyes had caught up with your mind, but by the time you poked your head out of the cell for an answer, he had disappeared behind the curtain that hung in front of his own.
“Glenn?” you attempted again. Confusion was stretching across every feature on your face in a matter of seconds, and it wasn’t leaving anytime soon, as within the next second, the man himself reappears with a bag in his hands. “What is it?”
Inevitably, you were left without an answer. In fact, the only response you got was a grin forming on Glenn’s lips, and then he began to, gently, push you back into the cell.
At this point, you couldn’t even be bothered to question the man as he sat you back on the bottom bunk. 
He retook his spot next to you with an eagerness that left your eyebrows furrowing, watching him unzip the pack as soon as it was in front of him for whatever mystery lay within.
And the next thing you knew, literally after blinking once, his hands were held in your direction, palms balancing an item that took a second for your brain to process.
However, even when it did, Glenn suddenly put a hand on top of the first thing and pushed it which lead to multiple other items spreading out underneath until it looked like a fan.
Comic books.
“Some are for me, so don’t go stealing all of them,” Glenn chimes in while the cogs in your brain finally turned the right amount, and after staring at the books like you just saw Jesus, your eyes went up to meet his. “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit, man! No way!” Within seconds, the books were in your hands. You flicked through them one by one, staring at each cover in absolute awe at the condition they were in. “They look great!”
“Man,” Your head shook, many emotions flooding through your head as you looked back at Glenn, who looked very chuffed with himself, might I add. “You almost died for these?”
“Hey, I mean, it was worth it, wasn’t it?! Like I said, these weren’t just for you.”
“And anyway, people would usually just say thank you, instead of taking a personal dig at the giver,” he then adds on in defence, even placing a hand over his heart as if you hurt him there.
A huff of air filtered out from your lips as you tried not to smile. But after looking at him for another second, however, it seemed to have failed.
With a mild shake of your head, you place the books, so that they sat in a pile to your side, before your arms decided to reach out towards Glenn.
A movement that had him reciprocating within seconds.
Your head landed on his shoulder when your arms were finally around each other. Even though there was no one to see it, that smile never had a want to leave their place on your lips.
“All right,” you say after a sigh, repositioning your head so that it was in the crook of his neck, “I will say thank you for risking your life for such incredible art...” Glenn’s body shook you as he tried not to laugh, “Just don’t do it again.”
“You’re welcome.”
You pull yourself out of the hug after the echo of his voice, “Seriously,” Your eyebrows were raised, each hand placed on each of his shoulders as you looked right into his eyes, “It’s like when I stayed with my grandparents.”
“If you showed even a smidge of happiness when you ate something in that house, the next thing you knew, there was like a hundred packets of it in the cupboard and the fridge.”
“Oh my god, I know, right?” Glenn beamed when a memory of his own struck his mind, and now the two of you were sat laughing in remembrance of the past.
Even the little moments were things people didn’t expect to miss.
“For real though, Glenn. Next time either take me with you, or don’t even try,” you began once the amusement had managed to die down, your eyebrows raising once again to make sure he got the message.
And he did. That sweet smile of his reappeared just for you, with the addition of little nods of his head.
Seriously, I hope you guys enjoyed this.
I’m watching the walking dead... Again. I’m on like season 5 now and I can’t stop looking at Glenn.
ANYWAY, please send in more requests if you want them. There seems to be a lack of Male reader stuff when it comes to twd fics, so feel free to send me ideas if you want that changed, or just some more gender neutral fics!
Thank you for reading!- Alex :)
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kelsstars · 2 years
Hello Hun!! I saw your Carl grimes smut and wanted to request something, hope you are taking requests rn.
So Y/n has been at Alexandria since the start, she loves wearing skirts and things that would hug her figure thinking it’s alright (she has a lot of confidence) . It’s been a couple since Carl and his group came so like he is (20) while Y/N is (22) just a year older than him. Her parents at a young age were very strict and so she didn’t know about the adult things and so that’s why she’s innocent not knowing about what sex is. Y/n developed a crush on the boy, but was too shy to even speak to him as well as Carl. But sometimes he would try to speak with her.
Carl had these fantasies about her even would think about her every night. That is until he had enough waiting.
CONTAIN: Perverted!Carl, Praise & Degrading!Kink, DOM!Carl, Pleading!KINK, Foul!Language, pet names, SUB!Reader, Hair Pulling, Thigh!Riding, Virgin!Reader, Body!Worship, Dry Humping.
A/N: AAH, OF COURSE I ACCEPT REQUESTS!! THANK YOU FOR THIS, LOVE!! Also, apologies to my fellow non-female readers, my next fic will be gender neutral as I usually intend it to be. :) Physical feminine aspects of Y/N will be mentioned for this fic.
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This one-shot is a bit long. 👍
Warnings/Summary: Swearing but the rest have been written above in the requests. :D
You’re a more closed-minded than others, especially considering your age. It’s not like you’re completely oblivious of the fallen world outside of the walls, nor are you new to swearing or shooting gun, but you are definitely somone who people would consider blind to adult situations. Shit, you didn’t know why everyone would make it a big deal when you ask where babies actually come from. Truth is, you were raised beyond strictly under a bubble made by your parents, even before the collapse of society.
Alexandria was an all time safe place for you, but you felt like it was a lot more secure after a certain group arrived. He helped with so much, most people in Alexandria didn’t even notice that a drought was slowly building up, and Rick and his group fixed it. In other words, you were grateful for them entering your home. Especially, a certain someone, Rick’s son, Carl. You were always so reserved that it never crossed your mind that actually speaking to him could help further more in your interest on him. You admired him, you couldn’t lie to yourself, and in your hopes and dreams you wished on every star that he reciprocated your feelings. You had lived most of your life inside these walls, you couldn’t fall in love like the comics you read thousand and thousand of times. Enid, Mikey and Ron were some of the friends you grew up with, you couldn’t bring yourself to like them like that. It didn’t help your case that every time you and Carl had to be in a room together, you would always look away from how your head filled with ‘naughty thoughts’. By naughty, you meant holding hands, complementing and chatting with Carl while you strolled through the neighborhood. Was love supposed to feel this way? You felt as if something was missing. Nonetheless, you didn’t know, and as far you knew, Carl would probably have more knowledge on this topic than you. You completely forgot that you were at a sleepover at Enid’s house, she was old enough to own one according to Rick and others. You always wore simple clothing that showed your body figure, you were proud of it. It was nothing new for other people, you always had tight clothing that could show any of your body’s layout. While you were zoning out with your daydreaming, Enid speaks up to everyone in the room.
“Okay okay. Carl,” she announces as she turned everyone’s attention to the freckled man. “you lost the best, so I decided on what you can do to entertain us. You have to take Y/N to your secret hideout outside the walls.”
You don’t even remember what they were talking about neither did you really pay attention to what Enid had just spouted, but your name was mentioned and that snapped you back into reality, you look around to see the big 3 laughing at Carl as his face turned red.
He hesitates speaking first but eventually comes to it. “Like, alone?”
“Alone alone.~” Enid laughs her ass off right after this, while Mikey whistled in the background, which only reinforced everyone’s laughter. “Don’t forget to tell us details, eh?” She leaves that statement with a grin on her face, they were just teasing him like always.
That must have left Carl mad because the moment he turned to face you and smiled at him, he bolted out of the room immediately, looking red. You didn’t even realize that you followed him outside, until he had turned out to face you walking behind him.
He starts walking away quicker. “Carl, wait!” You raise your voice and he immediately stops his tracks to turn around to look at your face. “What was Enid talking about alone? I know it sounds like a stupid question, I might have gotten lost in thought again.” You half-smiled and chuckle out of embarrassment because this was one of the few few times you had interacted. It was always Carl who initiated all of your small chats, you always gave a half-assed excuse to hide your stuttering voice every time he did so.
“Y/N. I—“ He stops talking to take something to process and mumble to himself, you didn’t know why so you just lifted one of your eyebrows, confused as to what could be troubling his thoughts. In your eyes, Carl always was someone so composed when speaking. “Hey, did little-miss-perfect ever try to sneak out of the walls?” His demeanor changed completely, it just left you shocked, but you still shake your head no. “If you try sneaking out with me, I’ll tell you what Enid was talking about when you were zoned out. I noticed you must have missed that part.” Carl flashes a smile at you, just that made your heart melt, so you smile back.
“Well, as long as you never tell anyone that I actually sneaked out!” Carl eyes your outfit up and down, you didn’t know if it was your imagination but you started feeling weird inside, in a good way.
When Carl was helped you climb over the walls, you could interpret a few strange things might have happened when it was your turn to go down. As you carefully slid down the outer of Alexandria, you managed to somehow trip yourself. Luckily, it was a small fall, you basically landed on your feet, but Carl immediately went kneeling to you and put his hands slowly up and your pants. He slowly rubbed the inner sides of your thighs, your behind and down to your ankles. You may have not probably reacted much to this on the outside, but you were freaking out on the inside, the way he massaged your legs and so so near your core. What was happening to your mind right now?! He could be simply checking for injuries! You were wearing thigh leggings so that must have been it. You look at how he smiles at this act, you try to pretend to hear it, maybe he was lost in something.
You continue to follow him to this small shed, it looks horrible on the outside, and you immediately refused to enter.
“Yeah, Carl, I’m not entering that.” You stop your track.
“C’mon, Y/N. You do realize this is our first time hanging out alone? Let’s make the most of it!” You couldn’t tell if he winked or blinked at you, having a crush on a guy with one eye was harder to take hints from.
You continue walking towards his direction. “Is that what Enid was talking about when she said ‘alone alone’?” Carl stops for a moment and then enters the shaggy shed. “I guess it’s a yes.”
The moment you enter, the shed was actually in good shape, especially with how the outside looks in comparison. Carl tells you he cleaned it up himself and invited you to sit by him, on a bed. You do so as you continue chatting on random comics you have read from Enid’s collection until you run out of topics. For a second, he made you forget about the apocalypse and everything bad about this world, he was the shining light this place needed.
“Ah, Carl, you have no idea how happy I am to be here with you.” You lay your back on the bed, as he turned your gaze upon you. “We need to come here more often.” For awhile, Carl didn’t respond. He just looking at you with a soft look on his face, every part of you, you felt like he could see through your skin with that glare. But suddenly, he got up.
“Sorry, I- I need to use the rest room.” Before you could even answer, he hurriedly goes to the bathroom connected to the bedroom you were in. You wait. And wait. And wait once more. You had enough and get up to knock on the door.
“Carl, is everything okay?” You hear the muffled sounds inside the bathroom stop.
“Yeah, just having to take care of something.” His voice sounded.. frustrated? Like he’s holding something.
“You can tell me, if you want I can help with it!” You happily say, as you witness the bathroom door open and he peaks out.
“Are you sure you can keep that?” He looks like those kids refusing to leave their room.
“A hundred percent!” You giggle and extended your arm to him.
That must have triggered something in him because as soon as you extended your hand out, he grabbed it and pushed you onto the bed. You felt like you were burning up, as he put his long hair on a small low ponytail and got on top of you, smiling from ear to ear.
“Y/N, you can’t be this innocent. There’s no way possible way.”
“I.. don’t get it.” He looked like a walker with the way he was about ready to devour you whole.
“Did you ever get taught about what sex, masturbation, erections?” He raises an eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
“The what now?” You’re confused, to say the least. You heard those words before but you never really taught what they were.
“Fuck’s sake, I want to ruin you by the minute.” His breath is becoming more and more loud, and your heart keeping up with the same pace. “If you want, I can teach you what they are.” You nod almost instantly, if it meant it could get you closer with him. Carl moved his position to siting by the side of the bed again, leaving his hat on the bed side table. “Sit on my thigh. Each leg open on one side of my leg.” He sounds demanding, but also desperate.
You do exactly as what he says, you didn’t know how this would help until he grabs your hips to guide your waist to move along your clit along his leg. Your body doesn’t know how to react. The friction of your legging clothed pussy and his jeans, you never felt such pleasure before, your legs trembled a lil’ as Carl kept guiding you with his hands. Your arms wrap around his neck as you breathe on his neck. He continues to speed up, little by little, as he starts kissing your cheek and eventually, you. It was your first time kissing, you didn’t expect to be in such a place and form. After you break out of the kiss, his teeth beam and he hears you moan out his name and your begging to continue.
“Carl, pleasee- hghn- more! More!” In another moment, you would never utter these words but your brain barely functioned at the hands of Carl Grimes.
“More what, baby?” He whispers on your ear, he obviously wants to tease around you.
“Faster, make the mov..ement fast.” At this point you’re the one moving your own hips, he basically put his hands there as a decoration.
“Beg for it, move them yourself and moan my name. I’ll make sure you’ll be compensated, let me spoil you tonight.” Those words were gonna drive you crazy. You pick up your own pace and speed up the process. He kept making small praises in your ear on how good you were doing, god damn it, Grimes. You definitely didn’t predict he was interested in you.
You finally finish on his leg, catching your breath as Carl fills your face with kisses. “Who’s a good girl, huh? Who’s Carl’s obedient princess?” You couldn’t even properly answer. You gave a weak ‘me’ as you rest you head on his shoulder.
“Why are you resting?” He lifts up your face with his hand. “We’re getting started, didn’t I say I would rewards you?” You thought you were tired but hearing him made you gain energy once more. “What we just did is called thigh riding, I see you enjoyed it.” He places another kiss on your lips, and you return it.
His hands slowly make their way to your shirt and he begins to lift it off your body, Carl also takes notes to take off your bra before lying you down. “Oh, what do we have here?” You rise your head a little to see what he is about to do but your head yanks itself back as Carl’s finger started playing with your nipples. He pinches, slight pulling and sucking around your chest to hear you moan so loud in his ear.
If this is how you acted before he was inside you, he didn’t know how he would control himself when that moment comes.
He goes on your body, eventually reaching your pants. Carl goes back up to face you, eye to eye. “Ya’ sure you want me to go through everything?”
“Carl, hurry the fuck up.” You furrowed your eyebrows, you were happy he contained himself to even ask, especially after everything, but upset that he doesn’t go straight to whatever he wanted to do.
“Well, I tried to restrain myself.” He immediately takes off your soaked pants and panties, putting them somewhere aside the end of the bed. “Look at this!” Carl positions his fingers around your wet pussy. “Don’t you feel like a lil’ whore?” He moves this finger around, doing circles. You felt so sensitive, trembling from the mere touch of his skin near your private area and him degrading you. “What a pretty slut. Do you wish for more?” You already knew the answer. So did he. Carl felt good knowing that he finally could touch you like this and be able to tease you around for your first time. “I can’t wait to show you off when we get back.”
But he suddenly stopped. Pulling his hand away. You, as well, raise up to stand on your knees on the bed, only to notice that he is using his hands to help take off his shirt and pants. It was the first time you noticed his bulge and also your first at seeing a dick. It was directly pointing you, slightly curved upwards, its colors just matched him, a faint red blush color on his tip. You were admiring it so much, Carl had to snap his finger to get your attention again.
“What were you thinking about?” He asks, trying to sound pissed off but he couldn’t smirk at this situation.
“Uh.. Uhm… Your male sexual organ?” You let out an awkward smile.
He laughs. “Call it whatever, but I’m impatient for head.”
“Head?” You question him.
“A blowjob?”
“You really are asking to be fucked silly. Basically, lick and suck my cock, Y/N.” He smiles at your innocence yet to be crumbled by his hands. You, on the other hand, had to understand how you could give him the same satisfaction that he had given you previously.
You slowly start licking and putting him in your mouth. He silently groans and moans the more you take in, which you make a mental note of. But after it’s all in, you don’t know if you should move. “Sorry, beautiful.” Carl decided for you, as he grips your hair on his hand and bops your head back and forth. You were shocked at how fast he was going, so you work your way to keep up with him. The faster you go, the more lewd his voice sounded to you, it felt good hearing you complement you. “Fuck, baby, you look so pretty with your lips around my dick.” He huffs between your motions. When he finally reached his climax, he came inside your mouth. You didn’t know what to do. Were you supposed to swallow it? Spi-
“Swallow.” And you did so on command. Two hours ago, when you left home for that sleepover, you would have never suspected that THIS would be the outcome of your night.
“Is it over?” You ask him, you were sure you weren’t going to sleep that night.
“It should have but it seems, I can go up for more.” He grins at you as he pointed to his crotch, it was still up. Fuck’s sake, can you ever catch a breath around this lovable pervert?
“I’ll take it care of it.” He smiles. “IF!” His smile drops. “If you promise this is the last for tonight.” You made it sound like you were prepared to repeat this more times with him, which only excited him more.
“Of course, I’m going to respect your wishes.” Carl softly kisses your cheek, before he gets up to get a condom. You were innocent, but you at least remember what your parents called those. ‘Baby preventers’.
After he rolls the condom on top of his dick, he starts making out out until your head is placed on pillows and your body is placed right in-front of his eye. This was a view he wanted to enjoy looking at it for a long time. And hey, you were pretty prideful on your body, but the way Carl had you exposed, you try to hide it the best you can. That only pissed him off because he uses his left hand to lock both your arms in a trance by your wrist above your head. Whilst the other hand explored your naked body.
“You got such a pretty body, it’s perfect for me. This is ten times better than my imagination.” His eye softens as his hand reaches your waist. “May I enter?”
You knew this will mean he will put himself in you, but you were so nervous if he thought of you as gross. This feelings disappears as soon as he slowly places his tip and enters you. You gasp, as then slowly sigh. He stays still, both of you not used to this feeling.
“Can I move, Y/N?” You nod and he starts speeding up his activity. You both moan in synch, then he bites his lip, trying to shush himself to hear you cry out for him. “Jesus Christ, you’re squeezing me alive..” Quicker and quicker, he’s driving your mind somewhere else, not even he has enough breath to tease you, but for you it was sufficient that he just kept giving you that sweet look. He hurried his thrusts into you, making your back arch. You were glad Carl was your first time, who else could be so rough but so caring?
“Y-Y/N, I’m so close, can you handle it just a bit more?” He began stuttering, he was so close to his limit.
“Just keep going, sweetie.” You used your right hand to lift your body a little to kiss his cheek. Carl takes that opportunity to thrust one last time to finish. He re-organizes the bed for you and cuddles with you as he whispers sweet words into your ears, dozing off to your deep slumber.
It’s been a couple of weeks ever since that night at the shed. No one in Alexandria knew , for the exception of the perpetrators themselves, you and Carl. Your relationship and feelings did grow, but you wanted to make sure if he was serious about you, which Carl constantly showed through his actions. He happened to be at your house as you were cooking breakfast.
“Heyyy, Y/N.~” He hugs you from behind, probably plotting something.
“Good morning, Carl. I’m baking pancakes you want some?” You can’t really turn around to kiss him, you were too busy to trying not to mess up these pancakes.
“Oh, y’know… Just wanted to greet you.” He starts brushing his erect crotch against your back.
“Grimes! What if someone walks in?” You weren’t really worried as you were behind a counter but, you were concentrating on not fucking up your breakfast.
“And who will stop me?” He slowly positions your back and starts picking up speed with his crotch, making you put ur hand on your mouth to muffle the lewd noises he liked to hear. “Who could possibly come i-“
“CARL!” Tara just opens my door and walked into the kitchen. “I knew you’d be here. Your dad is looking everywhere for you, get back home, we got a new scavenge layout plan for tomorrow.”
We both look at each other, giving a small smile for how we were relieved Tara didn’t catch us.
“Also, leave Y/N alone, weirdo. Other people might see through your open window.”
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babieroachy · 1 year
✩☆𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧!☆✩
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hello, i'm jules! i write sfw agere content! send in a request and i shall deliver!
there's a criminally low amount of age regression content for a lot of the media i enjoy, so i'm taking it upon myself to change that by writing content for some obscure characters with little to no demand!
𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫:
dead by daylight
fallout (4 & 76)
death stranding
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞:
d.va (ow)
junker queen (ow)
orisa (ow)
ramattra (ow)
reinhardt (ow)
roadhog (ow)
sigma (ow)
cassidy (ow)
echo (ow)
genji (ow)
hanzo (ow)
junkrat (ow)
mei (ow)
reaper (ow)
soldier: 76 (ow)
tracer (ow)
ana (ow)
kiriko (ow)
lifeweaver (ow)
lúcio (ow)
mercy (ow)
moira (ow)
zenyatta (ow)
the wraith (dbd)
the trapper (dbd)
the nurse (dbd)
the shape (dbd)
the huntress (dbd)
the cannibal (dbd)
the ghost face (dbd)
the oni (dbd)
the executioner (dbd)
the blight (dbd)
the twins (dbd)
the nemesis (dbd)
the cenobite (dbd)
the artist (dbd)
the mastermind (dbd)
the deathslinger (dbd)
the spirit (dbd)
the pig (dbd)
the knight (dbd)
dwight fairfield (dbd)
feng min (dbd)
leon scott kennedy (dbd)
haddie kaur (dbd)
vittorio toscano (dbd)
mikaela reid (dbd)
rebecca chambers (dbd)
jill valentine (dbd)
jeff johansen (dbd)
thalita lyra (dbd)
renato lyra (dbd)
sole survivor (fo4)
nick valentine (fo4)
piper (fo4)
maccready (fo4)
john hancock (fo4)
deacon (fo4)
paladin danse (fo4)
cait (fo4)
preston garvey (fo4)
beckett (fo76)
julie (appalachia radio) (fo76)
paladin rahmani (fo76)
duchess (fo76)
purveyor murmrgh (fo76)
aries (fo76)
danilo (fo76: pitt)
daryl dixon (twd)
rick grimes (twd)
carl grimes (twd)
sam porter bridges (ds)
higgs monaghan (ds)
most fortnite characters, just ask ^^
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞:
MILD angst
gender neutral reader
masc reader
sfw agere
sfw petre
ships / non x reader
x reader
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐖𝐎𝐍’𝐓 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞:
excessive angst
fem reader
any request that violates standard dnis
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keep-it-dead · 2 years
Welcome To: Informational Post
My pronouns are he/they, I'm 20 years old, I'm not really sure what else to say, but if you have questions feel free to ask. This is my Stranger Things blog, This is my Harry Potter blog, this is my Stray Kids blog, this is my Tomorrow x Together blog and this is my Ateez blog.
Rules for my blog
I only write for The Walking Dead
Requests are open
Inbox is open
16+ for smut
Any asks/requests that go against my rules and/or make me uncomfortable will be deleted
Only send requests in my asks, do not message me your request
Requests from women or fem aligned will be deleted
Women and Fem Aligned DO NOT INTERACT
Women and fem aligned will be blocked
Female reader blogs will be blocked
I will write
Male reader
Gender neutral reader
Dom reader
Top reader
Poly relationships
Trans man reader
Trans masc reader
I won't write
Female reader
Fem aligned reader
Piss kink
Shit kink
Sub reader
Bottom reader
Ship fics
Smut with minors
Pseudo incest
Smut with afab reader (I don't have a vag so idk how to write smut with an afab reader)
Who I write for
Rick Grimes - Masterlist
Daryl Dixon - Masterlist
Glenn Rhee - Masterlist
Maggie Greene - Masterlist
Paul "Jesus" Rovia (Male reader ONLY) - Masterlist
Ezekiel Sutton - Masterlist
Michonne - Masterlist
Rosita Espinosa - Masterlist
Carol Peletier - Masterlist
Tara Chambler (platonic only) - Masterlist
Princess - Masterlist
Heath - Masterlist
Connie - Masterlist
Siddiq - Masterlist
Jadis - Masterlist
Carl Grimes - Masterlist
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spiderlandry · 1 year
100+ follower celebration !! [closed]
thank you for over a hundred followers !! i appreciate all the support ive been getting lately, i didnt expect to reach it this quick (if at all) so thank you !
to celebrate, im gonna be doing quick ‘character x reader’ drabbles :D
no set time when this event will end, just when i feel i’ve done enough drabbles :]
just send me an ask with a trope, AU, a scenario, quote, or literally anything and a character. you can be as specific as you’d like but keep in mind each drabble will be <600 words, so it wont be plot-heavy
all drabbles will be a gender neutral reader, and all characters will be of-age.
my rules are:
no nsfw (no exceptions)
no rpf
the characters i will write for:
ethan landry
quinn bailey
sam carpenter
tara carpenter
chad meeks martin
mindy meeks martin
anika kayoko
amber freeman
tasm!peter parker
hobie brown
twd: daryl dixon, enid rhee, carl grimes
any of the yellowjackets girls <3
any of the main gladers from the maze runner
avatar the way of water: neteyam, lo’ak, spider, tsireya
i dont typically write these characters besides ethan, so this is my chance to get back into writing a little more with my faves <333 feel free to ask any questions
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woodandwaxwings · 1 year
if there's no link then I haven't written a fic for this fandom yet, feel free to request. Male and gender neutral reader only and I will write semi-nsfw now but nothing further than that. crossed out I no longer write for.
The Walking Dead Carl Grimes, Michonne, Ricky dicky doo da Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Tyreese Williams (More to add bc I haven't finished the show yet)
The 100 Bellamy Blake, Monty Greene, Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake, King Roan, John Murphy, Raven Reyes
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children Victor Bruntley, Fiona Frauenfeld, Hugh Apiston Bronwyn Bruntley, Emma Bloom, Jacob Portman
It(2017) All of the Losers club
Alice In Borderland Kiuna Hikari, Chishiya Shuntarou, Arishu Ryohei, Ann Rizuna, Tatta Kōdai
Once Upon A Time Peter Pan, Felix, Henry Mills, Regina Mills, Emma Swan
Marauders Era (Harry Potter) Regulus Black, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Marlene, Dorcas
Heartbreak High Anthony Vaughn, Spencer White, Malakai Mitchell, (more to be added)
The Order
One Piece (Live Action) Luffy D. Monkey, Sanji Vinsmoke
Dead Boy Detectives Charles Rowland, Edwin Payne, Niko, Monty
My Babysitter's a Vampire
sarah rq
Fic Reccomendations
Full Fanfics
Candy Hearts (Quinn Fabray x Male Reader)
Shut Me Up (Kitty Wilde x Male Reader)
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rugaru · 1 year
Hey anyone who sees this!
I was planning on writing a little blurb but idk how well it’ll go over seeing as it would be my first ever fic/blurb here. I also can’t decide who it should surround.. as far as I know, I’ve decided on an x reader I just don’t know who out of these options.. (feel free to add any character suggestions as well!) If the first rendition goes over well, I’d be open to change aspects of the story and make separate versions for all of the character options below too!
The idea is going to surround Niall Horan’s song, Black and White but won’t really be a song fic.. basically it’ll be the reader (you) dating one of the options below and having a bit of a fear of/hesitancy to the L-word so instead, to say it without actually saying it, the two of you will refer to Black and White (the song you two have chosen as ‘your’ song) whenever the implication is there… if that makes sense lol.. :) characters are:
-Pope Heyward
-JJ Maybank
-Cal Kestis
-Spencer Reid
-Carl Grimes
Anyway.. I’m just super torn haha. Let me know what you think! Reader will probably be gender neutral and will likely not have any references to race or specific traits as to include everyone! If I decide to continue writing, I’ll be writing fem!reader, masc!reader, gn!reader and plus size!reader (fem, masc and gn). I will probably be taking requests as well as I tend to get bad writers block that ends up discouraging me severely lol. I will try my hardest to not use wording that could only apply to a single race so that everyone can be included. <3
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
Ok I saw you asking for twd requests so here's one maybe like teens are having a camping or smth and they are just hanging out telling storys frim There own lives before it all went to shit
oooo okay!! I see the vision I see the vision I'm just not great at storytelling LMAOOO
TWD TEENS ; campfire stories
includes ; carl, ron, enid & henry
warnings ; language, death, talk of eating animals
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you guys were out for a couple day long run and set up camp at dawn
you guys were out with Aaron and Jesus but lost them a while back and your radios died so L
you just hoped the campfire would serve as a marker if they were near, they'd see the light or smoke and come to it thinking it was you guys
you eventually strayed into the topic of life before the apocalypse since you'd met Carl and his group on the road to Alexandria
you talked for hours how life was before and the struggles of life now
he talked about the hardships with trying to get over his mom's death, how he mostly taught himself how to care for Judith, the found family he'd lost along the way, how he couldn't convey emotions like a normal person and how he bottled them up until he exploded
you honestly felt the same way about it
lots of sharing stories about how you were just kids and how it really fucked you up in the developmental stages of your lives
it was probably 2am until you guys fell asleep
lots of bonding came out of that and learning more about each other
honestly one of the big moments in your relationship/friendship where you both open up and rant about stuff and just have the other back them up and shit
the people of alexandria were hosting a little bonfire one night for a meeting
the adults were all talking and all the teens (kids were asleep by 11 or so) had their own separate bonfire
one by one some of them went back home to rest but you and ron were the last
he started it with the questions of how it was outside the walls and what it was like and shit
you obviously opened up, feeling heard by someone since you felt like the others who weren't exactly your age understood you
it was nice to talk to someone your age though, he didn't talk over you or try to downplay anything, he just listened
every once in a while he added a comment but his presence was really comforting and it just helped you spill everything out
everything you'd been feeling and holding in just kinda spilled out
and he was there to reassure you that nothing was wrong with you and that you have emotions that you're allowed to express and don't have to hold back
for a while he talks about his sheltered life behind the walls, but he does also have that sense of that "we were both kids and maybe I may have been more privileged than you, I still respect you and I feel for you" vibe
you were both out in the woods, having snuck out
you made a little campfire and everything
you were both feeling claustrophobic trapped behind walls and stuff so you did the only reasonable thing
she was the first to open up, trying to find a sense of reassurance in you
of course you gave her that because why not
she talks about the turtle thing while you relate, having to do the same with an already dead deer
bonding over trauma ✅️
you talk about memories of elementary school like field trips and recess and shit
and how the world ended at a perfect time to mentally and physically stunt your growth
you get into the psychology of it as well which is really cool
you also theorize what could've happened differently and stuff
you were with Daryl, he was with Carol
after the little dinner and the adults having gone asleep, you started some small talk to try and get to know him better
he talks about his life before the apocalypse and how he lost his dad and his brother, stuff like that
he asks basically the same questions that you answer fairly similarly
I mean you guys would've been in kindergarten /1st grade so you talk about the little memories you had before the world ended
and how you looked up to 5th graders like they were gods and shit
reminiscing about trampoline parks
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gracemyface · 2 years
Daryl: The Professional (Daryl Dixon x Young! Reader)
Chapter Six
Y/n - Your Name
Y/l/n - Your Last Name
Y/e/c - Your Eye Color
Y/h/c - Your Hair Color
Series Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part
Summary: Things are unsettled at camp after the fight and Jim's breakdown, and the Reader finds themselves too worried about Daryl to really enjoy any of the festivities. Meanwhile, Daryl finds himself struggling in the city, wanting to return to camp but not wanting to face the wrath that would come from leaving Glenn behind. They're finally reunited when, in a turn for the worse, the camp is attacked by a wandering herd of walkers...
Warnings: Major Character Death, Canon Typical Violence/Gore, Some Angst.
A/n: I will have no real Lori slander. She did some shitty things, yes, but she loved her kids and the other women’s kids. Anyway, how do we like Daryl’s pov? I really, really struggled with it bc he’s such an asshole (I mean that affectionately.)
Shit really goes down this chapter. You guys have a slight breakdown, but it's been a long time coming. Character development ig?
also, do we want more stories from when the Reader, Daryl, and Merle were together?
Word Count: 4.8k
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The first time Daryl ever saw you, the blood-soaked orphan with a far-off stare who’d barricaded themself into the corner of his father’s cabin, he felt a prickle of annoyance travel up his spine. 
He didn’t know why you were out in the woods, or what had happened to result in you being covered in the crimson liquid (though, if his father hadn’t just been eaten in front of him, he would’ve assumed it was a pig slaughtering gone awry), or how you got into the cabin. He, especially at that moment, hadn’t even cared. He knew immediately that Jess wouldn’t have left you behind, cursed his father’s half-brother and his bleeding heart, and reduced you to nothing in his mind but another mouth to feed — a weak, sniveling mouth at that. He wasn’t ever keen on being around kids, smart-mouthed teenagers even less, and he didn’t really want to have to handle the collapse of society with anybody who couldn’t fend for themselves. 
You showed him, though. You really did.
In those few days when it was just you and him after Jess took that fall off the truck when you officially became his responsibility, you proved you weren’t weak. You adapted to the end of the world quickly — learned to be quiet when you needed to be, to be useful most of the time, and to just eat whatever he managed to catch. And then you took on Merle in a way that nobody really dared to, most nights ending with you sending his older brother a heated gaze over the fire, the flames reflecting in your y/e/c eyes. Now, he still wouldn’t leave his life in your hands if he had the choice, even after you shot that man clear in the head back in Fontana and walked it off, but he knows for sure that he can trust you to handle your own — and, even if he doesn’t really appreciate being wrong, he can’t help but admire you for it… though, he’d never admit it aloud.
Standing in a long-abandoned lab building in an overrun Atlanta, the redneck stares down at the whimpering kid they picked up with pure disdain. His lips are curled back over his teeth in a sneer and his eyes are slanted as he stares down, internally picking apart every little thing the teenager does. That is what he expected from you.
What a shit show this little expedition-slash-rescue mission has turned out to be.
Not only was Merle not where they left him — currently down one hand and on the run through the sweltering pit of hell that has become of the once lively city — but now they’ve lost Glenn, too. If Daryl’d known that the younger man was going to get taken hostage by a bunch of wannabe gangsters and hold them up like this, he’d have left before these assholes could’ve even thought about getting into the truck with him.
He wanted to be the hell out of dodge three hours ago. “Them guns are worth more than gold. Gold won’t protect your family or put food on the table— you’re gonna give that up for that kid?”
Both of them give him a stern look, and he resists the urge to roll his eyes. Sure, the kid is nice and all, and half the camp (including you) would be really pissed off if they came back without him, but they can’t give up half of these guns. It’s either Glenn or a better chance at survival and he picks survival.
“If I knew we’d get Glenn back, I might agree. But, you think that Vato across the way is just gonna hand him over?”
Daryl nods in agreement. There’s that, too. They have no idea for certain if giving up the guns will even get them what they want. It might just be a trap that gets them all killed.
“You calling G a liar?” Their hostage— Miguel, was it?— inserts himself into the equation.
His mind once again drifts to you. If you were kidnapped, you wouldn’t be this stupid. You’d be smart enough to not mouth off to the people who held you captive, smart enough to figure out how to get yourself free, and smart enough not to make promises on his behalf that he might not be able to keep. You’d be mute, sitting there and watching your captors with those dangerous little eyes of yours.
This kid, though? Christ.
“Are you a part of this?” He crosses the room and leans down over the kid, slapping him lightly. “You wanna hold onto your teeth?”
T-Dog continues on, ignoring the violence. “Question is, do you trust that man’s word?”
“No, question is what are you willing to bet on it? Could be more than them guns. Could be your life. Glenn worth that to you?” He holds Rick’s gaze.
Truth be told, Daryl doesn’t quite get risking why anybody would risk their life for someone who wasn’t their blood. Glenn wasn’t any of their brother, son, or cousin — he was just some (former) pizza running kid that was on the highway, in the right place and at the right time when Shane spearheaded the group and lead them off the highway. Merle is probably the only person in the world that the redneck would even think to sacrifice anything for.
(Except maybe…)
“What life I have I owe to him. I was nobody to Glenn, just some idiot stuck in a tank. He could have walked away, but he didn't.” Rick loads his revolver and sticks it in his pocket. “Neither will I.”
Daryl scoffs in his soul. “So you’re gonna hand the guns over?”
“I didn't say that.”
The sheriff's voice has now taken a quality that has his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline.
“There's nothing keeping you two here. You should get out, head back to camp.”
T-Dog winces from his injuries, rubbing his head with his hand. “And tell your family what?”
Daryl and Rick stare at each other for a beat, a silent conversation happening between them, before he sighs shortly and reaches for a weapon. You’d probably be really pissed at him if he didn’t try, and he doesn’t want to deal with an emotional teenager right about now.
“Come on, this is nuts.” The boy sits back down when Daryl holds a hand out to him. “Just do like G says.”
The redneck ignores the whining boy and starts loading a shotgun. He needs this to be over as quickly as possible, and he needs the gangster assholes to go down without a fight.
He made a promise to come back alive, after all.
Jim has a heatstroke. Or, at least, that’s what Shane keeps dismissing it as. With the current state of the world, it could’ve very well been post-bite fever or a psychotic break.
He’d been digging for reasons unknown and unintentionally ruined the good news of the incredible amount of food they were going to have tonight in the process. Shane went all cop on him, which didn’t really surprise you after what happened with Ed, and the whole ordeal ended with Jim being tied to a tree after ranting and raving about how he left his family for dead. Everyone seemed to move on after that, the mothers dragged their children off to do schoolwork and a few of the other adults started setting up for the fish fry, but you found yourself a little nauseous.
It looked like he was digging graves, and why did he go into such intense detail?
Hiding away in your tent, you lay down on top of your sleeping bag and throw a ball of socks up just to catch it as it comes down. You hoped the action would be therapeutic — something to take your mind off the image of Jim’s poor family and how it bleeds into the image of your own — but the socks lack the weight of a real ball, and you can’t get out of your head.
Had washing your parents’ blood off your skin absolved you of any responsibility in their deaths? Were you doomed to end up like Jim?
Would you also, someday soon, have a psychotic break?
“Hey, Y/n?” Lori’s soft voice drifts through the thin fabric of your tent as he speaks timidly.
For a beat, you decide if you want to be silent and let her think you’re asleep. “Uh, yeah. What’s up?”
“Shane’s gonna teach Carl and Sophia to clean fish. He wanted to know if you’d join.”
You already know how to gut an animal. Squirrels, rabbits, and even a deer, once — Daryl had always been very big on you learning how to survive in the time you spent together, and that learning involved getting over the grossness of animal entrails very, very quickly. You were living through the end of the world, he’d reasoned, you don’t have time to be weak-stomached.
And you don’t want to spend time with Shane. That’s at the top of the list of things you don’t want.
But you’re not going to tell the woman that you dislike the man she was sleeping with, so you say, “I already know how to.” 
There’s another beat of silence, and you can see the shadow of her willowy figure shift through the wall of the tent.
“Can I come in?”
You, certainly not expecting that, pause. 
“Uh, sure.”
You sit up and push yourself to the back of the tent, watching as Lori unzips the door and ducks down inside. She’s got sincere eyes. So sincere that when she crouches down in front of you and meets your gaze, your skin starts to crawl.
“You feelin’ okay?”
You hate that question. Something burns behind your nose and you snuggle, shrugging pitifully. “Dunno. Pretty shit — what happened to Jim, I mean.”
Lori nods thoughtfully. “Yeah… it is.”
She looks a little pale. Surely, the death of children doesn’t sit well with a mother, even if they aren’t her own.
“I, uh, I understand that you’ve had a rough time.” The brunette doesn’t seem to know what to say to you, and you almost feel bad. “I mean, I don’t. Not really. And you don’t have to tell me anything.” She stresses that point with a sweep of her hand. “But I know something must’ve happened because everyone has something happen.”
You nod along, fiddling with a loose string on your jeans. 
“I— Daryl and Merle don’t exactly seem like the easiest people to talk to, so if you ever need anything, me and Carol are right here, okay?”
She smiles softly at you, and you spare one back. Lori and Carol are perfectly nice women, but you almost prefer Daryl, who has put a ban on personal questions and mostly ignores the emotional side of everything. You know you aren’t going to go to Lori and tell her things.
You wouldn’t even know where to start. 
“Y’know, Carl likes you? Like, a lot.” 
“Mhm. Sophia, too.”
Deep down, you know this is her trying to coax you out of the tent, but you let it boost your ego anyway. There’s something so incredibly normal (and endearing) about being looked up to — even if, sometimes, it gets a little annoying.
“And I’m guessing they would really, really like it if I went out there and helped Shane gut fish with ‘em?”
“Yeah. They would.”
Pursing your lips, you stare at the woman through slightly narrowed eyes before sighing and giving in.
She grins widely and it kind of makes up for it.
Shane seems to be getting frustrated with the ordeal when you arrive, correcting Sophia’s stance with a tightness pulling at his smile as Lori gently nudges you along. You take the seat next to him without a word, pretending you don’t notice how he and the woman exchange a look, or how Carl shifts toward you on the log. It’s a hundred degrees out and he’s attached to your hip already, watching with those big blue eyes of his as you silently grab a fish off the pile and get to gutting it. 
You can remember the steps well: descale, cut a slit in the belly, remove the guts and fins and head, and rinse. 
“Look at you.” Shane compliments in a drawl, finally getting Sophia to do what he needed her to. “Like a swan to water.”
With a wrinkled nose, you drop fish innards into a bucket and turn to look at him as you shake the blood off your hands.
“Yeah, well, you spend enough time with the Dixons and you’ll learn how to gut anything.”
Something dark flashes across his face but you don’t care. You turn back to the fish, making a little joke to Carl about fish eyes that makes his entire face scrunch up and draws a long ‘Ewww’ from his lips. The laugh that bursts from you rattles in your bones.
“Hey, Dale, you got a?—“ The question dies on your lips as, upon stepping over the threshold of the RV, you stumble upon Andrea.
Every cabinet in the mobile home’s little kitchenette is open and she appears to be rooting through them desperately. At the sound of your voice, she pauses, looking up at you like she’s an animal and you just caught her looking through your garbage cans.
“Hi?” You retort, shifting your weight. “Do you know where Dale is?”
“No, but I wish I did.” She heaves a sigh and runs her hand through her hair.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen the woman quite so frantic. Somewhere down the line, Andrea Harrison was a lawyer, and it’s hard to imagine her standing in the front of a courtroom, prim and proper and ready to kick some ass, with her standing in front of you like this.
“Can I help you any?” You ask just as Dale finally responds to his summons, stepping over the threshold with a quiet, “Did I hear my name?“
“Yeah.” Both you and Andrea answer at once, but you step back and gesture to her. “I think she needs help first.”
The blonde spares you a nervous smile.
“Alright. What do you need?”
“Wrapping paper, color tissue, anything?”
(Okay, maybe you regret letting her go first. At this rate, you’ll never get that bandaid.)
You stare at her with furrowed brows and a scrunched-up face. 
“Seriously?” Dale shares in your confusion, glancing warily between the two of you. You offer him a shrug.
“How could you not have any?”
“Had I been informed of the impending apocalypse I'd have stocked up.”
Your snort at the old man’s dry words earns you a particularly derisive look from Andrea. “What? It’s the end of the world and you need wrapping paper. Shoot me for finding that amusing.”
“It’s Amy’s birthday tomorrow.” She says it like you should know that (probably because you should.) “I've been marking days on the calendar just to make sure.”
Your eyes wander over to the calendar on the wall of the RV as she lifts the necklace that she stole for a gift to her sister. Surely enough, Andrea has been crossing out the days on it. 
Despite what you expected, there is no big circle over Amy’s birthday or anything, but you then figure that would probably ruin the surprise. Your older (in age and not maturity) blonde friend had come to you earlier in the week and lamented to you about the situation. While you’d always known that Andrea was the older of the pair, you didn’t know just how much until Amy filled you in on the ghosts of birthday past; she told you all about the older blonde’s broken promises to return to the nest for her little sister’s birthday, about how, more often than not, college and other things got in the way. She must’ve seen the calendar, too, and been disappointed by the apparent lack of acknowledgment that it was growing closer and closer to her favorite holiday.
“You can’t leave a gift unwrapped.” 
“Oh, it’s good that you got something. I think she thinks you forgot.” That was told to you in confidence, but you stretched the truth a bit, so it isn’t that bad, right?
Dale and Andrea both look at you for a moment before he nods his head slowly. “Alright. Deep breath. I’m sure we’ll find something.” He turns back to face you. “What did you need?”
As if a lightbulb turned on over your head, you lift up your hand and the handkerchief that’s been wrapped around your minor flesh wound. “Carl cut me while I was demonstrating. I just need a bandaid.”
The old man shakes his head at you and steps around Andrea to go get the first aid kit, muttering to himself about the youth of today and how you’re going to lose your limb if you aren’t more careful.
As the grating summer sunlight fades into the darkness of dusk, taking the heat with it, the whole group (excluding the men in Atlanta and Ed, who refused to show his face around camp) sits down for the biggest meal most of them have had since the end of the world.
Cold beer and water are handed out as serving trays full of fried fish get passed around between the clusters of people who gather around their fires, the murmur of their happy chatter and soft laughter cutting through the blanketing sounds of the night. After the big fight and Jim’s foreboding breakdown, it’s nice to see everyone smiling and knowing that nobody’s going to ruin it this time — even if you can’t really find yourself joining in on the festivity.
“Pass the fish, please?”
“Here you go.”
“Man, I missed this.”
Sitting down on the end of one of the logs and feeling a little removed from everyone else, you wrap your coat tighter around your frame and let yourself worry about the group of men who went into the city. You don’t know Rick Grimes too well — he didn’t exactly give you the chance to get to know him, did he? — but you do know Glenn, T-Dog, and Daryl. You know that they’re very capable men and that, in certain circumstances, most of them have more experience with geeks than you do, but you can’t help but worry. The sun has long since set, meaning that the men, wherever they are, are stranded out in the dark. You don’t really remember the nights from when it was just you and Daryl (a combination of many sleepless nights and too-high adrenaline made the memories blur together), but you know enough to know that things do get worse when the sun goes down; geeks aren’t exactly quiet, but they can really sneak up on you when there’s no light and your body wants to sleep.
Experienced or not, they're going to be tired eventually, and, if Merle doesn’t try to kill them, something else will.
“Hey, Nervous Nellie.” Shane draws your attention to him by nudging your leg with his boot, “Yeah, you— how's the fish?” 
Your eyes flit down to the bottle in his hand. Beer surely makes him a little looser.
“It’s alright.”
The ex-cop cocks a brow and echoes your response. “Alright?”
You really wish he’d just leave you alone. 
Truth be told, you don’t really like the food. It’s bland and it tastes fishy in the worst way, and (even if you’ll admit that you’ve been eating it like a death row inmate getting their last meal as if indigestion isn’t a thing), chasing it down with water isn’t helping. Sure, it’s better than the food you’ve been eating for weeks — better than measly mushrooms, canned rations, and whatever game the Dixon brothers could hunt up — but it’s not great.
“It’s no cheeseburger.” You shrug, stabbing some more of the pale flesh with your fork. “But beggars and choosers, and all that.”
“I’ll drink to that.” Morales interjects lightheartedly, tipping the head of his beer in your direction. You smile a thin-lipped smile.
The arrival of his long-lost best friend has made Shane rather… unsettling. Whether it’s because of how cold Lori has been acting toward him or his superiority complex, you’re not sure. You just know that you want Daryl to come back, even if that means putting up with Merle for the rest of his life.
“I’ll be right back.” You dismiss yourself quietly to Jacqui when the temperature changes and your discomfort proves to be too much. She nods absentmindedly, too engrossed with whatever Dale is saying to really respond, and takes the plate from you when you hand it over. 
You slip away into the darkness pretty easily, retreating to your tent in search of a sweatshirt, a breather, and maybe some reassurance that the redneck you’ve grown to like could survive whatever came at him. 
With a press of your hand, the nylon flap of your tent opens and you step in. Pausing briefly to turn on the little electric lantern on the floor, you then scan the small space with your eyes, looking for anything that might pass as something with long sleeves. There’s already a pile of dirty clothes forming in the corner and most of your stuff is strewn about, but you ignore that and grab for your bag— an old duffel that belonged to Daryl’s deceased father. Curling your fingers around one of the fraying straps, you pull it up and toward you, rooting through the stuff in there until you find it. A red and black flannel.
Somewhere down the line — just like most of your stuff did — the flannel belonged to one of the Dixons. It hangs loose on your frame, the sleeves too long for your arms and the length stopping mid-thigh. 
Buttoning it up, you cuff the sleeves and fiddle with the ends for a few minutes until they sit in a way you like. 
Just as you’re able to breathe a deep breath and feel remotely at peace, a blood-curdling scream, followed by many more, cuts through the quiet dark of the night. Adrenaline is the first thing you feel, your heart beating in your ears and your lungs squeezed of air, and worry is the second, fear for your friends forcing your legs to move and push out of your tent again. Though, before you can do that, you’re greeted by two rotting hands shoving their way through the opening and grabbing at your shoulders in a surprisingly iron grip. The shock of seeing a geek so up-close causes you to stumble back, but your ankle twists harshly — sending you sprawling to the ground with the monster right on top of you. 
“Oh, god!” The cracked scream leaves your lips, the now-shattered glass from the lantern digging into the skin of your leg.
The walker is — or, was — a man. It gnashes its teeth and pushes toward you, the sound of the bones clacking together making you whimper. Is this what your parents felt in their last moments? Jim’s wife and kids? Very quickly, your arms start to tremble under the weight of the much larger body, and you decide to not resign yourself to the same fate. Craning your head, you search for a weapon. 
There’s no way for you to reach your gun right about now, which you can’t really shoot with one hand anyway, but there has to be something else — anything you can use.
As the walker claws desperately at your shirt and groans miserably, you have to make the rash decision to remove one hand from its chest and give yourself less leverage to reach blindly behind you. Panicked breaths puff past your lips and your head starts to feel light as you grab at your stuff. Your fingers tightening around your sleeping bag, you give a harsh tug and hear the faintest sound of objects clattering around. The walker pushes down on your forearm as your fingers touch what feels like the hilt of a knife. Daryl must’ve thrown it in with your belongings a while back.
Letting out a strangled and panicked sound, you take the weapon and stab the walker with all your might.
The steel of the blade pops the walker’s eye upon entry and slides right through to its brain. Closing your eyes and mouth, you whip your head to the side as a mixture of ink-like blood and gel-like eye fluids drip down the hilt of the knife and onto your face. Its body, now eerily still and limp, falls on top of yours, making it hard to fully inhale as stuttered, panicked breaths rack your chest. As the sounds of gunshots and screams continue from outside the tent, you roll the body off you and force yourself up on your knees, gasping breaths through frightened sobs as you try to tug the knife out of the dead head.
As you pull it free, another walker stumbles into your tent and tries to pounce on you. Before it can bite a chunk out of your body, the tent door is being pushed open and a bullet is shattering its skull.
“Y/n!?” Glenn’s voice is just audible over the deadly mixture of your heartbeat and painful ringing in your ears, his eyes wide as he hopes what he just shot was actually dead before he shot it. “Y/n?!”
“Glenn.” You whimper, kicking the other dead body away from you. Your alleviation that the men from Atlanta are alive is short-lived.
“Oh.” He breathes in relief and slings the gun over his shoulder, reaching out to hold your forearms. “Oh. You’re okay. Oh, god. That’s good.”
“Daryl— is— is Daryl?” You can barely form words, your fingernails digging into his skin.
“Daryl’s fine. C’mon. We have to get out of here!”
He ushers you to your feet. The pain in your calf worsens as you stand up on shaky legs, every movement causing the glass to shift in your skin, and you stumble forward into his chest.
“I can’t— I hurt my leg.” You hiccup and Glenn sighs softly, wrapping one of your arms around his shoulders so he can half carry you.
“I have you.”
Glenn leads you out into the chaos. What’s left of camp isn’t very different from what Sedalia was like all those weeks ago — bodies, both rotting and fresh, littering the floor and the once-contained fires roaring loudly against the stones. Howls of anguish and sobs fill the air. 
“Y/n! Y/n!” Daryl’s southern drawl echoes through the remains of the camp, worry, fear, and anger lacing his words. “Where the hell is the kid?!”
The survivors are all gathered around the RV, and you watch as he shoves Shane lightly for getting in his way.
“Where are they? Did you leave them alone?” Rick tacks on as T-Dog tries to get in between them, his son in his arms. “Has anyone seen Y/n?”
As the moonlight casts a blue shadow on your blood and grime covered skin, you let go of Glenn and find it within yourself to shout. “I’m right here!”
The redneck’s head snaps over to you and he abandons his antagonism against the ex-cop in favor of running over to you. Daryl grabs your face in both of his hands and starts scanning over your features.
“You alright? Any of this blood yours?” He whispers gruffly.
“I’m… I mean I hurt my leg but otherwise I’m fine. No bites.” Your hollow voice cracks slightly as you speak, and your gaze flits away from him as he bends down to check your leg. “Is that?…”
Andrea sits, crumpled at the foot of the door into the RV. In her lap is Amy. Sweet Amy. Amy, who missed texting more than most and still had this beautiful ability to wonder in her twenties. Amy, whose birthday is tomorrow.
Amy, Amy, Amy.
Your blood runs cold and your stomach drops so fast you might fall over as the older blonde’s bloody hands brush across your dead friend’s pale skin. 
“Don’t look.” Your guardian orders once he’s followed your gaze, but it’s too late.
Tears, burning hot and long coming, spill out of your eyes and down your cheeks. Daryl sighs and, because the attention isn’t on either of you, lets you curl into his chest, his hand rubbing down your back in an attempt at comforting you.
It’s useless, though. 
Andrea’s sobs filter through the air as a heavy silence overcomes the rest of the group, each and every one of them consumed with the weight of what they’ve lost.
tag list (lmk if you want to be added/ if you're not actually being tagged you might have to check the settings on your page):
@stawvberrymilktae / @vilaneiie / @letxhyng / @fnicolpcab / @redneckstrash / @dixonarchives / @howlerwolfmax / @spenciepoo338 / @luvelyxp / @quietly-scrolling-through / @btsiguess-kpop / @littledxve / @mich1551-blog / @anunstablefangirl / @furiousfandomenthusiast / @ineedmorefanfics2 / @justababygaysworld /
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lilxberry · 3 years
You’re Still You - Carl Grimes
Requested by: @badrepwonder​
I was thinking, maybe you can do something that takes place in late season 7 where the reader and Carl are together and are cuddling while looking at the stars and constellations (where maybe he’s pointing them out because she can’t see it unless it’s pointed out). And maybe they get caught it up in talking about negan where he points out what negan told him about his eye, so maybe the reader tries to tell him thst it comedy bother her and he’s not ugly and whatnot, and it ends how it began with them cuddling under the stars
Honestly, I have no memory of what actually happens in the show like at all so I had to watch the scene where Carl shows Negan his eye to remember wtaf he said to him lmao (this is also kinda a gender neutral fic since I hadn’t specified the gender but I works for everyone then, I guess)
Also, I’M SO SORRY! I feel like I appeared so rude and blunt and shit whenever I replied to you within our conversation. I had been exhausted when we had been discussing your request and I just feel bad if I came across as rude or some shit
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Warnings: Carls missing eye? Negan. A little bit of language. Major fluff. Insecure!Carl.
Words: 723 (Short and sweet bruh)
Pairings: Carl Grimes x reader
(A/N: I used to have a major crush on Carl back when I was like 10 but then I realised that my taste in men is more matured than a 40 year old wine lmao.)
“And that’s Aquila.”
You huff as you lay on your back beside the long-haired boy, the Sheriffs hat sat atop the grass beside him. “I still don’t see anything.”
Carl rolls his eyes before pointing up towards the dark, starry night sky, pointing out the constellation with ease. “It looks like a sad T, I guess.”
This caused you to snort but nonetheless now spotting what he had been looking at.  “Okay, I see the sad T. What next, boy scout?”
“Now…” he hummed thoughtfully before pointing towards a differently collection of stars. “That’s Canis Major.”
“Huh. Looks like a headless stickman.” The both of you chuckled before settling back down and enjoying the beautiful view of the stars.
The moment the sun had began to set, you and Carl had crossed over to the large, grass covered area in Alexandria and laid down beside each other facing up towards the sky that had slowly transitioned from hues of orange and red to deep blues and an abyss of black, pinkies locked.
Carl had spent the time telling you of constellations, pointing them out as you were at a complete loss as to what to actually look for. “You’d never make an astrologer,” Carl had joked. He told you of how he came to know so much, how he had learnt of all this, all while you had listened intently.
You turned your head to look towards the boy beside you, smiling as his gaze was still up towards the stars that were so far away but yet looked so close. Continuing to admire him, you sighed contently, enjoying this peaceful moment between you. More than what Carl was though, it seemed.
He felt your gaze burn into the side of his face and he had begun to feel self-conscious once more, the words Negan had spoken to him coming to the forefront of his mind. “Stop staring at me,” he whispered.
You furrowed your eyebrows and concern washed through you, filling your being with worry. “I’m not- what’s wrong?”
He sighed and pulled his hand away from yours, unlinking your pinkies before sitting up, knees bent and arms resting atop of them as he lowers his head between his shoulders. “Nothing.”
“Bullshit!” you exclaimed as you sat up quickly and moved to sit in front of him, legs crossed. “What’s wrong, Carl?”
“Remember when I went to the Sanctuary to kill Negan?” You nodded, not wanting to interrupt. “He-He made me show him my eye…” Your eyes softened and softly grasped his hand.
“He said it was disgusting, gross, that it’s no wonder why I keep it covered.” He snivelled. “Sad hing is, he isn’t wrong. It is disgusting and gross. I’m disgusting. I’m surprised anyone even still looks at me anymore.”
“Stop it!” you scold him. “You aren’t any of those things. It isn’t disgusting.” Placing the palms of your hands against either of his cheeks, sandwiching his face between your hands, you raise it upwards so he would look at you as you speak.
“Never believe a single thing that comes out of that assholes’ mouth. He hasn’t got a clue what he’s talking about. You losing your eye hasn’t changed a single thing about you.” You scooted yourself closer before continuing. “You still brave, smart, kind, caring, strong and no less handsome.”
Inching you hands up higher, you slow to a pause, waiting to see if he pulls back, which he doesn’t, before gently pushing the bandage up off of his missing eye revealing an empty socket and tossing it to the floor beside you. “You’re still you,” you whispered before leaning forward further and capturing his lips into a soft kiss.
With little hesitation, Carl reciprocates before gradually pulling away, breathing in through his nose and out shakily pass out his mouth. His left eye opens, revealing an oceanic iris. He sends you a small smile as he looks directly at you. “Thank you.”
You chuckle before moving to lie down once more, pulling him with you, returning to your previous positions. You scoot closer over to him, your fingers interlocked with his, your hand giving his a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
“C’mon, boy scout. Tell me more about that major canine.”
Laughter bubbled out of him as his left hand held his stomach. “Canis Major.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
If you want to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
TWD taglist:
If anyone had previous asked to be added to a taglist relating to TWD and I have yet to tag you, I apologise. Just simply remind me and I’ll take note of who asks
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refiwrites · 3 years
Candy Bars and Jokes
Carl Grimes x Gender neutral! Reader
A/N: I missed Carl and planning on binging the series again but for the mean time have this rushed out short thing I made
Word count: 507
Warning/s: Bad jokes? One swear word, fluff, me missing Carl so much
GIF NOT MINE! Credits to the rightful owner!
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Stuffing all the things scattered on the shelf of a run-down convenience store you sighed, you weren’t sure if this would even suffice for your group but hey, take what you can right?
You walked in a different aisle and tried to look for some medicine just in case the place had some but it seems like luck wasn’t on your side today. Inspecting a bottle, a figure made its way into view.
You looked up and spotted Carl who looked to be smiling mischievously.
“Found anything good?” You asked, you knew when he did that look is when he found absolutely more than you did when you both partnered up on runs, always debating who found more stuff than the other.
He reached behind and pulled out two chocolate bars.
“Place’s cleared out, wanna eat these with me outside?” He offered, handing the other bar to you.
“Well that’s thoughtful of you.” You laughed and nodded.
“Anything for my lovebug.” He laughed and winked at you as well which earned him a pinch on the arm “Ow, that hurt!”
Taking a bite out of the chocolate bar reminded you of your early childhood days when you weren’t fighting for survival, now the world has somehow molded you into this person who’s willing to do anything, even sacrifice yourself for the people you loved.
Carl seemed to have noticed you in deep thought as you both sat side by side. He looked at how your gaze seemed to be lost, like looking at something that wasn’t even there. He knew the feeling since it’s something he liked to think of when alone.
Nudging your shoulder, he tried to lighten up the mood.
“Hey (Y/N).” He said, trying to explore something to say in his mind.
You glanced at him and nodded, urging him to go on.
“I have a joke.” He stated proudly.
The joke wasn’t even out there yet you already laughed. You didn’t exactly hate his jokes yet you don’t particularly love them, in short he’s a corny person.
“Sure, shoot.” You said trying to hide the giggles that threatened to leave you.
“What’s a French cat’s favorite dessert?”
You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Chocolate mousse.”
You fought the urge to smile and just wanted to smack him but you found it funny.
“Ooh, I see a little smile there, don’t hide it (Y/N).” He teases.
“One more, what do you call a lamb covered in chocolate?”
You’ve given up at this point, “What?”
“A chocolate baa.”
You both stared at each other silently for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.
“I hate you.” You wheezed.
“No you don’t, you love me and my jokes.”
“You, yes. Your jokes? Not so much really.” You laugh.
“I am very offended right now.” He said placing his hand on his chest in mock hurt. You pushed him playfully and laughed. He smiled as well seeing you happy again.
The world was definitely fucked but atleast you were there with him every step of the way.
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Here is my masterlist, I’ll try to update it whenever I make more content and things on this site, also these are fandoms that I will write for and fandoms that i will talk about so don’t be afraid to send in an ask about these fandoms, whether it’s headcanons or drabbles, or whatever.
Resident Evil: Village
Karl Heisenberg
Alone (smut, gender neutral reader, fic) - Part 1
Reunited (smut, gender neutral reader, fic) - Part 2
Alcina Dimitrescu
Ripe Fruit (smut, female reader, fic)
Ethan Winters
Donna Beneviento
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
Daniel Dimitrescu
Salvatore Moreau
Mother Miranda
Cyberpunk 2077
Johnny Silverhand
Impressive (smut, female reader, fic }
Kerry Eurodyne
Jackie Welles
Judy Alvarez
Viktor Vector
Panam Palmer
Rogue Amendiares
River Ward
Life Is Strange 2
Sean Diaz
Showering With Sean (headcanons, smut, female reader)
“didn’t mean to turn you on” Finn McNamara x Sean Diaz (fic, mlm, smut)
“Being tall has its perks. You’re a really great view from up here” (short fic, female reader, fluff}
Sinn/Sean x Finn Headcanons (smut, sfw, fluff)
Pain (period smut, female reader, smut)
Big Breasted Reader HC’s (smut and fluff)
Smut Alphabet (smut, headcanons)
“were you just masturbating?” (smut, fic, female reader}
Threesome & Throuple With Sean and Finn (smut, female reader, headcanons)
“i can’t wait until we’re alone, there are so many things I want to do to you” (smut, female reader)
Finn McNamara
“come here” (smut, gender neutral reader)
Cassidy/Lucy Rose Jones
“I want to watch you take your clothes off” (female reader, fic, wlw)
Lyla Park
Jacob Hackerman
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Michonne Hawthorne
Daryl Dixon
Carl Grimes
Enid Rhee
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Ron Anderson
Paul Rovia
Rosita Espinosa
Tara Chambler
The Last Of Us
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Nora Harris
Ginny And Georgia
Marcus Baker
Ginny Miller
Georgia Miller
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Rue Bennet
Jules Vaughn
Kat Hernandez
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
Fiona Gallagher
Debbie Gallagher
Sandy Milkovich
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Mickey Gallagher/Milkovich
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
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