#Cascade Poetry
amazingindigo · 2 months
The Jealousy Cascade
The green-eyed monster is a toxic snake,
Sneaking up on you like a saboteur,
Leaving its poison coursing through your veins.
Jealousy likes to leave pain in its wake.
Not the raging behemoth of old myths,
The green-eyed monster is a toxic snake.
While you hold tight to what you think is yours,
The serpent emerges from your concerns,
Sneaking up on you like a saboteur.
Its bite produces a torturous pain,
As it digs its fangs deep into your skin,
Leaving its poison coursing through your veins.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 6 months
btw when phoebe bridgers said 'got a stack of mail and a tall can, it's a shower beer, it's a payment plan' did she know the thought of shower beers would haunt me for the rest of my life?
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rachelspoetrycorner · 8 months
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Early Cascade (2006) by Lucia Perillo
In Episode 282, Rachel shares a (audience chosen) downer poem!
Rachel: She was diagnosed with MS when she was in her 30's, and wrote a collection of essays called I've Heard the Vultures Singing, which is a real examination into her life as a person with disabilities. [...] I mean, the reason I thought it was kind of a bummer is that it's somebody who finally has this moment of this kind of beautiful time to herself, and then she realizes, like, how lonely she is in that moment. I find that very, like... you know, relatable, and also sad.
This poem is definetly one of the most downer ones in Rachel's collection. But -just like the audience proved- we love to see it! (This might come from my own lunatic necessity to connect the dots where there are none, but) I do like thinking about this poem and William Carlos William's This Is Just To Say as two sides of the same coin. It's about the sweetness of the fruit.
If you’d like to hear the audience's reaction, you can do so here: Our Favorite Summer Stuff, Live from Raleigh!, from 30:25 - 34:36
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nightshadereaper66 · 10 months
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Poem in text form under the cut
Crusty Star Rust
Cascade poem
We are made of ether rust and what went bust. We are made of star dust and space crust.
Long ago, the first stars begin to fuse Then burn out, making new parts We are made of ether rust and what went bust.
Rocks rain to Earth and join the ooze Long later they power our hearts We are made of star dust and space crust.
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starryskiesatmidnight · 7 months
we‘re closer to strangers than friends now but somehow the fault‘s with neither of us?
honey i miss you so we used to be so close too close for comfort at least that’s what some others said
for me you were my comfort „my one and only, my lifeline“ i could dedicate so many taylor songs to you i haven‘t done that for anyone else
best friends, soulmates, lovers we didn‘t have any of those labels we just had each other and it was right like that
life brought me you by accident just at the right time („once in twenty lifetimes“) if i ever had the greatest luck it was on the day that i met you
there‘s this big pang in my heart everytime i think of you now actually, i catch myself barely thinking of you and then feeling so guilty about that but it‘s not cause i forgot, it‘s cause my heart tries to protect itself from all that wells up everytime i do think of you
honey i miss you so now i barely see you but i so wish you were here with me
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arlenelperez · 8 months
We are all...
Of our environment
Of our DNA.
Nature vs nurture
No true winners
Or losers
Just playing
This game.
This game...
Called life.
To come out
The finish line
Ends at
our tombstone
We are NOT
Getting out
Of this
We all...
End up
In the same place.
the same mark.
Who set the mark?
Why do we
Run towards
A mark
Set by
We all...
Swim in a pool...
A pool of
Set before us
Set for us
Even set
By us.
Are we all...
In this
Pool of
Trapped and imprisoned.
Chained by those
Those who came
Before us.
A whirlwind?
More like...
A chain reaction
The domino effect
Knocking others down
Who come
After us
A cascade effect
Of traumas
Of expectations
Of condemnation
How can WE
Step outside
Outside of this
Chain of events?
How can we
The domino effect?
Copyright by Arlene L. Perez on February 2, 2024
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thaliawashere · 1 year
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talltalestogo · 1 year
Cascade Cascade in the sun. / Waterfall of white Iris / flowing up from Earth. . . #cascade #waterfall #white #iris #earth #haiku #poem #poetry #photo #oldnorthknoxville #davidebooker #april #wednesday #042722 #2022
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scriptgoyal · 1 year
Cascade of emotions🌊
Standing in silence Listening to the warbling of birds Feelin' the wind carrying the fragrance of petrichor The best way to introspect To let the cascade of emotions Flow down, in the heavy pour.
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whisperthatruns · 2 years
Cascades 501
The man sitting behind me is telling the man sitting next to him about his heart bypass.
Outside the train’s window, the landscapes smear by--- the earnest, haphazard distillations of America. The backyards
and back sides of houses. The back lots of shops and factories. The underpasses of bridges. And then the stretches
of actual land, which is not so much land as the kinds of water courses and greenery that register
like luck in the mind. Dense walls of trees. Punky little woods. The living continually outgrowing
the fallen and decaying. The vines and ivies taking over everything, proving that the force of disorder is also the force
of plenty. Then the eye dilating to the sudden clearings---fields, meadows. The bogs that must have been left
by retreating glaciers. The creeks, the algae broth of ponds. Then the broad silver of rivers, shiny
as turnstiles. Attrition, dispersal, growth---a system unfastened to story, as though the green sight itself
was beyond story, was peacefully beyond any clear meaning. But why the gust of alertness that comes
to me every time any indication of the human passes into sight---like a mirror, like to like, even though I am not
the summer backyard with the orange soccer ball resting there, even though I am not the pickup truck
parked askew in the back lot, its two doors opened wide, and no one around to show whether it is funny
or an emergency that the truck is like that. Each thing looks new even when it is old and broken down.
They had to open me up---the man is now telling the other man. I wasn’t there to see it, but they opened me up.
Rick Barot, The Galleons (Milkweed Editions, 2020)
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elmp · 1 month
Cascading And Catastrophic Grid Failures
I guess Dave said it
Best- "Ritalin is easy.
Ritalin is good."
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wickedzeevyln · 3 months
You may be a spider lurking in a corner with a mind that has multiple eyes taking snapshots of a moment wheezing by, too swift for anyone to notice, everyone is a busy bee. Everyone holding axes and throwing spears against the monsters of the day, but you sit there in your tiny world, drawn inside a happy sphere between your hand and your eyes, for now, it’s a solitary place existing in the…
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starryskiesatmidnight · 5 months
the fates are cruel
when you walked up to me i thought you were a dream i couldn’t really believe what i witnessed so you were gone just as fast
like a dream, i barely managed to grasp you in my memory but you’re there, very faintly always a reminder
of what we could’ve been, could’ve had the fates are cruel like that
how could they show me that everything i’ve ever wanted actually exists (and might want me too) just to take you away again in the blink of an eye?
now i’ll hope and pray every single day that what they say is true that you always meet someone twice in your life and that one day, i once again meet you
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authormarialberg · 8 months
Poetry Wordfall Cascades
Today’s Meet the Bar prompt at dVerse Poets Pub invites us to write a Cascade form poem with five line stanzas. A Cascade repeats each line of the first stanza as the last lines of the following stanzas. Cascade by Maria L. Berg 2024 The Rush of a Wordfall when we feel the flow of the words with our eyeswe re-create the actions of the poetwhen we hear the force of rhythm and rhymethey are…
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corvianbard · 8 months
Blessed saint of cascade, We climb with you undismayed To receive a draconic accolade.
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nightshadereaper66 · 11 months
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This is a cascade poem in iambic tetrameter. I decided to challenge myself with this one, as I find it quite hard to write in meter. This isn't my favorite poem that I've written, but I vastly enjoyed the challenge. I think that this was really good practice, and I will probably write in meter more often.
Poem in text form under the cut
Watching the Fall
Hold up your head, time to conceal As thoughts deface your heart’s charade To make your mind run hard aground And make your soul erupt in flame.
Now glue yourself to the ideal A mask of who you should portray Hold up your head, time to conceal.
Sit tight as waves make you abrade Your brain won’t try to hide disdain As thoughts deface your heart’s charade.
Steer through the port as you’re homebound Your ship’s small crew seem to conspire To make your mind run hard aground.
You strike the flint on steel’s cold frame Bright sparks fall and ignite butane And make your soul erupt in flame.
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