#Cassie found it
jackies-ear · 2 years
So I totally thought the crickets outside were just being super loud the last like 2 or 3 nights…
Turns out I had a loose cricket in my room
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daiwild · 1 year
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Wonder Girl V3:
But as mad as I was at Hercules for pulling that crap... I wasn't... I mean, I should've been... I could've been wrecked that it wasn't Conner, that he was still... gone. But... look at me, I'm not a big mess...
Tim beating up Dick in the back of a Waffle House just to get some Lazarus Pit Juice so he can revive his dead best friend
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mushramoo · 1 day
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never posted bc I wasn’t happy with it….but the vibes r just too good
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sinigangrobot · 7 months
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At long last I've remembered to post this one. It's been done for a while I just keep forgetting to share.
Aside: I'm thinking of reopening commissions but I have a big university event coming up that I need to attend for my capstone project and because of that + other November events I'm probably actually not going to open comms anytime soon but I guess it's one of those things we'll have to wait and see--I do still owe some friends some art so I also have to finish that before opening my comms here.
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hijinxinprogress · 2 months
Whenever the JL starts complaining about YJs public image YJ just straight up gaslights them
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suzanami · 10 days
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"Maybe we’ll lose, maybe we’ll win. But if we win and someday it’s all over, you’d better hope there are still plenty of Cassies in the world. You’d better hope that not everyone has decided it’s okay to do whatever it takes to win."
some Cassie/Jake I've drawn over the years 💙💚
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plutoslvr · 1 year
im a firm believer that young justice literally cannot live without each other like they get this weird feeling of anxiety that just SWAMPS them if they haven't heard from each other in a while like they're so awfully co-dependent on each other. they have to have mandated meet ups or they WILL go insane I fear
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dasketcherz · 9 months
I think Gregory and Cassie twins agenda can still work by using a cute headcanon like imagining that they coincidentally just happen to share the same birthday so theyre like bday twins instead ( ;∀;)
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jellycreamjammedart · 10 months
At some point Cassie decides that yes, the V.A.N.N.I mask is weird as hell and she doesn't like it.
So with left over paint and abandoned paint spray cans she paints its exterior to look like M.X.E.S instead.
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chipistrate · 6 months
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Ahem anyways
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kiwicidios · 1 year
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࣪    .   ♱ ㅤ۪  ࿙࿚  .ྀི
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࣪    .   ♱ ㅤ۪  ࿙࿚  .ྀི
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boxiedbeez · 10 months
It's been forever since Ive drawn Roxy so sorry if her designs off ! It was a doodle I did while watching Aimsey's VOD of the gameplay:)
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confusionmeisss · 6 months
the shadowhunter chronicles
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sotogalmo · 2 months
5:05 am
“Sorry for all of the trouble squirt. I was just trying to find ya a real family.”
“i got a real family. I got the best!”
“Yeah? Where?”
“Family is just people who care about each other more than anyone else, right?”
“You're it! You're my mom. You're my dad. And you're my picket fence.”
“You're not gonna use the L word, are ya'?”
“Then I will, cause it's a great word!”
“i love you little bro!”
“Now I got something even more important to say.”
“Noogie time!”
“(laughing) Boy! It's really great to be home.”
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ratchet9cooper · 9 months
For all my problems with it, I really really like that MK1 has a pretty big found family vibe to it, and I love when mk does that, and it’s giving me lots of ideas.
Found family is really funny in mk becuase you get shit where Cassie cage’s aunts and uncles are , a revenant, a man rebuilding his clan after his brother turned evil and made them robots, multiple shoalin monks, a couple Demi gods, an extended royal family from another world, a blind ninja, multiple reformed literal demons, a native American warrior, a lizard, multiple monsters and her moms squadmate from the academy, and then just Johnny’s actual normal brother.
Like Imagine having family dinner and you invite your close friend and ally, a man who is rebuilding his clan from scratch, whose brother tried to kill him and all his friends, who has stood with you against demons and monsters and tyrants, and he shows up with ice and his edgy adopted teenage daughter
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puhpandas · 2 months
ideal ggy reveal for me right now is some sort of game whatever format theyd use (for example sb vs hw is very different storytelling) about vanny killing dr rabbit and it leads up to the beginning of sb at the end
#like more vanny shows rab in a game therefore making ggy canon for sure explains why gregory was in the pizzaplex#would show one of the stepping stones vanny took to get to glitchtrap to kill him like she killed rab#it just makes sense to me#also works for vanny cassie#since rab will be no threat since hes dead so vanny has the spotlight#and gregory with his connection to cassie feels guilt over letting the same thing that happned to him and his family happen to her#so now he feels responsible to help her#leading to a game with gregory protag and vanessa and freddy co-protag/guides#im just explaining the secret little future fnaf game storyline im hoping for in my head#i just feel like if vanny cassie is real#which it RLLY seems like it is after hw2#revealing ggy before some sort of action would be taken would mean a lot#for gregory and cassies relationship#he would uave been in her boat and feel guilt for not being fast enough to save her from tbe same fate#i know vanessa would work better because she was vanny but she has no connection or friendship with cassie like gregory does#and it gives ggy some importance too#that is kinda more to serve the cassie plot than to make ggy more important or overshadowing vanny#not that ggy could overshadow vanny if vanny cassie is happening lol#pandas.txt#thoughts#theory#kinda#im just being hopeful#by hw2s dlc things will be so different#its so impossible to guess whatll happen in a fnaf game#and what will change#superstar duo#ggy#this is ALSO heavily based on a theory of mine that vanny killed rab @ the beginning of sb and thats why greg was at the pizzaplex#and how he got freed and why rab is nowhere to be found
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