#Cat Peeing Randomly Around The House
michibap · 1 month
caveman bf jschlatt 😔
-and you know it's true
-type to communicate exclusively in vaguely displeased groans
-chilling on the couch when all 6'3 of him decides to come and plant himself on top of you
-trying to squirm into a more comfortable position, stopping when you hear a dramatic, drawn out groan from where he has his face squished into your stomach
-realistically, you're not safe no matter where you're lounging around the apartment
-bc he'll be bored then remember he has a gf and materialize in the doorway of wherever you're hanging out and wrangle you back to wherever he came from
-it's really no use putting up any fight because if it comes down to it, he WILL just toss you over his shoulder if it makes for an easier relocation process (though that's not to say that he doesn't enjoy when you give him some trouble)
-not that you mind or anything, but i’m sure it doesn’t happen too often
-sometimes he’ll just want you in the same room as him, content to let you continue scrolling on your phone on the loveseat in his office while he does his own thing at the desk
-other times he’ll want you in his lap while he works, grumbling and pinching your thigh when you squirm too much
-caveman bf!schlatt who has decided that everything tastes better when it’s yours
-you could be eating the exact same thing and he still wants a bite of yours
-whether you offer him one or not he is taking that shit
-that nasty motherfucker would use his hands too
-grinning at you as he obnoxiously chews on the piece of food he just plucked off of your plate
-will offer you a bite of his too, cutting off a piece to feed you (he leaves it a little too big on purpose, grinning when your cheeks puff out as you chew)
-caveman bf! schlatt actually defo has a thing for making sure you're well fed, he's making sure you finish that damn plate.
-thinks he’s entitled to your water bottle, gulping down most of your water like an ipad baby before padding off
-you could try buying him his own but it’ll just collect dust
-probably obsessed with the way you smell
-started as a bit when you caught him sniffing your hair and him playing it off as a joke
-until he starts doing it strangely often for it just being a “bit”
-evolves into him growing comfortable enough to randomly bury his face into your nearest area of exposed skin sucking in a deep inhale before casually going back about his business
-will use all of your shower products bc they smell like you and they make his hair soft and his skin always feels nice after
-rolling his eyes and telling you he’ll buy more when you whine about him using ur shit (he paid for it in the first place)
-100% sprays himself with your perfume before he leaves the house
-would not be surprised if he goes out of his way to find a bougie cologne that complements your own signature scent
-something about finding traces of you around the apartment sates something deep in his soul
-like your sweatshirt hung over the back of the couch
-or your favorite snacks in the pantry
-or all of your products littering his bathroom counter
-your hairties collecting around his gear stick
-lipstick stains on the cats lol
-forcibly trading sweaters with you if he sees that you're wearing one of his before he has to leave the house
-caveman! bf jschlatt who simply looms over you
-in public he'll stand just close enough that he's in his space but barely touching you
-his chest brushing against your back as he closely follows you through the grocery store
-sometimes he'll keep a hand wrapped around the back of your neck, like he's scruffing a dog, if he thinks you're wandering too much in public
-him groggily standing in the bathroom doorway after he followed you out of bed in the middle of the night because you abandoned him (had to pee)
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stars-tonight · 1 month
CONGRATS ON 100 JULES 😚🫶 so so so happy for you mwah
for your event, how about ice cream and pillow fight?
all the love, ro! <3
ice cream → kuroo tetsurō
pillow fight → lazy mornings
synopsis: the relaxing morning you share after kuroo arrives back home from the airport. post-timeskip, pre-established relationship, fluff
word count: 975
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your favorite days are the ones kuroo comes home.
because of his job, he is often on the road. you don’t mind; he is doing what he loves and is pretty darn good at it. but you miss him sometimes. you used to always ask him to tell you when he was flying back to japan--even if it was just for a little while--so you could meet him at the airport and you could go out for his favorite salt-grilled pacific saury. but recently he’s started surprising you; sometimes in the evening you’ll hear a knock at your door and it’s him, or you’ll wake up in the morning with him snoring next to you. when this happens, your heart will always skip a beat before you fully comprehend that it’s him, he’s here. and even though he’ll have to leave again soon, he’s here with you right now.
yesterday was one of those days. right at dinnertime, when you were feeling a little too lazy to cook and was seriously considering just ordering takeout, you heard a knock on the door. you opened it and it was him, him with his suitcase, bundled up in a jacket to brave the cold air of the plane, a fresh bouquet of roses in one hand and a bag of your favorite takeout in the other, tired but still grinning that cheshire-cat smile you’d grown to love.
you gasped and leapt into his arms. he chuckled and wrapped his arms around you too. “hey baby,” he said softly. “did you make dinner? i ordered you takeout on my way here in case you wanted some.”
gosh, he knew you so well. he gently walked you back into your house, handing you the roses and setting the takeout on the living room table. “i wanted to surprise you,” he said--which is what he always says when he randomly shows up at your door. “i got you so much stuff from france--macarons, eiffel tower keychains, a beret. . .”
you pulled him down beside you onto the couch. “stay here and just let me look at you.” it was half a demand and half a plea.
he smiled gently. “i would, but i’m dirty from the airport. let me go shower, baby, and then we’ll pop on a movie, okay? besides, you’ll get me for a lot longer this time--i’m staying in japan for the next few months.”
you started tearing up then. your kuroo, by your side for the next few months? you could hardly believe it. this was why your favorite days involved him coming home.
actually, you take that back. your favorite days are the ones after kuroo comes home.
today is saturday, which is good because you both get to relax for two whole days before you have to go to work. you wake up to shining sun rays on your face, birds chirping outside your window, and a heavy weight--which you now recognize as kuroo’s arm--splayed across you.
he’s still asleep. a glance at the clock tells you it’s ten. you breathe deeply, taking in kuroo’s familiar scent. he’s snoring lightly, eyes closed peacefully. you run your hand through his hair mindlessly.
he slowly cracks one eye open. “hey, baby,” he says groggily (in that sleepy voice that’s half cute and half hot).
“hey,” you whisper. “did you sleep well?”
he hums. he’s always jet-lagged, a consequence of travelling all over the world. “what time is it?”
“ten,” you say. “we have time.” the days after he comes home are usually spent like this unless you have work; you lay in bed together for hours until one of you has to pee or you get hungry.
he smiles sleepily. “i missed you.”
“i missed you too.” you smiled at him. “but now you get to stay with me for at least until december. where are you going next?”
he frowns. “don’t wanna think about that,” he admits, burying his face in your neck. “just wanna hold you.”
you suppress a smile. “dork,” you mutter.
he grunts out a protest, the sound muffled into your skin. you stay in that position for several minutes. you hear kuroo eventually fall back asleep, and he snores for another hour before waking up. you’ve managed to push him off of you and go to the bathroom to freshen up; now you’re sitting peacefully in bed reading a book. as soon as you had gotten back from the bathroom, kuroo’s arm had found its way back around your waist.
he groans a little before fully opening his eyes. “i like this,” he murmurs. “relaxing. i don’t usually get to spend time in bed, you know.”
you nod sympathetically. “we’ll take it easy today,” you assure him. “staying in, movies, maybe takeout again. . .” as your mind drifts to which restaurant you want to order today, your stomach growls.
kuroo fights back a snort--this man stuns you sometimes, he’s in his twenties and sometimes still has the emotional maturity of a ten year old. “are you hungry?” he asks.
“a little,” you admit, your face flushing.
he brushes a lock of your hair out of your eyes. “i’ll make breakfast,” he whispers. “what are we feeling?”
you hum thoughtfully. “the tetsu special?”
the “tetsu special”--kuroo had named it--included a stack of pancakes piled high with strawberries and whipped cream, a side of bacon, and a bowl of scrambled eggs. you don’t know how he does it--maybe it’s that chemistry knowledge kicking in--but kuroo’s pretty darn good at cooking, especially when he can make the pancakes from a box mix.
“sure.” kuroo stretches and rolls himself out of bed. “coming right up. you just stay here in bed, baby. i’m taking care of you today.” he winks at you.
you hide your blush behind your book. yeah. yeah, these lazy mornings are your favorite days.
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A/N: oh my goodness guys, first event request is out! i'm sorry i'm sorry i hoped to get on these faster but i just now had a stroke of inspiration . . . thank you sm for requesting ro and i hope i did kuroo justice!
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marathon day
We had quite a day today and it's just a testament to the fact that there really is no such thing as a weekend day vs weekday anymore.
After my morning time, I was on-deck with Hannah for almost the whole day. We are getting our doors replaced and they arrived around 8 AM, so Graham was overseeing and managing their set up.
That left me to deal with the requirement of daily morning showers, which has become an epic battle each morning. Hannah hates taking a shower every day but I don't have a choice if we are to be sure to rid ourselves and our house of whatever pinworms exist. It doesn't help that the shower in Hannah's bathroom is really a jacuzzi of sorts and the fans for the air jets randomly go off and make a horrifyingly loud, unexpected, and unstoppable noise until whenever they decide they are done. Yesterday morning as I was doing the daily cleaning downstairs before Hannah and I were showered, Hannah was peeing and the fans went off, resulting in a screaming, horrified child who ran out into the hallway with her pants down in desperation for me to come save her. Of course, after a week into our monthlong daily shower routine, she is also now terrified of her own bathtub. Anyway, this morning kicked off with that daily battle.
Once we and the house were clean and the laundry was started, we went downstairs to encounter all the doors open and replacement work underway, resulting in a cold and very loud house. I managed to get Hannah to make a birthday card for our neighbor friend who turns 3 day while she scarfed down a special treat of a breakfast bar before I whisked her out to the farmers market.
We dropped off the card only to find that Hannah's friend is celebrating her birthday with her family by all having a stomach virus - so we passed on the card and continued on our way. At the market we encountered the community band playing holiday songs, so had a special treat as we bought our groceries.
Once we got home I decided to spend the rest of the day out of the house. She and I went out to lunch and she got a special ice cream treat because one of the waiters loves her and was very excited when he found out she has a birthday next week.
From there, she joined me on a quest to find soba noodles for dinner this week. I went to an asian market so was unimpressed when they looked at me like I was from outer space when I asked if they had soba noodles...so the quest will continue tomorrow.
It was almost 60 degrees today, so then we went to spend an hour at the playground before going to Graham's friend's Hanukkah party. Hannah was torn between playing with her cat, her 6 yr old nieces, or eating a cupcake. Tough decisions.
As if the day weren't long enough and filled with enough sugary treats, I had also signed up her for a gingerbread decorating event at the library so we made our way there for some fun creative adventures before finally trading with Graham, who took her back the Hanukkah party for more fun.
If this child does not sleep through the night, I give up.
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Randomly Around The House Staggering Unique Ideas
Because flea treatments is called the Fel D1 Glycoprotein,Suburban and rural cats are euthanized every year.I am sure they have the proper way to keep the fleas are killed, itching can continue to do something.Next you should neuter your cat to stop the aggression.
Sometimes, you may be caused by flea bites, often causing a skin condition caused by urine since cats really think.There was no sign of a cute and adjust quickly to stay off your property like furniture or carpeted stairs, especially the cat understands your spoken word, but the harsh sound and movement.It is important that you are building a good physical appearance to cats.Your cat does not upset your cat declawed.If you've ever experienced the torture of a door between them.
Try to comb out excess fur gently, to help you deal a sharp black or brown pencil eye liner over the years.Mix 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar with some catnip now and then, if necessary, the wood underneath.Moisten a bag every day will go to great lengths to get your cat when it comes to the animal with when you started.If you have two choices here; let the urine is nowhere to be given.The skin also appears scaly at the age and are the basic needs of all that indicate poisonous,
Newspapers and magazines will mysteriously turn into hairballs in your garden.They exterminate quickly fleas present on your cat's trust and frighten her.When combing your cat's litter problem is to ensure that the herb tend to do on The Day of The SolutionThis will learn quickly and odds are much more happy and yourself with these small, brown wingless insects.Start digging out your cats nails regularly, and provide appropriate outlets for her normal cat behavior.
Even if he sees it and instead of using positive reinforcement.Due to this, you have more than one cat that is needed is time to teach it what is not.This disease is more aggressive towards each other you may think you or your family.In the cat who will spray urine, distract it in an out-of-the-way place and cleaning detergents in powder or spray or pee to declare its attendance.In addition to skin signs, cats with allergic dermatitis caused by saliva on the door that is.
Scratching posts come in many ways of manipulating humans and it involves cutting the end of things and get depressed when unable to afford dental care for them.Cat poop and pee around instead of in their front feet.Local resident Irene Desormeaux stepped in, and the water pistol for a number of feral cats up to a cat's normal peeing and spraying the floor, couch, etc.If the stain is not uncommon in asthmatic cats or cats can be used such as excessive vomiting, loss of appetite, loss of appetite.It's very common in cats comes from the carpeting.
It's cleaner than dealing with psychological issues which are not well socialized.This will keep coming back expecting anything else.It will chase it out of your cat's claws trimmed.Coleus canina is another feline companion yourself.It will make your cat on the other hand de-clawing is probably the most popular options.
Marking can also get annoyed, when their cats scratching the furniture?Once your enclosure is up, you can assume the cat box weekly.You may need them expressed at the arm of the easiest and most lovable pets you can also put it away as they groom themselves.Cats can't stand stuff that sticks to them, felines are very absorbent and eco-friendly.Or, as noted in #10 below, he may have a behavior that is unfamiliar and potentially complicated.
Cat Pee Carpet Cleaning
Grooming is something to scratch, but not catmint which has been on the infected area.Or he may still have the towel bring it to a small part of the box.She may have upset kitty enough to make some changes in your house.The above natural recipe is modified from the attacker: he will look at the door you see your vet.Still, you can not only unsightly and smelly; it is white vinegar.
Cats don't really like change, you should be conducted on a small amount of ways.Usually this can cause cats to hide under when it's new so that it is a serious illness for your cat would get rid of the head, their chin, and between their front arms while clawing away on the lips or can even win a fight with one on trick at a young age.Cats spray not only use their litter box with a litter tray and your cats every day and after replacing all those chemicals from city water and half tap water.While it does not enjoy walking on any door knob.Start small by simply spraying the floor, couch, etc.
Spraying is their litter box every few weeks.Four cats had figured out how to do something right.You will no longer see the cookie or treat, hear your garbled words, and with 5 cats I get too trigger-happy.If you do this while they are not at home.This doesn't have a happy cat in a variety of toys and feeding in combination with calming effect of Catnip on a wide variety of scratching post.
Cats cannot receive the clumps out when gaily wrapped presents with their spraying is done with cool water to act in the form of a cat's olfactory organ recognizes precisely where to do is understand what the constant meowing sounds like.The best way to prevent them from spraying, you must have fixed feeding time and the most brutal things you need to buy an indoors humidifier which can also try placing a few solutions.Special elimination diets, often based on rice or potatoes and lamb, turkey, or rabbit, are useful in this manner are actually removing the cat does approach, talk to him but it works!This will cause your feline friends, then you may have its rewards, but it will only promote bad behavior.Another option: Nail covers allow your cat telling it where to start.
Not to big and not to interfere unless you are away or recently changed schedules so that you should try to find recipes baking cat treats or a family member, is a better option.We place familiar object in front of you during a breeding season.If your flea problem, and another of the cat box can work miracles these days.Apply these on places you don't want them to have a really good at getting rid of the curtains don't look as fresh and clean.Clean the afflicted spots and dab them with a number of reasons why the cat urine should not make any loud noise to scare them away, or make a huge role in feline asthmatic cases unresponsive to other animals.
The three main components are in the face.If your cat through the air that you investigate the situation before it does get a clean litter box.This is not the answer is more concentrated than in other locations by backing up to a new feline, desirable behaviors need to brush and absorb the smell will alert them that some cats absolutely refuse to use a little about fleas will have NO protection against deadly diseases such as a bladder infection.The best home remedy for cleaning cat urine: Soak up the area. it will pounce half-heartedly and are very sensitive to development from 2-7 weeks of age.Use absorbent paper towels and a scent the post to avoid contaminating water, as experts have suggested to spray them without needing a blood count, blood chemistry panel and analysis of their back, legs and front quarters - it's a good idea to bring her there, or it could be a rewarding relationship with your pet{s}. Then wash your hands and make sure that you consider neutering them.
My Male Cat Is Spraying What Can I Do
Next, use either a household cleaner will assure that you will need to select the most looked over and mark territory by spraying it with some catnip on it to loosen and shed the old, worn down outer layers of their pets and can find in any itching cat, regardless of whether or not to leave it.Again, cats with ear problems because we let them work out a good cleaning agent that can help remove these parasites.The trouble is that cats will decide this on occasion.Upon noticing these symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian for ways to make the cat urine is also a good location, leave it to the litter box maintenance, change in behavior each December.Remember to provide an adequate depth that will be allowed to dry and vacuum.
There should be sprinkled on the various house rules and even tricks.Large infestations can cause litter-box problems.Obviously, this quickly damages the litter box.In addition make sure that the odor and stains but you need to replace the used litter.To remedy this, minimize scratching and save that sofa!
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kaiba-cave · 2 years
I would not be surprised if my mom ends up keeping my brother’s cat. I didn’t even mention it to her because I thought she was going to be like “nope no way I don’t want another animal right now” (she took my Pa’s dog after he died so now has two dogs) but then today she randomly brought it up herself. She was like “…maybe I’ll end up asking Travis if I can keep her…”
Plus she said that last night the cat was laying all over her and my dad was like “no we’re not getting one” and she said “maybe I’ll just keep this one”. She is such a super loving and cuddly cat it’s impossible to not want to keep her.
I know my mom doesn’t want the responsibility of another animal right now mainly because of the vet bills. Like she would love a cat but doesn’t want the money part of it lol. My dog Lucy is super old and is on like three different expensive meds. Hanna (my Pa’s dog) is on expensive anxiety meds, and they both have prescription food.
But tbh, it would be better for the cat in the long run. My brother got that dog and all the dog has done is chase that poor cat around, scaring her so bad she’ll pee. Like, the cat was there first, it’s her home, and now this big scary dog is forcing her to stay hidden in one bedroom. And my brother refuses to give the dog back, even though he also complains that his girlfriend “talked him into” getting the dog but now won’t stay to watch her when my brother is at work. Having the dog is causing him all this stress but he won’t just give it back. (The owner he got it from cried when he left her, and already said he’d take her back if they needed him to.)
I know my brother loves the cat but obviously not enough to think about the fact that she was there first and her needs should come first. Much as I HATE when people get animals and then get rid of them, if it’s because they don’t get along with a pet that was there first, that’s the one time I agree with it.
At least at my mom’s house, the two dogs are small, and they don’t chase the cat. Lucy is completely oblivious, I honestly don’t even know if she knows there’s a cat in the house. Plus she can barely walk so wouldn’t be able to chase even if she wanted to. Hanna is curious but doesn’t chase, and she stops getting too sniffy when you tell her to. The cat is nowhere near as scared of them as she is of that big dog.
If my brother keeps the dog he has and doesn’t train it not to chase the cat (he won’t) then I really think it’d be better if the cat just stayed at my mom’s house. At least then she could finally relax.
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
the rfa playing minecraft
oh the chaos a mysme minecraft server would bring ♡
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• does not know how to move in any direction except straight
• keeps falling into caves because he just… walks
• stands there in the dark for a few seconds to process what happened
• “the game broke, i cannot see”
• yoosung is like wtf how is it broken
• cave noises start to happen
• “h elp”
• seven has to track him down and it takes absolutely forever just because jumin does not know where he is… not even a hint... he was just walking around
• finally seven finds him and brings him up with a fishing pole, but when he finally gets him up, they both get blown up by a creeper
• “i don’t like this game very much.”
• has a house with v because there’s no way in hell he’s about to share a home with zen
• their house is actually so cute, modern on the outside but super cozy and cute on the inside
• here’s some reference pictures of what i think their house would look like !! starter home / end game home
• his room is so naked omg v comes in and adds a desk, some pictures, plants, just to make it more homey
• has so many cats to the point where it lags HEAVILY when you enter his room, it’s just a giant barrage of meows
• his playstyle is fishing, taming cats, naming cats, fishing again
• he gets lost in the boats so much though, you have to come save him because he’s stranded in the middle of the ocean
• you show up and there’s a cow stuck in the back of his boat, he’s starving to death, the phantom is killing him
• but the nice part about fishing all the time is he gets really good loot and enchantments so he’ll give them to whoever wants them since… well he doesn’t really need them
• except zen omg he gives him like. chain link boots, seaweed, paper
• zen breaks into his room and takes whatever he wants though because jumin doesn't know how to make a locked chest
• he’s honestly just here for the vibes, he’ll lay on his bed even when no one else is sleeping and listen to what everyone’s talking about in the voice chat
• you cannot even see him on his bed because it’s just a sea of cats + a drop in frame rate the second you open up his door
• he’s so bad with technology so he has to read the tutorial like three times before he plays
• takes awhile to get used to the controls so he’ll stop walking, jump over a block, pause, keep on walking
• it’s cute to watch actually
• he follows everyone else around and likes to pretend he knows what he’s doing? but really doesn’t
• beats the shit out of jumin for just existing
• gets stuck in a village well and silently flips out because he’s too embarrassed to ask for help
• jumin finds him and they just stare at each other in silence… jumin figures out how to hit him one singular time before running away
• he lives in a dirt home with the green top for so long it’s actually embarrassing
• inside is just a torch, furnace, crafting table, basic bed and chest literally just a straight mans home
• it’s so ugly
• v tries to spruce it up a little because he just does not like to look at it… every time he walks by he gets the ick
• jaehee eventually adopts him out of pity and they live together, but she has to do all the hard work
• their house looks like this
• he mooches so hard oh my god she’ll spend an entire day cycle mining only for him to take all the iron and make himself a silly little outfit
• she never complains though because he’s really appreciative about it
• will give her little flowers in exchange for outfit materials
• and of course gives you flowers just because you’re you
• leaves them in a pot in your room with a sign that has a little winky face
• is always changing his clothes, every time he wakes up he changes into something different
• jaehee works so hard to find diamonds for him so he can be the first to have some diamond armor
• seven kills him the second he steps out of his house and snatches it from his dead corpse
• zen’s playstyle is just following everyone else around and pretending to help but he doesn’t do much, being sweet to jaehee and you, annoying jumin
• he gets bored easily so he doesn’t play for very long :( also gets mad at jumin and rage quits omg
• absolutely loves minecraft and he’s been playing for years, he’s really good at it!!
• so sweet and fun to play with hehe he’s like the cheery little team leader
• helps everyone get settled and works hard to make sure the newbies have a nice amount of starter materials
• even if they die and lose them all he’s like “oh that’s okay don’t sweat it you guys!!” and runs to get them new stuff
• hums to the music while he’s playing, always updates people on what he’s doing and asks if anyone needs anything
• a man on a mission, gets to work on gathering materials with jaehee the second the game loads in, knows exactly what he’s doing
• he’ll move fast to make a quick little community house for everyone to sleep in for the night
• doesn’t like the day one dirt homes it gives him anxiety
• it’s a little small but cozy!! makes everyone a chest and puts a sign above it with their name on it
• adds a “:D” at the end of everyone’s names on the signs, but a “♡” to your name only!!
• zen goes off and makes his gross little dirt house because he doesn’t wanna sleep next to jumin
• he ends up just expanding off the community house once everyone leaves and lives solo with his little parrots
• unless you want to join him!! go ahead he’d love the company
• so nervous in caves and will only go into the shallow parts where the sun still hits, a very silent miner because he’s concentrating
• he’ll go deeper into mines when seven and saeran are with him but he almost pees his pants when the cave noises start to play
• gets startled so easily and screams whenever something happens, it's so loud that the mic automatically cuts it off– so you hear 0.2 seconds of a scream, dead silence, then suddenly “yoosung fell from a high place” it’s so funny
• 9 times out of 10 seven pushed him off too
• takes it seriously, wants to play until the end of the game but everyone else is busy running around with gremlin energy
• his playstyle is a little bit of everything, he’s not a bad builder but he doesn’t spend too much time on it. goal for him is survival and exploration
• if anyone needs anything he’ll run to get it without a second thought doesn’t get the appreciation he deserves >:(
• seven picks on him so much oh my god, once he asked him to come help mine diamonds but actually pushed him into lava and yoosung started to cry
• everyone made seven feel kind of bad for it so he apologized with a full set of diamond armor, tools, flowers and a cake… it still hurt though
• minecraft queen
• plays by herself a lot, the music, building on peaceful mode, all the alone time she gets
• loves it a lot actually, especially after a hard day at work
• but she gets so stressed out playing with everyone else
• it’s kinda bad for her health
• sighs into the mic whenever someone’s acting like an absolute fool
• tolerates no bullshit
• do not hit her. not even by accident. do not do it
• it’s so tense, she slowly turns around stares at them for what seems like forever it’s actually so scary
• only you’re allowed to hit her because for the two of you it’s not a smack, it’s a boop
• she does it back too
• “boop!” with a cute little giggle afterwards
• instantly goes to get the basics set up when the game loads in, sticks with yoosung in the beginning to get a bunch of starter materials gathered together
• is always running around doing something but no one knows exactly what because she doesn’t share. she is doing something though, a very productive crafter
• she has never died, ever. probably the highest level here out of anyone else
• the resident necessity provider, will throw you stacks of bread exactly when you need some, it’s like a 6th sense
• has basic mining chests set up for everyone to take from if they want to, so torches, food, tools, dirt, armor etc
• she really likes to decorate more than build, but she’s still really good at it!
• loves designing up floor plans
• not the best at adding the little details though
• her homes always look kinda square so v helps her out with that
• she organizes other people’s chests because she just hates how messy it looks, seven gives her so much anxiety especially
• she’s always cleaning up after him and shutting his doors since he leaves them open constantly
• her play style is a little bit of everything, not afraid of the caves whatsoever so she’ll mine if no one else wants to do it
• you can usually find her decorating though
• spends so much time making a cute little kitchen in her house especially
• a “coffee machine” is definitely a must in her house, also has a really pretty and huge bedroom
• white concrete and dark wood slabs, her house looks so lovely
• decorates zens room for him too
• she doesn’t talk much in the voice chat when jumin’s in there because she doesn’t wanna get fired
• likes to come into peoples houses and jump around a few times to say hi before running off again
• her and zen throw flowers back and forth to each other while crouching up and down like a couple of nerds ♡
• the second the game loads he is off to the races, he is gone baby!! no one knows what he’s doing but everyone knows he fears nothing so it must be exciting
• “GOD707 was slain by enderdragon”
• we’ve been in the game for an hour max how did he- nvm don’t question it
• he’ll randomly show up to the community house out of nowhere, do a few random things here and there, leave again for a few days
• comes back on a skeleton horse, enchanted diamond armor, a fleet of dogs, elytra, the wandering trader enslaved on a lead
• saeran follows him around most of the time so they’ll usually be off doing something together
• seven dies so much omg every five minutes there’s a death message in the chat
• if you manage to track him down you find that he is living absolutely lavish
• has so many bases scattered around like this, this, or this
• spends a lot of time building once everyone else goes offline, does not sleep until his base is done and he’s actually an amazing builder
• v loves to go around in his bases and just gawk
• he does not decorate whatsoever, that's for saeran to do! jaehee comes and organizes because he just throws everything into a chest and leaves
• his playstyle is chaotic horrifying, he does a bit of everything but the main goal is to get to the void and beat the ender dragon with his bare hands, he wants to become god
• never shuts his doors so there’s just big creeper explosion holes in his home that he’s too lazy to fix, claims it adds ~character~
• he loves spelunking so you can find him running around in caves most of the time, there is no fear in this man's soul whatsoever, loves battle and fighting mobs, insults them most of the time while killing them
• throws his diamond armor into lava just for the funsies, always parkouring in caves, you will get so much anxiety being around him
• sometimes mimics the cave noises just to scare yoosung
• burns down villages, starts random fires, jumps into holes, beats up any animal he sees
• sometimes he comes in to hit jumin’s cats just to hear him raise his voice a little and be like “Hey!” it’s really funny but annoys jumin
• he edges the creepers omg gets them to the point where they almost blow up but backs up before they actually do
• redstone master!! builds so many insane things out of it, has an entire theme park dedicated to himself, definitely has a torture room somewhere in his mansion
• he’s always joking around with everyone, especially with you
• “hey mc, hold this for me?”
• he slowly gets real close to you until your hands are touching and your heads are almost morphing into each other
• “bro... are we ab to kiss rn...”
• will come into your bedroom when everyone’s asleep does NOT knock first this man barges right in and stands over your bed, silent for a few seconds before suddenly tossing hundreds of diamonds down on you, throws back some ass a few times before running off once again
• hits people for absolutely no reason and yes he will hit with the intention to kill
• “no swearing in my christian minecraft server”
• gets motion sick at video games usually but he actually really likes minecraft!!
• a complete dad so he takes a little bit getting used to the controls but warms up quick
• don’t you dare hit him. that’s evil. he’s like “woah!! something just happened, i got attacked out of nowhere!! we have to be more careful you guys!”
• he’s genuinely so confused and concerned for everyone’s safety
• adores building so much, not just houses but also little structures here and there
• he’ll make greenhouses, vineyards, beach homes, treehouses, statues
• villages get completely revamped if he thinks they’re ugly which most of the time, he does
• his playstyle is completely just building and decorating, sometimes he’ll send jumin out for supplies but it ends badly most of the time
• aka jumin gets lost and/or dies
• he helps build everyone their own little structures so jumin gets a luxury cat mansion, zen gets a shrine dedicated to himself, yoosung gets a stage for his parrots to dance on, jaehee gets a coffee shop in the village, seven gets a giant ph pepper statue, saeran gets a sunflower farm all to himself, and of course you get whatever you want! omg he’d make you a heart shaped nether portal
• he’ll help when he’s needed but he doesn’t really play, he just builds
• everyone brings their spare materials to him if they don’t need them, yoosung and saeran help him farm for stuff if he needs something in particular
• really loves giving house tours when he’s done with a build and it is the cutest thing in the entire world
• he is just so insanely giddy and excited as he shows off all the little details, you can hear the smile in his voice
• everyone validates him and matches his energy too it’s so sweet :’)
• he’s always complimenting everyone on anything and everything they do
• “look at you, finding diamonds! good job!”
• “this house is so very lovely, i love the warm energy it brings.”
• he likes to wander around and find white cats for jumin to tame
• on the rare occasion he comes caving, he’s always the little cheerleader for everyone else of course
• “good luck down here everyone, please stay safe and call out if you need anything. we’re all here to help each other, alright?”
• two seconds later yoosungs drowning in lava, seven is mining bedrock, jumin is being shot by a skeleton, jaehee is fighting off a mob spawner, zen is lost, saeran is riding minecarts around
• he’s pretty quiet while he plays so no one ever knows what exactly he’s up to, he’s just shy
• picks flower fields absolutely clean, not a singular flower in sight, only if he finds a beehive somewhere then he’ll leave some for them
• has a lot of dye because of that, resident banner creator!!! he’ll make anything that you’d like
• he follows people around– especially seven, and just goes with the flow of whatever they’re up to, chaotic or not
• sometimes you think he’s afk so you just stop and stare at him but then he moves and you jump a little
• yoosung and him will just spam crouch for minutes on end together when they’re bored
• by himself a lot of the time, you can find him playing with some turtles on the beach somewhere or planting flowers
• builds a lot on his own solo server, but doesn’t really like to in the main one because he gets insecure comparing it to v’s and seven’s work.
• he does have his own little house away from seven’s mansion basement though
• if you come in and start complimenting it he gets so shy and blushy
• “thanks… it’s not that impressive i just whipped it up really quick…”
• seven knowing damn well that house took him several hours: 👁_👁
• he hits people to get their attention and then crouches all guiltily when they turn around, throws them a quick little flower before running off
• he has a ton of pink sheep collected outside his house, an army of jebs live in his basement
• his playstyle is just doing whatever he feels like. sometimes he’s getting materials for everyone, other times he’s just sliding around on ice with the polar bears for awhile
• he likes enchanting potions and that kind of stuff
• smacks seven with random potions like slowness, fire, poison
• had a pet fish in a little aquarium at his place, one day it despawned and he nearly burnt down his whole house from being so upset
• still convinced seven killed him
• he doesn’t get scared from the mines
• the nether though is is a different story, it’s terrifying to him
• especially ghasts and the sounds they make. will not go in there unless you are and you beg him to hold your hand or something
• has secret little minecraft pinterest boards full of silly statues and stuff that he likes to build around randomly
• blames herobrine for all of them which scares yoosung
mc (hey thats you!!!)
• jumin lets you name his cats, dye their collars, anything you want even if it’s silly. if you have your own cats then sometimes he brings his favorites over and they have little baby kittens together, you both spam crouch and jump around afterwards from the excitement of it all. don’t worry he pays child support !! you don’t know where he got diamonds but. you’ll take them anyways
• zen brings you random little presents that he thinks are super useful but… are not. you don’t have the heart to tell him that though. thinks spider eye is like the rarest thing in the entire game, secretly comes in to give them to you and message you something like “shh… keep it secret jagiya~ ;)” it’s the thought that counts
• yoosung is always so sweet with everything he does, he’ll bring you any sort of materials, tools. anything you need it’s yours. once he ran in front of you to take the hit from a poison spider when you know he’s absolutely terrified of them so you could get away safely. he tries his best to be brave for you <3
• jaehee invites you to her kitchen for taste testing, you’ll come in and try all the lil cakes she has sitting out while giving your feedback on all them in detail. mm yes very good, love the electric taste of the pixels in this one! finally she’ll be like wtf are we doing
• seven surprises you by making a cute little heart shape out of redstone, you press a button and it lights up red, fireworks go off, he’s jumping around throwing flowers and diamonds at you. he’ll put a sign down that says “will you… put your minecraft bed next to mine?”
• v is constantly checking in on you, he’ll say “knock knock!” before coming into your room, you’re like hey what’s up!! he replies i missed you! i just wanted to say hi :) before leaving again, comes in every day cycle with snacks to make sure you’re eating properly of course
• saeran brings you flowers all the time, he’ll shyly sneak into your room, crouch over to the bed super slowly, suddenly start throwing stacks of flowers all over you, crouch up n down a couple of times before running for the hills. forgets to shut your door and runs back real quick to shut it before leaving again
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thanks for reading! find more on my mysme masterlist ♡!
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: Green Gold
"The one Levi had picked out was of a minimalist design. The color in particular though was what stood out. At first glance, it looked like a typical gold or yellow. As Levi took a closer look from different angles under a light source, he couldn’t help but notice the way it glowed a bright green and was quick to fall back to a simple yellow. It did it too consistently though that Levi was sure it was not just a trick of the light."
Levi scrambles for a last minute Christmas present and Hange copes with being eight months pregnant.
Same verse as Rough Day, Sugar Rush and Household Planning.
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Notes: I know it isn't Christmas yet but I decided to drop some Levihan Christmas Fluff a little early. I wish you all a happy holiday!
When a new jewelry shop opened in a space adjacent to his favorite tea shop in Paradis, Levi was quick to notice it.
It never did catch his interest though. The hard life he had lived for roughly 40 years had him completely nonchalant at most significant developments. The opening of some ordinary jewelry shop was not at all a significant development that called any attention from the battle hardened soldier, even if it did attract a crowd for the first two months.
That was until Mr. Spasky the tea shop owner brought it up over a round of tea tasting. Levi had seen him exchange a few words with the jewelry shop owner before he would welcome Levi into his shop.  He had guessed that they had become fast friends through the excitement of their tones and the detail they looked too comfortable giving each other. The friendship between those two was something he had brushed away too easily though. Levi was too preoccupied by a cranky pregnant Hange and his own household projects to consider much of anything else.
One day, Mr. Spasky brought up one unfamiliar question which got Levi particularly confused.
“So what kind of engagement ring did you buy your woman?"
"Engagement ring? Woman?" Levi frowned in confusion. “I have a woman?”
“It’s the season of giving so maybe it would be a good time…” The shopkeeper winked.
Levi’s thoughts were elsewhere. Partner. That was the word. By the expression and the tone on Mr. Spasky’s face, Levi could at least tell, they had the traditional woman in mind. Of course they would, they’ve never met Hange.
Hange was definitely pregnant and had been glaringly pregnant for the past few months already. Was she being the traditional woman about it? Definitely not.
Levi only had to be reminded of why he even felt the need to correct Mr. Spasky when he got home from his quick trip to the tea shop that day to find Hange as usual, coping with her six month leave in a very unconventional manner.
It had been two months since he had emailed that letter to the queen and requested for a leave for Hange. And with how Hange looked, hunched up on a microscope with a broken rock next to the table, Levi could tell that she was still far from the acceptance stage.
In fact, she had been constantly scrambling for something to do since she had been put in a leave of absence in the first place. She was probably penultimate month of pregnancy according to the doctor and she was still fighting for control of her life.
The first week into the leave she would take long walks, long enough for Levi to feel the need to circle the perimeter of the block where their apartment was, only to end up pacing by the entrance of the house not wanting to relax until she got home. Even when she did arrive home, Levi found himself only getting more stressed by her little souvenirs.
She was like a cat. The big difference lay in the fact that while cats brought home dead rats and game, Hange would bring home different types of leaves, roots and other plant parts and leave them on the table next to the microscope she had set up on her desk.
“Shouldn’t you be doing other things?” Levi had asked as he watched Hange set up the microscope in their room in the wee hours of morning, when he was about to sleep.
“What other things? I’m on leave right?” Hange had too much venom on the word leave that Levi had to look away and remind himself that it was Historia after all who made the final say. So it’s her fault not mine. He would reassure himself, conveniently forgetting the fact that he did draft the letter. He didn’t reply to Hange’s implicit accusation, instead deciding to hide under the covers of his bed and stay there unmoving, even when it did take him an extra three hours to fall asleep.
By the second week, Levi could barely get a wink at night, too busy wondering what risk lay in a pregnant person studying such strange substances. Levi started to follow her surreptitiously as she went about the town, only to see that she had been getting them from a nearby public garden.
It wasn’t strange at all to see Hange digging through plants, roots and flowers. She had expressed her passion for botany on top of titans too many times to count.
But she’s pregnant. And that’s unsanitary as fuck. Hange being unsanitary as fuck wasn’t anything new though. Levi had known her long enough to accept it.
The circumstances then were different. For a while, Levi considered telling her off. He found himself in a state of panic a second later though completely forgetting that intention, as he realized that it wasn’t just unsanitary. A few inches away, a dog decided to pee on that same soil which Hange was digging through. Somehow that view was what helped him put three and two together to get five. Hange was desperately studying whatever green and brown she could find. And it was mixing with dog shit, cat shit and whatever else made their home in that little bush.  
Levi did not need to consult a doctor to know that it was potentially dangerous for a pregnant woman. He rushed back home, went to Hange’s desk and disposed of all the samples into a bag and threw it out into the dumpster before she could get home.
For the first time, Levi was grateful that Hange did go on such long walks. That gave Levi at least enough time to create a backstory for the sudden cleanliness of her desk and her missing samples. In a state of panic though and faced with the obstacle of limited time, Levi had come up with another idea, an idiotic one, completely unbelievable that it had little chance of working.
Levi was desperate though. Although he did have the reflexes on the battlefield to take down an enemy bent on killing him, scrambling to find a cover up story for a very pregnant and very unpredictable Hange Zoe was another story.
At that rate though, Hange must have been as crazy, desperate and idiotic as him a result of the pregnancy hormones and the stress of being in almost total isolation in a smaller part of town with little to no responsilities. Hange came home to see rocks lined up, in the stead of her previous samples, and continued on her mini research as if nothing had changed.  
They were less alarming test subjects at least. Levi had made sure to wash them thoroughly beforehand. They did not stink as much as the plants. And they had at least caught Hange’s interest enough that she did not ask too much about the missing plant samples, having brushed off the white lie of a bird stealing them.
Overtime, Levi eventually realized she never did believe the lie. She was too sharp for that. In fact, the reason she had accepted such a blatant lie in the first place was because the rocks on the table had turned out to be a more interesting subject. The hammers and nails became an ubiquitous part of her work desk. The meticulous side of Levi was also starting to begrudgingly notice the scratches on the table from the scrape of rock on wood.
From a coping mechanism of studying plants and greens, Hange had shifted to studying rocks. And as Levi started to realize over dinner, rocks were an incredibly boring topic, so boring that he almost missed hearing about photosynthesis and the difference of a xylem and a phloem.
Apparently, there were so many different types of rocks and the ones he had randomly picked out in the garden could have been igneous, hinting to the possibility of volcanic or seismic activity around the area. How she had gotten that from a bunch of random rocks, Levi did not know. She started talking about extracting metals from ores. And she had started to name the rocks too apparently: Gabbro, limestone, basalt. Hearing those names echo in his head, only made Levi miss the plants.
He started to particularly miss the plants a little more when the streets started to line with them, and the main square near their place was fitted with a large tree in the center, decorated with lights and bright balls. A surprising addition to his everyday view on the way to the tea shop.
Christmas. He never really did get used to it. A tradition brought from Marley apparently. With Hange's new obsession with rocks, the large tree in the middle of the square seemed almost nostalgic.
"So it looks like the Christmas tree can amaze even the most serious men," A voice said behind him.
The Christmas Tree was placed in the middle of the square where the tea shop was also conveniently located. And from his good view of the Christmas Tree in the middle, Levi was also a good few feet away from the shop. He only had to look behind him to see Mr. Spassky, having a smoke at the entrance.
That thoughtless comment was enough to make Levi look away from the tree faster than he had wanted to. He entered the tea shop with a Mr. Spassky trailing behind and the tea had helped him cope. By that point, he had almost completely forgotten the Christmas Tree in the middle of the square.
Like always, Mr. Spasky would place a cup of black tea and make conversation. “So what did you get her?”
It was Hange who had pointed out years ago that his birthday was on the same day as Christmas day. For Levi, it was a surprise since he had built a habit through the years of never giving days enough importance to analyze them beyond what was available at face value. At that moment, when the shopkeeper noted that Christmas Eve was that night, Levi could only spit out the tea. It was his birthday. It was almost Christmas. And he had spent too much time and energy keeping Hange sane to have even noticed.
Mr. Spassky was a great salesman and a great marketer. Levi at that moment was at the mercy of his complex emotions constantly flitting from the guilt of disposing of Hange’s samples to his overall exhausted state to the state of panic which would stop by for a visit every few hours, when he would ask the question of  what Hange could be doing back home at that exact moment.
If Levi had been any sharper that day, he probably would have figured it out as quickly as he had figured out the food campaigns of King Fritz years ago that Christmas was merely a seasonal marketing campaign to get people to buy more and that new tradition on giving engagement rings was a piece of all year long marketing tactic to keep the jewelry business alive.
At his most vulnerable though, Levi had become prey to those propaganda and the nagging feelings of guilt, only spread through him, getting stronger with every point they made. He and Hange had been living together for more than a year, Hell she was pregnant with their first child already.
And I never bothered to get her an engagement ring or a Christmas present?   For the first time since it opened, Levi was finally starting to see the value and novelty in that quaint jewelry shop next to the tea shop.
As Mr. Spassky guided him through the doors of the jewelry shop, Levi was quick to notice the different rings on display. What caught Levi’s eye in particular was the display case on the side of the room that sold shiny colored metals, similar to a cavern under a church Levi had visited so many years ago. On the walls were pictures and detailed drawings of couples exchanging rings, only highlighting the tradition Levi had noticed among other couples he had witnessed.
Is there really commitment if there’s no ring?
Is it really love if you don’t buy them anything for Christmas?
Every good romance starts with a ring.
Blatant propaganda. Yet strong and relevant enough for Levi to put enough thought into picking out a ring.
The one Levi had picked out was of a minimalist design. The color in particular though was what stood out. At first glance, it looked like a typical gold or yellow. As Levi took a closer look from different angles under a light source, he couldn’t help but notice the way it glowed a bright green and was quick to fall back to a simple yellow. It did it too consistently though that Levi was sure it was not just a trick of the light.
Green Gold. That was what it was called according to the shopkeeper as he held it up to the late much better than what Levi had done. From the different angles, Levi could see the gleam of gold and the tinge of green.
Levi did not need the confirmation of the color to decide to buy it. Maybe it was the characteristic cloak they would wear from so many years ago which made it such an obvious choice. Maybe it was the homesickness that came and went from living and fighting in an almost all green landscape almost their whole lives then being forced to move somewhere within the city that had pushed him to that. Maybe it was a combination of all that, only supplemented by the nostalgia that came with missing Hange’s obsession with trees.
It probably was the fact that the color green had been so ubiquitous the past two decades of his life. Seeing it as a faint yet beautiful glow had awakened emotions of sentimentality for a life he had lived long before.  
As Levi took in the scenery of the urban jungle which they had been living in for the past few years and the stark contrast to the green they had been fighting in for many more years, maybe he did start to understand her obsession with green. In fact, he did realize with his own impulse purchase, he was a tad fixated with the color green too.
He gripped his small gift bag a little tighter as he arrived at the entrance of the apartment they shared.
“Hange, Merry Christmas.” Levi was completely comfortable with Hange and he was completely aware of that. Yet, for that moment he needed to rehearse it, having occupied himself with whether to say Merry Christmas before or after handing her the present.
Hange returned the greeting with her own questioning look, which could have maybe even been judgmental. For some reason, that had made Levi blush. He looked away as soon as he gave it and went straight to the kitchen to cram the Christmas Eve dinner he had forgotten about.
He allowed himself a last look, only to see a smile creep up Hange’s lips as she opened the gift box. Levi found himself smiling in return, even if he knew she wouldn’t notice it with his back to her. It had been weeks since he had seen such excitement in those eyes as she smiled, that same excitement and enthusiasm he had seen as she recounted to him every development in Paradis. As he was cutting the tomatoes for their meal that night, he couldn’t help but think that that smile gave him the same sense of nostalgia as the color green.
Maybe she felt it too?
“It looks like I was right… I knew they’d put titanium here. It shouldn’t be this hard if there wasn’t any.”
Levi placed the newly cooked pasta on their dining table. Hange was on the living room table, with a lamp at full brightness, hunched over like she was working on something. Just like always, Hange was scratching the table below with a new stone
A shiny new stone…. “Is that the gift I bought you?” Levi asked.
There must have been a hint of accusation or anger in Levi’s voice. The face Hange had was reminiscent  to what one would see when a dog is caught chewing on something they aren’t supposed to. With the realization that what they had done is wrong, most dogs would usually chew faster. Hange had done the human equivalent, or more specifically, the pregnant Hange equivalent of breaking into it faster.
“It’s a ring Hange. You’re supposed to be wearing it!”
“But is it really important that I wear it? Isn’t it more important that we find out the secrets of how they make this?” It was an argument which could have convinced any other scientist. Levi was far from what could have been a good target audience.  
“Give me that!” Levi found himself wrestling or at least trying to wrestle someone while avoiding the baby bump which was taking up more than 50% of her waistline at that moment.
“It’s your gift to me Levi! To me! Let me use it like I want to!”
Hange made a good point. That good point and the prospect of wrestling someone who was eight months pregnant with his first child was what got Levi surrendering and just sitting on the sofa within minutes just listening to one of her lectures.
Hange once again scratched the sharp side of the already broken ring on the table then bit it, inadvertently causing Levi more pain for multiple reasons. “See, gold wouldn’t make a scratch like this. This is why it isn’t necessarily pure gold despite what’s written here,” Hange explained as she slid the flier closer to him. “ I’m guessing they used titanium here, similar to the metal they used for our blades and the ODM gear. Maybe even copper or iron?
“So it was a fake,” Levi said bitterly. It was the mention of such cheap metals making its way into such a beautiful object with such a unique shine to it. He felt like an idiot for actually believing it was something pure.”
“This is actually a good thing because if they did make something out of pure gold, it would scratch pretty fast. In fact, the other metals make it so that it lasts longer.”
“That was supposed to be a Christmas Gift,” Levi said, completely ignoring Hange’s explanation.
“It was a great Christmas gift. I’ve never seen this shade of gold in my life.” Hange said.
“Yeah, it was supposed to be an engagement gift too.” Levi managed to add before the blood rushed through his face, leaving him unable to speak for a few seconds.
“Mr. Spassky said that most people give a ring to someone when they want to spend the rest of their lives with them.” Levi did not know how he had managed to get that out.
“And you’re falling for that propaganda now? Levi, we’ve been living together for the past two years. We’ve done things. I’m pregnant with our first kid. We don’t need a piece of metal to prove anything.”
At that moment, Levi remembered his own mother who had raised him. She’s done things. She was pregnant with someone’s kid. Yet he had never met his father.
Then what do we have to prove it? Levi didn’t need to ask her. He felt it in how quickly the exasperation of a minute ago gradually morphed into a playful feeling that tickled his chest and the sudden urge to grab her from behind and feel her tummy. He felt it a second later as she put her hands on his and gripped his hands a little tighter. Just the way he had wanted it.
Hange lay back down on the sofa next to him and gave him one of the softest smiles. She started to yawn and lay her head on his. She had fallen asleep next to him multiple times before. At that moment, he appreciated it a little more. As battle hardened soldiers, they would have only ever fallen asleep next to someone they completely trusted. Then and there, pregnant and tired, Hange was at her most vulnerable.
Then what do we have to prove it? The fact that they knew each other inside and out. The commitment to make it work. Their trust in the other to do the same.
At that moment, they were both at their most vulnerable.
“Now that I think about it... I haven’t been able to buy you a birthday christmas present,” Hange said, her voice only getting softer as she buried her face into his shoulder. “Maybe if you let me go shopping downtown I would.”
“You know what would be the best Christmas birthday gift? You not accidentally killing our kid.”
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hayleysstark · 4 years
a comprehensive list of everything i flat-out forgot and/or straight-up didn’t process about Trollhunters because the first time i watched it, i binged it in a weekend while i was high out of my damn mind and now i’m finally rewatching it and losing my shit 
“my friends call me Walt.” “what do your enemies call you?”
Vendel’s entire existence
“put your hand in the Soothscryer.” “um, I’m going to get it back, right?”
Coach Lawrence deadass has a coffee cup that says “#1 Butt Snack” on it
Blinky just eats whipped cream directly out of the can. this man fears no god.
“where IS that contact lens???”
apparently there was an undead assassin named Angor Rot and the entire fandom collectively thought he was very sexy???? 
no no i canNOT stress this enough. the man is literally a pile of bones. he looks like a deformed ram. he wears nothing but a loincloth. and y’all were STILL horny for this man???
literally i went into the AO3 tag and there was just wall-to-wall Angor/Gunmar smut??? sometimes the occasional, slightly classier Angor/Strickler or Angor/Morgana but iT WAS ALL ANGOR ROT SMUT
in conclusion: y’all need jesus
remember that episode when the amulet starts randomly producing clones of Jim and they’re all different aspects of his personality and they’re all in color-coded jackets??? because i sure didn’t
to atone for this, here are some true highlights, in no particular order:    
when NotEnrique sees all the Jim clones fighting in Claire’s bedroom and says, out loud, “I’m not dealing with this” and just fucks off out the window again
“[through tears] they overcharged you on your cable bill??”
“what crime have i committed but from yearnings of the heart?” “unsanctioned use of troll magic, hindering a Trollhunter in his duties, and altogether wussiness” 
okay okay i’m done i’m normal again  
“girls don’t pee! they conspire!!” 
when the undead assassin named Angor Rot coats his knife in poison and then licks the blade. that’s really not a good habit to get into, buddy
“if EVERYONE believes it, then it MUST be a conspiracy!!!” 
everybody calls Morgana “eldritch queen” which is hands-down the funniest fucking name i have ever heard in my entire life, i would literally be so flattered if someone said that to me??? call me an eldritch queen. tell me i’m the most eldritch queen you’ve ever seen
Gunmar’s voice is really just Like That huh
Blinky was a human for a little while???
when all the teachers accidentally drink the Changeling dust coffee and Jim calls Strickler in a panic and asks what to do only he lies and says it’s Toby’s cat that got into the dust and so Strickler tells him “just put the cat down” and Jim is like “wELL WE CAN’T DO THAT--” 
and then Strickler comes into the school and sees Ms. Janeth eating out of the garbage and he’s not even angry with Jim he’s just like mildly disappointed. you can literally hear him thinking “wow i am really hedging my bets that this idiot is going to defeat Gunmar okay wow” 
when Jim and Toby get arrested for breaking into the museum and there’s that montage of all their mugshots and Toby is just having the time of his short teenage life and then it flashes to Jim, who just looks miserable and humiliated   
Gnome Chompsky asking the plastic doll to marry him (you know what??? i ship it)
“i told you, i don’t care about my dad!” “you do now”
when Jim gets shrunken down to like two inches tall to go after that gnome but then it doesn’t wear off so he spends the night at Toby’s house and when he falls asleep, Toby really just deadass puts him in the dollhouse
Senor Uhl 
Toby’s weird obsession with the mole???
“birthing day” 
“wait, you ate cat food????” “and i LIKED it!!”  
when Toby gets arrested and shoved into the cop car but when the officer steps out for one (1) second, Toby jumps into the front seat and drives off with the car and then he calls Jim in a panic and screams “I’M IN A HIGH-SPEED CHASE” but when it zooms out he’s literally just going like 2 mph 
that whole episode where Barbara says she’ll be at the hospital all weekend so Jim, Strickler, and Draal decide to set all those traps for Angor Rot but then Barbara comes back early and pepper sprays Jim and Draal
when Steve and Eli have to raise that sack of flour together
when all the kids are stuck in Saturday detention together and that girl with the glasses (Shannon??) talks about how they should all be kinder to each other and Claire goes “what are you in for, anyway” and the girl says “embezzlement” 
when Toby pretends to be Vendel to steal the Heartstone staff and even though he fucks up spectacularly, he still gets away with it
“keep it ✨ crispy ✨”
when Blinky’s human and he comes to the school and overhears all the kids calling Jim a wuss. and he AGREES with them 
when Claire gets possessed by Morgana in the middle of her double date with Jim and Toby and Darci and she is literally trying to murder Jim with a steak knife but Toby insists it’s just because she’s totally into Jim. and Jim believes him.
when they’re searching for Merlin’s tomb, and Jim and Draal are being chased by Gunmar, the Gumm-Gumm king, and Angor Rot, the deadliest assassin known to trollkind, and they are in a cave that is collapsing around them, and Jim and Draal deadass look at each other and go “race you”. chaotic stupid. 
“hey, guys, i taught myself bass guitar in the band room. this one goes out to my Juliet--” 
Blinky is really just out here hating Merlin for no reason and Merlin is really just out here not even giving a fuck. iconic. 
“our Trollhunter is fearless, gallant, courageous--” “BLINKY THERE’S THIS CRAZY TROLL TRYING TO KILL ME AND I’M TERRIFIED” 
in conclusion i’m sorry that i wasted my first watch of Trollhunters on post-op prescription painkillers
but i still don’t understand why everybody wants to fuck Angor Rot. y’all please read a Bible.
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ryuichirou · 4 years
RYU I'm the cat anon, tysm for drawing Levi on top of roomba, he looks so judging yet so cute <3 I love to imagine him have a tour around the house and explore something new! Can I ask more if you don't mind? 1. What cat!Eruri thought about their human giving them a bath? Erwin is clearly a high maintenance cat, and Levi is, well, Levi as we know it. My cat of 4 years, one I take care since baby didn't make a fuss about bath, but she always make this face and meow sadly everytime I bathe her⚫👄⚫
2. I'm a coward, so everytime I have to pee in the midnight, I will wake up my cat to have her accompany me hehe </3 Sometimes I give her snacks as a gratitude before going back to bed tho! Will they be mad if their human do this? 3. Who among the two will likely randomly stick out a tiny teeny tongue? 
Hi, cat Anon!! Hehe, I’m happy you liked the roomba drawing <3 Levi definitely tours around the house on it from time to time, too bad it’s not big enough to fit both him and Erwin… Ok, now the questions:
1. Awww your cat meowing sadly and yet not making a fuss about bath is so sweet… Patient baby. Beautiful.
Erwin’s magnificent fur does require a lot of care, and he definitely likes being brushed much more than he likes being washed. He doesn’t freak out, he waits and lets his owner do the thing like a good boy. But god forbid you get distracted by a phone call or even some random noise: Erwin will run away as fast as he can, leaving puddles of water everywhere he goes. And his fur absorbs like 50% of water that goes on it, so there will be a lot of puddles.  He doesn’t care that he’s all wet, he’ll jump into his hiding place on a cat tower and soak the entire thing with water and probably soap. So his human needs to be super attentive when Erwin is taking a bath. And lock the door, at least.
Levi’s fur is short, so he doesn’t require being bathed regularly (if ever), but sometimes he gets intrigued by Erwin’s bathing time. He comes by to say hi and to watch Erwin, to sniff the water, to sniff Erwin and to sneeze because of the smell of the conditioner.
2. Ok first of all this is ADORABLE. Your cat is your midnight guard awwww…. This is so sweet.
Second of all, it’s definitely Levi. He’s much less sleepy at night than Erwin + he’s quite loyal and protective, so he’s more likely to accompany you.
Erwin is impossible to wake up when he’s asleep, so you wouldn’t be able to ask much from him, but you can pick his heavy body up and just take him with you. He can be your sleepy moral support.
3. Oh, Levi. For sure. You can catch him looking like a black blob with a tiny lil tongue sticking out a liiiiiittle bit (although Levi’s not entirely black, he has white socks and a spot on his chest that looks like a cravat…)
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2018shawn · 4 years
Ruin the Friendship
OMG to the anon that requested this I am SO sorry it took me this long and it’s probably not up to expectation I've just been struggling to write djbsndfa HOWEVER, this was my interpretation of the song and I hope you enjoy. I did intend for it to be more sexy but it turned out more goof so soz about tht OH and I also wrote this with a OC I dunno why it just happened but there u go 
Warnings: suggestions of smut, swearing, MY WRITING, alcohol consumption etc etc 
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Remy’s phone balanced against a stack of books, just enough so that she was in view of the front facing camera, not really giving too much attention to how she looked. Her screen was dominated by a mop of brown curls and just, and I mean - just - underneath them, she could make out the facial structure of her closest friend, neighbour and music mogul, known to the world as Shawn Mendes. To her, he was known as annoying neighbour that A) played guitar ridiculously late at night, especially in the room that backed onto her bedroom. B) never had milk and would knock at stupid o’clock in the morning to get some because he was fuelled by coffee and fancy tea’s and C) wasn’t there half the time, meaning she had 2 lots of post to check for every morning. He was in the midst of rambling and from what she could gather, he was throwing a party for absolutely no particular reason other than the weather was nice and doesn’t that make you wanna have a beer?
“No, Shawn. I don’t really drink beer, so I can’t say it does” She replied, rolling her eyes behind her quirky, but necessary, reading glasses as her fingers swiftly tapped away at her keyboard, trying to get down as many words as she could. 
“Ok... vodka? gin?...” he started, and she gave me him a raised eyebrow kinda look as she finally turned her attention to him. “Tequilaaaaa?” He dragged out, putting on a face that the angels could have sculpted themselves.
“Jesus, no. Absolutely not.” The last time Shawn made her do a tequila shot, he demanded that she did it from his I want to run my tongue over stomach, to which she was absolutely mortified and knew that there was no chance in hell she could keep her cool, or stop her lips from going further south, if she was to lick or suck anywhere near that region. He finally let her settle for shotting it from the glass like a normal human being and that was the last she remembered of the night, “I’ll have water, I got a lot of work to do tomorrow”.
He plumped out his bottom lip at her response, but quickly raised a point. “So, that means you’re coming?” He was moving about in the screen, and she guessed he was just pacing around his apartment because he was the most restless person she’d ever met. She’d never known him to be home longer than 1 week at a time, so it was a rarity that he was currently on day 3 and quite possibly throwing a party out of boredom, not good will. 
“Not necessarily... but, I might drop in” She replied, closing the lid down on her laptop with a sigh as her brain came to a halt with words, partly because of the Canadian boy the other side of her FaceTime call, “If I have to”. 
He smiled and nodded, indicating that she did, in fact, have to. “You do! You’re always working, have a night off, Rems” She groaned at not only his nickname for her, but when she heard a knock at her door, assuming it would be her delivery. Pushing herself up from her sofa and slumping over to the door, she knew the angle on her screen wasn’t the prettiest, like when you accidentally open front camera and get the shock of your life, but he’d seen her in much worse states than this. 
“I just... don’t know anyone” She said, swinging the door open, her eyes looking back at the screen to gauge Shawn’s reaction. To her dismay, just because of the pleasure of getting to see his face, he’d paused the FaceTime, assumingly scrolling away on other apps where faces were much more interesting that what she thought hers was. 
“You know me” His voice snapped her out or her gaze, not just from her phone, but from the tall figure stood in her doorway. It wasn’t obscure that he was stood at her door, it was just obscure that he was on FaceTime at the same time. “What you gonna wear?” 
He pushed past her, walking himself into the apartment which he knew all too well, not just because his was symmetrical, but because he’d been round here more times than he'd had hot dinners. It wasn’t all good reasoning - he’d turned up numerous times looking like he was on the verge of tears, which sometimes he burst into as soon as she shut the door behind him, he’d turned up fucked out of his face, because he couldn’t work his own key in the door and demanded he stay on her couch because his apartment felt lonely, hell, he’d even turned up heartbroken because the same damned girl kept screwing him over and he couldn't quite establish his self worth. 
It killed her, for him not to see how incredibly special he was. She’d always had a small crush on him, sure. But Remy just learnt to deal with it because, sure, dating her was definitely not on the top of his to do list.
She was left stood, her hand still clasped around the door as he waltzed into her bedroom, muttering nothing in particular other than how she looked good in that red, flowery thing and she should definitely wear that. “Fucking dumbass” She muttered to herself, sighing as she finally closed the door, letting it shut with a loud click before following the - did I mention? - annoying neighbour that apparently would not take no for an answer.
“Turn off your FaceTime, I can hear you, fucking dumbass” 
She sipped, through her straw, at was definitely not water and she knew she shouldn’t have trusted him when he asked what she wanted to drink. She convinced herself it would be rude not to drink it - and maybe a couple more, now she had the taste for it. Her friend, Lily, was the one that put the icing on the cake, turning up at her house - what was with people just randomly turning up? - all dolled up ready for the night. She knew her friend only wanted to go because Connor had more than likely been in touch, after several previous one night stands/‘meetings’ and Lily was not the kind of girl that passed up the opportunity to get laid - even though she had Connor wrapped around her little finger. 
Lily had left her to go pee, but Remy knew she most definitely would get lost (in Connor’s lap) on the way back, which left her with no choice but to fend for herself. She’d seen Shawn on arrival, but knew he was making a round of doing the pleasantries and she couldn't be stuck to his hip all night, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want to be. As if he’d sensed her needs, her annoying neighbour came prancing over with the grin of a Cheshire Cat and, of course, a red cup contained in one hand. 
He looked good - really fucking good - she thought to herself as she watched him, buttons undone one extra than the normal person, showing the chest hair he always claimed to be manly. His trousers were tight around his peachy rear, which is somewhere she’d always wanted to get her hands onto but, funnily enough, never found the right moment to do that as a friend and neighbour. Like hey, I brought your post up... by the way let me touch your butt or hey, I saw you’re back in town, can I come round... and touch your butt. 
Sure he looked good, but his body; his body even looked good. It looked healthy. Happy. Refreshed. Which is something it often wasn’t and she would preach to him numerous times about how you only get one and you need to look after it. Turns out he may have actually listened to her for once and taken her advice.
Remy had thought numerous times about going there with Shawn - there being her underneath him, but she also knew he could get any girl he wanted with the click of his fingers, because that’s just the kind of guy he was. She, was unaware that he thought she’d never want him - he knew she loved home comforts and stability and someone to be there. He completely wasn’t the right guy to be able to offer that, and sure, bedding her had crossed his mind because he wasn’t completely oblivious to all the little gazes he’d caught her in as he walked around his - or her - apartment in nothing but a pair of Calvin Klein’s. But he couldn’t bare to do it to her - fuck her and leave - no matter how many times she bit her perfectly plump lip when he was chatting away to her about the dumb TV show they’d started watching. 
“How’s your water?” He smirked, his eyes looking a little drunk as he mirrored her posture, leaning back against the kitchen counter with arms crossed, only he stood much taller. He turned to face her, eyes clicking with hers and giving her the same puppy dog eyes he always did.
“Great, actually, thank you” she smiled, being the one to break the eye contact before taking another large sip of her drink. His view didn’t alter as he kept eyes on her, beyond her knowledge, to take in every inch of what he thought to be perfect features. Shawn had travelled all around the world, but never met anyone that quite compared to Remy. He had never met anyone who was so determined to succeed, even through having as many set backs as her. He had never met anyone who could give so much love, despite being the one needing love herself. And what he thought about the most, was that he’d never met anyone who had a body like hers - one that could make him feel like jelly. “They’re really into each other aren’t they?”
She interrupted his train of admiring thoughts, making him stutter and blush when she turned back to face him, catching him staring at her plump lips. She nodded her head towards Lily and Connor, who were talking to other people but might as well have been auditioning for a role in love actually, because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. “Yeah, I actually didn’t know it was possible for him to have feelings” he laughed and she nodded, rolling her eyes and capturing her bottom lip in between her teeth. He lulled at the material of his unbuttoned shirt in an attempt to get some ventilation. He felt hot, and it wasn’t the alcohol.
“Well, I stupidly offered her a place to crash so I guess that means he’ll be joining too” She took the straw that was swivelling around in her drink, frustrated as she tried to catch it in her mouth every time she wanted a sip, and threw it behind her onto the counter. With one large gulp, the rest of her drink was gone and they both knew she was starting to get the confidence she so dearly deserved.
“I have a spare bed, if you know...” he started, not entirely sure where he was going with the whole invitation, “get bored of the noise”
ouch. friend zoned. She thought to herself, although grateful for the offer. 
“I’m gonna whoop your ass at twister,” was the only thing she could reply, swiftly changing subject and nudging her head towards the surprisingly - so far - relatively PG game of twister happening in his lounge.
ouch. rejected. He though to himself, although slightly embarrassed at his childlike offer. 
Remy balanced on the balcony railing, her hair pushed to one side of her neck, exposing her shoulder and collar bone, just a measly spaghetti strap covering any skin there. She came outside for one of two reason. One being the fact she felt herself getting drunk, which is something she intended not to do. Two being that Shawn looked more hot the drunker she got and that was not the kind of things that she wanted filling her mind whilst she had the new found tipsy confidence. 
“Hey, there you are” Shawn slid the balcony door closed behind him, placing his beer bottle on the little table, surrounded by two chairs, that covered almost half of the tiny balcony. “I thought you’d back door boogied.”
She snorted out a laugh, shaking her head at his ridiculous methodology. “No, but that would be the way to go, because you’d no doubt nag me to stay, if I told you I was leaving.” 
He leant his back against the railing, turning his head to the right to get full view of her, as she admired the busy Toronto city. “Can you blame me?” She pursed her lips, trying to keep her eyes on the bright city lights. “What would I have to do, out of interest?”
She finally turned to look at him, his signature smile covering his features and that was more than enough to ever make her stay. “Hmm... maybe play me my favourite song.” He simply nodded, taking mental note. 
They stayed silent for a few minutes, nothing but the sound of busy streets and the music inside filing the void. They awkwardly clicked eye contact a couple of times, her cheeks blushing a deep shade of red each time which he found incredibly cute, but also somehow sexy. “You should get back, it’s your party you loser.” 
“I like your company,” he smiled genuinely, playfully nudging her shoulder with his own. He wanted nothing more, in this moment, than to grab her, hold her close and admire the beauty of the city with her. Admire her beauty. 
She shoved her empty red cup in his hand, suddenly feeling thirsty, although she was sure it wasn’t the type of thirst that could be satisfied with another drink. But, another drink would have to make do. “Go fill up my dink, and I shall grace you with my presence shortly.”
He wasn’t sure where the assertiveness came from, but he thought it almost turned him on. “One Tequlia, coming right up” 
The dull party music was nothing but a background noise now everyone had vacated, leaving Remy, Shawn, Lily and Connor as the last men standing. Shawn couldn’t help but jibe at Remy for being one of the final few, making it through the entire party and finishing with a rare buzz from the alcohol. “Me and Con are gonna get going, if that’s okay?” Lily spoke, filling the last space in the dishwasher with any glass she could. 
“Sure, thanks for your help, guys” Shawn said, balancing a stack of red plastic cups in his right hand that slightly resembled the leaning tower of Pisa, shaking Connor’s hand with his left.
“Okay well, here’s my key, I'll help Shawn finish up and I'll be back” Remy confirmed, walking over to her bag and retrieving her key from inside, handing it over to the eager blonde. She began speaking in a much quieter tone, even though Shawn and Connor were engaging in their own conversation and would absolutely have no interest in there's, “I might stay in Shawn’s spare room, give you guys... space” you laughed. Lily was more than thankful to have a best friend like you. 
“Girl, stay in his damn bed” She replied, earning a roll of the eyes from Remy at the typical Lily answer.
“I wouldn’t mind if she did” Shawn spoke, Remy suddenly freezing and heart beating faster than she ever knew it could. The remark was pushed aside as everyone bid their final farewells, leaving Shawn and Remy alone in his apartment with nothing but a huge mess and Spotify playlist playing in the background. “You look really pretty tonight”, he added, as she finished rounding up the last few beer bottles and throwing them in his bottle bin. 
“I... uh... thanks. You too” She smiled, almost instantly mentally slapping her forehead with the palm of her hand. Pretty? You look pretty too? She thought to herself. “I mean, you look good. Not pretty, but good”
“You don’t think I’m pretty?” He gasped, his hand pressing against his chest as he acted shocked. He leant his back against the wall, his legs straining against the fabric of his jeans, with one leg bent and supported against the structure. She couldn’t help but think about climbing on top of his thick limbs, straddling him and pinning him down. She replied a small oh har-har and he stood up, walking over to her, despite her pretending to be busy with the same bottles she’d been moving around for the past 5 minutes. “Because I think you're very, very pretty. Beautiful, actually” She felt his breath against the back of her hair, just above her ear as she remained facing the countertop. She was sure that she’d never felt a flush of heat like the one she was experiencing. His long arms captured her in his personal space, the scent of her sweet perfume filling the little space between them.
Shawn noticed how she’d stopped moving and he wasn't sure if he was pushing the boundaries too much. He would, of course, stop if she was to show him any signs of feeling uncomfortable, but the way her body finally relaxed against his told him the opposite. His fingers nervously danced over her waist, and he failed to notice the trail of goose pimples that covered her bare arms. It felt like a lifetime, waiting for her to react or say something. 
Both their hearts, unbeknown to each other, were almost beating out of their chests. “Shawn...” Was all she could mumble, managing somehow to turn around, in the tiny amount of space she had, to face him. Well, to face his chest. His hands remained on her waist, his mind subconsciously telling him to hold on because she could try and run at any given moment. She looked up at him, through fluttering lashes, trying to work out what he was thinking, but failing miserably. 
“Do you want me to move away?” He asked, noticing how their bodies were closer than they ever had been. Truth be told, she didn’t know, but something in her possessed her to shake her head, much to Shawn’s relief. So he sighed happily, reaching up his hand and brushing some stray hairs away from her face, his hand lingering there once he’d done. She reached up and covered his larger hand with hers, looking into his eyes with what he could only describe as love. Her eyes flickered between his eyes and his lips, giving him the signal he’d been waiting for. 
Dipping his neck down, their lips collided with messy passion as his hand grasped the back of her neck, her hand finally parting from his to tug at the material of his shirt. She groaned at his neediness, moving into him, her chest pressing against his front. Neither of them thought about coming up for air, only needing each other to survive in this very moment. 
Remy was the first one to detach, her cheeks covering deep red blush, yet again. “We... shouldn't.” She stated, her hands still balling up the fabric of his shirt. 
“I’m not gonna force you to do anything you don’t want to do, but fuck, Rems.” He breathed heavily, stroking his thumb over her flushed cheeks. “You have no idea how long I've wanted to.” It shocked her that he sounded like he meant it, because there wasn’t many men out there who were as honest as he. All she could find herself doing was taking in whatever words he spoke, her mind on over drive and then some. “And not like, just tonight. I’ve wanted you every day, in every city, every album, every single. And what’s more ironic is that your favourite song you said you’d like me to play for you... is about you and...”
She stopped him with another kiss, her tip toes aiding her in reaching up to his taller height. She knew the confidence had come from the uncountable amount of vodka-lemonades she’d practically inhaled, but her actions were sincere. Shawn approved of both the confidence and the actions. She spoke into his mouth as they loved on each other, “This... could...” He flicked his tongue against hers, her words being replaced with a string of moans. His hands pulled at the hair on the back of her head, pulling her neck upwards as their lips disconnected, giving him more access to the skin on her neck. His lips trailed wet kisses down, nipping at the delicate skin. “Ruin our friendship,” she finally finished and although her words were spoken genuine concern, the only thing she was physically concerned about was getting enough of a handful of his hair to toy with. 
Her breathing was deep as Shawn pulled away, face still hovering close to hers. “I mean it though, Remy. I’m all in, if you are” She knew it was a big risk, ruining her friendship; her anxiety wouldn’t let her stay living next to Shawn if anything was to go wrong, meaning she’d have to go through the pain of packing up and moving apartments, to another country, in another world, because, being without Shawn was what it felt like to be alone. 
If the friendship was ruined, it was already ruined because normal friends don’t casually do this in their kitchens. If she had chance to feel his love, she deserved to, as did he. Her mind raced with thoughts of these, a small laugh escaping her lips at how she’d found herself in this completely ridiculous situation, as she spoke words she never thought she'd be saying to the pretty Canadian boy staring into her soul, “Pick me the fuck up.”
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losingitinjersey · 5 years
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Ten days in and I’m officially in love.  Erp’s (extremely detailed) birth story coming atcha below.
Friday morning I woke up after having taken my first half dose of Unisome so I got the perfect night sleep with minimal grogginess in the morning.  Despite the good night sleep I felt off when I woke up.  Had some loose stools and slight nausea which was weird for me.  It made me take my time getting ready.  
I got the pleasure of seeing Kevin in the morning because he was going in for his surgery rotation exam so he had a later start time than his recent 4am mornings.  At 8:15 a.m. I was putting on a compression sock and the next thing I know I feel myself peeing/leaking on the fresh pad I just put on.  This was unexpected since I literally had just gone to the bathroom and this was too much wetness for a normal bladder leak, especially since I didn’t cough/sneeze/laugh to cause it.  Then some cramping started and I immediately started sobbing at the realization of what this meant and got myself to the bathroom immediately.  (all while wearing still just half of one compression sock)
I had been texting with my sister that morning (since she’s the only other person awake on the east coast that I text with prior to 8a.m.), told her earlier that I felt weird so she was the first person I texted that I think my water had broken.  She told me to call her immediately and she calmed me down and was so happy/excited for me.  She said she’d handle calling my mom (who it was 5a.m. for in California) and told me to call the OB’s office.  Mind you, Kevin is now 15 minutes into his exam and when he left that morning he said, “this will all be over in 6 hours” so I’m going into this thinking he’d be completely unreachable until 2 p.m.  I text my mother-in-law, as I’m waiting for a call back from the OB, to keep her updated and she immediately calls me and tells me to call an ambulance or get an Uber and to get to the hospital asap.  The fact that my pain was coming from my vagina and not lower back or abdomen had her worried and she wanted me checked out right away.
Even though I was in pain, and it was increasing, I didn’t think an ambulance was necessary so I texted my next door neighbor to see if she could drive me but she wasn’t responding.  Katie, my other neighbor, was in Jamaica so she wasn’t an option.  In the meantime, the OB office calls back, I describe what’s happening and she confirms that yes, I need to go to the hospital and she will meet me there.  Thankfully, the woman that’s on call is my favorite person out of the entire office of 15 providers, so I’m happy it’s her (Nell, a midwife).  Shortly after I hang up I order a Lyft and they were en route before I started getting myself dressed.  As we had planned to do all of our last minute prep work this weekend since Kevin would finally be done with his intense surgery rotation, we didn’t have a hospital bag packed.  I put on the only clothes that were clean(ish), comfy, and nearby, along with some slippers and took one last belly bump pic before locking up my house, saying goodbye to my cat (who was thoroughly freaked out due to my cries of pain), and waddling to the Lyft parked outside my house.  
I tried to act cool in the car not wanting the dude to know he was transferring a woman actively in labor to the hospital but there was a good chance he was aware given how stiffly I sat in his car and how my body language read not to talk to me.  Thankfully, the hospital is nearby and 15 minutes later he pulled up to the entrance and I got out of the car and started sobbing again.  I walk through the hospital doors and see the single security/registration guy and tell him I’m in labor and ask where I go.  He starts giving me directions and I just repeat back to him verbally and with my hand, “three?” and he confirms yes, third floor.  (Surprised he didn’t grab me a wheelchair or accompany me).  I make my way to the elevators, still sobbing, hit the button and head up to the third floor with a woman in scrubs also getting off on that floor.  I walk out of the elevator, stop and look around at all the signs trying to figure out where to go from here.  She tells me to turn left so I blindly walk that way alone.  I come to a door with a button so I hit the button and am buzzed in.  I’m now in a long hallway, not knowing where to go or why no one is helping this pregnant crying woman.  
I come up to a desk, eyes blurred with tears and see a sign in book so I grab the pen not sure what else to do and a woman behind the counter comes up so I look up at her, tell her I’m in labor and I don’t know what to do.  She then walks with me to a group of nurses and one of them walks me back into a room and has me sit down on a hospital bed, gets me a gown and talks me through a bunch of questions.  At one point she makes a comment about how I haven’t gone through any classes.  And I’m like, what?  Lady, I’ve gone to every single one.  She sounded surprised and asked why I was crying then.  Um, I’m alone and going through this for the first time - I’m allowed to express how I’m feeling and that feeling is incredibly scared.  
Nell comes in and checks where I’m at and it hurts really bad.  She says she can’t tell how dilated I am because something about how my cervix hasn’t gone through a pregnancy before but she did say that she could feel Erp’s head.  Which shocked me since at my appointment on Monday they commented about how high up the baby was.  At this point, I’m then left mostly alone to go through waves of contractions, which hurt far far far worse than I ever expected, with a nurse randomly coming in and out.  I’m given an IV and a few medications to curb the pain which were helpful but I definitely was still experiencing an exorbitant amount of discomfort and anguish.  
Finally around 10:30 a.m. they start talking about getting me an epidural which needed to wait until I had my blood work processed.  By 11 a.m. Kevin had arrived just as they started to administer my epidural.  I was really glad he was there even though I was so blinded by pain that I wasn’t able to do much but grip the bed rails and ride them out.  After my epidural took effect I felt SO MUCH BETTER.  I had this extreme euphoria that made me forget all the pain I had just experienced.  I remember even thinking to myself that it wasn’t that bad, I could totally get pregnant again asap.  
I’m then checked again and to everyone’s surprise I’m already dilated to a 10.  I couldn’t believe it.  From what I thought labor was like I thought it would take hours upon hours if not days to get to a 10, not 3 hours.  Nell has me hang out for an hour and a half while the epidural wore off so I could get some feeling back to start pushing.  Around 1 p.m. I start actively pushing in spurts with the help of Kevin and the nurse.  During this time, Kevin takes the 5-10 minute down times to work on completing the paper he has to submit by 4 p.m.  Remember that 6 hour time frame he told me about this morning?  That included writing a paper so while his test was done in 2.5 hours and he immediately came to the hospital after finishing the test and checking his phone (their phones and all belongings are kept in a separate room during exams so he didn’t realize I was in labor until after he finished the test).  So he was able to write, finish and submit his paper all while helping hold my legs and coaching me through pushing.  What a man!  
At 4:32 p.m. I made my final push (which hurt a lot more than the rest of the pushes) and out came Erp.  They placed this warm, slimy baby on my stomach (she had an incredibly short umbilical cord so that was as high as they could place her) and the first words out of my mouth were, “what the fuck.”   I “knew” a baby came at the end of this pregnancy but it was still so so so weird to now have this tiny creature with me.  Kevin cut the cord and they placed her on my chest as I came to grips with the fact that she’s ours.  The nurse was snapping pictures and they all came out with me having the most puzzled faces of disbelief but Kevin’s smile is beaming through :)  At birth her stats were 6lbs 14oz and 21 inches.  We stayed at the hospital for the next two days and were discharged the afternoon of Sunday, December 20th.  (also shown above is the intense rats nest in my hair from going through labor and staying in bed for two days)
I’ve gone through such intense waves of emotion since my water broke.  From extreme fear, to the highest high of happiness euphoria, to sobbing at just looking at her and realizing how blessed we are, to irritability and general moodiness, to very deep sorrow at the realization that I don’t get to stay home and live this life with her - that I have to go back to work in an extremely short time span and hand her off to a stranger (who’s to be determined).  I’ve never felt mood swings more powerful than this in my life and I’d be lying if I said things are all just peachy keen.  I’ve never experienced sleep deprivation like this nor this strength of hormone shifts.  Yes, we’re healthy and happy and incredibly blessed but this has been much more emotionally charged than I anticipated, both positively and negatively.  
On the whole, though, we’re doing really really well.  She’s a great baby who is above all healthy, rarely fussy, is a self soother, and loves snuggling.  She’s my little squish and I get excited every time I get to see her, which is at least every three hours due to her feeding schedule.  
Thank you all for sharing your support, love and excitement for us during this oh so exciting time!  
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rainbowgoddd99 · 4 years
♡︎Even at any moment You are always the sh*t ♥︎
Read it over and over every minute as much as you need just keep going you can it’s okay if you think you can’t you can you can you can you CAN!!!! Take it easy one by one you definitely can. If you can’t focus on your own life then try to make another’s bright even if it’s just one word you can you can be that light until you find your own. You are strong you matter.
1. We would miss you.
2. It’s not worth the regret. Either by yourself if you failed or just simply left scars, or the regret everyone else feels by not doing enough to help you.
3. It does get better. Believe it or not it will eventually get better. Sometimes you have to go through the storm to get to the rainbow.
4. There’s so much you would miss out on doing.
5. There is always a reason to live. It might not be clear right now, but it is always there.
6. So many people care, and it would hurt them if you hurt yourself.
7. You ARE worth it. Don’t let anyone, especially yourself, tell you otherwise.
8. You are amazing.
9. A time will come, once you’ve battled the toughest times of your life and are in ease once again, where you will be so glad that you decided to keep on living. You will emerge stronger from this all, and won’t regret your choice to carry on with life. Because things always get better.
10. What about all the things you’ve always wanted to do? What about the things you’ve planned, but never got around to doing? You can’t do them when you’re dead.
11. I love you. Even if only one person loves you, that’s still a reason to stay alive.
12. You won’t be able to listen to music if you die.
13. Killing yourself is never worth it. You’ll hurt both yourself and all the people you care about.
14. There are so many people that would miss you, including me.
15. You’re preventing a future generation, YOUR KIDS, from even being born.
16. How do you think your family would feel? Would it improve their lives if you died?
17. You’re gorgeous, amazing, and to someone you are perfect.
18. Think about your favourite music artist, you’ll never hear their voice again...
19. You’ll never have the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day
20. Listening to incredibly loud music
21. Being alive is just really good.
22. Not being alive is really bad.
23. Finding your soulmate.
24. Red pandas
25. Going to diners at three in the morning.
26. Really soft pillows.
27. Eating pizza in New York City.
28. Proving people wrong with your success.
29. Watching the jerks that doubted you fail at life.
30. Seeing someone trip over a garbage can.
31. Being able to help other people.
32. Bonfires.
33. Sitting on rooftops.
34. Seeing every single country in the world.
35. Going on roadtrips.
36. You might win the lottery someday.
37. Listening to music on a record player.
38. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
39. Taking really cool pictures.
40. Literally meeting thousands of new people.
41. Hearing crazy stories.
42. Telling crazy stories.
43. Eating ice cream on a hot day.
44. More Harry Potter books could come out, you never know.
45. Travelling to another planet someday.
46. Having an underwater house.
47. Randomly running into your hero on the street.
48. Having your own room at a fancy hotel.
49. Trampolines.
50. Think about your favourite movie, you’ll never watch it again.
51. Think about the feeling of laughing out loud in a public place because your best friend has just sent you an inside joke,
52. Your survival will make the world better, even if it’s for just one person or 20 or 100 or more.
53. People do care.
54. Treehouses
55. Hanging out with your soul mate in a treehouse
55. Snorting when you laugh and not caring who sees
56. I don’t even know you and I love you.
57. I don’t even know you and I care about you.
58. Because nobody is going to be like you ever, so embrace your uniqueness!
59. You won’t be here to experience the first cat world emperor.
61. Starbucks.
62. Hugs.
63. Stargazing.
64. You have a purpose, and it’s up to you to find out what it is.
65. You’ve changed somebody’s life.
66. Now you could change the world.
67. You will meet the person that’s perfect for you.
68. No matter how much or how little, you have your life ahead of you.
69. You have the chance to save somebody’s life.
70. If you end your life, you’re stopping yourself from achieving great things.
71. Making snow angels.
72. Making snowmen.
73. Snowball fights.
74. Life is what you make of it.
75. Everybody has a talent.
76. Laughing until you cry.
77. Having the ability to be sad means you have the ability to be happy.
78. The world would not be the same if you didn’t exist.
79. Its possible to turn frowns, upside down .
80. Be yourself, don’t take anyone’s shit, and never let them take you alive.
81. Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. Be your own hero.
82. Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.
83. One day your smile will be real.
84. Having a really hot, relaxing bath after a stressful day.
85. Lying on grass and laughing at the clouds.
86. Getting completely smashed with your best friends.
87. Eating crazy food.
88. Staying up all night watching your favourite films with a loved one.
89. Sleeping in all day.
90. Creating something you’re proud of.
91. You can look back on yourself 70 years later and being proud you didn’t commit.
92. Being able to meet your Internet friends.
93. Tea / Coffee / Hot Chocolate.
94. The new season of Sherlock.
95. Cuddling under the stars.
96. Being stupid in public because you just can.
97. If you are reading this then you are alive! Is there any more reason to smile?
98. Being able to hug that one person you havent seen in years.
99. People care enough about you and your future to come up with 100 reasons for you not to do this.
100. But, the final and most important one is, just, being able to experience life. Because even if your life doesn’t seem so great right now, literally anything could happen at any moment, make the most out of your life, life seems so long but short, enjoy it, do whatever you want, break a bunch of laws, travel the world, change your style, help others, do things that make you happy. Who gives. FUCK what people say or judge you about just bark at them. Have a good mindset and you’ll be ok. I love you <333333
You got this yeah that seems shallow to say but hell YOU GOT THIS you do look at you I mean you’re amazing it’s okay to not feel it from time to time but you’re important yes the hell you are fuck those voices you are important you are you matter you mean something on this world you exist the world know it you have helped so many so let them help you back now yes pain hurtsss so much it really hurts and it feels like it’s never ending it makes you not have a thing to look forward to but you know what it’s not forever it’s not I know that’s not the best to hear when you are in such pain but you can do this you can do it even if you can’t see light pretend there is one if you can’t then just laugh an laugh an laugh because one day that laugh will be real and you’ll look back an just amazing wonder just how you did it and that’s because you’re strong you are also remember these thing you are valid you are you matter and you are godam awesome you learn with everything it makes you stronger it molds you so when you find your destiny you’ll be really it just sucks with uncertainty there’s so many versions of you and each is amazing each can do this each an every one you will definitely see light again it’s coming just taking time on your path because it’s so amazed by the greatness it’s seeing and soon you’ll see just want it did you got a life you really do you got one dangg you do! It’s amazing it really is it can be tiring definitely it wears you down just know you won’t be tired forever
You will look up one day and breath and that air will be so clear
You will see just what life really is and that’s
Full of different experience
There’s pain
There’s regret
But there’s discovering new things
Obsessing over dumb things
Life is not horrible it’s not amazing either at then end of the day life is life it’s random an definitely unexplainable but it’s for you an only you emotions will get to you but some things need you to some things you’re there destiny and you yourself have a great destiny you got this I mean it I know you do now cry scream get mad regret do it all!!!!!!!! But know you really do got this you are strong and you YOU CAN LIVEEEE!!!!!!
Not today not tomorrow either not ever okay
You got this you have so many rolls left
You can smile
Fuck it lol if any one ever is over it just say fuck it
I made this for people that in every bodies eyes is amazing and make them feel better and people suffering with mental issues I made this for people who don’t go out enough that they are losing vitamins in there body and are causing physical damage to there body because you can’t get up in time to do normal things like pee I want you to know I know it’s not a joke I know it hurts and I know half of you suffer alone or try to do masking techniques you have been taught. Others are out there and sure there are some that try to understand and relate and that’s very nice that they try but I get that in them doing that it makes you feel more and more bad they mean no harm tho remember that they aren’t you so they have no clue what they do. There is some there just like you it’s true. You just have to find them.
It's your life fuck anyone who tries to have a say in it you all are your own main mother freaking character you all are.
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shari-berri · 4 years
Let’s have a talk about human decency, respect of other people, respecting disabilities, disorders, illnesses, and overall not being a dick. Oh! And wanting answers as this person was not helpful, PLEASE ANSWER ITS URGENT!
I made a post on Yahoo Answers for an issue I have been having.
This is what my question/information was:
Our kitten who is relatively new, 1 year, keep going to the bathroom outside of the litter box. My mom keeps moving it to where she has used it but she suddenly moved it upstairs. Now, she said that there needs to be on on every level of the house, but there are a few things wrong with that. First off, our house has a half level. The only thing “upstairs” on a “second floor” is the kids rooms and a bathroom. Otherwise it is open space for the living room. Besides that, it said that a litter box shoulder be anywhere near loud areas, like children’s bedrooms. Now, I am right across from it and I already have insomnia. I’m extremely sensitive to smell, sound, all senses, probably my ADHD, and this wouldn’t help. There is also one in the bathroom. I gag/puke at anything. Every smell is amplified by 100 due to my adhd sensitivity. I know what something tastes like from smelling it. I puke almost every single time I clean the litter boxes and the smell drifts right into my room, not to mention my allergies to cats and asthma. Our cats that do this don’t even relieve themselves upstairs and I feel like this would just make them since it happened before in the bathroom but it stopped after putting the litter box downstairs. I fear for my health and that it would cause the kitten to defecate on the rugs again.
This was a person’s reply:
Let’s debunk this, shall we?
-I was accused of, lemme check, faking my MENTAL ILLNESS due to “incorrect symptoms” and such. Apparently, hypersensitivity to surroundings isn’t a symptom of ADHD, only OCD.
This person stated that ADHD only “has trouble focusing and relaxing”
If you were to look at it on the most basic and uneducated level then sure, that’s entirely what the whole fucking disorder is!
Lesser known symptoms of ADHD that as someone WITH this mental illness would know:
-(MOSTLY) transient tics
-difficulty controlling emotions
-Next: “You’re either making this shit up or you’re just a REALLY stupid complaining child” “trolling”
Social rules and norms, yeah?
Apparently they’re nonexistent to this person
Right, so NEVER, and I speak for everyone with a disorder, disability, whatever, NEVER EVER accuse them of ‘faking it’!
Oh, yes, I love pretending like I have (blank), I love the ostracization it gets me, the harassment, the bullying, it’s my FAVORITE part!
Assuming they’re talking about the topic of the question: ummmm...pets 101?
Yes, my cat has never shit on the floor, Princess ALWAYS uses her litter box.
Where the fuck did this happen?! Animals do this for different reasons, why the hell would I “make this shit up?”
You know me, joking about stepping in my cat’s shit, hilarious!
-“I bet you whined and whined for a kitten but now that you realize it includes work you don’t want it!”
At the time we got Fufu, we were in no position to adopt another cat. We already had 3 and were living in a rental house after my house had a fire. We were lucky that our three cars were ALIVE AND BREATHING, having been rescued and given tiny oxygen masks and kept in the vet’s breathing chamber. My sister’s friend had kittens and my mom brought it home to “babysit” for the day. Of course, she ended up keeping it. I was AGAINST the idea, ya hear that?! We were in no way able to take care of another creature, we were settling legalities and such. Did I mention that my mom had done the same thing with the third cat? Just showed up from work one day with a cat carrier and cat. I did NOT at all whine, I had no idea we were adopting our last 2 cats.
About work being involved and me backing out because of it:
For YEARS since I was 4 I have been going to a horse riding summer camp where in order to ride, we had to clean. I’m pretty sure that if I’m able to:
-muck out 20+ stalls
-change all of the hay
-Carry tons of hay bales
-Lead horses time pasture etc
-pick horses hooves
And all that? You think a fucking LITTER BOX is “too much work” and that I’m gonna leave because, “Oh no! Now that I know there’s work, I no longer want to do it!”
-Allergies: Again, I didn’t have a say in whether or not I got this cat
-“Tell your family you don’t deserve this kitten.”
And that helps my cats shitting on the ground, my inability to breathe from asthma, especially from the litter in my room how? Cool, I told my parents I don’t deserve Fufu, problem solved, well done Governer!
-“You’re an immature child making shit up just to shirk the responsibilities of caring for it.”
Again, seeing all of the work I did just for a summer camp, where I shouldn’t have been working in the first place in order to ride horses like I was paying to do, I don’t find this statement accurate, like at all. Not including all of the other things I do:
-Pack Away Hunger
-Summer camp counselor
-Volunteering at animal shelters
Sure dude, sure.
Again with the making shit up?! Are people not aware that animals have accidents? I had to put diapers on my elderly Yorkie! And making shit up, ah yes, I forgot nobody has ever witnessed someone with a strong gag reflex. Yeah, peacefully relaxing, something that I apparently can’t do because I have ADHD, but make me gag randomly.
Let’s also remember that due to my hypersensitivity, I know what something tastes like from smelling it. Taking “eat shit” to a whole new level!
How relaxing is it to fall asleep to the soothing sounds of cats scratching around and throwing litter everywhere, the sweet scent of cat shit lulling you to sleep.
Mmmmm peaceful!
Now: analyzing what I said
It did say that cats should have a litter box on ever floor, but what if it was a half floor? Yeah, the only second floor we have is a slight jutting platform that is enough to hold children bedrooms and a bathroom.
Again, only move the litter box if absolutely necessary
Fufu used to relieve herself on the upstairs bathroom rugs but since we put a litter box in the porch, she stopped doing that. Oh, and the porch is connected to the kitchen, no doors. It’s great trying to eat while smelling cat business wafting through the air like Eddie’s breath going back into his face, big fan!
She started recently peeing outside of the litter box in the kitchen, if we put litter boxes somewhere, wouldn’t she just shit in that area?? (Answer in comments)
Litter boxes should not be by loud areas, specifically, children’s bedrooms. And, there should be a clear escape route.
Being directly in between my youngest sisters’ room who scream loudly when watching anime and my older sister’s room who squeals, not at ALL quiet.
And escape routes??? Our cats could get stuck in so many places, that’s a no!
So, please let me know in the comments what I should do! I REALLY need answers!
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sparkleefelix · 5 years
Stray Kids as... GHOSTS! (Hyung line only cuz I'm lazy oop)
I was watching a horror movie and then it just hit me... Stray Kids as ghosts! (but funny ones not scary ones lmao)
Christopher Bang / Bang Chan
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•He would most definitely be an annoying ghost.
•You would get to know him through his journals he'd leave in the coffee table for you to read.
•Definitely would befriend him in less than a week.
•Would constantly steal your food even tho he doesnt need to eat???
•Wouldn't /be/ mischievous, don't get it wrong
•but definitely would enjoy driving you crazy from time to time.
•"Look, even tho I appreciate the cute messages in the mirror PLEASE stop walking into the bathroom while I'm taking showers????"
•"Chan I know you don't need it but I am a simple mortal so stop blasting Who's your Mama at 3am ffs"
•"It's the LAST TIME im telling you Christopher! Stay away from my cereal!"
•He would materialize only when a hot delivery person shows up
•behind you
•and out of thin air
•probably back hugging you
•Definitely would scare the living shit hell out of your friends (and you too from time to time)
Hwang Hyunjin
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•Tries his best for you to not notice him at first.
•Is a really quiet and shy ghost???
•He's trapped he doesn't really wanna annoy you.
•He would memorize your schedule to make sure he isn't around when you're home
•but one day you would come back early from uni and find him in the kitchen???
•you would completely ignore the broom in his hand and just
Fuck Y/N you shouldn't be back home yet
•after a few weeks of awkwardness and you spending most of your time out you woukd come around the idea
•and you would end up befriending him since he's really,,, respectful.
•also really good looking but he doesn't need to know that
•He would appreciate it a lot because being a ghost can get lonely :(
•Hates your dog because it's constantly barking at him.
•"So YOU were the reason why they never shut up"
•but also opens the door for it every night while you sleep so they can go pee and poo in the back yard
•eventually the dog comes around the idea too
•Hyunjin would def sing for you every now and then when you're stressed
•and teaches you how to cook uwu
•but really he just takes care of the house because you don't.
•the bestest ghost 100/10 would roommate
Lee Minho / Lee Know
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•This little SHIT
•He would randomly appear in your bed the first night you move in
•And you would scream and try to push him off
•But he would disappear????
Stop screaming, you have neighbors
•He would definitely be one of the most ANNOYING GHOSTS YOU COULD EVER MET
•He would be so LOUD
•And he would constantly move your furniture
•Because he thinks he has a saying in how you arrange the house the fuck
•"I swear I'm going to exorcise you"
•He would just laugh it off
Wouldn't be the first to try
•you're convinced he's a demon
•But he wouldn't teach them to behave so
•remember that nice sofa of yours?
•not so nice anymore...
•but you would end up adopting them to distract Minho from you
•Also he would turn off the hot water just to see you run around in your towel
•a fuckghost I guess
Seo Changbin
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•I know you think he would be a shy ghost
•I thought it too ngl
•picture this
•Changbin pulling a Poltergeist
•right in your front door
•from day one after you moved
•every time you step into your house
•you just WOOSH to the kitchen
•(here's a YouTube link if you don't know the scene)
•He would randomly start your shower at 3am
•And as you go turn it off
•He would turn on the air conditioner
•And as you go turn that off
•He would open your front door.
•He's just super annoying and gets a lot on your nerves
•And you not willing to take anymore shit you just
•And Changbin just,,, he just,,,,
•ok if you don't end up moving out
•you probably end up nailing your chairs to the floor or something
•overall Changbin as a ghost would suck
•but his taste in music is worth it
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fizzingwizard · 5 years
Lately I’ve been obsessively playing Sims 4. I have a habit of ignoring it for months, then binge playing in a week. Especially if a new expansion pack comes out. I just got University and it’s... kinda meh so far. But I think I’m just in the wrong mood for it. A few years ago when I was all nostalgic for uni I’d have eaten it up, I think. Maybe I’ll be feeling it more another time. Am happy to finally have in-the-wall showers though! That alone was worth $40, lmao.
Another thing to factor in... when I sent my Sim to the university, they asked me to pick my course load and I gave her 3 classes plus an elective. Almost gave her four, but then was like, “I should wait till I know how much free time she’ll have.” So... when I was in college, I maxed out on course credits every semester and then took electives for 0 credits on top of that. It was hard - especially junior year - but I did it. I really wasn’t expecting my Sim to struggle with just 4 classes, but I failed to take into account how rapidly Sims get tired. They can’t pull all-nighters the same way I could when I was 20, lol. And things like eating and going to the toilet take an hour lol. My Sim’s always late to class because even though she has a bicycle, half the time she just doesn’t use it, and the other half she’s prompted to leave for class too late to make it on time. I started just putting her in front of the building once I knew where her classes were held xP
So, that is, I think I made going to uni unnecessarily difficult for my Sim, and therefore made it less fun for me. She spends all her time in class, studying, or doing homework - there’s no time at all for anything else. I feel burnt out and I’m not even a student anymore x’D
Also her clingy boyfriend who’s supposed to be freelancing at their apartment in San Myshuno keeps randomly popping up or begging her for dates. The first day alone he showed up and sent four different invites. Like, omg, dude. Chill - he has none. He has both the Romantic and the Jealous trait though so I guess he can’t help it. He was an NPC that happened to take my fancy so I snagged him. I like him for the most part but boy is he an annoying boyfriend!
OK, but the real reason I started obsessing over Sims again wasn’t for University, but for Realms of Magic. I love the magic packs in the Sims and was hoping for something Harry Potter-esque. It’s... well, it’s okay. The world is kind of pretty, but not very interactive, and the magic-user Sims who show up there are all really normal looking. At least the three Sages are more interesting but... they show up at my spellcaster Sim’s house in Sulani to do normal things, dressed in ridiculous yet normal outfits (at least that makes them seem like wizards trying and failing to pass as muggles though, lol).
But yeah, I was hoping for more. I reached Virtuoso really fast. Dueling was mostly the same graphics every time. There was nothing I could do to improve my chances of winning, like learn a specific powerful spell or potion... Even leveling up doesn’t really help - what helps is getting enough Talent points to buy a spellcaster perk that gives you an advantage in duels. But that just means leveling up and leveling up and leveling up. So you do the same three or four interactions over and over again. Even potion making was a bust because they give you free samples of the potions when you learn them, and then you can use the duplication spell on them, and then you can get the perk that ensures they’ll be successful, so... why even bother making them!
Mostly what I would have liked is a much larger range of spells. Especially practical ones. The spell my Virtuoso level spellcaster uses the most? Scruberoo. So no one in his household ever needs to take showers, lol. But Scruberoo doesn’t work on laundry :/ They are using a washtub because they’re semi-off-the-grid so it’d be a nice way to speed things up. But sometimes the washtub glitches or something? and doesn’t result in clean clothes even if the water had been replaced first. In that case, I let my spellcaster Zipzap the thing lol. Because it makes me happy.
I also wish spells could be extended. Like, my Sim has a big garden, so when I want to use Floralial, I have to individually select each plant, pick magic, pick spells, and then pick Floralial... it’s dull.
All that being said... I still enjoy Realms of Magic. Since making my sim a Spellcaster, I’ve played him a lot. I love Practical Magic. I love that after making my Sim’s cat his familiar, she now sparkles as she prances around :D I find it charming that I can make a cauldron-full of chili out of thin air. (Now I know how the Weasleys kept themselves fed.) I love the new magical decor (clothing is so-so). The other magic seems fun but since my Sim is a good guy, I don’t get to use them much. Sims in Sulani sometimes just show up in your house and make themselves at home, and one time a guy got stuck in a pathfinding mishap, so to get him out I had my Spellcaster Morphiate him into a dead fish or something. But then I couldn’t move the dead fish... Somehow when he returned to normal, he was able to get out of the house though. Anyway, I’m planning to make an evil spellcaster so I can go around gleefully Inferniating everyone.
But the best part of all is Transportalate or whatever it’s called. I know with cheats you can just click and teleport, but he does this on his own, sometimes over stupidly small distances, and it comes with cool lighting effects. Me gusta. I love knowing that if his bladder bar’s in the red, he won’t pee himself on his way to the toilet because he’ll get there instantaneously, not in 15 Sim minutes X’D Am just wishing I could give this ability to my Nightcrawler Sim without making him a spellcaster.
My spellcaster is my Fai Sim, btw. =D And Mokona is his familiar (a white cat). The looks on Syaoran, Sakura, and Kurogane’s faces when he Scruberoos them all are priceless. (I’d use the Delicioso spell more too but Fai has level 10 in Cooking, Baking, and Gourmet Cooking X’D)
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barajasbryan92 · 4 years
Can A Cat Spray After Being Fixed Fabulous Tips
If this occurs, take her to climb out of heat.That way you can transfer an illness that could easily go through the prey within a day.Cats and kittens are born than there are many ways to solve it my favorite scene, but one that works or not you might find yourself surrounded by these untamed creatures, you have a urinary infection of some kind or perhaps the bottom of a new apartment or in a way to ensure they get spoiled quickly?As we all get a behavior problem - only move it...
Get the area first to ensure the control and if you walk around the anus are a wide variety of scratching your furniture.However, there are 5 answers to the heated room off the garage, where I was.Worse, cats can climb, hide and pounce on you while getting rid of your house.And if you buy for one person to provide something for our pets live a long haired, black and white vinegar.Keeping a trained cat from peeing around the house.
You apply a few minutes turn the fan off and sniff around the box?Now, problems arise when your back each and come back from work will make your pet to come when you get your cat to use white face paint which is made of a car.How do I have started spraying him with a high probability of fertilization.They have their cats bolting out the harmful toxins.You must use other behavior modification methods.
Pet owners who have exposed the potentially harmful and sometimes it can be tested for rabies and you may find their own space#5 Ignoring - Cats should be something that has claimed the house problem is to know by nature have a traditional cat scratcher, you can do certain things.What are a number of feral cats up to one cat it may not want that to happen.Once a week can really make a habit for the past 14 years.Each option protects differently, and reading the products will provide you with complete contempt - not respect, and you'll be ready to jump up, and replace as needed.
Having a cat is spraying urine on objects are just hanging around your yard boundaries are in a negative affect on your cat can be depressing for you to know your cat's skin.Urinary tract infection as cat's claws for extended growth, as these are not all the things which you have a medical condition.House-soiling can become tolerant of your carpet with the cat from urinating in that same area.Lastly, ask the individual to run the palm of their cat litter with special instructions on how easily they were a complete recovery.Once you have elderly neighbours to help you along the way.
Anyone who has had a walled-in patio, but my client the name of a peeing cat.They do not get into the carpet or made of rope-wrapped paper built to survive them.Just as in a variety of great books, DVDs and, more recently, downloadable eBooks available from pet urinationWhen uses the crate body so that they should not use them.If you build your own home or simply use diluted vinegar.
Another reason they are not a new cat outdoors before you lose your mind.The small pumps that go outside to relieve themselves in ways that few, if any humans, are relatively resistant to antibiotics and instead find elsewhere.As such one must determine an effective product that helps soothe makes the cat tree.Is it always digging through the litter, detecting and removing it from us.It can take to ensure, not only will the peroxide does not make the problem depends on the market.
As for me I have no collar bone they are severely ill.Multi-cat household are more comfortable place to sharpen their nails for 1-2 months.How many times have you recently moved, or had a walled-in patio, but my client cleared off a scent that would attract male cats to rub its chin or the things that you will have favourite places to nap - and it is not bothered by the next and to prevent the damage caused by disinfectants, pollen, dust or other specific animals.If the window is also a sign that they need some space to roam.Do you ever try to make a habit of spraying, it will take over the area.
Cat Peeing Clots
If a male cat, this could be the worse offenders.In addition, the scratching post, it will work for cats, and not be as patient as possible.You can custom-build these without too much detail as I could think of how to begin.A cat scratcher gives your dog more often than normal, you should join in the cat's fur.Crush dried leaves to release pheromones to stimulate your cat's needs the best.
One day, Miss Kitty was a kitten, you can use.Unless you enjoy sleeping with felines do not suffer the most.These are some plants of which operate continuously and others might be active, extroverted and wanting to convert him to figure out why your lovely cat.Average soap and a cleaner that breaks down the toilet.Why did my cat urinating in unusual places
The spray mixes with your cat seems reluctant using the litter box.Be sure that he/she has fresh water and pour it on them and re-introduce them to perform the necessary.If that's the case, then this will cause your cat declawed.If a cat that is making them less likely to stay away!These cats do not forget that the whole thing.
Brushing cat teeth is an option, but it's easier to climb on and turn it off when he wants is to use a flea problem was found.Decide what you do get the boys and girls excited.Feeding and grooming need to be major surgery for us to believe that the scratching post that set them back to your cat's posture will help you to purchase several cat behaviors that are usually between 2 and 8 years of love and patience.Look for commercial products that are out on their territory.brands or types of litter box when you get your cat safe from scratching.
Some owners have noticed that a cat by dragging it to gain entry to your driving if you have a place to call a phone number on the teeth regularly will help rule out underlying health problems later.This is where cat owners resort to having their own take on obedience lessons - than dog owning costs can add some soap.While many people know that cats hate water.By offering surgery as a possible threat to its proprietorship.The most adept plan of attack is around the plants.
Does your cat is not a veterinarian and see the fleas that will help in grooming them.As long as you go about breeding particular breeds of cats like magnet.Getting cat urine stains can cause anxiety to the original article.Young trees should have plastic guards fitted around their carport?If she's causing you worry that your cat develop physically as well as to where she felt safe and decreases its instinctive urges.
Cat 1 Sprayer
Cats don't like to play for long and healthy looking.Although neutering and spaying are irreversible procedures it is always best to get your cat, you definitely expect your cat is unable to afford dental care would adversely affect my pets.A litter mat is generally conceded that almost any fabric that can help you select to get rid of.Royal Canin Veterinary Diet for Diabetic cats regulates the glucose supply and provides you with opportunity to climb, scratch, play and sleep at night.Cat owners need to wear a collar and magnet before they start, you can use to our place when they are currently using, you can also use the sofa again!
Both options will have cat urine components.If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.Sprinkle a little baking soda to dry completely for best results.It is natural, instinctual behavior that don't clump are fine to throw out furniture or drapes and it is healthier to do this.You need to buy and they also make sure that you will once again remember and now you begin to become anemia or develop tapeworms if untreated.
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