#Chapter 1052
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brave-symphonia · 4 months
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Can't help but view this scene as a big "fuck you" to transphobes denying Yamato's gender.
And that's wonderful.
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fallensnowfan · 1 year
I’m rewatching Alabasta this week and it got me thinking about part of Croc’s plan. Control the water, control the people.
Kaido and Orochi did something similar, though to an even more severe degree. Poisoning the rivers, limiting water to those outside of the Flower Capital, including the baths, and so on.
Two lines about water I find interesting when contrasted are Queen’s about how humans can drown in just two inches of water. And Denjiro’s metaphorical line about women having someone be the water at their roots to be their most beautiful. It presents water as a resource that can be used in so many ways, depending on the will of the one using it.
To Toto in Alabasta and to the people of Ebisu Town inn Wano, even a small amount is seen as invaluable.
Two more uses of water I like during Wano are: Raizo saving everyone with water he only was able to get by leaving Wano, or more generally by accepting help from outside the closed country.
And Kiku being free to accept Nami’s offer to enter the bath that was previously restricted. Nami, a pirate from outside the country, being the one to offer Kiku something that she wants ties into some neat ideas about access to water being a stand in for more general freedom during the arc. Also it’s just a very lovely interaction.
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every-caesar · 2 years
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oh no not jerma
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chenziee · 8 months
Fly, little bird (away from everything)
Written for the wonderful @opmarcozine! So happy and honoured to have been able to take part in this project 💙
I wrote one more fic for the digital add-on which is much, much lighter than this ahaha If you fancy yourself some silly pineapple flambe and jealous kittens, stay tuned for later this week! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Last chance to grab yourself a copy!
The one time the Whitebeard Pirates had visited the Land of Wano, it was a peaceful and beautiful country. Marco still remembered the lush forests of Kuri, could smell the aroma of the giant koi being grilled over fire, could hear Kin'emon scolding Oden for wanting to leave. It was a great place; the stories Oden, Inu, Neko, and later Izo had shared with the family were all fun and happy.
With the isolation policy, they all assumed the country was still the same. That Oden had made his way back to the country after Roger's execution and was now busy being a terrible Shogun—having more fun than governing, giving Kin'emon and Denjiro grey hair while Toki did nothing but encourage her husband.
They had no reason to think there was anything wrong with their brother (or uncle?) and his country.
But then the news reached them.
Watching Pops' almost permanent wide grin freeze and eventually disappear was never a good sign. Honestly, a skirmish with some stray Beast Pirates who thought picking a fight with another Emperor was a bright idea wasn't a good sign either but Pops going from relaxed to shocked to angry was in a league of its own.
"What's going on, yoi?" Marco asked as he rushed towards the group dealing with the mess.
When Izo turned to look at him, Marco startled at the sight that met him. Izo's lips were pressed into a thin line, his jaw clenched. His brow was furrowed so deeply that his carefully applied make-up was creasing and the look in his eyes was… full of fear.
Marco took a deep breath, his gaze darting between Izo's twisted expression, the looks of anger on his other brothers' faces, and Pops, who had stood up to his full height with Murakumogiri in hand, his grip tight as he glowered at the pirates in front of him. Haki was vibrating in the air when he finally spoke up, his voice resounding around the Moby Dick with a commanding tone that would make even the greatest Neptunians quiver.
"Kaido's ruling the Land of Wano? What's that mean, squirt?" he asked.
"Exactly what I said," one of the Beasts said, voice full of fake confidence even as he visibly shook in fear.
Dead silence followed his words. Everyone could imagine what it meant.
Carefully, tentatively, Marco raised his hand, placing it on Izo's shoulder. When he didn't immediately shake him off, Marco squeezed lightly, hoping to remind his fellow division commander that he wasn't alone. Marco wasn't sure if that was enough… but he didn't know what else to do for him right then.
It seemed like a pointless question when Pops demanded to know what happened to his little brother; Marco was sure they could all imagine Oden's reaction when he had learned Kaido put a pawn on the Shogun's throne and took control of his homeland. Oden might have hated the isolation policy but he loved his country and its people.
Letting go of a shaky breath, Marco tried not to imagine what Oden's last moments might have been like. He simply squeezed Izo's shoulder tighter.
The man stood still for a moment longer but then he finally shook Marco's hand off and stepped forward.
"What about the retainers? What happened to them?" he asked, voice carefully measured.
"The castle burned down. There's no way anyone survived," the Beast answered after a reluctant pause.
Heavy silence settled over the deck before Izo turned around, his coat swishing behind him as he walked away. No one dared follow him.
"Toss them overboard. I don't care what happens to them," Pops announced, sitting back down in his chair to signify the matter over.
Marco didn't wait around to see Jozu leaving their lives in the mother sea's care. With one powerful wave of his wings, he rose up high to the air, soon leaving the Moby Dick behind as he shifted into full phoenix form and took off to nowhere in particular.
It was moments like this that he was grateful to his devil fruit. The ability to just up and leave when he wanted to clear his head or just needed a break—that alone was worth the threat of drowning in a puddle. Maybe he should take Izo up here once the gunman sorted out his thoughts.
Once Marco sorted out his own.
He wanted to go back; he wanted to go to Pops and demand they turn the ship around and go to Wano to free their family's country, to get revenge… But he wasn't stupid. He knew it was impossible—not without putting countless lives in danger and not without the World Government getting involved. After all, this wouldn't be just a matter of two rival crews fighting amongst themselves. This would be an open war between two Emperors.
It was simply not going to happen. Pops would never agree and Marco himself wouldn't easily make that decision. Maybe if Oden was still alive, if they were sure Izo's sister was alive… it would be different. But as it was, there was nothing to gain, Marco knew.
He knew, but that didn't stop him from wishing they could just go and do it.
And so he merely waved his wings, rising higher still.
­­Looking at the large stones in front of him, Marco wondered if it was possible for tears to run out. It had barely been a week since Marineford, the wounds still fresh, still tender, still so damn painful... and yet, Marco's eyes stayed dry now. They stayed dry despite the cold, hard reminders within an arm's reach; reminders that he would never again hear Pops' laughter, never again find Ace sleeping on top of his own medical records and setting them on fire.
It almost felt like the gravestones were mocking his inability to cry anymore.
It didn't come as much of a surprise when quiet steps approached him before a delicate hand came to rest on his shoulder.
It took a long time for either of them to speak, time filled with mutual understanding and mourning for the ones they had lost. But finally, Izo's soft whisper was carried by the breeze to Marco's ears. "Thank you for being here."
At that, Marco snorted. "Shouldn't I be saying that in this situation?"
"Maybe. I just wanted to say it," Izo replied, his tone lighter but every bit as serious as it was before and Marco's shoulders sagged.
"I'm sorry. This is the second time we let your family die," he muttered.
Izo clicked his tongue, letting go of Marco's shoulder to instead whack him over the head. "Shut up. Neither what happened in Wano, nor this was your fault. We all did what we wanted in the end. Including Pops and Ace."
"I know," Marco sighed. "It's just hard, yoi."
"It is," Izo agreed quietly, his hand landing back on Marco's shoulder to give it one last squeeze.
Marco huffed, a small smile finding its way to his lips for the first time in days. "Thanks, yoi."
"You know where to find me," Izo said before he took a step back.
Marco briefly wondered whether he was that predictable or if Izo was simply that perceptive but he decided not to dwell on it. He let his arms be engulfed in blue flames that soon formed into fiery feathers—soft, warm, and familiar, turning his arms into powerful wings which could carry so much weight… but which still couldn't carry the future of the crew.
But if he let them… maybe they could at least carry the guilt and leave it somewhere far above in the clouds. Maybe turn it into rain to replace the tears Marco couldn't shed anymore.
"I'll see you later," Marco only said before raising into the air, Izo's nod nothing but an afterimage as he took to the air, just like he had done years ago after they had learned about Wano’s fate. Just like he had done countless times in the past few days.
As he rose up, higher and higher, he was surprised by how much lighter he felt now; it was like he was leaving behind not only Izo and Whitebeard and Ace’s graves, but also a large portion of the weight that had been sitting on his shoulders for days—months, really; ever since Thatch was killed—and which had been keeping his wings from spreading fully.
It would probably never go away but maybe, just maybe… it would become easier.
And he would never have to take to the air to mourn ever again.
As he soared through the skies of Wano, Marco couldn't help the wry smile pulling on his lips. What a naive wish he had made two years ago.
There was no one to comfort him now; no one to squeeze his shoulder and smile encouragingly. Izo was gone, just like Pops and Ace and so many others.
But Marco… kept soaring.
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[no arms and no wins]
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hydine · 2 years
I've reached One Piece Manga chapter 1052
My strawhat babies are ok 😭👍🏼♥️ That last stretch of the raid was so gripping and nerve-wracking, I feel infinitely lighter now 😭
Momo looks hella great as an adult! Nami should have some sense and play nice with him for the future 😏
Chopper hugging Zoro, and Yamato hugging Luffy as they woke up was so cute
Also, Yamato not eating until Luffy and Zoro woke up 😭♥️
I still don't like Hiyori, pls don't come for my head
The bath scene was weird, because of exactly two characters, and I do not mean Kiku and Yamato, because I love Kiku and Yamato
I wanna hug Bepo and Chopper, they probably soft af and I need that rn
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renee-writer · 2 years
Call Me Josh Chapter 20
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“It seems like we have a new Rabbi on the scene.” The reporter says, “He, known as simply Joshua, made quite a scene at the Bethlehem Pennsylvania city park yesterday. Sitting on a hill, with his devoted audience listening from below, he delivered a several hour discourse on the Torah and God. This network had a reporter on scene who recorded the message. Let’s play some clips.”
Joshua sits on the hill, smiling as he talks about love, worship, prayer, and other topics.
“In studio today, we have Rabbi Leary to discuss Joshua and his message. Welcome Rabbi Leary. What do you think about what you have just seen?”
The older man, straightens his yarmulke and looks at the camera, his eyes firm. “I think the little rebel needs to do some more Torah study. His carefree attitude towards something as sacred as Torah is a disgrace.”
“He seemed to be talking about love. That isn’t a bad thing, is it Rabbi?”
“Of course not! But God has given us His instructions in Torah. How we interpret His commands isn’t up for debate, especially not from a young man who is still in school. If he wishes to learn, he needs to finish his schooling and then I would welcome him to one of my many Torah schools. Until then, he is a danger. Out there confusing the people. He even had non-Jews in that group! Inexcusable!”
Other networks also cover Joshua’s first major sermon. Other commentary is more forgiving. But no one finds complete agreement in what he says.
They want to bring him into their various studios for interviews but he turns them all down. He wants to address the people face to face. He wants to be where he can touch them.
Walking down the streets of his town, his friends behind him, they draw a crowd. They are all around them. Suddenly, he stops. His eyes scan the crowd.
“Josh, what is?” Simon asks.
“Who touched me?” Simon laughs.
“Josh, we can barely walk because of the crowds. What do you mean, who touched you. Everyone is.”
“No, this was something else. Someone drew Power out of me.”
A woman steps forward. The crowd let’s her through. “It was me, sir.” She admits. Her eyes are downcast, her hair lays in tangles on either side of her face. “I have struggled with ovarian cancer for years. No treatment works. They have given me less then three months. I thought if I…”
He smiles, lifting her face up. “Daughter, go in peace. Your faith has healed you.” Her eyes light up and she hugs him. They are both laughing with joy and the crowd gives a shout.
People come from all over the country to see him. They bring their sick children, themselves. They seek healing, a word of comfort, to just hear him speak. He doesn’t turn any away. His family is concerned.
Mary sends James and Jude to fetch him out of the crowds one day. They arrive in time to hear him answering a question from a sceptic. “So Joshua, are we to pay taxes or not?”
He sighs and answers. “Let me see a dollar.” The man trying to trip him up, hands him one.
“What does it say here?” He points to the words under George Washington’s picture.
“In God we trust.”
“So, we trust them with their percent and God with his.”
All there are amazed at his answer. His brothers walk up to him. “Josh, mama is concerned about you. She wants you home.”
“Okay brothers.” He stands, “Honor your parents, always.” He tells the crowd.
Another day, they are walking through the bad part of town. His friends, followers, are a bit concerned. Joshua isn’t. “I go where my Father sends me. Someone here needs me.”
They turn a corner. “Who is there? Is that the Joshua that the television speaks of?” A voice calls out. They see him, in alley, between two trash cans.
“It is.” Joshua replies.
“Joshua, I want to see.” He says. Standing, his layers of clothes, strange in the late summer heat. Several of his followers back away at the smell of him. Joshua moves closer.
“You are blind and want your sight?”
“Yes! Please Joshua.”
He touches his eyes and looks up towards his Father. “Then you shall see.” He moves his hands and the man, who he sees isn’t much older then they are, stares at them with a new light in his eyes.
“I can see! Praise God, I can see! Thank you, oh thank you!” He dances around the alley. Catching a glimpse of himself in an cracked mirror, he stops. “Oh, this can’t be right. I need to get cleaned up.”
“Guys, take him to Hope House, to get cleaned up and get a meal.” Joshua directs.
“What about you?” Margret asks. He smiles at her.
“I have another appointment here. Don’t worry.” They reluctantly leave, the now seeing man, exclaiming over everything. He moves to another part of the alley and sits down, crossing his legs and waiting.
She walks slowly, her eyes hidden by the amount of makeup she wears. Her high heels make a clapping noise as she walks up. She stops , startled, at the sight of Joshua. “You seem to be lost.” She says. Her voice is husky from years of smoking.
“I am not the one lost, Rashad.” Her eyes get huge.
“How do you know my name?” She demands.
“You left home because you father was abusive, hoping to find a better life. Instead you are still being abused. You don’t want to be doing this but don’t feel you have a choice. You do. I promise you do.”
Her eyes lose their hardness and she starts to cry. “Who are you?”
“Call me Josh. Rashad, God sees you, He loves you. He forgives you.” She shakes her head.
“He can’t .”
He raises to his feet. “He does. He forgives you for leaving your sisters. Can you?” She gasps as she starts to fully sob. He hugs her, with the first gentle, non-sexual touch, she has felt in years. Her sobs get louder, harder.
“Who are you?”
His eyes twinkle as he answers, saying for the first time, “His Christ, your Redemption.”
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120percents · 2 years
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sanji about zoro, episode 982
thinking about how when zoro wakes up in chapter 1052, the first thing he thinks about is indeed…
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so he has his sake (while sanji watches him with a suspiciously fond look)
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and then, in the face of wondering why he’s clean (and thus making him remember the time he’s been gone), he thinks about his conversation with sanji
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and only then does he grab his swords to go reunite with sanji and proclaim the totally normal thought that He Came Back From Hell For Him
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so in line with zoro’s rule of threes:
3 ‘s’s… sake, swords and sanji
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sunandflame · 1 year
Flame and Water, Chapter 4
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Summary: Kyojuro finally caught you for a talk, which you have been avoiding for so long. A long forgotten memory comes up and brings you to your knees.
Ship: Kyojuro x Fem!Reader (Water Pillars Tsuguko)
Warnings: panic attack, anxiety
Word Count: 1052
Masterlist of Flame and Water
Your gaze went into emptiness and your breathing increased. Rengoku felt the shift in you and looked at you worriedly. "Hey y/n are you alright?" But you didn't answer him, your gaze went right through him. A strange feeling went through you and it felt like you were having a heart attack. Your breathing was labored and your palms felt sweating. You felt it would burst, your heart. You couldn't think anything, only that your chest might get crushed any minute and your heart might burst open. Am I going to die now...?
"Y/n breath! You are having a panic attack!"
Oh that was it, you thought in the furthest corner of your brain. That made more sense because your breathing was shallow and rapid, your whole body was tense. The hand he was holding was totally cramped. Rengoku called your name again, but you didn't answer him. You could not. Your thoughts were swept empty. The blood pounded in your ears. Your heart thudded in your chest. You hands shook, feet tingling and the feeling of panic, helplessness and the fear of death tormented you.
Rengoku felt helpless, he hadn't expected that. He just wanted to talk to you and now he had to watch your breathing became irregular and tremble like a leaf. If you keep going like this, you're going to hyperventilate. He called your name again, but you didn't respond and this time he grabbed your shoulder trying to tell you again to breath, but it was vain. In his own panic he pulled you to him and hugged you. He didn't know what else to do. He had never experienced anything like this and if verbal exclamations didn't help to get you out of this panicattack then the only other possibility was physical contact.
It was warm and you clung to that warmth. It was the thought of fire that had triggered you. One would think that this would make things even worse for you, but it wasn't like that. "It’s okay. I've got you. Don't you worry anymore. Just breath. Don't forget to breath." It was his reassuring words that got through to her. It was his quiet and soothing words that spoke softly to you.
It was uncharacteristic for him to speak so softly and deliberately, but he felt you needed it so much at that moment and it was having an impact. You clung at him and a sob escaped your throat, but there were no tears to be seen. It was as if the heat of that time had burned everything inside you. Internally and externally. You sat there for a while, trying to calm your breathing down and the warmth he gave you in his embrace soothed you in an unnatural way.
You nails digged painfully into his back, but luckily he didn't minded. He would do everything to help you calm you down, because this was his nature. He would sit here even for an hour. Yet he was surprised of the turn of the events. That he was holding you here in his arms and waiting for your panic attack to decrease, while gently reminding you to breath. It was the least expected thing in his mind. Especially not after avoiding him for so long and even attacking him.
Several minutes passed and nobody moved until he looked down at you. Your breathing had calmed down and he relaxed his arms around you.
You had come to your senses after your panic attack and your instinct to flee from him were back. It was extremely difficult for you to sit still, even if you were exhausted. And it was even more difficult to look at him, especially since you felt his piercing gaze. You moved even further away from him, hiding your madly flushed face.
"Thanks..." It was whispered softly but he heard it and smiled at you. You felt awkward that he had seen you in such a state. It seemed like your years of suppressed trauma had now taken its toll. You've never let yourself go like this before and it made you very uncomfortable in several ways. Especially since you've never been hugged in your life.
"Here, drink this. It will do you good." Rengoku handed you a bamboo tube filled with water. You accepted it gratefully and took several large gulps. Your mouth and throat were dry. Fascinated, the Flame Pillar watched how greedily you drank the water and even had to smile a little.
You blushed again as you realized that he was still staring at you with those golden red eyes. You dared a look, only to lower it again immediately.
"Thanks... and sorry... I... I don't really like to talk..."
"I noticed that!" A roar of laughter rang out and you flinched again. You weren’t used to loud noises, even if you dealt with screeching demons on a regular basis. "You are very similar to Tomioka-san in that respect!"
That silenced you again for a moment. That was probably one of the reasons she and Tomioka got along so well, but his attention was elsewhere outside of their training. Well there was no training anymore, she remembered again.
"Before you begin, I can't answer your question... You are just..." Another long pause and you had to squeeze your eyes and let out a shaky breath. "... very similar to someone from my past." She knew why he was here, why he had comforted her. Nothing in this life was given without something in return, as well as gestures like the previous one. And she knew he wanted to know why she was running away from him. Her right hand clawed at her left forearm while her left hand gripped her thigh tightly. Those were the places where she was marked. Ugly marks that no one had ever seen.
Rengoku frowned as he watched you closely. He knew that he had some distinguish features so he could think only of one person that he looked very similar, but his father would never harm a human being... This raised more questions than he got answered. He should refrain from pressing you further, especially after your panic attack, but it must be said. "You probably saw my father in me. He was the former Flame Hashira"
🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥
Damn that was a bit longer than I thought... Again If you want to be tagged or removed, just reply down below. Every reblog and like is appreciated ❤️
@krillfromsky @kingmultiverse404 @deepressed @nelissecrectplace @yomoya-girl @theycallmemrsbarnes @roninishere @beelzmunchkin @kyojurismo @stuckinthewrongworld @kythxrinx0310 @lynnw @love-me-satoru @felix99999l @poussitightpoussiclean
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onepiecebdays · 17 days
september 9th - basil hawkins
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debut chapter: 498
recent chapter: 1052
epithet: magician
current age: 31
affiliation: hawkins pirates
bounty: 320,000,000 berries
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brave-symphonia · 4 months
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Yamato dressing Momo up as Oden is delightful.
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fallensnowfan · 1 year
Thinking about chapter 1052 more tonight, though when am I not honestly?
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Basedkikuenjoyer has mentioned how much personal growth Kiku is showing here to be asking Nami this, with how she mentions burying her feelings in the past.
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Think Nami and Kiku built trust though Nami being the one who offered to help Kiku with common tasks, in the days after the battle? Nami is one of the few women who would be free to do it, isn’t royalty or married or busy with retainer duties, like the other women Kiku is close with would be.
I’m really looking forward to this scene being animated.
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mckiwi · 2 months
McKiwi's Fic Recs
(Stephen Strange / Tony Stark)
These are all completed. Some are multi chapter. Most have very little smut, if any at all, so if you like that kind of stuff, you’re on your own. AUs are included. If I felt the characterizations were too off, it’s not here. If grammar was unacceptable, it’s not on this list. All of these have Stephen as a main character. These are organized by word count and genre. I've tried to include a little bit of (almost) everything. If you have any suggestions, feel free to reblog with those.
Blue indicates registered users only
"Daydream" by InkDippedFingertips: [1052 words / Hurt/Comfort] It wouldn't be easy at all, Tony thought, to walk away.
"Say A Slow Goodbye" by InkDippedFingertips: [1086 words / Angst] No more suffering.
“The Truth” by ironstrangle: [1368 words / Hurt/Comfort] Wong is relieved when Stephen Strange gets hit with a truth spell. He'll finally tell Tony what's going on, right? Little does he know, that's not the only confession he makes.
"Do No Harm" by thedevildinosaur: [4691 words / Canon Divergence] Stephen Strange is a doctor. Stephen saved the universe. He is not the kind of man who ruthlessly kills his enemies. Tony can say that with confidence, because he knows Stephen Strange even better than he knows himself.
"Lost and Found" by flyingonfeatherlesswings: [12976 words / Canon Divergence] Stephen finds himself back on the streets after the new Sorcerer Supreme, Karl Mordo, decides that Strange breaking the natural law cannot be forgiven. For the IronStrange Midsummer BigBang.
"A Hard Man Humble" by Anonymous: [15282 words / Hurt/Comfort] “A loop like Titan?” Tony’s sensors are instantly on alert, hand in the air. Looking at different timelines, future after future after future that would now never come to pass. Enough to break a man, or his mind, if Thanos and his minions didn’t. That much devastation and death. “Red alert?” “No,” says Strange in a distant tone, caught in some memory. “It’s me. Stuck on the wrong track.” He snaps out of it. “It threw me towards –” You.
“Arriving Somewhere (But Not Here)” by Imagined: [15817 words / Alternate Universe] “It wasn’t so bad,” Stephen says. “I thought you hated it there?” “Parts of it, maybe. Not everything.” Wong slowly nods. A lamp flickers above their heads; with a snap of his fingers, Stephen brightens it again. The yellowish light seems all the more pronounced for it, casting shadows over Wong’s face. “I don’t regret that I never got the invitation to Ilvermorny,” Wong says eventually. “I would’ve wanted one at the time, I think. But that is what the Sanctum is for. It catches those who fall through the cracks - the unwanted and unseen of the magical world. They would’ve taught me things that would take a lifetime to unlearn. I see that in you, too.” Or: When he is twelve, Stephen Strange gets an invitation letter to the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is only the start of a life spent studying and defying one kind of magic - the one that Stephen seems to belong to, and yet cannot make his own. That is, the road to becoming the Sorcerer Supreme is a long and meandering one.
“Survivors of the Wreck of Time” by amethyst-noir: [16199 words / Hurt/Comfort] Stephen had been in love with Tony Stark for so long, and through so many different timelines, that the feeling had become a fixed part of his being, something that was just there, fully intertwined with his very soul. Something that was treasured, something that gave him strength and comfort when he needed it, something he held close to his heart without even consciously being aware of it. (Sometimes a timeline has to bend and twist to make things that are supposed to be happen.)
“We’re Not In Kansas?” by Catxtopia: [17448 words / Alternate Universe] It was turning out to be a relatively lovely end to a hectic day. So naturally the universe had to throw a wrench in there somewhere. Said wrench came in the form of a strange flying object shooting out of the sky. (Or: Iron Man 3 AU, where Tony crash lands in Nebraska and meets a small town doctor by the name of Stephen Strange)
“If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)” by twobettafish: [19290 words / Alternate Universe] Mystical threats always need to be dealt with, even if doing so requires Tony Stark's help. (Sometimes, though, those threats can be kind of stupid.)
"theme of wonder" by graveltotempo: [23889 words / Alternate Universe] When Thanos, the Mad Titan, breached the walls of the Underworld, in a bid to kill Hades and make Persephone his own, the King and Queen of the Dead cast a spell. A spell of time and souls, so that their love would be everlasting and so that they never would be without one another. So that their soul and immortal spirit would continue to reincarnate into different human bodies for cycles to come, and so that they could always find each other, not matter when or where. And for centuries, through the fall of Alexandria and the Salem Witch Trials, through the rise of the Ottoman reign and the fall of the Roman Empire, it works. Until Persephone wakes alone in a cave, surrounded by ash, smoke and sand, and Hades wakes alone in Kamar Taj, drenched in water and with blood on his sheets. Both alone. And as the Infinity Stones start popping up around them again, and the oddness of this cycle continues, they know that the reckoning is approaching, that the end is near. That the Mad Titan is once more at their door.
"Sometimes Goodbye is a Second Chance" by Aelaer: [37524 words / Canon Divergence] In 2018, the world almost ended. The world almost ended on a surprisingly frequent basis, Stephen had discovered in the last two years. But this time, this time the solution seemed just as bad as the problem itself with five years lost and so much suffering in the interim and the years after. So Stephen pushed himself farther than he ever had before to see if he could find something else: a solution that was less cruel, less harmful, less impacting to both Earth and the universe as a whole. He found it sometime after approximately 22.3 million futures.
“Stop-Loss” by twenty3: [41363 words / Canon Divergence] Tony Stark killed himself on a Monday morning. Peter Parker found his body. Stephen Strange was the first person he called. After the devastating loss, Stephen makes a decision. To use the time stone. To go back and fix things. To fix Tony before he can make the same choice to end his life. It doesn't work. So he tries again. And again. And again. It was his fault the world had lost him. It wasn't going to be his fault it stayed that way.
"A bargain with a dragon" by Mermaid_in_space: [46992 words / Alternate Universe] In a time of need, only one Tony Stark would be stupid enough to strike a bargain with a dragon, to ensure the future safety of his father's kingdom. Little does he know that the prize will be the one thing he treasures most. A Prince!Tony Stark / Dragon!Stephen Strange fantasy AU
“By the End of Today” by Imagined: [53835 words / Canon Divergence] For Stephen, Thursday doesn’t end. He is stuck reliving the same day and over again. This by itself is already something of an issue, especially with the Time Stone destroyed and well, and Stephen having little to no clue as to who is behind it, and why he’s the only one who can remember what is going on. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to destroy time loops. Surrounded by people unaware of the situation, Stephen has to navigate his friendships and feelings to hunt down the cause of the green light that keeps restarting the loop, and put an end to the endless Thursdays. It might’ve been a little less complicated, had Tony Stark not been connected to the time loop.
“14,000,605 Pieces of a Soul” by CookieCloud: [57371 words / Hurt/Comfort] After the Snap has been reversed (and everyone survived), Tony's life isn't working out as planned. Things with Pepper are not going well and the Avengers are still split up. Also there is the small problem of Tony's judgement being clouded by the effect of Wanda's mind spell. At the same time, Stephen is struggling to come to terms with all of the futures he experienced in the time stone. And that's already without the spiritual effects they've had on him. But maybe, they can help each other.
"A Crown of Thorn and Shadows" by Golden_Asp: [58465 words / Alternate Universe] Anthony Stark, King of Blood and Darkness, ruler of the Unseelie court, did not expect to find Prince Stephen Strange of the Seelie chained up in his torture chamber, cold iron being driven into his hands. Stephen Strange, a Seelie healer, never dreamed of finding himself in the court of nightmares, being cared for by the king that the Seelie called a monster. They must work together to find the traitors in two Faerie courts that have not spoken in over six hundred years and reclaim Stephen's memories before the courts descend into war once more.
"Time After Time" by lantia4ever: [64186 words / Alternate Universe] Months after dealing with Dormammu, the Time Stone offers Stephen a deal – it will fix his hands so he can once again be a doctor. For a price. A balance. It's everything Stephen could ever wish for and the price is laughably insignificant - so he accepts. After all, what could he possibly ever love more than becoming a doctor again? Written for the IronStrange BigBang 2019 \o/
"...and dance by the light of the moon" by atypicalsnowman: [69972 words / Hurt/Comfort] Stephen was in trouble. Big trouble. The kind of trouble that even Tony with his nearly limitless resources couldn't get him out of. He's never been a praying man, but they need a miracle. He’s not sure about God, but Thor always said wonderful things about his mother. At this point, Stephen needs a goddess’ intervention, so Tony sends up a prayer and hopes. The good news is, Frigga hears Tony’s prayer and decides Stephen needs the help of a guardian angel. The bad news is the angel she sends is Loki.
"Looks Like Bending Time" by FriendlyNeighborhoodFangirls: [74899 words / Alternate Universe] The dawn sings in Stephen Strange’s ears when he is born. The dawn and the fields and the souls of his mother and father and the watch his sister buys him on his ninth birthday—it all sings, countless melodies written into the universe. There are songs and there is the boy, and there seems to be no way to separate one from the other. Stephen listens and pretends he cannot, and he lives in safety as a surgeon and a success. But he can only hide from the unknown for so long. The search for answers leads him into a dance of spies and realms and conspiracy, side-by-side and saving a man with a song like a falcon spreading its wings. There is a watch and a suit of impossible armor and a lurking serpent seeking power from the shadows. And always, there is the song. What is silence, really?
"Time-Lost" by Bravehardt, Foxglove_Fiction: [107078 / Alternate Universe] Reoccurring nightmares kept Tony up at night; dreams of those closest to him dying over and over again in an endless cycle - haunting him and depriving him of sleep. Reaching his breaking point, Tony consults Stephen to help rid himself of these nightmares. It seems as though Stephen might be closer to Tony than he initially thought - or hoped and the barriers between patient and doctor relationship are starting to blur. Neither of them could have predicted that some of the dreams they have both been subject to are more than simple dreams but possibly fragments of memories from a life long passed.
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traveling soldier
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57748219 by teafrqmes Nick Fury tells Tony that Peter is dead. But Tony knows better. Because if there's no body then there's no proof, and that's something that Tony firmly believes in.' And Fury didn't give him any clues which pointed to him being dead, just simply . . . gone. Right? Words: 1052, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Aunt May Parker (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Aunt May Parker & Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Whump, Peter Parker is Trying His Best, Peter Parker Acts Like a Spider, Peter Parker Needs a Break, Peter Parker Has a Family, Peter Parker Has Issues, Peter Parker Angst, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Feels, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony Stark is Good With Kids, Tony Stark Angst, Aunt May Parker & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Worried Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Aunt May Parker & Tony Stark Friendship, Aunt May Parker Needs a Hug (Marvel), Aunt May Parker is a Good Aunt (Marvel), Good Parent Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Supportive Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Protective Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Parent Pepper Potts, Pepper Potts Angst, Grief/Mourning, Quote: What is grief if not love persevering? (WandaVision), Presumed Dead, Missions Gone Wrong, Protective Nick Fury, Nick Fury Feels, Nick Fury Has a Heart, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Maybe - Freeform, idk - Freeform, Brainwashing, Brainwashed Peter Parker read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57748219
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shinysylver · 7 months
Expendable (1225 words) by shinysylver Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji Characters: Vinsmoke Sanji, Roronoa Zoro Additional Tags: Sanji Week (One Piece), sanji week 2024, Pre-Slash, Conversations, Self-Sacrificing Vinsmoke Sanji, Sanji (One Piece) Has Self-Worth Issues, Wano Arc (One Piece), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Caring Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji Needs a Hug, and gets one!, Hugs, set during, One Piece Chapter 1052 Summary: expendable adjective: of little significance when compared to an overall purpose, and therefore able to be abandoned. Zoro's had enough of Sanji's self-sacrificial tendencies.
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