#Charlie Co
thedalatribune · 2 years
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© Paolo Dala
Almost Mad Charlie Co (2010) BenCab Museum (Tuba, Benguet, Philippines)
The Wrong And The Evil
For several decades we psychologists have looked upon the whole matter of sin and moral accountability as a great incubus and we have acclaimed our freedom from it as epic making. But at length we have discovered to be free in this sense to have the excuse of being sick rather than being sinful is to also court the danger of becoming lost. In becoming amoral, ethically neutral and free, we have cut the very roots of our being, lost our deepest sense of selfhood and identity. And with neurotics themselves, asking, “Who am I? What is my deepest destiny? And what does living really mean?” The former president of the American Psychological Association, Hobart Mauer, argued that if we just call it mere wrong doing, we won’t understand the gravity of the wrong that was committed... Somewhere along the line he (and all of the world’s great secular psychologists) was trying to find a middle ground between mere wrong doing and a violation of a God-given moral law.
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bonnieblue0606 · 3 months
i see a pattern, do you see it too?
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charmac · 3 months
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I need RCG to start writing Dennis like this again.
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digitalmyyth · 1 month
Can we see your fem!Charlie pls?
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laismoura-art · 4 months
Lucifer, trying for a truce: We could make great things together.
Alastor: That's true! We made Charlie into the great demoness she is today!
Lucifer: The hell you mean by "we"??
Alastor: You're right. A deadbeat like you doesn't deserve such merit.
Lucifer: That's not what I mean and you know it!
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octaviasdread · 4 months
the dead poets are not good at whispering or even subtlety in general
so what does everyone at welton think is happening?
a cult? a really extreme homework club? an amateur shakespeare society?
whatever is happening causes charlie to willingly spend time with cameron, knox to run around reciting love poetry, and neil & todd to scream shakespeare at the lake and throw desk sets from the school roof
…does the society look like a matchmaking group from the outside!??
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genuinely, I will die on the hill that stick and the sneezing boy know all about the club, they are literally sat eating with them when neil pulls out keating’s yearbook
so these two clearly want nothing to do with this mess, but the rest of the class? how do they explain a study group going rogue?
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orphicrose · 4 months
The co-host (Alastor x FemReader) V
< >
Summary: You are Alastors Co host in life, perhaps more. But are separated by a sudden death. When you are finally reunited in the under world, it is up to Alastor to figure out why you don’t remember him.
@cannibalcoyote @kahlan170 @sugxryratz
It seemed like the broadcasts had ended their torment over the pentagram. Remaining completely silent for almost a week now. Y/n had noticed this too, thinking that maybe he was being genuine. They had kept their meetups public, for her safety and peace of mind. Mainly at coffee shops around her warehouse. They adventured a little further today, to cannibal town. Only agreeing because it was nearby to a place she had to meet her boss that day. 
"So, your boss is quite a well known sin?" He asked, lifting his dark coffee to his lips and bowing the steam off the surface. She nodded, sipping at hers. "How did that come about?" 
She shrugged in return "Guess I accidentally sold my soul" She said, sarcasm clawing at her tone. He hummed, unsatisfied with his answer. "Do you like your job?" He was grasping at straws now. The question tickled her, unable to contain her laughter. 
"Do i come across as a particularly content individual?" She chuckled. Wiping an invisible tear from her eye. "I work against my will. If it was up to me I'd... I don't know, write. Or broadcast the news." He saw a light in her, like the light he saw all those years ago. She is still in there. 
She looked down at her watch, gasping and standing abruptly. His ears twitched as the chair screeched backwards against the concrete., and looked at her waiting for an answer to the deviant behavior. "I was supposed to meet him at the abandoned office block in five minutes" She struggles to put her coat on, one of the arms of it being inside out. He watched her struggle, amused, leaning on his hands. "What you looking at?" she huffs. 
"Need a little assistance?" 
"I can put a coat on!" She bites back. He shrugs, clicking his fingers and dragging both of them into their shadows on the ground. Reappearing outside the abandoned building. "I could have done that" Y/n rolls her eyes, shoving the rest of her arm into the sleeve. 
"I'm aware, but I want to see this oh so powerful being" He adjusted the tie atop his ironed suit. "How do I look?"
She turns to look at him, stress showing in the veins on their forehead. "You're not coming to a meeting with me. If you want me to trust you, leave. Please" Her face softened to a more desperate pleading expression. Making him submissive to her, and agreeing. "I will wait out here for you, darling" He smiled, receiving a smile back as she begins moving towards the door with nothing more to say. 
Satan enjoyed quieter areas, giving him more space to think. Less people to deal with was an ideal world for him. He went to seat himself on an old chair, before it gave out. Nearly ending with him on the floor. Glad no one was there to see that, he dusted himself off and resorted to leaning on his staff instead. The door creaked open before him, dust circulating the room like air flow.
"You're on time. Interesting..." His voice rumbled through the room, stirring old dirt, making the ceiling drop old paint onto the floor. She shut the door behind her, not moving an inch towards him. "Your numbers dropped for a while. I see they are being picked back up. You may have just saved your soul"
"What soul" She mumbled under her breath "What?" "Nothing!"
He stood up straight, adjusting his posture, and striding towards the demon. "Don't let it happen again" His presence hovered above her, eyes scared to be taken off his. "I can't replace you as easily as every other soul, but that doesn't mean that i won't" A hand fell to her chin, his calloused fingers pulling at her face to move closer to him.
Just outside the room stood Alastor. Listening in, It might be important, he thought. 
"Don't let me down, or I'll remind you of all the reasons of why you wiped your own memory" His lips spoke next to her ear, finishing his sentence with a hollow laugh. "I will be back in a month" and with that, his body melted away to the bone until there was nothing left. He had left her in the discomfort of her own skin, alone, almost fragile. She felt as if she could follow him into the ground and flow away forever. But that wasn't the case. Whatever she had forgotten was obviously bad, since she erased her own memory. So the last thing she wanted was to be haunted by them all over again. 
Alastor, on the other side of the wall, struggled to maintain a smile. Wide eyes like he had been stabbed in the back multiple times. She erased her own memory? Of him? Perhaps she found out what he was and couldn't bare the thought of seeing him again. His heart ached. 
"Alastor" A startled voice came from the door frame "I thought you said you'd stay outside" Y/n sounded almost angry, too exhausted to portray any emotion other than fatigue. He stared at her blanky, still showing a face of hurt. His smile wanting to drop, but looking at if there was rope physically holding it up. 
"I'm... sorry" He mumbled, static dropping from his voice completely. "I will see you some other time."
He vanished. Leaving her, once again, alone. Truly alone this time. "Alastor?" Y/n questioned. Genuinely calling out for him. What did he hear that upset him that much. He looked hurt. She never thought she'd see that emotion in his eyes before. 
Days passed, no site of him. She had seen him everyday for weeks now. A few days, she even stayed out late in sketchy alley ways. Hoping he might show to scare her. She missed him, but she wouldn't admit it. She even thought she saw him in the corner of her eye on countless occasions. Some part of her was screaming to trust him, and the overlord in her was telling her to keep a look out. 
He will show up eventually, she thought, he's just busy with cannibal stuff. 
In a glaring radio tower on the other side of the pentagram, Alastor stared at the rotting city below him. Feet kicked up on the sound board in front of him, a coffee in his hands, pondering. He convinced himself that he should stay away, but he missed y/n oh so much. It was difficult. He had sent his shadow to watch over her, make sure no one was giving her any grief. 
"So, is this your murder chamber?" That familiar voice came from behind him, sounding very concerned. He almost spun off his chair, whipping his head to see her. 
"How did you find me?"
"I wish i could say it was my amazing detective skills, but i had help" She shrugged, looking at the moving shadow that was connected at his feet once more, giving his owner a sheepish grin. Alastor tutted, shaking his head. "I wanted to know why you ran away? I haven't seen you in days"
He bit his tongue, struggling to think of the right thing to say.
"My apologies, Miss l/n" He started off.  "I have very conflicted feelings, i suppose. I guess you could say that... I'm worried that who I was in life scared off someone very dear to me." He tried to laugh, but it turned into more of a whimper of distress. 
She stood awkwardly with hands behind their back for a second, but as he spoke, y/n found themselves moving closer to him. Looking at him with sad eyes. "Did something I say-"
"I just had a moment, darling, I'm fine." He cut her off, exaggerating his smile to sway her questions. He turned in his seat, facing the large window overlooking hell. 
"If they truly loved you..." Y/n moved closer, standing just behind his seat. "I'm sure they could get over it. No one is perfect" her hand creeped onto his shoulder, sharing the same view with him. 
"You think so?" His heart dropped for a second, as if she was confessing her love for him. He could only dream that was the case. 
"I do"
"Thank you, Y/n"
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27thfirefly · 4 months
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all the pigs are all lined up... as well as we could make them, anyway.
individual pigs under the cut
Trent and Attipork Ross
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Piggy, Danny Swiner and Squealan Rubin
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Charlie Snouter and Hogin Flank
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Chris Vienna Sausage and Alessandro Porcini
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 2 months
So I have this idea for a Hazbin Hotel au and just hear me out okay.... CO PARENTING AU
Like the hotel residents are just chilling when the doorbell rings and Charlie goes to answer it hoping that it's a demon that wants to be redeemed but no it's a little baby wrapped in a fuzzy pink blanket
Charlie freaks out, y'know as you do when there's a baby on your doorstep, and she calls the others over
Angel is the first to respond he squeals and picks up the baby Nifty climbs onto his shoulder to get a closer look
"Can we keep it?"
Husk facepalms (mostly to hide his smile because Angel looks so cute with that baby)
Vaggie is horrified and continues refusing to let Angel keep this baby
Angel just goes on a whole rant about how her parents left her there and he wasn't going to abandon her (he's really going for guilt tripping them tbh) In the middle of the rant he thrusts the baby into Vaggie's arms and she just stares down at this baby and you can see her fall in love right then and there
Charlie is watching this with heart eyes because Vaggie looks so soft right now
Sir Pentious is just like "Sssso are we keeping it?" (He's not very good with kids)
Spoiler alert: they kept her
I've been thinking about this way too much so here's what I think they'd be like as parents
Most of them in the same boat where they're good with kids but being good with kids and raising them is a whole nother story
Vaggie: is a little too strict at times and is probably the one saying you can't have too much sugar. She didn't really have a childhood so she's trying her best to give the baby the best childhood she can while also keeping her safe and probably being way too overprotective
Charlie: is spending as much time with that child as possible. She never wants her to think she's being abandoned and wants her to know that they love her more than anything. She's basically just trying to be there the way her parents weren't.
Angel: His style of parenting is very different from Vaggie's. He's not strict at all he just really wants to be liked. He's still a good parent though. He's basically trying to give her the childhood he didn't get and is definitely overprotective. He's terrified of what Valentino would do if he found out about her which he knows is irrational because she's got the most powerful family in hell but he still has nightmares about it. He will definitely bring the baby into his bed a lot of nights instead of leaving her in her crib. He talks to her a lot in Italian and sings her lullabies.
Husk: He's an amazing father. He's logical but chill enough to be a good middle ground in the middle of all the crazy. He's basically the kind of parent we all need. He's very intune with others feelings and always knows what's wrong when she's crying.
Nifty: She takes on a lot of the important stuff like changing and bathing her. She's tiny and can't actually pick the baby up but she's a surprisingly good parent anyway. She's still Nifty though so she's definitely making toys out of roach corpses and entertaining her with those puppet shows.
Sir Pentious: Okay this man has no idea what he's doing at all. He's not very good with children just because he doesn't know how to interact with them but he shows love in his own way. He's the one that makes her crib and most of her toys. He's definitely the one that teaches her math and science when she's older and they would probably invent together too.
Alastor: He wanted absolutely nothing to do with this baby. He was against bringing her into the hotel all together but eventually he warmed up to her. It starts when everyone else is asleep and he hears the baby crying. After a minute of contemplation he decides to go see what's going on. He ends up rocking her and humming his jazz music until she falls back asleep. He starts doing this every night (someone has definitely walked in on him doing this but nobody mentions it to his face). He's the kind of parent that takes a vow like "I will protect you to my dying breath" y'know some crazy shit like that
Lucifer: He's there all the time helping out. He's the kind of grandparent that would brag about his grandkids, he's showing everyone pictures of this baby it's honestly embarrassing. He's really doing his best to make up for not spending enough time with Charlie. He's also the only one who knows anything about children like they wouldn't even know how to feed this kid without him.
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slimesideblog · 1 year
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* i love this man this is why i started this blog
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kaya-fandom · 3 months
Alastor : We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Charlie : ... Your what?
Alastor : My friends.
Angel : Are he saying “friends”?
Husk : I think he's being sarcastic.
Vaggie : No, no, no, this is delirium, he's cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Alastor! All of your friends are in this room.
Alastor : I have other friends my dear!
Charlie : Oh, Alastor! I'm so proud of you!
Husk : I can't believe he has friends.
Vaggie : Me too.
Angel : Me three.
Alastor :
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blue-ravens · 10 months
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dh--ii · 3 months
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has he EVER got his fucking gob shut
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charmac · 2 months
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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia DVD Menus (S3-10)
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f4y3w00d5 · 2 months
*sitting on your bed, waiting for for you*
*after a bit, i walk in*
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
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half of these are still in post production but i’m impatient 😭
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