#Charlie swan x wife reader
stardustqueenbooks · 2 years
Charlie Swan x reader- The step-mum
Warnings: verbal abuse/adult language, slight Bella bashing, slight age-gap, pregnancy
Description: Being a step-mother can be hard especially to a teenager and when a baby comes into play it can be so much harder
AN: Set in between new moon and eclipse
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You loved Charlie Swan. You had met him when you broke down by the side of the road when heading home from work. It was dark and you were slightly scared when you heard a car pull up behind you, Charlie had been your knight in blue armour riding a broken down police cruiser. You then dated and got married within two years and in that time you had only met his daughter, Isabella, twice, once a year into dating when she came to stay for a couple days and then on your wedding day.
Having only met the girl twice when she moved to forks it was very awkward. Isabella, who preferred to be called Bella, was quiet, shy and standoffish when she first moved in and Charlie wasn’t that much better so you felt like it was up to you to get the pair talking and relaxed. You tried your hardest to make Bella feel at home but everything you did never helped. Bella didn’t like you no matter how much you tried so you just gave up trying and left the girl to her own life and only really got involved when Charlie needed you too. But the biggest problem was that Bella blamed you for everything, if something went wrong with her car she blamed you, if something happened that she didn’t like she blamed you and worst of all when Charlie banned her from seeing Edward Cullen she blamed you.
After Bella had ran away to Italy Charlie had hit the roof, he had gone from panicking, to scared, to anger all within an hour and all you could do was stand there. So when Bella arrived back in forks with Edward Charlie had been angry and banned Bella from seeing the Cullen. There had been a massive argument between Charlie and Bella which you had tried to calm down but it ended with Bella calling you a bitch and running to her room.
It had all calmed down slightly since then and you had talked to Charlie about letting Bella see Edward somehow but he was not budging from his ban which was very understandable but it didn’t help your relationship with the girl. But you were trying to get Bella to at least be civil with you and that’s what led you to today.
Charlie was currently at work and it was just you and Bella in the house and you had planned to cook her tea and talk while you ate in hope that you could build some kind of relationship with her because you had some big news for the pair of Swans.
You had been feeling off so you had spoken to some friends who had suggested you take a pregnancy test which you did and it turned out to be positive. After going to the doctors to confirm the pregnancy you still hadn’t told Charlie as you wanted it to be special for him but you knew that it couldn’t be special while the house felt like a war zone.
You cooked Bella’s favourite meal and once it was ready you shouted up to her room and then started to plate up the food. You placed the food on the table and waiting for a couple of minutes before shouting up the stairs again but Bella never came down. You waited for about an hour, eating your own meal before it became cold with the full plate and empty chair in front of you. Once you had finished you put the left overs into tubs that then went into the fridge and then went to sit on the couch and watch some tv waiting for Charlie to come home. You didn’t have to wait long for Charlie and once he had walked through the door he ate and then you went to bed.
(The next morning)
The sun had just risen when you were awoken by your stomach turning, you jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and you only just made it to the toilet in time. The fast movement must have woken Charlie up because he was fast to follow behind you to hold back your hair and softly rub your back. “Honey, you ok?” He asked gently when you had finely finished, he helped you sit up and grabbed a glass to fill with water. You nodded slowly, taking the water and drinking some before you answered, “yeah, I’m fine, it’s normal at this point of the pregnancy.” You didn’t even realise what you had said before you heard the clang of your toothbrush against the sink, Charlie had picked it up to give to you but dropped it in shock at what you had said.
“Pregnancy?” Charlie asked quietly staring wide eyed at you, you opened your mouth to say something when a screech caught you off guard, “what?” Bella must have heard the commotion and exited her room to hear the word Charlie had said, “your pregnant?” She asked screaming loud, her face turned red with the anger that ran through her veins. “You can’t be pregnant!” She shouted staring at you from the door of the bathroom. Charlie still hadn’t moved or spoke since Bella made an appearance so you stood up and smiled slightly at your step-daughter before speaking softly to the both of them, “I wasn’t really that sure how to tell you both but I found out I’m pregnant on Monday, I’m about eight weeks a long,” you smiled, stepping forward towards Charlie who’s eyes had began to well up with what you hoped was happy tears, “Charlie, are your alright with…” you were cut off by your husbands lips meeting yours.
Charlie pulled away holding your waist softly, he had a massive smile on his face and a couple of tears running down his cheeks, “this is amazing!” He said hugging you close before he turned towards his daughter who was stewing with anger in the doorway, “isn’t this great Bella? Your gonna be a big sister.” Bella’s jaw dropped, there was silence in the house before Bella began shouting at the top of her voice, “Great! Great! This is not great!” You sighed slightly leaning into Charlie’s side when he pulled you closer to him, “a baby will ruin everything, you shouldn’t even be married to the gold digger,” she pointed at the with a shaking finger, “and now your having a baby with her.”
You knew that she could go further but the Swan was cut off by her father who shouted loudly, “don’t speak to her like that, Bella!” Charlie kept you in his arms looking at his daughter who had become quiet, “this is an amazing thing to happen to us and you need to except that,” Charlie looked at you with loving eyes and then looked back at his daughter, “(y/n) is my wife and you need to speak to her with respect, you’re already on thin ice with the whole running to Italy thing. Do not make that ice thinner!”
Bella huffed at her fathers words and stormed to her room, you heard her door slam shut and it shook the house slightly. Charlie sighed and turned to you with his arms wrapped around you, he smiled and hugged you tighter. “I can’t believe we’re gonna have a baby” he breathed placing a kiss on your head causing you to smile. You didn’t care if Bella didn’t like you because you had Charlie and now a baby and that’s everything you needed.
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agaypanic · 6 months
Hey! Could you do Charlie Swan x wife fem!reader where she own a bakery and they first met there (sort of flashback) and their journey through their relationship. And please add Bella (as someone nice & she accept her). Tag me later! Thank :)
Black Coffee and a Bagel (Charlie Swan X Baker!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Chief Swan coming into your bakery for breakfast one day turns into a life full of love, baking, and coffee.
A/N: this took forever to write holy shit. i usually dont add the word count to the actual fic, but i feel like i should tell yall this is over 5k words… when i read the twilight books (its been so hard getting through them bc they’re lowkey boring guys…) i envision charlie as billy burke but with kinda curly hair bc that’s what he has in the books, so that’s how he looks in this lol reader’s age isn’t specified so she can be read as charlie’s age or younger (legal obvi). maybe a bit ooc charlie but idc
It was a usual cloudy day in Forks, Washington. Like most other town residents, you didn’t really mind the gloomy weather. As long as your heaters worked and you had a decent jacket, you didn’t really care.
You were always the busiest in the morning. You owned a bakery in the middle of town, the only one open at six in the morning. Almost everyone came through your shop for breakfast or a drink before heading to work or school. 
But every now and then, you had a first-time customer.
The bell above your front door jingled, and you heard footsteps enter with a bit of hesitancy. You looked up from the espresso machine you were cleaning to see a man with curly dark hair, a mustache, and a badge.
“Chief Swan,” you smiled, moving to the counter. He was looking around the bakery with mild curiosity. “Haven’t seen you here before.”
“Yeah, I uh… I forgot to grab a coffee before I left the house.” He sounded like he was a bit embarrassed by his mistake. Then he finally looked up, chocolate brown eyes locking with yours. “And a lot of people talk about this place, so I figured it’d be a good opportunity to check it out.”
“Well, I’m glad to have you here. Welcome to Bear Claw Bakery.” You smile at him, maybe a bit too cheerfully for how early in the morning it was, but it was all part of your brand. Seeing such a handsome face also helped. “I can make any coffee you’d like.”
“I can see that.” Chief Swan said, gesturing to the convoluted drink menu on the wall behind you. He seemed a bit intimidated by all the choices.
“How about a black coffee?” He lit up, seemingly relieved by your suggestion.
“Yes, please. Large.”
As you made his coffee, you fell into a comfortable silence. You became focused on his drink, and he decided to peruse your display cases of baked goods. After all, this was a bakery.
“See anything you like?” You ask as you put the lid on his cup, remembering to add a sleeve so he wouldn’t burn his hand.
He hummed, staring at a tray of bagels for a few seconds before looking at you. He straightened up, pointing to the baked goods.
“Could I get a bagel? Plain.” 
“Of course!” You slid the glass door open and grabbed a bagel with your tongs, putting it in a goody bag and folding the top a few times. Chief Swan watched you for a small moment before fumbling for his wallet, keeping his eyes on the counter in front of him. You watched him pull out a bill and waved your hand. “Oh, no. On the house.”
“What?” He looked up at you in surprise, and you just smiled at him.
“Think of it as a first-time discount.” You shrug as you push his coffee and bagel towards him. 
He folded the bill but didn’t put it back in his wallet. Instead, while maintaining eye contact, he dropped it into the tip jar beside him.
“Thanks, uh…” He said as he pocketed the wallet and grabbed his coffee. It was then that you realized that he didn’t know your name.
“Oh! Y/n.” You stuck your hand out without thinking. But before you could pull it back, he shook your hand with a polite smile. “And you’re obviously Chief Swan.” You said with an airy laugh.
“Please, call me Charlie.” He punctuated his name by squeezing your hand before letting go. There was a softness to his tone that you didn’t suspect, but you enjoyed it.
“Charlie,” you repeated, liking the sound of it. “I hope you like the coffee and the bagel.”
He nodded once, grabbed the goody bag still on the counter, and left with a small wave. You didn’t have much time to think about the interaction because a group of high schoolers soon came in, chattering loudly about different things. One thing you knew for sure, though, was that you hoped he’d be back sometime soon.
You were surprised to see Charlie back at the bakery the next day. You were unlocking the front door when he pulled up next to your car in his police cruiser.
“Right on time.” You laughed as he exited the car. “I’m just starting to open.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know your hours,” he said, checking his watch. The sun was barely starting to peek out from the clouds. “I have to go to the station early today, was hoping I could get coffee and a bagel.”
“Of course! Come on in,” you say, holding the door open just long enough for him to catch as you rush to behind the counter.
You started on Charlie’s coffee before going to the back to get a bag of fresh bagels. At the front, he was leaning against the counter, waiting for you.
“So I’m guessing you liked it?” You asked with a smile as you bagged up a bagel for him, putting the rest in the display case. “The coffee and bagel? Since you came back.” You added after a moment of silence.
“Oh, yeah!” He said, sounding as if he was a bit distracted by something. “Both were delicious.”
“I’m glad.” You placed his bagel and coffee on the counter.
“Now I’m hoping to actually pay this time,” Charlie said, raising his brows, and you couldn’t help but giggle. You told him the total, and when you gave him his change, he dropped it into the tip jar. “Thanks again. And sorry for coming so early.”
“It’s no problem, Chief-” You cut yourself off, receiving a knowing look from him. “Charlie. It’s really no problem. Hope you have a good day.” 
“Same to you, Y/n.” 
Charlie grabbed his things, waved at you, and walked out. After watching him drive away, you continued to open the bakery for the day. As you served the people coming in, you wondered if Charlie’s coming in would become a regular occurrence. Deep down, you hoped so.
Charlie Swan coming to the bakery became a daily habit. It pleased you not only because you were proud to have such a loyal customer, but also because the man was handsome and very nice, despite his usual awkward demeanor. He’d be one of the first people to come in, or the first if he had to go to the station early. You always savored the small talk you shared with him, silently begging for no one to come in when he talked because then he’d stay a little longer, no matter how many times he said that he should really be going.
You were really starting to like Charlie Swan, both as a friend and something more. Of course, you kept that part to yourself.
“Black coffee and a bagel.” It was more of a statement than a question as Charlie opened the door. He ordered the same thing every day; honestly, you admired his consistency.
“Yup.” He responded, pulling out his wallet before he even reached the counter. “Oh, by the way, I was wondering if you did like, deliveries? Or something like that?”
“Depends.” You answer. “I do catering and delivery for parties and stuff.”
“Ah,” Charlie clicked his tongue, seeming a little disappointed. “Was just wondering because I’ve been having to work a lot of late nights with all those bear attacks.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard a bit about those,” you sighed. “Poor people.”
“Yeah, I know. And anyways, if I’m being honest, your coffee’s better than the stuff we have at the station. But I get it if you don’t do that sort of thing.”
“I can do it!” You decide before even thinking about it. But when you gave it some thought, you remembered that you were the boss. If you went while one of your employees was working, they could surely hold down the fort for the ten minutes you’d be gone. “I, um, I can do that for you.”
“Really?” Although his expression didn’t change much, you could tell that Charlie’s eyes were lighting up. He must’ve really loved your coffee.
“Yeah! Perks of being your own boss.” You laugh, grabbing a piece of paper and writing down your number. “We don’t have a phone for the bakery yet; I just keep forgetting to do that. So this is my number.” You slid the paper over to Charlie, who grabbed it without letting his eyes leave you. “Just call me, and it’ll probably take me five to ten minutes to get to the station. We close at nine, but I stay way later than that most nights, so feel free to call whenever.”
Charlie pocketed the piece of paper like it was a precious item he didn’t want to get wrinkled or crumpled. 
“I’ll do that,” he said, reaching for his breakfast. “I’ll see you later, Y/n.”
“See you later, Charlie.” You watched him leave, and once he was out the door, you finally realized that you had just unabashedly given the cute Chief of Police your phone number. Telling him to call you anytime. 
And he did. At around eight that night, you got a call from an unknown number, and a somewhat groggy Charlie was speaking on the other end.
“Y/n?” He asked, as if he was unsure whether or not you had actually given him your number.
“Hey, Charlie!” you responded, clearly more awake than him. “Need a coffee?”
“Please.” He sounded desperate, and you were a bit embarrassed by the fact that his tone needed you to take a moment to recompose yourself. The way he said it was a bit whiny, but his voice was husky, probably from his tiredness. A long sigh came from the phone. “I feel like I’m going crazy over here.”
“Then I’ll be over soon.” 
You and Charlie said quick goodbyes to each other, and you went to the counter to make his coffee. You told Maddie, who was working the closing shift with you, that you’d be back soon, but she could lock up without you if needed. Then you were on your way to the police station.
The parking lot was empty except for one cruiser, which you guessed was Charlie’s. Walking into the building to find it empty and dark, aside from an office at the far end, confirmed your suspicions.
“Delivery for Chief Swan.” You say, knocking on his office door, which was cracked open the slightest bit. Charlie looked up at you from his desk, and you wouldn’t be surprised if your presence had awakened him from an unplanned nap. His dark curly locks were a tousled mess, probably the result of his hands constantly running through them, and his eyelids seemed heavy.
“My savior,” Charlie grumbled, sitting up the slightest bit and reaching for the large cup. You stood in silence as you watched him gulp down the hot liquid, wondering how he didn’t immediately stop in pain. You guessed that his fatigue made him immune somehow, or less caring about burning his throat. “Good stuff.”
“Maybe instead of drinking it and scalding yourself, you should head home?” You suggested with a small laugh.
“Too much to do,” Charlie said with a sigh, leaning back in his chair. “Too much going on for me to stop.”
“Well, it’s better to stop before you reach your limit, or you might be stopping for good.”
Charlie thought about what you said with a slight hum. His half-lidded eyes scanned his messy desk, cluttered with reports and other papers. To be completely honest, he was starting to doze off a little by the time you came, and words were starting to jumble together when he tried to read. 
“M’kay.” He sighed, taking another sip of coffee, this time wincing a bit at the heat. “You got a point there.” 
You watched as Charlie somewhat sluggishly got ready to leave. He threw on his jacket and turned off the lights, gesturing for you to leave the office first. When you got to the station’s front entrance, he held the door open for you.
“Thanks for the coffee.” He said after walking you to your car. “And drive safe.”
“Anytime,” you respond, opening the door and getting in the driver’s seat. “And the same goes for you.”
Charlie smiled, patting the top of your car as a farewell before walking over to his cruiser. Although he had turned on his car before you, he didn’t start driving until you left the parking lot.
A few months later, you were at your absolute busiest. Graduation was just around the corner, and almost every senior’s parent in Forks called asking if you could cater or do pick up orders for graduation parties. Although it meant your business would be booming for a while, you were slowly losing your sanity.
“Just a second!” You yelled from the back room after hearing the bell above the door ring. Carefully, you slid a large tray filled with cupcakes into one of your fridges and closed the door.
“Take your time!” Charlie yelled back, making you want to be as quick as possible. You wiped your hands on your apron and ran to the front, where Charlie greeted you with a smile. “Hey, Y/n. You busy?”
“Always am,” you laughed, leaning against the counter. “But I always have time for you, Charlie. Black coffee and a bagel?”
“You know me so well.” Charlie watched as you moved around, making his hot drink and picking out a bagel from the stack you had made this morning. “How are things?”
“Hectic.” You answer, rising from your crouched position to bag up the bagel. “But it’s nothing I can’t handle. Almost every parent has been ordering at least seventy-five cupcakes for their kids’ graduation parties, and there’s at least three parties happening every week.” You grabbed Charlie’s coffee, putting a lid on the cup before handing it to him. Despite it being scalding hot, he took a sip while he listened. “I’m grateful, obviously, but if I have to frost another cupcake, I think I’m gonna get carpal tunnel.”
“I forgot graduation parties were a thing,” Charlie said with a slightly embarrassed laugh. “I don’t know if Bella would want one, though; she kind of hates being the center of attention.”
“Well, if she decides to have one, you know who to call for the baked goods.” You say with a smile, taking Charlie’s cash and watching him put the change in the tip jar. You loved the familiarity and routine that you had with Charlie. Every day, he ordered the same thing without fail, asked how you were doing, used a bill that was anywhere between a few dollars more to over twice the amount needed, and put the change he got into your decorated tip jar. 
“I’ll ask her about it.” To most, it looked like Charlie was wearing a straight face. But you could tell that there was a slight upward curve to his lip. “Kinda hoping she says yes. I think it’d be fun.”
“Have a good day, Charlie.”
“Have a good day, Y/n.”
Later in the day, the bakery was crowded. School had just gotten out, and most of the kids came for a little pick-me-up, whether it was some kind of caffeinated drink or a sweet treat. Plus, some parents came by to pick up their party orders.
You didn’t expect to see Charlie in the crowd today, accompanied by a girl who seemed around high school age. You assumed that this was Bella, his daughter.
“Hey, Y/n.” Charlie greeted you once they reached the counter. “Place is packed.”
“Yup! I think finals are just around the corner, so these kids need all the help they can get.” You looked over at the young girl who stood next to Charlie. “Is this your daughter?”
“Yeah. Y/n, this is Bella. Bella, this is Y/n.” You greeted each other before Charlie spoke again. “I asked Bella about the whole graduation party thing, and she said it sounded like fun. So I decided to meet her here on my break so we could set up an order.”
“Awesome!” You grinned, grabbing an order form. Usually, you would be slightly dying on the inside if someone was making an order like this. But there seemed to be something about Charlie that diffused any annoyance or dread you would normally feel. “So, what were you thinking? Cupcakes?”
“Actually, we were thinking of a cake.” This answer made you perk up. Bella nodded, confirming the decision, which you quickly jotted down. While the three of you talked, Charlie’s radio on his shoulder sounded. “I gotta take this, I’ll be right back. Bells, just tell Y/n what you want, and I’ll pay for it. And if you want a drink or something, go ahead and order. Oh! Could I get a-”
“Black coffee?” You finished, giving Charlie a knowing smile. His usually pale cheeks seemed to turn pink, but you just chalked it up to the slightly warm and crowded room. “Of course, now go take your call.”
You waved Charlie away, who fought against the small crowd of students to get out of the building. You asked two of your employees to get on the register and start taking orders before turning back to Bella. As you wrote down what she wanted, she spoke somewhat timidly, as if she was saying something that was supposed to be a secret.
“He talks about you sometimes.” You looked at her with slight confusion. “My dad.”
“Oh?” Your heartbeat quickened at the information. It surprised you that Charlie thought of you outside of the bakery, let alone talked about you. “Really?”
“Yeah.” She bit her lip, trying to keep more from spilling. But it didn’t work. “Half of the time, he’s raving about your coffee.”
“It’s just black coffee,” you said with a shrug, flipping the pen around with your fingers to release your giddy energy.
“Yeah, but you’re the one who makes it. And the other half of the time, he’s talking about how nice you are.”
“He thinks I’m nice?” You were glad your employees were taking care of the other customers because you were now completely distracted from the task at hand. Bella nodded, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Well, I think he’s nice, too.”
“Who’s nice?” You and Bella jumped at Charlie’s surprise return.
“Uhh, no one.” You brushed off, quickly filling out the rest of the paper before turning it around and handing Charlie your pen. “Sign here, and we can get started on the order. Oh, did you want to do pick up or delivery?”
“Delivery,” Bella answered before Charlie could, eyes darting from you to her father. Neither of you opposed, so when you got the paper back, you marked the delivery option.
“Delivery it is.” You said, putting your pen in one of your apron pockets. “Charlie, I’ll get you your coffee. Bella, did you want anything?”
“No, I’m fine, thanks.” You nodded and quickly made a large black coffee. After checking them out and Charlie putting his change in the jar, you waved goodbye to the two Swans. “See you next week, Bella. And I’ll see you tomorrow, Charlie?”
“Of course.” He said with a smile before guiding Bella out of the shop.
You couldn’t wait to see Charlie Swan again.
A week later, you loaded Bella’s finished graduation cake into your car. After telling Maddie you’d be back soon, you got in the driver’s seat and drove to the Swan house. Everyone knew where everyone was in this town, but you still had your eyes glued to your map when they weren’t on the road, too scared to miss a turn. 
Soon, you pulled up to a white two-story house. You were confident that it was Charlie’s place when you saw his police cruiser and a red truck, which must have been Bella’s. There were a few cars scattered up and down the street, but you found a free spot right in front of the cop car. When you got out and grabbed the two-tiered cake, Charlie emerged from the front door.
“Y/n! You made it!” He jogged over to you as you closed the car door with a swing of your hip. “Here, lemme get that for ya.”
“You’re sweet, Charlie.” You carefully handed the cake to him and followed him inside. The place seemed to be packed with teens and their parents. Some stood out, and you knew exactly who they were from their pale complexions and beautiful features.
“Did you wanna stay for a bit?” Charlie asked as he set the cake down on a table. He scratched the back of his head, growing a bit shy. “You, uhh, you could taste your masterpiece. Mingle and stuff.”
“I should probably be getting back to the bakery…” You looked down at your watch. You supposed you could spare a few minutes. After all, you were the boss. Maddie was responsible; she would call you if she had any problems. “Well, I think I could stay a few minutes.”
“Great.” Charlie put on a large grin, one that you had probably never seen before. But it suited him nicely. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”
Charlie laid a hand on the small of your back to guide you through the small crowd. You already knew most of the people here, either regulars of yours or having recently become well acquainted with them because of delivery or pick-up orders. But then Charlie took you to a small group of people that you don’t remember every meeting, but you knew of them well.
“Y/n, these are the Cullens.” Charlie introduced. “Doctor Carlisle, his wife Esme, Bella’s boyfriend Edward, and his sister Alice.”
“It’s nice to meet you all.” You said kindly, shaking each hand that reached out to you. Their hands were cold, but that didn’t bother you. It was actually a bit refreshing after having your hands in and out of ovens for the past few weeks.
“Y/n made Bella’s cake,” Charlie said, proudly pointing to your creation on the table. “She owns Bear Claw Bakery. She’s… pretty amazing, at what she does.”
“I see that,” Carlisle said, looking at the cake. “Amazing detail, I bet it looks even better up close. You’re quite talented.”
“All you need is a steady hand.” You said, not used to compliments or attention like this. 
“Well, I know a thing or two about that,” Carlisle said with a laugh. You laughed along, and you couldn’t help but notice Charlie’s hand move to wrap more around your waist.
“Thank you for making Bella’s cake,” Edward said, his voice cool and even. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
“She will,” Alice said with finality, as if she had already seen Bella’s reaction to the cake.
“Thank you.” You couldn’t help but lean slightly into Charlie; he was just so warm and comfortable. He seemed a bit surprised but didn’t reject your actions. Instead, he welcomed them with a squeeze on your waist. “I was happy to do it, really.”
“Do you want a drink?” Charlie asked, leaning close to you to ask.
“Sure.” As Charlie guided you to the kitchen, you looked over your shoulder at the Cullens. “It was nice to meet you!” They all gave similar and polite responses. And then they were out of view, and you and Charlie were alone in the kitchen.
For a while, you and Charlie stayed in the kitchen, watching people pass by to talk to others or get a refreshment. This was the first time you were around Charlie in a non-professional environment. You were both nervous and ecstatic.
“So, how’d you get into, uh, baking and stuff?” Charlie asked, taking a swig of his beer. You took a sip of your Coke before responding.
“My mom, I think. Every birthday or special occasion, she always insisted on making a giant cake or cupcakes or whatever, instead of buying it from the store. I liked to help her, mainly because she’d let me eat the leftover frosting and pour the batter in the pan.” You leaned on the counter, smiling fondly at the memories that ran through your head. “Even when you’re by yourself, I think it’s really special. I dunno, that’s kind of a sappy answer, but-”
“No, no.” Charlie shook his head before smiling at you. “I think that’s really sweet.”
After a brief moment of eye contact, you both took a sip of your drinks, lifting them to your lips and setting them down simultaneously.
“Are you doing anything this Saturday?” The question surprised you and Charlie, even though Charlie had asked it. But he didn’t take it back. Instead, he waited for a response while anxiously tapping his fingers against his beer bottle.
“Maybe.” You said with a shrug. “Why do you ask?”
“Well…” Charlie’s fingers smoothed over his mustache, which you had noticed to be a habit of his when he was thinking. “I’ve never really baked before, I think. And you make it sound like a lot of fun. So… I dunno, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over or something, and we could make something?”
“I’d love to.” You said, butterflies filling your stomach. 
“Really?” Charlie seemed relieved by your answer, and you nodded swiftly to solidify it. “Great! Maybe this time, I can make you a coffee.”
“I’d like that a lot.” You took a sip of your Coke to contain your growing smile, but it didn’t help much. Your giddiness was infectious, Charlie feeling the exact excitement you were.
When Saturday came, you had an extra pep in your step. You made sure to put a slight bit more effort into your appearance before you left. You knew you didn’t have to impress Charlie in any way, but this felt like a sort of milestone. You were going to spend time with him outside of work, doing one of your favorite activities together.
“Bella’s out with Edward,” Charlie said as he let you into the house. “So we’ll have the house to ourselves.”
“Sounds good to me.” You responded, setting your bag on the kitchen counter and pulling out a recipe card.
“So, what are we making?” He asked, clapping his hands and rubbing them together as he looked over your shoulder.
“Black Forest gâteau.” You answered, looking down at the card and then up at Charlie. He seemed slightly confused, but looked like he didn’t want you to know he was confused. You laughed lightly. “Basically, a chocolate cake with cherry filling.”
“Ah.” Charlie nodded in understanding. “Sounds delicious.”
While you started taking ingredients out of your bag, Charlie made a pot of coffee for the both of you. After pouring himself a plain black coffee, he asked you what you wanted in yours. When he was finished, he handed you the warm mug, and you both simultaneously took a sip. You sighed in delight.
“Delicious.” You said, giving him a wink before turning back to your ingredients. Charlie took another gulp of coffee to hide his flusteredness before moving to stand next to you.
You guided Charlie through the recipe, working together to measure ingredients and mix them. While pouring the batter into a few cake pans, you made light conversation about your days since Bella’s party. After the pans were put in the oven to bake, you made the cherry filling to put between the layers. 
“This is really nice.” You said, slowly dropping down to sit in front of the oven to watch the cake layers bake for the next few minutes. Charlie dried his hands and walked over to you, looking down at you curiously. “Thanks for having me over.”
Charlie crouched next to you and sighed, probably because he wasn’t used to sitting on the floor. He mirrored your position, legs crisscrossed and elbows resting on his knees.
“No problem.” 
The two of you watched the cakes slowly rise through the small oven window. Basking in the quiet and comfortable moment, you couldn’t help but lean over and rest your head on Charlie’s shoulder. 
“This is really nice.” You repeated, albeit quieter, even though there was no need to whisper. Charlie’s head tilted to rest on yours, lifting his bent right leg and planting his foot on the floor to be more comfortable.
“Yeah…” Charlie’s hand drifted towards yours, and in a moment of bravery, you grabbed it and intertwined his fingers with yours. “It is.”
Over the next two months, you and Charlie grew closer than you ever thought possible. He still came to the bakery every day for his coffee and bagel. But almost every weekend, you’d go to each other’s house to make some kind of treat, and Charlie always insisted on making coffee for both of you. 
Getting closer to Charlie meant you also got closer to Bella. She was a bit reserved, spending most of her time with her boyfriend and his family. But you were able to make conversation with her whenever you were both at the Swan house. It was usually only a few minutes, the sweet spot where you had arrived and Bella was about to leave. But it was special to you.
You were a bit shocked when you found out that Bella and Edward were getting married in August, just under two months after they had graduated high school. Bella hadn’t even turned nineteen yet. But you knew love when you saw it, and it wasn’t like you had a say on the matter. Bella was grateful, however, for you being able to calm Charlie down when he found out about it.
When she told you she was getting married, Bella asked if you could make the wedding cake. You didn’t even think before saying yes, feeling honored that she wanted you to do it. After some talking, you both decided on a green triple-tiered cake covered in fondant flowers to resemble a meadow.
“You did amazing.” Charlie had snuck up behind you during the reception, the two of you looking at the cake you had worked so hard on.
“Thank you, bear.” You don’t really remember how Charlie’s nickname came about, but it fit him so well that you started to refer to him with the nickname more than his real name. Although you weren’t together, it was said with all the affection and love you held for him.
Music echoed throughout the Cullens’s backyard, where the wedding and reception were held. It was a beautiful forest, lit by fairy lights strung around tall trees. 
“Do you wanna dance?” Charlie asked timidly, looking at the dancefloor littered with people for a moment before returning to you. “I mean, I’m not much of a dancer. But if you want to, I-”
“I’d love to.” You cut him off with a bright smile, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the crowd.
Despite saying he wasn’t a dancer, Charlie moved well. He kept one of your hands in a gentle grip while his other was planted firmly on your waist, radiating warmth. As you listened to the music, you rested your head on his chest, sighing contently. 
“I love you, Charlie Swan,” you said softly, too relaxed and in the moment to keep your filter. You felt Charlie stiffen under you briefly before he, too, relaxed. He held your hand tighter, keeping it to his chest.
“I love you too, Y/n L/n.” You lifted your head just enough to look at him. The soft look he gave you made you weak at the knees, but you found the strength to reach up to kiss him. 
“Alice,” Bella said softly to her new sister-in-law, the two girls watching you and Charlie closely, unbeknownst to you. “Do you think this’ll last? Them, I mean.”
Alice turned to Bella and smiled before looking back at the two of you. You broke apart from the kiss and continued to dance.
“I’ve had the same vision of them since I met Y/n. They get to grow old together.”
“So Charlie will be happy? And Y/n?” Alice placed a comforting hand on Bella’s shoulder, knowing why she was asking these questions. The Cullens knew what Bella wanted, and Bella knew it would probably kill Charlie when she got what she had been chasing after for so long.
“The happiest. Whatever it is they have, it’s special. You won’t have to worry about either of them.”
Bella sighed in relief, patting Alice’s hand.
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Should I?
Based on this request:  Hi Meg! May I please request a continuation of “Why Shouldn’t I?” where the reader and Charlie are getting married and Charlie is going to be turned. Bella is pissed and really hates her new step-mother because she thinks she should be the only special Swan. Does that make sense?
Here you are!! As requested, this is part 2 of “Why Shouldn’t I?” *Familiar Characters are NEVER mine!*
Fandom: Twilight
Warnings: Angst-ish? Bella bashing, FLUFF!! 
Pairings/Characters: Charlie Swan x fem!vampire reader, Bella, Edward, The Denali Coven, The Volturi
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A smile graced your face as you neared Charlie's house. He had invited you over for a quiet evening in, which you absolutely didn't mind. Being with the Cullens was almost NEVER quiet and the smell of Jacob was sometimes too much to bear. You loved being able to get away from it all with your mate. Bella hated it, but you hardly paid her any mind. She wasn't going to come between you and Charlie.
         Charlie was the most amazing mate you could have ever asked for. Once you knew how to talk to him, he opened up. And when you were no longer keeping your true self a secret, Charlie had been nothing but supportive, asking questions and listening to your answers intently. He was the most kind, patient, and giving man you'd met in every aspect, but also wasn't afraid of letting you know his real thoughts on things. It was refreshing and the more time you spent together, the more he swore he was feeling the bond of true mates.
         The door opened just as you set foot on the top step. Charlie greeted you with a smile before pulling you in for a deep kiss. If you needed oxygen, his kisses would absolutely take your breath away though this one seemed even more passionate. It sparked a flame in you nearly instantly, but you pulled away before things could go further. Charlie's playful expression of betrayal made you laugh as you gently moved passed him inside the warm home.
         "So, what is the plan f-" you cut yourself off when you turned back to see Charlie standing there, a small velvet box in his hands. "Wh-" Charlie gave you an awkward smile. "I wasn't sure how to surprise you with this, so I decided it was best to just come out with it. I-I never wanted to get married again. I was bachelor and happy with that. But then…then you asked me to dance at my daughter's wedding. The minute I held you in my arms, I was a goner." If you could cry, you were certain you would be. This was the most Charlie had ever spoken about his feelings at one time before.
         "I want to be with you forever if you'll let me. I realize that's a lot longer than I originally thought, but I want it. So…will you?" You giggled lightly and he continued, "Sorry. Will you be my wife?" You pulled him into a hug, careful not to hurt him. "Of course I will, Charlie."
*time skip*
         A lot of brides talk about how nervous they are on their wedding day. Maybe that was because humans didn't share the true mate bond the way vampires did. Or maybe it was being in front of all the people. You didn't know. What you did know was that you weren't at all nervous. In fact, you couldn't wait. The morning seemed to drag on as you got ready. Even your reunion was Carmen and Eleazar couldn't speed the time up enough for you. However, there was one thing, or rather one person, that nearly brought time to a screeching halt only moments before the ceremony was due to start.
         The door to the room you were getting ready in burst open. You jumped a little, causing Tanya to scold you as she did your make up. In the mirror, you caught sight of Bella standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. "You can't do this. You can't change him! Convince him to stay human. You said the Volturi wouldn't kill him because he's your mate. He can stay human. You should let him do that."
         "Should I?" you asked with a hum. "Yes." You sighed and gently touched Tanya's arm to get her to stop. You stood and turned to face your future step-daughter. "And did you speak to your father about this before you came barging here demanding things of me?" Bella's silence told you that she hadn't. "Don't you think Charlie and I have talked about this at length? He wants to change. For me and for you." Bella looked a little surprised.
         "Me?" You let out a loud sigh. "Bella are you seriously telling me that you are that self-absorbed that you haven't noticed how your father dotes on you? He adores you. You are his daughter, his pride and joy. And now you're living forever. He doesn't want you to lose him. If he knew how little you actually think of him, how little you valued his love for you, or how you were willing to break his heart for someone that wasn't your mate then later deciding that he himself couldn't have that chance at happiness, he may not be so keen."
         "You didn't tell him that, did you?!" You scoffed and replied that you hadn’t. "I wouldn't do that to him. Charlie is a kind soul who wants what's best for the people he loves. He's everything I could have asked for in a true mate and I hope he never discovers the kind of person you really are, Isabella. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to finish getting ready. I'm getting married in a few minutes."
         Your wedding to Charlie went off without a hitch. Charlie actually teared up when you were saying your vows after he had stuttered through his own. You remained with a smile on your face and your hands clasped in his the entire time. You could feel the eyes of all your family and friends and even the Volturi on you two. But you only had eyes for your mate as your officiate declared you husband and wife before the two of you sealed your union with a kiss.
         At your reception, you were surprisingly swept into a dance with Marcus while Carmen had managed to convince Charlie to dancing with her, knowing that it wouldn't hurt if he stepped on her feet. "It has been a long time since I've seen a bond as strong as the one between you and Chief Swan. Not since my own with Didyme. I wish you both all the best," Marcus told you and you smiled before thanking him.
         You spent the rest of the night being passed around between everyone, whether to dance or simply to chat, but eventually you ended up in Charlie's arms again. "There you are," he greeted with a soft smile. You lost yourself in his chocolate eyes and had to admit that's one thing you would miss when he was no longer human. But the thought of forever overtook that. "Are you ready to head out?" You nodded eagerly. "Let's go."
         "Ch-Dad, wait. You don't have to do this," Bella said suddenly after the two of you had moved away from the crowd. She was whispering, but that really didn't matter since most of the guests in attendance were vampires. "Do…what exactly?" Charlie asked, confused. "You don't have to change. You have the choice. Did she tell you that?" You fought the urge to roll your eyes. At least she wasn't making a big scene.
         "What is this about, Bella? Is there a reason you don't want me to do this? You did this." Edward and the Volturi had joined you by this point. Edward looked just as confused as you and Charlie felt. "Bella, what's going on?" he asked. "I'm just trying to protect my dad," she replied but it was obvious no one believed her. Charlie looked at you.
         "If I may, Isabella," Aro cut in, "We have spoken to both Y/N and your father at length. This is his choice. It seems as though you are simply trying to keep a pair of true mates apart for some selfish reason. But that is a crime punishable by death. Surely you would not wish your demise upon young Edward or your child." That shut the young vampire up and she allowed you to pass. Charlie pressed a kiss to his daughter's forehead as he walked by with you on his arm.
         You and Charlie spent three glorious weeks together on your honeymoon before traveling to a more deserted location. It was time. "This is going to hurt. The pain…it's unbearable for some. But I will be right by your side. I promise. I love you," you told him. At his nod, you leaned in and let your teeth sink into his flesh.
Charlie's POV
         You had been right. The pain was excruciating. All Charlie knew was darkness and pain. His memories of parts of his human life were fading. The important memories remained. Throughout it all, he swore he heard your voice speaking to him through the fog of pain and dark. He felt his body breaking. Breaking to the point of death and then…nothing.
         When Charlie opened his eyes again, the world looked different. More clear. More beautiful. He could see even smallest speck of dust in the air. He could hear the buzz of a bee miles away. And he could smell everything. But what drew his attention was the burning sensation in his throat.
         "You need to hunt, my love." Your voice, sounding even more clear and lovely drew Charlie's attention. He let his eyes flicker to you. If he had been taken by your beauty before, he was even more so now. Charlie was up in an instant, pulling you into a hug. As he hugged you, he caught sight of his reflection in a nearby mirror. Red eyes stared back at him and he knew it was all over and just beginning at the same time. He really would be with you, his love, his true mate, for eternity.
(a/n: I hope you enjoyed this part!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard​ @supernatural4life2022​
Twilight Tags: @awesomebooklover17​ 
Charlie Swan Tags: @twilightlover2007​
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pherelesytsia · 2 years
Coming Home before Christmas
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x female/wife/Reader
Summary: Thomas returns home and is surprised by his children worrying the Grinch will steal the sweets.
Warning: just pure Christmas fluff
Word Count: 1.1k
a/n: Requests are open!!!
Thomas Shelby Masterlist
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Christmas carols, old and heard for the hundredth time, playing on a continuous loop, filled every corner and flooded the deserted rooms of the house at the end of the world, oozing with joy and the purest form of delight a heart could feel.
Blue eyes, the beauty of a summer's sky, sparkled. Charlie and his sister, dressed in jumpers with laughing reindeers and grinning snowmen sledging down the hills, tried to count the variously sized ornaments with glittering elements adorning the tree. Light wooden figures were lurking between the ornaments in reddish hues. Fairy lights twinkled like stars and rising flames gnawed at the logs.
Feet dangled from the sofa covered by dozens of pillows and fluffy blankets, hidden in a box in the attic during the warm months. The children stared impatiently at the screen, but no complaint crossed their lips. The door slammed into the lock, and a bunch of keys jiggled. Charlie, threw the blankets aside and jumped followed by his sister off the sofa, ran past the kitchen island and Y/N looked after them as she poured the warm, not boiling liquid into the almost identical cups with rows of red flakes, dots and dancing snowman.
Joyful voices greeted the returned father. The heavy, dark leather bag fell to the ground. Thomas laughed, felt arms wrapping around his leg and he lifted the young girl from the ground, pressed her tight to his chest and ruffled the boy's hair. Snow was thawing and gossamer waterfalls danced over his face. His eyes, once dull, sparkled, forgot the past, the cruel word beyond the thick locked wooden door, and noticed the knitted jumpers.
            "We have been waiting. Come. Everything's set! We have picked out a movie. And if we are not nice, the Grinch will steal our cookies." the children sang out almost in sync as if they had been memorising the sentences on the sofa for several hours as if it was a poem.
The Shelby chuckled and settled his daughter down next to Charlie. The burden of everyday life disappeared. His right hand slipped into his coat pocket and, with the push of a button, he turned the sound of his smartphone off.
            "I'm here, Mister Grinch will not steal your cookies. Where is mom?" Thomas inquired.
The dark-haired man leaned to the side, hoping to catch sight of his wife leaning against the door, but the soft hum of a melody crossing her lips accompanied by the sound of clinking spoons let him know she was in the kitchen.
Hands reached for him, clutching his firmly and the children pulled the father still dressed in the coat into the depths of the house, past reindeers with reddish scarves and saluting nutcrackers. They ignored his complaints, wishing to finally find themselves on the sofa and turn on the fairy tale.
Entering the living room, the scent of Christmas, oranges, apples, and chocolate greeted him. His eyes slid across the richly decorated room. The reindeer pulling the swan carriage next to the nutcrackers in uniforms saluted and protected the snowmen family on the window seat, and Thomas wondered how he could have disliked Christmas, almost loathe, the merry time. The thick, indestructible layer of ice protecting his heart like a shield of silver and steel melted away. Once he would have called the reddish pyjamas with snowmen and nutcrackers childish and idiotic, something a grown woman should not wear, but it looked better on his wife than an evening gown. Her hair falling in gentle waves framed her features, touched by the soft light. The children released his hands and told him to follow swiftly, but the father didn't listen as they ran back to the sofa.
Y/N exhaled, turned, and faced her husband. He remembers, Y/N thought to herself, glancing at the clock and seeing that it was still before seven, knowing he had been thinking of them, trying to keep the promise he had made to at least try to arrive earlier to spend time with his family.
Grinning, Thomas cast his gaze over his shoulder and glanced after the chatting children. He took off the coat and threw it onto the bar stool. Thomas flashed his wife a smile, stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her waist, placed his hands on the small of her back and breathed a feather-light kiss on her lips.
            "I missed you," Thomas whispered, barely audible, but Y/N heard the words loud and clear.
            "I missed you too. How was your day? Are you tired? We waited but we can watch the movie tomorrow. You are probably exhausted. Arthur called and told me you might arrive later, that your day was rough." Y/N spoke.
Thomas chuckled, lowered his gaze to the cups with whipped cream, colourful sprinkles and chocolate flecks.
            "I'm not tired. You don't have to worry about me. I am fine. Nothing a cup of coffee can't fix and we should join the children if we want cookies." Thomas answered.  
Y/N didn't have to look at the table, heard the giggling children tampering with the round white and silver plates, searching for the most delicious biscuits and devouring them as if they hadn't eaten in days.
            "You should have seen them in the afternoon when they came from school and kindergarten. You might have noticed, but the gingerbread house is gone. I was in the shower, maybe ten minutes gone, and when I returned, the house was gone." Y/N breathed.
Astonished, Thomas turned and noticed that instead of the gingerbread house was a reindeer on the mantlepiece.
            "I noticed the sweets were missing." Thomas laughed.
            "The gingerbread wasn't even soft. It was hard as a rock. But they didn't mind. They drank at least a litre of milk to soften it. And now they are planning to build a new house and I am surprised that their stomach doesn't ache." reported Y/N.
She leaned her head on his chest. His fingers sank into her hair, brushed through the light waves, and breathed lovely words into her ear. The children switched off the lamp and the only source of light was the dimly glowing Christmas tree, and Charlie called out to the parents, gazing into each other's eyes like love-struck lovers.
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simp2537 · 3 months
Would anyone be interested in any of my others docs that are on my other platforms? I have an Avatar (James Cameron) (Tsu’tey x femreader) Twilight (Jacob Black x adopted Swan!reader) The walking dead (Carl Grimes x Walsh!reader x Oc) Sofia the First (don’t hate, I’m feeding my inner child) (Future Oc’s x oldersister!reader) and a Trollhunters (Jim Lake x reader)
Some of these are a bit older and when I was a younger fic writes. But they’re not terrible and their my babies.
Avatar Fic: When our world is sucked into a black hole there are only two survivors. A baby boy with white and a young girl with white hair. For Y/n Ortiz her world ends only to be thrown into another.Y/n must care for herself the last surviving daughter of earth 2 and the last surviving son. What happens when Jake Sully comes into play and she must fight for Pandora. Will she learn to love?
Twilight Fic: When Charlie and Renee's relationship was breaking the pair thought it'd be a good idea for them to have another child. However they couldn't convince another child. So instead they chose to adopt a two year old little girl with a strange mark on his wrist. Bella was four when she met her new little sister. At first she didn't like Y/n. She was always taking her dad's attention.
Till one day Bella cut her knee on the sidewalk while playing. The first person that ran to her when she was hurt was Y/n. From that day forth Bella and Y/n were inseparable.
hen Y/n was five her parents realized their marriage wasn't working. Then they realized how nart Y/n was. Then two men from another country came and told Renee that they wanted Y/n go to a special school for extraordinary children. They paid Renee and she sent Y/n off when she was five.
What happens when Y/n turns fifteenth and goes home. Will how different Y/n is change her life. Will the new being in her home change her.
TWD Fic: Ares the god of war, the god that bathes in the blood of his enemies. In this world the dead come to life for blood. A girl whose life had tragedy all her life. Her mother died when she was young. Her father loved her dearly and always wanted what was best for her. Y/n Walsh was Shane's daughter with his first and only wife Artemis Black.
Artemis was and archer, the best in the world. She was the love of Shane's life but then she got sick. Cancer took her from her daughter and her husband.
Shane always want her daughter to have the best life. Her mother taught her archer from a young age. When the world went to shit Y/n and her father adapted quickly. Too quickly for other's liking. Y/n started to be called Ares for the way she bathed in the new world. When Rick Grimes her uncle came back from the dead her new life was destroyed in more ways than one.
Sofia the First Fic: Y/n the first, older sister to Sofia the first. When her mothers married a king her and sister become princesses. How will her journey continue as she is gifted the Crown of Avalon?
Trollhunters: She was a witch. He was the first human Trollhunter. She battled with the darkness inside of her, he bathed in light. How can such a love story unfold.
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nebulablakemurphy · 2 months
I adored moves and countermoves. Haymitch x reader was amazing and kind of got me into x reader stories. now I keep seeing asks about Charlie swan.
let me tell ya I’m so not into twilight. Read book one, tried Two and couldn’t take any more. But oddly enough I did like Charlie. And maybe Carlisle, they seemed the most normal out of anybody.
so…. I guess I’m joining the crowd in asking about Charlie x reader? I’ll go look for others but hey, I know you are amazing already so I just had to ask. I mean, I am dying to see a wife or girlfriend’s pov of this whole thing with Bella, and someone just has to have Charlie’s back in this. The poor guy.
Thank you so much! I’ve got a couple more weeks deep into my current hyperfixation before this season of my show ends 😂 after that I’m totally open to this Charlie x Reader business.
Like what do you mean your daughter was found in the woods after her boyfriend left? What do you mean she was catatonic for several months after? What do you mean she flew to a foreign country without your permission at age 17? What do you mean, Charlie? What do you mean!? 😪
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
Stardust Reblog Challenge
Sept - Dec 2022 📖☕️🌸
please be sure to check all individual ratings, tags, & content warnings before reading.
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challenge hosted by @natrace 🌸
a reading & reblog effort to show support for writers here on tumblr 📖
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this month’s reading lists are kindly dedicated in loving memory of our friend Cindy (@keeper0fthestars) 🕊 who passed away recently after a lengthy battle with cancer.
she was a wonderful friend to all, always supportive, kind, & an incredibly bright light to our community.
finding love, friendship, & comfort through reading, as well as getting lost in writing these beloved stories, has often felt like a warm hug when needed most. sharing & connecting with so many people over all of the things we love is a beautiful thing, & Cindy's amazing heart reached so many across the globe. I'm so thankful for getting the chance to know her & offer warm thoughts & sincere condolences to her family & friends during this time. 💐
always daydream & never lose sight of all of the beautiful treasures to be found within your hearts.
all the love, always, xo A 💌
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andor / rogue one
bodhi rook
reprieve by @uwingdispatch (gn!reader)
** please note the content warnings before reading
unwavering by @uwingdispatch (gn!reader)
cassian andor
cassian helping you through a panic attack before aldhani by @archieimagines
endlessly by @uwingdispatch (gn!reader)
ruescott melshi
before.when.after. By @littlemisspascal (f!reader)
rating: M (18+ only)
misc. / multi. fandom
the batman
alfred pennyworth
bookstore date by @eupheme (gn!reader)
like the movies by @eupheme (f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only)
my foolish heart by @eupheme (f!reader)
carlisle cullen, charlie swan
lazy sunday by @eupheme (charlie swan x f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only)
watch what happens by @eupheme (carlisle cullen x f!reader x charlie swan)
rating: E (18+ only)
moon knight
dream a little dream of me by @redahlia-writes (f!reader)
pedro pascal characters
ezra (prospect)
static and snow by @the-blind-assassin-12 (f!reader)
jack daniels
it’s a marshmallow world part one, part two by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
joel miller
wolf song by @eupheme (f!reader)
rating: M (18+ only)
marcus pike
where the love light gleams by @the-blind-assassin-12 (f!reader)
zach wellison
coming home (a room with a view series) by @absurdthirst (f!reader)
rating: M (18+ only)
star wars
anakin skywalker
forbidden by @mylifeisactuallyamess
armitage hux
too late for goodbye by @mylifeisactuallyamess
din djarin
bookstore girl by @saradika (gn!reader)
obi wan kenobi
baking/messy kitchen by @saradika (gn!reader)
rating: M (18+ only) (modern au, ‘ben’ kenobi)
you make me feel like dancing by @saradika (f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only) (modern au, ‘ben’ kenobi)
poe dameron
the first noel life day by @dailyreverie
triple frontier
benny miller
all I need by @dameronscopilot (f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only)
will miller
christmas morning by @rayslittlekitten (dad!will, wife!f!reader, child oc lucy)
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** please be sure to check out my separate end of year fic recs list for more wonderful stories from ao3 **
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.16
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan, Jacob Black x Bella Swan
Warnings: break up?
Words: 2168
Summary: Sam calls a pack meeting with surprise guests.
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
Edward could smell (y/n)'s scent leaving. If he had any real use of his lungs, he would very much like to fill them with her fragrance. He strains his mind in another attempt to read (y/n)'s thoughts. Still nothing. Maybe he should just accept the fact that he would never again be able to read her inner thoughts again. He was so unsure of himself though. Edward craved for some sort of guidance in his situation. Carlisle, though he had proved to be a father figure many times before, could offer no help to his adoptive son. What did he know about wavering feelings? Carlisle from the beginning was set on marrying Esme when he reunited with her at the tender mortal age of twenty-six. His love for Bella, Edward thought, had been confirmed in Italy when she came to save him. He thought it miraculous. At that moment he had certainly been convinced that he would readily make Bella his wife.
Returning his focus back to Bella who was resting in his bed, Edward placed his chilled hand to her cheek. She was always remarkably pale even for a human but now her tone was truly bleached sheet white. He damns himself for not being fast enough to find her. Not given Victoria the time to use Bella's unique blood to feed her troops.
He smiled. "How are you feeling?"
Groggy and careful in sitting up, her brown eyes have regained their lifeful shine. Bella practices in opening her dry mouth. Edward helped her drink some water to that she may speak. "I'm fine. A bit exhausted, but fine."
Where did he begin to apologize for his blunders. Allowing harm to come to Bella once again. He could only imagine the earful he would rightfully be receiving from Charlie once he saw his only child in such a state. perhaps he would even use that rifle of his and shoot at Edward although Charlie knew now that his daughter's boyfriend was not human. Hadn't been for a long time.
Bella, however, saved him from his never ending apologies. "I know I didn't leave on good terms with you." Her gaze is curiously fixated on her thin finger, unconsciously rubbing her left ring finger. Did she regret giving back his mother's ring? "And when I was stuck with the newborns. . . I had a lot of time to think about us."
Edward didn't like the way her tone dropped. It sounded like the end. "And?"
Finally, glossy tear glazed eyes turn up. She seemed so lost and sure of what was to come next. Her chapped bottom lip trembled. "I love you. More than I have with anyone else. But it's not enough. You said you don't love (y/n), but that won't stop what fate has written for you. In the end I'm just a human. I've heard what it's done to Sam and Leah." Even if their romantic relationship was ending, Bella needed Edward in her life. She didn't want to end up like bitter Leah. She couldn't go back to her normal human life knowing there were things such as werewolves and vampires that exist in the world. Walking among humans, them being none the wiser.
The Volturi's visit lingered in the back of his mind. "Do you not want me to turn you anymore?"
She's quiet before asking "What are the chances, if you do turn me, of me becoming like Victoria's newborns? Driven completely by blood lust and unable to think rationally. . . ?"
All newborns were alike in that manner. Born hungry, it was a constant chant of blood, blood, blood that helped newborns survive in their first few months. Eventually many grew out of their "infant" phase. Others. . . Others became like James, like Victoria. Even like Edward had been when he experimented with drinking human blood.
"You'll have us." He didn't really answer her question.
"Not anymore. . . Edward, I-I just can't be with you. Not if you'll end up with (y/n). And you will. that's how imprinting works."
"Even (y/n) tried to cut the tie of fate! Her and Sam almost go themselves killed." Her volume had risen, starling Edward. "That's what happens to people who try to change the predestined. I. . . Don't want to make things more difficult than they need be. Ha, I've already made things complicated. I don't want to do that anymore." Quickly the tears spilled forward and Bella was unable to hide them in time. It was breaking her heart.
Breaking his heart. That ice cold thing in his chest that hadn't beat in over a century. With Bella, there had been a love inside him like no other. From the moment he saw her in the cafeteria, catching the golden scent of a singer. The pain he had felt, thinking he had lost her, reminded him that Edward wasn't a numb being. He could still experience love, loss, pain and a plethora of other emotions humans experienced on a daily basis.
She had helped him to live again and not just simply exist in the shadows. He didn't want this to be the end. Not when he still loved her.
And what would the Volturi do to her when they found out Bella had change her mind about becoming a vampire?
There was so much he wanted to say. On the tip of his tongue lingered the refusal to break up with her. The lie that heavily weighed on his tongue that Edward wasn't in love with the wolf girl. It was impossible, right? He had hardly spent any time with her. Hardly knew the girl! Yet. . . Oh. . . he couldn't deny the delightful way she smiled, the way (y/n) understood him in a way that Bella could never. The way she was so self-aware and honest. And. .. Well, there was something primal as well in the attraction he was beginning to develop for her.
All he could do though was hold Bella in his arms as she wept.
The sun had already started to make its sloth-like way up into the sky, dispersing the gray of pre-dawn. Thankfully you found your parents still very much asleep. Gliding back to your room you close the door as quietly as possible so to not jar your parents awake. They were none the wiser of the danger you had been in and you would like to keep it that way. It could very well make your mother's hair go completely white with horror.
Small wounds you had received would prove difficult to explain to them. There was one that sliced from your shoulder to the edge of the skin above your scapula. Several slashes decorated your right forearm, still pink and irritated. You couldn't say that you took a terrible tumble. The wounds looked like they had been made from fingers. No easy explanation for that unless you convinced them that it had been caused by the other wolves. They knew what friendly scuffles amongst pack mates looked like.
Even now as you stretched your muscles out, the wounds open and bleed. Sharp and stinging, you suppress the hiss that nearly escapes you. Reminding yourself that by nightfall they would be healed, the last remnants of the battle with the newborns would be only scars.
Adrenaline remnants were still floating in your system, sleep evaded you as a result. You instead stare wide eyed up at the ceiling until the morning light finally breaks past your curtain.
Ebbing at you was exhaustion, red and bleary eyes trying their best to remain open. Not that closing them had done much help. The battle continuously replayed in your head.
Edward's body behind you.
The crunching of a newborn's neck.
Snow disorienting your senses.
Bella's blood drifting in the wild wind.
So vivid that you were nearly transported back to the battlefield. To the cacophony of madness that had lured out your inner animal. Partially scaring you had been that powerful feeling when you ripped apart a newborn. It made your blood sing in a away you had never experienced before.
An aggressive spirit had taken hold of you, and you liked the power it gave you. You had felt like a goddess of war.
Even cleaning and hiding your wounds did little to stop the shock on your mom and dad's face when you sit down for breakfast. Not getting much sleep was taking its toll on you. Reaching for your box of cereal that had already been kindly put out for you on the table, your arm knocked over a glass of orange juice.
"Shoot, sorry pop." Bustling with paper towels, your mom is faster at cleaning it up. Your movements were delayed, sluggish in a manner that was obvious.
Your dad, having only been partially splashed, regards you with that concerned parent look. "Did you not sleep well last night?"
"Not really. . . But I'm okay. I have to go over to Sam's for pack business." Rubbing your burning eyes, you couldn't imagine that much business would be discussed. The battle had been won. You could continue on with your life.
Well maybe after that you can come home and take a nap." Your mom suggested, placing her hand on your cheek. "You look exhausted, (y/n)."
Meekly smiling, you agree to return after Sam's. Maybe you'll actually be able to sleep this time.
You just had to survive this gathering.
Unfortunately you seemed to have shown up to a party. Sam and Emily's cars were accompanied by two others and Chief Swan's patrol vehicle.
Colin and Seth spoke in a hushed tone on the porch. On the steps was Jacob, Embry and Quil.
"What's going on?"
Neither boy jumped at the opportunity to explain to you. Jacob sighs, taking it upon himself. "The elders and Chief Swan were asked to come personally by Sam. He's waiting until everyone is here to explain."
Quil checks his phone. "I don't know why. Everyone in the pack is here."
Partially embarrassed by being the last one to arrive, you push it aside as curiosity took its place. Who else was Sam waiting for? You speak your question and everyone in the trio shrugs. Quil who had been holding an aluminum energy drink finishes it off with a dissatisfied sigh. From the way his eyelids were still drooping, you surmised it did little to help with his exhaustion.
"Alright you guys, get inside." Jared says, sticking his head out from the front screen door. He made Colin and Seth jump from the suddenness of his order and they scurry to get past him and inside.
"Hey Jared, who are we even waiting for anyone?" Jacob pipes up.
"Well if you get inside you'll have the answer to your question."
All of you grumble, unsatisfied by his vagueness but file in one after the other. Sam's house had never been big, no house in La Push was. The living room was filled to the brim and you squeeze your way behind the couch where the elders at across from a grave face Charlie Swan who had most likely seen better days. Had he visited Bella yet? You couldn't imagine the distress he had been going through since Bella's kidnapping.
"Nearly complete. We just need to wait for the Cullens."
That caused a rush of murmurs bouncing off the wall.
Eryld pales and you see him turn his head to check the reaction of his fellow elders. "Cullens?"
Sue who had her hands on Billy's wheelchair looks down at him with a pinch of fear.
Glen shifts uncomfortably next to Eryld. "What are you up to, Sam? You know the treaty-"
"The treaty is exactly why I have gathered us all here." Sam says firmly. His dark eyes land on you. "There are more monsters in this world. Vampires and other creatures alike. We can't turn a blind eye to them and we can't fight them alone. Plus, now our pack and the Cullens have a bridge. A bridge between wolf and vampire. (y/n)."
On cue, the sound of multiple sets of tires pull up into the Ueley property. Everyone went rigid and those who were near the windows peered out. No one knew how this meeting would conclude.
Charlie clears his throat and stands up. As somewhat neutral territory, he opens the front door and waits for the Cullens to get out of their cars. Your palms produced a film of sweat on them in mere seconds when you caught a whiff of Edward and the rest of his family. Quietly he greets Carlisle before stepping aside to let them in. Only Esme was not present and you guessed it was so she could keep an eye on a recuperating Bella. While most of the Cullens did their best to resist the urge to scrunch up their nose at the smell of so many wolves in one place, Rosalie failed to hide her distaste.
"Now we can begin."
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd, @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven  , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles , @nightly-polaris , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar , @itgetzweird08
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the imprint or the blood singer | part 12.
Summary: Y/N Black. All about La Push. Shy girl unless you get to know her. Not one to make friends easily despite the fact that she very well could. Friends with her brother’s friends until one Bella Swan comes back to town.
Warnings for the Series: light violence, light smut
Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader, Embry Call x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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Jacob said nothing as you and him passed Alice as she left Bella’s house. He barely tolerated the Cullens for Bella and by barely tolerated it meant never seeing them. His whole plan changed when Alice went to Bella’s the other day and smelled an unknown vampire in her room. Since then, it was round the clock protection detail for Bella and an unknowing Charlie.
Sam had you all pulling double duty. Victoria hadn’t been seen in a while but you still had to look out for her while dealing with this new unknown threat. The only reprieve was Jacob didn’t mind taking up most of your shifts to watch Bella, anything to be with his imprint. So you agreed to take some of his patrol nights. Besides when it was a lone patrol you had an excuse to at least pass by Edward’s.
“Ready to go, Bells?” You asked.
“Are you guys sure about the party? Am I not dressed up enough? I don’t want to be a party crasher.”
“You look fine Bella.” Jacob threw his arm over her shoulder. “Besides you’re council meeting crasher.”
“Then I really shouldn’t be here.”
You smiled at your friend’s nervousness. “It’s a right of passage for imprints, Bells. You need to hear the stories. The tribe’s histories.”
You left Jacob and Bella to their own log and went to sit by Seth and Leah once you reached the bonfire. Embry came a little late from his patrol but sat next to you. He gladly took the hotdog you offered him.
You rested your head on Embry’s shoulder while your dad told the legends you had heard a thousand times. You looked over for a brief moment at your brother and Bella. She listened so intently to the story about The Third Wife, Taha Aki.
Your howl alerted everyone, including the Cullens. You had spotted Victoria on your patrol. You were fast but she was clever. The redhead weaved in between Quileute and Cullen territory. No one could grab her without stepping onto land that wasn’t theirs. Even if you were willing to risk the pack finding out, you couldn’t cross either. At this speed and in blind pursuit, it was hard to make out the difference in Victoria’s scent from the rest of the Cullens. Her hair was her only true difference and sometimes you couldn’t see it.
Your head whipped around as you heard Paul’s growl and Rosalie scream. Emmett had jumped the cliff to try and catch Victoria. You turned around and ran at Paul, hitting him mid-jump. The impact sent Emmett back to his side and you and Paul in the river.
What the hell (Y/N)? Even in your mind Paul was loud.
The Cullens are not our enemy right now.
They were on our territory—
Trying to deal with the real threat! A threat you let get away with that stunt you pulled.
Paul growled at you making sure you saw his canines. It took everything in Edward not to make a move. Embry was by your side in an instant.
Stand down, Paul. Now isn’t the time to fight our own, Embry reasoned.
Fine. Next time a Cullen steps on our land. I don’t care if there’s a thousand enemies against us… Paul looked at Edward, knowing he could read his mind. I’m killing them.
“Emmett! Never do that again, you could’ve gotten yourself killed!” You yelled as you entered the Cullen house. The minute you could slip away from the pack you did.
“I almost had her.”
“And Paul almost had you. Promise me you’ll never be that dumb again. If something happens to any of you…”
Edward was suddenly behind you as he hugged you tight. You didn’t have to finish any sentence, he heard your thoughts. If anything happened to his family, Edward would be devastated. As your imprint, his devastation would be as if a death like sadness washed over you.
“Okay, I’ll never be that dumb again,” Emmett conceded.
“Thank you,” you breathed out in relief.
“You’ve got to go again?” Edward asked before you could say anything.
“Jake and I agreed that if I take his patrol tonight, I’m off the hook this weekend. Or can Mr. Cullen not wait a few days?”
“I can wait. Isn’t this your third double shift in a row, though? Aren’t you tired at school?”
“Tired? Yes. Still passing? Yes. It’s only temporary, Me and Jake’s bartering system. It’s better anyway, I’m alone on night shifts. Weekend is shared with the pack.”
“Okay. Have fun little wolf.”
Edward watched you slowly wake up from where you had passed out on his bed. You stretched your arms, welcoming the relief you felt from a real sleep.
“Was a night hunt as entertaining as you thought it’d be?” you asked as you sat up.
“Different animals but just as good.”
“You mumble in your sleep,” Edward said as you strolled to the minifridge.
“Nothing embarrassing?” You opened the coffee drink.
“Nothing coherent… you really want that challenge?” Edward smirked.
“I can’t believe I forgot you could read minds.”
“You really want to race?”
You downed the rest of your drink. “I’m the smallest in our pack, quickest speed.”
It still amazed Edward that at your size you were the runt of the pack yet still roughly the height of a horse. If he hadn’t seen the others it would be hard to fathom.
“And I’m the fastest in my family.”
“He’s not lying,” Rosalie called out from downstairs.
“I just want to test it,” you said quietly.
You stood on the front deck of the Cullen house. You and Edward decided on a straight path from their house to the stream. No turns, no mountains or cliffs.No cheating. At the fork, Edward would take the left path and you the right before meeting up again.
You stepped down from the stairs and shifted into your wolf. The golden anklet that always hung a little loose on your human form fit perfectly around the hind leg of your wolf. Jacob knew exactly what length to make it so it could always be worn, so you could always have the pack tattoo on you. Edward gave you a smile and you both took off.
You were keeping up fairly well with Edward before you lost him at the fork in the road. You kept going, not bothering to try and find him on his path between the trees. You gave a wolfy grin when you saw the stream before you stopped.
Edward laughed as he jumped down from the tree. He ran his fingers through your fur.
“I told you I was the fastest in my family.”
You walked off to change into a large shirt and leggings behind a tree. All the wolves had clothes scattered throughout the forest, yours happened to extend into the Cullen side as well.
“I think you cheated,” you pouted as you stepped out from behind the big pine.
“I didn’t; but if it makes you feel better you were only three seconds behind. That’s the closest anyone’s been.”
Edward watched your hands as your fingers ran up and down his arms. He breathed you in. Even after being a wolf only minutes ago, the woodsy smell was minimal. The only scent was your blood which pumped even harder as you were still breathing a little heavy from the run. Edward pushed your hair back a bit.
You were caught off guard when Edward kissed you hard. Both your hands cupped his face as his rested on your waist. He only pulled away when you needed a breath, turning his lips to your neck instead. You grabbed at his shirt, trying to pull him closer as if he wasn’t already right up on you. Edward gently nipped at your ear before returning to your lips. His hands moved lower. Your thoughts of more rang loud and clear in his head.
“Jump,” Edward mumbled against your lips.
You wrapped your legs around his waist. Edward supported you like you weighed nothing, as far as his vampire strength was concerned you might as well have. He walked until your back hit a tree.
Edward looked at you unsure. He could hear it in your thoughts but still had doubt. The sensation of Edward’s freezing body mixed with the harshness of the tree bark that dug into your back turned you on. You rested your forehead against his momentarily.
“Please, Edward,” you whispered.
That was enough to spur him on as he kissed you again.
You and Edward both turned to see a barely dressed pack on the other side of the stream. You berated yourself for being so stupid to be with Edward by the stream. You shouldn’t have thought you were safe just because you were on Cullen territory. You should’ve been more aware of when they were going to start patrol. They were seething and you wanted to shrink, they had just discovered your one secret. The pack watched in disbelief as you removed your legs from around Edward. Jacob was the first to speak.
“What are you doing on their side making out with a fucking Cullen!”
(Part 13)...
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heavenlybarnesss · 3 years
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Pairing: Ed Warren x reader
Summary: Requested by @metaphoricallysavy ✨ I decided to have some fun and base this ‘day we met’ fic off of “Enchanted” by Taylor Swift! Hope that’s okay! It just seemed so perfect 😇
Warnings: None, Fluff!
Author’s Note: Ugh, so happy you requested! I’m such a sucker for the whole ‘we just met but I’ve known you all my life’ trope. 🥺 Thank you for requesting!
There I was again tonight - forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place
You stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror, still confused as to how you could have possibly let yourself be dragged to such a boring event by your best friend. She was an intern for the local newspaper, and she was eager to get a few juicy quotes from some of the more interesting personnel attending the charity gala. She practically begged you to come, stating is was her first big break and she needed the support. You reluctantly agreed, figuring you’d at least get some free champagne and an expensive meal out of it.
You smoothed out your emerald colored dress and reapplied some sheer gloss to your lips. Your hair hung in loose curls over your shoulders, your feet already aching from the height of the black heels Claire had lent you. You were never one for dresses such as this one, for you felt a little insecure at the way it hugged your hips and stomach. All you really wanted to do was go home and plop down on the couch with some Chinese takeout while watching episodes of ‘Charlie’s Angels.’ But you had known Claire for two years now, and you’d do whatever it took to help her achieve her dreams.
You stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters walking past you. You looked around for Claire and her strawberry blonde hair, but had trouble granted the amount of people in attendance. Shit. Your stomach let out a growl, and you decided it was best to park yourself near the appetizers until you could find her.
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
You reached for a plate and started placing a couple of hors d’oeuvres on it, including some potato skins and fried shrimp. You lifted your head and continued your search for Claire, who you finally spotted across the ballroom talking to a tall, dark haired man. Based off the passion with which he was speaking, you could tell whatever he was saying was articulate and exuded intelligence. Claire was scribbling away in her notepad furiously, tenaciously attempting to jot down every word he said. You wanted a better look at the seemingly handsome stranger, but there were too many people in the way of your line of vision.
Eventually enough space had cleared so that you could see who Claire had been interviewing. He was easily six feet tall, with kind eyes the color of a midwinter sky. His hair sat in tresses of dark brown, like that of aged mahogany. His smile was warm and inviting, lighting up the entire room. You loved the way he was dressed, for it was timeless and classy. He wore a dashing black suit with a maroon colored tie and expensive looking loafers. You subconsciously bit your lip, your breath hitching when you realized you had been caught staring red handed. His head turned and his eyes locked with yours. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he was actually intrigued by you. You turned to look behind you, figuring he was looking at his wife, girlfriend, or just anyone else.
Seeing no one behind you except a couple of servers and a very overdramatic ice sculpture of a swan, you turned back to find him still looking at you. You smiled and looked away, suddenly too shy to meet his eyes. Your tucked your hair behind your ear, and gasped when someone accidentally shoulder checked you, sending your plate of appetizers flying forward. You’ve got to be kidding. So much for a first impression.
Your eyes whisper “have we met?” Across the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me. The playful conversation starts - Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy
“Damnit,” you whisper to yourself. You looked around, hoping nobody took notice to your seafood mishap, especially your newfound admirer.
“Uh oh, shrimp overboard.” You looked up in horror from your crouched position to see your mystery man smiling down at you. Before you knew it, he was down on the floor himself helping you pick up the mess of appetizers. You were mortified, too embarrassed to say anything while you tried picking up the food as quickly as possible. You gave him a shy smile and looked back towards the floor, praying your hair covered your tomato colored cheeks. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry, that’s not exactly my best conversation starter.”
“No, no! It was funny, I was just hoping nobody had seen that,” you said with a shake of your head. You groaned and covered your face with your hands. You pushed your hair out of the way and stood up quickly. It is definitely time to go home. “Thank you for helping me. You didn’t have to-“ You stumbled over your words, unsure of what else to say. This is a train wreck, you are a train wreck. Abort.
“I’m Ed. Ed Warren,” he said suddenly. Your heart leapt at his extended hand, surprised he was still carrying on the conversation. You took it reluctantly, unsure of what was happening. He smiled charmingly, causing you to blush in a different manner. This was blushing in more of a school girl crush type of way.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Y/n. Y/n L/n.” Ed smiled at the sound of your name, his hand lingering over yours. You slowly pulled your hand away and placed it at your side. “Um, my friend Claire was actually the one who invited me here. She interviewed you earlier,” you rambled. Ed placed his hands in his pockets, still grinning while you spoke.
“Oh, right! She was very kind. She gave me some hard hitting questions too.”
“Yes, she’s very good at what she does. She’s definitely not one to shy away from a challenge. I wish I had her fearlessness,” you nodded your head, smiling politely.
“I don’t know, you’re pretty fearless to me.”
“How so?”
“Well think about it.” He paused, looking around. “You’re here tonight surrounded by a sea of people you don’t know, in a place you’re unfamiliar with - all to come support your friend. That’s pretty fearless if you ask me.” You looked back down at the floor, your body feeling hot once again. What is this man doing to me?
“Well, thank you. I guess I never thought of it that way,” you say quietly. There was a moment of silence between the two of you, Ed’s eyes staring into yours. To your surprise, it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. It was different. Familiar. It was like you had known each other in another lifetime. The more you talked with Ed, the more you craved his presence. What began as a night of pointless conversation and vacant stares, became a night that you didn’t want to end.
“Do you want to get some fresh air?” Ed asked. You nodded your head eagerly, wanting nothing more. He reached his hand out and slowly interlocked your fingers, causing your heart to nearly leap out of your chest. The feeling was thrilling, like you were finally allowing yourself to step out of your comfort zone. You couldn’t help but smile as he lead you out of the crowd, feeling like a princess being whisked away from her tower.
And it was enchanting to meet you
The crisp, night air was exactly what you needed. It was the middle of October so it was a little chilly, but not enough to where you were freezing your ass off. It was awfully stuffy and humid inside of the gala, so you were thankful that Ed suggested the two of you go outside. You hadn’t realized you were still holding Ed’s hand, so you smiled bashfully and pulled it away. You could tell by the falter in his smile that he was slightly saddened by the removal of your hand from his. It wasn’t anything personal, of course. You hadn’t had a serious relationship in a long time, and the last one you did have, well - let’s just say it caused you to refrain from dating for quite some time.
“Here, follow me,” he said. You followed him as he started down the road, clearly having a spot in mind. You walked in silence until you got to an open, grassy clearing that looked out over the city lights. The sky was clear, the full moon surrounded by a plethora of incandescent stars. It was quiet, the only sound being the music from the gala and the passing of cars every so often. You couldn’t help but remove your heels, eager to let your bare feet wander through the newly dew coated grass. You looked over at Ed, and admired the way his skin looked in the glow of the moonlight.
“This is incredible. I’ve lived here for years, and I never even knew this was here,” you spoke. “How did you find this?” Ed smiled at your childlike excitement, more than content with his decision to bring you here.
“I assisted with an exorcism for a couple with a five-year-old girl about a year ago. The mother had become possessed, and I found her little girl scared and alone in her bedroom. Her name was… Maddie. That’s right, Maddie. When I found her, I asked her to think of her favorite place in the whole world. I told her that her happy memories would chase away the scary thoughts. And this is where she told me. So, after the exorcism was successful, I decided to check it out for myself.” Your heart melted at his answer, his compassion for the young girl just adding to your mental list titled ‘How the hell is this man so perfect?’
“That’s so sweet, Ed.” You took a moment to think about what you wanted to say next. “You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met.” Ed’s head turned in your direction abruptly, as if he was truly caught off guard by your comment. You continued. You weren’t sure if it was the champagne in your veins or the adrenaline pulsing through you from being in an open field with a handsome stranger; but the words just rolled right off your tongue. “I’m not good at this. You’re incredible, and you’re insanely handsome, and truth be told I’m kind of nervous-“
Your words were cut off by the feeling of warm, soft lips on yours. You hadn’t even seen Ed move towards you, it just happened. His large hand cradled your face delicately, as if he was scared you’d shatter to pieces if he didn’t. Your head was spinning with pleasure, a swarm of butterflies fluttered wildly around in your chest. It was more chilly outside than before, but you couldn’t tell because a sweet blanket of heat had wrapped itself around your body. The kiss was tender and affectionate; the type to turn your legs to jelly.
Ed broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes closed in contentment. You let out a shaky breath, waiting for him to say something.
“I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I saw you in that ballroom,” he whispered. “And I hope I wasn’t too forward, but I couldn’t resist. Everything about you is so, so beautiful.” You smiled, pulling away to look at him.
“You still wanted to kiss me even after I dropped that plate of food on the floor?” He grabbed your hips and pulled you back to him.
“Oh, especially after you dropped that plate of food on the floor. I never knew someone could look like such a fox picking shrimp up off he ground.” You squealed with laughter, jokingly smacking his shoulder.
“Hey! It’s not my fault, I was distracted.”
“I have that effect on women,” he winked. You rolled your eyes and pushed him away. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” He grabbed your hand reassuringly, rubbing his thumb over your palm. “I wanted to see if maybe after tonight, you would like to grab dinner with me?” He held his breath a little as he awaited your response.
You were scared of the unknown, and you were scared of getting your hopes up. You were scared of a lot of things, really. But something about him felt like home. Something about him screamed ‘a fresh start,’ and it was a feeling you felt was worth chasing. You took a deep breath and got a good look at the shining, city lights one more time. You welcomed the now cold air into your lungs, relishing in this perfect moment. You made a mental note to thank Claire as soon as you saw her, and turned back to smile at Ed.
“I’d love to.”
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happenedinforks · 3 years
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summary: You and Jessica go to Bella's and Edward's wedding
pairing: Jessica Stanley x fem!Swan!reader
warnings: none
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”OKAY, be honest", Jessica walked out of the bathroom for the fifth time this morning. "Does this make me look fat?"
She was wearing one of your favourite dresses on her actually, deep honey-coloured strapless dress. You always loved it on her because of how it complemented her hair.
You sat in front of her on her bed, in your bright aquamarine-coloured pantsuit and heels. Jessica had done both of your hairs earlier, and you had been glad you had stayed the night when she had been pulling your locks early in five in the morning. That and also you were glad to have been out of Bella's hair as she no doubt didn't need any more hovering she already got from Alice.
"You look gorgeous as always hun", You leaned your arms back on the bed. "You always do, you know that."
"Well, yeah", Jessica somewhat reluctantly, yet smiling, agreed and turned to look at herself from the mirror. As she smoothed down the skirt part and twisted her back to see how it was looking there, you got up and wrapped her into a hug.
"Seriously, you look amazing Jess", you reassured her with a kiss on the cheek. Your phone went off, a message from Bells asking you to come and get her head straight. You huffed at the message, knowing it was probably Alice who had written it.
Grabbing your purse and looking at your girlfriend (girlfriend, it still made your stomach tingle) one more time, you declared you had to leave.
"Wait, wait, wait", Jessica awkwardly fast-walked in her heels with the best of her ability and came over to you with some lipgloss. "Oh, c'mon, it looks amazing with your eyes."
She painted some on as you watched her. After a mandatory 'pop' and a satisfied nod from Jess, you bid her goodbye and went outside to your car. She'd be getting a lift from Mike, so you could drive you both later to your place.
The wedding ceremony was beautiful and even though he would deny it to the ends of the world, even Charlie teared up when Bella walked down the aisle by his side. Her gown was beautiful, simple yet stunning. Alongside her, you got congratulations on now being part of the family.
"Ugh I can't wait to get to organize your wedding", Alice cheered happily as the party got going. You stood with Jessica, hands locked together and both smiling stupidly. Jasper sent an amused look to his wife.
"We just have to hope it won't be too long", you said, trying your best to not taint the happy mood. Jessica beamed at your side, always the cheery one.
"We'll get it one day. And besides, in the mean time we can get ideas from others' weddings", She said leaning to your arm, grinning from ear to ear. She was still in the sort of gay-honeymoon phase where everything was so amazing and cool and joyous after realizing this part of herself. You mumbled a 'you're right' and kissed the tip of her nose affectionately before Jess spotted Eric, Mike and Angela on the other side of the dance floor.
You stayed to chat up with Alice and Jasper a bit longer, not having had the chance properly especially after the whole Riley Biers thing.
"You two are really made for each other", Alice smiled sweetly as you stood there blushing. Jasper agreed with her, an arm around her waist.
"I'm glad you've found your happiness."
"Thanks, guys", you said with a happy sigh. Jessica was talking with Mike, Angela and Eric about something, moving her arms wildly animating the story in the usual Jessica Stanley way. It made you smile knowing that was your person.
"I'm glad too."
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Charlie Swan x reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: nothing I don’t think 
Author’s Note: felt bad about not writing for jfk so decided this was the only way to right it. Embarrassing myself by writing for Charlie Swan. screw you katie but i do hope you see this so that i can show you your opinion means little to me and charlie swan
Summary: You move to Forks from Seattle for a new nursing job and meet the chief of police while trying to make some friends. 
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Forks had always been quite a small place. You had lived in Seattle for most of your life and you hadn’t ever thought much of the small place west of you. You had heard of it but only because people often told you about the beach up there. It was small but had a nice sunset.
You were looking for a fresh start. Something to get you through the day that wasn’t in such a large space like Seattle. You loved it surely but it just had become too expensive for your one household job. Plus you figured they needed nurses everywhere and heading to a smaller place like Forks might do you some good.
So you packed up your life and your cat and moved to the small rainy town. It was a quaint place and most of it was occupied by the Quileute Tribe. You admired the culture and promised yourself you’d learn more about it as you started to live around them, just because their legends were so cool. 
You were able to get a nursing job quite easily and it seemed like life was going well. A small house surrounded by trees and nature.
You walked into the hospital one afternoon, rushing through the first floor to get to your rounds. You were getting used to the system they had out there but it wasn’t that different from your previous job. 
“Getting along alright?” Carlisle, one of the doctors asked. You nodded, smiling. 
“Well actually. I think your small town is growing on me,” you admitted. You put your clipboard on your hip. 
“Can I help you with anything to get you settled? My wife loves to attempt baking,” he suggested with a laugh. His voice was utterly soothing. You couldn’t help but think about what an interesting man he was. 
“No I’m alright. Thank you,” you said. Suddenly a man rushed up behind Carlisle, a rush on his face. He was wearing a police uniform.
“Charlie,” Carlisle said, giving you a name to the face. Charlie nodded. 
“My daughter is coming into town soon, I just wanted to give you a fair warning,” he said. Carlisle nodded and you started to duck out, realizing this was not your conversation to intervene in. But Carlisle grabbed your arm swiftly and gently, not forcefully. 
“Charlie this is Y/N, the newest member of Forks,” he said with a smile. You nodded, holding your hand out a bit for him to shake. 
“Nice to meet you,” Charlie said, clearly just now realizing that you were there. You figured it wasn’t his fault, he seemed sorta everywhere.
“You too.”
“I’m the Chief of police, believe it or not,” he said. You shrugged.
“I’d believe it if you said it enough times,” you teased. He laughed and nodded.
“You’re funny. I’ll see you around, both of you, since Bella is a clutz,” he said gingerly. You figured that was his daughter. You nodded and then he was gone.
You went about your rounds and then were able to head home a bit earlier that day, getting things down quicker than you had expected. It was raining outside but not too hard so you didn’t grab an umbrella. You decided today was as good a day as any to walk around town, see what there was. 
It wasn’t large by any means so you were able to walk past a few restaurants and came to a diner. It was about dinner time so you figured you’d stop and treat yourself to a milkshake.
You walked inside and it immediately felt warmer. You curled your jacket around your body a bit more as you shivered from the change in temperature. 
“Sit anywhere, someone will be right with you,” a waitress said. You nodded and turned around, searching for an empty booth or perhaps even a chair so that you didn’t take up much room. You were going to sit up at the counter but preferred a seat by the window. In the corner sat Charlie Swan, whom you had met earlier. He had an empty seat in front of him. You walked over boldly, figuring you needed some friends. 
“Charlie right?” you said. He looked up at you from his drink. He nodded, clearing his throat.
“Nurse Y/N.”
“That’s right.” You looked over at the mostly full seating. “I was wondering if this seat was taken.” You gestures weakly to the seat across from him. He shook his head, putting his hand forward a bit to the seat. You sat down across from him.
“What are you doing here in this dingy place nurse?” he questioned. You laughed.
“I can’t cook.” 
“Neither can I.” You both laughed about it a bit. “I haven’t ordered yet so we should be getting our food about the same time,” he explained. You nodded. You started to ask him about his daughter and he answered, questioning you about where he had come from. You really started to hit it off as the food came and went as you laughed about stories from Forks and outside of it. 
You felt pretty secure in the fact you had made at least a friend that night. Maybe more.
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stumacherstan · 5 years
Can I get a Embry Quill x reader where the reader is Bella’s younger sister and go to watch the pack and the Cullen family train. But the reader has a crush on Embry but Embry doesn’t know so when he sees her for the 1st time he imprints. Edward heard it and blurts out “you like em-” and Embry thinks the reader likes Emmet. And then it ends in fluff? Thanks I absolutely love your work!!! 💗💗💗💗🌸
Embry Call x swan!Reader:
You honestly didn’t even know why you were here other than emotional support and Bella couldn’t lie to you for shit. It’s whatever. You always like the idea of supernatural and you heard that Embry would be here. You were shook to found out he was a pack member, but like hey it’s whatever. It’s just a crush. The only reason you’ve managed to get this crush under wraps for so long is because you don’t see Embry often. It’s always like quick glances then moving on.
You weren’t expecting to make eye contact with him when he was taking off his shirt to shift. You both froze but you looked away in embarrassment. You didn’t mean to stare. You walked over to your sister. “I’m such an idiot.”
“Why, what happened?”
“I accidentally made eye contact as Embry was taking off his shirt.”
“Wow. You’re really subtle.”
“Shut up, you can’t be criticizing me!” You quickly shut your mouth since you didn’t want anyone knowing that you had this mega crush on Embry. But it was too late, Edward had heard your thoughts.
“Wait a minute. YOU have a crush on Em-“
You hit him, although it wouldn’t hurt. “SHUT UP!”
That was all Embry had to hear. He was walking towards you guys, although no one had noticed, and already felt rejected. He walked off to his pack. “Jesus christ. What is it with the swans likes leeches? Who’s next? Charlie???” Embry retorted silently.
“Imagine imprinting on a Swan.” Paul joked.
“Shut up Paul.”
“You should still tell her Embry. You know the effects of not telling your imprint how you feel.” Sam urged.
“yOu KnOw ThE eFfEcTs Of NoT tElLiNg YoUr iMpRiNt HoW yOu FeEl. Okay boomer.” Embry retorted before he briskly walked off. He didn’t want to deal with Sam’s wrath after he just mocked him. He looked for you and felt a bit of resentment when he saw you with Emmett. However, he did know the effects of not telling your imprint what’s up.
You saw him and got embarrassed. You saw him walk away earlier, he’s probably about to reject you now to get it over with. “H-hi Embry.”
“Hey.” Embry started awkwardly. Ignoring the subtle glare from Emmett. “Mind if we talk alone?”
You scrunched your nose. Yikes. Alone? “Yeah! That’s fine!” Everything was NOT fine. You guys went on a little stroll, far away from everyone.
“So. Haha funny story.” Embry started. He’s always been more shy than the others. How does one tell their imprint that your souls are entwined someway? “You’re everything I want in my life.” WOW THAT WASNT IT! FIX IT IDIOT!! “I-I meant. That. You’re my imprint. So you know technically my soulmate really. I, uh, know that you like Emmett. So we can stay friends or I can be your protector or whatever you want!” Embry hasn’t made eye contact after blurting the whole “you’re everything i want in my life” headass.
Your mouth was agape. What were the fucking odds. You had to clear up some things. “Are you deadass?”
Embry chuckled. “Yeah. I know. It’s wack that a wolf imprinted on you and all, but like I said. We don’t have to be like in a relationship.”
“No! I want to be! Edward heard my thoughts and my crush about you! He was going to say your name, not Emmett’s. He’s like my brother and already has a wife. I like you too!”
Embry looked into your gleaming eyes. He smiled. He took your hands in his. “Great, because I wouldn’t know what to do without my soulmate.”
You blushed. “Let’s go back to training grounds.” You avoided the stares from everyone looking at you two holding hands. All that mattered that was he by your side.
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Request: Time for Change (Alec Volturi x Reader)
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You giggled as Alec pulled you even closer to him, smirking slightly.  “Will I see you again, tonight?”  “Of course.” You smiled. “It’s the least I can do for you coming all this way to see me.”  “You know i came here with a little bit more purpose, than a visit.” Alec replied.  “I know.” You smiled, a blush rushing to your cheeks. I’ll think about it, I promise. Though i can’t promise you an answer tonight.”  “Of course not, it’s never that easy with the Swan family, now is it?” You playfully swatted at him as he couldn’t fight back a grin. “I knew i shouldn’t have told you the details between Bella and Edward.”  “You say that as though you wouldn’t have told me regardless.” Alec teased.  “That’s true. You’ve got me there.” You admitted defeat on this battle, but no way would you admit defeat on the war. “Besides, Bella wants immortality. Edward is the one who refuses to give it to her.” Alec nodded, as he said, he knew the details thanks to you. “Anyway, your time is running short. You haven’t got long until it’s four.” You sighed. “Yeah, that’s Bella’s fault too.” You huffed. You got grounded also for the trip to Italy.  “Now, now, don’t be like that.” Alec raised an eyebrow. “If you hadn’t come to Italy, you and I wouldn’t have met.”  “Yeah, I suppose i can tolerate being grounded on that perspective.”  “As can I. Now off you go, you’ll be late.” Alec broke away from you with a smirk. “Geez, are you my secret boyfriend or my dad?” You huffed.  “Goodbye, (Y/N).” Alec shooed you with his hand and a playful grin.  “Alright, Alright, i’m going! Can I at least get a kiss first?” You stepped closer with a scowl and Alec chuckled but pulled you in for a kiss. You smiled into the kiss, feeling giddy to feel Alec’s lips on yours. Though he pulled away too quickly for your liking.  “Now shoo.” He whispered into your ear with a smirk before lightly pushing you away from him.  You trudged away comically, to emphasise your dissatisfaction whilst also portraying your playfulness, barely catching Alec’s chuckle before he was gone. 
You continued to trudge your way home, meeting Bella at the front garden. You both eyed one another, both displeased for having to be home at such a time. You personally blamed Bella and couldn’t help but scowl as you saw Edward climb the house and into Bella’s room in the corner of your eye.  “Why do I have to be punished whilst you have only half a punishment?” You nodded to Bella’s now closing window.  “Dad doesn’t know.” Bella nudged you. “Don’t tell him.”  “You know i wont.” You sighed, catching sight of Charlie noticing you both in the garden. You waved to him and he seemed satisfied that you both were back an it was 3:58 pm.  “Hey, I gotta tell you something.” Bella said quietly. You looked back at Bella’s window. “You do know he can still hear you right?”  “I’m not being quiet for him, it’s for Charlie.”  “Alright,” you crossed your arms. “what’s wrong?”  “Nothing, Edward asked me to marry him.” Your eyes widened. “What? Like, marriage?” Bella nodded.  “But you hate marriage.”  “I don’t hate marriage.” Bella responded. “I just don’t...see the point in it. It’s a piece of paper.” 
The two of you turned to walk into the house.  “Are you going to tell dad?” You asked. “No.”  “What did you say to Edward?” Bella only shook her head in response.  “Oh...and he’s alright with it?”  “Actually, i don’t think he’s going to take no for an answer.” Bella couldn’t help but smile.  “Sounds like him.” You smiled back at Bella. You sighed. “Back to biology homework.” Bella smiled. “Were you out with your friends?” You immediately thought of them, very conscious of Edwards prying ears. “Yeah. They were talking about going to the movies soon but i said i had to check with dad.”  “Maybe he’ll let you go.” Bella responded as she closed the front door behind her. 
You flopped onto the couch, your eye barely catching the sports channel on. “I’m going to see Billy tonight. You know the rules.” You heard Charlie say to Bella from the kitchen. You thought over the news. Edward was supposed to change Bella, and somehow it has become a proposal. You thought about Bella’s previous statement. It made you wonder if this wasn’t the first time he had proposed. 
Your mind slowly drifted at the thought of Bella being married. She’d be gone, even a vampire. Charlie would wonder where his eldest went. What she’d be doing fifty years from now.  Would he ask you if you had heard from her? What would you be in fifty years? Growing grey hair, watching you own family or would you be immortal and also gone. That was a sad thought. Charlie started with a family of four to in the end have no one because his two kids were gone living their own lives, his wife now his ex- with another man and happy. 
You supposed there was an element of humour to be had in Bella’s situation. When she’s changed, she’ll be stuck re-living high school on repeat. If that wasn’t hell, who really knew what was hell? 
Your mind travelled back to you. What were you going to do? What path would you take? Maybe there isn’t one, if you’re not changed the Volturi would kill you for sure. It didn’t seem like the Cullen’s would change you since it’s such a bother to do so for Bella. You felt a small smile grow on your face. Though it wasn’t all bad. Maybe Alec would change you. You thought back to his own question. Perhaps you were thinking about an end that would never come. Perhaps Alec was more serious about you than you were thinking and had his own intentions to change you. He had told you about the concept of mates in his kind, though he never said where his mind was with you. It was totally possible he was just having his fun with you and would kill you when he was bored with you. Although...what if he wasn’t? Even if that was the case, you’d be happy. You had never felt so loved before. Though he was very closed off, it wasn’t long before he opened up and you saw so much more of him than you saw in the first time in the throne room.You couldn’t help but remember his signature smirk and the feel of his lips on yours. He was a gift. You couldn’t think otherwise. 
Suddenly your stomach dropped. You remembered Edward was upstairs. Your eyes widened as you scrambled to your feet and ran upstairs. You rushed into Bella’s room, practically throwing the door open to meet Edwards stare, anger radiating off of him.  “Edward-” You began but he cut you off.  “We’ll speak of this later.” He said quietly through a clenched jaw. You simply left the room, tears welling up. You were in trouble to say the very least.  “Hey, you okay?” Bella asked as you passed her in the hall- her response being the closing of your bedroom door. She peered into her own room to see Edward fuming with anger. 
You dreaded the moment that Charlie would leave, because that’s when all hell would break loose. You wanted to ask Charlie if you could come with him but you knew it would be no use. After all, you already had plans... To hell with it. 
You rushed down the stairs and Bella was immediately trailing behind you, her face grim and clearly knowing your secret.  “Dad, can I go with you to Billy’s tonight?” You asked hurriedly. Charlie turned, coffee in hand. “Why?” He immediately saw your tears threatening to fall. “Are you okay?”  “Please!?” You begged.  “Hey, what’s going on?” You pulled him into a tight hug. You did your best to hold back the tears as Charlie wrapped his arms around you. You didn’t give him an answer, only hugging him tighter.  “(Y/N)?” Bella’s voice was low. “I was going to ask if you could help me with my graduation stuff, Alice is coming round to help too.” You wanted to be sick. Alice was coming too.  “I want to go with dad.” You mumbled into his shoulder.  “Well, I need to head out for a bit to the station. How about you help Bells with that and you can come with me when I get back hm? Just make sure you’ve ate, alright?” Charlie kissed your head. “What’s up, (Y/N)?”  “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” You mumbled,breaking away and keeping your eyes to the floor. “I’ll help you Bella.” Bella nodded. “Alice is on her way.”  “Well, i’ll leave you kids to it.” Charlie set down his mug, and grabbing his keys from the counter though sparing a worried glance to you. 
In that moment, there was a knock at the door and through the glass you could see Alice. You hurried back upstairs. Bella turned to Charlie. “I’ll make sure they’re okay. I think they’ve been getting stressed. They’ve had some trouble with friends too.” Bella seemed to find it almost too easy to lie now as she moved to the door to let Alice in.  “Hi Charlie!” Alice smiled.  “Hey Alice. Just keep an eye on them Bella, I’ll be back in an hour.” Charlie looked to Bella who nodded. As the door shut, Alice’s smile dropped to one of concern. Bella and Alice looked at one another in silent conversation before moving to the stairs. 
“Are you kidding me!?” Bella burst through the door of her room where you and Edward were. You were sat on the bed, Edward looking at you from the opposite wall, arms crossed.  “Stop it.” You said, trying not to cry. Alice was immediately bent down to your level, hands on your knees, taking a less hostile approach. “(Y/N), do you realise how dangerous he is?”  “He wouldn’t hurt me.” Edward immediately scoffed. “You don’t know that. You couldn’t even fool yourself.”  “Why him!?” Bella stepped forward. “Of all people, you chose him!?”  “Like you’re one to talk! You had a whole high school of boys and you chose him!” You jabbed a finger at Edward. You grew defensive quick, and things always got worse when you got defensive. “This is none of your business! None of you are saints! Get out of my business!”  “No! We have to be involved because you’re so naive that you think this is alright!” Edward began to yell and Bella seemed to be completely on his side.  “Listen, we’re not trying to attack you! We’re concerned for you.” Alice said much more gentle than your sister and her boyfriend but much more stern than she had began.  “I don’t care!” You yelled. “All you guys care about are yourselves! Not once was i ever considered in anything you guys have done! I don’t have to consult with you on what I do! i don’t want to speak to you about this! I shouldn’t have to explain myself to you when you do nothing but lie!”  “We’re trying to keep you safe!” Bella yelled back. “You’re being stupid! He doesn’t give a damn about you and is setting a trap and you don’t even realise you’re walking right into it! What could possibly make you so different from everyone else!?”  “Oh, so now you’re dumping your own insecurities on me!” You glared at Bella. Edward had to cut the argument short after the forty five minute argument. Charlie had come back and Alice looked worried at the stand off you and Bella seemed to be in complete with a stare down. After a few minutes Charlie was shouting your name. “(Y/N)! You ready to go!?” You continued to stare Bella down for a moment before calling back. “Coming dad!” You wasted no time storming off into your own room to pick up your hoodie, taking the moment to cool off before Charlie could see you full of rage and hurt. Though your rage turned into tears again, fighting them off once more. You hurried down the steps, moving past Charlie to the car. You sat in the front passenger seat waiting for him to come out. 
You looked at the time. Charlie had been exactly an hour, your argument lasting for forty five minutes. After two minutes Charlie came out and stepped into the car. He cast a glance to you. “Are you okay?” You nodded and Charlie turned the keys, reversing out of the drive way. “You know you can tell me if something is wrong, (Y/N). Right?” You figured you were far enough from the house to finally talk without being over-heard. “I feel like i’m living my life but i’m doing it wrong.” Charlie was quiet for a moment. “No one knows the right way to live life.” Charlie began. “For you, as my kid. I want you to be happy. If that means you’re here all the time, or i only see you once a year, as long as you’re doing what you love and are safe. I’m happy. Of course, i’ll miss you but don’t ever have me holding you back.”
Charlie pulled in outside Billy’s house. You unbuckled your seat belt and moved to open the door but Charlie caught your wrist. “Don’t worry so much, (Y/N). Don’t let this stuff get you down. You’re young. Enjoy it.” You nodded. “Thanks dad.” You said quietly who nodded before getting out.  “Enjoy yourself.” Charlie nudged you and Billy opened the door. “There he is!”  “Hope you don’t mind, I brought (Y/N).” Charlie clapped your shoulder lightly. “Of course not! Good to see you (Y/N) Jake and the boys are out back.” You smiled in response. 
It was tradition at this point for a bonfire to be made outside and so you weren’t surprised when you could smell it before you saw it. Not to mention the loud noises of the pack playing around. 
By the time it hit nine, you bid your farewell to the pack saying you had a long day and were ready to simply get to bed. They thought nothing of it. You looked for your father, both he and Billy returning inside to the kitchen for a refill. “Hey dad, i’m gonna head home. I’m really tired.”  “You sure? Take the car. It’s late and not safe. Straight home.” You nodded, taking the keys from him. “See you when you get home...bye Billy.” You waved as you walked away, heading to the front door. 
Your smile fell, keys in hand as you approached the car. You released your grip on the keys, they clattered to the ground. You walked by the car and into the woods. The final lie you intended to tell your family. 
You were running a little late by the time you got to your meeting place and Alec was sitting waiting when you arrived. He seemed happy to see you until he saw your face. “I was thinking you wouldn’t be able to make it. Are you alright?” You fought back your tears, pulling him into a hug, breathing in the scent you had been wanting for hours. “I’ve made up my mind.” Alec pulled back, tilting his head. You stared into your eyes as you dug into your pocket. Taking out your phone, you held it out to him. He looked at it for a moment before looking back at you. You nodded. 
Alice gasped, looking up from her homework. “What is it, Alice?” Jasper was beside her in moments. Alec took your phone from your hand, snapping it in half. You half-heartedly smiled at him.  “Don’t...” Alice muttered. “Don’t...”  “Alice?” Jasper lightly grabbed Alice’s shoulder. Alec’s fingers slowly weaved through yours beginning to walk backward, tugging you along and you complied looking completely entranced by him.  “Don’t...” Alice quietly pleaded, hoping she’d see you break away. A soft smile, grew on Alec’s face as he turned to face the direction he was walking, your hand in his as you walked by his side. The crushed remains of your phone remaining on the forest floor. Alice blinked, facing Jasper who looked concerned. “They’re gone.”  “Who?” Jasper pressed. 
Bella woke up to chaos the next morning.  “Dad?” She called out, heading down the stairs as she saw him pace, as he was on the phone. Immediately, hearing her voice he hung up the phone.  “Did (Y/N) come home last night?” He asked hurriedly. Bella shook her head.  “Not that i know of, I was asleep by the time you got home.”  “When did you go to bed?” Charlie asked.  “Around eleven.” This seemed to panic Charlie even more.  “What’s wrong?”  “I don’t know where (Y/N) is. Their bed is untouched! I can’t get through on their phone. My keys were left on the ground by the car when i went to leave. I told them to take the car! They’re not with any friends.” The phone rang again and Charlie wasted no time answering, eager for any news. Bella was stunned into silence. She rushed up the stairs and into your room to find it empty and the bed untouched, just as you had left it. Bella immediately felt sick.  “Dad, i’ll see if Alice has seen them!” Bella called as she hurriedly got dressed and rushed for her truck. Charlie kept an eye on Bella until she was in the truck, frantically talking. 
Bella was immediately hurried into the Cullen home by Esme the very second she pulled in. She barely got the time to read a text from Charlie telling her he was going to search for you. 
Charlie was exhausted by the time the evening came around. Billy had assured him they’d go out and look for you and in the meantime he should get some rest. He had fell asleep on the couch. Completely unaware of a man with red eyes standing over Charlie. The man was Riley Biers. Riley passed Charlie immediately climbing the stairs. He peered into your room. He had the wrong room judging by the photographs displayed around your bedroom. he checked the next room down the hall, after a quick look. Riley left with a scarf in hand.  Bella returned with Edward that night. She was unable to fully comprehend what was happening. You had ran away, willingly. 
You held Alec’s hand as he introduced you to Aro. “Ah, it’s a pleasure to see you again, dear (Y/N). Alec has been rather enamored with you.” Aro smiled slyly and you smiled in response. “It’s nice to see you again too.”  “Would you do me the honour?” Aro held out his hand. Alice winced as the vision ended. 
Bella didn’t know what to do. Suddenly Edward sensed something was off, and hurried to Bella’s room. Bella barely arrived before he had declared that someone had been in her room. Later that night, after heading back to the Cullen house, she was told Victoria was coming for her. 
You were soon after declared missing, becoming another face on the missing posters. Riley Biers was the first, and then one by one, others disappeared, one of the latest being a girl called Bree Tanner from Las Vegas and now you were added to the list. Charlie could barely stomach your disappearance. He didn’t want to even think about suicide since you were troubled when you had disappeared and in the way you disappeared... it could very well kill him. 
Bella wasn’t prepared to see you again and nearly gasped when she did. You were dressed in black, eyes blood red. You had been changed. You looked completely uninterested to see her again, like you were looking at a stranger.  “(Y/N)...” Bella breathed. Your red eyes darted to her brown ones.  “How could you just get up and leave?” Bella completely forgot what was going on around her, the burning bodies close to her, Edward holding her to his side. Jacob with many if not all of his ribs broken. The Volturi staring her and the Cullens down. All to ask you the burning questions on her mind and it was like she was talking to a ghost.  “How could i leave before you dumped me with Charlie?” You asked lightly.  “What?” Bella couldn’t believe how cold your tone was. She remembered all the horrible things that had been said before and pieced it together. You didn’t forget.  “You’re making a mistake.” Bella spoke up. “It’s not too late. You’ve done this in anger and i know you’re mad at me but-”   "Alec loved me enough to change me. No laws broken. What's your excuse? Besides, Alec knew he could help me be stronger. From what I understand, you're still fighting Edward on that one." You said simply. Jane chimed in, agreeing completely. “Yes, Caius will be interested to know she’s still human.”  “The date is set.” Bella said, refusing to allow the Volturi to know just how heartbroken she was by your decision. None of the Volturi responded which allowed Bella the time to really look at you and the one thing she found hard to stomach was just how close you stood to Alec even if neither of you were touching. It felt definite in that moment. Alec Volturi had taken you from her.
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
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ultrakawaiinerd · 7 years
1861-65 It Intrigues Me
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Pairing: Jasper Hale x Reader
Warnings: Bad writing, just horrible writing, out of character Jasper???
A/N: I know absolutely nothing about the basics of the Civil War (I slept through history last year, to be honest), if the request was about WWII hell yea it would be more detailed, but that’s the only part of history that fascinates me, so sorry if this was horrible. This is also pretty short and I’m sorry for how long this took me to write.
Request: Anonymous: “Could you write an imagine where the reader is Bella's cousin and has her first day at Forks High after moving there from West Virginia? She catches Jasper's attention with her knowledge of the Civil War in History class and it kinda moves from there? Sorry if this was too vague :/” @saracons87 : “I loved your Jasper imagine! Could you do one where the reader is new to Forks, she ends up being friends with Bella and she notices Jasper just like how Bella notices Edward, the reader is shy and nervous about being there, and maybe she has a class with Jasper”
Reading Time:00:04:17
Word Count: 1,072
New school, new life, well sort of. I’m not necessarily new to Forks I used to visit every Christmas, to see my Uncle Charlie and cousin Bella, but as I got older, my dad and I stopped visiting about a year ago, and when he got in trouble, it’s the first place that came to mind when I had to stay with family. Looking out the window of the plane, I watch the landscape roll by, as the 7-hour flight continues. Planes are not my thing, ever since I was a little girl I had a fear of dying in a plane crash, stupid I know. Halfway through my mind wandering, I fell asleep my music blocking out the sounds in the cabin.
Everything was normal in the Cullen household, Bella came over almost every day if she wasn’t hanging around Jacob, and life was perfect. When Bella had announced her cousin was coming to live with her and her father, the Cullens, mainly Alice, and Esme, wanted to meet her right away. The family had made a plan, the weekend after (Y/N) arrived, she would come over and meet the family. Bella made sure to tell her cousin that the Cullens were Vegetarians and that she should eat something before going over to meet the family, avoiding what had happened with Rosalie when Bella met the family. Adjusting to living with your uncle and cousin wasn’t as hard as you thought. You have your room, and not many rules, which makes sense since Charlie isn’t home most of the time. You’d barely been there a week, and you already felt at home, and that’s when Bella dumped the news on you that her boyfriend's family wanted to meet you, and you didn’t understand why, but still agreed anyway. The day had finally come, I wasn’t necessarily excited about meeting Edward's family, I mean it’s Bella’s boyfriend, but getting to know some new people can’t be such a bad thing right? I lean back in the worn-out leather seat of Bella’s truck, watching the scenery as she pulled onto the mile-long gravel driveway. I’m snapped back to reality when I spot the house, full of huge glass windows, the size matching the number of occupants. A tall blonde man and shorter brunette women walk out of the house and wait on the stairs, my guess is Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. Stepping out of the vehicle, I feel my nerves spike, and my heartbeat starts racing. Following Bella to the couple seems complicated in my mind, my feet only wanting to run home or into the woods, away from the family, a strange feeling vibrating off them and the house. “You must be (Y/N) Swan, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Carlisle and this is my wife Esme.” The blonde man holds out his hand, lightly and shakily I take his hand as he lightly shakes mine. “The pleasure's mine,” my voice soft and quiet, my nerves getting the best of me. Blushing slightly I tuck my hands into the pockets of my jeans. Esme smiles and leads us into the house, a smell of vanilla and herbs fills my senses as soon as I step through the threshold of the home. Heading up the stairs and into, I can only guess one of many, living spaces. Looking around I notice most of the decorations are modern, my eyes glance at the 5 siblings in the room. Already having met Edward, ruled that I’d only have to meet 4 more people. The short pixie-haired girl, looks bubbly and sweet, while the blonde-haired boy next to her looked distant, and in another world, his eyes focused on his shoes. A blonde-haired girl looks at both Bella and me distastefully, while the brunette boy next to her isn’t paying attention to anyone but the tv. The evening continues slowly, getting to know some of the family, other than Jasper and Rosalie both going to their rooms, after the introductions.
I had gotten lost finding my classes when Bella walked off with Edward. I soft sigh left my lips as I finally found my history class, quietly stepping into the room, I look around while making my way to the only open seat, next to Jasper. “Okay class, picking back up with the Civil War, who can tell me what caused the Civil War?” Mr. Davidson asked as he passed around the front of the room. My hand was the first to raise, as Jaspers raised a few seconds later. “(Y/N)!” “The Civil War was caused by a few things not just the separate beliefs of slavery. One of those things is Farming vs. Industries. The south only had cotton as a means of finance, if the crops went bad they wouldn’t have money to survive. While in the north they had a more stable, financial industry that was expanding, making the north more sustainable if something were to happen to one or two businesses.” I gush, realizing how excited I got while the heat moves up my neck and to my cheeks. Mr. Davidson looks incredibly pleased with the answer and continues the lesson, I zone out halfway through the class. Only to glance to my side and see Jasper looking at me, a sense of pride in his eyes as he looks at me. He leans a little closer to me but stays far enough not to draw attention to us. “I’m sorry for how I acted last weekend, it was incredibly rude of me, and I apologize for that,” Jasper whispers, his southern twang not as strong as it normally is. “It’s alright Jasper, I get shy and slightly awkward around new people too, it’s nothing to be sorry for.” A smile creeps onto his lips as he bites his tongue to keep from laughing out loud. “Well alright Darlin', how would you like to go out to the movies sometimes, there's a documentary on the Civil War playing, and the way you answered Mr. Davidson, showed your fascination for the time, I’ve also been meaning to see it” “You’re an into the Civil War?” I give him a slightly excited and questioning look. “You have no idea” The smirk lingers on his pale lips.
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