#Charlie the polar bear
rivriv03 · 2 years
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Pretty happy with my laptop outcome.
List of stickers (left - right. Top - bottom)
Kim the red panda (Habits and Bicycles Podcast)
Parker (Leverage)
Space wives [Thirteenth Doctor X River Song] (Doctor Who)
Polly, Andrea, Kelly & Annabelle (St Trinian’s)
Sam the panda (Habits and Bicycles Podcast)
“I rise above it” (Anne Lister)
Chakram and Sais (Xena Warrior Princess)
Captain (BBC Ghosts)
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (Wicked)
Charlie the polar bear (Habits and Bicycles Podcast)
“When has a legend ever gone quietly?” Sara Lance (Legends of Tomorrow)
Marvel Women (MCU)
“Why am I the only one who sees you’re beautiful, handsome?” Ring of Keys, little Alison (Fun Home)
“Sometimes you’ve got to do what you think is right and damn the consequences.” Morgana la Fay (Merlin)
Pupcake backpack [Patsy Mount X Delia Busby] (Call the Midwife)
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pastafossa · 1 year
Oh god I'm so tired. But even after like... hours and hours in the car and a sore body, it was WORTH IT.
I'll do a detailed rundown tomorrow, including of the AMAZING interaction I had with Charlie at his autograph table that basically confirms he's the best ever, as well as share some pics from the con, the couple awesome bits of DD merch I snagged, fun interactions with TRT readers, and a showing of the FUCKING AWESOME TRT GIFT @wonderlandmind4 gave me that literally made me cry.
Until tomorrow, please enjoy this Pasta Is Meant For Cold Weather illustration via two pics and texts only about 2 hours apart -
Me, optimistically texting friend this pic at 8:55am on the day of the con: I AM JESSICA JONES AGAIN, THEY'LL SEE THAT AND MY BAG AND LANYARD AND KNOW IT'S ME
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Me, texting same friend at 11:27AM: i have made a mistake, i'm not jess, i'm jane in the gd warehouse which means I'm hot and fucking melting while waiting for matt, they can just look for the thread cause if I put the jacket on again I WILL die and ya'll will have to seance me for new chapters
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Mod Monnie: I’d like to thank @weirdozjunkary / @sonicexelle-junkary for making this amazing com for me! wanted to surprise a friend with some lovely art and they delivered nicely! Consider checking out their content they work hard and deserve a follow
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I just thought hey wouldn’t it be cool to see a crossover between two of my friends things since they both had cannibal chararters? and wanted to gift my friend Jack aka @clownsuu / @not-robert​ with a gift! something special cause he means alot to me!  
Hope you like it man! 
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nottapossum · 4 months
Imagine little Emily and little Charlie hanging out
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(I love Emily so much! You have no idea, I have been a fan of Shoba Narayan since first burn, and her portraying Natasha from great comet. She's amazing and I flipped when I heard she was in this show.)
They would be so cute!!!! Ahhh!! 💕💙❤️‍🔥☁️
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-Emily would be so happy to have another little to play with! She hardly ever gets to play with the other littles in heaven because of how protective Sera is, also because they're usually too busy to regress with her.
-Not to mention that Charlie and Emily are actually close in age. St Peter is usually much much older.
- Charlie would decide immediately that they're now sisters! She'll pull out a knife to do the blood oath, and Vaggy will then take the knife from her, and they'd have to come up with another way to be sisters without hurting anyone.
-They'll sing together all day long!
-Emmy would suggest they play tea party!
For Emily, that means getting dressed up, getting some tea, and inviting all your stuffed animals to join you as you engage in civilized conversations.
For Charlie, that means getting dressed up, making tea and biscuts, and inviting all the stuffed animals to discuss important matters such as the polar bears invading the panda colony or the uprising cheetahs threatening the lion's place as king of the beasts.
-Charlie will share her stickers and art supplies with Emily, she'll leave with stickers and paint all over her dress and face.
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Sera wouldn't think Charlie a very good influence, but she won't stop their playdates over it. But instead talk to Emily about not getting too messy.
Charlie and Vaggie will think that's silly though, and Charlie will get her some gloves and a apron so she can still have fun without the mess 💙❤️
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-When Emily or Charlie has to go home, they'll stall as long as needed so they can stay longer.
-If any of them are in trouble, they'll defend each other!
Vaggie: "Alright, which one of you little monsters (affectionately) spilled green paint on the carpet.
Emily, covered in green paint already.
Charlie collects some green paint and rubs some on her face.
Vaggie shakes her head: "Charlie..."
Emily: "It wasn't Charlie, it was me."
Charlie: "Nope. Me."
Emily whispers: "No. Charlie don't. It was me."
Charlie, lying: "We both did it then, because I got paint all over the place too."
Emily: "Oh okay."
Charlie: "We both did!"
Vaggie, smiling and rolling her eyes. "Okay...let's just get you two cleaned up then."
Charlie is very proud thinking she fooled Vaggie.
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clarepreed · 7 months
Death Diving
Story Content and Summary - 5,821 words. Off-duty lifeguard Charlotte tries Norwegian death diving at a snowy national park. Drowning, arrhythmia, hypothermia, on-site resuscitation. 🏳️‍🌈
“How high is this?” Charlotte asked, peering down at the water. She was slowly unsnapping her coat. “Looks like the high dive.”
“Not sure.” Their friend Larkin stood next to her, peering down at the dark blue-green water. “Looks cold as fuck.”
“It’s beautiful, though,” Charlotte said.
“It’s giving award-winning nature documentary,” Larkin agreed.
“Is this a good idea, Charlotte?” Henry waited off to the side, hands on his hips. “It looks pretty far, and you said you’ve only tried this twice at the pool over the summer.”
“Yeah, Viola didn’t like us doing it. She said it encouraged the children to try it.” Charlotte shrugged and unzipped her coat. “She was right, so I didn’t argue with her. The lifeguards can’t be encouraging reckless behavior.”
“This is a legitimate sport in Norway,” Larkin reminded them. “Maybe you could get certified or something.”
“CPR, AED, sports medicine and death diving!” Charlotte laughed and shrugged out of her coat. Then she brushed the snow off the top of a nearby boulder before laying her coat there. She bent to untie her bootlaces.
“I haven’t seen ‘death diving’ in the university course catalog.” Henry walked over to Charlotte. Her nose and cheeks were pink with cold. “If you say this is fine, I trust you. You wanted me on that big ass rock near the bottom?”
Charlotte kicked off her boots and sat them by the boulder, stuffing her socks inside as she shivered. “Ugh, so cold! Yeah, back down the stairs and to that boulder we passed. Are you good to film from there? Larkin’s filming from up here.”
“The things I do for you,” Henry said, watching as she peeled her shirts over her head at once and cast the layers off on top of her coat. She had a purple sports bra on underneath. Her skin was already breaking out in goosebumps. He reached out and grasped her by the waist, pulling her close. “Be careful, okay? You can bail if it comes down to it. We won’t think any less of you.”
“He’s right,” Larkin said. They had their phone out and were snapping pictures of the drop. “We are mature enough to not fuck with you for not doing something we’re too scared to do ourselves.”
Charlotte tipped her head up to kiss him and he took advantage, slipping a hand into her loose, dark hair as he kissed her soft mouth. They’d been inseparable since first year English and had plans to move in together after graduation. Henry saw them married with kids some day. He let the kiss linger, his hands running up the cooling skin of her back. 
Charlotte shivered and broke the kiss. “Mmm. Sorry, but I’m about to freeze! Larkin, after the jump, you’ll bring my clothes down?”
“I’ve got you, Charlie.”
“Alright, I’ll climb down.” Henry kissed her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Charlotte reached for the waistband of her pants. “God, it’s cold up here!”
“You’re the G.O.A.T., Charlie!” Larkin called out 
“Polar bear club death diving,” Henry muttered to himself, shaking his head as he headed down the wooden steps. The breeze was brisk, with flurries floating by his face, but the view was gorgeous. Gray rock, dark evergreens, blankets of snow, and that dazzling water. Henry made it nearly to the bottom before he spotted a good spot to hop the handrail and climb out on the boulder Charlotte had identified. 
Henry peeled off his gloves and crouched in the center of the rock. He took his phone out, looking up the rock face to the edge of the cliff. Charlotte was waiting there, having stripped completely naked. Even at that distance, he could see her strong body, thick thighs and snatched waist hewn from swimming and weight lifting. She raked her hand through her blowing hair and then waved at him.
Henry got the video ready on his phone and waved back.
Larkin shouted: “READY!”
He tapped the button and confirmed his phone was recording. “READY!”
Charlotte took three steps back.
“—TWO, ONE!”
She ran toward the edge and, without hesitation, threw herself off the cliff. She looked like a superhero in flight at first, with her arms extended almost casually and one of her legs bent. Henry tried to follow her body as it plummeted, saw her arms pinwheel, but she was moving too fast for him to make out other details. What he did see was how hard she hit the water, more of a belly flop than the inverted vee shape she’d shown him on YouTube.
Henry cheered for her anyway, standing and pointing the phone toward the white ripples representing the spot where she’d gone in. He expected her to come up sputtering but happy, at which point they’d bundle her up and walk her back to the fire.
Henry waited, surprised when it took longer than he expected for her to come to the surface. Just as he felt nervous, he saw her come up. Instead of popping up like an excited cork, she floated to the surface, hair spreading out across the water and her limbs limp. She bobbed face down, pale and naked.
“Charlotte?” Henry shoved his phone in his pocket without remembering to stop the footage. “Charlie?! Charlotte!”
He heard Larkin shout something, and then Henry jerked into action, unzipping his coat and tearing it off. He made himself take the time to remove his boots, cursing as he struggled to get them off and painfully aware of time passing as she floated face down in the pool. “CHARLOTTE! FUCK!”
He ripped his pullover off, too, then dove clumsily into the water in his pants and long-sleeved shirt. Henry hit the icy water with a splash and gasped a shocked breath at the wrong time, filling his sinuses. He coughed and spat out the cold water, trying to make his limbs move and feeling his heart palpitate in his chest. Henry dog paddled over to Charlotte, then grasped her hair and her hip, his fingers already numb with cold as he fumbled with her body.
Henry forced himself to kick his sluggish legs as he turned her over, floating her on her back. What he saw frightened him; Charlotte was ghost pale and staring up at the sky with a strange and empty expression on her face. He was pretty certain she wasn’t breathing.
“Ch-Charlotte!” Henry wracked his brain for anything he’d ever heard from Charlotte about water rescue. “Charlotte!”
If you can do it without drowning, you give the victim five breaths in the water. I did that once, and the guy woke up sputtering!
Henry moved his left hand under her neck and used his right to push her wet hair out of her face. He pinched her nose with his right hand and then hunched over her. He was breathing hard, from cold and exertion and fear, but he sucked in a deep breath and covered her white lips with his. His exhale rounded out her cheeks, and he darted his eyes toward her ashen chest to see if it rose. It was hard to tell between the gentle rocking motion of the water and Henry’s kicks beneath the surface. He’d have to get them both out soon; he was having a hard time keeping himself afloat, and every time the wind cut across the top of the pool he shuddered.
Henry let her exhale and gave her another breath, taking less time between subsequent breaths. He thought her chest was rising, though he found there was some resistance. Not that he knew what this was supposed to feel like. He just knew that she was scaring him; she felt and looked like a cold, dead thing, with her lips slack and her eyes lifeless and far away.
The fifth breath didn’t miraculously revive her, and Henry broke the kiss of life with a gasp. “C-come on, babe… Get you out…”
Henry awkwardly wrapped his arm around her chest and leaned her head against his shoulder, then started one-arm swimming for the shore. Larkin was on the shore, taking off their coat and boots before wading into the pool and meeting Henry just as his icy feet caught up against the bottom. Together, they towed Charlotte to shore.
“Lay her on my coat!” Larkin shouted. “And then we can put hers on top!”
“She’s not b-breathing!”
“My phone’s just over there and I’ve already got 911 on the line. I’ll tell them!” 
Henry could barely feel his feet as they dragged Charlotte’s limp body out and on top of Larkin’s coat, spread out in the snow. Charlotte’s head hung backward as they maneuvered her, wet hair swinging. Henry all but collapsed beside her as Larkin draped her coat over her like a blanket, then ran over to their cell phone left on a nearby rock.
“Charlotte…” Henry reached for her, hoping she would wake up now that she was out of the water. The vision she presented dashed that hope immediately.
Charlotte looked like a corpse, pale with cold, completely still, eyes partially open and her lips turning purple. Henry, stiff with cold, pressed his fingers into her neck, trying to feel for a pulse. When he touched her, her head tipped to the side and water dribbled from the side of her mouth.
“I CAN’T TELL!” Henry shouted, turning her face up toward him and then pressing his fingers hard into her throat again. “SHIT! LARKIN! Oh no, NO, I don’t think she has a pulse!”
“Hey!” Larkin dropped to their knees at Charlotte’s other side, laying their phone down on the coat beneath her. “The operator says you have to do CPR! An ambulance is coming, and a park ranger, but—”
“Okay!” Henry forced himself up onto his knees and leaned over Charlotte, his hands shaking from cold and anxiety as he struggled to recall what exactly he was supposed to do.
“I can do the breaths. He says we need to do those since she drowned!” Larkin was shivering, too, but they sat the phone down by Charlotte’s head and tapped the speaker button. “We’re ready!”
“You need to tip her head back to open her airway,” a deep voice said from the phone. Larkin quickly complied, hands on her forehead and chin to tip it back and extend her neck. “Then pinch her nose, cover her mouth with yours to make a seal, and give her two breaths in quick succession. You want to see her chest rise.”
Henry watched as Larkin breathed for his girlfriend, her cheeks puffing up and her chest rising, dusky breasts rising and falling twice. Then he reached out and pushed her coat down toward her pelvis. Henry felt like he might break into a thousand panicked pieces.
“Once you’ve done that,” the operator continued, “you need to do thirty chest compressions. Find her bottom rib and follow it to the center of her chest. You want to put the heel of your hand on the bottom third of her sternum, her breastbone. Stack your hands and lace your fingers. Make certain your shoulders are over your hands.”
Henry quickly traced his fingers over her soft skin and found his mark. He called out: “I did it, I p-push now, right?”
“Yes. Two inches. Then come up.”
Henry pushed down once, then twice. The second time he thought he’d achieved two inches, with her ribcage sinking and her belly rounding. “Jesus, it looks like I’m breaking her chest!”
“It’s okay, sir. Two inches. Count out loud with me as you do compressions. One, two, three…”
“…four, five, six…” Henry found he felt a little warmer with the movement, though he’d rather her be breathing and him freezing if that was an option. Larkin was holding her head in place, but her body moved along with the chest compressions. Huffs of air escaped her blue lips and her ribcage creaked beneath his hands. When he forced his straight arms into her chest, her shoulders shrugged. When he recoiled, he felt her ribcage spring back to the proper shape. The sensation sparked nausea in the pit of his stomach, and he gasped out: “Thirty!”
As Larkin breathed for her again, Henry relaxed his arms and rubbed her chest. “Come on, Charlotte! BREATHE!”
Larkin’s air sighed out of her, and Henry quickly found his mark again and rolled his shoulders over his hands. He counted loudly as he thrust himself down into her chest. Time seemed somehow both sped up and slowed down. He was thinking a little more clearly now and was even more frightened, thinking of the seconds and minutes lost while they got her out and the operator explained what to do. He understood that chest compressions circulated oxygenated blood. He didn’t know why she had drowned so quickly, or if it was possible to survive what had happened, but he wanted to be the reason she had a chance.
“…twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!” The operator had stopped counting with him, but he spoke up as Larkin leaned in to cover Charlotte’s mouth with their own.
“A park ranger with an AED is headed in your direction. He’s got an ATV and expects to be with you in five minutes. DO NOT stop CPR unless it becomes too dangerous for you to continue.”
“One, two, three…”
“We’re not going to stop,” Larkin said, incredulous. “We might freeze to death out here, but otherwise we wouldn’t stop! Fuck!”
“…eighteen, nineteen… just a thing he has to say, Larkin! Twenty-one, twenty-two…” Charlotte made a gurgling sound when his hands plunged particularly deep, but the look in her eyes hadn’t changed when he glanced at her face. “Thirty!”
“Perform two more rounds of compressions and breaths, and then I would like the two of you to switch positions,” the operator said as Larkin bent over her for rescue breathing.
Larkin gave Charlotte a second breath and then said: “Yes! We can do that!”
“One, two, three…” Henry focused on the way the heel of his hand dug into her sternum. Two inches must be enough to press her sternum into her heart. This would express blood from the muscle. He came up off of her, aware again of her ribcage springing back. He envisioned new blood being drawn up into her heart. If he or Larkin kept doing this until someone who could do more arrived…
Soon, it was time for Larkin to give her breaths again. Henry gasped in his own deep breaths of cold air, his eyes on her body as she swelled with Larkin’s breath. There was a dark red mark now between her breasts. Henry placed his hands in the middle of the bruise and forced her sternum down.
“Shit!” he exclaimed. He didn’t stop chest compressions, but he was gasping now instead of counting. He would swear that he felt something give when he’d pushed into her. Chest compressions took a lot of effort, but it looked like he was easily crushing her, her chest caving in and her abdomen swelling in rhythmic waves.
“I think he just broke her rib!” Larkin exclaimed.
“Um, it’s okay, I haven’t stopped!” Henry forced out. “Uh… nineteen, twenty, twenty-one… We switch after this, Larkin! Oh… Twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!”
Henry scooted a few inches to the side and reached for her head as Larkin released it, almost colliding with her in his urgency. Disturbed and disappointed that her lips still felt cold, Henry covered them with his warm mouth and filled her lungs with the hot air. He broke the seal long enough to let his gifted air escape, then gave her a second breath. 
Larkin had already started chest compressions by the time Henry pulled back from Charlotte. He watched them work for a few seconds, though he knew he wasn’t qualified to evaluate their compressions. They looked deep enough and fast enough to him, her stomach rounding with each thrust and her feet swaying side to side, sticking out from beneath the coat. Henry reached down and pulled the coat over her pale feet.
“…fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen…”
Henry scooted back up to her head, both drawn to and repulsed by her face. She was so pale she looked gray, with blue lips and shadows around her open eyes. He’d never seen a person who looked like this, not someone who wasn’t about to be buried. At least at a funeral home, they attempted to make a person look like what you remembered of them when they were alive.
The thought made his own eyes prick with tears.
“Don’t die,” he whispered, keenly aware of Larkin’s countdown to thirty. “Please, please, please…”
A seal over cold lips. His cheeks bulging, then hers. Her breasts rising and falling. Her nipples dark against her bloodless skin. Skin mottled and bruised between her breasts.
Larkin’s own cold fingers interlaced over her heart, and they resumed pumping the muscle for her now that she, apparently, couldn’t do it herself.
“Huh, huh, huh…” Air, forced out of Charlotte’s still lungs.
“…seven, eight, nine…”
Henry smoothed her hair, cold and almost hard as it was. Her hair lay clumped up and clinging to her skin, nothing like her usual shiny mane. Her head rocked back and forth as Larkin pumped her chest, blank eyes drawing a fateful trail back and forth across the sky. The breeze picked up, and both he and Larkin shuddered. Charlotte, of course, remained senseless.
Another gurgling noise escaped her, followed by a small amount of water spurting up between her blue lips. Henry turned her head to the side and called out: “Charlotte?” Another gurgle, followed by a splash of water onto the coat beneath her.
“Thirty! I think she just vomited some water up!” Larkin said. “You have to give—”
“Breathe, Charlie!” Henry almost shouted, before he turned her face toward him and forced himself to pinch her nose and give her another breath.
Need to calm down. Calm down. Charlotte…
A second breath, and then he wiped the back of his hand across his eyes. It came away wet.
“One, two, three, four…”
Henry climbed stiffly to his numb feet and staggered over to the boulder, where he found his coat and dragged it down, hurrying back and dropping it on top of her coat. He quickly crouched beside her to give her two more rescue breaths. Breaths on land were easier than they’d been out in the water, but the action felt so strange to him. In another context, it might have been hot. His lips on hers, the intimacy of a shared breath. Her body responding.
As Larkin started the next round of compressions, Henry straightened out his coat, pulling it up just below her breasts. It worried him that her core was still so exposed to the cold air, but he was afraid to add a thick layer between Larkin’s hands and Charlotte’s skin. Instead, he pulled her limp arms against her sides and tucked her cold hands underneath the coat.
“…twenty, twenty-one…” Larkin sounded breathless now, their face a mask of effort and worry.
“I think… Can you do one more round and then we’ll switch?” Henry asked, pinching her nose in preparation for thirty. 
“Thirty! Yes!” Larkin gasped.
Henry gripped her jaw, holding her mouth open and then making a seal with his lips. Two more warm breaths. Her head rocked as Larkin started chest compressions again. Henry leaned down and pressed his lips to her cold forehead, his eyes closed for several seconds, until he pulled back and shook himself. He moved down her body until he was face-to-face with Larkin, ready to take over when it was time.
Larkin, Henry realized, was crying, tears rolling down their face as they finished up the set and quickly leaned over to give Charlotte air. Her breasts rose unnaturally, and then it was time for Henry to fix his hands on her sternum and roll his shoulders over the top.
“One, two, three…” Charlotte emitted a hoarse growling sound, but just as it was when she’d coughed up the water, she still stared half-lidded into nothing. Her head lolled to the side. 
“I don’t understand how she drowned so fast!” Larkin exclaimed hoarsely. Their teeth chattered as soon as they stopped speaking, hands trembling as they turned her face toward the sky. Her head moved loosely on her neck. “Or how it got so bad… you g-got to her! She should have coughed some water up and we would have hauled her to the fire to warm up, and oh, God!”
“Thirty! Breathe!” 
Larkin sniffled, frozen in place. Henry shouted: “LARKIN!”
They flinched and quickly pressed their mouth to Charlotte’s. As the second breath slipped from her mouth and Henry started pumping her chest again, he realized he heard a distant small motor. “One, two, three, four… Is that the ranger? COME ON!”
“How will they get down here?! How’d they get up there?!” Larkin exclaimed. “Is there an access road?”
“…eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…” Henry couldn’t pay attention to what he hoped was help on the way. He had to focus; he didn’t want the reason she didn’t make it to be that he slacked off because he heard help coming from who knew however far away. Instead, his eyes dropped to her chest, where his hands were stacked so that the heel of his bottom hand thrust into the correct spot.
What I hope is the correct spot. If you make it, you’re going to give me a lesson, okay? Please, please, please don’t die…
“Continue CPR,” the 9-1-1 operator said. “Make certain you compress her chest two inches and come up completely each time. That’s a good place.”
“Thirty!” Henry called out, but Larkin was standing up and shouting something incoherent. Henry lunged for Charlotte’s head, roughly opening her airway and pinching off her nose. He blew two hard breaths into her, the air spluttering out between them, and then quickly swiveled back to her chest. Her breasts wobbled each time he pushed down on her chest, and her nipples were hard from the cold. The coat slipped sideways off of her stomach, and he watched her belly bow as he compressed her ribcage. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…”
“HERE!” Larkin screamed, voice breaking. “Down here! HURRY!”
“…fifteen, sixteen, seventeen…”
They dropped down beside Charlotte and opened her airway. “There’s a ranger coming down the stairs on foot! They’ve got bags!”
“Do not stop CPR!” the operator said, startling Henry, who’d forgotten about him.
“…twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!”
As Larkin bent to give Charlotte mouth-to-mouth, Henry glanced up. Sure enough, a man was hauling ass down the stairs, carrying what looked like a couple of bags and a backpack. Henry tore his eyes away and started chest compressions again, trying not to think about how cold and tired he was, or how cold she was.
“One, two, three, four…”
The man’s boots crunched in the snow as he ran from the base of the stairs over to where Larkin and Henry had been trying to resuscitate Charlotte. He dropped his bags and crouched beside her, asking: “What happened? What’s her name?”
“…thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…”
“We were filming her, Charlotte, doing this… Norwegian free diving,” Larkin said, their voice quiet. “She hit the water and I don’t think she was conscious after that.”
“Okay, pause compressions so I can do a pulse check,” the ranger said, tugging off his gloves. Henry lifted his hands, breathing hard. The other man dug his fingers into her neck and leaned close over her face, tipping his head to the side. Ten seconds passed, and he sat upright, saying: “No breath, no pulse. Continue CPR while I get the AED prepped.”
Larkin was breathing for her before the ranger finished speaking. 
“I will stay on the line until EMS arrives. There is an ambulance crew coming up to the trailhead,” the 9-1-1 operator said. “They are on foot.”
Henry rolled his shoulders over his hands, pushing hard down into her chest. “One, two, three…”
“I have a victim who has drowned and two others who may be hypothermic,” the ranger said. “Prepping the AED now.”
He dragged the smaller bag closer to his legs and unzipped it, pulling out a red and white AED, a packet, and a small towel.
“Don’t stop,” the ranger said. He was dressed in warm clothing in shades of brown and green. “I’m going to work around you.”
The ranger rubbed her chest with the towel, though Henry was pretty sure her skin was no longer wet. Then he tore open the packet and dumped out AED pads. Henry kept up chest compressions, though he watched as the ranger flipped a switch on the side of the AED.
“…twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!” Henry kept his hands in place while Larkin gave her breaths and the ranger peeled the paper backing off the first pad. He barely caught his own breath before he began thrusting his hands hard into her chest again. The ranger applied the first pad above Charlotte’s right breast, then peeled the backing off the second. Henry didn’t waver, forcing her ribcage down and letting it recoil, the motion sending rolling waves down her abdomen. The ranger applied the second pad on the left, below her breast and to the side. Then he plugged the yellow plastic connector into the AED.
“Stop compressions!” the ranger called out. “Don’t touch her!”
Henry raised his hands.
“ANALYZING RHYTHM. SHOCK ADVISED! CHARGING. DO NOT TOUCH PATIENT.” The device emitted a loud, high-pitched sound.
“Both of you scoot back!” the ranger commanded. “You can’t touch her when it delivers the shock.”
Larkin and Henry both scooted back, hands in the air and eyes on Charlotte’s limp, pale body.
“Please, Charlie,” Henry whispered.
“PRESS THE SHOCK BUTTON!” the AED commanded, and a yellow rectangle on the top of the device began to flash.
The ranger glanced at both of them and then pressed the button. Charlotte flinched, a small movement centered in her chest that traveled subtlely down her limbs. Immediately, the ranger moved closer to Charlotte and pressed his hands to the mottled skin of her chest.
“One, two, three…” the ranger intoned. Henry sagged. He hadn’t been sure what to expect, exactly, but it wasn’t this. The ranger looked much more professional than either Henry or Larkin had, most of his energy going to precise, deep compressions. Her body shook each time he pressed into her, breasts quivering, stomach rolling. The compressions made a soft thumping sound as his hands thrust into her sternum. Henry was shivering again, and his bare feet in the snow were alternatively cold and numb.
The ranger hit thirty compressions, and Henry quickly crawled over to her head and sealed his mouth to her cool skin, blowing into her lungs and making her chest rise twice. He held her head in place while the ranger resumed chest compressions. Her head wanted to wobble in his hands, but he kept it steady.
“Her eyes aren’t as open,” he whispered. No one responded, the only other sound the ranger’s steady counting.
“…five, six, seven, eight, nine…”
“She drowned instantly,” Larkin said abruptly. They were sitting a couple of feet away, arms wrapped around their legs. Henry felt a frisson of concern, noting that Larkin’s fingers and lips looked like they were turning blue like Charlotte’s. “I don’t understand…”
“P-put my pullover on, Larkin,” Henry admonished . “It’s on the b-boulder… You’re t-turning blue…”
“…twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two…”
Henry was looking down at Charlotte again, though he heard Larkin rise and stumble over to the large rock where Henry had been standing earlier. When they came back, they sat Henry’s gloves on the coat by Charlotte’s head.
“…thirty!” the ranger called out, then reached over to drag one of his bags closer. As Henry gave Charlotte mouth-to-mouth, he heard the ranger say: “Cold water like that can cause arrhythmias. I saw something similar happen two years ago.”
Henry thought about the heart palpitations he’d felt when he jumped into the cold water. It was like his heart had tried to stop multiple times before lurching back into a fast but otherwise normal rhythm. She’d fallen from a great height, then experienced that cold shock from beneath the surface. He wondered if she’d been conscious enough to understand what was happening to her.
I hope not, Charlie, he thought sadly. Then, he wondered: Did the person from two years ago make it?
Henry was afraid to ask.
“…nine, ten, eleven, twelve…”
Henry slipped his gloves onto his stiff fingers, then flexed them to see if he could still properly use his hands. Larkin suddenly appeared at his side again with his socks and boots.
“Your t-toes are blue,” Larkin stammered, and to Henry’s surprise they helped him put on his socks as he kneeled next to Charlotte, waiting until it was time to breathe for her again.
“…twenty-six, twenty-seven…”
Charlotte made another growling sound like she had earlier, startling Henry into planting his hands on both sides of her head and staring wide-eyed down at her. She didn’t take a breath, however, so when the ranger called out his last compression, Henry quickly pinched her nose closed and leaned down to give her two breaths. 
Then Henry dropped onto his ass and reached for one of his boots, fumbling clumsily with them as his eyes burned with the tears he was trying to keep at bay. 
“…five, six, seven, eight…”
Henry struggled to get his feet into the boots, let alone lace them. He finally left his boots untied, loose on his feet as he rolled over and back onto his knees. It was time to breathe for Charlotte again. He used a hand under her neck to open her airway, pinched her nose closed as the ranger called out “thirty!” and felt the huff of forced air against his face. Her lips were cold and dry when he pressed his mouth to hers, the angle not quite right as he blew into her. He had to expel air even harder to compensate, and when he broke the seal, their mouths made a “pphhhtttbht!” sound.
“One, two, three…”
“Huh, huh, huh, huh…” 
Henry, still leaning over her, looked down at the ranger’s hands buried between Charlotte’s breasts. The depression of her ribcage looked even starker from this angle, and the soft tissue of her breasts shook with each hard compression. When Henry picked his head up, he could see her trim stomach bulge out with each pump of her chest.
“…twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven—”
Henry and the ranger both lurched backward, raising their hands. Charlotte’s body was utterly still, which he found even more disturbing than watching her body move from the force of the chest compressions. Her head had tipped over when he released it. Her eyes, open to slits, stared at his knees.
Larkin kneeled a few feet away, their own face pale as the device let out a loud, high-pitched whine. 
“Switch with me after the shock,” the ranger said. Henry nodded.
“No one touch her!” the ranger called out, reaching for the flashing button. “Administering the shock now!”
He pressed the button, and Charlotte jerked. Henry knew what to expect this time, so he was already moving toward her when the AED called out: “SHOCK DELIVERED. CONTINUE CPR.”
Charlotte made a squeaking noise when he started chest compressions, making his eyes fly to her face even as he pumped her chest. “One, two, three… CHARLOTTE! BREATHE! Seven, eight…”
“Try to stay calm if you can,” the ranger said. He was pulling smaller items out of his bag, a red plastic case and a thermometer. Larkin moved to kneel on the opposite side of Charlotte, near her head. 
“…thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen—” Charlotte inhaled. The sound was small, barely audible between Henry’s countdown and the rustling sounds of the ranger. Then she coughed wetly, and Henry jerked his hands off her skin, exclaiming: “Charlotte?!”
The ranger dropped whatever he was doing and pressed his fingers into the side of her throat.
“Take another breath, Charlie!” Henry exclaimed. He scooted down and cupped her cheek. “Come on, I know you can hear me!”
“She has a pulse!” the ranger said, sounding relieved. “Take a breath now, sweetheart!”
Charlotte wheezed, then drew a shallow and rattling breath. Her eyelids fluttered and her chest heaved irregularly. The ranger turned back to his bags, quickly rummaging through until he found a foil packet and a knit hat.
“Just keep breathing, Charlie!” Henry reached down and rested his hand gently on the bruises their efforts had left on her skin. His hand rose and fell with her increasingly stronger breaths. The ranger opened the packet and unfurled a metallic blanket, which he draped over Charlotte. Henry pulled his hand free and reached for the hat. Larkin carefully lifted her head, and Henry tugged the hat down over her cold, half-dried hair. 
“Mmm…” Charlotte moaned, her eyelids lifting halfway. Her dark eyes rolled, but he was relieved to see they had life in them now, however disoriented she was.
“Charlie, I love you,” Henry said, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “Larkin, too. We’re both here. You’re going to be okay.”
“Patient has a pulse, labored breathing, and is semi-conscious after two shocks from the AED,” the ranger called out toward the phone. Then he turned back to his bags. “Hey, I have blankets for you two...”
“Uh, okay. Great,” Henry said, after several seconds of delay. “Charlotte?”
Her listless gaze drifted toward his face, focusing briefly on him before she moaned again and closed her eyes. Henry felt the energy drain out of him, relief bleeding him dry. He weakly propped himself up on his elbow beside her, tears finally spilling down his cheeks. The ranger shook out another metallic blanket and draped it around his shoulders. 
Henry reached down, working his hand beneath the blanket and coats until found her cold hand. He squeezed her fingers, his eyes shifting to her face. She still looked unwell, and he was worried about the quality of her breathing, but to his immense relief, she no longer looked like a corpse. Larkin reached in and swept a strand of her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.
A few seconds passed, and then Charlotte’s fingers twitched in Henry’s grasp. 
“There you are,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
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nightwhispcrs · 4 months
— valentines ball mini event starter call under the cut ; dont be shy !! 3 starter cap per mun , pls . if you want to plot anything for our event thread / if any of these blurbs give you an idea , dm me after requesting the starter ! otherwise i will be writing them random .
**if we have blind dates , i will dm you about plotting and which of us writes the starter , so please don't request those here .
adam newman , 33 yrs — ( 3/3 ) dru , maggie , olenna
adam will be his usual flirty , gossip-y self . coming from the soap opera world , the relationship drama the revolves around valentines day is his wheelhouse , so feel free to unload your tea on his ear at the bar and let him help you form revenge plans . ( date : olenna tyrell )
arnold novak , 28 yrs — ( 2/2 ) jester , shen wei
being on a blind date with a stranger is one of arnold's worst social nightmares , so please distract him with anything you can . a dance , illicit substances , some gossip , or whatever else your heart desires . he will however be very engrossed and excited to view the exhibits and will probably be using them to avoid social interaction . it's canon that he's a BIG fan of butterflies , so catch them there . ( blind date : shen wei )
charlie dalton , 26 yrs — ( 1/3 ) neil
they're having the time of their life . still in denial about the feelings he has for his best friend , so charlie will be running around being a menace . probably trying to break into anything and everything that they shouldn't , and probably carrying around a couple flasks of mysterious liquor . ( "platonic" date : neil perry )
craig manning , 23 yrs — ( 0/2 )
on a date with his boyfriend , but craig can either get involved in some chaos or lend an ear to someone who needs it . he's sober , so can take care of anyone who's been a bit .. less than sober . you may find him around the insect exhibits ? fell like he'd think bugs are interesting . ( date : j.t. yorke )
eli joseph stock , 22 yrs — ( 1/2 ) auden
on a date with their partner , but will be quietly strolling through the exhibits as well . probably spending most of their time in ocean hall . they're from a beach town , so feels like home . a bit skeptical of valentines and pda in general , but will withhold judgement to themself . ( date : auden west )
fred flintstone , 40 yrs — ( 1/2 ) meredith
he's pining for nigel and in denial . also , seeing his dinosaur pets as skeletons is scarring and upsetting , so he's really having a hell of a time . ( blind date : meredith grey )
irina denali , 28 yrs — ( 3/3 ) bella , vic , cindy moon
moody and broody but still a beauty . she'll use this as an opportunity to dress up and look absolutely stunning , and she'll be quietly observing everyone's relationship drama . being 'immortal' yet having died , mummies kind of freak her out so she'll prob be over there . ( blind date : belle french )
jack shephard , 35 yrs — ( 1/2 ) hannibal
if anyone needs medical assistance , jack can help ya out . otherwise , he'll probably be sipping a gin beverage as he strolls through the exhibits . it's rare he spends time just hanging out in museums for fun . the polar bear will prob trigger some memories from back home ... you might catch him trying to hide a spiral . ( date : michael corleone )
katniss everdeen , 22 yrs — ( 3/3 ) rue , a-xiang , peeta
please let this person live and have a good time for a night . i might allow katniss to just have a nice time and enjoy a romantic evening , in love once again . i don't trust the admins with a peaceful evening *eyes emoji* but ... we'll see how things pan out . ( date : peeta mellark )
lee jordan , 28 yrs — ( 2/2 ) wei wuxian , hongjo
distract lee from the very secret feelings he's rekindled towards draco . let him get caught up in your drama , or run around with him causing trouble as he whines about how very very single he is . expect him to pry about your love life for his podcast - he loves gossip . ( unofficial hate-date : draco malfoy )
max goodwin , 34 yrs — ( 1/2 ) carlisle
my medical director doesn't get much time to relax , so he's enjoying this night . max is very very friendly and will be genuinely interested in meeting and getting to know knew people . a very curious mind , expect him to share some good advice while gazing at the exhibits .
michael guerin , 31 yrs — ( 3/3 ) qingge , childe , tatia
being at museums like this is kind of horrifying for michael , because as a secret alien , michael's biggest fear is that the government will find him out and he'll end up himself as an exhibit in this place . also he's single and lonely - what's new - so he'll be drinking his worries away and gawking at the "human origins " . ( blind date : tatia )
monica geller , 27 yrs — ( 1/2 ) laurie
looking hot and stressed . don't think for a second that monica has forgotten how violent and chaotic balls of the past have been in washington . she'll be doing her best to stay present , but she's going to be waiting for something terrible to happen at any moment . ( "platonic" date : laurie strode )
naomi pierce , 34 yrs — ( 2/2 ) junyi , kendall
girly is looking like a 100/10 and will be happy to share some champagne and relationship advice . events , galas , museums , etc. are commonplace to her so she's in her usual public-facing-mask element . she probably wants some of the gems on display . ( date : kendall roy )
parvati patil , 22 yrs — ( 1/2 ) cho
she's feeling mischievous but doesn't know where to place that energy . eeriely familiar feelings of a ball are haunting her , but parvati doesn't have her memories of hogwarts back yet so she won't know why . will probably take this opportunity to make new friends or flirt . ( blind date : cerridwen )
ramona flowers , 25 yrs — ( 1/2 ) ellie
ramona is , of course , very open to being messy and kissing someone other than their date . they're very open to anything , actually , and they're not above putting some graffiti on some priceless artifacts . ( blind date : tigris snow )
reid oliver , 37 yrs — ( 1/2 ) brennan
dr . reid thinks this entire social event is a huge waste of time , but he is a biggg fan of the free food . for someone who makes as much money as him , a neurosurgeon , he really should have a better palate and spend money on quality food , but he loves free stuff . plus he's looking pretty good in a suit . ask him for a dance if you want , but he'll definitely deny you /: sorry he's a dance-hating bitch . ( blind date : brennan sorrengail )
richie jerimovich , 42 yrs — ( 2/3 ) nat , bellatrix
i bet you've never seen a man this drunk and messy looking this good in a suit before . if you want him to stop rambling about his former drunk adventures back home , just kiss him or something . ( blind date : bellatrix black )
robin buckley , 24 yrs — ( 2/2 ) nancy , maya
they're very excited to be on a date with a very pretty girl !! you might catch her freaking out in the bathroom about it tho . she's also very very impressed by all of the pretty things on display . plus she's looking cute in her vintage dress . ( blind date : maya hart )
roman roy , 36 yrs — ( 2/2 ) tatum , tyrell
will be judging everyone's attire , relationship , and the quality of the alcohol at the bar . but he'll look good while doing it ! he really doesn't understand consequences of actions , so feel free to pull my chaotic man into anything . ( date : tyrell wellick )
tucker mccall , 45 yrs — ( 1/2 ) ceres
mr. wildcard homewrecking gossip king himself . will certainly insert himself into anyone's relationship drama given the opportunity . if you want to flirt , gossip , or have any deep conversations about the meaning of life , he's your guy . ( blind date : ceres vurith )
zahra bankston , 40 years — ( 2/2 ) alex , qui-gon jinn
she's the director of national intelligence , so i promise if you're doing anything stupid , zahra already knows and it isn't getting past her . she's enjoying this time to bump elbows with washington's elite though , so whether she actually says or does anything at this very moment is another story . also , you bet she's looking absolutely incredible . ( blind date : qui-gon jinn )
zoe rivas , 24 years — ( 1/2 ) annabeth
wrapped up in a beautiful gown , zoe will be ready to mingle or invite you to dance . they'll probably be in the darker rooms centering around electricity and the night sky because it's more calming and beautiful than the main floors swarmed with the entire city . ( blind date : abigail mckinnon )
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whoiwanttoday · 2 months
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Hey guys, here is Charli XCX, who I happen to be a big fan of. As I was choosing pictures this time and skipping over some I couldn't help but think about how many of these pictures feel like they are for my friend @kat-eleven (including ones that didn't fit) which is strange because it was really hard to get her into Charli XCX. She was just not into her or her music. She said, "She's a girl, what's even the point of girls" and "I wish she would wear a bra" and "I don't need music, I prefer the rhythmic scratching of polar bears trying to get inside my house. Which is made of ice. Cause you, know, Canada". Eventually she came around on the music part at least. Charli has new music out before very much longer, I am looking forward to it. It is nice that the lead up is getting us some funky photoshoots. I like when she gets to do interesting things. Today I want to fuck Charli XCX.
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Shane as a partner
I think Shane would feel embarrassed at how much he relies on you and guilty too, so he’d do anything you ask him to. He especially likes to carry heavy stuff for you because he doesn’t think he has many talents, but carrying stuff is definitely something he can do. You know that SZA Saturday night live skit where she had the song about needing a big boy to carry all the groceries in one trip? And big polar bear arms to hold her? He’s the big boy she’s talking about. He’s not a good cook or cleaner, but he does what he can. He doesn’t usually do stuff without being asked, only because he doesn’t think about it, but if you ask he will right away. Even after 10 years of marriage he’ll still be amazed you like him. He tries not to ask for anything and tries to do everything himself without help. He brings Jas to play with Charlie once in a while and teaches her how you pico the crops (he learned from watching you from the porch)
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thegoober010 · 3 months
Lucifer, Adam and Charlie with an Okaimimimi reader who really loves pda (getting pets, ear scritches, all that) and has a reeeall fluffy tail? An Okaimimimi is basically like a Neko, but wolf features instead of a cat! Reader also has a full wolf form, but much larger than the average wolf! Closer to the size of a grizzly, or even a polar bear . Buut they also have a smaller, chibi version that they sometimes manifest into when they fall asleep, or just feel comfortable:3
TW/CW -> none! besides some swearing?? but like- it's hh soooo yuh-
Gender neutral reader per usual <3!!
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☆ Lucifer Morningstar ☆
He met you through Charlie, the first time he went to to the Hazbin Hotel you greeted him mainly alongside Charlie and Alastor. He didn't really have any problem with you, mostly just with Alastor if we're gonna be honest-
After a while you two got to know each other pretty well! After all that drama with Charlie and Alastor you two got to know each other a bit better with you getting quickly attached to this little king! He didn't mind but he was rather awkward whenever you asked for pets, ear scratches, hugs and so on since he wasn't sure if he should or not, even when you asked for it since it felt like he was invading your personal space
He got used to it after a while, as he would rant to you about his little creations (mainly duck creations such as the fantastical back-flipping rubber duck!! That spits FIRE!!!!) he would scratch behind your ears or would pet your hair or play with your tail, fluffing it up as he would rant on and on about what interested him. He got very comfortable with such contact!
Bro is PROTECTIVE like not in a "TOUCH THEM AND YOU DIE 😡😡" kinda protective more like "omg be careful with them istg BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL" type protective, almost like he is with Charlie but a little more!
He is a little shocked when you first reveal your full wolf form, it's not like he doesn't see people like that no, no, no! He does, it's just a bit surprising since you never showed it to him before, he thought all you were was just half human/half wolf typpa person- he didn't expect you to be able to fully transform like that
Honestly, HE LOVES YOUR FULL FORM even if it's a bit terrifying to him CAUSE DAMN YOU'RE HUGE COMPARED TO HIM!! But he loves it cause you're so damn fluffy and it helps calm him down when you cuddle up to him. He enjoys petting you when you're in that form and he enjoys cuddling more since you're way WAY softer!!
He adores both or well, all three of your forms! He adores your half-human form, your full wolf form and your way smaller wolf form!! He absolutely does not gaf which form your in he adores you anyways!! He even shows you off a little!!
He definitely let you sleep on top of him whether or not you're in your smaller wolf form, HE DGAF!!! He would absolutely let you just plop right on top of him whether or not it was making him lose his breath or not and let ya sleep there!
In all honesty if we're gonna get a LIL more serious you really do help him a lot with his loneliness and depression, you being with him helps cure his loneliness at his place and it also helps him handle his depression a bit better knowing you're there with him
All them cuddles and PDA definitely helps with his loneliness too! Although he needs to get a bit used to it at first since it's been a while since he's cuddled up with people and such it helps a lot!
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✞ Adam (AKA Dickmaster) ✞
Bro could not really care less- okay maybe he finds it a little intriguing- but overall he doesn't really care
Since you are a winner he does give you the smallest ounce of respect, which caused you to quickly start talking to him. He was a bit surprised but listened to whatever the hell you were talking 'bout- mostly because he just wanted to look at you if we're gonna be honest
Definitely asks to touch your ears and such, mostly out of pure curiosity, does it even if you say no
Kinda an asshole at first (what do you expect from this mf fr 💀) well not much but that's kinda the vibe you got from him, like kinda asshole playboy type vibes- but you continued to converse with him anyways
After a while you two would get to know eachother pretty well (whether or not you or he wanted to-) and grew a bit close!
Of course he started to reveal more about his personality which was pretty much showed he was an asshole in some aspects but hey ya still enjoyed his company and he enjoyed yours!!
Doesn't mind PDA in fact he enjoys it quite a lot, he would give you your pets as he talked with Lute, he'd scratch behind your ears while in meetings, he'd play with your tail while Sera scolded him, etcetera etcetera. He honestly found it pretty nice that ya let him do this, plus the fact that you enjoy it too
Definitely a little surprised you have a full wolf form and an even smaller version of that!! You don't really show it until you fully know someone well so of course it's a little surprising to people when they find out you can do that. But he kinda suspected it!
Has the most perplexed yet chillest face when you're in this form. He doesn't really let you cuddle on top of him whenever you're in this form since he doesn't wanna fucking die dawg YOU'RE HUGE so you'd literally suffocate him if you cuddled on top of him 💀. If you did want to cuddle or anything of that sort ya either have to go back to your half-human form or go into your smaller wolf for, if not this mf would avoid you fr 😞 well not avoid you but more like refuse rather rudely!!
Definitely enjoys whenever you cuddle up to him when you're in your smaller form though since it doesn't suffocate him plus he finds it a bit more comfortable and cute in his opinion!
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☆ !!!Charlie Morningstar!!! ☆
She first met you when you came to the hotel for redemption. You were a good friend of Angel and, if we're gonna be honest, you mostly just wanted a place to be able to peacefully sleep in and he had recommended to hotel.
She didn't care though, she saw it as a huge opportunity to talk about redemption and such and about how you're one of the newest members and so on, you could tell she was incredibly excited to have a new resident!
She absolutely LOVES yo,u even if you're rude or sweet that doesn't matter, and thinks that you're a half human half wolf type is adorable!!!
Absolutely loves PDA, she gives you so many head pats, hugs and cuddles in public!! She does this a lot that sometimes Vaggie tells her to chill out with the PDA-
she absolutely loves your ears and tail the most! She loves how your ears flick around whenever something catches your interest or whenever you hear something and get excited over it, she just finds it adorable!! And she really liked your tail because it helps calm her down, she plays with your fluffy tail sometimes whenever she feels a bit overwhelmed by everything as it helps her relax!!
She gets surprised by your full wolf form but SHE ADORES IT!! Stars in her eyes as she stares at you DAMN YOUR HUGE BUT SO FLUFFY TOO!?!??! SHE LOVES IT!! And when you reveal the fact you have an even smaller wolf form she lets out a huge squeal of excitement over it!! She almost immediately picks you up before she tries to calm herself down.
She absolutely loves cuddling in whatever form you're in, mainly your half-human form and your small wolf form though. If we're talking about her favorite form to cuddle in though, then definitely your half-human half-wolf form, she just finds it a bit more natural in a sense? It's the first form she ever met you in so it only makes sense she's more comfortable cuddling, petting and scratching you in that form! (what I mean by scratching basically like scratching the back of your ears!)
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sleepyhead-poll · 5 months
Thank you for your patience! I have finished making the match-ups for Round 1 which will be under the cut. A little information first.
Round 1 will be posted between Friday, January 19th and Thursday, January 25th. It will be split between 4 sets, each set being posted on a different day. There will be a total of 128 participants (32 participants in each individual set) divided in 64 polls (16 polls in each individual set). By the end of Round 1, 64 participants will make it to Round 2 while the rest will be sent to the Shadow Realm where their souls will be tormented for eternity. All polls will be queued between 12 PM EST and 1 PM EST of the day it has been assigned. Each poll will last a week.
I've double checked everything but I am only human, so if you notice any errors or have any questions, the ask box is open :)
ROUND 1A (Will be posted on Friday, 19th of January)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) vs. Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga (Azumanga Daioh)
Sanada Ryu (Kimi ni Todoke) vs. Ritsuka Uenoyama (Given)
Yumemi Nemu (Vocaloid) vs. Yokune Ruko (UTAUloid)
Ritsu Sakuma (Ensemble Stars) vs. Konoe Kanata (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club)
Tsukasa Hiiragi (Lucky Star) vs. Snoozer (Hamtaro)
Yoshihito Usaida (Gakuen Babysitters) vs. Chayanne (QSMP)
Koshiba Kiri (Beauty Pop) vs. Yuuya Amane (Nukoduke!)
Panda (Polar Bear Cafe) vs. Towa Motosu (World Dai Star)
Jeff (The Wiggles) vs. Takenaka Hanbei (Samurai Warriors)
PJ Berri (Parappa the Rapper) vs. Budwin (Papa Louie)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) vs. Nagi Seishiro (Blue Lock)
Judai Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sleepy Gary (Rick and Morty) vs. Sleepy Ernst (Destroy All Humans)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Rain Code) vs. Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Snoopy (Charlie Brown) vs. Garfield (Garfield)
Peppermint Patty (Charlie Brown) vs. Shari (Wayside School)
ROUND 1B (Will be posted on Sunday, 21st of January)
Takane Enomoto (Kagerou Project) vs. Kuro / Sleepy Ash / Sloth (Servamp)
Howard Philips Lovecraft (Bungo Stray Dogs) vs. Saiko Yonebayashi (Tokyo Ghoul:re)
Belphegor (Obey Me! Shall we Date?) vs. Nanaki Kazuaki (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute High Earth Defense Club HAPPY KISS!) vs. En Yufuin (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Hotaru Yura (Magia Record) vs. Hyp (Touhou: Fantastic Danmaku Festival 2)
Hisoka Mikage (A3!) vs. Meitenkun (King of the Fighters)
Clorica (Rune Factory 4) vs. Mint (My Time at Portia)
Priscilla (Rune Factory 5) vs. Ryker (Rune Factory 5)
Dreamer / Protagonist (Melatonin) vs. Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
Hypnos (Hades) vs. Clovis (Percy Jackson)
Talon (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) vs. Towtow (Super Smash Bros.)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs. Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Shota Aizawa / Eraser Head (My Hero Academia) vs. Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier)
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) vs. Agares Picero (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Mr. Zzz (Batman) vs. Vooshvazool's Bat (The Neverending Story)
Enrico Pollini (Rat Race) vs. Unconscious Argentinean (Moulin Rogue)
ROUND 1C (Will be posted on Tuesday, 23rd of January)
Portgas D Ace (One Piece) vs. Denjiro Kyoshiro (One Piece)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) vs. Sans (Undertale)
Dino (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) vs. Midnight (Fairytale)
Ahito (Galactik Football) vs. Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Nemurin (Magical Girl Raising Project) vs. Laffey (Azur Lane)
Bedman (Guilty Gear) vs. Noelle (NieR Reincarnation)
Nemu (Haibane Renmei) vs. Sunny (Omori)
Siffrin (In Stars and Time) vs. Snoozing Carpenter (Sky: Children of the Light)
Aurora Sya Lis Goodreste (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) vs. Jade Harley (Homestuck)
Sakuma Fueko (Watashi no Sekai o Kousei suru Chiri no you na nani ka) vs. Eve (Eaternal Nocturnal)
Sleepytime Tea Bear (Celestial Sleepytime Tea) vs. Elle (Crush Crush)
Sleepy (Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) vs. Hastings (Once Upon a Time in Space)
Sleeping Beauty (Shrek) vs. Briar Beauty (Ever After)
Silver (Twisted Wonderland) vs. Jing Beiyuan (Lord Seventh)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact) vs. Sayu (Genshin Impact)
Layla (Genshin Impact) vs. Wonderland Sekai Megurine Luka (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
ROUND 1D (Will be posted on Thursday, 25th of January)
Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro) vs. Snorlax (Pokemon)
Slakoth & Slaking (Pokemon) vs. Slowpoke Evolution Line (Pokemon)
Komala (Pokemon) vs. Musharna (Pokemon)
Caitlin (Pokemon) vs. Dreaming Nemleria (Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG)
Noddy (Kirby) vs. Kirby (Kirby)
Gudetama (Sanrio) vs. Nemukko Nyago (Sanrio)
Number 6 Floof (Monster Hunter Stories) vs. Citrus (Otherworldly Ravenous Beast)
Espinas (Monster Hunter) vs. Rainforest Dragons / RainWing (Wing of Fire)
Lazy Smurf (The Smurfs) vs. Bedtime Bear (Care Bears)
Paddi (Pleasant Goat and Big Bad Wolf) vs. Flower (Bambi)
Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run) vs. Dozer (Cookie Run)
Forde (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) vs. Haar (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
Mitama (Fire Emblem: Fates) vs. Trec (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)
Mirabilis (Fire Emblem: Heroes) vs. Durin (Arknights)
Linhardt von Hevring (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs. Sothis (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Judd (Splatoon) vs. Ladybird (King of the Hill)
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crimsonrune · 6 months
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Comm - Don't Wear Him Out (Kigurumi TF)
As the season gets chillier, it's up to us to look out for our friends and keep them nice and cozy-wozy. Whether this is exactly the way Charlie planned on going about it for his friend Major though, I wouldn't be certain. Whatever the case, the big ol' polar bear seems to quite like it! Even if Charlie fits a bit small on him... This comm is another one of my personal favorites, made by the very talented @FauvFox who absolutely nailed the idea. One of these days I really gotta go in on a follow-up...
Posted using PostyBirb
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tiniebuggy · 11 months
hello ˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶ i am buggy
ᥫ᭡ welcome to my blog ᥫ᭡
please read my about info below (includes interests + do not interact as well)
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🐛 about 🐛
☄︎ my regressed age range is 0-4
☄︎ my big age is 22
☄︎ i am multiply disabled
☄︎ i am jewish both culturally and religiously
☄︎ i am transmasculine (not a trans man)
☄︎ i regress due to my disabilities + severe childhood trauma
☄︎ i use baby talk when i regress so if that is a problem for you please do not follow me
☄︎ i also speak in the third person while regressed again if that bothers you please do not follow me
☄︎ the way i type might come across odd or choppy at times this is due to me not forcing myself to mask so again if that irritates you please do not follow me
☄︎ i have had other regression blogs in the past and they have not gone very well for me as the community was not accepting of the ways i regress / how i expressed my regression but i hope this time will be different
🐌 interests 🐌
i love disney
𓆸 my favorite disney princesses are aurora, ariel, and mulan
𓆸 my favorite disney movies are monsters inc, winnie the pooh, 101 dalmatians, ratatouille, the incredibles, and dumbo
𓆸 i absolutely love disneyland and i would live there if i could my favorite rides are space mountain, storybook land canal boats, guardians of the galaxy mission breakout, and the incredicoaster
i love marvel
𓆸 my favorite marvel character when i’m small is baby groot i love him lots
𓆸 my favorite marvel movies are guardians of the galaxy 2, all the avengers movies, wandavision, and captain america 1
i love sanrio
𓆸 my favorite sanrio characters are my melody, kuromi, and cinnamoroll
i love care bears
𓆸 my favorite care bears are bedtime bear, tenderheart bear, and grumpy bear
i love 2000s nostalgia
𓆸 my favorite 2000s tv shows are scooby doo, rugrats, thomas the train, charlie brown (especially snoopy), sesame street, blue’s clue’s, and the muppets
𓆸 my favorite 2000s movies are the barbie movies (especially fairytopia and magic of pegasus), the american girl doll movies, aquamarine, ella enchanted, thomas and the magic railroad, parent trap, and the wiggles space dancing
i love sitcoms
𓆸 my favorite sitcoms are full house, bewitched, one day at a time, spin city, and modern family
i love animals
𓆸 my favorite animals are bunnies, horses, snow leopards, red pandas, blow fishes, deer, penguins, sharks, otters, crows, axolotls, caterpillars, polar bears, and cows
𓆸 this list is always updating
🐞 do not interact 🐞
𖧧 any nsfw, k!nk, abdl, ddlg, cgl, or otherwise 18+ blog
𖧧 if you’re racist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, ableist or otherwise bigoted in any way
𖧧 if you’re an anti-theist
𖧧 if you are anti impure / vent regression
𖧧 though my blog is entirely sfw, i am 22 years old so i would prefer if nobody under the age of 16 followed / interacted with me
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ᥫ᭡ if you see this send an ask ᥫ᭡
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Happy Birthday To My Friend Lazy-Charlie!/Mobian AU
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@weirdozjunkary / @sonicexelle-junkary​ 
@lazy-charlie / @chuck-the-fanboy​
@clownsuu / @not-robert​
I’d like to say happy birthday to my friend lazy-charlie they’ve been my friend for the past few years and they mean the absolute world to me so I once again commissioned my friend weirdoz and decided to get them a gift! 
Now theirs mobian versions of everyone's favorite chatter phones exist! along with a special guest bedlam! this will be the mobian au! 
Once again thank you weirdoz for doing this for me you went above and beyond! and I hope my friend charlie has an amazing birthday! 
Please check them all out consider leaving a follow and commissioning weirdoz as well! 
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chararters in order:
Chuck The Fanboy/Chuck The Beaver
((owned by lazy charlie/chuck the fanboy))
Charlie The Cursed Phone Guy/Charlie The Cursed Weasel
((owned by me of course))
Bedlam/Bedlam The Hyena
((owned by weirdozjunkary/sonicexelle-junkary))
Robert The Cannibalistic Phone Guy/Robert The Polar Bear
((owned by clownsuu/not-robert))
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This also will be an offical blog au at some point! 
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pastafossa · 1 year
Friend: you realize the only problem with going to philly after living in *COLD PLACE* for a year right Me: ? Friend: you are now a creature of ice and snow, you cannot survive in the hot soup of philadelphia Me: ...fuck Friend: you’re like those polar bears that need someone to put fake snow in their enclosures, or maybe one of those delicate little plants that needs misting, ask charlie to mist you
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wdillustration · 6 months
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Nothing is more classic for Christmas is to have a couple of friends & possibly a Polar Bear Octonaut doing a classical Peanuts dance of A Charlie Brown Christmas by Charles Schulz with the music of Linus & Lucy. Happy Holidays!!!
Note: Still on with why did I considered having a Polar Bear Captain taking the role of the Classic Beagle, yet it's still worth the shot...
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alfea · 1 month
this or that questions to ask
coke or pepsi?
marinara or alfredo sauce?
crosswords or word searches?
grape or apple juice?
the powerpuff girls or the rowdy ruff boys?
regular or sour skittles?
spongebob or patrick?
still or sparkling water?
star wars or star trek?
peanut butter or jelly?
rain or shine?
dark or white chocolate?
finding nemo or finding dory?
physical media or streaming?
strawberry or chocolate pocky?
naruto or sasuke?
wired or wireless headphones?
vampires or werewolves?
socks or barefoot?
porcelain or plastic dolls?
black or polar bears?
sunrise or sunset?
toy story or toy story 2?
warm or cool colours?
pancakes or waffles?
long or short sleeves?
big or small dogs?
denim or leather jackets?
ds or 3ds?
warm or cool showers?
hard or gummy candy?
ceiling lights or lamps?
groudon or kyogre?
unicorns or pegasi?
pink or red starburst?
mini or maxi skirts?
winx club or totally spies?
crt or lcd monitors?
sandals or sneakers?
the sun or the moon?
beer or wine?
paperback or hardcover books?
dubbed or subbed anime?
charlie the unicorn or llamas with hats?
smooth or textured walls?
high heels or flats?
texting or calling?
short or long hair?
washing dishes or doing laundry?
stairs or elevators?
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