#Checkpoint Gaming
checkpointgaming · 9 months
Well that was unexpected.. From last night's Twitch stream
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venusdamenace · 5 months
Apparently there are a bunch of people saying that the last of us "broke the curse" of bad videogame adaptations, and the Last of Us 2 was an amazing game. So I'm going to correct the first point, and address the second
1) The last year us didn't break shit, Castlevania was better and came out first
2)TLoU2 was fucking awful centrist wank full of needless trans suffering to appease a cis liberal audience (remember kids, if a trans person is depicted as happy then it's considered unbelievable to the centre left. Our existence is suffering and we're to be pitied, don't ya know). Seriously if I wanted to watch a trans person be narratively tortured, I'd out myself at a terf rally.
That second one was unpopular with my editors when I wrote for checkpoint, and got me labelled a "bad trans" by one of the writers (who was schtupping one of the editors btw). But fuck it, I'm right, and I'm sick of pretending that trans suffering being the only acceptable narrative is okay. Why does every trans character have to be some tortured soul. Why can't we just be happy? Why isn't that allowed in literature?
Tl;Dr the last of us 1 and 2 are garbage, fuck you, fight me
That angry trans bitch
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anathemafiction · 1 month
How many chapters are planned for the second book?
I outlined 11 chapters, but I decided to expand the second book — chapter 11 would have been the end of book one if it hadn't grown so much.
I don't want to make the same mistake this time. The plot will develop a lot more in this book, so I've decided to continue past chapter 11.
I haven't done the outline for the new part, but I think it'll be around 19 chapters in total.
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surrealbill · 6 months
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Here’s another Chaos Dwarf from Checkpoint Miniatures. I picture this guy as a ranger and guide, leading people across Moor and Fen and into the deepest woodlands.
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sleepyghostmp3 · 9 days
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Ball up top
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yourcrazyboyokris · 5 months
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Is it just me or are these the exact same people
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dogstomp · 5 months
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Dogstomp #3187 - September 22nd
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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ncthandrake · 1 year
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bucketbender · 5 months
HOA is the best game in the whole Dark Anthology Pictures series.
It just has so much the other games don’t have. Like ogres, it has layers. So many details for each character (like the « was Joey dead ? » post ? This shit is brilliant guys, please never stop investigating), the game gives them time to breathe, to exist outside of the horror, to be actual people instead of puppets that move around and react to stuff. Every relationship (even the love triangle, which pisses me off most of the time) feels genuine and earned.
For instance, just take the Checkpoint discussion scene. I know, out of all of them, I chose the most impactful one in the whole game. But there’s just so much to say about it.
First of all, the fact that Jason said this to Salim of all people. Salim. That random Iraqi soldier who almost shot him at the beginning and who he kept on threatening the whole game. The enemy of his state. The enemy of his enemy. I mean, we could be led to believe he would share such deep thoughts with his "official" best friend in the army, right ? Not to mention that Nick was there as well : out of all people, if there’s one person he should talk to this about, it’s him. But no. Every time Nick mentions the checkpoint, Jason shoots him down. He can have one moment to admit that this incident did mess with his head, saying that if they die down here, maybe that’s what they deserve, but that’s it. He refuses to talk about this any longer. Why should he ? It’s done. It’s over. They fucked up. Dwelling on it won’t make things right.
But then, after spending roughly two hours making his way down the place with Salim, slowly getting to know the human being behind the Iraqi, learning about his personal life that Salim isn’t afraid to share, his son, the only reason he fights, even as a single parent, how proud he is of him, how Salim just wishes he would stop stealing. How much he misses him. Only when Salim asks him if his conscience is clear, if he has anything weighing on his soul, now that they’ve reached the end of the world. Only then does Jason finally crack.
There’s just so much going on on screen. His voice wavering and breaking. The way he interrupts himself and Salim has to gently say « Tell me » to give him enough courage. The way he hesitates as the guilt of making the call weighs on him : « I order… I ordered her to stop, loud and clear ». The way he feels like he has to justify the way he called for the woman, to Salim and to himself, that he wasn’t really in the wrong for ordering Nick to shoot her. The way he just spills out that he joined the army out of desperation because his life was going nowhere. The way he laughs humorlessly at Salim’s try to make him feel better : « We all have our reasons, they don’t have to be profound ». The way he tells him how miserable and pathetic he was, stoned enough to only hear about the towers after a week later. The way he admits he has no idea what he’s even doing here, in the catacombs as well as in the army.
Salim assures to him that right now, in his life, he’s doing something worthy, something good : « You’re serving your country ». But Jason just summarizes this whole situation in a single thought : this woman had her whole life ahead of her, and they just took it all away with a bullet ; « I mean, what the fuck ? ».
But then Salim gives him a new goal, a present goal : hurt the vampires. Make these abominations pay for everything they’ve done. And Jason approves. Yeah, these things did try to kill them, didn’t they ? and they will pay for it. And you know what else ? « Start believing, Salim. We’re gonna get out of here and see the sun again ». And then, the Oorah scene. Jason just completely accepted Salim as one of his pack. (You see the meme « [BLANK] will now die for you » ? Yep that’s Jason).
In Nick, Jason has a friend. A great friend, even. Maybe a best friend. A brother in arms. A member of his pack. They often talk together and joke lightly. It’s obvious that they’re close. They are sincere towards each other, but there’s still this "toxic masculinity" thing going on with them. Jason not wanting to talk about his feelings // checkpoint, Nick telling Rachel if he dies down there, at least he would make things clear and go down « like a man », Jason calling Salim a pussy for not wanting to touch a freaking fossilized vampire, etc.
In Salim, he has a confident. The man’s a father, and a particularly reluctant solider. He didn’t want to serve in the army, he never had a choice in the matter. Salim has a perspective far larger than his, and Jason comes to understand this. This isn’t about the war. This isn’t about the Americans he’s trapped with underground. This is about going back to the surface to hold his son and celebrate his birthday. When everyone around him remains fixated on their war, Salim never loses sight of his own goal.
« Seeing the sun again » isn’t just literally. They were going to get out to find their purposes.
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djevelbl · 1 month
Also completely unrelated to my last post's tags — I already ran through every combination I could think of in the Slay the Princess demo,,,,
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novelconcepts · 4 months
I love the whole van being unkillable thing so much bc it feels like the sort of price for her not dying is that shes in situations that should kill her way more often then than the others
The writers having full carte blanche to do what they will to Van in the 90s timeline is at once so upsetting and so funny. She could half-drown! She could be buried alive! She could fall off a mountain! It won't kill her, it's just gonna make her really mad.
Van's like "Jesus Christ, I just want to quote my movies and make out with my girlfriend, what is happening??" Meanwhile, the Wilderness is strapping her lil' voodoo doll to a paper airplane and chucking it off a cliff just to see what happens.
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checkpointgaming · 8 months
Introducing our new TTS stream companion: Snox the sock puppet 🧦 He'll be around on our Twitch
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egabriells · 2 months
✨🌘You’ve reached a checkpoint. Please rest here as long as you’d like before moving on. 🌒✨
#scotl #skychildrenofthelight #scotlphotography #skychildrenofthelightphotography #tgc #thatgamecompany #tsg #thatskygame #skyadventures #chillvibes #checkpoint #resthere
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anathemafiction · 1 year
Wait so just to confirm. Book Two will be 19 chapters long??? That's m a s s i v e. If books 2 and 3 will be turned into one, does that mean that, in the end, there will be 3 books instead of 4 in total? PS happy start of September and a good month to you
Yes and yes! I just have to figure out how to code a checkpoint system into the game which is… all my previous attempts have failed. 😭 But I need to learn it so that I can put it in Book One but, most importantly, use it in Book Two — where it'll be absolutely necessary.
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surrealbill · 5 months
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He’s casting a spell but is it a ritual of protection or summoning.
This is the Last of my Chaos Dwarfs from checkpoint miniatures. This fella, like the last was sculpted by Mark Sims.
Love a cthulian headed guy. He might see use as a Dwarven Mind-flayer or a Dwarf wizard warped by his eldritch magic in my DCCRPG game most likely the later.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 2 years
When we look back on Frontiers 1, 5, 10 years from now I want everyone to remember the impact the game actually had. It managed to turn many heads for more than just the usual “haha new sonic game bad/cringe” reasons. It actually blew people away the second they saw Giganto, the moment Undefeatable started playing. Look up the vocal songs on YouTube, they already have millions of views and we’re not even 2 months past its release date (and the titan songs were kept secret until the full game leaked). It became the best selling Sonic game in over a decade in just 1 month, it outsold every Sonic game since Unleashed and it’s still currently fighting to bring some awards home. It even holds a 95% positive rating on Steam, based on over 11k reviews.
This is the biggest release for a Sonic game in a long while, despite its many flaws and missteps.
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