#Cherry burbage
athena-xox · 1 year
How I imagine Septima Vector since y’all sleep on her
First off, lemme make one thing clear. SHES NATIVE AMERICAN. the native rep in this fandom is so lacking. My fancast is Amber Midthunder but she’s not really how I imagine Septima.
Septima was tall, skiny and gangly. She had bronze coloured skin with a deep tan. Dark eyes. Very angular features. Also long hair that she never cut (for cultural reasons) she would often wear in a braid.
Her parents were older when they had her. Her mother had six miscarriages before Septima. Her mother was also the seventh daughter. And she was born 7/7. So that’s where Septima comes from. (Septima means seven)
Big family in the states but her father was offered a job in the uk so they moved there. Her parents appreciated academics (they both fought in ww2 and were very anti violence).
She was sorted into ravenclaw and was four years older than the marauders. She was very anti social and didn’t have any friends. She didn’t like anyone at hogwarts.
In the summers she would visit her family and was a totally different person. She was really good with kids and would often tutor kids in her neighbourhood.
Love life: I think she had a summer romance with Aurora Sinistra (she is not in snapes gang!!) but was overall an August in the situation. Also I love the idea of her and Narcissa. Like both second choices that find solace in each other. Also I do hc that when Septima and Aurora both became teachers that they had second chance romance.
Septimaurora/astrolmancy/sevendawn for Septima x aurora
Sepcissa for Septima x Narcissa
She would always wear muted colours. And golden jewelry, often carved by her family. Rbf + sarcastic. Her patronus was an eagle. Oak wand 9 inches with a phoenix feather.
CHARITY WAS HER YOUNGER COUSIN. Idc I will not budge on this. Native cherry supremacy!!
Also she is so Anti Hero coded!!
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dreamcubed · 2 years
girls on film | george weasley x reader
song; girls on film [duran duran] pairing; george weasley x fem!muggle-born!reader genre; forced proximity, s2l, fluff word count; 5,3k timeline; prisoner of azkaban warnings; swearing, sexual innuendo summary; in an attempt to connect more to the muggle world, hogwarts started a broadcasting club, which looked to be a massive aid in you finding more about your best friend's crush for her. only, you didn't expect to find a crush of your own along the way
heavily inspired by the film 20th century girl with a touch of love actually!
"lipstick cherry all over the lens as she's falling."
Anisa Deshpande, your beloved best friend, had been infatuated with Fred Weasley ever since he helped her up after she tripped in the corridor in third year. There was not a single day she went without mentioning his name, mentioning what he'd eaten, mentioning what classes he had. You had gotten used to it, as he was far from all she talked about, so you learned to tolerate when she did.
It was to your great dismay that she was diagnosed with a serious heart condition during the summer holidays between fourth and fifth year, meaning that she wouldn't be able to return to Hogwarts along with everyone else. On the brighter side, things were looking good: she was likely to be discharged from Mungo's around Christmas time, and therefore be able to make a return to school for the second term.
When you visited her in hospital for the last time before you were to head back to Hogwarts, she had been devastatingly upset about not being able to gaze at Fred for another few months. Out of sympathy for her, you offered to observe him in her place and report back anything of significance so she could still feel as if she was around him herself. You didn't think she had ever thanked you as much as she did in that moment.
Thus you found yourself sat back at your house table, the sorting ceremony done, only half-listening to Dumbledore's introductory speech. Your eyes were fixed on to the Weasley twins who were, for once, not whispering mischievously with each other.
"This year we have decided to take steps to connect more with the muggle world," Dumbledore said, which pulled your attention away from the twins, "It has become apparent that many of you have grown up with an alarming lack of exposure to muggle technology, so we have elected to start a broadcasting club - using muggle equipment."
People began muttering amongst each other - some excited, some annoyed.
"If you wish to sign up, please speak with the muggle studies professor, Professor Burbage."
You began sending weekly summaries of your observations of Fred, even noting to Anisa how you were now able to tell the twins apart. There was rarely anything interesting in any of the letters, but you knew Anisa well enough to know each and every word would still mean the world to her.
Occasionally, when it wasn't too suspicious to do so, you would trail behind the Weasley twins from a distance and eavesdrop on their conversations. They mostly discussed their plans for new pranks or pranking products - as you had learned, pranking was more than just a hobby for them, it was their passion.
It was what you had been expecting to be a regular Wednesday when you learned an absolutely vital piece of information.
It was not too long after an infamous Weasley prank had been pulled, that you happened to be nearby for (a genuine coincidence, believe it or not). McGonagall had arrived and was scolding the twins for their repetitive mischief, not caring for the fact there was an audience observing. You knew by now that the twins wouldn't be all that bothered by that fact either: you were constantly impressed by their confidence and lack of shame.
"As for your punishments, I think it would be best to separate the both of you," she said, turning her head to look at one of the twins, "Fred, you will join the broadcasting club for a mandatory duration of six weeks."
You would simply have to join the broadcasting club, then.
"Y/N," you felt someone grab your arm - it was Angelina, "C'mon, we're gonna be late for potions."
"Shit," you muttered, letting her lead you away from the crime scene. What you didn't realise was that your departure caused you to miss the next part of the interaction between McGonagall and the Weasley twins.
"I'm not Fred, I'm George," the twin she had been looking at said.
The poor woman sighed, "Fine then, George, you will join the broadcasting club for six weeks."
"What about me?" Fred asked.
"You'd like to sign up for the broadcasting club?" Burbage looked up from the papers on her desk.
You nodded enthusiastically.
"As a muggle-born, I really don't think you need to learn to connect with the muggle world, Miss L/N," she said skeptically.
"Well, don't you think I'd be useful in helping guide the others?" you questioned hopefully, "I'd be able to answer any questions they have."
Burbage bobbed her head in a way that suggested you had made a good point, "Very well then."
You couldn't wait to tell Anisa about this.
That wasn't Fred - you were one hundred percent sure of that fact. The second you had entered the broadcasting room, you had scanned the place for a mop of ginger hair, only to see that the twin present was not the twin you had been expecting. Your newfound ability to tell them apart was definitely proving useful.
"L/N! Great, you're here," Terry Boot, a Ravenclaw boy, said cheerfully, "We all have partners in this club, and since you and Weasley are both new, you can partner up. Normally I'd worry about putting two amateurs together, but since you're a muggle-born, I'm sure you'll manage fine."
Getting close to Fred's twin brother and best friend wasn't a bad shout in getting more insight to Fred, you realised, so maybe this wasn't the end of the world.
"Hey," George greeted you when you walked up to him.
"Hello," you replied, trying to match his cheerful energy as best you could. This method wouldn't work if you didn't try to be as likeable to him as you could.
Boot then called the attention of the room, "Right, now that we're all here - our next assignments." He then began gifting different tasks to different pairs, eventually landing on you and George. "L/N and Weasley, I'm putting you both in charge of filming this week, so we can get more content for our work-in-progress montage video of Hogwarts life - we'd like you to focus on filming social gatherings, friends interacting, etcetera. You know how to work a muggle camera?"
You nodded.
As Boot continued giving out instructions, George turned to you.
"You know how muggle shit works?"
"I'm muggle-born," you said, moving over to where the filming equipment was situated, "Don't worry, I'll teach you."
"Or you could just do all the work and I'll cheer you on from the sidelines," he countered with a cheeky grin.
You smirked, "Very funny, mister, but that's not how things work around here."
"Bet you're fun at parties."
"Oh, I'm the life of the party actually," you grinned at him, "Ask any of my friends and they can confirm."
You didn't see the way that George smiled at you after, as you had turned around.
On an unusually sunny day for Autumn, most people were gathered outside near the lake for lunchtime, and you had decided this was a good time for filming. Just because you were in the club to gain information on Fred, didn't mean you weren't going to take your responsibilities seriously. Plus, it was a perfect opportunity to film Fred- everyone interacting. You had dragged George away from his friend group, much to his dismay, to then show him how to use a camera.
You had it set up on a tripod on a grassy knoll, overlooking most of the friend groups as they chatted and ate lunch. In particular, there was a clear view of Fred.
While George stood behind the camera, you thought it would be a good idea to ask him some questions about Fred: after all, you would have to make the most of the situation.
"What about... a girlfriend?" you asked, pulling out your notebook with your gaze pinned on George's other half.
"Nope." He pressed the zoom in button on the camera, practising his new skills.
"Ideal type?"
"Dunno," he paused, "Ruby Wartsnout?"
"Oh, so like... someone bubbly?" you pondered, "That's good."
George looked down at you with a raised brow as you scribbled notes, but then turned back to the camera.
"Favourite book?"
"Jane Eyre."
"Really? Me too," you chirped. So, Fred had good taste, at least. But, to be fair, the Brontë sisters were some of the most famous witches to walk the planet - even muggles knew about them (not that they were witches, of course).
"Plans after Hogwarts?"
"Open a prank shop."
"Prank... shop..." you said aloud as you wrote it down, "So, he wants to make people laugh since he's funny, right?"
George smirks, "Thanks, but it's not just that. I like the technical process behind products and pranks too."
"Likes the technica-" you stopped writing, realisation dawning on you. You quickly whack George with your notebook. "Seriously? This isn't about you!" you turn the page in your notebook, "We're starting over, and I'm asking about Fred."
"You have a go with the filming," he said, moving away, "I've been doing it all."
You sighed but agreed, taking his place behind the camera as he walked over to his brother and friends. You took the opportunity to zoom in on Fred, watching as his face lit up and he laughed at something someone said. He was looking to his right, so you panned over to who he was talking to, only to see George come into view.
His eyes flicked in your direction and locked on to the camera lens, making you look up from behind the camera in slight shock. George's eyes moved up to make eye contact with yours, and for a few moments you stayed like that, gazing at each other. Then, something Fred said caught his attention, making him take his eyes off you.
Why was your heart beating so fast?
In that week's letter to Anisa, you couldn't help but gush about George after giving the updates on Fred, even going as far to inform her that you were pretty sure you were falling for him. Once you were finished, you signed the letter with your name and a few hearts, before folding it and pressing your wax seal to the envelope.
That was a fun thing about being muggle-born: you got to design your family's official wax seal.
You began the journey up to the owlery with the letter held tight to your chest, since it was a somewhat windy day and your destination was up a hill. When you reached the small building, you recognised two similar voices chatting eagerly with each other. They stopped when they heard you enter.
"Hello," you greeted, primarily directed at George as you had hardly spoken to Fred before.
"Hey, dove," George replied, his face stretching into a grin as he referred to you by the nickname he had taken to recently, "Fancy seeing you here."
"Commonly visited location, believe it or not," you said, holding out your arm for your owl to land on.
He hummed.
"I think Boot wants us to do the Hogwarts radio station this week - not sure if he means the presenting or technical stuff," you informed while attaching the letter to your owl.
"He's not George, I am," the other twin spoke up, making you look towards them.
You made eye contact with both of them, examining their irises as well as you could from a distance, before saying, "Nice try, Fred." You let your owl go after giving him a treat. "Right, I have homework to attend to. Have a good day, both of you - see you tomorrow, George."
"Yeah, see you," he said, his voice fading in mesmerisation as he spoke, watching you leave the owlery.
"Did you see that?" Fred asked suddenly.
"She could tell us apart. Not even mum can do that."
Fred smacked George around the head.
"Ow, what was that for?"
"You were in a daze, lover boy."
George scoffed.
"Okay. Thank you for listening in here at Radio Hogwarts, we hope you all have a wonderful half-term - we'll be back in November. Goodbye," you finished reading the script, the microphone connecting your voice to the students around the school.
George signalled to you that the broadcasting had been turned off, giving you a thumbs up in the process, so you smiled and stood up from your seat in the recording studio. You walked over to the door into the rest of the broadcasting club room, beaming appreciatively as everyone applauded you.
"Enjoy the week off, everyone," you said kindly, taking your satchel from one of the cubby holes along the wall.
A chorus of mutual wishes came in reply as George walked up to you.
"Got any plans for half-term?" he asked.
"Well, aside from homework, I'm thinking of doing some filming around Hogsmeade." Truth was, you had found a passion for filming and broadcasting during your time in the club, and had put in to borrow one of the cameras for the week. "What about you?"
"Oh, you know, the usual. Pranks and all that," he said, his hands in his pockets as he looked down at you, "I'll... uh... see you around."
You had never seen George so hesitant and... nervous... before. It was a completely new look on him, one that had you feeling alarmingly hopeful.
"Yeah, I'll see you around, George," you smiled, "Maybe in Hogsmeade."
"Yeah, maybe."
You were walking alongside Angelina with the camera in your hand recording the surroundings, the streets of Hogsmeade already coated with snow even though it was only October. You assumed that it was to do with how northern the village and Hogwarts were.
Angelina and you were wrapped up appropriately for the weather, although gloves did make it a little harder to press the buttons on the camera. Nonetheless, you managed, and allowed Angelina to lead you while you looked into the eyepiece and viewed the distant surroundings more closely up. That was when a familiar face popped into view, quickly making you look up to see it in real life.
George, and (of course), by extension, Fred. The former quickly spotted you and made a beeline for your direction, which made both you and Angelina come to a halt as she had noticed them as well.
"Hey, dove," George greeted, "Got a good shot of me?"
"Only the best," you said with a smile, "You two here for Zonko's?" Why else would they be?
Fred nodded, "Checking out the competition."
You chuckled, remembering how George mentioned that his dream was to open a prank shop - even though he had been answering for himself, it was easy to tell that the answer applied to Fred as well.
"Mind if I take some shots?" George gestured to the camera.
"Oh, sure, but it's the school's so don't break it."
"I won't."
"Oh my Godric, they've got Halloween-themed chocolate frogs!" Angelina exclaimed suddenly, gazing into the window of Honeydukes that you were stood outside of. She grabbed your hand. "We have to get them all."
"Get the camera back to me in one piece!" you said loudly to George as your friend dragged you into the sweet shop.
The twins were long gone from outside Honeydukes by the time Angelina had grabbed every Halloween chocolate frog she could find, but you weren't too worried about the camera. Maybe you should've been: the Weasley twins were infamous for their tricks. Though, you got the feeling that George wouldn't want to do something like that to you. As for Fred, you didn't know, as despite your many attempts to garner information about his life, you had found yourself more and more distracted by George.
"Let's go get some butterbeer," Angelina said, "The twins will show up eventually." It was as if she had read your mind.
"This is the last carriage back, where the fuck are they?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed.
"We probably just didn't notice them catching a carriage earlier," Angelina said - always reasonable.
Unlikely, since you had been gazing out the window of the Three Broomsticks ever since you sat down. Nonetheless, you didn't attempt to argue with Angelina, and instead settled down into the carriage.
"You like George, don't you?"
Your eyes snapped up to her, both shocked at her words and relieved you were the only ones in the carriage.
"Yup, you do."
You scoffed.
"You're not even trying to deny it! You're down bad."
Sighing, you folded your arms in front of you, "Well, you caught me. I'm not great at hiding it."
She hummed, "He likes you back."
"Don't feed my delusions, Angie," although secretly you did hope that she was right.
"They're not delusions if they're logical."
"You're such a smartass."
She rolled her eyes playfully, "The man's obsessed with you. He literally calls you 'dove'."
"If he cared that much, then maybe he'd get the camera back to me sooner."
"Here you go, Y/N, sorry I kept it for so long," George plopped the camera in your hand essentially the second you stepped back into Hogwarts.
"When the fuck did you get back?"
He shrugged, "A while ago, I wanted to make copies of the stuff I filmed."
"You know how to do that?"
He nodded happily, making you raise a questioning eyebrow at him.
"Okay, okay, I got Boot to help."
You hummed at his honesty.
"I didn't delete any of it from the camera, though, didn't wanna risk deleting any of your stuff."
"Okay, thank you, George."
"It's fine," he beamed, "I figured better safe than sorry. See you at dinner!"
"Where are you going?" the question had come out more disappointed than you had intended it, and you could tell George noticed.
He gave you a soft smile, "As much as I love chatting with you, dove, my dearest brother and I have pranks to plan."
You were much more flustered than you wanted to be when he began walking away.
It was dark out when you settled yourself into the broadcasting club room, downloading the content of the camera to one of the computers in there. As you knew how to do it, it wouldn't take you too long, meaning you would be done before dinner.
You waited until all the videos were transferred before wiping the memory of the camera, deciding to take a look at the shots you had taken before leaving. By clicking the first video, they all began playing through in chronological order: shaky shots of the carriage ride down to Hogsmeade, Angelina gazing at the shop displays, until the last video you had taken before handing the camera over to George.
Feeling nosy, you elected to watch his stuff: there couldn't be anything too private, could there? He had only had the camera while in a public place. Plus, he had openly admitted to you that he hadn't deleted any of it without telling you not to look. If it was bad, he would have said so, you were sure of it.
The computer purred as the video started playing, the static quality of the screen providing you with a strange sense of comfort. It started off with a long-distance view of the snow-covered Hogsmeade buildings, before it zoomed in more closely and panned over to you and Angelina, stepping out of Honeydukes and looking around. As the camera zoomed in even further, it focused entirely on you: wisps of your hair that framed your face were blowing about over your furrowed eyebrows.
You hadn't seen George filming this. How hadn't you spotted him?
The next video wasn't all that different: it was taken from outside the Three Broomsticks while you sat at a table by the window. For the most part, you were looking out with your chin rested on your palm, but occasionally you would turn back and say something to Angelina who was primarily chatting with the other girls on the Gryffindor quidditch team.
The final shot was of you stood outside of the last carriage back, having a somewhat heated conversation with Angelina while you scanned your surroundings. The video ended just as Angelina had beckoned you to get into the carriage.
How the fuck had George taken that video and still gotten back to the castle before you? Apparition? No, that was impossible. A secret tunnel? You couldn't rule it out, you had always suspected that the Weasley twins knew things about the castle no one else did, and those suspicions had grown once you started observing Fred. Too many a time had you spotted them at one place in the castle only to see them at another when there was only one route between the two locations - that you had been taking yourself.
One thing was for sure: George hadn't actually had the time to get Boot to help him download copies of his shots.
You walked nervously over to the Gryffindor table when you entered the Great Hall for dinner, specifically towards the Weasley twins.
"Hey," George smiled, eyes flicking to the brown package in your hand but quickly back up to you again.
"They're all of me," you said quietly, staring down at your hands.
He tilted his head, "Well, yeah, why would I want to film anything else?"
Your heart somersaulted, and the way he smiled a big grin at you didn't help calm your emotions down.
"Can- can I ask you a question?" you eventually spoke, feeling uncomfortably like eyes other than his were on you.
"You can ask me anything, dove."
"How did you get back?"
George's lips parted slightly in mild surprise, "What d'you mean? By carriage, like everyone else."
You shook your head, "No, you didn't." You sat down opposite the twins, so you could lean forward and speak more quietly, "I mean, it makes sense that you two would know about secret tunnels or whatever, it's very in character for you. But is there really one all the way from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts?"
Both the twins stared at you in disbelief, until George finally spoke, "Shit, I did kinda make it too obvious with the video, didn't I?"
You nodded, "I suspected before that anyway, the video kinda just confirmed it."
"You were watching us, weren't you?" Fred said, making you snap your eyes to him in panic, "I swear whenever I could sense that we were being watched, you were always around."
Nervously, you chuckled, "Yeah, sorry about that."
"Wait. Am I the reason you joined the broadcasting club?" George asked.
You fumbled over your words, unsure of what to say, "Uh- I mean... kinda?" It broke your heart the way he beamed at you, as you had technically joined for Fred.
"C'mon," George stood up, "I wanna show you something." He turned to Fred. "Mind if I leave you for a bit?"
Fred shrugged, "Use protection."
He had said it so nonchalantly, and the fact George didn't acknowledge it made it all that worse. You sighed, following him to the end of the table where you could finally stand next to each other. He held his hand out to you, and you took it.
You walked down the corridor hand in hand, which didn't go unnoticed by passerbyers: you didn't know whether that filled you with pride or panic.
"I could've sworn it was Fred you were looking at at first," George spoke, "Especially when you were asking those questions about him."
You sighed, "I mean, I was at first- but not in the way you think!" Merlin, how could you be honest without throwing Anisa under the bus?
"Yeah, I just, I have a friend that likes him, and I offered to, uh, I don't know... gather info?"
"Is it Angelina?"
Thank Merlin, he didn't suspect Anisa. "I'm not saying who it is."
"Oh, come on, please?" he asked, gently bringing your walking to a halt.
"No, it's not my secret to share, George."
He sighed, admitting defeat, "Okay, anyway, here we are."
You turned around to look where he was looking to see the one-eyed witch statue. Many times had you seen it before, though you were still confused.
"This is the secret passage to Hogsmeade," he said quietly.
"Behind the...?"
He hummed, "Figured you could make use of it."
"For what? Why are you showing me?"
"Don't you get it?" he flicked your head, "I like you, dumbass. Were the videos not enough to show that?"
You smiled abashedly down to the ground.
"This is the part where you either reject me or say you like me too," he said after you said nothing.
"I literally walked down here holding your hand, Georgie-"
"Georgie? Already on nicknames are we?"
"You've been calling me dove for ages!"
A grin creeped on to his face, "Ah, that I have."
Butterflies were swirling ferociously in your stomach.
"You're cute when you're flustered."
You scoffed, "C'mon, boyfriend, if we stay away any longer Fred will think we're shagging."
"I'm not opposed to that, we can if you wa-"
"Okay, okay, we can go back."
Honestly, you couldn't wait to write your weekly letter to Anisa, informing her of the new revelation and how it would help you learn more about Fred for her. Only, you never got the chance to.
"Miss L/N, could you come with me, please?" McGonagall interrupted your potions lesson, which you shared with the twins, "Bring your bag, I doubt you'll be returning."
"Is it really so important that Miss L/N must miss some of my lesson?" Snape drawled, his arms folded in front of his chest.
"Yes, Professor Snape," the woman replied harshly, "I apologise for disturbing your class." You could tell she wasn't apologetic.
You felt your stomach drop as you gathered up your things and followed the Gryffindor head out of class, wondering what she wanted you for. She didn't say anything all the way to the office, but she didn't need to as all was revealed when she opened the door.
"Anisa!" you exclaimed, rushing forward to pull your best friend into a hug. You felt her laugh as you did it. "Are you all better? Is your heart good?"
She nodded, unable to wipe the grin off her face, "Yup. The magic therapy worked faster than expected, and I didn't want to miss the Christmas season at Hogwarts."
You rolled your eyes, knowing she wasn't stating the real reason she was in a rush to get back because of McGonagall's presence. "I've missed you, you stupid bi-" you stopped your sentence, guiltily looking back at the professor who simply gave you a stern look.
"Run along, you two, I'm sure there's many other people that'll want to see Miss Deshpande again."
"Yes, professor," you both chorused, hurrying past her and out the door.
"And congratulations on your recovery, Miss Deshpande!" McGonagall called after you.
"Thank you!" Anisa shouted back.
You rushed until you were around the corner of the corridor.
"I didn't want to miss the Christmas season," you mocked, "Bullshit. You didn't want to miss a certain Weasley, you lying bitch."
Anisa whacked your arm playfully, "Shut up! What if he's around here somewhere?"
You laughed, "He's in the potions class I just got taken out of, relax."
"Mm, and who else is in that class, huh?" she gave you a shit-eating grin, "Maybe another certain Weasley." She wiggled her eyebrows at you, making you hit her.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Really?" she laughed, just as Angelina rounded the corner.
"Anisa!" the girl beamed, running forward to bring your best friend into her arms.
Anisa embraced Angelina happily, "Angie! So good to see you."
"Is your heart...?"
You both nodded at her, making her hug Anisa again.
"Thank Godric! I've been so worried."
"We all have a lot of catching up to do," Anisa said, looping her arms through you and Angelina's as you continued to walk down the hallway.
You were so busy eagerly chatting that you all sat on the Gryffindor table together, eating dinner and updating on the weeks spent apart: you and Anisa on one side, Angelina sat opposite. For some reason, it hadn't yet come up that you had begun dating George - you didn't know how, you'd been looking for a good opportunity to slip it in.
"Hello," two almost identical voices said in synchronisation, making Anisa tense up beside you. You gently nudged her, and she relaxed ever so slightly as you turned around to face the twins.
George's lips stretched into a smile when you looked at him. He leaned down to give you a peck before sitting next to you. "Hey, dove."
"Oh, you didn't think to tell me?" Anisa said loudly, but you could hear that there was no malice in her tone.
"I didn't get a chance, okay?"
She rolled her eyes at you jokingly.
"Deshpande, you're back," Fred said, sitting next to her, "Where've you been?"
You watched as Anisa grew flustered at her crush noticing her, and smiled to yourself. Of course, nothing you did got past George: he quickly pieced things together.
"It's her that fancies him, isn't it?" he whispered into your ear.
You found yourself nodding before whispering back, "You can thank her crush for bringing us together."
He grinned, wrapping his arm around you and kissing your cheek. "Better show my appreciation, then."
One of your new favourite spots to hang out was a random section of the many Hogwarts corridors, where not many people ventured. It was a cosy spot, especially since the architecture of the walls provided decently sized ledges to sit on.
You were laid down on one of them with one of your legs dangling over the edge, watching as Anisa talked to Fred awkwardly on the opposite side of the corridor where they sat on the floor against the wall. Smiling to yourself, you turned to look where George was and saw the school camera he had borrowed pointing in your direction, with him adorning a ghost of a smirk behind it.
"Merlin, stop filming me all the time," you said half-jokingly, covering your face.
"Sorry, dove, I can't resist. You're so pretty."
You felt heat rush to your ears.
George stopped filming and put the camera next to your accumulation of bags, then walking to you and lifting you up slightly so he could sit with your head on his lap. You didn't object to being moved around, and couldn't help but beam up at him after you had gotten comfortable.
"I just think you're the only thing worth filming."
You rolled your eyes.
"I do, I genuinely do."
"Fuck's sake, you're making me feel soft," you whined, making him chuckle.
"Good," he spared a glance towards his brother and your best friend to check they weren't listening, "Is it so bad I want to keep a permanent memory of the way we make each other feel?"
You sighed, ignoring the hurricane of butterflies beating against your skin from the inside, "No, I s'pose not."
i was gonna kill anisa off for a hot minute lmao
written; 05/11/2022 —> 12/11/2022 published; 13/11/2022 edited; —/—/——
taglist ; @workinatdapyramid @iluvweasleys 
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hqcampus · 1 year
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É hora de ir pra sala! A aplicação de Charity Burbage foi aceita. Player, o link do servidor será enviado em alguns minutos, fique atento ao seu chat e bom jogo!
Seja bem vinda à mais um ano letivo, CHARITY BURBAGE! Li na sua ficha que você é um MULHER CISGÊNERO, tem 23 ANOS e veio de LIVERPOOL/INGLATERRA para estudar BIOLOGIA. Além disso, o pessoal da RAVENCLAW disse que você se parece muito com SCARLETT LEITHOLD. Será que é verdade? Uma coisa eu sei: só de te olhar eu já sei que você é RUDE, mas também é muito LEAL. Que bom te ver por aqui, CHERRY! 
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crystallineeyesrp · 3 years
The Summer After School ft. Cherry Valentine
“It’s  a  record  shop,  not  a  cemetery.”  Charity  grinned  at  her  friend’s  reverence  to  the  location.  In  all  honestly,  Charity  did  believe  music  should  be  treated  as  such.  So  to  watch  how  Cherry  moved  through  the  aisles  was  a  relief  of  sorts,  if  not  a  lesson  in  delicateness.  No,  she  herself  was  observant,  but  all  but  delicate.  “And  you  actually  have  to  touch  them  to  see  all  the  different  ones.”  From  the  same  stack,  Charity  expelled  two  albums  by  hand...from  the  D  section  apparently.  “Have  a  look,  then? @rvmovrs​
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Atlantis: General Mayhem
     It was supposed to be an uneventful weekend. A quiet gathering of the expedition’s core crew members before their scheduled departure. Though it was shaping up to be anything but. The last time the crew had been at Whitmore manor was just before the Iceland expedition and things hadn’t gone exactly to plan. This time around there were a few new rules in place that would hopefully keep history from repeating itself.
    Though Helga Sinclair had her doubts that a list of rules could keep certain people in line she had dutifully corralled them in the library of Whitmore manor after they’d arrived. She didn’t want to give them the chance to disperse to their rooms or she’d end up having to track them all down.
    The seven of them were currently seated around the room, waiting in confusion for her to explain exactly why she had them there.
    Sweet settled into his wingback chair and frowned. “I thought Mr. Whitmore was going to be talking to us?”
    Packard, seated on the end of the couch, tapped cigarette ash into the silver tray on the table at her elbow. “And shouldn’t commander Rourke be here as well?”
    Helga sighed and wondered if this wasn’t above her considerable pay grade.
    “I was asked to have a word with you all upon your arrival.” She explained.
    The staff remembered well what had happened three years earlier and other than contributing to the list Helga now held in her hand they had declined to take part any further. She couldn’t blame them. She’d been a by stander to the chaos before and would have preferred to avoid what she had a feeling was coming this time as well.
    She clasped her hands behind her back and continued. “Given how this group’s last visit turned out Mr. Whitmore has implemented a few rules and asked that I pass them along.”
    There was a loud snap of bubblegum from where Audrey sat, and she crossed her arms defensively. “Hey, leave me out of this. I’ve never been here before.”
    Milo frowned and nodded in agreement. “Same. This is my first visit.”
    Helga nodded. “Audrey and Milo, you’re excused. This list, although short is aimed mostly at Vinny, Cookie, and Moliere.”
    She gave the three of them a hard stare.
    Vinny raised his hands in a peaceful gesture. “Hey, what’d I do?”
    From his seat by the fireplace Cookie spoke up. “Yeah, blondie, what’d we do?”
    Moliere, who had been inching toward a potted fig tree, stopped to look indignant. “I have done nothing wrong. This is an outrage!”
    Outraged was his favorite thing to be it seemed. Tell him who his bunkmate would be? Outrage. Inform him Cookie would not be adding crepes to the expedition’s menu? Outrage. Remind him of his crimes against the local flora? Outrage.
    Audrey leaned back in her chair and looked at Vinny. “What did you do?”
    Milo leaned forward and looked at Cookie and Moliere. “Yeah, I’m curious about that too.”
    Helga sighed as she felt the conversation begin to evolve beyond her control. Sweet gave her a sympathetic look and started to speak but was interrupted by Cookie.
    “If I recollect correctly, blondie, you were part of the group’s last visit.” He placed heavy emphasis on the last two words.
    Helga sighed. “Firstly, Cookie, I have a name. Secondly, while I was part of the group’s last visit, I played no part in the antics, as you know full well.”
    Packard ground out her cigarette and immediately lit up another. “Can we go now?” She asked, sounding bored, as always.
    Helga resisted the urge to massage her temples. She could feel a tension headache coming on and she rolled her shoulders a few times to loosen the tense muscles. Then she cleared her throat for attention.
    Silence fell.
    “The sooner we get through this, the sooner you can get to your rooms.” She told them, unfolding the list she held.
     “Cookie, Mrs. Seagraves has asked that you kindly stay out of her kitchen. She has enough staff to worry about as it is and would like to avoid any future altercations.”
    In response, Cookie made a dismissive noise and crossed his arms. “The dang woman can’t take criticism. She doesn’t know how to use lard properly.”
    It was on the tip of Helga’s tongue to ask how the hell you could misuse lard but realized that would be contributing to the derailment of the conversation.
    “Just stay a out of the kitchen.” She told him firmly and moved on before he had a chance to protest further.
    “Vinny, Jameson has asked that I inform you the wine cellar is out of bounds. Also, the testing of any explosives on the grounds is strictly prohibited.”
    While the first rule was from the butler the second had come from her. Really, the man was a bodyguard’s worst nightmare.
    Vinny shrugged. “Okay, I was just making sure he had the right pairings. And what about cherry bombs?”
     She stared him down. “The dinner menus are meticulously planned. There’s no need to worry. And no cherry bombs.”
    He chewed the end of a match thoughtfully. “They’re so small you’d hardly notice...”
    The man was exasperating.
    “Not even a Black Cat.” She informed him.
    He shrugged again but didn’t argue. Thank heavens for small miracles.
    She moved down the list.
    “Moliere, I have personal pleas from the gardeners, Mr. Maltby and Mr. Burbage, not to allow you within one hundred and fifty feet of the conservatory. I am also to tell you that digging holes in the lawn is not allowed.”
    Why they thought she had any control over Gaetan Moliere was beyond her. And out of the three, she’d put money on Moliere as being the first to disregard the rules. He was already poking around in the plant he’d been stood by. He turned to look at her.
    “No digging? This is an outrage”
    What a surprise.
    “You’ll live.” Helga told him unfeelingly. She wanted to wrap things up now that the list was done. “That’s it, then.” She told them. “You’re all free to go.”
    Audrey raised her hand.
    “What about the garage, is that off limits?”
    Milo raised his hand eagerly. “And the library, are we free to stay in here if we want?”
    It looked as though she wouldn’t be getting out of there so easily.
    “Library and garage are open, as you are both are experts in your fields of work.”
    She’d liked Manuel and Thaddeus and felt confident they’d passed their wealth of skills and knowledge to their successors.
    “I’ve never worked with either of you, but I have worked with your father and grandfather, and I trusted them. I will now pass that trust on to you.” She pointed at them both. “Don’t disappoint me.”
    Helga paused and added an afterthought.
    “Audrey, no dismantling the cars, if you please. The garage is my domain and I’d like to keep everything intact.”
    Audrey squinted at her critically, looking her up and down.
    “Something the matter?” Helga asked, wondering what she was looking at.
     Audrey tilted her head to one side. “I’m having trouble imaging you under a car.”
     Helga smiled. People usually did. Bodyguard and chauffer they could believe, with a little effort, grease money took a little more. “Well, you’ll find I’m full of surprises. One does not drive an expensive car without knowing how it works.”
    Audrey nodded approvingly.
    Next to her, Milo had sat and listened in amazement the entire time as Helga read through the list and answered each question fired at her without hesitation.
    “Is she usually like this?” He asked Audrey in a stunned whisper. She hadn’t been all that talkative when she’d met him at his apartment.
    Audrey shrugged. “Beats me, it’s my papi that worked with her before. He got along with her okay as far as I know, though he did say she was a stickler for rules.”
    Behind them, Sweet leaned forward with a chuckle. “She’s not usually this would up, but she’s in lecture mode right now. She can’t help it. She’s an army brat and she’s got five younger brothers.”
    Milo and Audrey turned to Helga in unison.
    “Five younger brothers?” They exclaimed.
    Helga sighed. She needed a drink.
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lovencharity · 3 years
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(  paulina  singer  |  cis-woman  |  she/her  )  —  was  that  CHARITY  BURBAGE  passing  through  diagon  alley?  yes,  i  think  so…  people  around  them  say  they  remind  them  of  stacks  of  vinyl  records,  torn  pages  from  a  book,  waves  crashing  on  jagged  rocks,  long  winding  roads,  peace  signs  painted  on  buildings,  which  i  suppose  seems  to  fit  that  RAVENCLAW.  they’re  actually  pretty  RAW,  UNREPENTANT,  and  EDGY  for  a  TWENTY-FOUR  year  old,  but  i  wonder  if  it  serves  them  well  when  working  as  a  occupation  JUNIOR  MUGGLE  STUDIESPROFESSOR  at  HOGWARTS.  have  you  heard  that  rumor  has  it  that  HALFBLOOD  is  a  MEMBER  for  THE  ORDER  OF  THE  PHOENIX?  i  wouldn’t  have  guessed…  but  this  is  a  conversation  we  should  be  having  somewhere  else.
full    name:    Charity  Aleksandra  Burbage
nicknames:    N/A  unless  someone  tries
birthday:  February  9,  1954
Age: 24
accent:    A  little  cockney,  but  learned  received  pronunciation  when  it  comes  to  English,  Some  Ukrainian,
sexuality:    bisexual
relationship    status:    Single
positive    traits:    unrepentant,  astute,  observant
negative    traits:    raw,  edgy,  prolix
patronus:    Friesian  Horse
wand    type:    Cherry  Wood  with  Unicorn  Hair,  Nine  Inches
A  fire  was  burning….
Somewhere  in  London  near  the  Old  Spitalfields  marketplace,  Charity  Burbage  grew  up  with  her  wizard  father  and  muggle  mother.  She  was  much  closer  to  her  mother.  The  woman  indulged  her  daughter’s  natural  curiosity  and  recognized  her  brilliance  from  a  young  age…but  even  she  couldn’t  keep  the  child  indoors.
Surely,  Charity  was  intelligent  and  well-read,  but  the  loud  bustle  of  the  city  called  to  her.  And  soon,  she  found  herself  fully  emerged  in  the  different  cultures  and  styles  surrounding  the  city  in  the  60s  and  70s.  She  loved  the  earthiness  of  hippies,  the  grit  of  the  punks,  the  devil-may-care  of  the  new  wave.
But  she  was  excited  for  Hogwarts  and  found  herself  immersing  into  the  wizarding  world  in  the  fall,  but  diving  headfirst  into  the  excitement  summers  brought  her  in  the  muggle  world.  It  was  those  dynamics  that  drew  her  to  muggle  studies,  that  drew  her  to  speak  loudly  of  her  beliefs.  Charity  Burbage  did  not  give  a  shit  what  you  thought  of  her.
So  follow  her  through  the  streets  of  London-town  or  through  the  halls  of  Hogwarts  as  she  will  literally  make  her  mark  where  she  sees  fit.  She’ll  ask  you  questions  until  the  answer  satisfies  her  and  expect  the  same  from  you.
She  was  all  about  critique  and  being  critical  of  the  world  around  her.  Surely,  sometimes  that  made  her  a  little  quick  to  judge,  especially  for  someone  considered  to  be  so  open  minded.  But  reading  people  quickly  was  really  the  only  option  she  had.  So  that  applied  everywhere,  to  friends,  to  teachers,  to  leaders,  to  politicians.
In  some  ways,  behaving  that  way  felt  safer.  She  kept  a  few  close  to  her,  but  never  really  indulged  in  why.  That  would  take  much  more  to  get  out  of  her.  Parts  of  it  are  fear  of  course,  for  her  friends,  and  her  mother  especially.
Charity  knows  she  is  not  a  ‘fighter’.  Not  physically.  She  can  provide  intellect,  and  questions.  But  it’s  place  in  this  magical  society  feels  less  valued.  Charity  is  a  girl  with  just  as  many  answers  as  questions,  if  only  people  would  listen.
Post  Hogwarts,  suddenly  she  was  lost.  Muggle  friends  were  all  at  university  or  traveling  elsewhere  and  school  friends  were  suddenly  in  training  or  apprenticing.  At  a  standstill,  a  brilliant  girl  couldn’t  make  a  decision.  For  a  year,  she  found  herself  apparating,  when  she  could,  just  to  new  places.  Until  suddenly,  magic  seemed  pointless  -  she  took  trains.  The  time  to  think  was  time  well  spent.  It  was  also  around  time  that  stories  in  the  paper  were  becoming  more  troubling.  For  most  of  her  youth,  she  thought  these  things  were  contained  to  arguments  where  she  often  has  the  upper  hand.  The  world  as  she  saw  it  now,  frankly,  had  even  less  stark  differences  to  her  muggle  life.
Maybe  Hogwarts  was  the  safe  option;  for  her,  for  her  mother,  for  her  father  even.  Maybe  at  Hogwarts,  Charity  Alexandra  Burbage  would  find  what  she  sought  in  reason  and  discussion.  Afterall,  she’d  spent  years  making  rather  socratic  arguments  over  the  world  she  experienced.  Now  on  track  to  become  the  youngest  Muggle  Studies  Professor,  Charity  call  to  young  minds  is  a  near  revamp  of  how  the  subject  had  always  been  taught  -  and  some  are  happier  than  others.
For  as  likely  as  she  is  to  engage  in  deep  meaningful  conversation  with  you,  she  will  not  hesitate  to  outsmart  and  outwit  you  if  her  battle  calls  for  it.
Long  cardigans,  loose  curls  falling  in  every  direction,  handmade  jewelry,  leather  jackets,  freckles  known  only  to  those  close  enough  to  see,  corduroy  trousers,  vinyl  records  and  band  posters  scattered  on  walls,  snapped  guitar  strings,  torn  book  pages  shoved  into  a  diary,    a  bedside  table  that  looks  more  like  a  library,  hopping  subway  turnstiles  when  the  situation  calls  for  it,  setting  up  her  own  tutoring  station  in  the  library,  clearing  away  glass  mugs  in  an  East  London  bar,  silly  photographs  lining  her  bedroom,  a  book  of  spells  specifically  for  charming  permanent  marks  into  walls
Sounds  Like:
As  Tears  Go  By;  Marianne  Faithfull,  Cruel  to  be  Kind;  Nick  Lowe,  Big  Yellow  Taxi;  Joni  Mitchell,  Warrior  in  Woolworths;  X-Ray  Spex,  Monster;  Paramore…..
Her  favorite  musical  artists  are  Marianne  Faithfull
She  can  play  most  instruments,  but  its  a  jack-of-all  trades,  master-of-none  situation
She  used  to  paint  Pro-Muggle  and  Muggleborn  signs  around  campus,  usually  right  on  the  stone  walls  and  quidditch  pitch.
She  likes  to  take  photographs  of  her  friends  lives.  The  style  I  imagine  is  very  similar  to  that  of  Nan  Goldin  in  the  80s.
There  is  a  group  of  muggle  friends  she  used  to  see  regularly  in  the  summers.  Her  relationship  to  them  can  be  a  little  strained  as  there’s  so  much  she  isn’t  allowed  to  tell  them.  They  are  a  wild  mix  of  universtiy  students,  artists,  punks,  hippies,  etc.
Connection  and  Plot  Ideas
THE  CLOSE  FRIENDS  charity’s  circle  that  she  interacts  with  usually  daily.  They  know  her  ins  and  outs.  She  is  drawn  to  people  who  feels  she  engage  in  both  mental  and  emotional  states.  She  is  talkative  and  likes  to  solve  problems.  They  were  an  academic  bunch,  but  they’re  interests  can  diverge  into  many  fields  likely  as  they’ve  grown.
open  connection
THE  CHILDHOOD  FRIENDS  Charity  is  a  halfblood  with  wizard  family  on  her  father’s  side.  She  would  know  some  other  wizard  children,  however  she  was  much  more  engaged  with  the  muggle  world  because  she  was  closer  to  her  mom  growing  up.
open  connection
THE  INSURGENTS    Someone  who  works  with  her  in  all  respects  for  her  beliefs  in  changing  the  view  anti-muggle  and  muggleborn  sentiment.  They  started  when  they  were  in  school,  and  have  found  a  way  to  continue  this  into  daily  life.
open  connection
THE  SILENCER  -  Somebody  trying  incredibly  hard  to  get  her  to  shut  up  about  her  pro  muggle  and  pro  muggleborn  talking  points.  It’s  a  real  battle  because  she  is  so  well  spoken  and  so  clever.  This  person  is  getting  to  the  point  of  considering  more  extreme  means  to  get  her  to  stop.  It  could  also  be  opposition  to  her  position  at  the  school,  pretty  flexible  on  this.
Open  Connection
EXES    Charity  never  dated  much,  but  was  always  a  little  too  mature  for  her  age  so  relationships  likely  never  made  it  very  far.  She  was  always  a  million  miles  away.
open  connection
DECISION  MAKER  Charity  was  indecisive  about  her  future.  It’s  a  typical  smart  kid,  told  they  were  gifted  when  they  were  young  and  now  they  are  suffering,  type  deal.  This  person  thinks  her  skills  are  better  put  to  use  in  the  magical  world.  They  may  have  even  suggested  she  become  a  teacher…
open  connection
FLING  In  some  ways  Charity  is  more  suited  to  flings,  she  can  be  endearingly  sweet  but  also  finds  her  brain  just  moving  too  fast.  She  is  someone  who  is  hard  to  keep  up  with.
open  connection
PRIDE  AND  PREJUDICE      Wizard  Pride  and  Prejudice,  lets  go.  I’m  flexible,  this  can  have  a  different  outcome  I  just  think  it  would  be  fun  that’s  all.
open  connection
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charityfaithfull · 3 years
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—— isn’t that CHARITY BURBAGE? yeah that is them, sitting there at the RAVENCLAW table with those other SEVENTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees (stacks of vinyl records, torn pages from a book, waves crashing on jagged rocks, long winding roads, peace signs painted on buildings) which seems about right for that NINETEEN year old. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty RAW, UNREPENTANT, and EDGY. apparently they’re FOR THE LIGHT and HALFBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related…
A fire was burning….
Somewhere in London near the Old Spitalfields marketplace, Charity Burbage grew up with her wizard father and muggle mother. She was much closer to her mother. The woman indulged her daughter’s natural curiosity and recognized her brilliance from a young age…but even she couldn’t keep the child indoors.
Surely, Charity was intelligent and well-read, but the loud bustle of the city called to her. And soon, she found herself fully emerged in the different cultures and styles surrounding the city in the 60s and 70s. She loved the earthiness of hippies, the grit of the punks, the devil-may-care of the new wave.
But she was excited for Hogwarts and found herself immersing into the wizarding world in the fall, but diving headfirst into the excitement summers brought her in the muggle world.
It was those dynamics that drew her to muggle studies, that drew her to speak loudly of her beliefs. Charity Burbage did not give a shit what you thought of her.
So follow her through the streets of London-town or through the halls of Hogwarts as she will literally make her mark where she sees fit. She’ll ask you questions until the answer satisfies her and expect the same from you.
She was all about critique and being critical of the world around her. Surely, sometimes that made her a little quick to judge, especially for someone considered to be so open minded. But reading people quickly was really the only option she had. So that applied everywhere, to friends, to teachers, to leaders, to politicians. 
In some ways, behaving that way felt safer. She kept a few close to her, but never really indulged in why. That would take much more to get out of her. Parts of it are fear of course, for her friends, and her mother especially.
Now in seventh year, Charity knows she is not a ‘fighter’. Not physically. She can provide intellect, and questions. But it’s place in this magical society feels less valued. Charity is a girl with just as many answers as questions, if only people would listen.
She’s considering ‘putting together’ some test scores to apply to universities. Cambridge or Oxford may be her style. But goodness, she’s in love with magic just as much. These two worlds she split herself between are so similar if people were to only....only...stop being so stupid all of the time.  
For as likely as she is to engage in deep meaningful conversation with you, she will not hesitate to outsmart and outwit you if her battle calls for it.
Patronus: Friesian Horse Wand: Cherry Wood with Unicorn Hair, Nine Inches
Smells Like:
Citrus, oranges, and sea spray
Looks Like: 
Long cardigans, loose curls falling in every direction, handmade jewelry, leather jackets, freckles known only to those close enough to see, corduroy trousers, vinyl records and band posters scattered on walls, snapped guitar strings, torn book pages shoved into a diary,  a bedside table that looks more like a library, hopping subway turnstiles when the situation calls for it, setting up her own tutoring station in the library, clearing away glass mugs in an East London bar, silly photographs lining her bedroom, a book of spells specifically for charming permanent marks into walls
Sounds Like:
As Tears Go By; Marianne Faithfull, Cruel to be Kind; Nick Lowe, Big Yellow Taxi; Joni Mitchell, Warrior in Woolworths; X-Ray Spex, Monster; Paramore.....
Life and Relationships at a Glance:
Her circle was small, but good. Those who knew her, knew her well.
Charles Burbage, Metal Charmer; Harriet Burbage, Nurse
A little cockney, but learned received pronunciation when it comes to English, 
Some Ukrainian, 
Barely French nowadays
Her favorite musical artists are Marianne Faithfull (as hinted in her blog name) and Blondie (she would rather be talking to Debbie Harry and Chris Stein than to you)
She can play most instruments, but its a jack-of-all trades, master-of-none situation
She paints Pro-Muggle and Muggleborn signs around campus, usually right on the stone walls and quidditch pitch.
She likes to take photographs of her friends lives. The style I imagine is very similar to that of Nan Goldin in the 80s.
The Ravenclaw girl’s dorm is one of her least favorite places. It seems that all together the roommates clash, even when individually things aren’t that bad all of the time
There is a group of muggle friends she sees regularly in the summers. Her relationship to them can be a little strained as there’s so much she isn’t allowed to tell them. They are a wild mix of universtiy students, artists, punks, hippies, etc.
New Plots/Wanted Connections Link Coming Soon
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chrryburbage · 4 years
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moodboard: cherry burbage + @joeythekeeper
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adhonoremrp · 2 years
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the following characters have fourty eight hours to please post, or else their characters will be reopened on friday 9:42pm nzst --
Hector Kelly
Connie Gilmore, Rene Deschamps, Elizabeth Burke, Marina Scarr, Cherry Scrimgeour, Noah Harris, Ellie Dowson, Otto Bagman, Ernest Richards, Aja Ansari, Sigrid Hellstrom, Santiago Smith, Benvolio Solace, Belinda Sun, Montgomery McKinnon, Henrick Drake, Laisren Mackenna, Basil Pierce, Nikau Parata, Patricia Rakepick, Hestia Jones, Albert Runcorn
Poppy Potts, Wendy Fletcher, Zina Batista, Echo Voltaire, Dorcas Meadowes
Dexter Bennett, Dirk Creswell, Declan Whitlock
Bonnie Blake, Maxine Flint, Thalia Mendoza, Edgar Bones, Riley Wood, Ricky Moon
Regulus Black, Lorcan d’Eath
Lily Evans, Amelia Bones, Remus Lupin, Xenophilius Lovegood
Adelaide Boot
Fyodor Bychkov, Glenda Chittock, Clifford Gu, Devereaux Sauvage Jr, Lonnie Gilmore, Ivelisse Cassidy, Kimiko Monet, Rhys Amin, Whitney Jaggernauth, Azriel Emmanuel, Valentijn Vos, Harrison Marchbanks, Jack Doe, Euphemia Abernathy, Shivaun Reaver
Charity Burbage, Walter Shafiq, Algilbert Fontaine
Archie Graves, Carolina Snyde, Gwenog Jones, Melanie MacDougal, River Hedley
Valerie Petrov, Sebastian Laviscount, Mara Lovelace, Calista Travers, Araminta Valentine, Nimue MacKenna, Sorina Rosales, Leilani Ishikawa, Estrella Norwood, Theodora Zabini, Petra Ulvehud, Elodie Corbin, Ava Davudi, Inala Greentree
Andromeda Black, Antonin Dolohov, Barty Crouch Jr, Castor Dolohov, George Calloway, Kassandre Fairchild, Logan Buchanan, Mafalda Hopkirk, Mason Mcelreath, Max Winters, Melinda Dolohov, Miraphora Mina, Thorfinn Rowle, Vareena Gore
Juliette McLaggen, Beatrice Hoffman, Pandora Lovegood, Gladys Gudgeon, Cristine Avery, Deidra Wolfram, Cadence Bell, Lane Macmillan, Tate Lodgston, Katherine Burke, Geraldine Ollivander, Gulliver Hedley
Alejandro Sundstrom, Bailey Blake, Calantha Rosier, Darcy Killick, Dorian Silvius, Elena Montague, Jude Arnoult, Marley Marsh, Mary Macdonald, Myra Yadav, Nari Mina, Ronan Prince, Slade Wixx, Tyson Huxley, William Abbington, Barbie Benitez, Shu-Hui Zhao, Damien Ricci, Alora Poverly
the following characters have a fourty eight hour extension, and have until 9:42pm nzst on sunday to post:
Ambrose Burke, Yasiel Baptist, Zehir Aydem, Kiernan Kenny, Josefina Reinhart
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fuckyeahgreatplays · 8 years
What I Saw: 2014
Untitled Feminist Project
Stop Hitting Yourself
I Beg Your Parton
The Glass Menagerie
Almost, Maine
Stage Kiss
Bikeman: A 9/11 Play
Feels Like the First Time
Romeo & Juliet (Broadway)
Hand to God
Stew at 54 Below
Love and Information
Bum Phillips: An All-American Opera
Three Wishes for Sondheimas
Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
The Mysteries
Gary Busey’s One Man Hamlet
Your Mother’s Copy of the Kama Sutra
Dutch Heart of Man
The Realistic Joneses
Satchmo at the Waldorf
Too Much Sun
Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare in the Park)
The Tragedy of Dandelion
When We Were Young and Unafraid
The Other Mozart
Romeo N Juliet (Classical Theater of Harlem)
The Cripple of Inishmaan
Cherry POP: Fluid
Puppet Titus Andronicus
Donkey Punch
King Lear (Shakespeare in the Park)
Sam French One Act Festival
Brown & Out
The Imbible
Ryan is Lost
3:56 AM
my lingerie play
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time
Articulating the Arts
The Real Thing
Edward II
To The Bone
Stalking the Bogeyman
Father Comes Home From The War
True Believers
Pussyfest 3
Side Show
Lost Lake
Straight White Men
The River
Surfer Girl
The Accidental Blonde
Dead Black Temp
The Laramie Project
The Dean Martin Christmas Spectacular
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downfallrp · 6 years
silhouette of the sun
I have no idea what time of year it was the last time we did this and I’m too lazy to look so now it’s winter! Christmas break, even. Like it or not, it’s given Gray the opportunity to spend time by himself. Christmas was always snowy and grey, but this year the cloud cover permeates through the whole Ward estate, casting dim light over the picture frames up the stairs, the subjects of which slump over in their portraits, napping away the gloomy weather, taking advantage of the quiet of the house.
Grayson lays on his back and stares up at the ceiling. He’s been awake through the mid-morning, complicit to lay in bed, but now with the hours creeping up on noon, he starts to think about making the move out of bed for the first time. Sunlight, however overcast, lights the room from the window over his desk, looking out over the street and to the Burbage house directly across. Down on ground level, Mr. Ward has already refreshed the charm that keeps snow from collecting on the walkway and out into the street, a perfectly rectangular path cut in the fresh layer of slow from the previous night’s fall. Out of the dusting peaks his mother’s choice of seasonal landscaping and decor - flowers transfigured of ice that shimmer in the winter sun and sway of their own volition, even when no wind blows, giving them a lifelike appearance. 
Grayson loved those flowers as a kid, loved how they leaned toward you in interest when you passed by. Caroline was always frightened by them, said it felt like they were leering at her. Now, no longer a child, Gray likes them less. 
Getting up, dressed and out of his bleary early state of mind, he cleans up his desk from the night before, capping the ink he left open, closing and setting his journal aside. He has a habit of leaving it open to let the ink dry overnight - even now that most of the ink he has at home has a quick-drying charm, avoiding the smear of ink on his hands that used to drive his mother up the wall, especially when the ink would transfer from his hands to the couch - to the bannister - and all over the house. 
Instead, he pulls out a piece of paper and does what he’s been putting off for the last few days - he tears a piece of paper in half and drafts a letter in one sentence.
Are you busy today?
He folds the paper in half, writes Cherry on the outside. It’s unceremonious, familiar, as he’s not worried about it getting into the right hands, considering when he passes it off to his owl, he can watch the bird swoop right across the street and perch on the outer sill, tapping on the glass of her bedroom window.
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