#Chester B. Bowles
politicaldilfs · 6 months
Connecticut Governor DILFs
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Dannel Malloy, Lowell Weicker, Ned Lamont, Abraham Ribicoff, Chester B. Bowles, James L. McConaughy, John G. Rowland, John N. Dempsey, John Davis Lodge, Raymond E. Baldwin, William A. O'Neill, Thomas Meskill
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just-some-guy-joust · 5 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side B: Round 1
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Professor Morelle Da Capo | She/her | @kira-moonrabbit
CW: The source, Lobotomy Corporation, has a large list of content warnings. This character by herself though is fine
Robotwoman who is famous for being dedicated. She works 24/7. Her hobbies include "logging everyone's opinions about her" and "standing still thinking about bicycles"
Chester Mallory | He/Him | @liliflower137
CW: Memory loss, loss of limb, temporary death
Chester is a twitch streamer and freelance programmer. The multiverse keeps dropping wild adventures on his lap but man he just wants to kiss his husband, cook some food for his friends, and take a damn nap.
Promos: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1863709
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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Professor is a machine who was built to replace employees! Well, a prototype that failed that they put to work. Her robotic-ness serves not to reduce her Just-Some-Guyness, but rather to amplify it. She logs everything that happens to her. She loves to partake in tasks and objectives. However this does not mean she is an emotionless beep-boop, but instead she has the personality of a tired but kind old lady. The kind who has an endless supply of caramels in a bowl somewhere. However she has no idea how to form her own preferences. She's factory default in everything. Plain as water. She sees the hells of being in lobcorp as normal and natural. One time she went to another branch and was absolutely delighted by a "hang in there, baby!" poster as though it was the cutest thing she's ever seen.
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Chester Wayne Mallory is an hlvrai player oc who came out of his half life vr experience with a missing arm, a patchy memory, and a boyfriend. Life has been wild for him ever since and he's just been dragged along for the ride, usually hiding in the back and hoping whatever existential horror coming after his friends this week doesn't beat him up or mind control him too bad. He's just a normal human after all.
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howlingday · 2 years
Hey, this is about a prompt from a while ago, where Jaune went in the past with his ship. What about one with Cinder or Bleiss?
I think I've done Knightfall, so let's gets some Blackguard in on this!
Please note that, as this is Bleiss, viewer discretion is advised, though rarely followed.
Cardin: Dude! You knocked over the punch bowl!
Bleiss: Oh, cry me a fucking river, Cu- Winchester? What the f- What the fuck are you doing here?!
Cardin: I was trying to get punch, but then you knocked it over.
Bleiss: Oh, go cry to your dong-polishers, Cuck-chester! I need to find my darling.
Cardin: Wait a minute, where's your dress?
Bleiss: I'm wearing it, Cuckin!
Cardin: No, your other one. The one you had on earlier.
Bleiss: What the fuck are you talking about? This is the same dress I've been wearing for the last six months! Which you wouldn't know because I haven't seen you since Beacon!
Cardin: But... We're at Beacon.
Bleiss: ...
Bleiss: ...
Bleiss: Oh, fuck me, it is...
Cardin: ...So, about my pu- OOF!
Bleiss: There. I got you your punch. Happy? Now, where do I start? Bitchy twin sister... Evil one-eyed jagoff queen... Darling in a dress... Pedo-Bait... Kitty-Bi-
Bleiss: DARLING IN HIS DRESS?! Excuse me! Out of the way! Hot soup! Fucking move, dickhead! Darling~!
Jaune: B-Bleiss?! But how-?!
Bleiss: Through the power of love... and time-travel, if I had to guess. Now, let me take a look at you.
Bleiss: Um, excuse the fuck out of me! Who the fuck are you?!
Bleiss: I'm Bleiss Schnee, sweetheart. Now buzz off so I can enjoy this art piece~.
Jaune: Um...
Bleiss: Don't fucking "sweetheart" me, double-douche! I wanna know who the fuck put you up to this!
Bleiss: Nobody, now fuck off.
Bleiss: No! Not until I-
Bleiss: Get your hands off me, cunt breath!
Bleiss: Fucking make me!
Jaune: I'm so confused.
Jaune: Yeah, I'm kind of confused myself.
Jaune: So what happened?
Jaune: Uh, time-travel, apparently.
Jaune: Did you know she would be here, too?
Jaune: No, but I'm kind of relieved to see she's alive. I thought she- Well, uh, I guess telling you might cause trouble.
Jaune: Yeah, we'll want to avoid that.
Bleiss: Stop pulling my hair!
Bleiss: Stop stealing my look!
Jaune: ...Should we, uh...?
Jaune: I got it. Bleiss?
Bleiss: DARLING~! Get out of my way! (Leaps into him)
Jaune: (Holds her) Ah, I'm so glad to see you. Are you okay?
Bleiss: I'm better now that you're here, Darling~!
Bleiss: Holy shit, you got huge! Mm, I wonder if...
Bleiss: Hey! You already have your own, fucking Doppel-dipshit!
Bleiss: ...One night trade?
Bleiss: ...
Jaune: Bleiss?
Bleiss: I'm thinking.
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briamichellewrites · 1 year
“Daddy, there’s a new kitty!”
Mike went over to where Otis was excitedly pointing to Cookies. She had just woken up from one of her many naps and was ready to play. Hi, little human. She heard the humans talking but she didn’t know what they were saying. Mike told him she was Bria’s new kitten. What was her name? Cookies. He thought that was a silly name. After laughing, he had him stick out his hand, so she could sniff it. Once she had, he gently pet her.
Good job, buddy! He liked the new kitten. She was so little! Yes, she was. But, she would grow up to be a big cat. Cookies liked him, too. He ran to get his toy dog from his bedroom because he wanted to share it with her. Cookies decided since he was gone, she would go get a drink of water from her bowl. She carefully climbed down from the cat tree and ran as fast as her little legs could go.
Rawr! She jumped and her fur puffed up. The little human was back. Mike told him to be careful and not to scare Cookies because she was just a little kitten. She backed off a little. He picked her up and comforted her by gently petting her. Thank you, human. Otis showed her his toy dog. It was his favorite toy. She sniffed it. It smelled funny. The toy looked like a dog but it didn’t smell like a dog. He pushed a button and it moved around. Yap. Yap. Yap.
She pawed at it, making it fall over. Otis laughed and turned it over, making it start moving again. Bria came home after visiting with her therapist and publicist. It had been a very long afternoon and she was done with human interaction. Mike asked her how everything went.
“There’s a child here, so I’m going to go to my room before I explode.”
“I’ll come up and check on you in a few minutes.”
Yikes. Either she was having an episode or something happened. Chester was on his way over, so he would check on her when he arrived because he didn’t want to leave Otis alone with Cookies. He didn’t think he would hurt her, it was better to be safe than sorry. Besides accidentally scaring her, he was doing a great job of being gentle with her. Misty and Bon Jovi were avoiding the toddler at all costs. They were more than happy to sit back and watch.
Otis gave her one of her toys. Thank you. She sniffed it before batting it with her paw. I’m going to get you! She made herself small before pouncing on the toy. I got you! She grabbed it with her teeth. I’m a great hunter! She imagined herself as a lion out in the Sahara of Africa and she was hunting down her prey. Maybe she caught a zebra. She would bring it back to her pride for dinner.
Yum! She imagined what that would taste like. It wasn’t the same as her toy, but that was okay. She liked playing with it and pretending to be a lion. As a kitten, she was supposed to play. That was how she learned. Just like the little human. Woof. Woof. Otis made his toy bark, as he moved it around on the floor. He pretended it was walking outside. It was a big, strong dog. Just like Misty. He grabbed a pretend bowl and brought it over. That was his dog’s water bowl. Was his dog thirsty? Yes.
“He thirsty. Yum. He likes the water.”
“Good. Dogs like water. So do cats.”
“Okay, you can go back to playing now. I love you, doggy.”
“That was a very nice thing to say. I bet your doggy loves you too.”
He nodded. Bria came back down after going through her episode. She was in a good mood again. Mike asked her if she was okay. Yeah. She came over and sat down with them. He decided not to ask. It was likely just another mood swing. He was happy she went off by herself, instead of blowing up in front of Otis. Borderline Personality Disorder was hard but he would never tolerate her being verbally abusive in front of his son.
Cookies was happy to see her. Hi, human! She went over and crawled in her lap. Bria picked her up and kissed her little forehead. Hello! I love you. She then set her back down in her lap. I love you too, human. They heard the front door open. Misty ran over to see who it was and Mike followed behind her. Chester. They kissed each other.
He bent down to say hello to a very happy and excited Misty. Hi, human! Hi! He laughed before standing up again. Otis was also very excited to see him! He went over to him and sat in his lap, making him laugh. How was Bria? She was good. It was just a long afternoon. She and her publicist went over rumors and publicity for the Grammys, which was the next day.
What rumors? She rolled her eyes. There was one rumor that she was in rehab for an eating disorder. Then there were rumors about her dating various guys, like Leonardo DiCaprio. She never even met him. It was a whole lot of speculation. It was mostly laughable dumb… stuff. They laughed as she tried not to swear. Then, of course, she had to talk about her trauma with her therapist for the millionth time. Even though she knew it was supposed to help her, she didn’t want to go through it over and over.
If her therapist wanted to spend the entire time talking about Jon Bon Jovi, she would be way more happy to do that. They laughed. Did she tell her therapist about her new kitten? She did! Next time, she was going to bring her in with her.
“She can explore the office for an hour.”
“The Grammys are tomorrow”, Chester said.
“Oh, my god. I’m… going to go to bed early because I don’t want people to think I’m drunk when I’m tired as heck. I’m trying so hard not to swear. I also think I’ll be so pumped up that I won’t feel tired until we come home. I’ll just curl up in a ball somewhere and fall asleep.”
They laughed. Linkin Park was nominated for three awards, so they were also anxious but excited. Mike invited her to be his date for the event. Since he and Chester weren’t ‘out’, they didn’t want speculation about their sexuality or relationship. It wasn’t anyone’s business. Just like Rob being bisexual. Chester thought he was adorable.
Was he attracted to him? Not really. He was like a little brother. Mike wasn’t attracted to him, either. Though, if he asked him out, he would give him a chance. Maybe he would change his mind. He was open to that. For now, he was happy with Chester. Otis interrupted his thoughts by announcing he had to go potty.
They both got up and headed towards the bathroom. After helping him in the bathroom, he would start making dinner. The animals saw him getting up, so they started announcing they were hungry. Bon Jovi and Cookies were the loudest.
Meow. Human, I’m hungry! Bria got up and went to fetch their food. Chester laughed, as he followed her to the kitchen. Oh my god! Once the food was distributed, they all started eating. Yum! Otis came out after using the bathroom like a big boy and washing his hands. He showed them his clean hands. Good job, buddy! He sat down and watched the animals eating, while the adults made dinner.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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madeprfect · 1 year
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name . . . christina florence cunningham. nicknames . . . cee, chrissy, chris. age . . . twenty three. sexuality . . . bisexual. date of birth . . . june forth. place of birth . . . hawkins, indiana. gender . . . woman. pronouns . . . she + her. current location . . . hawkins, indiana. languages . . . english, french. education . . . hawkins high. occupation . . . life guard at hawkins community pool. drinks . . . yes. vodka cranberry, or vodka lime and soda. smokes . . . no. ( has a stash of marlboro's in her draw for stressful moments ) drugs . . . yes. prescription medication, weed, anything that numbs her wild thoughts.
zodiac . . . gemini. mbti . . . enfp. bad habits . . . hair pulling, nail biting, lip biting, bone cracking. secret talent . . . can carry a tune but doesn't like to sing in front of others. hobbies . . . painting, drawing, sketching. fears . . . wild animals. other mentionable details . . . suffers from depression, anxiety, night terrors, minor hallucinations.
faceclaim . . . sydney sweeney. height . . . five foot. hair colour . . . blonde. eye colour . . . ice blue. tattoos . . . none. piercing . . . two lobe piercings. scars . . . scar above her left brown from a fallen bowl hitting her as a child.
parents names . . . laura and phillip cunningham. parents relationship . . . married. siblings names . . . jackson cunningham. pets . . . family dog, labrador, named chester. income . . . upperclass. residence . . . upper class suburban area of hawkins.
𝐕 . . . 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 !
one . . . right here waiting, richard marx. two . . . she's like the wind, patrick swayze & wendy fraser. three . . . bette davis eyes, kim carnes. four . . . manic monday, the bangles. five . . . super trouper, abba. six . . . she drives me crazy, fine young cannibals. seven . . . love shack, b - 52's. eight . . . raspberry beret, prince. nine . . . new sensation, inxs. ten . . . sussudio, phil collins.
may include brief mentions of emotional abuse, light disordered eating, loneliness, depression, anxiety and night terrors.
a screaming child is never a surprise in the cunningham household, they were never a family of happiness. a mother far to caught in appearances and a father that was just never there. chrissy grew up in a home that was never really filled with anything but quiet.
she learnt from a young age that to be seen, she had to be perfect, and so everything she did, she did with a level of perfection that couldn't truly be managed by anyone else. she passed her classes with flying colours, top of her class, head cheerleader faster than any other and she loved so hard.
everyone she met, she greeted with the sweetest of smiles and warmest of eyes, so much so that you wouldn't know the sleepless nights, the meals skipped and the heavy weight of a careless mothers words on the small shoulders.
not a harsh bone in her body, chrissy could never hurt a soul, she looked every bit of those mean girls from every movie of the year and yet, despite everything, she was still absolutely the warmest person in hawkins.
but those sleepless nights, her mind riddles with things she can't explain, her mothers horrible words disguised as a half hearted attempt at affection leads to other things, to looking for more, wanting something to numb the mind and she finds it in a rollie of paper, in a drink at a party, in an orange bottle with her name on it, with anyones name on it, she finds her release in little bursts and hopes no one can see that she's not perfect !
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hist725 · 2 years
Collection Materials from November 3rd Class Session
The following boxes from archival collections, related to themes presented by Professor Beverly Gage, were used in the class session in the Gates special collections classroom on Thursday, November 3, 2022.
Collections from the Beinecke Library:
Muriel Draper Papers (YCAL MSS 49) -- Series II, Box 11 (see especially articles on Draper's 1934-1935 visit to the Soviet Union in folders 357, 361, 371-374, and 388).
Leon F. Litwack Collection of Berkeley, California, Protest Literature (WA MSS 2616) -- Series I, Box 1.
Rebecca West Collection (GEN MSS 239) -- Series I, Box 3 (see especially correspondence with Doris Stevens, 1922-1959, in folders 100-115, some of which reflects West's involvement in the controversies surrounding Joseph McCarthy and the American anti-Communist movement).
Walter Francis White and Poppy Cannon Papers (JWJ MSS 38) -- Series I, Box 1 (see especially correspondence with Gloster B. Current, 1949-1955, regarding infiltration of the N.A.A.C.P. by the Communist Party in folder 43).
Terry Tempest Williams Papers (WA MSS S-2700) -- Series I, Box 102.
Collections from Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library:
American Immigration Conference Board Records (MS 614). Box 1.
Chester Bowles Papers (MS 628) -- Part IV, Series I, Box 157 (see especially correspondence with Adlai Stevenson, 1953-1956, in folders 622-627).
William F. Buckley, Jr. Papers (MS 576) -- Part I, Box 30 (see especially correspondence, clippings, and other materials relating to Barry Goldwater, 1964).
William Sloane Coffin, Jr. Papers (MS 1665) -- Series I, Box 13.
John Anthony Danaher Papers (MS 165) -- Series III, Box 64 (see especially correspondence relating to Richard Nixon, 1945-1971, in folder 776).
Gus Hall Paper (MS 2113) -- Series I, Box 5.
Victor Jeremy Jerome Papers (MS 589) -- Series III, Box 40.
Duncan Chaplin Lee and John Lee Papers (MS 2062) -- Series I, Box 1.
Dwight Macdonald Papers (MS 730) -- Series II, Box 126.
Alfred Whitney Griswold, President of Yale University, Records (RU 22) -- Series I, Box 2.
Secretary's Office, Yale University, Records (RU 49) -- Series III, Box 183 (see correspondence of H.B. Fisher, 1943-195, in folder 531).
Harry W. Selden Right-Wing Materials Collection (MS 2069) -- Series I, Box 1.
George Howard Edward Smith (MS 458) -- Series III, Box 31.
Rose Pastor Stokes Papers (MS 573) -- Series I, Box 3.
Harry Weinberger Papers (MS 553) -- Original accession, Box 28 (see especially Emma Goldman correspondence, 1915-1919, in folders 10-21).
Yale Library Contacts
Joshua Cochran: Curator, American History and Diplomacy, Beinecke Library - [email protected]
James Kessenides: Kaplanoff Librarian for American History, Sterling Memorial Library - [email protected]
Bill Landis: Education Program Director - [email protected] 
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Linkin Park (feat. Oli Sykes) - Crawling
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girlfrommars28 · 3 years
This is a new version of my TD characters sexualities bc I rewatched it and I changed my mind on a couple of things
Chris is the embodiment of being gay and homophobic
Chef is gay
Beth is straight in my opinion, I know I said she was my pan child but I rewatched the show and she just doesn’t give me that vibe + I don’t like her that much anymore so... yeah
DJ is still my gay child, I’ll do everything for him and his two mums; TDWT did him dirty
Gwen is still the goth bisexual queen; for my own sake I’ll ignore what the writers did with her and act like the kiss never happened and you should do the same; her and Duncan should’ve remained friends, case closed drive safely 
Geoff is giving me bisexual vibes
Lindsay is either bi or pan, but I’ll go with pan; she was robbed, I’m telling you, ROBBED
I’d say that Heather is a lesbian, but since aleheather is my ride or die ship, I’ll say that she’s bi
Duncan is just giving me bi vibes, maybe bi with a preferance for women, but bi nonetheless
Tyler is a chaotic bisexual; just watch his first interaction with Alejandro and you’ll understand
I see Harold as straight, but I could be wrong
Trent is my bi child; they did him dirty in TDA, he deserved so much better
Bridgette is pan; she is my second favourite character and I’ll not argue on that; this girl was robbed, I’m still mad about it
Noah remains our sarcastic gay pal, he’s probably ace as well and most likely in a relationship with Owen
I want to say that Leshawna is a lesbian but I’ll say she’s bi; I love her and her elimination in TDI was stupid
Sadie and Katie are lesbian girlfriends, try to change my mind
Ezekiel is aroace, I don’t have an explanation for that, he just is
Cody is a bisexual king, I also see him as a trans boy
Eva is a raging lesbian, she has a special place in my heart
Owen is our chaotic bisexual king but we all know that; it was made very clear from the first episode
Courtney is yet another chaotic bisexual; I can see her and Gwen getting together after the show
I think Justin is aroace
Izzy is pan in my opinion
Alejandro is just really bisexual, you can argue with the wall
Sierra is bi with a preferance for men (Cody)
Jo is our hardcore butch lesbian; I’m pretty sure I had a crush on her when I watched TD as a child, should’ve told me something sooner 
Scott is ace and maybe bi but with a preferance for women
Zoey is a chaotic pansexual queen, she is my child, even though I feel like putting my hands around her neck ever so often for some of the stupid stuff she does but anyway
Mike is most likely bi with a preferance for women; as for his alters, Vito is a pansexual mess, Svetlana is a raging lesbian, Mal is a they/them aroace brat, Chester is just... Chester and I don’t even know what to say about Manitoba Smith so...
Lightning is so gay, he’s most definitely best friends with Jo bc lesbian/jock solidarity; he probably takes Jo to buy clothes and gives her fashion advice; I mean, just look at him, this guy has a super bowl champion father and trophy wife mother, you can NOT tell me that he doesn’t dress well and take care of himself religiously 
Brick is yet another gay man; and a bottom
B is aroace, maybe even a trans man
Dawn is my favourite character from the whole thing so I’m probably projecting this but she is unlabeled, but if it would be to put a label on herself it would probably be pansexual, cuz she doesn’t give a frick about gender, she just loves
Dakota is bi with a preferance for men
Anne Maria is either really bi or really straight, no in between
Staci is probably straight but idk
Cameron is my aroace child
Sam is giving me bisexual vibes
I won’t do the whole Pakitew Island cast bc I haven’t rewatched it and I’m not really planning on it but I do have some opinions about some of the characters so...
Scarlett is a raging lesbian
Topher is gay
Jasmine is bi and so is Shawn
I like to say that Max is aroace, maybe a they/them or he/they as well but idk
Samey is a chaotic bisexual, lesbian could also work
Ella is yet another lesbian, she could also be bi but I’m going with lesbian
Special mentions to Brody who I personally see as pan and also in a poly relationship with Geoff and Bridgette
and also, Josee is a lesbian
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katb357 · 2 years
Sicktember 23: Cuddling on the Couch
C. Kelly/A Shift/Emergency! Johnny rolled his eyes as he finished the last of the dishes. "Really, Chet. Get a room already!" He'd had an earful of the love session going on in the day room.
Roy chuckled. He handed John two more plates that had been left on the table. "Forgot these." Johnny groaned. 
Roy turned to face Chet on the sofa. “Yeah, you two. There's a cheap motel down the street if you need some privacy."
Chet snickered. "You're just jealous, Gage, because you don't get this much attention." He settled back to snuggling on the couch, the warmth of his situation soaking into his aching soul. Today had been a hard day and this was helping. So what if the others teased him about the cuddling? He buried his face into the other's luxurious warmth and just enjoyed the moment. He knew it would likely not last, so he was determined to let his depression melt away while he could.
Mike nudged Johnny with his elbow as he came into the day room with a couple of mugs and tossed them into the sink. "Haven't seen a display like that in a long time." He side-eyed Chet. "Is that legal?"
Roy spluttered. He was trying not to bust out laughing. Johnny snorted.
"Chet," Johnny retorted as he dried the final mug and drained the sink. "I'll have you know I get plenty of attention. I just don't look for it in front of everyone!"
Chet ignored the byplay. "Don't listen to 'em, babe. They're just jealous." He was rewarded with a long sigh of satisfaction, and he smiled, closing his eyes. The depression that had been dogging him for the past few days was gone. He always hated this time of year, the anniversary of his grandfather's death. It always got him down.
Chet simply nuzzled closer and was glad the klaxons were cooperating for once. Marco strolled in from the dorms with a bowl and spoon in his hands which he deposited in the sink. When he saw Chet on the sofa, his eyes widened. and he crossed himself. "Ai-ai-ai, amigo! Some things are meant to be done in private!" Chet looked at his partner and rolled his eyes but said nothing.
Johnny cleaned out the sink and turned to face the rest of the men. "That's it. I'm done. Not washin' anything else today." 
At that moment, Cap came from his office and deposited a couple of coffee mugs in the sink. John visibly deflated. "Except that." He sighed and went back to work. "Cap, you see what Kelly's up to over there? Are you as shocked as we are?" 
Eyes narrowing, Cap turned to take in the view. He shook his head slowly. "Scandalized," he deadpanned. "But I don't think the regulations speak to it."
At that point, Chet was nearly pushed off the couch when his companion stretched out for a well-deserved snooze. Chet pushed back, and a battle for the couch ensued, which Chet promptly lost. Henry turned around on the couch and pushed Chet off onto the floor.
At that, the guys all erupted in laughter. Johnny doubled over. "Guess you been told to get lost, Chester B!"
Chet yelled at the now snoring dog. "Thanks a lot, ya ingrate! So much for cuddling!”
The End
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flyingkiki · 4 years
Curiosity, Chapter 8
Well, this got interesting. *looks around nervously* 
“Mary Johnson, 46, born in Steel City, her family moved to Gotham when she was seven. Her father, Chester Johnson, was a real estate agent who was reassigned to Gotham. He died of cancer when she was 12. Her mother, Francine, eventually remarried a couple of years later to a guy name Carl Tomson. The three of them lived a pretty straightforward life. Mary has been in Gotham ever since, never moved once. She’s a veterinarian, owns a local practice in downtown Gotham and has zero bad reviews on Yelp. She likes animals, enjoys spending her weekends at the park, catching the latest movies at the cinema, and bowling,” Tim paused as he looked at the Batcomputer. Throwing both Raven and Bruce a wry grin he shrugged. “I pulled the last bit out of her Tinder profile.”
Raven crossed her arms and cocked her head to the right, and gave Tim an amused look. Bruce made a dismissive sound at the back of his throat. Switching her gaze to the smiling middle aged woman with ash-blonde hair, green eyes and horn-rimmed glasses, Raven found it hard to believe that this woman was a die-hard follower of the Church of Trigon. She looked more like a mother from a Sunday school.
“Apparently, aside from her interests in animal care and parks, Mary seemed to have a keen interest in the occult. In her junior year of college, she heard of a cult that was gaining popularity among the underground scene in Gotham. Long story short, Mary met Brother Blood, joined the church, and helped him grow the church, and prepared whatever it took to summon Trigon onto earth,”
Raven frowned and stared at the pictures of police reports that appeared on the Batcomputer. “How come she was never caught? We never saw her when the Titans took down Brother Blood,”
Tim’s brows furrowed a bit and his blue eyes swept over the huge screen in front of them. “She somehow escaped capture when the Titans took down the church. When all records were in custody, there was no record of a Mary Johnson anywhere in the church,” Tim replied. He pressed a few more keys on the computer. “Just a Lilith Morningstar.”
“Of course,” Raven pushed herself away from the railing she was leaning against with a loud huff of annoyance. Folding her arms across her chest, she walked up to the computer and looked at the grainy image of a middle aged woman dressed in a black robe looking at something off camera. Leave it to the fanatics to take on aliases related to Satan. “Wife of Lucifer,”
“She used Lilith as her alias all throughout her time with the Church of Trigon,” Bruce said. “Explains why there is no trace of her.”
Tim nodded. Typing on the computer, he pulled up pictures of Mary – Lilith – from different locations throughout Gotham and with varying timestamps throughout the span of 20 years. “I’ve run a face recognition scan through the city’s CCTV network. She’s been frequenting a couple of old bookstores and underground locations that are more popular among occultists,” explained Tim.
Raven stared at the multiple reports and images blown up on screen. She turned to Tim with a surprised look on her face. She knew that Tim was an excellent detective, but she did not know that he was that good. Didn’t he say earlier that he was up at three in the morning? “You pulled up all of this information at three in the morning? How are you even awake?”
Tim waved his coffee mug at her and grinned as he heard Raven snort softly at him. “Sleep is for the weak,”
Bruce frowned, ignoring the banter and keeping his eyes focused on the screen. “Do we know why she is trying to recreate Trigon’s summoning?”
“From what we gathered she wants to finish what Brother Blood has started,” said Raven. “The church promises that Trigon will purge the world and offer them sanctuary. His followers will live in his cleansed world with everlasting life.” She frowned and folded her arms tighter over her chest. “Or so the promise goes,”
“This is the warehouse district Frank mentioned,” said Tim as he pulled up an image of an old rundown warehouse. “I’ve been tracking movements within the district and within the last 48 hours, there’s been only one person who entered one of these warehouses,”
They watched as hooded person appeared of screen and walked up to one of the old warehouses. The figure opened one of the old rusty doors and slipped through them. “Whoever that was stayed there for a 68 minutes before leaving again but this time they got a companion heading out,” Tim sped up the video and they watched as two figures stepped out of the warehouse and walked off screen. Tim paused the video and looked over his shoulder at Raven and Bruce. “That’s one empty church, if you ask me,”
Bruce frowned and stared at the screen. “Pull up the underground layout of the district. Check if there are any underground structures or tunnels under that warehouse,”
Tim hummed and typed in a few commands. “Way ahead of you, B. Oracle and I pulled up the plans up underneath the warehouse. There’s a tunnel system that’s about a 600 meters deep and leads to a bigger hall with a couple of rooms,”
Raven frowned and stared at the blueprint. A chill ran down her spine and her fingers dug into her arms. She suppressed whatever memories that bubbled dangerously under her steely resolve. “Probably one of the older church halls from Brother Blood’s time,” she said.
Switching to the blueprint of the main warehouse, Tim pulled up details of each point of entry. “There’s a couple of windows at the east and west wing of the warehouse, if we enter from the forest side tonight. There are beams and parts of the roof that caved in, that provide good enough coverage for us,” Tim began to play through the structural details of the warehouse. “Entrance to the underground hall is somewhere to the northwest of the warehouse, we’ll have to find it – it should be likely hidden in the flooring or through a door in the back wall,”
Tim continued to pull up a few more plans and live footage of the warehouse. “I’ve programmed the system to send out an alarm for any movement in the area. Oracle is doing another structural scan so we have a better idea of the underground layout.”
Bruce nodded, satisfied with the details presented. “We’ll head out tonight during patrol,” He offered Raven and Tim a brief look. “Good job you two,”
Raven titled her head at Bruce, lips quirking slightly. “Tim was the one who barely slept,”
Tim chuckled and waved his hand absently. “Who needs sleep?”
“Someone who is going head on with a group of people who have a knack at summoning inter-dimensional demons,” Raven rolled her eyes and sent him an amused smile.
“Concerned?” Tim grinned swiveled his chair in her direction. He threw her an amused grin.
Raven made a dismissive sound and turned on her heels. She ignored the brush of his emotions against her. Sending Bruce a quick glance, she stuffed her hands into her (Tim’s) hoodie. “I’m going to do some reading and meditate. I’ll see you later tonight?”
Bruce nodded. He checked his watch and pushed himself away from the railing he was leaning against. “Right. Tim and I have a board meeting. We’ll be back before dinner and we can discuss plans before we leave for the warehouse.” Turning to Tim he eyed him expectantly. “Better get ready, we leave in 10,”
“Board meeting before we take down a church that summons inter-dimensional demons. Bruce Wayne keeps a very interesting social calendar,” Raven sent Bruce an amused smile as she passed him on her way out of the cave.
Not waiting for a reply, she slipped out of the cave and silently walked through the hidden pathway that connected the cave to the manor. Emerging through one of the hidden doors in one of the many sitting rooms in the manor (why Bruce had so many was beyond her), Raven towards the library. After the morning briefing, she didn’t feel particularly hungry for breakfast anymore. She hoped Alfred would understand.
Picking up some of the books she and Tim had been reading over the last few days, she slipped into the deeper corners of the library away from their usual reading space and settled into one of the reading corners at the back of the library. She needed some secluded alone time for herself. Settling into the plush reading chair, Raven pulled her feet under her and comfortably leaned back. Exhaling softly, she tried to release the tension that had settled around her shoulders.
Cracking open the book she had been reading, Raven tried to focus on the text in front of her. However, after rereading the same paragraph five times and still not understanding a single word from the passage, she closed it with a frustrated sigh and closed her eyes. Her head thrummed softly, a whisper of a headache crawling under her skull.
Raven was fairly certain that they’d be able to see this little ragtag church of her father’s at work tonight. From what they gathered so far, they stood a fairly good chance to put an end to this circus by tonight. A few words from the text swam in front of her eyes, sacrifice, death, gem, and she knew that there was absolutely no need for her to read anything more about the Church of Trigon – she already knew everything there was.
Folding her legs into a lotus position and placing the book into her lap, Raven’s fingers curled absently into the old tome. The edged of the book bit into her fingers, grounding her. Her mind reeled briefly as hot, stifling fire consumed her thoughts. Somewhere in the distance she could hear the chanting, Scath, Scath, Scath, and a distant strangled cry. She felt the sickeningly familiar text of Scath dance across her skin and singe her flesh. The curved script pressed into her arms and legs, and slowly burned her torso. Her lungs burned from the heat of fire all but consuming her –
“We need the gem.”
Raven inhaled sharply, allowing cool air to fill her parched lungs, and she quickly opened her eyes, eyeing her surroundings wildly for a brief second. She pushed the tome out of her lap involuntarily and sunk heavily into the plush cushions to calm herself down. A wave of irritation hit her as she thought of how easily the church got under her skin. She should have a better handle over the situation.
Closing her eyes and seeing the fire burn at the back of her eyelids, Raven sore she was going to burn the church to the ground tonight.
Getting into a comfortable lotus position, Raven exhaled softly and slipped into her meditative trance. This should help her ground herself and prepare her for later tonight.
She’ll be fucking damned before Lilith would get the best of her.
Purple eyes snapped open sharply and quickly focused on Tim as he stood at a safe distance away from her. Feeling like the last dredges of Nevermore slip away from her consciousness, Raven blinked at Tim, who looked like he came fresh from work as he was still dressed in a business suit. How long had she been meditating?
“Alfred says you haven’t had breakfast or lunch,” Tim crossed his arms over his chest and eyed her curiously. “It’s past three in the afternoon,”
“Oh,” Raven breathed softly and unfolded her legs under her. Her leg muscles tingled from being kept in the same position for so long. “I didn’t notice the time,”
Tim tilted his head and watched Raven arrange some of the books in front of her on the table. “Alfred wasn’t sure if he could interrupt you for lunch,”
“Hmm,” Raven hummed softly. She threw him an amused look. “And you could?”
Tim chuckled softly and uncrossed his arms, visibly relaxing. “Well, I can dodge whatever attack you might throw at me a lot faster than Alf,”
Raven eyed Tim in his suit skeptically. It was ridiculous had good he looked in a suit – how come he did not walk around in a suit more often like Bruce did? Seriously. Bruce Wayne’s adult children could fit into a Men’s Health magazine easily – they probably did at one point. “I’m not sure you can in that suit,” she teased.
Tim snorted ungracefully, putting his public image as CEO of Wayne Enterprises to shame. He watched her stand up from the couch and pick up a book from the floor. “You’d be surprised what I can do in this suit,” he said playfully and threw her a grin. Raven released a small bark of laughter and Tim blinked as his brain finally caught up with him. “Okay, that sounded wrong.”
Raven hummed softly, trying to hide her smile as she gathered the books she had been trying to read earlier. Moving around the table with the books in hand, she joined Tim by the end of the bookcase aisle. “I’m a bit hungry. Do you think Alfred would mind if we get something to eat now before dinner?” she asked.
They began walking through the old bookshelves filled with old books. “He asked me to get you to eat something. I want you to eat something,” Tim told her. He shot her a concerned look when she did not respond. “Is everything okay?”
Raven stopped and looked at him curiously. “Everything is okay.”
Tim crossed his arms and stood in front of her, looking down at her with a calculating eye. “You missed breakfast and lunch. You at the very least would have had some tea. You’d rather not make Alfred worry by missing his meals. You walked off right after our morning briefing. And you ignored the messages I sent you today,” He raised an eyebrow at her and titled his head just a fraction of an inch. “Shall I continue?”
“Stalker much?” Raven pressed the books against her chest and raised her eyebrow in challenge.
Tim shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly. “I’m a keen observer.”
Raven rolled her eyes playfully at him. When she saw that Tim’s gaze was unrelenting and he was expecting an answer from her, she sighed softly. “Look, it’s nothing. This whole case has been getting under my skin and it’s just frustrating me,” she replied. She looked away from Tim and purposefully stared at some of the old books a couple of rows down as she felt her skin crawl unconsciously. “I thought I was done dealing with my father and his henchmen. The idea of someone else trying to do what Brother Blood did just throws me off. I told you last night, it just gives me bad memories,”
Tim’s drawn eyebrows relaxed and he looked at her with concern. “Hey,” he said and gently placed his right hand on her tense shoulder. “We’ll get this done tonight, no more Church of Trigon and no more crazy followers trying to summon inter-dimensional demons. We’ll get this done for your mother, I promise,”
Raven looked up at Tim and felt his warm emotions brush against her. She sighed softly and relaxed her shoulders. He was right, they would get everything in order tonight and this would be all over. She threw him a small smile. “Thanks,”
“Excellent,” Tim beamed and he took a small step towards her. “I for one want this over and done with so I can take you out on a date after this. You’ll go on a date with me, right?”  
Tim knew that whatever was going on between him and Raven was still pretty new. And while he knew that Dick was going to beat his ass for starting a relationship with one of his teammates (because getting this close to each other was definitely not part of the mission plans), Tim absolutely knew that he wanted to spend more time with Raven, even if it meant if he had to spend time in Jump once in a while. He could at least take her one date in Gotham before she had to go back to Jump – and then they’d have to figure something out from there. Would she even –
“You think way too loudly, Tim,” Raven raised an amused eyebrow at him. The corner of her lips raised lightly in amusement.
“Oh,” Tim released a breathy chuckle, embarrassed. Of course, Raven was an empath. He chuckled sheepishly and absently ran a hand through his long hair.
“I’m a boring date,” Raven said, tilting her head just a little bit at him. She felt the familiar press of his emotions against her and she silently sought more of it.
Catching her teasing tone and easily feeling the atmosphere shift around them, Tim laughed softly and crowded her personal space. Dropping his gaze to her lips, he ducked his head just a little bit to level her gaze and he watched in satisfaction as her eyes widened a fraction of an inch and her breath caught in her throat. Gently cupping her jaw, he drew her closer and he smiled.
“You’re anything but boring, Raven,” Tim whispered softly to her.
Raven felt that familiar, satisfying purr of emotions inside of her as Tim’s warm emotions practically wrapped themselves around her. Her eyelids dropped softly and she watched as Tim hovered so close to her. “Oh?”
As Tim crowded her space, Raven felt herself get drugged by the delicious press of their emotions. The familiar smell of sandalwood overwhelmed her senses and Raven felt the all too familiar press of lips against her own. Humming softly in satisfaction, she gently leaned into the kiss, silently asking for more.  
Somewhere in the back of her mind Raven wasn’t sure how she’d ever be able to explain to Dick, her team leader who had 100% faith in her that she would not fuck this mission up, that she had somehow completed the mission he had asked her to work on and come back with a potential relationship with his brother. She wasn’t sure if she was overachieving or asking for trouble. She faintly wondered what Batman would think.
But that, like her earlier worries over Lilith and her father’s church, did not seem to matter right now as Tim continued to kiss her. Raven felt the gentle swipe of his thumb against her cheek as he titled her chin to get better access. The kiss was gentle and needy, nothing like this morning’s hot and frenzied kisses. Theses kisses warmed her body and had her seeking for more.
Tim gently pulled back and inhaled softly, relishing her tantalizing scent of lavender. Staying within her personal space, he stroked her cheek once more and smiled as he watched her hooded eyes look up at him. “So?” he whispered gently. “Is that a yes?”
Raven blinked through the haze and gave Tim a confused look, which he thought looked cute. “Hmm?”
Tim chuckled and offered her a smile. “A date. Tomorrow?” Grinning triumphantly, he tucked a few stray strands of purple hair behind her ear and pulled away fully. “I take that as a yes?”
Taking in the twinkle in his blue eyes, Raven teasingly quirked the corner of her lips up at Tim. “Careful, you’re getting cocky,” she teased and slipped out of his arms. Side stepping him, she threw a small smile at him over her shoulder. “Will you wear a suit again?”
Tim’s eyes widened in amusement as he watched her walk towards their reading table and drop off the books she was carrying. Tim was sure he was imagining the light sway of her hips as she walked towards the table. He grinned brightly at her as they resumed walking out of the library. Giving her a sly grin, he leaned into her just as they were about to exit the library. “So you like the suit?” his voice held a playful tone in it.
Raven snorted and nudged him away with her shoulder. “It looks nice,”
Tim threw her another teasing grin. “You said I looked nice, I’ll remember this,” he said with a lilt in his voice.
Raven rolled her eyes at Tim in mock annoyance but secretly enjoyed the attention. “I said the suit looks nice,” she replied as they entered the kitchen. “Don’t put words into my mouth,”
“That’s what she said,” Tim grinned.
Raven narrowed her eyes at Tim in warning as they caught sight of Alfred standing dutifully over two steaming mugs and a plate of, in Raven’s opinion, the most beautiful sandwiches she had ever seen. Cyborg would be jealous. Stopping by the kitchen island, she offered Alfred a small smile.
“Miss Raven, you missed breakfast and lunch. I am glad that Master Tim was able to convince you to finally have something to eat,” Alfred sent her a stern look as he watched the two settle by the kitchen island.
Raven offered Alfred an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Alfred. I must have lost track of time,”
Alfred looked unimpressed, obviously having heard the same excuse throughout his lifetime at the Wane Manor. “I’ve prepared some light sandwiches for you, these should tide you over until dinner before you all head out. This family has a tendency to forget the essentials of partaking in meals on time before breaking up deadly crime rings,” blinking at the pair once, Alfred continued. “I expect you all for dinner later before you decide to put an end to a church that summons inter-dimensional demons. It’s a terrible idea to go out on missions on an empty stomach,”
Not waiting for their reply, Alfred stepped away from the kitchen island. After brushing off some imaginary lint from his right sleeve of his suit, he straightened and cast them a long look. “Now if you will excuse me, I will tend to our garden before starting dinner,”
Raven watched Alfred step out of the kitchen before staring at Tim with a surprised look. She watched Tim take one of the beautiful cucumber sandwiches. “Is he always like that?” she asked while watching him take a bit out of a sandwich. “That’s mine,”
“Since I was a teenager,” Tim shrugged and gave her an amused smile, completely ignoring her and picked another small sandwich. “He’s made it a mission to get Bruce and everyone else to eat on time,”
Raven plucked one of the cucumber sandwiches from the tray and took a bite. Her stomach churned painfully after finally getting something into it. She forgot how hungry she really was.
“Where’s Bruce?” she asked Tim, giving him a curious glance. She took a sip of Alfred’s special English tea which Raven had come to enjoy over the past few weeks. She faintly wondered if Alfred would be kind enough to share the recipe with her.
Tim nursed his cup of coffee and picked up another small sandwich from the platter. “Wrapping things up at the office. Our board meeting lasted a bit longer than we planned, I left as soon as I could,” he answered.
“The Wayne’s certainly keep a very interesting social calendar,” commented Raven.
Tim snorted and threw her a wry grin. “You should see us during budget season,”
Raven looked at Tim in amusement before finishing up her sandwich. “I can’t imagine what it’s like juggling crime fighting and managing a multi-million-dollar business,” she said.
Tim hummed loudly into his coffee mug as he finished the last of his coffee. Placing the mug on the kitchen island, he shrugged absently. Balancing his day job and their nightly activities was pretty tiring, especially when reporting to the office after a particularly bloody night out. After years of working with Bruce, both as Red Robin and as Senior Management at WE, Tim had gotten a handle of managing the demands of both jobs. Though, he’d love to get a day (or maybe a week) off. Perhaps Raven would be interested in going on vacation with him? Europe, maybe? He mentally shook his head; he was getting way ahead of himself.
“Scheduling can get a bit messy,” joked Tim. He leaned back in his chair and stared at the curious Raven. “Bruce was able to do it for years. When I joined, I guess I just got engrossed into everything and I haven’t slept since,”
Raven raised an eyebrow at him. “That can’t be healthy,”
Tim laughed and nudged his empty coffee mug away with his fingers. It slid across granite countertop. “Tell that to my obsessive work ethic,”
Pushing her chair back and standing up, Raven eyed him curiously. “Well then, I guess your obsessive work ethic won’t mind we go through tonight’s plans one more time?” she asked.
Chuckling, Tim followed her suit and they made their way out of the kitchen. “I was hoping you’d say that,”
Throwing a teasing look over her shoulder as they approached the old grandfather clock in the living room, one of the many hidden entrances to the cave, Raven’s purple eyes danced. “You sure?” she asked, a teasing lilt in her voice. She felt the curious press of Tim’s emotions against her. “And it’s not me hoping your obsessive work ethic won’t mind a day off tomorrow for a date?”
Reaching over her shoulder to type in the code into the hidden panel of the grandfather clock, Tim threw her a wide smile. He got a soft whiff of her lavender shampoo, and Tim was sure that he could get used to the warm scent around him. “So that’s a yes to tomorrow?”
The door to the cave opened with a soft swish. The noise barely covered Raven’s chuckle. “Let’s put an end to my father’s church, and then we can talk about tomorrow,”
The evening was muggy and warm as Raven stood hidden in the shadows of one of the warehouses. As a soft breeze hit her, she could smell the impending rain. She just hoped it wouldn’t rain while they were taking down Lilith and the church, it was always such a bother to fight in the rain. Purple eyes scanned their marked warehouse in front of her, trying to catch any movement. Batman and Red Robin were on their way with the Batmobile and Tim’s motorcycle.
Raven watched the trees by the forest rustle as another silent breeze swept past. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach as she considered how things may turn out tonight.
“We need the gem.”
Raven released a shuddering breath as the whispers of her dreams brushed against her mind. She had bad feeling about tonight.
She felt Batman and Red Robin approach her position and she looked over her shoulder to see both men jump onto the roof silently from out of nowhere. It always amazed her how for humans, Batman and his team moved with such graceful stealth.
“Anything?” Batman asked when they joined her at the edge of the roof.
“I don’t sense anyone inside right now,” Raven answered, her purple eyes glowing faintly as she stared at the old warehouse in front of them.
“Entrance is northwest of the warehouse. We can go in now,” Red Robin tapped a few buttons on his computer on his arm. Closing the program, he dropped his arm and looked at his companions. “Shall we?”
Raven nodded and they sprang into action, silently taking off from their hiding place on the rooftop and jumping onto the roof of the old warehouse they’ve been staking out. Flying over to the forest side of the warehouse, Raven spotted the windows Tim briefed them on and slipped through the broken window. Batman and Red Robin easily followed her.
From their vantage point on the second floor landing, the warehouse was bare save for some old wooden crates lined up in the far corner. It was dark, except for the yellow light of the lamppost that streamed through the broken windows. Raven scanned the empty warehouse warily, drawing her body into her cloak involuntarily as the silence settled around her uneasily. It smelled musty and the whole warehouse creaked softly in the soft summer evening wind.
She eyed the rusty warehouse doors up ahead of her. She faintly wondered if her mother passed through these doors years ago?
Tim’s voice was soft in the night and Raven turned around, surprised that Batman and Red Robin had slipped down the landing and were crowded over a trap door hidden behind a few crates.
Flying down the landing silently, Raven joined the two men. Red Robin pulled open the trap door and the smell of incense overwhelmed her senses. The uneasy feeling in her stomach churned angrily. Quickly exchanging looks with Batman and Red Robin, she nodded and instantly released her soul self, wrapping the three of them in the dark matter. This would allow some form of protection over them while they slipped through the cavern.
Quietly walking down the stairs of the trap door, Raven kept her eyes trained in front of her. The cavern was empty and sparsely lit by torches that licked the stone walls. She could hear nothing except her own breathing. How could the GCP have missed this place when they first took down Brother Blood?
After a few more minutes of walking and taking turns through the cavern, they eventually found a door up ahead. Light streamed through the cracks of the door. As they approached, Raven quickly cast a glance over her shoulder and caught Batman and Red Robin’s eyes. Nodding silently, she turned back to the door and briefly touched the basic steel door. No one seemed to be behind it.
Gingerly touching the door, Raven took a surprised step back as it slid open with a soft hiss under her fingers. The heady smell of incense assaulted her senses once more as they stepped into the large, warmly lit hall.
The hall was built like a church, several pews lined up and facing a white, marble altar. They tentatively entered the hall, their bodies tense and alert for any movements. Torches lined the stone walls that emanated an ominous glow over the church. Dark wooden beams ran over the walls and arched under the ceiling. Dark red markings ran along the cobblestone floor that lead towards the altar. Above the altar, the mark of Scath was etched into the wall. It glowed darkly down on them as they cautiously approached the large altar.
“Well, shit,” Red Robin breathed next to her.
Raven felt her insides freeze and she drew herself deeper into her cloak as her emotions bubbled under her skin. There, in the middle of the white marble altar, stood a little white picture frame and a bronze dagger next to it.
Staring up at them from the picture frame was a picture of Raven.
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fluke-fanzine · 4 years
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[LINK IN BIO] Fluke issue 14 "There’s very little rock in Arkansas” -- Henry Rollins, 1987 On February 13th, 1986 Black Flag played the first ever punk show in Little Rock, Arkansas. Although it was 21 and over, some local teenagers managed to get in. Prior to this, there wasn’t much of a punk scene in Little Rock. Undoubtedly, this night sparked a movement and word quickly spread throughout high schools in the greater Little Rock area. The following year, a short-lived venue called the Annex was opened by local punk Rob O, who saw Black Flag. Meat Puppets played the Annex, which proved to be its most successful show before the venue closed its doors. In that same year, Tim Lamb, also in attendance for the Black Flag show, started Lighten Up! fanzine, which covered the nascent local scene as well as bands outside of Arkansas. Lighten Up! gained national attention and played an influential role in the formative years of the Little Rock punk scene. In 1988, the art gallery Urbi et Orbi opened on the corner of 7th and Chester in downtown Little Rock. The venue switched hands (and names) a number of times until finally it settled into a pizzeria called Vino’s. With the restaurant built in the front, Vino’s kept the performance space for bands in the back. Most of the employees were in the bands that would play shows at Vino’s. James Brady, who formed Trusty with Bobby Matthews, Paul Bowling and Bircho, was one of these employees. James had access to the show calendar so when touring bands such as Fugazi and Green Day were booked, James would simply add “Trusty” to the bill. He and Bobby would create the flyers and Colette Tucker would drive around town, stapling them to telephone poles. The best part is these were all-ages shows. Teenagers from many different schools converged to find one another and, in turn, found themselves. A scene was born and the movement exploded. Here you will find 40 show flyers from 1988 through 1992, from that old brick building on a corner of small town America. Build it and they will come. 48 pages, full-size issue Cover 📸 Barrie Lynn Bryant. #flukefanzine #fugazi #greenday #punkzine #quaranzinefest #punkflyers #punkrock (at Vino's Pizza-Pub-Brewery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-mfttfDtEW/?igshid=1gc8ni5274yrs
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vasudevamusic · 5 years
Show Archive
11/20/10 - Bruar Falls - Brooklyn, NY w/ Hannibal Montana, The Armchairs, Ball of Flame Shoot Fire
12/12/10 - Public Assembly - Brooklyn, NY w/ Hannibal Montana, Lilith Velkor, Gung Ho!
1/6/11 - The Outer Space - Hamden, CT w/ Grown Ups, Wess Meets West, Good Citizens, Midair
1/10/11 - Party Expo - Brooklyn, NY w/ Athletics, Hightide Hotel
3/16/11 - Arlene’s Grocery - NY, NY w/ Gates, The Republic of Wolves, The Francis Flute
5/3/11 - Church of Boston - Boston, MA w/ Bent Knee, King Orchid, Good Citizens
5/15/11 - The Charleston - Brooklyn, MA w/ Gates, Hannibal Montana, Suns
6/25/11 - Lit Lounge - NY, NY w/ Labirinto, Calls
7/23/11 - The Acheron - Brooklyn, NY w/ Hannibal Montana, Slim Charles, Zvoov
9/25/11 - Kearny Irish - Kearny, NJ w/ Old Nick, Pilots in Orbit, Morning…
11/11/11 - Canvas Clash - Boonton, NJ w/ The Soviet, Au Revoir, Winter Wives
12/3/11 - Waffle Office - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Marloneisha, Damascus, County Drop
12/17/11 - Richie B’s - Holbrook, NY w/ North End, Calls
12/23/11 - The Vaj Majal - New Brunswick, NJ w/ County Drop, The Bewilderness
1/6/12 - House Show - Westfield, NJ w/ Our Daily Fix, Oswald
1/14/12 - The Court Tavern  - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Old Nick, Gates, Minor Motion
1/27/12 - The Bing Arts Center – Springfield, MA w/ Gates, Chalk Talk, Black Churches, White Savages, Avely
1/28/12 – Hudson River Coffee House – Albany, NY w/ Gates, Accents
3/10/12 - The Chocolate Factory - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Marloneisha, Westover
3/11/12 - St. Vitus - Brooklyn, NY w/ Sleepmakeswaves, Hannibal Montana, No Grave Like the Sea
3/12/12 - Milkboy - Philadelphia, PA w/ Sleepmakeswaves, North End, Mi-ke
4/13/12 - Crossroads - Garwood, NJ w/ Chemtrail, Vows, Avoider, Black Water
4/20/12 - The Box Fort - Allston, MA w/ That’s Rugby, Strange Mangers, White Savages
5/18/12 - Maxwell’s - Hoboken, NJ w/ Chocolate Bread, The Embracers, Morning…
5/19/12 - Crossroads - Garwood, NJ w/ Gates, Let Me Run, Old Nick, Colony
6/9/12 -  Freehold VFW - Freehold, NJ w/ gates, Athletics, Old Nick
6/17/12 - Buffalo House - Garfield, NJ w/  Au Revoir, Athletics, Secret Plot, Wess Meets West
6/21/12 - House Show - Westfield, NJ w/ Pilots in Orbit, Our Daily Fix
6/22/12 - Make Music New York - Brooklyn, NY
6/23/12 - The Note - West Chester, PA w/ Pilots in Orbit, North End, Old Nick
7/25/12 - Spike Hill - Brooklyn, NY w/ Hannibal Montana
8/10/12 - Reverb - Reading, PA w/ Hannibal Montana , North End, You, You Dark Forest
8/11/12 - Paradise Lost - New Brunswick, NJ w/ The Nico Blues, Pilots in Orbit
8/12/12 – Mahall’s – Lakewood, OH w/ Gates, Dinner and a Suit
8/13/12 – My Dad’s Place – Detroit, MI w/ Gates, Sunlight Ascending
8/14/12 – Plainwell Community Center – Plainwell, MI w/ Gates, Tiger! Tiger!, Good Weather For Airstrikes, The Westbound, Counselor
8/15/12 – The Subterranean – Chicago, IL w/ Gates, Like So, Droughts
8/16/12 – Coffee Nation – Bloomington, IL w/ Gates, The Knitted Cap Club
8/17/12 - Mote Park – Piqua, OH w/ Gates, The Orphan The Poet, Fall Kill The Calendar, States Away, Set The Stage
8/19/12 - The Auction House – Audubon, NJ w/ Gates, Take One Car  
8/20/12 - The Batcave - Montclair, NJ - A Film in Color, Babytown Frolics        
8/23/12 - Studio @ Webster Hall - NY,NY
9/13/12 - Don Pedro’s - Brooklyn, NY w/ Gates, Suns
9/14/12 - The Chocolate Factory - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Gates, Suns, Marolneisha
10/3/12 -  Spike Hill - Brooklyn, NY w/ No Grave Like The Sea, The Summer Pledge, Oceanographer
10/13/12 Don Pedro’s - Brooklyn, NY w/ Hannibal Montana, Perhaps, North End, Noxious Foxes, Time Columns
10/15/12 - Delancey CMJ - NY,NY w/ Spirit Animal
11/30/12 - The Meatlocker - Montclair, NJ w/ Arrows in Her, Ola Madrid, Tony Clark
12/1/12 - SUNY Purchase - Purchase, NY
12/3/12 - The Meatlocker - Montclair, NJ w/ Koji, Dads, Community
1/25/13 - The Court Tavern - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Gatherer, Arrows in Her, Marloneisha
3/3/13 - Tamanny Hall - NY,NY w/ Hanmon, Slim Charles
3/16/13 - Bonfire Nation - Mansfield, Ohio
3/18/13 - Garden Bowl - Detroit, MI w/ Reverend
3/19/13 - The Donut Hole - Muskegon, MI
3/20/13 - Township - Chicago, IL w/ Atalanta
3/21/13 - The Sound Cellar - Chesterton, IN w/ Kellam, Goods, Party Moms
3/22/13 - The Well - South Bend, IN
3/23/13 - Kopec’s - Pittsburgh, PA w/ Modern Baseball, My Captain My Sea, Relationships
4/19/13 - Asbury Lanes - Asbury Park, NJ w/ Penfold, Gates, Athletics, Owel
4/20/13 - The Court Tavern - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Gates, Owel, D’arcy, Eyeswan
4/25/13 - North Star Bar - Philadelphia, PA w/ North End, Signal Hill
4/26/13 - The Batcave - Montclair, NJ w/ North End, Signal Hill, Au Revoir
5/29/13 - Pandora’s Box - Quebec City, QC w/ Gulfer, Echos from Jupiter
5/30/13 - Casa del Popolo - Montreal, QC w/ Gulfer, Atsuko Chiba, Beyck Fantom
5/31/13 - Monkey House - Winooski, VT w/ Cloudeyes
6/19/13 - The Court Tavern - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Hidden Hospitals, A Balance Between, Ghost House
6/23/13 - Maxwell’s - Hoboken, NJ
7/21/13 - Asbury Lanes w/ Northern Faces, Let Me Run, Ghost House
7/25/13 - Casa del Popolo - Montreal, QC w/ Gulfer, You’ll Live, Discord of Forgotten Sketch
7/26/13 – Artspace - Peterborough, ON w/ Gulfer, You’ll Live, Light Company
7/27/13 – Sterling Lofts - Toronto, ON w/ Gulfer, You’ll Live, New Armour, Sleep for the Nightlife
7/28/13 – Indigo Plateau - Kitchener, ON w/ Gulfer, New Wings, The Ednas
7/29/13 –  Castle Empress - London, ON w/ Gulfer, Kingpin
7/30/13 – Coach and Horses - Windsor, ON w/ Gulfer, Red Red Run
7/31/13 – Warehouse show - Detroit, MI w/ Gulfer
8/1/13 – Wayne Manor - Kalamazoo, MI w/ Gulfer, LVL UP, Caust
8/3/13 – GnarFest - Chicago, IL w/ Joan of Arc, The Reptilian, Tiny Moving Parts, Foxing, Joint Chiefs of Math
8/4/13 – The Sound Cellar - Chesterton, IN w/ Gulfer, Joint Chiefs of Math, Analecta, Chin Up
8/6/13 – The Firehouse - North Manchester, IN w/ Gulfer, Grey Gordon  
8/7/13 – The Summit - Columbus, OH w/ Gulfer, Graves, Every Episode Ever
8/8/13 - Relax it’s Just Coffee - Mansfield, OH w/ Gulfer
8/9/13 – Space Paul’s - Rochester, NY w/ Gulfer, Barbarossa
8/10/13 – Ithaca Underground - Ithaca, NY w/ Gulfer, Cattle Drums
8/11/13 – Hong Kong Gardens - Philadelphia, PA w/ Gulfer, Gir Scouts, Joint Chiefs of Math
8/12/13 – That’s How I Beat Shaq - Virginia Beach, VA w/ Gulfer, Trust Fall
8/13/13 – Charm City Art Space - Baltimore, MD w/ Gulfer, Time Columns, Kitsune Rad
8/14/13 - The Court Tavern - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Gulfer, Holy City Zoo, Pilots in Orbit, Owel
8/15/13 - The Batcave - Montclair, NJ w/ Gulfer, Gates
8/16/13 - The Space - Hamden, CT w/ Gulfer, Oshwa, Giraffes? Giraffes!, The Guru, Strange Mangers
8/17/13 -  The Elevens - Northampton, MA w/ Gulfer, Giraffes? Giraffes!, The Bulletproof Tiger
8/18/13 - Cambridge Elks Lodge - Cambridge, MA w/ Gulfer, Giraffes? Giraffes!, The Bulletproof Tiger, I Kill Giants
8/19/13 - Geno’s Rock Club - Portland, ME w/ Gulfer, An Anderson
8/20/13 - Jenke Arts - Burlington, VT w/ Gulfer, My Dad, The Para-medics
10/25/13 - The Court Tavern - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Gates, Prawn, Attikas Arras
11/9/13 - Suburbia - Brooklyn, NY w/ Tiny Moving Parts, Safety
11/15/13 - Brandeis University - Waltham, MA w/ Gates
2/14/14 - The Democracy Center - Cambridge, MA w/ Hit Home, Strange Mangers, Quarrels, I/O
2/15/14 - TC3 Student Center - Ithaca, NY w/ Hit Home, why+the+wires, Barbarossa
2/16/14 - Heirloom Arts Theatre - Danbury, CT w/ Hit Home, The Box Tiger
2/24/14 - The Stanhope House - Stanhope, NJ w/ O’Brother, A Balance Between
2/28/14 - Friends & Lovers - Brooklyn, NY w/ Slim Charles, Bandladeafy, Arrows in Her
3/11/14 - Area 52 - Pittsburgh, PA w/ Narrow/Arrow, Be Still, Cody, Partly Sunny
3/12/14 - House with No Name - Columbus, OH w/ Narrow/Arrow, I Mustache You A Question, Brat Curse
3/13/14 - The Well - South Bend, IN w/ Narrow/Arrow, Infinite Buffalo
3/14/14 - Waffle Haus - Grand Rapids, MI w/ Narrow/Arrow, Suns, Moses, Odd Dates
3/15/14 - Township - Chicago, IL w/ Narrow/Arrow, Suns, Evasive Backflip
3/16/14 - Blind Bob’s - Dayton, OH w/ Narrow/Arrow, Silent Lions, Sport Fishing USA
4/10/14 - The Batcave - Montclair, NJ w/ Living Room, What Moon Things, Aviator, A Film in Color
4/11/14 - Suburbia - Brooklyn, NY w/ Living Room, What Moon Things, Banquets, Placeholder
4/12/14 - The UAG - Albany, NY w/ Living Room, What Moon Things, Softpowers
5/26/14 - Asbury Lanes - Asbury Park, NJ w/ Old Gray, Frameworks, Bad Kisser
6/18/14 - Shea Stadium - Brooklyn, NY w/ The Ambulars, County Drop, Life Eaters
6/26/14 - Kung Fu Necktie - Philadelphia, PA w/ Sleep In, Abilities, Dryjacket
6/27/14 - The Loving Touch - Ferndale, MI w/ The Summer Pledge (last show), The Anonymous
6/28/14 - FEST FEST - Muskegon, MI w/ Empire! Empire!, Dowsing, The Reptilian, Narrow/Arrow
6/29/14 - Gnarnia - Chicago, IL w/ Hodera, Bathing Resorts
7/1/14 - Hampton’s - Columbus, OH w/ IMYAQ, Every Episode Ever
7/2/14 - The Stone Tavern - Kent, OH w/ Homies, Us, From Borealis
7/3/14 - The Pallas Theatre - Pittsburgh, PA w/ The Guru, Naked Signal
7/18/14 - Studio at Webster Hall - New York, NY w/ Pentimento, Have Mercy, Gates
8/11/14 - The Grand Victory - Brooklyn, NY w/ Big Awesome, Lions, Brightest Color
8/13/14 - Wunderloft - Asbury Park, NJ w/ Alex G, Elvis Depressedly, Pinegrove
8/23/14 - The Mercantile - Dublin, IE w/ Tides of Man
8/24/14 - Static - Swansea, UK w/ Tides of Man
8/25/14 - Sanctuary Bar - Basingstoke, UK w/ Tides of Man
8/26/14 - Non Zero’s - Dundee, UK w/ Tides of Man
8/27/14 - Hard Rock - Glasgow, UK w/ Tides of Man
8/28/14 - Temple of Boom - Leeds, UK w/ Tides of Man
8/29/14 - Craufurd Arms - Milton Keynes, UK w/ Tides of Man
8/30/14 - The Garage - London, UK w/ Tides of Man
9/1/14 - El Diablo - Lille, FR w/ Tides of Man
9/2/14 - Cafe Video - Ghent, BE w/ Tides of Man
9/3/14 - Au Chat Noir - Paris, FR w/ Tides of Man
9/4/14 - JuHa West - Stuttgart, DE w/ Tides of Man
9/5/14 - Disorder - Wroclaw, PL w/ Tides of Man
9/6/14 - GMK - Budapest, HU w/ Tides of Man
9/7/14 - The Shelter - Cluj-Napoca, RO w/ Tides of Man
9/8/14 - Das Bach - Vienna, AU w/ Tides of Man
9/9/14 - Beatclub - Dessau, DE w/ Tides of Man
9/10/14 - L’Entrepot - Audun Le Tiche, FR w/ Tides of Man
9//11/14 - Canadian Cafe - Tours, FR w/ Tides of Man
9/12/14 - Club Kamikaze - Mechelen, BE w/ Tides of Man
10/1/14 - St. Vitus - Brooklyn, NY w/ Living Room, Caravela, Bethlehem Steel
10/21/14 - Cameo Gallery - Brooklyn, NY w/ Pins, September Girls, Mannequin Pussy, Amanda X
10/30/14 - Asbury Lanes - Asbury Park, NJ w/ Pianos Become the Teeth, Gates, Frameworks
11/7/14 - Democracy Center - Cambridge, MA w/ Marietta, Sports, Au Revoir, Quarrels
11/8/14 - Casa Del Popolo - Montreal, QC w/ Marietta, lovechild, Gulfer
11/9/14 - Icehouse - Cohoes, NY w/ Marietta, lovechild, California Cousins
11/14/14 - The Nursery - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Wedding Dress, Pinegrove, Dollys
11/15/14 - Bourbon & Branch - Philadelphia, PA w/ Wedding Dress, Static Mountain
1/3/15 - The Bomb Shelter - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Gatherer, Hodera, Lake Effect
1/9/15 - Palisades - Brooklyn, NY w/ Pinegrove, The Most, Nine of Swords, Ther
1/10/15 - Baby’s All Right - Brooklyn, NY w/ Slingshot Dakota, Runaway Brother, Crazy & The Brains
2/27/15 - The Banana Stand - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Runaway Brother
3/8/15 - Lakehouse Studios - Asbury Park, NJ w/ Dollys, Pinegrove, Catchabatcha
3/14/15 - People’s Warehouse - Pittsburgh, PA w/ Homies, Highdeaf
3/15/15 - Mustache House - Columbus, OH - Narrow/Arrow, It’s A Secret
3/16/15 - The Ottawa Tavern - Toledo, OH w/ Narrow/Arrow
3/17/15 - The Quad - Grand Rapids, MI w/ The Cardboard Swords, Moses
3/18/15 - Tiger Room at CS3 - Fort Wayne, IN w/ Free Throw, Metavari, Fucking Panthers
3/19/15 - Friendzone - Chicago, IL w/ Mothlight, Winter Classic
3/20/15 - Bonfire Nation - Mansfield, OH w/ Narrow/Arrow, Molly’s Worst Enemy
3/21/15 - Everybody Hits - Philadelphia, PA w/ Ghost Gum, Thin Lips, Cool Points
3/29/15 - The Knitting Factory - Brooklyn, NY w/ LITE, The End of The Ocean
4/11/15 - Ground Zero at RPI - Troy, NY w/ Hodera, Prince Daddy & The Hyena
4/17/15 - Peace Cafe - Southington, CT w/ The Most, Queen Moo, Messes, Lovely
4/26/15 - Communiversity Arts Fest - Princeton, NJ
4/30/15 - Marlin Room at Webster Hall - NY, NY w/ CHON, Diveo
5/1/15 - The Stood at SUNY Purchase - Purchase, NY w/ The Most, Pinegrove, Tri-State Era
5/16/15 - Aviv - Brooklyn, NY w/ Ishmael, Zula, Slim Charles
6/5/15 - In The West - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Invalids, No Stranger, In Angles, Use Big Words
7/5/15 - Cameo Gallery - Brooklyn, NY w/ Gulfer, People Like You, Wild Pink, Living Room
7/7/15 - The Bomb Shelter - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Hodera, ROMP
7/8/15 - The Treehouse - Albany, NY w/ What Moon Things
7/9/15 - Relax It’s Just Coffee - Mansfield, OH
7/10/15 - Annabell’s - Akron, OH w/ From Borealis, Kitchsy
7/11/15 - Tires - Detroit, MI w/ Gosh Pith
7/12/15 - The Quad - Grand Rapids, MI w/ Moses
7/13/15 - Beat Kitchen - Chicago, IL w/ Space Blood, Evasive Backflip, Rhone
7/14/15 - Lookout Lounge - Omaha, NE w/ Natrually the Foundation Will Bear Your Expenses, Super Ghost, Bed Rest
7/15/15 - Gillie’s - Kearney, NE
7/16/15 - 7th Circle Music Collective - Denver, CO w/ Iluminado
7/17/15 - Music Garage - Salt Lake City, UT w/ The Great Interstate, Sound of Satellites, The Wasatch Fault
7/18/15 - The Crux - Boise, ID
7/19/15 - The Victory Lounge - Seattle, WA w/ Detlef, Walter & Perry, Chung Antique
7/20/15 - The Know - Portland, OR w/ The Hague, Outerspace Heaters
7/21/15 - Caldwell Park - Redding, CA w/ Belda Beat, Derive
7/22/15 - The Honey Hive Gallery - San Francisco, CA w/ Wander, Floral, Strawberry Girls
7/23/15 - Frank’s Place - Fresno, CA w/ Chyna, Where Sea Meets Sky, The Unending Thread
7/24/15 - Bonnerhaus - North Hollywood, CA w/ Pretend, 100 Onces
7/25/15 - The Ecelectic Room - Anaheim, CA w/ Hollow Ran
7/26/15 - Rouge Bar - Scottsdale, AZ w/ Sideyard
7/27/15 - Duke City Sound - Albuquerque, NM w/ CRTTRZ, Tides
7/28/15 - 1919 Hemphill - Fort Worth, TX w/ Halfsleep, Covet, Cleanup, Biscuit Head
7/29/15 - Dan’s Silverleaf - Denton, TX w/ Halfsleep, Covet
7/30/15 - Murphy’s - Memphis, TN w/ Churchkey, Monticello, The Cloth
7/31/15 - Exponent Manor - Nashville, TN w/ Shy, Low, Tsuynyu
8/1/15 - PG - Evansville, IN
8/2/15 - House Show - Knoxville, TN w/ Lions
8/3/15 - New York Pizza - Greensboro, NC w/ Cepheus, Greaver
8/4/15 - Strange Matter - Richmond, VA w/ From Fragile Seeds, Guana 415, Winning the Loser’s Bracket
8/6/15 - The Knitting Factory - Brooklyn, NY w/ The Velvet Teen, Caravela
10/10/15 - Nowhere, USA - New Brunswick, NJ w/ Pinegrove, Palehound, Glazer
4/2/16 - The Studio @ Webster Hall - NY, NY w/ Tides of Man, Covet, Kodiak
4/13/16 - Aviv - Brooklyn, NY - Weatherbox, Enemies
4/30/16 - ‘Ol Yeller - Boston, MA w/ Floral, Leaner, Herietta
5/7/16 - J House - New Brunswick, NJ w/ El Americano, Hannibal Montana, The Planet You
6/2/16 - The Studio @ Webster Hall - NY, NY w/ Tiny Moving Parts, Prawn, Free Throw
7/8/16 - Sunnyvale - Brooklyn, NY w/ The Island of Misfit Toys, Broken Beak, Sharpless, For Everest
7/14/16 - VFW - Hasbrouck Heights, NJ w/ Speedy Ortiz, Spowder
7/22/16 - La Sala Rossa - Montreal, QC w/ Gulfer, The Reptilian, Black Love
7/23/16 - Le Sous-Sol Du Cercle - Quebec City, QC w/ Gulfer, The Reptilian
8/15/16 - Hangar - Dublin, IR w/ Gulfer, Yonen
8/17/16 - House Show - Cardiff, WL w/ Gulfer, Pipedream
8/19/16 - ArcTanGent Festival - Fernhill Farm, Britsol, UK
8/21/16 - Stereo - Glasgow, UK w/ Totorro, Dialects
8/22/16 - Temple of Boom - Leeds, UK w/ Totorro, Lost Ground, Vogons
8/23/16 - Gulliver’s - Manchester, UK w/ Totorro, Lost Ground
8/24/16 - Bodega - Nottingham, UK w/ Totorro, Alright the Captain
8/25/16 - The Hope & Ruin - Brighton, UK w/ Totorro, Waking Aida
8/26/16 - Sanctuary - Baskingstoke, UK w/ Totorro, Waking Aida
8/27/16 - The Old Blue Last - London, UK w/ Totorro, Waking Aida
8/28/16 - The Exchange - Leicester, UK w/ Totorro, Waking Aida
9/3/16 - The Mercury Lounge - NY, NY w/ Gates, Rare Futures, Athletics
10/22/16 - AMFP - Asbury Park, NJ w/ Dollys, Toy Cars, The North American
10/24/16 - DC9 - Washington, DC w/ Drop Electric, This City Called Earth
10/25/16 - Leftovers - Roanoke, VA w/ Dead Broke, The Head, Fujian
10/26/16 - Cory’s GC - Charleston, SC w/ Catholics, Well
10/27/16 - Eventide Brewery - Atlanta, GA w/ Bear Girl, Stay the Sea
10/28/16 - A&M Theatre - Panama City, FL w/ The Burl, Omibozu
10/30/16 - FEST @ Dirty Nelly’s - Gainesville, FL
10/31/16 - New Freedom Studios - Orlando, FL w/ Hodera, Secret Stuff
11/1/16 - The Odd Room - Charlotte, NC w/ Sinai Vessel, Ivadell, Hodera, Secret Stuff
11/2/16 - The Odditorium - Asheville, NC w/ Pictures of Vernon, Hodera, Secret Stuff
11/3/16 - The Litterbox - Blacksburg, VA w/ Hodera, Secret Stuff
11/11/16 - The Studio @ Webster Hall - NY, NY w/ Owel, The Soil & The Sun
2/16/17 - Alphaville - Brooklyn, NY w/ Tancred, Lilith, Yucky Duster
2/22/17 - Backyard on Bell - Denton, TX w/ Halfsleep, Terra Collective
2/23/17 - Mount Moon - Austin, TX
2/24/17 - El Rey Theatre - Albuquerque, NM w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
2/25/17 - The Black Sheep - Colorado Springs, CO w/  Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
2/27/17 - The Blue Note - Columbia, MO w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
2/28/17 - The Castle Theatre - Bloomington, IL w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/1/17 - Mercury Ballroom - Louisville, NY w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/2/17 - Park Street Saloon - Columbus, OH w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/3/17 - Anthology - Rochester, NY w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
¾/17 - Starland Ballroom - Sayreville, NJ w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/5/17 - Chameleon Club - Lancaster, PA w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/7/17 - The National - Richmond, VA w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/8/17 - Neighborhood Theatre - Charlotte, NC w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/9/17 - Zydeco - Birmingham, AL w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/10/17 - New Daisy Theatre - Memphis, TN w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/11/17 - House of Blues - New Orleans, LA w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/13/17 - Alamo City Music Hall - San Antonio, TX w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/15/17 - Tricky Falls - El Paso, TX w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/16/17 - The Rock - Tuscon, AZ w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/17/17 - The Observatory - San Diego, CA w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/18/17 - The Observatory - Santa Ana, CA w/ Dance Gavin Dance, CHON, Eidola
3/21/17 - Seventh Circle Music Collective - Denver, CO
3/22/17 - O'Leavers - Omaha, NE w/ blet, Bed Rest
3/23/17 - The Beat Kitchen - Chicago, IL w/ Droughts, Snort, Naga, Enhasa
3/24/17 - Witch House - Grand Rapids, MI w/ Moses, The Reptilian
3/25/17 - The Rockery - Detroit, MI w/ Moses, Lemix J. Buckley, Alchemists
6/15/17 - Milkboy - Philadelphia, PA w/ gates, Head North
6/16/17 - Chameleon Club - Lancaster, PA w/ gates, Head North
6/17/17 - Knitting Factory - Brooklyn, NY w/ gates, Head North, Caravela
6/18/17 - Monty Hall - Jersey City, NJ w/ gates, Head North
6/20/17 - Songbyrd - Washington, DC w/ gates, Head North
6/21/17 - Double Happiness - Columbus, OH w/ gates, Head North
6/22/17 - Hoosier Dome -  Indianapolis, IN w/ gates, Head North
6/23/17 - Beat Kitchen - Chicago, IL w/ gates, Head North, Wet Mouth
6/24/17 - Local 432 - Flint, MI w/ gates, Head North
6/26/17 - Mahall’s - Lakewood, OH w/ gates, Head North
6/27/17 - Mr. Roboto Project - Pittsburgh, PA w/ gates, Head North
6/28/17 - The Waiting Room - Buffalo, NY w/ gates, Head North, Alleys
6/29/17 - House of Targ - Ottawa, ON w/ gates, Head North, Midnight in Kansas
6/30/17 - Sneaky Dee’s - Toronto, ON w/ gates, Head North
7/1/17 - The Middle East - Boston, MA w/ gates, Head North, Gauntly
7/7/17 - APMF - Asbury Park, NJ w/ Adjy, Toy Cars, Fire is Motion
7/8/17 - The Sound Hole - Philadelphia, PA w/ Adjy, Shya
7/9/17 - The Space - Hamden, CT w/ Adjy, Jelani Sai, Mineva
7/11/17 - Takk House - Albany, NY w/ Adjy, Prince Daddy & The Hyena, Dikembe
7/12/17 - La Vitrola - Montreal, QC w/ Adjy, Bas Relief
7/14/17 - Pianos - New York, NY w/ Stage Kids, Invalids, Via Luna
8/11/17 - Gullivers - Manchester, UK w/ Vasa, Chiyoda Ku, Britney, Poisonous Birds
8/12/17 - The Fox & Newt - Leeds, UK w/ Vasa, Irk
8/13/17 - The Exchange - Stoke, UK w/ Vasa, All the Best Tapes
8/14/17 - Bodega - Nottingham, UK w/ Vasa, Merrik’s Tusk
8/15/17 - Broadcast - Glasgow, UK w/ Vasa, Adult Fun
8/17/17 - Arctangent Festival - Bristol, UK
8/20/17 - The Hope & Ruin - Brighton, UK w/ Bearded Youth Quest, Patchwork Natives
8/21/17 - Birthdays - London, UK w/ You Break You Buy, Lost in the Riots
8/22/17 - Firebug - Leicester, UK w/ Tricot, Ash Mammal, Zyweth
9/9/17 - The Knitting Factory - Brooklyn, NY w/ The Fall of Troy, Morus Alba
9/28/17 - Ramapo College - Ramapo, NJ w/ El Americano, In Angles
10/3/17 - 11er - Frankfurt, DE w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/4/17 - Cassiopeia - Berlin, DE w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/5/17 - Naumanns - Leipzig, DE w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/7/17 - Magdalenzaal - Bruges, BE w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band, Slow Crush
10/8/17 - The Fleece - Bristol, UK w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/9/17 - Rebellion - Manchester, UK w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/10/17 - G2 - Glasgow, UK w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/11/17 - The Flapper - Birmingham, UK w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/12/17 - The Underworld - London, UK w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/13/17 - 4Ecluses - Dunquerque, FR w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Bamd
10/14/17 - Alte Hackere - Karlsruhe, DE w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/15/17 - Backstage - Munich, DE w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/16/17 - Modra Vopice - Prague, CZ w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/17/17 - D.K Luksus - Wroclaw, PO w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/18/17 - Hyrdozagadka - Warsaw, PO w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/19/17 - Durer Kert - Budapest, HU w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/21/17 - Hear the Change Festival (Argo16) - Venice, IT w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/22/17 - Batofar - Paris, FR w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/24/17 - I-Boat - Bordeaux, FR w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
10/25/17 - Moby Dick - Madrid, SP w/ Sleepmakeswaves, The Physics House Band
7/6/18 - Songbyrd - Washington, DC w/ Tosser, Teen Mortgage
7/8/18 - Musica - Akron, OH w/ Narrow Arrow, Ola Mesa, The Grievance Club
7/9/18 - Subterranean - Chicago, IL w/ Monobody, Snooze, Merit Badge
7/10/18 - The Garage - Minneapolis, MN w/ Why Not, Twin Lakes, Scalise
7/11/18 - Dempsey’s - Fargo, ND w/ Grazing, Breakup Haircuts
7/13/18 - Labor Temple - Bozeman, MT w/ Panther Car, Chairea
7/14/18 - The Olympic - Boise, ID w/ Whippin Shitties, The Love Bunch, Laika the Dog
7/16/18 - Lola’s Room - Portland, OR w/ Covet, Wild Ire
7/17/18 - Crocodile Back Bar - Seattle, WA w/ Covet, Curse League
7/19/18 - Cafe Du Nord - San Francisco, CA w/ Covet, Archaeologist
7/20/18 - Constellation Room - Santa Ana, CA w/ Covet, Standards
7/21/18 - Soda Bar - San Diego, CA w/ Covet, The Illustrative Violet
7/22/18 - Rebel Lounge - Phoenix, AZ w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/24/18 - Lost Lake - Denver, CO w/ Covet, Quinten
8/28/18 - Asbury Park Brewery - Asbury Park, NJ w/ Delta Sleep, Hodera
9/1/18 - Gold Sounds - Brooklyn, NY w/ Delta Sleep, Invalids
9/2/18 - The Kingsland - Brooklyn, NY w/ Delta Sleep, Invalids
11/17/18 - Elsewhere Hall - Brooklyn, NY w/ Mouse on the Keys, Tera Melos
3/10/19 - Mercury Lounge - New York, NY w/ Elephant Gym
4/19/19 - Brooklyn Bazaar - Brooklyn, NY w/ Delta Sleep, Hikes
4/26/19 - Nine Spices - Tokyo, JP w/ Loqto, Agatha, Sans Visage
4/27/19 - Growly - Kyoto, JP w/ Loqto, ein;. Sow, Diajiro Nakagawa
4/28/19 - Spazio Rita - Nagoya, JP w/ Loqto, qui qui, Sow, Cetow
4/29/19 - Shimokitazawa Era - Tokyo, JP w/ Loqto, MIRROR, The Firewood Project
5/1/19 - Kichijoji Warp - Tokyo, JP w/ Loqto, Low-Pass, 1inamillion
5/2/19 - Like a Fool Records - Tokyo, JP (acoustic performance)
5/2/19 - Koenji Kiraku - Tokyo, JP w/ Loqto, Merry Christmas
7/12/19 - Schubas Tavern - Chicago, IL w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/13/19 - The Crofoot - Pontiac, MI w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/14/19 - Sneaky Dee’s - Toronto, ON w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/16/19 - Elsewhere Rooftop - Brooklyn, NY w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/17/19 - Space Ballroom - Hamden, Ct w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/18/19 - Great Scott - Allston, MA w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/19/19 - PhilaMOCA - Philadelphia, PA w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/20/19 - Songbyrd - Washington, DC w/ Covet, Holy Fawn, Body Thief
7/21/19 - Local 506 - Chapel Hill, NC w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/23/19 - The Sound Bar - Orlando, FL w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/24/19 - The Masquerade (Purgatory) - Atlanta, GA w/ Covet, Holy Fawn, Crispin Wah
7/25/19 - The High Watt - Nashville, TN w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/26/19 - Hoosier Dome - Indianapolis, IN w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
7/27/19 - Big Room Bar - Columbus, OH w/ Covet, Holy Fawn
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] CHESTER-LE-STREET: The Indian girls's cricket crew did not click on with each bat and ball, proving it to be a no match in opposition to a dominant England aspect in a nine-wicket drubbing within the first T20 Internationals right here. Sent into bat by England skipper Amy Jones, the Indian batters got here a cropper in opposition to leg-spinner Sarah Glenn's four-for and have been restricted to a measly 132 for seven of their stipulated 20 overs at Riverside Ground on Saturday evening. Bowling her full quota of 4 overs, Glenn completed with wonderful figures of 4/23 and posed issues for the Indian batters all through. With luck on her aspect, Sophia Dunkley raced to a 44-ball 61 to finish the chase in simply 13 overs, at the same time as India endured a forgettable evening on the sector in moist circumstances. All-rounder Deepti Sharma top-scored for the vacationers with a 29-ball 24 and the second finest rating was 23 by opener Smriti Mandhana. In between, captain Harmanpreet Kaur blazed away to twenty off 16 balls earlier than being bowled by Glenn. That's that from the primary T20I.England chase down the goal in 13 overs. Win by 9 wickets and go 1-0 up within the… https://t.co/KRQ2eyCbep— BCCI Women (@BCCIWomen) 1662844777000That summed up India's batting as none of them managed to make a considerable contribution. Wicketkeeper Richa Ghosh too bought a begin however fell to medium pacer Freya Davies after racing to 16 in 12 balls. The big-hitting Shafali Verma gave up her wicket after making 14 off 13 balls, caught by Bryony Smith off the bowling of Glenn, to depart India at 47 for 2 within the seventh over. Even as they maintained a great run fee, India misplaced wickets at common intervals to present England the higher hand within the first of the three T20Is. India have been 83 for 4 when Ghosh bought out within the twelfth overs. But all they may handle within the subsequent overs was simply 49 runs. Chasing 133, England have been off to a blistering begin with each Dunkley and right here opening accomplice Danielle Wyatt (24 off 16 balls) getting fast runs to place up 60 in solely 6.2 overs. A nine-wicket victory in Durham to begin our IT20 collection in opposition to India. https://t.co/9TxMf6YgWB— England Cricket (@englandcricket) 1662844633000First up, Dunkely survived a caught behind courtesy of a no-ball from Renuka Singh, then Shafali fluffed an easy catch at mid-off when the batter was on 15. Renuka was the unfortunate bowler once more. There have been plenty of thick edges too, in between. Having bought the reprieves, Dunkley went on to file her highest rating within the format whereas sharing a stand of 74 runs for the second wicket with Alice Capsey, who remained not out on a breezy 32 off 20 balls. During her unbeaten keep within the center, Dunkley hit eight fours and a six. Brief ScoresIndia Women: 132/7 in 20 overs (Deepti Sharma not out 29, Smriti Mandhana 23; Sarah Glenn 4/23) England Women: 134/1 in 13 overs (Sophia Dunkley not out 61, Alice Capsey not out 32) !(function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) ; const TimesApps = window; TimesApps.loadFBEvents = function() (function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function() n.callMethod ? n.callMethod(...arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments); ; if (!f._fbq) f._fbq = n; n.push = n; n.loaded = !0; n.version = '2.0'; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement(e); t.async = !0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t, s); )(f, b, e, v, n, t, s); fbq('init', '593671331875494'); fbq('track', 'PageView');
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briamichellewrites · 2 years
Elliot was not going to go to rehab. Brad thought about Mike’s recommendation after he left. Let her hit rock bottom. The more they tried getting her help, the further they would push her away. She had to want to get help. He talked about it with George and Anna. She was angry because she felt abandoned by everyone who wasn’t Mike or Chester. There was also pain from depression and her PTSD. She had been doing so well before the accident.
He thought they were starting to repair their relationship while she was in the hospital. Now, she was angry at him for replacing her with her sister. He would never do that. They knew that. Her mental health was damaged and alcohol was not making it better. If she was using drugs, they could get her arrested for possession.
Then, hopefully, the court would send her to rehab. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get her arrested for underage drinking unless they were with her. They also couldn’t get her psychiatric treatment unless she was a danger to herself or others. He was going to drive over and get her dog because he needed to get out of the house. George volunteered to help him. Since Shiloh was napping, it seemed like a good time anyway. Anna wished them luck. Thanks.
When they got to her house, Bruce was in the process of killing his stuffed squirrel. He ran to the door barking. When he saw the humans at the door, he got excited! Hi, humans! George knelt and petted him. That felt good! Brad walked through the house. It looked pretty kept up. It was clean. He looked inside her room. Her laundry basket was empty and her clothes were neatly put away.
He had to give her credit for that. Bruce also had fresh water and a bowl full of food. His toys were scattered around the living room, but that was to be expected from a dog. He also left a little mess from not being taken outside to use the bathroom. After grabbing some paper towels, he cleaned them up and threw them away before washing his hands. Yuck! He then came back to George and reported what he had found. Her dog wasn’t being neglected. That was a very good thing!
Neither was her house. They packed everything up, including his food bowl, water bowl, crate, and toys. He was curious about what they were doing. Did he want to go for a ride? Yes, human! Yes! As long as it wasn’t the vet! They laughed and petted him. He got into his crate before they went out to the car.
Puppy! Shiloh was very excited about Bruce! She had just woken up from her nap and was ready to play. Bruce was as curious about the little human as she was about him. He was gentle with her as Anna helped her pet his coat. Nice puppy! He smiled at them. Shiloh hugged him gently. Brad told her she was doing a great job being nice to the puppy! She smiled. After sitting down with him, she grabbed his ball and rolled it over to him. He grabbed it with his paw and rolled it back.
The little human laughed before rolling it back to him. Every time he rolled it back, she laughed. That made the other humans laugh. Silly puppy! He liked whatever game they were playing. She was enjoying it, too. It made them forget momentarily about their stress regarding Elliot. Children could find joy in simplicity. They didn’t need toys that cost hundreds of dollars. Just a ball and a dog.
Mike was having fun with his band of brothers. They joked about, gossiped about Joe’s girlfriend like a bunch of old ladies, talked about the basketball game playing on tv, and whatever else they could think of. He forgot about how tired he was and his stress. Elliot was safe. Chester was safe. That was all that mattered at the moment. Linsey had given Phoenix the okay to go out and have fun because it was for Mike. He would have to make up for it, though with a date night.
He promised to do that! They had recently started trying for a baby, so they had to schedule a time to be together. He was anxious and excited about having a baby. Being a father was a huge step forward. He didn’t care if the baby was a boy or a girl. Going on tour was going to be harder with a baby, but they would figure something out. Linsey was going to be a great mom!
Rob was in a good mood. Therapy and his medication were helping a lot! His brain chemistry was balancing out and he didn’t have to worry about having an anxiety attack. When he did have an attack, they were less severe than before. He was taught how to breathe and calm himself down. If he needed to, he could walk away until the attack was over. How did he know when he was about to have an attack? He felt like the room was closing in on him.
“I also have a feeling of, I need to get out of here right now! That’s why I get up and walk away. If I ever do that, just give me a few minutes to give myself time to get my breathing under control.”
“We can do that. Thanks for explaining that to us”, Phoenix said.
He was also working on building his self-confidence. The reason why he was in the band wasn’t because of pity but because of his ability to play the drums. They could find someone else but they didn’t want to. He was their brother, no matter what. They didn’t want a better drummer, they wanted him. He was starting to believe that. Robert Gregory Bourdon. That was who they wanted.
Mike was going to pick up Elliot the next morning when she was discharged and bring her home. He had a plan with Brad, George, and Anna. Brad was going to give her space, while they were going to continue to support her. That didn’t mean enabling her but letting her know that they would always be there for her if she needed them. They were also not going to force her into rehab because pushing her to go would only push her away.
“That chicken died so you can eat its wings”, Rob said.
“It’s a tasty bird. You’re missing out”, Phoenix replied.
“I’m fine with my soy burger and glass of water, thank you very much.”
They laughed. Joe was missing out. They would have to get him to tell them about his girlfriend when they were back in the studio! Mike laughed. They had no idea who she was. What if she didn’t exist and that was him trying to get out of coming with them? They thought about that and it jokingly became their conspiracy theory. Damn you, Joe!
Shiloh had gone to her other toys and found her baby doll. She brought it over and put it in George’s lap. Baby! She then gave him the doll’s blanket. What am I supposed to do with this? Brad laughed and told him to pretend he was putting it to bed or something. Okay, then. She came back over to check on her doll. Baby tired. He pretended not to know what to do, so she grabbed her doll and put it over her shoulder before patting its back.
“Okay, baby. You go sleep now, okay!”
She then proceeded to put the baby on the floor with a blanket over her body. See! Now he understood. Thank you! She smiled before going over to her other toys. Brad jokingly told him she was improvising. He needed toddler acting classes for that. They laughed. As she went through her toys, she pulled everything out on the floor making a big mess. There was no use in cleaning it up because everything would just be pulled back out.
Uh oh! She smiled like she had done something wrong. Wah wah! She ran over to her baby, picked it up, and held it back over her shoulder. It’s okay, baby! Anna told her she was a good mommy! She nodded and continued patting her back until her doll stopped crying. All done! She put her back on the floor and covered it with a blanket before running off back to her toys.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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orbemnews · 3 years
'People hate us': Racist prank calls, fake orders threaten Tea 'N' Bowl Chinese restaurant Yvonne Low and her husband, Joe, have worked hard to keep their Clifton restaurant, Tea ’N’ Bowl, open through the COVID-19 pandemic. The University of Cincinnati’s switch to remote learning cost them essential foot traffic from students — the lifeblood of most businesses in a crowded neighborhood where parking is scarce. They adapted. But this spring, racist phone calls and fake orders began pouring in, costing the Low family time, money and supplies. Low is worried she’ll have to close her restaurant for good to escape the harassment. “I’m not sure whether to stay open anymore, because people hate us,” she said. “And then, with all this… My mom is in Malaysia. They are so worried, seeing everything that’s happening. They say, ‘Just close it.’” The calls go like this: A caller will place a large order over the phone, promising to pay in cash when they arrive to pick it up. Low and her staff prepare the food. The customer never appears. Low said she had called back some of the numbers, hoping to find the customer who had placed the order. Typically, the person answering will claim she’s got a wrong number. In one case, they made another comment. “The person on the other end said, ‘We don’t even eat dogs,” she said. “I was like, ‘Uh, OK.’ We hear a lot of that, actually: ‘You eat cats, you eat dogs.’ Sometimes they call and they laugh, laugh, laugh.” Many recent instances of anti-Asian violence and prejudice have been linked to fear and prejudice caused by misunderstandings about COVID-19, which was first observed in Wuhan, China. Some right-wing politicians and pundits call the disease the “China virus” or “Wuhan virus,” which activists say strengthens the harmful association. Asian Americans have reported being harassed by people who blame them, as a group, for the pandemic. An Asian Americans Advancing Justice study found 3,000 hate crimes against Asian Americans were reported in 2020 — six times more than the previous two years combined. And restaurants like Low’s, often the most visible examples of Asian culture in many American communities, are easy targets for the kind of people who go out of their way to engage in racist harassment. Oriental Wok, a Chinese restaurant with two Cincinnati locations, posted this on Facebook in mid-March: Low said she’s especially disheartened because her restaurant is a family business for herself, her husband and their young children. “I have my kids all the time in the restaurant, and that’s not what I want them to perceive, like, ‘Oh, we are inferior,’” she said. Lee Wong, a West Chester Township trustee, gained national media attention in March for denouncing anti-Asian hate publicly, recounting his own personal experiences being racially harassed and bullied throughout his life, and showing the scars on his chest from his time in the United States Army. Since then, he said, he’s been contacted by many Asian-owned businesses seeking help and guidance as they deal with similar acts of racist harassment. “My message is very clear: Just be kind to each other,” he said. “We are all human beings and have to be gentler, kinder, treat each other with respect and some civility.” Low said she feels downtrodden by the atmosphere around her and the efforts of the prank-callers to make her business feel unwelcome in Cincinnati. “But I have to stay open, because rent has to go on, everything goes on, and then my employees — they need us. They have been with us for so long,” she said. “I cannot just let them go.” “I don’t want to really create a scene or something,” she added. “I just want to let everybody around my neighborhood know, you know, there’s things that happen out there like that. Just be careful out there.” window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '1374721116083644', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.9' ); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; js.async = true; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '1080457095324430'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); Source link Orbem News #anti-asianharassment #bowl #Calls #Chinese #chineserestaurantscovid-19 #coronavirus #courtneyfrancisco #Fake #hate #isthispatriotenough #leewongwestchester #Orders #People #prank #racist #restaurant #Tea #teanbowl #Threaten #yvonnelow
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Linkin Park - Iridescent (Live from The Hollywood Bowl)
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