#Chinese regulations
petnews2day · 3 months
The Cartoon Cat Driving China Censors Mad
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The Cartoon Cat Driving China Censors Mad
After 53 attempts, he switched to Twitter (now X), where the censors could not easily reach him. Li’s account found a new lease on life, unbound by China’s restrictive internet controls and accessible through virtual private networks. Teacher Li’s account exploded in popularity during the White Paper protests against China’s stringent zero-Covid policies in late […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/Qh6TN #CatsNews #Censored, #Censorship, #China, #Chinese, #ChineseRegulations, #Covid, #CovidQuarantine, #Covid19, #FakeSlideshow, #Government, #Internet, #SocialMedia, #Twitter
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Baidu: The Leading Search Engine of China
Baidu, widely regarded as the Google of China, is the dominant search engine in the country. Founded in 2000 by Robin Li and Eric Xu, Baidu has become an integral part of the Chinese digital landscape, providing users with a wide range of online services. In this article, we will explore the history, features, and impact of Baidu as a search engine in China. The Birth of Baidu:Baidu’s inception…
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asiansinboots · 8 months
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New boots for office doll!
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disgustedorite · 5 months
Man. I've seen posts making fun of China for cracking down on gaming addiction, but having looked at how they're combatting it, it's really obvious that they're actually targeting stuff like loot boxes, which, being akin to slot machines, actually do cause harmful addictions and that I think we can all agree should be regulated
Like, China's legal requirements that they put on developers to specifically combat gaming addiction are literally just loot box regulations, and damn good ones at that. Daily limits to how many loot boxes can be opened, transparent probabilities, mandating that rewards are given after a certain number of loot boxes are opened, no loot box-exclusive items, I think every country should legally require those things!
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
“What do you mean, ‘no’, Assassin?”
“I mean what I said.”
Kirei should be mad. Should feel ire, should feel slighted at the fact that his Servant, a mass of mana who donned flesh and blood like a costume and was bound to him, was defying him. And yet, he feels nothing. Not even exasperation as the red-haired man before him flipped through a magecraft text sitting on the table before them.
When Kirei summoned Assassin as his Servant, he would be lying if he stated he hadn't been he had been expecting dark cloaks and a masked face, like every other Assassin from the Grail Wars recorded before. Instead, he got something… loud and garish.
Something red.
Assassin was not a typical assassin and refused to give his name.
Red clothes, red hair, red makeup, and Chinese in origin… he couldn’t place them— but he knew he was not one of the many hashashin who had come before him.
Granted, Kirie's… grasp on Chinese Assassins was lacking. He could name a few who were important to history, but there was no way this one was any of them. Too flashy, too comfortable in a modern atmosphere, and he had laughed when Kirei asked if he was the famed Jing Ke or Yan Qing.
And rather loudly at that.
Assassin was something of a mystery, despite his loud appearance and actions. The Servant was much bolder than one would think an Assassin would be, actively moving about the Tohsaka house before Tokiomi summoned the Archer Gilgamesh. So much so that Rin had asked Kirei about the “Redheaded Mister” more than once because he would help Aoi with cooking and she liked his cooking.
Again, another weird point that tied back to that ease of comfort in a more modern world. Assassin easily navigated the kitchen stove and radio— and while he knew that Servants were granted knowledge of the Modern world from the Grail, it was still odd. The familiarity wasn't that of a man who knew in the sense of having been told, but one who moved with the sense of having used one before.
Nonetheless, the fact remained that Assassin was a mystery despite how much he interacted with ease and talked to the Tohsaka family and him. Kirei would've assumed that, because of that, the Servant would have no qualms, however. It wasn't as if the man got attached— had he?
“What you’re asking of me is something that is… distasteful,” Assassin continued, seemingly unaware or perhaps uncaring that Kirei was at a loss. “I may be an Assassin but I am no idiot, though you might be."
Dark eyes met his own, reflecting the candles that adorned the walls. He was deadly serious, Kirei realized. And again, he was startled at the sheer amount of nothing he felt. He should feel annoyed, at least a little bit.
Tokiomi’s plan was already falling apart.
“Are you not my Servant?” He found himself asking and Assassin snorted, closing the book with a snap.
“You might be my Master, Kotomine Kirei, but that’s in name only. I will consider your orders, and ruminate on them, but that is all. If I act or not is my choice and mine alone,” Assassin said simply, not looking at Kirei again as he set the book down. “Feel free to use your command seals, though I can assure you, there’s only so far that will take you in this war."
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ayphyx · 3 months
White vegans stop comparison poc (specifically black people) to animals challenge difficulty IMPOSSIBLE
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hua-fei-hua · 2 years
"graphic design is not my passion, but manga scanlation sure is," i say, as if my most vested interest in scanlation, the typesetting, is not itself probably a form of graphic design
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duubsite · 2 days
TikTok, Shein, Temu, and the Great American Scrutiny: A Symptom of Larger Concerns
In recent months, the scrutiny surrounding major Chinese companies operating within the United States has reached fever pitch. In the eye of this storm are popular names like TikTok, Shein, and Temu, each entangled in a complex web of regulatory investigations and national security concerns. While there is no direct evidence to suggest that TikTok’s defensive strategy involves deflecting…
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livingwellnessblog · 1 month
Acupuncture Point - Celestial Window (Si16 - Tian Chuang)
Small Intestine 16, known as "Celestial Window," is a vital point in Traditional Chinese Medicine, facilitating communication between the mind, body, spirit, and cosmos. Modern science reveals its effects on neural stimulation, pain modulation, muscle rel
Acupuncture Point – Celestial Window (Small Intestine 16 – Tian Chuang): Physical Usage: The acupuncture point Celestial Window (Small Intestine 16), also known as Tian Chuang in Chinese, is located on the lateral aspect of the neck. It is positioned in a depression between the anterior and middle scalene muscles. This point is used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to address various…
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shamballalin · 3 months
For All Those Who Do Not Want Another King in the USA ~ List of President Joe Biden's Accomplishments
President Biden is staying in the Presidential Race 2024 There is a reason the United States of America celebrated the 4th of July this week. The entire country of every political affiliation celebrated the USA victory to rid this country of a King. Citizens of the USA already fought for and won the freedom for every citizen in the USA to have a Democracy over a king. Think about this for a…
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tenth-sentence · 4 months
Farmers, landlords, and speculators of course found ways to evade the regulations, but the civil service steadily swelled to fill out mountains of documentation and went through a revolution of its own.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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kabukirune · 5 months
Is Fenty Beauty No Longer Cruelty Free? 🚫🐰
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2024: New Top Data Regulator; Can IPR Improve Data Sharing?
Central guidance from the recently-established National Data Administration (国家数据局) promises to reduce the current confused situation of “twenty dragons ruling the waters”. Poor IPR protection for data reduces efficiency overall as it can make some companies and local governments hold tightly to data that would otherwise circulate more widely. In 1997 when I worked in the U.S. Embassy Beijing I…
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news4nose · 1 year
China musing over revisions for easing limits related to foreign stake in domestic publicly-traded companies.    
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opencommunion · 4 months
"The story of  'John Doe 1' of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is tucked in a lawsuit filed five years ago against several U.S. tech companies, including Tesla, the world’s largest electric vehicle producer. In a country where the earth hides its treasures beneath its surface, those who chip away at its bounty pay an unfair price. As a pre-teen, his family could no longer afford to pay his $6 monthly school fee, leaving him with one option: a life working underground in a tunnel, digging for cobalt rocks.  But soon after he began working for roughly two U.S. dollars per day, the child was buried alive under the rubble of a collapsed mine tunnel. His body was never recovered. 
The nation, fractured by war, disease, and famine, has seen more than 6 million people die since the mid-1990s, making the conflict the deadliest since World War II. But, in recent years, the death and destruction have been aided by the growing number of electric vehicles humming down American streets. In 2022, the U.S., the world’s third-largest importer of cobalt, spent nearly $525 million on the mineral, much of which came from the Congo.
As America’s dependence on the Congo has grown, Black-led labor and environmental organizers here in the U.S. have worked to build a transnational solidarity movement. Activists also say that the inequities faced in the Congo relate to those that Black Americans experience. And thanks in part to social media, the desire to better understand what’s happening in the Congo has grown in the past 10 years. In some ways, the Black Lives Matter movement first took root in the Congo after the uprising in Ferguson in 2014, advocates say. And since the murder of George Floyd and the outrage over the Gaza war, there has been an uptick in Congolese and Black American groups working on solidarity campaigns.
Throughout it all, the inequities faced by Congolese people and Black Americans show how the supply chain highlights similar patterns of exploitation and disenfranchisement. ... While the American South has picked up about two-thirds of the electric vehicle production jobs, Black workers there are more likely to work in non-unionized warehouses, receiving less pay and protections. The White House has also failed to share data that definitively proves whether Black workers are receiving these jobs, rather than them just being placed near Black communities. 'Automakers are moving their EV manufacturing and operations to the South in hopes of exploiting low labor costs and making higher profits,' explained Yterenickia Bell, an at-large council member in Clarkston, Georgia, last year. While Georgia has been targeted for investment by the Biden administration, workers are 'refusing to stand idly by and let them repeat a cycle that harms Black communities and working families.'
... Of the 255,000 Congolese mining for cobalt, 40,000 are children. They are not only exposed to physical threats but environmental ones. Cobalt mining pollutes critical water sources, plus the air and land. It is linked to respiratory illnesses, food insecurity, and violence. Still, in March, a U.S. court ruled on the case, finding that American companies could not be held liable for child labor in the Congo, even as they helped intensify the prevalence. ... Recently, the push for mining in the Congo has reached new heights because of a rift in China-U.S. relations regarding EV production. Earlier this month, the Biden administration issued a 100% tariff on Chinese-produced EVs to deter their purchase in the U.S. Currently, China owns about 80% of the legal mines in the Congo, but tens of thousands of Congolese work in 'artisanal' mines outside these facilities, where there are no rules or regulations, and where the U.S. gets much of its cobalt imports.  'Cobalt mining is the slave farm perfected,' wrote Siddharth Kara last year in the award-winning investigative book Cobalt Red: How The Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives. 'It is a system of absolute exploitation for absolute profit.' While it is the world’s richest country in terms of wealth from natural resources, Congo is among the poorest in terms of life outcomes. Of the 201 countries recognized by the World Bank Group, it has the 191st lowest life expectancy."
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afeelgoodblog · 17 days
The Best News of Last Month - August 2024
1.Negative Power Prices Hit Europe as Renewable Energy Floods the Grid
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European power markets are experiencing a notable shift as renewable energy sources, particularly wind and solar, become a larger part of the energy mix. On Wednesday, power prices in several European markets, including Germany, dipped below zero due to a surge in green electricity production.
2. Taiwan introduces ban on performances by captive wild animals
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Live performances by wild animals held in captivity, including performances by dolphins, tigers, and other non-domesticated mammals, will no longer be permitted in Taiwan under new Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) regulations.
3. FTC bans fake online reviews, inflated social media influence; rule takes effect in October
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The FTC voted unanimously to ban marketers from using fake reviews, such as those generated with AI technology, and other misleading advertising practices.
The ban also forbids marketers from exaggerating their own influence by, for example, paying for bots to inflate their follower count.
4. Chinese drones will fly trash out of Everest slopes
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Come autumn, Nepal will deploy heavy lifter drones to transport garbage from the 6,812-metre tall Ama Dablam, south of Everest. This will be the first commercial work an unmanned aerial vehicle does in Nepal’s high-altitude zone.
The heavy lifter from China’s biggest drone maker, Da Jiang Innovations (DJI), will take on tasks traditionally handled by Sherpas. Officials believe it will help reduce casualties on Everest.
5. Swiss scientists have found a way to use the whole cocoa fruit to make chocolate and not just taking beans and discarding the rest.
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Kim Mishra (L) and Anian Schreiber (R) cooperated on the new chocolate making process
Food scientists in Switzerland have come up with a way to make chocolate using the entire cocoa fruit rather than just the beans - and without using sugar.
The chocolate, developed at Zurich’s prestigious Federal Institute of Technology by scientist Kim Mishra and his team includes the cocoa fruit pulp, the juice, and the husk, or endocarp.
6. Six-year-old boy found in Vietnam forest after five days
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A six-year-old boy who was missing for five days has been found deep in a forest in Vietnam. Dang Tien Lam, who lives in the northwestern Yen Bai province, was playing in a stream with his nine siblings on 17 August when he wandered into the hills and got lost, local reports said.
He was found on Wednesday by local farmers who heard a child's cry while they were clearing a cinnamon field close to the forest.
7. Lego plans to make half the plastic in bricks from renewable materials by 2026
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Lego plans to make half the plastic in its bricks from renewable or recycled material rather than fossil fuels by 2026, in its latest effort to ensure its toys are more environmentally friendly.
The Danish company last year ditched efforts to make bricks entirely from recycled bottles because of cost and production issues. At the moment, 22% of the material in its colourful bricks is not made from fossil fuels.
That's it for this month :)
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