#Chris Porter
howlingday · 1 year
Ruby: Uncle Qrow, you're single, right?
Qrow: Yup! Thirty-seven and single, because everyone plans for that, right?
Qrow: Right? Nobody is attending an academy, thinking, "I'm just gonna wait until the end and see who's left," right?
Qrow: Worse yet, there's not a lot of single thirty-seven-year-olds, and if they are put there, then they fall into one of three categories.
Qrow: First off are the career-oriented type, usually successful. So I'm out, because she's got a three-piece suit, and I've got a pair of slacks I haven't seen in ten years.
Qrow: Second types are the one who were in a long, steady relationship and it ended. They are like Mountain Glenn. Sure, he's pretty on the outside, but there's some fucked up shit that happened inside him.
Qrow: Last are the type who are single their whole lives, but that's only because their therapist hasn't found the right pill combo to make them safe to be around. They'll break into your fucking house and set cats on fire!
Qrow: I don't even own a cat! They brought the cat in with them!
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tinyshe · 10 months
Hi Sweetheart. I was wondering if you could do a Prayer Request for my friend Chris Porter.He’s battling a few types of cancer at once and He really needs Prayers. My sister asked you for a prayer request for me and Praise Jesus 🙏🏻 and this is the time of Miracles! Thank you 😇
With much love and affection, Kris! Yes! Always believe in Miracles! Never stop believing!
Father, hear our prayers. You already know what we ask before we do but please as we humbly come before you, we lift Chris Porter up for healing if it be Your will. Please Lord, we ask for Your healing touch.
I ask that St Peregrine, St Josemaria Escriva, all the angel's and saints, and people of prayer, would please intercede on Chris' behalf. Mother Mary, please stay close by his side. I ask Lord that Chris be healed. Please give Chris peace and strength. Cancer can be too very much scary, God! may we always remember to always turn to you. I pray please that Chris understands, no matter what this journey brings that he is loved and supported in prayer. Most of all, I pray that Chris knows and feels the love Jesus has for him! and that Chris knows that Jesus will be with him no matter what. I also ask in loving prayer support for his family and friends that love him dearly, that they too have peace and love filling their hearts, not fear nor dismay For Hope Springs Eternal! Thank You Jesus!! In all things we ask, through Christ we pray, Amen.
Please pray for Chris. Pray for his family and friends.
Thank you all that add your loving prayers of support and your intercessions in this time of need. God bless you.
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spilladabalia · 2 years
David Bowie - Ashes To Ashes
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hargitayworld · 6 months
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“dad are you sure you don’t want to try?”
“no that’s okay take your mom, i’ll wait here”
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p-c-ba-dcforever · 1 year
Batman/Superman pt 2
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lucyfrostblade · 5 months
oh my junior year favorite characters? kipperlilly copperkettle, figueroth faeth, and porter cliffbreaker. i don't think this says anything at me at all
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the-gershomite · 2 months
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Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #8 -March 1994-
DC comics (1-29 of 54)
written by Darwin McPherson
pencils by Howard Porter
inked by Andrew Pepoy
letters by Chris Eliopoulos
colors by Gina Going
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junkyard-gifs · 1 year
Nobody: absolutely nobody: US tour 5 Mistoffelees behind the girls' relevee:
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Chaz Wolcott not only just showing off all his various spinnies with total "what, like it's hard?" aplomb...
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...but also matching the girls' attitude with his leg sir this is frankly unreasonable why are your spinnies always so extra
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2011–2012, the final year of US tour 5 (notice that's Tantomile to Victoria's right, and she and Coricopat only existed in that year of this production!).
Beyond Chaz I'm not sure exactly who's on in this video, but if they're first cast that would be Chris Stevens as Tugger, Hillary Porter as Rumpelteazer, and Jordan Dunlap as Victoria. Tantomile was an onstage swing role so she could be any one of several actors.
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gameofthunder66 · 2 months
True Blood (2008-2014) tv series
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-(finished) watchin' Season 3- 8/1/2024- 3 stars- on Max (Hulu)
68% Rotten Tomatoes
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mndvx · 1 year
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fashionartfilmalien · 5 months
Even during war or most working Americans struggling with inflation or women losing their reproductive rights, the elite and powerful have their annual Met Gala fundraiser which is 75,000 per ticket. The Met Gala is kinda The Hunger Games, and their capital outfits. This is a week after celebs attended the White House Correspondents Dinner to wine and dine with the very politicians who are financially enabling what is happening in Gaza now. Jessica Seinfeld enabled pro Israel counter protestors who then violently attacked student and faculty professors at UCLA. Despite celebrities or people in power who have been called out for their problematic behavior like other elites, they don’t face consequences from J.LO, Lizzo, Jimmy Fallon who were also there. Even when the world burns, and genocide is being committed the elite and powerful will have their fancy soirée while the rest of us face real issues they never will. #metgala #metgala2024 #gaza #elitism #eliteandpowerful #hungergames
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obviouschild2014 · 11 months
mash is allowed to have shitty sets and continuity errors because it was made with enough love to still be sending echoes through time to us 50 years later. Im talking big budget modern tv shows they have no excuse. Either youre better call saul or youre not trying hard enough
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 4 months
A Calculated Risk
Characters: John Porter x Raymond Merville x OC Dina Sayed
Lyn's Writing Event 2024 - Week 3 - Day 17
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May 17th: Week 3: Egyptian
Characters: John Porter x (crossover) Raymond de Merville (Modern AU) x OC Dina Sayed
Fandom: Richard Armitage – John Porter/ Raymond de Merville – Strike Back (Project Dawn- Porter Lives AU)/Pilgrimage
the character of John Porter was created by Chris Ryan, adapted for television by Simon Burke and Frank Spotnitz
the character of Raymond de Merville was created by Jamie Hannigan for the film Pilgrimage
Word Count: 2k ++
Warnings: military protocols, violence, graphic language, potential character death, fluff, angst, implied sexual relationships, money laundering, arms dealing, love triangle, rescue, espionage.
(This will be a full story – this is all I could get done in the time allotted, but it will continue this month. Also I keep using the name “John” and “Porter” interchangeably. I may go back and alter that later on. Sorry if it causes confusion)
            Porter got his assignment that morning as he stepped onto the plane in Istanbul, Turkey. The two-hour flight gave him enough time to go over the dossier of Raymond Merville, a known arms dealer who had asked for assistance in retrieval in Egypt from a compound in Siwa Oasis. His commander, ________ (female commander) was very insistent, “Make sure you get him back in one piece, he’s a delicate piece of intel, but he is also a complete asshole.” John snickered over the coms as she said that.
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. Is there some package or whatever, or just him I am securing?”
Commander Eleanor Grant spoke carefully, “we need him, in person for the briefing, just get him here.”
“Understood,” John Porter responded, the call ended. Porter set his phone down on the table in front of him on the plane. And picked up the dossier again, opening it ceremoniously, and flipping through files, seeing a picture of Raymond in the file.
There wasn’t a lot to like about Raymond Merville, other than his penchant for drinking and gambling, along with arms dealing. He liked local flavors, and was well known to be a womanizer, John could respect that, as he was a bit of cad sometimes, but. The more he read the more it was reported that women he got involved with ended up missing. Including a journalist, an attaché, and two former undercover SAS agents. John gritted his teeth and furrowed his brow, looking out through the open window of the plane, a member of his team is not something he can contend with, even if it wasn’t on his watch, but two? Like it or not, Raymond was deadly to most women, and to intelligent and capable women to boot.
Porter made it his mission to keep him away from as many women as possible during the retrieval. The only reason he was going in, was that he looked similar enough to Raymond that his CO thought they could do a bait and switch with the Arab compound. A message came through the com – and he looked at it, it read, “New intel indicates he has an Egyptian national with him, Dina Sayed, CEO of a Financial Institution in Alexandria.” A picture of Dina Sayed popped up on his phone screen and Porter’s heart fluttered than sunk into his belly.
Porter spoke into his phone, “He’s escalating” he said sighing heavily.
Commander Grant, “I agree. Please keep an eye out for her, we both know her fate if you don’t.” Porter nodded, “Yes, I understand.”  
“Be careful out in Siwa, its pretty far from support, so make sure you have proper transportation in and out, we’ll rendezvous with you at the coordinates I sent,” Commander Grant explained.
“And Porter?” Commander said in question, “Yes?” Porter responded, “Its good to have you back.”
Porter smiled, as he looked out the window again, descending into Alexandria, “Good to be back.”  The plane landed in normal pace and as it hit the tarmac, Porter lurched in his seat, remembering the landings he has had in the past that were actually less smooth. He shook his head, clearing old memories and demons from his mind.
Raymond woke up with Dina’s arm draped across his chest, she stirred as he peeled her arm off his chest and snuck to the lavatory for a piss. He rubbed sleep from his eyes and felt the heat already creeping across the open door in his room on the compound. He pulled the glass doors closed, and the light-colored linen drapes stilled. Dina moaned against the duvet, “What time is it?” Raymond looked over at her, nearly naked in his bed and smiled like a cat with a canary. He approached the bed and sat down, clad in only shorts, “Time for you to get to work, love,” he said, his French-English accent whispering to her. Dina rolled away from him and sat up, retrieving her top off the floor and slipping it on, “Yeah, I know. I was hoping for some breakfast first.” She coyly smirked back at him over her shoulder as she stood.
Raymond came up behind her, across the bed and kissed her shoulder, “We can, soon. Let’s just get this thing done for Amed and then we can go wherever you want to go in the Oasis.”
Dina looked at him, “Amed said we couldn’t leave, how do you suppose we are going anywhere?”
Raymond sighed against her skin, kissing it, and causing tingles down her spine, he was so attractive, Dina thought. He was definitely wrong for her, she knew that when he approached her in that club 3 weeks ago. But he knew people, and Dina wanted to grow her business, even if it meant dealing with people that could, harm her.
Raymond kissed her neck again coming around the front of her and put his hand on the back of her neck, looking hard in her eyes, “We will get out of here, I promise you. I arranged a retrieval with my government,”
Dina stepped away from him, “What? In Amed’s house? Are you nuts?” Dina walked briskly into the lavatory. Raymond on her feet, “Dina! (he lowered his tone) Dina. Please. I can’t get out of this any other way this time. Amed does not let anyone leave this place without a fucking delivery or a toe tag. (he talked wildly with his hands) I need your money to get him his delivery.”  
Dina looked at him through the reflection in the mirror, “How do you want me to do this then? Because I’m not dying for you.” Raymond put his arms around her and looked at her in the mirror set into his chest, “I’m not letting you go, until I say.” His eyes darkened a little as he kissed her shoulder again and left the room. Dina shuddered, and splashed some water on her face, it was tepid, in the desert, water isn’t cold, even in the Oasis. She dried her face with a hand towel and straightened herself up a bit. Heading back to the bedroom where Raymond was casually leaning against the floor to ceiling doorway he had closed earlier.
Raymond turned to her, and smiled slightly, Dina approached him, tipping up to kiss him on the mouth, “I will make the arrangements for you, it should take a few hours, can you tell him that?” Dina came back down on her heels and he held her, looking into her eyes, “Yes, I can, thank you,” he nudged her cheek with his nose, and then dropped his hands sighing as he stared out at the Oasis. Dina finished getting dressed and pulled her laptop out of her large purse by the bed.
She pulled a key fob out of the purse as well, it had a read out that changed every 60 seconds for security, and never repeated a combination. Raymond watched her every move silently. Dina pressed her fingerprint to a key pad on the laptop keyboard and the computer loaded into a login program. She typed in her password and pressed Enter. It opened to an accounts setting. Dina scrolled through and found the corresponding wire information. She turned to Raymond then, “What’s his acct number?”  Raymond stepped towards her, and pulled out his phone, scanning they a folder and then showing her, but still not talking. “Thank you” she said, looking at it, and typing it into the form. She got the corresponding information and prepared the wire, “Amount?” She looked at him again, realizing he was standing just behind her, Dina felt a bit nervous with him right on top of her like that.
“45 millions euros.” He said casually. Dina smirked a little, that’s a good chunk for her she thought, he fee is 3% of transfer. Dina did the calculations, and sent through the wire, removing her fee ahead of the schedule. She looked at her device as the program prompted and typed in the 6 digit code before it switched again. The confirmation came up, and she looked at the “pending” status, and logged out swiftly. “There you go, all set.” Dina beamed up at Raymond, as she closed her laptop and tucked the device under her shirt.
Raymond beamed back at her, “Great. I will go tell Amed he can expect it soon,”
Dina walked to the window, “Less my fee of course”, a sly smirk rising. Raymond’s voice faltered, “You took it right away?” Dina looked at him, “Yes, why?” Raymond cleared his throat, “That’s very bold of you, what do I do about the discrepancy?” Dina looked down a moment, “You tell it’s a fee charge, what else, look I’m not doing this for a laugh. I need my own money to shift the company.” Raymond nodded, “I know, I want to help you, but this is a tricky deal, we have to be smart, how much did you take?” Dina turned, “1.3 million.” Raymond looked thoughtful, “I see, and where is that now? In your bra?” Dina looked more serious at him, “Don’t be ridiculous its in my other account.” 
Raymond rubbed her arms and up to her shoulders from behind, leaning into her shoulders a bit as they both stared out through the window. His hands squeezing menacingly, “Where am I supposed to get the other money then?” Dina shifted against his weight. “I told you 45 million clean, now your playing around, taking fees, he doesn’t know about?” Dina moved out of his grip, but he was fast and gripped her arm again. Twisting her to face him, “You don’t understand,” Raymond said.
Dina snapped back at him, “No You don’t understand, I am doing You a favor,” she pointed at his chest, walking him backwards, “And You will respect my position here.”
Raymond started to laugh, “Darling, the only position you are here for is to be on all fours, and give me that money,” Dina slapped him across the face, and moved to leave the room. Raymond was right behind her, pulling her back against his chest, “Don’t cross me either, I may be a pussycat, my dear but I can be fierce,” he nearly growled in her hair. Dina shuddered, staying still under his grasp, waiting for her opportunity to get away.
“Look, we can tell him together, if your so,” she swallowed, “nervous.” Raymond towered over her and placed a kiss on the top of her head, “Yeah, yeah, let’s do that,” his grip loosened as he calculated. Dina relaxed momentarily and they both exited the room to the main part of the compound.
            John secured a jeep and some gear, just enough supplies for the trek there and back. His rendezvous was just outside Marsa Malruh, near a small Bedouin village with a tourist salt cave. He had 28 hours to get Raymond and get him back to the rendezvous point. John thought about the woman, Dina, trying to figure out if he would have to retrieve her too. Surely if she was with Raymond, she knew the risk of staying in that compound. The compound in question was owned by Amed Al-Siwa, a very intense man with dark eyes and large hands. He had a short temper and a powerful sense of loyalty and honor.
It was 6 pm local time and Porter was driving into the sunset along the northern coast of Egypt, 6 hours on the road would get him to the compound just after midnight, and that meant, two things, the element of surprise, and cooler temperatures. Porter drove as the highway carried him to the southern roadway about 3 hours in. He stopped for petrol and pounded some caffeine pills he snagged in the shop. Its nothing but darkness in the desert at night, and wild animals, Porter wanted to stay alert. Porter checked his gear one more time, retrieving his Glock 9mm, and set it between the seats. He didn’t plan on getting stopped at the tolls, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen.
@scariusaquarius @riepu10 @sweetestgbye @lathalea
@middleearthpixie @evenstaredits @legolasbadass
Lyn's Writing Event 2024
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
DC Comics Announces “Knight Terrors” Event
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DC Comics has revealed that the “Dawn of DC” Summer event is Knight Terrors, from writer Joshua Williamson and artists Howard Porter, Guillem March, and more. The event will feature multiple 2-issue miniseries from different creative teams that will each feature a hero or villain having to confront their worst nightmares in the “Nightmare Realm.” This isn’t just bad dreams, though, as whatever happens to them in the Nightmare Realm is reflected in the Waking World.  
In the Knight Terrors miniseries, “Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman find the body of one of their earliest enemies at the Hall of Justice. Their investigation takes them past the land of the living, beyond the land of the dead, into a realm of nightmares . The only way to save the world is to call for the help of an unlikely hero, Deadman.” (DC Comics)  
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Knight Terrors kicks off in July 2023. However, fans can get an early look at Knight Terrors on May 6, 2023′s, Free Comic Book Day with Dawn of DC Knight Terrors Free Comic Book Day Special Edition from writer Williamson and artists Porter and Chris Bachalo.  “After a long night of crime-fighting with his father, Batman, Damian Wayne sleeps. But horrors invade his teenage dreams. Damian has seen a lot, but there is something different about this nightmare.” (DC Comics)
(Images via DC Comics - Cover of Knight Terrors and Jason Fabok’s Cover of Dawn of DC Knight Terrors Free Comic Book Day Special Edition)
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smashpages · 2 years
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DC will release Knight Terrors Free Comic Book Day Special Edition on May 6, featuring a story by Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter and Chris Bachalo, doing his first work for the publisher in 20 years. Jason Fabok drew the cover for the free comic, which ties into the bigger Knight Terrors event running through DC’s titles in July and August.
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