#Christmas Ransom
oceanusborealis · 2 years
The Best Australian Cinema in 2022
The Best Australian Cinema in 2022
It was a fantastic year for Australian Cinema, with each film I saw knocking it out of the park. There were intimate documentaries, films that held up a mirror to society, and those that brought the action to a new level. This list will look more at the locally-made Australian productions/co-productions and not just films filmed in Australia.So without further ado, these are the best Australian…
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martyrbat · 9 months
wasnt going to put it in the tags of that person's post but i fully believe clark kent will have the angriest hatefuck of his life with santa claus btw
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Messy Christmas: The Perfect Hallmark Christmas Movie Fanfiction
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(so sugarsweet/crazy you might want to rethink what you’ve done with your time)
(aka a pretty realistic summary of all Hallmark movies as a whole)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader, Ransom Drysdale x reader
Summary: imagine all Hallmark movies but then with Bucky and a little bit of Ransom...I seriously don't know how to summarize this. Just sit back read, and let the magic of Christmas flow through you.
Word count: 1680
No Warnings 👍🏻 (technically cheating, because; Hallmark🤷🏻��♀️.) Also confusing options because I had to capture most tropes in one.
Notes: this was written last Christmas in fun and is therefore silly and not meant to be taken serious in any way. It was caused by a Hallmark challenge, and this just popped out. ... And then I also made that picture above🤦‍♀️👍🏻
Only for the most hardened readers... You might regret this but you are an experience richer... Not a good experience but let's face it, can it get worse then this? It can only go up from here. 🫣
You had forgotten how small the town was. 
You had left 10 years ago for a reason, you needed to get out of there. Spread your wings and have opportunities you'd never get there. Sure, you loved your family, but you could do that at a distance, only a phone call away. Besides, they weren't going anywhere, no one was down here. Except you. 
Sometimes you felt a little guilty, it wasn't your fault you were amazingly talented at business, unlike the rest of your town, but you realized they just missed you, because you were a really nice person. No one in your new town thought so, because everyone else was also busy with business, and not busy with people, but luckily you had met the second love of your life, Ransom.
Ransom and you had met at his business, when he tried to make a deal with yours, and it was love at third date. He was a little boring at times, with the routine he kept at all times, but his hair and clothing sense was spectacular! You really fell for *insert haircut* and his perfect white teeth. In return he liked your work ethic and your cozy but clean apartment that didn't have any personal decorations.
It all went perfectly, he had even proposed, just before the phone rang and informed you of an emergency in your old town. It was a shock to find out your dad got sick/your family tree business was failing/cookies needed to be baked for charity/the Christmas Parade needed to be handled, and only you had the skills to pull it off/you got fired at your job and had to go home to lick your wounds/your parents lied to trick you to come back/you needed something from someone else to succeed more at your current business. There was barely time to say yes to your now fiance, before you booked your ticket and went straight to the airport.
The trip only seemed to be about 10 minutes, which was lucky because you needed to be home soon, but you had just enough time to reminisce about your past. All the faces of old friends popped up inside your brain like a weird montage reminding  you of all the things you had tried to forget.
Then you arrived home.
Nothing changed, including your bedroom. Everyone had remembered what an amazing person you were and was very glad to see you back, almost like they'd been stuck in time waiting for your arrival. This made you feel warmer than ever, a feeling you had forgotten all these years, but you also reminded yourself you had business to return to.
Oh and a fiancee. But you hadn't told your family yet, surely there was time for that later? You weren't even sure if you were going to invite everyone to the wedding. They would probably not fit in with the rest of the well dressed people, so they probably didn't even want to come.
After walking through town - which took about 30 minutes and you basically met everyone right away who started bringing up old random, but cute, memories with you, causing you to smile so much it hurt the corners of your mouth and made you look slightly insane - you finally bumped into your old flame, Bucky.
Like literally bumped into him. It was weird because he hadn't been there a second before, but you might've been distracted by warm cozy feelings.
It was awkward at first, but also because all your old feelings caused you to have more feelings now! And you shouldn't because you were engaged, but no one knew that.
So when Bucky invited you for coffee/baking with his niece/helping with a show for the school/ice skating, you accepted.
Just like old friends!
Who used to fuck a lot. But just because you've seen him naked a lot, didn't mean you couldn't see him as a person, so you would see him exactly like that. A person with a brain and interests and feelings…just like the feelings you had for each other when you were younger…before you left town to grow up.
During the date, you kept gazing into his beautiful eyes, and smiling every time he said something funny. And you were genuinely happy, because it was so easy to be around Bucky, even if his hair was stylishly disheveled, and he wore a very simple sweater and boots that showed he wasn't paying 6 months paychecks for business clothes, but he was so kind and giving.
It seemed all his time was spent helping others! He was such a good person. You’d forgotten what it was like to not only be a nice person, but a giving person, and he had this sense of community you only ever had in this old town of yours.
And then you tripped and he caught you/you and him were left alone after family dinner he was also invited to - even if it was your parents house - and they were suddenly gone/you went outside to say goodbye while snow was falling around you, and he kissed you!
And you kissed back because you suddenly realized all those old feelings had come back.
And just when you were going to make a confession (perhaps about your fiance, but maybe just confess your eternal feelings; you didn't know), Ransom showed up.
It was so very awkward. Not even because of the kiss, but because he clearly didn't fit into the family. Suddenly he was rude and uncaring, said things you had also said before, but suddenly sounded worse coming from his mouth! And he seemed to look down on your family, perhaps because you had as well all these years, but now you were here and just been kissed by a hunk, this behavior was unacceptable!
You told him off, but he didn't get it. Even if you were very clear, suddenly his intelligence had left him and he had forgotten his manners too!
And then Bucky stepped in telling him off when Ransom was kind of slightly raising his voice - because you had been acting weird and weren't answering his questions what was going on - it wasn't like you were in danger since Ransom kept a good distance, and had never been violent and just seemed a little frustrated. But he figured out instantly what was going on. So he asked to talk to you privately.
And you two went alone, 2 meters away, so Bucky could listen in on the conversation, but also didn't seem to hear anything that was being said. He could see your expressions of heartache clearly though. The tears in your eyes, and eventually the hugging you did with your fiance.
He left with a very sad expression on his face while he walked home, where he soon arrived even if the distance should’ve been farther, and then sat alone in the living room, staring at a picture from when you were much younger and clearly happy.
But meanwhile you were looking for him because your fiance had just broken up with you, since he didn't know how to handle the fact you had feelings in general, but especially for Bucky. He left without saying goodbye to your parents, even if he only just arrived 2 hours before.
You found Bucky easily, because there had only been 3 settings where he could be. And when you arrived, your nose was so red from the cold, but in a cute way, not with snot running down your face and watery eyes. But in a glowing beautiful kind of way?
And Bucky was hesitant, because you had just broken his heart all over again, but your hopeful small smile gave him hope anyway.
You admitted to having been engaged, but you were not engaged anymore because you loved Bucky!
Then you were worried. What if he didn't love you back?
He had kissed you, but people did that all the time! Like when your boss’s assistant kissed him when he made a good deal. That didn't mean anything either, because he was married, so…
But then Bucky stared into your eyes from really uncomfortably close, and told you he had always loved you, since you were kids.
You wondered for a moment if he had even been with anyone else, with how intense he was speaking. If he had always only loved you, and was kind of hoping you came back all this time…jeez he was going to pop as soon as you grabbed him!
But your thoughts halted when he kissed you again. He was a very good kisser, and there was a lot of kissing and did you hear music somewhere??
Next thing you knew it was a year later and you and bucky were at your parents for another Christmas. Hadn't you just celebrated Christmas? Bucky was again kissing you, and then finished with a very sweet kiss to your ringed hand, showing you had gotten married. And your kid looked just like Bucky. You just hoped it was going to have the same caring helping personally their father had! And his baking skills. And his handyman skills. And his ice-skating skills. And his Theatre skills. And his Christmas trees selling skills.. And his- your mother put a cookie into your mouth unexpectedly, causing you to focus on nibbling on it, without ever really eating it.
And you were very happy with your love. You'd given up your business to start a bakery/run for mayor/start the same business in this town/working for prosperity for the whole town/be a family woman.
With Bucky by your side you'd never want for anything, and now you always kept smiling this wide smile, a smile that hadn't yet reached your eyes.
The End.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
CC Day 5 🎄
Model Ransom and pregnant reader caught under the mistletoe please
Christmas Countdown day 5 — Get caught under the mistletoe
“I thought you wanted to go to this party alone? You said that you didn’t want to be weighed down by a date?” He’s looking at you through the reflection of the mirror, his place at the end of the hotel bed rigid, as he’s dressed in a sleek tux.
He got invited, or rather his PR and publicist had arranged for his attendance, to the Christmas bash that took place a few weeks before Christmas. Ransom had told you that he was going alone, that he wanted to go solo and not have to worry about a date.
“Fuck, I’m just…” he looked away, his clean face and smooth jaw clenching as he looked out the pristine window. “I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of going to these parties and leaving with some woman on my arm that I’ll forget in the morning.”
He looked back at you, his Adams apple bobbing as he inhaled and exhaled slowly. He was coming to terms with his self-fuelled honesty, his changing desires as you grew in your pregnancy.
“I’ve spent enough christmases alone and been to enough parties without a date, or shit even with a date…”
You paused while applying lipstick to compliment your dress, instead you watched his reflection in the mirror and the sullen expression on his face. Ransom was older now, approaching 41, and he had never once been in a meaningful relationship.
Everything was short term.
“I want someone who matters.” He was surprisingly in tune with his emotional needs, a surprising twist from the actor you’d met at the event, the one who’d taken you home to fuck and then dropped the next day.
“I think it’ll be fun.” You finished your lipstick and stood, smoothing the delicately sequinned dress over your growing baby bump, hands rubbing the protrusion.
“So…” you turned and walked out of the bathroom, turning in a slow circle for Ransom. “How do I look?”
He watched you, he looked you up and down from head to toe while paying special attention to your bump. His eyes settled in and he had swallowed thickly again, his jaw clenching and his hands balled.
“It looks terrible, doesn’t it? Shit…I didn’t bring another dress-“
“You look good.” Ransom cut you off, giving you a short compliment though it was the look in his eyes that conveyed more. “You look really good.”
“Thank you, Ransom.” You grasped your clutch from the surface of the dresser nearest the bed, and tucked it under your arm. “Its not to late to change your mind. You could go solo.”
“There’s always next year.” He settled his hand on the small of your back as he led you out.
** **
“You’re hiding out.” Ransom hears your voice and he had downed the champagne in his glass, tempted to drop it from the balcony just to hear and see it smash against the concrete. The party was going on inside, the elite and the greats celebrating each other while ransom took to the cool and fresh air on the balcony.
“Everything okay?” You called after him, joining him outside instead of being among the famous people. “You’re out here alone-“
“I felt it move.” Ransom had cut you off, turning to face you.
“What?” Your eyebrows had furrowed and your lips had pursed. “You felt-?”
“I felt our baby move. When I put my hand on your belly…” Ransom walked back toward you, his eyes fixated on your baby bump beneath your dress. “My PA told me its about time they start moving.”
“You felt-“ your set your hands upon your own belly, feeling the same movements he had. “Ransom I didn’t know you would have-“
“Out of everyone in that room, and you’re the only one I keep being drawn to. Everything you do…” Ransom had gently pushed you back a few steps and then he cupped the back of your neck with one hand.
“I thought all of this wasn’t meant for someone like me. The baby, the girlfriend at home waiting for me…” ransom used his other hand to cup your cheek, and tilted your head back.
“But I want it all.” Ransom kissed you tenderly, he kissed you softly until heat erupted between you and then his kiss grew more passionate.
He kissed you to steal your breath.
He kissed you to steal your heart and soul, and then he pulled away and rest his forehead against your own.
“They’re gonna print pictures of this tomorrow and blame it on the mistletoe.” Ransom exhaled, warm breath radiating across your face.
“Mistletoe, good excuse-“
“Its not an excuse.” Ransom corrected you, brushing his thumb back and forth over your cheek. “I did it because I wanted to.”
“I’m tired of being alone. I want to spend all Christmas with you.”
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Choose Your Words Carefully ~ Ransom Drysdale
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Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x F! Reader
Words: 2.2k
Summary: After the events of All Grown Up, you are living with your choices and some of the Thrombeys are not happy…
Warnings: degradation (and not in a good way 😏, Smut, angst, Harlen being an absolute 👑 and Ransom being Ransom.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
AN: it would be recommended to read the first part to understand. You can read it here
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You never really regretted your decision. It was the right one for your career, for your life, for you desires.  Because every night, as promised, Ransom was there to take care of you, worship you, make you feel things you never did with Ben.  That night you called Ransom changed your life.  For the better.
Until you met Walt Thrombey.
When you left Ben and went to Ransom, Ransom introduced you to Harlen.  Harlen was so impressed with your skills, he hired you on the spot to be his editor.  Which of course, Walt took exception to. But you took it, not willing to give Walt the satisfaction of knowing how much he got to you. It seems you were accepted by the rest of the Thrombeys and Drysdales except for Joni, who hated competition, and Walt.
"YN! Why are these manuscripts still here?  I thought my father told you to edit and file." Walt was in your face about the stack of manuscripts that you had just received yesterday.
"Walt, since I'm not done editing, I can't file.  I'll have them done by the end of the week."
"That's simply not good enough Miss YLN.  You may be screwing my nephew, but Harlen makes the rules here."
"How does what I do with Ransom affect my job here?"
"Since he must be fucking you stupid, you may want to hold back so you can get your work done. You are just the flavor of the month after all."  Walt let out a cruel laugh as he walked away.
That one hurt.
You finished up the manuscript you were working on and closed up for the evening.  You kept the tears at bay while you drove.  Once you got to your apartment, you send a message to Ransom.
YN: I don't feel up to decorating tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
You changed into Ransom's white cable knit sweater and some knee-high socks.  Making a simple dinner and picking up a book, you made yourself as small as possible on the couch, not wanting to let your emotions get to you. Your phone rang and you saw it was Ransom calling. You debated letting it roll to voicemail but knew that would lead to consequences later. "Hello?"
Princess, what's the matter?
"Nothing.  I'm just tired."
Stop lying to me Princess.
"I had a bad day with Walt ok. I just want to relax and try to get rid of these feelings," you tell him as you try not to sob, a lone tear finally falling.
YN, what did he tell you?
"It doesn't matter Ransom.  I'll be fine.  I'm just not up to decorating for Christmas.  I'll call later ok?"
Princess, don't shut me out.
"I'm not.  I just need some time."  You hang up and curl back up, wanting to get lost in the book you are reading and not think about your boyfriend's family.
An hour later there is a knock at the door that draws you out of your imagination.  You get up and answer to find Random holding some bags and a tree.  "Ransom?"
"Look, I don't give a shit if you are up to it or not.  You are my Princess and I only want to see you happy.  So, we are going to put up these decorations, I'm going to have my way with you and you tell me what that motherfucker said to you." He puts down the bags.  "I care about you Princess." He kisses you deep and you moan at the intrusion.  "There she is, my Princess."
Ransom sets up the tree as you start to unbox all the decorations he bought.  "How did you get the tree here?"
"I tied it to the top of the Beamer. Hopefully I didn't scratch it."
You pour some scotch for Ransom and a hot chocolate for yourself as you decorate around the apartment.  You sit on the floor looking up at the tree when Ransom throws a blanket near the fireplace, along with a couple of pillows.  "Babe, what are you doing?"
"I'm cold and you are in my sweater so I'm going to lie down next to the fire.  Wanna join me?" His look of pure lust fills your eyes, and you crawl over to him and straddle him as he lays on his back. His fingers dance on your thighs, just below the hem of the sweater.  "Have I told you how much I love this look on you?"
"No, you haven't," you say with a hitch in your breath. He runs his hands from your knees and up to your ass, noticing that you aren't wearing shorts like he assumed, just your panties.
"You've been in your panties this whole time?"  You nod and bite your bottom lip. "Oh Princess, were you hoping that I would show up so I can see you like this?"  You nod again slowly.  "Good."  His hands run up north and feels that you haven't been wearing a bra either.  He groans and pulls on your nipple, earning him an arch of your back and a moan that goes down to his balls.
He pulls you down so he can kiss you deep, his tongue invading your mouth, showing his dominance.  Its what you love about him, that he isn't afraid to play you like a violin.  He flips you over, never letting go of the kiss, at the same time hitching a leg over his hip. You can feel his hard cock through his jeans, rubbing it against your cunt, making your moan even louder.
Ransom hooks your panties and starts to slide them down.  He slides down as well and kisses the inside of your legs, teasing you. "Ransom," you whine.
"Do you want me to stop?  Because whiny girls don't get rewards."  He smiled devilishly at you, knowing that you wanted him. He smacked your thigh and you yelped.
"No, I'm sorry."
"Good girl."  He went back to work, nipping and sucking on your skin until he finally lapped at your clit, hearing a porn worthy moan come from you.  "Is my princess happy now?  Hmm... does she like it when I do this to her?"  He began to suck and lick over your cunt and clit, making you squirm and squeal.
"Baby, please!"  You were trying to wait for permission, to relish in the passion you were feeling.
"What do you want princess?  You want to cum?  Want me to taste you?"  Ransom teased with two fingers before plunging them in and hearing you scream.  He pumped his fingers in faster, listening to the squelching from the amount of moisture in your pussy.  "Cum now princess!"
You released with another scream, and he worked you through your climax.  When you started to calm, he pulled his sweater off of your body, leaving you just in your socks and undressed himself.  "You are so beautiful princess. I'm still happy you came to me after the reunion."
"Didn't have a choice baby.  I couldn't leave your dick even if I tried."  You kissed him hard and nipped at his lip.
"Oh princess, this pussy is still the best in the world." He pushed in slowly, almost too slowly, leaving you needy and wanton.  He finally bottomed out and you just needed him to move.  You tilted your hips up and he started, slow at first until he was pounding in you.  He felt you tighten again.  "C'mon princess, I know you have one more in you, I've seen you give me five our first time."
"Ransom, I'm gonna... gonna..."
"Now YN!"
That did it.  You squeezed his cock so hard in your release that it prompted his, pouring everything into you.  You both were sweating, not just from the pleasure but the heat of the fire as well.  As your breathing slowed, Ransom ran his hand through your hair.  "Tell me what happened."
You explain what Walt had said earlier.  Ransom kept hold of his temper, making sure you didn't feel him tense with anger at what Walt was saying to his girl. He could feel your tension and he just wanted to make you feel better.
"Princess, I'll talk to him ok?  He shouldn't be saying those things to you.  He can eat shit for all I care."
"Don't Ransom.  It will just make it worse." You played with his chest hair as he pulled another blanket on you.  "Let's just stay here in this moment."  You went quiet as you laid on his chest.
"What is it princess?  I know you want to say something."
You sigh and steel yourself.  "I think I'm falling in love with you, Ransom."  You kept your head on his chest and hoped you weren't an idiot.
Ransom smiled.  "I thought you knew that I was already in love with you YN."  He kissed your head.  "I wouldn't have brought the tree if I wasn't."
You finally look at him.  "Really?"
He cupped your face.  "Really.  I love you princess. And I'll do anything to see you keep smiling."
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Ransom walked into the library, a determined look on his face.  "Grandpa, can I talk to you?"
"Ransom?  Is everything ok?"
"No, its not.  Did you know that Walt has been saying very insulting things to YN?  Making comments about the fact that she is with me?"
Harlen frowned.  This was news to him and disturbing news at that.  "I wasn't aware.  Is she ok?"
"She was crying in my arms last night.  She loves working for you but she is considering leaving."
"Well, we can't have that."  Harlen rose and looked out the window.  "Do you love her Ransom?"
"What does that have to do with anything?" Ransom took a defensive pose.
"In this, it matters a great deal."  Harlen smiled.  "You know that I love YN.  She has been the best editor I have ever had and will do anything to keep her.  But I need to know if you are willing to do anything as well."
Ransom could see the wheels turning in his granddad's head.  "Yes, I love her. She's everything to me."
"Good.  That's good.  Because I have an idea."
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A few days later, it was Christmas Eve and the family had gathered at the manor.  Ransom made sure to keep you away from Walt and Donna.  They were throwing smug looks at you, knowing you were an invader and probably be gone soon.  They assumed that Ransom would be done with you soon.  You sipped your champagne and made small talk with Linda and Meg.
Harlen approached the middle of the room.  "My dear family, it gives me joy to see you all here tonight, together.  But I have an announcement I would like to make."  The family stilled, wondering what the patriarch would say.  "As you know, I have shifted my focus on writing and left the day-to-day things to Walt and YN.  I've just spoken to our attorneys, and I have decided to stop leading Blood and Wine Publishing."
"Dad, what does that mean?" Walt asked with glee.  He assumed it would leave him in charge of the publishing house and he could finally get rid of you.  He glanced at you, but you remained stoic, your left arm around Ransom's waist.
"It means, son, that I am naming my successor as Editor-In-Chief."  He looked at his family. "I'm leaving the position to my granddaughter."
"What?" The collective question was screeched as eyes swiveled to Meg.  Med who had just started college and had a petrified look on her face.
"You're leaving the position to an 18-year-old?" Linda asked.
"No of course not," Harlen said.  "I'm leaving it to my other granddaughter and my grandson."
Richard laughed.  "You don't have another granddaughter."
"You're right, Richard, my mistake.  I will have another granddaughter in what, Ransom, five months?"
All eyes were on the two of you as you removed your arm from around Ransom's waist and flashed the diamond to the room.  You looked directly at Walt.  "We wanted a spring wedding and May seemed perfect."
"But... how... you slut!" Walt jumped up and Ransom placed himself between the two of you.
"Choose your words wisely Uncle.  Because she is your boss in just a few months."  Ransom gave him a sadistic smile.  "If she lets you keep your job."
Walt stopped with realization that his well being was now in your hands.  You stepped next to Ransom and took his hand. "Linda, Richard, I know this was not how I wanted to tell you about our engagement, but I couldn't be happier with your son.  He is my prince charming."
Ransom looks down at you and leaned over for a passionate kiss.  "Oh princess.  I love you."
"Love you too, my prince."  You smiled at the rest of the family. "I hope this is happy news."  And then you looked at Walt and smirked. "I mean, I guess I was fucked into marriage Walt.  Not so stupid now."
Ransom laughed. The kingdom was theirs and his princess would soon be his queen. Merry Fucking Christmas indeed.
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@patzammit @texmexdarling @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @slutforchrisjamalevans
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anika-ann · 2 years
Merry Christmas (R.D.)
Type: one-shot, pre-Knives Out (no murder, Hugh)
Pairing: soft!Ransom Drysdale x reader          Word count: 3100
It is that time of the year and you celebrate your first Christmas with Ransom. He promised you a soft gift and a hard gift. You’re pretty sure you know what the latter will be.
But about the former? Maybe you should be worried about what Ransom Drysdale sees as “Merry Christmas”.
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Warnings: 18+, nsfw, smut because Ransom, French but in hot and endearing way, briefest angst (blink and you miss it), mention of anxiety, unhealthy amount of fluff
A/N: Loosely follows this fic, but can be read as a standalone; 
reader celebrates Christmas and gift-giving happens, but religion isn’t otherwise explicitly specified; divider by firefly-graphics 
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Slowly drifting into consciousness, you felt a smile tug on your lips; warm hand caressed your stomach, tender fingers drawing a circle around your belly button, lips pressing to your bare shoulder. A giggle escaped you at the tickly sensation, the plush lips curling up into a smile against your skin. The arm wrapped around you tightened, pressing your back firmer into your boyfriend’s front.
“Bonne matinée, mon bel ange,” Ransom whispered, voice still raspy with sleep, curling deliciously around the morning greeting.
“’s not fair to attack me so early in the morning,” you muttered, feeling heat stir in your belly, no doubt to his great satisfaction. Damn him, the charming bastard; he knew exactly how to push your buttons and him speaking French and calling you his beautiful angel pushed just about all of them at once.
His lips trailed up the side of your neck, eliciting a soft moan from your lips as you instinctively tipped your head back to accommodate his silent request for further access. His body felt perfectly solid and warm behind yours, skin to skin as a result of last night’s activities.
You had had troubles falling asleep, too worried about making the first Christmas with your boyfriend of eleven months perfect. Naturally, Ransom had had been quick to distract you, ensuring that the only thing you could think about was his name and just how well he could make you feel.
Having slept in his arms soundly, there was little to no space for anxiety now; then again, sex with Ransom was much more than only stress-relieving. Despite having plans for later which might end up with you in this very same predicament, you couldn’t find it in yourself to protest when his large palm squeezed your hip, a sweet and filthy whisper reaching your ears.
“I promised you a hard and a soft gift for today, didn’t I, angel?” he questioned as something very hard indeed made itself known against the globes of your bottom. “Let’s start with the hard one, shall we?”
In the very back of your mind, a memory of discussing gift-giving appeared, foggy and yet so clear.
The truth was, the expectations of your first Christmas had left you as excited as anxious, and the gifts – particularly their price – had had you zoning out and panicking for quite a few days. Until Ransom, bless him, couldn’t handle it anymore, deciding to confront you during one of your early December dinners.
“Alright, angel, I might not be the most perceptive guy ever, but I can tell something is bothering you. What’s wrong?” he asked you over your Thai take-out, watching with a funny mixture of caution and exasperation from across the table.
Startled from your thoughts, you didn’t manage to break it to him slowly or carefully – you just blurted it out.
“What are we going to do about Christmas?”
Ransom stared at you blankly, rendered speechless for a moment, several emotions playing on his face. As he tilted his head to side, it was carefully masked hurt that settled on his features.
“What do you… do you not want to celebrate together?”
“No! Of course I do!” you sputtered, horrified he could come to the conclusion you would abandon him to spend Christmas alone – or perhaps worse, with his horrendous family. That he’d think for even a second you didn’t want to share the lovely holiday with him. “I just… this is our first Christmas together and… this sounds so stupid, but I would never be able to afford the kind of gifts you’re probably used to and if you’re getting any ideas for me, I do not need a golden car or anything. So please don’t spend too much on me, I just…-“
You weren’t sure when your words started spilling from your lips so fast, but Ransom’s lips gradually spread into a beautiful smile, his hand covering both of yours on the table you didn’t realize you started to fumble with.
“Oh mon ange…” he hummed, running his thumb over your skin, “to be honest, you could give me an empty box or a bow around your wrist and I wouldn’t care. That’s… that’s enough.”
“But nothing. Yeah, I’m used to luxurious gifts from my family,” he shrugged, releasing your hands in order to rise to his feet and circle the table. “But you know what they really meant besides money in a different form? Jack shit…”
“Hey now-“ you scolded him, not liking how he completely dismissed what others could only wish for – even if you wholeheartedly agreed it wasn’t about how pricy a gift was, but about how you cared for the person receiving it, actually thinking before picking the first thing you saw.  
“Sorry,” he uttered, placing his palms on your shoulders, dropping a gentle kiss on the top of your head, causing your eyes to flutter at the affectionate gesture. “As for the other thing, how about I give you something soft…”
His lips brushed your temple this time, his right hand moving to warm the skin revealed by the neckline of your blouse, deft fingers slipping under the hem and under the strap of your bra and lower, petting the soft skin of your breast.
“Ransom…” you sighed blissfully, cursing yourself for giving in so easily when his mouth moved to suck at the column of your neck, his left hand cupping your breast and squeezing softly.
Focus, you needed to focus, this was a serious talk-
“… and something pretty hard.”
You giggled, the sound breathy as you felt arousal flush your underwear, Ransom’s quick fingers pinching your nipple.
“Ra-an, I was being serious.”
“Uh huh,” he hummed, smiling against your skin before retreating and pushing your chair back and turning it around, “so am I.”
Any potential protests were stolen from your lips when he silenced you with his own, gentle but firm grasp on your jaw, angling your head for better access, tongue slipping into your mouth and coaxing every rational thought to disappear from your mind. The fingers of his right hand trailed down your sternum, over your stomach, until they reached their destination, pushing your legs apart so he could kneel between them, releasing your mouth only to pull at your skirt.
“Ransom-“ you protested half-heartedly, words dying in your throat when he pushed your already soaked panties to side and ran the pad of his index finger up your slit, looking up from his position with one corner of his lips mischievously quirked, eyes large and almost innocent despite his pupils blown wide.
“Shh, shhhh.”
Your head fell back, your body melting against the chair, legs falling apart willingly as Ransom placed a trail of kissing up your thigh, speaking his last words so close to your core his warm breath tickled your sensitive spots and had your hips thrust forward.
“Ne t'inquiète pas, mon ange… ne réfléchis pas. Détends-toi…”
At that time, you had obeyed his order, lost to the blissful sensations, letting go of your worries – much like now.
The memory faded as quickly as it appeared, Ransom’s wandering fingers slipping between your legs, caressing the soft skin of your inner thigh higher and higher, his wicked touch not quite reaching where you had begun to ache for him the most.
“Ran… please…”
“Mm… such a good angel, so responsive, so polite…” he muttered, laying his palm over your lower belly possessively, fingertips almost brushing your sensitive bud, causing your hips to buckle into his hand and whimper. “Don’t worry, what my girl wants, she gets.”
Foolishly, you trusted his promises and he brought you right to the edge in no time, only to retreat his fingers just as you were about to tip over; instead, he filled you up and had your reach for the stars together, mouth on yours, a filthy kiss tasting of love and need muffling your cries of ecstasy.
Out of breath but feeling sated and thoroughly adored as Ransom held your close to his body still, nuzzling into your hair, a wide smile spread your lips. Something told you it would stay on your face for the rest of the day.
“Good morning, handsome. Merry Christmas,” you whispered, turning to face him, kissing him lightly on the lips.
A twinkle in his eye told you more about his happiness than the slightly smug smile.
“Already feeling merry.” You scowled at him half-heartedly when he pinched your ass cheek and soothed it with a caress. His smile softened. “Merry Christmas, angel.”
“Atta boy.”
A few minutes of lazy cuddles and wandering hands later, a warm Christmas pyjama on, you went to prepare hot chocolate as Ransom sneaked into the living room to place his gifts under the tree you had decorated a week prior. Then, it was your turn; your heart skipped a relieved beat when you didn’t find but two boxes there, neither of them excessively big. You hoped no gifts awaited you outside or something; even as you knew that it would mean nothing less than Ransom wanting to shower you with affection. He had grown so much as a person and worked hard to chase away the demons of his childhood, but sometimes still struggled with accepting love or showing it in other ways than throwing money around without thought. And that was alright; it was a work in progress and you’d be there for him every step of the way.
Since he had promised you something hard and something soft, you had decided to follow the theme: something soft and warm, something hard and then soft and warm again. A silvery cashmere sweater, a hardcover from his favourite French author (maybe hoping he’d read to you from it, turning your brain into much in the process) and… well, you in a lingerie with a bow tied around your waist, holding a satin bathrobe closed around your body before the reveal.
But only because he had mentioned the bow around your wrist.
“I think I caught a Christmas elf mid-work,” Ransom commented with a sly smile in his voice, causing you to snap your head back to him, seeing exactly the expression you had imagined on his face – and the two steaming mugs of hot chocolate with the right amount of marshmallows in his hands. “Oh, nah. It’s just my angel.”
You silently snorted and grinned as you rose from the crouched position by the tree, making your way to him.
“Smooth, Ran.”
“I try,” he shrugged, his smile turning a little bashful.
As he placed the mugs on the coffee table, you tugged at his slacks to pull him in for a quick peck and a selfie in front of the tree to remember years down the line what your first Christmas was like – first of many, you hoped.
He kissed your temple, humouring you and posing for the photo.
“Thank you.”
With a sigh, his arm wrapped around your waist to pull you to his side. “You make it easy to smile for the camera.”
Looking up at him as your heart hummed softly, you kissed his cheek and you whispered a gentle ditto.
“Now, is it time to open the presents?” he demanded, grinning with almost child-like excitement.
For a guy who claimed Christmas had been about expensive gifts that had always meant nothing, he sure seemed like he couldn’t wait to open his – then again, perhaps the change of circumstance was precisely the reason. Ransom Drysdale, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, couldn’t wait to get a taste of normal, less shiny but much more carefully hand-picked gifts.
You could melt on spot faster than the marshmallows in your festive drink at such sentiment.
“Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
It turned out your boyfriend wasn’t only impatient to see what you had bought him – but also to see whether your face would light up at what he gifted you. He was pleased with the sweater and the book, clearly more than touched you had remembered his favourite kind of reading; but he was downright ecstatic to see your eyes turn a little glassy at the diamond necklace he gave you.
Was it a little excessive? Maybe. Was it randomly bought when he had seen the biggest rock around? Not at all. The angel wing charm was delicate, peppered with the tiny gems, reminding you of the endearment he had so lovingly addressed you with – and how precious you felt under his gaze.
He clasped it around your neck proudly, dropping a gentle kiss above the thin chain.
“Told you I’d give you something hard,” he muttered, voice carrying a trace of smugness at tricking you into thinking he had just meant a certain part of his body.
Bravo. You should have given him more credit.
Then, the soft gift: a sweater dress in the colour of one of his favourite jumpers. To match, he said. You simply wrapped your arms around him and whispered the sincerest thank you, chest brimming with affection when this time it was him whose tears actually spilled over. He clung to you, tender and strong at once as you shared a cathartic moment of serenity and genuine love, filling your heart to the brim.
Both of you jumped when a doorbell burst your tranquil bubble. Ransom snapped from his haze in an instant, scrambling to his feet and drying his slightly damp cheeks.
“I’ll get it, I’ll get it-“ he muttered as he stalked away, leaving you suddenly cold and confused.
You just sat there, mouth ajar, but didn’t get the chance to protest as he was already at the front door. Shaking your head, you reverently ran the pads of your fingers over your new piece of jewellery, before reaching for your mug to finish your sweet treat. Distantly, you heard Ransom talk to another man – surprisingly calmly, not annoyed in the slightest at the interruption. Suspicion started bulling in the back of your mind.
But then there was a little shuffling and finally Ran’s footsteps again, softened by his fluffy socks. You placed your empty mug back on the table, expectant.
Ransom walked into the room backwards, eliciting a surprised laughter from your lips at his bizarre behaviour – until you realized his front was obscured from view that way. He only grinned when your eyes narrowed at him suspiciously.
“Ransom, baby, this better not be keys to that golden car I mentioned not wanting in your hands,” you commented, growing genuinely worried.
His smile only widened.
“I promised you something soft, remember?”
You slowly rose to your feet, heart picking up a pace. Oh God. He really did have another gift for you. Lord help you all.
“That was the sweater dress, which I adore by the way…?” you said questioningly, only causing Ransom to shrug.
“Good. But… surprise?”
Three things happened at once.
Ransom finally turned around.
The thing in his hands let out a tiny but unmistakable sound.
Your hands flew up to your mouth, a small shriek escaping you.
“Oh my god, Ran!” you squealed, feet moving of their own accord to inspect the bundle of blue-ish grey fur in his large hands, a tiny paw stretching your direction, instantly making you coo on instinct. “Aww, hello baby. Look at you, such a pretty thing---”
Your head snapped up to Ransom’s face, horror seizing you for a moment.
“We are keeping this baby, aren’t we? We aren’t only like… borrowing him—or her. You wouldn’t do that to me, right?”
Ransom observed you with equal amount of amusement and fondness.
“Yes, we’re keeping her. And you get to name her, of course,” he assured you softly as you offered the kitty your hand so she could familiarize herself with it. She curled herself into a tighter ball, causing you to immediately retreat. “She’s practically a clean British Shorthair, but she’s a little shy at first.”
He manipulated the kitten into one of his large palms only, using the other to scratch behind her ears – and like a charm, she started purring, nudging his wrist with her tiny nose.
You’d be jealous if you weren’t so baffled at the trust the allegedly shy animal was showing him. And if you weren’t melting like a butter at the sight of the teeny tiny kitty in our boyfriends’ large but gentle paws.
“I’ve been stopping by for about two weeks. She’ll warm up to you too,” he explained, effectively stealing your breath. He had thought about this. He had planned this. He had intended this beauty with large honey-coloured eyes to be the soft gift the whole time. “Come on, petit chaton, time to meet your new favourite human.”
Your cheeks hurt as you smiled wide at Ransom’s soft words; you entered a new plane of existence when he actually placed the purring bundle into your eager hands.
“Oh my gosh, look at you, you’re so adorable and so so soft,” you cooed, feeling tears burning in your eyes when the kitten nuzzled into your touch, then leaned back against Ransom’s skilful fingers massaging her back. “Thank you so much, Ran. I love her.”
He smiled sweetly at you, fingers never ceasing the pets. All of sudden, you figured she was as much of a gift to you as to himself – to you both, together. The unspoken commitment was impossible to ignore, the magnitude of the gesture not escaping you. Once your hands wouldn’t be full, you’d smother Ransom with kisses.
“You’re welcome, angel.”
He led you back to the couch, reaching for his drink before putting his arm around your shoulders; you let your head fall to his shoulder, feeling so thoroughly happy you had trouble wrapping your head around it.
And then, eyes on your newest family member, your brain shaped the strangest response and you chuckled.
“What?” Ransom questioned, a smile in his voice as he looked down at you.
“We’re not having a merry Christmas.”
“We’re not?” Ransom wondered, genuinely confused and mildly panicked.
You shook your head and grinned at him. “We’re having a meowy Christmas... aren’t we, Austen?”
Ransom silently snorted, but leaned in to kiss your temple and caress the kitty again, humouring you.
“Meowy Christmas, Austen. Meowy Christmas, angel.”
He snorted to himself again, but you didn’t mind one bit, loving the pun. Without disturbing Austen, you captured Ransom’s lips with your own, hoping to pour at least half of love you felt at the moment into a single kiss.
“Meowy Christmas, Ran. I love you so much.”
His eyes shined, crinkles in its corners, as he bowed his head to steal another kiss.
“Feeling’s mutual, mon ange. Felling’s mutual.”
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Mics masterlist
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Thank you for reading! This was originally written for @chase-your-dreams-away, but I hope you all enjoyed nevertheless 💕 Happy holidays to all ✨
Dictionary of Ransom:
 - Bonne matinée, mon bel ange. – Good morning, my beautiful angel
 - Mon ange – My angel
 - Ne t'inquiète pas, mon ange… ne réfléchis pas. Détends-toi… – Don’t worry, my angel… don’t think. Relax.
P.S. - the original ACTUAL headboard to this fic 🥰
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imyourbratzdoll · 10 months
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Whump Prompt #997
Submitted by anon - thanks!
The villain kidnaps whumpee and releases the ransom video as a sick Christmas gift.
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If revenge is a dish best served cold, this was a frozen dinner.
Dwayne Powers, Ransom of the Seven Ships
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oceanusborealis · 2 years
Christmas Ransom - Movie Review
Christmas Ransom – Movie Review
TL;DR – A thoroughly charming film when it is working and a bit overwrought when it is not. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There are mid-credit scenesDisclosure – I paid for the Stan service that viewed this film. Christmas Ransom Review – It is the time of year when Christmas films are a plenty. Indeed 5 Christmas films got added to a streaming service just today. But if I…
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martyrbat · 9 months
its so weird how if you call fatness hot people jump on here to remind you hotness is subjective and body neutrality and that no one has to be attractive to exist. like!! im fat and disabled, i know that! body neutrality is great and all but i find fatness hot! why are you some of you guys so weird about the idea of someone finding fatness hot or that a fat person thinks that theyre hot that you have to put disclaimers on my own post about it when you dont do it about any other body type??
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eva-knits12 · 10 months
Christmas with CE Characters
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Steve Rogers:
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Steve and you have a tradition.
You set up the tree on Black Friday with Christmas music playing in the background.
The next day, you both will start Christmas shopping.
Your two year old son James also "helps" decorating the tree.
It's mostly James taking an ornament, putting it on the tree, then taking the ornament off, and then handing it back to you or Steve.
You give James an envelope, and you give Steve an envelope.
Steve opens it, and Steve sees the ultrasound, and you give him the small package that has the positive test in it.
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James looks confused, and gives you back the envelope.
You and Steve help James open it.
"Merry Christmas, James. From, your baby brother or baby sister."
James keeps looking for his new sibling, but you explain that his new sibling needs to grow in your tummy, just like James grew in your tummy.
On Christmas Eve, Steve goes to church, while you're busy keeping James entertained.
You start to watch A Christmas Story, but James falls asleep ten minutes into the movie.
You fall asleep, too, and Steve carries you both to bed.
The next morning, you, James and Steve wake up.
Steve dresses up as Santa.
James gets tons of toys.
You guys have a low key Christmas, and sit in your PJ's and have breakfast, then lunch, then a frozen pizza for dinner while watching A Christmas Story.
You all fall asleep in front of the TV, with James sleeping on the floor.
The next day, you all go out for pancakes.
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Ransom Drysdale:
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You and Ransom wake up on the Saturday after Thanksgiving , with the twins sitting on Ransom's chest.
Harlan, Katherine, Ransom, and you have a tradition on that day.
You start your Christmas shopping.
The twins see Santa and get their pics taken with Santa every year.
You also buy a few gifts for Toys for Tots.
The twins go see Santa on the first Saturday in December.
Ransom, you and Harlan and Katherine come home, and it's a good thing that Ransom and the twins decorated the tree while you were sleeping that morning.
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You come home, and they surprise you with the tree.
Christmas comes, and the twins get toys, and you made them matching cable knit sweaters. You made one for Ransom, and you made one for yourself.
You take a family photo in front of the tree.
When Harlan and Katherine become teens, they can't picture Christmas without the tradition of a hand knit sweater and posing in front of the tree.
It's everyone's favorite tradition that you created.
Ransom fixes the meals.
You all watch A Christmas Story all day.
The twins fall asleep later on, along with you and Ransom.
Ransom carries you, and then the twins to bed.
The next day, you guys watch movies.
Ransom wouldn't trade this for the world.
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Colin Shea
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Christmas with Colin is lowkey.
You've already done your shopping for each other.
You two exchange your gifts on Christmas morning.
Harper and Robbie love this because they can finally get you and Colin to themselves.
Christmas Eve was spent with Colin's family, and that wore you both out.
You wake at seven, and Colin and you shower, and get dressed in sweats.
Harper and Robbie are in their Christmas themed sweatsuits.
The tree looks amazing.
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You all sip on hot cocoa throughout the day.
The snow falling in the background looks pretty, and adds to the mood.
You all are snuggling watching A Christmas Story.
You all fall asleep, and wake up the next day.
You couldn't imagine Christmas without Colin, Harper and Robbie, and your in-laws.
This is what Christmas is all about.
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Jake Jensen
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Jake is dressed up.
The twins are in pretty dresses, and you're wearing a skirt with a cable knit sweater.
A photo is taken.
The twins are only a few weeks old, and they sleep the entire time.
Right now, you and Jake are constantly tired.
Newborns require a lot of attention and a lot of energy.
Jake's mom and sister and niece insisted on decorating the tree.
Christmas day, your brother comes to cook breakfast and lunch and dinner for everyone.
You and Jake sleep in between taking care of the twins, and watching A Christmas Story and Home Alone.
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Next year, the Anna and Elsa will be one.
Christmas is lowkey.
You both nap while the meals are being prepared.
The day after, you and Jake just watch movies and sleep for most of the day.
The twins are in matching sleepers.
Between the feedings, the diaper changes, and the sleepless nights, you and Jake love each other even more.
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Andy Barber
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The tree is already decorated.
The gifts have already been bought.
The gifts are under the tree.
Andy, Joy, and Penelope surprise you with breakfast in bed.
"You do so much for the girls, sweetheart. I'll take care of things, okay."
"Merry Christmas, Sweetheart."
"Merry Christmas, mommy."
You eat the breakfast, and then come down after you've showered and brushed your teeth.
Andy insists you put on your PJ's and you all open the presents.
Joy gets a ton of toys.
Penelope gets toys, and some baby clothes.
You already took a picture for your brother and your parents.
Laurie never celebrated Christmas because she was Jewish, and Jacob didn't care at all.
Andy dresses up as Santa when he gives out the gifts.
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Penelope tugs at the fake beard, and Joy is excited.
Andy gets a hand knit cardigan, along with a really nice watch, some really nice cufflinks, and some fancy coffees.
You get some spa stuff, a nice necklace, a ring with each of the girl's birthstones and names on it, some slippers, and some cozy PJ's. You also get some pretty diamond earrings and some pretty cultured pearl earrings.
Andy, Joy, Penelope and you all watch A Christmas Story.
For lunch, Andy makes grilled cheese and tomato soup.
Dinner is a homemade pizza with some salad on the side.
You all watch some more Christmas movies.
Christmas was amazing and stress free.
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Frank Adler
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You and Frank have been dating for a while.
Christmas is lowkey and Mary gets to join in on the festivities.
Frank has sole custody of Mary.
He has gone no contact with his mother.
You and Frank have just moved in together, but you two are making this situation work.
You, Frank, and Mary picked out the tree, and then decorated it.
The gifts are bought, and are placed in stockings and the tree.
Home Alone is playing in the background.
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The gifts are open.
Mary got some books, and she gets a gold necklace, along with some Lego's and some other toys.
Frank got a gold watch, and a nice watch that has a leather strap, and some nice shirts, and a nice sweater.
You got a nice sweater, a nice pair of PJ's, and you even got a nice spa set with some lovely smelling bubble bath and body wash.
You open up a small box, and Frank proposes.
You say yes!
You got an engagement ring.
Next year, you will be celebrating Christmas as husband and wife.
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Johnny Storm
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It's your first Christmas with Jake.
Jake got some really neat baby toys.
His aunt Susan got him some stacking rings and some really cool blocks.
You knit Jake a sweater with some matching booties.
Jake is only a few months old.
You and Johnny pose with Jake in front of the tree.
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You get Johnny a nice watch, a nice dress shirt, and you give him a hand knit sweater.
You also get him a gold chain.
Johnny gets you a necklace that has Jake's birthstone, along with a pair of white gold hoops and white gold diamond studs.
Johnny also gets you some nice yarn you've had you're eye on, and you cast on a sweater.
You also get a nice massage and spa day from Johnny and Jake.
Breakfast is eaten, and lunch is eaten, and so is dinner.
You end the day watching A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Next year, you and Johnny celebrate your first Christmas as a married couple.
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abbatoirablaze · 9 months
The Thrombey Christmas Party, Ex Wive's Club
Word Count: 2k
Warnings:  angst, mild violence, mentions of slapping.
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“Hey…it’s not your fault…”
Ransom frowned as he looked over his shoulder at his wife. 
He had expected Lily to blow off the family Christmas party ever since his mother took Curtis’ side when it came to Maritza, but what he hadn’t expected was their last interaction together. 
She’d been on less than friendly terms with him when Rose came into the picture, stating that ‘he had a new little daughter he could mold into a perfect child.’  And she found it necessary to scream that at him any time he tried to contact her. 
Jess knew how much those words had hurt him though, especially during the last time that Ransom had tried to invite her over to dinner. 
He’d ended up sobbing against Jess’ chest for an hour when she showed up wasted, calling him the most horrible father to have ever existed.  She had shown up well after the time he’d told her, after Evan and Rosie were both in bed, but that wasn’t what bothered him.
Ransom’s jaw twitched as he fought back the angry words that flooded his mind.  His daughter was very obviously wasted, and was dressing like she was about to go to the clubs. 
“Are you going to invite me in?” she growled, cutting her father off.  She rolled her eyes at her father as he stepped to the side and opened the door a little more.
“You’re late,” he reminded her softly, “Jess put Evan and Rose down, so-“
“Don’t wake the little bastards, got it!” she said with another roll of her eyes.
“Hey…they’re your siblings!”
“And they’re my siblings because you fucked an underage girl the first time, then ended up marrying her and not pulling out the second time.”
“Hugh?” Jess asked, hearing the distressed tone from her husband’s voice, “Is everything okay?”
Lily mumbled something under her breath as her former best friend, and step mother came down the hall to greet them.  On an instant she was at his side, kissing his shoulder. 
“Sorry,” he sighed, giving her a solemn look, “I know you just put the kids down!”
“Lily…” Jess frowned, looking at the woman her own age, “You’re late…I put dinner away already, but if you’re hungr-“
“I didn’t come over to eat and play happy little family,” she hissed, before her eyes met her fathers’ once more, “I’m not hungry!”
“Well why did you come then?” Ransom asked quickly, “because I wanted to talk to you about-“
“I know that grandma is selling her real estate company and we all get a share of the funds.” She said quickly, “I want my share.”
“I have no control over that, Lil…” he muttered, shaking his head as he crossed his own arms over his chest, “but even if I did, I wouldn’t try harassing your Linda over-“
“SERIOUSLY?” she screeched, “that money is mine!  She wants to lock it up under some bullshit trust and you’re just going to let her?”
She had continued her rant, but upstairs, the parents could hear Rose waking up as she began to cry. 
“Shit…” Jess hissed.  She pressed a kiss to her husband’s shoulder, “I’m sorry…I-“
“Go take care of Rose,” Ransom confirmed before he cut his daughter off, “Lily, stop!”
“Or what?” she hissed as Jess ran towards the stairs to coo her agitated daughter. 
The fact that Lily had no problem shredding Ransom to bits any chance she could really ate away at Jess.
She wanted to be supportive of her husband. 
“If it makes you feel better, it’s probably just because she hates me!” Jess offered with a frown as she bounced little one and a half year old Rose on her hip, “she’s still not over the idea of us being married…you know you’re an amazing father, and husband, Hugh.  You are always there for us just like you try to be there for her.  You’ve made an amazing relationship with Maritza despite it all as well!”
He gave a heavy sigh, and she knew that in that moment, despite her best efforts, there wasn’t anything that she could truly say to right what was going on in his head. 
“Da-da!” Rosie giggled, looking at her father with adoring eyes. 
Ransom’s eyes snapped to hers, and the worry faded as she reached out for him.  His little chubby-cheeked angel smiled at her father, and it helped calm him, if only slightly.
“I think someone wants you to hold her, daddy!” Jess giggled, shooting her husband a wink. 
Ransom bit his lip, holding back the new feelings that were quickly pushing their way forward.  His eyes raked over his wife’s body, and then he took another look towards the entrance, and then scanned the room. 
Everyone was off in their own little worlds. 
His cousins and their respective families were having their normal pissing contests. 
And Curtis had come with Maritza, Sasha, and her two children, who were all actively engaged in talking to his own mother, who had recently sold her real estate empire to focus on being a great woman to her grandchildren and great grandchild. 
Meanwhile, his own son was smiling, learning how to play Go with Harlan. 
“You know…if you call me daddy again like that, we may have to sneak off,” Ransom teased lightly as he took his daughter from his wife’s arms, “I’ve been been chomping at the bit for another little baby boy…and I know you have too!”
“We did say we wanted to wait until the end of the year…”
“And it’s already here!” he smiled. 
She shot him a wink and leaned up, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, “maybe if daddy’s been good this year, when we tuck the babies in…he can unwrap a special gift from mommy then!”
Lust hit Ransom like a freight train and his eyes twinkled at the thought, “a special gift from mommy?”
“Da-da!” Rosie repeated, reaching out to grab Ransom’s face. 
Jess couldn’t help but laugh as their daughter pouted at her father, angry that she was being ignored while in his arms. 
Ransom’s gaze met his daughters, and she held firm on her straight face.
“Looks like you’ve got to smooth it over with baby Drysdale first, daddy…” she smirked, “I’m going to go get her bottle from the kitchen…will you be alright?”
“Right,” Ransom nodded, stepping over to his mother.  He bounced Rose on his hip as he made his way to her, “I know who can cheer you up, little miss sass.”
Linda looked up from her grand-daughter, and towards her son.  Her smile grew when she saw her youngest grandchild, “Rosie!”
“NANA!” the baby squealed excitedly, making grabby hands at her.  Linda lit up, mirroring the baby’s actions, before pulling her into her arms.
“Oh, there’s my baby!”
“Nana baby!” she repeated happily, snuggling into her grandmother as she called herself her grandmother’s baby. 
Ransom smiled, happy to see the calm in his family.  He looked at Curtis and noticed his own grandchild looking up at him.  Maritza giggled as she waved to him.
‘Hello angel’ Ransom mouthed, while brokenly signing the words he’d been learning through his tutor every week, ‘pretty dress for Christmas!’
‘Thank you dum-dum’
“Mr. Curtis, why did Maritza call Mr. Ransom a dumb dumb?”
Curtis chuckled as Michael looked at the little girl bewildered, “she’s not calling him a dumb dumb, Michael.  That’s her name for him.  Mr. Ransom doesn’t want to be called grandpa, and her mother always called him by his first name.  but the name Ransom sounded like ‘dumb dumb’ when she first got her cochlear implant…and that just sort of stuck.”
“That’s silly!” Ashley giggled from beside her stepsister.  She signed to her, ‘why not call him grumpy?  He never smiles unless he’s with Miss. Jess!’
“Hey, I saw that sign!” Ransom teased, signing along as well as speaking, to let his grand daughter feel included still.  He reached for her and scooped her up, and she began giggling once more, “tell them I’m not a dumb dumb, Maritza!  Tell them I’m not grumpy either.”
‘No, grumpy!’ the little girl giggled, snuggling into him.  She made the sign for ‘I love you dum dum,’ and he felt himself melting a little more at the girl that stole his heart in an entirely new way.
“Well what do we have here?” a voice called loudly.
Ransom frowned when he saw his daughter in the entryway of the sitting room, a man who he’d recognized as another trust fund asshole who was pretty close to his own age on her arm.  His nose twitched as the expensive cologne swam over them in a tidal wave.
“Eddie…” Ransom growled, sucking on his teeth.
Off to the corner, Rose, surprised at the noise, had jumped in her grandmother’s arms, and had begun to cry. 
“Ugh,” Lily groaned, “will someone shut that little brat up!”
“Excuse you?”
The room went silent as Jess came back in from the kitchen, a warmed bottle in her hand.
“Go shut your little bastard up, will you?” Lily groaned as she stepped into the room and started towards the bar to make herself a drink.
Maritza shrunk into Ransom’s arms, trying to make herself as small as possible.
Jess saw red when she stalked towards her stepdaughter, and ripped the sunglasses from her face, throwing them to the ground, “don’t you dare call your little sister a bastard, Lily Drysdale!”
“YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER, JESS!” She screamed at her former friend, eyes glassy as she screamed at the woman she practically grew up with, “DON’T START ACTING LIKE IT JUST BECAUSE MY DAD COULDN’T PULL OUT!”
“This is why I don’t come to these stupid family functions,” she spat, glaring at her great grandfather.  She shook her head and Harlan frowned, “I tried.  But her.  My dad.  Grandma.  And now you have my ex-husband and his new whore-“
Lily stopped speaking when Jess slapped her hard across the face.
“You will not talk down on the people in this room, Lily Drysdale!” Jess said in a low, even tone.  She ripped the drink out of her stepdaughter’s hands and tossed it into the fireplace beside her, “we came together because we are a family…and we’re here for each other, despite our differences.  If you can’t support that, if you want to act like a spoiled brat in front of us…in front of your own daughter who you haven’t seen since that court case, then you can leave.  Because we don’t need that toxicity, Lily!  We’re doing just fine without you!”
Lily, surprised that someone had actually stood up to her, looked to her father, her lip wobbling as she looked to him for support, “d-daddy….ar-are you going to let her talk to me like that?”
Ransom swallowed down everything he had felt about his own relationship with his daughter.  He looked into his arms to see his own granddaughter.  Her smile having long since faded since her mother came into the room, she was clinging to him like she was scared for her life. 
‘Make her go away, dum dum…’ she signed, the fear evident in her eyes. 
Ransom brushed the hair out of her eyes and looked at his daughter once more.
“What the hell did she sign?” Lily growled as she pushed herself away from the tense situation with Jess, “she wants me here, doesn’t she?  Tell Jess to fuck off an-“
“You need to leave, Lil…” Ransom said with a frown as he cut his daughter off.  He looked to Curtis and passed Maritza back to her father, then crossed the room, looping his arm around his wife’s waist, “you can’t be here…not like this, Lil…”
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Christmas countdown day 23 — Go for a romantic walk around your neighbourhood
He degraded himself again, or so he had said, when he scuffed the sleeve of his jacket. Ransom was a man who made you want to throttle and kiss him simultaneously, and it was all worse by the contractually obligated public outing.
In order to save his reputation and give himself a better public image, you’d been convinced and contractually bound to be his faux-pas girlfriend. You were supposed to spend night at his place to convince the world that you were together in a meaningful relationship, that you were serious enough to have sleepovers.
You were never meant to fall in love with Ransom Drysdale. You were never meant to preemptively mourn your fake boyfriend and relationship before it even ended. After Christmas and New Years the relationship could come to an end, with a public and painful breakup skyrocketing Ransom’s value and marketable potential.
“Fucking dirt-“ he commented, wiping his hand down his winter jacket, ceasing the movement of his hand when he took notice of your silence. “What?”
“What?” You shrugged, kicking a small chunk of ice and snow away from you, biting down on the inside of your cheek while you waited for him. “We’re supposed to be taking a walk around the block.”
You were with him in Boston as opposed to the big city. His publicist and PA both agreeing that having Ransom closer to his roots with his girlfriend for the holidays was the perfect final big bout of your fake relationship before it would come to an end.
“I’d rather stay inside,” Ransom huffed, straightening his jacket before he held out his hand expectantly.
You glanced at the hand he held out for you, your eyebrows becoming furrowed when it continued to be held out to you. There was a passive aggressive huff mixed with a scoff, a typical model Ransom Drysdale sound, and then he scowled.
“What?” Ransom shook his hand expectantly again. “Give me your hand, I want to hold it.”
You set your hand in his and were pulled into his side, his fingers intertwined with yours. He had made another sound in his throat and began walking with you, usurping your hand for his own. He walked hand in hand with you down the high-class-living streets of Boston, the start of the walk braced by snow.
“I was thinking about dinner for Christmas,” Ransom had broken the silence between you, speaking blasé about the coming holiday that would partially be documented by your own Instagram posts, “I was thinking of cooking-“
“Cooking? You want to cook? You have a private chef-“
“Fuck, omega.” Ransom stopped walking and turned to face you, his clean shaven face and piercing blue eyes stealing your breath as his scent and prowess as an alpha had overtaken you. “I thought we could do it together, we’re mates-“
“Ransom its not real-“ you whimpered, his hands falling to your hips in a possessive embrace. “-its all fake-“
“Stop saying that.” He growled, his eyes flashing and his true emotional state coming to the surface. “You’re my omega, I’m your alpha. Don’t say its not real, its fucking real to me.”
He cupped your cheek and yanked you toward him, your lips crashing against his. He claimed your mouth with his, scenting you as the paparazzi watched you both to document the moment.
“We’re real, this is real and you are mine.”
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Lulu’s Multi-Fandom X-Mas Bingo
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🎄🎄🎄 I couldn’t find any Christmas Bingo this year, so I decided to create my own. 🎄🎄🎄
If you want to use the card too, feel free to use it for any fandom.
Here’s a Winter Bingo for anyone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas:
Multi-Fandom Winter Bingo
You can also tag my main blog @holylulusworld and use the tag #LulusXMASBingo2022 if you want me to reblog your stories of any fandom.
If not, just have fun with the card.
Please respect my bounderies. I do not read: incest, Wincest, non-con, underaged smut, toilet stuff, water sports, fisting, extreme BDSM, torture, age play, pet play.
🎄🎄🎄 Divider by @dawn-petrichor-world​ 🎄🎄🎄
Please be aware none of the stories are available yet.
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Square 1: TBA (??? x Reader): Merry Christmas
Square 2: Her secret Santa (Tony Stark x Reader): Secret Santa  
Square 3: A Christmas dream (Ackles’ characters x fem!Reader): Naughty Christmas  
Square 4: Christmas on the run (Nomad!Steve Rogers x Reader): Snowed in  
Square 5: Cabin of love (2) - A short ride (Alpha!Dean Winchester x Reader): Winter
Square 6: Our first Christmas (TfatW!Sam Wilson x Reader): Love  
Square 7: Thief for Christmas (Dean Winchester/Young Dean x Reader): Christmas Tree  
Square 8: Still a grumpy Santa sequel to Grumpy Santa (Steve Rogers x Reader): Grumpy Christmas hater
Square 9: TBA (??? x Reader): Winter Wonderland  
Square 10: Angelic Christmas (Castiel x Reader): Angel
Square 11: TBA (Sam Winchester x Reader): Building a snowman
Square 12: Just another Christmas (Loki Laufeyson x Reader): Angst
Square 13: Burned Cookies (Tfatws!Bucky x Reader): Free Space
Square 14: Start again (Andy Barber x Reader): Fluff
Square 15: Stumble (Bucky Barnes x Reader): Candy canes  
Square 16: Little wonders (Soldier!Boy x Reader): First snow  
Square 17: My lumberjack (Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes x Reader): Cabin
Square 18: TBA (??? x Reader): Fireplace  
Square 19: Every Christmas - sequel to This Christmas (2) (Mechanic!Dean x Reader): Cozy
Square 20: Christmas Sweater (Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader): Sweater
Square 21: Blue Christmas (5) - Snippet to Blue Christmas (Mobster!Steve x Reader x Mobster!Bucky): Last Christmas
Square 22: Christmas after you (Chris Evans x Reader): Breakup before Christmas  
Square 23: Clichè (CEO!Thor Odinson x Reader): Faking it
Square 24: Big grump (Dean Winchester x Reader): Love confessions  
Square 25: The pie whisperer (Dean Winchester x Baker!Reader): Lonely on Christmas  
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evansbby · 2 years
no because you’re literally speaking what’s on my mind.
like great 4 him and all - but ghosted is so off his acting topic/genre?? whatever you want 2 call it, like chris said he loved characters like steve rogers but will go on to do whatever this ghosted movie is and that movie with the rock in. i’m getting whiplash with these changes every few months
also this duo of chris and ana is getting so repetitive sorry not sorry…
bestie this is Chris’ new genre 😭😭
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