#Christmas on a rational planet
familyparadox · 10 months
Was it me or did the some of that feel very “Christmas on a A Rational planet”y.
Also the one who waits is clearly Fenric.
And the Master has cameo as a tooth. Snaz.
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dougielombax · 7 months
And inside the crystal ball…
We see…
Another crystal ball!
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rassilon-imprimatur · 2 years
What surprised the Doctor was not the mere fact of Romana's regeneration, but the seeming casualness with which she was treating the occasion—not to mention the degree of regeneration control she seemed able to exercise. 
The Doctor's own regenerations had been rather haphazard affairs, usually in response to some kind of crisis, and the bodies he'd acquired had been very much a matter of pot luck. 
Romana, on the other hand, seemed to be changing bodies as casually as she might have changed her dress. Except that the body she'd finished up with was a direct copy of someone else's. The Doctor frowned, remembering that in a purely academic sense, Romana's qualifications from the Time Lord Academy were rather higher than his own. No doubt that accounted for her superior control. 
- Doctor Who and the Destiny of the Daleks, Terrance Dicks 
“[...] Time Lords of those ‘newblood’ Houses for whom a change of body is as trivial as a change of fashion, and who come straight from the loom with a secondary heart.”
- Christmas on a Rational Planet, Lawrence Miles
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quotation--marks · 2 years
The memory hit him like a warhead, a memory so large that it filled his head and leaked out into the world around him, writing itself on the shadows of the Carnival Queen’s domain until everybody could see it.
Lawrence Miles, Christmas on a Rational Planet
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diabolocracy · 1 year
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She's such an underrated and underused gal so I shoved her wiki into a funny bot.
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corallapis · 4 months
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sure the watchmakers say they banished magic from the universe with the anchoring of the thread and the overthrow of the last Pythia, ushering in the rational universe blah blah blah yes we’re all very grateful thank you and yet the minute the chips are down out comes the necromancy and the blood magic and they dig Rassilon out of his grave again so all I’m saying is maybe the time lords doth protest too much
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Hi!! I really really want to get into the academy era eu stuff, but I just have no idea where to start 😭😭😭 do you have any audio/novel/etc recs to start off with? Thank you so much!!
-✨️🪐 anon
Hello! So sorry I didn't see this sooner - I've been quite busy lately (busy enough I forgot to submit my Big Finish Short Trips this year...)
Anyway, for the Academy Era, the starting off point is generally Divided Loyalties. In this novel, there is a long dream sequence of the Academy Era. Since it is a dream, it might not be 100% accurate, but it's what we have.
Otherwise, most of the information we have on the Academy Era comes from the occasional reference in a bunch of different stories. Some of them have more Academy Era material than others...
We can get some pretty good insights from some DWEU material (beyond what is in the TV show). I won't list spoilers here just in case that wasn't what you were looking for (though I have other posts that do entail this information), but here's the list I can think of off the top of my head. Some of these are stories with just general young-Time-Tot era references (not necessarily at the Academy but still the itty bitty, pre-leaving Gallifrey guys), but I'll include them anyway. And some of these references are quick, so be prepared.
Novel: Divided Loyalties
Novel: Tomb of Valdemar
Novel: Deadly Reunion
Novel: Lungbarrow
Novel: The Death of Art
Novel: The Dark Path
Audio: Time in Office
Audio: Darkness and Light
Novel: The Time Lord Letters
Short story: The Nameless City
Audio: Planet of the Rani
Audio: Master
Comic: The Glorious Dead
Comic: Weapons of Past Destruction
Comic: Space in Dimension Relative in Time)
Short story: The Three Paths
Audio/Novel: Mission to Magnus
Novel: The Eight Doctors
Audio/Novel: Cold Fusion
Audio: The Eleven
Audio: Blood of the Time Lords
Audio: The Widow's Assassin
Audio: Crossed Lines
Short story: Celestial Intervention - A Gallifreyan Noir
Short story: The Legacy of Gallifrey
Novel: Timewyrm: Exodus
Novel: Goth Opera
Audio: The Toy
Short story: Birth of a Renegade
Short story: Rebel Rebel
Audio: Neverland
Audio: The Next Life
Novel: Island of Death
Novel: Unnatural History
Novel: Christmas on a Rational Planet
Audio: Disassembled
Comic: Flashback
Audio: Together in Eclectic Dreams
Audio: The Last Line
Short story: Report on Term's Work
Audio: The Wormery
Audio: Storm Warning
Novel: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible
Novel: The Infinity Doctors
Short story: Seven Deadly Sins
Audio: Order of the Daleks
Audio: The Apocalypse Element
Audio: Prisoners of Fate
Novel: Original Sin
Novel: The Twin Dilemma
Anyways, these are the ones that immediately pop to mind when I think of stories that have references. It's not a complete list, mind, just the ones in my head at the time of writing. They are also not in any order, just the order I thought of them.
Regardless, most of these are just references, and you may not want to read an entire novel for a single reference...If that is the case, let me know, and I can explain some more!
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queen-of-meows · 3 months
I've seen many poeple talking about how it's a bit ridiculous the Doctor never noticed Sutekh or the legion of Susans, and I think we've collectively forgot something important here.
Since the Specials, the Doctor has been changing the past in a way that should not be possible.
Again in ep2, we have the butterfly effect gag. It's just a little jest, something unimportant that was never mentionned again.
But this is NOT how time travel works in Doctor Who. These funny little gags are aberrations by the rules of the show.
So when it comes to Sutehk and the Susans, the Doctor never noticed them because they only appeared this season. The whole timeline was rewritten in a way the Doctor has not noticed yet.
So here's my theory : we are back in the Dark Times.
In Season 13, the Ravagers wanted to un-anchor the Thread (not using this nerdy EDA terminology of course, but that's the idea).
What if Time has been un-anchored and doesn't follow the rules fixed by Rassilon anymore ?
For me this Pantheon of Discord is eerily reminiscent of the Carnival Queen of Christmas on a Rational Planet. A force of pure chaos unleashed again.
That was just my nerdy thoughts on this season ^^.
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dancingtotuyo · 9 months
Kryptonite | Dave York x Reader | One Shot
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Rating: EXPLICIT/Mature
Summary: Running into Dave York changes your life and unleashes a new part of yourself.
Inspired by Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down
Tags: dark!Dave York, infidelity, Germany, song fic
Warnings: infidelity, violence and descriptions of violence, death (not Dave or reader), descriptions of blood, murder, self defense, explicit smut (p in v), oral sex (both m & f receiving), heavy groping, choking, smacking/hitting in a sexual manner, knife play, power dynamics, use of “daddy” in a sexual manner (minimal), consensual sex, possible dub con, cream pie
Notes: I wrote this one for the LOML @janaispunk for Christmas 🫶, though you won’t find it filled with Christmas festivities! Huge shout out to @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin for listening to my ideas, reading through it, and being an overall huge encourager!
Words: 7160
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“I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind.”
Dave York isn’t a bad guy. If one were to give him a chance, he would explain how he’s actually one of the good guys. He’s simply standing up for those who have been wronged by the fucked up system that abandoned the ones who do the dirty work. It’s all conjecture. How he rationalizes it all away. How he lets himself sleep at night, and go home to his wife and beautiful daughters. He does this for them. He isn’t a bad guy.
Yet, even he starts to see through his bullshit. He won’t admit it, but it’s getting harder to sleep at night. Tonight is one of those nights. That’s how he finds himself wandering the streets of a German city he can’t remember the name of.
The air is just verging on chilly, the breeze whipping at his typically well-kempt hair. He usually keeps to the shadows when he’s managing his side business, worried about being picked up on a camera, but it’s late now. He keeps out of the street lights, the stars shielded by the light pollution.
He inhales deeply. This time tomorrow he’ll be on a flight back to the States and slide into bed next to his wife. He’ll wake up, make lunch for the girls, and take them to school. The perfect all-American family. Dave loves them. His girls are his world. He is doing this for them. Every smile and giggle makes this all worth it. Alice and Molly deserve the world. Sometimes, he wonders if his wife knows. Carol hasn’t said anything, but sometimes he catches her just staring at him. Logic says she just loves him. How many times early on in their life together had he done the same thing? How long has it been since he looked at her with that awe?
If he’s honest, Dave doesn’t give his marriage much thought anymore. It’s something that’s just there like two planets orbiting each other but never intersecting. It’s something that’s just part of the persona of Dave York. The version of him his friends and family know. He is starting to wonder if that man still exists. He’s found himself feeling freer during his “work trips” than he does at home.
If it weren’t for his girls…
Dave can’t finish the thought as he collides with a woman in a blue dress and billowing feather boas wrapped around her neck. You.
“Oh shit!” Dave’s hands shoot out, steadying your form, one on each shoulder.
You let out a soft snort quickly covering it with a giggle. “Oh my god.” You try to sober but fail before another giggle takes over. You buzz with the carefree energy of someone a couple drinks into the evening but not wasted.
Any words forming in Dave’s head die there. Your eyes sparkle with mischief. Your smile leaves him stunned. He’s seen his fair share of women even as a married man, but never crossed the boundary of infidelity. Dave doesn’t label what is about to happen as infidelity because right now he isn’t Dave York from Arlington, Virginia, father to two and husband. Right now, he’s Dave York private gun for hire, or Patrick Smith born in Pennsylvania if you looked at his passport.
“I’m sorry,” you say. Dave’s hands don’t move from your shoulders. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
Dave flashes a smile, the same one he used to pick up Carol years ago, but she’s the furthest thing from his mind right now. “I should be more aware of my surroundings. Especially with such a beautiful woman about.”
Your cheeks flush with heat. He has a sneaking suspicion that it’s not from the alcohol in your system. Dave has never been above sweet-talking to get his way during his time with the agency. “You’re American.”
“Unfortunately, yes.” Dave winks. You laugh. Dave swears he could listen to that sound every day if given the chance. “But are you with anyone? It’s late. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you out here all alone.”
You tilt your head to the side, life glowing in your eyes. Whether you’re always like this or it’s all alcohol-induced, Dave doesn’t know, but he wants to find out. He needs to know.
“And I’m supposed to trust you, Mr. America.”
He chuckles, looking up at the sky for a moment before bringing his gaze back to you. He can’t stop taking you in. You feel like a breath of fresh air in his stifling life. He smiles, the first time he’s felt fully himself in possibly years. “My name is Dave.”
You glance between his hand and his face, sussing out if he is trustworthy. He seems so, comes across as genuine. He’s a bit older than you, but handsome nonetheless with big brown eyes and the sincerity of a well-raised child.
You inhale deeply, choosing to be a little wreckless for once and jump head first into something. What’s the worst that could happen? You take his hand.
“I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon.”
It’s probably a stupid choice, but Dave gives you his number. His real number. He doesn't have enough time to see you again before he leaves Germany and he isn’t ready to let this go yet. He escorts you safely to your apartment, chatting idly over the 10-minute walk and the 30 minutes you spend on the front stoop. As he goes to leave, you stand on tiptoes, pressing your lips against his. In return, he pushes you against the front door, hands roaming up your sternum. You giggle at him like a smitten schoolgirl and hand him your phone.
Dave has a second number. He could’ve given you that one. He probably should have, but he wants easier access. He risks it. Dave is not a careless man, but he leans into the easiness of it in the moment. He kisses you again before leaving, much more chastely this time. He promises to see you next time he’s in town. He tells you he does business in Germany often. It won’t be long.
His veins buzzed with electricity the whole walk back to his apartment, his body alive in a way that feels almost supernatural. As he crosses the threshold, his phone pings with a text from an unknown number. Dave knows who it is before he looks at the text.
Over the next two weeks, Dave finds himself instantly reaching for his phone with each ping. The time difference is a pain in the ass but sometimes works in Dave’s favor. Like when Carol is sound asleep and you’re wide awake across the sea.
When the call comes through from a contact that they’re ready to move in on a target in Germany, Dave almost jumps up in celebration. He’s never hit the tarmac with his bags packed so fast. He tacks on a couple extra days to visit you.
Those extra days can’t come soon enough. He always prides himself on his ability to compartmentalize. He can tune out the rest of the world, get a job done with the precision of the assassin he is, and return to life as if nothing happened, but this time, he finds himself rushing through the process, eager to get to the finish line, eager to get to you.
However, when the night of the hit comes, he slips right into Dave York The Killer, cold, heartless, robotic. The crew is smaller this trip, the target not as high profile, but still a big payout. He forces himself to stay steady, forces himself not to speed through his progressions. The team doesn’t notice a difference in him. He takes that as a good sign. The target is asleep, alone, thank god.
Dave slides the knife into the victim’s chest. He’s lying if he says he doesn’t find a particular beauty in it. The firm pressure, the slice of the knife, the crimson blood. It’s always a rush, the planning, the practice, the kill, and Dave enjoys it all. This particular hit sends an extra rush of pleasure through his veins.
He takes the train to get to you, fighting the urge to show up on your doorstep in the wee hours of the morning. Dave York is not a patient man, but he somehow manages, pacing his hotel room still as he buzzes with the high of the night’s hit and the excitement of seeing you in the morning. You recommended meeting at a small cafe, but as Dave lays awake with the sun peeking through the curtains, he decides to surprise you at the apartment.
Dave has to force himself not to rush, which seems to be becoming a theme with him. He makes himself a cup of coffee in the hotel room and sits down drinking every drop until he can’t stand to wait any longer, leaving his hotel 30 minutes before he needs to.
Dave could’ve taken time to enjoy the city in daylight. He spends so much of his time in these destinations under the cover of darkness, missing the beauty, but he doesn't. He wants to believe he keeps to his training, keeping an eye out for someone following him and staying out of the view of cameras, but the truth is, he’s completely unaware of it all. His sole purpose is to get to you.
When your apartment building comes into view, he finally slows, aware of how early he is. Hell, he’s supposed to meet you there.
One of your curtains is open, giving him a faraway view into your apartment. Dave has fully accepted that he’s verging into creep territory, but he doesn’t care. It’s been two weeks since he’s laid eyes on you. That’s two weeks too long for him.
He holds his breath, waiting in anticipation for a glimpse of you, patience dwindling within a few minutes of waiting. The anticipation grows into anxiety. Did he come to the wrong building? That’s impossible. Dave never forgets places, even if he did, he would never forget yours. Are you home? Did you forget? He studies the window searching for any evidence of life. Has something happened to you? Oh god, has someone connected the two of you? Figured out his whole facade? He has half a mind to break down the door and go in guns blazing.
His phone pings. It’s the only thing that could break his concentration. Your name pops up, granting him instant relief.
See you in 20?
He smiles, glancing back up toward the window. You are okay. Everything is okay because Dave is a smart man. He knows how to cover his tracks, and you are a sacred treasure he wants to keep all to himself. He will hide you away, protect you from it all.
He catches the subtle flutter of the curtains. The world around him becomes nonexistent as his full attention is pulled toward the window. She moves into view, head whipping around as you search for a specific item. He smiles, all of the anxiety leaving his body.
Instead of responding via text, he hits the call button. The dial tone plays against his ear. She moves out of view, no doubt searching for her cell.
A smile overtakes his face. Dave can’t remember the last time one did so effortlessly. “Look out your window, Darling.”
His voice sits low in his chest, sending shivers through your body. You pull back the curtain. Dave waves down below. “Are you stalking me now?”
“It’s not stalking if you showed me where you live.”
You bite back your smile, heat gathering in your cheeks. “We were supposed to meet there.”
“I couldn’t wait.”
“Give me two minutes.” You say and the line goes dead.
Dave watches you zip away from the window. The swinging of the curtains is the only indication you were ever there. His chest tightens as he waits. Dave York considers himself a patient man, but he checks his watch for the 5th time in two minutes.
Then your door swings open. You come barreling toward him, a smile plastered to your face. It’s contagious as Dave chuckles, spinning you around like an episode of The Bachelor. His lips are warm against your cheek. “I’ve missed you, darling.”
A shiver runs down your spine as your feet plant on the ground. Dave’s warm brown eyes meet yours. “How can you miss someone you’ve hardly seen?”
“How can someone not miss you?” He laughs, fingers weaving with yours.
“You lie, Dave.”
“I could never lie to you.” He winks.
Dave holds your hand all the way to the cafe. He pays for your meal. He’s engaging, charming, making conversation, desperate to know everything he can about you. You’ve never felt such intention from another person.
After the cafe, you walk through town, hand in hand in broad daylight. The conversation continues to flow as naturally as a river. Dave is captivated. There’s no other word for it. He wants you. He never wants to leave. He thinks he may need you for survival.
You steer your steps toward your apartment. There’s a time and a place for subtlety. Today is not that. Dave picks up on it, catching the dilation of your pupils, feeling the shift between you.
But when you make it to the door, Dave plays the gentleman, asking when he can see you again. You cut him off with a kiss, tongue quickly delving into his mouth. His large hands plant solidly on your hips. You pull him inside. Dave remains respectful, but commanding. You eagerly submit to him. He stays the night.
“After all I knew it had to be something to do with you.”
Dave is losing it. One might argue that’s a bad thing. He’s not so sure as his mind is overrun with flashes of you. He’s quick to check his phone each time it dings. He knows better than to assign you a specific tone, but he wants to, even knows which one he would choose.
His team is building quite the reputation in the gun for hire business. They’re turning down jobs, having to play the cautious game of balancing their time between murder and families. They can’t arouse suspicions. They take turns staying stateside, sending in different crews depending on the job and need. Dave accepts every job within a quick train ride of you. He goes on each one. Sometimes it’s just him. Those are the easiest. He doesn’t even need to tell the team. It makes it easy to slip in, add more red to his ledger, and run to you with his hands dripping, metaphorically of course.
He can never stay more than the weekend, usually no more than a night, but you take every moment. He’s a drug you crave, an addiction you can’t kick. In fact, you don’t want to. It doesn’t matter if you never get more than a stolen night here and there, you’ll take whatever you can get running your hands over his toned muscles, tracing the scars littered over his body, some new and red, some old and faded.
It gives him an air of danger that sends a rush through you each time, like there’s darkness embedded in each scar and it seeps into you. The feeling should unnerve you. It doesn’t.
You want to ask, but you bite your tongue. They seem almost glaring compared to the person you know. Dave is sweet and gentle. The most violence you’ve seen in him is the intense fly hunt you went on last weekend as it buzzed intently around the two of you on the couch. You wonder about the stories behind each nonetheless. He’ll tell you when he’s ready.
He leaves again. He always does with the promise of returning soon. He can’t give you a date. He never can. His phone rings as he walks out the door. You catch the flash of a couple on his screen and a woman’s name drops from his lips. He doesn’t know you see it. Carol.
“But still your secrets I will keep”
You’re drenched. Sweat gathers across your naked skin. Dave thrusts into your dripping pussy, cock soaked in your juices. Your moans marry together, echoing off the walls of your apartment at 2 o'clock on a Thursday afternoon.
You called out of work when he appeared on your doorstep without a warning. He seemed broody, crashing his lips onto yours with more force than you were used to, setting your body ablaze in a new way.
Dave’s hips snap into yours with greater force than usual, his grip a little tighter, but it doesn’t hurt. Not how you expect it to. You like it, this rough side, the way his large hand pins both your arms to the mattress. “You’re taking me so good, Darling. Like a good little girl.”
His words strike a chord within you. Your walls tighten around him. You’re close. You know it. He knows it. His fingers run through your sopping folds, flicking at your clit with skill and precision. Your back arches. You feel like you need to crawl out of your skin. “I’m almost there.”
“I know, baby.” He keeps pace, pushing you closer and closer.
The invisible line snaps as waves of pleasure roll over your body. Dave keeps going, so close to his own release. He’s relentless, prolonging your own orgasm.
“I want to finish inside you. Fill you up like a dirty little whore.” Your cunt clenches around him. You’re not sure why his words affect you the way they do, but you love it. He moans. “Please, Darling.”
“Yes,” You hiss, feeling as if your orgasm has started over. “Please, fill me up.”
“Fuck!” Dave thrusts into you. Once. Twice. And then he buries himself into you, filling you with every drop he has.
Once the high settles to a mild thrum and you’ve cleaned up, you sit on the bed, fresh sheets below you, watching Dave as he gathers his things off your dresser. The sex was different this time, good, mind altering.
Dave has yet to put a shirt on. There’s a scar along his back that disappears beneath the waistband on his jeans. You’ve seen it before. You know all his scars, and you’re gathering his secrets too.
“I hope that wasn’t too much,” Dave says, back still turned to you. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he turns to you, with worried eyes. You saw a piece of him today that no one has seen before. Of that, you have no doubt.
“No, I liked it.” A small smirk quirks your lips. “I wouldn’t be opposed to trying some new things.” Heat pools in your belly again. That same darkness flashes in Dave’s eyes. You want to pull it out and learn it.
He chuckles. “I’ll keep that in mind for later.”
He pulls on his shirt, turning his phone back on. Your heart drops, popping the bubble. “You can’t stay.”
Dave sighs. You catch the guilt hanging off of him. “I’m sorry, Darling.”
“It’s okay…”
Dave bites his lip. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise. I-”
“I know you’re married.” It rolls off your lips without a second thought. You’re not sure where it comes from.
Dave’s face pales, tongue going dry as sandpaper. “Darling-”
“And I don’t care.”
The color fills his face again as he steps over to you. “How do you know?”
You shrug, laying back on the bed. “She called you when you were leaving last time. I did my research, Dave York.”
Dave isn’t sure what to think. In his line of work, it’s scary to know you found him on the internet. It’s a safety issue. If something ever happened to Molly and Alice… but he’s trusted you with much more than anyone else.
“You mean it? You don’t care?” He searches your eyes for any doubt, but finds none.
“You’re the one traveling across the ocean to see me. I also think you’re not just ‘working for the government’.”
There’s a deep growl low in his throat. He oozes evil like your favorite book to movie villain, sending shivers through your body. He cups your neck, using force to pull your lips to his. It’s hot and needy like he didn’t just spend the afternoon buried inside of you. His tongue shoves its way into your mouth, fighting with yours. He grabs your ass kneading it in his palms.
Then, he pulls away, voice gravely in your ear. “One of these days I’m going to tell you every single evil thing I’ve done, and you’re going to like it.”
You gasp, toes curling. He keeps eye contact with you, searching for any sign that you might reject him for it. You don’t ask. You don’t scoff. You believe him. You’ve seen the slivers of evil before, felt them. You’re beginning to wonder if they’ve seeped into you too.
Then he’s gone, disappearing like a ghost.
“I picked you up and put you back on solid ground.”
Adrenaline pumps through your veins. Your heart pounds in your ear. You can’t tell much in the dark, except there’s a man in your apartment, clad in black, and it’s not Dave.
You clutch the kitchen knife to your chest, thankful for Dave’s obsession with keeping things sharp. His boots are steady on your hardwood floors, leaving you to wonder if you’re safe huddled in the corner, or if you should sneak up behind him. Dave taught you to attack only if you are sure you can land a debilitating blow by surprise. You’re not a trained fighter. You’re not an assassin. You’re pretty sure Dave is.
Then, you see your chance. A small opportunity where you know you’ll be hidden in the darkness, not exposed by the open window. You know which floor boards to avoid.
You expect it to go by in a blur, but your mind feels clear. The exposed point on his neck calls to you like a beacon. The artery. He’ll bleed out before he knows what’s happening. Dave’s voice echoes in your head.
Your knife sinks into his neck, slicing skin and tissue like it’s softened butter. You pull the knife out, it drips with crimson blood. He tumbles forward, your lamp shattering into a million tiny pieces as he falls forward.
“You bitch!” He manages to his feet, blood spurting out of his neck. He tries to cover it with his hand, but he’s already losing color in his face. He stumbles toward you. You easily step out of his path, sinking the knife into his chest cavity. It’s more difficult, but you know when you hit his lung.
You watch him fall to the floor, air wheezing from him like a punctured balloon as he coughs and sputters. He’s trying to speak, but can’t. You cock your head to the side, watching it happen, watching the life drain from his eyes, listening to his final breaths. You did that. You took down a man bigger than yourself with two quick blows, without hesitation.
You can feel the thick, red blood dripping off your fingers, soaking into your clothes.Your chest heaves. The knife clatters to the floor. You turn your hands over. You should want this off of you, scratching at the skin to remove it. Instead, you just stare in awe.
Dave appears, heart racing as he takes in the scene. He was gone for only a few hours. A quick job in a neighboring town. “Darling?”
You don’t respond, still inspecting your coated hands. He puts a hand on your shoulder, desperate to know that you’re okay. You jump, eyes blow wide.
“What happened?”
“I don't know. I woke up and he was here… I just- I did what you taught me.”
Your eyes focus on him. He’s in weird clothes- tactical gear. He probably killed someone tonight too.
“Are you okay?”
Your eyes snap back down to your hands. Are you okay? You don’t remember getting hit or knocked over, just the steel blade sinking into flesh over and over and over.
“Darling, look at me!” His hand wraps around your neck and your back hits the wall.
Your eyes snap to him. Your heavy breaths mingle together in the deafening silence that coats your apartment. His eyes are dark. Darker than you ever remember seeing them. You think, maybe, there’s a hint of cruelty floating in them.
“You’re okay.” His eyes scan over you to assure himself as well. He reminds himself that blood is not yours.
Your eyes drift back toward the body. The body that used to house a person with a life and family and-
“Look at me.” Dave’s voice is commanding, forcing obedience. The other side of him is coming out. This is not the Dave you know. It’s the one you’ve caught glimpses of. The one he told you about. This Dave is a monster. A monster you should run from.
“You did nothing wrong. He would’ve killed you.” His hand presses into your neck again. “You did the right thing.”
You thought this moment would break you, losing your Dave, but this Dave is yours too. You thought the monster would scare you. It’s everything you’ve ever stood against, but you want the monster.
A thrill shoots through you, unlocking a deep urge. The world should be blurry, hazing like the TV shows when someone experiences a trauma, but it’s buzzing around you instead. Your senses feel heightened.
Dave says your name. You look up at him. Time stands still. He knows you know. It’s a question of if you will accept it. You shouldn’t. You’re too good for him. He shouldn’t tarnish you, but he catches that look. It’s everything he feels after a kill. The adrenaline rush, the buzz of life through your veins. Maybe he didn’t tarnish you. Maybe he unlocked something in you. Your bloodied hands tangle in his thick hair as he surges forward lips colliding with yours.
This is wrong, so wrong. Another man’s blood is literally on your hands as they tangle in Dave’s hair. You should be disgusted with yourself. This is wicked. You’ve run from the wickedness your entire life. Now you feel like you should have embraced it. He bites your lip, so hard there’s a metallic taste in your mouth. It only spurs you on. A familiar ache grows in your core. Your teeth nash against his, meeting each of his tortuous movements.
His hand squeezes your neck just enough to make your head go dizzy. You should hate this. You should despise this, but your cunt clenches again. “You like that don’t you?”
He loosens his hold, the blood rushing back quickly. It’s a new rush, crashing over the edges of your heightened senses. You feel as if every nerve ending in your body is on fire and you never want it to stop.
His rough voice presses to your ear as he caresses your exposed neck reminding you how fragile your own life is. “The little slut likes when I get rough.”
You whimper at his words, your underwear growing wetter with each passing second. His knee presses between your thigh, granting some tension to your aching core. You move your hips against it. “Not so fast, Darling.” He tightens his grip on your neck, pressing you further against the wall. “You think just because you killed him you’re in charge now?”
Another whimper falls from your lips. An involuntary tear seascapes the corner of your eyes, beginning its descent. Dave’s eyes flicker to it, head cocking to the side. His eyes look different- wild verging on insane. You should be scared, but it’s still Dave. You trust him. Then his tongue is against your cheek, wiping it away with a long, slow swipe. Your nipples pearl under your thin nightshirt.
He whispers in your ear. “I'm in charge. Do you understand?”
You nod.
He produces a knife out of thin air. It’s one you’ve seen before. He’s sharpened it at your kitchen counter. He brushes the tip along your collarbone. Your eyes track its every movement. It’s not enough to cut you, but enough that you can feel how sharp it is. Your heart thuds harder, but your hips move against his knee of their own accord.
He clicks his tongue, forcing the knife down in a single swift movement. You cry out, expecting to feel pain, only to find your chest exposed and your nightshirt torn down the middle. He hand gropes your breast, squeezing it like a stress ball. A gasp falls from your lips as his finger runs over your nipple.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.”
By your neck, he leads you in front of him to the bathroom. He kicks the door shut, pressing you against it. He produces the knife again, running it through your pajama shorts. The scraps fall to the floor, leaving you in the delicate lace pair of underwear you wore in anticipation of Dave’s arrival.
His tongue clicks appreciatively. The tip of the knife traces over the lace. You whimper, eyes falling closed. He falls to his knees.
“So pretty.” Dave presses his mouth to your clothes cunt. He works his tongue over the thin fabric, pulling it between his teeth. It’s just enough to tease and not enough to provide relief.
“Dave.” It comes out so hoarse you don’t recognize your own voice.
He grins up at you, pulling the knife through your underwear with a rehearsed flick of his wrist. They join your shorts on the floor. You’re bared to him while Dave is fully clothed.
You catch the blood in his hair, splattered on his clothes. It’s drying on your skin now. You know you should be repulsed by it, but the thought of what you did still makes you buzz to life.
“Stay right there.” He eases to his feet. “I mean it. Don’t move.”
He turns on the shower, pushing the hot water all the way. As steam starts to fill the room, Dave removes his clothing item by item. He’s not making a show of it per se, but he is commanding, concise. He pulls another knife from his belt and sets it on the counter. Your breath catches and he makes eye contact. A whisper of a smirk plays on his lips. “Standing so still for me, darling.” You squeeze your legs together, feeling the familiar squelching between your vaginal lips.
You eye the knife a moment longer, biting your lip. Something about it calls out your name. You’re not sure if you should grab it and find the nearest person to plunge it into or if you want Dave to use it with you, on you.
Dave catches the glimmer in your eyes as you eye it. A newfound excitement tugs in his belly. A whole new world is opening before him. One where he doesn’t have to hide all this shit from you, one where you might enjoy it too. You’re not shutting down after killing that man, his body cooling on your living room floor. You liked it. He likes it.
He kicks off his boots and socks. His pants follow. Your eyes travel over his body. The scars make sense now. You still don’t know what Dave does, but you know it’s bad. There’s a small band across his ankle that houses another knife. You should hate him for all of this, kick him to the curb. Instead, your cunt is soaking, and you’re not sure you’ve ever wanted him more.
He chuckles as you eye the knife on his ankle. It’s the only thing he wears other than his briefs now. His dick bulges, usually pulling your attention, put you can’t pull your eyes away from the knife.
Pulling off his underwear, Dave comes back over to you, pressing his body against yours. His teeth scrape over the veins of your neck and he bites down on your earlobe as his hand tangles in your hair.
You release a soft yell. You barely recognize the man in front of you, but it doesn’t matter.
He grips your thigh, hiking it over his hip, running his dick through your sopping cunt.
“You like my knives, Darling?”
You nod as pleasure plays like a movie across your body.
He gips your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Use your words.”
“Yes.” It barely comes out.
His brows raise in amusement. “Would you like me to use them?”
“You won’t hurt me.” You say it as a statement.
Flashes of his softer side show before he clamps them down. “I won’t hurt you.”
“Yes.” It’s almost a yell.
Without hesitation, he grabs the knife off the vanity, pressing it to your neck. “On your knees.”
You obey coming face to face with his hard cock. The knife stays against your delicate flesh.
“You know what to do, baby.”
Again, you obey, taking it into your mouth. The knife is cool against your neck, the only reminder it’s still there. You don’t know how it never pierces your flesh either by dumb luck or expert skill.
Dave’s hips thrust forward, almost triggering your gag reflex. Tears fall from your eyes. Curses sputter from Dave’s lips as he uses your mouth. “Such a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
You breathe from your nose, forcing yourself to nod.
“Shit!” Dave curses, pulling out of your mouth. “I’m going to paint that pretty pussy of yours.”
Your cunt clenches as a small moan tumbles from your lips. He chuckles, hand closing around your neck once more as he ushers you into the shower.
The water is hot, burning against your skin as if it might melt your skin off. Dave holds you under the water. Your breath catches as your body screams out. The water beneath you runs red as the blood washes from your skin.
Your back hits the cool tile wall granting relief from the scalding water. He lathers soap over the parts of your body still stained red, fingers occasionally brushing under your breasts, tweaking nipples.
“You’re so beautiful, darling. Even covered in blood.”
You whimper again, senses overloaded from the trauma, the rush, the teasing. “Dave, please.”
“Please what? You have to use your words, Doll.”
Your walls constrict again, desperate to be around something. Your arms and legs are heavy with need. He’s never used that term with you before. It should be degrading. It is, but it sets another wave of pleasure. You wonder if it’s possible to orgasm virtually untouched. If it is, you’re close.
“Fuck me.”
His tongue clicks as he floats around yours, almost taunting you. He grabs your boob, hard enough it should hurt. It does a little, but pleasure overrides the pain.
“Ask nicely, Doll.”
His finger trails over your collarbone traveling between your breasts and down across your hip. Your thighs squeeze. His palm slips around as he grabs the back of your thigh, kneading it.
“I said.” His words come out like a punch. Concise. Almost sharp. “Ask. Nicely.” He pushes your thigh over his waist, forcing your supportive leg to your tiptoes.
You feel his cock near your entrance, brushing your pussy lips. You moan, hips bucking. He pushes against your neck, running your head into the tiles behind you. “You little slut. You think you can just take it.”
You gasp. “Please.”
“What do you want?”
“I want your cock inside me, Daddy.” It tumbles out of your lips before your brain catches up.
He thrusts his cock into you, sheathing himself fully, hitting the deepest parts of you. Then he’s gone, making you feel empty but only for a second until he enters you again. His hand squeezes tighter around your neck. You come for air as he continuously splits you apart thrust by thrust, pulling out almost fully each time.
Your moans are loud, drowned out by the steaming shower. Tears gather in the corners of your eyes. Dave pays you little mind, shows little care as he continues with a brutality you’ve never encountered, a brutality that only makes you soak his cock. He doesn’t slow. You don’t want him to. He never touches your clit, but you're propelling forward, chasing that high in a way you never have.
The pitch of your voice steps up. The spasm starts in your stomach traveling down to your core as you flutter around Dave’s cock. Your supporting leg shakes. Still, he never eases up, working you through your orgasm.
It hits you like a punch to the gut, a scream piercing the air. Your scream. Dave doesn’t stop. He doesn’t stutter. He keeps pace, chasing his own release.
With each thrust, you yell. You hear the squelching of your sopping cunt against his dick over the roar of the shower. His continuous movements extend your release until he finally buries himself inside you, coating your pussy with his cum. “Such a perfect little doll for me.”
You let out a final whimper as he pulls around, dropping your leg. Your knees buckle. You barely keep yourself upright, legs tingling and shaking.
Dave kisses your cheek. The softness causes a sense of whiplash. He glances over your body, making sure the blood is cleared from your skin and hair. He rinses the blood from his hair as your brain slowly returns to the world. You expect to be exhausted, and you are, but there’s still that low buzz deep within your body.
You killed a man. You took a life. You should feel bad. There’s a fucking body in your living room, but all you can think about is the rush. You liked it. Watching Dave, you wonder if he feels the same way. There’s no doubt to you that he’s taken lives before. You wonder if he knows how many.
The water stops. Dave dries you off with the soft bath towel. He helps you into his soft white t-shirt and tucks you into bed.
“I need to make a call.” He kisses your head and shuts himself in your bathroom. You hear him on the phone, but his words are muffled by the door.
You lay on your back, sheets cool against your hot skin. Staring at the ceiling, you can still feel the blood dripping from your hands, hear the piercing of the knife. You heart rate picks up. What would it be like to do that again? Would you feel the same rush of adrenaline? Would it feel better?
Dave comes out, tossing his cell on the nightstand and sliding under the covers. His hand covers yours.
“What about…?”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s taken care of.”
You don’t ask. He probably knows people. His fingers drift over your cheeks and jaw. They skim lower, following the same path down your neck as your arteries. They feel cool against your skin, drawing patterns where you anticipate bruises tomorrow.
“Did I hurt you?”
He’s almost back to the Dave you know, soft and kind, but you still catch the edges of his dark side. He’s more of a blend now. You think you might be getting the real, true Dave now.
“No,” you shake your head. There was pain. You’ll be sore tomorrow, sport a few scrapes and bruises, but it doesn’t feel like he hurt you.
Dave kisses your forehead, fingers tracing your collarbone now. A question forms in your head, gnawing at the corners of your brain.
“Hmmm?” He sees distracted, entranced as he follows his hand over your skin, skimming the tops of your breasts. Your nipples tighten making you curl your toes with a familiar tug of desire. How are you ready to go again after that?
“What if I liked it?”
His eyebrow quirks. “The sex?” he pinches your hardened nipple making you gasp.
“All of it?”
His palm stops. The pitch of his voice deepens. “All of it?”
You bite your lip, nodding.
“Use your words, Doll.” He cups your breath, teasing your nipple more. His breath is hot in your ear. “Tell me what you like.”
“I-” Can you really say this out loud? Will it blacken your soul? Or is it already charred and damned.
“Tell me.” He smacks your chest like a parent might smack their child’s hand away from an electrical outlet.
Your pussy clenches as you squeeze your legs together. He smacks your other breast in the same manner. You gasp, practically yelling out your answer. “Killing him.”
The air stands still. For a second, you expect a look of disgust to cross Dave’s face. Instead, a smirk grows. “You liked that?”
You nod, not able to say anything else. Dave climbs on top of you, kicking away the covers. He pushes his hand up your sternum, kneading your breast before running it back down. He repeats the motion, rotating between the two. Moans grow in your chest. He bites your earlobe.
“Did you like the way the knife slid into him?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Dave growls in your ear.
“Yes, Daddy,” you repeat between moans. Your sopping hole drips onto the sheets below you. Dave’s motions steadily grow in intensity.
“Did my doll like the way her body felt alive? Like you absorbed that bastard's energy.”
Tears drop from your eyes. You want him again. You need him again. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Does my doll want to do it again?”
“Yes, Daddy.” You practically scream. You should be ashamed of the answer. You should be ashamed that there isn’t an ounce of hesitation in your being.
“Fuck,” Dave says, shoving your legs apart. He pushes his cock inside you again. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll make sure you will.”
Dave moves inside you. It’s not as violent, not as torturous as earlier, but it’s just as satisfying. The promise of more ignites a fire inside of you.
Dave takes you to the brink, pushing you until you pass out from exhaustion, spent, used, and sated.
“I’ll keep you by my side with my superhuman might.”
When you wake up the next morning, the body is gone. The lamp you broke is replaced and a new area rug is delicately placed in your apartment. Not a speck or splatter of blood can be found anywhere. Dave stands in the kitchen gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips. He cooks eggs on the stovetop and a steaming cup of coffee sits on the counter.
You wrap your arms around him. He hums. His skin is warm beneath your cheek, heart beating against your palm. “I like the rug.”
“Me too.”
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shiyorin · 9 months
Animal instincts
#Just romcom in 40K
#Today's menu: Leman Russ and Lion El'Jonson
#Primarchs x Reader, Reader is Imperial Agent
#Late Christmas gift and early New Year gift
Leman Russ
The endless snows of Fenris stretched as far as the eye could see, blanketing mountains and wilds alike under pristine powder. You found yourself overwhelmed at the awe-inspiring landscape, so different from your world upbringing. 
But greatest curiosity lay with one who called these frigid wastes home - Leman Russ, Primarch of the Space Wolves. You observed him now, surrounded by his warriors yet apart, a lone towering figure contemplating the white void. 
His austere features seemed carved from the very stone and ice encasing this planet, immovable yet holding untold depth and power beneath granite exterior. Thick fur-lined armor and coarse pelt draped his massive frame, like the predators ruling these inhospitable wastes.
But as Russ turned toward some comment, face transforming with gruff laughter at his pack's roughhousing, you saw not an impervious demigod but something familiar. Great shoulders shook in mirth like immense boulders slipping loose, blue eyes alive with warmth despite frigid surroundings. An involuntary thought slipped through, that in this moment, he resembled not conqueror but some canines, mighty and playful. 
Shaking off fanciful musings, you continued observant tasks, keeping distance respectful between yourself and the lords of this domain. But later as briefings commenced, Russ stopped his gigantic form before you, breath curling like frost wolves from a mouth curled in question. 
You blinked up into eyes keen yet gentle, all rational thought scattering like snow on gale winds. Impulse surged before discipline could rein it, and you found hands rising of their own accord to Russ' massive brow, carding gloved fingers through coarse hair as one might a trusted hound. 
Silence descended, thick as the powdery drifts. Russ' features slackened in blank shock, pale eyes blinking owlishly. "Lass..." he rumbled, uncomprehending. 
You started as if slapped, jerking hands back so swiftly your wrist protested. "My lord, I..." Words fled, face aflame to your hairline. What folly had possessed you so?!
Yet to your surprise, Russ laughed, a booming, resonant sound like glaciers calving. "By Fenris's ball, lass, yer got the spirit!" 
His tone held no anger, merely bemusement. But when you swallowed apologies, you glimpsed what may have been wistfulness flickering through feral eyes, gone as swift as the thought that spawned it. Had his invisible tail genuinely twitched to wag? Definitely you are crazy or something.
"Aye, lass. Well, if the fur satisfies yer hands, s'pose I'll oblige." 
To your shock, he leaned nearer once more, an unmistakable invitation dancing in blue eyes. Hypnotized, you carded soft locks obediently, finding they are softer than you think. Russ sighed, almost seeming to lean into your touch. An absurd image flickered of an immense wolf nuzzling against your hand, tail wagging invisible yet content. Smiling softly, you traced strong jaw and was rewarded with a look of such warmth and longing, all of your rational thought dissolved. 
Lion El'Jonson
Your survey of the growing threat in Caliban's wilds brought you regularly to the Lion's tower, poring over maps and missives seeking the root of corruption's spread. This eve found you and him yet at work as dusk deepened, twin flames bending over parchment and discourse. 
A lull arose as analysis hit dead ends once more, frustration mounting. You sighed and stretched tired limbs, risking a sidelong glance at your lord. The Lion remained absorbed, strong brows furrowed, stroking his trim beard absently as strategic mind raced. 
A strange thought struck then, in this dim shuttered space, with dusk masking Caliban's savage beauty, did he not seem every inch a great cat himself? Powerful yet graceful, thinking moves ahead with predatory cunning, alone yet bound to wilder instincts doubtless few witnessed.   
Before rational thought could intervene, curiosity overruled. Stepping softly, your hands found scratching points along Lion's bearded jaw and throat. Beneath your ministries his eyes slid shut, muscles unwinding with a contented sigh. Success! Like any feline such attentions soothed.
Encouraged, your nails lightly raked his scalp, eliciting a startling response, a primal rumbling purr trembled his massive frame. His relaxation vanished in an instant, eyes flying open to stare at your in wild-eyed alarm. 
You stumbled back several paces, own eyes round as moons. Had Lion just...purred? Like some overgrown house tabby? Your mind reeled, seeking logical explanations amongst unfathomable strangeness unfolding. 
Lion's pupils elongated before your gaze, resembling nought cat-like slits in green eyes gone feral-bright. His confusion melted into predatory stillness, fixing you with an eerie stare that raised all hairs standing on end. What strangeness possessed them?
For long moments you and him remained suspended, breathing halted, shock and unnamed sparks passing between hands dropped limp to sides once more. Then all broke at once, your stammered excuses and the Lion retreating to the shadows of his tower, retreating from… what?
That night, your sleep proved fitful, your mind restless with possibilities. Had you gone too far when crossed a line with Lion that afternoon, awakening forces better left slumbering? 
Morning comes, dread coiled cold and heavy in your gut. Open the tower's door with trepidation, you froze at the grisly sight awaiting just beyond threshold. A massive deer carcass lay splayed, crimson pool already attracting swarms of flies. 
Your breath caught in horror, had Lion's frustrations boiled over in vengeance? Was this brutal warning of what further torments awaited should your act overstep once more? Shaking, you backed hurriedly inside, thoughts whirling. 
Meanwhile across Caliban's wilderness, Lion admired graceful flickers weaving between ancient trees, oblivious to turmoil sown. Inhaling your lingering scent lost to the mists. Pride swelled that his token gained your notice, for what better way to proclaim your worth and pique your interest further? 
He would await your next visit, gifting further demonstrations of prowess to stoke your regard. In time, you would see none matched his prowess for providing and protecting what he deemed most worthy.
Russ: Pat me, pat me, woof woof!
Lion: If I give a bigger prey, will the agent love me more?
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galatially · 8 months
❝𝐭𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦❞
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — 𝐣𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 x 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 — the fire between us will keep us warm on these winter nights; when all you wanted was to bring some christmas cheer to your bleak apartment, tess has plans that will put you face to face with the one man that you lose all composure around
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 1K
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐍𝐈, 𝟏𝟖+, strong language, fluff, implied strangers to lovers, slight christmas mentions
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i wrote this cute drabble for the always lovely @flordeamatista and i'm beyond thrilled that she loves it given that i had a very hard time keeping this to just a thousand words lmao
as always, lovely banners and dividers by @firefly-graphics​ 
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“Where the hell did you get those?”
You chuckled, glancing at Tess from over your shoulder. “I had to give some of my rations to some knuckle-headed kids.” You finished adjusting their position and turned to face her. “You like ‘em?”
She chuckled, shaking her head. “They’re very…you, Y/L/N.”
You beamed and carefully made your way down the stepladder to stand beside her. “It’s nothin’ like my set up back home but it’ll do.” You bumped shoulders with hers. “But that’s not why you came to visit me.”
“This is why you’re my favorite girl, Y/L/N.” She motioned to your small kitchen table. “Sit for a second.” 
One of your best skills was that you were acutely observant; micro expressions, macro expressions, subtle shifts in body language and tone never went unnoticed for you. So when Tess Servopoulos is sitting at your table with a strained expression in her brown eyes, your senses were on high alert.
“Don’t get tense like that.”
You moved to get two glasses from the cupboard. “I’m tense because you’re draggin’ this out.” You set the glasses down in time for Tess to produce a bottle of whiskey. “What do you need me to do?”
She took a long sip of her drink before meeting your eyes. “I need you to go on a run with Joel for me.”
You hummed. 
“Nothing too strenuous. Just ammo, some medical supplies. Easy peasy.”
“Why can’t you go?”
Tess pulled back the sleeve of her jacket; the parts of her shoulder and collar that you could see beneath her tank top were purple in some spaces, red and angry in others. “I got ambushed by some fucking kids and I don’t want Joel getting all worked up over it. He’s barely slept as is and I need him as clearheaded as possible.” She stabbed a finger in your direction. “Don’t you say anything to him, either. I know where you sleep.”
You snorted. “No need to threaten me, Tess. I got it.” You took a sip from your glass. “Your buddy okay with me taggin’ in for you?”
She shrugged and said, “He doesn’t have much choice.”
“When do we head out?”
“Wednesday night. Just enough time before next week’s rations come in.” She eyed you intently. “Y’know, you never told me what you don’t like about Joel.”
Your brows creased. “I like him fine.”
“Anytime I bring the man up, you get quiet.” Tess raised a brow. “He do somethin’ to you?”
Other than being so attractive that you’d rather eat denim than have him look you in the eye, Joel Miller barely acknowledged your existence. You shared niceties here and there, but have never spent any time alone together. 
Besides, he and Tess clearly had something between them. Even without meaning to, they always gravitate towards each other. Two planets in the same orbit. 
“If he did somethin’ to me, he’d be dead.” Your finger circled the mouth of your glass. “No, Joel Miller is a perfect gentleman.”
Tess snorted. “I don’t know about all that. He’s just…Joel.”
You pour more whiskey in each of your glasses and smiled some. “Don’t worry, Tess. Everything’ll run smoothly.”
She held up her glass to you. “I have no doubt.”
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“Where are you from?”
You and Joel had managed to get the supplies fairly unscathed and were sitting on your couch. Instead of whiskey, you both opted for tea. You found out that Joel takes his the same way you do: honey but not too sweet. 
You propped your elbow up along the back of the couch, a smile in the corners of your mouth. “Broussard, Louisiana. Not too big, but not quite so small. You?”
“Arlington, Texas.”
“Makes sense now why Tess calls you Texas,” you said, chuckling. “I always thought you both made a real nice couple.”
Joel started coughing, returning his mug of tea back to the small table in front of you. “Who the hell told you that?”
Your brows furrowed. “I mean, it’s kind of obvious, isn’t it? Y’all are so close and everybody says that y’all have been together practically since the beginning.”
“For your information, Tess and I are good friends.” His gaze burned into yours. “Nothin’ more, nothin’ less.”
“Okay,” you stuttered out, swallowing thickly. You grabbed your mug and lifted it between the two of you. “More tea?” You didn’t wait to hear his answer before half-running to the kitchen. Your face was warm — burning hot, even — and your pulse was racing. Your hands gripped the edge of the sink as his words sank into your bones.
Nothin’ more, nothin’ less.  
“Y/N.” Joel stood behind you, both arms crowding you in against the counter. His warm breath tickled the shell of your ear. “Look at me.”
“How’s about I get some whiskey for us instead?” You moved around him, forcing your gaze everywhere but on him. “I don’t have any good stuff but Tess and I swear by it.”
He put his hands on your shoulders and turned you to face him, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “You’re cute when you’re nervous.”
Your features flattened. “I’m not nervous.”
“Oh, yeah?” His knuckles lightly brushed along the curve of your jaw. “Look me in the eye and say that again.”
Your gaze lifted to his and your breath caught some. “I’m not nervous.”
“There’s my girl.” 
You turned your head to the side. “How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world when you’ve barely given me any thought before?”
Joel took your left hand and brought it to his lips, softly kissing the tops of your knuckles. His dark eyes were warm as they regarded you. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that, darlin’. I only have eyes for you.”
“Tell you what.” He pulled you flush against him, smirking at your sharp gasp. “How’s about I spread a little Christmas cheer in your bedroom and we’ll revisit this conversation in the morning?”
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — when i tell y'all that i fell in love with joel all over again writing this 😩😩
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dougielombax · 1 year
DON’T make me anchor your thread I swear to GOD!
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familyparadox · 8 months
Just started reading Where Angels Fear (Virgin New Adventures) and it is very good so far. It does have a bit to much fan service but at least is sexualises the men just as much as women. I have already read the next two books in the Dellah Gods arc (the Mary Sue-Extrusion and Dead Romance) honestly I think more people should read the Dellah Gods arc from the VNA’s when ever anyone mentions them it always feels like they are brought up only as a foot note to Dead Romance, in my opinion it is a very interesting narrative, I do myself need to find the last four books to say my complete thoughts on it but none the less I feel the rest of the books in the arc should be appreciated as well. It is an interesting Theatre of the War in Heaven the arc almost feels like a predecessor to the Faction Paradox spin off even beyond the dead Romance Connection the link to war is seen in Where Angels Fear when Brax is refuses to return to his Homeworld to help fright/prepare for some Great War against an unknown Enemy. When people talk about the novels connected to Faction Paradox they mention the EDA’s and Dead Romance they may even mention Christmas on a Rational Planet and Lungbarrow and even more rarely the the Adventures of the Diogenes Damsel and Miranda, but they never mention the rest of the Dellah Gods arc or the Dinedum War Arc from the audios both of which are very interesting theatres of the War in Heaven and the Dellah Gods arc I think should be reevaluated beyond the arc which gave us dead romance and be seen in it entirety and respect as a whole not just one part of (an admittedly very good part) but each novel I think people should go back and have a look at. They all play a role. Heck I don’t even see much mention of the Arc even in Bernice Summerfield fan areas. The arc sets up not just big finish’s Bernice Summerfield range but also sets up and sets a precedent for what will become Faction Paradox. So here is my recommendation whilst you can read Dead Romance on it’s own give the other six books a chance.
Where Angels Fear
The Mary-Sue Extrusion
Dead Romance
Tears of the Oracle
Return to the Fractured Planet
The Joy Device
Twilight of the Gods
And whilst your at it why not give the rest of the Post-Dying Days era VNA’s a look they are just as worthy as the pre Dying Days VNA’s and the EDA’s of your praise. I just feel sometimes that people forget about them beyond vaguely mention that before big finish got them their was a series of 27 books and Dead Romance was a VNA before it was a Faction Paradox story.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
THE PARENT TRAP PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the 1998 film
what's going on?
i have class and you don't.
i'll tell you what i'm gonna do.
what was your mother like?
i agree. it totally sucks.
we actually did it!
still biting those nails, i see.
oh, don't do this to me. i'm already seeing double.
any of your pictures ruined?
it's time to break up this little love fest.
you're young, beautiful, sexy...
i may never be alone with you again.
what do you expect? to live happily ever after?
what did you call me?
yes. to all of the above.
ooh, let me help you with that.
you know, sometime if we're ever really alone maybe we could talk about what happened between us.
i'm sorry, it's just i've missed you so much.
get the picture?
it ended so fast.
wow, suddenly you're so interested in math!
have you seen your father?
i would pay big money to see that woman climb a mountain.
who are you, robert de niro? yes, i am talking to you.
you probably don't remember me...
if that's the way you want it, then let the games begin.
this arrangement really sucks.
come here, we have to talk.
i think there's something on your head.
i love oreos. at home, i eat them with peanut butter.
okay, sorry. got a little nervous!
the man went completely ashen like i was the bloody ghost of christmas past.
can one of you get something cold for my head?
this is so scary.
i promise i'll make your lives miserable.
i think it's an awesome idea. inspired. brilliant, really.
i know. it seems like it's been forever.
okay, on the count of three, we'll show them to each other.
this is beyond coincidence. this is beyond imagination!
i know she was really beautiful.
most people find that totally disgusting.
totally, it's like a dream come true.
will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this?
i'm really thirsty.
i think you're kind of missing the point.
hey, you sounded just like me!
i learned it at camp.
it's me or them.
let's discuss this calmly. calmly and rationally.
this is so scary.
i've never been so happy in my entire life.
i have a brilliant beyond brilliant idea!
excuse me?
may your life be far less complicated than mine.
that's where i have to go.
what are you doing here?
we were so young. we both had tempers, we said stupid things so i packed.
i made the mistake of not coming after you once. i'm not going to do that again no matter how brave you are.
what has gotten into you?
you didn't come after me.
that's perfectly... perfect. have fun.
you can't get married!
i'm not so hungry anymore.
that really doesn't matter anymore.
i suppose you just expect me to go weak at the knees, and fall into your arms, and cry hysterically.
don't shut your eyes!
i'm going to take the lead.
we have a butler?
we decided to switch places.
honey, you never looked better.
this is where we're eating?
that girl is without a doubt the lowest most awful creature to ever walk the planet.
can i hug her?
how exactly are we paying for this?
i'm supposed to, aren't i?
start unzipping.
go on, just do it.
i'm crawling back into bed, and sleeping 'til lunch.
i'll make you a little deal.
i didn't even know you spoke french.
nobody. forget i mentioned it.
i've loved you your whole life.
that does not sound like a possibility, babe.
it'll totally ruin completely everything!
you wanna know the real difference between us?
how did you know that?
that would be correct.
you have no idea.
mine's a pathetic little thing.
i just hope that one day you could love me as me.
thank you, thank you very much!
don't look at me. i don't know a thing.
you're g ood, but you're just not good enough.
what are you rummaging in your trunk for this time?
don't you realize what's happening?
this is so freaky.
if i didn't know any better, i'd say it's almost like you were... forget it. it's impossible.
i hope you're not mad because i love you so much.
loser jumps into the lake after the game.
i changed a lot over the summer.
i've never seen you and i've dreamt of meeting you my whole life.
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astroa3h · 6 months
Scott Peterson: 🥀 Venus Love Style Reading
Scott Peterson, whose name became infamously linked to a tragic crime, was convicted in 2004 for the murder of his wife, Laci Peterson, and their unborn son, Conner. The case gripped the nation, unfolding a story that, on the surface, seemed to be that of an all-American family. Yet, as details emerged, the facade of a loving husband and father-to-be crumbled, revealing a much more sinister reality. Laci Peterson disappeared on Christmas Eve of 2002, sparking a massive search operation. Scott's initial portrayal as a grieving husband began to falter under scrutiny, especially when it was revealed he had been having an affair with another woman, Amber Frey, who was unaware of his marital status. This revelation casts a shadow of deceit and infidelity over Peterson's character, undermining his initial claims of innocence.
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The investigation uncovered a web of lies and suspicious behavior, from Scott's purchase of a boat shortly before Laci's disappearance to his actions and movements on the day she went missing. The discovery of Laci and Conner's bodies near the area where Scott had been fishing on the day of Laci's disappearance further implicated him, despite his vehement denials of any wrongdoing. Scott Peterson's trial was a media sensation, drawing attention not only to the details of the case but also to broader issues of marital betrayal, the portrayal of victims and perpetrators in the media, and the death penalty in the United States. Convicted of first-degree murder for Laci's death and second-degree murder for the death of their unborn son, Peterson was sentenced to death, later commuted to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole after California declared a moratorium on the death penalty.
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Scott has Venus in Virgo, meaning Venus is in FALL. The concept of a planet being "in fall" is not about doom and gloom but rather about the complexity and depth it brings to the planet's expression. For Venus in Virgo, this positioning emphasizes a more analytical and critical approach to love and relationships. The warmth and spontaneity of Venus are replaced with a desire for perfection, often leading to a critical or overly analytical attitude towards partners and a tendency to focus on flaws or what can be improved rather than unconditional acceptance and affection. Already a placement fraught with critical and perfection-seeking tendencies, it gains a more sinister hue when we consider the destructive degree at 22. This isn't just about striving for an unattainable ideal in love or being overly critical of a partner; it's a harbinger of a love twisted, where the pursuit of perfection becomes a destructive force, not just emotionally, but in the most tragic and final sense.
Scott also has Venus in the 10th House, which when negatively aspected indicates an individual who uses relationships as a means to an end—where partners are chosen or valued based on how they contribute to one's image or goals. The desire for an ideal image to the public might overshadow the genuine emotional connection in the relationship. This could manifest as presenting a facade of a perfect relationship or family life to the world, even if the reality is far from perfect.
The sextile between Venus and Mercury in the secretive 12th House, rather than merely suggesting a preference for intellectual connection and private conversations, now casts a shadow of duplicity. It's as if Scott's capacity for intimate communication was a double-edged sword, capable of deception as easily as a connection. This aspect, under this grim light, speaks to a mind that could rationalize the irrational, and justify the unjustifiable, where the whispered words behind closed doors were not of love, but of lies. The square between Venus and Saturn in the 7th House, the domain of committed partnerships, becomes even more ominous. Instead of simply implying a strained or duty-bound approach to relationships, this aspect now screams of a suffocating control, a need to dominate and dictate the terms of love until it chokes the life out of it—literally. Saturn's cold, restrictive influence here speaks not to the normal challenges of marriage but to a relationship under siege, where one partner becomes a warden, and the other a prisoner.
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The trine to the North Node in the 2nd House, which might in other contexts suggest a journey towards valuing oneself and one's possessions now has a macabre twist. This aspect, in the story of a man who killed his wife, hints at the ultimate material possession: taking a life into one's own hands, and claiming ownership over another's existence. It's a stark and harrowing reminder that in some twisted minds, love and possession can become fatally conflated. The stark parallels between Scott Peterson's astrological chart and the heinous crime he committed serve as a chilling reminder of how the darker facets of our personalities can be reflected in the stars. While astrology often offers insights into our strengths, desires, and potentials, in Scott's case, it also mirrors the depths of deceit, manipulation, and control that led to an unfathomable tragedy. 
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own "Venus Love Style Reading" @ astroash.net ✨🥀
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