#Christopher swindle
digital-dahlia · 1 year
Tentomon Digivolves to Kabuterimon! (Digimon 2020 dub)
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jesterwriting · 7 months
Hey Jester!! 🫶 hope you’re doing well ^_^ love the way you write Sanji and the op boys, it’s really comforting! :’)
If your requests are open- would it be possible to ask a headcannon list or short fic with the loverboy? A small fun, comfort scenario where reader really likes the idea of wearing suits or styles (like Sanji) in the sort, but doesn’t act on it and simply admires it? Then one day she buys something for herself, and he walks in on her? Eventual Reader hinting out to him “yknow you’re welcome to try my stuff on too..”
…? Not sure if it makes any sense-! Feel free to skip it if it’s something a little too weird ^^”
Wishing you a good day- thank you! Stay awesome!!
pairing: sanji x gn!reader
contents: slight language, fluff, nosebleeds because sanji moment, reader buys a suit for the first time but its gender neutral
word count: 1.3k words
note: awwww hi! as always i got carried away because i only ever know how to be long winded oops— this was so cute and fun to write, though :33 thank you for your request <33 i hope you enjoy hehe
playlist: greenpath - christopher larkin
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As you passed by the window of a nearby shop, you paused to stare at the mannequin that decorated the usually empty space. With one hand on its hip, it was adorned with a simple black suit. Plain, yes, but you could appreciate fine tailoring when you saw it. You wondered how it would look on you; if it would fit against your body just so, accentuating your finer features. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? You usually wore casual clothing, preferring comfort above all else, but you could appreciate a fancy suit when the mood struck.
Your shoes squeaked as you stood yourself on your tiptoes to align yourself with the mannequin. The reflection of your face hovered over the mannequin's blank features, almost uncanny in its visage. You hummed, studying the window as if it was a mirror. It didn’t look half bad. Before you made any rash decisions that would leave you losing a hefty sum of cash, you should try it on. Approximation was fine sometimes, though you could admit when it came to the finer things in life, it was better to know that you were getting your money’s worth.
You wished Sanji was here to help you. He always took good care of his appearance, preferring dress shirts and slacks to your jeans. If anyone knew how buying a suit should go, it was him. For all you knew, you were walking into this shop to get swindled. Lost in thought, you picked at your cuticles. If you were being honest, a part of you wanted to keep your little shopping spree a secret. Such a drastic change in style was out of character for you, and you would rather not be teased for it.
You hummed, looking left, then looking right. No one you recognized. Your purse was heavy on your hip, more than enough to get you two fancy suits and more. A cloud that had previously been blocking the sun moved out of the way, causing sunlight to spill over your shoulders and make the suit almost glow.
“Fuck it,” You said. “It’s fine.”
With that, you squared your shoulders and strolled into the store, prepared for the hefty price tag that was surely waiting for you. Instead, you were met with the sweetest old lady you had ever met, and a discount for being so patient. Bag in hand, you took off towards the sunny, a grin you couldn’t wipe off on your cheeks.
You couldn’t wait to try it on again in the comfort of your own room. Sometimes, the mirrors in shops lied. If you were truly going to know if you got your money's worth, it would be back home. You giggled to yourself, doing a small spin on your heel. Giddiness welled in your chest like a fountain.
Today was a good day.
“Oh, today was a spectacular day,” You muttered as you admired yourself in the mirror. No one had returned from the island so you were alone until everyone’s little shopping spree had ended. That gave you more than enough time to prance around in your new purchase for as long as you wanted.
You were worried it would be hard to move in. Formal wear always looked so stiff, you were sure you would feel trapped if you ever wore anything like it. Now that you were in one, however, it was the opposite. Your new suit fit you like a glove, pulled in at your waist to accentuate your figure. You raised your hands over your head, then bent to touch your toes, relishing in the give the fabric gave. There was no fear or any rips of tears, you felt like you could run a marathon if you wanted. The suit was everything you wanted and more. You couldn’t help but give a little giggle as you posed in front of the mirror.
Damn, you looked good.
A knock at the door shattered your joyful mood, quickly replacing it with anxiety. Your skin buzzed uncomfortably. There was no way you could change fast enough before whoever was at the door got bored if waiting and waltzed in. Privacy was in short supply on the Thousand Sunny. You looked at your reflection, almost laughing at your deer in headlights expression.
“Don’t come in, I’m naked,” You yelled the first thing you could think of, immediately regretting it as soon as it left your mouth.
“That’s alright, my love, I can come back later.” Even worse, it was Sanji at the door, probably off to nurse a nosebleed.
Chewing on your next words, you tried again, “Just kidding!”
Your boyfriend let out a strained laugh, “Okay. Well, I was only wondering what you would like to eat for dinner.”
Softly, you padded over to the door so you could hear him clearer. If anyone caught you like this, you’d want it to be Sanji. He could give you tips you didn’t know previously, and you knew he would never tease you like the others if he found out. Heart pounding in your chest, you turned the knob, poking your head out into the hall. As you guessed, Sanji was covering his nose with a tissue to stifle some of the blood flow, a rosy hue on his cheeks.
He smiled when he saw you, eyes soft. “Hello, sweetheart.”
You kept the rest of your body out of view as you hardened your gaze. “I need your help. And don’t you dare laugh at me.”
“I would never dream of laughing at you. You are my angel, all I know is to sing your praises.” Sanji’s curiosity got the better of him, stepping closer to peer into your quarters. His brows knit in concern when you didn’t move. “Is everything alright?”
With a sigh, you let the door creak open, arms open wide. “How do I look?”
Not wasting a second, Sanji pulled you into a tight hug. “You look marvelous, my love,” He said into your hair. You giggled when he lifted you and spun you around a few times for good measure.
“Are you sure?” You asked, feet now firm on the ground. “It’s not weird I’m wearing this? Suits usually aren’t my thing.”
“Yes, I’m sure. You’d look wonderful wearing rags, my love, let alone a finely tailored suit.” Sanji looked you up and down, admiring you and the suit that adorned your body. “Where did you get this? The stitching is so precise…”
Allowing him to inspect you — a tissue still stuck in his nostril from his earlier nosebleed — you smiled to yourself. “A sweet old lady runs a shop just off main street, I can show you later if you want.”
“I’d love to go.”
A moment of silence passed between you, Sanji admiring while you stood stock still and allowed him to fidget with the hems of your sleeves.
“You know, you can borrow this sometime if you want. Just so it gets more use. You always dress so nice.”
He laughed, blue eyes lit up like the ocean on a sunny day. “I think this would be a little too small for me, angel.” You watched his expression shift, a bit of blood dribbling from his other nostril before it was promptly stifled with another tissue. Sanji cleared his throat. “Although… If you’d like to wear any of my clothes, you’re welcome to whenever you’d like.”
“I think I may take you up on that offer.”
After all, what was better than comfy clothes? Comfy boyfriend clothes that get them all hot and bothered.
And, of course, your brand new suit.
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macaronis-telegraph · 2 years
Queer WWI Literature
This is a very niche and limited category, so I’ve been trying to throw together a list of what I can find out there for anyone else who might also be interested. What follows are all books that contain LGBTQ+ rep of any kind, that also involve the First World War as a central theme.
Titles with an asterisk* are the ones I have personally read, and would be more than happy to talk about/answer any questions about their content/rep!
Written in the 20th Century
Alf, by Bruno Vogel (1929)
Despised and Rejected, by Rose Allatini (pseud. A.T. Fitzroy) (1918)*
Lads: Love Poetry of the Trenches, edited by Martin Taylor (1989)
The Memorial, by Christopher Isherwood (1932)
My Father and Myself, by J.R. Ackerley (1968)
The Prisoners of War: A Play in Three Acts, by J.R. Ackerley (1925)*
The Regeneration Trilogy (Regeneration, The Eye in the Door, The Ghost Road), by Pat Barker (1991, 1993, 1995)*
A Scarlet Pansy, by Robert Scully (1932)*
Strange Meeting, by Susan Hill (1976)
Written in the 21st Century
The Absolutist, by John Boyne (2011)
Across Your Dreams, by Jay Lewis Taylor (2016)
Alec, by William di Canzio (2021)
Ashthorne, by April Yates (2022)
Awfully Glad, by Charlie Cochrane (2014)
Bonds of Earth, by G.N. Chevalier (2012)*
The Boy I Love, by Marion Husband (2005)*
The Daughters of Mars, Thomas Keneally (2012)
Eleventh Hour, by Elin Gregory (2016)
The Fallen Snow, by John J. Kelley (2012)
Fighting Proud: The Untold Story of the Gay Men Who Served in Two World Wars, by Stephen Bourne (2017) – (I know I said fiction, but I’m going to leave this one here anyhow)
Flower of Iowa, by Lance Ringel (2014)*
The Great Swindle, by Pierre Lemaitre (2013)*
The Indian Clerk, by David Leavitt (2007)
The Inheritance of Solomon Farthing, by Mary Paulson-Ellis (2019) *
In Memoriam, by Alice Winn (2023)
The Lie, by Helen Dunmore (2014)
The Paying Guests, by Sarah Waters (2014)
A Pride of Poppies, short story collection published by Manifold Press (2015)
Promises Made Under Fire, by Charlie Cochrane (2013)
The Shell House, by Linda Newbery (2002)*
Spectred Isle, by K.J. Charles (2017)
The Stranger’s Child, by Alan Hollinghurst (2011)
The Warm Hands of Ghosts, by Katherine Arden (2024)
Whistling in the Dark, by Tamara Allen (2008)*
Wild with All Regrets, by Emma Deards (2023)
The World and All that it Holds, by Aleksandar Hemon (2023)
This is a dynamic list, which I will continue to update whenever I find something new. If you know of anything that isn’t on this list and needs to be, please let me know!
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thevagabondexpress · 1 year
let's take a closer look at christopher, matthew, and their shared love of downworld, shall we?
On the surface, when you read them, Matthew Fairchild and Christopher Lightwood are wildly disparate characters. They have almost nothing in common. But then we get to the Shadow Market in Chain of Iron, and suddenly—suddenly Christopher Lightwood is a whole different man from the owlish, absentminded, socially inept little being we see around his friends and among the Enclave in general.
He's street-smart, avoiding the dangers of the Shadow Market with the practiced ease of many, many visits, he haggles like an expert (to quote Cordelia), and what's more, he's openly Nephilim in a place that seems to generally despise Shadowhunters and yet he and the vendors are familiar, even friendly with each other, Christopher chats as comfortably as he haggles, and in general he seems far more comfortable there than he does among the Nephilim of the Enclave, even those he considers his closest friends.
Up until then, Matthew and Anna were the characters we associated with Downworld. They frequent the Hell Ruelle, and are welcome and beloved there, and it's made clear that Matthew adores the Downworlders and their way of life, watching with starstruck eyes and longing to join in.
Matthew is the Downworlder lover extraordinaire—or is he? Hypatia states quite plainly in Chain of Gold that Matthew is welcomed into the Ruelle because he's pretty and amusing: he's there as a lovely plaything, a pawn of the other guests, a runed curiosity who can't seem to keep it in his pants and doesn't seem to realize that he can say no. The way he's treated by the Hell Ruelle is exploitative at best. And in the Shadow Market? He's swindled and snubbed like everyone else. Matthew adores the Downworld, but he looks at it through glittering rose-colored glasses, viewing it with the fetishized fascination for the exotic of a British colonist writing a travelogue of the Near East. He's Lawrence of Arabia, Marco Polo, Gertrude Bell.
Christopher in the Shadow Market, by contrast, is one of them already. "Christopher Lightwood!" one vendor calls. "Just the man I was hoping to see!" Granted, I don't know how they'd treat him if he wasn't such an extravagant spender but I imagine he would still be welcomed, if perhaps not hailed so loudly. But why? Christopher isn't scandalous, or extravagant. From everything we've seen he holds himself to high standards and lives a fairly clean lifestyle: he doesn't sleep around, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't do drugs or drink to excess.
But at the same time, while Matthew does do those things, he also gets treated like a toy by the Ruelle, and I am willing to bet you the moment he puts his foot down and says no to somebody, they'll stop letting him in.
Christopher, on the other hand, is humble. We're shown frequently through his interactions with his friends and family and other members of the Enclave that he doesn't place himself higher and believe himself better than anyone else. Neither does he seem to buy the prejudices those around him seem to hold: why should women, or Downworlders, or people of color, be considered lesser than someone else? He considers everyone on equal footing in that respect and judges them based on who they are as individual persons. And even then he shows a great capacity for leniency and forgiveness: he's the first of them to accept Grace, and while he goes along with his friends' hatred of Alastair in spirit, his actions don't suggest he really dislikes Alastair that much at all (except when he's insulting Anna, that is).
We see all of those behaviors from a distance in the Shadow Market scene, in the way he haggles and chats with the vendors and the fact that he doesn't seem either afraid of or bedazzled by the Market at all.
Ultimately, Christopher surpasses Matthew when it comes to knowledge of and position within the Downworld. Where Matthew treats the Downworld like a curio cabinet, and is exploited for his hedonist nature in turn, Christopher treats the denizens of the Shadow Market as equals, and receives equal treatment back from them, welcomed as a customer, a regular, yea even a friend.
TL; DR, Christopher has always been the true Downworlder spirit, and Matthew needs to wake up and put his foot down before he gets himself seriously hurt—again.
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Forever is the Sweetest Con~Cowboy Like Me steddie au (cw// Jason Carver is homophobic)
Eddie Munson thinks "con-artist" is such an ugly term for what he does (though he will admit there is quite a bit of artistry to doing it well). It's just, the idea that the truly, horrendously rich don't deserve to be swindled from time to time is fundamentally incorrect. Eddie studies the wealthy, carefully gathering tales of who they use, exploit, destroy all in the name of money, and he's made a life of taking them down a peg. He knows how to find the worst of them; how to woo them, seduce them; and take just enough to get away with it.
Like he said, it's an art.
He blows into town after reading the obituary for one Christopher Stephen Harrington IV, husband of Miriam and father of Stephen. He doesn't need to research the family to know that Miriam will be an easy target. Most widows of men like Christopher Stephen Harrington IV are after being locked into loveless marriages for the majority of their adulthood. They're looking for someone to pay them attention, sweep them off their feet. Eddie loves being that someone.
Eddie's first mistake is thinking that there will be anything easy about Miriam Harrington and the second is not taking into account her son. Eddie's only been in town for a few days when Stephen, Steve, shows up, and he is a revelation.
Steve is
Beautiful. Stupid. Throws money around like it's nothing, like he's begging to lose it. Fucks everything that moves.
It's not even a decision, not really, for Eddie to change his mark. Everything about the other man screams that he's desperate for love, for some kind of validation, and Eddie knows just how to give it to him.
It's not hard, seducing Steve Harrington. It barely takes a week before Steve gets Eddie alone in the formal dining room of the Harrington estate.
"There a reason you keep watching me?" Steve asks. He steps easily into Eddie's space, hazel eyes darkening to golden honey as the distance between them closes.
"Maybe I like what I see," Eddie answers. "Maybe I like it a lot."
Eddie leans down making his intent clear by letting his gaze drift from Steve's eyes to his mouth. He ignores the rapid beating of his own heart, the butterflies in his stomach, as he brings his mouth to the other man's. This means nothing, like every other seduction. Steve is a mark and nothing more.
Right before their lips meet, Steve's breath hitting his face and making his head swim with want, a strong hand grips his chin, the blunt edge of fingernails digging into his skin.
"You think I don't know what you're doing here, Eddie Munson?" Steve asks.
"Wha--"Eddie blinks, the words not making a ton of sense when his entire body is focused on kissing the beautiful man before him; takes him too long to realize that Steve's called him by his legal name.
He wrenches himself out of the man's grasp. "Who are you?" Eddie demands. "FBI?"
The look Steve shoots him is devoid of the dim party boy lethargy Eddie's become used to. It's calculating, quick, perceives way too much. It's also packed with sneering disdain. "Of course I'm not. I'm here for the same reason you are."
Eddie scoffs. "That seems unlikely."
"You know nothing about me, Munson. Just stay away from me and my mother and we'll be fine."
"Just your mother? You don't care about protecting any of your friends?"
"You heard me. Everyone else is fair game."
Eddie's head is too scrambled to protest, and his heart--his fickle, too-easily-swayed heart--throbs with longing.
"Fine," he manages. He flees the room, already refortifying the walls he's spent most of his life building.
At 16, Steve Harrington was everything Eddie expected; spoiled, vapid, cruel, lazy, his entire life handed to him on a silver platter. His life of no consequences changed over night after his father found him in bed with another boy. He got thrown out, no money, no prospects, no life skills. Like so many before him, he fled to the city, but he was barely surviving. That was until he literally ran into one Robin Buckley fresh from poorly pickpocketing a finance bro. Robin took him in, taught him the ropes, and he devoted himself to making the rich pay for their sins.
It's no wonder that Steve and Eddie wind up targeting the same mark, Jason Carver. Jason is the worst of the worst. Handsome, entitled, clever only in ways that hurt, egotistical, desperate for power and prestige. Has a fiancee he treats like office furniture.
Steve uses their similarities to try to get close to Jason, but Eddie plays on his differences, on his nerdiness and confidence, hoping that Jason will find Eddie's fundamental weirdness too intoxicating to ignore.
Eddie's winning. And when he's not planning his slow seduction of Jason Carver, he's unwittingly learning more about Steve. The country club is running a summer youth program, open to the kids of all the citizens of Roane county. There's one feral group that Eddie has a soft spot for, made up of a bunch of dnd-playing nerd children, a quiet girl named El, and a fierce red-head named Max. He's surprised, one day, when he comes upon Steve and curly-headed Dustin Henderson, as Dustin explains some deep dnd lore to a bemused, but clearly attentive Steve. Next, he finds the man sitting with El and Max. El braids his hair while Max paints his nails a charming teal. Later, he sees Steve playing basketball with Lucas Sinclair, coaching him through some improvements on his form, fingernails still glinting with color.
He's so busy trying to put the pieces of Steve Harrington together, rich boy, con man, kind to children, that he doesn't recognize how dangerous Jason Carver is.
Steve steps from the shower when there's a knock at his hotel room door. He's not expecting anyone, and that makes him nervous. He hasn't survived this long on his own without being cautious. He doesn't hesitate, though, when he sees his visitor is Jason Carver's fiancee, Christine Cunningham. They know each other, sort of, but they aren't close, and he's even more stunned by the tears streaming down her face.
"Chrissy?" He asks as he opens the door.
"Steve, you have to help. Jason's going to hurt him!"
Lead settles hard in Steve's stomach, no need to ask who the "him" is. "Where?"
"They went to Addison's Steakhouse. You know it?"
Steve nods. "I'll get him."
"Please," Chrissy begs. "I didn't think Jason would go through with it, but he kept talking about making Eddie pay, and--and--"
"I know," he says, because he does. "I'll get Eddie. He'll be okay."
When Steve slams into the private dining room of the steakhouse, Jason already has Eddie sprawled on the floor, lip split and bloody, and something inside Steve explodes. He launches himself at Jason, throwing the other man across the room.
Jason staggers. "What, you protecting this freak, Harrington? You know what he wanted with me?"
"I don't care, Carver, just get out of here."
"I heard rumors you were just like him," Jason spits, advancing on Steve.
"Seriously, man, I don't want to hurt you," he clenches his hands into fists.
Jason sneers, taking another step forward. "Like you even could. Everyone knows your dad kicked you out for being a fucking pussy."
It's all the motive Steve needs to punch him across the face with a sharp left hook. Jason collapses, clearly not having been punched anywhere near enough, and then Eddie is all Steve can see.
"Are you okay?" He drops to his knees, angling the man's jaw to get a better look at his injury.
"I was handling it, Harrington."
"Were you?" Steve asks.
Their eyes meet, linger, warmth growing in Steve's stomach.
They move in at the same time, Steve doing nothing to stop it this time, slotting their lips together with practiced slowness. Eddie's blood smears on his mouth, his chin; he gets some on his tongue and moans, pulling the other man closer, burying his hands in all that curly hair.
They fall into bed together like it's the most natural progression of things and, Steve thinks, it probably is. That moment all those weeks ago in his mom's dining room was just a prelude to this, to Eddie taking him apart so slowly, so carefully that it wrecks him, realigns his worldview, makes long dormant emotions surge to the surface so hard and fast that he's helpless to resist. By night's end, he's gone, totally enamored, heart snatched from his chest by Eddie's greedy, careful hands.
Eddie wakes the next morning naked and in an unfamiliar room. For a second, he thinks his seduction of Jason Carver was a success, but then he feels the soft lips pressing against the back of his neck, and he remembers Steve. Steve lying under him, stars in his eyes, smiling up at Eddie; as he made the prettiest, neediest sounds; as Eddie moved inside him, as all his walls came tumbling down, as Steve Harrington ruined him for anyone else.
His mouth aches, the split in his lip still a little bloody. Without Steve around, Eddie would've noticed the danger Jason posed. Would've stopped the con before it got to the point of them being alone together, of Jason having the power to hurt him. If he hadn't been distracted, he could have avoided the very real threat of a beating.
He lurches out of the bed, away from Steve's soft touches.
"Eddie, what..." Steve starts, his voice all gentle.
"Don't," Eddie hisses.
"Talk to me like we're in love." Eddie rips his hands through his hair.
"I--don't you--aren't--"
He makes the mistake of meeting Steve's eyes, see the love brimming in the golden brown.
"C'mon, Harrington. You're a great fuck and all, but it didn't mean anything."
Eddie watches as all that emotion, all those feelings are packed away, as Steve's pretty face relaxes into a careless blank.
Nausea twists at Eddie's stomach.
"Yeah, whatever," the other man says.
Eddie finds his clothes strewn across the floor, can't stand to watch Steve for another second. Needs to squash all the things rocketing around in his chest."You can't catch feelings so easy in our line of work. You should know better."
Steve snorts. "Don't waste your time worrying about me, Munson."
"Right," Eddie agrees. He stuffs his feet in his shoes. "Well, see you around, Harrington."
Steve doesn't respond and Eddie can't bear to look back.
Once in the elevator, he collapses back against the wall, driving the flat of his palms into his eyes to force away the tears that want to fall. Guys like Steve aren't for him; love isn't for him. He needs to drill that back into his head before someone gets even more hurt.
It's the day of Miriam Harrington's mid-summer party and Eddie's skipping town. This whole endeavor was a bust. He's going home to lick his wounds (both mental and physical), and start over somewhere else. He hasn't seen Steve much since their night together, and that's just another reason to get out of dodge.
He shows up to the party, though, about two hours late. It's foolish, dangerous, but he can't leave without saying goodbye to Steve.
It's one of those black and white balls, and Eddie's in fitted black trousers and a velour suit jacket the color of fresh blood. The guys at the doors don't want to let him in, but Eddie doesn't care, just walks past them, ignoring their protests.
Big, white tents are stretched over the country club tennis courts, and the dancing is already in full swing. Eddie sticks to the edges of the ballroom floor, eyes skipping over swaying couples, searching out the only one he wants to see.
Steve is there, easily found by his chestnut hair that's swept into an artful swoop. He's dancing with Nancy Wheeler, sister of one of the feral dnd children, holding her close as they sway to the mid-tempo song. Eddie watches as the music draws to a close, as Steve smiles at Nancy with soft fondness, and his heart stutters. That's what Steve deserves, who he deserves it with, not someone like Eddie, all rough edges and layers of barbed-wire protecting his too-soft heart.
Nancy walks off, leaving Steve alone in the middle of the dance floor. Eddie is quick to take her place.
"Dance with me, Harrington?" He asks.
Steve turns and when he spots Eddie, his face does many complicated things before falling into the mask that Eddie's now too familiar with.
"Dancing is a dangerous game," Steve responds. He raises an eyebrow, carefully bland.
"I think I'll risk it." Eddie pulls Steve close and they slip together like they had that night in Steve's hotel room.
They dance and everyone else in the room falls away, until it's only them, only this, only the the stars dancing in Steve's eyes as he gazes at Eddie like Eddie's precious, special, worth something.
They're close enough to rest their foreheads together, but Eddie can't bring himself to make any move that will take Steve's eyes out of his view. The song plays, and they hold each other, and they don't speak, neither wanting to ruin the moment with words. Eddie lets a hand trace the strong contours of Steve's jaw, and he knows he's in love. Hopelessly, helplessly.
As the last note of the song swells, Eddie presses a thumb to Steve's pouty bottom lip, and he feels the rush of air as the other man gasps.
Eddie lets himself smile, just a bit, before closing the remaining distance between them, slotting his lips to Steve's in a sweet, soft kiss.
He pulls away without a word, turning and disappearing into the crowd before Steve opens his eyes.
It's for the best, Eddie tells himself as he drives away, knowing he's leaving his heart behind forever.
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
evermore songs as tlh characters/ships
I saw someone do this for Folklore and Evermore's my favourite album, so...
sorry nbnc isn't included i just had no idea what to do with it lol
willow -> thomas @ alastair
Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark Show me the places where the others gave you scars Now this is an open-shut case Guess I should've known from the look on your face Every bait and switch was a work of art
champagne problems -> james @ cordelia + matthew
[He'll] patch up your tapestry that I shred And hold your hand while dancing Never leave you standing Crestfallen on the landing With champagne problems
gold rush -> matthew
What must it be like To grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore At dinner parties Won't call you out on your contrarian shit And the coastal town We never found will never See a love as pure as it
tis the damn season -> anna @ ari
Sleep in half the day just for old times' sake I won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay So I'll go back to L.A. and the so-called friends Who'll write books about me, if I ever make it And wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles I'm fakin' And the heart I know I'm breakin' is my own
tolerate it -> alastair @ charles
honestly this one is too fitting it was so hard to choose a quote but--
I greet you with a battle hero's welcome I take your indiscretions all in good fun I sit and listen, I polish plates until they gleam and glisten You're so much older and wiser and I...
happiness -> matthew @ cordelia
After giving you the best I had Tell me what to give after that All you want from me now is the green light of forgiveness You haven't met the new me yet And I think [he'll] give you that
dorothea -> ari @ anna
It's never too late To come back to my side The stars in your eyes Shined brighter in Tupelo And if you're ever tired of being known For who you know You know, you'll always know me
coney island -> james @ cordelia
Did I close my fist around something delicate? Did I shatter you? And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island Wondering, "Where did my baby go?" The fast times, the bright lights, the merry-go Sorry for not making you my centerfold
ivy -> alastair @ thomas while in paris
Oh, goddamn My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand Taking mine, but it's been promised to another Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered in you
cowboy like me -> ari @ anna
And the skeletons in both our closets Plotted hard to mess this up And the old men that I've swindled Really did believe I was the one And the ladies lunching have their stories about When you passed through town But that was all before I locked it down
long story short -> matthew
I always felt I must look better in the rear view Missing me At the golden gates they once held the keys to When I dropped my sword I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door And we live in peace But if someone comes at us This time, I'm ready
marjorie -> grace @ christopher (😭)
I should've asked you questions I should've asked you how to be Asked you to write it down for me Should've kept every grocery store receipt 'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me Watched as you signed your name Marjorie All your closets of backlogged dreams And how you left them all to me
closure -> alastair @ charles after the end of chog
Yes, I got your letter Yes, I'm doing better It cut deep to know ya Right to the bone Yes, I got your letter Yes, I'm doing better I know that it's over I don't need your closure
evermore -> cordelia @ james
And I was catching my breath Floors of a cabin creaking under my step And I couldn't be sure I had a feeling so peculiar This pain wouldn't be for Evermore
right where you left me -> grace
I stayed there Dust collected on my pinned-up hair They expected me to find somewhere Some perspective, but I sat and stared
it's time to go -> matthew at the end of chot
Sometimes giving up is the strong thing Sometimes to run is the brave thing Sometimes walking out is the one thing That will find you the right thing That will find you the right thing And you know in your soul And you know in your soul When it's time to go
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The English dub for the Digimon Adventure 2020 reboot just dropped
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The English dub cast for the 8 kids and the Digimon:
Tai Kamiya: Zeno Robinson
Matt Ishida: AJ Beckles
Sora Takenouchi: Cherami Leigh
Izzy Izumi: Anne Yatco
Mim Tachikawa: Suzie Yeung
Joe Kido: Daman Mills
T.K. Takaishi: Corina Boettger
Kari Kamiya: Ryan Bartley
Agumon: Ben Diskin
Gabumon: Dave B. Mitchell
Biyomon: Tara Sands
Tentomon: Christopher Swindle
Palmon: Corina Boettger
Gomamon: Alex Cazares
Patamon: Lizzie Freeman
Gatomon: Erine Yvette
Notable roles the voice actors are known for (in my opinion):
Zeno Robinson as "Tai": 
My main take-away here is "Hunter" from The Owl House (since I just binged that and the trauma is real) and "Go" from Pokémon Journey's, but he already did a lot of amazing things and I love him.
AJ Beckles as "Matt": 
Most notably for me was "Hop" from Pokémon Journey's - and generally the fact that we will hear a loooot of recent Pokémon voices.
Cherami Leigh as Sora: 
Okay, her list is INSANELY long and I absolutely cannot wait to listen to her, this is some pretty amazing stuff we have right here and she deserves it:
"Asuna" from Sword Art Online
"Sailor Venus/Minako Aino" from Sailor Moon Viz Dub/Crystal/Eternal/Cosmos (MORE SAILOR MOON CONNECTIONS!!!)
"Chloe" from Pokémon Journey's 
"Michiru" from Brand New Animal
"Miyo Sasaki" from "A Whisker Away" (which is amazing, since Natsuki Hanae plays her love interest in Japanese)
"Alina Grey" from Magia Record 
"Tome Kurata" from Mob Psycho 100
"Sarada Uchiha" from Boruto 
MOST INTERESTINGLY: "Maki Himekawa" AND "Piyomon" in Digimon Adventure Tri, so we have old ties after all!
Anne Yatco as "Izzy":
Gaaaaaah, I reallly cannot wait to listen to her. Again, happy that we got a voice actress for him again and that she did a fair share of female AND also boyish roles (even though I am not really familiar with the latter). 
"Kinemi Miki" from Blue Period 
"Nobara Kugisaki" from Jujutsu Kaisen 
"Sabine Cheng" from Miraculous Ladybug 
Suzie Yeung as Mimi: 
She actually did a lot, I just didn't KNOW a lot... 
"Makima" from Chainsaw Man 
Young "Kyou Soma" from the Fruits Basket reboot
Daman Mills as "Joe": 
He also did a lot I didn't know, but again, reeeeeally exciting stuff.
"Yotasuke Takahashi" in Blue Period 
"Kaworu Nagisa" in the Neon Genesis Evangelion Rebuild series (that made me scream again, since they gave him Yamato's VA's in German)
"N" in Pokémon Masters (also other minor roles in Pokémon, not surprising)
Corina Boettger as "T.K." AND Palmon: 
"Tatsumaki" from One Punch Man
"Sailor Tin Nyanko" from Sailor Moon Stars
"Meiyui Chun" from Magia Record
Ryan Bartley as "Kari": 
"Ram" from Re:Zero 
"Allister" from Pokémon Journey's
"Sana Futaba" from Magia Record 
"Candice" and "Corinna" from Pokémon Masters 
"Angela" from Carole & Tuesday 
"Takane Tsubomi" from Mob Psycho 100 
"Yusa / Misa" from Charlotte
"Rei Ayanami" from the Neon Genesis Evangelion re-dub (THIS CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD THE MOST)
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the-monkey-ruler · 4 months
Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny (2018) 功夫熊猫:命运之爪
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Director: Charlie Adler / Dan Forgione Screenwriter: Benjamin Lapides / Johanna Stein / Nicole Belisle Starring: Laya DeLeon Hayes / Makana Say / Haley Chu / Gunnar Sizemore / Steve Blum / Cherise Boothe / Amy Hill / Mick Wingert / Wu Hanzhang / Gray Dressler / James Hsieh / Chrissy Metz / Jeff Bennett / JB Blanco / Christopher Swindle / Piotr Michael /Mitch Watson Genre: Action / Animation / Adventure Country/Region of Production: United States Language: English Date: 2018-11-16 (USA) Number of seasons: 2 Number of episodes: 26 Single episode length: 23 minutes IMDb: tt8271176 Type: Reimanging
Set after the events of Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016), the series follows Po the panda on a fresh adventure featuring four panda kids (Nu Hai, Jing, Bao, and Fan Tong); who happen upon a mystical cave beneath the Panda Village. The panda kids accidentally absorb the chi of ancient and powerful Kung Fu warriors known as the four constellations; Blue Dragon, Black Tortoise, White Tiger, and Red Phoenix – each of which somehow are with the panda; who has a quality opposite to that constellation's prime quality. They realize they are now destined to save the world from an evil force (Jindiao); who wishes to take over the world and steal the chi of the four constellations, landing Po with his biggest challenge yet – teaching this ragtag band of kids how to wield their new-found Kung Fu powers. They also defend the Forbidden City against an evil Komodo dragon named Shi Long along with an ancient evil demon
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fu_Panda:_The_Paws_of_Destiny
Link: https://www.wcostream.net/anime/kung-fu-panda-the-paws-of-destiny
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
The Owl House: The New Year’s Special
A post-epilogue special starring Luz and her two families celebrating the new year between the two realms.
Dee Bradley Baker as Princess
Eric Bauza as Gilbert Park & Faust
Bob Bergen as Barcus
J.B. Blanc as Professor Hermonculus
Steve Blum as Salty
Benjamin Bratt as Manny Noceda
Kimberly Brooks as Skara & Eileen
Isaac Ryan Brown as Gus Porter
Bruce Carey as Mason
Matt Chapman as Steve Tholomule & Harvey Park
Parvesh Cheena as Tibblet-Tibblie Grimm Hammer III “Tibbles”
Noshir Dalal as Adrian Graye Vernworth
Felicia Day as Bria
Ariana DeBose as Tía Valentina Noceda
Elijah DeJesus @not-so-average-fangirl as Prima Gabi Noceda
Grey DeLisle as Masha, Katya, Cat, Usurper, & Bonesborough Brawl Security Guard
Jorge Diaz as Matt Tholomule
Michaela Dietz as Vee
Nik Dodani as Gavin
Deb Doetzer as Gwendolyn Clawthorne
Jason Douglas as Osran
Tati Gabrielle as Willow Park
Eileen Galindo as Flora D’splora
Peter Gallagher as Dell Clawthorne
Noah Galvin as Jerbo
Kimiko Glenn as Long-Haired Bat Kid
Elizabeth Grullon as Camila Noceda
Harvey Guillén as Angmar
Arin Hanson as Eye-Eating Monster, Snaggleback, & Papa Titan
Alex Hirsch as King Clawthorne & Hooty
Holly @hollowtones as Mohawk Bat Kid
Chris Houghton as Bill
Oscar Isaac as Tío Emilio Noceda
Keston John as Darius Deamonne
Cissy Jones as Lilith Clawthorne
Mela Lee as Kikimora
Jason Liebrecht as Vitimir
Erica Lindbeck as Emira Blight
Kevin Locarro as Braxas
Rachael MacFarlane as Odalia Blight
Ally Maki as Viney
Wendie Malick as Eda Clawthorne
Shannon McKain as Morton
Mosco Moon as Olive (Gabi’s Girlfriend)
Rita Moreno as Abuela Luna Noceda
Ryan O’Flanagan as Edric Blight
Johnny Ortiz as Tío Mateo Noceda
Penny Parker @snapscube as Bucket Hat Bat Kid
Jim Pirri as Alador Blight
Anairis Quiñones as Azura
Matthew Rhys as Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos
Kevin Michael Richardson as Tarak, Bonesborough Brawl Commentator, & Tom
Eden Riegel as Boscha, Amelia, Bo, & Abominations
Bumper Robinson as Hieronymus Bump
Zeno Robinson as Hunter, Derwin, & Male Camp Friend
Sarah-Nicole Robles as Luz Noceda
Avi Roque as Raine Whispers
Isabella Rosselini as Bat Queen
Roger Craig Smith as Jacob Hopkins & Warden Wrath
Hailee Steinfeld as Female Camp Friend
April Stewart as Greater Basilisk
Christopher Swindle as Graveyard Keeper
Fred Tatasciore as Malphas
Jen Taylor as Hettie Cutburn
Dana Terrace as Tinella Nosa & Severine
Morgan Terry as Hecate
Kari Wahlgren as Amber, Eberwolf, Villainous Lucy, & Barista
Mae Whitman as Amity Blight
Gary Anthony Williams as Perry Porter
Debra Wilson as Terra Snapdragon
Fryda Wolff as The Collector
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lesbonoi · 2 years
rereading the allspark almanacs and compiling random facts and stuff i noticed (from the first one ill do the second one in another post) -blackarachnia named swoop -ratchet used to have a teacher girlfriend -sentinel does genuinely like jazz he just thinks hes weird -ironhide is from a rural area -its probably just a throwaway thing but shockwave might have used wasp’s hatred of bumblebee to turn him decepticon -omega supreme uses teletran-1 -decepticon sparks were going to be shown as red -lugnut was a gladiator of some kind on kaon -lugnut does in fact have five eyes, not one -constructicon butt cracks -megatron trusts shockwave like, A lot. -shockwave’s cannon can fire blasts from “anywhere on the electromagnetic spectrum” which i guess means he can blast gamma radiation at someone if he wanted to -starscream narrates his own section which is funny. everyone hates him that bad. -the clones do have the powers their namesakes had (teleporting, sonic booms etc) -they specifically call sari adopted -megatron really fucking hates sumdac but does think he’s intelligent -the phone/reciever fanzone uses looks like it has a rotary dial on it -swindle thinks the angry archer is cool -this height chart
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-blurr thinks bumblebee has “his spark in the right place” so he likes him to an extent -megatron and the autobots crashed to earth on july fifteenth specifically -optimus believes the allspark lead them to earth implying at least some cybertronians believe the allspark to be sentient in some way. -it also seems that it was the blasts of energy from the allspark that killed optimus, not the fall after -the key also seems to have only been able to revive him by channeling the allspark itself nearby, so in season 2 when it had blown up sari probably couldn’t have used her key to revive anyone if they died -blackarachnia thinks lockdown is compensating for something -ratchet says damn
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-optimus is ridiculously strong? his whole stats are bonkers . nothing is below 8
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-its in the show too i just need to remind everyone nanosec’s real name is Nino Sexton -Powell owns the newspaper (Detroit Powell Press) -megatron was initially under the impression optimus’s team is a group of soldiers but he got intel from shockwave and learned they are a repair crew. he didnt seem to give a shit and spent most of that page talking about how he made starscream everyone else’s problem -sentinel says damn
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-starscream calls lockdown an “abomination“ which is big talk from a guy who is basically a robot revenant -shockwaves ability to shapeshift is referred to as “size altering” a couple times which seems weird, because the longarm disguise is definitely more than just getting shorter -i just want to say megatron writes like a pretentious asshole. he sounds like fucking count dooku which. like. yeah corey burton. christopher lee wouldntve made a bad megatron i guess -its kind of common knowledge optimus was named by kup for his “optimism” and likee funny enough he isnt very optimistic in the show a lot of the time but a lot of his reports in the almanac do actually seem optimistic, he is REALLY sure blackarachnia can be an autobot again, and hoped omega supreme was still online -cybertronian forms aren’t as versatile as earth modes, which is why ultra magnus doesn’t switch back -megatrons cybertron form face is dark where his earth mode is pale/white and it kind of looks like a skull that way. some elements of the earth mode look like parts you could only see on the damaged cybertron form. between that and the whole grey colors megatron might be goth -”ultra-energon” is the equivalent of candy -bumblebee hates gum -according to ratchet cybertronians don’t really like nanobots/nanites and are cautious about using them -the decepticons and their predecessors are/were MILITARY they were not laborers -prowl is the one who gives the backstory and refers to the autobot ancestors as “automatons” and the decepticon ancestors as “robots” and talks like theyre two separate races:
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-sentinel thinks detroit is the name of the planet -cybertronians can blush red
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-optimus has the biggest bedroom which makes sense because he keeps all of his trailer attachments there
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-despite being upset about the spare parts shop, ratchet apparently messes with old cars. might be to be more familiar with the different internals on their earth modes? -optimus keeps one of starscreams wings like, a trophy?
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-prowl also has a little desk
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-ratchet has a picture of arcee and also , someones hand ?
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-the autobots also keep stealing traffic lights apparently because they have several around the base
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-blackarachnia proposed an alliance with starscream and he shot her into space and then immediately crashed the nemesis -dinobot island is actually “north sister island” which is not a real island but is probably based on the various sister islands which do exist irl but are not anywhere near detroit. -the ship crashed on archa seven is called the twilight -drill sargeants are always autobot minors but it doesnt say all minors have to be drill sargeants so, up in the air if optimus ever had a cadet squad -the boot camp is separate from the autobot academy. bulkhead and bumblebee never got to the academy. i think the best way to compare is the boot camp is like high school and the academy is like college, optional but highly encouraged -DJW’s approval stamp is really cute
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-the precursor concept to animated, transformers hero, had a very sweet looking optimus
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pinball-glizzy · 10 months
Why is Griddlebone from ‘Cats’ a villain when she was just swindling and plotting the downfall of the in-universe equivalent of Christopher Columbus? Girlboss deserves a medal imho
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sexymancatalogue · 3 months
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The Brain Gremlin (Gremlins 2: The New Batch)
He/Him • Nonhuman • passes the Harkness Test with flying colors 🌈
Voiced by the late Tony Randall in Gremlins 2, then voiced by Christopher Swindle in Lego Dimension, and currently has been voiced by Jeff Bennett in the Teen Titans Go.
He is clearly an underappreciated Tumblr Sexyman 💕💖
you remind me of someone. thank you for the post, you clearly know your stuff :o)
buggy balls
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fearsmagazine · 27 days
FOR SALE | Official Trailer, Images & Poster
Mason McGinness has always been good at two things: selling himself, and finding ways to cheat people into buying when they shouldn’t. One day, his brazen swindling catches up with him and he finds himself fired from his job and kicked to the curb by his ex-girlfriend. Mason finds a small realty company that needs someone to sell a piece of property that is considered “unsellable.”
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The catch? It is the infamous Scarlett Clay house -- a haunted house where anyone who inhabits it ends up dead. Now, with the help of a quirky psychic, Mason must find his humanity to get his life back... or die trying.
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FOR SALE is a handmade film in the truest sense – a crew of three, a cast of ten, and produced by director CHRISTOPHER SCHRACK and lead actor ANDREW ROTH. Despite its humble budget, the film went on to receive multiple awards on the festival circuit, including BEST FILM (Magic of Horror 2023), BEST COMEDY FEATURE (International Comedy Film Festival 2024), BEST ACTOR and BEST DROP DEAD FUNNY (Haunted House FearFest 2023), as well as receiving numerous other nominations.
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Gravitas Ventures will release the film on digital platforms on May 7, 2024. The film has a running time of 115 minutes and will not be rated by the MPAA.
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multi-muse-transect · 11 months
James Gunn’s Transformers Fancast.
Basically what would happen if James Gunn really director Transformers.
Transformers 1
Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime
Jack Quaid as Bumblebee
Michael Rooker as ironhide 
Zoe Saldana as Springer
Bradley Cooper or Danny DeVito as Wheelack
Pom Klementiff as Nautica 
Jeffery Combs as Ratchet
Xolo Mariduena as Sam Witwicky 
Jenna Ortega as Mikaela Banes
Nathan Fillion as William Lennox
Frank Welker as Megatron
Chukwudi Iwuji as Starscream
Ike Amandi as Soundwave
Andy Serkis as Shockwave
Ken Jeong as Thundercracker 
Sam Witwer as Barricade 
Nolan North as Blackout
Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen
John Cena as Sideswipe
Antony Starr as The Fallen/Megatronus Prime
Brie Larson as Arcee 
Anette Benning as Elita One
Alan Tudyk as Jetfire
Michael B.Jordan as Jazz 
Michael Ironside or Keith David as Ultra Magnus
Diego Luna as Sideways 
Chris Evans as Onslaught
Chris Pratt as Blast Off
Chris Pine as Brawl
Christopher Meloni as Swindle
Chris O’Dowd as Vortex 
Chris Hemsworth as Bruticus 
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon
Brendan Fraser as Sentinel Prime 
Adam Driver as Star Saber 
Jessica Henwick as Jetstorm
Jennifer Holland as Slipstream
Peter Dinklage as Scourge 
Kevin Bacon as Unicron 
Samuel L.Jackson as Cyclonus
Sylvester Stallone as Roadbuster
David Dasmalchian as Preceptor 
Daisuke Tsuji as Drift
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kwebtv · 5 months
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Monsters at Work - Disney+ - July 7, 2021 - Present
Animated Fantasy (10 episodes to date)
Running Time: 22 - 24 minutes
Voice Stars:
Billy Crystal as Mike Wazowski
John Goodman as James P. "Sulley" Sullivan
Ben Feldman as Tylor Tuskmon
Mindy Kaling as Val Little
Henry Winkler as Fritz
Lucas Neff as Duncan P. Anderson
Alanna Ubach as Katherine "Cutter" Sterns
Bonnie Hunt as Ms. Flint
Curtis Armstrong as Mr. Crummyham
Jennifer Tilly as Celia Mae
Stephen Stanton as Needleman and Smitty
Christopher Swindle as Jeff Fungus
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hollow-triad · 7 months
Bleach’s Trilingual Voice Cast - Quincies
[Karakura Town]
Masaki Kurosaki (🇯🇵: Sayaka Ohara // 🇺🇸: Ellyn Stern) Masaki Kurosaki "Young" (🇯🇵: Sayaka Ohara // 🇺🇸: Cherami Leigh)
Uryū Ishida (🇯🇵: Noriaki Sugiyama // 🇺🇸: Derek Stephen Prince) Uryū Ishida "Young" (🇯🇵: Takako Honda)
Sōken Ishida (🇯🇵: Eiji Maruyama // 🇺🇸: David Lodge -> Liam O'Brien)
Old Man Getsu (🇯🇵: Takayuki Sugo // 🇺🇸: Richard Epcar)
Ryūken Ishida (🇯🇵: Ken Narita // 🇺🇸: Michael McConnohie -> Christopher Swindle)
Izumi Ishida (🇯🇵: Rei Igarashi // 🇺🇸: Karen Strassman)
Kanae Katagiri (🇯🇵: Mamiko Noto // 🇺🇸: Megan Hollingshead)
[A] Yhwach (🇺🇸: Richard Epcar)
[B] Jugram Haschwalth (🇺🇸: Robbie Daymond)
[J] Quilge Opie (Xander Mobus)
[H] Bazz-B (🇺🇸: Xander Mobus)
[O] Driscoll Berci (🇺🇸: Bill Butts)
[D] Askin Nakk Le Vaar (🇺🇸: Daman Mills)
[N] Robert Accutrone (🇺🇸: Neil Kaplan)
[E] Bambietta Basterbine (🇺🇸: Anne Yatco)
[F] Äs Nödt (🇺🇸: Elijah Ungvary)
[U] NaNaNa Najahkoop (🇺🇸: Zeno Robinson)
[K] BG9 (🇺🇸: Aaron LaPlante)
[W] Nianzol Weizol (🇺🇸: Robbie Daymond)
[I] Cang-Du (🇺🇸: Landon McDonald)
[S] Mask De Masculine (🇺🇸: Bill Butts)
[L] PePe Waccabrada (🇺🇸: Zeno Robinson)
[P] Meninas McAllon (🇺🇸: Anne Yatco)
[R] Jerome Guizbatt (🇺🇸: Todd Haberkorn)
[Q] Berenice Gabrielli (🇺🇸: X)
[Y] Loyd Lloyd & Royd Llyod (🇺🇸: Robbie Daymond)
[?] Shaz Domino (🇺🇸: X)
[Z] Giselle Gewelle (🇺🇸: Casey Mongillo)
[X] Lille Barro (🇺🇸: Evan Michael Lee)
[M] Gerard Valkyrie (🇺🇸: Dave B. Mitchell)
[C] Pernida Parnkgjas (🇺🇸: X)
[T] Candice Catnipp (🇺🇸: Shara Kirby)
[L] Liltotto Lamperd (🇺🇸: Cherami Leigh)
[?] James (🇺🇸: Christopher Swindle)
[V] Gremmy Thoumeaux (🇺🇸: AJ Beckles)
(🇯🇵: X // 🇺🇸: X) (🇯🇵: X // 🇲🇽: X) X (🇺🇸: X)
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