#Chuuya as caring mother boyfriend
woklaza · 9 months
Mafia Soukoku headcanon: Despite eating like, half a bowl of cereal for an entire day, Dazai can cook.
Chuuya was always under the assumption that Dazai would trash the kitchen and would cook for Dazai instead. That was actually Dazai's master plan because he just wanted Chuuya to make him food.
Chuuya would make these super cute bento boxes for Dazai when he works overtime in the Port Mafia consisting of crab sushi, crab-shaped carrots and crab-shaped onigiri. And he would phone Dazai to make sure he eats his stuff. Dazai: Akutagawa, you want some chopped onion? Akutagawa: W-what? Dazai: Chuuya put some in my bento box. I haaaate onions. Akutagawa: Oh- Okay. Akutagawa, shocked: Dazai-san why is the onion carved into a crab? Dazai: ... Akutagawa, even more shocked: It tastes like crab...
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deonsx · 9 months
If They Become A Girl Dad
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Nikolai, Atsushi, Akutagawa
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Dazai Osamu
God! I can imagine him in complete joy. Being the father of a girl made him much more exciting than being the father of a boy. The reason is that he always wants to protect his little princess. Father and daughter dress the same and often go shopping for his daughter
He will definitely spoil your daughter and if you try to stop him, you will be the bad cop.. He will be the one who gets her ready for school in the morning, while you will prepare her bag. While braiding your daughter's hair, you laugh when you realize how complex Dazai's mind is, "Honey! Braiding hair, I need help with this!" "Yes, mom and dad can't do it, my hair is tangled, please" While your daughter is complaining about her father, poor dazai is only trying to communicate with him more
"My beautiful daughters, I am lucky to have you... I have a duty to protect you”
Chuuya Nakahara
He shows off his Cooking skills to your daughter and manages to impress your daughter every time. He is a hero in your daughter's eyes, but the problem is that your daughter...is in love with your husband much more than you. "Dad, I love you more than my mother~!" Chuuya laughs and looks at you, "Look, your mother says she loves me more, even though~" Your boyfriend kisses his daughter as if he's teasing you
he takes your daughter out on trips all the time, and to be honest, he is a real trick when it comes to mothering her. he can take care of your child for hours, days, weeks, even when you are not around and working overtime at work. He will try to entertain her with his powers. I can imagine him rocking your daughter to sleep on his lap. He buys your daughter clothes from the most expensive brands and dresses her like Barbie. Your daughter and Chuu look so much alike that there would never even be a possibility of suspicion
“You can't understand how it feels to have two angels belong to me”
Fyodor Dostoyevski
He is definitely a difficult person and the fact that he now has a daughter really makes him a more difficult father figure. His daughter is a complete copy of him, her hair and eyes are purple, I know that Fyodor will not be a very careless father, on the contrary, he really cares about her very much, mostly the fact that he does not have time to care does not make him a careless father. He always has his eyes on his daughter and is busy protecting her.
If you leave them alone, it is possible, although very rare, to witness them playing games with their daughter. Usually, they play the Barbie house game together as a result of her daughter's insistence. Fyodor agrees not to talk because instead of these games, he prefers to teach her new hobbies such as chess, piano and violin. He is a very disciplined father, he is still with his daughter during her high school years. he stays (to keep her away from men) he's a jealous father he just can't say it
"I'm the only man in your life, your father, you won't need anyone else"
Nikolai Gogol
He is a total entertainer, he does his best to entertain his daughter. Your daughter has long white hair and deep blue eyes, a snow-white skin, and it is certain that she inherited all her genes from Nikolay. She starts braiding your daughter's hair at the very beginning of the morning and they spend hours together. Even your daughter's first word is "pa~pa!~" You and Nikolai looked at each other and were shocked. "My dear girl!!!!~~" Your lover is capable of being both a mother and a father to him and you didn't realize this until you had a child
Your child loves to do magic tricks! You don't have to wake up at night because Nikolai gives your child all the sleep back in 1 minute with his talent, you don't even have to get out of bed, he always dresses his daughter like a royal princess when shopping for clothes, he buys the most expensive jewels (even though she is still small, she has a lot of diamonds), her daughter's taste attracted her father and They eat their favorite meals together. Whatever her father wants to eat, she wants it too
"You're not jealous of us spending so much time with my daughter, are you? Remember...I'm yours."
Atsushi Nakajima
He is a really worried father, sometimes he even forgets that he is a father and becomes a child, it is possible that you will feel like you have 2 children because you cannot get out of this cycle in the general period of time... Atsushi really likes to introduce everything to your daughter, he takes her to the agency on the days when you are busy and tired. It mostly saves you from a tiring day. He spends all his time with her in the mornings and your daughter doesn't look like you, she is a complete copy of her father, her eyes are a mixture of sain and purple, she reminds of autumn, her hair shifts from white to blonde and her naughty mistakes are the same as her father's.
He is always protecting you and your daughter. Now he has 2 lives to protect. He cried the first time when he learned that your baby would be a girl. I can imagine him kneeling down on his knees and crying with happiness, thinking about what kind of a daughter he will be. "I-I will be a father! And the father of a girl!!" There was a huge celebration when he shouted this news to the agency, "My father is a tiger!" Your daughter was constantly bragging about her father and trying to convince her friends that he was a tiger
"Oh, did my darling daughter and wife miss me? Because I missed them”
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
He is a father who really has a hard time showing his emotions, but when it comes to his daughter, everything disappears for him. If you see him talking to his daughter, you will feel like you don't know him at all. He likes to play with your little daughter and teach her new words. His first word is "rasomon" He entertains your daughter by showing her his talent. rasomon is at your daughter's disposal. They go on shopping trips with his father but of course his father can't take care of him alone, so he can't help but call you. "I think I still have a lot to learn from you, s/o" Unlike other fathers, Akutagawa is uneasy and is still trying to overcome his inferiority complex left over from Dazai. Of course, everything is better with you painted too white
Even though he had a hard time expressing his feelings when he found out you were going to have a daughter, he gave you a reassuring smile and held your hand "I'm with you" he always reassured you and as you now rocked your daughter in his arms these memories ran through your mind, Akutagawa definitely described his child about Dazai, your daughter strangely doesn't like dazai
"You're the one who helped me erase the darkness in my heart... don't leave me s/o..."
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httpskuzuu · 14 days
Yandere!Chuuya x Reader
English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes
summary: Chuuya is not a good person, and neither are you.
tw: angst¿, mention of murders, toxic relationship, low self-esteem, reader is not the best person
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Day 4.
Night began to fall, and you saw yourself reflected in the windows of your favorite convenience store. To say you looked dead would be too kind. Your hair was in disarray, as if you had never combed it before, not to mention your dark circles and vacant eyes. If you were mistaken for a homeless person, you would understand.
This time with Chuuya was…. Well, difficult. Now you feel like a bit of an idiot for letting yourself be fooled, you should have been more careful. You're not oblivious to the bad people in the world, you just didn't think Chuuya would be one of them.
You were dating a mafia executive! And you didn't even know it. You only found out recently, when you saw those blood stains on the shirt you were going to wash. You wished it had all been a misunderstanding, that you were exaggerating and it had all remained an anecdote to laugh about in the future. You wished you hadn't trusted this bastard so much, but now look at you, half a year of your life down the drain. No home, no job, no money.
And you still miss him. God, you feel pathetic. You shouldn't have moved in with him soon after you started your relationship, nor should you have quit your job because he could support you. You try not to be hard on yourself either because, come on, the man “of your dreams” had offered you a life of luxury for literally nothing, you didn't even have to do housework because he was willing to do it so you could live like royalty.
Oh god, how you miss him.
You get out of the store before you get kicked out of there and go back to your friend's house, who you were stealing practically all the money from.
Day 7.
After your long day of looking for a job in all the existing stores, and having no luck in any of them, you arrive at your friend's house to find several policemen at the door. You fear the worst, and it is the worst.
Your friend is dead, or rather murdered. You are told that the scene appears to be the work of the Port Mafia and your blood runs cold.
After half an hour, the police call you because the Armed Detective Agency wants to talk to you, but you're already in a bar, and you don't want to talk to anyone. You hang up directly, even though it could get you in trouble.
Do you feel sad for your friend? Not really. You didn't have much of a relationship, he was a good person who had to get involved in your misfortune. Do you feel guilty? Hell yes, of course.
You know about Chuuya's questionable attitudes, you noticed them from the first moment. You weren't blind. As soon as someone flirted or even hinted a modicum of interest in you with your boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend, you remind yourself) present, you never heard from that person again. You always ignored him, what's more, you were flattered because, if he was that possessive of you, that meant he really loved you, right?
And who else would love you the way you are.
It was a bad idea to leave Chuuya, it was a horrible idea. You should have foreseen this situation, you didn't know specifically that it killed people around you, but that doesn't exclude you from your responsibility. Innocent people died for getting close to you.
If you had talked to Chuuya from the first day you noticed his behavior, maybe things would have been different.
You have another drink to take your mind off that part of you, hidden in the darkest corners of your head, that keeps feeling flattered by him. You'd like to say that thought is small and because of the alcohol, but you'd be lying to yourself.
Chuuya, the man you've loved the most, has killed for you. Sounds like the characteristic that any teenager with hormones going through the roof would wish for when thinking of my ideal boyfriend or girlfriend. Someone who will kill and die for you.
Chuuya would do it, without thinking about it.
No one has loved you like the redhead did. No one has treated you like royalty, nor cared as much about you, nor treated you with as much delicacy and love as he has.
Do you really care about the innocent lives he takes, or are you just faking concern to make yourself feel better?
Day 10.
It's foggy and cold. Perfect weather for the occasion.
You're on your way to Chuuya's house, all dressed in black. You have just left your friend's funeral. You still can't understand why his family invited you.
Your feet are heavy, and you feel that at any moment you will vomit up the nothingness in your stomach. The subject of barely having enough to eat because you spend most of your money at the motel where you are staying is not pleasant. You feel weaker and thinner, you remind yourself to weigh yourself on the scale in the bathroom at Chuuya when you arrive.
You miss the comforts your boyfriend (ex-boyfriend, for now) offered you. You put morals aside, you were never the best person anyway. The people who pointed you out as someone who is selfish and only cares about himself were right, they were so right.
You should have realized your nature earlier, instead of trying to focus on grief and guilt.
Sooner than you thought, you were planted in front of your man's door. You didn't want your hand to shake so much when you ring the doorbell, but it does.
Not even 10 seconds pass before you finally see Chuuya. As perfect as ever, with that captivating gaze that managed to distract you from any subject in just seconds. You regret not dressing up more for him.
He also has slight dark circles under his beautiful eyes. You feel relieved to know that you weren't the only one suffering from the breakup.
“Y/N?! How come you're here, I-” He interrupts himself with his own words, and you can't help but smile at the scene.
His hands want to touch you, to hug you and know that you're real, but he seems to regret it before he even touches you. Oh, if only he knew that you have the same desire to feel his hands again.
Chuuya gives a sigh and nervously averts her gaze, then returns it, her expression more serious and determined.
“Look, I'm really sorry for everything. I should have been honest with you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, and you don't know how much I missed you, and-” You wonder if he's practiced his speech. Before he can continue, you pounce against his body to kiss him with your mouth open.
Chuuya doesn't take long to keep up with you, to trap you in his arms. It's clear to him, he won't let you go again, no matter what he has to do to stop you.
Oh, how you had missed him.
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I thought about it ending up in something nsfw, but my asexual ass was afraid of success.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Helllooo! Could you write Ranpo, Fyodor, Chuuya, and Dazai (separately) meeting S/O’s family please? The classic family, overprotective dad and overprotective big brother, welcoming mother, the playful little kid siblings? How would the boys react to the family?
So idk what the "classic" family is so sorry if it looks like I have no idea what I'm doing, it's because I don't, but I'll try my best! :)
So I'm gonna add a grandmother cuz it's funny, she's gonna be the type who makes a shit ton of food and expects you to eat everything and constantly asks if you need more, you know the one. If you do not, I sincerely apologise.
Thank you for your request!
'•.¸♡meeting your family♡¸.•'
Feat. Ranpo, Fyodor, Chuuya, Dazai.
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Ranpo Edogawa
Meeting your family with Ranpo was a disaster, mainly because of Ranpo. He would constantly boast about himself being the greatest detective (and boyfriend) he didn't do it too often but he still mentioned it once or twice.
If your mother made something sweet he would be all in and love her and in turn she'll love him and fucking spoil him.
Your father and older brother weren't as pleased with him as your mother, Ranpo wasn't the most possessive type but when people acted like they owned you that is when he got pissed.
He would never dream of acting inappropriately round your parents but whenever his eyes met your fathers or older brothers he would snake his hand round your arm.
He didn't care all that much for your younger sibling(s), he probably got them something because you forced him to
He fucking loves your grandma. I mean how could he not when she constantly makes sooo much cake and amazing food!! She is his favourite relative of yours.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Fuck everyone is low key intimated by his presence. You probably told them there is nothing to be scared of before you introduced him to them. Fyodor is not trying to be intimating tho! He just .... has a vibe yk.
He brought some nice wine and flowers for your mother and whatever your father likes for him, maybe like some whisky or something probably.
He talks politics and other respectful topics your family chooses to talk about. Idk what people choose to talk about but usually we talk about history and politics, I think Fyodor will gladly talk about those topics.
It doesn't matter if your older brother is older, younger or your fucking twin, Fyodor will always seem older and more mature.
If your younger sibling is like 1 it will absolutely shit itself when they see him, they are fucking terrified.
He will compliment the cooking 100% I mean who wouldn't tbh but he definitely will.
I know I'm saying that everyone loves the grandmother but like why wouldn't he?!??!?! He would love raising a child who has a grandmother who freezes a shit ton of cake and makes the best god damn cooking you have ever taste.
Also, he wouldn't call your mother 'mom' but rather 'mother' or 'мать' (mat') which means mother in Russian if I'm not mistaken
Chuuya Nakahara
He wants to make the best first impression he can.
He'll dress up all nicely and everything! He brings some nice (and expensive) wine as an offering to your family.
He gets along with your brother the best, they are besties now! He also tries to get along with your younger siblings as much as he can but it's hard to be friends with a child when you aren't one yk.
If he was asked for his occupation he obviously won't say the fucking mafia, he made something up on the spot but the only thing he could come up with was bartender for some reason.
Your mother wasn't too fond of him but quickly grew to like him since you loved him so much.
Your father and Chuuya started talking about some team they both watch and that is mostly how they bonded.
Osamu Dazai
You had to force him to bring something nice for your parents as well.
He kept on complaining and whining about meeting them but once you got there it was as if he was a completely different person, he was nice and didn't ask anyone to commit double suicide?!?!?! Like who is this man!
He wooed your mother to like him which was pretty easy the more difficult task was getting the rest of your family to like him.
Honestly he probably just had to tell your younger siblings he was a detective and they are interested to listen to all the cool stories he has.
If your mother tells him to call her mom he will definitely call her mom like 24/7 not because it's rude to call her by her name but because he gets to have a mother to call 'mom'.
Also he wants to call your father 'daddy' just for the laughs but he won't, he calls him 'dad'.
He doesn't call your brother 'brother', 'bro' maybe but not brother.
After meeting your whole family and coming back for dinner or something he would come into the kitchen shout 'grandma' with open arms ready to give her a hug. He's lucky she wasn't cooking at the moment.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry I haven't posted anything, life's keeping me busy °^°
Have a wonderful day/night!
-Love, Az
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teddybeartoji · 27 days
▹ toji and chuuya: get along very very very well. they like to take naps together, that's what the do most. and when they're not sleeping, they're just enjoying the comfortable silence between them. #tojichuu for life
▹ tengen and dazai: best friends ? somehow? i don't know how it happened but they love to fuck around together a lot. they also love to sleep on the floor, in a patch of sunlight together a lot. dazai looks like a twig compared to tengen.
▹ sukuna and tengen: also best buds. they laugh a lot together. it's so fucking loud, they genuinely sound like maniacs sometimes. they also like to playfight a lot, they're constantly roughhousing with each other lmao
▹ satoru and chuuya: satoru likes chuuya sm. he's constantly trying to nuzzle his face against chuuya's he kind of addicted i think. he wants to impress him so bad it's very cute. chuuya thinks he's a little weird but he doesn't really shove him away or anything he just him do what he wants most of the time. satoru purrs a lot when he's with chuuya.
▹ suguru and dazai: ......... suguru bullies dazai. he also tries to make him jealous by getting touchy with chuuya. who btw doesn't really understand what suguru is doing, he thinks he's just being nice and that just pisses dazai off even more lmao
▹ toji and sukuna: the scratching poles of the house. there's always at least one person on them, neither of them get any space ever. they're fine with the scratches though - sukuna's weird ass likes them and toji's just unbothered. also, toji is sukuna's scratchpost. and i am.. somehow. toji's.
▹ sukuna and dazai: sukuna uses him as a head rest. he thinks it's very funny. but they do actually get along surprisingly well idk it's weird. they too, take naps together sometimes and that usually just means that dazai's layed over sukuna in like a very dramatic way.
▹ suguru and chuuya: they like to judge others, but while suguru is very serious abt that chuuya.. gets very irked if suguru teases dazai too much lmao. but then in retaliation, chuuya points at satoru, who's hand is stuck in the cookie jar and they both just shut up and don't bring up their boyfriends anymore. they like to do skincare together though (and they both also have to apply face masks to their boyfriends bc they will whine otherwise)
▹ toji and satoru: satoru's constantly glued to toji, he has the fattest crush on him. satoru also likes to sleep on top of toji a lot.
▹ dazai and toji: dazai ALSO has the fattest crush on toji. toji thinks they're both a little weird<3 aand dazai likes to hold onto toji's biceps a lot.
▹ tengen and chuuya: makes fun of chuuya's height and thinks chuuya's angry face is very cute. but backs off when he gets glares from EVERYBODY. chuuya is the most loved person in the entire household btw
▹ toji and tengen: tengen has an arm over toji's shoulder at all times. i think that he.. also has a fat crush on toji (everybody is literally obsessed with him). they like to talk abt martial arts a lot, it's something they bond over!!!!
▹ sukuna and chuuya: sukuna likes to kiss his forehead?????????
▹ dazai and satoru: the stupids together. they get special treatment from me bc they are Special boys (😭) no but yeah they are unfortunately getting babied the most and they think the glares they get are very funny they know exactly what's happening and they both love it very much
▹ satoru and sukuna: freaks. they like to compare their teeth all the time????????? they also like to stare at each other while they eat?????
▹ suguru and toji: somehow. the mother and the father of the household😭😭😭😭 don't get me wrong they're both still annoying shits but they do make everything go around ok they are the most responsible ones. ? they get along ok. nothing too wild. (they might have some silent beef with each other)
▹ tengen and suguru: suguru keeps side-eyeing him, he thinks he's very loud. tengen doesn't care though, he likes to bother suguru a lot.
▹ satoru and tengen: they really like each other. satoru might also. have a crush on him and tengen might. know that. but he's fine with it idk he sees satoru as like a kitten or smth i think. he likes him!!!!!!!!!!!
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hello! I hope you are having an amazing day <333 if not troublesome, can I request Dazai, Chuuya and Ranpo taking care of a sick s/o? also if not alr taken, can I be 🌺 anon ? *\(^o^)/*
Sneeze for good luck
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Headcanon: where your boyfriend takes care of your sick self ft Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting. Tysm anon for the request! Hope this doesn't disappoint you :) do request more if you wish!!
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Both of you are sick. But here's the catch, You are physical sick and he is mentally sick.
How did you get sick if you ask me? Some stupid Idea arose inside your brain to eat ice in winters.
Guess who's sick and sneezing? YOU
My guy just came back from work to see his Belladonna sneezing and coughing 
He would totally make fun of your situation
“Why belladonna,” he would say, audibly gasping “ couldn't you wait for me? We both could have had a ice eating challenge”
But nevertheless, he will just smile a little seeing you sneeze.
He will cling on you. Even if you are high on fever.
"Dazai, get away I am sick" "Well! that makes a perfect scenario to die of hyperpyrexia"
"Y/N my sweet belladonna, drink this, acetaminophen, it will help with your fever" "How do you even know this?"
He will give you a lot of cuddles, which may result in something
"I didn't even recover well and you are high on fever"
Nevertheless you had to call Kunikida to bring medicines and food for you both.
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Well, for once we know how rich he is.
He will suggest you take to the best doctors to cure your sickness. But....you just want your boyfriend's care tbh.
What's the sickness you say? Well, you decided it was fun to overdrink one of his most expensive wines along with expired chips  just because you won against puny teenagers in Roblox Piggy.
Bro was angry at first, but we all know how much of a sweetheart he is, so he just sighed and forgave you well maybe he just might have stopped buying you Roblox for another month
He would go on a panik  mode, whenever you puck in the bathroom
If you own majestic long hair, He would be the one holding it as you vomit.
“Maybe I shouldn't have drank that much” “Maybe you should start learning the art of common sense.”
We all know he would deny not being in the same room as you, but in the end you and him will be in the bed, cuddling together.
He would make sure you intake stomach friendly food and check your temperature once in a while.
He even takes off work for a week just to heal you back up.
“Chuuya hug me” “No your sick” “🥺🥺”
Dw, you made sure he hugs you (that is you not letting him go by hugging him from the back.)
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I don't even know where to start. But it did end with him being independent for the first time.
It was like you were a single mother of an ADHD kid, and you happened to be sick.
“Y/N Why are you sick?” Like sir how would anyone even reply to that?
“Y/N!! I am hungry!”  “Take the chips from the cabinet Ranpo”
When he opens his majestic ‘closed glued most of the time’ eyes, he in fact sees you are sick. 
Baby boy just hugs you and apologies for disturbing you.
Look at him! He tried to cook Candies?
Yeah he didn't risk cooking after that.
“Y/N, don't worry you will be fine! These coughs and sneeze are for good luck ^-^” “Yeah” Coughs x♾️ 
You had to force him to buy medicines at the pharmacy, because well, no one will be awake at the middle of 2am when you are cosplaying as Akutagawa
“Mr. Pharmacy guy, Can I get those Vicks candies?” “You mean these cough drops?” “Yes”  “I am not paid enough to handle these teenagers”
He anyways Naruto runs back home to find you asleep. (Guess you really didn't depend on him huh?)
Well you did get a lot of headpats from Ranpo, but we all know he would just maintain a distance from you knowing you are asleep.
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Anon: can I be 🌺 anon ? Absolutely! Glad to have you on board as the first emoji anon 💗
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sereneabyyss · 1 year
Blind Watch BSD Season Five
I Feel Spiritually Unwell After That. Unfortunately @wafflesarecool and @animusmelodiam and I have completed season five of BSD. fortunately this means I can come back to Tumblr to not avoid spoilers Animus kept reblogging. However, as was pointed out by Animus before we started, this was very stroke inducing.
First off, as always, Animus Numbers:
Waffle disconnect count: 15
"what the fuck" count: 31 (thanks Amenogozen, Bram, and Fyodor!)
Animus numbers keep us pogging through the pain
We started off strong, immediately hating the Russians.
"he's fucking insane. but I'm rooting for him because I hate Fyodor more"
"'I hate both of them, but I hate this one slightly less so I'm rooting for him' is the entire mood"
Kyouka Lucy and Atsushi trio are top tier. We love them dearly.
"I believe Poe is a trained sniper over them not seeing a car in a flat area anyday."
"Waffle Ranpo is being the greatest detective to ever live. Stop dying."
Many, many, many "what the fuck that is a horrible idea" were said
"The most unprofessional UN meeting... why is waffle still dead"
"cuz he doesn't want to see the horrible UN meeting"
waffle becomes alive
"All you missed was a terrible UN meeting"
Oh look, we finally remember Atsushi has regenerative powers. How nice and convenient.
"where the fuck is emo at"
"How funny of you to ask"
All of these characters need to fucking consider getting some therapy
See Akutagawa cares too much about Dazai's approval, therefore, trying to make him betray that trust is tantamount to geeting tiger claws slashing you in the face.
Tachihara become Toph arc! You can learn from Jouno!
Speaking of Jouno what ever happened to that guy. Find out more next time I Guess!
bram pack
Aya and Bram have adopted each other. Kunikida and Bram get to have custody battle over Aya a la fist fighting her father.
"poor aya. I have a baked potato tho."
Never Fucking Piss Off The Happy Person.
Speaking of angered Kenji, how has the one power that was literally compared to Mother Nature itself not been played upon as Kenji being a vessel for a godly power similar to Chuuya and Atsushi? Like it's right there.
Yeet The Kenji.
"dazai don't try to drown Chuuya. Learn some humanity"
Chuuya deserves to kill Dazai As A Treat.
"Bram lives in an eternal state of going through it"
"Well he lives in an eternal state of being impaled, of course he's going through it."
The Fucking Shoujo Springtime Filer?????
"why is he being crucified? Why is bram jesu?"
The comparison of Bram to Jesus was found to be extra funny after Fyodor's last words.
"I love Sigma dearly, but he brought a gun to a knife fight and Lost."
AYA NO BAD AYA- oh well ok fine sure.
"Atsushi your boyfriend is a vampire"
Bram has officially adopted Aya can't change my mind
"hey look, it's the cockroach" "dammit i was hoping Chuuya killed his ass"
Also Ranpo had way too much fun being a terrorist. But like, he deserved to commit crime. As a treat.
Anyway, I gotta go work. This was hell.
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Love and Shame: The Future Stands In Front Of Us
Happy Birthday Chuuya, I will say it endless time but thank you for exisisting in my mind  ❤
Last Chapter of Chuuya Nakahara’s journey through parenthood.
Warnings: Angst, Violence
A:N: Akiko is 20 years old and while studying Fashion Design at Yokohama university she works as a model, Kazue is 17 years old.
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The lights slide through the windshield while the black car crossed the nocturnal streets of Yokohama. Chuuya and Kazue were sitting on the backseat, "Dad, I have something to tell you" the boy says seriously, gaining the attention from his father, "What is it bud?", Kazue adjust his leather jacket and breathing in he says "Well I talked with mom and aunt Yosano, I'd really like to study medicine after finishing high school. I want to help everyone to get the cure they need, and work together with you. I know my ability doesn't heal but I feel this is what I must do to be satisfied with my life and to accomplish what you and mom taught me. What do you think about it?" Chuuya removes his fedora and looks deeply to his son who stares at him afraid but determined, "Well this is a news, you already know that you can do whatever you prefer  with your life as long as it doesn't ruin others lives. The question is if you're ready to save and rip out lives. Working in Port Mafia requires cold blood and having no regrets. Often it doesn't give you the possibility to build a future with someone" Kazue listens carefully what Chuuya says and smirking at his last statement says "Dad, I don't care about anyone outside you, mom, Akiko, the agency and uncles" Chuuya smiles hearing his words, he feels like you managed to raise a fantastic son, "Well Kazu, this is something you say now. When I was 17 I didn't care about anyone, but your mother and even uncle Dazai and Ozaki helped me to change and understand what I needed in my life. I made a lot of mess but I never regret to have asked your mother to be with me. Maybe you will meet someone like her and regret your profession if it doesn't allow you to be with them", Kazue never heard confessing such deep thoughts from his father "Dad, today you're really philosophic. By now I can assure you, anyone who tempted me, didn't make me react like when you talk about mom" Chuuya blushes knowing that his son noticed his deep feelings "Well bud, you're young and you have a lot of time to meet that someone. Maybe I feel platonic today because we have to think for the perfect gift for your mother's birthday", Kazue nodds and turning his eyes to the windowshield, the car stops and he points to Akiko.   
Akiko P.O.V "Ahhh I'm tired, see you next week Yui", everyone waves to me and I exit from the glass door, noticing someone "Akira, what are you doing here?" I say looking to my childhood friend,  but more importantly boyfriend "Akiko, I waited here half an hour! What took you so long? Were you again that american fuckboy?" I blush hearing these words "Not this story again, I told you multiple times that there's nothing between me and him. I love you not him! It's work!" I shout to him pissed off, "Well I hate this work! You're surrounded by people who only flirt with you! I feel out the league!" he says gripping my arm "Akira stop this fuss and calm down! If I wanted anyone of them I wouldn't be with you! I'm pissed off!", I only wanted to leave but tightening the grip on my arm he blocks me "The fuck are you doing? Stop this or I'll let out the shit from you! Akira stop!" trying to hit him I fail and he nears, kissing me. Narrator P.O.V "Dad..." Kazue says pointing out the windowshield, there stood his sister struggling and kissing Akira "The fuck..." Chuuya says boiling of rage and becoming crazy and going out of the car. Akiko hears the cracking of the asphalt and perceives immediately her father "Daddy, daddy no! You mistook, it didn't happen anything" Akiko says trying to block him but his father doesn't take his eyes off the boy "Go to the car, and you better stay there", Akiko even more worried shouts trying to stop him "The fuck you think you can do with my daughter. Die!" and throws a series of kicks and punches hitting him everywhere and finishing him in a wall nearby, there falls the unconcious body, Chuuya leaves without looking back. Entering the car there stood his daughter crying on his brother shoulder, Chuuya just stares at her disturbed "Dad, did you leave him there? Maybe his wounds are serious!" Chuuya feeling the rage again  shouts "Akiko, I don't fuckin care about it! I told you to don't get anyone touch you! You're grounded for one month and I never want to hear his name come out your mouth!  Never again, understood?" Akiko screams and Kazue block her trying to stop the screams on the car, he hates this. The car arrives at the gate and Akiko runs while Kazue get out sighing for the new comforting silence. Finding you on your bedroom she hugs you and desperately cry "Mommy, dad found us and he beated him! He leaved him unconscious just because he kissed me! I hate him" hearing those words you sigh "Mah mah princess, calm down! I'll talk with him, you know he can't stand these things" Chuuya is there staring, watching, with fists and destroying his gloves. Akiko turning around and seeing him shouts "I will never talk with you! I hate you, do you understand? I hate you dad!" and she leaves, slamming the door of her bedroom and you hear muffled screams. Chuuya destroying a piece of the wall turns to you, staring angrily "Well, are you here to say that you also hate me?" you smile and nearing him and taking off his bloody clothes you kiss every corner of his skin "Chu, Love did you kill him?" Chuuya blushes "Maybe. I don't know and I don't care. The only ones  that matter are you, our Red Princess and Kazue" and kisses you deeply.
This is the end of my first original fic, I’m gonna miss Dad Chuuya and you? I hope you enjoyed reading it  
Love Claire ❤
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odissey061 · 4 years
Parenting with(out) you [pt. 2]
I didn’t specify very well in the last chapter, but the reader was a member in an organization similar to the Haunting Dogs (for the ones who read the manga), but with the difference that this organization was subdued to a politician, so their missions could also be like kill x person. She is a skilled killer and a very good fighter you have no idea about how many scenarios played in my mind with a Mafia!Dazai x Killer!reader. Dark couple power, guys--.
It’s also implied that the reader and Chuuya were friends when Dazai worked with the Mafia and when she escaped from her boss, Chuuya offered her a shelter (the first time Chuuya appears in the anime, he said he just arrived in Japan after spending some time in the east)
[Mild smut]
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The gif has not plot purpose: I juast wanted admired once again this hottie in a white suit
 Your first encounter with Keiko… didn’t go very well: you teared up as soon as you saw her, but she hid behind her father’s leg, refusing to see you. Of course, Dazai told her that there was the possibility she could see you for the first time, but it was like three month ago and in the meanwhile the kid started to believe she was not going to meet you. For the first month, she saw you as a woman who wanted take away from her the only parent left. She only changed her behavior with you when Dazai scolded her harshly, because she said she hated you and she didn’t want to see you again. That was the first and the last time Dazai slapped her.
 Hearing those words, you started to cry too: you know it wouldn't be easy to make Keiko accept you in her life, but still… From another room, you listened to Dazai saying “I know is difficult for you; but she is your mother. I already told you that she didn’t leave us because she wanted, but because she was forced” and also “I just want the two women of my life to love each other, can you do this for daddy? ”.
 Then she came into yours and Dazai’s room and she sat on the bed, close to you. Keiko gazed at you for a long time, then she spoke:”You have the same hair as me and also your face is similar to mine. Daddy says that we can both understand him the most and that my character is really similar to yours when you meet for the first time. Are you really my mommy? You are not trying to take away my dad away from me, right?”. “No, of course not. I love you so much, Keiko. I’m sorry for disappearing, but I didn’t want to put yours and Osamu’s life in danger. I’m so, so sorry, Keiko”.
 Then you showed her your wallet: there was a folded photo of your daughter with Dazai. Only then Keiko understood you really were his mother and you were with her. She hugged you, crying, and begged you to don’t leave her again. “I will do everything in order to have your pardon” you said and with that words you firmed your own end. But we are going to see this later.
When you started to work at the ADA, you requested to be Yosano’s partner, due to your ability: you could force someone else to do what you wanted, but you had to hurt yourself and the more lethal the wound, more control you had. You and her became friends really fast since you were the woman more close to her age. Sometimes you helped her in her laboratory and other times you carried on a case alone.
You two often spent time together out of work and you accompanied her to go shopping under the other members of the Agency’s blessing, of course, but you refused whenever she proposed to you to drink together, saying that somebody was waiting for you at home  and she teased you about your lover. Well, she wasn’t completely wrong, but you were talking about your daughter. (Neither you or Dazai told your coworkers you were in a relationship and you also had a child).
At work, nobody knew that you two were engaged: the smarter ones understood that you and Dazai weren’t completely strangers, since you entered at work and left it at the same hours, really often you spent your breaks together etcc…; but they couldn’t imagine you were actually engaged (and you were parents!)
Let’s answer one of your questions: how did Dazai behave with you at work? Apparently, he treated you just like a colleague, but he subtly showed only to you how he cared for you. Dazai’s love language at work was impossible to notice until you knew him: every morning he left a cup of your favorite drink on the lab’s table, he was always slacking off or ignoring his work free when you had breaks and he spent them with you and he always searched for your eyes and smiled at you when you were in the same room (when you were in the lab, he often gazed at thee closed door. Kunikida seemed to have a super effective radar for when Dazai was distracted about you: every time he hit his head with the pile of documents he ignored). And he also loved caressing your hand when he passed by the spot where you were, or when you casually brushing his hair please, ask me to write something about this point T-T. His gestures were discrete and small, but they were there. you still preferred them to that time he made love to you in his study when he still worked for the Port Mafia cough cough.
You preferred to maintain a professional facade at work, but sometimes, at the first occasion nobody was looking, he took you in an unused room at the floor to spend some time with you alone ;). You two usually kissed for a long time, even if you seldom indulged in more carnal acts. You protested everytime, but Osamu insisted with his usual dramatic act that it was impossible to resist when you were so cute in that outfit. He also used the excuse that at home you had no privacy since Keiko was glued to your side, even when it was time to sleep much to Dazai’s mild annoyance since he couldn't do anything with you because Keiko slept between you and your boyfriend in your bed.
Speaking about your relationship, Yosano was the first who suspected that you and Dazai were engaged. In the Agency’s bar there was the rumor, between the maids, that Dazai had found a s/o, since every morning he bought for them a cup of their favorite drink. A day, you, Osamu and your respective partners went there to have a meal and a maid was thanking this Dazai’s s/o for existing, because thanks to them nor her of her colleague were harrassed by the question of committing a double suicide together. With a mild anger in your voice, you asked her to be more specific and for every word spilled by the maid, Dazai’s face became paler. needless to say, that night he slept in Keiko’s bed, as your daughter was with you. Yosano connected the dots and she understood you were something more than colleagues, but she kept your secret.        
 But how did the Agency find out you had a daughter? That’s a fun story. Remember when I said that the quote “I’ll do anything for you” doomed your downfall? Well, the little rascal (your kid) took this really seriously. This wicked brat listened to you talking with your boyfriend about you abandoning her and she exploited that to steal your attention: were you talking with Dazai on the sofa? She sat between the two of you, saying that she wanted to play with you. Were you working at home? She cried so much loudly that you gave up what you had to do and the list went on. It took a while to Dazai to realize that his daughter was stealing you away. You were fooled by Keiko’s angelic face, but Dazai knew this little devil too much well to be tricked. (He was one fours surprised for the cleverness she showed and three fours annoyed by it. Dazai, what did you expect from your own daughter XD).  Having said that, a day Keiko feigned to be sick in order to spend more time with you, but you had to work and the babysitter wasn’t available, so you thought bringing her to work was a good idea (spoiler: it wasn't).
 The first ones to see you with Keiko were Atsushi, Kyoka and Kunikida. A few seconds later came Kenji and the Tanizaki’s siblings. They all were fooled charmed by your daughter and they started to play with her, complimenting how cute she was. Then Naomi said:”Somehow, she looks familiar” and, after staring at her for a while, they all agreed, trying to understand who the father was. Kunikida shivered for a second noticing how similar she was to Dazai, but he couldn't imagine Dazai having a lover, let alone being a father. You heard a crash behind you and when you turned you saw a very much shocked Yosano who held in her hand a cup handle and Rampo with the open mouth as he was eating a candy. Your partner knew your relationship with Dazai, but discovering he was also a father shocked her too much, Rampo probably understood everything when he saw Keiko.
 Atsushi wondered:”But who is the father? Does he work here too?”. The poor, naive Atsushi, didn’t have the slightest idea and you couldn't even have the time to answer, that Keiko jumped off Kenji’s lap, screaming:”Daddy!!”. All the members turned to see Keiko clinging to Dazai’s leg. Kunikida’s lenses audibly cracked, some of them felt the urge to sit and Yosano had to assist a couple of faintings. Some seconds passed in the utter silence as they tried to metabolize the shock, then they started to assault you and Dazai with questions.      
 The sight of Dazai lifting up his daughter was a sight to behold and eventually they accepted the fact that Dazai is a father. the image of Dazai giving a esquimo kiss to his daughter, holding her in his arms, has me melting on the floor. “How old is she?” Naomi asked and you answered:”She’s four years old”. She thought about it for some seconds:”But if she’s four that means that you and Dazai met when he worked with the Port Mafia, isn’t it?” and luckily Yosano was quick:”There are some things that are private in a couple. Now let’s work that we already lost enough time”. She saved you before the questions became too personal.
 Dazai and Kunikida left the office for a mission and you went in the lab with Yosano, telling Keiko to don’t come in, since the room was full of lethal weapons. Feeling abandoned, she cried as loudly as she could, thinking that you’d rushed over she used the same technique at home when you are with your boyfriend. It worked every time. But you didn’t. Rampo decided to take care of her: he shared his candies with her and he asked her to help him to resolve his cases. Keiko quite enjoyed staying with him.
 After a couple of hours, when Dazai came back to the office, all of your colleagues kicked you three out, begging you to take a stroll with your child. Above all the experience was traumatic and the shock too huge for them, but what surprised them was that even someone like Dazai could have a family and be a good father. It’s murmured that that day, when Kunikida went at home, he declared:”After four years of being Dazai’s partner, I asked to the Grim Reaper to take me, but he said “no, you have to suffer a bit more” and he placed Dazai’s daughter on my path”.
You also wondered how Chuuya would react to a mini Dazai? you sadists. You, Keiko and Osamu were in a luna park to spend some quality time together as a family. Both yours and Dazai’s guard was very high, considering your past works, especially when Keiko was with you. Recently, you heard news about a child kidnapper, so you were even more anxious, but Osamu reassured you: nobody was so stupid to kidnap the daughter of an ex Port Mafia director and of an ex agent. Right? No
All happened in a second. The park was really crowded and in a second you were holding Keiko’s hand and in the next one she was no longer by your side. Surprisingly, Dazai was the most scared one: he told you before that the reason he stopped to think about suicide was Keiko, so he was really attached to his daugher (more than a normal parent). But the moment of fright and bewilderment was really brief and in the next second, both you and Dazai analyzed the situation with utmost rationality. You watched in Dazai’s eyes and you shivered: they were ruthless, without a shred of magnanimity, just like whe he woked under Mori's command
But the kidnapper was doubly unlucky: he kidnapped not only Keiko, but also Elise-chan. When Mori knew that she was kidnapped, he sent Chuuya to retrieve her. His orders were: make sure that guy regretted turning against the Mafia (you know, usual Mori stuff).
He found the kidnapper hideout and he killed him without any problems, but the troubles for him had just started. As soon as the man was dead, ten kids or more ran away from that place (Chu Chu instructed them to go to the nearest police station), but a brunette kid stayed there.
Keiko, to put it simply, fell in love with him as soon as she saw him using his ability. Osamu didn’t mention at all he was a mafioso (he wanted to show to her daughter only his best sides), but he talked about his ex partner. She clinged to Chuuya’s leg with adoranting eyes. Chu Chu was a bit creeped out: why was that child not scared? She was kidnapped, for the God’s sake
Chuuya tried to push her off, but he miserably failed. He gazed more carefully at Keiko and with dread, he admitted that she somehow reminded him of his ex partner, but that was only a coincidence, right? Elise asked her:”Why weren’t you scared?” and Keiko answered:”Because I know that mommy and daddy will come soon”. Then she looked at Chuuya, trying to remember how her father called him and she said:”Chibi-chan?”.
And the cruelty of reality hit Chuuya like a thunder: not only that wasting bandage garbage was still alive, but he also reproduced! He wanted to die, no, better: he wanted to kill Dazai once for all. But the final stroke arrived with the next question:”Do you want to marry me? Daddy told me to ask this question to a very special person”. Being proposed by Dazai’s daughter… in what other wicked ways his ex partner did try to send him to the Creator?! That was even more successful that putting a bomb in his car
Luckily, you and your boyfriend arrived at that moment. At the sight of his daughter clinging to the person he hated the most, Dazai almost had a stroke (to Chuuya’s happiness). As soon as Keiko saw you two, she runned in your direction (Chuuya was two times happier).
“You bastard, what did you say to her abou-” he started to yell at Dazai’s direction, but you interrupted him:”Thank you Chuuya for saving our daughter”. And you hardly hit Dazai's stomach with your elbow, so that he thanked Chuuya too.
In Chuuya’s mind something activated and he came to the general comprehension of what happened four years ago and why you met him some time later; but he didn’t say anything about it. He changed the topic:”You are the only woman in the world that can handle him, so be sure to be by his side”. That sounded almost like a blessing, but you didn’t dare to say it. “It’s what I intend to do”.
And walked in different directions, then Keiko yelled:”The next time we see again, tell me your answer” and you were almost sure to hear Chuuya trip to the ground. “What question have you asked?” you wondered half curious and half amused and she smiled dreamly:”If he wanted to marry me”. This time was Dazai’s turn to stumble on his steps. You laughed so hard that you stomach hurt, but you couldn’t stop, Osamu glared at you with a look of betrayal.
For the whole walk to your home, Dazai kept telling her how Chuuya was a bad person, but Keiko retorted that someone as beautiful as Chuuya couldn’t be a bad person. For a second Dazai glared at her with a sad smile, wondering if she would have told the same thing after he confessed to her all of his crimes. Knowing his thoughts, you tightened the grip of your hand on his, smiling:”For Keiko, you are the best person in the world, no matter what you did in the past”, then you added with a cheeky smile:”even better than Chuuya, I bet”.
 After tucking Keiko in her bed, you and your boyfriend retired in your bedroom. Dazai whined:”My daughter, my sweet, beloved and innocent daughter… How could she propose to another man? Especially him. She broke my heart: until yesterday she wanted to marry me. What did that slug do to her?”. You chuckled:”Are you sure it’s his fault? When we arrived it seemed like Chuuya was shocked too. I admit too that he’s beautiful”.
 At those words, Dazai’s body froze, but you didn’t notice it, too focused on changing yourself for the night. “You and him seem to be well acquainted” his voice was somehow restrained and it was just your impression, or Dazai was jealous? “Not really. When you were in the Port Mafia we met only twice, but after my escape, he saved me. I had a high fever, no place to stay and I didn’t eat in the last days. I was probably on the verge of death. He took me in his home and he helped me to get better”.
 In your stream of words, you didn’t notice that Dazai’s mood changed. In the Port Mafia he was possessive and he get jealous really often, but at least he vocalized it in his words or by action; but this Dazai was different: since once you got together, he never showed any sign of uneasiness, probably because now he knew that there was no possibility that you could fall for someone else. But Chuuya was the exception and knowing that he was by your side when you rejected his help, fueled his insecurity. And in the next second, you were under him, his hands already on your pajamas.
Notes: if you are curious about certain aspects in this AU, you can always ask me
 You lost your occasion to say:”Nothing that you imagine happened, really”, because his lips were already on yours, kissing you until you didn’t have any more oxygen in the lungs. That night, Osamu kept asking who you loved not really for reminding you but for himself. He made love to you all night along, coaxing an orgasm after another one from your body, hungry for your love. You were quite sure that the both of you have been quite vocal and you hoped to don’t wake up Keiko. After he washed you, you took his face in your hands, saying only two words, a single question, Osamu gazed surprised at you for a while, then he smiled, answering your question with three letters: yes.
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diverse-hearts-a · 5 years
Plotted Starter for @shrimps-variety-garden
It’d been a few weeks, a few weeks since this dream had begun to become a carefully contained reality.  
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Pain was still a constant companion in his life but it seemed a little easier to cope with, when he could curl up in Chuuya’s arms at the end of the day, allowing that warmth and comfort to wash over his broken body, to allow his mind to feel that for a few fleeting moments, he was worthy of being alive. He still could not fully understand how things had come to this, how he was the one that Chuuya decided to cuddle, decided to visit in the middle of the night. He didn’t ask too many questions, just enough to show that he cared and though there was a part of his heart that feared all of them was simply tempory – he'd still cling to the redhead as though his very life depended on the other being there. 
It was dangerous to place all his hopes in the one place but Chuuya was the best thing to have ever happened to the young male who had often felt alone in this world of trauma, blood and tears. In this world where he was constantly reminded of the mistakes, he’d made, of the life to have been taken by his hands. In this world where he felt as though he could never be as strong as those around him seemed to want him to be, there was still this gentle presence, this warmth that would hold him close, hold him in his arms, he soft and gentle, speak softly, ask after him but demand for answers. It was as if he was made of glass, as if Chuuya understood the fragile mess that laid hidden beneath his long sleeves and bandages, treating him with such an uncommon sense of care that he could find himself craving for his warm touches.   Even days of the most brutal nature, seemed to carry just that little bit of extra light. It wasn’t as if Chuuya offered some miracle cure but it was also difficult to ignore the way he seemed to be smiling more, the way he could put up a little bit more of a fight, the way he’d actually bother to take care of his wounds, instead of just falling into bed and refusing to move until his father finally decided to check in on him and forced him to be seen to.   Yet there would forever be that venom that threatened to poison his mind – that burning question that he was too afraid to ask, too afraid of what the answer may be but at the same time it was an answer that he craved for the most in this world. He didn’t deserve to ask such questions. He didn’t deserve to know the answer that he so desperately wished to understand. He was lucky enough to have this warmth in the first place. Why was it that he needed to be so selfish and to question the motives behind these gentle actions?   With a light sigh, he finished recovering his arms in fresh bandages, standing in front of the mirror and frowning at his appearance. With the latest round of ‘training’ he’d been forced to take for the last six hours, he looked as tired as he felt. What annoyed him the most though was the bandages that wrapped around his head, covering over his right eye, holding an eyepatch there in place. It reminded him far too much of the person he felt that he much hate most in this world. He was full of so much self-hate and yet he knew it was nothing compared to his feelings towards Dazai.   He stood there a little longer before reaching up and carefully peeling away the bandages, examining the gash the ran just under his eye, trying not to flinch as his mind automatically decided to remind him that he was quite lucky to still have that eye. With a sigh, he walked across the room and pulled out a better eyepatch, setting it in place as there was a knock at his door, Garth shifting his hair to fall over the side of his face that was bruised and bloodied before walking over towards the door, opening the door with cation, only to smile brightly towards Chuuya.   Course, the redhead would forever be used to walking in on this scene. On the pathetic ways in which Garth attempted to hide some of his injuries, the way he’d smile in relief as he saw who was behind the door, the way his arms would wrap around Chuuya’s waist and press against the elder in silence for a few seconds, allowing the gentle warmth to calm down his racing heart. This was reality. Chuuya was truly there, was truly smiling at him, was kissing his bruised cheek in such a gentle way. 
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“Hey - sorry for calling you here like this”, he unwrapped himself from his boyfriend and walked back into the room to grab the pouch that contained his bells before he lead the way out from the room and towards the exit of this private area of headquarters, “There’s something I wanted to share with you...but I’m a little...ah nevermind let me show you”. What's the worse that could happen? Maybe just being laughed at? Maybe for the other to realise just how strange he really was? He’d always loved books – they offered a world of escape that was far from this living hell in which he lived.  
There was a temptation to reach out and take his hand but he didn’t want for them to risk being seen, mainly for Chuuya’s sake. He didn’t want for the reputation of the other to get damaged any. No doubt he already got some questions just from them being friends like this. Ah. There was that self-doubt again, the nerves rushing up through his body as this was truly one of the more personal things he was about to share. It was stupid to be this nervous but the events earlier in that day still ate away at the back of his mind.   Dazai’s words sank into his bones. He tried to listen to what Chuuya said by his side but there was just this automatic side to his thoughts that warned him against thinking so highly of himself. That warned him he needed to be careful, that he was giving too much control of his heart over to Chuuya. But when he hadn’t cared about his heart until now, was that such a bad thing? He placed his hands away inside the pockets of the slightly too large hoodie that he wore, leading the way into the Port Mafia library and smiling as he found the area to be as quiet as it always seemed to be. A quiet little sanctuary away from the louder, bloodier parts of headquarters. This was an area that he could often be found in, hiding around the back of the area, that he was now leading Chuuya towards, reaching behind him to take hold of his hand as they got deeper into the room and there were fewer people around to spot them.   A gentle squeeze was given to his hand as they entered their usual area, Garth pausing before some shelves in order to find the book that he’d hidden here a few days ago. He often hid things either around here or under the floorboards of his room – anything that he didn’t wish for his father or Dazai to destroy but the book that he pulled out at the moment meant the world to him, Garth holding the small green hardback at his chest, jumping down from the stool he’d used to reach the top shelf – and now hesitating a little. Would Chuuya just find this weird? He’d never shown this to anyone before now. He’d told a few of his mother’s poems to Yumeno throughout the years but no one else. For the longest of times, it had been him and Yumeno against the world and introducing Chuuya into that world was scary.  
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“...I wanted to share this with you...”, he sat down against the cool window, waiting for Chuuya to join him before he passed the book towards him, watching him rather carefully as he pulled his knees up to hug under his chin, “...my mother wrote poems for me while she was carrying me...and that there is the book that carries them all...including some of my own towards the end...no where near as good as hers but...” He fell quiet, mind filling with doubt. Why was he sharing this? Something so personal? Why would Chuuya even want to know something like this?   It was just a few stupid poems.   Written by the woman he’d killed.   Other’s written by the hands of someone who didn’t deserve to still be living. With shaking hands, he grabbed a random nearby book and opened it up to some random page, trying to get his mind to focus on something that wasn’t doubt or self-hate. The world could be so exhausting to live in when you were constantly questioning your worth.  
“Why me?”, the worlds pass from bitten lips, his voice quivering ever so slightly, his heart racing, his hands falling into fists, his entire body trying to warn him to stop, to not go on with this thought, that he was asking for more than he should, “...why did you choose to be with someone like me?”, he blinked, staring down at the book he held in his lap, tears making his vision blur, the words hard to make out even with the one eye that wasn’t covered, Dazai’s voice echoing in the back of his mind, telling him how stupid and weak he was – how selfish he was currently being to ask Chuuya such a thing.   “You’re just wonderful. Your strong, respected...intelligent...so kind and caring but able to turn into such a violent storm when the situation calls. Your too good to be stuck here – be stuck inside this hellish place, nevermind with someone like me”, he gasped lightly as his body began to shake with both fear and the force of his break down, “I’m weak. I’ll never be anything worthwhile...I can’t protect anyone...I can’t even protect myself. I’m only still alive because of who my father is or I’d have died long before now. I...I destroyed so many lives that I shouldn’t be even complaining about how I’m treated. At least I’m alive”, a weak broken laugh, one hand reaching up to wipe at his eye in frustration, “Dazai’s right. I’m just a waste of space, a waste of resources – something that should have died long before now...yet here I am, clinging to the warmth that you offer me, clinging to the softness that I gave the right up to on the day I was born. On the day that I caused my mother’s death” 
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He squeaked in surprise as Chuuya closed the book he held with a loud slam, Garth gazing up towards him with wide eyes, hands moving to the ground to shift and place some space between them as cold laughter built up in the back of his mind.   “I’m sorry...I’m sorry I didn’t mean to...I didn’t...I’m sorry...please...please don’t hate me...”
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frozcnhearts · 5 years
“I’m here for you.” - Chuuya / Miran
Comforting sentence - @diverse-hearts
The days didn’t pass past her without showing signs of exhaustion clear on her face - and the very fact, that her parents were in this building didn’t make it any better. She knew, that they only meant well - or well, that was what she liked to believe. But at times she also had the feeling, that they just were there to make things even more difficult. From getting nagged at by her mother, for apparently not taking care enough of her little sister, to getting nagged at her father for mistakes she made there and then, and the stress around christmas didn’t make it any better neither, she mainly found comfort while being close to the redhead right now.
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Which was kind of ironic, if she thought about how she just wanted to not see him anymore months ago. But now laid there, with her head against his chest, as she just listened silently to his beating heart. “ Thank you, Chuuya-san… “, she mumbled quietly.
Even though he was her boyfriend, she didn’t take this for granted. But right now she couldn’t really show how grateful she was for his words - and she felt bad for it.
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daughterofsinsloth · 6 years
I heard from a friend of mine that you are suggesting great fics of soukoku! Everyday I always go to AO3 and look for Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya tags to find interesting stories but recently I dont feel anymore of enthusiastic when I see updates, probably just stress from school. If its okay do you have any skk amazing fics that you like to recommend me or some you read?
hello anon-chan!! and hello to your friend too!than k you very much for your words! they makle m e really happy!
now! I kinda understand what you mean. maybe coz lately there are more angst fics? also school can be a major reason! i freak out a lot too! neh I will give you some fluuf and romantic  or action fics so you can realx and forget all about school okay?
lets see!
first some great writers, that you will definatly enjoy, are:
okay now some am amazing fics that my heart always skip a beat reading them!
Mother by WhisperingWinds99:
a really heart warming fic! Kouyou narrate skk life and we see her mother sight! well written and overwelming emotions . one shot
Movie Nights and Lazy Mornings by evie_maria:
a cute little one shot abouot skk weekend! pure fluff and calm feelings.
Seven days to show you my love by holdinglucy:
It takes Dazai seven days to prove Chuuya he’s still his partner in the things that matter. one shot and absolutely lovely! Im jealous of chuuya here! its nice seeing Dazai as a caring boyfriend who tries to find happiness and Chuuya deserve some too.
Chuuya’s Secret by Anonymous:
Chuuya’s behavior has become strange lately, but Dazai, with his insight, is certain he can figure it out. a hilarrious fic! one shot and a fluffy one! its mpreg too and its funny seeing Dazai as these dork dads!
Fire in the Night by ChubbyHippo:
I love this one. its one shot and AU. brothel!Chuuya and solder!Dazai fell in love under the bright moon and my hearet stopped!its lovely, romantic,bit sad but overwelm ing and leaves you full.
Five more minutes by counter_illumination:
from morning to night their typical day. cute and fluffy.crak makes an apperance too coz we are talking about Dazai.a really nice feeling in it. one shot
Shared Gravity by writingfromtheshadows, ZODIACHUUYA:
mind the writes too. multi-chptrs. the writers take turns with the chptrs leaving no hoe init and giving you the emotions open to see. AU!high school and reallyyyyy good.The first time they slept together, Dazai and Chuuya were little more than academic rivals thrown together in a haze of dancing and alcohol.Every time after that, well, they just seemed to be drawn to each other. its an awesome fic
A Hearts Desire by Kaokita :
AU and multi-chptrs.Chuuya works in a brothel when he meets Dazai, a journalist. Dazai thinks he can save Chuuya but Chuuya doesn’t need saving. The one who needs saving is the one who longs for a reason to keep living. Chuuya and Dazai end up saving each other. this two are like magnets and when they connect they are explode. Chuuya thinks that they are different but they are not really. A+++ for Oda being alive.
Feel My Love by eunrihae:
multi-chptrs, one going, mpreg.they are just in  love and noone thoought that Dazai was serious about Chuuya. but boy they are wrong. coz in the end of the day they will always be in love.
Five Times Dazai Didn’t Stay, and One Time He Did. by kidspawn02:
I honestly loe this one. its well written, well built and over welming. emotions bear for you to see and feel . it has smut b ut not graphic but its about Dazai and Chuuya don’t really know how to deal with sexual tension, and Chuuya doesn’t think it’s fair that he’s fallen in love and that Dazai leaves every time they share a bed. it hurts but the ending is perfect. one shot
Strangers and Painkillers by TheEnigmaticPhoenix:
thiiiiiiiis fic!!!!! best absolute perfect! fluff and light angst but its great! Chuuya has no right as a stranger to make assumptions that the man sitting in front of him is hurting more than he is, despite the huge bloody gash running down the length of Chuuya’s arm.So, in an attempt to become less of a stranger, Chuuya lets the man drag him to the hospital to get his arm treated, hoping that he’ll answer Chuuya’s questions.What Chuuya doesn’t realize is that it’s not that easy to get a certain Dazai Osamu to open up. (part of series)
(i believe) i think i said goodbye to my soul tonight by iskendaris:
this one has smut but I choose it for what it represent. the raw emotions and the writting just bring to light words and promises long buried and very much needed by afraid to be said. true emotions that no one wanted to say but they are not bad and its great how the writer portain them. Dazai OP is “This isn’t sex as much as its an interrogation. Whatever Chuuya wants from him, he doesn’t know why but he knows he can trust Chuuya not to fuck him up.Or rather, he knows why, but he doesn’t think about it too much about baseless trust issues, because therein lies hell and damnation.” and its nice seeing through him
Temporarily by prettypurplegirl08:
cutness overload and a very much needed happiness.multi-chptrs and you dont want it to end.In Dazai’s arms was a small child–Chuuya would guess he was probably around 3 or 4 years old–with, surprisingly, silver white hair staring at Chuuya with those wide purple-yellow mixture orbs of his. The little kid was only wearing an over-size white shirt–well it’s definitely oversized for the small kid. Chuuya fell silent as his gaze never left the child who was thumbsucking in Dazai’s arms, part of his brain trying to figure out where he had seen the kid and another part trying to fathom why Dazai had come to his apartment with him in the first place.//or Atsushi gets turned into a child and Chuuya and Dazai has tot ake care of him, Akutagawa is somehow involved?
I’ll Hold You Close, and Half of Us Closer by doubleblack :
multi-chptrs, on going, mpreg. a lovelly fic. a very needed fluff. “This is the baby.” The doctor smiled. “They look like a little spot right now since you’re not far along. And that is their very strong heartbeat.“Chuuya and Dazai smiled as they looked at the ultrasound of their baby. The doctor printed out the ultrasounds of their baby. She prescribed Chuuya prenatal vitamins, told him he was 10 weeks along, and that he would be due early December. Chuuya and Dazai were now on their way home, and Dazai held Chuuya’s hand as he was driving home.“If Mori finds out…”“He won’t.” Dazai stated. “And even if he did. I will not let anyone hurt you or our baby. Ever. I will destroy the whole Port Mafia before I ever let that happen.” its cuuuuuute. its a journey that i would love to see.
Lips by SilentSoukoku:
cut and unexpected! “My dearest Chuuya, do you even take care of your lips? Look at how cracked they are!” did you died yet? coz I did! one shot
Waste of Bandage’s by ChuuChan1994:
hilarious, cute, amazing! one shot. Chuuya is getting along better with the ADA, that still doesn’t mean he’s willing to put up with Dazai’s bullshit. Where Akutagawa was use to the sight, Atsushi was left gaping at the sight before him.
Just like we agreed by codenamecat:
I will say on thing : Yosano is a b adass  Goddnes. thats all. one shot and smut sorry but its funny and fluffy  too. “I’ve been giving you excuses to leave since the very beginning, why won’t you just do what we’re both waiting for and take your gross ass away from here?!”Dazai tilted his head, his expression suggesting that he suddenly forgot his mother tongue and didn’t understand a word of what Chuuya just said.“Who said that it’s what I want?”
bounded by fate by Nekito :
super interesting multi-chptrs, AU!!! kouyou never took chuuya in and chuuya never joins the mafia, thus never meeting dazai when they were kids; instead chuuya lives 22 years a normal life until he mets dazai; dazai’s connections with the port mafia however soon causes problems on going.
Without Gods, Without Guidance by dancing_dazai :
another super interesting AU but with Gods! niiice and very promising!Without gods, without guidance, By the window, a woman has passed on; the white sky is blind, the white wind is cold.-The Hour of Death, Chuuya NakaharaTwo lost souls find their way to Quindecim with no memories of who they are or how they got there, and they’re determined to get their lives back. No matter the cost. multi-chptrs and on going
centrifugal/centripetal by TopHat69 :
my absolute favorite! majestic, powerful, overwelming, lovelu, lovely fic! multi-shptrs, omegaverse, on going their story from the begging but they are true mates. problem is that its more than they can handle. it what they need but Chuuya is not good at this and Dazai is too afraid. Chuuya wants to learn, to reach Dazai and Dazai want to be free and filfull a promise.
Cover Up by Satquael:
one shot and beautiful! It wasn’t long after they’d first met that Dazai noticed the tattoo. It was on the back of his neck, a bunch of letters and numbers that didn’t make any real sense. A serial number, of sorts.Chuuya had tried to hide it, understandably. Under his clothes, and then makeup. These solutions didn’t really work. Not in the long term, anyway. Clothes shifted, and makeup rubbed off.Dazai had a better idea.
lastly, will be too bad of me to share my works? I think that you may mostly like this fic:
Can you sew my suit? : Akutagawa and Atsushi are getting married and who is a better person to be their best man, but Dazai Osamu? Unfortunally, all guests has to wear newly sew suits, but Dazai missed the deadline for the order!Now, eight days before the wedding, Akutagawa sends Dazai to his last resolt; his good friend’s tailor shop, Nakahara Chuuya.However, his Dazai’s suit will not be the only thing fixed.Ch1.: the prologueCh2.: the meetingCh3.: a bonus
aaaaaaaaaand thats some of my favorite and amazinf fics i LOVE! hope you like them and happy reading! tell me what you think okay?
be well! :)
have a nice day!!!
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fy-soukoku · 7 years
pntj Chuuya's mother who takes his hair off his face and kisses his forehead when he cries after his first break up. Saying that this always pass, it always does. So she brings him a beer and they drink together. It's the worst but also the best when she goes like this, because it's as if for once she cares and when she show after no mercy, he's not sure he didn't overstate the problem. Even when she keeps him from eating because she had 'friends' home and didn't want to be bottered.
She sits him in her lap, holding her beer, and starts telling him about all her relationships. She talks about trashy boyfriends and sweet girlfriends, about her first kiss and first breakup. Chuuya focuses on her words and sips liquid that burns down his throat like claws slicing through tender skin. 
He hears about his dad, for the first time, and hears his mom say, “Sometimes you just need to move on. It helps.”
Then, she reaches over and takes his beer. “That’s enough of that. Go on to bed, doll.” She kisses him on the beer, and takes a swig. 
Chuuya waits ten minutes before leaving to put on his pajamas.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
Hirotsu - father figure/fellow black lizard commander
Gin - rival/fellow black lizard commander
Chuuya - looks up to
Leo - has a crush on
unnamed mother - difficult relationship
Hirotsu - father figure/fellow black lizard commander
Tachihara - fellow black lizard commander/rival
Akutagawa - older brother
Dazai - dislikes
Mori - strongly dislikes
Higuchi - girlfriend
Pushkin - still holding a grudge
Akutagawa - partner/former crush
Gin - girlfriend
Rain - best friend
Dazai - dislikes
Mori - HATES
Kuniko - younger sister
Naomi - younger sister
Atsushi - friend
Kenji - friend
Fitzgerald - contractor?
Steinbeck - friend
Q - acquaintance
Souseki - mentor
Kirako - employee/friend
Mori - annoyance
Ranpo - adoptive son
Kunikida - friend/employee
Dazai - closest friend
Ango - close friend
Chuuya - friend
Mori - boss/dislikes
Gide - ...
Kousuke - adoptive son
Katsumi - adoptive son
Yu - adoptive son
Shinji - adoptive son
Sakura - adoptive daughter
Atsushi - acting as a spirit guide to
Fukuzawa - ???
Souseki - savior?
Dazai - surrogate father
Kirako - surrogate mother
Kunikida - teacher
Tanizaki - friend
Kyouka - like a little sister to him
Lucy - girlfriend
Kenji - friend
Fitzgerald - dislikes
Akutagawa - rival/awkward friendship attempt?
Odasaku - spirit guide
Orphanage headmaster - HATE
Gin - little sister
Hirotsu - father figure
Dazai - former mentor
Naoya - friend
Chuuya - friend
Kan - sort of a friend?
Atsushi - rival/is in love with
Pushkin - still holding a grudge
Ranpo - friend
Mori - aquaintence?
Kirako - friend
Kajii - annoyance
Fukuzawa - father figure
Poe - friend/’rival’
Yosano - friend
Kunikida - friend
Oguri - trying to befriend
Minoura - sort of friends?
Odasaku - wants to make amends
Colette - lover
Kunikida - partner/lowkey crush
Kirako - friends with benefits
Atsushi - surrogate son
Odasaku - close friend/crush
Chuuya - former partner/likes to tease
Mori - surrogate father/dislikes
Q - surrogate brother/dislikes
Fyodor - enemy
Ango - former friend
Steinbeck - friend (in his mind)
Lucy - like a sister to him
Sunny - childhood friend
Becky Thatcher - childhood crush
older brother - admires
aunt - decent relations
Twain - -_-;
Lovecraft - friend
Ruthie - little sister/adores
Rosasharn - little sister
Noah Steinbeck - older brother
Al Steinbeck - little brother
Winfield - little brother
ma - good relationship
pa - good relationship
connie Steinbeck - brother in law
Fitzgerald - dislikes strongly
Hawthorne - acquaintance
Keek - friend
Kunikida - friend
Gin - crush
Aya - friend
Kirako - friend
Tanizaki - brother/loves a lot
Chuuya - friend
Leo - girlfriend
Ayako - assistant
Miura - creation
Louisa - friend/employee
Eckleburg - employee
Daisy - employee
Jordan - employee
Zelda - wife/loves her dearly
Atsushi - like a big brother to her
Kouyou - surrogate mother
Chuuya - surrogate brother
Sylvia - friend
Kenji - friend
Aya - friend
Akutagawa - dislikes
Mitchell - annoyance/in love with but wont admit it
Steinbeck - acquaintance
Fyodor - ...
Akutagawa - enemy
Hawthorne - annoyance/in love with but wont admit it
Emily - finds her boring
Kyouka - friend
Atsushi - friend
Aya - friend
Nankichii - friend
Dazai - former friend/wants to make amends
Odasaku - friend/romantic feelings for
Taneda - boss
Kunikida - surrogate father?
Keek - cares for
Aya - tense...
Kunikida - father figure
Kyouka - friend
Kenji - friend
Shousaku - tense...
Chuuya - ???
Q -  stalkter
Elise - ability/childhood crush
Rain - secretary/abuses repeatedly
Shizuka - secretary/lover
Dazai - surrogate son
Q - surrogate son
Ougai Sr - father/close to
Tomoe - mother/distant relationship
Kouyou - fellow executive
Chuuya - fellow executive
Ace - fellow executive
Fukuzawa - rival
Souseki - mentor
Q - friend
Mori - ‘creator’/childhood friend
Fitzgerald - friend/boss
Eckleburg - friend/coworker
Lucy - friend
Poe - friend
Ranpo - rival/friend/lowkey crush
Annabelle Lee - first crush
Lana - girlfriend
Twain - friend?
Louisa - friend
Rowena - little sister/close to
Henry - older brother
Molly - sister in law
mother - close to
father - decent relationship
Emilia - niece
Karl - pet raccoon
Naomi - friend
Atsushi - surrogate son
Dazai - friends with benefits
Souseki - pet cat ‘mii’
Fukuzawa - friend/boss
Dazai - former partner/annoyance
Rain - romantic feelings
Akutagawa - friend
Kajii - friend
Sonia - daughter
Kouyou - adoptive mother
Kyouka - adoptive sister
Mori - HATES
Ranpo - odd friendship
Naoya - friend/drinking buddy
Tachihara - friend
Aya - ???
Dazai - surrogate brother/dislikes
Mori - surrogate father
Zoey - adoptive ‘mother’
Elise - friend
Elizaveta - friend
Aya - crush
Akutagawa - foster son
Naoya - foster daughter
Gin - foster daughter/fellow black lizard commander
Tachihara - foster son/fellow black lizard commander
Dazai - like a son to him
Dazai - partner/annoyance
Atsushi - pupil
Aya - like a daughter to him
Shousaku - surrogate son
Rokuzo - like a son to him
Suuji/Numbers Bomber - surrogate son
Sasaki - former lover
Yosano - friend
Fukuzawa - friend/boss
Atsushi - boyfriend
Louisa - friend
Akutagawa - dislikes
Fitzgerald - father figure
Kyouka - friend
Twain - like a brother to her
Chuuya - adoptive son
Kyouka - adoptive daughter
Leo - new employee
Atsushi - dislikes
her lover - ....
Yana - employee/8th of his clone
Ivan - servant/lover
Zoey - nurse/lover
Erina - prison guard/lover?
Pushkin - former employee
Oguri - employee?
Katya - former employee
Dazai - enemy
Fitzgerald - enemy
Goethe - enemy
Fukuzawa - enemy
Leo - former employee
Lydia - employee
Elizaveta - employee
Gogol - employee
Hawthorne - slave
Dia - old acquaintance
Barkova - pet/childhood ‘friend’
Ranpo - sort of a friend
Yokomizo - lover
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yumenorina · 7 years
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Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya was only 12 years old when the first time Rina met him. Being raised and stay together since they were adolescence, they are quite closed to each other. Chuuya was under-appreciated by people in Port Mafia at first, but Rina always strictly encourage him to be stronger. 
He developed romantic feeling towards Rina, but she was reluctant to accept his feeling since she couldn’t bring herself to believe that happiness could exist while they were still lingering in Port Mafia. She believe that there’s no good ending by being a Port Mafia member, especially relationship/ Best-friend-ship. Take Kouyou and her past boyfriend, as well as, Dazai and Odasaku case. 
Since she doesn’t have the courage to accept Chuuya’s feeling, she act ignorant with his feelings toward her as if she doesn’t know about his feeling toward her.
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Kouyou Ozaki
Rina was adopted by Kouyou when she was 12 years old. Kouyou is a strong, gentle and strict woman. At first, Rina couldn’t go along her strictness, but as time goes by, she understand that Kouyou only want her to be able to cope up in Port Mafia world. 
Kouyou accompany and guide her through a lot of physical training, including manners and rules that she need to follow in Port Mafia world. Rina adores Kouyou’s strong personality and she does care for her as well even though in the surface, sometimes she might seems like she doesn’t care about Kouyou. 
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Dazai Osamu
Being raised together in Port Mafia since quite a young age, she also know Dazai quite well. Both of them are quite good at negotiation and sometimes they go for mission together. However, since both of them have quite evil-ish and tricky personality, their mutual relationship is only based on win-win solution, no personal feelings are involved. 
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Oda Sakunosuke
She put high respect toward Odasaku, since he is her childhood savior. During the hard time, Odasaku has an important role in teaching her shooting skills and as well as giving her quite a lot of mental support to cope in Port Mafia. 
When Rina knew that Odasaku passed away because of Mori’s indirect evil plan, she were upset and decide to leave Port Mafia to become a kindergarden teacher as a method of  mental-healing (or at least that was what she said to Mori Ougai). 
However, the truth is that she got an information from Ango that Oda Mayuhime, Odasaku’s little sister, who was previously known death, is actually still alive. Therefore, Rina leave Port Mafia to find her. 
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Oda Mayuhime
Rina has dedicated herself to protect Mayuhime in secrecy as her way to repay Odasaku’s past kindness. She gather a lot of information about her before she came back to Port Mafia and during her stay as Top executives in Port Mafia, she prevent Mori Ougai to get any information about Mayuhime in order to protect Mayu. She just want Mayu to live an ordinary happy life, but unfortunately, that is never fulfilled. 
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Yumeno Kyusaku (Q)
Q is Rina’s little brother. They share the same father, but born from a different mother. Rina never fond of him and hate his existence, but the thing that she hate the most is when Q’s power create catastrophe to her surrounding. 
They rarely talk to each other and the fact that they are siblings remain as a secret. Apparently, only Dazai and Mori Ougai who know about this fact. 
0 notes
daughterofsinsloth · 7 years
Hi! It's stated in your bio that you analyze fics, so I just want to hear about your fic recs for Soukoku? Preferably fluff, but other genres are also fine since the ship is full of angst and smut lol. Thank you!
 Hello hello anon-chan!! How are you? Mm! It does, thank you very much for asking! Fluffly fluff heh? (my ultra favorite!!!!!!) Okay! Here are some fics! Enjoy ^^
Of sleepless nights and warm embraces by Konoha79 : 
this fic.. aaah this one is a true gem!  just amazing! its about Chuuya working really hard do he can have some free time will his boyfriend Dazai on Christmas Eve. this one has protective!Dazai and cute!Chuuya in.its really well written and the writer made their emotions appear well. another thing that I like is that the writer with only a few sentaces put a nice history behide and you dont need more informations. they write about an episode and thats it, without confussing the reader. the characters are build well and the bit of crack in there is really funny. Dazai is gently, something that we dont see often, and Chuuya is soooooooo cute, that gets your soul full! ITS A MUST READ FIC!
Oops by Witheryvine :
another good fic. in here Dazai and Chuuya are secretly married, but it slips off Dazai, while he trys to play the matchmaker to shin soukoku in front of EVERYONE! Mostly crack in here, but the fluffiness is located at protective!Chuuya Kouyou I can explain dont kill him and at how Dazai treats Chuuya. its short but full at the same time. well writen and the writer made a great job giving us some skk background. also also kunikichuu friendship!!!! THE BEST!
Captured by Witheryvine:
(AU) another short story by the same writer. Photographer!Dazai capturing lawmajor!Chuuya on camera and some good flirting!! well writen, cute and of course sweet.  its … “soft” and calm. love it.
Shared Gravity by writingfromtheshadows  and ZODIACHUUYA:
(AU/multe-chapter) okay  this one anon-chan! they start as academic enemies to enemies friends with benefits to lovers/couple. well writen. they portrait skk’s inner thoughts and fears really weel and realistic. this is like some friend of yours talking about their story and if this is not GREAT i dont know what its gonna be. they take turns with the chapters as Chuuya and Dazai PV, but its in perfect harmony. doesnt have much smut, if not at all. this one is a favorite coz it shows how you fell in love unexpected, hard and uncontrollable. Gin is the “come on you idiots you love its other!” in a cool way. its great that we can see her, coz not many give her spot time. im telling you this fic is GOLD. and leaves you with a healing feeling. complite
the opposite of alone by TheGreatCatsby:
short fic, cute fic. Chuuya can’t sleep, so he decieds to texts Dazai. its really sweet fic. Dazai immediately runs to were Chuuya is and they are all sweet couple but not really. its more about the feelings that are there but they cant get out, yet its all there for people to see.its an amazing fic and the best thing it is that it gives you the feels from the first part! also we are talking for thegreatcatsby, of course its well written, well structured and soooo satisfying. 
This by sodenoshirayuki_23:
okay anon-chan hear me up.this fic here is one of a majestic kind of story. BUT! THE WRITER!!!! has sooooooooooo many good fics that i couldnt choose. her angsty fics are masterpiece one by one. and please, i  beg you go read “heavy”; its angsty you die but you go happy. HIGHLY RECCOMENDED.  this one, tho, is AU and an mpreg (sorry if you are no into it) and its sooooo sweet and fluffy you could die. the children are sskk and spoiler later kyouka . well written.really nice story. fluffy fluff with fluff on top. what more can i say? its just sooo cute. the characters here are really interesting. and the episode is great. MUST!!!
Margin Of Error by izanyas:
its not fluff just to be clear. but its SO HIGHLY RECCOMENDED THAT YOU FLY TO ANOTHER PLANET. its AU,mafiaboss!Dazai anddoctor!Chuuya.After a failed assassination attempt on his person, Dazai finds himself recovering in an unfamiliar place: a hospital where criminals abound, staff and patients alike, and Dazai’s own doctor is a little too attractive. when you finish this, run to the writer’s other fics like Usen Bolt. they are soooooo talented. not so fluff but GREAT nonetheless. ruuuuun! ah! when you see Owe No Debt you will know that you reached the paradice.
This Time by stargazerlilith:
another MUST READ writer. this on this cuteness overload. well writen. another with workaholic!Chuuya and great boyfriend!Dazai. sweet and fluff compinate to an amazing resolt. read read it!. side note:their other stories and awesome! i storngly reccomend “mine”, which is smut with feelings.
Mother by WhisperingWinds99:
here we have skk relationship from the start. the fluff is of course in the relationship, but mostly coz we see the relationship between Kouyou and Chuuya. she is the ‘mother’ in Chuuya’s life more than the ane-san. its fluff coz you she skk get more mature and you see Kouyou growing old with them. well writen, good story. GODESS KOUYOU IS BACK! 
The art of paint by  Konoha79:
this one i promise you that its the most beautiful thing i have ever read. its skk family. canon universe, skk is married, Chuuya finds a child and everyone is oppose, but they keep him. this takes place two years later and shows us an episode of their life as famly. God its beutiful. when i have a bad day i read this. anon.. anon! read this! its really great. well writen, well build, well partial. you have a clean picture of their life and feelings. its sweet, its cute, its fluff and its a must. honestly,in my opinion,this is one of the best skk fluff stories i have read.
Now let me talk a bit about SoukokuParadise:
she is the fluff goddess of the skk fandom. she writes fluff, and a damn good ones. check out her works; they are great, well writen and well build, some character development and a lots of cuteness. i will talk for her favorite “How to Hate Nakahara Chuuya” and hear me up anon when im telling you that its great! its about Dazai taking care of Chuuya after ep. 21. as the writer says, Dazai speaks with actions (she keeps the characters close to the canon and that's really good, makes them more realistic), small words that speak loud of his true feelings. i really like how she  writes Chuuya. he is unconscious but his reactions are being given to us by Dazai. thats really interest and i havent see many writers do that. interest PV. spoiler Chuuya calls Dazai “Osamu” and im dead. also the endingggggg
lastly but not least!
Insomnia_Productions :
yet ! another one writer that I cant decide which one fic is the best. they are all GREAT and you should read them all! like ALL! the ones I LOVE LOVE LOVE are:
 The New Year’s Tradition (AU)
Not Safe For Work
“Ah… I Think We’re In What They Call A Hate/Love Relationship.” (AU)
Disney’s: The (Totally Not Little) Merman (AU)
How To Obtain A Child And Husband Entirely By Accident
  one is greatest than the other. well writen, like watching a movie. you “get into the character” and you are so into it that you cant leave them after the 3rd time you read them. trust me, this are the fics I always go back reading them over and over again and its always amazing. like the first time you read them you will be soooooo satisfied and sooo happy. perfect I tell you.
EXTRA: kiss me on the lips(and show you love me) by photography_tea:
this one is also a favorite of mine. its smut but more than that its making love. it has character development and realization of their feelings. crack and fluff combinate into love that leads to the unlimited epitomy of fluff, the lovemaking. being one with the other. loving and being loved in return. the writer did an amazing job at showing how in their mafia days skk find a small light to keep moving. oblivious!chuuya and hungry!Dazai are often a subject to write but here they are on another scale. their “play” shows more about their weird relationship than they would admit.  its a hell of a great fic! must read!
also! if you would like you can check my fic : Can you sew my suit? by alchemy_omi:
it has fluff in it with a bit of crack and liiiiight angst. also sskk are in it. its about their wedding. Dazai is the best man but he went for his suit the last moment. not being able to find a tailor shop, Akutagawa send him to his good friend Chuuya and the two fell in love. (AU/multe-chapter) 
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
hope that you like my reccomendetions anon-chan and happy reading!! please tell me your opion about them and ask me again if you are happy! I gave you fluffy suggestions but you can ask me for another gender if you want!
have a wonderful day and take care!
bye bye :)
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