yourecitten · 5 months
you are the creator of your reality , act like it
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A lot of people don't realize the fact that no matter what's happening in the 3d , they can change it anytime. Some of you guys don't realize the power you hold so I'm here to remind you.
You are the cause of your consciousness, therefore you are the creator of your reality. Only your beliefs matter, not the 3D. Do not give attention to the 3D except for what you want to experience. Everything is you pushed out, so it is you in control and nothing else.
I'm gonna say it again , YOU CAN MANIFEST ANYTHING BITCH.
good grades? You always get straight As and you don't even need to study for it.
sp ? Idk what are you talking about he is obsessed with you , why wouldn't he ? Everybody loves you
Want an appearance change ? Great , decide what you want to look like and it's already done
It doesn't matter what you want , it doesn't matter what techniques you use the only thing that matters is that you know that you have it right now, in this moment.
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swanasource · 9 months
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Some LGBT+ Films By SWANA Filmmakers
Circumstance (2011). Dir. Maryam Keshavarz Laurence Anyways (2012). Dir. Xavier Dolan Appropriate Behaviour (2014). Dir. Desiree Akhavan In Between (2016). Dir. Maysaloun Hamoud No Hard Feelings (2020). Dir. Faraz Shariat Breaking Fast (2021). Dir. Mike Mosallam Burning Days (2022). Dir. Emin Alper The Blue Caftan (2022). Dir. Maryam Touzani El Houb (2022). Dir. Shariff Nasr The Persian Version (2023). Dir. Maryam Keshavarz
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Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NLT
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celluloidrainbow · 2 years
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شرایط | CIRCUMSTANCE (2011) dir. Maryam Keshavarz Atafeh Hakimi is the teenage daughter of a wealthy Iranian family in Tehran. She and her best friend, the orphaned Shireen attend illicit parties and experiment with sex, drinking, and drugs. Atafeh's brother Mehran is a recovering drug addict who becomes increasingly religious and obsessed with Shireen, coinciding with the collapse of his once-strong relationship with his sister. The Hakimi parents, Firouz and Azar, reminisce on their youth and what has become and what will become of their family. (link in title)
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artcalledtattoo · 2 months
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Giving my Notes Before
A Weekend!
{there will be more}
That whole 1:04:21 minutes
As we pausing
I’ll be adding
Numbers will added over again and again in
Twenty minutes
(Were you praying for CoVid loss or your Vice President orange hillbilly, don’t mad me wrong)
Just been watching
My notes should speak for it self
In ink on the paper
Let’s paper ballot again (most kids know of Gangs of NewYork just for the left by movie producer to go back to like Stone and Vietnam, the prior Scorsese, my works better than Rocks in the bed of Truck!) a new sound but clarified by my intellect
Big hunky dory white truck
Six to eight lights on cab
Chrome brush guard
Extended cab
And behind cab tool boxes
And in that parking lot a night before last
Do we know the rolling rock truck
I’m not buying glass
I don’t need
(Only experienced)
Never asked for near
But a Heroine
That seems in skin better than ExFP Trump
Add trumpets
Wrong as when you thought of trumpets playing for you, cause you’re really not old young enough,
Biden did you the favor to walk away now!
If I walk, may that fucker will walk away also!
That’s my debate
He kept his cool
Don’t put in any kind of liking
Biden was upheaved by a Democratic Party
Don’t try to pull our Party apart
He walked so you, Trump
Could walk
Or made a Fool of
On another Election Day
If trying for 6 Jan 2025
Have UR People stand again
(Preparations in motions and thoughts)
20,000,000 in payments or illegals
If I had a dollar from each
My life would out weigh yours in greatness
To a Human Kind
My heart pulses
Let’s take away that post
But really sweet orange 4 flags
Who you speaking too!
Did you tie your ties on boys too
O m goodish
What did I Preach!
(JD would later gang it, Vance stated a NY Gang style)
He stated later on after this! (It’s now 01Sep24)
He afterwards & weird
Along with running big Ain’t
In ill regards no, love, for the People
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justarandomsimp77 · 4 months
I Hate Math I Wrote Notes For An Hour, Zoned Out And Forgot To Finish! 😭
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ukdamo · 1 year
Burnt Norton (excerpt from the first of the Four Quartets)
TS Eliot
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable. What might have been is an abstraction Remaining a perpetual possibility Only in a world of speculation. What might have been and what has been Point to one end, which is always present. Footfalls echo in the memory Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never opened Into the rose-garden. My words echo Thus, in your mind. But to what purpose Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves I do not know. Other echoes Inhabit the garden. Shall we follow? Quick, said the bird, find them, find them, Round the corner. Through the first gate, Into our first world, shall we follow The deception of the thrush? Into our first world. There they were, dignified, invisible, Moving without pressure, over the dead leaves, In the autumn heat, through the vibrant air, And the bird called, in response to The unheard music hidden in the shrubbery, And the unseen eyebeam crossed, for the roses Had the look of flowers that are looked at. There they were as our guests, accepted and accepting. So we moved, and they, in a formal pattern, Along the empty alley, into the box circle, To look down into the drained pool. Dry the pool, dry concrete, brown edged, And the pool was filled with water out of sunlight, And the lotos rose, quietly, quietly, The surface glittered out of heart of light, And they were behind us, reflected in the pool. Then a cloud passed, and the pool was empty. Go, said the bird, for the leaves were full of children, Hidden excitedly, containing laughter. Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind Cannot bear very much reality. Time past and time future What might have been and what has been Point to one end, which is always present.
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corvianbard · 1 year
Barbarism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always ultimately triumph.
Robert E. Howard
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1introvertedsage · 2 years
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the bit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced or cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
~William Ernest Henley~
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yourecitten · 5 months
focus on the 4d
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All is already existing in the present, now moment we call 4D. It's just that your 3D physical mind and ego can't process, grasp, or understand that you have it in that moment. That's all the "delay" is. Because once it appears in your 4D consciousness, your 3D experience will have to conform. So yes once you claim it in the 4D, it is already yours in that moment.
I know that it can be hard for our minds to understand that nothing matters in the 3d but it's the truth. you can experience anything right now, in this moment in the 4d and the 3d has no choice but to reflect it.
identify yourself as the person who has it because you are and just know that it comes to the 3d. it doesn't matter anyway right? you don't want that thing, you don't need it because you can give it yourself at any given moment but yea, it's gonna come to the 3d at any given moment.
and remember, it's oke to have doubts you just need to learn how to get back to the state. take a deep breath, don't be hard on yourself, and remember who tf you are :)
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beeingapis · 1 year
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"Ceremony and Incident"
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midnightchaous · 2 years
Happiness is not a feeling,
rather a circumstance
we create to thrive
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tapan4evr · 1 year
True me.. Tap-1392..
Even if the current circumstances in your life make you question how you’ll ever get to where you want to be, you have to understand that everything you are currently experiencing or have experienced has a PURPOSE. Because those previous steps BROUGHT you to where you are today, MOLDING you into the person that you are. But remember:There are still so many moments to experience that will bring…
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runningfromadream · 1 year
I’ve always been somewhat isolated. I’ve borne my isolation with me through the crowd as the snail bears its house. For some people isolation isn’t a circumstance in which they find themselves, it’s an innate characteristic.
Hjalmar Söderberg
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hey fam do y'all remember Circumstance, the 2011 film about the two girls in Tehran who are in love? when that trailer dropped it included 30 seconds of an absolutely baller club remix of a Sima Bina song that no one was able to track down. 11 years later and i'm still haunted by this. this song lives somewhere, i have to believe it lives somewhere
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nextstopparis · 8 months
when in fics they say two characters gave each other a look this is always what i envision in my head
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