#Citrine Clinic
How To Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation Around the Mouth?
Do you have dark spots around your mouth and you have gone through several failed attempts of skin whitening remedies to correct it? 
If it is so, then this post is for you.
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In this post we talk about various methods to treat hyperpigmentation around the mouth. To get detailed information about these proven dark spots removal methods, insights have been collected from Dr. Niti Gaur. She is a leading expert popular for providing best hyperpigmentation treatment in Gurgaon at Citrine Clinic. So continue reading this post and get detailed information about hyperpigmentation treatment. Additionally, learn about what this medical condition is and what are home remedies and treatments to correct hyperpigmentation around the mouth. 
What is Hyperpigmentation Around the Mouth?
Hyperpigmentation is a most common skin concern of dark spots. These dark spots of different sizes and shapes around the mouth, forehead, cheeks may be caused by any skin injury, hormonal changes, heredity and medications. 
However, the discoloration of the skin is harmless but it impacts on one’s aesthetics and self-confidence As a result several DIYs and cosmetic products come into the role at a very initial stage. 
Some of the popular home remedies for to correct hyperpigmentation are as follows:
Application of Potato
Potatoes are a good source of skin whitening. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, minerals, potassium, magnesium in adequate amounts to extract the impurities from the skin. Hence, it is widely used to treat skin ageing and dark spots. To correct the hyperpigmentation spots,  juice of raw potato is famous. 
Rose Water
Rose water is a good source of collagen. It improves the skin tone and texture and is beneficial to get the  youthfulness back. Rose water is also popular as a natural skin cleanser with no side-effects. Many consider it as a preventive measure to avoid various skin concerns like acne, scars, ageing signs and dark spots. 
Lemon Juice
The deficiency of Vitamin C causes facial dullness and uneven skin tone. Lemon juice contains citric acid, and is a rich source of Vitamin C. To maintain the balance of this vitamin in the body lemon water, application of lemon juice based homemade skin cleansing remedies are widely common to treat skin concerns like sun tan.
Anti-inflammatory properties of Turmeric has made this spice an crucial element in correcting various skin ailments like acne and pimples. Many people consider turmeric based face packs or homemade masks to treat dark spots of the mouth.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is a plant. Gel extracts from its leaves is widely popular in various skin concerns like sunburn, ageing signs and acne. To avoid or treat dark spots around the mouth  a layer of aloe vera gel can be applied around the infected area. To do aloe vera gel can be extracted  either directly from the plant’s leaves or market.  
Additionally, many skin whitening and anti-pigmentation based products available in the market claim to provide the satisfying results. 
If you have tried all these methods and are still unable to get the desired freedom from discoloration of the skin then you are advised to take a consultation with a skin doctor. The doctor will examine the tone and texture of skin, causes of hyperpigmentation. And based on your overall health, experts may provide you any of the below mentioned hyperpigmentation treatments:
Topical Creams
It is a non-invasive method of topical medications that contain pills and lotion to apply on the skin. In this method, hydroquinone is widely used to treat hyperpigmentation. It is one type of natural bleaching agent that makes the skin and complexion lighten. 
In addition to hydroquinone, corticosteroids, Glycolic Acid (GA), Azelaic Acid, Trichloroacetic Acid based products may also be prescribed to treat hyperpigmentation.
If there are minimal dark spots which are unable to get rid of topical medication then  Microdermabrasion can be prescribed by the skin doctor. In this advanced skin resurfacing method the topmost layer of the skin is gently removed to reduce the appearance of sunspots and other superficial blemishes.
Photofacial is an intense laser based advanced pigmentation treatment for individuals struggling with stubborn dark spots caused by suntan, heredity and certain medical conditions. In this method intense laser lights are used to target and treat the pigmented cells. 
Chemical Peels
Chemical peel is a popular skin rejuvenation treatment. The treatment is effective to treat a variety of skin concerns including acne, ageing and fine lines. This treatment gives the best results in  stubborn dark spots treatment. In this method a chemical is used to apply on the skin which targets the pigmented cells and extract the impurities that cause darkness of the skin.  
In order to effectively address the dark spots, various types of peels based on one’s skin tone and texture may be utilised by the skin specialists.  Some of the popular chemical peels widely common for hyperpigmentation treatment includes Salicylic acid, Glycolic acid, and TCA peels. 
Laser Toning
This is also an advanced laser based hyperpigmentation treatment in which clinically approved Nd-YAG laser is used to treat pigmentation. The treatment provides highly satisfactory results including the improved skin tone of the skin. 
Here it is to note that laser toning is a multiple session based treatment. With each session one starts experiencing improved skin tone and corrections in the dark spots.
Cost of Hyperpigmentation Treatment
While considering any clinically approved treatment for dark spots, cost of the treatment is one of the major and unavoidable factors to consider. In order to learn about hyperpigmentation treatment cost it is essential to know about the treatment type, doctor’s experience, location of the clinic, treatment duration, recovery phase etc. These all factors affect the treatment cost and it may vary from one to other candidate. 
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In Gurgaon, Citrine Clinic is a skin care clinic which provides best and affordable treatment for dark spots. To learn about the exact reasonable cost of the treatment you may book a consultation with Dr. Niti Gaur, founder of the clinic and the Best Skin Specialist in Gurgaon  now. 
Hyperpigmentation usually termed as dark spots is a harmless skin condition. In this skin concern, discoloration in the form of melasma, liver spots and freckles starts appearing on the skin. These stubborn dark patches usually target the forehead, cheeks, chin and around the mouth. In order to reverse this skin concern various home remedies and anti-pigmentation products are available in the market. 
But to get the quick effective results, it is advisable to consider a clinically approved pigmentation treatment. To do so, you may visit Citrine Clinic, the best skin clinic in Gurgaon.  
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The patient visiting the clinic can achieve a healthy flawless skin with best pigmentation removal treatments!
Original Source:- https://www.articleshore.com/how-to-get-rid-of-hyperpigmentation-around-the-mouth/
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kteabug · 1 year
“that’s not my sire” — pup, probably
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Summary: At birth pups instinctively know their dam and sire’s scents, it’s what allows them to know who is a safe place. What happens when a pup rejects the alpha that believes they are the sire?
Pairings: BakuDeku (endgame), BakuKami, KiriKami, OverDeku (past)
Word Count: 9, 480
Warnings: Infidelity. Shitty parenting. Minor Character Death. Omegaverse. A!Bakugo. A!Kirishima. O!Kaminari. O!Midoriya. Quirkless AU.
AN: This is based off a silly little head canon I have.
**PLEASE READ: this fic is bakudeku ending, but before we get there, there’s bakukami and then mentions of overdeku.
Bakugo Katsuki knew the omega he was going to marry when he was nine years old. He first saw him at a garden party his grandparents threw, he was the grandson of someone his grandfather knew or something like that. Honestly, he could’ve been the son of the waitstaff and Katsuki would’ve chosen him. His yellow blonde hair, citrine colored eyes and bubbly personality had the alpha captivated. This is based off a silly little head canon I have.
When the two were 16, Katsuki bashfully asked the omega for an official courtship — it was amusing to those around to see the brash and loud alpha seem so docile as he handed the omega a scented shirt and high end blanket he ordered from his parents’ company. Kaminari Denki accepted the gesture with a warm smile as if he had any other option.
When the two were 20, their engagement was announced and within the year, they were married. The Bakugos had wanted to forego the engagement and tie the union together with a mating claim, but the Kaminaris did not — they felt the bond should only take place if and when Denki said so. Bonds cannot be as easily removed as a marital status can.
While it bothered Katsuki to see the hard thick plastic collar around Denki’s neck during their heats/ruts, he understood that it was the omega’s choice. He had always known Denki was it for him, he would wait until the end of time for his omega if that’s what he needed.
After the first year they were together, Denki expressed he was tired of having to wear the anti-claiming collar so Katsuki immediately bought a muzzle. The next year Denki said the muzzle ruined the mood but that he didn’t want to wear the collar so he suggested they spend their cycles in heat/rut clinics. Clinics designed for mated or unmated individuals to ride out their cycles without fear of unwanted bonding or for those who are away from their mates.
Katsuki didn’t really like the idea, it felt so sterile and robotic rather than the passionate nature heats/ruts are. It didn’t feel right to Katsuki for Denki to be alone in a hospital-like room in pain, crying out for relief while his alpha did what? Sat at home like it was just another Wednesday? The thought alone just broke his heart but if that’s what his omega needed then he’d do it.
However after four years, both sides of their families are exhausted waiting for a pup to be born. Katsuki however doesn’t press the issue, when Denki is ready he’d tell him. It’s after their anniversary dinner that the omega’s attitude changes — Mitsuki made a comment about Denki’s appetite which he counters with him being in preheat even though the alpha doesn’t pick up on it. When they get home, Denki practically jumps the ash blonde.
The alpha’s rut is triggered by the intensity of Denki’s actions, the omega hasn’t acted so hungry, so aggressive, so needy with Katsuki before. The sudden action doesn’t allow the omega to wear his collar but somehow he keeps enough sanity to bite his own arm to prevent himself from bonding with Denki. A few weeks later, Denki announces to Katsuki and their families the pair is expecting a pup.
Katsuki is over the moon. If he’s honest (which he won’t be) the moment he smelt Denki’s jasmine scent, he saw a future with a house full of love, warmth and pups. He wanted pups with citrine eyes and soft blonde hair, pups with their dam’s bubbly personality and headstrong nature. He wanted to watch their pups grow up and go off to have their own lives while spending the rest of their lives falling in love with each other over and over again.
Katsuki is there to rub Denki’s back when his morning sickness is rough before carrying him back to bed with crackers and ginger ale. He buys any and every craving the omega has — teasing that the pup must have their dam’s taste since Denki doesn't want spicy foods like Marasu had with him. He reads, talks and sings to the growing bump as he rubs lotion to help keep the omega’s skin moisturized. He tries to go to appointments, but Denki tells him they aren’t really that important for them both to go.
According to Katsuki’s planner, the anatomy scan should be coming up and he really wants to go. He doesn’t care what their sex is, he just wants to see the pup, to be able to look at the screen and call him or her by the name chosen. Denki instantly loved both the names Kats suggested which surprised the alpha but he went with it.
He doesn’t get that as Denki comes home with ultrasound scans announcing it’s a girl, brushing off Katsuki’s complaints by saying he simply forgot it was /that/ appointment today. The entire rest of the day whenever Katsuki tries to bring up anything to do with the appointment or asking to go to just one appointment, the omega claims he’s getting a headache and prompts switches subjects.
Denki claims that the appointments from now on will only last five minutes at tops — it’d be more of a hassle than anything. Katsuki hates it, he wants to be there, to hear their pup’s heartbeat, but he doesn’t want to add stress to Denki so he stays home.
The alpha swallows the ugly feeling that sits in his chest, threatening to come out anytime Denki brushing off something he asks considering the pup. Denki has always been an amazing partner, so it must just be the pregnancy hormones. Kats instead decides to go focus on his daughter’s room — it’s the place she’ll spend the most time so it needs to be perfect.
He divides the wall, painting the lower half a terracotta orange while leaving the upper half an off-white. They picked white furnishings: crib, dresser, changing table, rocking chair and around the room had a few natural wood accents such as the photo frames and wall shelves. This room will grow with her and he can’t help but tear up at the thought.
He folds her burp bibs, sheets and swaddles even trying to match the tiny little socks before just tossing them in a drawer. He hangs up her onesies, dresses, footed pajamas and sleep sacs. Katsuki attempts to fold her white onesies but they are teeny compared to his massive hands.
He even adds a name sign on the door — Yuika: dream come true. That’s what she truly is, a dream come true for Katsuki and he has so much love for her that it spills out in tears. Denki always just shakes his head, but putting a name to the pup he talks to, feels kick, it makes it all feel surreal.
Katsuki plans to be ready for when Denki goes into labor. He has bags packed for him, Denki and Yuika. The car seat is properly installed in their car with the window shades and mirror for the headrest to see her from the rear view mirror. He’s even gone as far as to run drills to make sure he can get himself and Denki to the car effectively for the big day.
All that planning fails the alpha when Denki wakes him up at 3am saying it’s time. Katsuki trips getting out of bed, puts his shirt on backwards and has two different tennis shoes on. But they do manage to get to the hospital unscathed which is a miracle with the way Katsuki was driving.
The maternity ward has scent neutralizer constantly pumping through the air vents — it helps keep things safer for the in labor omegas and their pups. Somehow this helps calm Katsuki’s nerves as he holds Denki’s hand through it all.
Nearly 18 hours later, Yuika is born. She has ten fingers and ten toes with a head of beautiful black hair. Katsuki assumes it’s from Denki’s side since the omega has a black stripe through his own hair and his sire has solid black hair. Like many newborns her eye color isn’t set in stone, but Katsuki hopes she gets the same citrine eyes as her dam.
The scent neutralizer is cut off to their room. After delivery, the room is to be filled only with the parents' scents; pups instinctively recognise their parents' pheromones marking them a safe person. Everyone else who enters the room, regardless of relation, has to wear scent patches — Katsuki is more than on board with this as he doesn’t want Yuika bombarded with too many scents.
Denki holds her the entire first day, rarely letting her go. He doesn’t even put her in the incubator for naps after breastfeeding, opting to just do contact naps. Katsuki tries not to let it bother him, but it feels off. They are partners and yet it feels that Denki doesn’t trust him to hold their daughter. He doesn’t feel like he’s asking for all that much, just a few moments with her in his arms, but Denki continuously waves him off.
The next day however when Denki is taking a much desired shower, Katsuki gets to hold the bundle of joy. All he’s thought about for the last several months has been her — holding her, comforting her, feeding her, loving her. It’s like a crescendo of emotions as he reaches out, gently picking her up and cradling her into his chest. But the high pitch scream she lets out causes all those emotions to just stop.
He’s worried that maybe he woke her up so he starts making the shushing noises, bouncing slightly, and rocking her; all the things the books mentioned but they don’t work. He holds her higher, closer to his scent glands, wondering if maybe he hasn’t been letting out enough of his pheromones, but that seems to worsen things. Thankfully a nurse pops in, giving him a hopeful smile before saying she might just need to be changed.
Later that night he brings it up to Denki, voicing his worries and asking if any of the expecting omega books said anything about it. The omega simply brushes him off, telling him that it was probably because he wasn’t around and she’s just more used to his scent. Katsuki lays away that night, his partner’s words did nothing to ease his anxiety, but maybe tomorrow would fare better.
It doesn’t.
Yuika cries and screams and refuses to relax any time Katsuki holds her or even tries to pick her up. It’s like a knife in his chest that gets twisted each time she fully calms down the second Denki touches her. Why was she rejecting him? Was it him? Did she just not feel safe around him at all?
When the doctor comes for a visit to tell Denki they want him to stay an extra day, Katsuki tries to get an answer from the doctor. He tries to reassure Katsuki that while it’s not exactly common, it’s not uncommon for pups to struggle to adjust to their sire’s scent — especially in cases where the parents aren’t bonded. Bonded couples have a blended scent whereas he and Denki have two very different ones.
Katsuki might’ve believed him if it hadn’t been for the purple-haired nurse whose facial expression showed she didn’t really think that. He follows her out into the hallway and practically begs to know her opinion, saying that he just wants answers to why his daughter rejects him.
He can tell she’s uncomfortable but she relents, explaining that a pup’s reaction is usually only /that/ intense if the alpha present isn’t their biological sire. In cases where a pup fails to adjust are typically more when the sire is a prime or the pup is being adopted. That’s why when adoption is chosen by the omega or female beta, the adoptive parents come around and scent the expectant individual in hopes it alleviates some of the initial scent rejection.
Katsuki doesn’t believe her. Denki isn’t like that. Denki wouldn’t cheat on him. Denki loves him and they are a team. Sure the last several months have felt different than the past three years but hormones can be a bitch so the alpha didn’t take it personally. He then remembers when he brought to Denki’s attention he seems to have gone into labor earlier than it was projected in Kats’ planner, Denki said she was a little premature. Maybe that’s why she’s rejecting him? Though the doctor not mentioning it is a bit weird.
It’s the same the next day too, Yuika screams whenever he holds her so he doesn’t. It breaks his heart to not be able to hold his little girl, but he only wants her to feel safe and happy. So he just does things that help Denki such as making a hundred trips out of the room to refill his water cup, feeding the omega as he holds their princess, and making sure to call a nurse if Yuika needs something when Denki is asleep.
He’s worried more now about taking her home than he was before — their home was heavily filled with his scent. What if his baby girl didn’t feel safe in her own home? He had spent the most time in her nursery, what if she couldn’t rest there? Denki tells him that babies cry and she’ll eventually be fine over time and maybe that’s true, but the alpha is panicking.
The morning of discharge day has Katsuki even more anxious. He practiced getting to the hospital not getting home; over the last few days they had accumulated more things than originally brought. The alpha wanted help getting both Denki and Yuika home, but his parents and in-laws were busy and so were his friends. The omega quickly told him that he had it handled, he would just ask Eijiro.
Now it isn’t that Katsuki doesn’t like Eijiro, the red headed alpha has never done anything to warrant Kats hatred or anything like that. It is more about the way his in-laws turn up their noses when the alpha is mentioned that makes him weary. Denki on the other hand constantly sings his praises, the two were apparently friends in school before his parents sent him off to boarding school.
After discreetly asking around, he learned that Eijiro is the illegitimate grandson of Kirishima Kenji, one of the biggest names in the tech industry. One of his sons decided to keep a mistress and Eijiro is the result, but to keep things mostly under wraps, Kenji moved him and his mother to the family compound.
Kenji even allowed Eijiro to be given their family name rather than whatever his mother’s was and he attended nice academies but not the same as the other grandchildren. Eijiro had been allowed the same lifestyle of Kenji’s biological grandchildren, but the imbalance in status still remained.
Katsuki has met this man a total of three times: engagement announcement party, wedding, and then at the party to celebrate their one year anniversary. All three times Eijiro had drunk quite a bit, but Katsuki couldn’t blame him, the parties were an awful bore. Though he didn’t see Eijiro at their pregnancy announcement party or the other myriad of parties their families threw, so he isn’t sure why the alpha would come up to the hospital.
Surely enough, when he is taking some of Denki’s stuff to the car he sees Eijiro walking into the hospital. Katsuki shrugs it off, maybe the redhead just really hated going to parties and avoided them or hell, maybe Kats just never saw him. He bounces in the elevator, Eijiro will be their first visitor outside of immediate family and he wants to make sure he’s there when Yuika meets him. Yeah he’ll be wearing scent patches, but if she really is super sensitive to scents, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.
He stops in the doorway when he realizes there’s no crying coming out of Denki’s room despite knowing the omega was in the bathroom changing. When Katsuki looks into the room he sees his daughter happy and content in the stranger’s arms, much like she is in Denki’s. He can pick up on the redhead’s pheromones, assuming he didn’t have patches on and that still isn’t a problem with the young pup.
Then he watches Denki come out of the bathroom, smiling as he leans into Eijiro’s side and the air in his lungs is knocked out. He watches as the two share a look, but not just any look, but /the/ look. The kind you give the person you love with all your heart, the one that’s soft and gentle and anyone who sees it can tell your soulmates. He knows that look because his mom snapped a picture of the two together as teenagers and teased him over the soft expression on his face.
To anyone the two would look like a picture perfect family which fucking hurts because suddenly that makes Katsuki the odd man out.
Midoriya Izuku loves his job. He has always wanted to help people and working as a nurse allows him just that. Being a labor and delivery nurse is just the icing on the cake — being able to help bring pups into the world and help betas and omegas is the best thing. There’s so many emotions that rush through those who have given birth and it’s crucial to have someone that can understand you, that’s where Izuku thrives.
One omega felt like a horrible dam for not breastfeeding her pup, feeling like she was letting her son down. She said that all the mommy blogs said if you formula feed or even pump and use a bottle that you’re selfish, don’t deserve to be a parent, don’t love your kid, and are lazy. She was spiraling on top of all of the postpartum emotions and it broke Izuku’s heart. So he pointed out all the great things she’s done to prove she did love her pup: she made sure he was fed, she held him and soothed him. The biggest sign was that she was worried about being a good parent because bad parents don’t worry about that. The omega thanked him profusely.
One beta had made the choice to put her little girl up for adoption and despite having made it, she was upset. It was a hard decision for anyone to make, it took a lot of strength which Izuku gently reminded her of. He held her hand, releasing a calming scent to surround her in hopes to help her. She asked him if she was selfish for not wanting to keep her baby, saying she just wasn’t ready, but he squashed those thoughts telling her how selfless she was. He then got to introduce the adoptive parents to her who thanked her tremendously. Before the beta left, she made sure to tell him that he had really helped her and the couple said she was always welcome to go and visit.
Some days are harder than others and he’s there for those who don’t leave with the baby they planned to take home. Izuku knows he can’t take that pain away, if he could he would in a heartbeat. He makes little momentos using the baby’s handprint and footprint, sometimes with a photograph of the parents holding the baby if they want. He also uses the blankets they were wrapped in to make teddy bears to send home with the grieving parents. It’s not much, but it’s all he can do to help bring them some comfort. He doesn’t always get a happy thank you like in other cases, but that’s fine; just knowing that one day they’ll be able to see those momentos and smile a little is enough for him.
While he’s used to dealing with dams, he has offered help and comfort to sires as well. He’s there to help show them how to change diapers and not be afraid of changing their outfits — little baby fingers and toes seem to terrify alphas. He helps show them how to hold their heads properly and check footed clothing for strands of hair to prevent it from wrapping around little toes. He watches amusingly at first time and even seasoned sires fret over swaddling and putting little hats on the pups. Smirking at the proud looks on their faces when they excitedly show off their sons and daughters to visitors for the first time.
The last three days he had used personal time and was eager to get back to work as much as he loves being at home. He expects the usual when he gets back, his coworkers catching him up on who is in labor and who has given birth, basically giving him the rundown for the upcoming shift. He doesn’t expect to hear hushed whispers of a scandal with a pup not taking to their sire. Izuku doesn’t care to engage in gossip especially at work, but this really bothers him.
It can be harmful to a pup who is constantly around pheromones that stress them out leading to lack of eating, trouble sleeping and more. He is only half listening and at first wonders if maybe it’s an alpha stepping up to be a sire, it happens and could be why the pup is rejecting them. At least that’s what he wants to believe because the alternative, the possibility of it having been infidelity fills the greenette with rage. Truly someone could not be /that/ stupid to think wishful thinking will override instincts! The nerve!
He’s walking away from the nurse’s station, getting ready to start checking on patients discharging when a blur of blonde passes by. The blonde doesn’t get too far before he falls to his knees as he gasps for air, sobs wrecking his chest. Izuku drops down in front of the man, releasing his soothing scent before taking his handkerchief and wiping the alpha’s cheeks. The omega is unsure why he does that exactly, it’s something he’s only ever done for Kumi and surely not something you do for a strange alpha you just met.
“I…but he…not mine…”
Izuku instantly puts it all together. He’s the alpha his coworkers have been talking about, the alpha who’s little one isn’t taking to his scent and the omega’s heart breaks. He’s seen it happen before, an affair exposed by a pup’s rejection — had to call security for it and everything but usually the wronged alpha is angry. The alpha will yell and scream, storm out, maybe have tears in their eyes, but nothing like this. Most times there’s some sort of inkling that there’s an affair going on, but the blonde seems to have been completely blindsided.
The omega helps the alpha up and into a nearby chair, trying to comfort him but what could he say?
It will be okay.
Izuku hates that phrase because he can’t say that confidently.
Things will work out.
Izuku cannot promise that.
Everything happens for a reason.
Izuku wants to gag every time he hears that being told to people.
“I appreciate you not wanting to bullshit me.” Katsuki lets out something of a laugh while sniffling.
Izuku turns pink, he thought he’s been getting better about mumbling. But despite his embarrassment he’s glad he got the alpha to laugh a bit.
“There you are, Midoriya! I got worried when you didn’t answer a page!” The same purple-haired nurse from before says.
“I’m sorry! I got distracted.” The omega tilts his head to the side and gives her a blinding smile.
“It’s my fault.” Katsuki adds, for some reason he feels the need to protect the small omega, “I was upset and he made me laugh.”
The nurse recognizes the alpha immediately — not just from having spoken to him previously but because she was just in his omega’s room and witnessed probably what had upset him. Some redhead alpha holding a very calm pup, a pup that up until now he believed to be his. “That’s Midoriya’s quirk!”
The greenette snaps his head at her, with a very motherly ‘stop it’ look but Katsuki beats him to it.
“Yeah, it’s like a superpower. It’s from Izuku’s favorite kid’s show!”
“Kid’s show? I’ll have you know that All-Might’s Mighty Adventures is a very popular classic TV series! Kid’s show? Hah, just because it’s animated doesn’t make it for children.” Izuku continues to defend the show, leaving a smirk on the nurse’s face and a faint blush on the alpha’s — the omega misses both of them.
Kaminari Denki had been told what to do and when to do it since he can remember, though he’s pretty positive it’s been like that since he was born. It probably went back further to when he was conceived, he’s certain his dad demanded he be a male and his mother willed him to be an omega. Though with the chill in his parents’ marriage, maybe he was a designer embryo grown in a lab.
Being born in a wealthy family has its upsides, but also most definitely its downsides. Especially when it’s a family that’s not secure it’s in holdings — you see the Kaminari family is what one would call ‘new money’ and it only dates back to Denki’s grandfather. His grandfather got lucky with a few investments when Denki was three and having a friend owe him a favor ended up with his grandfather rubbing elbows with Bakugo Mamoru (Mitsuki’s father). That allowed the Kaminari's introduction to other more prominent families like the Todoroki’s (hotels), Kirishima’s (tech) and Yagi’s (entertainment) who are what’s called ‘old money’.
When Denki presented at five, his parents had been so thrilled — male omegas still hold a lot of value in the upper class and are sought after. Some more traditional wealthy families prefer having alpha/alpha couples take over the company so an omega is useful for producing heirs and quelling ruts. Denki’s parents want more, more wealth, more fame, more status, so using their son to “marry up” was just par for the course.
When he was seven he was sent to a decent private academy and that’s where he met Kirishima Eijiro — a shy alpha who transferred in mid school year. His seat was placed right next to Denki and it was love at first sight for the omega. Every chance he got he would try to get to know the alpha more, break through his shell and then finally right before the school year was over Eijiro smiled at him. The two became inseparable, so much so that Denki once screamed until Eijiro was allowed to have his seat moved to be next to his.
At first his parents were pleased, Kirishima is a very well known name, but then they heard the hushed whispers of Eijiro not really being a Kirishima. It didn’t matter that for the first time in his life Denki had a friend, that he smiled more now and that being around the alpha helped the omega do better in classes. No, their child’s happiness didn’t matter, what mattered was their own selfishness in knowing a bastard son-in-law would do nothing for them.
So when Denki was sent away to boarding school without getting to say much of a goodbye to Eijiro before going. When his parents called him home for a stupid party, he had a little hope that Eijiro would be there, his family is one that would make an appearance. He looked and looked, but he wasn’t there. That was the night that he caught another alpha’s eye, one that his parents were all too thrilled about. Denki thought he stunk — his spicy cinnamon clove scent hit his nose funny, not like the sandalwood scent Eijiro had.
But once again, Denki was told what to do and when to do it when Bakugo Mamoru reached out to his grandfather about his grandson, Katsuki’s interest in Denki. He tried to protest, claiming that he already had an alpha, but his mother simply laughed at him and his father grabbed his face hard, nearly using an Alpha Command on him. Tears blurred his eyes as he nodded that he understood Bakugo Katsuki would be the only alpha for him and that he was never allowed to mention Eijiro again.
There was nothing wrong with Katsuki. In fact if he had never met Eijiro, Denki was sure he could’ve fallen in love with him, but he did. He did meet Eijiro and no other alpha compared. It wasn’t Katsuki’s fault nor was it his; when money is involved, feelings really don't matter. It had been during one of their chaperoned dates that by chance Eijiro walked into the same restaurant and his eyes locked on Denki’s. The omega had wanted to plead with him, but he gave him an expression that said ‘oh I understand’ and Denki cried so hard Katsuki thought he overstepped by not wearing scent patches and took him home with an apology.
When he was 16, his mother forced him to accept the blonde’s courtship offer and his fate was sealed. When he got home later that night, he realized that his nest had been completely ransacked. His baby blanket was gone, his favorite fuzzy blanket that he got when he first presented and his plushie.
The plushie had been hidden in the corner of his nest that Eijiro had gifted him before they changed schools. It had long lost the alpha’s scent but it brought him comfort — he was careful to keep it from his parents, but clearly not careful enough. His parents had also completely replaced the nesting mattress and base, saying something about him needing a proper nest now that he was a taken omega. Denki hated it because the new nest wasn’t comforting to him, it felt stiff and sterile and all he had was the blanket and shirt from Katsuki to fill it.
The day after he turned twenty, their engagement was announced and Denki fell apart when he caught the scent of sandalwood among the guests. He saw red eyes, ones that were slightly similar to Katsuki’s but not the same at all, and they were filled with anguish. His black hair is now a bright red and he seemed to be on his grandfather’s heels. Denki ended up at the bar toward the end of the party, watching how happy Katsuki acted as he chatted with his friends when Eijiro sat a few seats down. Denki sent a drink his way, an apricot fizz (please look my way) while EIjiro sent him back an old fashioned (I’ll go my way).
Denki felt like a zombie on the day of his wedding. His mother made him go through what she called a ‘professional omega cleanse’ — he was stripped down and every part of his body, inside and out, was scrubbed, hard. He was then humiliated by having to go through a ‘virginity exam’, something that no one but his own family pushed for. Apparently his parents were taking pride in what a perfect specimen their omega son was. Everyone cooed at the tears that ran down his eyes up at the altar, thinking the omega was overjoyed, but instead it was because he saw an emotionless expression on Eijiro’s face right after he said ‘I do’.
The omega tried. He really did, but Bakugo Katsuki would never be the alpha he held dear in his heart. The alpha really was the perfect mate and he would be…for someone else. He had hoped he’d get pregnant the first year, his heats were more miserable with Katsuki than without him, but he was used to not getting what he wanted from life. After a year he had enough and brought up spending their mating cycles apart. He could see Katsuki’s hesitation but most of Denki’s life was spent doing things he didn’t want so surely Kats could make this sacrifice for him. And he did. In fact Denki learned that Katsuki would bow to anything and everything the omega asked of him.
Denki had been married for three years when he finally saw Eijiro again — both leaving the same heat/rut clinic. Something about knowing Eijiro wasn’t sharing his ruts with another made the omega feel warm inside. He asked the alpha to a nearby cafe and that’s how it all began. Eijiro was still the puppy-dog that he had always been and apparently showed his grandfather he had more potential than his other grandsons. It was innocent, the alpha respecting the fact Denki was bound to another…all until Denki lied.
Telling Eijiro that Katsuki was more focused on work than him, that he was disgusted by the omega’s heat and he’d overheard the blonde saying their relationship was just transactional. He told him that Katsuki turned down a mating claim when in fact it was Denki’s parents that had — since a mating claim can only be broken upon death, they felt withholding it gave them an upper hand to potentially control the Bakugos (it did not). Eijiro had been livid and easily fell into the omega’s trap: so Denki would simply tell Katsuki he was heading to the clinic and instead go to the nearby hotel where Eijiro was waiting for him.
The omega was on cloud nine, his parents left him alone and he got the alpha he wanted. Eijiro doted on him, worshiped him and wholeheartedly loved him, he wanted for nothing when the alpha was around. But it was short-lived when Eijiro tried to end things, saying that it was wrong and he couldn’t stand the person who looked back at him in the mirror. So Denki lied, claiming Katsuki had a side piece, and some other things that got Eijiro to spend one more heat with him. But before he could try to figure out how to prolong his affair, he missed a cycle and a cheap plastic test told him he was royally fucked.
Six weeks. He was six weeks pregnant and it would be very apparent it wasn’t his husband’s. So the night of their fourth anniversary, after his mother-in-law’s comment about his appetite and his ‘pre-heat’ rebuttal led to him sleeping with his husband. It’s uncommon for an alpha/omega couple to get pregnant out of heat/rut periods but thankfully for Denki, his actions triggered Katsuki’s rut. But maintaining the lie wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be. Katsuki, who was already a doting alpha, somehow became even more doting and wonderful, making it hard for Denki to really figure things out.
Katsuki wanted to attend the appointments, but they would say the gestation week and it wouldn’t line up with the timeline Katsuki had mapped out in his planner. At first he could use the alpha’s meetings as reasons he had to go alone, but that didn’t last long because he just asked Mitsuki to cover him. He wanted to see ultrasounds so Denki lied and said there was a power outage so the dates were wrong when the system rebooted. The hardest was hearing Kats going on and on about the anatomy scan, mainly because he already had it so he said he picked a random appointment and came home playing it off as he just now knew they were having a girl. The further along he got, the more attentive Katsuki got, the more annoyed Denki got — after all he wanted his pup’s sire to be doing these things, not Katsuki.
Denki really had thought that because Katsuki spent so much time around him, Yuika would accept him as her sire. Why couldn’t he get anything he wanted? He tried to play it off as normal behavior but his own instincts were going haywire by not having Eijiro around, by some other alpha touching Eijiro’s pup. Each time Yuika screamed, he wanted to shake her until she stopped and would listen. HE had always behaved. HE always did as he was told. HE always listened. HE never disobeyed. Why couldn’t SHE?! Suggesting Eijiro to be the one to come was his last stitch effort in getting her to just calm down for a second. But the moment he saw her relax in the redhead’s arms and Ei looked down at him with pure adoration, he knew that everything was ruined.
Katsuki waited a week to confront Denki, mainly because he had enough self respect to not make an ass out of himself in front of the plethora of visitors they had. He had called Mitsuki to watch Yuika as he talked to Denki, who thankfully didn’t try to lie about things. He stood there as the omega confessed, telling him the various lies Eijiro had been told and then he dropped to his knees in front of Katsuki. He begged the alpha not to leave him, that his parents would kill him if they ever found out and even offered up his mating claim to the alpha. He used the alpha’s love for Yuika to try to persuade him to stay.
As he looked at the omega he could no longer see the one he fell in love with, the one he wanted more than anything to spend forever with. But had Denki ever been that man or had it been rose colored glasses? He was disgusted he tried to use Yuika as a bargaining chip and it was because of the alpha’s love for her that he had to leave. The once fond memories were now tainted and he can’t promise that he won’t grow to resent her if he stays — maybe that’s selfish of him but he’d rather not know her than to end up hurting her.
He also cannot forgive Denki, he’s upset he cheated, but what really hurts was that the omega never talked to him. If he would’ve just told Katsuki about his feelings, about not being interested in him, he’d have helped out. It made his blood boil that the Kaminari’s had used their own son the way they had, but Denki made his choices on his own. He would’ve talked to his parents and ended the courtship where /he/ looked like the ‘bad guy’ rather than Denki and helped him any way that he could. The omega chose not to do that. He chose to lie, cheat, and manipulate and that bell couldn’t be unrang.
Katsuki left the apartment the next day, taking his clothes and personal items, leaving everything else to Denki. His in-laws tried manipulating him into staying with their son but his grandfather shut that down immediately and the divorce was swift and easy for the blonde alpha. By chance (read: he essentially stalked the hospital) he ran into Izuku a few months after the confrontation. He wasn’t sure why he felt such a pull to the nurse, but just the short conversations they shared had him feeling like a child with a puppy dog crush. A few weeks of ‘random’ run-ins and he finally asked the nurse for dinner.
- -
Izuku couldn’t help but like the attention from the blonde alpha, however it also felt wrong. Izuku’s fingertips gently grazed the scar on his mating claim as he watched his four year old, Kumi, coloring. If he hadn’t given birth himself, he’d be convinced his mate had done so. Kumi had his sire’s dark brown hair and heliodor-colored eyes, he’s so much like Kai that sometimes it hurts. All he has of Izuku is a handful of freckles dusting his nose.
Izuku met Chisaki Kai at work which didn’t surprise anyone, the omega basically lived there. Kai was a pediatric oncologist and they met in the cafeteria — both reached for the same last packaged melon pan. After both tried to pull the ‘no you’, the doctor relented taking it, but when he passed Izuku’s table he slipped it on the nurse’s tray. That singular event triggered a whirlwind romance that resulted in a mating claim ten months later. If you ask anyone in the hospital, they couldn’t name a couple that seemed more perfect.
There was no denying that Kai only had eyes for Izuku, the alpha was absolutely whipped for the tiny omega. The doctor always wore a black face mask, but the smiles on his face when Izuku was around or even mentioned were obvious. He doted on the greenette, always making sure he didn’t work too hard, making sure he took breaks when he needed and somehow all the alpha’s breaks ended up with him on the maternity floor. Everyone thought the two couldn’t get anymore disgustingly in love with each other, but then Izuku found out he was expecting. If Kai was over the top before, he was five times that during the pregnancy.
He just happened to be on the maternity floor nearly every hour to make sure the omega wasn’t overdoing it and that he was drinking his water. If he couldn’t, he’d page one of the OB-GYN to check in with his mate. At home, the alpha wouldn’t let Izuku lift a finger, constantly doting on Izuku and the pup; he even tried to carry him to the bathroom though the greenette put his foot down and said no. Kai attended every appointment, fulfilled every craving and talked to the baby daily. Izuku struggled to believe he deserved such a great alpha, but Kai was there to kiss away each negative thought and reassure him every time he needed it. Kai cried the day Kumi was born, thanking Izuku repeatedly for giving him an amazing life, mate and pup.
Things were perfect.
Until they weren’t.
Shortly after Kumi’s first birthday, Kai lost a patient — a little girl named Eri and he took it harder than most cases. He told Izuku he just wanted to go out for a night drive, something he would do after a bad day, so he kissed his omega and pup goodnight saying he’d be home soon. Izuku got a call from the hospital three hours later, telling him there’d be an accident. Truck ran a red light and crashed into Kai’s car, there was nothing they could do. For weeks Kumi cried for his “dada” but Izuku couldn’t give him the one thing he wanted and if it wasn’t for his mother, he’d have fallen completely apart.
It took eight months before he could go back to the hospital, thankfully he was able to take extended leave to be with Kumi and properly grieve. He smiled and was there for his patients but he wasn’t the same, nobody expected him to be. The first anniversary of Kai’s passing the omega was inconsolable, sobbing so hard he threw up and he couldn’t even look at Kumi for two days. Izuku felt like maybe Kumi looking exactly like Kai was his punishment for taking an alpha like Kai and keeping him all for himself, he was just a male omega born to a single dam after all. Nothing special.
For his third birthday Kumi asked for a superhero party and Izuku assumed it was because the two often watched All Might’s Mighty Adventures. Then one night Kumi surprised him by saying he wanted the superhero decorations that looked like his daddy and the omega sobbed for hours after his pup went to bed. Kumi then became a wonderful reminder of Kai’s love and compassion and Izuku felt like things were really working out for him. Then a blonde alpha showed up and threw his world upside down.
Izuku couldn’t deny the way he felt about Katsuki or the pull he felt toward the alpha. He didn’t just have himself to think of, but Kumi and then there was everything that happened with the omega in the hospital. Then there was his mating claim scar; typically when bonds break the mark fades within a year, but he and Kai had constantly marked each other, practically engraving their love on the other’s skin. A doctor told Izuku that it was rare, but it could happen when a pair repeatedly bite over the claim and that some old stories say it’s a sign of an undying love. Izuku wasn’t so sure another alpha would be okay with that kind of reminded of a past mate.
- -
Three Years Later
Eijiro’s exhausted, long hours in an office building isn’t what the alpha thought his life would be. When his grandfather found out about Denki and Yuika, he saw a whole different side of the man — he slapped Eijiro across the face and screamed at him. He told him that he was no better than his mother, just another mistress whore and a worthless alpha. Kenji had hoped Eijiro wouldn’t disappoint him, it’s why despite his illigitmacy he wanted Ei to take on one of their companies. Instead he got demoted to being a basic paper pusher, further darkening the black smudge that he was on the family’s name.
Kenji met with Kazuki (Denki’s grandfather) and Mamoru (Katsuki’s grandfather) to hope to smooth things over and make sure further endeavors weren’t tainted. Kazuki apologized for his family’s behavior, he had been in the dark about the whole thing and was willing to accept whatever the others decided, even if it was severing business ties. Mamoru said he wanted a clean divorce for Katsuki, they wouldn’t slander the Kaminari name in the press saying it was all due to irreconcilable differences and wouldn’t speak on the matter. Despite the clear evidence the blonde alpha wasn’t the sire, they would do a DNA test just to cover all the bases and protect Katsuki and the pup.
Kenji said that Denki and Eijiro would mate, not just marry and that it was non-negotiable. He wouldn’t allow Eijiro to further ruin the Kirishima name or have Denki embarrass his grandson by going around saying whatever to whichever alpha would listen. Kazuki agreed, the bond would be more as a punishment than a reward for their behavior, the two wanted to be together so badly, they would now spend the rest of their lives together. Eijiro would still be allowed a job within the family company to support the omega and pup, but he wouldn’t be in the limelight or seen at any events. That also meant that Denki wouldn’t be seen out either, he would be allowed to visit the family compounds but nowhere else.
The red-headed alpha drags his feet to go home, nothing’s been the same since that day at the hospital. When Denki told him he was pregnant, he never said anything about her being his, so he distanced himself. He didn’t attend any parties or anything affiliated with the Bakugo family. He was already struggling to live with himself being no better than his own parents, but when Denki texted he needed help getting home with the pup he felt the urge to help. Eijiro knew the second he saw that little girl that she was his daughter and when Denki leaned against him, he saw a life he always wanted. Then the truth came out: the omega lied to him, repeatedly.
Katsuki wasn’t a monster at all. He wasn’t more focused on work, he returned home early every day. He wasn’t disgusted by Denki’s heat, he was respecting what the omega asked him. He never called their relationship transactional, he was head over heels in love with him. He never denied a mating claim, Denki’s parents were withholding it. Katsuki never had a mistress, he spent all his time working to provide for his family or doting on Denki. Eijiro didn’t recognize Denki after he untangled all the lies, he surely wasn’t the omega he fell in love with all those years ago. And now…now he’s stuck with him.
- -
Denki finally has everything he had wanted, mated to Eijiro and had his pup, but it’s nothing like he thought it would be. Eijiro doesn’t bother to look at him and if he has to, he just gets a neutral unreadable expression. The only time he sees pieces of the alpha he loves is when Yuika is around or involved, she gets all the love and attention Denki wanted from the alpha and he /hates/ her for it. Once they left the hospital, he refused to do anything with her, demanding a wet nurse, night nurse, nanny, any and everyone that worked with pups to be hired to handle her. When his parents got wind of this, they berated him and Kenji allowed for Eijiro to have leave to bond with the pup.
The omega tries to entice Eijiro, flaunting his pheromones especially pre-heat ones, but to no avail. At first, Eijiro simply ignored Denki, then he began leaving boxes of scent patches around before telling the blonde to spend his heat in a clinic if he needed to. That only further upset Denki who tried to lock himself in their room for attention but got nothing from the alpha. Instead Eijiro moved into one of the spare rooms and continued on with life.
Denki watches as Eijiro comes into their apartment, face unreadable until Yuika rushes to him and the alpha lights up. He rolls his eyes as she asks about his day, excitedly telling him about hers and how her nanny made her lunch just like he does. The omega watches as Eijiro relives the nanny as he takes over childcare for the evening — playing games with her, making her dinner, giving her a bath, reading her a book before tucking her in. Denki watches as Eijiro walks out of her room and back into the main area of the house, it’s as though he doesn’t exist as the alpha moves around him.
“So you’re just not gonna speak?” He spits at his /mate/.
“You’d just lie anyways.”
The omega pushes himself off the couch and slams the front door behind him. He doesn’t give a fuck anymore that he’s supposed to stay out of sight, not cause anymore issues, he cannot stand being trapped in that suffocating house anymore. He misses the way things were with Katsuki — how HE was always first to the blonde alpha, HE was the one that loved and HE was the one that got all the attention. HE deserves those things, to be the one doted on and cared for, HE did everything he was told to so why was he being punished?
He’s turning a corner, heading towards some cafe when he freezes, hearing that all familiar husky voice. Denki realizes how awful he looks: dark bags under his eyes, oily hair, he’s exhausted and simply looks a mess. At first glance he probably looks like a tired parent, but it’s due to being mated to an alpha that he doesn’t have a solid bond with. But maybe his looks won’t matter, Katsuki has loved him pretty much his whole life, so he’ll see through such a trivial thing. He looks at his reflection in a shop window, fiddling with his hair and smoothing his shirt. Denki feels something for the first time since he was forced to mate Eijiro and excitedly walks towards the blonde alpha.
The omega’s face completely drops when he takes in the sight of Katsuki with a pup much older than Yuika on his shoulders. What really sours his mood is seeing the alpha walking next to a basic looking pregnant omega. How could Katsuki just replace him like that? Sure he wanted out, yeah he wanted to be with Eijiro, but Katsuki never showed interest in anyone else. He had even told Denki that, that no other omega had or would ever catch his eye, so Katsuki is just a liar! Not to mention he clearly lost any standards by being with someone that was no more than damaged goods with a pup.
That could’ve been him. Instead he’s stuck with Eijiro and Yuika, two people that make his life miserable. Two people that have done nothing but ruin his life and take away everything that he worked for. He hates them. He hates them. He hates them. He sees Katsuki laughing at something the pup said, smiling lovingly at that whore of an omega and Denki feels sick.
- -
Katsuki never thought he’d fall in love with another omega. His whole life was Denki Denki Denki. Then he met Izuku. Waiting an appropriate time to approach the omega had been difficult because he was ready right then, that moment he left Denki, he was ready. But that wouldn’t be fair to Izuku especially since he knew the story, it would make the greenette feel like a rebound — he could not have that.
Izuku had been upfront and completely honest with Katsuki. On the first date he told the alpha that he had a late husband, a pup, and a mating scar. He told him that if any of that bothered Katsuki, there’d be no hard feelings between them. With such kindness in his eyes, he bluntly told Kats that he didn’t want to waste either one of their time. The blonde wanted to say he loved him right there in that moment, but he settled for simply nodding; his honesty was refreshing after everything.
It took six months for him to meet Kumi and despite not being a newborn, Kats was worried he’d reject his scent. To both his and Izuku’s surprise, within an hour of their first meeting Kumi blatantly told them the alpha’s scent was comforting. At first Katsuki was worried that with Kumi, he’d be living in Kai’s shadow — he never wanted to replace his sire, just be another alpha figure he could look up to. He just wanted to add to those the pup felt safe around. A year in, while he was tucking Kumi into bed, the pup looked up and said “did you know my Daddy was a superhero? Pretty cool huh?” Without skipping a beat, the alpha said that was amazing and retold a story Izuku told him, smiling as Kumi’s eyes sparkled.
Nearly two years into their relationship, Kumi called Kats ‘papa’ in passing; he never noticed the large loop he had thrown the couple into. Izuku immediately felt horrible, that he selfishly moved too fast and now his son was forgetting his sire; something that the omega swore he never would let happen. Katsuki panicked, worried he overstepped, worried he somehow messed up. Then the pup asked, “hey Papa, did Ma ever tell you about the time Daddy…”
Katsuki is nervous. Like to the point it feels like his stomach is turning inside out and he’s gonna puke. Technically he’s been in this exact position before, standing next to an omega giving birth, but this time it’s different. This time the love between them is mutual, everything he does is appreciated, and it’s so clear what was missing in his past relationship.
The nurses pass the tiny little pup back to Izuku who coos preciously before telling Kumi to look at his baby sibling. Kumi has a huge smile on his face, excited to finally meet them. Discreetly (read: not discreet at all) Katsuki sniffs himself, worried that the pup will reject his scent just like Yuika did. Izuku reassured him that won’t happen, never taking offense at the alpha’s worry, but he couldn’t help it. Time hasn’t fully healed that wound — he had even gone as far as having Izuku heavily scent him before they came to the hospital.
The tiny bundle is offered to Katsuki who gently takes them. His hands are sweaty as he pulls the swaddled pup into his chest, heart nearly beating out of his chest. He closes his eyes and waits. He waits for the babe to start screaming, to become uncomfortable and search for a different scent, just like Yuika had done. He braces himself, tears pooling in his eyes as any moment now the pup will wake unsettled.
That never comes.
When he opens his eyes, he sees a peacefully sleeping pup in his arms. No screaming. No fussing. No fear. Tempting fate, he pulls the baby up closer to his chest, letting out just a bit more of his pheromones knowing things will drastically change. They don’t. Instead the pup wiggles to get a bit more comfortable before relaxing into Katsuki’s hold and the alpha loses it. He starts crying, unable to stop the waterworks as Izuku tries to comfort him. Kumi very proudly states that he told his Papa he wouldn’t stink to the new baby and Mitsuki finds herself holding back laughs as she records the entire scene.
It took time, as with all things, but Katsuki’s heart completely healed — thanks to a wonderful green-haired nurse, of course.
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silversims · 11 months
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Citrine: Oh, don’t start...I’m not taking two people to the clinic for broken bones!
Fern & Caly: Comes with the job! *laugh*
Fern: *amused sigh* Well, the kids get along, so it’ll be good for them to hang out anyway.
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ainyan · 2 years
As the last words fell into the sea, Thancred took a deep, cleansing breath. At his side, his master gazed out over the red-dyed water as the sun cast its last rays into the depths. “Thancred,” he finally said. Just one word. Just one name.
The gunbreaker closed his eyes. “I appear to have lost my impartiality.”
“I will say,” came the dry reply. “Who would ever have thought I’d live to witness Thancred Waters falling head-first in love.”
The Scion sneered at the sea. “I never said that.”
His master snorted. “You didn’t have to.” When Thancred didn’t reply, he sighed and pulled a cane from within his robes, leaning heavily upon it. “How does she feel?”
Citrine eyes watched the whitecaps washed pink in the sunset. “She has given me permission to court her once all of this is over with.”
The old scholar turned slowly. “I’m sorry,” he said softly, “did you say court?” When Thancred only nodded, the elezen’s eyes narrowed and he pressed his point. “Court, as in with intent to engage in a singular, permanent relationship with another?”
“Gods, must you make it sound so… so… clinical?” Thancred grated out. “‘Tis hard enough to realize that I am contemplating this - that I will do this, once we have dealt with this latest threat to our star.” He hissed. “Don’t make it sound as though I’m conducting an experiment, or feeling forced to do this. I want to court her. I want to… to…” The words failed him at the last and he clenched his fist, holding it up to his breastbone.
“My son,” the old scholar said softly, and Thancred turned on him in surprise. The faint sheen of tears that coated the old man’s eyes shocked him further. “She is a beautiful, rare woman, and you are lucky to have caught her eye. And you, my dear, dear boy, are a wonderful, rare man, and she is lucky to have won your heart. You give an old man hope for the future he had thought long lost amidst the unceasing tide of disaster.”
Thancred exhaled sharply. “I love her,” he whispered, and gasped, pressing the heel of his hand to his breast. “I love her,” he repeated, his voice barely stronger than before. “Oh my gods.”
“Love her,” his master said gently. “Love her and cherish her and be loved and cherished in return. If there are any two people in this world who deserve love and happiness, it is you and she.”
Thancred’s gaze turned unerringly towards the Baldesian Annex. “I have to go,” he said.
“Go,” his master urged, and without another word, Thancred moved off along the cliff, not quite running, but moving at a swift clip that had him soon swallowed by the deepening night. The elezen watched after him long after he was lost to sight. “Gods all bless,” he murmured, “but he’ll never believe it. Our little Thancred, all grown up and talking marriage. He’ll tell me more. He must know, having them under his eye all the time.”
Grinning fit to split his face in two, still muttering to himself, he turned and made his own way across the grass, heading towards the residential district nearest the Studium, where he shared a house with his husband.
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tealbeats · 2 days
@agonizedembrace | con’t.
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[ TEXT: Parasite Eve. 💜 ]: I need you to see me for what I have become.
[ TEXT: Parasite Eve. 💜 ]: I don’t know who else to turn to. I’ll…give you a location. I’ll be there in 20 minutes.
It wasn’t often that Ezreal would reach out to Evelynn—Not to mention this late at night when most people would be asleep. There was always something about Evelynn that made Ezreal nervous—perhaps even afraid, but over all he was never…Terrible to her. When it came to being friends with someone outside of their respective groups, the two were acquaintances at best. He had better luck in general talking to Kai’sa or Ahri—Even Akali, then he did Evelynn. Ezreal had stuck his nose into her business and had to deal with Abel & Robin because of it, but regardless, he needed her help.
Perhaps his text message came off as cryptic, but he was t about to pop off about becoming a creature of the night over a text message. She might think he was clinically insane—or just ignore him. He couldn’t tell the guys—No, no. He couldn’t worry them about this either. These factors continued to point themselves to Evelynn being someone he could trust with this—Ezreal’s hood was pulled over his head as he waited for her to meet him, clawed hands fidgeting with each other as they met in the pocket of his hoodie.
As soon as she greets him, he blinks up at her from his hood, citrine hues now switched over to a deep red colour as he glances away. “…Hey.” Sharper, more pointed canines glinted in the light as he spoke; when he went to look at her again he could see that he expression had changed, the tone in her voice much different then what he had ever heard from her. He shifts uncomfortably in his spot—Tired, hungry—the hunger scratching at the back of his mind like a monster dwelling inside of a closet, trying to escape. He’s surprised at the lack of questions, but relieved at the same time.
As she beckons him, he moves closer, still having a difficult time looking at her. Perhaps it was shame? Or fear of himself? Either way… “So...You can show me stuff? Cause...I—I’m at a total loss!” It was difficult not to be a little bit frantic in his situation—like an animal who lost its way.
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“I’m totally freaking out, Evelynn—I don’t know what to do, I can’t control myself—I’m scared I…Don’t wanna hurt anyone…”
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
How to Clear, Charge and Program Your Crystals to Manifest Your Desires
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If you work with the energy of the universe, you’ll want to learn how to clear, charge and program your crystals so that you’re only bringing in the energy that you intend.
I’ve been dabbling with crystals for years. I know a lot of basic stuff but not enough to give you the sort of information I’d like. I have a friend, however, that knows a TON about crystals. They’re a career area of hers and I’ve asked her to help me out on this post so that you get only the best info!
Chelsey Perry is a Reiki Master and Clinical Hypnotherapist who, during her travels, has spent many years studying minerals, crystals and gemstones.
Crystals collect energy and information and project it back into the world around them. This information needs to be cleared (in most crystals) because they pick up negative energy as well and you don’t want that lingering around. Keeping them clear will help them work better for you.
We are not owners of these crystals, they will outlive us by many lifetimes. We can temporarily be their guardians and take great care of them. Leaving our imprint on them to pass on to the next generation.
To Clear Your Crystals:
Place in the window sill under a new moon
Bury in dirt overnight
Place in a salt water bath
Placing them in a bowl of salt
Sage them with the smoke
Hold them and send the intention of clearing them, into them.
If you practice healing methods such as Reiki you can hold your hands out and send energy to them with the intention of clearing. This also allows you to store energy within them that will pass to others if they touch or come near them.
If you have a geode or druze, you may place other crystals within it for 24 hours. Geodes have the ability to absorb energy that is placed within them. Its almost like a mini vortex of energy that exists within geodes themselves.
If they’re water soluble, this will damage and destroy them. Instead, place them in a dry jar and place the jar in a bowl of salt water.
To Charge Your Crystals:
Place in a window sill under a full moon
Hold them and recite your intentions
Reiki – you can write the symbol on a piece of paper and lay the crystal on top of the paper overnight or just use your hands and send the energy and intention straight to the crystal.
Drum circle (sound vibrations)
Lay them on or within a circle of salt under the moonlight if it’s not a full moon
Surround your crystals with plants for a full 24 hours or longer if you can. This allows nature to charge and cleanse your crystals for you. After all, its mother earth that created them to begin with.
Power of thought is one of our greatest strengths. You can send thoughts to the crystal you are charging and that alone can be enough.
Direct sunlight.
Direct other crystals that have been cleared or charged, at the intended crystal.
River water or natural spring water. Just don’t lose them.
You can base your charging method on what you’ll be using the crystal for. All methods work but sun energy is going to be different from moon energy. Water energy different that earth energy.
Sun energy – Success, Vibrance, loud, masculine, yang
Moon energy – Feminine, quiet, serene, calming, yin
Earth energy – grounding, solid, prosperous
Water energy – emotions
Just to name a few. You’ll see overlaps in some like sun and fire or moon and water. Trust your intuition.
Crystals That Fade in the Sun:
Rose Quartz
Smokey Quartz
These aren’t the ones you want to charge with the sun or leave in the window sill. Color is vibration so their fading will affect their abilities and uses.
Water Soluable Crystals:
These crystals are the ones that will deteriorate in water. They shouldn’t be used in baths, drinks or any other liquid-oriented methods or rituals.
Crystals That Don’t Need Cleansing:
Depending on the type, you may not have to clear, program or charge your crystals. Some that don’t need to be cleared are:
These crystals don’t have to be cleared and can be used in clearing and charging other crystals.
Programming Your Crystals:
There are many ways to utilize crystals to your benefit.
Manifesting certain outcomes or things
Guidance in endeavors
Writing, studying or other focus points
Aligning your chakras
Easing emotions or physical ailments
Promoting sleep or dreams
Inspiring creativity
The possibilities are endless. Program your crystals depending on how you want them to be used.
Take a moment to see which crystal you feel pulled to when you decide which subject you are focusing on.
Ask if you can work as partners from here on out until your work is done with this subject.
Trust what you get. Each crystal has different energy from different parts of the world and may be better at assisting with something else. Once you are ready to move forward, hold the crystal to your heart chakra and hold your intention.
Project your intention and wishes moving forward into it.
Close this ritual with a thank you or an acknowledgement. Whatever works best for you. I find that everyone has a slightly different method that works for them. There is no wrong way to do this. Your method will help you integrate with the crystals that call your attention.
You can take it a step further if you prefer and sage the room first, say a mantra or chant, do a drum session or fill the room with white protective light. However you decide to clear, program and charge your crystals, make sure it speaks to your heart and spirit. That’s where the power is.
Just make sure you are clear on your intention and keep the crystal close to you when you are doing the work you specified the crystal for.
By  Chelsey Perry CHt.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
OHMYGOD MISS MOON 🥺🥺🥺 the Gucci HAHAHA :(((((( im SO aHhhh :( love him so so much!!! also not gonna lie, some give citrine and Prosecco 🥺
hes just so silly and weird and cute and sweet and I love him so much it makes me clinically sick:((((((((
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empty-masks · 2 years
Book Two, Chapter Sixteen
CW: Strong Language, Sexual References, Graphic Violence, Fantasy Bigotry, Smoking, Alcohol Use, Light Body Horror
In the dead of morning, some occupants of the infirmary are woken up by the clicking of heavy boots against stone flooring. Baker, the lightest sleeper in his group, sits up in his bed, groggy and barely lucid from his pain medication, and groans loudly. He peers out into the blackness, and finds it peering back at him through the lens of a heavy-duty gas mask. At least, it appears to, before it strides down the length of the clinic, seemingly looking for something. The Elf grunts.
“Aren’t we supposed to be sleeping? I thought it was too early for another dose.”
“Doctor’s orders,” the darkness responds, as it quietly rummages around on a few of the shelves. Baker cocks his head to the side. Wait, is that the voice of one of the nurses? Or am I too high for this shit. Hallucinating, maybe? God, this sucks.
“Are you real?” he asks. He rubs his eyes in an attempt to get his vision to stop swimming. In the corner of the room, the darkness seems to have gotten its hands on a large candle. A soft orange light now emanates from it, and the darkness walks back over to Baker’s bed. The candle is held in front of his face, which makes him softly recoil.
The darkness chuckles lightly. “What kinda question is that to ask?” Before the Elf can react, there’s a black-clad hand gripping his throat firmly. “Where’s my quarry headed? Tell me.”
“Quarry?” Baker manages to get his hands around the darkness’s massive wrist, finding it to be made of some kind of leather. This is definitely not a dream, but if it’s a hallucination, it’s a pretty damn vivid one. Maybe he should invest in some of this painkiller later down the line. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
The hand tightens around his throat slightly. “I know you know. Tell me where they’re going.” “Who?” The hand tightens again. “Think a little harder, before the blood stops heading to your brain.” “Well, that’s a little mean,” Baker responds, adjusting his neck in the darkness’s grip.
“You really don’t wanna fuck with me right now.” The hand pulls the Elf forward, and moves the light between their faces, revealing that it is, indeed, a gas mask that the darkness wears. “Last chance. Tell me, or I’m killing you.”
Baker frowns, and takes a gulp of air. “Wait, what did I do?” A sudden burst of lucidity hits him, and he holds out an arm as he’s lifted from his bed. “Wait wait wait! You’re here because… because of the bounty we just lost, right? You want in on it?”
“They headed out the northern entrance, I think. Closest town that way is Fusillade. I think Jules and Lucille are already on the case, though. Don’t tell’em I told you, please.”
The darkness lets Baker go, and sets the candle down on a bedpost. “Who else knows?”
“Everyone here,” he says, rubbing his neck. “They put us all in the hospital. All fucking six of us. What makes you think you’ll do better?”
“Hah! That just means I won’t feel bad about what comes next.” A belt is audibly unbuckled somewhere on the darkness’s person. It’s followed by a click, and a deafening explosion.
    When Baker finally opens his eyes again, he’s standing in a massive dark room, where tendrils of prismatic, kaleidoscopic gemstones wind like twisting liquid barely out of sight. Soon after, Killian and Jamie pop in beside him. They open their mouths to speak, but try as they might, they can’t seem to vocalize any sound whatsoever. All they can hear is the low sloshing of the tendrils, and the distant, booming voice of someone they all find familiar. Since they have nothing better to do, they decide to go and investigate.
Baker and company creep closer, two other figures shortly coming into view at the edge of the dark room. They stand motionless, looking up at the wall of black mist in front of them. One of them wears red, the other wears blue. To Baker and company, they look familiar, but it’s as though a hole has been punched through their memories. Like a picture being burned from the center out, almost. They can’t even place why they’re here, much less who they are.
The group of three decides to get closer. Before they can get within a few yards of the figures in red and blue, the air sucks itself out from their lungs all at once. They all fall to the ground, clutching at their throats in vain, hoping to get some semblance of breath back.
YOU THREE? The booming voice says. It sounds a little put off by their presence, as though it wasn’t on the books for this encounter. YOU HAVE BEEN RETURNED TO ME SO QUICKLY. THOUGH I CANNOT SAY I EXPECTED LESS, I CERTAINLY EXPECTED MORE. Tendrils shoot out from the wall of mist, wrapping each one of their choking figures up and lifting them a dozen feet into the air. Baker desperately looks to his friends-- or, who are they, again? They’ve both got something shiny growing out of an eyesocket, and in some vague way, he feels like he might too. He swears he recognizes them from somewhere. But, in his attempts to try and catch the memories as they float away like ash from a campfire, he realizes that he’s stopped breathing entirely. The air had stopped coming, so at some point he must’ve stopped trying to catch his breath. All that’s left is him, the other people being grabbed, and the wall of mist before him.
I WOULD ASK YOU TO REFRAIN FROM INTERRUPTING MEETINGS WITH OTHERS, BUT IT SEEMS AS THOUGH IT COULD NOT BE HELPED. NO MATTER. The one furthest to the left (what was her name?) begins to visibly panic as a tendril rises out of the darkness and approaches her face. YOUR GIFTS SHALL BE REDISTRIBUTED FOR LATER USE. Its tip morphs and twists into a claw, ripping the stone that had engulfed half her head from her face. A shower of blood fountains from the wound and into the mist, but her body doesn’t struggle, nor does it cry out. It simply dissolves, from the feet upward, into a green, fuzzy mist. 
Baker, or, was that his name? He can’t seem to remember. Another similarly sized tendril approaches the Android beside him. THOUGH THEY WERE NOT REALIZED, THEIR POTENTIAL WAS NOT LOST ON YOU. It again, morphs into a claw before ripping out the stone in his eye. His body goes limp, dissolves, and both tendrils retract back into the darkness.
WHEN WE FIRST MET, I BELIEVED YOU NOBLE. I GIFTED YOU MY BLESSING AND REVIVED YOU. I SEE NOW, AFTER THE SHORT TIME WE HAVE KNOWN ONE ANOTHER, THAT THIS WAS A MISTAKE. The last one, realizing on a basic level what is about to be done to him, struggles to break the tendril’s grip. He moves his head back and forth in a futile attempt to avoid the smaller tendril from getting too close to his face. He knows what it does, but he doesn’t know where it sends him. There’s something in the mist that matches his panicked gaze, something incomprehensibly large and writhing around the edges, but solid in the center— until it turns inward, counterclockwise into the mass of wriggling matter, like a massive rotating machine. A new, harder set of eyes meets his.
I MISTOOK YOU FOR VISITORS WHEN YOU WERE MERELY TRESPASSERS. LET MY CONFLATION OF THE TWO CONCEPTS DIE WITH YOU. In one swift motion, another tendril steadies his head as the smaller one rips the gemstone from his eye socket. He feels as though he’s had a cork pulled on his body, and everything is draining at an alarming rate. Nothing hurts, though. In fact, it’s getting hard to tell if anything’s happening at all. It’s surprisingly peaceful, in its absence of feeling. He fizzles away, up and up through the rock and out the bowels of the earth.
Blondie, after having rubbed the gore off the eyeball-sized gemstones, stuffs them into a side pocket for later inspection. The Elf, the Android, and the Human, all limp in their beds, all containing a vicious, messy puncture wound and a missing eye from their head, seem peaceful in death. He wonders whether he should’ve made it a little messier, really send a message to the town. Then, Blondie looks behind him at the Golem, face-down on the ground but with a hole bored through his skull, alongside the other two bodies in their beds, and decides that the scene is gruesome enough. He steps over a growing pool of blood near the infirmary’s floor, making his way out the building. The night air greets him well, and though he wishes he could stick around to enjoy it (and his bonus), the sound of whistles, a sure sign that the local authority would make some kind of attempt to catch him, gives him enough spring in his step to hop back into his car, and speed out of town.
The moonlight catches the stones as he holds them above his head in his roofless two-door. He roars down the road, brisk wind whipping against his mask. Another easy couple bonuses, he thinks to himself. There’s maybe a couple thousand between the three of these. Another thought hits him, and he chuckles. Pin the deaths of those adventurers on them too, the bounty goes up again. All that’s left to do is find them, somewhere between here and that town. Blondie pockets the three blood gems, and returns his off-hand to the steering wheel. There’s nothing quite like a good hunt.
“I never expected you to be the type for shrooms, Jules.”
“God, I wish I was. These aren’t hallucinogenic though, according to Davey. They’re just supposed to taste like people. Or blood, or something. They taste a bit more like pork in my opinion, but my palate’s not quite as refined as some of my other brethren.” The Vampire smiles, popping another red mushroom into his mouth, and reclining the passenger seat of Lucille’s beater.
“Still surprised there’s a Mushroom Farmer’s Guild, and more surprised you knew about it before I did. You told me that working with Shepherd was the first time you worked with any above board organization? Seems like an oversight.” Lucille scoffs as she pulls off her shawl and scarf, bundling them both up behind her head. She’s lying down in the back of the car, across the flat, but somewhat soft back seats. “Anything else I ought to be told about while we’re talking about crap we’ve decided to hide? Are you going to tell me your favorite color isn’t actually red?”
Jules lets out a hardy guffaw, letting his partner see what blood-mushroom looks like chewed up in his mouth. After swallowing his mouthful and twirling his mustache, he says, “The Shroomers’ Guild aren’t “above board” by any stretch, if the one alumnus we met tells you anything. And while I have been on more than a few jobs for some of their members a bit further south, I’ll let you know, Lucille, that I didn’t level with him over mushroom farming.”
She nods, brushing her hair back behind her head with one hand. “You mentioned something about a symbol. I didn’t see any symbol.” The other nods in turn.
“The symbol,” he begins, “was the Carnevale Family’s. He had a pin lying on his countertop. You never got into city work all that much, did you?”
“No. Work in cities tends to be rigid. I prefer my jobs flexible. Too many options off-limits when you have to worry about local police. They only ever do their damned jobs when it’s inconvenient for anyone but them.”
“The difference between a powerful gang and a local government is political, and I mean that seriously. An animal can’t see the difference in those words, and the structure’s about the same. Got someone running the show, a bunch of people under them handling dirty work, and then the people beneath them handling the dirty workers’ dirtiest work. City’s got the police, gang’s got enforcers—” 
“And Shepherd had security. Has? Had.”
“Bingo. Organized crime. Technically, I was an associate for a while.” Jules laughs after he finishes speaking, then turns to look at Lucille, who’s sat up to carefully count her throwing knives in the meanwhile.
Hearing only the faintest sound of gloved hand touching against cool steel, he decides to continue as he ties up the mushroom bag. “Davey’s an associate too, like I used to be.” Again, no answer from Lucille. “Associates are people not actually a part of the family but still in on the business, by the way. Helpers, or something like that. If they do well enough for long enough, sometimes they get the offer to sign on. Davey’s been an associate for a while, though. Usually, it’s the kind of associate that doesn’t mind a bit of blood that gets given a way up. I mean, you ran with a gang once.”
“Jules, the kind of gang I ran with didn’t have “associates.” You join or you’re meat.”
“Shit, right. Forgot.”
“They offered you the chance to join up, I assume. Anybody would stab their lieutenant just to make an opening for you to settle in their place,” she states. As she does, she glances over at him. “If they’re willing to offer associate positions to a stoner like that then you’re a shoo-in for something higher up.”
“They did. I preferred being an associate.” He clears his throat and corrects his mustache in the passenger side mirror. “After that, I joined the Shepherd Gemstone job as your second. I liked the flexibility more. Taking orders from weirdos in masks who threaten you with bodily harm if you fuck something up wasn’t my cup of tea. Even if corporations are about the same with a slower reaction time.”
“So, it’s like a company, but just mostly illegal rather than mostly illegal and pretending not to be?” She asks.
The Vampire nods, and Lucille finally puts away her remaining throwing knives. That fight ate a little less than a quarter of what she kept in total, and about half of what she kept on her person. When he speaks he’s bringing his tone down, and there’s half a yawn attached to the beginning of his sentences. “Basically. And they’re both like a government, which is just a bunch of people saying that they make the rules and kicking the shit out of anyone who says otherwise. Flagrancy is another key word here. Governments won’t care if you see it being nasty, while gangs tend to keep their nastiness to their underworld. I’ve found that companies like to dance between the two. Once you get that figured out, your merc resume is better off. Helps you know where to look for jobs, helps you understand how to duck through the red tape and get shit done in cities.”
As Lucille looks out the window into the deep, purple-black shadows of night in the Eternal Autumn, she sets her jaw. There’s an orange pinprick peeking from between the trees, distant enough to be little more than a speck in her vision, but she can see it. A courtesy torch on the road to Fusillade, far as she knows. Every so often there’s a lit one, set up by the closest living local, more often than not some poor idiot that got conned into setting up a cabin in bat country. The kindness is sickening.
“Whatcha staring at, Lucille?”
Lucille lies back down and shrugs, then answers him, “Nothing Jules, just thinking to myself.”
“Dangerous, as you say.”
“Damn right it is, thanks for pulling me out of it. So… Who do you think those Carnevale types are gonna send? Odds are if they’re half as shady as you say then they’ve probably got someone pretty intimidating to send out. If they don’t send an associate.”
Jules tilts his head. “I was an associate, so don’t underestimate those guys. That said, if I had to guess? They’ll probably send a real member of the family. Probably some lieutenant’s number two, if not someone they keep in their back pocket just for bounty situations like this. If I was given the chance to hope?”
“If they’re being sent after our quarry, we’ll probably have to fight them. Probably even kill them. Either way, I’m hoping they send someone who can throw a punch. The orc hit me more than a few good times back in town, but I’d bet my ass that she won’t be hitting anyone after what we did.”
“You want actual competition. Masochist.”
“Better than being a sadist! I just want a fun fight. I want something realer than whatever the hell we’re gonna get out of our targets.”
Lucille laughs, loud and harsh. It grates on Jules’ ears, but it’s the kind of sharp a person gets used to. It’s the trill of the bird outside one’s window in the evening, distracting and irritating, but ultimately better to hear than its absence. And with a sigh, he turns onto his side to shut off the light.
“Seeya in the morning. Betcha a fiver that parking this piece of shit in the woods is gonna cost us our head start on that acquisitions guy Baker was rambling about.”
“And if we get them before him, you owe me ten. Night, Jules.”
Jules is an easy sleeper, despite his occupation. He’s had his fill of blood recently and things are quiet, save for the general sounds of the forest, slightly muffled by the doors, the cushion and metal between them and the woodland. The soft rippling of warmly colored leaves underneath the moonlight and the sounds of small animals crawling about the underbrush fills Lucille’s ears with a kind of music she never hears in towns like Kiln or Fusillade. It’s the song of the world moving under her head, the wind against the trees and through grass, the feel of bone between her fingers. It’s the sweet melody of an owl sinking its talons into yet another field mouse that got unlucky, or the flapping leathery wings in the lightless spaces between the Moon and the stars.
She can hear Jules breathing deep and easy while he sleeps, and she can hear something small and insignificant using the undercarriage of the scrapheap she calls a car for protection from the elements. It’s the sweetest kind of downer that works on her.
Lucille falls asleep in the back of her car, pulled into her dreams by a wordless lullaby.
Beside that speck of orange light far in the distance, a pair of bright, golden headlights appear for a moment, then fade out as they turn on the road toward Fusillade.
Brie vomits into a nearby trash bin, unable to keep her breakfast sandwich and goat’s milk down. The infirmary had been kept locked until the local law enforcement had given it a look over. When the sheriff, a large, red draconid man, exits the room while wiping his hands, Roxanne sighs loudly.
“Roxanne, you tell my sister her best customer’s dead. I ain’t botherin’ to wrangle her when she gets mad,” he says bluntly before sighing, scratching the side of his head. “No local did this. That’s just about six dead mercs and three missing eyes.”
“Irons, this is downright sickening.” Roxanne replies, walking in with the aid of her cane, followed by Brie, who still has the trash bin on hand. “And it fits all of what I know about that bastard, Blondie. You mentioned a local saw someone coming in last night, but they didn’t think to report it until they started hearing gunshots?”
“To be specific it was an out-of-towner that described it as ‘a motherfuckin’ cannon blast in that shitty hospice,’ so I have every reason to believe they had no clue who were or weren’t official medical staff here. I am glad to hear you know just who the hell did this, but if it’s as bad as this and done as quickly as it was by one man, then odds are he’s one mean son of a bitch. I tip my hat to you and I wish the best of luck, but you’re on your own ‘less he comes back around here. At which point we’ll give him a proper Kiln welcome.” The sheriff pats a large revolver at his hip, then turns and exits as his tail whips behind him.
Brie nearly pukes again as Roxanne looks over the carnage from the previous night. With the moderate warmth of the town and the open window, it wasn’t long before local carrion birds had attempted to get in and get a few pecks in, based on the way Baker’s face bore marks that obviously weren’t from when the rock was pulled from his skull. The sight of Steiner’s slumped body pushes her over the edge.
“Ms. Brie, swear to me that when we find Blondie, you’ll allow me to take a shot at him. I understand that he’s your associate, but this is absolutely horrid. You can lie on your report so that you don’t get your pay docked, or something to that effect. Please.” Her tone is a low, growling sound, followed by a harsh coughing. Brie walks over and takes her by the shoulders, then points her back out of the room.
“I understand to some extent, but I am not certain that it is a good idea for you. You are still recovering, and he is, as far as I know, quite likely one of the most dangerous things wandering around these territories.”
“Take a look at what he did to Baker, to Killian. You talked to them the day prior.” The older woman demands, turning her gaze to lock with Brie’s. “There used to be a stone there, girl, in their eyes. He took them as trophies. He maims, kills, and loots, and he’ll do the same to the people I care about if I sit around like a languid old hag. And as much as I dislike the prospect of you hauling them in for wanting to live their lives, I prefer that outcome to the alternative. You won’t skin and debone them like farm animals for your job. I know you won’t.”
The human’s mouth opens for a brief moment, then shuts again as she walks the Fox out, heading back toward Cobalt’s smithy. “I do not know what to say to that,” Brie admits, leaving the trash can behind as a couple of the local enforcement filter in after them. “Normally I would not assume a coworker would be willing to do these things. After what he has done to you and what he has done to these people, I can safely believe that this man is some kind of monster. While I will continue to fulfill my contract, I feel that this is something I should help you with. His methods are morally red, and someone needs to make sure his bosses are aware.”
“I would assume,” Roxanne starts, frowning, “that Jessup was his doing, as well. I want to believe that, anyway. I don’t think Judith has it in her to murder. At least, when I last met her. Additionally, she’s missing her dominant hand, and nobody’s a good aim with their off-hand unless they shoot in their spare time.”
Brie blinks, and nearly drops Roxanne in the process of pulling out her clue log to jot down what she’d just heard, brow furrowing. ‘JUDITH LOST GOOD HAND, JESSUP MURDER TOO CLEAN!!!’ She writes, before her older companion clears her throat and, with a sheepish purse of her lips, Brie returns to escorting Roxanne toward Cobalt’s place.
“So, where do you think they will go now?” She asks.
“Ms. Brie, there’s one town close to Kiln and it’s Fusillade. They’re more than likely heading there, unless something bad happens.”
Chapter End.
[ Table of Contents ]
Blondie & The Smokestone March is © 2020-2022 Empty Mask. All Rights Reserved.
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Understanding the Different Types of Chemical Peels
A chemical peel is a treatment that helps to remove impurities from the skin’s different layers to offer a more rejuvenated look. In this procedure, a chemical solution is applied to the skin’s surface, which takes out all the impurities from the skin, exposing more glowing and younger-looking skin.
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Chemical peels are usually used to treat pigmentation, acne, acne scars, uneven skin tone, and mild wrinkles. Additionally, chemical peels can be performed at a range of depths, from minimal to deep.
In this blog, we will explore the various types of chemical peels and understand their levels of skin depth they work on, enabling readers to make well-informed decisions about whether or not this treatment is right for them. The insights used to draft this blog have been taken from expert dermatologists like Dr. Niti Gaur, a well-known dermatologist for chemical peel treatment in Gurgaon at Citrine Clinic.
Different Levels of Chemical Peels
1. Light Chemical Peel
An epidermal peel that is superficial in nature and targets the skin’s outermost layer.
Perfect for addressing wrinkles, uneven skin tone, acne, and dryness.
May need to have treatments every two to five weeks.
Usually applied to the hands, neck, chest, and face to rejuvenate using mild acids like alpha-hydroxy acid.
2. Medium Chemical Peel
Eliminates skin cells from the middle layer, the dermis, as well as the epidermis.
Beneficial for acne, freckles, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone.
Depending on the dermatologist’s recommendations and one’s skin type, one might need maintenance treatments.
Frequently uses trichloroacetic or glycolic acid to achieve deeper penetration.
3. Deep Chemical Peel
Addresses deep wrinkles, freckles, shallow scars, and unwanted growths by penetrating the skin’s deeper layers.
Typically, the desired effects can be attained without repeat treatments.
Uses strong chemicals for significant gains, such as phenol or trichloroacetic acid.
Types of Chemical Peels
Revitalising Peel
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A revitalising peel is specifically formulated for the treatment of photopigmentation, uneven skin tone, and mild to moderate melasma. This service helps medications penetrate the skin more effectively by exfoliating dead cells and the superficial pigmented layer.
Citrine Miracle Peel
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The Citrine Miracle Peel is specifically formulated to address uneven skin tone, photopigmentation, and mild to moderate melasma and is offered at Citrine Clinic by Dr. Niti Gaur, speciality formalized and tailored based on your unique skin needs. This treatment inhibits melanocyte stimulating factor and microscopically exfoliates the outermost layer of pigmentation, improving drug absorption.
Nano Peel
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It is a medium-depth peel that is recommended for deeper and darker pigmentations that do not improve with traditional treatments. It helps exfoliate both the deep and superficial layers of the skin. It is advised for persistent uneven tone, photoaging, and moderate-grade melasma that is not improving with other treatments. For best results, take 4 sessions at an interval of 15 days.
Glycolic Acid Peel
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This particular peel is applied specifically to areas of the perioral area that are noticeably darker. It is mild in nature, and with each subsequent sitting, the percentage or duration of peel exposure increases.
Melatrine Peel
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This moderate-level peel was created especially for melasma patients who are not improving with standard peels. It requires less downtime than other peels. To achieve optimal outcomes, schedule four sessions 15 days apart.
Are Chemical Peels Suitable For All Types of Skin?
Generally speaking, all skin types respond well to superficial peels. On the other hand, the likelihood of one’s skin darkening after treatment is higher if they have a darker skin tone. We refer to this phenomenon as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Seeking advice from a dermatologist regarding less aggressive treatments to lower the risk of hyperpigmentation may be beneficial if one has a naturally darker skin tone.
Additionally, chemical peeling might not be advised if one:
Has a history of unusual skin scarring
Has sensitive skin due to medical conditions or medications
Can not avoid the sun during the recovery time
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However, every peel causes the newly exposed skin to become temporarily more photosensitive. Consult a dermatologist to discuss the optimal duration of sun protection one’s skin type needs. If one is looking for the best skin specialist in Gurgaon, they may consult with Dr. Niti Gaur at Citrine Clinic.
Original Source:- https://citrineclinic.blogspot.com/2024/02/understanding-different-types-of.html
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we-eternal-rp · 3 years
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☼  𝟭𝟵.𝟭𝟯𝟴𝟱° 𝗦,  𝟭𝟰𝟲.𝟴𝟯𝟯𝟵° 𝗘   →   𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈.                𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐆 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐇 !       📍 𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗡𝗘𝗧𝗜𝗖 𝗜𝗦𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗗, 𝗤𝗟𝗗, 𝗔𝗨𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗔
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don’t miss out on magnetic island’s 𝐁𝐈𝐆 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐇 ! come during the day and visit the family-friendly carnival on the pier of midas beach, where you’ll find a wide array of different booths, and win different prizes ( along with enough carnival food to feed an entire island ! ). and for those over the age of 18, join us on the beach at 9 pm for a wild bonfire after-party !
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the carnival. a wide array of booths, including: 
A KISSING BOOTH, WITH A TWIST! come down to the beachfront kissing both, get a peck on the cheek or a quick smooch on the lips: a gold coin for a kiss on the cheek, and five dollars for a kiss on the lips — the proceeds going to the koala kingdom wildlife sanctuary and little wallaby vet clinic. what's the twist ? well, for a gold coin donation, pop into the kissing booth's unique, mythology romance themed photo booth and get a keepsake snap of you and your ... 'kissing partner' to remember the big beach bash !
EARN A PRIZE, DONATE TO CHARITY. for this booth, you’ll be able to buy yourself a few baskets full of trinkets and surprises ! all of the proceeds earned in this booth will be going towards beyond blue mental health. baskets may include: 
individual crystals & stones: clear quartz, jasper, obsidian, amethyst, bloodstone, tiger’s eye, citrine, turquoise, sapphire, jade, rose quartz, moonstone, ruby, labradorite, lapis lazuli, new zealand green stone
trinkets: glow sticks, bubble mixture, playing cards, glowing necklaces, play jewellery (like tiaras, crowns), pencils, pens, magnets, nail polish, mini capes, friendship bracelets, glowing rings, mini inflatable beach ball.  
OTHER BOOTHS & FUN THINGS: ring toss, shooting games, small rides (including teacups, mini roller coasters, etc), a fun house of mirrors, special performance by a local band, claw machines. 
day-time beach events. 
HORSE RIDES ALONG THE SHORE. trojan horse ranch has collaborated with this event to provide shallow water horse rides along the shoreline of midas beach for a small fee ! 
CRAZY SOFA. if you’re a little more daring, try this water activity ! ride a floatie that can hold two people at a time, and feel the adrenaline while you are being dragged by a speed boat in the water ! try not to tip over ! AGES: 12 & ABOVE. 
night-time bonfire party. 
AND FINALLY, conclude the night by partying it away with all of your closest friends at the big beach bonfire party ! must be 18+ for entry. 
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this event will start at 8 am EST / 12 pm GMT on SATURDAY, march 26th until 12 am EST / 4 am GMT on WEDNESDAY, march 30th. 
event starters may be posted within this time under the hashtag #eternal! eventstarter and all event threads should be tagged with #eternal! beachbash
once the event ends on march 30th, event starters are not allowed anymore. however, you may continue with your event threads as long as you’d like. 
have fun and make sure you plot for the event !
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goyokuborn · 3 years
@woolspun​           In reference to and as a follow up for: [ X ] because fuck you
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Now spread your  翼 - - and don’t fall too FAST;;
Amiability that didn’t fade, a supportive caricature of human expression that remained unreadable - not necessarily due to dishonesty, but because there wasn’t much to be found underneath.         Without anything resembling experience with a wholesome relationship, with he, who had been a child born to be some sort of misguided shackle that bound his mother and father, and not being given the tools the explore these things on his own... all he could draw from was training. These were the things people felt when they were in love, these were their motivations, these could be the things you could mention to soothe a mourning victim of loss, this is what you could say to lower the gun of a scorned lover.               - - And yet, somehow, nothing was coming to mind right now. That sucked.               What good are you, then? (What are those wings for?)       Because it was something you want to be genuine about?                                     Because a cookie cutter response wasn’t good enough for her? He had already known a bit, of course - the scratched off surface of clinical records archived under the file of ‘Tough Fluff’, an eerie sort of practice that he only tended to utilize for... extremely interesting individuals. Pinpoint citrine would reflect the ring with the proper amount of curiosity coupled with concern, that devil-may-care smile a constant to both reassure her as well as anyone nosy enough to interject, and he’d remain completely silent throughout so as to respect what she wished to share.           (’ you’re... the only one who knows.’) Ah. He really ought to say something, here. That her trust was warranted, that he would never do anything malicious with her feelings. So why was it, that he was having such a difficult time being a HERO, in this moment?   Because ‘Hawks’ has no friends, no relationships, no hobbies, and only exists for the sole purpose of perpetuating control of a system. But she was probably talking to ‘Keigo’, who didn’t exist. Never got a chance to.
     “Hey - nothing you can say is going to change the way I see anything, right?          I’ve got pretty good vision, I could chance a guess at it not being ideal.       Folks heal at different rates, sure, but sometimes that isn’t enough.                  ... mm, Etsu-san, just let me know one thing, before we go ahead and forget all this and enjoy ourselves.                                                 Do ya’ hate him? Think he did you wrong?”                  
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silversims · 1 year
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Fern: What, you don’t want to rock up to the clinic in your pjs?
Citrine: No, I do not. And I don’t want to worry Gramron if she sees us leave like this, so.
Fern: AH--fair point. She’s such a gossip!
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tanakavox · 4 years
“Merry Christmas!”
The words echoed loudly throughout the Rose-Xiao Long household as they all felt the Christmas cheer in the air. The house had been active with laughter and cheer as everyone had participated in activities throughout the whole day, while Zwei and all of the adults had made final preparations on all of the gifts for the younger members, while secretly preparing their own gifts for one another. Zwei carefully looked over his gift for Xing one last time, making sure none of the wrapping had been torn in any way and that the ribbons were secured on it nice and tight. Rosemary couldn’t stop the smile on her face as she watched her lover carefully look over the gift for what seemed to be the thousandth time.
“I still can’t believe you, of all people, won that thing in a random raffle,” she said with an amused tone. While she said in a joking manner now, Rosemary was actually in pure disbelief mere days earlier at the fact that Zwei had managed to get his hands on the elusive console, and even more so through a raffle of all things! 
“Yeah well, talk about a Christmas miracle,” Zwei scoffed, he himself still a little in disbelief that he had managed to get his hands on a honest to Brothers’ Playstation Five. He was still fretting over the wrapped gift, before his musing was interrupted by an amused Rosemary.
“Oh will you stop worrying already? Your nephew isn’t picky Zwei, I’m sure he’s going to love the gift you got him and that there’s nothing to worry about!”
Zwei glanced over at Rosemary, a skeptic look on his face, before he found his eyes drifting back down to the gift.
“I know, I know, I’m probably freaking out over nothing, I just want this to be perfect for him, you know?”
“Well, I for one think my son is going to love it, and that you’re worrying yourself over nothing Zwei.”
A new voice had proclaimed, causing Zwei and Rosemary to look over to see Yang leaning in the doorway with a smile on her face. Zwei narrowed his eyes at his older sister, before asking her, “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to know that you’ve been acting like a worry wart for the past twenty minutes,” she replied with a smirk, before she walked over to Zwei and took a seat next to him. “But seriously Zwei, Xing is going to love this gift, why would you think otherwise?”
“It’s just a lingering feeling is all, you know,” Zwei said with hesitance, “I’m just worried about letting him down by getting him something that he didn’t want.”
“Trust me Zwei, Xing is going to love it and you’re worrying over nothing,” she said, before she let out a chuckle, “hell, you probably could have gotten him that old Playstation Two you had to get back from that thief and he would have been just as happy!”
Zwei stared blankly at his sister momentarily, before he felt the palm of his hand meet his face. 
“Now she tells me,” he groaned out in annoyance, causing Yang only to laugh harder at her brother’s response. It was at this point that Rosemary had quietly slipped out of the room, leaving the siblings along to their discussion.
“Hey, it’s your fault for not asking what Xing wanted for Christmas little bro,” she said with a shit eating grin, “Maybe you’ll take that into consideration for next Christmas, instead of spending three days chasing down thiefs, beating up snobby couples, and scaring poor Junior into a early grave.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up will ya,” Zwei grumbled out, “Though you wouldn’t be saying that about “Poor Junior,” if you had heard what he said about Xing.”
The temperature in the room immediately dropped as Yang’s laughter was abruptly cut off. The warm smile on her face was replaced with a thin line and her lilac eyes slowly shifted red, burning with a cold, calm, rage.
“...And what did Hei Xiong have to say about my son?”
Zwei gulped at his sister's sudden shift in attitude, before he quickly related to her what Junior’s nasty comment made towards Xing. Yang slowly nodded her head up and down as she absorbed the information given to her, before quietly stating:
“...Looks like I’ll have to pay Hei Xong a visit soon.”
The tone sent a shiver down Zwei’s spine, and he could only imagine what Yang was going to do to the unfortunate information broker when she decided to make good on that next visit. Sure, Zwei was furious with Junior when he insulted his nephew, but he was only going to rough him up a little if he hadn’t either apologized or given him the information that he wanted. But compared to what his sister was going to more than likely do the man? Zwei almost felt bad for ratting the club owner out. Almost.
The temperature warmed backup considerably, and Yang’s eyes shifted back to their normal lilac before she let out an exasperated sigh. There was a moment of silence between the two of them, before Yang addressed her brother again.
“...I never got a chance to say thank you by the way.”
“Thank you? For what,” Zwei asked in confusion.
“For the fact that you went through all the effort to get Xing his gift.”
“Ah come on Yang, it wasn’t-”
“Don’t you start with that,” Yang said sternly, cutting off Zwei’s attempt to brush off her words of thanks, “You didn’t have to jump through all those hoops and spend all that time getting him this stupid thing, but you did and I’m honestly thankful for it. Not because you managed to get it for him, but because you care so much for him that you went to great lengths to make him happy, and for that, I’m grateful to you Zwei.”
Zwei then found himself in a loving embrace, as Yang closed the small distance between the two and held her brother close.
“You’re an amazing uncle, and an even better brother, and I could not be any more proud of the man you are today.”
Zwei was caught off guard at first by his sister's sudden display of affection, but slowly returned the embrace, doing his best to ignore the moisture that was building in his eyes from his sister's words of praise.
“...Thank you Yang.”
The two siblings held each other for a few more seconds, before their tender moment by tiny voices that were echoing throughout the hallway, screaming at the top of their lungs, “IT’S TIME FOR PRESENTS!”
The glee and excitement from the voices of the children(and of course, one Ruby Rose), was enough to cause Yang to chuckle at their antics, while Zwei merely rolled his eyes though there was little heat behind them. Yang got up from her seat beside Zwei, before giving him a smirk, “ready to open some christmas gifts little bro?”
Zwei eyed his gift to Xing one last time, before he returned his sister's smirk with one of his own.
“I don’t know, is Santa fat, red, and jolly? Of course I’m ready!”
A chuckle escaped Yang’s lips at her brother's cheeky response, before she lifted her brother up from his seating position with his gift in hand.
“Well then we better not keep the kids waiting then!”
Not too long after, Yang and Zwei joined the rest of their family near the Christmas tree and the gift giving had begun. As usual, quite a few gifts were exchanged between the Rose-Xiao Long’s and the Thornbushes, and this year was no exception. Ruby had received an extensive amount of custom weapon parts from Jaune and several others, while Jaune himself had received a new Pumpkins Pete’s hoodie and a set of armour from his wife. Yang had received an extensive line up of hair care products and hair devices, along with several different prosthetics arms to be used in the field(the latter gift was planned between Weiss and Ruby). Taiyang had received both a new grill for when the weather had warmed up and a new desk to replace the old one in his study, while Peach had received several sets of rare seeds for her personal greenhouse in Patch and a necklace from Tai. Zwei was gifted Cyberpunk 2077 and several other games from Jaune(called it!), while little Citrine received a Switch with several games and Lilina has received a Tablet for her to write and play games on.
Rosemary had received a similar gift to Peach’s in the form of rare seeds, but was also gifted brand new gardening tools and a pair of earrings’ from Zwei. Daisy had gotten a new drawing tablet, along with several fresh sketchpads and some new pens and pencils, while Forrest had received copies of old movies he’d been looking to add to his collection, alongside some memorabilia from movie sets of some of the more recent flicks he had seen. Aster had received gifts in the form of new medical supplies and instruments for her clinic, courtesy of Peach using both her medical and Huntress connections to fund the expense.
Finally, there was little Xing, who was quietly watching the rest of his family open their gifts while he patiently unwrapped his gifts given to him when it was his turn. He had received several different things, including clothing, toys, even a new prosthetic to replace his current one that he had outgrown. But it had finally come time to open his gift from his uncle, and Zwei couldn’t help but be nervous. Would he like it? Would he hate it? Zwei couldn’t stop the feeling of anxiety creeping through him as he worried over whether or not Xing would like his gift.
However, his worries were put to rest. Because as soon as Xing had slowly finished unwrapping his gift, he let out a small gasp and his eyes lit up at the sight of the Playstation Five that lay before him. A small smile lit up on his face, before he turned to his uncle and said:
“Thanks uncle Zwei!”
Despite Xing’s quiet nature, it was clear to see the sincerity behind his words as he thanked his Uncle for the gift he had gotten him. Zwei felt a great weight lift off his shoulder, before he returned his nephew’s smile with one of his own.
“You’re welcome Xing.”
Yang caught his eyes a moment later, shooting him a smug look that basically said, ‘I told you so,” before covering her smile as he rolled his eyes in response, though his smile stayed on his face. It looks like everything had worked out after all, and as Zwei warped his arm around Rosemary and looked upon the happy looks of his friends and family, he couldn’t help but think that this was without doubt one of the best damn Christmas’s he’s ever had.
‘A Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night…’
Edits done by @thatorigamiguy!
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mettaminerals · 3 years
Life Healing Energy With Crystals
For quite a long time, many individuals Healing Crystals in adornments for the shear excellence of them. Gem Healing is considered by numerous a pseudo logical elective medication strategy that utilizes stones and crystals for healing yet is an antiquated practice that traces all the way back to something like 6,000 years. The Romans utilized crystals as charms to advance great wellbeing and accommodate insurance in fight. Roman and Greek specialists blended crystals in with plant removes, warmed them, and utilized restoratively. Antiquated Egyptians accepted these stones had the ability to reestablish wellbeing, and would likewise cover their dead with a quartz gem, which they accepted would direct their adored one securely to existence in the wake of death. Chinese utilized them to advance healing, edification, and fascination of wants.
Today, healers, Shamans, and clerics use crystals for their particular healing properties. I generally had an interest with stones and crystals yet that was the extent that it at any point went, until I was acquainted with crystals and their healing capacity at a Mind, Body, and Spirit Festival. Since crystals vibrate with the energy of the earth, they can assist you with adjusting your body to the Earth's energy. With these crystals, presently you as well, may vibrate at the most noteworthy energy - Earth Energy! This is the place where the healing starts. Utilizing crystals, and tuning yourself into their energy, you are then clearing blockages inside you which will upgrade your own normal healing forces. Most don't understand, yet our bodies were intended to act naturally adjusting and normally mend themselves. In any case, as life occurs, we here and there neglect to pause and deal with ourselves so frequently, that our bodies escape sync with that healing interaction, eventually making blockages in our physical and mental bodies.
Any blockages inside your life power is the thing that causes throbs, torments, and even illness to show in the actual body. It's therefore, I presently use crystals consistently for strength in a specific region in my life, for healing that is required that day, for individual reflection and clearness, or for use in my Reiki practice to incite love and light while cleaning and clearing Chakras. Reiki, as only one elective healing methodology, in it's most straightforward interpretation is Universal Life Force. It is the act of diverting the general life energy in a specific example to mend and fit the psychological and actual body and every one of our Chakras, which gets, absorbs, and communicates physical, passionate, and profound energy coursing through our bodies. There is a clearing method I use, just as an alternate explicit precious stone for each Chakra to clear any blockages around there. This makes room for life power energy to stream to you and through you to keep the psyche, body, and soul in it's heavenly condition of amazing wellbeing. In the event that we keep our brain, body, and soul vibrating on a high recurrence of affection and healing energy, we don't permit throbs, agonies, and infection to show and get comfortable the actual body.
 This is only a short outline on Chakra healing with crystals. Every precious stone has its own novel healing property and a particular Chakra it reverberates with because of its tone. Our first Chakra, being the Root Chakra, manages establishing, and basically vibrates with and can be mended utilizing Red, Brown, or Black Crystals like Red Garnet, Hematite and Black Tourmaline. Our second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, managing the mid-region and joy focuses, can mostly be fit with Orange Crystals, such Carnelian, Amber, and Orange Calcite. The Third Chakra, being the Solar Plexus Chakra, managing the Digestive System and individual force, reverberate with and can be mended with Yellow Crystals like Yellow Citrine, and Sunstone. The Fourth Chakra, the Heart Chakra, manages the Heart, Lungs, and Love. The Heart Chakra vibrates in a healing way with all Green or Pink crystals like Rose Quartz, Jade, or Green Aventurine. The fifth Chakra, the Throat Chakra, manages conveying, and reverberates with Blue Crystals like Blue Agate, Sodalite, or Sapphire. The 6th Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, managing instinct and knowing, vibrates on a healing level with Violet Crystals like Amethyst, Lolite, and Flourite. The seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra, managing the Central Nervous System and the Divine, resounds best with White or Purple Crystals like Selenite, Clear Quartz, or Amethyst.
I've actually been utilizing Crystals for my own healing for a lot, yet since starting the utilization of crystals for healing, I've had a couple of remarkable examples of overcoming adversity, some of which are important to me. The primary example of overcoming adversity is my better half who had rotator sleeve medical procedure. This, based on what I'm told by many individuals, is the most over the top agonizing a medical procedure you can have. This is most certainly an issue with a long healing time as he's just acquired around 3/4 of his movement back around there without torment so far over the most recent 5 months. At first, I would Reiki him while we were sitting and unwinding and the finish of every day. Then, at that point I brought a Carnelian ball into the image and what he disclosed to me while utilizing the healing ball was quite astonishing. The Carnelian ball brought him stunning warmth, practically like a hot stone wherever it contacted him assisting with unwinding and recuperate the muscles that had been cut off and controlled during a medical procedure, alleviating the aggravation actually like a hot stone back rub.
 The second example of overcoming adversity is likewise precious to me as it has to do with my sister. My sister Deneen has Lupus, which is basically a provocative sickness where your body's resistant framework assaults its own tissue and organs. From what I hear and own her going, it is an extremely excruciating sickness and specialists simply toss various meds at it as an experimentation thing until they discover a medication that works. All things considered, she's as yet in a phase of her infection of not knowing what medicine works in aiding the aggravation which she bears each day. I've done Reiki healing on her various occasions in the past which has facilitated the aggravation barely enough to bring some relief, yet it wasn't until I begun Crystal Healing Therapy, that she's had supported help from the aggravation. I utilized different various Crystals to Cleanse and Clear her Chakra's, yet I additionally requested that she wear a Reiki Charged Hematite wristband for a couple of hours daily. It's been half a month and she's accounted for not having had a truly downright terrible day since.
My third example of overcoming adversity in only a couple of brief weeks has to do with somebody that has degenerative plate sickness which is torment in the lower back or neck because of a compromised circle in the spine. While there is a marginally hereditary reason to this infection, it's fundamentally brought about by normal mileage or some kind of injury to the body. With this kind of illness, there is ordinarily a steady, generally a slight benchmark torment. It likewise includes gentle to serious scenes of back or neck torment that by and large could endure anyplace from a couple of days to a couple of months and can be weakening during that time, prior to getting the individual once again to what they think about their standard in the aggravation division. Rachael had been languishing over numerous years with degenerative circle sickness when she came to me. I assisted her with the healing energy of Reiki and a Carnelian ball, which I used to treat lower back issues. After those two things, I utilized Hematite on her which, for her purposes, resembled the Belle of the Ball. When the Hematite stones connected with the skin on her lower back, she announced a dissolving of the aggravation very quickly and remained however long the Hematite remained on her back. I then, at that point educated her to proceed with this training all alone while she was not with me and to purge the Hematite with a Selenite stone so the entirety of the cynicism and poisons the Hematite assimilated from her, would be cleared prior to returning them to her lower back once more.
So regardless of the reported healing gem utilization of a considerable lot of our progenitors, some actually ruin the utilization of these stones alongside different types of elective medication. There are very few examinations to demonstrate or even refute the force of elective types of medications, for example, gem healing, needle therapy, Reiki, or even yoga as healing for the psyche, body and soul. This doesn't imply that these healing practices aren't viable. It simply implies that cash isn't being spent on what some consider to be "New Age" healing; that equivalent healing therapy that is really healing ancient. Likewise, regardless of the absence of exploration for these kinds of healing techniques, still around 33% of Americans utilize these or different types of elective medication. It is not necessarily the case that Crystal Healing Therapy is a fix all. You should in any case look for the assistance and clinical consideration from your PCPs, yet as you can see from these three totally different issues and infections from the above cases, Crystal Healing Stones really serve to enhance all endeavors of healing; regardless of whether you have enthusiastic injuries, explicit actual ailment, or basically need to build your energy levels, you can utilize crystals to vibrate with similar frequencies of earths energy and once again initiate your body's own personal healing capacities!
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wolfhollow · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What is your character’s current conflict? What steps are they taking to address this conflict?
Hello! Thanks for the random character question my fine fey friend.
I spent too much time deciding which characters I wanted to answer for, so I'm just going to do one for my main two gals at the moment!
Answer under the cut because long.
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Lir Harte
Current Conflict
Lir's current conflict is still with her relationship with the Citrine Seal, the brutal criminal organization she's been working for over the last few years. Recently they transferred her from Ul'dah to Limsa Lominsa, where she's playing the part of a newly rich wannabe merchant and moonlighting as a member of a pirate crew. As part of that scheme she was was forced into a marriage with her very short-term girlfriend, Saoirse Lyons. This dramatically accelerated an already whirlwind romance, and the pair are absolutely in the "in love and making bad decisions" phase of their relationship.
More than anything both Lir and Saoirse want to escape the Seal's influence and return to Ala Mhigo where they can help Saoirse's family with their clinic and also have all the babies. Unfortunately the Seal has proven time and again that they're perfectly willing to hurt people she loves to get what they want. With Saoirse's family under scrutiny from the Seal the pair are wary of moving too quickly, but also impatient enough to possibly do something stupid.
What She's Doing About It
Lir is still getting her feet under her in Limsa and hasn't made any specific plans for escaping the Seal. She's also waiting for Saoirse to finish her studies as an Arcanist before they make any moves. In the meantime she's working on building her skills as a fighter and networking with people that might help her in the future. Her new boss in Limsa has earned her begrudging respect - but can they really trust a rowdy band of pirates?
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Cerathil Volfortain
Current Conflict
Cera is quite good at keeping her work conflicts and her personal conflicts separated. Maybe a little too good. She loves her job, not just her cover as a talented musician, but also the part where she spies on people for an unnamed Ishgardian noble house. She also loves her pirate wife, Lou, and their life together in Limsa.
Her main conflict is balancing the increasing demands of her job on her time and energy with the rising prospect of her wife achieving her own career goals. Goals that will most likely lead to Lou to be out on raiding missions more often. Cera knows that her balancing act between these two elements is going to get much more difficult, and that at some point she'll be forced to choose between the two.
What She's Doing About It
Denial, Denial, Denial.
Her last trip to Ishgard kept her weeks longer than she'd originally planned, and neither she nor Lou were happy about it, but now that she's home it's easier to ignore that upcoming conflict than it is to talk about what sacrifices they're both willing to make. This will absolutely come around to bite her in the ass eventually.
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