#Clash of the Titans franchise
gffa · 6 months
Hi there! I’m someone who’s been following you for Star Wars for a while but I’ve become really interested in your DC comics posting recently, and I was wondering - since the franchise has been going for so long and has so many instalments - what you would say to someone who wants to start reading these comics/watching the shows/movies but doesn’t know where to start? Have a lot of the comics been retconned? Is there a particular order one has to read in? Where does one even find these comics…?
My interest in this franchise was literally sparked by the Jason Todd telephone poll so I’m definitely interested in reading more about him - he seems like a character I’d like - and the rest of like, the… Batfamily, I think they’re called? I just have no idea where to start lol - my knowledge of DC is limited to seeing bits of Teen Titans GO when I walked past my little brother watching TV, and watching the Lego Batman movie with him xD
Also! If I’m correct, after observing the fandom, Talia seems like an interesting, complex female character (with some bad writing), like Padmé or Bo-Katan? I always love those kinds of characters, just wondering if I’d got the right impression of her.
Hi! You've got a solid idea of things so far, so hopefully, this shouldn't be too hard of a climb to get used to the structure! And I'll do my best to explain the structure of comics without getting too lost in the weeds about it. 😂
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW: In my view, comics aren't meant to be a single coherent whole and it's helpful to drop that idea before you get started because otherwise you'll drive yourself around the bend in a fruitless attempt to make everything line up neatly, when it just never will. There is no one single "true" version of the characters, there is no one single creator who is the highest authority on a character, no matter who created the character or even who is most famous for writing them, these are shared characters being written and drawn by a multitude of authors and artists who all have varying takes on them. The characters should stay true to a core personality and traits, but the flexibility of an author to write a character differently from the last person who wrote them is a feature not a bug imo. I like to think of comics as stories being told by different authors playing with action figures and we're in the audience enjoying these stories, regardless of how some authors fit really well together and others completely clash with each other. You can try to make them mesh (sometimes that's fun!) or you can just shrug your shoulders and pick what you like out of the pile of comics that have been handed to you (you'll probably drive yourself less over the edge this way!). Jason is particularly difficult on this aspect, because he often doesn't have a regular book to be written in and his overall place/point in the Batman comics is murky at best somedays and so he is wildly different from author to author. I personally enjoy this, because I think it works for Jason as a character who has some core beliefs, but also is kind of a mess who doesn't really know what he wants, so he veers wildly from one reaction to another. You can read comics in a variety of ways, but I genuinely do not recommend trying to read "in order" because it's a nightmare to try to keep track of everything once it's been a few years and the numbering of these series is the most confusing thing you'll ever meet. Instead, I think it's better to focus on picking up trades (collections of comics that originally came out in single issues, but are put together in a single volume that tells the whole story of that particular run) that sound interesting or come recommended. (And, honestly, it's not even satisfying even if you did do all the work to read them in order. Throw out the idea that comics have a coherent timeline, because they do NOT.)
CONTINUITIES AND DIFFERENT ERAS: The ONLY context I think you need (other than a general sense of the Batfam, we'll get there in a minute) is to understand that there are sort of four "continuities" that you're likely to run into, and this is EXTREMELY simplified/streamlined, so nerds don't come for me on this unless you have a better streamlined and simple version. 😂 - Anything published before 1985-1986 is all "Pre-Crisis" and while reading a lot of the older comics can be super fun, they're generally not super relevant to current comics - In 1985-1986, there was a comics event (an event is where multiple different comic books are all written to be part of a bigger storyline, whereas normally, they don't cross over that much, each book usually has its own self-contained storylines) called "Crisis on Infinite Earths" (which is different from "Infinite Crisis") that was basically a way for DC to streamline all the different versions of the characters running around into one manageable universe. This ran up until about 2011 and I'll often refer to it as the "preboot" or "post-Crisis" continuity. (This is where Jason's death happened, in the storyline "A Death in the Family".) - In 2011, DC wanted to reboot their entire universe with an event called "Flashpoint", with the purpose of creating an all new lineup of 52 comics that new readers could jump right into, which isn't a bad idea in theory. The problem was that people were really attached to the preboot versions of the characters, a lot of the Nu52 comics were really badly written, and there was almost no collaboration. You expect a certain amount of contradiction just by the nature of comics, but there were major issues with "nobody is talking to each other, so everything is a giant mess".
- In 2016, for a variety of reasons (probably including that sales for Nu52 had dipped back down pretty far again), DC rebooted their universe again, with "Rebirth", which is the continuity we're in now. I'm still catching up (I left when Nu52 happened) but I think a lot of preboot events are leaking back into the continuity, but that's not the same as saying it's equal to the preboot continuity in total. This is also the era that I generally talk about the most because I've found it genuinely the most engaging to get back into! Generally, as long as you understand those four eras of continuity, I think you'll be fine in understanding how things are put together. If you want to know where something falls, just check the date and that'll tell you! But, honestly, yeah, background details change all the time, so even within a single continuity there will be retcons--just that there are MASSIVE differences in the Nu52 era that might confuse you if you're unaware of the reboot shenanigans. (Or if you want to understand how Jason returned--like, preboot continuity has the explanation that Superboy Prime (don't ask) punched reality so hard that it shook Jason back to life, even if they never found out about it, that's what happened. I think Nu52 said Talia dug him up and put him in the Lazarus Pit? Don't quote me on that. I flamed out hard on Nu52. Rebirth continuity, they have no idea what the hell happened and I'm not sure there's an explanation. I just assume the Reality Punch leaked back in or something.)
SO, LIKE, WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THESE CHARACTERS? AS SHORT AS I CAN MAKE IT: - Bruce Wayne witnesses his parents being murdered in front of him and this traumatizes him so badly that he withdraws from life to obsess over it, eventually travelling the world for several years to learn every kind of skill he can, until he comes back to Gotham at, like 22 years old or whatever and becomes Batman to fight crime. The only rails on this ride is his butler Alfred who basically raises him from the time he's eight and Alfred is working MIRACLES here, but there's only so much even he can do. He is absolutely Bruce's father figure, even if they rarely frame it in those terms, because Thomas Wayne (Bruce's father) is such an important figure in their lives and because Alfred is extremely British. - Bruce is Batman for a few years, usually depicted as being super grimdark because he's shut his heart against loving anyone ever again because the pain is too much. But then one night he's at a circus performance and there's a terrible "accident" where a little 9 year old boy (shhhh we ignore any other versions than that he was nine, dammit, it's important for the thematic parallels!) witnesses his world-class aerialists parents falling to their deaths. Dick Grayson's grief and loss spark something in Bruce and he takes on this grieving, angry, brilliant little boy as his ward. Now, not even God can stop Dick Grayson, who is going to get justice for his parents' murder, so eventually Bruce reveals that he's Batman and Dick basically barges his way into creating his sidekick persona, Robin. Bruce is not a fan of this, but seriously. He couldn't have stopped that kid, he tried. He could only put a leash on him. Dick brings light and joy back to Wayne Manor and they have the most fascinating relationship--they're father & son, they're brothers, they're best friends, they understand each other like no one else does, they fight like no one else in that family does, they love each other, they're so angry at each other, they're co-dependent and absolutely batshit about each other, they basically raise each other from the time Dick came to Wayne Manor. - Dick eventually grows up and starts clashing with Bruce more, especially as he gains his independence. Different versions happen differently in different continuities, but eventually it hits a boiling point and either Bruce fires him as Robin or Dick quits because he can't deal with this. He goes off to become Nightwing, while Bruce eventually meets another kid who (in the most common version) tries to steal the Batmobile's tires because he needs the money. Circumstances happen, Bruce eventually ends up adopting Jason Todd, who becomes the next Robin. Things are relatively stable for awhile, until Jason learns about his birth mother and runs off to try to reconnect with her, except the Joker's got his sticky fingers all up in this situation, and it results in Jason dying in the exploding building.
- Bruce is Not Doing Well after this, so in comes our favorite horrible little stalker gremlin Tim Drake, who hunts down Dick Grayson and says, hey, you gotta become Robin again because Batman's going to get himself killed if you don't. Dick is like, no, I fucking do not. Tim responds with, well, guess I gotta do it myself then and basically barges his way into being the next Robin. He bonds with Dick as a brother (who is far and way Tim's favorite, imo), he does his best to be as good of a Robin as he can be. - Things are better after that, they're fairly well into Batfamily territory by this point. Jason comes back and, originally, it was supposed to be a trick, it was a villain pretending to be him, but was later retconned to actually be Jason who came back and... it's complicated. I don't think they really knew what to do with him once he came back, so he kind of ping-pongs around with varying levels of villainy for awhile. - Then we get to the time around Batman R.I.P. where a lot of shit happens all at once, especially for Tim. Bruce dies fighting a Justice League villain, Tim also has his bio-dad die around this time, his relationship with his ex-girlfriend/good friend is kind of going to shit, the boy he's in love with (not canon at the time, but current day storylines basically confirm it was true) also died and it wrecked Tim, like he lost his MIND over Conner Kent's death, there's this annoying little shit Damian Wayne who has showed up as the bio-son of Bruce, and then suddenly Bruce also dies. And Dick has to become Batman because Gotham needs Batman and he's in mourning and dealing with Jason being back and everything OFF THE RAILS as various people are like, "No, I'M going to be Batman now!" and Dick has to shut all that shit down and take up the mantle himself despite that he doesn't want it AND deal with Damian being an emotionally traumatized 11 year old baby assassin who has been abused into being a killer his entire life (I mean, it's comics, don't take it too seriously) and he needs something to hold onto or he's going to leave and go back to killing, so Dick and Alfred give the Robin mantle to Damian, which pisses Tim off because he's not doing well and sees it as a betrayal (while Dick was asking for his help as an ally, that he was ready to graduate to being more than just Batman's sidekick) because he's lost so much. - So we have Dick & Damian as Batman & Robin (THIS ERA WAS SO GOOD), Tim as Red Robin (fandom way overplays Tim and Dick's tension, they come back together after their dramatic few months), and eventually they find Bruce who was lost in the time stream (don't ask) and then, WHAM, Nu52 happens. But basically, that's the Robins timeline. I'm skipping over Steph's turn as Robin because it was so short and it was clearly set up just to knock her down, as well as not touching on Cass much because this is long enough as it is and I'm trying to circle back to focusing on Jason-friendly stuff.
WHERE TO START: Ask a dozen different people where to start and you'll get a dozen different answers! I think starting anywhere is fine and it's going to depend on what you like--for example, I'm personally not that into the animated DC movies (not enough of my Blorbo) but "Batman: Under the Red Hood" is generally very well-regarded as an updated version of Jason's return and is nicely self-contained if you want to watch it without much other context. I also think watching the Justice League animated series from 2001 is fantastic if you want a funny, charismatic, streamlined adaptation of what the Justice League is like. (Batman: The Animated Series was groundbreaking at the time and a really good adaptation, but very dated by this point in time, so I hesitate to recommend it too much, even though it's beloved to me.) The Wayne Family Adventures is an absolutely adorable, delightful webtoon adaptation that is very light-hearted compared to the mainline comics! I like recommending it to new fans because I think it's super easy to start reading without too much extraneous context and gives you an idea of the characters' relationships to each other, so long as you understand that it is EXTREMELY soft and is much in the vein of LEGO Batman content--you're not supposed to take it super seriously, there are times it's deliberately crossing into something like parody territory, but that doesn't mean it's not genuinely funny, charming, and a great read. @fantastic-nonsense has an incredibly thorough list of recommendations for comics by character here, and you can scroll down to the Jason Todd section and start reading there! Or you can check out the "A STARTING POINT: BATMAN IN OTHER MEDIA" section because I pretty much 100% agree with everything she says about the various adaptations. I like recommending "Young Justice" as an introduction to DC, so long as you understand that it's a loose adaptation and that the team compositions and various relationships are not always going to be accurate to comics dynamics. I have my own comics recs tag, but I'm more Dick-focused, so your mileage is going to vary on how useful you might find my recs! But basically, you can't go wrong with starting with "A Death in the Family", then "Under the Red Hood" (movie then comics) and "Red Hood: The Lost Days". Basically, anything by Judd Winick has a good chance of being a solid read for him. It's hard to recommend Jason comics, because so many of them are either not great or require knowledge of the events that are going on around the same time--but, honestly, once you're familiar with the set-up, I do think you can pick up almost any trade and pick up context along the way. I personally also loved "Robins: Being Robin" series, because all five of the Robins working to solve a case together and being unhinged weirdos at each other is my jam. (But I like pretty much anything Tim Seely writes!) I also always recommend the 2016 Nightwing series because Dick is my Blorbo, but I also think "Robin & Batman" by Jeff Lemire is a fantastic story to understand who baby Dick Grayson is and his relationship with Bruce, and both "The Long Halloween" and "Dark Victory" are some of the best Batman comics I've ever read, but they can be tough to get through if you don't like Tim Sale's very stylized art.
WHERE TO FIND THESE THINGS TO READ? The movies and animated series should be on HBOMax and/or Netflix, and comics I always recommend hitting up your library to see what they have--so many libraries have a ton of comics available, especially digitally! And, if you have a library card, it's very possible that your library partners with Hoopla, where they have a ton of Batman comics! You can also check out DC Universe, which has almost all DC comics if you get a subscription.
TL;DR: If you want bigger context on how all this stuff works, start with either "Justice League" or "Young Justice", they're really cute, fun adaptations. If you want to get straight to the Jason stuff, start with "A Death in the Family" --> "Under the Red Hood" --> "Red Hood: The Lost Days" --> "Batman: Urban Legends vol. 1". (And, yeah, you have the right impression of Talia! She often gets written as a villain, but she's also often a lot more complex than that, it really depends on who you get to write her. The corner of fandom I hang out in is generally more generous to her, but some of the actual comics can be kind of rough. But she's complex and has a lot of sharp edges, so, you know, I love her, too. 😂)
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jocia92 · 25 days
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Dan Stevens in an exclusive interview (Google translated)
Hollywood star Dan Stevens can currently be seen in the blockbuster “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” in cinemas. The film is currently topping the box office charts and is number one worldwide. We met the charismatic actor in Los Angeles and talked to him about his current film, his next two projects and his choice of roles.
April 5, 2024 by Grace Maier
Can you share with us your first reaction when you were offered a role in Godzilla x Kong: The new empire? It's always a pleasure to work with the same people several times, but this time it was extra special as Adam Wingard, the director, is an old friend. I was also invited to play with an even older friend, Rebecca Hall, as well as Brian Tyree Henry, who I have known and admired for years. It felt like I was being asked to play with friends.
What was it like entering the universe of these iconic monsters? Did you have any ideas or expectations? It's a fun task to be asked to stretch one's imagination to the size of such cinematic titans! I've worked with CGI on an epic scale before, so it wasn't too foreign, and I was surprised at how many practical locations we had.
How did you prepare for your role in this blockbuster? Were there any unique challenges or exciting moments during filming? It was really exciting to shoot in the Australian outback, in the Daintree rainforest - this incredible ancient jungle. That sense of adventure on the way to work every day, passing crocodiles along the river banks, waiting for pythons to be removed from the set, really fueled the mood for the Hollow Earth walk in the film.
“Godzilla x Kong: The new empire” promises to be an epic clash. Without giving too much away, can you give us a hint as to how your character fits into the plot? Trapper is initially brought in to help Kong with his toothache - he is a vet for all Titan creatures - and is then approached by Rebecca Hall's character, Dr. Andrews, invited to the mission. He's a kind of happy, carefree Han Solo type, good to have around, tirelessly optimistic and impressed by little.
The film contains a lot of CGI and visual effects. What was your experience like acting in such an environment and how did it differ from previous roles? I've worked with this type of thing before so it wasn't too scary. I actually really enjoy working with a VFX team and helping to create something using our entire collective imagination. It's truly incredible to see what they achieve long after you've left the process.
Were you a fan of the Godzilla or Kong films before joining this project? How does it feel to be part of their legacy? I feel like I've known these characters my whole life: they are such an integral part of cinema history. I've loved seeing them in all their different iterations over the years and of course being asked to perform alongside them - and even fix their teeth - is a huge honor!
The film will have some intense action scenes. Can you describe one of your most memorable moments while filming these scenes? While it's not the most intense scene, the way my character is introduced - rappelling from a floating vehicle into Kong's mouth to perform large-scale dental work - was one of the more exciting stunts I had to do!
How do you think fans of the franchise will react to Godzilla x Kong: The new empire? What can they look forward to most? I want them to enjoy the ride! You'll see things you've never seen before and meet some fantastic new creatures and characters, but also maybe some familiar fan favorites...
You also have the film "ABIGAIL" coming out in April. Can you tell us a little about filming and what audiences can expect? This is a completely different kind of thrill! Essentially, it's a vampire ballerina heist movie - you know the kind - directed by the Radio Silence guys, Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, who specialize in a particularly wacky brand of horror-comedy that I love .
“CUCKOO” will also be released in the summer. What particularly interested you about this film? Tilman Singer, the director, is a truly exciting new voice in cinema - he has a very distinctive style that is so captivating and artfully disturbing. I was also very curious to work with Hunter Schafer, the lead actress of Cuckoo, who is such a bright and brilliant artistic soul.
Your career is so dynamic. How do you go about choosing a role? I crave variety, challenge and surprise, so I'm often guided by the search for those things, but it can also be a certain quality in the writing, a desire to work with certain directors or actors. It's different every time!
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Next week comes the strangest pairing at the multiplex we've seen in years. We're talking, of course, about Greta Gerwig's Barbie and Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer — together dubbed Barbenheimer — set to go toe-to-toe for box office dominance on 21 July. The former is a hot pink franchise comedy inspired by the iconic line of Mattel dolls, the latter a stylistically austere biopic about the invention of the atomic bomb. Such is the striking contrast at play, of course the internet (read: Twitter) was going to do what the internet does and meme the shit out of it: now, all anyone can talk about online is Barbenheimer, sucking attention away from other major summer releases like Mission: Impossible 7 and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.
Though this clash of cinematic titans might've been elevated to event prominence by the internet's collective love of ironic memedom, it's hardly the first example of diametrically opposed movies dropping on the same day. Fifteen years ago in the US, on 18 July 2008, cinemas were similarly split into two queues: the Batman enthusiasts on one side, clamouring to get into The Dark Knight and usher in a new superhero movie age; on the other, ABBA stans awaited a trip to the sunny isles of a fictional Greek island in Mamma Mia!. Had the internet grown beyond its cringey 9gag nascency by then, it might've been the original Barbenheimer. The Dark Mamma, if you will.
After all, there are huge parallels between the duelling duos. The Dark Knight was the dark and dreary, terminally serious Christopher Nolan movie. Mamma Mia!, the fun-loving “chick flick”, a jukebox musical for the gays and girlies to let their hair down with campy, sun-kissed escapism. Say you did the double bill back then: you could spend two-and-a-half hours with Christian Bale growling gravely under the cape and cowl, then it'd be time for cocktails on the beach with Amanda Seyfried and Pierce Brosnan. With Barbenheimer, it's another pitch-black Nolan flick where its male lead does a lot of broody staring into the middle distance, contemplating the deep evils now ushered unto the world, paired against Barbie, where men are Just Ken. For both Mamma Mia! and Barbie, it's hard to think of more colourful chasers to stave off Post-Nolan Depression.
The Dark Mamma, alas, never took off as Barbenheimer has. Indeed most people online, anecdotally, simply forgot that the two released on the same day, such was the broad surprise when viral tweets prompted by Barbenheimer brought new attention to the OG. (Here in the UK, they came out eleven days apart.) Little media coverage at the time pointed to the contrast, the most prominent article available on Google search being a Vulture piece from the week of release, the headline of which jokingly announced Mamma Mia! and The Dark Knight as battling “for the very soul of America.” Strikingly similar contrasts were zeroed in on: “Are you a happy person, or a sad one? Do you see the glass as half-full, or half-empty? Do you prefer your toast with strawberry jam, or do you like it sprinkled with shards of broken glass?” All ring true of Barbenheimer, too, only the question now isn't which, so much as which first. Shard sarnies, nevertheless, remain ill-advised.
Hollywood studios know exactly what they're doing with such stark counter-programming: the lack of demographic crossover suggests, on paper, that the movies won't eat into each other's profits, giving audiences a variety of options. In 2003, for example, X-2 was released into US cinemas on the same day as The Lizzie McGuire Movie, and in 2015, Mad Max: Fury Road roared onto screens simultaneous to Pitch Perfect 2. Barbenheimer is distinct in that we seldom get such a major clash of two big-budget summer blockbusters, nor a meme-propelled online movement spawning Etsy merch and Twitter stan rivalries. But that's the key thing, and the true movie-loving spirit of Barbenheimer: while we might joke about Nolan nuking Barbie's Malibu Dreamhouse, these aren't warring parties battling for audience supremacy. Much like The Dark Knight and Mamma Mia! — which went on to be the first and fifth-highest grossing movies of 2008 — early projections suggest that both Barbie and Oppenheimer will both do pretty well for themselves. And there's only one winner when that happens: the movies.'
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usagirotten · 13 days
The first trailer for ‘TRANSFORMERS ONE’ has been released
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In a groundbreaking move, Paramount Pictures is set to release “Transformers One”, the first-ever fully CG-animated Transformers movie. Fans of the iconic franchise have eagerly awaited this moment, and now, their patience is about to pay off.
A Return to Cybertron: Origins Unveiled
“Transformers One” takes us back to the very beginning, exploring the origins of our favorite Autobots and Decepticons. Set on the mechanical world of Cybertron, the film introduces us to the early days of Optimus Prime and Megatron, known in this movie as Orion Pax and D-16, respectively. Before they became bitter enemies, they were friends, and the trailer teases their camaraderie and shared experiences. 
The Trailer: A Glimpse into the Past
The official trailer for “Transformers One” has just been released, and it’s nothing short of spectacular. Here’s what we learned: - Orion Pax and D-16: Voiced by Chris Hemsworth and Brian Tyree Henry, respectively, these two Transformers engage in friendly banter before their paths diverge. Their chemistry is palpable, and fans will witness their transformation from allies to adversaries. - Elita-One: Scarlett Johansson lends her voice to Elita-One, another key character in this origin story. Her role promises to be pivotal as she interacts with both Orion Pax and D-16. - Surface Exploration: The trailer showcases the Transformers venturing to the surface of Cybertron for the first time. The stylized environment, with its rock-like structures, captivates the eye. As they explore, they discover their transforming abilities, leading to some humorous moments. - More Than Meets the Eye: Orion Pax’s rallying cry—“It’s time to show them we are more than meets the eye”—hints at the deeper themes of identity, purpose, and destiny that the film will explore.
Director’s Insight
Director Josh Cooley, known for his work on “Inside Out” and “Toy Story 4,” sheds light on the plot: “Something happens on Cybertron that they both have two different reactions to.” What drives Optimus Prime and Megatron apart? The answer lies in their contrasting responses to a critical event.
A Nostalgic Journey
“Transformers One” pays homage to the franchise’s roots while embracing cutting-edge animation technology. The film’s release date, September 13, marks a significant milestone for fans who have followed the Transformers saga for decades. As the spacecraft carrying the trailer descended from space, it reminded us that this is more than just a movie—it’s a cosmic return to where it all began. Stay tuned for more updates as we countdown to the release of “Transformers One.” Prepare to witness the birth of legends, the forging of alliances, and the clash of titans—all in stunning CG animation! 🤖🚀   Read the full article
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karaloza · 10 months
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Dark World
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By this point, you might be thinking this version of Hyrule is a little too cheery and idyllic. Sure, there are occasional spots of monster activity, but it all seems to resolve pretty readily. Isn't this supposed to be a titanic clash of Good vs. Evil? Where's all the, y'know, Evil? Where are the bad guys? Where's Ganon?
In the very back of the park, of course! The Dark World is an area devoted entirely to the forces of evil that plague the LoZ series. It's a grim world, with ramshackle-looking structures and a grimy color palette occasionally highlighted by lurid shades of red, orange, and magenta. At one end of the rough crescent is a massive fortress of blackish stone and sharp-edged towers, while at the other end, the landscape drops away into a bottomless chasm leaking suspicious vapors. The plant life here seems to consist entirely of twisted trees and thorny briars, and evidence of the monsters' dominance is everywhere.
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Spirit Train (Shadow Station): The Hero has to make it to the final showdown somehow...or else make a quick escape! While waiting for the next train, peek through the windows of the nearby maintenance shed (marked with an asterisk) to see an imprisoned Demon Train!
Final Battle at Ganon's Lair!: What theme park would be complete without an awesome stunt show? (Well, lots of them...but not this one!) Inside the castle at the east end of the Dark World is an arena with amphitheater seating, which is the site of a half-hour stunt show that pits Link and his allies against Ganondorf and his hordes of monsters! The show features climbing, jumping (and falling), tumbling, rope swinging, archery tricks, numerous practical effects, and best of all, a prolonged climactic sword duel between the Hero and a newly transformed Ganon!
Meet the King of Evil: Between shows, Ganondorf does meet-and-greets in a wickedly impressive reception room in a wing of his Lair. It's worth seeing even when he's not present due to the sinister props available to pose with for photos.
Vaati Vortex: A spinning ride akin to the Scrambler found at many fairgrounds—choose a seat in the green, red, blue, or purple section and hold on, because that irate winged eyeball in the center is about to whip up a ferocious tornado!
The Shadow Temple: Signs outside this ride warn younger heroes that their courage will definitely be put to the test! Inspired by Ocarina of Time's infamous Shadow Temple and similarly themed dungeons and challenges from across the franchise, this is a slow to medium-paced dark ride and it is legitimately scary. Hideous undead monsters, sweeping scythe blades, living Nightmares that shroud a room in complete darkness, and a constant background cacophony of unsettling sounds are just a few of the horrors within, and it all builds toward a climactic encounter with the most horrifying mini-boss in the entire Zelda franchise: Dead Hand! But instead of springing out of the floor, here he takes a page from Bongo Bongo and drops down from the ceiling. Have fun!
Dark Link's Mirror Maze: For something a little less intense—spooky rather than terrifying—guests can try confronting their own inner darkness in this temple-like walkthrough attraction. Like the one in the Lost Woods, it is more of a classical labyrinth than a true maze, although it does have periodic mirror-lined sections for disorientation purposes. The lighting is low, some sections are misted over via fog machines, and you might sometimes approach a mirror and suddenly see a red-eyed figure within, while a spooky chuckle reverberates. You have a map, but if you stand too long in one of the well-lit corners to peruse it, a scrabbling sound approaches, followed by the appearance of a growing hand-shaped shadow on the floor around you! “Chicken exits” are available for those who lose their nerve partway through, but those who stick it out can reach the central chamber of the temple, where the Dark Mirror awaits. Stand before it, and it will show you your own Dark World form! It might be a fierce wolf, a cocky bunny rabbit, a sentient tree, a monster...or maybe the mirror will show you yourself, as you are...until the image suddenly flushes grayscale and your own eyes light up red!
Into the Depths: The Zonai Survey Team is looking for volunteers to help explore the lightless realm under Hyrule! In this long-form (15-20 minutes) trackless dark ride with motion-sim elements, guests board their vehicles at a “Sheikah research station” in the underworld and set off into the shrouded unknown to see what very little can be seen. From time to time, the vehicle “fires a Brightbloom seed” in order to illuminate things in the distance. Occasionally, monsters can be spotted far off, but they pose little threat to the guests—the focus here is on the eerie beauty of the Depths, not the danger. (Fun fact: the show building for this ride, indicated by the dot-dash outline, is actually located under the Skyward Realm!)
8. Fang & Bone Monster Market: Monsters are a defining feature of the Zelda series and a popular topic in general. Named after the wandering shop in Breath of the Wild and featuring Kilton's distinctive patchwork balloon on its roof, this shop features a wide selection of monster toys, figurines and collectibles, books, and more. Monsters from the game franchise, mythology and folklore, and contemporary urban legends all have their place here.
9. Art of Darkness: A shop for those who enjoy the sinister side of life, featuring jewelry, housewares, and decorative items with Gothic and dark fantasy aesthetic motifs.
10. Twisted Steel: If you’re in the market for a clean-lined, heroic sword or bow, check out Forged in Fire, up on Death Mountain. If on the other hand your tastes in weaponry run a little more ominous, this is the place for you! Whether you’re looking for Ganon’s signature trident, Dark Link’s blackened version of the Master Sword, or maybe just a generically evil-looking dagger, you’ll find it in this shop.
11. The Fire Pit: The forces of evil get hungry too (and not just for conquest). This simple counter-service restaurant offers an equally simple fast-food menu of hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza slices, chicken tenders, and side dishes...all with evocative “evil” names, of course. The seating area does indeed have a central fire pit, though the actual (gas-fed) flames are small and most of the glow comes from LEDs inside artificial stones.
Guests may encounter roving bands of monsters in this area. Fortunately, they are generally willing to pose for photos rather than attack.
After dark, the hours are marked by an area-wide light show based on the periodic “Blood Moon” of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.
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evco-productions · 4 months
Fanfics I'll Never Get Around to Writing #13
Premise: the three snaps made by the Infinity Gauntlet have torn a hole in time and space. Beloved characters from very different universes are crossing paths. All are being led by an invisible force to one specific moment in one important timeline to fight in the battle of the century, a battle you've only dreamed of.
Chapter title ideas:
Part One: The Strangest Thing
Part Two: The Last War
Part Three: The Beastie
Part Four: The Chosen Ones
Specifics: a ton, I'll only list the important ones...
"The Strangest Thing" uses the heroes of Hawkins, Indiana to introduce the concept of the multiverse clash, including sounds and smells from unseen sources, paranoid feelings, and eventually a portal, one of which every character who appears in the finale will have been confronted with.
"The Last War" refers to an alternate Star Wars timeline wherein Sidious was defeated and killed by the combined efforts of Fives, who outed the Order 66 plot, and Mace Windu, who was the executioner. Anakin Skywalker leaves the Jedi Order to be with his wife and kids on Naboo. He still practices the Force and is the most powerful version of himself ever. Most of the Republic's army are retired, but Obi-Wan and Ahsoka (now a master) still lead their respective units on missions to clean up the galaxy, hunting down at-large villains like Grievous, Cad Bane, and Maul.
In "The Beastie," the Pirates of the Caribbean encounter Godzilla. Captain Jack Sparrow feels the creature is trying to lead them somewhere important.
In "The Chosen Ones," the Sidious from the original Star Wars timeline senses the power of the Infinity Stones and believes that combining them with his knowledge of the Dark Side will make him the most powerful being anywhere. He takes the entire Empire with him to put Earth under siege just as the Endgame final battle is to begin. He slaughters Thanos and takes command of the Mad Titan's armies as well. Then heroes from any number of franchises that you please enter on the Avengers' side, brought in by Doctor Strange and Wong. A gigantic battle containing nothing but fan service ensues.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
Who do u think murdered jahaera?
Is it weird that i am suspicious of velaryons? because lord unwin peake was found as scapegoat and mastermind behind this griveous murder but lord unwin peake had lost his power after jahaera’s murder . And who won power back after jahaera’s passing? The velaryons.
lord unwin peake was a green supporter who wanted his own daughter to be queen or mistress to aegon the second and influence him so that he can be powerful regent enough to act as a king
and he was like a stupidiwr version of otto. And who disliked otto more than anyone? Daemon targaryen
i feel daemon targaryens’s daughters would know the secret passages all around the red keep and captured jahaera . Because how else jahaera jumped from a room which is not her true bedroom and she was said to spend all her time in bedroom with dolls and kittens
it was baela and rhaena who wanted power and say in the ruling of seven kingdoms because if anything dance of dragons taught them, being able to stay alive and saving your head means getting rid of potential threats from very very very start
they were aware and suspicious of potential threat jahaera could become when she becomes older and they also didnt want a regent whom doesnt have their back
alyn velaryon wanted to be regent but he was sent home
right after jahaera’s death, velaryons gained power. Velaryons put velaryon queen , velaryon had put velaryon regent. Velaryon rule came back
what do u think of jahaera s murder or suicide?
You want to know who murdered Jahaera?
HBO murdered her.
Like I said, in "A Song of Ice and FIre", FOR DECADES Jahaera was Aegon III's wife - it was read out in "A Clash of King's". Then, after Season 5 of "Game of Thrones" Martin got a development deal in which he got a blank check and immediately started changing his lore.
Around the time that "Fire & Blood" came out, there was a uproar about a shit ton of changes to the lore that seemingly came over night. Jahaera Targaryen not being Aegon III queen, like it was stated in "A Song of Ice and Fire" and "Dunk and Egg" was a big one. The sudden rising of prominence of the Velaryons out of nowhere - the fucking losers who even Davos makes fun of in "A Storm of Swords" are now these badasses of old? Corlys Velaryon, "The Sea Snake" ... who the fuck is this guy? If he's so badass and cool ... how come no one in the books mentions him?
The Velaryons are the corporate Hollywood Targaryens - made up out of nowhere to serve as marketable characters for franchising. And the more that HBO Corporate got left leaning and agenda driven the more the Velaryons became prominent, Rhaenyra became sympathetic, and the more villainous the Greens became. Complicated and multi-faceted characters like Criston and straight up traditional heroic characters like Daeron who started out as honorable badasses that all of Team Black feared to face in the field got sidelines and cut down. Alicent and Helaena got no characterization but victim and evil stepmother. And Daemon started getting excuses for why hooking up with an underaged black girl was a 'beautiful thing'.
Jahaera Targaryen was murdered by wokeist corporatism that took a nuanced story that had villains on both sides like Larys and the White Worm, heroes on both sides like Daeron and Jace, and nuanced characters like Criston and Daemon ... and white washed them into "All Greens are bad because they're traditionalist conservatives! And All Blacks are good, because diversity and girl bosses!"
I'm still sore about her death, because, it was a completely unneeded change to the lore that came, because, they wanted a twelve year old Mary-Sue to take her place, because, some Hollywood asshat thought it would be 'like super badass" to have a POC queen of the seven kingdoms ... And GRRM would do anything not to fall into obscurity after the TITANIC Season 8 disaster - the biggest in Television History.
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projectorpulse · 8 months
Godzilla vs Kond New War 2023, The king of monsters is back
In the sequel to the blockbuster film "Kong: Skull Island," titled "Kong 2: Son of Kong," the teaser trailer from Warner Bros and HBO Max reveals exciting details about the upcoming release. The video takes us back to the thrilling MonsterVerse franchise created by Legendary Entertainment. The trailer starts by introducing Kong, the legendary giant gorilla, who finds his way to Skull Island while exploring the depths of the hollow Earth. In a shocking revelation, it becomes clear that Kong is not alone down there. An entire species of colossal Titans exists in this hidden world of giants. Long ago, there was a colossal Titan War beneath the Earth's surface, which Kong witnessed as a baby. Amidst these epic battles, Kong's wise parents devised a brave plan. They embarked on a dangerous journey through tunnels and caves deep underground, seeking a way out of the hollow Earth. Eventually, they discovered a secret passage that led them to the mysterious Skull Island. The teaser trailer for "Kong 2: Son of Kong" leaves us eagerly anticipating an epic showdown between Kong and Godzilla, as hinted at in the previous film, "Godzilla vs. Kong." The MonsterVerse franchise has captivated audiences with its thrilling action and larger-than-life creatures, and this sequel promises to deliver another grand adventure. Stay tuned for the release of "Kong 2: Son of Kong," which will take us further into the Monsterverse and into the epic clash of titans. Warner Bros and HBO Max are sure to deliver an exciting continuation of the franchise that will keep fans on the edge of their seats.
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thoughtportal · 1 year
Based on a single chilling chapter from Bram Stoker’s classic novel Dracula, The Last Voyage of the Demeter tells the terrifying story of the merchant ship Demeter, which was chartered to carry private cargo—fifty unmarked wooden crates—from Carpathia to London.
Strange events befall the doomed crew as they attempt to survive the ocean voyage, stalked each night by a merciless presence onboard the ship. When the Demeter finally arrives off the shores of England, it is a charred, derelict wreck. There is no trace of the crew.  
The film stars Corey Hawkins (In the Heights, Straight Outta Compton) as Clemens, a doctor who joins the Demeter crew, Aisling Franciosi (Game of Thrones, The Nightingale) as an unwitting stowaway, Liam Cunningham (Game of Thrones, Clash of the Titans) as the ship’s captain and David Dastmalchian (Dune, the Ant-Man franchise) as the Demeter’s first mate.
The film also features Jon Jon Briones (Ratched, American Horror Story), Stefan Kapicic (Deadpool films, Better Call Saul), Nikolai Nikolaeff (Stranger Things, Bruised) and Javier Botet (It films, Mama).
From DreamWorks Pictures and the producers of Zodiac and Black Swan, The Last Voyage of the Demeter is directed by Norwegian horror virtuoso André Øvredal (Scary Stories To Tell in the Dark, Trollhunter), from a script by Bragi F. Schut (Escape Room), Stefan Ruzowitzky (The Counterfeiters) and Zak Olkewicz (the upcoming Bullet Train), based on the chapter “The Captain’s Log” of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
The film is produced by Brad Fischer and by Oscar®-nominated producer Mike Medavoy and Arnold Messer for Phoenix Pictures and is executive produced by Matthew Hirsch.
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toadstool32 · 11 months
Im making a tiny (pun intended) rec list of crossover fics bc i realized like, yesterday that my fav fics are either time travel fics or crossovers and i think sometimes ppl just skip on those bc idk they r not familiar with the other fandom yknow? anyway this is mostly just me putting all my favs on a list and releasing em into the wild, go check em out if u have similar tastes than me, or not, i dont care. on to the list!!!:
Dedication Through Light And Darkness by lalunaticscribe
Fandoms: Yugioh Duel Monsters and Dresden Files
Rated Teen and up
The Door to Darkness has opened. The Light is missing. The Chicago Anarchy-gasm has begun, as Duel Monsters come out to play. As the titans clash,in the midst of it all is...Dark Magician? "There is no way in hell any wizard would wear that, Molly".
I read this one a whiiiiiile back but its like, my fave fic ever, im not even into dresden files i have no idea what happens there but the characters are interesting and the way they all interact is super interesting, the supernatural elements really blend incredibly well and THE DUELS OMG, some yugioh fics dont bother writting duels or just do the minimun but the duels here actually serve a purpose and AUGH its just so good, the author has another 5ds/marvel crossover but i have not read that one yet LOL.
Let the Darkness Bring Us Into the Light by arinrowan
Fandoms: Yugioh Duel Monsters and My Hero Academia
Rated Teen and up
Yuugi was never interested in becoming a hero. But he's always wanted friends. Friends who he could rely on, and who could rely on him, no matter what. And after meeting Izuku, Yuugi's determined to support Izuku as Izuku becomes a hero. Even if it means getting involved in heroics, getting dragged into way too many fights, being around way too many loud people, and winding up involved with too many dumb secrets.
this one makes me insane it scratches my brain in a very specific way i loveloveLOVE how its written and its a series!, im biased towards yugi but even from a bnha bg u can enjoy this one! the quirk talk and hero society commentary is amazing and so great, the sequel its on goin and has got even better. read this if u like quirk talk or like seeing yugi and or izuku having friends.
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons by Tenka
Fandoms: Yugioh Duel Monsters, GX, 5DS, Zexal, Arc V, VRAINS
Rated Teen and up
It's a small restaurant. They shouldn't be able to get into nearly as much trouble as they do. In which Atem and Yugi run a small business with some eccentric workers in their midst. [Restaurant!AU]
Does it count a as a crossover if its the same franchise? i think so!, remember all those silly "and they all live in the same building" old time fandom thing? this is literally it but they work in a restaurant, its good u dont even need to have watched all of the series to get it this is such silly fun times, unfinished/on going.
King's Jackal by esama
Fandoms Yugioh Duel Monsters and Harry Potter
Rated Teen and up
Wrecking all of Dumbledore's plans, the Power Dark Lord Knows Not walks up to Harry in the summer before his fifth year, and asks for directions.
ok i know what u think but i think this is the one that originated the whole shadow court thing? thats such a sick concept man augh what the hell this one is from 2011 so that alone speaks by itself but still! the charm in this one is the ygo characters like theres something goin on here that i like about it i tend to look very closely and just go euugh if anything seems OOC but this one is just fun old fuck the source material (both of them?????) incredible. also yugi is just fun here thats all i rest my case the fics abandoned btw, esama also wrote that one fic where yugi gains more shadows after atem goes away that one made me scream. not a crossover but read that one too
Bye Bye Yesterday by princessesandangels
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom and My Hero Academia
Rated Teen and up
After the assassination of Koro-sensei, Shiro survived to continue his experiments. And he kidnapped all of 3-E to be his first test subjects. His first Nomu. But something went wrong. Very wrong. And now, 27 terrified teenagers, one femme fatale and a terminally overworked government agent are waking up in a world unlike anything their assassination classroom could have prepared them for. *** Ritsu looked close to happy tears and Tsukauchi was just staring back and forth between the two of them, shocked. “We’ll get them out, get them safe, I promise,” she said. “We… Ritsu, what are you doing here? Since when do you hack into police stations?” And Ritsu suddenly looked very sad. “Karasuma-sensei… I’m not really sure how to tell you this… But I haven’t seen anyone from 3-E in 232 years.”
part of an on goin series! ive linked this one before, ive made fanart to this, it makes me insane it makes me irrovocably sad it gets my brain thinkin up shenaningans, i love ensemble casts i love when theres just a bunch of guys running around, this fic is both fun and tragic bc of the nature of how the author went around to making it a plausible crossover. good stuff!!
stay in my eyelids for a little longer by stubborn_jerk
Fandoms: Mob psycho 100 and My hero academia
Rated Teen and up
"Psychic powers don’t give us Quirks. Being born with one does." Kageyama Shigeo, nicknamed "Mob," had known this at a young age. This did not stop him from applying to two of the most prestigious Hero schools in Japan because, although he seems like an inconspicuous person, he, is in fact, a powerful ESPer.
are u seeing a pattern here? im seeing a patter here, dude what if mob was a UA student, came here for the plot stayed for the domestic terumob, its sweet and its fun seeing mob being mob in a hero obsessed society, part of a series if u want more!
100 Percent Hero by CiscoTheSoto
Fandoms: Mob psycho 100 and My hero academia
Rated Gen
Summary: A boy born with all the power he never wanted, Shigeo Kageyama didn't view himself as a hero. Although he saved innocent people from villains and spirits countless times, he never thought about how many lives he saved. But when he goes to a world where people with powers save others regularly, he will come to realize the impact he could have and what it really means to be a hero.
oh this one is great its on goin btw, while the last one is sweet this one just hits u in the face under the pretense that its good for u (it is) idk man what do i even tell u mob is so fucking sweet and the world around him is so fucking not. it pulls at my shounen protag loving ass.
This is the part where u start to realize i either really like mha or really hate it.
DCstuck by Vinnocent
Fandoms: Homestuck and the DC universe
Rated Teen and up
Mr. Crocker raises an eyebrow. “Young man, are you suggesting we blackmail Batman?” he demands.
Read that summary again and tell me that doesnt sound sick as fuck tell me that to my face. Unfinished/on goin its fun times! u dont have to have read a single comic in ur life i actually read this one before even touching a single comic panel, whats better than this, just a bunch of guys running around im like a puppy running after its tail, go read this its like 50 ish chapters long so far
A Lullaby For Gods by inkteacup
Fandoms: Homestuck and Marvel (the movies not the comics but idk the difference)
Rated Teen and up
Five gods rent a flat in Manhattan. That sounded like the start of a bad joke. In which Loki Silvertongue is not the only lost god who falls to a world that isn’t his own.
oh this is like, so fucking long, and hurts my brain this feels like homework but like, fun homework u know, i dont care about marvel im here for the kids, this pull in every single character u can think off and gives them a purpose its great , i love when theres just so many characters running around and whats this??? it also has some original human characters! even more guys to meet! its on goin and has 166 chapters so far but u already knew that , everyone and their grandma has read this i think.
"tiny all there are so fucking long ur insane" im not denying that now go read my faves pussy.
thats all for now might update this later bc i remember reading more crossovers i like but these r the only ones i found on my bookmarks,ok bye
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heavenboy09 · 9 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Most Incredible & Talented Australian 🇦🇺 Actor Of The Best Dang Gone Scifi Movie Franchises of the 21st Century 🎥
From A Half Human Cyborg Assassin Of The Apocalyptic Future Run By Machines 🤖
To A Paraplegic Soldier That Goes To A Far Off World 🌎 & Becomes A Savior To The People Who Live on This Strange 👽 Alien New World 🌎
To A Warrior Of Ancient Greece 🇬🇷 That Is A DemiGod & The Son Of The Most Mightest Gods Of The Heavens
He is an Australian actor. He is best known for playing Jake Sully in the Avatar franchise, Marcus Wright in Terminator Salvation, and Perseus in Clash of the Titans and its sequel Wrath of the Titans. He has taken other dramatic roles, appearing in The Debt (2010), Everest (2015), Hacksaw Ridge (2016), The Shack (2017), Manhunt: Unabomber (2017), and Fractured (2019).
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You The Major Australian 🇦🇺Scifi Blockbuster Action Hero 🎬 Actor of the 21st Century 💙
The 1 & Only
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#SamWorthington  #JakeSully #MarcusWright #Perseus #TerminatorSalvation #Avatar #ClashOfTheTitans
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Favorite Movies Part 3 :Groups
When I see people discuss their favorite movies its always a single film.....However there are sometimes a group of films you like,united by an actor,filmmaker or franchise where it is hard to pick a favorite .So these are the Groups that are among my favorites.For Bonus will include my top 3 favorites from each groups
Mel Brooks movies
A comedy legend whose films played a large part in shaping my sense of humor
1.Young Frankenstein
3.Blazing Saddles
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James Bond
A personal fave of my grandfather ,the adventures of the legendary superspy are always a watch when I crave something exciting
1.On Her Majestys Secret Service
2.From Russia With Love
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Vincent Price
One of my favorite horror actors , if a film stars the Merchent of Menace its gonna be fun
1.The Abomnible Doctor Phibes
2.House of Wax
3.The Great Mouse Detective
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My favorite fictional hero,fighting the corrupt elite while acting the fool
1.The Mark of Zorro 1940
2.The Mask of Zorro
3.Zorro 1975
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Ray Harryhausen
The maestro of stop motion ,his creature features were a big influence on me as a kid
1.7th Voyage of Sinbad
2.Jason and the Argonauts
3.Clash of the Titans
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Lord of the Rings
One of the best trilogies ever made and a land mark in fantasy
1.Return of the King
2.Fellowship of the Ring
3,Two Towers
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Tim Curry
The king of ham
1.Muppets Treasure Island
3.Rocky Horror Picture Show
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Showa era Godzilla
I have nothing but love for the King of the monsters.The 70's era being my favorite
1.Godzilla vs Gigan
2.Godzilla vs Megalon
3.Terror of Mechagodzilla
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Films based on the work of the Bard
1.Midsummer Nights Dream 1968
3.Hamlet at Elsinore
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Star Trek
Most of my love goes to the TOS movies
1.Star Trek II Wrath of Khan
2.Star Trek VI Undiscovered Country
3.Star Trek III Search for Spock
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What are your favorite groups of films
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @filmcityworld1 @amalthea9 @princesssarisa
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thatted1978 · 11 months
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts introduces a captivating twist to the franchise by merging the iconic Autobots with a powerful faction known as the Maximals. As a new menace emerges, capable of obliterating the entire planet, Optimus Prime must form an alliance with these beast-like warriors. The Maximals, led by the courageous Optimus Primal, bring their own unique skills and transforming abilities to the table, ensuring an awe-inspiring clash of robotic titans.
At the heart of this enthralling narrative lies the fate of humanity itself. Amidst the chaos and impending doom, two brave humans named Noah and Elena step forward, ready to go to great lengths to assist the Transformers. As the Transformers engage in the ultimate battle for Earth's survival, Noah and Elena become vital allies, their unwavering determination amplifying the stakes and emotional resonance of the story.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts promises a jaw-dropping cinematic experience like no other. As gigantic mechanical beings clash in epic battles across sprawling cityscapes and breathtaking landscapes, the movie boasts mind-blowing special effects and awe-inspiring visuals that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. The cutting-edge CGI seamlessly brings the Transformers and Maximals to life, immersing viewers in a mesmerizing world of robotic warfare.
To truly appreciate the grandeur of "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts," there's no better place to witness it than at Movie Lair. Known for its state-of-the-art technology and commitment to delivering the finest cinematic experiences, Movie Lair has garnered a reputation as the go-to destination for movie enthusiasts. Equipped with IMAX screens and immersive surround sound, Movie Lair ensures that every explosive moment of the film is felt with intensity, allowing audiences to become fully engrossed in the Transformers universe.
Moreover, Movie Lair's commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond its technical prowess. From plush seating arrangements to a wide range of delectable snacks and beverages, the theater's amenities ensure that moviegoers are catered to in every aspect. The comfortable and inviting atmosphere allows viewers to fully immerse themselves in the film's captivating storyline and unforgettable action sequences.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts promises to be an unmissable addition to the iconic Transformers franchise, bringing together the Autobots and the Maximals in a battle of epic proportions. With humanity's future hanging in the balance, the courageous Optimus Prime, alongside a new generation of Transformers, embark on an exhilarating quest to save the Earth.
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For the ultimate viewing experience, head to Movie Lair, where the wonders of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts come alive. With cutting-edge technology and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Movie Lair ensures that every second of this spectacular sci-fi showdown is enjoyed to its fullest potential. Get ready to witness the clash of titans, the triumph of heroes
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wanderingnork · 2 years
Watched V/H/S 99 tonight! Glad I got to see it before spooky month is over. Some brief comments by segment (in order of appearance):
Shredding: 5/10, pretty standard ghost fare. I appreciated the ending quite a bit, that was less standard! A neat twist. Points docked for some nasty racism between protagonists.
Suicide Bid: 5/10, more standard ghost fare. If I hadn’t read about the worst fraternity and sorority hazing had to offer, I’d think this was ridiculous. To be honest, though, I wouldn’t be shocked to find out that a real sorority pulled the stunt that the fictional one did here.
Ozzy’s Dungeon: 7/10. This is rated partly on potential—the seeds of amazing things are here. It needed to be a full movie, where character motives and supernatural lore could be more fully explored. Right now there’s some awkward pacing and twists that arrive without good buildup. But the base concept was REALLY strong and creative. Sonya Eddy (lead actress) absolutely killed it, I was riveted by every second of her performance. And I hope to see more from Flying Lotus (writer and director for this segment), especially something full length.
The Gawkers: 8/10. Do we really need to have more men treating women as objects and committing various sexual crimes? I’m tired of seeing that in this franchise. The good thing here was that hot damn did they get their comeuppance for their behavior. I loved seeing a mythical Ancient Greek monster starring in her classic role! As I’m typing this, it also occurs to me that the stop-motion segments (which provided the frame story and were a part of this segment) were almost certainly a shoutout to Ray Harryhausen’s stop-motion work on Jason and the Argonauts and Clash of the Titans. I definitely recognized a few moments in those connecting bits. Very nice touch.
To Hell and Back: 9/10. LOVE this take on demons and hell. It’s funny, gross, creative, and pleasantly ominous. I can’t wait to see more from Vanessa and Joseph Winter—they also did Deadstream. And there’s Melanie Stone, who was ALSO in Deadstream, and plays the delightfully unhinged witch Mabel here.
All in all, a good time. Definitely hit or miss, but that’s been my issue with all the V/H/S movies. In an anthology made by so many different creative teams, not everything will meet my personal taste! It won’t all be the same style or quality or theme. And that’s okay.
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numenorrex · 1 year
My Top 10 Kaiju-like Characters
Do you like to watch movies with monsters either big or small? Are any of these fictional creatures your favorite? Let’s talk about the 10 characters I consider Kaiju.
10. Ancalagon the Black - Ancalagon from J.R.R Tolkien’s the Silmarillion is a kaiju on its own. Ancalagon is a massive mountain-sized dragon that participated in the war of wrath during the first age and his rivals in this battle are Thorondor the Great Eagle Lord and Earendil the Star Mariner.
9. Balerion, Vhagar, Meraxes, Vermithor, and The Cannibal - We already have Ancalagon in this list but what about his Song of Ice and Fire counterpart and the other large dragons of the same novel series? Balerion the Black Dread along with Vhagar, Meraxes, Vermithor, and The Cannibal are large dragons of the history of Westeros and Essos. Balerion may be the biggest of the three dragons but the Cannibal might be as big or bigger than Balerion. Meraxes was huge almost the same as Balerion but sadly she was killed by the kingdom of dorn and if she survived she would have outgrown Vhagar in size during the events of Fire and Blood. Vhagar, during the events of Fire and Blood and the House of the Dragon show, was about the size of Balerion when Laena Velaryon and later Aemond Targaryen claimed her and Vermithor was huge but 2nd to Vhagar by size.
8. The Kraken - The Kraken is a creature from various mythologies around the world. In Movies like Pirates of the Caribbean or Clash of the Titans, it’s enough to say that this is a Kaiju. Either harpoons, the Head of Medusa, or Godzilla could defeat it, The Kraken is legendary.
7. The Colossal Squid - The Colossal Squid from 20,000 leagues under the sea and various Pirate tales is a real-life species of squid that lives in the depths of all oceans in the world. We have discovered this species in Antarctica since 1925. Compared to the Giant Squid, the Colossal Squid is massive and along with the Giant Squid it is the real-life Kraken.
6. Insectosaurus - Insectosaurus from Monsters vs Aliens is a Godzilla- and Mothra-based character. Starting from a small little insect on an island that turned huge by a nuclear explosion the creature attacked Japan, so that means she is a Kaiju well yes she is. At least she fought a robot in San Francisco in the movie.
5. The Sand Worms - The Sand Worms from Dune are large worms that live on the planet Arrakis. They are the inspiration for the Sarlaac and Krayt Dragon in the Star Wars franchise.
4. Cthulhu - Cthulhu from the novels of H.P. Lovecraft is a creature that embodies the fear of the unknown and the outside. We usually think that Kaiju are just huge creatures that are like actual animals but sometimes they can be gods like how Mothra is. Cthulhu and his whole family are what haunt the human inside.
3. Jormungandr - Jormungandr from Norse mythology is a giant serpent and the child of Loki and a sibling of Hel and Fenrir. Also known as the Midgard serpent, the creature was defeated by Thor who uses an Ox head as bait to lure the creature.
2. Bakunawa - although Jormungandr is the world serpent of Norse mythology, let’s talk about its Filipino mythology counterpart. Bakunawa is a Filipino mythological figure that explains how eclipses happen. The name in English means “eat the moon.” Bakunawa lives up to its name by eating the Moon in the story. The creature was defeated by Bathala, the supreme deity of the Filipino gods. During ancient times, Pre-colonial Cebuanos believed that their supreme god, Bathala, created 7 moons to light up the sky. The Bakunawa, amazed by their beauty, would rise from the ocean and swallow the moons whole, angering Bathala and causing them to be mortal enemies.
1. Dalamadur, Zorah Magdaros, Lao Shan Lung, and Laviente - Monster Hunter’s very own kaiju, Dalamadur, Zorah Magdaros, Lao Shan Lung, and Laviente are huge monsters that dwarf other monsters in size. Laviente is a Huge Serpent Monster that wasn’t Classified by the Hunters of the game and Dalamadur was almost the same size. Dalamadur, Zorah Magdaros, and Lao Shan Lung are Large Elder Dragons. Dalamadur is a large serpent, Zorah Magdaros is a walking volcano and Lao Shan Lung is a Huge Dragon that walks on all four legs and stands on its two hind legs to attack.
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giftguidestips · 2 days
Unleash the Epic Battle with Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire Toys
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Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure as two iconic titans clash in the ultimate battle for supremacy. With the release of "Godzilla vs. Kong," fans around the world are eagerly anticipating the epic showdown between these legendary monsters. And what better way to celebrate the release than with the latest collection of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire toys?
Experience the Excitement
From towering action figures to detailed playsets, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire toys offer fans the opportunity to immerse themselves in the heart-pounding action of the blockbuster film. Whether you're a lifelong fan of Godzilla and Kong or a newcomer to the franchise, these toys capture the excitement and intensity of the epic battle like never before.
Iconic Characters Come to Life
One of the highlights of the Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire toy line is the stunning attention to detail given to each character. From the menacing roar of Godzilla to the ferocious roar of Kong, every aspect of these iconic monsters has been meticulously recreated to ensure an authentic and immersive experience for fans.
The action figures feature articulation and poseability, allowing you to recreate your favorite scenes from the film or unleash your imagination and stage epic battles of your own. With a variety of sizes and styles to choose from, there's a Godzilla or Kong figure to suit every fan's collection.
Immersive Playsets and Vehicles
In addition to action figures, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire toy line also includes immersive playsets and vehicles that bring the world of the film to life. From the towering skyscrapers of the city to the depths of the ocean, these playsets provide the perfect backdrop for epic battles and daring adventures.
Take control of the mighty Skullcrawler as it rampages through the city streets, or pilot the powerful Mechagodzilla as it faces off against Godzilla and Kong in a battle for the ages. With interactive features and realistic detailing, these playsets offer endless opportunities for imaginative play and storytelling. with Gift Guides Tips
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