#Cleaning business logo design
606jakir · 6 months
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Viking Medical company logo...
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marizsapassos · 1 year
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onni1502 · 10 months
Logo Design
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peachsukii · 4 months
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₊✩‧₊◜ a kiribaku x reader scenario that’s lived in my head for awhile now! it’s not really a formalized…anything. just fleeting thoughts. ♡ ✿ tangled hearts modern au masterlist ✿ 。‧˚ʚ wc; ~2.6k ɞ˚‧。
Thinking about a modern day AU with Kirishima and Bakugo settling down in the countryside for a quiet life away from the hustle of the city. They’re in their early 30s, married and happily tucked away in their own little paradise - until they meet you.
Bakugo works with his parent’s fashion agency as the director of the design department, and is a designer himself. He went to the highest credible fashion institute in Tokyo and graduated top of his class - as expected.
Kirishima is a personal trainer and owner of the local gym. He took a few business classes after high school and general fitness courses to learn all about it. He loves getting to help people and knows almost every single person in town. He also volunteers with the local fire company.
It was the ideal place for them, not too big and not too cramped. Bakugo had his own garden that he cherished while Kirishima loved the backyard for home exercising. Their home was spaced out from their neighbors and gave them the perfect amount of privacy.
The town is only an hour and change outside the city, still remaining close for friends and family by train. Bakugo mostly worked from home and only went into the city office for important meetings and press conferences. He preferred to work in his own space while designing instead of in a buzzing office where anyone could bother him - especially his parents.
Their morning routine was simple: Bakugo would wake up anytime between 6 and 6:30am, rolling out of bed to start breakfast and coffee. By the time he’s done cooking, Kirishima stumbles into the kitchen with his eyes half closed, sleepily making his way over to kiss his husband good morning. They’d sit at the table together and casually talk about their plans for the day or in silence as they enjoyed each others company.
That was all disrupted the morning Kirishima spotted you outside the gym, waiting for it to open. He didn’t recognize you like he did everyone else in town - that immediately caught his attention. Once inside, you introduced yourself and told him how you moved from the city for a new job. The two of you got to talking longer than anticipated and ended up bonding over you being new to town. Kirishima signs you up for his yoga classes the following week, excited to see you mesh with his regulars.
Bakugo’s on his lunch break later in the day at the local market to pick up his usual fresh vegetables and fruits when he spots you browsing the aisle behind him. He peeks over his glasses to see his design logo on the small tag at the hem of your tshirt. He simply smiles to himself, proud to see a garment of his in the wild, and finishes his own shopping.
A few weeks go by of getting to know Kirishima as you attend his classes. You’d stop and talk with him afterwards each time, slowly developing a friendship. One day after class, he casually mentions to you that his husband is a great cook and how his food rivals any five star restaurant from the city. On a whim, he invites you to dinner with him and Bakugo at their home - you agree happily. You didn’t have any friends in the area, what’s the harm in meeting people?
You arrive at their cozy home and are greeted heartily by Kirishima at the door as he puts a hand on your back and welcomes you inside. Bakugo turns his attention from the stove to the door, nodding in your direction as he continues cooking. You can’t help but think he looks…familiar.
Their place is gorgeous, tidy and clean, yet homey. There were pictures of their family and friends hung up all over alongside some simple art pieces and knick knacks. You could already tell who decorated versus who didn’t - Kirishima is definitely not the type to decorate so eloquently.
You’re gazing at one of the pictures when the realization smacks you in the face.
He’s responsible for half the clothes in your closet.
Kirishima is married to the Katsuki Bakugo of the fashion world? And you’re in his house for dinner that he’s serving to you?!
The thought makes you dizzy as your face flushes, desperately trying to hide your sudden excitement. And you chose to wear one of the dresses he designed for a collaboration years ago. What are the chances? Kirishima never told you what his husband’s name was, just that he was married.
“Y/N, I want you to meet my husband, Katsuki!” Kirishima excitedly says as he’s walking you to the kitchen. “Kat, this is Y/N. She’s the one I told ya about from my yoga class!”
The two of you lock eyes for a moment before Bakugo looks you up and down, calculating his first impression of you. He wasn’t about to tell you that he’s seen you around town before, he had to play it cool and not make it seem like he already knew you existed.
“Nice ta meet ya,” he greets before returning his attention to the stove. “Dinners just about ready. Ei, can you set the table?”
You all sit down for dinner, and it’s absolutely delicious. Kirishima was not joking about Bakugo’s cooking, every single thing you ate was delightful. You honestly don’t know if you’ve had a better meal than his.
“This is absolutely amazing, Ba-”
“Jus’ call me Katsuki.”
Him cutting you off to correct his name before you even finished saying it made your heart skip a beat.
“Oh, sure. Katsuki, this is honestly one of the best meals I’ve ever had,” you repeat, picking at that last of your vegetables on your plate. “I saw a garden outside. Do you grow them yourself?”
Bakugo grins, glowing at your compliments. “Yep. Anythin’ not in season I grab from market.”
Kirishima watches the two of you interact, happy that he was right about the three of you getting along seamlessly.
You shuffle in your seat at the next pause in your conversation before deciding to ask the burning question on your mind.
“So, Katsuki…what do you do for work?”
He laughs, motioning to your sundress. “Ya don’t have to beat around the bush about it. I can spot my work from a mile away.”
That broke the ice and allowed you to relax, knowing he didn't think you were trying to impress him by wearing his own design. The night went on, way past dinner, where the three of you talked about any and everything. It felt as if they’d already known you their whole lives, the conversation never feeling forced and flowing naturally.
“Shit, I’m sorry for staying so late!” You exclaim while looking at your phone. “Didn’t mean to keep you guys up.”
“Don’t apologize, y/n! You’re welcome here anytime,” Kirishima assured, slinging his arm around Bakugo on the couch. “We’d love to have ya over for dinner again soon!”
You’re about to head out the door when Bakugo gets up from the couch and stops you. “It’s dark, lemme walk you back to your place.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” you insist, but he wasn’t having it. He was already changing out of his slippers and into a pair of sneakers. He held the door open for you as you waved to Kirishima, thanking him again for having you over and that you’ll see him for class in the morning.
You and Bakugo are walking down the dimly lit street toward your apartment complex, hands in his pockets, when he strikes up another conversation about your dress.
“You didn’t need to act so shy about the dress,” he comments. “Looks good on ya.”
You can feel your cheeks get hot again, praying he can't see your reaction in the street lights. "T-thanks! I love your work. I actually have a lot of the clothes you’ve designed…what are the odds?” You trail off at the end out of nervousness, playing with the fabric of the dress.
“Yeah? Good to know.”
The two of you approach your building and he says a simple ‘good night’ as he waves, turning to head home.
There’s a weird feeling in your chest, one that you haven’t felt in a long time. A warmth that floods your body with…you can’t pinpoint it. It makes you sweat, but comforts you at the same time.
Little did you know that the boys were feeling the exact same way.
Months go by as the three of you become inseparable - dinners, movie nights, shopping at the market, going into the city together, meeting their friends, walking around town at sunset, picnics in the park, you name it. Kirishima and Bakugo never knew they could feel so comfortable with someone so quickly - it was as if the three of you were meant to find each other.
While the two of them are lying in bed one night, Kirishima decides to open up about his feelings. He rolls over to face Bakugo, his usual pointy hair fluffed around his face against the pillow.
“Kats, I got a question for ya. It’s kinda…weird?” He starts, fiddling with the hem of the comforter. “Do you…uhh, shit. Do you have any feelings toward Y/N?”
Bakugo flips to his side to face him. “What do y’mean?”
“Oh don’t be like that. I think she’s…really cute,” he admits, his cheeks turning rosy. “I enjoy having her around.”
Bakugo grumbles in embarrassment, pulling the comforter up to cover his face. He feels like a high school boy all over again - he just didn’t want to admit it.
They’d both fallen for you simultaneously without even saying a word. Neither of them knew why, they’ve been together for over a decade now - since their college days. No one has ever made their hearts race in sync like you do.
“I’ll take that reaction as an agreement,” Kirishima teases, poking Bakugo’s forehead through the covers. He groans again as he throws the blanket off his face.
“It’s been confusin’ the shit outta me. I love you, Ei and that doesn’t change shit, but goddamn. She’s fuckin’ gorgeous,” Bakugo admits, face and ears burning hot.
“Aw, you’re so cute when you have a crush!” He scoots closer to Bakugo and kisses him on the forehead. “Haven’t seen that side of ya since college.”
Bakugo bats at him playfully, pushing him away as he whines, “Shut the fuck up!”
“So…what do we do about it?” Kirishima’s question hangs in the air between them, heavy…but alluring.
The next few times you hang out with the boys, you can tell that things feel a little more…intense? If that was the right word, the feeling was foreign. You found yourself becoming more physical with the two of them, and each time gave you butterflies. You weren’t quite sure what was going on until that fateful night.
It was a dreary night, the remnants of the storm passing through the town. The rain was no longer a torrential downpour and had tapered off into a sprinkle, enough to allow you to walk home safely. You’re heading for the door as Bakugo catches up to you, umbrella in hand.
“Y’know the drill, I’m not lettin’ ya walk home alone. Especially when it’s still raining.”
“Kat, you hate the rain, it’s fine,” you argue, but know it’s pointless. Bakugo waves at Kirishima and you notice Kirishima’s smile is extra wide tonight…and did he wink?
He closes the door behind the two of you and opens the umbrella on the porch, slinging an arm around your shoulders to huddle you under its protection.
The walk to your apartment is silent, an unknown tension lingering in the air. The subtle flexing of Bakugo’s fingers on your shoulder is driving you wild, a simple touch was enough to ignite the fire in your gut. Reaching your apartment complex, you stop to thank him for walking you home like always, but something else spills from your lips instead.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Bakugo’s taken aback by your question, confused where this has come from. “What? No, not at all. Why?”
“I…just don’t wanna make you two uncomfortable,” you whisper, eyes cast to the ground. “I really like you two…and don’t want to come between y-”
The umbrella clatters to the ground as Bakugo throws it to the side, letting the rain pelt against the both of you as one hand pulls you into him by the waist and the other under your chin.
“That’s right where we want ya,” he speaks against your lips. He hesitates, tilting his head back and looking directly in your eyes. “Tell me to back off, and I will. We can act like-”
This time, you cut him off by putting a hand on the back of his head and one on his chest, pulling him to meet your lips. The world stops around you as the rain trickles down your faces and vaguely into your kiss. You tangle your arms around each other’s bodies, illuminated by the soft street lights as your clothes become heavier with rainwater. After what feels like ages, you part, catching the breath you’ve stolen from each other’s lungs.
No words are spoken as Bakugo takes your hand, tugging you back down the road toward their place. You giggle and begin to run with excitement, skipping through the rain with him all the way back. Throwing open the front door, you both take a step inside, soaking wet from the rain. Kirishima glances over from the couch, shocked to see you return with Bakugo.
“Woah! What happened to you two?” he asks, concerned yet intrigued. He then notices you’re holding hands, and it clicks.
You’re stripping the wet clothes from your body faster than you can chicken out of doing so, letting them plop on the floor of the foyer until you’re left in your bra and underwear. Bakugo follows suit and trails behind you as you make your way over to Kirishima on the couch. You take a deep breath before placing a hand on each of his shoulders, sliding into his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck. He places his hands on your waist anxiously, scared you’ll shatter under his touch.
“It’s okay, Eiji,” you coo, leaning down to his ear. “You can touch me.”
You turn back to Bakugo as he’s sitting next the two of you on the couch, reaching a hand out to stroke his cheek. “Katsuki can, too.”
That’s all the permission they need to devour you all night long - over and over again like a drug they couldn’t get enough of. Brief naps in between, each time better than the last. Hands tangled in hair, lips kissing skin in sinful places, and noises only the three of you could orchestrate together.
That was the night their lives changed forever, thanks to you. Things were easy and simple between the three of you - you blended into their routines perfectly as the weeks progressed. Waking up between the two of them each morning was heavenly, especially when they fought over who got to cuddle you through the night. Bakugo usually won that fight until he would go make breakfast, then Kirishima would tuck you under his arm and hold you close.
Everything was so easy between you three, you were the missing puzzle piece in their lives that they didn’t know was absent.
You were theirs, and they were yours - simple as that. They wouldn’t trade their newfound goddess for the world.
i immediately think of @pastelbakugou & @kweenkatsuki-fics when it comes to kiribaku x reader, thank you for being my inspirations! 💜
next entry: delicate (isn’t it?)
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Logo wars: the unicorn vs. the griffin
Ever since August, the battle between the Warchief and the Sassenach has been lurking somewhere, on the outskirts of my radar. While some still deny there is anything going wrong between S and McTavish, I have strong reservations it's all about sunshine, lollipops and roses in that department. And I couldn't help but wonder if the key to the problem was not to be found in the very disingenuous way Graham chose to build the marketing strategy of his products and to update his own personal brand, in the process.
So I took a deep dive into socials and this is something that is going to take some more time to complete. If this kind of content is not your jam or you disagree with my premises, it's totally fine with me, but maybe you should skip these posts. And since we have to start somewhere, let's start with their companies' logos: they have a lot of things to tell us.
Soon after the Remarkable Week-end, S finally unveiled a business project he'd been alluding to for quite a while (if anything is wrong in here, kindly correct me in comments). This was the logo and the slogan they are still using until today:
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The Sassenach Unique Spirits. Spirit of Home.
As compared with what McTavish released this summer:
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McTavish Spirits. A Scotsman's Dream of America.
First logo: clean, sober lines. A Unicorn, whose contours seem more aptly designed for a sports car or a new, innovative line of home equipment (think rather audio systems, not refrigerators). Or even an elegant, country life oriented clothing line, with all the paraphernalia (gloves, scarves, etc - but we already knew about the First Love tartan, then, so it's still a possibility).
Unique spirits, with all my deep affection and due respect for a real effort, is not the best they could have come up with. You see, that's hardly a sales argument or an efficient pitch. Just like any dog owner on this planet would tell you that Bebe or Fido or Snoopy are 'the best dogs ever', a new entrepreneur would confidently tell you his booze is 'unique'. The effort S put into patiently educating his passion for whisky and creating something personal out of it deserved better. Not the completely expected and almost meaningless 'unique' - this is very lazy copywriting, I think (not a copywriter, just an exacting client, here). It spells low budget where we needed something irresistible.
Onwards to the Unicorn. Of course, it's all about Scotland - it's whisky, for Christ's sake. But, it's also about this:
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This is the sixth panel of one of the most moving, exquisite things that ever graced this planet: The Lady and the Unicorn cycle of Flemish tapestries, now making the pride and joy of the Cluny National Museum of the Middle Ages, in Paris. A place I know well and was a very frequent visitor of, when I was living just about three blocks away from it. Its story has to do with the Five Senses and this is the last panel, featuring a mysterious message on that lavish tent's roof:
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A mon seul Désir. It's French for: "To my sole desire". Unique, indeed.
Let's let things flow a bit in free association mode (I know Puffy did it on her blog with the Barbour project, but she didn't invent it and she certainly has no copyright - so yeah, waiting for a couple more idiots to block right after posting this):
Unicorn... Scotland... legend... purity...even Mary Queen of Scots asked for a unicorn horn to make sure the water was not poisoned, while in prison... untamed...chivalry.... woman...only a woman can tame and lure a unicorn... Medieval...Cluny... desire... sole desire... soul desire (heh)...unique...passion.... statement... labor of love... personal testimony...first love and we wrap it up nicely with a smile ('she is the original Sassenach', ahem).
That was the first set of (genuine) talking points he went with. Now, we deal with a contorted & painful explanation: Scotland is an inclusive nation and land, I am the Sassenach, etc. What do our unsuspecting American friends know, after all? But to a #silly European, it makes no sense: yes, Scotland is a very inclusive, open and even avantgarde society for many things, but this is whisky and should spell tradition, not innovation. It should spell mystery and something that comes (at great costs) from a faraway, fabled land of mists and druids and lochs. Not from a blaring EDI crossroads, where people are gathered to protest against global warming. Then how about that unnecessary 'I am the Sassenach' - no, Sir, you aren't, plus I hope you know how we, shippers immediately interpret it ('blood of my blood and bone of my bone' - 😁).
But your main problem with the name and the brand that goes along with is not even this. The problem is that a unicorn is always female. You have a feminine brand for a masculine product.
So instead of a haphazard explanation which smells of improv, why not just take the second, abstract, meaning of unicorn and just say cheekily something along those loose lines, for example:
'Well, we are a new, innovative enterprise which aspires to be a smaller unicorn in the world of spirits. Maybe we'll never make it to 1 billion dollars, but it's the bravery and the innovative spirit that we bring with us from Scotland, our home (cue in waxing lyrical and fill in the blanks with all the tropes you can think of). So we're the new kid on the block, the outsider, the underdog set to conquer new lands and new opportunities, exactly like Jamie Fraser, the character I play in OL does (cue in credible retconning of your initial strategy: you need a new client base to generate sales volume & secure or even multiply returning sales and those people DGAF about OL).'
Granted, you'll totally throw under the bus the whole initial plan, but hey - it's an elegant way out of a conundrum.
Second logo, quite a different situation. It's busy, busy, busy with the kind of motifs that make one immediately think of an engraved Colt grip. Something like this, perhaps, only stylized:
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Instead of the Unicorn, we have a double beast: a Lion and an Eagle. In Ancient Greece, this mythical combo was called a  γρύψ (gryps), which later gave 'griffin' in English. It is a hybrid, but then so is bourbon. The Lion is a symbol for the European roots of the brand and the Eagle, well - easy, America, pointing West and meaning new perspectives, freedom, etc. But the brand is McTavish Spirits, in a very personal approach: this is my bourbon (isn't it ironic, for a white label project?) and this is my story and these are my (a Scotsman's) dreams of America. Transparent. Legible. I mean business - this is not a labor of love.
Free association again:
The Lion self... the Older, Wiser Guy... the Leader... the Statesman... Dougal MacKenzie...the (hello) Warchief...but this is America... so I am also the Lonely Gunman... I am exploring a New Frontier... bringing my past with me (all the classy, gentleman-like persona)... telling my personal story, too, in the process... from my Scottish roots to making it in Hollywood... so I am also The Storyteller (unlike that young nincompoop, who just goes zorbing and chases barmaids) ... so, maybe, just maybe if you listen to my stories, you will forget I put zero effort into trying samples and touring the whole land looking for perfect balance, and just went for the easy solution and a quick buck... buy my booze and I'll tell you more... I am reliable and tried and tested and still young enough and strong enough and determined enough (the Eagle) to have a new wife and new plans.
Plus: a masculine brand for a masculine product. I won't keep scores for a while, but pfff... point taken.
This is not only logo conception copycat and shameless, reactive competition, on very thin ice and on a (at this point in time, at least) very slim portion of the market. This is, mark me, war between two people who still have some gigs together.
We'll see next time who shows up at their parallel events and buys their booze and also how they choose to engage (or not) with these people. I think I begin to understand what McTavish's brand strategy is, but I need to have a second, closer look. More on this, tomorrow.
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race-week · 4 months
What are your thoughts on thehelemets that have been released so far? I’ve just seen Oscar’s and I love it. I loved Alex & Logan’s too.
Personally I favour clean simple helmet designs
I have to say I love Alex’s and Yuki’s
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I think Yuki’s in particular is stunning with the leaves and it’s probably one of the first Red Bull branded helmets that doesn’t look ridiculously out of place
Also a surprising one for me so far is Pierre’s
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I historically have disliked Pierre’s helmets because they’ve usually been quite busy, especially with his logo but this one is very clean.
I’m waiting for Lance’s as his helmets are usually my favourite
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fanficshiddles · 9 months
Necessary Evil, Chapter 3
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Should I really just go? I’m a bit scared, don’t know why though. x
Yeah, I’m sure it will be fine. They said someone was there pretty much all the time. Surely Loki will be around too. x
Ok… If I don’t message you in like, two hours, then send help!
Deal. I’ll send the Norse Gods to save you. They’re real if you hadn’t heard. x
Sarah chuckled at Sophie’s last message. They’d been texting quite a bit since meeting the other night. Sarah really liked Sophie, they clicked well.
But Sarah decided that she was right, there would be someone around to let her in. And if Loki was around, surely he’d be happy that she had finished the design already for his logo.
She wasn’t sure why she felt so nervous about going back, everyone had been very friendly and welcoming towards her. But her stomach did have butterflies fluttering around as she headed down there.
When she knocked on the door, it took a little while before anyone answered. But a little latch opened in the middle of the door and she saw a pair of eyes, they only glanced at her and then the door unlocked and opened.
‘Hey, Sarah!’ Matt greeted as he motioned for her to enter.
‘Hi, Matt. I wasn’t sure if anyone would be here or not.’ Sarah said sheepishly as she stepped inside.
‘There’s always someone here.’ He grinned. ‘I’m just heading out though, but Loki is in the back with someone right now. He probably won’t be long. Maddie is here, she’s just doing some cleaning up.’ He motioned towards the kitchen.
‘Thanks. See you later.’ Sarah nodded at him.
Sarah made her way over to see Maddie at the kitchen. She didn’t really get a chance to speak to her much the other night.
‘Hey. Maddie, isn’t it? I’m Sarah, just joined the other night.’
Maddie turned and smiled brightly at her. ‘Yes! Hi, nice to meet you properly.’ She said as they shook hands.
‘You too. Do you need a hand with anything?’ Sarah asked.
‘No, it’s all good. I’m almost finished. I like to keep things tidy, everyone else isn’t exactly the tidiest.’ Maddie rolled her eyes.
‘Well if you ever need a hand, just let me know.’ Sarah smiled.
‘Thank you, I’ll take you up on that! Do you want tea or coffee?’
‘Tea would be great, thanks.’
Maddie put some fresh water in the kettle and turned it on to boil. ‘So what you doing here? Can’t keep away already?’ Maddie teased.
‘Something like that.’ Sarah laughed. ‘Loki asked me to make a new logo, I got it finished rather quickly so thought I’d come down and see what he thinks. If he wants me to make any adjustments or anything.’ She shrugged.
Maddie had been looking out two mugs, she ended up slamming them down on the countertop a little forcefully as she listened to Sarah. She froze for a moment, then turned around and put on a big smile.
‘Oh? A new logo? That’s… cool. He normally doesn’t show his face much, apart from when we have the main big meetings.’
‘Ah, right… Matt said he was in the back with someone but would be out soon?’
‘He might be, depends how busy he is.’ Maddie shrugged. ‘I can pass it on to him, if you want?’
‘That’s ok, I’m happy to wait around. I needed to get out of the house anyway, nothing better to be doing either.’ Sarah smiled.
Maddie bit her tongue and nodded. She turned back to make the tea, then passed Sarah hers.
‘Thank you.’ Sarah said as she happily took the tea. ‘So how long have’
‘I smell tea!’ A bellowing voice came as a door opened at the back.
Maddie giggled madly and grabbed another mug from the cupboard. Sarah turned her head to see Loki coming out of the back room, grinning. There was a guy that followed him out. Sarah watched as Loki walked him over to the door.
‘Thank you, Loki. Thank you. Just what I needed.’ The guy said repeatedly, he looked a little spaced out to Sarah. Like he was on drugs… Or in desperate need of some. His hands were shaking as he shook Loki’s hand.
‘You’re welcome. Now, go. Spread the word. Come back when you need more, you know where I am.’ Loki said quietly and winked at the guy.
‘Ah, timing could not have been more perfect.’ Loki said cheerily as he walked over to join Maddie and Sarah at the kitchen, taking the mug from Maddie. ‘Thank you.’
‘You’re welcome!’ Maddie said giddily.
Sarah almost couldn’t believe the change in her, she reminded her of a giddy schoolgirl meeting her favourite boyband member. Although she could understand feeling that way around Loki to an extent, as he was very intoxicating in many ways.
‘Sarah, so good to see you again. Can’t keep away?’ He asked with a smirk as he motioned to the table.
‘Nope.’ Sarah laughed lightly as Loki sat down and Sarah was about to take the nearest seat which was next to Loki, but Maddie quickly jumped in and grabbed said seat first, so Sarah sat opposite.
‘I just wanted to show you’ Sarah was cut off as Maddie jumped in.
‘I’ve tidied up the place and cleaned, is there anything else you need doing, Sir?’ She asked with a slightly high-pitched voice.
Loki glanced at Maddie. ‘No, thank you for tidying up. The place looks great.’
Maddie’s face went bright red as she smiled so wide, the Cheshire cat would have some competition.
‘Sarah, what was it you were saying?’ Loki asked and turned his attention back to her.
Sarah glanced at Maddie, to check if she was going to speak again or not, but then she looked back at Loki. Who, she’d discovered, seemed to love eye contact. She swallowed a bit first then began to take out the logo she’d designed.
‘I’ve finished the design for the logo. I wanted to see whether you had anything you’d like changed.’ She slid the paper across the table towards him.
Maddie craned her neck a bit to look, but also tipped her mug just as Loki took the paper and began dragging it towards him. ‘Oops! So sorry, I can be so clumsy.’ Maddie said as she quickly jumped up and grabbed a cloth to clean up with.
Loki raised an eyebrow and looked over at Sarah.
‘No worries. I’ve got spare copies.’ Sarah said as she pulled out another, passing it over to Loki instead of on the table.
‘Clever girl.’ He grinned.
Maddie’s eyes widened and she looked furious as she wiped the table clean. Sarah wasn’t entirely sure what the hell was going on there, but she was pretty sure that hadn’t been an accident.
‘The colours look weird.’ Maddie commented as she sat back down.
‘They can be changed, if you don’t like them.’ Sarah said to Loki.
Loki side-eyed at Maddie as she was leaning in a bit too close to him for his liking. ‘Maddie, I do actually have something I need you to do.’
Maddie jumped backwards but looked delighted. ‘Yes? Anything!’
‘Could you go to Lara’s home and check that she’s doing ok? I’ve not heard from her in a few days, I know she’s been ill. So check if she needs anything brought to her.’
Maddie’s face dropped slightly. ‘I… I’ll give her a ring to see.’
‘No!’ Loki barked, a bit too firmly as his face then calmed more. ‘No… I want you to go and physically check up on her. She might still be quite ill and just too proud to ask for help.’
Maddie nodded quickly. ‘Ok… I’ll do that.’ She headed over to get her coat and bag.
Loki looked back at Sarah and motioned to the sofa by the firepit. ‘Let’s get more comfortable.’
‘Sure.’ Sarah nodded and got up.
Maddie was just zipping up her coat when she looked over and saw Loki putting his hand on Sarah’s lower back to guide her to the sofa. Her jaw clenched hard as she dragged her eyes away from them and headed out the door.
Leaving Loki and Sarah alone.
‘Ignore Maddie. I like the colours, a lot. It really draws the eye in instantly.’ Loki said as they sat down on the sofa, Sarah felt her heart race a little at how close Loki decided to sit next to her.
‘You really are talented, Sarah.’ Loki hummed. Sarah did enjoy the way he said her name.
‘Thank you.’ She blushed a little.
‘I think this is perfect, better than I could have even imagined. I’ll get Jen to make copies and then we can get them out there. Would you be able to send me it so I’ve got a digital copy too?’ Loki asked.
‘Yeah, of course.’ Sarah took out a notepad to take down his email address.
‘You know, most people would just put it into notes on their phone.’ Loki chuckled.
Sarah looked a little sheepish. ‘Yeah… I do use my phone for a lot of things, but I kinda still enjoy having a notepad to jot things down.’ She shrugged.
Loki reached into his pocket and pulled out a mini notepad and pen. ‘Me too.’ He said with a cheesy grin, making Sarah laugh.
Though he was built like a God, incredibly handsome albeit slightly intimidating physically… She was starting to remember that he was just human after all, and she suddenly felt quite a bit more comfortable around him.
‘So uhm… Tell me, really. What makes you say you’re Loki? I mean, if that’s your actual name, that’s pretty cool. But have you been a cosplayer or in a play?’ She just had to ask.
Loki smirked and leaned back on the sofa. ‘That is my actual name... You don’t believe that I’m the son of Odin? God Of Mischief?’ He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Sarah scoffed a little. ‘Come on. I know it’s just a big act, it’s a pretty good one, I won’t deny. It’s a good way to get people together like this.’
‘I promise you, darling. It’s no act. And in time, once my powers return to me, you will see.’ He winked at her.
Sarah shook her head and narrowed her eyes at him. ‘Yeah, sure… I’ll believe it when I see it.’
‘And see it one day, you shall.’ Loki said calmly, oh so seriously.
‘Why can’t you show me now?’
‘Because I did some things in my past that I am not proud of. Odin wanted to punish me, so he took away my powers. Only in time, will I get them back. And once I do, I can show you once and for all.’ He said as he flexed his long fingers.
Sarah just looked at him, in utter disbelief.
‘I give you my word, I am the God Of Mischief. And I guarantee to get you and the others all of Asgard’s riches, in time.’
‘Well… we’ll see.’ Sarah grinned and finished the last of her tea. ‘I should probably get going.’
Loki stood up with her and walked her over to the door. ‘Are you coming back on Friday night for the next get together? And of course, your proper welcoming party into our group.’
‘Definitely.’ Sarah nodded up at him.
‘Excellent.’ Loki reached up lightly twirled the ends of her hair around his fingers, then he picked up her hand, and to her surprise, kissed the back of it, leaving her skin tingling like mad. ‘I shall see you again on Friday.’
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felassan · 1 year
its that time again! 🍵 
Thoughts/wonderings on Dragon Age: The Missing #4, under a cut due to spoilers for The Missing -
I'm probably becoming a lil unhealthily obsessed with this building. what do we think it is? the Archon's Palace is the highest building in Minrathous (tho I guess not, as it has sewers and this is floating). A Circle? it has a similar shape to the logo for the Circle of Magi. the meeting place for the Magisterium senate, lording over everyone below from high above? whatever it is it looks cool and it must be important to be featured on the map. I wanna go there (๑*ᗜ*)
I love Neve Gallus' design. it's fresh and cool, and she just looks so cute and neat okay. also full of detail - the snake pattern on the headpiece, shoulder 'scales' and scales elsewhere, collar & jacket like one of those hooded snakes, snake-'tailcapped' footwear (rather than steel toe-capped), the serpent belt and of course most of all the beautiful snake design of her prosthetic limb. 10/10 character/costume design
this page had me on my knees basically. my heart.
surely this panel is a new meme format hh? same goes for the one where Varric is saying "Then perhaps all this is linked" and Harding says "And we've led them here"
you walked into the wrong neighborhood bro
I also liked this pair of illustrations, they had a nice 'bookend' feel and reminded me a lot of Lord of the Rings.
Other thoughts:
Minrathous looks kinda cyberpunk and (despite what Harding says in the opening panels) feels quite clean in this comic
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Is that the person tailing them lurking in the doorway that Harding is catching sight of here?
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These holes in Varric's ear seem to be new. What happened? Injury from the leopard attack?
confused a bit by the perspective flip in this issue. In issue 1, Varric was more like 'stop', and Harding was more like 'talk to him'. it's flipped around a bit here.
Varric smiled when he thought about Neve and then lit up when he saw her. she calls him an "old friend". I wonder how they met and how long they've known each other. something to do with varric's spy network?
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This panel felt a bit meta hh.
When Neve says "Your friend is quite intense" is she referring to Solas or Harding?
Then we come to the two main things we learn in this issue:
We learn that Solas has been in Minrathous causing trouble. He's been attacking Venatori locations in the city, stealing artifacts from them and freeing elven slaves in the process, which has greatly angered the Venatori. The Venatori now want revenge and a "bunch of rebellious elves" are "causing trouble throughout the city, presumably in the name of the one who freed them". I wonder if the artifacts weaken the Veil, are connected to the idol somehow, or are simply sources of great power that Solas either needs for himself/his plans or that he simply thinks should be taken away from the Venatori so that they don't cause harm using them? Tevinter Nights showed agents of Fen'Harel seeking artifacts and referenced rumors of elven artifacts that strengthen the Veil, like the ones from DA:I. freeing folks also makes sense, "I am not a monster" and it's something he has a history of doing
In this issue we also learn that Neve works with a group called the Shadow Dragons, who have been trying to help the former slaves. indeed they're trying to help anyone who is held as slaves in Minrathous. this is our first time hearing about this new group. they make it their business to help those in need and Neve makes it her business to help them. I'm a bit ¿ about their name, just due to how it sounds, but it's exciting to learn about a new group/faction. Each issue of this DA:D prequel comic has shone a spotlight on a faction - Grey Wardens, Antivan Crows, the Veil Jumpers and the Shadow Dragons. two new, two old. it's a nice balance. and it brings to mind the common fan theory/speculation about the PC of DA:D having a different faction background depending on the player's choice. at the very least it feels like a way of saying 'these four groups [or characters from them] will feature in a significant way/be 'players on the board' in DA:D".
thinking about the Shadow Dragons' name in an in-world context, like thinking about why they may have chosen their name: dragons are emblematic of Tevinter. dragon imagery is everywhere there, dragons are a symbol of power and Tevinter heraldry shows a dragon. the Tevinter Imperium is a 'dragon', or several (metaphorically) - Magisters, ruling over the classes below. the "shadow dragons" feel like "the other side" of Tevinter, the side in shadow, the underside, the 'anti-Tevinter'. I'd guess that they are the "Tevinter you forgot", i.e. the Viper's faction. (and if you look at Tevinter heraldry, there is also a snake 'in opposition' to the dragon.) before Missing #4 I wondered if “the Tevinter you forgot” "means they are a group of folks who have fallen through the cracks in Tevinter society or who are the downtrodden in Tevinter society. is it some sort of uprising or anti-Magisterium movement?" - here we learn they're trying to help people Tevinter 'forgot' like slaves and former slaves. I also commented "from the story it sounds like the dark-clad card dealer is the Viper. the magister in the story is afraid of him and tries to claim that the Viper is just a tale, implying that the Viper’s name has become known as a sort of shadowy, stealthy urban legend in Minrathous and that it has a sort of bogeyman effect on magisters." Shadow indeed. Neve later comments that the Shadow Dragons are trying to "help anyone held as slaves in Minrathous". I think it was in the Dorian short story in Tevinter Nights that there's a reference to how there's now an anti-slavery movement in Tevinter. Is that the Shadow Dragons? you can see possible echoes of "the Tevinter you forgot" in later comic dialogue "The Shadow Dragons have vowed to help us restore our dignity. To get back the lives that were stolen from us by the Venatori. To make sure we don't have to scrabble in the dirt for food and warm", imo.
I wonder if Dorian, Mae and the Lucerni know anything about the Shadow Dragons? maybe they've done some work together?
and while the Viper/Viper's faction/the Shadow Dragons themselves didn't appear in issue 4, issue 4 still highlighted them, continuing the pattern I speculated about, of the DA Day short stories (Evka/Antoine/Wardens, Teia/Viago/Crows, Strife/Irelin/Veil Jumpers and Viper's faction/Shadow Dragons), one from each of those short stories per issue.
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Varric is still having a bad time. also he was born in 9:1, and so if DA:D is set in 9:52, he's now over 50. from these comics, he's feeling old and tired. I don't expect that he'll be a companion in DA:D. more like an advisor (off-field), a contact or quest-giver, or the person that recruits us.
"But why? What did he get out of it? Surely, he wanted something in return" was an interesting line. because like on one hand "I am not a monster", he has a history of freeing people who were enslaved and he's shown as valuing freedom and not enjoying needless suffering. setting people free definitely is the only decent thing. but he's also smart and does things with purpose, always playing 4-D chess, and has been outwitting Varric and Harding at every turn throughout these comic issues, always one step ahead. it seems like a 'it's both' situation. like two birds, one stone. he would free people and it's the right thing to do, and he also gains from it strategically. Varric lampshades this in the final page: and it's three stones, actually. Solas freed people, dealt with the Venatori on his tail and slowed Varric/Harding down long enough to escape all in one move.
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Also, at first I wondered if the brown-haired elf was sort've projecting his own perceptions on Solas (with the "his kin" lines). but look here. the leader of these Venatori has a pouch round their neck. the others don't, it's prominently placed and it's consistent on this Venatori in every panel they're in here. and where have we seen that before? around the neck of the Venatori stalker that saved Varric from the leopard in Issue 3. I think we're supposed to conclude that the ringleader of the Venatori that attack the elves in this issue is the Venatori person that's been tailing Varric and Harding all throughout these comic issues. the Venatori ringleader seems to recognize Varric in a later panel, with the "You!". They fight and Varric starts demanding answers from the Venatori leader. but then, just as he's about to get answers, the brown-haired elf intervenes and kills them at that very moment. they won't hurt their people anymore, and conveniently also (more than one purpose to things again..), now Varric and Harding won't get any answers. and also this:
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another - not two, but - three stones. when the brown-haired elf kills the Venatori ringleader, A) preventing them from further harming his people and B) preventing them from giving any answers to Varric and Harding, C) the killing blow also cuts that pouch from their neck. a very specific thing to depict. presumably in the chaos of the Venatori leader's death (you can't see the elf's hands in the very next panel) the brown-haired elf has grabbed the pouch, and part of his goal all along was to take it. I think we're supposed to conclude that the pouch contained the crucious stone and that the brown-haired elf works for Solas. so the "You're too late, I already have the crucious stone" letter from issue 3 was a Solas fakeout, the Venatori at that point in time did in fact have the stone (having beaten Solas to the vault, and as-shown by the Venatori who saved Varric from the leopard having the pouch around their neck), and the events of issue 4 were part of Solas' plan to steal it/steal it back from them (and going by Neve's earlier dialogue, it's not the first artifact he's stolen from them). so two things here: one, Solas' 'three stones' are actually-actually four (free the slaves, deal with the Venatori on his tail, delay Varric/Harding long enough to escape, and steal the crucious stone artifact from the Venatori [my head hurts]). and two, the brown-haired elf was working for Solas after all. he'll give the pouch (and the contents, the stone) to Solas, "he set us, his kin, free" wasn't projection considering that he does work for him, and him being there in the alleyway when he was, with the information that he had, was part of Solas' plan to escape and get the stone. otherwise, it's pretty convenient that one of the former slaves at the place Neve's aware of where former slaves have been eating scraps, at the time when she takes Varric/Harding there, just happened to have helpful info about the meeting that Varric/Harding needed and also happened to kill the Venatori leader and in the process cut the pouch from their neck. idk if it means all the elves here were working for Solas or just the brownhaired one or the brownhaired one & the blond one, but yea. definitely the brownhaired elf is I think.
Neve fighting was cool: staff-less magic and then as a mage using a dagger or shortsword.
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party combo-kill! ice spell + finishing blow - a comic depiction of Shattering :)
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Brown-haired elf missing his elven ear here.
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A cool panel. Also, you can't see his other hand..
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just really liked these two panels :) also, they missed their chance, they missed this chance, in this, a comic called The Missing... is that why it's called that?
[clenches fist] vowing to protect Neve and her good heart at all costs
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and he stole the crucious stone artifact from the Venatori.
I am not sure that I agree with the premise of this article that BioWare retweeted, that The Missing is required reading before DA:D. I enjoyed issues 2 & 3 a lot! I was hoping for a bit more from the end of issue 4, perhaps a small Solas appearance like at the end of Dark Fortress or just a bit more insight into his plans or things in/the setup for DA:D. finishing on the Dread Wolf mural from the DA:D TGA 2020 trailer as a reminder was neat but the highlight reveal from these comics as a whole was definitely the new mural depicted in issue 3.
"He knows us too well, we need to find/use people he doesn't know" is the same conclusion that was reached at the end of Trespasser (and Harding was present for that conversation). I guess the meta irl reasons for The Missing are: A] since it'll be almost 10 years irl between games, to refresh folks about that conclusion and the fact that it will be a new PC and why it has to be 'someone he doesn't know', since most new players to the franchise at DA:D aren't going to buy years old DA:I and DLC and play til it the end of Trespasser B] fill some irl time C] do some marketing/advertizing and D] highlight these four groups/factions and introduce the two new ones (Veil Jumpers and Shadow Dragons) in advance of DA:D, and possibly highlight these specific characters (Strife, Teia, Evka etc) the same way (though I speculate those characters are more like DA:D 'contact' cameos rather than that they will be companions themselves). Certainly if I was Varric at the moment when Harding asks "So who are you thinking?" at the end here, after the events I had experienced and people & groups I had met in recent weeks, with those being fresh in my mind, I would be thinking about the Grey Wardens, the Antivan Crows, the Veil Jumpers and the Shadow Dragons, both as groups and terms of the mental list of people that I had recently met who Solas doesn't know. again it makes you think about the popular speculation that the DA:D PC will have the background of being from one of these groups. also, those 4 groups aren't ones which were referenced in Tevinter Nights as keeping an eye on Solas/as Solas having some info on them in turn (unlike some other groups like the Mortalitasi, the Executors, the Ben-Hassrath etc).
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bxtxnx · 4 months
Hi luv!
Regarding a female with Virgo Rising, Scorpio sun 2h, Libra moon 1h, Cancer mars 10h, and Virgo Venus 12th house, what fashion or aesthetic would you think would look good on her? I'm so tired of Astro bloggers on here suggesting that I'd look best as a "clean girl" or just in neutrals. That being said, could you recommend something a little more sophisticated and sensual for me to wear?
If someone told me to dress in neutrals, I'll lose my mind, so I get you. I'm wearing a brown shirt today and you can bet that I'm not going to wear brown for the next few months. Once is enough for this first quarter of the year lol
Virgo is about simplicity, and even though I've also mentioned the word "clean" when it comes to Virgo's style, what I mean is clean designs without big logos or prints.
Virgo Venus and Scorpio Sun is a very interesting combination with which you can toe the line between being modest and being sensual or daring very well.
You will look great with clothes that show just a little bit of skin to spice things up, like an off-the-shoulder top that reveals just one of your shoulders, while it covers the other.
The business casual style will look magnificent on you, because it's not over the top, yet it's still sophisticated which matches Virgo and Scorpio perfectly.
As for sensual, you will never go wrong with a little black dress. Little black dress outfits will also work ideally on you, especially when you pair the dress with some dainty jewelry.
Aside from the neutrals (which are a Virgo staple, that can't be denied), you can also make use of some light blue shades, as well as some very dark shades like dark blue, dark purple and so on. When you pick a dark shade, the closer it is to black on the spectrum, the better. ☽
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kariokiipeaches · 1 year
After 5 months of building, my Killer cosplay is finally DONE!
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I give you - me!
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I Commissioned the hoodie from someone I’ve bought from before - a great seller on Etsy named Simakaihoodies.
I asked about potentially making a Killer hoodie some months after I purchased her Red (UnderFell Sans) hoodie and ended up wearing it nearly everyday for 4 months straight (seen below).
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I wanted to make it as close to canon Killer (owned by Rahafwabas) as a could, and she already had a great “faded blue” color cloth around from a previous Dust commission, so we went from there.
After that we went to what I’d like to see for a fur trim in a tan/cream-ish color, and upon not finding floof with the fibers as long as I’d like right away, nor the right shades, the hunt was on.
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Some weeks later she stumbled upon the perfect option and was quick to sew it up and send it out.
It was STUPID HARD to find white basketball draw-string shorts with a thick black line down the sides WITH NOTHING ELSE ON IT.
I wanted NO other colors, NO designs, NO trim, NO mesh-y type holes, NO piping, NO huge logo, NO fancy stitching.
White with black.
After a couple months I found em.
I ordered a pair of leather fingerless gloves, they didn’t fit, wrinkled awkwardly, so I tossed ‘em.
I went to the children’s section of the dollar store, bought a pack of knit gloves, and cut the tips off - perfect length!
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Finding the right-shade-of-blue high-top canvas Converse in my size was NEAR IMPOSSIBLE too.
Either it was too expensive in pristine condition (which I DIDNT want), or leather (which I don’t think he’d wear), or the wrong size (my size is popular apparently so everything instantly sold), or was a flat-out wrong shade of blue.
C’mon, Killer wouldn’t care if his shoes are clean or not… his shoes would be beat-the-fuck-out, so I needed WORN ones.
I didn’t want to deal with stiff canvas.
I was probably gonna leave the laces untied to drag on the ground, so I didn’t care if they were clean or not.
I didn’t care about stains or scuffs.
BUT! They HAD to nearly match the faded blue of the hoodie - the canon Rahafwabas art shows they’re a similar color. One CANT be too much darker or lighter than the other.
After a couple months of searching, I found someone who LOVED their Converse enough to actually USE them before selling, AND they were the right shade.
I got ‘em for $16!
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So Killers socks are slouchy, right?
All the Sanses socks are.
So I had to stretch mine out.
Apple juice bottle came in handy for that.
Incase you were wondering why that photo was in the collage up there, lol.
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Killers target-shaped SOUL is a fuckin tap-light with 8 layers of cellophane glued on it.
THAT BITCH stressed me the fuck out building.
I TRIED to commission someone to make one.
Messaged a TON of people on Etsy about it, but no one could or would (some people said they were too busy cuz it was the Christmas season).
So I decided I had to make it myself.
Only I had to find the right-shade-of-red cellophane.
And I couldn’t just buy a single large sheet like I wanted. Stores (even online) only sell a massive pack.
So I just hung-out til it was the first week of February and stole some squares out of a Valentines Day decoration.
Hey - it worked, right?
To get this shade of red.
Exacto Knives, acetone, 3 special kinds of glue, and HOURS of tracing circular objects in my home, and it’s as good as I could get it for a first attempt.
I lucked-out when it came to the brightness of the damn tap-light. I NEEDED the light to be visible enough to tell it was on even in daylight (cuz, DUH, Killers SOUL always glows; not just in the dark!).
Mystique @lady-of-disdain helped A LOT on deciding some things when I couldn’t figure out a best option on my own. Her Killer knowledge and tastes match my own, so when stumped I chatted her up - this would have taken longer without her input.
So THANKS MYS *waves*
So it’s done, right?!
I need it to fuckin’ snow so I can take some damn pics.
BUT IT SNOWED YESTERDAY!!! Well. For a little bit.
So here I/he am/is!
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It’s gonna snow again tomorrow, so I’m hooking up my camera remote to take better pictures - my tiny tripod with the camera timer was a fail, lol. That leaning pic came out way worse than anticipated, and that wrinkle-lump at the neck of the hood is really unbecoming in the chair photo. I’ll get some better ones this time and make a new post.
GO check out Simakaishoodies! Buy some Undertale! Buy some Delta Rune! Give her all the support and all your money!
And check out her Tumblr @simakai !!!
My next piece I commission will either be Mutt’s floor-length hoodie/duster from Fellswap (which is gonna be heavy as FUCK with all that fabric), or a Horror Sans hoodie (but I gotta find an effects-blood that won’t wash out, and study blood-spatter patterns and test ‘em out before I go and mark up any commissioned piece. Maybe I’ll use a real axe for the pattern to look legit, who knows).
In the meantime I’ll be work on completing Red’s outfit.
I still need a LOT for that guy, and finding the right-shade-of-yellow socks that will match the black shorts with yellow stripe, that’ll ALSO match the yellow in the hoodie is gonna be a headache.
Wish me luck!
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strwbrrybxn · 2 years
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just like clockwork ; word count: 2k
☞︎︎︎ pairing: rengoku kyojuro × fem!reader
☞︎︎︎ warnings: mentions of food, sanemi and tengen rat kyo out
☞︎︎︎ genre: fluff, pining, did I mention a sprinkle of angst?
☞︎︎︎ au: coffee shop, barista!kyojuro
characters: rengoku kyojuro, reader, uzui tengen, shinazugawa sanemi, mentions of mitsuri kanroji
a/n: for my fellow flame hashira lover @hashira-mal 🤍 I hope this is everything you dreamed it would be, sweetie
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“Iced latte, and a chocolate chip muffin for the lady!” His boisterous voice rang through the nearly empty coffee shop. 
His smile was soft and sweet, as it always was when you walked into his coffee shop. It was almost routine – you walked into the shop the same day, same time, and ordered the same thing. A creature of habit, you were. 
So it was no wonder that he sometimes always had it waiting for you when he saw you pass by the window to the front door. 
The Set Your Coffee Ablaze cafe– despite it’s name – was rarely ever busy, at least not whenever you stepped foot inside. It could have been because it was the middle of the work day, or maybe it was the day of the week, but you were thankful for the quiet. The owner, Kyojuro as his nametag said, rarely ever played music too loud. It was usually always jazz that lulled people to relax in their seats. It was intricately detailed, hues of orange, red and yellow decorated the wall with a fireplace while the rest of the cafe was cream colored, with black furniture. There carpets that stretch across half the floor, stopping just before the cash wrap where all the coffee and foods were handled. He had only a few employees, one girl with pink and green hair and another who – you’re almost positive – painted an intricate design on his left eye every morning. 
You have to admit, you were thankful for your coworker dragging you in here one day because he thought the owner was “so fucking hot.” You weren’t disappointed. He always wore a white button down and black slacks. The apron over it was white with flames on the bottom and the cafe’s logo on the front. How he never got it dirty, you’ll never know. The times you’ve passed by and seen the other man working, his apron was always filled with coffee stains. 
You smiled when you took your coffee, fingers brushing against his as a blush erupts on your cheeks.
“Long day?” You heard him ask. Strange. He never said anything before. He must be lonely. The other workers aren’t here today. They were almost never here on Tuesdays. 
You just nodded as you found a spot nearest the fireplace, far enough where your presence didn’t bother him, but close enough to where, if he spoke again, you could hear him. 
And he did. “Isn’t it too cold for a cold drink?” 
“If I drink hot coffee, it’ll just put me to sleep and I, unfortunately, have too much to do after work today.”
“And are you finished with work?” 
You nodded happily, leaning back in the seat and closing your eyes. It was nice and warm inside the cafe on this fine afternoon. 
“Has it been busy for you?” You asked. You popped open one eye, glancing at Kyojuro as he cleaned one of the tables. 
“Not too bad!” He beamed. “It’s usually busy in the mornings and then I have a relaxing afternoon until about 5:00 when people are leaving work and need coffee to drive home.” 
“Sounds very interesting.” 
“Not as interesting as you with your iced coffees in mid-November.”
“Hey!” You pouted, crossing your arms.
“Do you detest hot chocolate as well?” He grinned smugly. 
“I do not.” You tried so hard not to smile and giggle, but you failed when his own lips tugged into a brighter grin. “I enjoy hot coffee in the mornings and hot chocolate on snowy days.”
“Oh, so only hot coffee in the mornings?”
“Only my hot coffee in the mornings. I don’t trust other people to make my morning coffee.” 
Five minutes, Kyojuro thought as he put the finishing touches on your coffee. He grabbed the styrofoam to-go cup and stepped out of the cafe. Just like clockwork, he looked to the left and saw you strutting your way down the sidewalk, sunglasses on and jacket hugging your frame tightly. He couldn’t see your eyes but the way your steps faltered was evidence enough that you saw him. You looked down at your watch before stopping in front of him. 
“Is it as sweet as your iced coffee?” He asked genuinely. Maybe he could catch you before you head into work one day. You always did pass by the shop on your way in. Maybe he could prove that he could make your coffee even better than you could. Maybe he could see you more.
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“Kyojuro. What are you doing outside? You’re gonna catch a cold!” His heart melted. Even if it was just a little bit of worry, it made him feel so warm and fuzzy inside. 
“Ah, it’s okay. I’m just stepping out quickly.”
“Are you running somewhere?”
“No! I made this for you.” You tilted your head to the side, inspecting the cup before pulling your hands from your pockets and taking it from his much larger hand. It was so warm and smelled so nice. “Your morning coffee.” 
You inhaled the scent, sighing contently when the whiffs of caramel and sugar filled your nostrils. You caught the slight shiver in his body and used one of your hands to shove him back inside his cafe. 
“Go, go. I don’t want to be responsible for you getting sick. In.” The loud laugh that broke the silence of his cafe had your stomach doing somersaults. It was so pretty. 
Kyojuro’s plan to see you more often worked – well, a little bit. You were coming in twice a week now, two times a day. You still enjoyed having your coffee in the mornings to yourself, but you indulged yourself in his hot coffee twice a week. Admittedly, it was nice seeing him in the mornings to get your dose of optimism. How he was so boisterous at 8 in the morning, you’ll never know. You were barely awake at 12 in the afternoon. 
For a month you had trudged into his coffee shop on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, still half asleep as he told you about his night. 
“I’m hosting an event tomorrow night, would you be able to come?”
“What’s the event?” You sat against the wall, sipping the hot chocolate he had made for you this afternoon while he put up flyers around his shop.
“An open mic night? My friends suggested I do it for advertisement.” 
“You have friends?”
“Ha ha ha.” The sarcastic laugh came with a roll of his eyes. “You should be a comedian.” Kyojuro sputtered when you beamed up at him, his own cheeks tinting pink and he had to turn away to stop himself from staring. 
“I get off from work at 4, so I’ll come by to help you get ready, yeah?”
“No, you don’t have to–”
“Already decided on it!” You giggled, waving your hand as you were already at the door. “See you tomorrow, Kyo!”
Kyo. I like it. 
✏⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ✏⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ✏
Kyojuro’s friends were – to put it nicely – the complete opposite of him, save for one. 
Tengen – who was one of the workers in the shop, was the closest you could come to saying you could see them being friends for a long time. The angry man, the guy who looked lost, the girl with the pink and green hair – Mitsuri if you remembered correctly reading her name tag – and the man with the mismatched eyes (you forgot most of their names honestly; there were too many people in this place) were mysteries to you. Kyojuro had walked towards the small stage area you both had set up earlier in the day, talking to customers and helping anyone who wanted something from the bakery portion of his shop. 
“Oh so you’re the one Kyojuro talks about nonstop,” the white haired man spoke nonchalantly, coffee in his hand.
“Huh?” You spun around, eyebrows furled together.
“Yeah, he has probably the biggest crush on you and he doesn’t shut up about the customer who comes in twice a week for coffee.” The one with scars rolled his eyes. “It’s about fucking time, honestly.” 
You looked at Kyojuro from across the room, the bubbly aura radiating off of him. It wasn’t too crowded in the shop, but with your newly acquired information, you felt suffocated. Kyojuro feeling the same way as you was something you never expected. He was perfect – sweet, charming, muscular, a whole catch. A catch you never expected to jump into your lap. 
You heard him say your name, closer to you now. 
“Is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” His hand rested on your shoulder and you shuddered slightly. 
“Y-yeah, I’m okay.” You could barely hear yourself think, let alone the band as it started playing. 
The rest of the night went by as a blur. You only remembered saying goodbye to his friends and the sudden awareness that you two were alone in his coffee shop. 
“Would you like some hot chocolate?” You both shook off the snow as you stepped back inside from taking the trash out. Part of you wanted to make an excuse that you had to leave, but another part of you wanted to confront Kyojuro. 
He was quick to put his aporn back on, making the hot chocolate and getting some pastries on a plate before setting them onto a table. The yellow and red locks were thrown in every direction from his winter hat and you reached forward to pat them down. His eyebrows scrunched together.
“Oh, sorry. It looked messy.” His face was so close to yours, your hands falling against the apron. Kyojuro prayed you couldn’t feel his heart beating as erratically as he could. 
“It’s okay.” He spoke quietly, afraid his words would come out cracked if he used his normal voice. 
“I don’t think I’ve heard you speak so quietly before.” You smiled, and he let out the breath he was holding in, grinning as well.
“I work in a coffee shop, I have to be loud.” 
“True –” the whistle of the pot heating up the water sounded throughout the closed shop, jolting Kyojuro back. You fanned your cheeks, chewing on your bottom lip as you tried to figure out how to confront him. 
“You know, you’re going to split it open if you do that.” He placed the mugs down, sitting and eating one of the pastries in front of you. 
“It’s a habit I have to unlearn.” You eyed his clean apron, leaning your elbow on the table, chin in your palm. “Kyo?”
“Do you like me?” He choked on the muffin, leaning over to the side and coughing between his knees. Your hand patted his back, suppressing a laugh at having caught him off guard. 
“Drink some water before you speak!” You rummaged through your bag and shoved the bottle into his hands. Shaking his head, he did as he was told before looking at you. 
“What did you ask me?”
“I asked if you liked me.” He knew exactly who could have told you about it. He shouldn’t have left you alone with Tengen.
“I just– yeah. Yes, I like you.”
“Is that why you started making me coffee in the mornings? To see me more?”
“It worked–”
“It did.” 
Your incisor punctured your lip, chewing at the flesh. 
“I don’t mean to make things awkward between us. I just – you’re very pretty and the moment I saw you step foot into my coffee shop, I couldn’t– I mean–” You placed your hand over his, giving it a squeeze. 
“Kyo, do you know why I come here on my day off?”
“Your day off?” You realized what situation you put yourself in. You had been coming in on your day off at the same time as your usual shift time. 
“I mean–” He grinned, interlocking your fingers together. “I may like seeing you on my day off and mayhaps want to see you more than twice a week.” 
“That can be arranged.”
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So around the same time last year i made designs for my sides and i recently redid them with how i feel they'd be today, i really don't like the old designs but if you had asked me then and even now why they're like that i could give you an explanation of why i gave them an element, but that doesn't mean they were the best designs, mainly due to them not being clear to read or just having elements that don't serve them
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Creativity is probably a more inaccurate one, i can see why i liked them being a magical girl but i don't watch those types of anime so it's just not accurate to what my creativity would probably look like, their hair reminds me of old jojo siwa even though i didn't intend it, the hair is messy but it would make more sense for them to have really clean hair, also the rose in the earrings and the rose in the logo seems somehow tacky even though i only have two. Also I'd never wear i corset, i think i did that to break up the pink which i do like but a belt could probably do the same
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Morality was gonna be more of a teen character, i feel like they would definitely show selfishness a good bit and have lower empathy but not no empathy, they look sleep deprived, honestly i could probably guess this was a design of anxiety, their glasses aren't something I'm a fan of i think they're creating tangents, the logo was meant to represent them growing and them developing their morals better, he probably had the most change in design aside from logic
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So the logo stayed the same, that's about it. I hid their eyes behind their glasses because it makes them look out of it and it's harder to read their emotions, actually I'm giving more of them glasses now because i wear glasses, i did back then as well, i don't know why only morality had them. But anyways my main problem with old logic is that there's too much black without anything to break up the black or even just different shades of black, yellow being on the skates adds too much emphasis on an unimportant part of the design especially since it's the biggest and one of the few bits with yellow, the roller skates were supposed to be because thoughts can race, but i feel mine wonder more than race so i gave them business shoes, now i feel you can actually tell they're logic
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Now here's emotions formerly known as anxiety. they're actually pretty similar in design except i gave more shape to there hoodie in this design because it gives them a good silhouette, and since they don't just represent anxiety I gave them a more happy logo and brighter colors and things that make me happy, i removed the patterns because i felt they were kinda pointless and might be too much with all the other changes, felt the shoes and pants changing made them look more childish, i feel it's only reasonable one of them looks childish
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boliv-jenta · 10 months
Me after reading the "And It Just Keeps Getting Better" set up: 👁️👄👁️
That motel is hopping!
But what about that poor housekeeper who gets pulled into all kinds of situations and positions by the boys?
There's probably a whole team of housekeepers to keep that place properly clean and sanitary. The boys eye the team occasionally, but a stern look from the housekeeping manager keeps them in line. They might give her calf eyes and sigh after her when she leaves.
Anyway, this sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with. 🩷
Sadly, this is why Max had to fire the housekeeping staff. Some people (Oberyn, Dieter) couldn't be trusted to not give out freebies. Max wouldn't have minded if the cleaning company weren't billing him for the hours that they spent making more of a mess!
They clean their own rooms (and toys, the ice machines on both floors were replaced by dishwashers for convenience). Communal areas have a rota overseen by the Pike and Moreno.
They have a very handy handy man who puts his contactor skills to good use.
They do have someone who washes their laundry. A young man who got into a little trouble with the occult scene. Thankfully, he was busted for possession before he did anything too bad. He now works off some of his court mandated community service scrubbing questionable stains out of their sheets.
Many of the boys take on additional roles around the place in exchange for Max giving them shares in the business. Dieter designed the branding logos. Din provides security. Frankie covers the logistics, no one wants their ice cream melting in a traffic jam on the driver way while the lube shipment is being unloaded. Javi G organised the best monthy parties for loyal customers. Javi P makes sure no one gets out of line during those parties, when he's not throwing back whiskeys himself. Speaking of Whiskey, he's made a great side line of keeping animals out back. Weirdly enough, drunk, horny adults love a petting zoo, and the horses come in handy for role play. The 'save a horse, ride a cowboy' scenario is very popular.
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debbeh · 8 months
Sigh... I made a list:
(there are 63 points so you've been warned)
Tragic backstory
Pretended to be a librarian (Bernard, The Negatus Redemption)
Went to Prison (and had minion(s) try to break him out)
Big robots
EXACT SAME HELMET (see kickball scene in Megamind)
Both cannonically good at kickball
[had] swarm of flying minions (with one stereotipical female one)
Teams up with female protagonist who is way more confident than he is and who he sorta has a crush on. Debby and Roxanne are utterly the same person.
Pretends to be other person to trick Debby/Roxanne and HAS to throw in how strong/attractive he is
Both have kind of a Christmas special
Both got memes (Wakkus Bonkus- yes that counts- and no bitches?)
Both have an iconic makeup look (lots of eyeliner or lots of lipstick) (and I love them for it)
Will Ferrell and Simon Farnaby look wicked similar...
Also similar first half of name... coincedince?
Don't know how to way certain words/phrases ("Ollo" and "Prawns in my game" for example)
Unethically sourced leather
Design their own logos and make graphs/presentations
Just a lil dorky guy <3
Blue people
Doofenshmirtz level sucess (0)
Can't read
Weird tiny goatee
Desperately optemistic
Probably same Romania outlet
Feet scene?
Probably not from Earth/Yonderland
Transitions (castle to onion/screaming to crowd)
Kidnaps female protagonist
Uses sci-fi skype (argument w/metroman, argument w/Imperatrix)
Surprised when plan actually works
Minions keep accidentally defending other side
Sets up base in fancy cement building (or what one may call a town hall)
Likes hoarding silly gadgets and teddy bear
Doesn’t know what a window is
“If my parents could see me know"
Graffiti's things
Props that anyone can own (I actually have Megamind’s lamp and the birdhouse from the Thanktival special)- not to brag or anything...
Chalkboard diagrams
“I got a bad idea about this”
Michael Jackson reference
Bad good good bad confusion
Secret hideout with unguarded back door
Hug/kiss from main female character makes him rethink his ways
Actually cares about city/realm (doesn’t want to die)
Superhero from rich family finds skill in another line of business (Metroman/The Bird)
“Power vacuum” when Metroman/imperatrix is gone
Fem protagonist tied up and held hostage by guy with goofy hair (Titan/Cuddly Dick)
Plot important tower building
Entire movie is the Dirty Ernie episode
Police car noises literally just remind me of DI Bones (Again, Horrible Histories but still)
Prison dance scene
End with recall to past/time travel
Not used to positive feedback
Cleaning lady outfit and perm
White haired alter ego (Santa/Space dad)
Accidentally makes villains worse than himself
“Say goodbye to your lovelife” “The gad guy doesn’t get the girl”
Female protagonist figures out his entire plan immediately
EXACT same diction
Gets big fancy battle suit that ends up not working but looking cool I guess
Has to be good when good guy goes bad
Real villains way more hard core than him
“Under new management” (Titan/Cuddly Dick both basically say this)
Mkay, thanks for reading! G'night
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liminalpebble · 9 months
Mornin' Eddie! So y'all made the Hellfire Club shirts right? Did the school give finding for that? Also who designed the logo?
Hey, Sweetheart!
Thanks for talking with me again. Peb's been grumpy and kind of quiet since I almost set her kitchen on fire, and probably also because now she can't smell or taste anything.
Understandable, honestly. She said it's okay though, and that she appreciates the doting and that I'm a great friend, but she's gonna go lie down for awhile before she kills her loveable but maddening bestie.
Anyway. Yeah! We made the shirts ourselves! Aren't they metal? I drew the design myself, but then Wheeler and Dustin had to spruce it up and clean up the lines for silk-screening. We kind of made a mess of the art room the first time, but we're getting it down to a science.
Phhhff, of course the school didn't give us a cent. They were too busy pouring money into that stupid balls in laundry baskets game. But Eddie the Freak is resourceful, honey. They have their fundraisers selling candy bars, I have my one-man fundraiser selling...well...not candy bars.
But uh, don't say too much about it around the little shrimps. They're geniuses and all, but they're pretty naive about the wider world ol' cynical Eddie lives in. So...I don't know what they know, but they don't ask. I think I wanna keep it that way for awhile, you know? Let 'em stay kids as long as they can. I didn't get to, and it's a fragile thing, that kind of innocence.
One day you're just hanging out by the fireplace of your hobbit hole, the next, the shire is burning.
Ha...um...sorry. Little bit of a tangent there. *stares deeply into your eyes, and smiles goofily* Uh...anyway. If you ever need...um...not candy bars, let me know. I'll be sure to give you a cool girl discount. Cool, and nice, and really pretty hair....uh. sorry. Actually maybe we should also have actual candy bars, too. I mean we're gonna get hungry. What's your favorite candy bar?
Eddie 😈
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