#Climon friendship
tscclace · 5 months
I love Simon and Clary's friendship
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Clary & Simon | She's my best friend Thank you, Blue Rook, for ripping my heart in half with this amazing video. The friendship between these two is so underrated and I love the way you honored it.
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darth-rainbow · 5 years
Basically, I have a fanfic going on called 'The Traveler' and it follows Lucie, my main character through the multiverse. At this point, Lucie and Clary have been hiding in Narnia. The rest of the Shadowhunters crew finds them and basically, so does Jonathan & Leith (Lucie's brother, a well trained hunter) and they slaugher them. Do you guys mind reading and giving me some feedback?
WARNING : It's pretty gorey and blood filed.
ps : wooden mallets are because Lucie & Clary were playing croquet before they rejoined with the rest of the gang.
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"Can you please stop pacing? It's frustrating me." Alec told his parabatai. Jace rolled his eyes but halted his steps, standing arms crossed next to Isabelle. The female was chewing on her nails, apprehension growing in her eyes. She had no idea of when that Clary had been taken from reality. But it was still Clary, her Clary. And knowing that she was safe, would be enough. It had to. Magnus fondly glanced towards his seemingly exasperated lover. Bringing a hand to Alec's face, he gently ran a thumb along the male's cheek. "Thank you." Alec said softly, mustering an exhausted smile. Magnus gave a silent nod, before pressing his lips against Alec's in a short kiss.
Wooden mallets in hand, Lucie and Clary entered the vast castle hall. The redhead instantaneously recognized her friends standing at the center and dropped the possible weapon, rushing into Simon's open arms. Clary tightened her grip around the male's neck as she felt Simon shake a little, recognizing the muffled pants against her neck. He was crying. "Hey, hey, it's okay Si. I swear, I'm okay." The redhead promised, glancing with confusion towards the rest of the group. Clary nodded when Isabelle mouthed the word 'later', holding her best friend just a little tighter.
Lucie stood a couple of meters back, a perplexed expression on her features. The female recognized none of these people, and she knew she wasn't supposed to, since she hadn't met them yet. But there was something disappointing in not being able to recognize a single face. Tightening her grip around her wooden mallet, she watched as the blond took a couple of steps towards her. "You're alive." He said, looking so relieved.
"Huh, yeah." The female replied, uncertainty coloring her voice.
The blond smiled, letting out a breath that visibly moved his chest. It was as if an invisible weight had been removed from it. "You're alive." He repeated, bringing a hand to Lucie's cheek.
"Jace, don't..." Too late. Out of reflex, the Traveler grabbed his wrist and twisted it, forcibly removing his hand. Clary sighed, untangling herself from Simon completely to face the blond. "She's from the past." The redhead finished, belatedly. "A past in which she hasn't met us yet. She's not even a Traveler." The blond rose his eyebrows at the information, eyes flickering from Clary to Lucie. Narrowing them, he took the time to examine the female's features. He saw the subtle shift, the greater roundness of her cheeks, and the missing spark in her gaze.
Lucie blinked at the visibly wounded expression on the male's face, her features loosing the animosity. "I'm sorry." She said softly, letting go of the male's wrist as if she'd been burnt. "Just don't..." She shook her head. "Don't do that."
After a beat, the blond nodded. "I won't." Jace's lips parted as he heaved a soft sigh, taking a couple of steps back. "You're from the," he wet his bottom lip. "the past." He finished, in a whisper. "Okay. I can, I, it's fine." He nodded a few times. The blond cleared his throat, visibly embarrassed. "Sorry. I, I didn't knew."
Lucie pressed her lips together, as she clutched the mallet with the both of her hands, protectively holding it against her chest. "It's fine." She repeated, before swallowing thickly.
Jace furrowed his brows. "No. It's not. It made you visibly uncomfortable. That's not fine. I'm truly sorry for invading your space. It's just that my Lucie, I mean, the one I knew, she—"
"You had a different bond. I get it." The Traveler said. "If anything, I'm sorry for you. But I'm just not your, Lucie."
Jace nodded. "Thank you for being so understanding." The female shrugged as a reply and the blond sighed, turning to face his brother. Alec instinctively grew closer to his parabatai, gently putting a hand on Jace's shoulder. The taller male nodded and the two exhaled in synch. This was fine. A minor set back. Jace could deal with it.
Clary and Isabelle observed one another, uncertainty mirrored in the gazes they exchanged. "Iz, I..." The redhead swallowed thickly, reducing the distance between her and the brunette.
Isabelle's gradually gently curled up, eyes filling with tears. "I thought," she breathed through her nose, trying to stop herself from actually crying. "I thought I'd lost you." She breathed out, as the first tears started to roll down. "I thought I'd never see you again." Clary shook her head, taking ahold of Izzy's hands and gently squeezing them. "Please," The shadowhunter looked down at their hands. "don't interrupt me. I need to say it. I know, you're not," She looked up, smiling. "you're not exactly the Clary I lost. But you're still my Clary, right?" She asked, letting out a short chuckle when the redhead nodded at the words. "I love you Clary. I truly do." She admitted, before squeezing her eyes shut.
Clary slid her fingers between Isabelle's, intertwining them. "Iz," She whispered out, lovingly. "look at me. Please." The brunette let out a long breath before obeying, her eyes meeting with Clary's. "I love you too." She replied. "I've probably loved you since you said 'You have me. And that's not gonna change.' I think." The redhead let out a short laugh. "I wasn't lying at the Seelie Court." Isabelle let out a breath she didn't knew she was holding, smiling at the female.
"Does anyone get a little bit of a gay vibe?" Simon interrupted, earning himself a chuckle from Clary. "Sorry, I had too." The redhead scrunched her nose, fondly shaking her head for a second. "The occasion was too great." Simon went on, seeing the glare Alec shot his way.
The two females focused back on each other. Tentatively, Clary reached out for Isabelle. Cradling the brunette's face in her hands, she wiped away the traces of tears left her cheeks. Isabelle stood, eyes wide and full of vulnerability as the redhead gently ran her thumbs on her cheeks. Clary leant in, smiling when Isabelle gave a short nod and met her halfway. Their first kiss was tentative, a way to translate both fondness and longing. There was no regret in there, no haste. The two had enjoyed their friendship. This made sense. This was the next step. And they'd gotten there very organically.
"I am deeply, deeply touched. Moved beyond measures, really." A male voice interrupted, seemingly coming from nowhere. Lucie stilled as she recognized it, drawing in a loud breath.
"I, personally am disgusted." Another male voice said. This one familiar to everybody in the room. "How could you, sister?" The voice asked, seemingly coming from closer.
Isabelle protectively stood in front of Clary, lifting up her seraph blade. "Magnus?" She called, hoping he'd have a solution to make their opponents visible again.
With a swift kick, Lucie sent the wooden mallet towards Clary feet. The Traveler's stance shifted as she anchored her feet to the ground, protectively holding an arm in front of her as she kept her weapon raised.
"You truly think that little toy of yours will be able to stop me, sister?" Lucie snarled at the voice, wildly swinging the mallet in front of her. He sounded so close, so uncomfortably close.
"You think you could stop us at all?" Jonathan asked, a whisper in Jace's ear. The blond flung his elbow backwards, to be met with nothing but a pleased chuckle having distanced itself.
Eyes shut as power seemed to flow through his ignited hands, the warlock was channeling his powers to create a growing sphere of energy. Being a warlock and not a seelie, the communion with elements, especially when it came to the generation of matter that wasn't there was difficult. But he was, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and soon enough, the blue sphere was elevating itself in the air. Magnus reopened his eyes, the feline part of him in full display as his yellow orbs glowed. With a flick of the wrist, the warlock made the sphere explode, dousing everybody in water. With more ease, he then generated a yellow orb that grew as it elevated itself towards the ceiling, smiling, the warlock made it explode by  lowering his hand towards the ground, covering everyone in the room with sand. "I couldn't think of a visibility spell, I don't know egyptian magic enough." He admitted, panting slightly.
Alec grinned at his boyfriend. "You're a genius, Mags." He told him, before his eyes trailed ahead, searching for masses with no body. "Jace!" He called, nocking an arrow. "Duck." He told the blood, before shooting. Sadly, the arrow went through nothingness, both Jace and their invisible opponent getting out of the way. Isabelle and Clary stood back to back, matching determined expression on their features as they awaited to be attacked. Using his enhanced speed, Simon lunged at one of their opponents, wrapping his arms around them. His teeth sank into what he hoped was a neck to be met with a burning sensation. The male withdrew as soon as possible, spitting out the black, viscous liquid.
"What? Can't handle a little ichor, Downworlder?" Jonathan asked, watching the vampire crouch forward as the acidic blood burnt his lower lip. "It's in your veins now." He pointed on, as Simon fell onto his knees. The male raised his sword, planning to cut off Simon's head when an arrow lodged itself into his wrist. Hurling in pain, Jonathan dropped the blade to pull it out. Working in tandem with his boyfriend, Magnus sent a blast of red magic in the direction of their opponent, sending him flying backwards.
Meanwhile, Lucie was struggling with her own brother. While she was able to distinguish a vague shape thanks to the sand clinging onto him, she couldn't actually see his weapon. Whomever had cloaked the two, had done a pretty darn good job. A hand grabbed her wrist as she flung the wooden mallet forward towards the level of his head. Jace saw an opening, moving forwards to stab the male's side with his blade, but Leith dragged Lucie to him, pivoting his body to face Jace in a swift movement. He watched as horror wrote itself on the blond's features while his blade sank in the female's stomach. The hunter pushed Lucie forwards with an amused chuckle, shoving her into Jace's arms.
"Magnus!" Jace called, catching the Traveler.
"I'm fine." Lucie hissed, applying pressure on her wound. "Finish him." She let out through gritted teeth.
Jace shook his head. "I've already lost you once." He weakly argued, his gaze gaining a certain glaze.
"You don't know me." The female replied, disbelieving. Her lips remained parted, short pants coming out. Jace bit his upper lip at the word, holding onto her still. The female furrowed her brows, wondering what could possibly make her worth any sacrifice? She'd handled much worse pain in her life. Had fought through much worse pain. But there he was, holding her as if she was fragile, as if she was worth protecting. Tears welled in the female's eyes as gently pushed him away. Lucie sucked in a sharp breath, forcing herself to stand tall. "I'm fine." She repeated.
Clary had rushed to her best friend, gathering Simon's head and gently holding it as she brought her wrist to his lips. "Simon, please..." She whispered, ignoring the burning sensation of ichor on her own skin.
The vampire weakly shook his head. "Protect you. M'fine." He spoke, struggling as the demon blood burnt in him. Tears welled in the redhead's eyes as she pressed her wrist harder, sensing fangs coming out. "No—" Simon's plea was cut short by Clary thrusting her wrist into his mouth, letting out a sigh of relief as teeth sank in. Izzy was hovering over the two in a protective stance, unfurled whip in a hand and seraph in the other. Alec carefully retreated to stand beside his sister as Magnus threw blasts of red energy towards an ever elusive target.
Forgotten to the group, was a certain Shadowhunter, infused with demon blood prior to his birth. After entirely pulling out the arrow out of his arm, Jonathan applied an iratze and forced himself back onto his feet. The male ran to the wooden mallet forgotten by Clary, dodging the arrows sent his way by a particularly skilled Alec. But the Morgenstern son was just as deft when it came to weapons, and with a well-aimed throw, he managed to hit Magnus in the head, temporarily distracting the archer who yelled his partner's name, and ran to him, in order to protect him against any assault of Lucie's brother. Isabelle saw an opportunity, her whip easily wrapping around Jonathan's. The male chuckled, wrapping his two hands around it and tugged the brunette to him. "When will you learn?" He asked, disbelieving and a little amused as he kept dragging her closer, barely affected by the burning sensation on his skin. The female let go of the weapon, laying face first onto the ground, a couple of feet away from him. Unsheathing a dagger, Jonathan chuckled, grabbing the female's hair and harshly tugging. "I wish you could see me, I would I could be the last thing you see before you depart for the after life." He chuckled. "But I guess there's no room for sentiment today." He finished, sinking the blade into the female's throat.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Clary screamed, planning to lung at the male. Simon held her back, firmly wrapping his arms around her as tears formed in the both of them's eyes.
Alec turned at the gut wrenching cry, facing away from his opponent. Just the second Leith needed to sank his blade into the male's back and harshly tug it out. The eldest Lightwood fell onto his knees as blood stared to trickle down his chin and fill his lungs. Tears welled into Alec's eyes as his body fell sideways, next go Magnus' unconscious form.
The air was knocked out of Jace's lungs as the blond faltered, the strength of the pain hitting much harder than he would've anticipated. Tears welled in the blond's eyes as the realization hit him : His parabatai, his brother, was dying. Confused, Lucie kneeled in front of him, forcing herself to him straight even if it meant releasing the pressure on her own wound. Cupping the blond's face with her hands, the female frowned, unexpected tremors moving her chin. "How, how can I help?" She asked. Jace shook his head as tears rolled down his cheeks. Because there was nothing she could do. The blond squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the parabatai rune fade away, taking with it Alec's last breath.
Seeing the shape that moved closer to the two, Simon vamp sped between Jace and Leith, not caring about the blade that sank in his stomach as his fangs pierce skin. Mundane blood, he noticed as a sort of hazy afterthought, as he felt the male go lax into his grip. Simon forced himself to keep drinking, with the intent to drain, with the intent to kill. Despite the blade lodged in him.
Clary had picked up Jonathan's own seraph blade, anger darkening her gaze as a determined snarled settled on her features. "Show yourself." She said.
"I would, if I could. But it's not my magic." The male explained. "It'll make things easier this way. For both of us, sister." He spoke, lunging at Clary with a dagger for sole weapon.
Leith's body soundlessly hit the ground, becoming visible again now that death had claimed him. Tears rolled down Lucie's cheeks as she glanced past Jace's shoulders. Pressing her lips together as Simon turned to face them, she saw the blade lodged there. She saw the despair of the male as his eye shot to Clary. The redhead seemed to be holding her own, anger fueled and driven, but how long would it last? Inhaling deeply, Lucie glanced down at Jace. "I'll buy you time." She said, before wiping away a tear that had rolled down the blond's cheek. "But you have to win." The female finished, before standing up. She marched to Simon, pulling out the blade in his chest and letting it clatter at her feet. "She'll need you. The both of you." She spoke, exposing her neck. "Don't bother fighting it. I'm already bleeding. I'm dead weight." Simon shot a final glance at Clary, seeing the female push forward against a much shorter blade, teeth gritted due to the strain and sank his teeth in Lucie's neck.
Upon hearing the redhead moan in pain, Jace was forced out of his transe, eyes glowing golden. Nostrils flared and teeth gritted, the blond picked up the blade a few feet away and leaped to Clary and Jonathan, every rune on his body possessing a match glow.
Simon gently laid Lucie's body on the floor, nodding as she mouthed 'win', a tired smile on her features. He glanced towards Clary, to see that the female had a cut on her cheek and another, seemingly deeper on her neck. Meanwhile, Jace and Jonathan were fighting each other, matching determination in their belligerent gazes. But Jace was still weakened by the loss of his family, and despite having a much shorter blade, Jonathan seemed to be doing a lot more damage. Simon vamp sped to the two, once again sinking his fangs in their opponent's neck, but with every intent to drain a lot more this time. So Simon kept going, despite the burning sensation filling his veins and sneaking under his skin. Simon kept going until Jace buried the blade he was wielding into the man's chest. He then let go, falling onto his knees as he started to vomit dark ichor, tears of the little good blood left in his rolling down his cheeks. The acidic venom seemed to be spreading everywhere, despite his best attempts to regurgitate it, and soon Simon was crying tears of ichor, the liquid asphyxiating him into he passed out.
Clary glanced around the room, pressing a hand against her mouth as she sobbed. "It's..." She struggled to take in a breath. "It's all my fault..." The female shook her head. "It's all my fault. They're all, they're—" She choked out on sobs. Tears freely rolling down his cheeks, Jace slowly marched towards the female.
A detail neglected by the blond, was that the invisibility spell placed on Jonathan hadn't been lifted, like it had been for Leith upon his death. The male had risen to his feet, and before Jace could actually embrace Clary, his head was neatly chopped off, stains of the blood spattering the redhead's face. "I'm truly sorry, sister." Jonathan spoke, seeing the look of utter horror on the female's face as Jace's body fell to the ground. Letting out a soft, satisfied chuckle, Jonathan crossed over it to stand in front of her. He reached out for Clary's face, running his thumb along her cheek. "But you'll be my princess soon." He whispered, to an unmoving Clary, tears freely rolling down her cheeks, the sheer shock paralyzing her. "I promise." He added, sinking the blade in her ribcage. The male's eyes fell shut as he let go of her cheek, watching the exhausted female not even bother to fight for life. "Ave, Atque, Vale." He spoke, tears rolling down.
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malecftmaxrafe · 3 years
"No. Absolutely not."
"Simon," she said. "It’s a perfectly fine plan."
"The plan where you follow Jace and Sebastian off to some unknown dimensional pocket and we use these rings to communicate so those of us over here in the regular dimension of Earth can track you down? That plan?"
"No," he said. "No, it isn’t."
Clary sat back. "You don’t just get to say no."
"This plan involves me! I get to say no! No."
Simon patted the seat beside him as if someone were sitting there. "Let me introduce you to my good friend No."
—City of Lost Souls, The Mortal Instruments 5.
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the amount of people who don't get the depth of simon and clary's the parabatai bond throws me off tbh. i get that some people don't like it because our first introduction to their dynamic was the unrequited love trope but to think that there's someone else out there that could be clary or simon's parabatai that not each other is so ?? when have any of their relationship with other characters made you feel like it was on a parabatai-level? clary and izzy certainly were not parabatai material, not even close, and as much as i love simon and george, neither were they. clary and simon are one of the most parabatai-ish duos out there, especially for the fact they've been living by the oath before swearing on it. entreat me not to leave thee / for whither thou goest, i will go / where thou lodgest, i will lodge ??? simon and clary have been each other's family since they were six, to the point were their own blood family would refer and treat them as such. everything that happened with simon in tmi was because he went with clary to wherever she went and didn't leave. the pain clary felt when she came back from edom and realized simon was truly gone and how she felt a part of her had died is literally how it feels to lose part of your soul. their parabataism is overlooked because the oath doesn't take place on a main book and we don't see much from them as a parabatai duo (also, cc should be blamed for barely showing them as parabatai on the few scenes they shared in tda), but the context and the evidences are in the books. i have my complains about how climon was written and how they were downplayed in favor of the romantic, end-game couples, but everything pointed to them being parabatai and it makes sense.
TL;DR: climon are the second best parabatai duo in tsc and could probably beat heronstairs if 1) we weren't all emo bitches who like crying over heronstairs and 2) we had see more of them working as parabatai.
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tessajem · 3 years
sometimes i think about the fact that when the demon made her hallucinate what made clary realize that it wasn’t real and good was the fact that simon wasn’t there
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silenceofheaven · 6 years
What i really don't understand is the obsession of m*lec shippers about others opinions. 'I want to see alec say something about m*lec not because I'm worried for the ship, but because I want j*lecs to shut up once and for all' or 'I don't understand how someone don't ship m*lec and blah blah blah'. Why do you care about them? I mean that's looks exactly like you worried about your ship. And this is really weird to me. Your ship is endgame. That's not The Vampire Diaries situation with the love triangle and shit. On Shadowhunters Alec and Magnus will be together till the very end. There is no intrigue about it. So why do you so hate the fact that people like different things? Well, they ship the thing that will never became a canon - leave them alone already. You're majority, they're not a treat to your ship. Writers won't decide suddenly "Oh, a tiny part of the fandom is shipping this thing, I will make it a canon then." Such a thing will never happend on this show. Just relax and enjoy your ship. And remember:
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a-mess-for-malec · 7 years
Simon: Be the bigger person.
Clary: No? I’m 5’1 and bitter. You be the bigger person.
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enkelimagnus · 7 years
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Clary Fray & Simon Lewis Friendship Moodboard for @bookgirl14
If you want your own, ask here! Make sure to check the guidelines
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certainwitchobject · 7 years
remember when Matt “Clary is not making it easy for Alec to get along with her” Daddario was confused as hell when Kat said that Clary and Alec’s friendship is one of her favorites lmfao like??? they’re not friends??? 
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maia-roberts · 7 years
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Shadowhunters texts 9/?
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tscclace · 2 years
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cordyherondale · 7 years
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Clary Fray & Simon Lewis aesthetics:
“Clary”, he said. “You’re Clary. You’re my best friend”
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bluieeeee · 7 years
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Simon Lewis and Clary Fray
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elaine-spades · 7 years
You know how fanfic sites is one of the few places that ALL fandoms are safe? Well the fucking clalecs are attacking fanfics now and their comments include: -Tentacle porn -Making fun of the Pulse shooting -Blatant homophobia -Stalking other people's accounts -Clalec smut (on fics that are rated for all ages) -Racism -Spreading rumors that anti clalec people are actually clalec -Ableism (making fun of mental disorders and drug addiction) -pretending to be anti clalec users and then saying homophobic shit These people are fucking disgusting and deserve all the shit they get
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What do you think about clary?
hated her in tmi, im aware some people share this opinion and idk how they justify their dislike, but my biggest problem with her has always been the way she treated simon (especially in the first book). she easily forgot about him - more than once - because/for jace. that always left a sour taste in my mouth (since i’m a simon stan, a jace hater and a sucker for good friendships). i started liking her in the last book when she broke down at the realization she was losing simon ngl. she was considerably more enjoyable in tftsa and tda. climon is probably my favorite parabatai duo atm, so as long as i ignore tmi (what i usually do) i like her.
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