#Cody would look so good in that green one
lightasthesun · 9 months
okay okay but Cody in one of these shirts after the republic won the war (no order 66) and when Obi-Wan sees him again for the first time after Cody got his new wardrobe he's all flustered and says:
“you wear fine things well, Cody” :''*
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enwoso · 25 days
A cute blurb of Lovie having the best time playing dolly’s with all the new youngsters on the team (Katie, Viv, Freya, Michelle) and having the best time
NEW FRIENDS — alessia russo x child!reader
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grumpy masterlist
it was pre-season and the team had been spending an evening together. a lot of the girls playing some sort of card game. it sometimes getting quite competitive at times.
but alessia was getting wary, you had been quite for a while. which wasn’t always a good sign as sometimes that would mean you were up to no good. not always but it was usually a good indication.
“had anyone seen lovie?” alessia asked as the round of cards had just finished the girls shaking their heads as the cards were thrown onto the table to be reshuffled before the next game.
“actually i seen her, she was dragging freya along to play whatever she was playing” lia said as she placed her cards back on the table. remembering seeing you pull freya and a couple of the young gunners along.
“oh good god knows what she’s doing then” alessia sighed as she began to stand up from her seat next to codi, “i’ll quickly go and check on her!”
alessia followed the hushed sound of your talking along with the voices of the young grooners voice and as she turned the corner she doesn’t know what she expected you to have roped the young girls into doing but you siting and playing dolly’s with the girls was definitely not top of the list.
she stood at the doorway and watched as you had a full story line going on with the young gunners; freya, viv, katie and michelle all with doll in their hand as they played along with your little imagination.
alessia soon clicked that the storyline you had was of that the dolls were the arsenal girls just with different names. a smile couldn’t help but creep on your mummy’s face before alessia fake coughed to make her presence known to the small group of girls.
“hi mummy!” you beamed as a small hello came from the young gunners too.
“i see you’ve made some new friends!” alessia raised an eyebrow as you nodded. alessia knew she was being a little exaggerate with that, of course you knew of the young gunners the group of them having been on the team that traveled to australia and they’d been in and around the first team for the past season, so of course you knew them.
this was just the first time she had seen any of them properly sitting down and interacting with you instead of a usual hello or little wave every time they seen you in and around the team.
“yes! we playing a game” you explained the game and just like alessia thought, you were playing your own little version of arsenal but with different names.
“this is you less!” viv held up a blonde barbie, “but her name is alyssa. tiny’s idea, all the names were” viv carried on as alessia laughed at the name choice.
“let’s hear them then!”
“this is leanne and you can probably guess who this is by the frown!” katie joked as she held up a barbie again with blonde hair and a bob with two longer bits at the front, one basically identical to leah’s.
another giggle came from alessia as she listened to each explanation, “i love it!”
“this is kacey and she’s loves yellow cards and just the colour yellow in general!” michelle laughed as she held up a brunette barbie dressed all in the colour yellow with a bit of green.
“this is betty and she loves dogs look she even had her own called milo” freya held up another barbie which had a little puppy dog accessorie, a knowing nod coming from alessia as she knew exactly who that was.
“and this is jones! and he tells everyone how to play football!” you held up a male barbie as alessia hummed as she listened a little more to your little fantasy world you’d created with the young gunners.
“well this sounds lovely and i won’t interrupt anymore!” alessia said as she tapped her knees ready to stand back up. “if you need me i’ll be out there with the girls” alessia smiled looking at you but more talking to the group of young gunners as she placed a light kiss to your cheek before leaving you to get back to your own little world with your new friends.
“what is she up to then?” beth asked curiously as alessia joined back with the group of girls she was originally playing cards with.
“oh she and the young gunners have made us in barbie form!” alessia explained as the girls’ faces turned to confusion but also intrigued.
“that’s so- wait, what?”
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Friday Friendship
Hey there! This one is kind of a spiritual successor to Calling the Plumber - and as such, it is one of the rare gay to straight stories of mine. While I do try to keep it friendly and without any homophobia or hate, feel free not read the story if you don't like g2s!
It was hard to overlook Montgomery and Archibald. Of course, that was always the case. But here, on the dirty construction site of their new home, the expensive silk suits of the couple stood out even more than elsewhere. Yes, the two of them were together - and they made sure everybody knew it. Not only were the two gentlemen standing in a tight hug whenever possible, but their flamboyant and colorful clothing left little doubt about their sexuality.
They were those kind of gays that conservatives were afraid of. Both were old enough to have been alive during the stonewall riots, although only Montgomery was actually there as a teenager. Still, the aged couple embodied everything the gay community prided itself on having achieved during the last decades.
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Their house, too, would be a statement. The mansion was the largest construction in the area, and the most expensive one. It was going to be built on a large hill, overlooking the town, and its style was... extravagant. The house was to be built in a modern architectural style, but the two men had insisted that the walls would be entirely covered in rainbow colors, although that was still in the future by now. Surrounding the mansion would be a magnificent garden, a park even.
"My dear, are you satisfied with the construction?" Archibald asked his husband in his lime green suit. Montgomery had dyed his hair in an orange-pink tone today and wore a purple tie to his green suit. It was hardly the first building site he visited, since he had made a fortune in real estate.
Archibald, on the other hand, was a bit more conservatively dressed. His suit was a more subdued shade of beige, although his tie was of a bright sky blue color. He usually didn't dye his hair, and today was no exception: He wore the gray with pride, although he spent a fortune on hair and skin care products. He, too, had a respectable job as a top manager in a logistics company.
"Well, darling, I'm not sure yet." Montgomery replied. "I want it to look great, and the work has been good so far. But frankly, it feels that the workers motivation is somewhat underwhelming."
"I think I know what you mean, my dear." Archibald commented as they walked through the empty shell. "It is barely three in the afternoon on a Friday, and there isn't anyone around anymore. The workers must be out partying already. I can't fault them for that, but it is rather annoying, isn't it?"
"Indeed. It would have been nice if they were a little less lazy, though. The garden is behind schedule, and I believe the electrics are going to be delayed by another month."
"That is quite unfortunate."
Montgomery nodded and they walked a bit in silence. It was true. There was still a lot to do, and it looked like the workers left early for the weekend.
Finally, Archibald sighed.
"I guess I could take a look at the progress the electricians are making. I do know a bit or two about this. Maybe then we can talk to the foreman about their work. It's a pity that we cannot supervise every little thing here, but our jobs demand a lot of our time. If only we had a bit more hands-on control."
"My, what a fabulous idea! I will take a stroll through the garden then, to get a better picture there."
The husbands kissed each other on the lips as they split up and Archibald opened the fuse box. He had indeed done a bit of electrical maintenance in his prime, so he knew that what he saw in the box was nothing less than a mess. He sighed and was about to close the box again, but hesitated. No, he couldn't leave the mess like that. He would just tidy things up a bit, to show those inexperienced workers how it was done.
Carefully, he began to work on the wires, but before long, he felt uncomfortable. The fuse box was located in the bright afternoon sun, and it was just positively hot here. Still, not wanting to leave his work, he slipped out of his jacket and hung it over a nearby wall. He didn't notice that the piece of clothing disappeared once he turned away, nor did he notice that his hands became nimbler as he rearranged the wires.
Montgomery on the other hand found the garden construction even less advanced than he had hoped. Even worse, someone had left a few plants out in the heat. They would surely be dead by the time the construction continued on Monday. Montgomery couldn't let that happen. This garden would be beautiful, and no plant would die under his watch.
He carefully carried the plants to the place they were supposed to be. Of course, he knew - he had planned the park all by himself, so he knew where everything was supposed to go. As he arrived at the shady place, he understood why the plants hadn't been placed yet. The ground was wet and muddy, and there weren't any holes yet. He would need to talk to the foreman about that, but the man was surely already in the weekend as well. There was, however, a shovel nearby. Now, aside from ceremonial groundbreaking, Montgomery had never held a shovel. It wasn't that he didn't understand the concept, but he was just not the type for physical labor.
Well. He looked over his shoulder to his husband, who was apparently still busy looking at the fuse box. It seems like he had some time on his hands, so he might as well. Grimacing, he grabbed the shovel and carefully stepped on the soil, trying not to ruin his expensive shoes or pants. That worked well, for about two steps. But as soon as he tried to break the ground with the shovel, a big clump of wet soil splattered on his lime green silk pants.
Montgomery frowned. Well, that suit was ruined anyway. No reason to stop there. Determined, he pulled the shirt out of his pants and opened his vest. He wasn't going to ruin his custom tailored suit for no reason.
Meanwhile, Archie was getting into his work even more. From time to time, he had to wipe his brow, though, as he was sweating like an animal. His dress shirt was stained with multiple sweat stains already and didn't really *look* like a dress shirt anymore, but more casual. The same could be said for the rest of Archie as well. A certain youth had returned to his face, as he was concentrated on his work. This way, he didn't notice when his hairstyle dissolved into an unkempt mess or when a bit of stubble grew in on his chin. His shirt clung to his body now, drenched in sweat. It had long ceased to be a dress shirt though but had become a plain - although rather filthy - beige t-shirt. His tie was nowhere to be seen.
Due to the wetness, the shirt didn't leave much to imagination regarding his body. Not just his face had rejuvenated, no, his entire body had. He was leaner and his muscles firmer now. Out of the V-neck of his sweaty shirt poked a few golden hairs, and before long, his main hair had turned into a Nordic blonde, as well.
Meanwhile, Monty was digging like crazy. He had to get those plants in the ground, or the foreman would... Wait, what was he thinking?
He stopped for a moment, to scratch his head. Thinking was not his strong point, and Monty knew that. But he had other qualities, that made up for that. When he grabbed the shovel again, to keep digging, he heard a ripping sound that made him stop again. The shoulder of his shirt had ripped. His boss was going to kill him! Although, it appeared somewhat strange to him that he was wearing such a colorful and impractical shirt. Perhaps there weren't any other shirts left?
He looked around and saw only one of the electricians still on the site. He knew the guy, he was friendly enough. He surely wouldn't mind if Monty went shirtless for a bit. With an effort not to damage the clothing even more, he peeled out of the garment. He was only half successful with that, and a few more rips sounded before he had finished taking it off.
Monty looked down at his muscular and hairy torso. The cold air was good, and he wasn't afraid to get dirty.
With every movement of the shovel, his arm muscles tightened, and his frame filled out more. A short beard sprouted on his chin, and his now full earthy brown hair shortened to a more practical cut. It wasn't like he had money for an expensive hairdresser, after all.
Finally, he had the holes ready and wiped his hands on his sturdy pair of work pants. Now, he only had to put the plants in. Despite his impressive physique, Manny was always very careful with the flowers, and he made sure that none of the roots got damaged or that he didn't break the stem.
He looked at his work. Good, that would look great, once the plants grew. Someday, he would have a garden of his own, and a house like that. And a beautiful wife and two, no, three children. But that was still a long way to go, with his poor pay.
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Someone behind him cursed and Manny looked back to the electrician.
Chad was still sweating like crazy as he worked the wires. His mates had all gone to the clubs by now and he was stuck here and had to fix the mess he had created. That was only fair, but he wished the foreman wouldn't have noticed until Monday. He had to hurry up, though. He didn't want to spend his Friday night on the site, after all. Perhaps he would even get lucky and find a guy... No, what was he thinking? Working on these fruits' house had made him all confused. No, perhaps he would find a busty bombshell to take home tonight. Chad felt his cock growing hard at the thought, creating an obvious bulge in his work pants. Great, more distraction.
Chad tried to readjust himself, just in time as he sensed the big burly gardener approach. He knew the guy loosely but had forgotten his name already - if he even had known it at all.
"Hey, everything alright with them wires?" the low voice of the brute asked in a friendly tone.
"Yeah, I just need to finish up here... Should be done aaaaany minute now..."
Manny watched Chad connect the last wires. Poor guy. His t-shirt was soaked with sweat, and he looked like he was really hot and stressed out.
"Cool. It's no fun working late, and on a Friday. Hey, do you want to hit a bar after that? I could go for a cold one."
Chad looked over his shoulder at the bear of a man. Was that guy hitting on him? Na, his face only showed dumb innocence.
He shrugged. "Sure, why not, eh..."
"Name's Manny." Manny said.
"Great. Manny." Chad said and closed the now somewhat better looking fuse box before wiping away his sweat once more.
"I'm Chad."
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Manny and Chad left the building site together this Friday afternoon. Neither of them knew that they were going to become best friends over this and many more beers. Manny turned out to be a great wingman for Chad, and Chad even ended up as Manny's best man during his wedding and godfather for his first child. Sometimes the closest friendships are forged in the Friday afternoon sun of a construction site.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Hey so what if the old Predacon buddy were to meet the rescue bots how would they react to the senior Predacon?
It is said that the list of 'Grandbabies' grew that day.
Hope you enjoy!
Steel Mauler meets the Rescue Bots
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
Steel Mauler was having their daily sun nap in the scrapyard.
Their joints were aching a bit more than usual and opted to stay at the yard for patrol.
Fix-it, Denny and Russel had left with the team earlier, leaving them alone in the scrapyard.
It was a peaceful morning in the sun.
Until they heard the groundbridge starting up.
It confused them as they didn’t remember Bee using the bridge for patrolling.
Out popped a little yellow drone flying around saying the words ‘Toast’ repeatedly.
Steel Mauler got curious and carefully approached the little yellow drone before it went back into the bridge.
…Now… Steel Mauler knew they shouldn’t go in…
… But they did it anyways.
They walked into some sort of building on the other side as the portal closed.
Looking around for the little yellow drone… instead they found two human children.
Steel Mauler looking down at the kids.
“…umm, hello there. My name is Steel Mauler and-”—Steel Mauler
The boy jumps up and walks up to them.
“Noble! A giant robot dragon!”—the boy
The boy looks at their insignia.
“You’re an Autobot?”—the girl
“That’s right. How do you know about Autobots.”—Steel Mauler
“We know about the Rescue Bots are Autobots.”—the boy
Steel Mauler raises an optic.
“Rescue Bots? Here? I didn’t think that many or if any were still active, after all this time.”—Steel Mauler
“That’s what Chase said.”—the girl
“Hmm, and your names are?”—Steel Mauler
“I’m Frankie.”--Frankie
“I’m Cody. And you said your name was ‘Steel Mauler’?”—Cody
“That is correct.”—Steel Mauler
The older Predacon smirks a bit before patting the two on the head with their wings.
The door opens revealing two older adults.
“… Well, this is awkward.”—Steel Mauler
The girl and boy, Frankie Green and Cody Burns introduced them to their father’s.
They bowed a bit showing respect.
Cody wanted them to meet the bots.
Steel Mauler agreed and followed the humans.
The bots were not ready to see a giant Predacon walk into base with Cody, Frankie, Doc Green, and Chief Burns.
Neither were their human partners.
Steel Mauler winces a bit at the high pitch scream coming from the orange bot.
The blue and green ones stood in front of the humans and the red one looked like he was going to fight them.
“Calm down guys! Steel Mauler’s friendly! See!”--Cody
Frankie points at the Autobot insignia.
The bots relax a bit but they are still on edge.
“I apologize for the sudden entrance. I was accidentally bridged here.”—Steel Mauler
“You used a groundbrigde?”—human with the glasses
“More like dragged against my will.”—Steel Mauler
Heatwave walks up to them.
“I’m Heatwave.”--Heatwave
“I am Chase.”--Chase
“I’m Boulder.”--Boulder
“And I’m Blades.”--Blades
Steel Mauler turns to Blades.
“You’re Blades? Hmm, good to finally have a face for the name.”—Steel Mauler
“Name?”—human with the orange hair
“How do you know Blades?”—human woman
“I remember Bumblebee mentioning your name quite a few times.”—Steel Mauler
Blades suddenly moves closer to the Predacon.
“Really?! Bumblebee talks about me!?”--Blades
Steel Mauler is now resisting the urge to add another bot to their collection of grandbabies.
Steel Mauler has some time to get to know the rest of the team before they decide to go back to the scrapyard.
From ‘sparing’ with Heatwave.
To helping Boulder with planting some trees.
To helping Chase archive some of the cases.
To watching some movies with Blades.
To giving the humans Dragon rides.
Blades is the one who figures out quickly that Steel Mauler is old.
As in old as dirt.
It also didn’t help that their joints were hurting and making a squeaking sound.
“Why don’t we sit down for a bit longer.”--Blades
“I’m fine Blades, see.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler stretches a servo.
“…”—both bots
“… Now I know what your thinking, but this is all normal.”—Steel Mauler
“Steel, you need more rest especially with how old you are. It’s not good for the long run.”--Blades
“I can still kick it like the other’s Blades.”—Steel Mauler
“But you aren’t invincible either.”--Blades
Steel Mauler huffs a bit.
Steel Mauler huffs more.
“Then you leave me with no choice. Cody!”--Blades
“Blades what are you doing?”—Steel Mauler
Cody comes in.
“Yeah Blades?”--Cody
“Steel needs to rest their joints but they don’t want to and its bad for them to strain them at this age.”--Blades
“Wait your old?”--Cody
“Yes, I’m old but not that old.”—Steel Mauler
“In human terms how old would you be?”--Cody
Steel Mauler tries to resist the puppy dog eyes.
It fails.
“…In the hypothetical situation that your bots were the human ages of 30…”—Steel Mauler
“Then you are…?”--Cody
“I’m 1500.”—Steel Mauler
“…what?”—Cody and Blades
“Cody I’m pretty sure I am the oldest Cybertronain alive.”—Steel Mauler
Soon everyone catches on, and they are swarmed Steel Mauler with accommodations for their aching joints.
Steel Mauler decides to just let them do their thing, after all the heat pads were helping a bit with the pains.
Meanwhile at the scrapyard…
Bumblebee was frantically looking for Steel Mauler until he received a picture from Blades.
It was Steel Mauler happily sleeping with the kids outside.
There was a little message saying that the older Predacon was doing just fine and would be returning home soon.
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catboydogma · 8 months
highly sought after
wc: 651
notes: this is not crack but perhaps more like crack's bastard nephew-cousin or something. i got tired of not writing and decided to enjoy myself and knock out a 15-min sprint instead :) hopefully more to follow since i would LIKE to do this every night however. enjoy? enjoy.
Cody and Fox have some nice relaxing bonding together. OR: what if you had a line of plushes marketed after you and all the people around you were shiteating smartasses
cross-posted to ao3
“These items are highly sought after,” Cody said dryly, keeping his eyes forward and his hands behind his back.
A furious-sounding pause followed.
“You’re fucking with me,” Fox said through gritted teeth. He looked like he was about to punch his fist through the flimsy glass wall in front of him, brows furrowed in a deep scowl and teeth bared. Cody amused himself for a few seconds by imagining Fox with a ruff of raised spines like a massiff’s doing a threat display.
“Commander,” Cody said, injecting his voice with as much solemnity as he could muster on short notice and while fighting off the shit-eating grin that was threatening, “I have never told a falsehood in my life.”
“You motherfucker,” Fox hissed. He looked like he was about to pop a vein. His eyes were glazed with fury and his grip was tight enough to whiten his knuckles.
“Their value may very well be unsurpassable.” Cody clasped Fox on the shoulder firmly, eyes still fixed straight ahead.
In front of him, Fox lost his tenuous grip on CC-3636 Commander Wolffe™ Grand Army of the Republic ActionPlush®! The top-heavy stuffed toy, with its gray-painted stuffed felt helmet the same size as the rest of the body, tumbled back to the bottom of its prison.
Fox howled in inarticulate rage.
Cody squeezed his shoulder a little more firmly in encouragement. “You’ll get him nex—”
“You jinxed me!” Fox batted at Cody’s hand on his shoulder and jabbed his thumb at the green “go” button again and again, furiously goading it into whirring back to life. The tickets Cody had indulgently fed into it five minutes ago were good for one more round.
“Better make it count,” Cody said pleasantly, unmoved by Fox’s elbow bruising the tender spot just below his floating ribs. “Better get it in one shot.”
“Not. One. Word.” Fox’s growl nearly vibrated the ground under their feet and his face was starting to approach the “alarming” side of the spectrum of blotchy maroon. He slowly inhaled, like a sniper about to line up a shot, and leaned forward until his nose was pressed against the glass.
The mechanism jerked to life. The rubber-tipped claws opened and closed, testing, as Fox toggled the squeaky joystick with infinitesimal adjustments. It lowered. Fox let out all his breath in one long, slow exhale, letting the claws close around the bulbous head of their vod. The felt dimpled slightly. It lifted.
It held.
Fox didn’t waver for a second, smoothly guiding the claw back to the corner where the chute lay waiting. Cody found himself nearly leaning forward to match. Fox wasn’t breathing any longer: his hands were still enough to make a CMO jealous, and his face was completely smooth, like an ARC about to take an impossible shot.
The claws jerked open. Cody preemptively winced—but against all odds, the misshapen plush toy managed to fall at just the right angle into the nearly too-small chute—none of the legs caught, as they had the first time, and the head was angled just so it didn’t bounce off the side and back into its glass cage, as it had the fifth time, and the felt scrap blaster held outstretched in one spherical “hand” didn’t even make the toy jam halfway down the chute, as it had the eighth time.
A soft thup heralded their vod’s arrival. Fox let loose a primal howl of exultant triumph, voice nearly cracking with its pitch and volume. Cody discretely winced, then held open the flap of the machine so Fox could reach in and grab his bounty.
“What now?” Cody asked when Fox had the plush Wolffe in his hand, pretending to throttle its nearly non-existent neck for imagined crimes.
“Now I wait until the 104th is docked at Coruscant again,” Fox said with a smile that displayed every one of his pearly whites.
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biancasreign · 9 days
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"Can you come zip this dress for me?" Giselle called out to her husband as she finished applying her makeup.
"You look beautiful. This is the dress I brought you?" He asked as she turned around to face him.
"Mmh, this is the one you surprised me with in Paris. I can't believe how much my body has filled in so much." She smiled and rubbed her small stomach that was visible in the dress.
"The weight looks good on you babe." He told her before stepping back and allowing her to look into the mirror.
She ran her hands over the smooth material of the emerald green dress that clung to her body. She loved how the bottom of the dress was hemmed to show off her toned legs.
"These the shoes you're wearing? I don’t wanna hear you feet are hurting Giselle." He pointed towards the four inch silver strapped heels that sat on the vanity chest.
"Yeah, and I'm going to be sitting the whole time so that's fine!" She said as he lifted up her dress and placed her foot on his lap.
"Stop! You always wanna get something started!" She lightly pushed his arm as he rubbed up her thighs and back down to her foot.
"It's not my fault you look all good, skin all glistening and smooth." He sucked his teeth and strapped her heels for her.
"Is Gianna dressed? Do they need my help getting her ready?" She asked referring to their personal styling crew.
"They got her babe, but go ahead and help anyways because I know how you are."
“And be careful on those stairs.” He told her.
Slowly walking down the steps Giselle held onto the banister and made her way into the glam room where Gianna was sitting in a mini pink directors style chair getting her toes painted.
"Mommy, you look so pretty! Like a princess!" The girl gasped at her mom making everyone turn towards her.
"Thank you baby. You look pretty too." She leaned down the best she could and kissed her cheek.
Gianna Dream Rhodes was the couples oldest child and she was a literal spilting image of her mom. From her smooth chocolate skin to her huge almond shaped eyes and perfect teeth, she was the mini version of Giselle.
At times Giselle hated how much they were alike because her attitude reminded her too much of her own.She hated scolding her for it because she could almost understand her attitude but wouldn't tolerate the disrespect.
"Are we leaving soon?" She asked.
"Mmh, as soon as your toes dry." Giselle nodded her head and took a seat in one of the empty chairs.
Tonight Cody was receiving an award for all the work he's done for the community and the foundation threw him a huge gala event to celebrate.
Every year during the holidays the couple would do huge food drives and give people in need everything they needed to be satisfied for the upcoming holiday.
There was a variety of things they did for others because it extremely important to give back to the community in their eyes.
"Hi TT!" Gianna yell making Giselle look up from her phone and see Cody’s sister, Tara walking into the room.
"Hey Auntie's girl, you look so pretty." She smiled done at her before making her way over to Giselle.
"Giselle, how are you?"
"I'm doing alright T. You look pretty.” She smiled while looking over her appearance. Her blonde hair was styled in an updo allowing her slender face to be shown. She was dressed in a baby blue dress that came just above her knees and fitted her small curves.
“Thank you sister.”
"Look all my favorites in one room." Cody walked in and placed a kiss on his sisters cheek before picking up Gianna.
"You like my polish daddy?" She asked him.
"Of course, it looks beautiful." He kissed her cheek once more before placing her on the ground.
"Y'all ready to go?"
"Mmh, come on Gigi."
Gianna grabbed her hand as they exited the house and walked down the stairs to the metal gate where the car was waiting for them.
"Thank you." She spoke to chauffeur as he held the door open and allowed Giana to climb inside, her puffy taking up extra space as she sat down.
"Everyone alright back there?" Cody turned to face us from the passenger seat.
"Yup, we're good babe." She nodded.
A few hours later
"Y'all look just alike when y'all are tired." Tara said as she looked over at us with a laugh.
"You know we can't hang sis." Giselle laughed before letting out a yawn and rubbing her hand over Gianna's hair.
"Gigi, you tired baby?
It was about ten at night and the family had been at the gala event for a few hours now. Cody gave his speech and also donated a good amount of money to the Children's Foundation which was an organization close to their hearts.
They walked around with Cody after the speech and spoke to a few of their closest friends and family members before Cody mingled around and thanked everyone.
Gigi and Giselle decided to sit down because Giselle’s feet were killing her and Gigi was tired of talking to people she didn't know.
"Mmh." She mumbled tiredly before letting out a yawn, laying her head on her mothers arm again.
"Okay, let's go find daddy." Giselle said as she grabbed her hand. Eventually they found him talking to a few of his friends and people who put the event together.
"What's up G?" Randy, his best friend spoke as they walked over to them.
"Hey Randy, I see you got it going on with this suit." I motioned towards his crisp and perfectly tailored suit.
"You know I gotta be clean at all times. Gianna youre not gonna say hi to me?" He joked while clacking her beads together making her she push his hand playfully.
"Stop it." She whined.
"She's tired." Giselle laughed as she let go of her hand and let her walk over to Cody. If she wasn't sleepy she would be all over Randy because he was her favorite person. She loved her godfather more than anything.
"Daddy." Gianna mumbled and reached her arms out for him to pick her up.
"Y'all okay?" He asked while picking her up like she wanted him to. She was beyond a daddy's girl and could win him over whenever she wanted.
"I mean we're fine but a little tired." Giselle said letting a yawn slip out and he laughed.
"Let me thank these people and we can go." He rubbed his wife’s back before making his way over to the microphone still holding Gianna. Both Giselle and Tara offered to take her but he brushed them off and said it was fine.
"I would just like to thank all of you for coming out and celebrating this achievement with me. It's an honor to be accepting this award for all my hard work." He started off saying.
"Most importantly I would like to thank my beautiful wife for being there every step of the way because none of this would be possible with her." He said and she smiled as everyone clapped their hands.
"Once again thank you everyone for being here but as you can see it's about time for me to go." He pointed towards a sleeping Gianna making some people coo and others laugh as he held his baby girl.
"Help yourselves to the refreshments and enjoy the rest of your night." He spoke before handing someone the microphone. He made sure to speak to Randy before making his way over to his family.
"You did amazing babe." Giselle kissed his lips.
"Thank you baby." He smiled.
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cf8wrk4u-us · 2 months
Transformers Prime/ A Quiet Place Crossover: Rescue-Bots Edition
Location: Griffin Rock
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On Day One of the creatures arrival, like many islands, Griffin Rock was luckily saved from any collision with asteroids carrying the predatory aliens.
Doc Greene was aware of the cluster of meteors that were heading towards earth. But with contact with NASA he was assured everything was fine and they were aware of the debris heading towards the planets. Doc Greene didn't feel good about the answer but figured since the authorities were already informed and he was sure that the asteroids would break-up in Earth's atmosphere all he had to report to the Mayor and Chief Burns was the town was in for an impressive daylight celestial event.
And it was the day the asteroids fell the citizens if Griffin Rock looked at the sky in delight and amazement, only seconds later to realize the terror the world was going through. Especially in New York where the creatures wrecked havoc on the poor residents of the city.
There was panic, people unsure what to do, people who wanted to travel back to the mainland to get to their families. Chief Burns was the one who reluctantly called for a locked down on any transportation to the mainland. Many people were unhappy but Chief Burns did his best to explain that it was for the safety of the island, they had no idea what those aliens were, what they could do, or if what's happening to the mainland would spread to their community. That's why they needed to wait for further instructions by the government.
So, for how long they were able to the people of Griffin Rock saw, listened, and viewed all the terror happening on the mainland. Chief Burns did his best to make sure Cody didn't see anything on T.V. the young boys curiosity would always get the better of him and he view post made about the "Death-Angeles" in excruciating details.
When it was discovered that the aliens couldn't swim in deep water, the coast guard finally called to Griffin Rocks Rescue Team to get any boat available and bring them to New York, needing all the help they can get to evacuate the many survivors from the ground zero of the disaster.
Chief Burns and the rest of his team eagerly agreed, going over the necessary and absolute conditions needed to evacuate people safely and silently. Calling on volunteers with boats to assist them. Getting Arthur Shaw the ferry man and Wild the fishermen to volunteer in the rescue.
Chief Burns left Graham on the island with Cody, promising to radio them every step of the way.
The mission was dangerous but hopeful and with cooperation and careful planning they should help get a good number of civilians to safety.
But that didn't happen.
It was radio silent from the Griffin Rock rescue group, something Graham expected but was still off-putted by. Cody would look over the horizon, trying to spot his family and the boats.
After a day, static hushed voices cane over the line. It was Chief Burns asking for medical assistance to stand by as they would be docking soon.
Graham was relieved and Cody was excited.
But by the time the boats pulled up they watched with gaped months at the horrible scratch marks that littered the haul of the rescue boat and Wilds ship, deep gouges over metal, shattered glass, and the most frightful of all was the blood on the halls.
Arthur Shaw and his boat were nowhere to be seen.
Chief Burns carried an injured Dani off the boat with Kade trailing behind them. A few survivors were with them. All injured in different degrees. But not as many as they had hoped for.
Chief Burns called then for a total lockdian of the island, that no boats were to ever go to the mainland. And for lack of a better words that they were on their own now.
A haunted look was forever set upon the chiefs eyes and that of his children who accompanied him. Forever scared by what he saw and the choices he made to guarantee that his team would survive.
Kade and Dani were not much better and refused to talk about what happened when they made it on shore.
Griffen Rock became a haven for people of the mainland, a safe place from the destruction of the world they once knew. Something Chief Burns did his best to maintain. Even when conflict arrived between the mainland survivors and the residents of Griffin Rock.
On the island they were safe.
Or for the most part.
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And this is the world that Geatwave and the rest if his group awaken too.
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salaminus · 1 month
Rex & Cody and the stolen commando
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Cody has stolen a commando from Kamino. But Cody isn't there to pick up his package himself, so he sends it to Rex because he can. Rex hasn't slept more than an hour in 48 hours, the caf is empty, his back hurts and there's a stupid commando in his hangar causing stress with Torrent!
Non-native speaker, pleaser bear with me.
Rex might kill someone. Fives would be best. Or Hardcase. Or Denal. Or Attie - not Coric, he's a medic - forget it, Coric too. It's best if he stabs himself as well.
Two hours of sleep, just two hours of undisturbed sleep, but no, he won't get it because he has to have Torrent under his command.
Rex trudges more than he has to - the door shoots open in front of him, a bunch of shinies salute, yeah yeah, get out of there now, he desperately needs a caf. Someone better not have drunk all the rations, because his personal supply is empty. How can something like that happen, kriffing shit. How and when!
His boys know better than to talk to him, after all. First course through the canteen, past the crowded tables. Far too little blue in the white sea of plastoid, that's unpleasant, it should be different. Problem for later, first the most important thing - caf, otherwise Rex will fall asleep. His eyes burn, when he blinks, his eyelids feel like they're stuck, he always needs two seconds before he can open them completely.
Past the queue - every now and then it pays to be a kama wearer, it has to, you don't forget the pain from back then - to the large plastoid cup, full of the strange powder from which the stuff is made. Step by step, he should be able to see the black stuff, but the large bowl remains nice and white.
He stands in front of it - a pitiful little pile of powder, down in the corner, it barely fits on a fingernail is in the box, otherwise it's empty. Scratched out, rather licked out. This can't be true! Rex wants to scream, knock the box off the table, he's already clenching his fist when his com flashes happily. Karking fucking green, "WHAT!"
"Good morning to you too, sunshine."
Cody, of course, the little bastard grins and Rex can hear it, it makes his blood boil. "What do you want, shebs, I hope for your sake it's important and if it was a good morning I wouldn't hear your voice!"
Behind him, his men twitch, the very young ones, the babies, look almost terrified. Take a breath, really deep, relax your fingers - no, the box doesn't get punched, but it deserves it, damn Kark – Calm down now, he's kriffing Captain, he can't do that, ARCs are allowed to do that, Captains aren't. He's ARC too, quips an evil ugly voice in his head, it would only be boxing the damn bowl once....
Cody at the com snorts through his nose. "Rex'ika, got off on the wrong foot? Did they turn you inside out in the retorts? You're talking to a marshal commander."
Oh, fuck YOU.
"Kark you, you shithead. What do you want? If this was in any way official, you wouldn't be greeting me with sunshine, don't fucking give me ranks!"
A brief pause at the other end - a pause in which Rex slams a hand on the kitchen counter so that the karking droid behind it turns around. He does so, agonizingly slowly; if Rex reacted like that with Natborns, he would have been on Kamino long ago for insubordination. "Is there still caf here today, or why is the bucket empty?"
Droids, Rex hates them, especially that one. If anyone else says they can't smile, oh yes, they can, and it does it as sneakily as ever, tilting its head and waddling a step towards Rex. "CT-756---"
 "That wasn't the question, damn it - Where. is. My. Caf!"
"Rex," Cody says at the wrist - oh, no sunshine, no hypocritical smile on his lips that you can literally hear, much better, but Cody's off the air now, Rex needs caffeine before he kills someone.
Droidy doesn't understand, his head just jerks up and down at Rex. "I suggest you go to your commanding clone until you've calmed down."
Rex is about to light something on fire. "I am MY commanding- Is there still caf here now, yes, or no, that was a simple question!"
"If you do not leave this room immediately, soldier, I will inform your superior officer..."
Okay, that's it. Rex is just going to jump over the counter, rip the droid's head off and look for Caf himself, simple as that. He's already got one leg over the counter when someone shouts a very hasty: "Sir!"
Some reflexes can't be helped when they've been pumped into your brain since early childhood, so Rex turns to the speaker anyway - a shiny, completely white, but he has a rather impressive tattoo on his face, a huge V. Much better tattoo choice than Jesse, but what does he expect from Jesse, he already shares the same initial with Jojo, which says it all - wait a minute.
His vod'ika swallows hard, somehow managing to stand even more at attention than before - and he holds out a cup to him. A mug filled with... not caf, no. Coffee, the stuff from the big machine that Nici has set up and which spits out fantastic hot drinks for two hours a day, desirable enough that you now have to register the squads.
Foot back off the counter, Rex walks up to the shiny, forcing himself to take a deep breath. "Name."
That sounded brutal, as if he wanted to berate him, Rex sees him flinch and raises his hand. "I'm sorry. What's your name, vod'ika, I'm in a terrible fucking mood, it's not your fault though."
Minimal relaxation in the eyes of his little brother in front of him, but overall he still stands there with his arm with the cup stretched out like a flagpole. "Sir! Dogma, sir, CT-5784! I have been assigned to the Platoon Bravo--"
Dogma, then, one of the names that was more of a insult. Innately, Rex writes a note to himself to introduce him to Echo.
"That's enough for me, thank you, Dogma."
Take the cup, give the rookie a quick pat on his shoulder. "And you just forget your number. Just like..."
Then he spins around - oh, the cup is warm, really warm, the coffee is still fresh, praise be to Prime's mother –, and stares at the room as best he can with his helmet on. Rex doesn't like to shout, but today everything sucks and therefore he's allowed to do so. "We all forget what I did at the dispenser, is that clear? The second I hear a word about it, you run penalty laps until you vomit!"
Silence, pleasurable silence in the room, wonderful. Rex could just lie down and sleep now, instead he grips his mug tighter and nods to the shiny in front of him. "Thanks for the caf, kid. You're saving some people's lives today and they'll never appreciate it - Cody, what do you want now and keep it short, my patience is shorter today than the time Kenobi has his lightsaber in his hand and doesn't lose it!"
Cody has the decency to wait half a second. Rex takes advantage of this and walks past Dogma to the exit, clutching the cup tightly. Behind him, the droid wants to complain, "Cups may not be removed from the canteen", which Rex acknowledges with a middle finger and "Write to my superior, clanker!", for which he doesn't turn around.
He's almost out of the room, almost behind the saving door, when Cody starts talking. "So, I need you to take something for me. I stole a batch from Kamino."
That's it. Rex rips off his helmet, vaguely sees the horrified looks - never seen anyone go 48 hours without sleep, eh! - and starts drinking the caf in order to down it in one go.
"Hello, are you still there - listen, what's wrong with you, didn't get enough sleep?"
Cody’s about to get slapped in the face. "Commander, kriff yourself, respectfully said. If I haven't slept enough, you're karking kidding, Cody - or you know what, I don't care. I don't want to know. I don't want to know what you did. When is your stupid fucking batch coming and how exactly I'm supposed to proceed with them!"
"That's... quite simple."
Rex pauses. Firstly, he can already feel the caffeine - no, but the warmth of the coffee for that, the smell alone soothes him like a comforting blanket it drapes over him, making his aching eyes blink more easily. However, Cody paused in his sentence, one of the very long ones, and then came the word 'Just'. Something here stinks big time.
"What's that supposed to mean."
"Well, you don't have to do anything, it's a commando."
NOW he’s dead. "A karking COMMANDO?!"
"Don't shout like that. A very nice one, an experimental unit, under my command, you don't have any flimsiwork or anything, you just have to receive it, you can do that, can't you?"
This little fucker. Rex grinds his teeth and marches on towards the exit of the canteen, his eyes stubbornly fixed ahead. Keep thinking about the coffee in his hand. It will help him against everything, against the karking universe, full of stupid, stupid older brothers.
" Receive it for you, Commander. And why doesn't Jango's Pride and Glory do it himself!"
"Rex, I'm not there, we're way off the grid. All you have to do is take the batch and keep it for me, you can do that!"
Rex can do anything because he has to. "Is that an order?"
"If that's what you want," Cody doesn't even have the decency to sound meaner, "then yes. Otherwise it's a favor, but if I order you to do it, I'll forget the part."
"Do it, you douche. I have so many favors with you, I couldn't even redeem them if I wanted to - when's your Commando coming and why are you only telling me about it now?"
"Because it wasn't certain yet..."
Lazy excuse and he knows it. There's something else going on, but Cody doesn't want to say it. Should make Rex even grumpier, but he doesn't even know if that's possible. First he trudges down the corridor towards his quarters. Skywalker better does not want anything from him now, he has reports to finish.
"Yes. So - they're landing soon, they'll be coming out of hyperspace in three hours. I'd be grateful if you could keep them safe... until we meet again or they leave on their own because they've been assigned a mission."
Oh great, wonderful. Just keep walking, he's almost there.
"Rex. Hello?"
No, Rex is not here. Rex has to accept deliveries for stupid ori'vods.
"I've already sent you the files. They're all less than ten years old, by the way, just so you're prepared. I have to---"
"Kote." Rex hisses into the com, stops and bares his teeth involuntarily. "you're sending me an unfinished trained Commando, an experimental unit younger than kriffing Domino Squad?"
"Just a little younger, Rex, and it's a Commando."
"That's exactly the problem!"
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guardian-of-fandoms · 10 months
"There's something weird about that Bear."
From where Dani was sitting, seated over a laptop, she couldn't help but smirk, glancing up at kade.
"Something weird about A six foot tall, SENTIENT, Animatronic Bear that looks like the 80s threw up on him? Alert the media..."
Kade rolled his eyes, groaning.
"I'm telling you! There's something freaky about him. I don't like it."
Kade leaned against the wall, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the other end of the Bunker.
Cody, Gregory, and Frankie were helping Freddy wrangle his new charging port to an outlet, created for him courtesy of Doc Greene.
Frankie was explaining the basics, and helping Freddy connect to it, as well explaining the new Battery Doc had installed in him.
"Daddy said your new battery should last around 48 hours between each charge."
"48 hours?! That's amazing!"
Frankie smiled, taking in the impressed reactions.
"Disabling that low power mode helped, but trust me, this should keep you going way longer than your original!"
Gregory nodded, chiming in,
"Yeah, that's way better. Could've used that at the Pizzaplex..."
Kade watched them converse, and sighed.
"I just got a funny feeling. Didja notice that Gregory never said what a kid like him was doing inside that horror show in the first place?"
Dani shrugged, typing away.
"He said he needed a place to go, so he hid out in the pizzaplex, what's weird about that? a giant mall filled with Pizza, video games, and endless entertainment? The place probably seemed like paradise for a street kid his age. Well... minus the violent robots and Murderous Bunny Lady, anyway."
"I'm just saying... We've seen millions of robots, we KNOW robots. Freddy is... different. That bear is just... weird. He dosen't act like the other AI we've seen."
Dani looked up at that, and sighed.
"Do you mean how he apparently was the only Bot there who protected Gregory? I think Doc Greene said something about being spared from infection by that.... What did Gregory call it? the... Glitchtrap Virus? idk, but, i think doc said he was safe because he was booted into safe mode? Look... it is weird, i'll give you that. But Doc did run a pretty intense virus scan on him, by his own insistence, and he turned up clean."
"It's not just the virus. There's just... there's something off about him."
"What's going on?"
Graham slide down the firepole, and Kade guestured for him to come closer.
"Graham, Bro, back me up here! Is or isn't there something weird about that bear?"
".... What Category of weird?"
Graham came beside kade, watching the commotion on the other side.
Freddy cautiously stepped onto the charging port, and his eyes imediently flashed brightly.
"Charging initiated! This feels wonderful!"
Cody and Frankie High-Fived, and Gregory, while having a weirdly intense look in his eyes, seemed satisfied.
Graham smiled at the kid's raw enthusiasm, but his smiled faded as he turned back to kade.
"Weird how? I mean he is-"
"A six foot tall animatronic bear, I GET IT, THE BAR WAS LOW. Look... It's like I told Dani, something just... It dosen't feel like another tin can. He feels more like... The bots. Obviously he's not, but... I dunno."
"... I think i get it."
"You do?"
Both Dani and Kade looked over in surprise, as Graham rubbed his neck nervously.
"I mean... To be honest, Freddy does feel... Different. Not bad different, he really seems nice. But... Even if he was unaffected by the Virus Gregory mentioned, why would an Animatronic Mascot for a pizza resturant be so determined to protect a child, even fighting his fellow mascots, his friends? That's weird, i think.... I think he's honest, about wanting to protect Gregory, after all, he protected Cody back at the junkyard. But... He's not acting like an AI, like you said, he feels... Like the Bots. He feels..."
Kade sighed, and neither Dani nor Graham protested.
"I Just don't get it... I really don't. I know I Ain't the smart one... but I am good at trusting my gut. And my gut is telling me, something's weird here. Good weird or Bad weird... I dunno yet."
Graham suddenly glanced behind him.
"Dani, you find anything?"
Dani shrugged, staring back at her screen.
"Eh. Kinda. Apparently the Pizzaplex shut down after Gregory and Freddy fled, but they're blaming it on taking damage from an earthquake, not a bear and a gremlin child going on the rampage."
"An earthquake?"
Graham frowned, holding up his tablet.
"I'll check the seismograph reports from the area, just to confirm if it's a cover story or not."
Dani nodded, scrolling more.
"Hmmm.... Says here that there's actually been a string of mystrious dissapearances since the mall's construction, but the main Coorperation, Fazbear Entertainment, has denied all involvment. But between what Gregory said, and this, It looks like they have some things to hide..."
Graham nodded.
"Agreed, sounds like they're worth looking into."
Kade took out his phone, searching up everything on "Fazbear Entertainment".
"Look, just in case, I say we keep an eye on the Bear. I know Heatwave's suspicous too."
Dani smirked.
"Are you sure Heatwave isn't just jealous?"
"I know, I know. Look, I agree, we'll keep an eye on Freddy for now."
"Good... The last thing i want is Cody and Frankie- Or Gregory- getting hurt."
Kade looked up from his phone, staring at the bear.
Freddy was happily answering some questions for Cody, and Frankie had surpised Gregory by grabbing his arm, and judging by how she was eyeing his... what was it called... Faz-Watch? That was a stupid name.... But given by how intently she was studing it, he had a feeling what her next project would be.
Kade shifted his attention, noticing something new on the floor.
He gently picked up a small, plushie version of Freddy, most likely brought by their new residents.
Kade sighed, and Tossed it across the room, watching it roughly tumble onto the couch, landing facedown on the cushions.
He turned away, heading for the elevator.
"I'm gonna see if Heatwave's up for a drive, I need to clear my head. be back later."
"Be careful."
Kade left the two to their research, and glanced back.
He wasn't expecting to see freddy staring right at him.
He paused, the bear staring at him, but not malicously.
He looked... Curious.
Like was studying Kade.
Then, he waved.
Dumbfounded, Kade could do little else but awkwardly wave back, before beelining it to the elevator.
Something was definetly weird here....
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adrunkskeletonsduck · 2 years
Hᴏᴡ ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ Sᴛᴀʀ Wᴀʀs ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ’s ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴅʀᴇss ɪʀʟ
Bc why not | Sᴛᴀʀᴡᴀʀs Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
side note - reminder that my requests are closed at the moment, they’ll probably be open by the end of next week So please save your requests until then and don’t send them in now because they will be deleted.
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Anakin Skywalker - To no ones surprise he's our little emo of the group! He doesn't wear a ton of white though, just blacks, greys, and dark greens (rarley), heavy on the black clothing tho.
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Ahsoka Tano - I had a rlly hard time figuring out what her style would be tbh, but after a lot of scrolling through pinterest I found it. Her outfits are super laid back and comfy kinda thing, and I don't really think she would love super cropped shirts, but a little bit would be fine with her. I also think she would put eyeliner on her waterline and I don't think she likes acrylics. White looks and blue look amazing on her.
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Commander Cody - Cody loves his flannels and pull overs. probably the sneaker head of the group, his go to shoes are white air forces and he keeps them pristine.
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Captain Rex - Foot ball jackets and cargo khaki pants. That’s it, that’s the tweet. Fr tho khaki looks so good on this man, and he loves wearing it with blues. When it gets hotter he just turns to big shirts and baggy pants
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Commander Wolffe - 100% would levitate towards darker colors and he wears lots of black and white shit. He looks so good in wife beaters and he knows it, and don’t even get me started on leather jackets on this man. Lordddd. Overall his style would be more laid back then some of the other guys, he prefers to put his time into 'more meaningful' things
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Obi wan Kenobi - He would like lighter earthy tones I feel like, white under tones to all his outfits and colors like his robe colors. He would wear lots of sweaters and sweater vests
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garnettfox · 6 months
Miracubots AU
Sooooo, me and a friend reconnected after a few years of silence (Thanks depression) and discovered not only do we still share similar old fandom brainrot, but we share NEW fandom brain rot and have very similar opinions about the Miraculous series, which lead into the brainrots fusing and with their permission. I present. THE MIRACUBOTS AU
AKA What if we took the cool and interesting magic system and initial set up of Miraculous....AKA the only good bits, and put it in a show with great writing and characters who we love and who deserve to go feral on a villain every now and again?
The AU takes place instead of the canon season four, Cody is aged up a little to 14/15, Doctor Morroco never lost his Verns device to Madeline Pynch so he's still around to be a menace, and the Prime bots...We haven't fully established if Prime is still happening, or if it's after RiD but the Autobots are still around and mentioned occasionally. And since it's a different version of season 4, the bots are still undercover to the town, only the family knowing they are sentient.
Madeline takes stage as the main villain of the series having acquired the Butterfly Miraculous and after discovering Nooroo and it's power, forcing the Kwami to tell her all about the other Miraculous, including the fact that using two of them, the Ladybug and Black Cat together gives one the power to alter reality.
Seeing an easy way to get her goal of being the riches and most powerful person on the planet, she forces Nooroo to tell her where the Miracle box is, but the poor Kwami can only confirm he senses it on Griffin Rock. With her goal in mind Pynch uses the Butterfly to become Swallowtail creating her first Akuma to draw out the guardian and hopefully the Miraculous she seeks.
Master Fu once he realizes what is happening, charges Tikki and Plagg to find two children they resinate strongly with to become the new holders of their Miraculous, reasoning that Children will be easy to teach and control, and he'd be better able to take the Miraculous back from children if the pair chose poorly.
To no one in this fandom's surprise, Cody Burns is who's picked by Tikki to be her holder. He does try to convince her to go to his dad or siblings so they can protect her after she tells him she's what the Akuma is after. But Tikki insists that she picked the right person to be her holder able to sence Cody having a loving heart full of courage.
Cody becomes the new Ladybug Hero Beetletron! looking very much like a miniature version of one of the Rescuebots, though one with a beetle Altmord, when he asks about it Tikki explains that it's because well, the Rescuebots have more or lest become his mental image of what a hero should *be* and thus the Miraculous copied their form. The name comes from Cody trying to think of a Cybertronian sounding name and vaguely remembering hearing the bots talk about some important mech from Cybertron....something-tron? Well it sounds robotic and he's a beetle so, Beetletron!
Fighting against the Akuma he's joined by another hero, a girl in a cyber punk looking get up, dark leathers and neon greens with a head covering mask, she even has a USB cable acting as a tail that she can use with her tech knowhow to hack! The new Black Cat introduces herself as Felidae Fatale, named for the scientific cat family Felidae, and well, she might not be the classic version of a Femme Fatale, she'll prove she can be just as badass as they can be.
Working together feeling like they've known each other for years though they just met, they beat the Akuma, and when Swallowtail makes her threat to claim their Miraculous's they confidently announce they'll make sure a villain like her, never wins.
In the aftermath the pair meet up and agree, keeping a secret identity from the other would be pretty silly considering the life and death danger their in, so. Reveal themselves.
And Cody laughs crying as he hugs his best friend Frankie, as there really could be no other person it would be.
Feel free to tell me or ask me about this AU, We have a TON of stuff planned out, what Miraculous's people get, Akuma forms for almost everyone. Admitedly have some self-indulgent stuff like putting in OC's we love to use XD but it's all in good fun
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firewoodwander · 10 months
Hey!! Can I ask for codex and secret? 👀
Mistletoe prompts
3. Secret
Rex is sure he would much rather be any manner of places than here, currently. In his bed in the temporary barracks is top of that list. Crammed into his six square feet of shared quarters aboard Skywalker’s ship is third, beaten out only by the squishy cushions of the old salvaged couch in the officer’s rec.
Anywhere that isn’t here, is the point, surrounded by halls hat are too perfectly ornate and more than enough politicians to make him start looking for the exits.
He’s not alone, of course. Skywalker, Kenobi and Tano are here by personal invite of Senator Amidala, whose hospitality had extended, in some strange turn, to include Rex. There are senate guard posted at the walls but mostly the rooms have been secured by Fox’s men, patrolling in polished red armour. Thorn keeps catching Rex’s eye from one corner and tipping his head in the way that means he’s being laughed at and Thorn wants him to know.
But Rex’s real saving grace here is Cody. Cody at Kenobi’s shoulder or Rex’s elbow or teasing Ahsoka for the hastily-disguised scorch marks on her tunic.
She’d been summarily banned from the kitchens by Threepio, after that fiasco. Rex had told her that’s what she gets for sticking her fingers where they don’t belong—in not so many words.
But for all the stars are bright and the ocean is deep, half an hour into this gaudily lavish affair (“It’s a gala,” Amidala had hissed at Skywalker when he’d compared it to something far less savoury, “and it is important.”), without even a drink for his troubles, Rex wants nothing more than to escape onto the dark city streets.
“Hey,” Cody says, quiet enough no one else hears and close enough to Rex’s skin that he shivers. The back of his neck goes hot and prickly.
“You’re too happy about this,” Rex informs him.
Cody’s hand claps down on Rex’s shoulder and jostles him. It’s just as well that he doesn’t have a glass in-hand, although he’d have to have been considered more guest than spectacle to receive such an offer.
“I’m happy because Kenobi suggested we make an exit while we have a moment to breathe.” The hand slides down Rex’s arm into the crook of his elbow and tugs. “I assume he intended that effective immediately.”
Rex isn’t going to stick around for further clarification. He goes where Cody leads him and ducks behind a pillar when a waiting droid draws nearby eyes beeping at him to get out of the way.
“Fox is off tonight,” Cody continues once they’ve broken through a set of grandiose doors into cooler, calmer corridors. “He’s got some of the good stuff stashed away in his locker. Since he didn’t come to visit when we made planetfall, I think we should pay him a visit.”
Rex is still chuckling to himself when suddenly Cody yanks him aside yet again: this time into the shadow of a slightly more humble gilded archway. He doesn’t give Rex pause for breath before he leans in and kisses him—heavy, consuming, intense like he is about every last thing he sets his mind to.
The way Cody kisses never fails to steal Rex’s breath right from his chest; his heart jackrabbits in his throat and his fingers grasp at the folds and creases of his uniform sleeves.
“What was that for?” he mumbles, half dazed, when Cody releases him.
“Been wanting to do that all night,” Cody replies. Smug and satisfied like a fed tooka, he indicates the florally green plants strung around the entrance like in all the other decorated halls. “I don’t know the significance of that, but if Amidala reckons it’s a well-known tradition then I’m sure Fox does.”
Rex hums. “I suppose we should be asking him, then,” he says.
Cody draws him closer to kiss again, instead.
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
TDI X Reader- Phobia Factor (Chapter Seven)
If you haven’t read: six
After the Killer Bass’s elimination we decided to go to the campfire and join them. Well there’s more to it but whatever. “What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?” Courtney questions us with her hands on her hips. “We got some extra dessert after our tuck-shop party, thought you might want some.” Trent speaks for us as Beth jiggles the green jello in her hands. 
“So, what? You’re just being nice?” Courtney rebuttals.
“Okay, Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air it out.” Gwen rolls her eyes and Owen farts. “Ew, dude.” Trent gives the big guy a look.
Beth then brings over the green jello to the Miss C.I.T. who ends up squealing, stepping back. “No!” She then collects herself. “I mean, no thanks. I’m good.” She politely declines the offer. 
“What? Are you on a diet or something?” Duncan quizzes her. 
“No, I just don’t like green jelly, okay?” She defends herself, Beth  then goes past her and over to DJ, he gasps. “Snake!” Flipping the tray over. Cody bends over, grabbing the worm. “Chill, dude, it’s just a gummy worm.” He shows it off to the poor guy. 
“Sorry for tripping. Snakes just freak me out.” He apologizes. “I feel you, chickens give me the creeps, dude.” Tyler comforts his teammate. 
“You’re afraid of chickens?” Gwen asks in disbelief, Duncan chuckles. “Wow, that’s-that’s really lame man.” 
“So suddenly, everyone’s having this big share fest by the fire. Like Beth went on and on about her mortal fear being covered by bugs. Harold’s afraid of Ninjas. Even Heather admitted she’s afraid of sumo wrestlers.” Gwen tells the camera, growing interested in each one she tells. 
“What’s my worst fear? I guess being buried alive.” Gwen answers. 
“Walking through a minefield… in heels.” Lindsay distresses.
“Flying man. That’s some crazy stuff.” Owen speaks up, shivering.
“I would never go up in a plane. Never.” Izzy holds her hands at her chest. 
“I’m scared of hail. It’s small but deadly, dude.” Geoff expresses. 
“Being left alone in the woods.” Bridgette says and Sadie sniffs, holding a wooden plank from the dock. “Bad haircuts.” Sadie cries out. “Oh, okay, I change mine. That’s so much scarier than a minefield.” Lindsay shutters at the thought. 
“Having to diffuse a time bomb under pressure.” Cody scratches his cheek, then we all turn to Courtney. 
“I’m not really afraid of anything.” She holds her knees to her chest. “Baloney.” Duncan coughs. “Oh, really? Well, what exactly is your phobia, Mr. Know-it-all?” She questions him, his face drops instantly and he glances around. 
“Uh, Ce-Celine Dion music store-standees.” He slumps, holding his face. “Exsqueeze me? I didn’t quite get that.” Cody snickers, cupping his hand to his ear, I agree, covering my mouth as I laugh. “Dude, did you say Celine Dion music store-standees?” Trent chimes in. “Ooh, I love Celine Dion!” Lindsay excitedly admits. 
“What’s a standee?” 
“You know, that cardboard cutout thing that stands in the music store?” Trent clarifies. “Don’t say it dude.” Duncan whines, pointing to the other guy speaking, but gets ignored. “Kind of like a life-size but flat Celine.” I sit up straighter, holding onto Cody’s knee to stop myself from laughing. 
“Shut up!” He covers his ears. “What about you guys?” He directs between Trent and I. 
“Okay, well, I hate mimes. Like a lot.” Trent says, “Similar to Trent, clowns.” I boredly tell them, Courtney rolls her eyes at us. “All right Courtney. You’re afraid of something. Spit it out.” Trent orders and I nod but she sits taller. “Nope, nothing.” 
“If that’s true you would’ve jumped during our first challenge. But you didn’t.” I then bend my arms, pretending to flap my wings.” “Shut up!” She shouts at me and I laugh.
Chris whistlers as we all give him our attention. I sit between Heather and Cody. “Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call. “Phobia Factor.” Prepare to face your worst fears.” He announces. 
“Worse than this?” Leshawna lifts her food in disgust. “We’re in trouble.” Gwen mutters. “Now for our first victims… Heather!” A card flies into his hand and he reads off of it. “Meet us all in the theater. It’s sumo time!” She spits out her drink in shock. “Gwen you, me, the beach. A few tons of sand.” Her eyes go wide. “Wait how did they know those were your worst fears?” Lindsay asks, Gwen slaps her own forehead. “Because we told them.”
“At the campfire last night.” Trent reminds her, Beth and the blonde look at each other. He then comforts Gwen, rubbing her back as her head lays down on the table. I stare at them without realizing, my mind going blank as I go off into space. 
Immediately getting out of it once Lindsay speaks again. “Wait, they were listening to us?” 
“It’s a reality show, Einstein. They’re always listening to us.” Gwen sarcastically says.
I know I don’t like Gwen how she likes me but still being avoided and her bringing in the comfort of Trent as if I did something wrong hurts. I truly thought we were close friends…
“That’s like eavesdropping!” Lindsay pouts.
“Chef Hatchet, didn’t you have a special order for Tyler here today?” The muscular cook smirks, showing Tyler a fried chicken, the teen picks it up, he stares at it for a moment. Then he bites off the head and then an actual live chicken head pops up and Tyler screams in fear.
We go to the first thing which is for Beth, it’s a blow up pool filled with bugs DJ vomits just by looking at it. I cross my arms glancing over to Cody who was a worryful expression. For it being Beth’s worst fear she jumps right in. Coming out with worms all over her. “And Beth sets the bar way up there!” We cheer for our girl; she has a big smile planted on her face.
Lindsay and Sadie get wigs on their heads. Owen and Izzy have to go on a roughed up looking plane. Leshawna runs, screaming away from Hatchet who’s in a spider costume. 
Next is Heather standing across from a sumo wrestler. “Heather, stepped up to the plate, scoring the Gophers their second point on the board.” 
The wrestler comes running and the girl crouches down, the wrestler trips, falling off the stage. 
Next was Gwen being buried alive, Trent comforts her, giving her a walkie so they could talk. I want to jump in and also comfort the girl but again… Not my place anymore I guess. She wants something I don’t.
As we’re moving onto the next thing, Trent runs past us. “Just talk to him bro and ask him to go away!” Chris yells after him. I tense up realizing I don’t know when a clown is going to come for me. I unconsciously grip onto Cody’s arm. 
“Okay, then, we have 2 minutes before Gwen’s done. Cody, you’re up.” His eyes go up to the host after looking down to see my hands wrapped around his arm. He then looks back up to my face. “You got this.” I give him a thumbs up after letting him go. 
We follow Chris to this trash bomb. I decided to stay with the boy, maybe helping him disconnect it. “All right, Cody This garbage bomb’s going off in exactly 10 minutes. Everything you need to know to defuse it is on these schematic blueprints.” Chris lifts up a blue paper he rolled out. 
“What? No way! I can’t do this!” He exclaims, holding his head, clearly stressed out. “Then I suggest you find a safe place to hide, bro.” The host then throws the paper and I catch it before it hits the ground. “Later, dudes! Also, [Name]! Be careful.” He winks, walking away and my body freezes. 
“Wait, you’re not gonna watch?” Cody questions. “No way, that’s a live bomb, dude!” He then runs away. 
He turns to the trash bomb sighing. “You don’t have to stay, you know?” He takes the paper from my hands and I shrug. “I know but I don’t mind helping.” I smile motioning for him to pull the paper out so we can both read it. 
As we’re reading the paper he speaks up. “What makes you so scared of-” I cover his mouth quickly. “Don’t even, it’s going to manifest it.” I whisper aggressively. “They could be a killer under that mask. Or- or, a kidnapper. And for some reason people just let them go to parties and carnivals.” I rant, not realizing one was right behind me. “[Name], you might want to start running then…” 
Then that stupid clown horn squeaks in my ear and I scream, running away from Cody and the trash bomb. The thing laughs at me and I cry out in fear. “Stay away!” I take off my shoe mid run and throw it back at the clown. It stays hot on my trail and I run past the dock where Trent was soaking wet and Chris was sitting down controlling a cloud of hail following Geoff. 
I notice Heather on the porch and wave more arms around. “Heather! Please!” I wail, going up the porch and throwing her in front of me, shielding myself from the clown that giggles, squeaking the horn again. “What- Let go-” 
It stands on the bottom of the stairs. “Heather, please! Please, don’t make me let go.” I plead with her and she looks back at me, noticing the tears in my eyes. She rolls her eyes and places her hands on her hips. “What do you even want me to do?” She questions and I squeeze my eyes shut, gently holding onto her arms. “Tell it to go away.” I mumble, she then walks down the steps, taking off her sandal. “All right, go away you stupid clown. Shoo! Get away!” She slaps it with her shoe repeatedly and it sadly puts its head down, walking away. 
“Yeah! Go away!” I cheer, and then run up to Heather after I know it’s gone, embracing her tightly. “Thank you! I owe you big time!” I grin, before running off, not letting her respond to me.
An explosion occurs and I gasp. “Shit, Cody!” I run to the area where the explosion happened and he’s sitting on the ground covered in trash. “[Name]? Is that you?” He groans, his arms out since he can’t see and even though I’m disgusted I help him up off the ground. 
“I’m so sorry, the clown was just following me and flight or fight, response you know? Heather luckily helped me but I’m still so sorry, I should’ve done something to help.” I ramble on and he tiredly laughs. “It’s okay, I really need a show though.” He sighs, taking the banana peel off his head. We make it through the forest and as we’re walking through he goes in front of me, still groaning from the pain of the explosion.
Bridgette then hits him, screaming before running off. He grunts, falling to the floor once again. “Oh my god, are you okay?” I ask him and he just lays there for a moment. “I’m fine, just- just give me a minute.” He gives up and I laugh.
After Cody takes a shower and I wash my hands we make our way to a pen where Chris and Tyler are standing. The Gophers all made it through their challenges. 
“All right gang, we’re ninth inning. Tyler, for your challenge you need to get in this pen for three minutes with these chickens.” Chris unboxes a momma chicken with two baby chickies. “You can do it Tyler!” Bridgette shouts. “Yeah, unless you’re chicken.” Duncan taunts. Tyler ends up sitting down, cradling himself back and forth. 
“I’m not sure we’re getting anywhere on this one.” Chris says boredly.
“Tyler, this is the last challenge. Quit being such a girl!” Courtney yells at the boy. “You have to do this or we’re going to lose!” Courtney rolls her eyes. 
“Actually if you do the math you can’t possibly win.” Cody calculates then shows the calculator. “The score’s 8-3.”
“Not necessarily. We’ve got one more challenge set up.” Chris says. 
“Who? It can’t be me. But I didn’t-” Courtney goes on confused. “You didn’t have to. We’re always watching you and your reactions.” Chris reminds her. 
“I knew it. Didn’t I tell you guys, they were eavesdropping?” Lindsay angrily asks. “Oh, who cares? It’s not going to make a difference.” Courtney frowns. 
“Let’s make this interesting then. I’ll give you triple points if you can complete it.” He tells her.
We now stand in front of a huge wooden pool of green jello. “You’re afraid of jelly?” Duncan laughs. “Shut up! Only the green kind. It’s like sugary, jiggly snot!” She cries out in disgust. 
“You can face your fear and dive straight into this pool of jelly or let your team lose yet another challenge!” Courtney slumps, making her way to the ladder. “This is insane! I could seriously die doing this.” She climbs up.
“Oh this is just cruel.” Gwen says, “It’s probably warm by now! Warm green jelly. Snotty, bouncy, ugh!” She stifles. 
“You’re not going to make me quit!” Courtney yells down. “That’s it, keep climbing!” Duncan smiles.
“She’s just trying to psych you out!” Bridgette chimes in. “Like you said, Courtney! It’s okay if you can’t do it!” Duncan shouts, I yell up a chicken clucking sound just like I did in our first challenge earning a scowl in response. Once she stands up on the board she thinks about it then covers her face. “I can’t do it! I’m coming down!” She yells, her team all lower their head in disappointment as the Gophers cheer once again. 
“And there you have it! The Gophers won invincibility this week… Again!”
After everything calms down we all chill in our cabin, mostly everyone was on the boys side except me, Gwen, Heather and Lindsay. 
“I gotta go to the bathroom.” Gwen huffs, standing up, stretching out her body. “Ooh! Me too, I’ll come with!” Lindsay grins, following after the goth girl. Gwen scoffs but opens the door for the blonde and they walk out. Heather then stands up and I raise a brow at her. “Dang you have to go too?’ 
“No, I wanted to talk to you about something.” She tells me and I put my book down, giving her my attention. “What’s up, Heather?” I smile softly. “You said you owe me earlier right?” She asks and I slowly nod. 
“Well, before that, I want to apologize for my actions with the whole diary thing. And then by owing me a favor I’d like you to pretend to be my friend for a little bit.” She crosses her arms and I’m taken aback for a moment. 
“Seriously?” I lean closer to her as if I didn’t hear her correctly the first time. “Yes, just don’t expect me to be all nice with Gwen.” She says and I glance around. “What’s the point of this?” 
“Just- please?” She huffs. 
“I-I guess? Just pretending to be friends?” I furrow my brows, her face turns a light shade of pink. “Nevermind-” 
“No, no, I’m down, we can be friends.” I wink, then go back to my book.
Links to other writings
Also if you’d like to request an imagine that is separate from the story let me know!!!
taglist: if you want to be added lmk
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While writing, I had another thought about TFRB x AEMH. With how similar Cody and Captain America are, I wouldn't be surprised if someone (Iron Man and Hawkeye) made jokes about Cody being Steve's secret son/grandson, or even an actually clone of Steve. They wouldn't mean it, but I imagine they would love to tease Steve about that.
(Sorry to bug but I had to share this thought because there is so much potential for drama and angst in this AU)
oHoHHoohHoHoHohHOhOHohHhO I know right??? ehehhehe Hawkeye and Tony making the world for us.
¨It seems that Kang brought us mini Steve from the past¨ or ¨The Skrulls are it again¨
I also imagine Hulk and Wasp joining because is just so coincidental that a kid who looks and acts like Steve becomes attached to Steve and vice versa... here Cap is not fooling anyone XD
¨OMG CAP! Did you shrink?¨ probably asks Clint to Cody.
¨ They're the same person¨ scoffs Hulk and no one can tell if he is joking or being serious...
¨Hey kid, I know that you like me and all but could you please not be like your dad and put your way in harns way!!??? I swear its like the 15 time it happens¨ scolds Banner at Cody after the kid literally screamed at General Ross in a fight---
¨Cap! When were you going to tell me that I'm an aunt?¨ Wasp would claim to Steve.
Black Panther would be subtle about it, making little remarks as to how brave and stubborn both Cap and Cody are. T´challa would say stuff like ¨My friend, be careful with your thong, Steve's kid is here¨
Also, I can't deny that I picture T'challa fascinated as to how similar Griffin Rock is to Wakanda
¨Interesting, an island hidden to the outsiders for their questionable ethics with machines¨
¨Forget about ethics Panther! I need this Doc Greene man in my industries¨ says Tony
Thor would be the most confused of everyone actually maybe believing that Cody is actually a descendant from Steve... and I mean, good for Captain America, he fooled the god of thunder.
¨Maybe some trickery from Loki did this¨ says Thor when he starts to understand the situation and decides to join the teasing.
Ant-Man is chilling but still involved ¨You know Cap, Cody is still too small to lift your shield, why don't you let me and Tony build one of the kid size?¨
Bucky in the shadows ¨a... mini Steve????¨
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Cody: *bursts into The Jedi Council room dramatically* Yes hi hello I’m very busy today so I’m just here to tell you that we’re moving to a greener planet soon—
Jedi Council: You can’t just tell us to move to another planet with you!
Cody: Are you implying that you have a choice in this?
What Cody says goes . . . 🤷‍♀️
Exactly! Cody makes all of the rules because he's the scary brother. (He's really not, the scary brothers are Neyo and Bacara, but the only people who know that are Adi Gallia and Ki-Adi Mundi, and they're keeping their peace).
Mace turns his accusing glare onto Obi-Wan, who is steadfastly ignoring the rest of the council in favor of making sure all of the honey is mixed into his tea properly. "Obi-Wan," Mace says through gritted teeth. "Mace?" Obi-Wan replies plesantly. "Would be you so kind as to tell your commander that he doesn't get to decide where the Jedi live?" "Oh, I probably could." Obi-Wan agrees, "But I'd like to live someplace with a little more green." He pauses and finally looks away from his tea, "Do you think, if I asked nicely, they'd find a planet with waterfalls? We could set the new temple at the top-" "Ooh, that would be so pretty!" Depa agrees, "And maybe with a rain forest. It'd be so good for the little ones to learn about animals in their natural habitats-" Mace clears his throat, and all eyes turn to him, "We cannot just leave Coruscant." "I mean." Adi Gallia muses thoughtfully, as if talking to herself, "All we really need is someone stationed here to listen to the Senate's bullshi-er...requests." "...You've been spending far too much time with your men, Adi." Ki-Adi scolds, "Besides, the Senate's requests are always reasonable. Always." He pours a liberal amount of something from a flask into his tea, and then takes a sip with a sigh, "However, I refuse to take the Senate posting." "It should rotate between Knights and Masters who don't currently have padawans. The last thing we need is our youngest exposed to the nightmare that is politics." Obi-Wan agrees. And that's that. The Jedi are moving with the Clones.
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lamaenthel · 10 months
Tivaevae | Chapter One: Ripped At The Seams
Still struggling to emotionally recover from Master Obi-Wan's deception, Ahsoka discovers in the aftermath that twelve-year-old Boba Fett has been locked up among adults in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. After convincing Chancellor Palpatine to grant him a pardon, she manages to secure his release on the condition that she serve as his legal guardian. Now, with the help of Master Plo and the Wolfpack, she vows to help him track down what family he has left.
| AO3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
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Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Kanan Jarrus, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CC-1119 | Appo, Dexter Jettster, FLO | WA-7 (Star Wars), Shaak Ti, ARC Commander Blitz (Star Wars), CT-6922 | Dogma, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CC-3636 | Wolffe, Clone Trooper Sinker (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Comet (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-4860 | Boost, Aurra Sing, Tobias Beckett, Null-11 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata, Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Original Droid Characters (Star Wars), Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Total Word Count: 123,000 Chapter Word Count: 6,751
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"And then Grey was like skoosh skoosh skoosh–" Caleb held up an imaginary carbine and let loose a series of blasts, so enthusiastic about his reenactment that he nearly fell off of the courtyard bench. " –and the SBD just exploded! He got him right in the power core! And then-and then-and then I did a backflip off of his shoulder, and I cut three B1's in half! It was so wizard."
"You did?" Mace gasped, theatrically placing a hand on his chest in feigned shock. He had a reputation for being overly stoic, cold even, but there was nothing that defrosted the Master like his Padawans. Depa had dropped off young Caleb to have lunch with his Grand-Master with a weary gratitude that Obi-Wan remembered well; ironically, it had usually been Mace that would give him a break from Anakin more often than not, back then.
"Sure did," Caleb raised his chin proudly. "Have you ever done that with your commander, Master Obi-Wan?" he asked eagerly, looking at him from the other side of Mace with bright turquoise eyes.
Obi-Wan swallowed his mouthful of salad. "Unfortunately, no," he said with a smile. "I think I might squash poor Cody if I tried, though, I weigh a bit more than you."
"Is that why you're watching your figure?" Mace asked wryly, looking at Obi-Wan's bowl of fresh greens.
"I don't care if they're nutritionally complete, human beings were not intended to survive off of ration bars alone," Obi-Wan grumbled into his salad.
"I didn't jump off Grey, I jumped off the battle droid!" Caleb giggled.
"Ah," Obi-Wan said. "Well, the answer is still no, but I'll make sure to bring it up to him before our next strategy meeting."
"Good idea!" Caleb said with a grin, then shoved a handful of fried tatos in his mouth. His nerfburger had been inhaled two meandering stories ago.
"Well, I'm impressed. That sounds like a very successful first mission." Mace gave him a pat on the back then added an unholy amount of orbakradish paste to his bowl of red turu rice, green peppers and bantha strips.
"Can I have some?" Caleb asked curiously, staring at the bright green bottle his grand-master had pulled from his pocket curiously.
"It's very spicy," Mace warned before leaving a tiny smudge on the boy's plate, then took a stoic bite of his rice bowl.
Caleb carefully dipped a corner of his fried tato in the orbakradish and took a bite. His eyes went wide. "Ow," he said faintly, and held his mouth open. "Aow. Aow."
Mace chuckled, dipped a tato in the cup of vinegar on the other side of Caleb's plate, then popped it in his open mouth. "I did warn you," he said as Caleb furiously chewed. "Orbakradish isn't like capsaicin. For that, you need some sort of cream. To cure this, you need vinegar."
Caleb sighed with relief. "Thanks, Master." He hurriedly popped another vinegar-soaked tato in his mouth, then finished off the rest of the plate with the speed that only eleven-year-old boys could manage without making themselves sick. Mace and Obi-Wan exchanged amused looks while they ate their own meals at a less tornadic pace.
"Go on, Padawan. Time to meditate, then practice your forms at the training salle." Mace patted Caleb on the back and took his empty plate once he'd licked it clean.
"Will you come and– I mean, I would be honored if you would spar with me after your Council meeting is done, Master." Caleb said bashfully. "If you want to. I, um, I know you're busy."
"I'm not sure how long I'll be, but I'll head down to the salles as soon as we're done. I'd be happy to spar with you, Padawan." Mace patted his cheek fondly and winked.
"Okay!" Caleb bowed hurriedly to Mace and then Obi-Wan. "Bye, Masters!" He took off at a run, almost tripping on his robes twice before disappearing around the corner.
"I miss that age," Obi-Wan said forlornly. "They're still so enthusiastic about everything. Once they hit puberty…"
"The attitude, I know," Mace said knowingly. He took a final bite from his rice bowl and reached a hand out for Obi-Wan's dish. "I'm grateful for Depa and Devan. Echuu was a handful. Girls are easier."
"Girls are not easier," Obi-Wan snorted, then rubbed his bald head, textured with a thousand offended bumps. The whole thing was so damn itchy, he'd had to meditate three times that morning just to keep his sanity. Perhaps Lace had some procaine cream in the medbay that he could borrow until all of the hairs had poked through the skin.
"Mine were," Mace shrugged.
"Yours aren't vindictive," Obi-Wan sighed.
"Why would they be?" Mace asked blithely. "I trained them well. They are above pettiness."
Obi-Wan glared at the sky instead of Mace. "Lucky you," he said to the speeder traffic above the Temple.
"I warned you about the consequences of leaving Anakin and Ahsoka out of the loop," Mace reminded him. "You insisted."
"I know." They both stood and began the long walk to the Council chambers elevator.
Mace passed their bamboo dishes onto a waste droid when they passed one then fished around for something in his pocket. "And you are the one who suggested that they go on the mission that 'killed' you," he pointed out, then popped a mint candy into his mouth.
"I know," Obi-Wan huffed. "I understand that my actions have consequences, Mace, I'm not a child."
"Then why are you so upset?" Mace asked.
"I'm not upset," Obi-Wan said automatically.
Mace rolled his eyes. "You aren't at peace, that's for certain."
"I–" Obi-Wan raised his hands and let them fall. "Ahsoka's never been one to hold a grudge at all, let alone at me. I expected the cold shoulder from Anakin, but not her."
"Ah. She's still hurt, then."
"She's got no reason to be hurt," Obi-Wan insisted.
"She discovered your 'corpse,' my old friend," Mace said.
"Please, p-please Bobi, open your eyes, open your… no, no, no, please no, Bobi please–"
"Would you really be so unmoved if you'd discovered hers?"
She fell to the ground like a ragdoll, dead from a single touch. Her limbs were twisted and her yellow eyes stayed open, filmy and veined with black like the rest of the Dark Side corruption that covered her.
He banished the memories. "That's different," Obi-Wan insisted. "We are not meant to outlive our Padawans."
"Yet we do." Mace called the elevator. "More and more often, it seems. And I do not see that changing until this war is over."
That reminded him. "Have you discussed your idea with Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan asked quietly.
"It's difficult to find a good time to propose an assassination," Mace answered. "Especially the assassination of his old Padawan."
The elevator arrived. The two Masters stepped on and began the journey up.
"You've discussed it with Quinlan?" Mace asked.
"I have. He's not unwilling."
"Good to know."
The two fell silent, and Obi-Wan commanded the mental image of Ahsoka's corpse lying at the feet of her killer to stop popping into his thoughts. The encounter on Mortis felt like a dream. He still wasn't sure what had actually happened, what was real and what was a vision, but the memory of Anakin's yellow eyes and his little girl lying dead and corrupted by the Dark side haunted him at the most inopportune moments.
May he become one with the Force before ever seeing such horrors again.
The elevator opened. The two walked down the hall to the inside of the Council chambers and took their seats in companionable silence. They were still a bit early, and no one else had yet arrived.
"Caleb was not supposed to be in active combat yet," Mace said after a few moments. "In case you were wondering. The mission he was assigned was a scouting mission. The droids were a surprise."
"Do you think I'm judging you, old friend?" Obi-Wan asked with a raised brow.
"No, but I thought you may want to know." Mace leaned back with an unreadable expression on his face. "He is very skilled, but I personally would prefer he not be on the front lines until he gains more experience."
Obi-Wan remembered Ahsoka eagerly bouncing off of the transport and straight onto the front lines of one of the most gruesome campaigns of the early war. "I understand," he said gently. "Unfortunately, there's only one way to get experience."
"I'm aware." The muscle in Mace's jaw worked a bit before he settled into his usual serenity.
"Greetings, Master Windu. Master Kenobi." Shaak-Ti's hologram flickered into view and she bowed her head.
The two men bowed theirs in return. "How fares Kamino?" Obi-Wan asked lightly.
"Sunny, for a change," Shaak-Ti said with a small smile. "The cadets have been training outside all day on the landing pads."
Mace smiled at her. "I'm happy to hear it."
"As am I," Plo said pleasantly. He and Depa bowed from the entrance, Yoda hobbling beside them. Depa spared a fond smile for her old Master as she took her seat, which Mace returned.
More holograms popped up; Kit Fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Coleman Kcaj, Luminara Unduli, Oppo Rancisis, and Stass Allie were all still on the front lines. Kit's hologram was cross-legged and floating subtly, broadcasting underwater from the ocean world of Klarn.
"Begin, we shall," Yoda said after clearing his throat. "May the Force guide us as we proceed."
Murmurs of agreement followed him.
"May I be the first to compliment Master Kenobi's haircut," Kit's hologram grinned at him.
"Thank you, Master," Obi-Wan deadpanned, resisting the urge to scratch his blasted scalp again.
"We are all very glad to see you alive and well," Shaak-Ti added with a twinkle in her eye. "You should stay close-shaven. You look twenty years younger."
Obi-Wan sighed. He was very aware; it was half the reason he had grown the beard in the first place. Shaak-Ti's tinkling giggle rang like a bell at his reaction.
A round of chuckles echoed her and Mace held up a hand to quiet them. "Our first order of business," he began with a smile, reading off a datapad, "is– oh." His smile disappeared and his eyebrows went up as he glanced over at Obi-Wan. "Padawan Ahsoka Tano has requested to speak with us."
Obi-Wan sat at attention. "She has?" he asked, surprised.
"Go ahead and send her in," Mace said into the comlink in his chair. "Do you know what this is about?" he asked Obi-Wan curiously.
Obi-Wan shook his head. "I've no idea," he answered.
The chamber doors opened and Obi-Wan watched Ahsoka step primly inside, pointedly not looking at him despite his centrality in her line of sight. He crossed his legs and frowned.
"Koh-to-yah, little 'Soka," Plo said. "Why have you come before us today?"
"Koh-to-yah, Master Plo. And thank you for allowing me to speak with you on such short notice, Masters," Ahsoka said politely. She made a deep bow and stood with perfect posture, her hands clasped in front of her. "I wish that this was not necessary, but as a Jedi I am a mandated reporter of abuse. If I witness the mistreatment of a child, I must speak up."
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, his ire easing. "What did you witness, dear?" he asked, the epithet slipping out automatically.
Her eyes slid onto him and he was immediately taken aback by how cold they were. "I need to report that there is a twelve-year-old human child being held in a maximum security prison facility alongside murderers, rapists, and violent criminals of all sorts right here on Coruscant," she said icily.
Obi-Wan's stomach dropped. He already knew who she was referring to, and cac, it should have been him reporting it. He'd completely forgotten about his encounter with Boba Fett. He had been so consumed with not just keeping his cover and managing Bane, but blocking the Force bond he shared with his Padawans in order to sell his death that Boba had simply slipped his mind. Force, the shock of seeing a twelve-year-old clone in the middle of supermax dissipated almost as soon as it had struck and Obi-Wan had just… left him there. He felt an alkaline knot of guilt twist around his belly.
There was a smattering of surprised gasps among the Councilors.
"Who is this child?" Depa demanded.
"What could he have possibly done to be imprisoned?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked, bewildered.
Master Luminara shook her head. "We must contact the Guard at once, surely there was an error–"
Ahsoka held up a hand. "The boy is Boba Fett, Masters. After his failed attempt on Master Windu's life, he was sent to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center."
Looks of grim understanding passed between the Council members. Mace leaned forward. "He's in an adult prison?" he asked, anger coloring the edges of his voice. "Has he been there since he was taken into custody?"
"It would appear so, Master, yes."
Mace sank back, frowning severely. "I recommended leniency," he murmured, almost to himself. "The Chancellor assured me his age and his trauma would be taken into account. I believed he'd be sent to a juvenile facility at worst."
"As did I," Plo said heatedly. "Adult prison, for a child. This is not justice."
"Padawan Tano, find out this information, how did you?" Yoda asked, frowning.
"Well, Master," she said, turning, and Obi-Wan was slightly mollified to hear her address Yoda with the same frostbitten tone. She still hadn't forgiven him for Dogma. The clone was thankfully still alive, as Shaak-Ti had made enough of a fuss on Kamino to have gotten him imprisoned instead of immediately euthanized, but Ahsoka wouldn't be satisfied until he was back in the 501st. "I was viewing the helmet-cam footage from the prison riot that Master Kenobi participated in, and–"
"Is that footage not classified?" Ki-Adi-Mundi interrupted, frowning.
"The report is, but the footage was not, no," she said. "I watched it multiple times, and after I saw Master Kenobi fighting Boba I checked his report." Her eyes flicked onto him and then back to Ki-Adi-Mundi. "There's no mention of Boba in the non-redacted portions."
There was no mention of Boba in it at all, because Obi-Wan had forgotten about him like an idiot. His cheeks burned with embarrassment. A dozen heads turned and stared at him, and he'd never missed his beard more than he did at that moment.
"You fought Boba Fett?" Plo asked him sharply.
"Moralo Eval paid him to start a brawl with me in order to provide a distraction for his and Bane's escape," Obi-Wan said, staring at Ahsoka. She was very carefully studying her boots. He'd bought her those boots. "After I inserted myself into the escape party I… lost track of him."
"He is very small for his age," Ahsoka said with false sympathy. "I know you had bigger concerns at the time, Master Kenobi."
Obi-Wan's skin crawled like it was covered in ants. All of the extra blood rushing to his face was making his stubble itchier than ever.
"We will contact the Chancellor regarding Boba immediately, Ahsoka," Plo insisted, on the edge of his seat and visibly displeased. "We will ensure the boy is placed into a foster home and receives mind healing. Thank you for your diligence, and for bringing this injustice to our attention."
"Thank you, Master," Ahsoka said with a smile, then bowed to him. Obi-Wan felt irrationally jealous of the warmth in her tone. "But I am not sure that a foster home would be the best fit for Boba. He's young, but skilled at both combat and subterfuge. I'm concerned that he would escape and be at just as much risk on his own." She frowned. "He would likely seek out his father's old compatriots again."
"A fair concern," Kit conceded, his smile long gone.
"Do you have a suggestion?" Depa asked mildly.
Ahsoka clicked her heels together. "I would like to volunteer to serve as Boba's temporary legal guardian until I can reunite him with his family," she said solemnly.
The Council chamber went silent in surprise.
"You're only sixteen," Obi-Wan said faintly. "You can't–"
"Actually, as sixteen is the age of responsibility on Shili, I can," she said frostily. "I am a legal adult."
"It's seventeen on Coruscant," he argued. "You–"
"I believe that if I am trusted to lead a battalion of clone troopers into combat, I should be trusted to safeguard the well-being of a single child," she said, speaking over him. "And according to the most recent immigration statutes passed in the Senate, as a full, dual citizen of both worlds, I am actually considered a legal adult on Coruscant." She smiled at him, all teeth.
"Does he have a family?" Saesee Tiin asked. "I was under the impression that Jango Fett was a loner."
"I spoke with the older clones before coming to the Council, Master," Ahsoka said with perfect poise, and Force did it irritate Obi-Wan to see her use her manners for once. "They informed me that there were members of the Cuy'val Dar – that is, the Mandalorian trainers that Jango Fett recruited to train the clones for war – several of them were very close to him. Under the Mandalorian tradition, some could be considered family."
"What an excellent idea, Padawan," Plo said. "I would be grateful if you would come with me to meet with the Chancellor. I'm certain that you will be able to help me persuade him of the right course of action. We will seek out these Cuy'val Dar together, and reunite young Boba with what family remains to him."
Ahsoka bowed again. "It would be my honor, Master," she said sweetly.
Obi-Wan continued to silently seethe.
"Thank you again, Masters, for taking the time to speak with me," she said warmly, then her eyes flickered over to Obi-Wan. "I do hope that Master Kenobi is not censured too severely for failing to report such egregious abuse of a child. I'm certain he was simply preoccupied with his mission."
That was it. Ahsoka did not get to march into the Council chambers wearing boots that he had bought for her and humiliate him in front of his peers out of childish spite. Obi-Wan's hand slammed down onto the arm of his chair, startling everyone. "A word, Padawan," he said through gritted teeth.
"Of course, Master Kenobi," she said serenely.
He stood and led her brusquely from the Council chamber by her right bicep, ignoring the whispers of his fellow Council members behind them.
"An deach thu às mo chiall?" he hissed once the doors had closed and they had a spot of privacy. He released her arm and glared down at her. "Carson a tha thu a’ toirt eas-urram dhomh?"
"Apologies, Master Kenobi," Ahsoka said politely. "I didn't intend to publicly disrespect you."
He stared down at her. Her refusal to speak Maor-Grásta back to him hurt more than the silent treatment. That was their language. No one else at the Temple spoke the indigenous language of the planet crudely known as Stewjon, not even Anakin, though he had tried to teach him. "So this is how you're going to be, then?" he asked finally.
She blinked at him. "I'm not sure what you mean, Master."
"You damn well do," he snapped, and finally gave in to the urge to scratch his damn scalp. "This is childish of you, Ahsoka. You're better than this."
"Better than what?" she asked, cocking her head. "I've been nothing but polite, Master, but if you find my conduct unbecoming then I apologize. I will meditate on our interaction until Master Plo calls me to meet with the Chancellor." She bowed and turned to leave.
Obi-Wan caught her by the left arm and spun her back around. She hissed in pain and ripped her arm away.
"Please refrain from putting your hands on me, Master Kenobi," she said frostily.
Obi-Wan stared at her, knowing that if he asked what was wrong with her arm he'd get no answer. "I'm not putting my… Ahsoka, please, stop this."
"I'm not sure what you wish me to stop, Master."
"Stop acting like you've never met me before!" Obi-Wan said, raising his voice in frustration.
For just a second, her placid mask crumbled and he saw the devastation she was hiding underneath. The mask reappeared and she looked away, pursed her lips and shrugged. "Recent events have shown that I haven't, Master," she said quietly. "Not really."
Obi-Wan sagged and this time, he didn't stop her from walking away.
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Ahsoka went through her mental checklist again. She couldn't muck this up. If she somehow pissed off Chancellor Palpatine or failed to convince him that Boba didn't belong in supermax, the kid was screwed.
"Do not be nervous, little 'Soka," Plo whispered, squeezing Ahsoka's right shoulder reassuringly. They sat together on a plush bench in a waiting area right outside the Chancellor's office.
"I can't help it, Master," she whispered back. "What if I make it even worse, somehow?"
"I would advise you, respectfully of course, to think of what your Master would not do and try that."
Ahsoka snorted. His aura was a little too gold with humor for the seriousness of the situation.
"Trust in the Force. We are in the right, here, and we know this."
She nodded. "Yes, Master."
"You may enter," one of Chancellor Palpatine's secretaries called from the doorway; a short, plump Human woman with black hair shorn down to the scalp and the pale skin of someone who worked and lived exclusively indoors.
Ahsoka took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then followed Master Plo to the Chancellor's office. He was still sitting at his desk, writing something with an electric pen that showed up as a language she didn't recognize on the left side of his desk.
"Master Koon," the Chancellor smiled, and bowed his head. "And Padawan Ahsoka. My, how you've grown since I last saw you! I must say, Anakin raves about you every time we meet. He is very proud of you."
"Thank you, Chancellor," Ahsoka said sheepishly, ducking her head. There was nothing specific about the Chancellor himself that put her on edge, it was the office. There was just something unnerving about it. The statues of the Four Sages seemed to watch her from their posts bordering the room, and some of the art vibrated weirdly in the Force. Nothing she could pin down, just off.
She peered down at the unfamiliar writing on the Chancellor's desk. "That's a beautiful script," she said, projecting her aura out over the room with green serenity-amiability. It helped block out the weird vibrations of his artwork. "I don't recognize it."
"It's the poet's script," the Chancellor said, his naturally violet aura gone blue with appreciation. "It's an old traditional practice on Naboo. It's never been a spoken language, but one used solely for the arts."
"That's fascinating," Ahsoka said, returning his smile. "Do you write poetry, Chancellor?"
He chuckled and looked down, darkening with humility. "Oh, I dabble," he confessed with a smile. "It's a bit self-indulgent, of course, but it calms my mind."
"Nonsense, Chancellor," Plo assured him. "It is good to know that even in this period of war and violence, our leader makes time to create something beautiful for the galaxy."
Ahsoka was impressed. Plo could give Ob– Master Kenobi a run for his credits when it came to schmoozing.
"Ah, well," the Chancellor shrugged, his smile widening. "I doubt you called for an emergency meeting to discuss my poetry, dear. What can I do for you?"
Ahsoka sat up straight. "There has been a grave miscarriage of justice, Chancellor," she said solemnly. "Boba Fett has been placed into supermax alongside adults instead of a juvenile facility. He is a Fett clone, yes, but totally unaltered. He ages at a normal rate, not the accelerated rate of the troopers." She adjusted her projection to include a yellow ribbon of pity. "He's only twelve, Sir. Every second he spends in that place his life, his- his bodily sanctity is at risk."
Chancellor Palpatine went gray with surprise. "Oh, goodness," he said, immediately swiping away his poetry and summoning Boba's file up to the holoscreen of his desk. "Let me see here– ah." His holoscreen filled up with copies of legal documents, medical records, and crime scene holopics. "It seems that the judge presiding over his case determined that he was too dangerous to be kept in a juvenile facility." He glanced at her. "I cannot say that I disagree. He is unnaturally skilled for a boy his age, from what I have heard. He killed a Marshall Commander."
"Respectfully, Chancellor, Commander Ponds was murdered by Aurra Sing. Boba could not pull the trigger," Master Plo gently corrected.
"I understand the risks, Chancellor," Ahsoka said. "I would like to volunteer to serve as his legal guardian until I can reunite him with his father's Mandalorian family."
The Chancellor's eyebrows almost hit his hairline. "Jango Fett had family?" he asked, going a lighter gray with shock.
"In the Mandalorian tradition of found family, yes," Ahsoka nodded.
"So young Boba would escape punishment for his crimes against the Republic?" the Chancellor asked after a moment of curt silence.
"Boba Fett is but a child, Chancellor," Plo said peacefully. "He was manipulated by individuals that were once acquainted with his father and they used his grief to their advantage. They abandoned him at the first opportunity."
The Chancellor nodded, thinking. "That may be so, Master Koon, but he did kill hundreds of his fellow clones through his actions."
"He did, Chancellor, that can't be disputed," Ahsoka said softly, projecting strong amber amenability at him. "But he's an orphan, and he's twelve. He's exceptionally vulnerable to manipulation by adults that knew his father. They're the only connection he has left to him."
"The cadets that he infiltrated reported that he seemed reluctant to leave them to their fate," Plo piped up. "While his quest was misguided from the start, his target was Master Windu. The loss of clone life and the destruction of The Endurance was wholly unintentional."
"While sabotaging the hyperdrive of The Endurance, he had an opportunity to end the life of clone trooper Rivers," Ahsoka added. "He spared his life and stunned him instead. We truly believe that if not for the presence of Aurra Sing, Castas, and Bossk, he never would have taken that step."
"So you propose instead that I pardon the one who killed hundreds of clone troopers, naval officers, and support staff on account of his age?" Chancellor Palpatine steepled his hands underneath his chin and looked at her sympathetically. "I'm sorry, my dear, but I cannot in good conscience do such a thing. Aside from the morality of it, the boy could wreak untold damage if he escaped your custody."
"I promise he won't!" Ahsoka exclaimed, leaning forward. "Please, Chancellor. I know he made a terrible error in judgment that cost many lives, but he's twelve."
"So you've said," the Chancellor said dryly, lowering his hands. "Ahsoka–"
Ahsoka impulsively reached across his desk and clasped his hands. "He needs rehabilitation, not a life sentence before it's even began," she said earnestly. She wouldn't go so far as to try and mind trick him, not with Plo right there, but her Empathy was stronger with physical touch. She let burnt-orange supplication roll down her arms and flow from her hands onto his. "Please, Chancellor," she said, popping her porg eyes. "Just give him a chance."
The Chancellor's aura flushed copper with affection-agreement. "You do make a compelling argument," he said fondly, withdrawing his hands after giving hers a squeeze. "The Great Negotiator has taught you well."
Ahsoka ducked her head with a small smile, trying not to let him feel the cold shock of hurt that Master Kenobi's nickname triggered.
"Very well." He raised his chin to look over Ahsoka's shoulder at his secretary. "Go fetch Commander Fox, please."
"Right away, Sir." The secretary scurried off and the Chancellor drew up a document.
"I shall grant Boba Fett a full pardon, effective immediately," he said, then glanced up at Ahsoka with a smile. He transferred something onto a datapad and handed it to her. It was a legal certificate declaring her the legal guardian of one Boba Fett.
Oh, kriff, she hadn't actually let herself believe that she'd get this far. She had a kid. She had a shabla kid. A shabla clone kid.
"Congratulations, my dear, it's a boy," he said with a small chuckle and a wink. "I do hope Anakin isn't too cross with you. I can't imagine that he expected to become a grandfather quite this early."
Ahsoka's stripes went hot. Her Master… was not going to be pleased with her, to put it lightly, but she just couldn't leave Boba in there a second longer than necessary if she could put a stop to it.
"Please, 'Soka, you have to get him out of there," Rex pleaded, staring at the screen with an aura gone stark white with shock-horror-outrage. "He's so little. They'll kill him, they'll– osik, what have they already done to him–"
She would have done it anyway, but Force if Rex's begging wasn't compelling. She'd break Boba out if she had to.
But really, Anakin was going to kill her once he got back from Toydaria with that Force-sensitive toddler.
"Commander!" Chancellor Palpatine said brightly over Ahsoka's shoulder. "Please escort Master Koon and Padawan Tano down to the detention center. Boba Fett is being released into her custody, effective immediately."
"Oh. Interesting. As you say, Sir," Fox said, then turned to Ahsoka and Plo. "Ready whenever you both are," he nodded.
"Take care, Ahsoka," Chancellor Palpatine said warmly, standing along with them. "And do be on guard with young Boba. From what I understand, the boy is quite crafty, despite his tender age."
"Oh I will, Chancellor, don't worry. I remember how much of a handful he was." Ahsoka bowed and tried to ignore the way the statues of the sages stared at her. "Thank you again. You've saved a life today."
"And my thanks as well, Chancellor," Plo added, bowing after her. "We appreciate your expediency."
"I wish you luck in your endeavor, my dear." Palpatine winked at her. "And don't be afraid to visit more often. I've got some stories about Anakin as a youth that you might enjoy."
Ahsoka's stripes flushed again and she picked at her thumb's cuticle.
"Alright, General, Commander. Let's get you over to the prison before sundown." Fox slung his carbine over his shoulder and led the way out.
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Boba curled up tighter on his side, willing the pain in his sides to go away. After he'd jumped Hardeen it had been chaos. He wasn't sure if it was the guards or the other bastards he was locked in here with that had broken his ribs, but it didn't really matter. He needed to get better. He couldn't afford to look weak. Prison was worse than a jungle, at least an animal just killed you and was done with it. The predators here liked to play with their food, first.
"Come on, little man, come bunk with me. I know it gets cold at night, you must be shivering with only a lizard to keep you warm–"
At least in solitary Boba could focus all of his energy on healing instead of defending himself. He chewed on his split lip and readjusted his face against the wall so that his black eye was pressed directly against the cold surface.
"Time to go, Fett."
Boba was sitting upright and ready to respond in under a second. Nobody would know by looking at him that he was holding his breath so as not to scream from the pain. One meiloorun, two meiloorun, three meiloorun–
"Go where?" he asked after a few seconds, cool as a caniphant. Fox, on the other side of the bars, had two DC-17 sidearms, a DC-15A carbine, and two vibroblade hits sticking out from his gauntlets. Two pairs of cuffs hung from his belt next to a small canister of capsaicin spray.
Boba could get to the spray the easiest, kick the back of Fox's knee, twist his arm and grab the blaster–
"It's your lucky day, cyar'solus," Fox said, undoing the biometric locks on his cell.
"Don't call me that," he snapped. Damn it, Boba didn't want to go back to genpop yet, he was still too injured. The guards tried to watch out for him; some of them did, anyway, the ones who didn't hiss vod'kyramud when he passed them in the halls. Bossk usually stuck up for him but he was just one man. Boba already had a size disadvantage, but with his ribs fucked his speed suffered. He eyed the capsaicin spray at Fox's belt again. He'd get his ass kicked if he went for it, but they'd keep him in solitary longer. Fox had the frame of a gundark but he wasn't a shabuir, he would just give him another lump or two before locking his cell again instead of rebreaking things on purpose.
Fox snickered. "I'll call you whatever I want. Now face down on the floor, you know how this works."
Yeah, he did. Boba swallowed hard and carefully got on his belly, watching the canister of spray swing closer. The floor was hard but the cold felt good. He took a deep breath and prepared to make his move.
As if Fox knew what he'd been thinking, he walked around him in a wide circle and approached from behind before cuffing him. He pulled Boba to his feet, gentler than he expected. "You're being given a second chance, kid," he said quietly. "Don't kark it up."
"The fuck does that mean?" Boba asked faintly; even with Fox's careful grip, he wasn't able to draw in air properly with the way his ribs were screaming.
"You're getting out."
"What?" Boba tried to spin around and look at Fox, but he kept a firm hold of his cuffed hands and kept him from turning.
"Walk, squirt," Fox said in a bored voice.
Where was he going? Where were they sending him? It hit him then, what had to have happened; Aurra. He knew she wouldn't abandon him. She'd had to make a tactical retreat, that was all. Somehow she'd pulled in a favor or used her connections in the guild, or maybe even kidnapped a judge. He fought down a smirk as they walked past the other inmates, all howling and hissing and complaining about his special treatment.
He was foolish to have given up on Aurra. She really did care about him.
"Stand here." Fox started undoing the locks to the hall that led to the private interview rooms, the ones that prisoners used to meet with their attorneys.
Boba never had an attorney. He had gone through sentencing on his own.
"Alright, walk." Fox took him by the cuffs and shoved him forward through the door. "And be respectful."
"Respectful to who?" Boba grouched.
"Your new mum," Fox snickered, stopping in front of a door halfway down the hall. "Congratulations. You've been adopted."
Boba whipped his head up so fast that black spots appeared in his eyes. "I've been fucking what?" he squeaked.
Fox pushed him inside of the interview room while he was still reeling. Instead of Aurra, the two Jedi who had arrested him were waiting inside; a Kel Dor who towered over everyone, even Fox, and a scrawny orange Togruta with big blue bug eyes and two sabers on her belt. She was taller than he remembered.
"Koh-to-yah, Boba Fett," the Kel Dor said, bowing to him. "I am Jedi Master Plo Koon, and this is Padawan Ahsoka Tano."
"The fuck do you cunts want?" Boba spat, furious at himself for being so stupid that he thought Aurra would come for him. He was such a gullible di'kut. Of course she didn't really care. He was never anything but clout to her, just something of Jango's that she could show off.
The Tog blinked at him, obviously shocked. The little princess obviously wasn't used to bad language. "I, um, I…"
"Go ahead, Ahsoka," the Kel Dor said with a little pat on her back.
She took a deep breath, stepped forward, and then smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. He felt the tension in his back muscles ease a little, weirdly enough. "I want to get you out of here, if that's alright with you."
"Why the fuck should I go anywhere with you?" Boba asked suspiciously, then backed up so he could keep the both of them in plain view. "You're the cunts who put me in here. Why do you care?"
"We never meant for you to be placed in a place such as this, young man," the Kel Dor said apologetically.
"We want to help you find your family, Boba," the Tog said earnestly.
"Are you both fucking stupid?" Boba snapped. "I don't have any family. The Jedi killed the only family I had."
The Tog and Kel Dor exchanged looks. "I know, Boba," the Tog said. "And I'm sorry for your loss."
Boba looked at his feet.
"Why don't we be on our way?" the Kel Dor suggested. "We have much to discuss, but there's no need to do so on an empty stomach. I find myself craving a milkshake."
"Oooh, I could go for a milkshake," the Tog said with her brow markings raised. "How about you, Boba?"
"I don't want a fucking milkshake, I want to know what's going on!" Boba said, backing up into Fox. He… he needed to get away from these people. They had some sort of weird plan for him, he was sure of it. What if they wanted to send him back to Kamino? Maybe they wanted to string him up in a lab and use him to make more of their precious troopers. Without Dad the longnecks couldn't make them like they used to, and Boba was a perfect copy. "What did Fox mean? He said I was going to meet my new mum, what did he mean by that?"
The Tog bit her lip and looked at him. "That, um, that would be me," she said sheepishly. "I… I'm your legal guardian."
"You're my legal guardian?" Boba stared at her. She looked barely older than him, though she was a lot taller than he remembered.
"Yep," she said happily, rocking back on her heels. "So, what do you say? Ready to go?"
Boba glanced up at Fox, who gave him a reassuring nod. "Not like I have a fucking choice, do I?" he asked sullenly.
"No, you don't," the Kel Dor – Koon, Boba remembered he said his name was – said gently. "But I imagine that you would choose to leave the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center."
"Obviously," Boba said, frowning.
"So." Koon shrugged. "Shall we?"
The Tog smiled brightly at him. He realized that she was nervous, and for some reason that made him feel better.
"Fine." Boba rubbed his wrists after Fox unlocked his cuffs. Whatever. Fox didn't need to help him, he could do this on his own. He just had to stick with them long enough to get out of prison. The second the idiots turned their backs, he'd be out of there. Boba glanced up and met the Tog's nervous gaze. "But I'm not calling you fucking Mum."
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Author's Notes:
MAOR-GRÁSTA TRANSLATIONS An deach thu às mo chiall?: Have you gone insane? Carson a tha thu a’ toirt eas-urram dhomh?: Why are you disrespecting me? MANDO'A TRANSLATIONS cyar'solus: beloved one, the clones' nickname for Boba since he was a special snowflake chosen baby (Thank you Squid_Ink 😘) shabuir: motherfucker vod'kyramud: brother-killer osik: shit OTHER NOTES Mace has a picture of all of his padawans and grand-padawans in his wallet and he shows everyone constantly. It's canon, George Lucas actually told me himself. Palpatine was pretty easy to convince, wasn't he? It's almost like he likes sowing discord between Anakin and his loved ones hmm odd yes very odd indeed Ponds was promoted for plot related purposes ✌️
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork @soliloquy-of-nemo Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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