#Complementary Cancer Care
livingwellnessblog · 1 year
Research Highlight: Herbal Medicine's Potential in Treating Cancer-Related Insomnia
Discover the potential of herbal medicine in addressing cancer-related insomnia. Explore the study examining Cheonwangbosimdan, a traditional Korean remedy, and its effects on insomnia among cancer patients. Learn how alternative treatments like herbal m
Research Highlight: Herbal Medicine’s Potential in Treating Cancer-Related Insomnia Cancer patients often grapple with a significant challenge beyond their illness itself – insomnia. The prevalence of insomnia among cancer patients is notably higher than in the general population, affecting both their physical and psychological well-being. While treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy for…
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hairybirthdayclown · 1 year
ii. astrology notes
*(not a pro. just for fun)
• i've noticed amongst my friends who have scorpio Venus are seen as rude by outsiders. maybe because scorpio placements have polarizing effects on others. i've never noticed people being obsessed with them emotionally but obsessed with them just being around - their aura is addicting. might always be invited out a lot.
• people who have heavy air placements in their charts could have a peculiar taste in art that people can hate on them for. for example, Harry Styles' music is heavily hated on & he has an aquarius stellium. in terms of peculiarity, Addison Rae listens to Arca & SOPHIE which is deemed as unconventional to some. her song "obsessed" got a bit of backlash too. her big 3 are all air signs.
i don't know if it's just me but every time i observe someone with heavy air in their chart, i get nothing. no matter how extravagant & open they are, i feel no depth. maybe that's why they attract a lot of friends because of how free flowing they are & not that intimidating i have to say.
• scorpio & capricorn Moon natives are really good people. they also have great taste in people too which makes them have a smaller group of friends. their friends usually have amazing personalities which are complementary to theirs. this doesn't apply if their moon is placed in 7H or aspects with Venus/has libra influence making them tolerable to all kinds of personalities & befriending people out of convenience.
• i've never heard anything bad about cancer Venus natives. the blend of love from Venus & care of the Moon is simply beautiful. they're literally the embodiment of TLC. i've noticed they can also be quite money oriented & care about their materials. could also be the type to love soul food or food in general & appreciate external things that make them feel good. very good cooks too.
• Moon square Jupiter natives can be overwhelmingly happy or sad & feel like when their emotions don't consume them, they aren't real which can cause them to invalidate the 'small stuff'. they've already felt the highest of highs & lowest of lows so the stuff in between might make them feel stuck or even numb. i've noticed their either/or in the way they react to things that affect them. either they're very overreactive or not at all.
thanks for reading :)
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sensualnoiree · 9 months
astro notes: balancing elements for optimal well-being
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In the intricate tapestry of astrological understanding, the concept of every sign being your tool can be enlightening. It's a realization that within each of us, the celestial alignment at our birth contributes distinct traits and predispositions, yet these elements can sometimes tip out of balance. Much like a well-stocked toolbox, astrology offers an array of therapeutic approaches derived from signs, planets, and elements to restore equilibrium.
Understanding the interplay between elements, signs, and planets forms the foundation of utilizing diverse healing tools aligned with specific astrological influences. Elemental balance is pivotal; an excess or deficiency in any element can manifest in physical or emotional symptoms. For instance, an overabundance of water might contribute to gut issues or melancholy.
Astrologically, elements influence and regulate each other. Fire fuels and controls air, while earth grounds and regulates water. To restore elemental equilibrium within the body, employing opposing or complementary elements becomes crucial. This metaphorical perspective translates into tangible practices: stoking fire when feeling sluggish, airing out excess air when feeling scattered, grounding earth when feeling unmoored, or calming overflowing water when faced with emotional turbulence.
Moreover, delving deeper into zodiac signs unveils their relationships and synergies. Sign pairs situated opposite each other in the birth chart, known as polarities or sister signs, possess complementary energies. Collaborating rather than fluctuating like a seesaw enhances their effectiveness. Aries finds harmony with Libra, Taurus aligns with Scorpio, and so forth.
These sign relationships extend beyond mere symbols; they resonate within the human body. Disruptions in the harmonious functioning of complementary signs can lead to health imbalances. Remedies lie within understanding these connections; employing Scorpio's tools to alleviate Taurus-related issues or tapping into Aries' nutritional suggestions to aid a Libra's blood sugar instability.
The dynamic cosmic movements, such as planets traversing through different signs, exert influences that extend across the astrological spectrum. For instance, if planets in Capricorn affect your Cancer moon, exploring Capricorn's astrological insights might refine your self-care regimen.
A structured approach to employing astrological insights involves asking pertinent questions. Is the remedy hot, cold, wet, or dry? Which signs or planets exhibit these qualities? Which body functions does it target, and which signs or planets govern them? Understanding how remedies resonate with elemental qualities, signs, and planetary influences enhances their efficacy.
In essence, delving into astrological health reveals a wealth of knowledge beyond the conventional. It empowers individuals to utilize diverse astrological tools for holistic well-being. As above, so below—a symphony of cosmic energies orchestrates the dance of life, and within its rhythm lies the key to harmonious existence.
𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘤. 𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘶𝘵! 𝘔𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘬 𝘣𝘰𝘹 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯!
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺 🤸🏿‍♀️
For more info follow me here! 🤸🏿‍♀️
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zodiactalks · 6 months
EXPLOSIVE Zodiac COMBINATIONS who Rarely See Eye to Eye
Some people just can't get along, no matter how hard they try. While you can't choose your family or your coworkers, you certainly can choose your friends and romantic partners.
Looking at a person's Zodiac sign can tell you all you need to know about a person before you get too invested in your relationship with them.
If you want to live free from drama, you better steer clear from these Zodiac signs, as you'll just end up fighting pointlessly and endlessly.
Sagittarius and Taurus
Sagittarius can't wrap their heads around Taurus's fixed mindset. They can't understand how someone as reasonable and logical as Taurus can have so little desire to expand their mind.
They also can't comprehend why it takes so much and so long for Taurus to change their mind, even if all evidence is against them. Taurus, on the other hand, thinks Sagittarius is too irresponsible because they avoid settling down at all costs.
They think they are rather childish because they avoid various commitments. They see their insatiable thirst for adventure as a sign of emotional immaturity. They'll rarely see eye to eye, except perhaps for a shared appreciation of exotic cuisine.
Aquarius and Cancer
Aquarius and Cancer can't be more opposite from each other. Aquarius hates people depending on them, whereas Cancer loves for people to depend on them and need them.
Aquarius needs endless freedom, while Cancer understands the things that truly fulfill them require a commitment. Aquarius is often too logical and forgets that it's important to be kind, while Cancer is mostly emotional and kind at all times.
They just don't understand where the other is coming from. Aquarius doesn't understand why Cancer doesn't feel trapped by their choices, and Cancer doesn't understand how Aquarius can be okay without committing themselves to the people, jobs and places that are good for them. It's very rare that they agree on anything.
Gemini and Capricorn
Both of these signs are very intelligent. And that's where the similarities end. Capricorn is not the best multitasker, and Gemini can't handle the hours of concentration that Capricorn can put in when they think something is worth their attention.
Capricorn has an old soul, and Gemini seems to remain twenty years old even when they're well into their sixties. Gemini is an eternal student, whereas Capricorn loves working way more than they love studying.
I'll give them this: they can be great coworkers because of their complementary approaches, but that's pretty much it. As friends or lovers, their interactions are like a comedy of errors where two people speak two different languages and keep misunderstanding each other.
Leo and Virgo
Virgo can be a pretty judgmental sign, and Leo is so easy to judge. One of the main values of Virgo is humility. They will think that Leo is too self-centered, self-indulgent, selfish and other not-so-nice words starting with self.
On the other hand, Leo will poke fun at Virgo because of how uptight and neurotic they are. It's easy to see how that will end up in a heated argument that will make everyone else around them very uncomfortable.
Virgo will think that Leo is annoying and loud, and what's even worse, they'll criticize them, thinking they are doing it in a constructive manner, but Leo's ego has to be handled with care. They'll find Virgo's bluntness as the exact opposite of caring. Leo can learn a lesson on humility from Virgo, and Virgo can learn a thing or two on how to set boundaries from Leo.
Libra and Taurus
They both have impeccable taste. But things will start to get complicated pretty soon. Taurus is very decisive, and will find Libra's indecisiveness simply… confusing. How can someone with such good taste not know what they want? Libra, in turn, will resent Taurus's stubbornness.
How can someone have such a hard time letting go when changing your mind is the easiest thing in the world? Taurus will think Libra is wasting valuable time with their indirect style of communication, and Libra will think Taurus is too brusque in their approach to conversation.
Taurus will disapprove of Libra's inconsistency, and Libra will think poorly of Taurus's inability to think on their feet. While they both have a great sense of style, they can't see eye to eye.
Aries and Scorpio
It never goes well when two people with anger issues try to form any kind of meaningful relationship, be it platonic or romantic. The moment one of them triggers the other, it's suddenly the outbreak of World War Three, and the one who throws the biggest tantrum wins (apparently).
They both have a quick temper and, when they are mad, they like to throw salt in the other's wounds. Once they are blinded by their emotions, these two signs will have no mercy on their opponent.
Not only will interacting with each other stress them, it will also make their friends and onlookers very anxious indeed. Neither know when to stop, when to agree to disagree, or when to apologize. These two together are just a recipe for disaster.
Pisces and Gemini
Pisces is the most emotional sign of the Zodiac, and Gemini is the most rational. Talk about opposing points of view! Gemini cares about being right, not about making others feel good. Pisces, on the other hand, will utter the most false of phrases if it makes their interlocutor feel good.
The last thing they need is a Gemini behind them interjecting with “Well, actually...” An interaction between these two can easily end up in Gemini losing their very limited patience and Pisces crying in a corner and accusing Gemini of being mean. They just bring out the worst in each other.
Scorpio and Libra
Scorpio's favorite hobby is sparking up controversy, whereas Libra is an expert at being well-liked by everyone. What can't go wrong between these two? Scorpio will think Libra is weak for not sticking up to their beliefs, and Libra will think that Scorpio likes conflict a little bit too much.
If there's a sign that can anger unflappable Libra, that sign is definitely Scorpio. They will show Libra their much-feared Shadow Self, and they'll get angry at this toxic person that dares to insinuate they might be unlikable. The one thing they can find common ground in is in their tendency to play Devil's advocate.
Pisces and Aries
Pisces is all about compassion and keeping things flowing smoothly. They love it when there is a sense of peace in their interpersonal relationships. Aries, on the other hand, is not afraid of healthy confrontation when it's necessary.
They may even need to be constantly arguing and debating things to avoid boredom. They often resort to rather aggressive approaches that would make Pisces cry. Aries can also be a bit brusque and forget all about compassion and empathy, both a must in Pisces's book.
Not everything is love and light and sometimes a confrontation is necessary, so Pisces isn't always objectively right, and Aries will end up frustrated. These two signs will just inevitably keep butting heads.
Have you ever had such a turbulent relationship? What's your sign? What was the other person's sign? What signs do you usually get along with? What signs do you disagree with on everything? Tell us in the comments!
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jennydodgson12 · 3 months
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Dear Friends and Community,
We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt request to support our dear friend, Dan, who has bravely for the past 18months been battling stage 4 bowel and bladder cancer. After a year of intense chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the side effects caused Dan to have many hospital stays away from his family, by helping to keep him fit, well and infection free this will allow him to spend quality time with his family at home,making memories that they all deserve.
At just 38 years old, Dan is a loving husband to his wonderful wife Laura and a devoted father to two beautiful daughters, aged 6 and 15.
Dan's journey with cancer has been incredibly challenging, with one set back after another these included bowel blockages, infections, 3 major abdominal operations, blood clots alongside a missed diagnosis of bladder cancer.
Dans strength and determination are truly inspiring. In May this year Dan and his family were told that Dans cancer was no longer curable, however, his oncologist has agreed for Dan to start on Immunotherapy ASAP, as a family we are thankful to have been offered this treatment on the NHS as we know from data that immunotherapy on the NHS is very rare. We now as a family have a little bit of hope.The care, empathy and support we have had from palliative care and district nurses has been incredible.
Alongside his conventional treatment of immunotherapy Dan is seeking complementary therapies that can provide relief and improve his quality of life during this difficult time. These therapies, however, come with significant costs that are not covered by the NHS.
We are rallying together to raise funds to support Dan and his family in accessing these vital complementary treatments. Your generous contribution, no matter the amount, will make a tremendous difference. It will not only help Dan manage his symptoms and side effects but also give him the strength to continue fighting for the sake of his beloved family.
Please consider donating to Dan's fund and sharing his story with others who might be able to help. Together, we can make a profound impact and offer Dan and his family the hope and support they need during this trying time.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and generosity.
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Breast Cancer
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Breast cancer, a multifaceted and prevalent disease, poses a significant health challenge globally, transcending gender lines with its potential impact. Characterized by the abnormal proliferation of cells within breast tissue, breast cancer’s complex etiology remains an area of intense study and concern. Despite notable advancements in medical science and increased awareness, it continues to be a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. This comprehensive discussion aims to delve into the intricacies of breast cancer, encompassing its causes, risk factors, prevention strategies, diagnostic modalities, treatment options, and the evolving landscape of supportive care.
Causes and Risk Factors
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Understanding the underlying causes and risk factors associated with breast cancer is paramount in developing effective prevention and management strategies. While the precise etiology of breast cancer remains elusive, various genetic, hormonal, environmental, and lifestyle factors contribute to its onset and progression. Genetic predispositions, such as mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, significantly elevate the risk of developing breast cancer. Additionally, hormonal influences, including early onset of menstruation, late menopause, and hormone replacement therapy, play a crucial role in disease pathogenesis. Lifestyle factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, lack of physical activity, and exposure to environmental carcinogens further augment the risk profile.
Preventive Measures
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Empowering individuals with knowledge about preventive measures is essential in mitigating the burden of breast cancer. Promoting regular breast self-examinations, clinical breast examinations, and mammographic screenings facilitates early detection and intervention. Emphasizing lifestyle modifications, including maintaining a healthy weight, adopting a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol intake, and engaging in regular physical activity, can reduce the risk of breast cancer. For individuals with a heightened risk due to genetic predispositions or familial history, prophylactic surgeries, such as mastectomy or oophorectomy, and chemo preventive agents offer viable preventive options.
Diagnostic Modalities
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Advances in diagnostic modalities have revolutionized the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, enabling prompt initiation of treatment and improved clinical outcomes. Mammography remains the cornerstone of breast cancer screening, capable of detecting abnormalities such as microcalcifications, masses, or architectural distortions. Complementary imaging techniques, including ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and molecular breast imaging (MBI), enhance diagnostic accuracy, particularly in women with dense breast tissue or high-risk profiles. Biopsy procedures, such as core needle biopsy or surgical excision, facilitate histopathological examination, enabling precise diagnosis and classification of breast lesions.
Treatment Options
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Tailoring treatment strategies to individual patient characteristics and disease parameters is essential in optimizing therapeutic outcomes in breast cancer. The treatment landscape encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, integrating surgical, medical, and radiation oncology interventions. Surgical options range from breast-conserving surgeries, such as lumpectomy or segmental mastectomy, to radical procedures like total mastectomy or modified radical mastectomy, depending on tumor size, location, and extent of spread. Adjuvant therapies, including chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy, aim to eradicate residual disease, prevent recurrence, and improve overall survival. Radiation therapy, administered either postoperatively or as a primary modality in selected cases, targets residual tumor cells, minimizing locoregional recurrence rates.
Supportive Care and Survivorship
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Recognizing the holistic needs of breast cancer patients and survivors is integral in promoting comprehensive care and ensuring optimal quality of life. Supportive care interventions, including symptom management, psychosocial support, nutritional counseling, and rehabilitation services, address the multifaceted challenges associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment. Survivorship programs, focusing on survivorship care planning, surveillance for recurrence, long-term monitoring of treatment-related complications, and health promotion initiatives, facilitate the transition from active treatment to survivorship. Engaging patients and caregivers in survivorship care planning fosters empowerment, resilience, and a sense of agency in navigating the post-treatment phase.
In conclusion, breast cancer represents a formidable health challenge with profound implications for affected individuals, families, and communities worldwide. While significant strides have been made in understanding its pathophysiology, enhancing diagnostic capabilities, and expanding treatment options, concerted efforts are warranted to address existing gaps in prevention, early detection, and access to care. By fostering collaborative partnerships among stakeholders, advocating for evidence-based interventions, and promoting health equity, we can strive towards a future where breast cancer incidence and mortality rates are substantially reduced. Through continued innovation, education, and advocacy, we can transform the landscape of breast cancer care, offering hope, support, and healing to those impacted by this pervasive disease.
We wish you all the best in your medical education journey. In case you need any guidance or assistance during the learning process, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
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alexzalben · 2 years
NEW YORK, NY (November 11, 2022) - Actor Kevin Conroy, the most beloved voice of Batman in the animated history of the character, died Thursday at age 66 after a short battle with cancer.
A noted stage, film and television performer, Conroy rose to unparalleled voice acting fame as the title character of the landmark Batman: The Animated Series (1992-1996). He would establish never-to-be-broken records as the quintessential voice of Batman, bringing the super hero to animated life in nearly 60 different productions, including 15 films – highlighted by the acclaimed Batman: Mask of the Phantasm; 15 animated series, spanning nearly 400 episodes and more than 100 hours of television; as well as two dozen video games. Conroy was also featured as a live-action Bruce Wayne in the Arrowverse’s 2019-2020 “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover event.
In recent years, Conroy was a notable fixture on the Con circuit, greeting fans with the same warmth, respect and enthusiasm they reserved for him.
“Kevin was far more than an actor whom I had the pleasure of casting and directing – he was a dear friend for 30+ years whose kindness and generous spirit knew no boundaries,” said Emmy Award winning casting/dialogue director Andrea Romano. “Kevin’s warm heart, delightfully deep laugh and pure love of life will be with me forever.”
“Kevin was perfection,” recalled Mark Hamill, who redefined the Joker playing opposite Conroy’s Batman. “He was one of my favorite people on the planet, and I loved him like a brother. He truly cared for the people around him – his decency shone through everything he did. Every time I saw him or spoke with him, my spirits were elevated.”
Born on November 30, 1955 in Westbury, New York, and raised in Westport, CT, Conroy began establishing himself in the acting community while under the tutelage of John Houseman at The Julliard School – where he studied alongside the likes of Christopher Reeve, Frances Conroy, and his roommate Robin Williams. 
Conroy began his career following his love of the theatre, keeping him on stage in both New York and at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego. The actor received rave reviews for his starring performances in A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Public Theater, Eastern Standard on Broadway, Arthur Miller’s The Last Yankee, and in the title role of Hamlet at the 1984 New York Shakespeare Festival. In addition, he performed in films and television – most notably in the mid-1980s when he had recurring roles on Dynasty, Tour of Duty and Ohara; successful runs on soap operas Search for Tomorrow and Another World; and guest roles on popular series like Cheers, Murphy Brown, Spenser: For Hire and Matlock.
But it was his incomparable, nuanced performance as the voice of Batman that put Conroy on the map – and the fans’ radar – when Batman: The Animated Series debuted on September 5, 1992. From that point on, Conroy would forever be linked to the Dark Knight – in TV series like Batman Beyond and Justice League/Justice League Unlimited; films ranging from Batman: the Killing Joke and Batman: Gotham Knight to Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero and Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman; and more than two dozen video games.
“Kevin was a brilliant actor,” Hamill said. “For several generations, he has been the definitive Batman. It was one of those perfect scenarios where they got the exact right guy for the exact right part, and the world was better for it. His rhythms and subtleties, tones and delivery – that all also helped inform my performance. He was the ideal partner – it was such a complementary, creative experience. I couldn’t have done it without him. He will always be my Batman.”
“Kevin brought a light with him everywhere,” said Paul Dini, producer of Batman: The Animated Series, “whether in the recording booth giving it his all, or feeding first responders during 9/11, or making sure every fan who ever waited for him had a moment with their Batman. A hero in every sense of the word. Irreplaceable. Eternal.”
Conroy is survived by his husband Vaughn C. Williams, sister Trisha Conroy, and brother Tom Conroy. Memorial services are pending.
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moonlight-yuyu · 3 months
hi gigi! I'm so so sooo happy that you're back and i hope you're doing great love ❤️
i would like to request a special ship game with sion from nct wish!
sun: leo (5h)
moon: taurus (3h)
mercury: virgo (6h)
venus: cancer (4h)
mars: leo (6h)
asc: piscis
i hope you enjoyed your break 🥰 thank you sm in advance and take care 🤍
Special Ship with NCT Wish Sion
🦋Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you'll have a lovely day and feel free to request again🦋
Emotional Stability and Understanding:
Taurus Moon Compatibility: Both individuals share a Taurus Moon, which implies a natural emotional resonance and understanding. Taurus Moons crave stability, security, and comfort, creating a shared foundation for emotional support and mutual reassurance.
Balance of Energies:
Complementary Sun Signs: You bring a vibrant, passionate, and confident energy, while the Sion offers nurturing, intuitive, and sensitive qualities. This balance allows you to feel appreciated and admired by Sion, while Sion feels protected and cherished by your strength and warmth.
Venus Signs Dynamics: Your nurturing and affectionate nature aligns well with Sion's desire for communication and intellectual connection. This blend ensures a dynamic yet emotionally satisfying romantic life, where both partners feel valued and understood.
Practical and Sensual Connection:
Shared Taurus Influences: With both partners having significant Taurus placements, there is a strong emphasis on sensuality, practicality, and a love for the finer things in life. This shared appreciation for stability and comfort can manifest in a harmonious domestic life and a deep physical connection.
Communication and Growth:
Your expressiveness can help bring out tSion's playful and communicative nature.Your confidence can encourage Sion to explore and express his thoughts and feelings more openly, fostering a lively and engaging relationship.
Loyalty and Devotion:
Both having Taurus Moons, you are likely to be incredibly loyal and dedicated to each other. This mutual loyalty strengthens trust and commitment, ensuring a stable and enduring bond.
Mutual Support:
Sion's nurturing instinct paired with your protective nature ensures that both partners feel supported and cared for. Sion provides emotional support, while you offer encouragement and motivation, creating a balanced and supportive relationship.
In summary, this relationship is characterized by a blend of emotional depth, stability, and mutual admiration. Your shared values, complementary energies, and mutual support can create a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.
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Survivorship Care Plans: Transitioning to Life After Cancer Treatment
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If you have completed your cancer treatment, you may wonder what comes next. How will you cope with the physical and emotional changes that cancer and its treatment have caused? How will you monitor your health and prevent recurrence or new cancers? How will you coordinate your care among different health care providers?
These are some of the questions that a survivorship care plan can help you answer. A survivorship care plan is a record of your cancer and treatment history, as well as any checkups or follow-up tests you need in the future. It may also list possible long-term effects of your treatments, and ideas for staying healthy.
A survivorship care plan can help you and your health care team understand each other and communicate better. It can also help you transition from active treatment to life after cancer. Here are some of the benefits of having a survivorship care plan:
It can help you keep track of your medical information, such as the type and stage of cancer you had, the treatments you received, and the names and contact information of your health care providers.
It can help you know what to expect after treatment, such as how often you need to see your oncologist or primary care provider, what tests or scans you need to have, and what signs or symptoms to watch for.
It can help you manage the physical and emotional effects of cancer and its treatment, such as fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction, fertility issues, or cognitive changes. It can also suggest resources or referrals for support services, such as counselling, nutrition, physical therapy, or complementary therapies.
It can help you adopt healthy behaviours to reduce your risk of recurrence or new cancers, such as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and protecting yourself from the sun.
A survivorship care plan is not a one-size-fits-all document. It is personalised to your needs and preferences. You should receive a survivorship care plan from your oncologist during or after your treatment. If you did not get one, ask your oncologist about it. You should also share it with your primary care provider and any other health care providers involved in your care.
A survivorship care plan is a tool that can help you take charge of your health and well-being after cancer treatment. By following the recommendations in your plan, you can improve your quality of life and outcomes.
For more details click on the link 👇🏻 https://bit.ly/3osreVo
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Do you mind telling us your opinion on what astrological signs the Blacks are?
Hi there! 🤗
Sorry for this delay and may I say that your ask was so polite! I am almost not used to this!
Omg I love this ask! And can I say I am not an expert on signs but I get curious and binge watch youtube so XD let's do this.
Easiest one first.
Daemon Targaryen - Scorpio. I mean... is there ANY doubt?!
The sign most associated with sex. Dark. Mysterious. Easy to anger and slow to forgive (if ever). Vengeful. Relentless desire for control. Manipulative. Ambitious. Enticing. Someone who almost never opens open and hides away their feelings. 
I think Daemon is almost a perfect personification of what a scorpio is hitting all the major points. 
BUT I would add that he is a Scorpio with Sagittarius rising as a reader I had who knows MUCH more about signs than I once told me she was sure he had this combo, and that this was the hottest combo for the gentlemen, so yeah. I can see it as Daemon did seem to be fun-loving, party-boy, and outspoken. And the Sagittarius I have met in life do NOT back down from a fight! Imagine someone with this Scorpio-Sagittarius combo in a fight... Yep. That’s Daemon.
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Rhaenyra Targaryen - Taurus. No doubts there.
Very stubborn. Demanding. Prone to anger. They like pleasure and the fine things in life, like to live a comfortable life. Resilient. Devoted to those they love. Jealous and possessive. Like to be pampered. 
While Scorpio is the most sexual sign of the zodiac, Taurus is the most sensual sign. And there’s little surprise that these two form one of the most explosive combos of the zodiac, and supposedly they are the hottest of all the zodiac combos. Complementary opposites. I think this pretty much sums up Daemon and Rhaenyra -> very similar in some things and opposites in others. 
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Rhaenys Targaryen - it’s actually canon she is a Cancer because we do get her name day. So this just makes my job easier and yes I do think she has many of the Cancer traits. Does not back down from a fight. Cares deeply about family. 
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Corlys Velaryon - Leo. I did struggle with what sign I should give the Sea Snake, and for a long time I thought something like Sagittarius because of how adventurous he was, but in the end I think he screams Leo. He’s super charismatic, proud, major main character vibes. I mean it’s said the only woman good enough for him was Rhaenys Targaryen so like... 
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Jace “Velaryon” - Sagittarius
We know he was born later in the year so it’s really between Sagittarius and Capricorn. I choose Sagittarius, however, because of how good with people Jace was. He easily inspired loyalty, was charismatic, independent, and took initiative. 
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Luke “Velaryon” - Capricorn
He was also born late in the year and him and Jace need at the very least like 10 months between them?! Let me have a year please XD. Please XD for my sanity. 
So I was actually torn between Capricorn and Sagittarius with Luke, but his seriousness and how he kept his word instead of beating Aemond -> any proper Sagittarius would have taken him up on his offer of a showdown I think XD like these people do NOT mess around, they are a fire sign - make me say Capricorn. 
Joffrey “Velaryon” - Aries
I am going to say Aries because of how hot-tempered and bold he was. He acted first and thought later -> as he did during the storming of the Dragonpit - and showed enormous bravery. 
Aegon III Targaryen - Capricorn 
Luckily this is canon too so less work for me as we know our God and Saviour was born at the end of the year, like last days. And this is the sign of divine people btw. 
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Viserys II - Aquarius 
The sign of so many incredibly smart people - I mean Darwin was an Aquarius! Duh! Analytical, detached... plus I love the idea of the best boys being the Ice Kings. Just making others uncomfortable with their silence and then giving them the verbal beatdown of the century. Btw I think this sign would fit Daemon’s boys very well. I mean... imagine taking on a scorpio an Aquarius and a capricorn... it’s like... call the police. 
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Baela and Rhaena - Thank GOD these two were twins since this means less work for me XD. Gemini. This is not me just being funny and obvious. I think these two do fit well with being Geminis. They just seem to have a way with people, they exuded energy and positivity wherever they went, and Baela does show she was NOT to be messed with as anyone who knows a Gemini knows it’s better to be on their good side. 
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That’s all! ☺️ and again sorry for my delay!
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amanrathour · 8 months
Showering Hope: Dr. Manoj Kr. Sharma Offers the Best Radiation Oncology Treatment in Delhi NCR
The world is united together to find the cure for cancer and the day a cure could be invented is not far ahead but about to knock our door. With the latest breakthroughs in research and development for cancer treatments worldwide radiation oncology is more precise and advanced with the cutting-edge technology of the 21st century.
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The desperate fight against cancer begins with the search for perfect treatment and the best oncologist who can understand and eliminate cancer cells from the root cause for no recurrence. For patients who want the very Best Radiation Oncology in Delhi NCR, there is no better person to turn to and consult than Dr Manoj Kr. Sharma who is internationally renowned for his capabilities and compassionate care in the field of cancer treatments.  Dr. Sharma is the best oncologist in Delhi for radiation oncology services that give hope and restore life to a healthy one for cancer patients globally.
Dr. Manoj Sharma Oncology - Best Radiation Oncology in Delhi NCR
Dr. Manoj Kr. Sharma, the top oncologist of Delhi NCR has a lot of experience in Oncology. Dr. Sharma is an experienced radiation oncologist with international expertise in providing state-of-the-art treatments that target cancerous cells precisely and accurately. Dr. Sharma has many years of experience in understanding the complicated nature of not only cancer care but also combining state-of-the-art technologies and unique creative techniques to craft personalized treatment plans for every patient and also accurately diagnose cancer at its earliest stages for a definite cure.
Benefits for Cancer Patients:
1. Personalized Treatment Plans: Dr. Sharma realizes that no two cancer cases are identical and neither should the treatment be the same. Therefore, he adopts a patient-based treatment approach, by evaluating every patient’s condition and developing personalized plans for radiation therapy which will maximize effectiveness while minimizing any side effects and promising a swift recovery towards a healthy future.
2. Advanced Technology: Dr. Sharma uses the latest technological developments in radiation oncology to treat cancerous cells with high accuracy and focus on the absolute annihilation of cancer infection. Patients receive advanced treatments with IMRT to IGRT, which are leading-edge techniques designed for perfection in effective treatment outcomes and promoting a healthier tomorrow.
3. Compassionate Care: Besides offering excellent oncological care, Mr. Manoj Kr.  is loved for his compassionate and kind approach to cancer care, along with unfailing support toward his or her patients. He gives them important time and a patient ear to listen and understand their worries, address their fears and encourage them with the required support to help them take on their cancer-defeating journeys with strength and perseverance.
4. Comprehensive Approach: According to Dr. Sharma, the treatment of cancer should be not limited to radiation therapy only, but it should also include a combination of complementary therapies, medically evaluated nutritional support and regular psychosocial services in an integrated approach to cure the disease. By treating not only the major chemical aspects but also the physical, emotional and psychological aspects of cancer treatment for cancer patients he creates a more holistic approach which benefits patients in their recovery process.
Within the unyielding fight against cancer, hope enlightens the way, guiding us to a world where we can live without this daunting enemy called cancer. Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma is leading the charge in this battle, with his radiation oncology treatments in Delhi NCR. Radiotherapy has undergone revolutionary changes with technological developments and the development of science and research, it is now more effective and accurate than ever before. Dr. Sharma’s expert knowledge and caring approach represent the highest standards in cancer care, which gives patients plans for personalized treatment that takes into account the peculiarities of a person to provide maximum positive output.
When the world of cancer treatment still stands at a crossroads, Dr. Sharma’s dedication to quality oncology treatment solutions is a light that shines on and leads patients sailing safely through the sea of hope towards the future in which cancer is extinct. As shown by Dr. Sharma and the team, a cancer-free world is now closer than it has ever been through harnessing cutting-edge technologies. For more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Manoj Kr. Sharma, please visit https://www.drmanojsharmaoncology.com/ or Action Cancer Hospital, Delhi NCR.
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astrovastuplus · 9 months
The Mysterious Group: Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio
Astrology remains a subject that continually piques human curiosity, shedding light on the connections between celestial bodies and individual zodiac signs. Among the myriad of signs, Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio hold particular intrigue due to their distinctive attributes and harmonious interactions. Let's delve into the characteristics and relationships that define these intriguing signs.
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1. Cancer: The Compassionate Guardian (June 21 - July 22)
Distinctive Qualities of Cancer:
Exhibits deep emotional awareness and sensitivity.
Prioritizes familial and interpersonal connections.
Possesses a nurturing and empathetic disposition.
Interplay with Virgo and Scorpio: Cancer forms meaningful connections with Virgo and Scorpio due to their shared water-based elemental nature. This commonality enables a mutual understanding and emotional resonance among them.
The compassionate tendencies of Cancer align harmoniously with Virgo's pragmatic approach and Scorpio's fervent passion, fostering a relationship rooted in mutual support and emotional depth.
2. Virgo: The Methodical Planner (August 23 - September 22)
Distinctive Qualities of Virgo:
*Demonstrates analytical thinking and attention to detail.
*Values organization and practicality.
*Exhibits intelligence and thoughtful decision-making.
Interplay with Cancer and Scorpio: Virgo's methodical nature complements the emotional sensitivity of Cancer and the passionate intensity of Scorpio. Together, they form a cohesive unit where each sign's strengths contribute to a balanced and supportive dynamic.
Through Virgo's logical approach, coupled with Cancer's nurturing tendencies and Scorpio's unwavering commitment, they create a harmonious environment conducive to growth and mutual understanding.
3. Scorpio: The Determined Force (October 23 - November 21)
Distinctive Qualities of Scorpio:
*Possesses a passionate and assertive demeanor.
*Exhibits a mysterious yet intuitive nature.
*Demonstrates unwavering loyalty and determination.
Interplay with Cancer and Virgo: Scorpio's intensity resonates deeply with the emotional depth of Cancer and the practical mindset of Virgo. Their shared elemental attributes create a foundation for a meaningful and dynamic relationship.
The determination and loyalty inherent in Scorpio complement the caring nature of Cancer and the analytical prowess of Virgo, resulting in a synergistic alliance capable of achieving remarkable outcomes.
In summary, the relationships between Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio exemplify the intricate dynamics and synergies present within the realm of astrology. Their shared elemental characteristics and complementary traits facilitate a harmonious and supportive connection grounded in mutual respect and understanding.
As we navigate the fascinating world of astrology, it becomes evident that each sign contributes unique qualities to the collective synergy. The collaboration between Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio serves as a testament to the profound connections that can emerge when individuals embrace their distinct attributes and work together towards shared goals.
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k-ky · 1 year
Do you have any Guti + Raul headcannon? If so could u share some of ur favs :D
OK HI so Raul first ever, and only game ban, came during his youth days in Atletico as a preteen, when he fist fought an opponent boy on the ground during the game. It was said the boy was actually Guti from the Real Madrid side. (I LOST THE SOURCE BUT I DESPERATELY WANT TO BELIEVE THIS THE BEST MEET CUTE EVER)
Anyways as history had it, a more grown up teenage Raul joined the youth RM team, which he was NOT initially welcomed by Guti, who tackled him during training and then told him to apparently "fuck off back to Atletico". Idk what happened but I guess they made up and became friends somewhere along the way hehe.
But this is when I have to introduce third wheel/love triangle/ prettiest friend Alvaro Benito.
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He, Guti and Raul were a trio of besties and APPARTENTLY had amazing set pieces together in the youth team. Quoting, (and badly translating) Alvaro in this interview: With Raúl and Guti. We were very close friends and also three complementary lefties in different positions of the field. Guti fed me, and I fed Raul. Guti was very good in kicking balls with depth, where I could take advantage of my speed and me getting them to Raúl to score.
ONCE YOU RECOGNISE THIS GUY, you will see him EVERYWHERE in most photos of young Guti and Raul. They were rly besties (threesome)
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Raul was the first of them to get promoted from the youth team, followed by Alvaro, and then lastly Guti (who was still benched most of the time while Alvaro and Raul was mostly starting 11 from the get go.) Bet your ass Guti was bitter af abt that knowing him, since he was with Real Madrid the longest. Unfortunately, a bad tackling during the youth national games to Alvaro left knee ended his career very early on, like within two years of Alvaro joining the main team. He had like EIGHT surgeries, one even in the USA, and then got into a CAR ACCIDENT, he was never the same since and couldn't play again. He still hangs out with Guti and Raul TO THIS DAY and sometimes play in charity matches with them, you can see Guti still pass to him and he tries to score (he seems rly good) but he seems to be really careful with his knee :(((
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ANYWAYS back to Raul and Guti:
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I find that the Spanish media POV of Raul is very different to the fandom (who isn't 100% spanish) POV because Raul seemed very political and temperamental IRL. He is constantly stirring up discourse and unrest in the team if he doesn't agree with the higher ups (re: his time in the Spain NT), giving the media sullen cold shoulders (he deadass sat there and glared at them in silence, his horoscope Cancer is showing) and literally got managers FIRED bc this guy will directly complain to Perez if he disagreed with you. THIS MAN IS A MENACE. Compared to Guti who literally just wanted to party and black out, and sometimes lost his cool on the pitch, Guti is considered the more laid back between the two for REAL.
Additionally, ofc them being co captains, (I'm convinced Guti disinterest in company politics was there to balance out Raul's rumored hunger for power), the fact Guti wanted to leave RM in the later years because of the Galaticos causing him to be benched alot, (other teams were trying to get him such as like Man Utd) and his waning motivation; but he stayed because Raul is here (HE SAID THIS IN AN INTERVIEW). And THAT MOMENT when Guti announced he was leaving RM, ONE DAY AFTER Raul said he was leaving. BC I GUESS IF RAUL ISNT HERE HE CANT BE ASSED????
And APPARENTLY Raul was crying watching Guti's farewell on TV (Guti didnt even cry lol) and he called him right after. And they still kept in touch after moving to Germany and Turkey respectively, because in an interview in Germany he said he was enjoying it there immensely "while my friend Guti does not like Turkey". (Ok visit him then.)
I think there are more but i cant rmb more rn i might rmb it after sajkdfhajksdfh anyways uh the families hang out tgt too Guti's son Aitor was at Raul's son Jorge's birthday party
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Here’s Alvaro and Guti being 100% smashed and extremely sus tgt
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I have so many photos of them I might do a picspam or smth tumblr has a limit of 10 photos lol
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chemotherapyindelhi · 9 months
Chemotherapy Therapy In Delhi - Lyfe Medicare Cancer Centre
Chemotherapy therapy, while often a vital part of cancer treatment, can be an emotionally and physically daunting process for patients. The side effects of chemotherapy, such as fatigue, hair loss, and nausea, can take a toll on the body and mind. However, emerging research is shedding light on new approaches to minimize these side effects. From personalized dosing based on genetic factors to targeted drug delivery systems, the future of chemotherapy holds promise for reducing the impact on patients' quality of life.
Furthermore, the integration of complementary therapies alongside traditional chemotherapy is gaining traction within the medical community. Techniques like acupuncture, yoga, and meditation are being explored as potential allies in mitigating the adverse effects of chemotherapy. By adopting a more holistic approach that considers both physical and psychological well-being during treatment, healthcare providers are striving to enhance patient resilience and overall outcomes. As our understanding evolves and innovative strategies continue to emerge, the landscape of chemotherapy therapy is undergoing a transformation that offers hope and improved care for those battling cancer.
Tag = Chemotherapy Therapy In Delhi, Chemotherapy In Delhi, Chemotherapy Cost in Delhi
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so additions to her bio: she was born in england, her mom was a us citizen who was overseas to play in an orchestra and ended up falling for the composer, who's a pretty big deal in that side of the music industry. they got married, melody was born two years later, and they got divorced when melody was three. it wasn't exactly hostile, but it wasn't exactly amicable either. melody and her mom moved back to the us and her mom continued to work and was the primary care giver for melody pretty much all her life. there were a few attempts at awkward holiday get togethers when melody was older and could travel to visit her dad on her own, but they were just uncomfortable and the two never really meshed and eventually they just stopped doing more than like, exchanging holiday cards etc.
melody had always been a really skilled musician. she learned to play the violin first, the piano after. she was very talented and hard working and had her heart set on attending Juilliard but when she was a senior in high school her mom was diagnosed with late stage breast cancer. melody immediately put her plans on hold and took on the role of caregiver for her mother, attending a few community college classes for the next two years after graduation. her mother never went into full remission and died when melody was twenty. with the emotional trauma and hospital bills to pay, she worked her way through community college to get an associates, then received a partial scholarship to attend a state college to get her bachelor's in education.
after graduation, she was hired on as a part time music teacher at an elementary school, and eventually got another part time job in the same school system at the high school, with complementary schedules so that she could do both. she's also taught private lessons since she was in high school. she continued to attend classes, online at that point, to continue her education and received a certification to be able to offer music therapy to children with developmental difficulties, social anxiety, etc.
at this point, she hasn't thought about pursuing music as a performing artist for a while. she also, by now, knows at least the basics of pretty much any and all instruments since she has to be able to teach beginners how to play their instruments including embouchure, fingering, etc. so even if she's not particularly great at all of them, she's got a working knowledge.
also, she has dated, but never had much in the way of a full on long term relationship. she does get talked into blind dates now and then, even tried speed dating once with a friend (never again). she rarely does just casual hook ups but if there's realllllly good chemistry she might go for a one night stand on rare occasion. she has an on again off again casual dating not dating kinda just hang out and sometimes goes to dinner or a show and sometimes do booty calls with a professor at the university that she teaches one singular music theory class at, evening class three times a week.
she loves just hanging out with her friends and socializing, but she does have a pretty hectic schedule that can change at the drop of a hat so she's always having to change up times or days for hanging out last minute. she likes going to the theatre, seeing plays and musicals, going to concerts, ballet, museums, art shows. she doesn't really do clubs, or bars all that often. doesn't do a lot of late nights - she is up early dealing with young kids that she's trying to teach how to play instruments for the first time she doesn't need hangovers. a glass of wine at dinner, sure, but she rarely does more than that and it's really rare that she'll do any hard alcohol.
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mountphoenixrp · 1 year
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
           Eirwen Azéma, a 25 year old daughter of Circe.            She is the owner of the Black Forest Bakery.
FC NAME/GROUP: Winter (Kim Min-jeong) / aespa CHARACTER NAME: Eirwen Azéma AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 01 January 1998 (time when found) PLACE OF BIRTH: Andorra la Vella, Andorra (place when found) OCCUPATION: Owner of Black Forest Bakery HEIGHT: 165 cm DEFINING FEATURES: delicate frame, fair complexion, naturally blonde hair, dark brown eyes, often intense gazes
PERSONALITY: At first glance, Eirwen is full of contradictions. She prefers to follow traditional ways of doing things, but always does so with a twist. She is careful and methodical, yet will break all rules and cross all lines in intermittent bursts of impulsiveness. Diligent and practical, almost a workaholic, but others may often catch her lazing around or daydreaming for days on end. She’s vivacious and people-oriented, yet she often shuns away from public attention and would stay behind the scene as long as she could.
She is a good girl who owns all the power to go bad, and a bad girl with great potential for goodness. She’s interested in making the world a better place for all, but when it comes down to it, she’s willing to get her hands dirty. This girl has a knack for business and management, and often opts for logical, business-like methods to deal with matters of life. Eirwen is much more of a reliable problem-solver than a sympathetic confidant, so she tends to help someone find solutions for their problem rather than lend them a shoulder to cry on.
She has to feel like she is in control, but dislikes being ordered around. She hates being copied, as she holds a firm belief that every individual is unique, therefore no one’s path should be a copy of one another’s. This demigoddess also tends to act like she does not give a damn about things, but most of the time, she surely does, and will always give strong opinions about almost all matters when asked.
HISTORY: [TW: mention of death and sickness]
Before Eirwen was Eirwen, she was a mystery. Nobody knew where she came from or why she ended up being in Andorra, including Marie, the woeful, childless widow who found her in a basket put in front of her door.
Eirwen was Eirwen because she was taken in when winter’s beauty started to bloom, when its first snowflakes sprinkled on the wool blanket that wrapped around her tiny body. Despite her humble frame, Eirwen was a healthy, easy, and quiet child. In fact, she was so quiet that her foster mother had almost given up hope of hearing her speak coherently, until Eirwen uttered a question in Catalan with flawless pronunciation and grammar at the age of five.
“What are you cooking, Mother?”
Since then, variants of that question followed their conversations since then, and soon Eirwen’s deep interest in cooking was discovered. As the co-owner of a popular ski resort, Marie let seven-year-old Eirwen come along and spend as much time as she wanted in the resort’s kitchen, where the girl learned the art of baking. She also showed an uncanny ability to mix non-complementary ingredients into extraordinary drinks and dishes, which then all became the resort’s signature.
Her hobby of experimental mixing things soon extended to chemicals, starting with the readily accessible cosmetic products of her foster mother. At school, she was among the students with the best results in science classes, but she was never the best despite always having answers for the most difficult questions. It perplexed her teachers and friends, to the point it accumulated into a ‘conspiracy’ saying that Eirwen made mistakes on purpose. There was no confirmation nor denial of that rumor, but it was common knowledge that Eirwen would avoid the spotlight as best as she could.
Eirwen disappeared shortly after her foster mother’s funeral. Marie lost her battle against lung cancer, yet before she succumbed to death, she had already willed all of her savings, the house, and half of the resort’s ownership to her only foster daughter. Once again, rumors and conspiracies rose among the close-knit community, some aimed at Marie’s business partners, while others steered their doubtful gaze on the missing Eirwen. Like a puff of smoke, the then seventeen-year-old girl was nowhere to be found, taking with her nothing but her favorite black backpack.
On a sunny day in January five years later, the Andora bakery held a grand opening for their latest branch in the heart of Bangkok, Thailand. As expected from the fame the franchise had gained throughout the years around Asian countries, the newest branch attracted massive attention, and staff were constantly kept busy.
From the top floor of the bakery, Eirwen gazed down at the long queues in front of the building, a satisfied smile slowly bloomed on her face. The sight was a loud affirmation that the secret ingredient she mixed in the flour was still working perfectly throughout the years, which her dear sponsor was going to be thrilled to know.
At her feet, Mr Mushy - the black cat she had rescued from an exorcism and revived with potions - made a big yawn after his long nap. Before he completed his catty stretch, Eirwen’s phone buzzed, disturbing the serene quietness in the office. On the other end of the phone line, her client sounded typically impatient.
“I told you,” she calmly repeated, “the potion you’ve ordered takes time, even money won’t buy that.”
Out of habit, Eirwen turned around on her swivel chair to face the cauldron in the room’s corner, where the said potion was humbling with the help of the merry fire crackling underneath. The client seemed to try his best not to yell through the phone, his voice tone supposed to appear threatening, which made Eirwen’s eyes roll in disgust. So typically men.
“Fine, you can come to collect the batch tomorrow,” she sighed, casting her gaze down at Mr Mushy, who was now sitting obediently on her lap, “and don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
She hung up the phone, no longer allowing her inner peace to be disturbed. Stroking Mr Mushy’s big head, Eirwen released a soft sigh. The black cat stared at her, waiting in silence. Years of being together helped her quickly figure out what he was trying to say.
“We need to go on a vacation, a loooong one.”
But to where this time? Eirwen did a quick mental check of places and countries she had yet visited, which were not many, and the available options were not much appealing. A loud crack of the fire drew her eyes back to the cauldron, which brought up a flashback of what her sponsor once told her, and suddenly, she got her next destination decided.
“Mr Mushy,” she called her pet, the smile on her lips matching the gleaming excitement in his amber eyes. “Let’s pack our bags, we’re heading to Mount Phoenix.”
Potion Intuition: She’s got an innate knowledge of different kinds of potions, both scientific and magical ones. She is also able to come up with unique combinations of ingredients to brew potions with desired effects.
Potion Creation: She is able to brew a variety of magical potions (love, transformation, healing, etc.). Those potions with malefic effects are made-to-order only, and these always come with an exorbitant price. All potions have short-term effects, lasting for a few hours to a full day.
Her strongest strength lies in her ability to brew potent magical potions whose powers run a gamut from healing to killing.
She is deliberate, thoughtful, and generally righteous, making her a capable and reliable companion. That, if one knows how to gain and maintain her trust in them.
She is creative in a lateral way, and she always welcomes challenges and new experiences.
She’s a good cook and a great patissier.
Her potions often require a long time to be done. If the brewing process is cut short or interfered with in any way, the potion would either lose all of its power or turn poisonous.
Eirwen can’t drink alcoholic beverages, as alcohol is proven to have noticeably bad effects on her well-being. If she touches or makes potions while having alcohol in her blood, the potion’s quality will be negatively affected.
She may appear to be inconsistent in her demeanor, often swinging between an energetic happy sunshine and a private, grumpy grandma.
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