#Conan Chop Chop
cartoonsbyandie · 1 year
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New contender for worst thing I’ve ever drawn (Source)
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hiiii y'all anyone any idea on gender neutral haircuts??
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sazandorable · 6 months
akai shuuichi
For nearly a year now I have been plagued by awareness of and lust for Akai Shuuichi from classic manga/anime series Detective Conan, of all things. It never stops. It keeps getting worse. My friends with me in the fandom are angels of patience, indulgence and gentle teasing, but for everyone out of that loop I need to explain.
Akai Shuuichi.
He's got striking green eyes and identifiably long lashes.
He is so tall, wears leather jackets, and often has one or both hands in his pockets.
He's left-handed.
He smokes.
He drives cool cars.
He has lived in the UK, in Japan, and in LA.
He used to have princess long hair he was super proud about. He chopped it all off after "a bad breakup" (more on this later).
Most of the time he looks like death badly warmed over in a prehistoric microwave oven. Bags under his eyes, sharp boney facial structure that makes his face look like a skull, an entire scene dedicated to him dropping a can of shitty coffee in dramatic slow-mo, apparently out of exhaustion. I want to bundle him in a huge duvet and spoonfeed him chicken soup.
He is so fucking smart.
He is so fucking funny in a deadpan way.
He looks so serious but does the wildest shit like it's a normal (and easy) thing to do.
He is a sniper. An absurdly good one.
Also excellent physical fighter. He's so cool, he doesn't do karate or judo like the protag's close allies or even boxing like Sherlock Holmes -- he does Jeet Kune Do like Bruce Lee.
He is good at everything.
He's FBI, one of their best.
He doesn't say shit but understands everything.
At any given point you have no idea where the fuck Akai is and what he's doing, but he'll always be where he's needed.
Hottest trait: reliable. Unfailingly reliable.
He infiltrated the big bad meanie shadow organisation at the heart of the series' overarching plot and became a very high-ranking member of it.
Now that he's been found out and burned, the common reaction to Akai Shuuichi from members of that organisation is "shit, he's our biggest threat, kill kill kill".
A guy from the organisation once realised he was being chased by the Akai Shuuichi and immediately shot himself in the head rather than deal with him.
Another shot himself after having been dealt with by Akai Shuuichi.
To be fair, it's apparently the guideline of the org to not leave loose ends and not get caught alive, but still. This doesn't happen with other characters.
He was a honey pot.
His seduction method was to let his target hit him with her car and then hit on her when she visited him in the hospital.
He ended up catching genuine feelings for her. Then she got killed, so now he has angst about that.
He refers to wanting to avenge her death and kill the guy that killed her as "I'll make my girlfriend cry tears of scarlet blood in regret for ever dumping me".
He says to himself "Hi, my precious, precious lover ❤" while sniping at the man who killed her through that guy's own sniper scope from over 700 yards away.
Hits him, too. 600+ episodes later the guy still has the scar on his cheek and touches it occasionally.
He also dated a FBI colleague, whom he first met when they bumped into each other and he pointed out she should apologise too because "the blame was 50/50".
She was super offended. And then she dated him.
Another, male, colleague once referred to Akai Shuuichi as "my wife".
The official resident Pretty Boy fanservice man is obsessed with him because he believes Akai caused the death of his own childhood friend(/boyfriend).
It was actually the pretty boy's own fault. For incomprehensible reasons, instead of ever telling him that, Akai "the blame is 50/50" Shuuichi takes on that responsibility and even tells him he still feels sorry about it, and lets this incredibly dangerous man repeatedly try to out and/or kill him and put so, so many people in danger in an attempt to get his revenge. It is all incredibly homoerotic.
He still humiliates this guy every time they meet, and sometimes when they don't.
He's so sweet about so many upsetting things like this or his own honeypot girlfriend incident, but also so ruthless about others. He'll do anything to get a foot into the shadow organisation. He'll use himself as bait. He'll use a colleague who idolises him as decoy (with his knowledge and consent). He'll use a 6yo as scout. He'll use a comatose woman, her little brother, your crush's dad, your dad, his ex, himself again.
"No, Conan-kun, don't get your loved ones entangled into this, what we do is dangerous and sometimes we get people killed. Anyway let's use this entire hospital full of injured civillians for a high-risk trick." - Akai Shuuichi
He's so sweet and also such a dick.
He also has daddy issues because his father was MI6 and seems to have died on the job in mysterious circumstances.
He's an oldest brother.
Because of his choice to start a dangerous job after what happened to his father and various other plot reasons, he is estranged from his remaining family they don't even share a last name anymore.
He and his little sister barely know each other, but she's emulating him and looking for him and trying to know him and it's so sweet. He can't let that happen for both of their safety, but also he's being a dick about it.
He faked his death.
So he's currently on his 4th name (that I know of).
He's now pretending to be a 5 years younger phD student with pink hair, glasses, and turtlenecks.
The turtlenecks are for hiding the fact that he's constantly wearing a voice-changing device. The device is a metal choker.
He's now living his best domestic quiet life at the hero's parents' manor-like house, reading their books and drinking their booze.
The hero's dad, who is a very popular author, wrote a book inspired by him. The book inspired by him got adapted into a movie and won an award.
The hero's mom, who is an incredibly talented and famous actress and a total hottie, has a crush on him. She taught him to cook.
Sometimes he drops by the neighbours' to share a meal he cooked with the old man and little girl living there and the kids often visiting. The kids told him his curry was not that great so he's working on it.
For another meal that failed to satisfy, he read cookbooks then asked an old lady to teach him the special recipe that had emotional value to her.
Man who is good at everything is not good at cooking. So he's learning that. From the women in his life. For the kids in his life.
He's so fond of the hero. They get each other and they don't usually run into anyone who does. They like each other so much. Autistic to autistic communication.
The hero is in the body of a 6-year-old. Akai is so impressed with him and thinks he's so cool and talks to him like an equal.
One time they went fishing and for a cover the hero called him "daddy".
Akai Shuuichi knows he's a weapon of destruction and can do pretty much anything. He's not a brag about it, just practical. He is basically the hero's on-call guard/attack dog now.
When the hero needs help, he calls Akai-san, and Akai says yeah, I followed the situation, I was waiting for your call, I know what you're going to ask me to do. Point me at the target and I'll take care of it.
And then he just does that.
In the latest movie, the hero needs to take care of an armoured submarine that is currently underwater and doesn't get picked up by radards. Akai goes "ok, I can handle that".
He shows up in a helicopter with an American rocket launcher and is like "ok, just show me where it is". The hero just has to light up the submarine for a couple seconds. Then Akai one-shots it. From the helicopter. While it's still underwater.
Then he goes home.
(To the hero's parents' home.)
This is Akai Shuuichi with little resources and lots of constraints, such as being an FBI agent in Japan not supposed to be there or do anything, certainly not use weapons, and by the way legally dead and cannot let the organisation know he's still alive because that would endanger several other people.
He plays the accordion.
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doomreturn · 10 months
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A very 90s Conan chopping heads, by Alex Horley
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nitpickrider · 1 day
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Sir, he chopped off your right arm last time You expect this one to go BETTER? Conan the Barbarian 160
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shsl-box-worshipper · 6 months
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Time for the next smol child on the chopping block: Conan!
Obviously, this design was based on the outfit he wore on the cover on volume 1
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Just made some tiny adjustments. First, he has his iconic red bowtie. Second, his buckle is a little bit different. This is because it's supposed to act like his inflatable ball belt in canon and by some extent, the real world. (However, in the AU, he goes to Lyoko before he even shrinks. When Agasa gets around to designing his gadgets, Conan just casually gives examples from his Lyoko Form as ideas).
Also, yeah, Conan's got a weapon! A giant spiky soccer ball which he can kick with the same force that he can kick balls with his superpowered sneakers in the real world. Sometimes, he even kicks Megatanks :D! Doesn't do well for his foot, but it works.
Despite Conan being the Jeremie Surrogate of Code Meitantei's Lyoko Warriors (A character who is infamous for having a lyoko form that is never seen to the audience and only goes to Lyoko 3-4 times over the course of the og cartoon), Conan actually goes to Lyoko much more frequently than most other characters.
Why is that? Well, a major player in that is his ability: Analysis!
(click the read more if you want to read the rest of this post)
For people who can't read my shit mouse writing on the design document, it's essentially if Conan had an internal 'Fetch Data' button as a power. When he willingly activates it, he gets a ton of information. Including - The code of any digital entity/object that Conan is looking at (LW, Monsters, Sector Terrain, Overvehicles, Towers, etc.) Essentially, anything that isn't the Digital Sea, he can parse it's code.
-A minimap of his surroundings, acting kind of a localized virtual map from the sc's interface
-The DNA of every human-based entity loaded into Lyoko. He gets his own DNA instantly, but he has to dig for his fellow Lyoko Warriors's DNA (made harder if they are out of his line of sight). However, to find anyone else's DNA (or DNA that's purposefully ofuscated and corrupted, like Haibara's early on), it could take him literally days on Lyoko to find.
-Lifepoints. He gets his lifepoints instantly, gets the lifepoints of his fellow LW and any materialized Overvehicles if he parses through enough data (again, made hard if he cannot see them), and can get monsters' lifepoints if he digs for them.
The main downside of the power is that it takes him a long ass time to find any useful information that isn't his own data, hence he likes to just stick to the real world during XANA attacks, where he can get all of the information quickly without the hassle.
However, it thrives mainly in another kind of mission that they go on just as much as XANA attack missions in this au: Recon and Data Collecting.
Usually, it'll be just him and Haibara, sometimes with another LW, collecting data from Lyoko and XANA's monsters so that Conan can make programs more efficiently. This becomes even more apparent when they discover Sector 5, and this is how Conan is able to keep pace with Jeremie in canon, despite not even being remotely a computer geek.
He just kind of treats computer programming as detective work and deductive reasoning with Analysis. Grabbing certain pieces of code from his Analysis, changing them, and shifting them around to fit a giant ass puzzle he calls a program. Which he then combines with his prior knowledge of programming to complete said puzzle.
To quote the man himself, "It's addicting!"
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
If Cutter and his little girlfriend are going to space, does that mean they're gonna get their hands chopped off too? (Also it looks like Duck Boy might be going for a redemption arc! Go Duck Boy Go!)
(or my reaction to Episode 47 and mini Episode 14 of Wolf359)
Welcome back dear readers! I managed to get another episode in as I pack for my vacation. Please enjoy!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 47: Into the Depths
I love Hera's narration, and I love the thought experiment. It reminds me of split brain patients. (For those who don't know what a split brain patient is, or haven't taken a psych class, if we were to surgically cut your corpus collosum (the part of the brain the connects your hemispheres), your consciousness would split and there would basically be two of you sharing one body (but same memories, personality, intelligence, etc.). This is only done if there are life-threatening seizures in the area and removing it is the only way to stop them, but it's an interesting thought experiment because if there are suddenly two of you, what happened to the one?)
And... now Doug is freaking out. I guess the slaps aren't working.
"You will understand Hera." Shut it Whiskey Boy! This also makes me wonder how many "Hera's" we've seen.
Kepler: "I have no idea what's going on Doug, but I just can't stop being ominous. I swear I don't know what's happening, this is just how I talk at all times."
Conan and Clippy? 😂 The names Lovelace gives them.
Yes. Kepler was rude Lovelace. He had so much Whisky and did he share it? No. No he didn't. Selfish.
Ah it seems even you weren't in the loop Jacobi. Perhaps you might fancy a mutiny now?
She doesn't know she's a clone? That's cruel. Think of Jacobi! He died thinking he was the real Duck boy! That's an awful way to go. No one should die believing they're someone so cringe.
Warm up act? Kepler, shut up. And what other clones have shown up over the years? Cutter? Pryce?
Good question. What about Jacobi? Was HE going to die too?
Kepler: "Start listening to me. The only person who knows what's happening." You're just blackmailing them Kepler, you're not good for much other than threatening people and swirling around your Whisky.
Weapon designed to appeal to humanity? But...how do you know she's a weapon? And how do you know she can't fight it even if she is? Maybe Lovelace is stronger than the evil aliens! If they even are evil.
Jacobi: "What could motivate me?"
Me: *Holds up a duck*
Ah blue part of the star. 💙💫 That does seem to be important. Scary, but important.
"Jacobi, any thoughts?" When does he have any?
His hands are shaking? Oh yeah, your friend died, you killed someone, and your boss who lies to people (GASP) LIED TO YOU TOO! Oh if only SOMEBODY could have seen this coming. Really, anybody with ears and a brain.
Oh right. The other Jacobi. This entire time he hasn't been sure? AND HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT FEAR FEELS LIKE? It's a NEW FEELING FOR HIM???
I guess everyone has their limit. Duck Boy needs a therapist. A team of therapists. The best therapists, and even then, I'm not sure it will be enough.
"You don't know what working at Goddard is really like" "You have a cool dental plan. Hooray." "It's not about that."
So...they do have a good dental plan? 🪥🦷
"Going new places. Meeting interesting people....LITTLE KIDS?"
Kepler. You didn't. NO. Oh my gosh they have Anne and Minkowski's husband at gunpoint don't they? And they don't even know.
Punch his lights out Doug. Good job.
Though to be fair that IS what working at Goddard seems to be about. Threatening the innocent for a 0.0000000000001% chance that you MIGHT get something out of this in the end.
Poor Lovelace. Hera knows what you're going through though. Exactly, see she does!
"Nobody do anything stupid" it's too late for that Kepler, you're here.
Good speech Lovelace! And nice punch!
"Can we get a break" Nope. Sadly no.
Huh. Hands are glowing. That's...interesting. Maybe she has some cool magic space powers? Is it too much to hope for?
Oh. It's the Dear Listeners. Well. Hello. 👋
Hush up Kepler. 😂 I love how they still talk like Doug.
That's right Kepler. Violence doesn't give you authority!
But...if he doesn't have any hands...
Then...how will he enjoy the feel of the Whisky in his hands?
Doug is hiding 😂 Why is Doug me?
What process are they talking about? “The door won't stay open, we are waiting.” Waiting for what? For what?
Well, at least the aliens don't like Kepler. That's a positive in my book. 👍
Glad Kepler and Jacobi are in custody. But...how exactly are they gonna put the handcuffs on Kepler if he no longer has hands...
Yeah, Minkowski, I'm with Lovelace. You SHOULD be in command. I know you think you're doing what is right, but Lovelace is an alien so...
Who is this? What is this? Who is Cline? Who is Jordan? What is this? Dr. what now? This is a lot of characters.
Full read out? Minkowski better send them a message warning them about Cutter. USS Hermes? OH NO THEY'RE NOT CALLING MINKOWSKI THEY'RE CALLING CUTTER. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!
Who is this? Who is the robot? Expunge the records? Ah yes, the black achieves. Oh Rachel.
"Say hi for me?" Hi to who? HERA oh no ew Pryce isn't it.
Please tell me Pryce and Cutter aren't coming to space. Unless it's to get blown up. In that case, they are welcome.
Mini Episode 14: One of Them
Oh they are listening to Jacobi and Kepler.
Looks like Jacobi might fancy a mutiny now.
Doug is me, I want snacks too 😂
"are you worried I can't get around Eiffel?" "Hey!" again, why is Doug me. 😂
Wow, Jacobi really DID care about Maxwell. Well then. Maybe the two of you shouldn't have been working for the bad guys then.
"What kind of officer have you been?" DANG DUCK BOY. GET THAT REDEMPTION ARC. GO DUCK BOY GO! 🦆
"I feel used. I feel experimented on. You treated me like one of them!"
Oh Duck Boy. Sweet silly little Duck Boy. Don't you get it? You've always been one of them. You, Hilbert, Maxwell, Kepler, even Rachel. You've always been one of them.
"You're addicted to gambling with people's lives and you lost!" EXACTLY!
"Neither one of us killed Maxwell." LIES! YOU COULD HAVE STOOD DOWN!
Jacobi is starting to realize that's not necessarily true. Good for him.
"I had my orders." So did Maxwell. So did Hilbert. So did Jacobi.
Thanks for reading dear readers. Sorry I didn’t have time to react to more, but I hope you enjoyed this!
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aria0fgold · 2 months
I dreamt about Detective Conan in which my brain made up an episode where Kogoro, Ran, Conan, Kaito (disguised as Shinichi), Megure (+some other supporting cast) are all in an isolated location figuring out a murder of a famous actor with the 2 main suspects being famous actors too and 1 of them is someone Kogoro idolizes (all male actors so it's not Youko) and is hoping to prove the innocence of but Kogoro being Kogoro, found incomplete evidence pointing to his idol as the suspect and was going through it while Kaito and Conan is figuring out the Actual culprit.
And then since Conan also doesn't have the full evidence yet, can't really put Kogoro to sleep so Kogoro got everyone back to the room where the crime happened for his deduction show while setting everyone's position up cuz he deduced that the culprit will be ambushing them first. It's like a small tatami room with a closet, there were people positioned by the window (that leads outside. by a cliff side. crazy house position), Conan positioned in the closet and Kogoro telling him to protect Ran by jumping out once the culprit arrives, "Shinichi" by the closet door teasing Conan, Megure and Kogoro is by the door that leads to the outside... cliff side... Also in my dream, Ran knows that Conan is actually Shinichi. Conan shoos Kaito away, called over Ran and was like "There's something I want to tell you in my original body." (Cuz he imagined Kaito with the Shinichi disguise wearing the Kaito Kid suit and immediately thought marriage)
And Ran was giggling all giddy bout what it could be, leans her back to the closet door, "Really? Can you give me a hint?" But then before Conan can reply to that, the door got busted down and in came the culprit, which were two, one was a kid. Both were wearing all black clothes with a black mask and had blond wigs (they aren't actually the actor "culprit" cuz that one was like a middle-aged man. The older one here looks like a teenager). Everyone was shocked like "Who are you?!" with Conan immediately coming out of the closet to jump in front of Ran protectively. And the two "culprits" said some short villain speech and pulled out a phone each (The older one's phone showed a timer, the younger one's phone showed a button). When the younger one clicked the button, the timer started (It's a bomb!).
Kogoro tried breaking the phone in half (karate chop!) but the older culprit was like: "Even if you break it, the bomb won't be stopped." And maniacally laughed and left with the younger one in tow (they apparently have a motorcycle outside). And before anyone can figure out their next course of action, Conan and Kaito were already moving to follow the two. They jumped out the window and Conan was like "Old man, throw the phone at me! Both pieces!" So Kogoro did, Conan threw the other half to Kaito (they're planning to throw it somewhere farther). Conan hopped on his skateboard waiting outside and Kaito got his windglider out. Buuuut, Conan put his watch by the bottom part of it (where a string is attached???) And when Kaito pulled on that string, the watch blocked the mechanism and the glider retracted again so he fell. But! He's safe. Cuz he fell not from a far distance and into a spring (yaknow that body of water type where it's like a small pond but not really??? I don't actually know. It was called spring in my dream).
When Kaito fell there, Conan watched just in case he needs to save him over something he didn't quite expected to happen (glider falling apart), Conan was like "Whoops," with a lil smirk then continued the chase towards the culprits while Kaito pouts at him all sopping wet. Buuuut, it was actually a good thing he fell there cuz dun dun dun! He found a folder dropped there which contains some heavy evidence bringing a step further on who the Actual culprit is. While Kaito was checking for other possible stuff also thrown in the water, he found a hidden safe, which is built pretty futuristically, but it's Kaito! He can open any safe with a proper amount of time given, so he gets started figuring out how to crack the safe, which seemed to be finding a 8? 10? digit code via it's minigame system. The minigame it has is like, for genuis type thing (even I didn't understand it, Kaito was just doing things and my brain was like: Okay he finished that section, and that, and that-- What he's doing? Don't think about it).
And then, just as he was about to open the safe... It ended D: Not my dream yet, but turns out "I" was watching a two parter episode of Detective Conan with my older sister sitting beside me on a pretty old model tv (yaknow the big boxes one) placed a little high up the wall. And the episode ended right at the good part and I was like reaching towards the screen like whyyyyyy and my sis was like "Time for bed." Cuz we were watching it pretty late already and I was like "But one more episode..." But well, my older sis won and it was time for bed and THEN I woke up. It was a pretty sweet end to my dream but also... THE EPISODE? D: WHAT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT???
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pizzaqueen · 2 years
Picking something to watch on their movie nights never goes smoothly. Steve wants to watch Porky's or Animal House (again) or Caddyshack, and Eddie wants to watch The Return of the Living Dead or Chopping Mall or Krull. Steve isn’t into fantasy and he’s definitely lived enough horror movies, never mind watching them, and he doesn’t know how Eddie can still enjoy them.
He does relent on Red Sonja when he sees the cover (but Eddie ends up complaining it’s not as good as Conan) and, honestly, Steve almost always gives in anyway. (He's watched way more sword and sorcery and horror flicks than he's ever wanted to.)
(Of course, if Robin joins them, she doesn't give them any say and they end up watching Hiroshima Mon Amour or Brief Encounter or The Apartment for the 20th time and she has to keep throwing things at them so they either stay awake or stop making out haha)
(This has been lurking in my drafts)
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xtruss · 7 months
EL LOCO! Tantric Sex and Dog Cloning: A Guide to Argentina’s Trash Trumpy New President
Leftist-hating Libertarian Javier Milei won the Nation's Presidency in a Runoff Election Sunday Night. The Former American President, Donald J. Trump, is a Big Fan
— By Nikki McCann Ramirez | Rollingstone | November 20, 2023
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Javier Milei speaks to supporters after winning the Presidential election runoff at his party headquarters in Buenos Aires, Argentina on November 19, 2023. Luis Robayo/AFP/Getty Images
Argentina has elected a self-described anarcho-capitalist libertarian Javier Milei as its next president. The result of Sunday’s runoff election will mean sweeping changes to the second-largest economy in South America, which will now be helmed by one of the most bizarre figures in modern politics.
An economist-turned-legislator, Milei’s abrasive political stylings, unruly mop of hair, anti-communist ravings, and taste for conspiracies have earned him comparisons to Donald Trump, and support from right-wing figures within American media and international politics.
While wielding chainsaws as campaign props and sporting “Make Argentina Great Again” hats, Milei, nicknamed “El Loco,” has promised drastic cuts to government spending and social programs in order to curb skyrocketing inflation. As Argentina braces for what promises to be one of its most consequential presidencies in decades, here’s what you need to know about Javier Milei.
He’s an Anarcho-Capitalist Libertarian … Most of the Time
Basically, Milei wants a much, much, much, smaller government, charged only with the maintenance of justice and state security. In a viral video, Milei was filmed ripping tags with the names of a slew of government agencies off of a whiteboard. The ministries on his chopping block include: Education (“Indoctrination”); Culture; Environment and Sustainable Development; Women, Genders and Diversity; Public Works; Science, Technology and Innovation; Transportation; Health; and Social development.
They are all “out,” as he put it, “Even if [they] resist.”
As a libertarian, Milei supports the legalization of sex work, increased civilian access to guns, and the decriminalization of drugs. He has also stated that he is largely indifferent to same-sex marriage and issues of gender expression. However, his commitment to personal freedoms has been described as inconsistent when compared to his ultra-conservative views on abortion, which he opposes in virtually all circumstances, including instances of rape. Earlier this year, Milei proposed Argentina hold a referendum to overturn the law that established a right to abortion in 2020.
He Says He’s a Tantric Sex Guru
Milei’s journey into politics began largely through appearances on various Argentinian TV channels. In one interview, Milei revealed that he was not only a libertarian in an economic sense but also in his personal life.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Milei responded when asked if he supported open relationships and non-monogamy, adding that in his view, relationships should operate under the same principles of competition as the free market. “I don’t like monopolies,” he said.
In another interview, Milei spoke openly about having had threesomes and previously working as a tantric sex coach. At one point Milei revealed that through his tantra practice, he was able to hold off ejaculation for up to three months.
Interestingly enough, Milei considered comprehensive sex education to be a form of socialist indoctrination by the left.
He Cloned his Dead Dog and Consults the Clones for Political Advice
Milei considered his now-deceased English Mastiff Conan (named after Conan the Barbarian) his child, so much so that he had him cloned. Milei now owns four of those cloned mastiffs, one named after the original Conan and the others after famous conservative economists. He considers the clones his grandchildren. In his view, cloning is a way to “approach eternity.”
The president-elect dedicated his victory on Sunday to his fur babies, but it’s not the first time Conan and his progeny have been referenced as an integral part of his campaign. Milei revealed earlier this year that he communicates with his four-legged children via a mystic and that each dog serves a distinct advisory role.
Milei has also indicated that through his medium, he has been able to communicate with famous economists like Murray Rothbard and Ayn Rand. He’s even claimed to have communicated with God, who convinced him to launch a career in politics.
He Supports the Sale of Human Organs, and Maybe Kids
Free-market-loving Milei has indicated his support for private sale of human organs.
In June of last year, Milei stated that he would legalize the sale of organs, which is currently illegal in Argentina: “If you have your daughter about to die, and you need to pay for a [medical] intervention. If someone wants to buy your kidney and you could sell it to them. The solution is very painful, you are giving up an organ and, if you also add state regulations, it is worse. I’m talking about social cooperation and voluntary exchanges. It’s the decision of individuals.”
“If liberalism is the unrestricted respect for the life of others, based on the principle of non-aggression and in defense of the right to life, freedom and property; and my first property is my body, then why shouldn’t I be able to do what I want with my body?” he said in another interview.
The comments generated controversy as Milei was essentially suggesting that an individual sell a kidney and undergo invasive surgery in order to afford a separate life-saving medical procedure for a loved one. Additionally, the black market trade of organs has frequently been associated with organized crime in many South American countries, and often results in the exploitation of poor individuals.
What Milei was willing to see on the free market once again generated controversy when he suggested that he might be open to the sale of children. In 2022, when asked if he would support the right to sell one’s kids, Milei responded “it depends.”
He clarified that while he personally wouldn’t sell a child, it’s all a matter of context. “It is not what Argentine society is discussing, perhaps 200 years from now,” he added.
Milei later claimed that his comments had been misrepresented, and that he was “obviously not in favor of the sale of children.”
He’s an Anarcho-Capitalist Libertarian … Most of the Time
Basically, Milei wants a much, much, much, smaller government, charged only with the maintenance of justice and state security. In a viral video, Milei was filmed ripping tags with the names of a slew of government agencies off of a whiteboard. The ministries on his chopping block include: Education (“Indoctrination”); Culture; Environment and Sustainable Development; Women, Genders and Diversity; Public Works; Science, Technology and Innovation; Transportation; Health; and Social development.
They are all “out,” as he put it, “Even if [they] resist.”
As a libertarian, Milei supports the legalization of sex work, increased civilian access to guns, and the decriminalization of drugs. He has also stated that he is largely indifferent to same-sex marriage and issues of gender expression. However, his commitment to personal freedoms has been described as inconsistent when compared to his ultra-conservative views on abortion, which he opposes in virtually all circumstances, including instances of rape. Earlier this year, Milei proposed Argentina hold a referendum to overturn the law that established a right to abortion in 2020.
He Says He’s a Tantric Sex Guru
The president-elect dedicated his victory on Sunday to his fur babies, but it’s not the first time Conan and his progeny have been referenced as an integral part of his campaign. Milei revealed earlier this year that he communicates with his four-legged children via a mystic and that each dog serves a distinct advisory role.
Milei has also indicated that through his medium, he has been able to communicate with famous economists like Murray Rothbard and Ayn Rand. He’s even claimed to have communicated with God, who convinced him to launch a career in politics.
He Supports the Sale of Human Organs, and Maybe Kids
Free-market-loving Milei has indicated his support for private sale of human organs.
In June of last year, Milei stated that he would legalize the sale of organs, which is currently illegal in Argentina: “If you have your daughter about to die, and you need to pay for a [medical] intervention. If someone wants to buy your kidney and you could sell it to them. The solution is very painful, you are giving up an organ and, if you also add state regulations, it is worse. I’m talking about social cooperation and voluntary exchanges. It’s the decision of individuals.”
“If liberalism is the unrestricted respect for the life of others, based on the principle of non-aggression and in defense of the right to life, freedom and property; and my first property is my body, then why shouldn’t I be able to do what I want with my body?” he said in another interview.
The comments generated controversy as Milei was essentially suggesting that an individual sell a kidney and undergo invasive surgery in order to afford a separate life-saving medical procedure for a loved one. Additionally, the black market trade of organs has frequently been associated with organized crime in many South American countries, and often results in the exploitation of poor individuals.
What Milei was willing to see on the free market once again generated controversy when he suggested that he might be open to the sale of children. In 2022, when asked if he would support the right to sell one’s kids, Milei responded “it depends.”
He clarified that while he personally wouldn’t sell a child, it’s all a matter of context. “It is not what Argentine society is discussing, perhaps 200 years from now,” he added.
Milei later claimed that his comments had been misrepresented, and that he was “obviously not in favor of the sale of children.”
He’s a Fan of Fascist Trump, and Fascist Trump is a Fan of Him
Following Milei’s victory on Sunday, Trump congratulated him on Truth Social. “Congratulations to Javier Milei on a great race for President of Argentina. The whole world was watching! I am very proud of you,” the former president wrote. “You will turn your Country around and truly Make Argentina Great Again!”
It’s true that Milei has embraced his own version of MAGA politics, and even sported his own “Make Argentina Great Again” hats.
A staunch populist who pulled off a dark horse bid for the presidency amidst a wave of public ire at the establishment, the comparisons between Trump and Milei are plain to see, with uniquely bizarre hairstyles to boot. Milei followed one of Trump’s most infamous tactics in his own rise to the presidency: preemptively claiming election interference to guard against a potential loss.
Milei has expressed his desire to improve the relationship between the United States, and with Trump remaining the clear frontrunner in the Republican primaries, a future relationship with Milei could mirror Trump’s past relationship with other right-wing leaders in the Americas like Brazil’s former president, Jair Bolsonaro.
He REALLY Hates the Left
Milei is, at heart, a culture warrior. A soldier in the batalla cultural unfolding in Latin America and South America, Milei, like many of the American right’s most staunch culture warlords, is bitterly antagonistic to leftist politics.
“Leftist sons of whores,” “shit leftists,” and “filthy leftists” are just some of the descriptors Milei uses to describe his political opposition, and much of his rhetoric regarding progressive values is practically a word-for-word translation of the kind of language used by the American right.
Milei accuses “cultural Marxists” of promoting feminism, environmental sustainability, gender ideology, diversity initiatives, and social welfare that (in his opinion) will inevitably turn Argentina into a socialist hellscape. Sound familiar?
“You can’t give leftist pieces of shit even a millimeter because if you give them a millimeter they will use it to destroy you,” he exclaimed in a now-viral interview earlier this year. In his own political platform, Milei has promised to take the metaphorical chainsaw to Argentinian government bodies and organizations who he sees as the most prominent promoters of leftist ideology.
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bonnicula · 2 years
Goddamn I Love Axe Babes And Mighty Thews
Mainstream tastes in fantasy art have evolved and changed a lot since the genre's inception. And while Fantasy Realism serves up believable and historically plausible worlds and MMO Chique distributes huge pauldrons and huge glowing swords but for me oh my lord there is nothing quite like the campy and audacious realms of the classic fantasy novel covers and sword and sandal comic books. This shit hit my brain at an early age when I learned that my library's fantasy section was FULL of pulpy novels with these just buckwild covers with glorious barbarian asses and titties fully out I'm talking weird misty vistas with a big monster starring big butts and beautiful thighs and dudes holding swords looking all solemn and sultry warrior goddesses looking like the goddamn blueprint of everything I wanted to be since I first found an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel in my impressionable youth.
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I'm talking BUTTS
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I'm talking THIGHS
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I'm talking the fascination with bondage and the homoerotic posing in life and death struggles with a rampaging beast
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I'm talking bad bitches with swords and axes looking fucking delicious
I love the muscular men with their exposed thighs barely covered by a tattered loin cloth in a life and death struggle with a big snake. I love the sensuous sorceresses draped on thrones like leopards. I love the buxom barbarian ladies with monstrous battleaxes and chainmail bikinis goddamnit. I love Conan and Kull and Red Sonja all oiled up and ready to wrestle. I don't have bigger point here or anything. This is just my little personal love letter to the gloriously campy pinup sword and sorcery style. And I'm sure there are lots of artists still keeping this style alive and well (send them to me). I do yearn for a modern resurgence that strips the noxious racism and sexism out of the old tropes. It would mean that we could have more diverse and beautiful bodies displayed in their full fantastical glory. Lord knows the representation was fucking abysmal in the classic entries. For the love of god give me every body type and skin tone in all its gloriousness. Give me a transfem Amazon Queen chopping through some evil fucking skeletons with her dick and titties ineffectively covered by insufficient tattered leather. Give me lovingly depicted big hairy bears reclining in sensuous repose before the throne of the Dread Conqueror Twink. Give me everything, as long as it's got a battleaxe and is wearing furry boots.
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agentnico · 2 years
See How They Run (2022) Review
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Yeah yeah, I know I know, what we really want is the Knives Out sequel to come out already, But for now, I guess we’ll settle for this murder mystery instead.
Plot: In 1950s London, plans for a movie version of a smash-hit play come to an abrupt halt after a pivotal member of the crew is murdered. When a world-weary inspector and an eager rookie constable take on the case, they find themselves thrown into a puzzling whodunit within the glamorously sordid world of underground theatre, investigating the mysterious homicide at their own peril.
See How They Run follows the recent trend of bringing back the murder mystery genre to our screens, and unlike Knives Out which tried to innovate this genre by tackling contemporary commentary, See How They Run is more of a call-back to old school mysteries of the likes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. The latter ironically plays a part in this movie in that her play ‘The Mousetrap’ on the West End is the central setting for all the debauchery that occurs in this movie. But even though it strives to bring that classic 1950s Hollywood feel, the film also tries to in a way parody the clichés and stereotypes of the mystery genre, and in that unfortunately is where the movie falters. For it’s all well and good to acknowledge the cliché, but just because one is self aware doesn’t mean it still isn’t a cliché. The movie plays along with the stereotypes by addressing them, but then still proceeding with them. As such, what we end up with is a largely predictable mystery with the resolution being disappointingly obvious.
There’s a very talented ensemble cast at play here, with stand outs including Adrian Brody who is devilishly narcissistic as the victim who pops up in flashbacks, and David Oyelowo as a flamboyant pompous scriptwriter is delightfully grand. Sam Rockwell and Saoirse Ronan make for an effective detective duo, and though Ronan especially gets to stretch her comedic chops with a few cheeky dialogue quips and an on-going gag of prematurely arresting potential suspects, overall the actors do suffer from one-dimensionally written characters. Sam Rockwell spends the entire movie acting half drunk and weary, and that’s his entire part. Again, Rockwell does his best but the character is bland. That goes for most of the cast, where they do their best with characters that lack any depth or development. I must say though I did get a kick out of Harris Dickinson who impersonates the famous actor Richard Attenborough, and he absolutely nails Dicky’s voice and mannerisms. 
See How They Run evidently aims more to be a comedy rather than a clever mystery, as it leans more into the realm of silly, however with the script not being as funny as it thinks it is, the movie ends up being an enjoyable yet forgettable viewing romp. Again, I enjoyed it for what it was, and This Country’s Tom George takes slight inspiration from Wes Anderson in his directing technique, though I would say there was a bit of an overuse of the split screen technique that didn’t really add much purpose to the mystery solving. I do think the movie could have been much more with the talent and budget involved, however instead it’s more like a good piece of cake - pleasurable but soon forgotten. Again, we’re all really just waiting for Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery to come out. 
Overall score: 5/10
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forffax · 2 years
hi. so I watched all the conan openings in one sitting. to try to add some objectivity to the ranking, i gave them points based on visuals (animation, visual interest), music (the actual song), relevance (to the show/plot/character relationships), and bonus points based on my personal taste.
here’s the list!
As the Dew
Growing of my heart
Sekai wa Anata no Iro ni Naru
TRUTH ~A Great Detective of Love~
I can't stop my love for you♥
Miss Mystery
Butterfly Core
ZERO kara Hajimete
Nazo (2!)
Hoshi no Kagayaki yo
Don't Wanna Lie
Koi wa Thrill, Shock, Suspense
Misty Mystery
Ikusen no Meikyū de Ikusen no Nazo o Toite
Makka na Lip
Namida no Yesterday
Feel Your Heart
Everything OK!!
Mune ga Dokidoki
Ai wa Kurayami no Naka de
Mysterious Eyes
Kumo ni Notte
Everlasting Luv
Ichibyōgoto ni Love for you
Girigiri Chop
Kaze no Lalala
tear drops
Unmei no Roulette Mawashite
Kimi no Namida ni Konna ni Koi Shiteru
Winter Bells
Lie, Lie, Lie
Barairo no Jinsei
Glorious Mind
100 Mono Tobira
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eddiediaaz · 2 years
okay so i’ve been tagged in some tagging games these past weeks and i’ve been really bad at doing them dfsnfdsldf but here we are. if anyone wants to do them you are more than welcome!
@trishrambles thank u for this autumn edition this or tag game!!
tea or hot chocolate // cozy books or halloween movies // plaid or corduroy // foggy mornings or twinkly nights // orange or black // pumpkin or apple pie // wool or velvet // picking fruit or carving pumpkins // libraries or coffee shops // cinnamon or peanut butter // spooky or cozy halloween // candles or fairy lights.
@rogerhealey thank youuuu for this fun get to know me tag
relationship status: single favorite color: all hues of blue favorite food: poutine, chocolate, my mom’s lasagna song stuck in your head: i hate everything about you by three days grace lol last thing you googled: how to spell tights lol, i always get it mixed up with thigh  dream trip: a multi-country solo trip to europe for a few weeks. very basic of me i guess but i was supposed to do it in 2020, but then covid happened. everything was planned and booked, it was painful to lose that dream last book you read: heartstopper last book you enjoyed reading: heartstopper still! last book you hated reading: probably some book i had to read for a college class many years ago most niche dislike: is it nice to dislike subtitles when watching something? opinion on the circus: circuses with animals are cruel and a big no-no, but otherwise it can be very impressive! do you have a sense of direction: sometimes, but it does take me a while before it’s any good lol
thank you @118side @buckley-diiaz and @two-cut-lines for the comfort tag!!
Comfort movie: the lion king!!!  Comfort food: ohhh anything my mom makes tbh, when i visit her. i miss her cooking even tho i’ve left home over 9 years ago Comfort clothing: right now i’d say my lavender velvet flare pants and baby pink hoodie Comfort song(s): i have a lot but the main one probably is boulevard of broken dreams by green day or any old jonas brothers song tbh Comfort game: suspend!! it’s so fun, ot for video games definitely the sims 4
@isastrxnd thank u for tagging me in this music game where i have to list 10 songs i’m listening to right now!
1. forever winter - taylor swift 2. mr. percocet - noah cyrus 3. pieces - sum41 4. hero of war - rise against 5. atlas: eight - sleeping at last 6. the way i loved you - taylor swift 7. chop suey - system of a down 8. call me when you're sober - evanescence 9. when i'm gone - eminem 10. family lines - conan gray
@two-cut-lines and @matan4il tagged me to share the meaning of my url, thank you!
it’s pretty simple sdfljkdfs i love eddie diaz (911) and carlos reyes (lone star), so i put their last names together hahaha
and finally @missoliverstark​ tagged me in this fic trope preference, thank you!! (some of these were so hard lol)
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there is only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one shot or multi chapter // kid fic or roadtrip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle-aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
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nitpickrider · 4 months
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Flee? From where I'm standing he's chopping you guys like carrots. Conan the Barbarian 26
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44gamez · 5 months
Xbox sale round-up January 9th, 2024
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Xbox sale
 Monster Hunter Rise: • "Fluffy Fur Gloves" Hunter layered armor piece 10% - 1 Blue Orb 21% - 3 Blue Orbs 21% - 5 Blue Orbs 20% - Alt Hero Colours 21% - Alt Heroine Colours 20% - Alt Fashion Rank Announcers 21% - Alt Title Calls 21% - Cavaliere R 20% - DMC1 Battle Observe 3-Pack 21% - DMC2 Battle Observe 3-Pack 21% - DMC3 Battle Observe 3-Pack 21% - DMC4 Battle Observe 3-Pack 21% - Reside Motion Cutscenes 20% - Mega Buster 20% - Pasta Breaker 21% Playable Character: Vergil 25% - Tremendous Character 3-Pack 25% - Tremendous Vergil Unlock 25% - Candy Give up 20% - Taunt Trio 25% - V & Vergil Alt Colours 21% - Vergil Battle Observe 4-Pack 21% - Vergil Early Unlock Pack 20% - Vergil EX Provocation 21% DEAD OR ALIVE 6: Core Fighters: • DOA6 Excessive Society Costume Set 50% Monster Hunter Rise: • ”Misplaced Code” Hunter layered weapon pack 25% Monster Hunter Rise: • ”Stuffed Monster” Hunter layered weapon pack 25% MX vs ATV Legends: • 2023 AMA Professional Motocross Championship 40% Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2: • Summary Murderer Pores and skin Pack 60% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - ADF-11F Raven Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - ADFX-01 Morgan Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN – Anchorhead Raid 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN – ASF-X Shinden II Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN – CFA-44 Nosferatu Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - F/A-18F Tremendous Hornet Block III Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - F-15 S/MTD Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - F-16XL Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - F-2A -Tremendous Kai- Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - F-4E Phantom II + 3 Skins 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - MiG-35D Tremendous Fulcrum Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN – Ten Million Reduction Plan 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - Surprising Customer 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN – XFA-27 Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN twenty fifth Anniversary DLC - Chopping-Edge Plane Collection Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN twenty fifth Anniversary DLC - Experimental Plane Collection Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN twenty fifth Anniversary DLC - Authentic Plane Collection – Set 50% ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN Season Move 60% AEW: Combat Endlessly: • Dynamite that includes The Acclaimed 10% AEW: Combat Endlessly: • FTR: Revival Pack 20% AEW: Combat Endlessly: • Limitless Bunny Bundle 20% AEW: Combat Endlessly: • Season Move 2 10% Alien: Isolation: • Company Lockdown 65% Alien: Isolation: • Misplaced Contact 65% Alien: Isolation: • Secure Haven 65% Alien: Isolation: • The Set off 65% Alien: Isolation: • Crew Expendable Bonus Content material 65% Alien: Isolation: • Final Survivor Bonus Content material 65% RESIDENT EVIL 2: • All In-game Rewards Unlock 60% Conan Exiles: • Architects of Argos Pack 25% Murderer's Creed® Mirage: • Murderer’s Creed Mirage Grasp Murderer Improve Bundle 1 30% Murderer's Creed® Mirage: • Murderer’s Creed Mirage Grasp Murderer Improve Bundle 2 30% Murderer’s CreedⓇ Odyssey – The Destiny of Atlantis consists of: • The Destiny of Atlantis - Episode 1: Fields of Elysium • The Destiny of Atlantis - Episode 2: Torment of Hades • The Destiny of Atlantis - Episode 3: Judgment of Atlantis 60% Murderer's Creed IV Black Flag: • Season Move 75% Murderer's Creed® Origins: • The Curse Of the Pharaohs 60% Murderer's Creed® Origins: • The Hidden Ones 60% Again 4 Blood: • Tunnels of Terror 85% Again 4 Blood: • Youngsters of the Worm 85% Again 4 Blood: • River of Blood 85% RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard: • Banned Footage Vol.1 60% RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard: • Banned Footage Vol.2 60% TRANSFORMERS: BATTLEGROUNDS: • Battle Autobot Pores and skin Pack 70% Conan Exiles: • Blood and Sand Pack 25% Borderlands 3 Season Move consists of: • Moxxi's Heist of the Good-looking Jackpot • Weapons, Love, and Tentacles • Bounty of Blood • Psycho Krieg and the Incredible Fustercluck 70% Borderlands 3: • Bounty of Blood 33% Borderlands 3: • Designer's Reduce 35% Borderlands 3: • Director's Reduce 35% Borderlands 3: • Weapons, Love, and Tentacles 33% Borderlands 3: • Psycho Krieg and the Incredible Fustercluck 33% Borderlands 3: Season Move 2 consists of: • Designer's Reduce • Director's Reduce 40% Name of Responsibility®: Black Ops Chilly Struggle: • Name of Responsibility Endowment (C.O.D.E.) - Battle Doc Pack 40% Name of Responsibility®: Black Ops Chilly Struggle: • Name of Responsibility Endowment (C.O.D.E.) - Challenger Pack 40% Name of Responsibility®: Vanguard: • Name of Responsibility Endowment (C.O.D.E.) - Timeless Pack 30% Name of Responsibility®: Superior Warfare: • Season Move 50% Name of Responsibility: Black Ops III: • Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles 50% Name of Responsibility®: Ghosts: • Season Move 50% Name of Responsibility®: Fashionable Warfare® Remastered: • MWR Selection Map Pack 50% Name of the Wild: The Angler™: • Spain Reserve 15% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • A.Ok.A Block Block 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • A.Ok.A Magic Sword 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • A.Ok.A The King of Dragons 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Darkstalkers: The Night time Warriors 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Eco Fighters 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Gan Sumoku 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Hissatsu Buraiken 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Hyper Dyne Facet Arms 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Hyper Road Fighter II: The Anniversary Version 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Final Duel 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Mega Man 2: The Energy Fighters 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Night time Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Pnickies 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Rally 2011 LED Storm 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Saturday Night time Slam Masters 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Savage Bees 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Road Fighter 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Road Fighter Alpha 3 50% Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: • Three Wonders 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :1941 - Counter Assault - 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :CAPTAIN COMMANDO 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :CARRIER AIR WING 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :COMMANDO 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :CYBERBOTS - FULLMETAL MADNESS - 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :DYNASTY WARS 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :FINAL FIGHT 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :FORGOTTEN WORLDS 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :Ghosts 'n Goblins 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :Ghouls 'n Ghosts 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :Giga Wing 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :LEGENDARY WINGS 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :MEGA TWINS 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :PIRATE SHIP HIGEMARU 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :Progear 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :SECTION Z 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :Senjo no OkamiⅡ 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :STREET FIGHTER II - The World Warrior - 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :STRIDER 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :SUPER STREET FIGHTER IITURBO 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :Tatakai no Banka 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :VARTH - Operation Thunderstorm - 50% Capcom Arcade Stadium: • :WARRIORS OF FATE 50% Simply Trigger 3: • Capstone Bloodhound RPG 70% RESIDENT EVIL 3: • Traditional Costume Pack 25% CODE VEIN: • Pre-Order DLC Bundle 50% CODE VEIN: • Season Move 50% CODE VEIN: • Frozen Empress 50% CODE VEIN: • Hellfire Knight 50% CODE VEIN: • Lord of Thunder 50% Simply Trigger 3: • Fight Buggy 71% Conan Exiles: • Isle of Siptah 20% Development Simulator: • Airfield Growth 20% Development Simulator: • JCB Pack 20% Development Simulator: • Kramer Pack 30% Development Simulator: • SANY Pack 20% Development Simulator: • Yr 1 Season Move 20% Cosplay Slayer Grasp Assortment Beauty Pack 50% Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2: • Crossbow Carnage Weapons Pack 60% Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts: • Crossbow Chaos Weapon Pack 60% Crossout: • Charlie-7 50% Crossout: • Corrida 50% Crossout: • Demise 50% Crossout: • Struggle 50% Crossout: • The Rascal 50% TRANSFORMERS: BATTLEGROUNDS: • CUBE Sport - Arcade Mode Add-on 67% Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2: • Cyril Weapon Pores and skin 60% Lords of the Fallen: • Darkish Crusader Beginning Class 30% DayZ: • Livonia 35% Mortal Kombat 11: • DC Elseworlds Pores and skin Pack 10% Useless by Daylight: • Ash vs Evil Useless 10% DEAD OR ALIVE 6: Core Fighters: • DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Season Move 2 50% DEATHLOOP: • Deluxe Pack 50% Conan Exiles: • Debaucheries of Derketo Pack 25% UFO ROBOT GRENDIZER – The Feast of the Wolves: • Deluxe Version - Improve 35% Lords of the Fallen: • Deluxe Improve 30% Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles: • Character Move 50% Desperados III: • Season Move 40% Digimon Survive: • Month 1 Bonus Pack 50% Disciples: Liberation: • Paths to Insanity 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Aoko Aozaki Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Arcueid Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Ciel Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Useless Apostle Noel Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Kouma Kishima Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Mario Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Mash Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Miyako Arima Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Noel Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Powered Ciel Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Crimson Arcueid Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Spherical Bulletins - 13 Character Set 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Saber Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • The Rely of Monte Cristo Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Ushiwakamaru Spherical Bulletins 50% MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA: • Vlov Spherical Bulletins 50% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - 1 Blue Orb 21% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - 3 Blue Orbs 21% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - 5 Blue Orbs 20% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - Full In-game Unlock Bundle 25% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - Tremendous Character 4-Pack 25% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - Tremendous Vergil Unlock 20% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - Taunt Quartet 25% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - V & Vergil Alt Colours 21% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - Vergil Battle Observe 4-Pack 21% Satan Could Cry 5 Particular Version: • DMC5SE - Vergil EX Provocation 21% DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Final Spherical: Core Fighters: • DOA5LR Final Content material Set 50% DEAD OR ALIVE 6: Core Fighters: • DOA6 Season Move 3 50% DEAD OR ALIVE 6: Core Fighters: • DOA6 Season Move 4 50% DOOM Everlasting: Collection 4 Beauty Pack 50% DOOM Everlasting: Collection 5 Beauty Pack 50% DOOM Everlasting: Collection Seven Beauty Pack 50% DOOM Everlasting: Collection Three Beauty Pack 50% DOOM Everlasting: Collection Two Beauty Pack 50% DOOMicorn Grasp Assortment Beauty Pack 10% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Android 17 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Broly 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Broly (DBS) 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Commentator Voice Pack 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Cooler 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • FighterZ Move 3 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Gogeta (SS4) 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Gogeta (SSGSS) 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Goku 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Goku (GT) 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Goku (Extremely Intuition) 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Janemba 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Jiren 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Kefla 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Grasp Roshi 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • SSGSS Goku and SSGSS Vegeta Unlock 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • SSGSS Foyer Avatars 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Women Pack 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Tremendous Child 2 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Vegito (SSGSS) 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Videl 50% DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ: • Zamasu (Fused) 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Conton Metropolis Vote Pack 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Additional DLC Pack 1 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Additional DLC Pack 2 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Additional DLC Pack 3 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Additional DLC Pack 4 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • HERO OF JUSTICE PACK 1 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • HERO OF JUSTICE Pack 2 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • HERO OF JUSTICE Pack Set 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Legend Patrol Pack 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Legendary Pack 1 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Legendary Pack 2 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Legendary Pack Set 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Tremendous Pack 1 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Tremendous Pack 2 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Tremendous Pack 3 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Tremendous Pack 4 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Extremely Pack 1 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Extremely Pack 2 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Extremely Pack Set 50% DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: • Pre-Order Bonus 50% DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT: • Bonus Objects Pack 50% DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT: • TRUNKS - THE WARRIOR OF HOPE 50% DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT: • Season Move 50% DREDGE: • Blackstone Key 25% Dying Gentle – Hellraid 67% Dying Gentle 2 Keep Human: • Deluxe Improve 30% Dying Gentle 2 Keep Human: • Final Improve 30% RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard: • Finish of Zoe 60% TRANSFORMERS: BATTLEGROUNDS: • Energon Autobot Pores and skin Pack 70% Enlisted: • Ka-Chi Squad 50% Enlisted: • Krieghoff FG Squad 50% Enlisted: • LVT(A)(1) Read the full article
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