#Constantine: Oh bloody hell I am no dad-
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 303
Constantine might be cursing everything and everyone he’s ever met because this? This is a goddamned mess that he does not want to be cleaning up, yet here he is! Three infant godlings who the American-Fuckin-Government decided to try and kill and worse clinging to his legs and huddling beneath his trenchcoat. 
Look when he followed the instructions on the magic green sticky note he was not expecting this level of bullshit, and honestly do these imbeciles want to get the entire universe devoured by angry eldritch gods!? 
Damnit, he needed a smoke- and to inform the League so they could deal with the government side of this shit- but mostly a smoke. Ugh. He was so not babysitter material, but none of the bloody tykes would be letting go or leaving the trenchcoat anytime soon. 
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myvirtualife · 1 year
Stumbled upon (or should I say, fallen hard for?) the Lucifer TV series while idly exploring on Netflix, one rare quiet evening. The irony is I’d always been aware about Lucifer from years back, but never checked it out as I’d mistakenly thought it was a rather superficial occult show about the devil on earth, deviating too much from the version that Neil Gaiman conceived or the origin story from Genesis in the Bible. I know, I deserve to be punished for that 👿
But … after seeing the pilot and subsequently binge watching these past few weeks, how wrong I was! And I love that underneath all that surface irreverence is actually a thought provoking, gut wrenching and at times, humorous retelling of the world’s oldest and most dysfunctional family 😈 with its share of supernatural liberties and LA jokes. Plus, the storyteller in me appreciates how each episode cleverly links the case Lucifer’s own circumstances. And the music, oh! I could just watch Bloody Celestial Karoake Jam over and over again.
I am now crushed that it all ended after six seasons. So many untold stories! What led to Lucifer/Samael’s rebellion in the first place? What were his first few moments / years in hell like? How did his relationship with Mazikeen evolve? Did Michael ever find redemption there? Why did God banish his Goddess to hell, and what have they been up to in retirement in their new universe? How was Chloe’s life on earth with her daughters without Lucifer, and how is she taking to her new eternal partnership with him? “Younger” Lucifer, Michael, Lilith and Eve back in the garden? Do Charlie and Rory ever swap notes about their crazy celestial family and arch-angel-turned-ruler of Heaven and Hell-dads?
Also, fan fiction links below. A virtual Pentecostal coin for anyone who sends good recs over! 🪙
The other side of giving in by ViolettaMondarev
gravitational collapse by AlexiaBlackbriar13
Love, or the lack thereof by lucimoment
My word is my bond by PerpetuallyCold
To Hell and back by RadRanz. Alternate series ending.
Caging the Devil by Hircine_Taoist. AU after season 3. Warnings: hurt!Lucifer and really bad!Cain.
Bigger plans by Ermmm67
The Fallen Shall Rise by HarmonyWhitlock. Added bonus crossover with Rush!
Rushed Job by Kat_d86. Another Rush crossover alternate ending.
Ta Biblia by Allicat9 (so many great ones by this author, go check them all out!)
Rational Creatures by Allicat9. Bridgerton AU.
Theogony by Allicat9. AU after episode 324. Constantine crossover and significant OCs.
Detonation by MightBeAWriter. AU after episode 209. (Similarly, go read all of this author’s works)
Rebehold the Stars by MightBeAWriter. Deckerstar season 3 AU. Conflicted!Dan and bad!Michael.
The Perils of Dealing by stickdonkeys. Warnings: Hurt!Lucifer with bad!God series.
Shifting Patterns by waiting_for_the_rain. AU after season 2. Warnings: hurt!Lucifer, good!Cain and bad!God.
Lucifer fanfic collection
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batboyimagines · 4 years
Cold-Blooded [Damian Wayne x Male Reader]
Your Dad and your Ma’s relationship is... rocky to say the least. They were never actually together, no marriage or anything. It was just one night of bad decisions that made you.
So your birth wasn’t well planned. You think the reason your ma even kept you was because she was lonely. She’s raised you to the best her ability for they past fourteen years but it was only recently your dad found out. Now they have joint custody.
See, all of that isn’t normal per say, but it’s not bizarre or anything. Just two inexperienced, lonely people screwing up in more ways than one to make a whole nother screw up. However, your parents aren’t exactly average. One’s not even human. Anymore.
Medusa and John Constantine. By the gods, that’s probably the worst match imaginable. Moms great and all, you really do love her, but she’s a little crazy. Being exiled on an island all alone does that to you. And Constantine’s just... a mess. Not even a hot one.
Even so, you don’t mind being pawned between the two. They’re both great in their own ways and you appreciate the both of them. Right now you’re hanging out at your dad's house. Though it feels more like hanging out with an awkward uncle than a dad.
It’s nearing about 8:00 in the morning, not that you know that. You’re asleep on the couch, gazing blankly at the ceiling. You forgot to close your eyes while you sleep again. It’s sort of creepy.
A sudden pounding on the door startles you up, breaking the staring contest you were having with the ceiling. A contest which you totally won. You blink dazedly and the pounding starts up again.
Mournfully slipping out from under the soft, warm stack of blankets you slept under, you lumber towards the door. You squint through the peephole.
Through the peephole you see a warped view of six costumes lunatics of all sizes. You lean back from the door and let yourself have a begrudged yawn. Gods, it’s way too early for this. Dad’s still asleep even with all the racket.
The littlest lunatic in the hood pounds the door hard enough for it to shake in its frame and you decide you’ve had enough. You don’t bother with the chain latch and just open the door a crack.
“Do you know how early it is?” You groan. The little lunatic, who is actually around the same height as you, scoffs.
“It’s eight pm. A normal person would be awake and ready for the day by now.”
“Well, I don’t know how you people are up then because anyone who dresses like that isn’t normal.” The green guy snorts.
“Listen, we’re sorry to wake you, but is this the residency of John Constantine?” The guy in the black leotard asks.
“... no, why?” You ask suspiciously.
“We are the Teen Titans and we are in need of magical assistance.” The really tall, really exposed, redhead says. “We require his assistance, on behalf of the justice league.” You tense a bit at that.
Okay, you don’t hold the things that the gods did to your mom against those two members of the justice league, Aquaman and Wonder Woman. They seem like nice folks who really do want to do good and not for the selfish, vain reasons gods usually do, but…
They got their abilities from the same gods who really, really messed your mom up for no good reason. So call you petty, but you don’t want to associate with them.
“Sorry, he’s not here.” You say attempting to close the door on them. The hooded lunatic jams the door with his hand.
“This is a matter of utmost importance, you will take us to Constantine.” He demands. You scowl at him and try to shut the door on his fingers.
“Screw off weirdo, he’s not here!”
“He is, you are lying!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am NOT!”
“Are TOO!”
“Christ on a cracker, what the bloody hell is going on?!” Your dad shouts, slamming the door shut, fully unlocking it and swinging it back open. Looks like the racket finally got him up. He sags at the sight of the troupe of crazies. “The hell do you people want?”
“We need your help.” Leotard man says.
“Of course you do. With what, I mean?”
“My father, Trigon, has possessed the justice league and we need a way to stop him.” The girl in purple replies. Your dad tenses.
“Trigon, eh? Sounds like a piece of work.” He says. You pretend to cough.
“Says the piece of work.” You tease under your breath because what’s even the point of a dad if you can’t make jabs at his life choices? He gives you a look and you just grin up at him.
“Why should I help you? The kind of magic that I’d have to use against that guy is expensive and tricky. I’m not gonna do it outta’ the good of my heart.”
“Because if you don’t help us, he could destroy the world.” Leotard says.
“Of course he could.” Dad breathes out as he sags against the door frame. You pat his arm. He looks at you and you give him an awkward smile. It seems to help him to a decision. He straightens up. “Well, I guess I don’t want the world to end. I need somewhere for this one to grow up.” He pats your head affectionately.
“Thanks.” You say, a bit embarrassed. Half because that’s the sappiest thing he’s ever said to you and half because, well, it’s nice to know you mean something to him. Even if he didn’t know that you existed until a few months ago.
“Well, come on in then.” He says turning from the doorway and into the apartment. The troupe of crazy people that nearly just broke into your house follow. You flounder for a moment.
“Wait, seriously? We’re just gonna let some random strangers, who nearly just broke in our house, inside just like that?” Your dad looks a bit guiltily at you. 
“Sorry bud, but this happens a lot more than I’d like.” He raises his hand hesitantly and gently lays it on your shoulder. “You can go back to your mother while I deal with this, if you’d like.”
“No, no it’s okay,” You quickly reassure, “it’s not bad it’s just… kinda weird. You know it’s weird right?” He snorts.
“Of course I do, but to be honest it’s almost normal for my line of work.”
“You should get into a different line of work then.”
“You know, I probably should.” 
Leotard man clears his throat- you know what? You want to know their names before they commandeer any more of your father-son bonding time. “By the way, what are your names? I feel I should know them before we do anything else.”
“Oh! My apologies,” Redhead replies, “I am Koriand’r, of Tamaran. And this is Blue Beetle, Beast boy, Raven, Nightwing, and Robin. We are the Teen Titans.”
“No offense, but you look more young adult than teenager?” She smiles sheepishly.
“Well, I was part of the original titans. I am now the leader.”
“Oh, okay, makes sense.”
“Alright,” your dad cuts in, “so what’s your plan for Trigon? What exactly do you want from me?” He and the Teen Titans begin to plan. You stick around for a bit, to get an idea of what your dad does. It’s not very interesting. So ten minutes into planning, you slip away to make breakfast.
Now, your dad is a mess. Not kind of a mess, a straight up mess. The kitchen is almost a reflection of your father. It’s a huge mess. There’s takeout boxes and dirty dishes strewn across every counter, no room for literally anything there is so much garbage. And this is only a few weeks worth of build up. Dad actually cleaned up before you arrived. 
Before you can even begin cooking you have to clean off the counters for some space. You’re trying to balance takeout boxes on top of the overflowing garbage can when a voice sounds from the doorway.
“This place is repulsive.” 
“HUAUGH FUCK!” You whip around flinging the takeout boxes across the room. Hooded lunatic, uh Robin you think, dodges them expertly. He seems a little surprised. You clutch at your chest, “Jesus, Christ man!”
“Apologies, I… did not mean to startle you.” He raises his hands a bit, as if calming a rapid animal. 
“Apology accepted.” You calm your rapid heart. Your freak out seems to have spooked any animosity Robin had earlier. The two of you stand around awkwardly. He’s a stranger in your house and he’s in a strangers house, which does not make for easy conversational partners. He looks around, avoiding your gaze. His eye catches on a painting on the wall.
“That is… an interesting picture.” He tries.
“Uh yeah, that’s actually a picture of my mom.” You say, playing with your hands.
“That is Medusa.”
“Yeah, she’s my mom.”
“I see.”
“She doesn’t actually look like that, that painting’s really inaccurate.”
“Why does your father keep it up?”
“I dunno,” You’d feel weird cooking with him watching you, so you make your way past Robin and into the dining room, “I think either pettiness or affection.”
“Pettiness?” He asks following you.
“Yeah, I mean, they aren’t together? I think they were at least acquaintances before they, uh, ‘conceived’ me. But they don’t seem to like each other very much nowadays.” You say, pulling a chair out from the table. You push the one across from you out with your bare foot and gesture towards it. Robin hesitates a moment, but decides to sit down. “What about your parents? They like each other any more than mine do?”
“No,” He snorts, “I think they like each other much less.”
The conversation stalls. You shift uncomfortably. Robin stares a hole into the grimy table. 
“Why not?”
“Why don’t your parents like each other?” He seems to think over his answer. 
“They are on opposite sides of the law.” 
“Oh, that’s tough.”
“There’s tons of couples on opposite sides of the law though.” 
“Not them. My father’s moral code cannot bend to suit my mother.”
“Ah, I see.” You lean across the table and pat his arm. He looks at it a bit suspiciously, you pull it back. “I’m sorry about your parents.”
“No need to apologize, I’ve already come to terms with it.”
“Yeah, well, still sucks.” You say standing up. “I was gonna make food, wanna lend me a hand? I’m still new to cooking appliances. And electricity.”
“How are these things new to you?” He asks, even as he stands up to help anyway.
“Dude. I grew up on an island with no electricity or WiFi. All of this,” you gesture to the space around you, “is totally alien to me.”
“Ah, I see. Yes, I will assist you.”
He failed to mention that he has never used a toaster either. You both nearly burn down the apartment, had it not been your dad’s fire extinguisher.
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
Hug Tutorials
summary: Constantine is stuck baby sitting. Not exactly his area of expertise. So how is he supposed handle a feral 8 year old? Help comes from an unexpected source.
A/n: I am pretty new to the Hellblazer fandom so forgive the characterization. I own nothing except Ruta (in all his bratty glory) and the plot. Maya belongs to the wonderful @birdy-bat-writes who is a wonderful human being. This thing is kind of part of a crack au me and Riya have been brain storming.  I will probably edit or rewrite this later.  Yes, I need a better title. 
warnings: awkward hugs, implied child neglect, and a lot of swearing
word count:  1,709 (This is actually really short.)
Ruta knows it hadn't started out like this.
He remembers when his mother used to try and help him read. She tried her best but the shapes on the page just made no sense to him. Not the way it did for Raffie or Mimi. 
He tries memorizing the words she said to him and parroting them back to her. It works! For awhile...  
He also remembers the walks to the park and how they'd listen to him about transparent people. 
They probably think he's too young to notice the change. 
His mom's slowly cut back on their nightly reading sessions opting for game night with his siblings. They were playing monopoly and that required a little too much reading for him to play. 
They haven't read together in months. Maybe he's the only one keeping track. 
He still tells them about the transparent people and now he tells them about the shadowy people but now they simply nod out of time with what he says. They used to be better at pretending and nodding in time with what he said. 
His dad got mad at him once when he started crying about the shadow people when they were at the market. He shook him, just a little, just enough to make him feel woozy, looking red with embarrassment. Ruta felt bad about it. He felt really horrible about  embarrassing his dad that he decided never to mention them again even when they got too close. 
The good news is he now had Count Von Bon Bon who listened and read aloud to him. He wasn't allowed inside the house because he was such a big bird but when they went outside he kept the shadow things away.  
He doesn’t need anyone else. He’ll be ok. 
If you asked John Constantine how on Earth he found himself in the mess, he'd likely give you a dumbfounded look, shrug, and mumble something about being too sober. 
But in all honesty, how does one find themselves watching their 8-year-old charge about to throw hands with not one but two Green Lanterns who should know better? 
Ruta stood , small and imperious, with his little arm crossed and his head thrown back after a great laugh. "I'd like to see ya do it, dumb carrot headed shit!" 
Guy, looking as red as, well, Sinestro, looks like he's about to deck the kid.  "Oh, I'm gonna,"  
John with all the good sense he's got fumbles over to the tiny terror.  "Sorry 'bout that lil' Ruta 'ere's just a bit nippy from 'avin' to wake up early. Yanno 'ow kids are,” He grabs the kid by his sweater who makes a little squawking noise not too different from his devastatingly posh familiar who would have been really helpful right now.  The kid wriggles a little, trying to claw John's hand away from the sweater.  He pauses and John thinks that maybe, just maybe, the kid had gotten some sense knocked into him.
Unfortunately for him, John Constantine is one unlucky bastard.
With the smarmiest grin plastered on his little face, Ruta slips out of the, admittedly, ill-fitting sweater. The kid basically sprinted back toward the lanterns who, by the way, still looked pissed as all hell. 
"Oh for the love of-" John is honestly going to pop a blood vessel.  He grabs the kid's arm since the kid despite his speed hadn't made it far. 
Ruta did not have the expected reaction.  He froze. Breath seizing. Body going rigid. John thought about letting go but thought better of it. 
Ruta begins to thrash violently and make petulant noises. John rolls eyes even as the kid snarls a few colorful words. "Yer gonna hafta do bettern’ that lad if-"
"Sonuva! Zee, a little help would be appreciated, love,"
"Sorry John, I’ve got no clue about how Maya usually gets him to settle down,"
Well, that helped.
Justice League members gather in bewilderment as they watch Constantine let out a string of curses as he tries to pry Ruta off his arm. The kid's teeth were actually digging into his flesh.  John is pretty sure he would rather be fighting off all the demon's he's encountered over the years than be here, right now, getting his flesh torn.  
Bats and Supes enter the room. Now, John normally didn't give a rat's ass what those two thought but there was a special kind of embarrassment that comes with a tantruming child.  He now had a little more sympathy for people with kids in grocery stores. 
The next few seconds are hard to process. 
Bats discussing something about Earth's defenses with Supes wordlessly walks over to John, pats Ruta on the head,  the kid- miraculously- relinquishes his death grip on John's arm, and in a disturbingly fluid motion Bats scoops him up into his arms, settles Ruta on to his hip, walks back to his conversation as if nothing happened. 
The kid makes a brief distressed noise and a weak attempt at fighting before huffing and wrapping his wreathy little arms around Bats’ neck as Bats rubs circles on his  back. 
God, the kid looked so small all of a sudden. Had Ruta been that tiny this whole time? 
He looked a little relieved aside from his face which was red and screwed up like all his effort  was being devoted to trying not to cry. His breath is still uneven but it was settling down. He’s limp against Bats. For once, he looked like he wasn't about to turn tail and run or to tell someon to fuck off or  bite someone's face off.
Fuck, when was the last time the kid looked so relaxed?
The newer league members watch with a mix of awe and confusion while the older ones shake their head and murmur something about not seeing that in a while. 
It takes a few minutes, the entire conversation actually, for Batman to realize that all his kids are too big for him to comfortably carry like this even with his size. He panics thinking he accidentally kidnapped a young child.  It takes him a moment longer to realize who it is. 
"How the fuck did you manage that?" John finally stiffles out, awe clear in his voice.
Batman glares at John for cursing in front of the kid.
 "Wot? He’s said worse,"
"That’s cus you’re a fucking cunt," Ruta mumbles his cheek still smooshed into Bats' shoulder. Bats looks as stone faced as ever but from the frown tugging at his lips he seemed mortified but he made a grunt that sounded more nostalgic than reprimanding. Batman adjusts his hold on the kid looking like he was honestly debating on whether to keep carrying the kid around and keep working or give him back to the clearly inexperienced Constantine. He decides it was probably best to give him back to Constantine but a part of him just really wanted to keep holding the little one trembling in his arms. When was the last time he held someone this small. It kind of reminded him of when Jason was small right down to the fowl mouth. 
Ruta clearly also doesn't want to let go. Bats is sturdy and surprisingly warm.  He looked like he would cry if he let go. The kid’s knuckles were white from gripping Bats’ cowl for Christ’s sake. Sadly, Igris, his annoyingly posh familiar, shows up from who the fuck knows where. 
 "Little prince, this is no way to behave," He admonishes in an eerie vernacular that was only barely understandable due to exposure. Ruta's face grows hot from embarrassment and with a nod he extricates himself from the caped crusader's arms. 
The kid definitely looks like he's about to cry but he mutters a glum ‘Yes, Count Von Bon Bon’.  
 "Where the bloody hell have you been?" John asked. God, he needed a smoke. 
"I've been watching over Maya as the little prince had asked," John gives him a questioning look. "I got bored" The bird adds, shrugging in an oddly human manner.  
Ruta extricates himself looking sheepish but mostly tired. Kid has probably been stressed and on adrenaline for a while. The sudden feeling of safety just made him crash.  
John hesitantly wraps his arms around the kid. The kid freezes but hugs back hesitantly. John tries to lift the kid but the kid stiffens. John honestly had no idea how to hold this kid. He maneuvered his hands clumsily around the kid. Ruta made no objections but he was clearly uncomfortable. 
 "No. You have to support both of his back and legs. Sometimes you have to lean back a bit to get them to so he leave into you- yeah just like that,"  Bats instructs, sounding oddly gentle. His usual gravel absent. It kind of scared  John, to be honest, so he did his best to follow along.  
At some point, Maya shows up after her ‘date’ with Damian- not much of a date when there are a bunch of people watching you- and finds Bruce coaching John on how to hold a tired elementary schooler who was drooling on John's favorite beige coat. She tried her best to stifle a laugh. Thankfully, she didn't have to try too hard. 
 "EXCUSE ME????? B, since when were you a child whisperer?" Dick exclaims as dramatically as humanly possible. Damian and Tim radiated second hand embarrassment while Jason just plays it like he doesn't know his older brother. Maya guessed that if Bruce wasn't used Dick he would be cringing too. 
 "Nightwing, I've had more than 5 children. I believe I know how to handle children,"  
"Uhuh- sure, B.  Whatever you say,"
Bruce makes a neutral grunting noise. 
"Please tell me you're not adopting that one,"
"Of course no-"
"Yeah sure, B,"
"He's- He's Constantines,"
"Tt, father, you are a terrible influence,"
It is a spectacle to watch Bruce's kids team up on him. 
Maya shakes her head and laughs before heading over to John. 
“Well, bring me a biscuit and call me Christy Bats’ was right” He mutters rocking the feral child.  Ruta’s little arms wrap around him a little tighter. 
“‘Course he is, Christy. He’s Batman,” Maya drawls smiling innocently.
"Please never leave him with me again,"
"Dunno, Christy. Looks like you're doing fine,"
tag list:
@idkmanicantenglish (You said any DC content)
@birdy-bat-writes (You enabler)
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kaitycole · 4 years
Shoulders Heavy with Guilt
This picks up after Broken Wooden Fence Posts, basically what Drake was doing as Riley spoke to Jackson.
Summary: Drake finally calls Liam
Word Count: 2717
Pairing (for this piece): Riley x Drake
Warnings: Mentions of a hangover and premarital sex. Pretty bland this time.
Part 8 of WP. To catch up read here.
Tag List: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore  @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways  @bobasheebaby  @bascmve01  @burnsoslow  @the-everlasting-dream  @ao719  @sirbeepsalot  @janezillow  @i-bloody-love-drake-walker  @kimmiedoo5  @choices97 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite  @lodberg @edgiestwinter @marshmallowsandfire 
*I don’t own the characters, just borrowing them*
A/N: I do not condone the behavior of these characters. Yes, I am writing it, but that doesn’t mean I support their shitty behavior and poor choices. Just FYI. 
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A slightly hungover Drake falls off the couch after rolling too far to the right. Sitting up, he rubs his forehead and blinks before fully waking up. He checks the clock: 11:30AM, before heading into the bathroom to shower.
“Riley?” He calls out when as he dries his head with one towel while another is tied around his waist, “Ri?”
Where the hell is she?
He begins to walk around the house; checking in the nursery, office and out on the back porch but he can’t find his wife. It’s not until he gets into the kitchen that he finds a note stuck to the fridge door.
Meeting with Lynn to go shopping for the baby. Might be out late. – Riley
He’s a little confused on why she didn’t just wake him up and tell him. But he puts little to no more thought on the subject. Riley was strong and independent, so he wasn’t too concerned. Plus, he couldn’t blame her if she needed space from how he’d been acting the last few weeks.
Speaking of, there was someone that he needed to call, no matter how late it was there.
Rubbing his eyes, Liam notices that it’s close to 10PM and he’s still working on this trade deal. He told himself that he would attempt not to stress himself gray until after he found a wife; didn’t look like he’d keep that promise. Just as he gets ready to turn his attention back to the paperwork, his personal cellphone begins to ring.
“Drake?” He tries to hold back a yawn, “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I know it’s late, but it’s been a while.” Drake lies, he knows that he should just tell Liam, but he’s not sure what mood Liam’s in or how to approach the topic.
He looks back at the paperwork, surely it could wait another day. Drake was right, the two haven’t really spoken in a bit.
“How are things? How’s Riley?” Liam asks, he pushes himself from the desk and begins walking through the room.
“Things are well and so is Riley. However, I wish she’d pick a paint color for the nursery.”
Liam laughs, “Her indecisiveness can definitely keep you on your toes. I’ll stick to trade deals.”
“Does that mean no royal babies are in the works?”
“I’d need a wife for that and I barely leave my office as it is. So, no. You and the rest of Cordonia are just going to have to wait a while.”
Drake chuckles, “I said baby, nothing about a wife.”
“Drake!” Liam laughs again, “The court always said you were a bad influence.”
He seems to be in a good mood, maybe now is the time?
“Yeah yeah yeah, but hey,” he pauses, “I need to tell you something.”
Liam immediately notices the dramatic change in Drake’s tone. It’s rare that Drake said or sounded as serious as he did in that moment, “I’m listening.”
Drake still wasn’t sure how to tell him and he knew that he should’ve told Liam as soon as he saw Jackson. That it was Liam he should’ve called for guidance instead of Leo, but he didn’t. At first, he felt ashamed that after all these years, his dad could be alive and maybe wasn’t the hero he grew to think he was. Then it became guilt, that he enjoyed the time with Jackson and that made him feel like he was somehow betraying Liam. There wasn’t anything the two had ever kept from each other and here Drake was with the bombshell of a century.
“I’m not sure how to say this, so I’m just going to say it.” He pauses, hoping for the universe to do something to prevent this, but nothing happens, “My dad is alive.”
It’s a few moments before Liam responds, “Forgive me, I haven’t had much sleep, it sounded like you said your father was alive.”
“That’s exactly what I said, Liam.” He takes a deep breath, “Jackson Walker, my dad, he’s alive, Liam.”
“That’s impossible. I was there when you buried him. I went to the gravesite with you.”
“I know that, but you have to believe me. He’s alive,” Drake feels a weight lift from his chest, “And it even seems that we have a younger brother.”
Liam’s world stops. Flashes of Jackson and his mother’s funerals resurface, “Who? You and Savannah?”
“And you.”
If it wasn’t for the wall he was leaning against, he would’ve fallen to the ground. There was no way. Jackson Walker wasn’t his father, how could he have another brother? He was Constantine Rys’ son whether he liked it not half the time.
Drake’s too relieved to have the guilt off his shoulders that he doesn’t hear the change in Liam’s tone. He doesn’t pick up on the fact that everything Liam’s believed in, has completely been turned upside down, “His name is Luke Rys Walker and man, Liam, he looks just like you.”
“Rys? You’ve seen my mother?” Liam can tell Drake is talking, but the sound of his heart thumping in his ears makes it hard to make anything out. His mother was dead. He buried her. He grieved her. There was no way that she was alive out there, right? She wouldn’t have left him for Jackson Walker, right?
“Not in person, but there’s pictures of her.” He leaves out the part where Jackson had told him that it’d just been him and Luke for a while. Drake never asked for more information and he didn’t want to tell Liam something he wasn’t sure of.
“I…I have to go.” Liam ends the call without letting him respond. He calls for Bastien immediately, fills him in and sends him away to gather everything he can about Eleanor Rys and Jackson Walker.
Drake looks down at his phone to see the call was ended before he heads back inside the house. He felt with all things considered, Liam took it well, but he was still going to give him time. Hell, he’d known for almost two months and he was still trying to wrap his head around everything.
He walks into the nursery and shakes his head, he wants to get started on painting and laying down the hardwood, but he refuses to paint it before he has Riley’s seal of approval. He wasn’t painting this room more than once and that’s exactly what would happen if he painted the original light gray they decided on.
Drake checks his phone and sees it’s close to 6PM and he’s yet to hear from his wife. It was rare that she’d be out this late, especially when she was adamant about dinner being at 5:30PM.
Within a few minutes, the phone is to his ear, ringing.
“Hey honey.”
“Are you okay? It’s getting late.” Drake asks, walking into the kitchen.
“Yes, I’m okay. Just got hung up with Lynn.”
Opening the fridge, he looks for something to cook, “Did you two find anything for the nursery? I was in there today, it’s a bit bare.”
“No, I didn’t find anything while shopping.”
“Oh, there’s always next time. I’m thinking of making spaghetti, when will you be here?”
“I’ll be home soon. Say thirty minutes?”
“I’ll see you then. I love—” Drake hears the beeping from the call ending before he finishes.
I wonder why she’s acting so weird today. Pregnancy, I guess.
“Drake! I’m home.” Riley says, closing the door behind here and hanging up her purse. She can smell the sauce from the doorway and realizes how hungry she is.
“Hey,” he kisses her forehead, “Did you have a good time with Lynn?”
“Oh, uhm, yeah I did.” Grabbing a glass, she fills it with water before taking a sip, “What were you up to?”
“Oh, I was going to paint the nursery,” he playfully cuts his eyes at her, “but I just called Liam instead.”
“How is he?” Riley feels like she’s about to burst. In their relationship, she’s never lied to him. A few small white lies about birthday and Christmas gifts, but never about something this big. She felt like a fraud.
“Good. No sign of our little having a cousin anytime soon though.”
“Drake Thomas, you did not ask him about that!?” She playfully hits him with the oven mitt.
“I surely did.” He stirs the hamburger into the sauce, “I don’t want our kids to be ten years apart!”
Riley rolls her eyes, “I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten at least engaged. It’s been, what, two years since the social season? Almost three?”
Drake shrugs, “He says he doesn’t leave his office enough to even look.”
“I mean, there were other women at the social season that he wouldn’t have to leave his office to meet.”
Drake raises his brow at his wife, “Such as?”
“Olivia.” She smirks.
“He,” Drake starts before Riley finishes.
“Sees her as a friend. Yeah yeah, I’ve heard that before. But something’s gonna happen where he stops seeing her that way. Bet.”
Drake shakes his head, “Come get a plate, Cupid.”
Drake flops down on the couch next to Riley after he’s finished cleaning the kitchen. She’s absentmindedly flipping through channels that he didn’t even realize they paid for.
“Earth to Ri? You okay?”
“Huh? Yeah,” She chews her lips, “Well no.”
“What’s wrong?” He springs into worry mode.
“Calm down, it’s not that serious.” She grabs his hands, “I wasn’t with Lynn today.”
“Oh? Then where were you?”
She bites her lip even harder, worried, “I went to see Jackson.”
“Jackson who?”
“Your dad.”
“How? How did you know where he lived?”
She lets go of his hands as she turns away from him. “I went through your wallet.”
“You went throu…Riley, what the fuck?” He shouts as he stands up.
“I wanted to know why you were acting so strange. You wouldn’t talk to me!”
“So, you went through my personal things? You couldn’t just ask me?”
“I tried! You just drank for days on end. When was I supposed to ask? Between Jameson and Jack Daniel?” She throws her hands up, annoyed.
He knew she was right. He could’ve handled the last few days better than he did, but it didn’t excuse her behavior in the slightest. He begins pacing the room, not sure how to continue the conversation, “You thought I was cheating, didn’t you?”
“What?” She snaps her head in his direction.
“You found an address and number in my wallet. Then you drove there, you thought I was cheating, didn’t you?”
It wasn’t until she heard him say it that she realizes she really did think he was. It had crossed her mind briefly when she initially found the paper, but didn’t dwell on it until she was actually driving towards the address.
He stood there, waiting for her to tell him he was wrong, that she knew that wasn’t even a possibility, but she didn’t. She just sat there, looking at him.
“Really, Ri? I moved across the world for you. I’d move the sun and moon for you. You’re having my baby and that’s the best you think of me?”
“No, Drake. I mean, maybe for a moment, but I didn’t know what to think. That’s why I went there.”
“But you still thought it. I’d never think that about you.” He storms into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
“Getting some more whiskey to deal with your problems rather than talking?”
“Sure am. It’s a new brand called H2O.” He rolls his eyes, “You tell my dad about how his son is a deadbeat that cheats on his pregnant wife?”
Riley glares at Drake, “No. I didn’t tell him I was pregnant. I thought you should do that.”
“Oh, so it’s not your place to tell him you’re pregnant, but it’s your place to go through my things and jump to conclusions?”
“Real nice, Drake.”
“Did you find what you were looking for?” He raises his eyebrows at her.
“What?” She spits at him.
“You went there to get answers, you find them?”
“Obviously since I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t go looking for anything in particular.”
“Then what’d you do? Seeing how you opened the door to an old man instead of some young and hot raven-haired woman.”
Riley twisted her mouth up, she knew he made that jab on purpose; reminding her of the ridiculous assumption during Liam’s social season that Drake and Kiara had a thing.
“We just talked.”
“You talked? All day?”
“What’d you talk about?”
She thought back on the nature of what Jackson had told her; all of it being things that Drake should hear from Jackson, not her, “How he and your mother met.”
“You talked to my dad about a story I’ve told you several times?”
But you don’t know the real story. “Amongst other things.”
“Such as?”
“I really think that you should hear it from him. It’s not my story to tell.”
Drake lets out a deep breath. He loves her to death, but she could really piss him off. Then he realized why he was so pissed off.
“So, you’re telling me that he met you and within minutes spills his guts out, but when I, his son, confronted him about who he was, got sent away? What bullshit.” He storms out of the room, slamming the backdoor on his way out.
Riley sighs, maybe going without Drake wasn’t the best decision. However, he did make a good point, but maybe it was easier for Jackson to talk to someone who hadn’t spent their life idolizing him, someone who wasn’t related to him, someone who didn’t expect anything from him. But she could still see where her husband was coming from, everything he thought was a lie which caused her to wonder, how Liam would handle the news.
“I’m sorry.” Drake says, rolling over to face her.
After he stormed out to the back yard, Riley had taken a shower and got into bed and it wasn’t long after that Drake got in bed. However, it had been an awkward 45 minutes before either had finally spoken.
“No, I’m sorry. I should’ve just asked you.” She turns the lamp on her nightstand on before looking at him, “I should’ve trusted you.”
He caresses her cheek with his thumb, “I should’ve just told you, even though it felt like no one would listen to me.”
“I hate that I was one of those people.” She presses her forehead to his, “I love you.”
“I love you, Ri. So, what’d you think of Jackson?”
“I think he deserves to tell his side of the story and I know he wants to hear yours.”
She turns red, she told herself that she wouldn’t go into too much detail. She really did want Drake to hear a lot of what they talked about from Jackson himself. Too late.
“Let’s just say that he didn’t know that your mom left you and Savannah in Cordonia and now he does…”
“He didn’t know?” Drake knits his brows together, “I don’t understand.”
“From what I’ve gathered he thought your mom was still in Cordonia.”
He sits up, his head in his hands, and thoughts clouded. How did he not know what happened? “I don’t understand anything, Ri. Did people really think he died? Or was that a ruse?”
She scoots closer to him, holding his head against her chest.
“Did he tell you? Please just tell me that.”
She runs her fingers through his hair, “He didn’t tell me that, sweetie. But he did want you to come and hear his story.”
He doesn’t respond. The weight of the situation is beginning to weigh on him. It was no longer whether or not this Jackson Walker was his father or not, Drake figured that out. But the heavy questions were starting to come front and center: Was his death faked? Did they know it was faked? Why was it faked if it was? He was too caught up in his hero of a dad being alive, that he didn’t think to stop and realize that maybe he wasn’t the hero he made him out to be.
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The beauty & the beast || (borra x fem!reader)
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tag list: thisishirathesecond , ateliefloresdaprimavera
(sorry for the possible errors)
Oflaria is one of the most flourishing and prestigious kingdoms. Gathered profiques, always full of tourists and spices from all over the world, every month we always celebrate some festivals, people are happy and always meet in the square to dance and sing.
King Constantine, your father, has brought forth this region with much effort but all have borne fruit. And you, her daughter, were proud to know that one day you would rule that prestigious territory following your father's example. There was only one small problem, a prince needed a male figure, however many her skills were. And this concept proprionon did not want to get into your head. You? With a weakling prince? No way! It was a morning like any other when your sleep was interrupted by your maid who gently woke you. "My lady, wake up, today is a big busy day" said the old lady. You munched as you stretched yourself abandoning your lavish bed. "Commitments? I didn't remember having commitments" you said, puzzled. "Your father has prepared a surprise for you, he said you will be amazed!" exclaimed the old lady helping you dress. "A surprise?" you asked enthusiastically, who knows what the king will have in store for you. Maybe a new horse? Or finally fencing lessons?
You tried to prepare yourself as quickly as possible and with great strides you started towards the throne room, where you met your father sitting in his usual place.
"Father! I knew you prepared a big surprise for me" you exclaimed taking his old hands, the old king nodded with a kind smile.
"Oh yes you will see, it is not refused this time" requested King Constantine "I have received word that you have a great interest in exploring new places besides our kingdom, isn't it?" He asked.
"Don't tell me! Did you build me a ship to travel?" You asked not being in the skin anymore for the emotion.
"Oh even better my little flower, guards let the guests in" your father ordered, as you heard the doors of the room open, you turned to look at who these new people are, but your smile died within seconds when you were presented with two winged monsters.
"Dad...who are these?" I ask about the tone of the ear with a flexible tone for your impromptu panic.
"Well darling, do you remember when at dinner he tells you about the rhythm that Queen Aurora had established with the Moors?" You nod "Well I decided that friendly relations with these creatures is a very wise and generous act and they agreed to visit" Explained your father.
"My lord, I am Conall and he is Borra" said the dark-skinned winged man bowing elegantly, a difference from the other who made a meager gesture with his head. He didn't reassure you his eyes were too hard and fierce, as if he had been forced to come and visit you. Conall, on the other hand, transmitted the opposite emotions, or was very good at pretending.
"Nice to have you here with us, as you know I am King Constantine and this beautiful girl is my daughter, (y/n)" said the king, pointing at your figure, thus leading the gaze of those present to you. Borra's dark and vivid eyes pierced you like a blow, letting your body shudder.
"Please, follow us into the dining room, there is nothing more pleasant than discussing business over a good brunch" said the king, rising from his throne and followed by a wheel from you and the two guests. There was absolute silence, but one thing that surely captured your hearing was the question that Borra whispered to Conall, it was in that instant that you heard his hoarse and dark tone for the first time.
"What the hell is a brunch?" He asked almost awkwardly.
"I don't know, let's go along without making too many complaints" reported the comparison calmly.
Arrived at a huge terrace covered with a floral gazebo you were about to sit at the big table, full of various delicacies. Needless to say, the two guests had a hard time sitting down with those big wings that came together, and this made you hide a small smile. You noticed puzzled that the cutlery had been changed with the ceramic ones and looking at your father he sensed. "See darling, I preferred to change the dishes with materials that would not endanger the lives of our guests, unfortunately the iron can hurt them" explained the king.
"I see, well the iron cutlery rusts right away and they aren't all that elegant" you said as you started to drink some tea.
"Well then, I am sorry that your Mrs. Maleficent could not have come here, but I am still happy to have welcomed you warriors. In the letter I sent her I explained to her that in my opinion there would have been a more solid pact than a marriage to seal peace" you listened to the words of your father, who had decided to marry Maleficent, after his years without you mother? "And that's why my daughter will marry a noble warrior, and to imagine from the name mentioned in the letter, I suppose it's you, Borra, my daughter's future husband" your father exclaimed enthusiastically.
Not even the time to finish the sentence that you spit your tea all over the table in shock, while Borra nodded and suddenly he was petrified.
For what absurd reason did Maleficent not warn him?!
"Don't talk about it, Father! You have proposed me to hundreds of young princes, it will not be this...winged man to have my hand!" You exclaimed in a rage and getting up from the table “I will have a progeny of winged monsters, your grandchildren will have horns and wings! Do you realize the absurdity?” You asked while Borra feeling himself taken into consideration, he got up in turn growling threateningly.
"How dare you? I at least know how to defend myself, I don't need armor to fight" he said, flapping his hands on the table “and did you ever mirror yourself? you look like a...” but he was interrupted by Conall who gave him a reproachful look.
"I will never marry anyone! I don't need a man to rule, father! and if you have not understood it all these years, then I go away and I will build a kingdom of my own, with my only strengths” you said as you ran out of the terrace, as you heard the screams of the king who begged for your return.
You quickly changed getting rid of your princely dress and wearing the right clothing to ride, you then started towards the stable and riding on your steed, you passed the castle walls and your vast city looking for a quiet place to stop the night.
Rode without stopping for many miles, you had crossed much of the forest and when night fell you camped in a cave that overlooked the banks of a small lake. It was really difficult to light a fire powerful enough to cook that miserable fish you were able to catch. The wild life seemed easier and heroic in the books of myths, but apparently it was just dirty and tiring. Also it was quite cold and your cape was not very successful in trying to warm you up.
It all seemed pretty quiet, until Solomon, your horse didn't start to get nervous, like there was something around.
"Hey my friend, what's wrong?" You asked shortly before a strong blow to the head stunned you for a few moments, the right time to grab you and tie your wrists with a rope. Someone dragged you and made you fall badly into the cold cave.
"Who are you? and what do you want from me?” you shouted trying to look threatening, the little flame that cooked your dinner, lit up just three male figures. Surely they were three bandits.
"Give us all your money, wanderer!" Ordered one of them "Tell us where you have your money or I swear I'll slit your throat with this knife!" Another said, showing a dagger from his pocket, making you scare.
"I swear to you, I have nothing, I only live on what nature gives me" you replied trying not to look terrified, but your trembling voice didn't play in your favor. The man who had a dagger in his hand, approached your figure and approached to attack your neck, he stopped shortly before the blade rubbed your silky skin.
"Let me be beaten guys" the bandit told his colleagues with a mischievous tone, "We have the princess of Ophlaria in front of us" she announced theatrically as the others laughed.
"Take your hands off me, you filthy worm" you screamed, pecking at a powerful fist on the lip that caused a blow to your head to account for the rocky terrain. Your senses became more and more muffled but you could still have the annoying sensation of pain on your slightly bloody mouth.
"This night we won't have the money, but we could have fun with this sweet princess. They will pay a very high ransom for your pretty face" proposed one of the bandits laughing in a squalid way.
"I start with her first, then it will be yours as soon as I feel quite satisfied. I wonder if it's true that the princess is still pure?" said the man who had beaten you, starting to tear your shirt with his dagger.
"No Please! Do not touch me! I said don't touch me!” You screamed desperately as your eyes filled with tears, was this really the end you should have met? Was this the punishment you deserved after refusing your duty to marry you?
You closed your eyes in terror, not having enough guts to look at that disgusting scene in your face, but all of a sudden some unsheathed screams caught your attention. With the little strength left open in two slits the eyes and all that presented itself before you was as fast as the wake of a comet.
The two men on the sidelines had been captured by enormous thorny roots, which crushed them until they broke bones after bones. As for your cruel molester, he was lifted off the ground slowly, by a hand that grabbed his neck with a lethal grip. A winged figure looked him straight in the eye and after throwing a monstrous snarl he whispered "If you only think you can hurt the princess, you will first have to overcome my corpse" after which the neck of the last bandit remained broke with a simple movement of wrist.
Your fragile and trembling body was still on the ground, intent on observing the figure of your savior, who approached you, and gently grasping your body, made you sit with your back to a wall of the cave. Only then did you recognize Borra's hollow face, lit by the soft flame of the fire.
"You ..." you whispered confused.
"I see that your plan to create a new kingdom is proceeding perfectly," the cuckold replied sarcastically, raising his eyebrows in exasperation.
"Fuck you" you whispered with the little voice left. You hated to admit your defeat.
"A thank you would be more aristocratic on your part," he replied with a small growl. Then put his gaze on your lower lip, swollen and injured. You perceive the rough but at the same time warm palm of one of his hands resting on one side of your face, while a thumb was trying to take away the blood that was dripping in excess "A man should never get his hands on a defenseless woman, nobody should take it out on those who can't protect themselves ... that's why I hate the nature of you humans "Borra commented dejectedly and somehow his words hit you.
A being like him could immediately give the impression of a beast, of a bad and heartless being, and yet, although you had insulted him, he had saved you, from those you would have called subjects. Your attention shifted again to Borra's face, which had moistened his thumb with his saliva and was about to lean on your wound on his lip.
"For all the heavens! What are you doing ?! ”you asked in disgust, moving away from his hands.
"I'm trying to disinfect your wound, since you don't even have medicinal herbs with you, idiot!" Borra tried to justify himself, realizing that he had not yet untied his wrists and without even using so much strength, he broke the rope that you imprisons, also noticing your slightly reddened wrists.
"How ... how did you manage to find me?" You asked still bewildered as you rubbed your aching wrists, Borra let out a proud and proud smile.
"I've never lost sight of you, at least until you've entered the cave. I would never have left you alone in this world, "the boy explained.
"Did you prepare this sentence?" You asked raising an eyebrow almost in order to tease him. But he didn't particularly appreciate it.
"Do you want to keep joking, princess?" The blonde asked menacingly "I flew far and wide, I killed people for you and I'm taking care of you!" He added reproachfully.
"Because if you hate humans, then why did you do all this? Probably because you want to look good with my father? Surely now you have the throne insured "you replied stinging.
"Your throne would burn it quietly, it is not the riches that interest me!" Said Borra "For years I have been blinded by anger and revenge. But during the war in Ulstead I met death and pity, and I realized that there may be some humans worth fighting for, so it's worth protecting..." the boy explained, looking you straight in the eye and only in that moment you realized that the distance between your faces was only a few centimeters "Obviously ... for you the phrase <<there are humans that are worth loving>> is not even a day from our meeting and you already make me damn , monkey" he said, moving away, knowing perfectly well that his tone would tickle you as needed.
"THEN IT'S SO THAT YOU WANTED TO CALL ME TODAY! Before your friend stopped you" you exclaimed indignantly, advancing on his figure, who turned his back to you, but as soon as you were ready to throw a" punch "at him, Borra turned abruptly and took you by his hips and leaned on his shoulder like a potato sack.
"Let's make a deal, when we get home I'll teach you how to fight, so we'll try to blanch your spiteful little monkey spiteful" Dark Fae offered with a little laugh.
"As long as I teach you something to improve your bear-like bearing" you said, trying to squeeze out of his grip with little success.
"Oh now you are back the princess all right and delicate? And where is my little monkey that sends me to fuck me, instead of thanking me?" Borra asked, holding back a laugh while grabbing the bridle of your horse he accompanied you to the way back, while the woods were covered with your voices that were teasing each other.
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bluboothalassophile · 5 years
Hello, it’s my birthday! How do you think dad Constantine and canon Constantine react to meeting each other? Have a nice day😊
Happy Be Lated Birthday! I am so sorry this is late, it took a little time, and I’ve been a bit busy to write lately. But I do hope you enjoy the story! =) And Best Wishes for Your New Year In Life! May it be great and fun and a hell of an adventure!
You Have How Many Daughters?
Why did this shit always happen to him?
It would’ve been one thing if it was someone else; but why was it always him? Was there no one else the universe loved to fuck over? Was there some flashing neon red sign screaming ‘Please Fuck Me!’? Constantine wondered this as he crept through his house, not entirely certain as to what had happened, but knowing it was a spell gone wrong; bloody amateurs they had fucked with the wrong ingredients and he didn’t know what had happened but it had happened, and now he was here.
In a weird alternate version of his house!
And it was really crazy!
What the hell was this!? A brothel!?
“Don’t mess with that Traci, we don’t need you going to New York!” a sharp voice stated.
“No pequeño!” she stated rounding the corner in a flurry of curls and frustration, he blinked rapidly. “John!? I thought you wouldn’t be back until tomorrow!” Zed smiled, he blinked. “We’ll talk in a bit, I was just taking Amy out with Ace, Raven is on her date with Jason, they went to see 1917, Zatanna is going to be late, she had a Broadway audition, Lilith is in Atlantis, and Traci, Ace, and Alice are all here for now, I’ve locked them out of the rooms they don’t be long in, and Zach’s out with Klarion.”
“Zed?” he whispered, shocked to see her standing there before him.
“Hm?” she hummed as she picked up her purse.
“You’re… you’re alive?” he whispered.
“We gotta go!” a small blonde teen shouted.
“I’ll be right there princesa,” Zed called out over her shoulder. “Are you alright John, you don’t look too good,” she said reaching out to touch his brow.
“I… you’re alive,” he whispered.
“Yes…” she drawled out.
“The cancer…”
“Raven healed that, John, you know this,” Zed said.
“Raven, you know, our daughter,” Zed said. “The favorite child, stands about this tall, black hair, violet eyes, kicks ass with magic and shadows, demi demon; who you adopted.”
“I… Raven Roth?” he sputtered remembering the young witch on the Titan’s team.
“I don’t know a Raven Roth.”
“We gotta go!” the blonde shouted again.
“I’m going to go lay your father down sweetie, loco gringo is falling apart,” she muttered as she looped her arm with Constantine’s. He was so shocked that she was here, she was alive he couldn’t wrap his head around that. He had watched Zed die, in a hospital three weeks ago, held her hand as she had gone too. He had wept for Death to leave her and take him instead, but that hadn’t happened. Now she was here, it was too much.
“Dad,” a small voice croaked out and large dark eyes peered at him.
“You father isn’t feeling well Ace, I’m taking him to bed,” Zed said.
“That’s what she said!” came a loud laugh.
“Not the time Alice!” Zed shouted.
“Yes mom.”
“Call Raven, ask if she can come home early and take Amy to the store, your father appears a bit ill,” Zed shouted.
“Yes mom,” came the sigh.
“And Call Luci!” she shouted.
“Luci?” he muttered.
“Luci will help with whatever spell you did wrong now,” she sighed.
“Zed, love I’ve done it!” came a voice too similar to his own; he knew that madness, even if he didn’t see the bastard. The smug bastard rounded the corner with a mad grin and his hair a disheveled mess. “Who the Bloody Hell Are You And Why Are You Touching My Wife!” the man shouted.
“John!?” Zed sputtered dropping his arm and stepping away in utter confusion as the other Constantine grabbed Zed and pulled her close. Constantine fell back; he couldn’t take it anymore!
John watched the other Constantine fall back in a dead faint, felt his wife slap his shoulder.
“We should move him,” Zed said after she was done checking to make sure they hadn’t killed the other him.
“Fine!” he groaned. “You get his legs and I’ll get his nose,” he muttered, between the two of them they managed to get the other John in his room and they dropped him on the bed.
“Raven will be here soon, perhaps she can tell us what the hell is going on!” Zed huffed as she lifted the other hims’ leg onto the bed.
“I’m here,” Raven said walking out of the shadows. “What’s the emergency… oh.” She blinked as the other Constantine was finally coming around.
“Where the bloody hell am I? Weirdest bender I’ve been on,” the other muttered.
“Well, not weird enough, and keep your hands to yourself, bastard!” John spat out as the other Constantine came around. The other Constantine looked between him and Zed then Raven, then back to Zed.
“I… you…” he started.
“Very alive,” Zed huffed out. Folding her arms she looked at him, John wanted to kiss Zed then; though their marriage was new and tentative their partnership was old and reliable.
“I…” Constantine looked around.
“Give us a minute,” Constantine ordered Zed and Raven, both the women were quick to nod and leave.
“This isn’t possible,” Constantine murmured sitting up.
“What? Us, slightly happy and sane?” John asked pulling a smoke and handing it to the other Constantine.
“I would have agreed, about a decade ago,” he said as he light his cigarette.
“What happened?”
“Got a demi-demon for a daughter and had to stop feeling sorry for myself,” Constantine shrugged. “Found Raven when I was going to go free Astra,” he admitted.
“So stop feeling sorry for yourself, pull your head out of your ass, and whatever you’re doing on your Earth, fix it to what you want!” Constantine ordered.
“No sympathy for a bloke when he’s down?”
“No. I have too many daughters and a Devil wandering in an out of my life to have sympathy for anyone other than the girls,” Constantine said.
“She’s alive here.”
“Rae would never let her die,” John shrugged.
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drakewalkerisreal · 5 years
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Amour Sans Fin
We have to leave early morning for Lythikos, Olivia’s territory. I reached palace one night before departure. Liam told me its ok if I don’t want to go as he knows well that we both can’t tolerate each other. But I decided to go, just for Liam’s sake.
No, it has nothing to do with Brooks.
I packed my jackets and woollens as Lythikos is a cold place full of snow-clad mountains and lakes. And yes, it’ll involve skiing too. I always loved skiing. A pair of skis are ultimate transportation to freedom.
See, that’s nothing to do with her.
I drove to the palace. I have a room here reserved for me, not very Lavish but it’s still extravagant compared to any rooms in my house. That’s the arrangement Liam made for me. However, Constantine and Regina didn’t like it much, specially Regina.
Regina Rhys is a pure noble and she hates commoners. They are like dirt to her that needs to be dusted off from nobles. She reckons Nobles have ultimate right to rule Cardonian people. Rys Empire was originally from East end of the world. I have listened stories from old people that they came here for business and finally settled as rulers. That may be the reason they never considered Cardonian people as their own.
If they will ever be seeing through my eyes, they may see the real beauty I see in Cardonia, in old age homes, unprivileged children, small houses, unknown streets, unfulfilled dreams and expectations. Where you can see the new life struggling beneath comfortable lives of nobles.
We were having drinks in Liam's study. It’s one of our old habits chatting over drinks. It’s the time when we let our drinks do the talking.
“Anyone in your mind yet??” I raised my brow.
“No, I am still confused. Not much time has passed that I will be able to choose bride.” He sighed “You came! I thought you would avoid going Lythikos”
“Yeah! But I have nothing to do much as the pedologist I called will be visiting in next week.” I shrugged. “But Of course! We won’t get much time together as Olivia won’t be leaving you as soon as we enter Lythikos”
“Yeah, she is possessive kind” he emptied his glass.
“I always think you love her??”
“I love her as a friend. But still there are no romantic feelings. We kissed a few times and I know she expects more but I haven’t decided yet” he shrugged.
“What about others?” I enquired.
“Madeleine is, you know, Regina’s and Dad’s favourite. She will be strong queen but I can never imagine her as my wife”
“About others, I feel no connection till now, except Riley”. Shit
“I really liked her. She’s cool, smart and seems to have a good heart. I haven’t decided yet but I feel some connection.” His eyes twinkled “She must have some feelings for me otherwise she won’t be here competing for me”
True. That proves. Still it stings.
“Hey, what were you talking on the counter of the bar. Better not be fighting. I always find you two arguing. You’re becoming badass day by day.” He said curiously.
“Don’t get protective of her. She annoys me”. I didn’t look into his eyes.
“She is sweet as hell. You pick on her all the time”
“You’re on her side or mine??” Now I looked into him.
“I want both of you on the same side”He smiled
I want that too.
“Okay I will try to behave. But I can’t promise” I pointed my finger.
“That’s most I can expect from you” he grinned.
“Okay I am going to bed. ”
I wandered into the corridor of the palace for the walk. I know each and every corner of the palace- the hallways, the alcoves, secret passageways, well enough. Liam and I always liked to find secret places.
I was passing through a corridor and saw someone sitting at the stairs that led to garden. What is she doing here?? It’s almost 12:00 midnight. Should I interrupt or leave? I must ask her if anything’s troubling her. No. I’ll intrude her solitude. Finally.
“Hey Brooks!! Can’t sleep?”
“Drake!! What are you doing here?? I didn’t know you were in palace?”
“We have to leave early morning tomorrow so I am staying at the palace tonight”
“What’s up with you?”
“Nothing!! I wanted to feel some open air. From tomorrow, it is going to be battle every second as we will be entering Olivia’s region”
“I know she is tough to handle” I nodded
“Umm..am I disturbing your alone time??”
“No!! Come Sit here” she patted the place next to her on stairs. I obeyed her like a puppy and sat there.
She looked beautiful in moonlight. She wore that simple camisole slightly transparent with denim shorts. I tried not to focus on her cleavage and her legs. Umm..Her legs..They looked slender and smooth and lickable. Stop staring at her legs. Pervert. “Don’t worry about Olivia much. You’ll do good”
“Are you complementing me?? Why?” she said dramatically.
“What do you call me? ‘grumpy’. I should better be grumpy again” I showed her fake anger
“Oh No No!! It’s rare to hear such words from you. But it sounds good you know” she grinned.
“Don’t get too excited” I rolled my eyes. I must ask her about tea party.
“So, how was your meeting with the queen. Did you impress her?”
She nodded hesitantly. “Yes. But.”
“But? What?”
“I don’t think they will accept me as noble ever. How do you handle such situation Drake”?
I liked sound of my name from her mouth.
“Hey!! Don’t think like that. You’re better than me. I know you can handle. I can see that”
“How can you say so?”
Those hazel brown eyes again.
“I can see you. And as I have already told you I speak straight without any sugar coating. If I am saying, I mean it. I don’t know about the others but Liam is not like others here. He never differentiated between a noble and a commoner. I am his best friend. That’s the example. “
“Hmm.” She nodded.
“He is a good man and he likes you” I did not know why I said that but I think I should tell her. I wanted to check her expressions too.
She saw at me in amazement but shook her head. “Liking is good but I am not ready for a relationship yet”
Does she have a boyfriend??
“Boyfriend? Huh” I tried to beat around the bush.
“In past?”
“Yes, a few experiences but not very good”. She was looking on the ground and I saw that pained expression on her face.
“Okay.” I didn’t inquire more
“What about you??” she asked suddenly.
“No, I don’t like boys. No” I tried to lighten up the mood.
“Shut Up. I mean girlfriend”
“How do I look to you? Do I look like boyfriend material?” Now, I turned to face her.
“Umm…may be” she put a hand on her chin sizing me up. Don’t make that cute face.
“No..past experience..Disaster” I waved my hand.
She chuckled.
“Hey I am telling you about my broken relationships and you’re laughing”
“No. But same pinch” she literally pinched me on arm and once again electricity was running through me. Please stop touching me like that.
“It’s too late. You should go and take your beauty sleep”
She rolled her eyes.
“Just one advise. Be yourself. I am saying you’re more fun when you’re not trying to play princess.” I nodded.
“And you look handsome when you don’t play grumpy” she said and regrets immediately. She blushed a little. I was dumbfounded.
“Okay Good night.” She said abruptly and ran away.
What?? She thinks I am handsome. I was literally talking to myself looking at the mirror. This becoming usual for me these days.Suddenly, I found myself digging into my bag for what to wear tomorrow.
@drakewalker04 @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @emceesynonymroll @star-spangled-eyes @dcbbw    @jovialyouthmusic @drakesensworld   @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @ao719 @duchessemersynwalker
@pug-bitch   @rainbowsinthestorm @burnsoslow @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @iplaydrake   @katedrakeohd   @nikkis1983 @qween-corgis @thorfosterlove @butindeed
 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty
@pedudley @ibldw-main @irishwhiskys-blog @inlovewithwalker @addictedtodrakefanfic
@notoriouscs @grumpymarshmallowswife
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aliypop · 5 years
Mirror Mirror
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Word Count:  1,721
A/N: So this fic is about the alternative Yonah and Ezra, which follows in the line of the 2005 Constantine movie,  I hope you guys like it!
  "What more do you want! Yonah." Ezra shouted, "You come back home late at night make a ruckus to the Wayne name on the night of my most important day," she growled, her eyes focused in her mirror, Ezra was soon to become the queen of Pafrania, a title that Yonah gave up years ago when she ran away to California to "practice" her magic. "I just wanted to congratulate you little sister.," she smirked evilly at Ezra. "Can't I just be here to support you?" Yonah questioned pulling one of the many hairs from her sisters head, 
"No, because nothing good ever comes from you.. you bring heartbreak towards this family, everyone you love leaves you and sometimes dies, I'm surprised that demon guy likes you." she scoffed, brushing her hair. Yonah felt a small rip in her heart form knowing that it was her time to leave, she had already gotten what she needed and there was no turning back now, so she thought,
Ezra watched her sister walk out of her room putting her focus back into prepping for the royal gala when suddenly she saw a shadowy figure in her mirror, thinking nothing of it she shrugged it off and continued doing her makeup, 
" Ezra .~"   
A voice said coming from nowhere, looking around she saw absolutely nothing until she looked up into the mirror from the corner of her room. 
"What the hell are you!" Ezra asked staring at the entity that dwelled from inside her mirror, 
" Ego sum anima, quod habitat in vobis." 
"I am the soul that dwells in yo-" she began to repeat after her reflection as she was sucked into the mirror,
 "LET ME GO!" 
"John can you believe it," Yonah said sitting in the back of Chas's taxi "I go to give a simple hello to my sister, and she treats me like utter shi-" a flash of bright light was seen in one of the mansion rooms, 
"Do you smell that?" she asked, her eyes wide.
"Sulfur," John replied while lighting a cigarette in his mouth.  Chas nodded at the pair gesturing them for them to go scope out the scene. 
"If you wanted to kiss me, you could have asked." 
"Rosemary lipstick, wards off demons." She said applying the red substance on her lips, as she handed him  sage, the look on his face a confused one,
 "Remeber I stopped practicing black magic years ago, ever since our little accident." she pointed towards her back as John took the sage,  "Chas come on !" she shouted watching him run behind her,  opening the door of the mansion she saw the looks of it, something about the place was eerier than usual. 
"Ms. Yonah, don't you know it's improper to come uninvited?"  Alfred said, polishing the metal of his prized teapot, 
"Alfred I'm so-" she stopped talking as he revealed his half rotting face, flies flying over it as he was grey in the face,  
 "  Libero spiritus relinquere hoc corpus!" Yonah shouted pushing her hand out blasting through what she thought was Alfred,  running up the steps she looked back at John blowing a spark from her finger,  "Let's just keep going," John said, the three of them walking upstairs,  
"This place is huge.." Chas said, looking around as he walked passed one of the bedrooms, "Hey, John, Yonah I'm gonna explore a bit in here," the room was beautiful, something you would see in a movie, chandelier hanging from the ceiling, with a bed fit for a queen, it was quite, pictures of a young girl on the table with what seemed to have been her parents, she looked  happy and fulfilled but she also looked like-,
"Chas.. play with me?" 
Chas followed the voice of the little child, being lead to what was a little girl playing with a Batman action figure. She had curly hair with the most trusting eyes that Chas had ever seen. 
"What's a little kid like you doing left alone?"
"Oh, I'm not alone?" the little child smiled at him, "I'm Yonah it's nice to meet you!" she stuck her hand out for him to shake it,
"Nice to meet you two," he took her hand to shake, the dooring behind him closing slowly.
"You didn't tell me your parents were royalty?" John glared over at Yonah as they passed down the family portraits, "You've never asked, now keep walking." she growled, walking by the study they hadn't been faced to face by any demons yet, and they had hoped it would stay that way. 
"What happened between you guys?" he asked the two now strolling down the hall, 
"I wasn't always a bad child... I just wanted to well... be noticed, I never meant to put a curse on my sister, I never meant to fall from grace I-" the door of the study creaked catching the attention of John and Yonah, it was empty as the perusal when she was there. 
"I should have raised you better.." the voice said coming from behind the door, "But instead we paid attention to your sister," Yonah knew that voice from anywhere, she began feeling the sting again on her heart that took a splash in the acid of her stomach.
"Dad?" she began walking.
"Yonah no," John said, seeing right through the disguise, but he knew Yonah was too blinded to see it, he just had to find a way to show her, she was wrong.
"You really think you'll get your happily ever after with that one?" Bruce pointed outside to  John from the closed doors, everything still looked the same from when she was little, pictures of her dad, her brothers, her mother, and in his hands a picture of her, in a mirror, 
 "What are you talking about?"
"All he's doing is using you, you know it for a fact, that boy doesn't love you.." Bruce said glaring at Yonah making her feel small, "He'll only break your heart, throw you away and-"
"That's not true!" she shouted, watching the way he began to glide past her, grabbing her by the arm taking her towards the window his back towards the door, as she was now hypnotized by the image, almost as if she were caught in his web,  Bruce smirked as he took a shard of glass dipping it in his blood, 
"So nice of you to visit.." 
"Yonah where are you, Yonah," John stopped in his tracks seeing her semi- lifeless body on the floor bleeding out a puddle of magenta blood spewing out from her body slowly, "That bastard.." he whispered crouching down to her height, tying his tie around the gash on her leg he picked her up laying her on the office desk, before of blast of air pushed him out the window glass falling all around him.
"Well fuck," he grumbled hitting his head on a bush,  
"We meet again," the voice said shapeshifting from its disguise to its usual self.
" Marzannin.," he growled, "Demoness of vanity," he growled getting back up as she pulled her hand out using her powers to choke, "Doesn't feel nice does it, John, nice girl, by the way, shame she had to die," she shrugged.
Yonah got up with the best of strength that she had left, hearing fast pacing footsteps from the hall her hand out reading to cast any spell needed, her eyes still half shut, 
"Hey... Ms. Yonah... stay with me, God that's blood, yeah that's blood,"
Yonah laughed a little hearing his voice, "Hey Chas sweetie, calm down, we have to save Ezra,"  she tried getting her strength back, but nothing would do, "John's gonna be pissed at me, but.." he said starting to ramble out spells that he remembered,
"Had enough yet, John!"  Marzannin said, seeing him all bloody and beaten.
Yonah pulled Ezra out of the mirror as she laid her unconscious body on her bed, "Chas protect her please, she's the only sister I've got." 
"Wait where are you go-" he stopped noticing that she was already gone, "Gotham broads I tell ya." he shook his head,
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size Marzi.. or are you too much a bitch to do so.."  she began walking towards the demon who had John floating in the air, looking up at again she felt everything was slipping away from her, but she also felt as though she had nothing to lose.
" Rosea flamma ignis" she said flames growing from the palm of her hands, slinging them around to hit the demon, first she takes her sister and now the man that she dearly loved, this demon had to die and quickly. 
"You'll need a summoning circle, I've been practicing on those!" Chas said making one,  Yonah nodded as she walked towards it face to face with the demon, 
"You really care that much.." she said, "What a pity, wasting your time on a man who'll never love you.." she laughed, 
"That may be so... but I'd trade my life for his any moment, including now.." she said raising her hand out for Marziznian to reach,
"You're not serious, are you?"
"Yonah! no, "  Chas shouted.
"Take it, it's yours.." as the demon grabbed her hand she used her fire powers to send her right back where she belonged, in hell,  "Chas you make sure John is fine I'll-"
"Yonah.." Ezra said running towards her hugging her tightly, "You saved my life, after everything I said why, " 
"It was no big deal, trust me," she smiled, 
"No, I must honor you at the gala Alfred, you get her and her friends cleaned up please," 
Yonah sat in her old room dressed up as she heard a knock on the door, John stood there mouth open as he saw Yonah dressed in a midnight blue gown that complimented her so much, "Why the long face?" he asked watching the way she looked at him.
"John I don't deserve to be here... I deserve to be with you.." she said, 
"What about the scar?"
"Stitched perfectly, but what do you say we leave this place and stick our noses where we're needed.."  she smirked pulling him by his new tie and kissing him.
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 years
Amaya Valentine (a Charlie-centric, Charlie/Zari, John/Nate, and Nate & Charlie story)
Hank knows Charlie as the woman who broke Nate's heart. When his son starts acting fishy, he takes it upon himself to fix what he thinks is the problem, and approaches Charlie - appeals to her to work things out with Nate.
Except Charlie isn't Amaya. But she must play the part when invited to dinner at the Heywood Manor. It's hard though when your host is trying to hook you up with his son - your friend - who couldn't be more embarrassed. And then there's the other guest who seems to know all the cards even though his are held tight to his chest. What's a former shapeshifter to do?
           There’s laughter coming from the parlour. Gathered around an opened bottle of brandy John, Zari, and Charlie clink glasses and celebrate a job well done. The team has returned from another mission, collecting the mystical creature before they could further mess with the timeline. Ray and Sara were transporting it back to the Time Bureau now, both staying there to visit their significant others. And Mick had stomped his way back towards his room, grumbling about beer and Garima. That left the three of them to their own plans.
           “I’ve got to hand it to ya, Charlie,” John says, “You pulled a bloody fast one on those ogres. They’re probably still scratching their heads!”
           Charlie waves him off, downing her glass in one sip. She reaches for the bottle as Zari knocks into her from the side. They were sitting very close together. “And you thought you were useless without your abilities.”
           “Oh sod off, Zari,” she chuckles. Charlie shoves her back, rolling her eyes. “Ogres aren’t the brightest bunch – I didn’t need to change my shape when I can belch with the best of them!” She whacks her chest, drawing out another large burp. John howls with laughter while Zari chokes, leaning away from her.
           “You’ve got to teach me how to do that!” John tries to mimic her, but only conjures up a pitiful hiccup. Zari snorts into her drink. “All my life and that’s the best I can do.”
           “I’ll trade ya: fix me and I’ll show you how to burp like a woman.”
           “Charlie, you know I’d do it if I could… is there anything else you might want in the meantime?”
           She doesn’t have long to think over her offer. A flash of light erupts in the bridge, everyone turning to see whom it is. Hank walks in, the Time Bureau fading as the portal closes. “Hello, Legends,” he says, eyes locked in on Charlie, “Just who I wanted to see.”
           “Bloody hell…” Charlie fixes her posture, tugging her feet off a nearby trunk and sitting straighter. She clears her throat, putting on her best American accent. “Mr. Heywood! What a pleasure it is to see you again?”
           “Likewise, Amaya.” He glances at John and Zari. “Nice to see you two as well, John and…”
           “Zari.” Her voice strained, Charlie notices how much she tensed when he entered. She wants to reach over and comfort her, but holds the action. ‘Amaya wouldn’t do that… need to play the part.’
           “Right, Zari…”
           “So Hank,” John says, “What brings you aboard the Waverider? Fancy a yoga lesson?” He winks, swirling his drink around. Hank flushes and splutters, and Charlie wishes more than anything to now high-five John. ‘God, Amaya why did you have to have such a stick up your arse?’
           “For your information, Mr. Constantine, I came here to speak with Amaya.” He tilts his head towards the exit. Neither he nor Zari make any effort to leave.
           Charlie steps in before a fight could start. “I’m sure whatever you have to say can be said in front of them?”
           “It’s about Nate…”
           Out of the corner of her eye, she sees John perk up considerably. He’s shifted, sitting farther forward in his seat than before.
           “And just what about Nate?” she asks.
           “Well you see…” he trails off, glancing away. Hank presses his mouth into a firm line before sighing. “I think you dumping him messed him up pretty bad. And I came to see if you’d consider taking him back.”
           ‘Oy, the bloke was never mine to begin with!’ “Hank, me and Nate we, uh… we – well, we called our relationship off together. For the good of the timeline –“
           “But you’re here now,” Hank says, “Not back in the past or in Africa.”
           Charlie forces a smile to her face. “That’s right… I am here. Me… Amaya Jawe –“
           Zari elbows her, whispering, “Jiwe.”
           “Jiwe.” She gives him some jazz hands. “That’s me…” Hank shoots her a questioning look – ‘Can’t have that can we?’ “So Nate? Why do you think he has a hard time of… moving on?”
           Hank takes the bait. “He’s been acting different, weird… do you mind if I have some of that?” He helps himself to the bottle anyway, pouring two fingers into a nearby glass. “Much better. Nate seems like a different person, but not in the way that I was liking.”
           John scoffs. “Because that’s all that matters, innit?”
           He ignores him. “He’s less organized, distracted, coming in late and ruffled. Sometimes forgetting things, even important meetings. Recently, he kept me waiting for over a half-hour. And when he finally made it he said he overslept, his suit a complete wreck.”
           She doesn’t miss the way John smirks into his drink. “Well, that doesn’t really mean he’s hurt over me. We’ve been over for a while and… he could be overworked? Maybe just cut him some slack?”
           “It can’t be, he and I have similar workloads and I’m fine.” He pours another cup, already finished with his first. “And sure, he might have been okay when he thought you were in a different time period. But this shift happened after our inspection…”
           “Y’know, Hank,” John pulls himself up, snatching the brandy away from him, “this sounds like the sort of conversation you have with Nate. Maybe he knows what’s going on in his life.”
           “I think I have a better handle on what goes on in my son’s life than you give me credit for, Mr. Constantine,” he tells him, “Why don’t you go slink off to your library or whatever?”
           Charlie moves between them before John could throw the first punch. “I have to agree with John… even though it hurts to admit it. I’m sure if you talk with Nate you’ll see he’s moved on –“
           “If you could just give him one more chance, Amaya, please,” Hank says, “Nate… he’s never really been in a relationship. You were his first true girlfriend. He said he was in love with you. Of course he’s not handling it well.”
           “…I don’t know…”
           “Just come for dinner – please, I insist – tonight. Nate and Ava are coming, as well as few other members on my team. You could be our liaison from the… Legends.” He heads out back towards the bridge. “I have good faith you’ll make the right decision, Amaya. Nate’ll be so happy!” Hank rattles off his address as he opens the portal back, stepping through, glass still in hand.
           Everyone lets out a sigh at his exit.
           “Always a charmer,” Zari says, downing her drink, “I can’t believe he did that.”
           “You can’t?” Charlie turns to her. “You weren’t the one being asked to give a guy – that you’ve never dated, might I add – another chance by his bloody father!”
           “But you’re gonna go aren’t you?”
           “You can’t be serious, Zari.”
           “He owns us, whether we like it or not,” she says, “I’m not saying you should go out and sleep with Nate but… toss him a bone? Maybe convince Nate to talk to his dad so he stops breathing down your neck?”
           “Good chance that’ll do her,” John mutters darkly, drinking directly from the bottle, “Hank’s almost as single-minded as that minotaur – even worse than the ogres we just sent away. He won’t stop until ol’ Charlie’s walking down the aisle towards Nate…”
           Zari raises a brow at him. “And what’s gotten into you?”
           He moves into Charlie’s space. “So are you going to do it? Man doesn’t know what he’s talking about… from the sound of things seems like Nate has moved on just fine.”
           “And what are you talkin’ ‘bout, mate?”
           “Tardiness? Mussed up clothing? Sounds like ol’ Nate’s found himself someone to dull the pain from all the heartbreak you put him through ‘Amaya’.” He’s too close now, pungent breath wafting into her nose.
           “Get away, man,” she pushes him, “so what if he is? Probably for the best, innit?”
           “Probably…” he looks from her to Zari, then back at her once more. “Whatever. I remembered I left a few things unattended. Later.” He shuffles off, the barely filled brandy bottle dangling from his grip.
           Charlie plops into her seat, draping her legs over Zari. “I have no idea what just happened there.”
           Zari agrees. “And I thought he was getting better after our little adventure together.”
           “You and me both,” she says, “but I guess we can never really know what goes on in the mind of John Constantine.”
           “But do we even want to?” Charlie chuckles, shaking her head. “Still, he makes a good point. If Hank was willing to go behind Nate’s back…”
           “I think you’ve got the better idea, love,” Charlie tells her, “Nate needs to know. I’ll try and get him alone and explain why I’m there… and have him blow up at his ol’ man so I don’t have to.”
           “You think you can be Amaya for an entire night?”
           Charlie smiles, Zari’s hand a comforting weight on her knee. “Maybe if you give me a crash course?”
           Zari rolls her eyes, but matches Charlie’s grin. “Where do we begin? Amaya Jiwe, owner of the Anansi Totem, was born in the village of –“
           “Zambesi! I remember that from when Sirens Sara asked me.”
           “You should give yourself more credit, Charlie…”
           “Whatever, keep going. We haven’t got a lot of time!”
           If Charlie ever met Amaya, she’d introduce her to fishnets and kohl eyeliner. ‘And combat boots,’ she thinks after tripping on her heels for the fifth time. When Zari presented her outfit, Charlie was ready to change her plans and spend her night with more enjoyable company. But after some serious convincing and heavy compliments from both Zari and Gideon, she hopped into a time ship and made her way to the Heywood mansion.
           “Bloody commercial capitalist wet dream is what it is…” She wastes time staring up at it, disgusted by its grandeur. When she can’t stand to look at it anymore, Charlie makes her way to the entrance. She rings the bell.
           It’s a quick beat before the door’s opening. Nate stands on the other side, slack jawed at the sight. “What – what are you…?”
           She wants to tell him. But she spies Hank right around the corner, and slips into ‘Amaya’. “Nate! How have you been? It’s so good seeing you again.” Charlie moves in for a hug.
           “What are you doing here?”
           “I’ll tell you later, just let me the hell in, mate.”
           He does, glaring at her with no hidden meaning. She tries to tell him they’ll talk later with her eyes, but Hank flies from his perch over to them.
           “Amaya! Why isn’t this a delight? I’m so glad you could make it.”
           “Well, how could I say no,” she says, shaking his hand, “When I heard you needed a Legion liaison for this important dinner, I couldn’t turn down the opportunity. Besides, who would they have sent if not me? Constantine?” Hank laughs while Nate shoots her the dirtiest of looks. ‘What’s this all about, then?’
           “Between the two of them, I’d always choose Amaya, wouldn’t you say so, too, Nate?” The younger Heywood offers a half-hearted grumble, closing himself off to them. Hank barely notices. “Come on, we don’t want to keep the others waiting. Nate, give your arm to her – be a gentleman.”
           Nate does so, his arm as stiff and awkward as her gait in the fancy heels she wears. They make their entrance behind Hank. The room barely gives them notice, the older men too entranced in their own conversations. Only Ava looks their way, and her eyes nearly bug out of her head.
           She walks over to them. “Ch… Amaya –“ she glances at Hank, “ – I didn’t know you would be here tonight.”
           “A last-minute thing,” she tells her, “Mr. Heywood graciously extended the invite to the Legends, and I accepted on their behalf.”
           “Yes,” she says with a tight-lipped smile, “I can assure you there are no hidden agendas or intentions to this at all.”
           “Really? But then it wouldn’t be a true Washington party…”
           A fifth person walks up to them, cutting into the space between Nate and Hank. He’s in stark contrast to the other partygoers. His suit is a deep burgundy, and his skin is much smoother and darker than everyone else’s. The man’s chocolate-colored eyes rove over Charlie in a way that sends a shiver up her spine. “There’s always a little subterfuge here in D.C…” His voice is like sweet honey, the southern twinge somewhat familiar to her. ‘I’m sure I’ve heard it before…’
           Hank chuckles, clapping the man on his shoulder, “You’re a real card.”
           Nate huffs, eyeing the other man curiously. “Dad, I don’t believe you’ve introduced us to your… friend?’
           The other man takes the lead, grabbing Nate’s hand in a firm shake. “Mr. Roger Kant, pleasured to make your acquaintance.” He tugs Nate away from Charlie, and closer to him. He exaggerates a sniff, and looks to him with a knowing smirk. “Might I say you smell delightful this evening? Your cologne… a bit smoky but… where did you get it?”
           “…A friend gave it to me.”
           “And your tie?” he asks, playing with the red accessory in his other hand, “Is that from your friend, too? I must say it’s awfully familiar…”
           Charlie clears her throat, drawing the attention away from an increasingly uncomfortable Nate. “Speaking of familiar,” she says, “I swear I’ve seen you before…”
           Roger turns to her. “I have that kind of face,” he says, letting Nate go. He gives his hand to Charlie, nearly crushing her hand in his grip. “Although you… are nothing like Hank has described.”
           “Hank talks about me?” she asks. ‘Oh, how I want to punch him in his smarmy face…’
           “Only good things,” he assures her, “Roger and I work very closely on a project together and he got wind about Legends. Of course I had to tell him about who you all were.”
           “You and your team are a heroic bunch,” Roger tells her, “It’s good seeing taxpayer money actually go towards something useful.” Hank laughs again, the others joining in a more pitying attempt.
           “As much fun as this is,” Hank says, “I think it’s finally time we sit down for our meal. Let’s move this to the dining room.” He moves towards the other side of the room, over to the only other woman there besides Ava and Charlie.
           “That’s my mom, Dorothy,” Nate whispers to her, “now can you please explain to me why you’re here?”
           Before she could, Roger interrupts. “Let’s hurry, then,” he says, “we don’t want to miss out on the dinner.”
           Charlie quickly whispers to Nate, “Later.” Annoyed, Nate has to accept the delay, and guides her over towards the dining room. Ava walks close to her as well.
           “I’d like an explanation, too, when you have the chance.”
           ‘What am I a bloody recapper?’ They enter a dark, mahogany paneled room. The table, covered in an expensive-looking tablecloth and decked out in similarly priced dishes, is long. Hank sits at the head of the table closest to the door, while Dorothy has taken the seat opposite him at the very far end. “Shouldn’t your mum be right next to him?”
           “It’s how they always do this,” Nate shrugs, “Mom handles one half while Hank the other.”
           “Nate!” Hank calls to him, “Come sit by me.” The younger Heywood rolls his eyes, but goes. He’s about to sit when – “Nate, pull Amaya’s seat out for her.” It’s a harsh murmur, but she hears it.
            “Don’t worry Hank,” Charlie tells him, “I can handle a little chair by myself.” She takes the seat next to Nate, with Ava sitting next to her. Roger sits on the other side of Hank, across from Hank. He still has a devilish smirk on his face, aimed directly at Nate. ‘Looks like someone at this party is interested in Nate… don’t know how Hank will like it, though.’
           In an instant, their first course is being brought out. Charlie nearly digs in when she sees the steak, smothered in delicious gravy. Nate squeezes at her knee when she picks up her fork and knife. “Wait.”
           Once the last plate has been placed, Hank rises from his seat, glass in hand. “Thank you all for coming tonight. I won’t make it long – food is best eaten when warm. But I would like to make a toast – to the many relationships here tonight. Over time things have come at us, and we adapt. A Heywood bond is one that’s as strong as steel. It takes a lot to make them break!” There’s a chorus of agreement from the room.
           Charlie sips at her wine, rolling her eyes. ‘Not one for subtlety, now are you, Hank?’
           She can’t dig into her meal fast enough. Charlie eats with gusto, stuffing large cuts of steak into her mouth. Its only after she’s stuffed her cheeks does she notice the number of stares she’s garnered. She chews. “Umm… it’sh really goodsh…” Charlie swallows around the mouthful, blushing.
           Hank chuckles. “Well, we always try and get the best food, don’t we Nate?”
           “You did outdo yourselves with this –“
           “I find that a good meal makes people much more comfortable,” Hank talks over him, “puts them in a better mood, helps ease any tension to let healthy discussion out.”
           “I’d agree with you on that,” Roger says, “I’ve made many a deal over a bottle of wine and a shared meal.” He tips his glass over at Nate. “People loved to be wined and dined. Makes them feel… special.” Roger winks at him.
           ‘Maybe it’s just government men,’ Charlie thinks, ‘any ounce of subtlety was sucked up along with their souls.’
           The dinner moves along at a glacial pace.
           Charlie, loath to converse more than necessary, made sure there was always chewing something. When her plate was wiped clean, she attacked the dinner rolls. By her third one, Hank seemed less put off by her eating.
           “So, Amaya,” he says, “Nate told me a little about you, but I want to hear it from you. You were in World War II… what was it like?”
           She panics. ‘Bloody hell… it’s war, what do you expect?’ Instead of answering, Charlie knocks her knife onto the floor. “Whoops, let me just…” She ducks her head under the table. Nate and Hank argue in the background.
           “Hank, maybe Amaya can tell you another time… this is a dinner –“
           “I was trying to make polite conversation, at least I haven’t been ignoring her the entire evening.”
           “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
           Charlie tugs at Ava’s pant leg, drawing her attention. She mouths ‘Help Me’ before returning above the table.
           “It’s all right, Nate,” Charlie says, “To answer your question, Hank, World War II was –“ She’s hit with a wet splash, a glass of wine falling into her lap.
           Ava gasps. “I’m so sorry, Amaya! My hand slipped and…” Charlie glares at her. Ava winces, lips taut in apologetic surprise.
           “It’s okay Ava…” She turns to Hank. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just…”
           “Please, before it sets – Nate will show you to the bathroom, won’t you?”
           They make their leave. Nate leads her away towards the bathroom. It’s small and sterile, the white making her eyes hurt. He dabs a towel under warm water, and hands it to her. “So, now that we’re alone… what the hell did Hank do?”
           “The man wants us back together.”
           “We were never together.”
           “Exactly,” she dabs at the stain. “He swung by earlier with this daft plan to have us talk about our ‘break-up’ and ‘work through things’.”
           “Dammit Hank…” Nate wipes a hand across his jaw, leaning against the doorjamb. “Did he say why?”
           “Talked about you acting all suss,” she shrugs, “He thinks it’s because you miss Amaya, and seeing me on board messed with his ‘rising star’ of a son.”
           Nate blushes. “I’m not… that’s not true.”
           “Is it?” she turns to him, “I mean, let’s be honest – it was a bit of a shock seeing this face. And as I’ve come to learn Amaya is one hot lady. I wouldn’t blame you if there was a little something stirring in here.” She pats at his chest, startled when he grabs at her wrist.
           “You’re not Amaya, Charlie,” he says, “Amaya’s gone. I’ve accepted it.”
           “Then what’s got your knickers in a twist?”
           “I… I’ve started seeing someone else.”
           She blinks. “Really?”
           “I can have a life outside of work,” Nate says, “No matter how strange my dad thinks that is.”
           “Well… looks like John was right then.”
           Nate raises a brow, cheeks redder than before. “What did – what did John say?”
           “Figured you were getting it good, forgetting Amaya between the sheets, if you catch my drift.”
           “It’s nothing like that,” he tells her, “I… it’s not a rebound it’s…” Nate struggles with his words, fists steeling up every now and then. She hisses as the cold metal hits her skin.
           “Hey, it’s okay, mate,” Charlie says, “you don’t have to explain it to me. You’re not interested… I’m not interested. Just… tell your dad what’s really going on.”
           “He… wouldn’t understand. Or like it.”
           “He might? But maybe tell him out of earshot of that Roger. Doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to take ‘no’ for an answer…”
           “You picked up on that, too?”
           “Have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to not see it.”
           “He was very forward and… kind of creepy.”
           “You have a problem with forward men?”
           “On the contrary…” Nate chuckles, pushing off the frame, “Come on, we should get back before Hank slips my mom’s engagement ring off her finger and slips it into your dessert.” Charlie wants to ask more questions, but lets Nate off easy. ‘There’s always next time.’
           He helps her back to the dining room, both lighter than when the evening started.
           Charlie finally slips away, one of the last to leave the Heywood manor. It was very late, and even though Hank offered her a room, she put her foot down and bid her good nights. Nate offered to portal her back to the Waverider. “I have to fly the ship back anyway,” she says, “Plus it’ll do me good to get more time behind the wheel.” They hug, and she starts on the path down the walkway.
           She doesn’t get very far before a throat clears itself from her right. “Miss Jiwe,” Roger says, smoke drifting off a stub of a cigarette, “Leaving so soon?”
           “I wouldn’t say soon, Mr. Kant, it is nearly midnight…” He moves out of the shadows and closer to her. Charlie stares at him, synapses firing into the abyss, trying to recall where she’s seen him before. “I know we’ve had to have crossed paths at some point…”
           “D.C. is a big place, honey, we may have crossed paths and neither of us could have noticed…” He takes a drag off his cigarette, the puff of ash falling out of his mouth. “I could say the same to you…”
           “Well, I have that kind of face.”
           “Kind of faces.” Her heart stops. “You have such an old soul, timeless, like you’ve walked a mile in a thousand shoes… I bet you can leave here and reinvent yourself over and over again.”
           Roger sniffs around the truth, and Charlie has her hackles raised. “I wouldn’t say that… I’m kind of partial to the life I have right now. And the face…”
           “Only someone who can’t change their fate would say something like that…”      
           “Where’d you hear that bit?”
           “Well you might want to listen closer,” Charlie tells him, “you might hear something else.”
           He holds his hands up. “I didn’t mean to offend –“
           “Fantastic job, then.”
           “I can tell when a conversation is over,” he says, stepping away, “Hopefully we’ll meet again…” Roger disappears into the shadows once more. Charlie waits, watching the space, to see if he’ll make another appearance. But the other man has vanished completely into the darkness.
           “Bloody government officials… demons, the lot of them…” She stomps her way back to her ship, muttering about how Zari owes her; ignorant, to the eyes that follow her all the way back.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Mischief Managed!
@bookaholicpt, who’s B-Day I neglected; I’m a terrible friend for that, I hope you enjoy the coming antics of a 5 part mini fic for you! Mischief Managed!
Ring the Bell!
Raven was bored, and locked in the Mill House after her last stunt. Zed and Constantine had gone to dinner, Zatanna had a date, and Raven was bored.
Okay, being grounded wasn’t the worst thing that could’ve come about from her particular little stunt, but it was boring. Raven’s stunt, which had landed her in the firmly grounded zone was her summoning an archangel to be her sparring partner; which had caused a minor tear in the fabrics of reality, but after what had happened with Spectre she felt she had the right to learn all she could. Just maybe next time she didn’t summon Lucifer with Constantine knowing.
Sighing she heard her phone ring which had her looking at the caller ID before answering.
“Hello,” she answered.
“You done being grounded into the next century?” a voice demanded.
“Nope, I am currently sealed in the Mill House.”
“Damn, that sucks,” Jason said sympathetically.
“Dad said ‘No bloody magic until I learn some bloody restraint!’, and then he stormed out all dramatically.”
“Well, that sucks.”
“Oh I’m benched because of the training mishap at the mountain with Halo, but B and I are talking again,” Jason said.
“That’s good,” she agreed.
“Mmm, hey wanna summon me over and we can explore the Mill House?” Jason offered.
Raven pondered the temptations, the pros and cons of having Jason over. Overall, for a non-magic human Jay was the best friend she could ever ask for, and he was chill. Also, he wasn’t likely to help her find more trouble as he was currently in two casts; his arm and leg, so trouble to be had would be out on principle. Besides, Constantine liked Jay, and Jay wasn’t company that her father said no to.
“Sure, gimme a few and you’ll be here!” she smiled hanging up the phone as she threw her legs over the edge of the couch and she went about collecting what she’d need to summon him here. Working quickly she thought of a way to mask her magic signature from her dad, and decided the best course of action was the cat collar with a bell on it, it probably belonged to some witch Constantine had banged before Zed had put a stop to that. Wrapping the cat collar around her wrist; feeling it’s chaotic magic swirling Raven snapped her fingers as all the candles lit, pulled a ceremonial knife as she hopped into the air, folding her legs. Slitting her palm she held out the collared hand as she allowed the blood to drop into the summons, her mind was focused heavily on Jason as she whispered his name and then there was a blinding flash of light.
“Well… that’s a hell of a way to travel,” her friend announced, and Raven smiled as she hopped down to walk over to Jason’s chair, the collar clattering on the ground. Her wheelchair bound friend grinned at her.
“Heyya little bird,” Jason grinned.
“Now whatever shall we do?” Raven asked draping herself around his chair.
“Exploring!” Jason gleefully announced.
“Sweet!” she agreed, she paused though when there was a lithe furry body winding itself between her ankles, and she looked down then. The tabby cat was purring as it wound its way through her legs, and she blinked at the sight of it.
“Did you have a tabby cat in your room?”
“Uh… maybe, I don’t know, Dami’s been dumping his pets in there saying they’d help heal me. Why?”
“Cause I have a cat here.”
“Leave it, time to explore!” Jason declared, she smiled as she detangled herself from the cat, grabbing Jason’s wheelchair’s handles and cackled as they raced down the hall gleefully. Flicking open a door she grinned as the door boomed open, heavily banging on the wall as the hinges squealed in protest and the endless hallway was revealed.
“Where do we begin?” Jason asked solemnly.
“I have no idea,” Raven admitted; in the six years since Constantine had saved her from Hell, she had never had the desire to explore the Mill House until now. There was an ominous pulse of wind that rushed through her hair and she marched forward, pushing Jason along into the hallway before the door clanged shut behind them and the torches sprung to life.
“Whoa,” Jason whispered.
“It’s impressive,” Raven admitted as they both gave a low whistle and she smiled as she lead them into the abyss of the forbidden hallway. This could be fun and require no magic on her part!
He stepped forward, picking up the collar as he smiled at the familiar he wrapped the bell around. The cat purred loudly as he scooped it up and slid his fingers through it’s soft fur, feeling the heavy weightlessness of the fur as he chuckled at the cat.
“You are a good boy Teekl!” he grinned. Then he looked up to take in his surroundings, noting the heavy magic of Constantine and others.
There was a darker course of magic and he smiled as he walked out of the summoning circle.
“What is this?” he mused picking up a robin’s feather and a raven’s feather, there was a tuff of hair on it. But that wasn’t what interested him, but rather the pulse of powerful magic coiling around the feathers.
“Oh this is going to be fun!” Klarion cackled before he walked deeper into Constantine’s home; as Constantine had been the one to seal him away and now he was free! The bell on Teekl’s collar jangled a bit as they walked and Klarion came to the heavy door, feeling the magic pulsing through the door. Here, this was where the games would begin, he cackled as he opened the door and heard the childish voices of whoever was here.
It wasn’t with any particular plan for fun that had him walking after the voices, but the sense of mischief to come and the chaos that would be fun!
With that in mind he walked forward into the flickering light.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
(Calling in a favor on this one haha) I’ve been associating “Stay (Faraway, So Close)” by U2 with both Raven & Constantine lately and I’d love to see your interpretation/inspiration you could take from it for ur Dad Constantine AU. Most specifically the line/feeling from the line “stay with demons you drowned/stay with the spirit I found”. Love to hear what you think of the song too. Thanks Blu!
Honestly, not a huge fan of the song, but the line you asked me to work with I think worked out rather well. I hope you enjoy!
Constantine looked at his girl and softened as she lay therein the hospital bed; it had been sudden; the attack. Something which no one hadbeen prepared for; least of all, him, and Raven had been with him at the time.It was the Justice League Watch Tower, a place supposed to be safe!
Obviously, he had overestimated the fucking Yoga Pants Club.
He had been talking with his eldest, Zatanna and Dr. Fatewhen it had happened.
The attack was from the Spectre, the enraged ghost had beenmisguided in it’s attack, however, Raven’s soul the price. Constantine didn’tknow how she had done it, but his daughter had torn through that Watch Towerand grappled with the most lethal, and dangerous of beings in their universe,without a thought, attempting to tear the Spectre down.
It was his fault, always his fault, now his baby was here.
Spectre had been directed at him for the murder of some witchor other he’d once been involved with from LA. Problem was, the Spectre never omittedwhen he was wrong, and Raven’s fury, and her unharnessed emotions had nearlytorn the fabrics of reality, even as the Spectre tore her soul apart.
Now she was here, hooked up to a thousand machines, and herheart was beating.
“Oh, baby,” he murmured keeping her hand clasped firmly inhis hands and pressed to his cheek. She was only thirteen, and so tiny. Sotiny, so fragile. He furiously blinked the tears away as a machine made herbreath in this steady abnormal rhythm.
“I’ve contacted Zed,” Deadman said appearing over Rae. Constantinenever took his eyes from his daughter’s struggling body.
“Is she?”
“I can’t find her on this side Constantine,” Deadmanomitted. He nodded, the tears were welling up, blurring his vision. “I’ll askRama Kushna, but I ain’t findin’ her soul over here.”
“Where did the Spectre take it!?” he muttered in frustrationdragging his free hand through his hair. He stared at Raven, who was stillbeing forced to breath, if she didn’t reconnect with her soul soon there’d beno point in these machines, nothing would keep her alive.
“Constantine,” a hand was on his shoulder and he looked upat his eldest. Zatanna smiled a bit; weakly.
“Boston’s here,” was all he said.
“Thank you Boston,” she said and Constantine felt Deadmanleave then. “Bats is here to talk to you, I’ll stay with here.”
“Zed’s coming,” he said, not getting up yet.
“Kay,” the teen nodded. He looked at Raven again, and got upreluctantly.
“I’ll be back luv, don’t worry about a thing,” he murmuredkissing her brow as he forced himself to let her go. Zatanna took his place,and he watched his girls as Zatanna combed Raven’s purple hair back a bit. Hewalked into the hall and saw Bruce there, the Bat gave him a tight nod and heshoved his hands in his pockets.
“How’s she doing?”
“Physically, she’ll heal,” he admitted. “Not having her soulthough, that’ll kill her,” he said.
“This isn’t your fault Constantine,” Bruce started.
“The Hell It Isn’t!” he seethed stepping towards the Bat. “Thatlittle girl in there is my fucking life line, has been since she was eight yearsold! The only reason I am not some bum in a trench coat who every miserableface on this fucking planet dreads running into is because of that little girl.And I will Be DAMNED if My Daughter Goes To Hell, AGAIN, THAT’S MY DAUGHTER!”he screamed it at Bruce. “And she is only here because she is my daughter.”
“We will save her,” Bruce stated firmly.
“Save the bloody fairy tales for your Robins, that girl wasforged in the bowels of hell and all the hellfire in the world couldn’t melther down. But a fucking ghost with her soul can cut her down,” he snapped.
“Constantine, you can’t think this way,” Bruce started.
“Why the fuck not!? This is my bloody reality, and it’s bullocks!Now, unless you have my daughter’s soul trapped in one of this infinite amountof pockets in your utility belt; I am going to go and be with her, because shedoesn’t have much time left if we don’t find her soul, and I refuse to let hereven dare to think she died alone.” Constantine walked back into the room tosee Raven still breathing. Zatanna got up from his seat and he collapsed in itas his daughter summoned another one.
Bruce hated magic, he hated it because he didn’t know how tohelp. His son’s best friend, his friend’s daughter, was laying there utterlyhelpless and he didn’t know how to help because it was magic. He hated magic.
Zed searched wildly for a hint of Raven’s soul as she toreher eyes through all the planes of existence and focused. It was killing her,but she had to find her daughter’s soul; because the Spectre had NO RIGHT tosever that from her daughter. And when she got done with the Spectre she wasgoing to give that ghost a piece of her mind.
But first, she searched through all the possible futures forRaven’s soul; time was not on her side in this matter. Nabu stood behind her asher hands worked each sketch quickly for a hint.
Zatanna bit her lip as she stared at her little sister; wasthis what Dick had meant when she could feel helpless. God above she was such afool, so angry with Nabu for using her father as a host, but now… Now herlittle sister was dying all because no one knew where Raven’s soul was.
Scary to think the little demon wasn’t soulless and neededher soul just like they all did.
She was such a fool. And now Raven could die and she didn’tknow anything about her baby sister! Zatanna wanted to scream at Spectre.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Hi blu! From the 100 prompts could you do #41 - “Welcome to Fatherhood” with Bruce saying it to John? For the Dad Constantine au? I love ur fics & the relationships you’ve built between these characters!!!
Okay, I want to say I like this prompt, I like this trio, and I think I’ve found a good way to write my favorite Bombshells trio, but without Zatanna being the ‘mom’ figure. I don’t ship Constantine/Zatanna, never have, and despite not shipping it I can’t write it. So I hope you enjoy the dynamics here and the story! =)
Welcometo The Seventh Circle of Hell…
Constantine wondered how the bloody hell it was that he wasstuck with not one, but two girls, who were always at each other’s throats.
Raven and Zatanna got along about as well as cats and dogs,and the two girls were probably going to blow his house to Hell if they didn’tlearn get along at some point or another.
Which had lead Constantine hiding out in the one place heknew neither of his daughters would look for him as he nursed a scotch andcontemplated giving up and just calling Zed for help. God knew he was fuckingup this father thing if he couldn’t even get two teenaged girls to get alongfor five minutes.
A hand clasped his shoulder and Constantine reluctantlylifted his head to find himself staring at the only hero he found to be competentand worth talking to and working with. Batman, also known as Bruce Wayne.
“I thought I would find you here.”
“I am a creature of habit,” Constantine chuckled tonelesslyas he yawned then knocked his drink back before motioning the tender foranother. The woman poured him two and before he could as he watched as Brucetook the other glass and they sat in silence. For a long time neither of themspoke. Constantine was trying to remember when the bloody hell his life hadgotten so fucking hard!
Raven… Raven was his first daughter, and she was the easychild. It was fucking weird to think of the demon as the easy child. Fuck heknew that she wasn’t an easy child, so withdrawn, and independent, inquisitiveand quick to temper and rage if she didn’t keep her precarious control. But shewas so easy, she was easy for him, he got Raven. Constantine could sit withRaven in silence and not feel like he was neglecting the girl, they couldsimply hang out, he just had to focus on teaching her, and that was reallyabout it. Raven just wanted… she wanted love and loving her was as easy asbreathing. She just wanted that love, to know she was loved, and as an empathhe knew his youngest knew she was loved by him and Zed, and adored by Lucifer,Mazikeen and Chas.
Fuck, Raven was the most lovable demon ever.
Then there was his newer daughter, Zatanna Zatara, and she’dhad a father who had loved her before, and a cousin who was like her brotherbefore he had died. Zatanna was light, she was happy, exuberant, she was kind,and giving, she just gave everything to everyone all the time; it must havebeen that Italian passion of hers. She was all fire where Raven was ice. AndZatanna wasn’t easy, fuck the girl made life hard. Zatanna demanded attention,she demanded to learn, she made her hatred of demons well known and made it apoint to berate and torment Raven; who was already withdrawn enough and wasretreating further away from everyone now that Zatanna was there. And it painedConstantine.
He adored both his girls, but he just didn’t get it. And hedidn’t know how to stop the wars that had ignited.
Just this morning he’d been a bloody rabbit! A fuckingRABBIT! While Raven and Zatanna had also been transformed into a rabbit andmouse. But all that for Raven’s book; a book which had been given to her by theonly person Constantine knew she regularly interacted with outside the magical community;Jason Todd. And Zatanna had proceeded to berate and tease and torment Raven abouthaving a crush on the young Robin, and that had lead to this fucking mess andnow he was drinking because if he didn’t get away from the women he’d blastthem both or tie them together until they got along.
Light and Dark were clashing so violently at his house, andZed was out for a girl’s weekend with Renee.
“When I adopted Jason, before Tim, Dick and Jason tried tocontinuously kill each other; then after…” Bruce trailed off grimly.
Constantine understood then as they both stared at thecounter. The near death of Jason Todd, not anyone’s finest moments even as achild had killed the Joker to save her friend. The silence was heavy betweenthem for a long time as they both remembered that grim day. The day that sealedJason and Raven’s bond and started their friendship.
“Things improved when Cass, Tim, Duke, and Damian joined thefamily,” Bruce commented.
“They transfigured each other into animals, and me into arabbit,” Constantine stated icily as he sipped his drinking. “A fucking Rabbit!”
“Siblings apparently fight,” Bruce said dryly.
“I have two of the most naturally magically gifted girls inmy house and they can’t even get along for five minutes! It’s driving me bloodybonkers!” Constantine snapped.
“Clark had the same problem when Conner was discovered,”Bruce said.
“Oh fuck, I knew what I was signing up for, B, I adopted abloody demon! I didn’t think Zatanna would be a problem as Zatara was fuckingstupid enough to put on Nabu!” Constantine sighed.
“Welcome to fatherhood,” Bruce stated dryly.
“Welcome to the Seventh Circle of Hell,” Constantinecorrected dryly.
“They’ll be better,” Bruce shrugged.
“Or send each other to hell, you know Raven doesn’t likepeople outside the magic community as it is, and Zatanna only likes peopleoutside the magic community, and she just seems determined to ruin Raven’s oneconnection to the outside world, which happens to be your son, and I just don’tunderstand this need to hurt each other the girls have,” Constantine sighed.
“I only came because Raven materialized is Jason’s room innear tears, Jason’s at space camp though, took some convincing on my part tolet her let Alfred check her over,” Bruce said.
“Great,” Constantine groaned as he dropped his head to thebar.
“Zatanna showed up, she’s currently getting an earful fromDick about her actions,” Bruce said calmly as he sipped his own drink.
“Bloody hell, do you want the girls!?” Constantine’s headsnapped up as he glowered at the man who could barely handle his horde ofchildren had better expierence handling his daughters than he did.
“No, I’m just telling you they are safe,” Bruce said.
“Raven is the bloody Gem of Scath, the Devil Himself wouldtear the fabric of reality apart with the other angels to keep her safe, and Zatannais more than capable of taking care of herself,” Constantine stated calmly.
He just… he just wanted them to get along, he was sure they’dbe good together if they stopped swinging at each other with intent to maim orkill.
“It will get better,” Bruce said.
“Sure it will, all I need now is to adopt another magicallyinclined little girl; maybe a demigod, complete this circle of Hell, I swearif Black Orchid wasn’t in that house it’d have fallen apart, and without Zed I’mfucking clueless what to do, and they’ll kill each other and I can’t stop them,”Constantine barked out a bitter laugh. “The worst part, the worst part, B, isthat they’re both two of the most powerful girls of their magic types, and theyrefuse to get along. Do you even realize how long it took me to convince Ravenshe wouldn’t hurt humans, or being an empath was alright? Then Zatanna comesinto life and smashes all that progress to hell.
“And do you realize how difficult it is to get a teenagegirl to stop crying about her father ‘dying’ to host Nabu and will never be herfather again, only for the little demon to point out it’s possession and not bya demon!? I swear to God they are out to hurt each other and drive me to anutter house!”
“I do,” Bruce said.
“I just, I don’t get this animosity between them, I lovethem both B, but I wanted to throttle them today,” Constantine sighed.
“It gets better,” Bruce said.
“I’d better go retrieve them before they blow your house to Hell,”Constantine sighed. He didn’t have favorites between his girls, he’d loved Zedsince he had met her, he’d been a father to Raven longer, and now there wasZatanna, and he couldn’t truly be her father but damn him for trying. Dragging hishand through his hair he pulled a cigarette and lit it, he wondered if there wasa way to get them to get along, without doping them with potions.
“I just… want her to like me!” Raven sobbed into the phoneas she sat curled up on the floor talking to Jason and Zatanna was strickenhearing what Dick had forced her to hear.
“This isn’t my… she’s not…” Zatanna started.
“Grow up Zee, she is, and there’s only one of her! what areyou going to do if she dies thinking you hated her, and she couldn’t even callyou for help because she thought you’d laugh at her!?” Dick snapped, and Zatannastiffened hearing that from him.
She was well aware of Jason, and how narrowly they all wouldhave lost him had Raven’s empathy hadn’t acted up and she went to the teen.
“Yeah, think about that while you torment her, because fromwhat I get about her, she’s got it a hell of a lot harder than you,” Dick snappedas he walked away.
She looked back through the crack of the door where Ravenwas crying into her knees and bit her lip.
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